Treasury block in bit finance standard. Financial and management accounting

The Treasury system is widely used in many enterprises operating in 1C. It is especially important in large enterprises, but recently small companies have also appreciated its practical significance and necessity.

Consider an example of the implementation of one of the treasury systems based on 1C - BIT.FINANCE (hereinafter referred to as the Treasury) .

  1. General information

In fact, BIT: Finance-Standard is a modified module for entering requests for spending money, which was previously in Trade Management, SCP and other configurations. Systems based on other software products were not considered in principle, based on the original task.

At the very beginning, a seminar was passed on the benefits of working in the Treasury, trial studies of the system were carried out, the results of which concluded that the Treasury (BIT: Finance Standard) is a convenient solution for planning cash flows and reporting on them in the context of the necessary analysts .

Before the system is put into operation, it is necessary to systematize the approach to preparing the following reference books:

Turnover articles


nomenclature groups.

These analyst profiles will be further used in budgeting, i.e. their compilation should be made taking into account the possibilities in the future to obtain comparable accounting data and provide complete information on all cash flows. For articles of turnover, it is desirable to group the elements into groups in accordance with the standards for drawing up a financial plan.

Projects have levels, for projects in which there are several constituent elements, sublevels can be allowed, but it must be understood that in the future this will complicate the work of reflecting information, because part of the work, as a rule, refers to the project as a whole. Thus, it makes sense to create subprojects when it is impossible to complete any task without the introduction of such a subgroup.

It is assumed that Organizations, a part of Counterparties, Contractors (with prescribed roles), etc. were initially entered into the database. The introduction of users, the definition of roles, the definition of access is not enough in the manuals. Especially when delimiting rights at the record level, the support of the firm's consultants can be useful. With a simplified method in a small firm, knowledge at the management level may be enough.

  1. The procedure for entering and approving the document "Application for the expenditure of funds"

Upon completion of the process of familiarization with the program and the introduction of certain articles of turnover and elements of other directories, it is necessary to think over the scheme of the document flow of the Treasury system. It is important to understand that it should not be what the analyst advises, but such that it is convenient for everyone who uses it to enter and receive information, but at the same time corresponds to the logic of actions in the program.

The first forming document of the system is the Application for the expenditure of funds. This application accumulates all information subsequently used in the system.

To enter an Application, you must enter the system by specifying a user and password, find the “Treasury” panel - the document “Application for spending funds”. Those responsible for the application select the type of operation they are engaged in, according to Table 1.

Table 1

Example of columns in the table: Responsible for entering and approving requests by types of operations

A new application is entered by the Contractor.

TASK №1. The company has a ready list of cash flow budget items. How to download the reference book "Turnover Articles" from MS Excel?

TASK №2. What if the financial responsibility centers differ from the list of organizational units? Is it possible to synchronize the reference book "CFD" and "Units of the organization"?

TASK №3. How can BIT.FINANCE plan data on the cash flow budget (BDDS)?

TASK №4. How to generate a consolidated report on BDDS for all CFDs in BIT.FINANCE?

TASK №10. How to separate domestic payments (for example, transferring funds between bank accounts) from other payments?

TASK №11. Where in the application for spending funds to set the current account from which the funds will be transferred?

TASK №12. For payments in c.u. it is required to use the exchange rate of the Central Bank + 5% when recalculating. How to schedule such a payment?

TASK №13. It is required to pay the application for spending funds in installments: half today, and the other half in a few days. How to reflect this in BIT.FINANCE?

TASK №14. How to expand the list of management analysts in the document "Application for the expenditure of funds"? For a number of payments, it is required to fill in the "Region" and "Individuals" analytics.

TASK №15. What should the initiator of the payment do if the counterparty has not yet been entered into the database, but it is required to schedule the payment?

TASK №16. Work and purpose of the document "Payment forecast".

TASK №17. How to schedule the receipt of money from the buyer?

TASK №18. Working with payment schedules in BIT.FINANCE

TASK №19. Automatic and manual closing of applications for spending funds that are not supposed to be paid.

TASK №20. Cash flow budget adjustment and impact of this adjustment on cash spending limits

TASK №21. How to pay for one article at the expense of another article?

TASK №22. How to carry out an application over the budget?

TASK №23. Group approval of documents using the “Approval Workplace”

TASK №24. Is it possible to somehow visually highlight approved requests in the document log?

TASK №25. The accounting service of the enterprise may reflect data on the movement of funds with a delay, for example, once every few days. How can I deposit managerial cash balances?

TASK №26. Working with the document "Payment calendar"

TASK №27. Treasurer's office

TASK №28. How to generate and pay for the register of applications for spending money?

TASK №29. Plan-fact analysis on the cash flow budget

TASK №30. Reflection of the fact on BDDS. Manual filling of management dimensions in payment documents.

TASK №31. Reflection of the fact on BDDS. Automatic substitution of management analytics based on compliance with accounting analytics.

TASK №32. Reflection of the fact on BDDS. Substitution of management dimensions from the counterparty agreement.

TASK №33. Reflection of the fact on BDDS. Reflection of the bank commission in BDDS and BDR at the same time.

TASK №34. Reflection of the FACT on BDDS. Transfer of funds between settlement accounts of the organization.

TASK №35. Reflection of exchange rate differences in FACT on BDDS

TASK №36. Scenario forecasting report

TASK №37. BDDS update

TASK №38. Report "Plan-fact analysis on the budget"

TASK №39. How to make sure that the user sees the planned payments only for his CFD?

The BIT.Finance solution line is designed for financial management, budgeting automation and management reporting based on 1C:Enterprise 8.

BIT.FINANCE– a full-featured solution that allows you to systematize cash flows through a centralized Treasury.

The software product is designed specifically for the automation of medium and large businesses. Short implementation time and wide opportunities make the program an ideal solution in the field of budgeting and treasury tasks.

Who is the BIT.FINANCE.Standard solution intended for?

  • Companies of medium and large businesses, for which the implementation of the Treasury management system is a priority and time-critical task;
  • Companies that currently have a limited budget for developing a methodology and implementing an automated system, and who are ready to start implementing a financial management system with the implementation of a modern Treasury management solution.
  • The proposed solution is ideal for this situation, because provides for short implementation periods (from 2 weeks) and the possibility of a painless transition to older versions of the BIT.FINANCE line.
BIT.FINANCE.Standard will allow you to decide the following important tasks for managing the company's financial flows:
  • Create a unified format for managing the Cash Flow Budget (BDDS), including standardized directories of the Central Federal District, Articles of the DCS, Projects, etc.;
  • Create a unified database of Counterparties, Contracts and Obligations;
  • Implement multi-scenario BDDS planning in the required analytical sections;
  • Automate the process of collecting Applications for spending funds with operational control for compliance with the approved BDDS;
  • Automate work with payment schedules under contracts;
  • Automate the process of approval of Applications, including multi-level approval using Payment Registers;
  • Automate work with the Payment calendar and the formation of payment documents based on Applications and Registers;
  • Ensure receipt of plan-factual reporting on BDDS in on-line mode with the possibility of obtaining all necessary transcripts.
The software solution exists in various modifications that provide different levels of functionality:
BIT.FINANCE.Management accounting
The solution is available for use with most standard accounting systems of the 1C Company on the 1C:Enterprise 8 software platform, and can also be integrated with any other solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Solution "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting" developed on the basis of the product "1C: Accounting 8" is designed to improve the efficiency of planning and control of financial resources and cash flows.
This development is intended for medium and large businesses, firms and enterprises of any industry with complexly structured cash flows, including investment activities, a significant number of treasury operations that require optimization and control by the General Director, Financial Director, Chief Treasurer, Chief Accountant, Head of the planning and economic department and other heads of financial services.

The advantage of the solution is not only its rich functionality, but also taking into account the user's psychology: the interface of the budget entry form is as close as possible to Microsoft Office Excel, which minimizes the difficulties of users getting used to the new product and significantly reduces the cost of filling out the document. This concept provides a quick transfer of planning from MS Excel to a new solution.

With the help of automation based on "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting", the efficiency of business processes is significantly increased:

  • Providing centralized payment management for enterprises with a complex organizational structure;
  • Formation of Applications for payment and Planned receipt of funds;
  • Automatic control of current payments for not exceeding the Cash Flow Budget (BDDS) in real time;
  • Coordination of Applications for payment and obtaining permissions for payment;
  • Maintaining electronic document management in terms of preparing and making payments;
  • Formation of the reporting necessary for the analysis and acceptance of administrative decisions;
  • Formation of the master budget of the enterprise;
  • Accounting for actual data in the budgeting system;
  • Implementation of a plan-fact analysis of activities;
  • Differentiation of access rights;
  • Work of the technical support service (Help Desk).

The solution "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting" is the first solution of the specialized program line "BIT.FINANCE". You can choose the most suitable solution for your company using the table of comparative characteristics of products, while there is the possibility of further upgrading to more functional products, for example, start with the use of "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting", and then move on to the implementation of "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting" . PROF. In this case, you will not even notice the transition, because. products are fully inherited.




PRICE, rubles

50 000

95 000

Subsystem "Cash Management (Treasury)"

Applications for spending and receiving funds

Control of budget limits in applications

Registers of payments under the contract

Automatic generation of payment documents

Payment calendar and plan-fact analysis

Storage of scanned copies of invoices, contracts and acts

Subsystem "Budgeting"

Subsystem "Accounting for contracts"

Storage of additional information under the contract

Automatic formation of the schedule of payments and receipts of the DS

Setting up rules for approving and approving any documents

Data analysis

Universal report on arbitrary data sources

Universal report close to MS Excel

Information detail

Mechanism "Assignment of additional management dimensions of documents"

Mechanism "Planning and analysis by arbitrary analysts"

Service mechanisms

Universal import of directories and documents from MS Excel

Interactive system for setting user access rights

Register of remarks (Service-Desk)

Increasing the number of jobs:

Depends on the number of licenses for the 1C platform

The software product "BIT: Treasury and Budgeting" is not an independent program, for its operation it is necessary to have the installed platform "1C: Enterprise 8.1" and the product "1C: Accounting 8".

Description of functionality

The subsystem "Cash Management (Treasury)" of the BIT.Finance system allows you to:

  1. Prepare requests for spending and receipt of funds
  2. Control budget limits in requests
  3. Form a payment calendar, a register of payments
  4. Automatically generate payment documents
  5. Keep scanned copies of invoices, contracts and acts
  6. Form a plan-fact analysis for BDDS

As a result of using the Treasury subsystem, you will be able to:

  1. Manage cash flows and balances
  2. Predict cash gaps
  3. Increase control over payments
  4. Prevent misuse of funds
  5. Perform financial management and control

operational planning

Operational planning is carried out through "Application for the expenditure of DS", in which the initiator of the payment enters all the information on the payment. After that, the application is controlled according to budgets and electronic approval of the application is carried out.

For full planning, "Application for the receipt of DS" is provided for the full planning of BDDS. The process of passing the application for payment is shown in the diagram:
Payment calendar - elimination of cash gaps

On the basis of applications, the system builds a payment calendar that allows you to predict and eliminate cash gaps.

Based on the agreed list of Applications, the Treasury generates a register of payments for each day and AUTOMATICALLY generates payment documents.

Thus, process automation
management of funds (Treasury) using the BIT.Finance system will allow you to:
  1. Do not forget about an important regular payment, for example, to take into account the rent in future payments, because. BIT:UDS allows you to attach a payment schedule to the contract - you can plan the necessary receipts and payments of money based on the terms of the contracts.
  2. Always see what you have already paid for and what you still need to pay for, BIT:UDS allows you to plan in advance and keep all payments under control.
  3. Always know that all payments are indeed approved by the CEO of the company. BIT:UDS allows you to control all payments - you can make sure that the accounting department cannot make a payment without the signature of the Head.
  4. Anticipate in advance the situation when there is not enough money for payments and take measures to correct the situation (for example, negotiate with suppliers to defer payment or speed up any receipts). BIT:UDS allows you to predict and timely prevent cash gaps.
  5. Refuse manual labor for filling out payments - the main information will be automatically substituted from applications. One click - and a list of payments already approved by the Head will appear, which means that in a certain period only the necessary payments will be made, to the right suppliers, for the right amounts - automatically and under strict control.

The Budgeting subsystem in the BIT.Finance line of solutions allows you to solve such budgeting tasks as:

  • Formation of the Cash Flow Budget (BDDS)
  • Formation of the Budget of income and expenses (BDR)
  • Balance sheet and balance sheet budget
  • Reports "Budget" and "Plan-fact analysis on the budget"
  • Mechanism "Comparison of values ​​of accounting and management accounting analysts"
  • Mechanism "On-line translation of payment documents (fact on BDDS)"
  • Mechanism "On-line translation of accounting data (fact on BDR)"

Unlimited budgets
The system allows you to enter any number of budgets of different types, including the cash flow budget (BDDS or Cash flow), income and expenses budget (BDR or P&L) and balance sheet budget (BBL or Balance sheet). The user can develop a set and structure of budgets independently.
Budgets are entered through the "Budget Entry Form" - a universal input constructor with a user-friendly interface, as close as possible to Excel. Budgets are entered in the context of: CFD, Articles, Projects, Counterparties, Contracts, Nomenclature and Nomenclature groups, settlement accounts.

Formation of the Cash Flow Budget (BDDS)

A convenient tabular form for entering data on the budget as in Excel will simplify the work of your employees in the program and minimize the time for their training in working with the program.

The ability to decipher each value of the budget data table will allow you to specify what each budget figure includes with a breakdown up to the counterparty, contract, project, product range.

The presence of a mechanism for coordinating and approving budgets will make it possible to personalize the responsibility of company managers for budgeting and establish control over the procedure for compiling and approving budgets.

Flexible setting mechanism data entry forms according to the budgets of the CFD will allow you to generate budgets for various CFDs in various sections (by expense items, by counterparties, by counterparty agreement, by projects), allowing you to create an individual budget for each CFD.

The ability to plan for different budget periods (month, quarter, year, etc.) will allow you to create several options for budgets - long-term and short-term.

The presence of the function of setting automatic control over the execution of the budget guarantees the implementation of payment discipline and will avoid manipulation by individual employees.

The ability to select one or more controllable indicators when installing budget execution control will allow you to change the degree of control from the minimum to the maximum possible.

The program allows you to automatically adjust the planned data of budgets, taking into account the fait accompli, that is, to transfer unspent amounts of funds in the completed period (according to the approved budget) to the remaining planning periods. This will allow you to eliminate possible errors when manually updating budgets.

The presence of a flexible mechanism for setting up reports will allow you to generate reports in various planning sections, as well as save several options for setting budgets.