BetWinner bookmaker (BetWinner). Treatment of eye inflammation with folk remedies Hot cold compresses on the eyes

Since ancient times, people have known such a beauty and health procedure as body lotions. The natives in the African jungle still apply herbs to the sore spot, grind the leaves into a pulp and apply to bruises and bruises. This can also be considered lotion, because the beneficial substances contained in plants penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on the skin and muscle tissue, producing a healing effect. Lotions are used in a variety of cases to any part of the body, but today we will talk about lotions for the eyes: what they are, how to do it right at home and give the most effective folk recipes.

Why do you need lotions?

What are the benefits of eye lotion? The skin of the eyelids and under the eyes is very thin and delicate, it is devoid of a fatty base and needs constant replenishment with moisture and nutrients with the help of lotions. Of course, this procedure is very useful, it does not cause allergies and has almost no side effects. It is especially valuable for those who are contraindicated in steam baths.

Oddly enough to hear this, but experts unanimously say that you need to start making eye lotions from the age of 20. After all, it is always easier to prevent skin aging processes than to deal with their consequences later. By starting to take care of your eyes at an early age, you can permanently delay the formation of such unwanted wrinkles and bags under the eyes and always remain attractive.

What are there?

The effect and benefits of eye lotions are determined by their temperature. More about this.

Hot lotions for the eyes

Eye lotions are considered hot if the temperature of the water or other lotion or product reaches 38-42 ° C. This procedure leads to the expansion of blood vessels, skin pores, it increases blood flow to the upper layers of the skin, relaxes muscles, and also helps to remove old skin cells.

Benefits of cold packs

Cold lotions for the eyes are applications with the help of products with a temperature of 15-18 ° C. This procedure well tones the skin of the eyelids. With its help, you can improve complexion, narrow blood vessels, shrink pores and reduce sweating. These lotions help prevent the formation of wrinkles and remove skin laxity.

Warm, or variable

Variable eyewashes are made by changing the temperature from hot to cold and back again. They are also called contrast. This procedure strengthens the muscles, tones the blood vessels, prevents wrinkles and prevents flaccidity of the skin around the eyes.

How to do at home

In order to make lotions at home, the skin around the eyes must be cleaned of makeup. You can take a special lotion or prepare it from improvised means: a mixture of water and olive oil will do. With a cotton swab dipped in lotion, remove cosmetics with careful movements so as not to stretch the delicate skin. Now you can make lotions: in a remedy, we moisten a gauze, linen or other linen napkin and put it on the eye area.

Success Secrets

Here are some important tips for making eye lotions successful:

  • Hot lotions for the eyelids are used only when they are prescribed by a doctor. The best option would be lotions at room temperature. For loose skin, cold compresses are ideal.
  • For best results, put a small piece of parchment paper on the napkin, and a terry cloth or terry towel on top to warm the product.
  • An important nuance that can spoil the whole effect of the procedure: if extraneous, and even more negative thoughts are allowed during the compress, then it may not work out at all. You need an absolute "disconnection" from problems, complete relaxation and concentration on the effect you want to achieve. The face should be completely relaxed.
  • The compress does wonders, and for one evening you will look chic. However, if you do not repeat the procedure, the effect will not be fixed and will not become permanent. It is better to make this procedure a habit.
  • For complete relaxation, do lotions for the eyes in a supine position. It is best to do this without a pillow, with a small cushion under the neck. By the way, eye lotions can be turned into a facial compress - for this you just need to take a larger napkin.
  • Contrasting lotions are important to finish with a cold temperature. This will narrow the blood vessels and pores, making the skin supple and soft.

Lotions with herbs

The most useful lotions for the eyes are made from infusions of medicinal herbs. These products nourish the delicate skin around the eyes with vitamins, minerals, and also strengthen blood vessels. Lotions for the eyes are good for bruising, bags and swelling. The most popular lotions are made from chamomile, mint, dill and parsley. Especially for pale skin, hawthorn, sage, lime blossom, birch leaves are used.

About calendula for the eyes separately!

Separately, we can say about such a wonderful remedy as calendula. It is rich in essential oils, phytoncides, carotene, organic acids, resins, proteins and enzymes. It is a very good anti-inflammatory agent. Calendula eye lotion is one of the most effective remedies for the prevention of wrinkles and tired eyes.

Lotions of herbs can be prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for half an hour. Then cool to the desired temperature and moisten the napkin.

Tea lotions for the eyes

I must say that lotions for the eyes are not necessarily gauze or fabric. Here, for example, is a way to preserve beauty, which was used by women of the Ancient East. They put tea leaves in a cloth bag, dipped them in boiling water and let them swell well. Then they cooled slightly, distributed the tea leaves evenly over the bag and put this device on the eyes. With these lotions, oriental beauties removed puffiness under the eyes and relieved inflammation from them.

The use of oil lotions

In addition to these funds, there are also oil options. For them, they take olive oil, fir, soybean and others. The result of oil lotions will be smoother, younger and healthier skin around the eyes. These treatments are especially helpful for eyes that experience frequent temperature fluctuations.

For people with sensitive skin around the eyes, the most common option is dry lotions. They are often contraindicated in standard cosmetic procedures. Dry lotion is a "layer cake" of napkins and dried herbs. Any herb is placed inside a warm napkin and applied to the eye area for 2-3 minutes. Such lotions are very good to do before masks and applying the cream.

Recipes for bags under the eyes

Here is a recipe for lotions from bags under the eyes and tell you how to make them at home.

There is good tea here. Soak cotton swabs in it or use tea bags, putting them on the skin under the eyes or completely on the closed eyes - there will be no harm. Swellings, bags will disappear, the skin will become more elastic.

How to remove dark circles

Soak cotton swabs in baby urine, apply to the bruised area. This excellent traditional medicine is very effective and gives quick results. Some use their own urine. Keep the lotion for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Lotions from edema

This recipe of lotions relieves puffiness and circles under the eyes well.

How to do it: brew dried parsley, apply cotton wool soaked in broth or warm herbs placed in gauze on the eyes, hold for 10 minutes. Then apply a special cream or gel to the skin of the eyelids.

For tired eyes

During the day, our eyes get very tired. So, in order to relieve fatigue, in the evening you need to make eye lotions from potatoes.

Cut two thin slices from a peeled potato and put them on your eyes. Relax and lie down for 5 minutes. Wash off with cool water. The same can be done by cutting slices from a cucumber. It is better if the cucumber is cold. When the circles are heated, they need to be replaced with fresh ones. Keep 15-20 minutes.

The second option for an unusual lotion, if you are at work: you can simply moisten your eyes with cold tap water several times. Or put cold wipes over your eyes and lean back for a few minutes in a chair. The eyes rest and relax.

Since ancient times, people have known such a procedure as compresses. The natives in the African jungle still apply herbs to the sore spot, grind the leaves into a pulp and apply to bruises and bruises. This can also be considered a compress, because the beneficial substances contained in plants penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on the skin and muscle tissue, producing a healing effect.

The effect of compresses for the eyes is based on the same principle. The skin of the eyelids and under the eyes is very thin and delicate, it is devoid of a fatty base and needs constant nourishment with moisture and nutrients through compresses. This procedure is very useful, it does not cause allergies and has almost no side effects. It is especially valuable for those who are contraindicated in steam baths.

It may seem strange to hear this, but experts say that it is necessary to start making compresses for the eyes from the age of 20. After all, it is always easier to prevent the aging process than to deal with their consequences later. By starting to take care of your eyes at an early age, you can delay the formation of such unwanted wrinkles for a long time and always remain attractive.

Types of eye compresses Hot eye compresses

A hot compress is considered if the temperature of the water or other means by which the compress is made reaches a temperature of 38-42 ° C. This procedure leads to the expansion of blood vessels, skin pores, it increases blood flow to the upper layers of the skin, relaxes muscles, and also helps to remove old skin cells.

Cold compress for the eyes

A cold compress is a compress with the help of means at a temperature of 15-18 ° C. This procedure well tones the skin of the eyelids. With its help, you can improve complexion, narrow blood vessels, shrink pores and reduce sweating. This compress helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles and relieve skin laxity.

Warm or variable eye compress

Variable compresses are made by changing the temperature from hot to cold and back. They are also called contrast. This procedure strengthens the muscles, tones the blood vessels, prevents wrinkles and prevents skin laxity.

How to properly apply a compress

First, the skin around the eyes must be cleaned of makeup. You can take a special lotion or prepare it from improvised means: a mixture of water and olive oil. With a cotton swab dipped in lotion, remove cosmetics with careful movements so as not to stretch the delicate skin. Now you can make a compress: we moisten a gauze, linen or other linen napkin in a therapeutic agent and apply it to the eye area.

Here are some important tips to make the compress successful:

Use hot compresses for the eyelids only when prescribed by a doctor. The best option would be a room temperature compress. For loose skin, cold compresses are ideal. For best results, put a small piece of parchment paper on the napkin, and a terry cloth or terry towel on top to warm the product. An important nuance that can spoil the whole effect of the procedure: if extraneous, and even more negative thoughts are allowed during the compress, then it may not work out at all. You need an absolute "disconnection" from problems, complete relaxation and concentration on the effect you want to achieve. The face should be completely relaxed. The compress does wonders, and for one evening you will look chic. However, if you do not repeat the procedure, the effect will not be fixed and will not become permanent. It is better to make this procedure a habit. For complete relaxation, do compresses in the supine position. It is best to do this without a pillow, with a small cushion under the neck. By the way, a compress for the eyes can be turned into a compress for the face - for this you just need to take a larger napkin. It is important to end the contrast compress with a cold temperature. This will narrow the blood vessels and pores, making the skin supple and soft. What are eye compresses in composition

The most useful compresses are made from infusions of medicinal herbs. These products nourish the skin with vitamins, minerals, and also strengthen the skin and blood vessels. The most popular compresses are made from chamomile, mint, dill and parsley. Especially for pale skin, hawthorn, sage, lime blossom, birch leaves are used.

Separately, we can say about such a wonderful remedy as calendula. It is rich in essential oils, phytoncides, carotene, organic acids, resins, proteins and enzymes. It is a very good anti-inflammatory agent. Calendula compresses are one of the most effective remedies for wrinkle prevention.

Herbal compress can be prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for half an hour. Then cool to the desired temperature and moisten the napkin.

I must say that a compress for the eyes is not necessarily gauze or cloth. Here, for example, is a way to preserve beauty, which was used by women of the Ancient East. They put tea leaves in a cloth bag, dipped them in boiling water and let them swell well. Then they cooled slightly, distributed the tea leaves evenly over the bag and put this device on the eyes. With these compresses, oriental beauties removed puffiness under the eyes and relieved inflammation from them.

In addition to these funds, there are also oil compresses. For them, they take olive oil, fir, soybean and others. The result of oil compresses will be smoother, younger and healthier skin. These treatments are especially helpful for eyes that experience frequent temperature fluctuations.

Dry compresses are popular with people with sensitive skin. They are often contraindicated in cosmetic procedures. A dry compress is a “layer cake” made from a napkin and dry herbs. Any herb is placed inside a warm napkin and applied to the eye area for 2-3 minutes. This compress is very good to do before masks and creams.

Recipes for eye compresses Compresses for bags under the eyes

There is good tea here. Soak cotton swabs in it or use tea bags, putting them on the skin under the eyes or completely on closed eyes - there will be no harm. Swellings, bags will disappear, the skin will become more elastic.

Compresses for dark circles under the eyes

Soak cotton swabs in baby urine, apply to the bruised area. This excellent traditional medicine is very effective and gives quick results. Some use their own urine. Keep the compress for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Compresses for swelling of the eyelids and against inflammation of the eyes

Brew dried parsley, apply cotton wool soaked in broth or warm grass placed in gauze on the eyes, hold for 10 minutes. Then apply a special cream or gel to the skin of the eyelids.

Compresses for tired eyes

Cut two thin slices from a peeled potato and put them on your eyes. Relax and lie down for 5 minutes. Wash off with cool water. The same can be done by cutting slices from a cucumber. It is better if the cucumber is cold. When the circles are heated, they need to be replaced with fresh ones. Keep 15-20 minutes.

The second option for an unusual compress, if you are at work: you can simply moisten your eyes with cold tap water several times. Or put cold wipes over your eyes and lean back for a few minutes in a chair. The eyes rest and relax.

Eyes often suffer from inflammation caused by infection, overexertion, fatigue. Redness, swelling appears, blueness and bags form under the eyes. How to deal with it? It should be remembered that regular care is required for the eyes in order to minimize discomfort. A miracle drink - tea will help in this.

The eyes require constant care. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, after the procedures with lotions, a softening cream should be applied.

Contrasting wash

Before proceeding with drastic measures, it is worth carrying out preparatory procedures. Contrasting washing very quickly and effectively removes congestion, activates metabolic processes and blood flow. It is necessary to wash for several minutes, alternating cold and hot water, focusing on the eye area. Washing must be completed with cool water. The face should not be wiped, just blot excess moisture with a towel.

Lotions from tea

To perform the procedure, you can use green, black or red tea. All types of tea contain tannins that can strengthen and protect blood vessels. Due to the large amount of useful substances contained in tea, compresses for the eyes relieve fatigue, eliminate the effects of harmful impurities obtained from the air and negatively affecting the eyes. Eye lotions from tea should be done regularly.

tea properties

Tea tones up the facial muscles, provokes the production of collagen. It has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the skin of the face. Green and white teas are more soothing and anti-inflammatory than black teas. Tea decoction is useful for mature skin, providing a rejuvenating effect.

The easiest way is to make a lotion from warm, wet tea bags, holding them on your eyes closed for 15-20 minutes. But it is better not to use this method as the main one. Tea bags contain low-grade tea, which has a minimal content of nutrients. No need to be lazy and save money to brew a glass of good loose leaf tea, moisten cotton or gauze pads in it and hold it on your eyelids with your eyes closed.

Brewed tea can be frozen and ice cubes can be used to get rid of bruises under the eyes.

Herbal eye lotion

. Medicinal plant - chamomile contains azulene, a substance that has anti-allergenic, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, the plant contains glycosides, various acids, essential oil, which increase the metabolic rate, which allows you to quickly get rid of bags from the eyes, swelling, inflammation of the eyes. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of chamomile by brewing a pharmaceutical preparation with boiling water. Put cotton swabs on the eyes, under the eyes and hold for 15-20 minutes, every two to three minutes the swabs need to be changed to new ones.

Sage infusion. The chemical composition of sage is similar to tea. It also contains flavonoids, tannins, acids, antioxidants. Sage has analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory properties that are more pronounced and stronger than in regular tea. Lotions should be carried out in the same way as described above. It is advisable to conduct a course with lotions after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Parsley infusion. According to the content of keratin and vitamin A, parsley is close to blueberries and carrots. It has a lot of vitamins C and group B, they are good for the skin. Parsley has bleaching, rejuvenating, toning and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is often used in natural cosmetology. For lotions, you can prepare an infusion of the plant, moisten cotton pads in a warm infusion and apply to the eyes. And you can attach chopped fresh parsley leaves to your eyes and close them with wet swabs on top. The procedure will take 15 minutes.

Compresses for reddened and tired eyes

Components for compresses for the eyes are selected individually.

Linden compress. Designed to get rid of bags under the eyes, swelling, swelling. It will help relieve fatigue from the eyes. To prepare a decoction 1 tbsp. l. lime-colored is poured with a mug of hot water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Then it is left for six hours to get a rich consistency. The skin under the eyes is rubbed with an ice cube. Cotton swabs are moistened in a decoction, squeezed lightly and applied to closed eyelids. Periodically, you need to moisten the tampons in the decoction, the whole procedure takes about 15 minutes. With redness, it is useful to simply rinse the eyes with lime decoction.

Cornflower compress. With the help of this compress, you can soothe inflamed eyes, get rid of swelling, irritation, redness. 3 art. l. cornflowers pour a glass of boiling water, then cool. Soak cotton swabs in the infusion and leave in front of your eyes for 15 minutes. The broth can be poured into molds for ice, frozen. Ice cubes need to wipe the skin around the eyes in the morning. This will help prevent redness in the eyes.

Mint compress. 1 st. l. peppermint pour a glass of water, boil for five minutes, insist another five minutes under a closed lid. Strain. Moisten cotton swabs in mint broth, leave on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Birch compress. Grind birch leaves, pour cold water (200 ml). Insist during the night. The compress will help remove swelling, cope with fatigue, and give the eyes shine.

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Bags under the eyes are nothing more than a consequence of skin aging, although in some cases their formation can be triggered by an allergic reaction, lack of sleep and habits, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the body.

To cope with this problem, there are various lotions from bags under the eyes, which you will learn about in more detail.

The main cause of bags and puffiness around the eyes is the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body, which accumulates during the night. Of course, the reasons may be completely different, but in any case, lotions from bags under the eyes will always be effective and bring quick results.

Also, the cause of bags can be diseases of the internal organs, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys and nervous system. If there are problems with the stomach and other internal organs, then eye lotions for fatigue will no longer help, in this case it is recommended to urgently visit a doctor who will help identify the disease that caused the swelling. If you cure an organ that does not work correctly, then the bags and swelling will disappear on their own.

If you think that you have no health problems, but swelling appears at regular intervals, then before making eye lotions, you need to think about what could be causing them.

Probably, falling asleep, you constantly experience a feeling of thirst, and drink a large amount of liquid? Try limiting yourself to water at night, if you really want to drink, then let it be just a few sips.

Also, the cause of edema can be alcohol drunk in the evening, and in some people even in small quantities.

In addition, excessive consumption of spicy and salty foods can contribute to the appearance of unpleasant bags in the eye area. It’s not the best thing to do and cry before going to bed, such an action will definitely negatively affect your appearance.

In some cases, an allergic reaction may be the cause, in such a situation eye lotions from fatigue and bags will also be of little effectiveness, and the cause of the allergy should be dealt with. In order to cope with an unpleasant phenomenon, use not only eye lotions, but also try to eat more foods that have a lot of vitamin B5 in their composition.

These foods include champignons, porcini mushrooms, fresh vegetables (beets, cauliflower, asparagus), beans, liver, eggs, meat and fish.

Also, a lot of this vitamin is found in sour-milk and dairy products, wheat bran and wheat germ, nuts, whole grain bread.

Eye lotions for swelling can be combined with the consumption of vegetables and fruits such as pumpkin, parsley, strawberries, watermelon, but they should not be abused. Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, do not overwork and get enough sleep.

How to make lotions on the eyes?

Lotions for eyes from bruises also need to be able to do, first of all, they need to be applied to the skin cleansed of makeup.

Before making lotions on the eyes, you need to take a lotion or prepare it yourself: mix olive oil with water. Dip the lotion into a cotton swab to thoroughly remove all makeup without stretching the delicate skin around the eyes.

  1. you can use a hot compress for the eyelids only when the doctor himself prescribes it. It is best to make lotions for the eyes from edema at room temperature. If the skin is flabby and fading, then it is better to apply a cold compress;
  2. to get an excellent result, it is better to put a small piece of parchment on a napkin, and on top of a terry towel in order to heat the product;
  3. making lotions for the eyes from swelling, the most important thing is just to relax and have fun, if you remove all negative thoughts from your head, then the result will be positive. During this procedure, your face should be completely relaxed;
  4. lotions for eyes from bruises can work real miracles, and for one evening, you will get just a luxurious effect. True, if you do not perform such a procedure regularly, then the effect will not be fixed and will disappear very quickly. Better turn this procedure into your permanent habit;
  5. in order to get complete relaxation, eye lotions are recommended to be done in the supine position. It is best to use a small cushion under the neck instead of a pillow. At the same time, you can also turn an eye compress into a lotion for the whole face - for this you only need a large napkin;
  6. it is important that the contrast compress is fixed with cold water. This allows you to narrow the pores and blood vessels, give the skin softness and elasticity.

Now you can proceed to the lotion procedure itself: moisten a linen or gauze bandage in a healing solution and apply it on your eyes.

Lotions for the eyes based on medicinal herbs and plants

Chamomile eye lotions work well for bags. To prepare it, you will need to pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and let the infusion stand for about 15 minutes. Now, using a cotton swab, apply the resulting chamomile lotion to the area around the eyes for at least 15 minutes. It also works well for eye inflammation.

In the same way, you can make and use an infusion of linden flowers, fresh or dried mint leaves or eyebright, or use it as an impregnation.

Tea lotions for the eyes can also be with chamomile. To do this, a teaspoon of green or black tea should be mixed with the same amount of dry chamomile. Lotions from tea for the eyes should be used on the principle of a chamomile compress.

It is good to make lotions from calendula for the eyes. It is often used for various kinds of cosmetic skin imperfections, for external use. The popularity of calendula lies in the fact that its flowers contain a unique list of enzymes, proteins, resins, organic acids, carotene, phytoncides and essential oils.

It was possible to prove that calendula is able to have a calming effect on the nervous system, provoking the death of pathogens. Also, compresses from this flower can be used to prevent wrinkles.

To cope with eye fatigue, it is enough to cut the potatoes into slices and put on the eyes. Keep the compress enough for about five minutes, then just rinse with cool water. You can do the same if you cut a slice of fresh cucumber, preferably cold. When the circles become warm, they need to be replaced with new ones, keep for about 20 minutes.

You can also make lotions from bruises under the eyes, which are very effective and easy to prepare. On the eyes, you can put not circles of this vegetable, but grated cucumber mass, on top of which we put a cotton swab dipped in cool milk. With such a mask, you need to lie down for about twenty minutes, after which it can be washed off with cool water.

Another option for an unusual compress is simply to wet your eyes several times with cold water, straight from the tap. During this procedure, your eyes will relax and rest.

And last but not least, an effective mask for your eyes that can relieve fatigue. To do this, you need a slurry of fresh mint leaves. Mint leaves must be carefully crushed, put them in the eye area, and put ordinary cotton swabs on top, previously moistened with cool water, and even better in green tea, brought to room temperature. The duration of the procedure should be about 30 minutes, after which the composition should be washed off.