Biovit 30 feed additive instructions. Biovit (Biovitum)

Name (lat.)

Composition and form of release

The drug is a dried mycelial mass obtained from the culture fluid of Streptomyces aureofaciens, which produces chlortetracycline. Biovit contains 4%, 8% or 12% chlortetracycline, up to 35 - 40% proteins, 8 - 10% fats, minerals and biologically active components - enzymes and vitamins (including a significant amount of B vitamins and especially vitamin B12 not less than 4 - 12 mg / kg). In appearance, it is a homogeneous free-flowing powder from light to dark brown in color, with a specific odor, well mixed with feed components. Insoluble in water. Released in the form of Biovit-40, Biovit-80 and Biovit-120. 1 g of preparations contains, respectively, 40, 80 and 120 mg of the antibiotic and at least 4, 8 and 12 µg of vitamin B12. Packed in bags of 25, 50, 100 and 200 g; in bags of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 kg.

Pharmacological properties

With the introduction of biovit inside, chlortetracycline is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and penetrates into the organs and tissues of the body. The action of chlortetracycline is based on the suppression of protein synthesis on the ribosomes of microorganisms. Chlortetracycline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, inhibits the growth and development of many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms (cocci, Pasteurella, Escherichia, Salmonella, Brucella, Clostridia, Leptospira, Hemophilus, Listeria, Anthrax, etc.), but is weakly or completely inactive against Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, acid-fast bacteria, most fungi and viruses. In the blood, its therapeutic concentration is maintained at a high level for about 8-12 hours. Chlortetracycline is excreted from the body mainly during the first day, mainly with urine and feces. Contained in biovit tissue preparations, vitamins and other components, together with chlortetracycline, have a therapeutic, preventive and stimulating effect. In small therapeutic doses, biovit has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, stimulates phagocytosis, and enhances gas exchange in the lungs. In stimulating doses, it actively accelerates growth, contributes to an increase in resistance to gastrointestinal diseases and a sharp decrease in mortality, an increase in weight gain and an increase in the productivity of farm animals and poultry.


Prevention and treatment of pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, anthrax, leptospirosis, listeriosis, necrobacteriosis, actinomycosis, erysipelatous septicemia, bronchopneumonia, dysentery, paratyphoid, toxic dyspepsia, as well as acute and chronic gastrointestinal and pulmonary diseases of bacterial etiology in calves, piglets and fur animals; coccidiosis, pullorosis, colisepticemia, cholera, mycoplasmosis, laryngotracheitis and bird ornithosis. To stimulate and accelerate the growth of young animals.

Doses and method of application

The drug is added to feed, premixes and multi-enzyme compositions. The input rates of Biovit-80 (in grams per 1 animal per day) are presented in the table:

Biovit is fed daily and excluded from the diet 6 days before slaughter.

Side effects

Does not cause at recommended doses. With very long-term use of unreasonably high doses, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, eczema, erythema of the skin in the anus, liver damage, discoloration of the teeth and allergic reactions may occur.


special instructions

Slaughter of animals and poultry for meat, which used biovit, is allowed 6 days after stopping the drug. Biovit is highly effective if certain requirements are met: strict dosing of the drug, uniform distribution in the feed, regular giving it during the period of use.

Storage conditions

List B. In a dry, dark place at a temperature of -20 to +20 ° C. Shelf life - 1 year.

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Hay began to be fed from 21 days of age. Calves were accustomed to green fodder (in dried form) from 21 days of age. And also compound feeds are used according to the periods of growing calves (KR-1). Chalk and table salt were used as mineral additives.

Concentrated feed was given in dry form along with biavit, and porridge was also prepared, which was fed with milk and milk replacer. Concentrated feed in the summer began to be given from 300 g to 1 kg. The calves were fed regularly, at the set time. An analysis of the feeding of calves shows that the proposed feeding scheme complies with zootechnical standards for feeding young animals.

2.3.3 Change in live weight and average daily gains

The productivity of newborn calves can be determined by observing the change in live weight.

The growth and development of a young organism is the main indicator on the basis of which one can judge the compliance of the animal's growth with the established standard. About the state of his fatness and physique in general. The dynamics of live weight in combination with other indicators is one of the main characteristics of therapeutic and preventive measures for gastrointestinal diseases of calves.

The change in live weight is determined by weighing the calves at birth and after 21 days. Weighing is carried out in the morning before feeding the calves. The results of the experiments are presented in table 2.12.

Table 2.12. Dynamics of live weight and average daily gains of calves.

From the data in Table 2.12 it can be seen that the average live weight at birth in calves of the two groups was almost the same and amounted to 26.4 and 25.6 kg, respectively. The results of weighing at the end of the prophylactic period show that the live weight of the calves of the first group was 39.7 kg, the second group was 37.3 kg, that is, the calves fed with biavit-30-optimum showed the best growth in live weight during the prophylactic period, it turned out to be higher by 6.4% than in the calves of the second group treated with Biavit-80.

The results of weighing at the end of the experiment show that the growth of calves of the first group was 41.9 kg, the second group was 36.7 kg, that is, the calves fed with biavit-30-optimum showed the best growth in live weight over the period of the experiment, it turned out to be higher by 12, 4% than in the calves of the second group treated with Biavit-80.

Equally important are the indicators of average daily gains in live weight. The numerical data of the table show that the average daily gain in animals of the first group is higher than the average daily gain of the second group during the experimental period by 16.1%, and amounted to 698 g.

Thus, it can be noted that the calves treated with Biavit-30-Optima showed more intensive growth. These animals are more viable and had a high resistance of the organism.

2.3.4 Feed costs

One of the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of various methods of feeding calves during the prophylactic period is the cost of nutrients per unit of output. Feed consumption rates for obtaining a unit of livestock products provide, first of all, full-fledged, balanced in all elements, feeding. These norms depend on the quality of the feed, the types of products produced, the quality of the animals, etc. The feed consumption rate should be minimal and have the lowest cost.

The accounting data of consumed feed and changes in live weight gain in experimental calves over the period of the experiment made it possible to calculate the cost of feed units and digestible protein per unit of production.

Table 2.13. The cost of feed units and digestible protein per 1 kg. live weight gain.

Live weight gain

Per 1 kg gain

1- Biavit-30 optima

2 Biovit 80

From the data in the table, we can draw the following conclusions that the cost of feed units per 1 kg of live weight when feeding calves with biavita-30 optima amounted to 6.4 c.u., which is 14.7% less than the cost of feed units per 1 kg of live weight when feeding biavita-80 to calves. And the costs of digestible protein and metabolic energy per 1 kg of live weight of calves when feeding biavita-30 optima amounted to 697.7 g and 33.5, respectively, which is 13.7 and 13.9% less than the costs of digestible protein and metabolic energy by 1 kg of live weight when feeding biavita-80 to calves.

2.4 Business case for the study results

An economic analysis of the research results shows how economically profitable the use of vitamins is when growing young cattle. Therefore, the evaluation of the economic efficiency of the use of biavit-30 optima and biovit-80 in calf rearing is of great practical importance. When calculating the economic efficiency, the cost of additional production (live weight gain), additional costs, and net income were taken into account. The economic efficiency of the production of live weight gain in cattle is presented in Table 2.11.

Table 2.14. Economic efficiency of the production of live weight gain of experimental calves


Application of the drug


biovit -80

Number of goals in experience, goal

Live weight at the beginning of the experiment, kg

Live weight at the end of the experiment, kg

Live weight gain for the period of experience, kg

The cost will complement the products for 1 goal, rub.

Additional costs for 1 goal. - total, rub.

in. including: salary

drug cost

Additional profit per head, thousand rubles

Possible profit for all livestock, thousand rubles

It can be seen from the table data that when using Biavit-30 Optima, the increase in live weight over the period of the experiment was 41.9 kg, which is 12.8% more than when using the preparation Biovit-80. The possible profit from the increase in live weight when using biavita-30 optima was 163,614 thousand rubles.

Thus, the economic calculations carried out once again confirmed that in the conditions of the RDUSP "Paparotnoye" of the Zhlobin region, the use of the vitamin-mineral additive biavit-30 optima will be economically beneficial.

3. Labor protection

Currently, the problems of ensuring the safety of human life, both at home and at work, are becoming increasingly relevant. Every year there is an increase in accidents, both due to the negligence of managers, and because of the negligence of the production workers themselves.

Occupational safety is a system of legislative acts and their corresponding socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and therapeutic measures and means that ensure the safety, preservation of human health and performance in the labor process.

Proper fulfillment of labor protection requirements is one of the primary tasks in production. Each manager must provide his employees with optimal production conditions, including industrial sanitation, safety precautions, develop ways to reduce industrial injuries and eliminate the causes of occupational diseases. The development and implementation of safety measures is entrusted to the heads of enterprises, chief specialists, direct supervisors of production sites. Unfortunately, despite all attempts to prevent accidents, cases of industrial injuries are still not uncommon in our republic.

According to current data, in 2010 the number of victims with fatal and severe outcomes in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food was 174 people, which is 11 people less or 5.9% than in 2009. The number of victims with a fatal outcome was 40 people, which is 9 people less than in 2009. The number of victims with a severe outcome is 134 people, which is 2 people less than in 2009.

The causes of accidents at work were: unsatisfactory maintenance and shortcomings in the organization of workplaces, operation of faulty machines, mechanisms and equipment that do not meet safety requirements, shortcomings in training and instructing victims in labor protection, violation of labor and production discipline.

Based on this, it is necessary to pay special attention to labor protection issues. Since labor protection is designed to protect a person in the conditions of production activities, reduce unreasonable losses of working time, improve the quality of products, etc.

3.1 Analysis of the state of labor protection in the RDUSP "Paporotnoye" Zhlobin district

At the enterprise, labor protection work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Regulations on the labor protection management system in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus for agricultural, processing and agricultural organizations” dated April 16, 2008 No. 38. This provision is the main regulatory document regulating relations in the field of life safety.

According to the regulatory document "Instruction on the procedure for the adoption of local regulatory legal acts on labor protection for professions and certain types of work (services)" (approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection on November 28, 2008 No. 176), enterprises have developed instructions on labor protection for each category workers.

The organization of training of employees on labor protection issues is carried out on the basis of the “Instructions on the procedure for training (training), retraining, internships, briefings, advanced training and testing of knowledge working on labor protection issues”, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection on November 28, 2008 No. 175.

Control over the timeliness and quality of training, briefing and testing the knowledge of workers of agricultural enterprises of the district on labor protection issues is carried out by an engineer for labor protection, transport and fire safety, and the director is responsible. To reflect the results of inspections, Logs of production control over the state of labor protection are maintained.

To extinguish a possible fire in the premises of enterprises, there are primary fire extinguishing equipment (OP-10, OU-2, OU-5), fire shields, sand boxes. In the event of a fire, there are barrels of water on the territory of the complex to eliminate it.

The enterprise draws up action plans for labor protection: current (annual), operational (according to the periods of performance of certain works), work plans for a labor protection engineer, a schedule for conducting labor protection inspections, etc. These plans are by no means always implemented in full, as often there is not enough money and material resources for their implementation. Data on the allocation of funds for labor protection measures and their use are provided in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Analysis of the use of funds for labor protection measures

Table 3.1 data. indicate that the economy annually allocates less funds for labor protection measures than provided for by the plan.

The farms do not have a labor protection office. The sanitary condition of the production premises is not up to standard.

Workers are not fully provided with overalls and personal protective equipment, which can have very negative consequences. Industrial injury rates are presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Industrial injury rates

All safety requirements for the operation of machinery and equipment, when working with electrical installations are observed. However, there is a noticeable lack of funds for the reconstruction of existing production facilities.

All fire safety requirements at the enterprise are generally observed. However, in some production areas, fire extinguishing agents are not always in full readiness for use.

3.2 Measures to improve working conditions and safety in the RDUSP "Paporotnoye" Zhlobin district

As a result of the analysis of the state of labor protection in the economy, shortcomings were identified, and we propose to carry out the following measures:

Creation of shower rooms on all farms in accordance with SNB 3.02.03 - 03 "Administrative and amenity buildings", 07.28.2003. approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus;

Repair of sanitary and amenity premises in the machine yard, office, farms in accordance with the National Security Council 3.02.03 - 03 "Administrative and amenity buildings", 07.28.2003. approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus;

Advanced training of executives and labor protection specialists in accordance with the “Instruction on the procedure for training (education), retraining, internships, instructions, advanced training and knowledge testing working on labor protection issues”, approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social. protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 175 dated November 28, 2008;

Provide personal protective equipment in accordance with the "Instruction on the procedure for providing personal protective equipment" dated November 30, 2008;

Reconstruction of premises for recreation and heating in accordance with SNB 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and amenity buildings";

Equipment of the labor protection cabinet in accordance with the "Model regulation on the labor protection cabinet", approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus No. 144 of November 8, 1999.

Create and arrange safety corners in accordance with the "Model regulation on the office of labor protection" No. 144 dated November 8, 1999;

Carry out organizational measures to prevent injuries in accordance with the "Decree on measures to ensure compliance with labor legislation, prevention of injuries, morbidity at work" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of October 12, 1994 No. 114;

Thus, after analyzing the state of labor protection at the enterprise, shortcomings were identified and ways to eliminate them were outlined.

The coupon control system is put into effect by the order of the enterprise. The order and regulation on the coupon control system are brought to the attention of all employees. Responsibility for the implementation of the coupon control system rests with the head of the enterprise.

Employees of the enterprise (with the exception of the director and his deputies) are issued a single safety certificate with six tear-off coupons. A certificate with warning coupons is issued against signature in a special journal.

Each enterprise must approve a list of employees who are required to issue a safety certificate with tear-off coupons, as well as a list of violations for which a warning coupon should be withdrawn.

A certificate is issued to a newly hired employee after passing training and briefings, as well as studying the provisions on the coupon control system.

The implementation of the developed measures will, in our opinion, improve the working conditions of workers and increase labor productivity, which, in turn, will have a positive impact on the economic results of the economy.

4. Environmental protection

calf biological feeding rearing

The rational use and protection of natural resources is the most important task of our time. Pollution of air, water and soil, the disappearance of many species of plants and animals are the result of the destruction of forests and steppes, ill-conceived issues with the disposal of effluents from livestock farms and complexes, the effects of hazardous industrial waste, violations of the technology for the use of pesticides, mineral and organic fertilizers.

Future specialists should have a clear understanding of the nature and scale of all types of anthropogenic impacts on natural environments (physical, chemical, biological) and the consequences of these impacts, about methods for assessing the state of pollution of the atmosphere and water bodies. Livestock technologists especially need knowledge of the laws of ecology. They must find and skillfully apply optimal solutions in practical situations.

The rapid development of scientific and technological progress and the deterioration of the environmental situation have exacerbated the problem of the relationship between man and nature.

Protection, preservation from the undesirable influence of anthropogenic factors and the transformation of the natural environment are the content of one of the most urgent problems of our time. With the accumulation of our knowledge about the consequences of human activities for the environment, the complexity and ambiguity of this problem becomes more and more obvious.

Unlike most industrial technologies, which for a long time have included special measures to prevent environmental pollution, in the production of agricultural products, insufficient attention is paid to this problem. The inclusion of special measures to prevent environmental pollution at first leads to an increase in the cost of production. However, failure to comply with such measures may lead in the future to serious violations of the normal state of the environment, which will not only greatly complicate the conduct of agricultural production, but, ultimately, adversely affect the existence of mankind as a whole.

The main sources of environmental pollution in the process of agricultural production are waste from large livestock farms, pesticide residues and mineral fertilizers, as well as soil erosion. The experimental part of the thesis work was carried out in the conditions of the RDUSP "Paporotnoye" of the Zhlobin district of the Gomel region. The territory is located in a temperate climate, dominated by air masses of temperate latitudes. The climate of the Zhlobin region, as well as for the whole of Belarus, is characterized by an unstable type of weather, which is associated with the same frequent change of air masses of marine and continental origin over the republic. The prevailing winds are western, northwestern, southwestern and southeastern directions.

The average annual temperature is -5.69 °C, the amount of precipitation falling per year is 646 mm. The amount of precipitation for the warm period of the year (April-October) is 448 mm. Based on this, the amount of precipitation for the warm period in relation to the annual is 69.3%.

The average air temperature for the cold period of the year (November-March) is -3.5 °C, the amount of precipitation is 198 mm. The number of days with temperatures below 0 °С - 128, above 0 °С - 337. The average temperature for the warm period is + 12.5 °С. The duration of the period with air temperature above +5 °C is 190 days.

As you know, land is the main means of production in agriculture. Based on soil research and agrochemical analyzes of the soils of the farm, it was revealed that arable lands are represented by loams and soddy-podzolic soils that need liming, are poor in phosphorus and potassium, therefore, they also need to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in compliance with agrotechnical methods of processing.

All applied fertilizers are applied no higher than the established norms, the rules for the use of pesticides are observed. Due to the fact that the farm has acidic soils, it is necessary to carry out their liming.

Undesirable environmental consequences may be associated with the use of chemical plant protection products. As a tool for combating pests and diseases of agricultural crops, pesticides at the same time pollute the environment and have a harmful effect on people - this manifests itself in the form of food poisoning.

Chemicalization of the industry plays an important role in crop production. The use of mineral fertilizers provides 30-50% increase in crop yields. However, if used incorrectly, cadmium can accumulate in the soil, which gets there along with phosphorus fertilizer, resulting in the formation of heavy metal salts that are harmful to humans and animals, nitrates accumulate in plants, which have a toxic effect on animals.

To prevent pollution of the environment on a collective farm for the storage of mineral fertilizers, warehouses are provided, located no closer than 500 m from settlements and water bodies, on a flat surface.

The farm mainly follows agrotechnical methods of tillage and fertilization. Combined soil-cultivating units are used, including AKSH, which makes it possible to reduce soil overconsolidation. However, often such technological operations as harrowing and sowing are carried out at high (transport) speeds, which leads to soil dispersion. It is also necessary to take measures to prevent water and wind erosion of the soil. Some of the arable land is located on slopes, where it is necessary to plow not along, but across the slopes, however, this requirement is not always met, which on light soils leads to the washout of the fertile layer.

In RDUSP, it is necessary to carry out more measures to plant greenery on the territory, to combat all types of erosion. Part of the land needs to be transformed. So, it is necessary to radically improve degraded pastures (destruction of sod, reseeding), the rest of the pastures and meadows need surface improvement (combating hummocks, potholes, overgrowth, overseeding grasses, fertilizing). Part of the arable land located on the slopes should be transformed into meadows and pastures, and fallows should be recultivated. These activities will also contribute to a more rational use of land.

Waste fuels and lubricants that enter the soil as a result of depressurization of tractors, cars and other agricultural machinery systems during field work cause great environmental harm to the environment on the farm, which changes the chemical composition of the soil, as a result of which a number of useful soil materials die. plants and microorganisms.

Silo trenches on farms are not equipped with systems for collecting the flowing juice (grooves, pits for collection), they are located on elevated places, as a result of which a significant area of ​​the arriving land is acidified.

animal husbandry

A major environmental problem is the disposal of manure and wastewater from farms that enter water bodies and groundwater. There are no manure pits. On all RDUSP farms, manure is removed directly to the fields (scheme: conveyor - vehicle - field), where it is piled up (without composting) or immediately scattered fresh. This pollutes the environment, as scattered manure gets into water sources in the spring. In addition, unripe manure serves as a source of dislocation of helminth eggs. These farms should be equipped with manure storage facilities.

Failure to comply with the sanitary rules for the storage, processing and use of manure can lead to environmental contamination, as pathogens of infectious and parasitic diseases remain viable in the soil for a long time.

On the farm, for the disposal of animal corpses, special areas (cattle burial grounds) are allocated, located at a distance of no closer than 0.5 km from residential premises and premises for animals. New animal burial grounds should not be built. It is more expedient to make biothermal pits. In such pits, corpses decompose rapidly under anaerobic conditions. Corpses thrown into such a pit (the depth of the pit is 9-10 meters with waterproof walls and the same bottom) are decomposed by thermophilic microorganisms. In order to prevent the spread and spread of infectious diseases, the pits are surrounded by a solid fence 1.5 meters high.

Mechanization. The farm has a large machine and tractor park. All equipment is concentrated in the fur yard. With various kinds of malfunctions of machines and mechanisms, fuels and lubricants leak out, which can get into the soil, into water, onto feed, and vapors into the air. In addition, a huge amount of vehicle exhaust gases containing carbon dioxide in their composition pollute the environment. Inside the farm, all roads are asphalted, which increases the service life of vehicles and helps to reduce the drive of agricultural machinery across the fields of the farm. In order to improve the environmental situation, an annual, and if necessary, current technical inspection of vehicles operating in the fields is carried out, the territory of the fields is fenced with green spaces, special sites equipped with sewage pits are equipped for technical inspections and repairs of equipment.

Land reclamation is a system of long-term and fundamental impact on land that is unfavorable in terms of hydrological conditions, with the aim of the most efficient use of land resources. It is carried out in areas of excessive waterlogging. Drainage or hydrotechnical reclamation is a way to create a water-air regime favorable for crops in the soil. At the same time, today quite a lot of factors of the negative impact of this technique on the environment are known, primarily in cases where work is carried out or was carried out without taking into account territorial features and was not tied to individual soils.

Thus, the information obtained on the state, use, and protection of natural resources in the RDUSP "Paporotnoye" allows us to conclude that it is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed at improving the state of environmental protection in the economy.

1) Measures aimed at combating soil erosion:

Fulfillment of agrotechnical requirements and improvement of agrotechnical methods of tillage (minimization of tillage due to the wider use of combined tillage units, reduction of operating speeds of equipment during harrowing and sowing (especially at low moisture content of the upper soil layer), tillage across slopes);

Reclamation, transformation and reclamation of agricultural land;

Landscaping of the territory; asphalting of roads and access roads.

2) Measures aimed at preventing environmental pollution:

Improvement of technologies related to the use of fertilizers and pesticides (increasing the share of fertilizers applied locally, the use of complex mineral fertilizers, the use of less toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals and faster decomposing pesticides);

Improving the technology of manure removal and the use of organic fertilizers (equipment of manure storage facilities, manure composting, exclusion of the application of unrotted manure to the fields, the application of manure directly for plowing);

Improving the technology of ensiling and storing silage (equipping silos with systems for collecting and utilizing silage juice);

Timely repair of fuel and lubrication systems of machines and units, ensuring their tightness;

Improving the system of disposal of animal corpses (equipment of biothermal pits).


The conducted studies on the use of the vitamin-mineral supplement biavit-30 optima allow us to draw the following conclusion.

1. In RDUSP "Paparotnoye" the production line is dairy and meat with developed grain growing, milk yield is 5517 liters of milk per cow. According to RDUSP "Paporotnoye", milk production is considered profitable (17%), but the profitability for all livestock production is (-5.2%), while the profitability for crop production is (27%), thus RDUSP "Paparotnoye" occupies an average position in terms of economic indicators among other farms in the area.

2. The results of weighing at the end of the prophylactic period show that the live weight of the calves of the first group was 39.7 kg, the second group was 37.3 kg, that is, the calves fed with biavit-30-optimum showed the best growth in live weight during the prophylactic period, turned out to be higher by 6.4% than in the calves of the second group treated with Biavit-80.

3. As a result of the research, it was found that the average daily gain in animals of the first group is higher than the average daily gain of the second group during the experimental period by 16.1%, and amounted to 698 g. The difference in live weight gain between groups of calves was insignificant even with biometric processing turned out to be statistically unreliable.

4. It has been established that the cost of feed units per 1 kg of live weight when fed to calves with biavita-30 optima amounted to 6.4 k.u., which is 14.7% less than the cost of feed units per 1 kg of live weight when fed to calves with biavita-30. 80. And the costs of digestible protein and metabolic energy per 1 kg of live weight of calves when feeding biavita-30 optima amounted to 697.7 g and 33.5, respectively, which is 13.7 and 13.9% less than the costs of digestible protein and metabolic energy per 1 kg of live weight when feeding biavita-80 to calves.

5. As a result of the research, it was found that when using Biavit-30 Optima, the increase in live weight over the period of the experiment was 41.9 kg, which is 12.8% more than when using the preparation Biovit-80. The possible profit from the increase in live weight when using biavita-30 optima was 163,614 thousand rubles.

Practical Suggestions

To grow viable and healthy young cattle, we recommend using biavit-30 optima in the diets of newborn calves at a dose of 20 g. per head per day for 20 days.

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23. Chistik, O.V. Ecology / O.V. Chistik. Minsk, 2001. 248 p.

24. Shkrabak, B.C. Labor protection / V.S. Shkrabak. M: Agropromizdat, 1989. 480 p.

25. Shlyakhtunov, V.I. Fundamentals of zootechnics: textbook. Benefit. / V.I. Shlyakhtunov, - Minsk: Technoperspektiva, 2006. - 387p.

Attachment 1

Plan of organizational measures for the introduction of a coupon system for monitoring compliance with safety requirements at work

1. The labor protection service of the enterprise to develop samples of safety certificates, warning coupons and a journal for issuing and recording safety certificates and warning coupons. Director's secretary - to make layouts and copy the forms on a copier in the required quantity.

2. The labor protection service of the enterprise develop and approve by the director a list of professions and positions of employees who are required to issue a safety certificate with tear-off coupons, as well as a list of violations for which a warning coupon should be withdrawn

3. The labor protection service of the enterprise should prepare and approve by the director a list of employees who have the right to withdraw warning cards in order of subordination (engineering and technical workers, the director of the enterprise, the chairman of the trade union committee, public inspectors and labor protection officers).

4. The voucher control system is put into effect by the order of the director, agreed with the trade union committee (the director is responsible for the implementation of the voucher control system).

5. Bring the order and regulations on the coupon control system to the attention of all employees.

6. Issue a single safety certificate with six tear-off coupons to farm workers. Hand over the certificate with warning coupons against signature in a special magazine.

7. To issue a certificate to a newly hired employee after passing training and briefings, as well as studying the regulations on the coupon control system.

8. To oblige employees to have a certificate with them during the performance of their labor duties.

9. The case of loss of a certificate is considered by the labor protection service of the enterprise, after which the employee is given a duplicate with notes on previous violations. In this case, the employee may be subjected to a knowledge test in the qualification commission.

10. An official who has discovered a violation of the requirements of the rules, norms and instructions for labor protection and safety must indicate it to the employee, explain the nature of the violation and take measures to eliminate it. At the same time, one coupon is withdrawn from the certificate, its front and back sides and back are filled. This is reported to the head of the structural unit in which the violation was committed. In order to ensure control over the adoption of the necessary measures, as well as to record and analyze violations, the withdrawn ticket is transferred to the labor protection service of the enterprise no later than three days.

11. Accounting for withdrawn coupons, control over the adoption of measures against violators of the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection, analysis of violations and development of measures to prevent them should be carried out by the labor protection service of the enterprise.

12. The head of the relevant structural unit, having received a message about a violation by an employee of labor protection and safety requirements, is obliged to issue an order (prepare a draft) on punishing the violator and transfer a copy of the order to the labor protection service of the KSUP within five days.

Measures taken for violation of labor protection and safety requirements:

Ш when one coupon is withdrawn, the employee is reprimanded or reprimanded and he is deprived of bonuses in the amount of 10 to 25%;

Ш in case of withdrawal of two coupons during the year - a reprimand is announced with the deprivation of bonuses from 25 to 50% (the year is calculated from the date of withdrawal of the first coupon);

Ш when three coupons are withdrawn during the year, a severe reprimand is announced or a transfer is made to a lower-paid job for a period of up to three months with deprivation of bonuses from 50 to 100%;

Ш for gross violations of the rules and instructions on labor protection, more severe disciplinary measures may be applied to the employee, regardless of the number of withdrawn coupons;

Ш persons from whom three coupons were confiscated during the year must pass an extraordinary test of knowledge on safe working methods in the qualification commission. If an employee has shown unsatisfactory knowledge, he may be dismissed at the initiative of the administration in the prescribed manner;

Ш violators are discussed at a meeting of the labor collective of the department, section, brigade.

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To fulfill the tasks set, we carried out a scientific and production experiment on a farm in the RDUSP "Paporotnoye".

The experiment was carried out by the method of groups, two groups of animals were formed - analogues of 10 heads each. For the study were taken calves of black-motley breed. Groups were formed taking into account live weight, age, sex, clinical condition. The content of the experimental calves of all groups was the same: indoors. The conditions of keeping the animals corresponded to the standards of zootechnical requirements. The calves were kept loose. Water was provided from an artesian well through automatic drinkers.

The animals were numbered (plucks). The change in live weight was monitored by individual weighing, once a month. The duration of the experience is 60 days.

The scheme of scientific and economic experience is shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Scheme of scientific and economic experience

Before the start of the study and in the future, the clinical condition of the experimental calves was monitored by specialists from the veterinary service of the farm.

Complex vitamin-mineral supplement Biavit-30 optima is a mixture of vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids and growth stimulants. All biologically active substances in Biavit-30 Optima are in optimal proportions. In appearance, it is a homogeneous free-flowing powder, it mixes well with the feed components.

Biavit-30 is used to increase productivity and reduce the incidence of animals by increasing resistance.

Table 2.2. Chemical composition of biavit-30-optim

Name of indicator




Sodium chloride

Vitamin A

thousand IU/kg

Vitamin D 3

thousand IU/kg

Vitamin E

Vitamin B g

Vitamin B 3 (calpan)

Vitamin B 5 (niacin)

Vitamin B a

Vitamin B 13

Vitamin Sun

Vitamin Kz

Vitamin I (biotype)




Biovit-80 is a dried mycelial mass obtained from the culture fluid of Streptomyces aureofaciens, which produces chlortetracycline. In appearance, it is a homogeneous free-flowing powder from light to dark brown in color, with a specific odor, well mixed with feed components. Insoluble in water. With the introduction of biovit inside, chlortetracycline is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and penetrates into the organs and tissues of the body. The action of chlortetracycline is based on the suppression of protein synthesis on the ribosomes of microorganisms. Chlortetracycline - a broad-spectrum antibiotic inhibits the growth and development of many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (cocci, pasteurella, escherichia, salmonella, brucella, clostridia, leptospira, hemophilus, listeria, anthrax, etc.), but is weakly or completely inactive against proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, acid-fast bacteria, most fungi and small viruses. In the blood, its therapeutic concentration is maintained at a high level for about 8-12 hours. Chlortetracycline is excreted from the body mainly during the first day, mainly with urine and feces. Contained in biovit tissue preparations, vitamins and other components, together with chlortetracycline, have a therapeutic, preventive and stimulating effect. In small therapeutic doses, biovit has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, stimulates phagocytosis, and enhances gas exchange in the lungs. In stimulating doses, it actively accelerates growth, helps to increase resistance to gastrointestinal diseases and a sharp decrease in mortality, increase weight gain and increase the productivity of farm animals and birds.

Biovit-80 is highly effective if certain requirements are met: strict dosing of the drug, uniform distribution in the feed, regular giving it during the period of use. With very long-term use of unreasonably high doses, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, eczema, erythema of the skin in the anus, liver damage, discoloration of the teeth and allergic reactions may occur.

According to the experience of feeding, the calves of the first group were fed according to the scheme of feeding calves up to 2 months of age, and 20 grams of biavit-30-optim powder was added to the feed per head per day in order to increase productivity and reduce the incidence of animals by increasing resistance. The calves of the second group received the same feeding and plus 6 g per 1 head, respectively, biovit - 80, in order to prevent gastrointestinal and pulmonary diseases, as well as to stimulate and accelerate the growth of young animals. The drug was administered together with the feed, thoroughly mixing the feed. Accounting for changes in the live weight of experimental animals during the experiment was carried out by monthly weighing.

Zootechnical, mathematical and statistical research methods were used. The data obtained were subjected to mathematical processing, according to the guidelines developed by the Department of Breeding and Genetics of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

Feed antibiotic Biovit C is a dried mycelial mass obtained from the culture fluid of Streptomyces aureofaciens producing chlortetracycline.

Biovit has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, stimulates cellular and humoral immunity, enhances gas exchange in the lungs, accelerates growth and increases the resistance of animals and birds to gastrointestinal diseases. When using a fodder antibiotic, the mortality is sharply reduced, the average daily weight gain increases, and the productivity of farm animals and birds increases. Biovit is safe for use in animals, does not have allergenic and sensitizing properties.


In 1 g as active ingredients, the drug contains 80 mg of chlortetracycline and 8 μg of vitamin B12, as well as at least 35-40% proteins, including enzymes and at least 8-10% fats, minerals and B vitamins.

Pharmacological properties

Chlortetracycline inhibits the growth and development of many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, including Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Escherichia spp., Shigella spp., Enterobacter spp., Pasteurella spp., Klebsiella spp., Leptospira spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Haemophilus spp., Fusobacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp., Bacillus spp., Actinomyces bovis, Bordetella spp., Brucella spp., Treponema spp., Rickettsia spp.

In the blood, its therapeutic concentration is maintained at a high level for about 8-12 hours. Chlortetracycline is excreted from the body with urine and feces mainly during the first day.

Indications for use

Assign to farm animals and poultry for the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases, including pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, anthrax, leptospirosis, listeriosis, necrobacteriosis, actinomycosis, erysipelas septicemia, bronchopneumonia, dysentery, paratyphoid, toxic dyspepsia, as well as acute and chronic gastrointestinal and pulmonary diseases of bacterial etiology in calves, piglets and fur animals; coccidiosis, pullorosis, colisepticemia, cholera, mycoplasmosis, laryngotracheitis and ornithosis of birds. To stimulate and accelerate the growth of young animals, increase productivity.

Dosage and application

Biovit is given in a mixture with feed, water or milk, skim milk, milk replacer.

For preventive purposes - 1 time per day for 5 - 20 days.

For therapeutic purposes - 2 times a day for 4 - 5 days and another 3 days after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease per 1 animal (gram):

Animal species

Quantity, g

Calves 5 - 10 days

Calves 11 - 30 days

Calves 31 - 60 days

Calves 61 - 120 days

Piglets 5 - 10 days

Piglets 11 - 30 days

Piglets 31 - 60 days

Piglets 61 - 120 days

Rabbits and furry animals

Bird (young)

0.63 g per 1 kg of body weight


special instructions

Slaughter of animals and poultry for meat - 6 days after the last day of Biovit application.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children and animals. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from -20 to 37 ºС.

Best before date