Pain and inflammation of the ear - otitis media in a child: home treatment, rules for taking medications depending on the type of disease. Ear pain in children: symptoms and treatment of otitis media Otitis media in children symptoms and treatment

Young children often get sick because the immune system is not yet fully developed and cannot resist all the infections and viruses that it encounters. Otitis in a child is a common disease that almost all parents face. The lack of therapy for otitis is fraught with the development of complications and the transition of the pathology to the chronic stage. In children, otitis occurs in a more severe form, unlike adults, therefore, pathology therapy is started immediately after the first symptoms appear.

Children at a younger age often suffer from otitis media. There are many reasons for its occurrence. But whatever the cause of the pathology, it must be treated in a timely manner without delay.

Factors in the development of otitis in children often become:

  • Prolonged stay in a draft.
  • Infection in the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis).
  • Acute viral pathologies.
  • Incorrect blowing of the nose with stuffy nose.
  • Mastoiditis.
  • Allergic reactions that contribute to the development of mucosal edema.
  • Incorrect structure of the nasal septum.
  • Decreased immune defense.

In most cases, otitis media develops against the background of other diseases and acts as a complication in the absence of treatment or its ineffectiveness.

As you know, children have weak immunity, so there can be many factors for the development of otitis media.

Types of otitis in a child

Children have different types of otitis media. They are divided into acute and chronic forms. In a mild form, otitis media rarely occurs. The disease affects both the right ear and the left. Sometimes bilateral otitis occurs. Allergic and infectious forms are also isolated.

Otitis externa

The development of otitis externa is associated with the action of external factors. For example, the occurrence of external otitis is associated with insect bites, scratching, ear injuries. As a result of the appearance of wounds, the infection penetrates into the sebaceous glands or hair follicles, affecting the external auditory canal.

When examining the patient, there is reddening of the skin in the area of ​​​​the auricles, pain, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Otitis media

Chronic occurs in several stages, each of which is characterized by different symptoms. First, there are pains in the area of ​​the hearing aid, the body temperature rises to high values. The pain increases with the onset of the evening, making it difficult to sleep at night. In the second stage, pus appears. This is due to the fact that the eardrum is torn. In the third stage, the pain subsides, there is practically no pus from the ear, and the eardrum becomes scarred. The child's hearing gradually deteriorates.

otitis media

Internal inflammation of the auditory apparatus is characterized by constant dizziness. Nausea appears, in some cases the pathology is accompanied by vomiting. There is noise in the ears and there is a decrease in hearing function. develops against the background of otitis media or is a consequence of a complication of other diseases.

Symptoms of otitis in a child

One of the most characteristic signs of the disease in children is soreness of the ears. The pains are so severe that they cannot be tolerated without painkillers. Only a doctor can determine the stage and form of the pathology.

At the first sign of a deterioration in the baby's well-being, you need to urgently contact the clinic for help.

1 year

To understand that a one-year-old child has otitis media, it will turn out if you pay attention to a number of signs. First of all, the baby develops insomnia. Irritability appears. The baby cries constantly at night. In the daytime, he often screams and is naughty. Appetite disappears. The baby often turns his head. Body temperature rises to 39 degrees.

2 years

In a small child at the age of 2 years, otitis media is manifested by the following signs:

  • Temperature rise.
  • Refusal to eat, because jaw movements bring discomfort to the child.
  • Constant crying, worse at night.

Small children cannot explain to their parents what exactly hurts them, but it becomes clear from the behavior of the child that it is time to take him to the doctor.

3 years

Otitis media is easier to recognize in children as young as 3 years of age. Many children are talking by this point and may try to say that their ear hurts. Signs of otitis in a baby are a deterioration in appetite, poor sleep, fever, redness of the skin in the ear area. If the child began to cry constantly, you need to contact the pediatrician.

4 years

Symptoms of otitis in children at 4 years old:

  • The skin flakes and becomes red.
  • There are painful sensations in the area of ​​​​the hearing aid.
  • Appetite disappears.
  • The body temperature rises.
  • In some cases, nasal congestion is noted.

Pathology, in addition, is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and purulent discharge from the auricles.

5 years

Signs of otitis media in children under 5 years of age are sleep deprivation, loss of appetite and weakness. The child is not as active as before. There is congestion of the hearing aid, vomiting, nausea, soreness in the ears. The pain in the ear often radiates to the head, throat, and temples. Body temperature often rises to 40 degrees.

6 years

At 6 years of age, the signs of otitis media appear in the same way as at 5 years of age. The child cries a lot, becomes capricious. Pain in the ear area does not subside even in sleep. From this, the baby practically does not sleep. Body temperature rises to 39 degrees.

The cause of frequent otitis media in a child

The cause of permanent otitis in children in most cases is associated with the anatomical structure of the auricles. For this reason, viral infections have open access to penetration into the hearing aid.

The eardrum in babies is much denser than in adults, so the inflammatory process in otitis media lasts longer, and the sensations of pain are more intense.

In addition, in children, the mucous membrane has a loose structure. Or amniotic fluid often remains in the nasopharynx after birth.

Diagnosis of otitis in a child

To check if the baby has otitis media, only a doctor can do it after examining the child. If the state of health worsens, first of all they turn to the pediatrician, and then he sends the child, if necessary, to a pediatric otolaryngologist.

The following procedures are assigned:

  • Audiometry.
  • CT of the temporal bones.

During an otoscopy, the doctor examines the eardrum and its condition. Often biological material is taken for bacteriological examination. If complications of neighboring organs are suspected, usually the brain, the child is referred to a neurologist.

First aid for otitis media

When otitis begins, and in the near future there is no way to get to the doctor, you urgently need to provide first aid on your own. First of all, you should relieve the pain, which especially torments the child at night. It is recommended to provide first aid quickly.

It will be possible to cure otitis media if turundas soaked in boric alcohol are placed in the ears and left for up to 5 hours. Otipax drops are instilled into the ears. They relieve soreness and inflammation of the hearing aid. At high temperatures, take "Paracetamol" or "Nurofen". To relieve nasal congestion, Tizin, Xilen or any other vasoconstrictor drops are instilled into each nostril. During the inflammatory process, you should limit the use of hot drinks.

Treatment of otitis media in children

Only a qualified doctor can help cure otitis in a child without further complications. Self-medication of the disease in a baby is fraught with the development of complications and hearing loss.

After examining and studying the tests, the doctor will prescribe therapy. Treatment is usually given at home.

Only children under 1 year old need hospitalization. As well as patients in whom the inflammatory process occurs with complications.

Medicines and tablets are prescribed depending on the form of the inflammatory process.

In most cases, doctors prescribe drugs of the following groups:

  • Antipyretic.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops to relieve nasal congestion.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Painkillers.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Antiseptics for washing out pathogenic microorganisms from the auricles.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.

Antibiotics are taken if the inflammatory process is caused by a bacterial infection. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed antibiotics in the form of syrups, tablets or suspensions. Their use is due to the development of complications, an inflammatory process that affects both ears, or if the disease is severe.

In some cases, if the complications are too severe, surgery may be required.

At home

It is undesirable to engage in otitis therapy on your own. Before use, you first need to consult a doctor. Therapy with folk remedies can be very dangerous.

Alternative methods of therapy for otitis media:

  • Peel and grate the onion. Squeeze out the juice, soak a cotton ball in it and place it in the ear. Keep it like this for a few hours.
  • Several leaves of parsley are poured into 300 ml of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off. Cool to make the broth warm. Dial in a pipette, drip into a sore ear 8-10 drops. Every day, no more than 3 drops are instilled into the ear.
  • Chamomile inflorescences pour 400 ml of water, put on fire. Boil. Cover the broth with a lid, let it brew for a couple of hours. When it is warm, rinse the affected ear.
  • Pour calendula flowers with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool to a comfortable temperature. Wash the inflamed ear with the resulting decoction 2-3 times a day.
  • Chop the sorrel roots. Pour the rhizome with boiling water. Cook on low heat. When the liquid remains about 250 ml, the broth is ready. It is used to wash the inflamed ear, as well as for compresses.

Before using any method of alternative medicine, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components of the recipes. Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to lubricate the child's hand with a decoction. If the rash and redness does not appear, you can proceed to the procedure.

Instillation of drops in the ear

With otitis, it is important to follow the rules of instillation. Especially if the procedure is performed on a small child.

Instillation of drops:

  • Lay the child on its side so that the affected ear is on top.
  • Pull the earlobe down and back and drip drops.
  • Before instillation, you need to hold the drops in your hands so that they become warm;
  • The pipette also needs to be warmed up.
  • It is dangerous to drip drops directly, especially if the eardrum is damaged. A turunda is first inserted into the ear. Then drops are instilled.

Treatment with only drops for the ears will not bring success. If relief comes, it will be temporary. For the successful treatment of otitis media, it is important to follow all the recommendations that the doctor will prescribe.

Ear compresses

Any do only with the permission of the doctor. Doctors often prescribe warm compresses. The procedure will relieve soreness and improve blood flow in the inflamed ear. For the compress you will need:

  • Gauze or cotton fabric.
  • A piece of oilcloth.
  • Wide bandage.
  • Scarf made of natural fabrics.

Gauze is folded into six layers. Then a hole is made in it. Soak gauze with a solution of alcohol (alcohol and water are mixed in equal parts). The gauze should be damp, but not wet. Make the same hole in the oilcloth. Attach gauze to your ear and put oilcloth on top. A bandage is applied over the oilcloth, and then the compress is fixed with a scarf. The compress is left for 4 hours.

Ear compresses are made with boric acid. Boric acid acts as an antiseptic. To prepare a compress, water and vodka are mixed in equal parts. Then add 25 ml of boric alcohol. The hand is lubricated with the resulting solution. If within 30 minutes no allergic reactions follow, then proceed to the compress. The procedure is the same as with an alcohol compress.

Ear warming

Another effective procedure with which you can relieve pain. But this procedure, like compresses, is carried out only with the permission of the attending doctor.

Heating is carried out with the help of salt. This is the easiest way. Salt is poured into the pan and put on fire. It is heated up to 45 degrees. When the salt warms up, it is poured into a cloth scarf. Apply a dry compress to the affected ear for 15 minutes. For convenience, you can lie on your side.

Ensuring free nasal breathing

With otitis, cleansing the nasal passages is a necessary procedure. At night, the child is instilled with vasoconstrictor drops so that the baby can fall asleep. From the accumulated mucus, the nose is washed with a solution of sodium chloride. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. salt is mixed with 250 ml of water. Wash the nose with the resulting solution. The nose is also washed with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, sage, chamomile, calendula. For the procedure, ready-made pharmacy solutions are used, for example, Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Aqualor.

The child should be given more warm liquids to drink. Steam inhalation is also effective against nasal congestion. To prepare inhalations, you need to bring water to a boil, add medicinal herbs to it and boil for another couple of minutes. Then let the child breathe over the steam. The main thing is that the steam is not too hot.

To eliminate the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses with otitis media, drops from Kalanchoe or beets are used. A freshly cut leaf of Kalanchoe is grated and the juice is squeezed out. Pour into a pipette and instill 2-3 drops into the nose.

After instillation, the child begins to sneeze often. This is a normal reaction.

Beets are rubbed on a grater, squeezed out the juice and diluted with a small amount of water. No more than 3 drops are dripped into each sinus.

ear toilet

Ear hygiene is an effective prophylactic against otitis media in children. Many parents believe that ear hygiene consists of cleaning them with a Q-tip. But using a cotton swab only pushes the wax deep into the ear. Therefore, first of all, you need to abandon cotton buds. Their use leads to the fact that sulfur accumulates behind the eardrum, and sulfur plugs begin to form.

After any water procedures, the child needs to wipe his ears dry. Cotton turundas regularly need to clean the ears only from the outside. With the onset of cold weather, it is imperative to wear a warm hat. In summer, when it gets dusty outside, after a walk, you need to wipe your ears with a cotton swab from the outside. Houses regularly need to do wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

Antibiotics for otitis media

Antibiotic therapy plays an important role in the treatment of otitis media in children. It is allowed to give antibiotics to a small child only after a doctor's appointment. They are assigned if:

  • The child is under 2 years of age.
  • Symptoms of intoxication of the body are pronounced.
  • Body temperature reached 39 degrees.
  • The pain gets worse every day.

Among antibiotics, children are prescribed Amoxicillin. For children under 10 years of age, it is recommended to take the drug in the form of a suspension.

The drug "Sofradex" is prescribed for otitis media in acute or chronic form. The drug is available in the form of drops. In a sick ear, a child is instilled 2-3 drops no more than 4 times a day.

How long does otitis media take to treat?

A child's body, unlike an adult, endures all pathologies harder. And therapy is delayed for a longer period. The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease. The period of treatment is determined by the doctor. If after a while the child does not improve, then the duration of therapy is increased. Different types of otitis need to be treated in different ways.

Most often, if there are no additional diseases, otitis therapy in a child lasts up to 10 days in a serous form. In acute form, the symptoms of otitis media disappear within 5 days.

If the suppuration of the inflamed ear has begun, then the treatment is often delayed for one month.

In most cases, the recovery period depends on the immune defense of the child. The stronger the immune system, the faster the baby will feel better and the disease will recede.

Possible complications and why otitis media is dangerous

Among the possible complications, the most dangerous is hearing loss. In severe otitis media, body temperature can reach 40 degrees. A feverish condition is very dangerous and leads to serious complications.

During the illness, discharge from the nose appears. Nasal congestion becomes more intense in the evening. Because of the pain in the ears and difficulty in breathing, the baby practically does not sleep at night. Such complications arise if otitis media began against the background of SARS.

Purulent inflammation is always difficult, especially if the child has a weak immune system. The occurrence of complications due to the lack of treatment. Otitis media can lead to meningitis, sepsis, and encephalitis. Otitis is not a dangerous pathology, but without treatment, it can cause serious complications.

Prevention of otitis media

The main rule that helps prevent the development of pathology is the care of the nose and ears. With viral and infectious diseases, they must be cured. Even if there are no symptoms of the disease, it is impossible to stop therapy. It is also important to clean the nose from mucus and the ears from sulfur accumulated in them.

Diving into the water is only allowed with a mask. After water procedures, the ears must be wiped dry. When swimming in open water, ear plugs are inserted into the ears. Swimming is recommended only in clean waters.

It is useful for a child to visit the sea every year in the summer. Sea air improves immunity and has a positive effect on the health of the baby as a whole. Regularly you need to give your child a complex of vitamins and minerals with the onset of the cold season. This will help stimulate the immune system and prevent infections and viruses from entering the body.

Otitis media in children is an inflammation of the outer, middle, or inner ear. In medical practice, the term "otitis media" is most often applied to inflammation of the middle ear, since this form of the disease is the most common. The inflammatory process in the inner ear is called labyrinthitis (the inner ear has an intricate structure, which is why it is called a labyrinth).

Otitis occurs at any age, but children are more susceptible to it, due to the anatomical features of this area. In the first three years of life, the disease is transferred by about 80%, and by the age of seven - 90-95% of children. Otitis in children is by no means a harmless disease, it can cause formidable complications, and is also the main cause of acquired hearing loss.

Differential diagnosis of otitis in children is carried out with teething, eczema of the external auditory canal, mastoiditis, mumps, paralysis of cranial nerves.

The ear is a complex paired organ whose purpose is to capture sound vibrations (outer and middle ear), the ability to balance the body and determine the position of the body in space (inner ear). The inner part of the ears is located in the temporal bones of the skull, the outer part is represented by the auricles. The human ear perceives sound waves with a frequency of 8 to 20,000 Hz.

The outer ear consists of the auricle and the external auditory meatus, which ends with the tympanic membrane. The middle ear is represented by the tympanic cavity located in the temporal bone. The middle ear is connected to the nasopharynx by the Eustachian tube and contains three auditory ossicles (hammer, anvil, stirrup), which amplify sound vibrations and transmit them from the outer ear to the inner. The most complex department is the inner ear, which consists of a bony and membranous labyrinth. The inner ear contains both the auditory organ (cochlea) and the vestibular apparatus. Sound vibrations here are converted into nerve impulses and transmitted to the cortical auditory center of the brain.


Otitis media in children develops against the background of acute respiratory diseases, bronchopulmonary pathology, childhood infections, adenoiditis. A more rare cause of otitis media in children is the transmission of infection during childbirth from a mother suffering from an infectious and inflammatory disease of the urogenital tract, mastitis.

The causative agents of otitis in children can be staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus, microscopic fungi, viruses.

Among the possible complications of otitis media are a decrease or complete loss of hearing, paralysis of the facial nerve, damage to the temporal bone, brain abscesses, encephalitis, meningitis, sepsis.

The main factor contributing to the occurrence of otitis media in children is age-related anatomical features. The Eustachian tubes in children under 7 years of age are shorter and wider than in adults, have practically no bends and are located horizontally in relation to the nasopharynx, which makes it easy for the infection to spread through them from the nasopharynx and oropharynx to the ear.

Risk factors include:

  • prematurity;
  • decreased immunity;
  • irrational use of antibacterial drugs;
  • chemical and thermal burns of the ear;
  • water sports;
  • entry into the ear of a foreign body.

By the nature of the pathogen - bacterial, viral, fungal.

Stages of the disease


With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable. If the patient has immunodeficiency conditions, background diseases, the prognosis worsens. With the development of intracranial complications, a lethal outcome is not excluded.

Prevention of otitis media in children

In order to prevent otitis media in children, it is necessary:

  • timely and competent treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • avoidance of injuries of the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane, ingress of foreign bodies into the ear;
  • teaching children how to blow their nose correctly (one nostril, then the other);
  • avoiding water getting into the ears, especially in children prone to relapses of otitis media;
  • refusal to use items for ear hygiene that are not intended for this;
  • general strengthening of the body (hardening, healthy eating, outdoor walks, sufficient physical activity, etc.).

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Otitis It is caused by blockage of the Eustachian tube and stagnation of fluid in the middle ear. Often the cause is the penetration of microorganisms (mainly bacteria) from the pharynx into the Eustachian tube and middle ear. Otitis media is most common in infants and children. The reason for this is that the Eustachian tube in young children lies in a horizontal plane between the middle ear and the nasopharynx. As a result, microorganisms from the pharynx easily penetrate into the middle ear. In older children, the position of the Eustachian tubes is shifted to the vertical, which makes it difficult for microorganisms to enter the middle ear.

Excessive mucus secretion in allergic children increases the risk of otitis media because swollen adenoids (one of the pairs of tonsils located behind the nose) often block the Eustachian tubes. Children at risk of upper respiratory infection, such as those who live with smokers, are more likely to develop otitis media.

High pressure in the middle ear can cause the eardrum to rupture. The rupture leads to subsequent scarring, and if the ruptures and scarring are repeated, chronic hearing loss may ensue.

Causes of otitis media in children

Otitis can rightfully be called one of the most common and most unpleasant diseases for a baby in childhood. They occur in children of all ages. But if a child older than one and a half to two years old can already explain to his parents that his ear hurts, then a six-month-old baby will not tell you anything.

And otitis in childhood is very dangerous. How should parents be, how to suspect a child has a disease, how to do the right thing - what should be done, and what should not be done under any circumstances.

It is rather difficult to suspect otitis in a baby, usually it first manifests itself as common colds: snot, high fever, the child may cough.

Until now, there is an opinion among parents that the infection enters the ear from the outside, through the external auditory meatus. Also groundless are such precautions as constantly wearing a hat (moreover, at home, when there are 2 heaters and batteries at full power in the room - the child is red like cancer, sweat in a stream - but in a hat) or, for example, plugging the ears with cotton wool or tying them with a scarf. It is also unrealistic to “get otitis media” from a neighbor’s boy, so it makes no sense to isolate other children from the patient.

Acute otitis media is characterized by sudden and acute pain in the ears, irritability, hearing loss, restless sleep. Also, purulent discharge from the ear is often observed.

What are otitis media in children?

Allocate external and otitis media, the latter can be catarrhal and purulent.
Inflammation of the outer ear. Occurs if an infection gets into the skin of the external auditory canal (when cleaning the ears or if the child picks in the ear with a foreign object). In this case, the skin around the auditory canal itself turns red, and the passage narrows slit-like due to edema. Often there appears a translucent discharge.

Therefore, you need to clean the ears of children carefully. After bathing, roll up a cotton ball (rather than grab a cotton swab), soak it in boiled water, turn the child's head on its side and wipe the outer ear, wiping all the folds of the auricle. Use a separate cotton pad for each ear. Do not penetrate beyond the vestibule of the ear canal, as you can push the wax to the tympanic septum and cause a plug to form!

Inflammation of the middle ear (acute otitis media)- Almost every child in one form or another at least once had otitis media. This is due to a number of anatomical and physiological features of the body of babies. In most cases, otitis occurs as a complication of acute respiratory disease (ARI) - when parents begin to self-medicate, sometimes using unnecessary or contraindicated drugs. I draw your attention - the most common cause of the development of otitis media is a banal improperly treated runny nose. Weak immunity of the child, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of adenoids in the nasopharynx, inability to blow your nose, etc. lead to the fact that infected mucus from the nasal cavity and nasopharynx through the auditory tube penetrates into the middle ear.

It must be borne in mind that children prone to allergies have allergic otitis media. Following improper feeding, the child develops skin rashes, the tympanic cavity opens and fluid flows out of the ear. Allergic otitis may not be accompanied by fever.

The most difficult in terms of diagnosis and treatment of otitis in the smallest.

Acute otitis media in newborns, infants and children 1 to 3 years of age has its own characteristics of the course, diagnosis and treatment. Acute otitis media in children very often develops if the baby is cold (especially the legs), if the mother wrapped him up and overheated, with improper feeding, after viral diseases and childhood infectious diseases; in addition, anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the middle ear in children, as well as a decrease in the immune defense of the child, play a role in the occurrence of acute otitis media. What are the main reasons that newborns and infants suffer from acute otitis media especially often? There are several main groups of causes.

Anatomical features of the ear in children that contribute to the development of otitis:

In babies (especially up to a year old), the auditory, or Eustachian tube, is shorter, wider and more horizontal than in adults. In the middle ear of newborns and infants, instead of a smooth, thin mucous membrane and air, there is a special (myxoid) tissue - loose, gelatinous connective tissue with a small number of blood vessels, which is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. In newborns, in addition, amniotic fluid may remain in the tympanic cavity for some time.

The eardrum in children is thicker than in adults. The child has a weaker body resistance (lack of acquired immunity).

Infants are almost constantly in a horizontal position, i.e. lie, so milk when regurgitation enters through the auditory tube into the tympanic cavity. In infants, the cause of otitis media can be the ingress of formula or breast milk from the nasopharynx into the middle ear.

Otitis occurs more often against the background of SARS in children with weakened immunity, premature babies, as well as in babies who are bottle-fed. In the vast majority of cases, the infection enters the middle ear from the inflamed nasopharynx through the auditory tube. There are also other factors. Drafts, a cap untied during a walk, active blowing your nose are also often the causes of otitis media. According to experts, difficult nasal breathing causes pain in the crumbs. Since the ear and nose are interconnected, trouble in one organ immediately affects the other. With a prolonged runny nose, the Eustachian tube can become clogged with discharge from the nose - in this case, the treatment of otitis media will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and bury the little nose with medicines that the attending physician will advise.

Children are more susceptible to common infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, which can be complicated by acute otitis media. In this case, the infection spreads through the lymph and blood. This path in medicine is called hematogenous. The influenza virus can provoke an inflammatory process in the baby's ear. It leads to the formation of herpes-type vesicles in the ear canal on the eardrum and causes pain.

Sometimes the disease also occurs by contact. This is possible when the child's eardrum is damaged (for example, due to a foreign body, being hit by a ball, careless cleaning of the ears with a sharp object). As a result, the infection penetrates the middle ear, which leads to otitis media. No matter how the inflammatory process in the ear arises, it undoubtedly requires immediate treatment.

Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids), acute tonsillitis and adenoiditis, which is often present in children, contribute to the onset and protracted course of acute otitis media.

There are a number of risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of otitis media. These are gender characteristics (boys get sick with this disease more often), white race (it turns out that black children are less likely to have otitis media), artificial feeding (in infants, caries sometimes becomes a companion), cases of middle ear disease in the family, winter season, Down's disease and even passive smoking.

Symptoms and course of otitis media in children

Otitis usually begins acutely, suddenly. The temperature sometimes rises to 39-40 degrees. In newborns, general reactions of the body predominate: the child is worried, cries a lot, sleeps poorly and sucks poorly. The inflammatory process in the middle ear, as a rule, is bilateral, non-perforative (there is no rupture of the eardrum and suppuration, since the membrane in children is thicker than in adults).

Otitis caused by an infection usually develops following a lesion of the nasal cavity, that is, a runny nose and respiratory symptoms from the upper and lower respiratory tract. Mom may note that after SARS, the child's temperature again sharply increased, he became more restless, refuses to eat. The baby has a pendulum movement of the head, and some children even try to look with their eyes at the sore ear. The first signs of otitis media can most often be recognized at the time of breastfeeding. When the baby is sucked to the breast, negative pressure is created in the nasopharynx, and this increases pain. As a result, the baby's attempt to eat becomes very painful, and the baby bursts into loud crying. He twists his legs, screams, and the mother gets the feeling that these are intestinal colic. If the baby fits on his sore ear, he suddenly starts to suck better. In this position, with the sick ear pressed, it is easier for him, it does not hurt so much. And turned on the other side, the child will continue to refuse the breast with a cry.

From the age of four months, the child tries to reach out with his hand to the sore ear, or rubs it against the pillow, sometimes gnashes his teeth, cannot fall asleep. With a unilateral lesion, the baby tends to take a forced position, lying on a sore ear, sometimes reaches for it with his hand, refuses food, since sucking and swallowing increase pain.

In a severe form of otitis media in infants, meningism phenomena may occur: vomiting, tilting of the head, tension in the arms and legs, protrusion of the fontanelles. Sometimes there may be gastrointestinal disorders in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

In children, acute catarrhal otitis media can very quickly (already on the first day from the onset of the disease) turn into purulent. The rapid development of the disease leads to the fact that pus forms in the middle ear cavity, which breaks through the eardrum and begins to flow from the ear canal. The catarrhal form of otitis is replaced by purulent. Sometimes, especially in infants, this happens very quickly. With the appearance of suppuration, the pain in the ear, as a rule, decreases or stops altogether, the temperature decreases, and the child feels better.

This condition is an indication for urgent medical care.

How can a mother recognize the signs of otitis media? When the child is sleeping, you can gently press on the tragus - the parts of the auricle protruding above the lobe. If the child frowns, moves his head back, this can be considered one of the symptoms of a middle ear disease.

Any otitis occurs either in catarrhal or purulent form (when the eardrum is opened). To determine whether purulent discharge from the ear has appeared, the mother herself can, with the daily toilet of the ears. In addition, oddly enough, with perforation (rupture) of the tympanic membrane, a visible improvement in the child's condition occurs. The membrane is torn, which means that the pressure decreases, immediately after this the temperature drops, and the appetite returns to the crumbs. All symptoms disappear, except for one - purulent or bloody discharge.

Complications of otitis media

Otitis is dangerous for its complications. The fact is that sometimes it is not easy to recognize otitis media. He, for example, is not always accompanied by severe pain in the ear. Symptoms of the disease are often disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that the middle ear and the abdominal cavity are innervated by the same nerve. Therefore, when the ear becomes ill, in young children, intestinal symptoms may predominate: bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, stool retention. That is, external manifestations may resemble, say, appendicitis or colic. Often, infants with similar symptoms do not end up in the ENT department of the hospital, but in the surgical one. But surgeons are literate people, so they start examining such children with the invitation of an ENT doctor. Only after excluding the diagnosis of "acute otitis media" do they engage in further diagnosis.

If the mother takes up self-treatment of a gastrointestinal disorder, ignoring other symptoms, then otitis media can develop into such a formidable complication as otoanthritis. Infection from the middle ear moves to the behind the ear and affects another air cavity of the middle ear. There is a protrusion of the auricle, redness, swelling, again there is an increase in temperature. The timing in which this process can develop is unpredictable - it happens both immediately after acute otitis media and a month later. If the mother does not notice these symptoms, then the child will most likely go to the hospital in 2-3 months, but with meningitis: the structure of the child's ear is such that an infection from the tympanic cavity can directly come into contact with the meninges. So parents should be more vigilant and monitor the course of any, even the mildest viral disease.

Other complications of acute otitis media include facial paresis, chronic otitis media, hearing loss, vestibular lesions, and meningitis. Fortunately, they are quite rare in children.
Meningeal syndrome - irritation of the membranes of the brain, occurs due to the underdevelopment of the structures of the middle ear, when nothing restrains the spread of inflammation beyond its limits, as well as due to the abundant vascular network and connection with the cranial cavity. This causes convulsions, vomiting, confusion and decreased motor activity. To alleviate his condition, the child reflexively throws his head back.

Diagnosis of otitis media

In children under 2-3 years old, and especially in newborns, it is quite difficult to make a correct diagnosis, therefore, if such symptoms occur, it is necessary to show the child to an ENT doctor.

The diagnosis of otitis media is established ONLY after an ear examination by a doctor.

Indirect indications of otitis media may be that the disease begins, as a rule, acutely, often at night, after the child has been put to bed. The main symptom is ear pain, which can be severe. Usually, the temperature rises at the same time, general well-being worsens. In infants, the disease is manifested by sharp anxiety, crying. The child reaches out with his hand to the sore ear, refuses the pacifier. Sleep, appetite are disturbed, liquefied stools often appear.

Treatment of otitis media

Otitis cannot be cured in a few days (sometimes therapy is extended for 1-2 weeks). However, it is not only possible, but necessary, to relieve pain in case of a disease.

It is necessary to provide the child with free nasal breathing. To do this, as necessary, it is required to free the nasal passages from mucus with the help of a special pear suction or flagella twisted from cotton and dipped in baby oil. A scarf or cap should be put on the baby’s head so that his ears are warm during the day. During illness, bathing a child is not recommended, but you can wipe it. Walking with the baby is allowed after the pain in the ear disappears and the temperature returns to normal. At the same time, on a walk, the baby must be in a hat.

In some cases, with otitis media - especially when complications occur - one has to resort to surgical treatment in a hospital.

Medical treatment of otitis.

Therapy includes a course of antibiotics in tablet form or in the form of injections (with purulent otitis media) for at least 5-7 days, especially for children under 2 years of age. This is done to prevent the development of complications. In addition, it is necessary to regularly use drugs for vasoconstriction (vasoconstrictor drops in the nose), which maintains the patency of the auditory tube and - local treatment:

a) in acute catarrhal otitis media, dry heat procedures in the ear area are effective, since heat activates blood and lymph circulation in the inflammation site, as well as additional production of protective blood cells. For example - heating with a blue lamp (reflector), semi-alcoholic (1 part alcohol and 2 parts warm water) or vodka compresses, as well as dry heat, warming compresses, turundas with ear drops.
b) in acute purulent otitis media, careful and systematic removal of pus with cotton turundas, ear toilet with disinfectant solutions (for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution), antibiotics are required.
In addition to the main treatment, thermal physiotherapy can be prescribed: ultraviolet irradiation (UVR), UHF therapy, laser radiation, mud therapy.

Treatment of acute catarrhal otitis media takes an average of a week, and acute purulent otitis media - more than 2 weeks.

Treatment in children under one year old and in the case of moderate and severe course is carried out in a children's ENT hospital. There, the child is actively monitored.

If necessary, a myringotomy is performed - an incision in the eardrum. Myringotomy is performed by a doctor with special instruments using a microscope and under general anesthesia. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the free outflow of pus (or fluid) from the middle ear cavity, because. tympanic membrane rupture rarely occurs on its own. Immediately after this procedure, the child's condition improves, the temperature subsides, infants are more willing to breastfeed.

In children under two years of age, antibiotics must be used - Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone for 5 days. The dose of antibiotic is calculated individually, taking into account the weight of the child. All antibiotics are administered parenterally, ie. intramuscularly, in severe cases and in the presence of complications - intravenously. In children older than two years, antibiotics are used when the child's condition is severe, there is severe pain in the ear and the body temperature is above 38 degrees.

Vasoconstrictor nose drops for newborns and infants (children under 1 year old) are not prescribed. Before meals and at bedtime, the mucus is sucked out of the nose with a rubber pear with a soft tip (preferably with a volume of 90 ml). If necessary, the mucus is thinned by instilling 2-3 drops of saline solution (aquamaris, salin, aqualor, and others) into each nostril, and then after 2 minutes it is sucked off with a rubber bulb.

In children from 1 to 3 years of age, the treatment is the same as for infants, but careful blowing is allowed. It is possible to use vasoconstrictor drops in the nose only before feeding and at bedtime, special children's drops are used - Nazivin 0.01% 1-2 drops of the drug solution are dripped into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day.

Ear drops up to a year are also not prescribed (although many instructions say that, for example, otipax is allowed from the neonatal period), but it is better to ask a doctor. In addition, some of the components that make up the drops (levomycetin, boric acid) can cause side effects - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, shock - therefore they are prohibited in pediatrics.
To reduce the temperature, drugs based on paracetamol are used: Children's Panadol, Kalpol, Panadol Baby and Infant, Efferalgan and others. It is not allowed to use Analgin and Aspirin in children.

Local treatment according to the rules and treatment with folk remedies


So, if for the treatment of acute catarrhal otitis media the doctor prescribed half-alcohol or vodka compresses (with suppuration from the ear, these procedures are contraindicated), then they should be done as follows.

It is required to take a four-layer gauze napkin, the size of which should extend beyond the auricle by 1.5-2 cm, make a slit for the ear in the middle. The napkin should be moistened in an alcohol solution or vodka, squeezed out, applied to the ear area (place the auricle in the slot). Put compress (waxed) paper on top, slightly larger than gauze, and cover with a piece of cotton wool larger than the size of the paper. All this can be secured with a scarf tied around the child's head. The compress should be kept until it has a thermal effect (3-4 hours).

Ear drops.

Direct instillation of ear drops is dangerous, because at home it is impossible to examine the ear the way an ENT doctor does and clarify the nature of the inflammation at the moment - is the eardrum damaged or not. If drops fall into the middle ear cavity when the eardrum ruptures, they can cause damage to the auditory ossicles or lead to damage to the auditory nerve, resulting in hearing loss.

Instead, you need to make a turunda out of dry cotton, gently insert it into the external auditory canal and drip warm medicine on it 3-4 times a day. A portion of the drops should be heated to body temperature (36.6 degrees C). You can, for example, heat a pipette in warm water, and then take the medicine into it, or first draw the drug, and then heat the pipette with it in warm water. Ear drops for children with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, such as OTIPAX, are useful to have in your home first aid kit. For older children, you can use a popular folk remedy - cotton wool in the ear, slightly moistened with warm vodka or onion juice. This provides improved blood circulation and an increase in temperature in the area of ​​​​inflammation. With a purulent process, such procedures are contraindicated.

The use of boric alcohol in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear in children is undesirable. This substance irritates the delicate skin of the baby's ear canal, which not only increases the pain, but also leads to peeling of the skin inside the ear. And corks are formed from exfoliated skin cells. There is evidence that in children of the first year of life, boric alcohol can cause convulsions.

In an upright position, blood flows from the area of ​​​​inflammation, the pain subsides, the baby calms down, so take the baby in your arms more often.


Prevention of otitis media is the prevention and proper treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, especially those accompanied by a severe runny nose.

The child needs to be fed with breast milk for as long as possible, since it is the source of the main defenses of a small organism. When feeding, it is better to keep the baby closer to the upright position, to avoid the liquid being thrown into the ear through the auditory tube. Reasonable hardening also increases the body's resistance.

With a cold in the supine position, congestion forms in the nasopharynx, which increases the risk of infection of the middle ear. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the pathological contents from the nasal cavity with a pear suction and periodically turn the baby from one side to the other.

Otitis media is caused by bacteria that settle in the middle ear and cause it to become inflamed. And it, pay attention, can be the cause of meningitis, especially in children of the first year of life. Therefore, in the vaccination calendar around the world (and we, as always, in Russia, are lagging behind), mandatory vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae has been introduced, and vaccination against pneumococcus is introduced from the age of two. These vaccinations will help protect children from meningitis, especially of ear origin.

Now a number of typical mistakes or what not to do with otitis media.

At high temperatures, you can not do a warm compress on the ear. This can seriously worsen the condition of the child. If pus begins to flow from the ear, do not try to deep clean with an ear stick. At best, this will do nothing, at worst, an injury to the eardrum will occur. Do not give antibiotics or other medicines without talking to your doctor.

It often happens that middle ear diseases are provoked by the parents themselves. For example, a child has a severe runny nose, and the mother incorrectly blows out discharge from the nasal cavity. She pinches the child's both nostrils and makes him blow his nose hard. This should never be done - the ears are laid instantly. You can not blow your nose and immediately in both nostrils - only alternately. Why are otitis media so common in young children and very rare in adults? Because the middle ear is connected to the nasal cavity by an air duct - the auditory tube. In children, it is very wide, short and open. And if the child blows his nose into the clamped nostrils, then all the pus from the nose is immediately thrown into the middle ear.

Often the cause of otitis is improper feeding. The mother of the child fed and immediately puts him in the crib on the side, that is, on some ear. And during feeding, children swallow a lot of air, which must be removed later, holding the baby in an upright position. If regurgitation occurs at the moment when the child lies horizontally, then milk is instantly thrown into the auditory tube.

Another common mistake is the incorrect suction of mucus from the nasal cavity with a pear. This must be done very gently, slowly. If the mother abruptly releases the pear, then negative pressure arises in the nasal cavity, hemorrhage occurs in the tympanic cavity and exfoliation of the mucous membrane.

Ear pain is one of the most severe pains that a person experiences in his life. Therefore, in the first 2-3 days with otitis, be sure to give the baby painkillers and antipyretic drugs. If the pain persists for more than two days, this is an indication for opening the eardrum by a doctor.

When a small child is sick with otitis, feeding him becomes a serious problem. So that the baby can take the breast, 15 minutes before feeding, drip vasoconstrictor drops into his nose and painkillers into his ear 15 minutes before feeding. Or try spoon feeding him.

Remember that under no circumstances should you warm sore ears before consulting a doctor. If a purulent process has begun in the ear, then warming compresses will only intensify it, and there it is not far from dangerous complications. If there is no pus, then warming up, just, will have a beneficial effect on the ears.

What should be considered if your child has been ill with otitis media?

Remember that after your baby has had otitis media, he may temporarily lose his hearing. Therefore, do not scold the child if it seemed to you that your request did not receive the attention of the child. Make sure the kid even heard what you said to him? If you are sure that your hearing acuity has decreased, tell the doctor about this when talking with your child at home, speak louder.

If your child is engaged in swimming, then after suffering otitis media, he should leave this occupation for a while, since during the recovery period it is impossible for water to enter the external auditory canal, especially if there has been a violation of the integrity of the eardrum. And of course, if otitis in your "swimmer" occurs too often, raise the issue of changing the sport.

Don't forget warm clothes and a hat for your little one in winter or on cold windy days. At this time, woolen or fur "headphones" that cover the ears well will come in handy.
One more caveat. Scientists have proven that passive smoking contributes to the sluggish course of acute otitis or even its transition to a chronic form. Weigh all this if there are smokers in the family.

Recent trends in the treatment of otitis media in children:

Many childhood ear infections can resolve successfully without additional antibiotic treatment, thus reducing the overuse of antibiotics.

It is known that one of the most common reasons why pediatricians prescribe antibiotics to young children is ear infections (for example, acute otitis media). But in recent years, an increasing number of people have avoided the unnecessary use of antibiotics because of the side effects of such treatment. There are many reports of successful recovery of children with ear infections without additional treatment, and based on this evidence, the practice of "watchful waiting" has been developed.

The point of this approach is to carefully monitor the development of otitis without pharmaceutical treatment, if it is mild enough. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians have recommended since 2004 the use of "watchful waiting" for moderate ear pain without major fever and no complications for children 2 years of age and older. This prescription is of particular importance in a situation where the doctor is sure that the child's condition will worsen with intensive antibiotic treatment.

Otitis externa

Causes of otitis externa. Otitis externa, as a rule, occurs as a result of infection (most often staphylococcus aureus) in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the external auditory canal as a result of microtrauma. Inflammation of the outer ear can develop against the background of colds, hypothermia, or irritation of the ears with a buildup of sulfur.

Otitis externa can occur in a limited area of ​​​​the integument of the outer ear (furunculosis of the external auditory canal), or be diffuse (diffuse), when the entire external auditory canal is involved up to the eardrum.

Symptoms of otitis externa. With furunculosis, there is a sharp pain in the ear, aggravated by chewing, opening the mouth, swelling of the tissues surrounding the ear, the formation of a cone-shaped elevation with a festering apex. When the boil matures and the pus breaks out, significant relief is felt. With diffuse otitis media, severe itching and pain in the ear canal are felt, hearing is reduced, although not very significantly. Pus accumulates in the ear and small crusts form. If the causative agent of otitis media is a yeast fungus, when examining the ear, you can see a plaque that looks like wet blotting paper.

Treatment of otitis externa. With boils, most often you can do without surgical intervention - the boil will ripen and open itself. Antimicrobials are prescribed. To improve the general condition at elevated body temperature, antipyretics are prescribed. With diffuse otitis externa, rinsing with disinfectant solutions is useful. If otitis media is caused by fungi, antifungal therapy (ointments and oral medications) is needed.

Ear inflammation is a very common condition in infants and children. Signs of otitis in a child, parents may well recognize on their own at home. The disease is most common in children from six months to 3 years. But we can not exclude its possibility and at an older age.

Otitis: description and types

Otitis in children: characteristics of the disease

The type of otitis media directly depends on which part of the auditory organ has been affected by the disease.

There are three types in total:

  1. External: appears as a result of injury to the outer part of the ear.
  2. Moderate: most often the result of viral or infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. This affects the middle ear.
  3. Internal: occurs mainly as a complication of otitis media. It is very rare, but is considered the most dangerous.

The external form of the disease manifests itself in the part of the auditory organ that is visible to the eye. In this case, external otitis can be:

  • diffuse (damage to the eardrum with the formation of purulent masses)
  • purulent limited (boils, pimples and other suppurations on the auricle)

Otitis media accounts for over 90% of all cases. With it, the middle ear becomes inflamed, namely the tympanic cavity, which includes 3 sound bones.

Usually occurs as a result of the transfer of infection from the nasal cavity, but may appear due to trauma or get hematogenous.

It is divided into:

  • acute, caused by a viral or bacterial infection and accompanied by the formation of pus
  • exudative, occurs as a result of blockage of the auditory tube
  • chronic, lasts for a long time, while a small amount of pus forms and hearing deteriorates

Video. Otitis in children: causes and treatment.

Acute otitis is usually the result of a purulent form of damage to the middle ear or a general infectious disease. The most severe type of inflammation, in some cases, only surgical treatment can help with it. The course of any type of disease can be chronic or acute.


Common causes of otitis media in children

The most common cause of otitis media in a child are various colds. This is due to the structural features of the auditory tube in young children.

They are very short, but wide at the same time. Because of this, mucus during a runny nose or other acute respiratory illness can easily penetrate into the middle part of the hearing organ and cause inflammation. This is facilitated by the recumbent position of the baby, who is not yet able to sit.

Diseases of the tonsils or adenoids also often provoke otitis media. The cause can also be improper blowing of the nose, hypothermia and weakened immunity.

The disease is characterized by an acute onset. The baby may suddenly rise in temperature above 39 degrees. He becomes irritable, constantly naughty or crying, sleeps restlessly, refuses to eat. The child often turns his head, rubs it against the pillow, tries to reach the sick ear with his hands.

In children under one year of age, a severe form of the disease may be accompanied by tilting the head, sometimes vomiting, loose stools. The outflow of pus from the ear is not observed.

Children older than 3 years can already describe the symptoms themselves. The child complains about:

  • pain in the ear, radiating to the temple area
  • feeling of congestion, feeling of pressure
  • hearing loss
  • noise in the ear

At the same time, the temperature rises sharply, the child becomes lethargic, feels weak, sleeps poorly, loses his appetite.

Methods for the treatment of otitis in a child

The whole complex of measures necessary for the treatment of otitis in a child must certainly be prescribed by a doctor. Attempts to get rid of the disease on your own lead to the loss of precious time and can only aggravate the situation.

Treatment begins with the use of nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect: Nazol, Naphthyzin and others. An antiseptic solution (for example, boric acid) is instilled directly into the ear. For treatment, drugs such as Otinum, Garazon, Sofradex and others are used. Paracetamol is recommended as an anesthetic. In almost every case, the patient is prescribed antibacterial agents, for example, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin or Biseptol.

You can not start treatment without consulting a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

But there are times when it is not possible to immediately show the child to the doctor. Then, before visiting the clinic, you can drip drops with a vasoconstrictive effect (Naphthyzinum) into his nose, and Otinum, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, into a sore ear.

A sick organ of hearing must certainly be kept warm. For this purpose, a scarf, headscarf, scarf or hat is suitable. In this case, heating pads or compresses should not be used; with purulent otitis media, this can lead to serious complications.

Complications and consequences

Complications of an inflammatory disease of the ear in a child do not arise just like that. Most often this happens as a result of late diagnosis of otitis media, untimely or incorrect treatment.

Most often, hearing is impaired, the child suffers from hearing loss, complete deafness is possible. With belated treatment, the disease can turn into labyrinthitis (otitis media) or take a chronic form.

The consequence of incorrect or not timely treatment of otitis in a child may be the development of paralysis of the facial nerve.

More severe consequences occur in cases where the infection penetrates deep into the cranium to the meninges - meningitis, encephalitis, sepsis.

Otitis is not among the dangerous diseases. Its complications and probable consequences are much worse. Therefore, it is important not only to start treatment as early as possible, but also to continue it until complete recovery. The disappearance of signs of the disease does not mean a complete recovery. On average, otitis media lasts about a month.

What not to do with otitis media

It should be remembered that otitis media is a very serious disease. It should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. You can not try to get rid of this disease on your own with the help of folk remedies and methods.

Most likely, this will only aggravate the situation or lead to a chronic course of the disease.

If otitis media is suspected or after its diagnosis, it is strictly prohibited:

  • by any means and means to warm the sore ear
  • at high temperatures, resort to compresses, especially those that have a warming effect
  • if there is pus, try to remove it with a cotton swab or other objects
  • ask the child to blow his nose from both nostrils at once
  • pour various alcohol tinctures into the patient's ears
  • independently pierce purulent formations
  • use antibacterial drugs and other medicines without a doctor's prescription.


Ways to prevent otitis media in children

Prevention of ear inflammation in a healthy child primarily involves strengthening his immune system.

It is also very important to maintain a normal level of humidity in the children's room. To do this, you need to systematically ventilate it, as necessary, carry out wet cleaning.

If the air is very dry, then you can use special humidifiers.

If the child is already sick with any colds, then for the prevention of otitis media you need:

  • give your baby plenty of fluids to drink
  • bring down high body temperature in a timely manner
  • wash the child's nose with saline solution (sold at a pharmacy, such as Aqualor)
  • teach him to blow his nose properly
  • keep the air temperature in the room within 18-20 degrees

Otitis is a disease in which literally every minute is precious. Any delay can lead to life-threatening complications. Therefore, at the first suspicion of otitis media in a child, you should immediately show it to the doctor.

Otitis in a child - symptoms and treatment of the disease

Otitis media is called inflammation in the ear. It occurs due to improper hygiene, concomitant diseases, infections. Otitis in a young child can develop due to structural features of the children's auditory system. There are different types of this disease, which affects the specifics of its diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of otitis media in children

You should know that if the doctor has diagnosed otitis media, the causes of this disease in children may vary. Inflammation is caused by pneumococci, moraxella and Haemophilus influenzae. Bacteria enter the ear with SARS, sinusitis, adenoids and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If otitis media occurs frequently, the causes may lie in cutting teeth, which causes a runny nose and subsequent provocation of the disease.

  • infections and viruses from other organs of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the nose and nasopharynx (sinusitis, adenoids, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • period of dentition with concomitant runny nose;
  • injuries and damage to the auricle;
  • hypothermia;
  • complications from improper therapy.

How to determine otitis media in a child?

The hardest part is diagnosis. Signs of otitis in a child in the initial stage may not appear, and the disease is asymptomatic. Parents may be alerted to:

  • temperature with otitis in a child (38-40 °);
  • pain or itching in the ear;
  • purulent (sometimes mixed with blood) discharge from the ear.

Otitis without fever in a child is another type of the course of the disease. The patient feels weak and lethargic. Children are characterized by a decrease in appetite and restless sleep, while pain in the ear may be absent. There are other symptoms, but they differ for one form or another of the disease. A more accurate diagnosis can only be made by an otolaryngologist.

Types of otitis media in children

It is useful for parents to know whether otitis media is contagious to other children. It is impossible to give a definite answer, since there are several types of this disease. They are divided based on the part of the ear in which the inflammatory process occurs. Varieties of otitis:

  • Interior(or labyrinthitis) - an inflammatory process of the middle ear.
  • Average- the disease develops between the middle ear and the tympanic membrane.
  • Outer- the inflammation takes place on the external site (the department visible to the doctor).

Otitis in a child is contagious if the doctor determines that this is an external type of disease. The danger is explained by the fact that there is direct contact with the environment. If the disease is of a viral or bacterial nature, then there is also a risk of infection for others. In addition to these three main types, there are a number of variations of the disease depending on the type of course of the disease. Only by making the correct diagnosis can one count on effective therapy.

Purulent otitis media in a child

Accompanied by suppuration from the ear. This is the most dangerous kind. It affects the cavity of the eardrum. It can often be found in newborns due to the specific structure of the child's ear. In older children, it occurs as a complication of certain diseases or as a result of improper treatment. Purulent otitis in a child is accompanied by the release of ichor, pus, mucus, a small admixture of blood is possible.

Exudative otitis media in children

Chronic form of otitis media. With this inflammation, fluid (exudate) accumulates in the eardrum. Another name is secretory otitis in a child. Unlike purulent, with this type of inflammation, the fluid does not flow out, but accumulates in the ear. The danger lies in the fact that the patient does not experience any pain, and this significantly complicates the diagnosis, and can lead to its aggravation.

Catarrhal otitis in a child

The catarrhal type is an acute otitis in a child in the initial stage. A feature of this form is palpable pain in the ear, which is aggravated by coughing, swallowing or sneezing. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the temporal region and give to the teeth. Often gives fever, hearing loss, tinnitus. Do not ignore these symptoms and self-medicate. Often this form becomes more serious - purulent otitis media in a child.

Otitis in a child - what to do?

Do not panic if a small patient complains of pain or itching in the ear. In order to correctly diagnose and select therapy, you should contact a pediatric otolaryngologist (aka ENT). The doctor will examine the patient and tell you in detail how to treat otitis media in a child. By adhering to the doctor's prescriptions, you will eliminate possible negative consequences.

How to treat otitis in a child?

The disease often occurs in conjunction with other diseases, so it is necessary to undergo complex therapy. It is worth paying special attention to the duration of the inflammatory process in the ear, obvious symptoms, and the general condition of the baby. Possible treatments:

  1. Antibiotics. In most cases, especially with a purulent type, doctors use antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics for otitis in children are used when the disease is caused by an infection. The doctor prescribes such drugs in case of its bacterial form. The antibiotic can be prescribed in the form of tablets, the active substance may also contain some otitis media drops for children. Among the most popular drugs are Amoxicillin, Aminoglycoside netilmicin, Levomycetin. It is important to remember that all drugs are taken according to the doctor's prescription.
  2. Washing. Often accompanied by inflammation in the nasopharynx. Many parents struggle with it by rinsing their nose. This method effectively removes mucus from the nasopharynx, facilitating the condition of the baby. If you have no contraindications to this method of healing, then washing is a very effective method. You should instill the nose with vasoconstrictor drops, and after a while wash it with saline. Then the nasal cavity is cleared of mucus (you can use a special aspirator). But it is important to remember that the wrong washing technique or with structural features of the hearing aid and nasopharynx, such actions can aggravate the patient's condition, therefore, such therapy is carried out only with the permission of the doctor.
  3. Homeopathy. If the disease is at an early stage, alternative therapies can be tried. One of these is homeopathy. This method is the use of drugs that cause symptoms similar to the disease, due to which it is easier for the body to defeat the disease. Before treating otitis in children with homeopathic methods, you should consult a doctor and find a good homeopathic specialist.

How to relieve pain in otitis in a child?

When the baby is restless and naughty, it is difficult to remain calm. It is important for parents to know how to relieve the pain of otitis media in a child. Now there are many anesthetics that are instilled into the ears. Often these substances perform anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory functions. Please note that some drugs may be hormonal, they should be used with great care and only as prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, with otitis in a child, you can give an anesthetic based on ibuprofen or paracetamol, observing the dosages for children. In addition, ear drops are used, for example, Ototon, Otipax.

Otitis in a child - treatment at home

Fighting inflammation of the middle ear at home is not acceptable, because you do not have the opportunity to independently determine the form of the disease. Symptoms are not always obvious, so only the ENT should determine the type and stage of the disease. Treatment of otitis media in children with folk remedies can lead to negative consequences and cause complications, up to complete hearing loss. Do not self-medicate. Contact a specialized doctor for qualified medical assistance.

Prevention of otitis media in children

When wondering how to prevent otitis media in a child, one should think about preventive actions. Prevention Tips:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • go in for sports, then infectious and colds will bypass you on the thirtieth road;
  • adhere to the temperature regime not higher than 18-20 degrees Celsius in the room;
  • often ventilate and humidify the air;
  • drink the right amount of fluid in accordance with age and weight norms;
  • regularly carry out hygiene of the ears and nose.

To prevent otitis in a child, you need to follow some tips. After each bath, it is necessary to carefully clean the ear with cotton turundas. Babies should definitely remove the mucus from the nose with a special swab or aspirator. Older children need to be taught how to blow their nose correctly, covering their nostrils one by one, and not to overdo it in the process.

An important question that worries parents is whether it is possible to bathe a child during the period of illness. Doctors answer that it is not only possible, but necessary, because the hygiene of the baby's body is especially important. The exception is periods of high temperature. It is not recommended to wet the head, as there is a high risk of water getting into the ear, which can worsen the condition. This applies to the acute form. If a small patient has a chronic type, then otolaryngologists are allowed to bathe the child and wash his head.

Persistent otitis in a child - what to do?

Frequent otitis media in a child may be associated with adenoids. In this case, the question is about their removal. The reason may be improper therapy and the transition to the chronic stage. When the cause lies in other diseases, the first step to treating otitis in a child will be to increase his immunity. To do this, you should balance your diet, eat high-quality, vitamin-rich food, spend more time outdoors, and do physical exercises. exercises. Prevention (proper nasal hygiene, elimination of mucus) will also help in the fight against ailment.

Otitis - complications in children

Complications are often caused by late or incorrect treatment. The cause can also be a very severe form of the course of the disease in combination with other ailments. Possible consequences of otitis in children:

  • reduction or complete loss of hearing;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • imbalance.

In especially severe cases, there may be more serious consequences, such as facial paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis, sepsis, brain abscess, and other serious complications that threaten the life of the baby. Do not neglect the services of qualified specialists and resort to their advice in time to avoid the above consequences.

The child does not hear well after otitis media

Hearing loss in a child after otitis media is often observed within 3-4 weeks. Then the indicators return to normal and the baby can hear, as before. In complex and advanced cases, permanent hearing loss is possible, which sometimes leads to its complete loss. The cause may be improper treatment. Therefore, it is so important not to self-medicate and seek qualified help from an otolaryngologist in time.

What to do if a child has frequent otitis media?

Many parents from the very birth of a child for three years are constantly faced with the fact that their child has otitis media. This disease is considered common. Without timely treatment, otitis in a child often takes a more serious form. The disease becomes more complicated, and the treatment becomes longer and more complicated.

The disease is accompanied by pain. In the depths of the ear, a strong inflammatory process occurs. Children in this period look lethargic, naughty. Loss of appetite, sleep, fever rises. If you do not promptly seek treatment from an otolaryngologist or otiatrist, the general condition of the child will become more critical. Severe headaches will begin, gradually the symptoms will begin to be aggravated.

Causes of frequent otitis media

Otitis can even start in a baby. At the same time, the causes of frequent otitis media in children are very different and are primarily associated with the individual characteristics of the child's body and with weak immunity.

Various factors can provoke the disease:

As for infants, their main provoking factor is improper digestion. In children of this age, the main processes are just beginning to normalize, and food, that is, mother's milk, is not completely digested, enters the oropharynx when the baby burps milk or burps.

After, flowing into the Eustachian tube, the liquid strongly irritates the middle ear mucosa, which provokes inflammation. Even after birth, some babies have amniotic fluid in the ear canal and nasopharynx, which also gives a negative impetus.

In adolescent children, chronic otitis occurs as a result of an increase in adenoids. Gradually, by the age of fourteen, the tissues return to normal, and if not, then surgical intervention is necessary to remove the adenoids.

Wrong treatment

What to do if a child has frequent otitis, parents often decide for themselves, do not rush to go to the hospital and try to relieve inflammation on their own. To do this, use various folk remedies, warming up the hearing organs and instilling various drops from the pharmacy into the ear canal.

Such treatment is extremely dangerous, especially when it comes to infants. Often, the inflammatory process cannot be reduced on its own. In addition, time is lost, and the disease is delayed, spreading more widely. As a result, a neglected disease has to be treated with prolonged hospitalization.

It also happens that after three days of inpatient treatment, the child gets better, and mothers simply take him away from the hospital at their own responsibility. In fact, the drugs used in the treatment, and most often these are antibiotics and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs, have only just begun to work and allowed the symptoms of the disease to be slightly muffled.

This does not mean at all that otitis media has passed. and the child will feel good in the future. As a rule, interrupted treatment ends in complications., which also arise from the fact that the medication has been suspended and you will have to start treatment again, choosing more gentle drugs.

How to cure otitis

It is possible to talk about the correct treatment of otitis media only in a good hospital or under the direct supervision of a specialist at home (with mild forms of the disease).

If your baby suffers from this ailment almost three times a year or more, more detailed research is needed to determine why the child often has otitis, which provokes a chronic disease.

Important! In addition to the main methods of treatment, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Realizing the seriousness of the consequences in cases of the slightest suspicion of otitis media, the child should be immediately taken to the hospital or an ambulance should be called at home. It is difficult for parents to navigate and determine the extent of the spread of the disease, its nature, and even more so to understand what has become a provoking factor. In the hospital, after conducting a visual examination, taking the necessary tests, the baby will be treated only after the diagnosis is fully confirmed.

The course of medications will be selected individually taking into account some features of each specific organism. Most likely you will need to go to the hospital and about 10 days be treated.

Disease prevention

To prevent your child from getting otitis, you need to be more attentive to his health and appearance.

  1. Children should always be dressed appropriately for the weather.. If it is hot, do not wrap your ears, as your head will sweat and your hearing organs may blow out. When it is cold, on the contrary, the ears must be carefully covered.
  2. Need to strengthen the immune system maturing organism, periodically giving vitamin-mineral complexes to drink. The choice of the drug is best done with a pediatrician who has observed the baby from birth and knows all the features of his body. High immunity will help to avoid many diseases, the consequences of which can be otitis media. You should also limit the child's social circle and try to avoid contact with sick children.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not fall and does not hit his head.
  4. ear canals need clean gently, without stretching the eardrum and without injuring the surrounding tissues.
  5. It is important to teach the child from childhood blow your nose properly.
  6. When washing the nose, you need to be especially careful, trying not to damage the mucosa and not cause microtrauma to the tissues.

Important! In feeding with infants, you need to be especially careful. Overeating should not be allowed, and immediately after eating, the baby should be kept upright for some time to avoid burping fluid from entering the oropharynx.

With the right approach, even permanent otitis in a child, which is already chronic, will pass. Parents should understand that improper treatment, interruption of inpatient treatment leads to an acute form of otitis media, which is much more difficult and dangerous.

It is important to realize that if a child once had otitis media, he may get sick again. To avoid relapse, you need to carefully monitor the child and take appropriate preventive measures. Otherwise, you can provoke a partial hearing loss, and then more serious problems will begin.

Otitis media in children: symptoms and treatment

Otitis (inflammation of the ear) is a fairly common disease in children, especially at an early age. Since the main symptom of this disease is excruciating pain in the ear, it is important for parents to know how to alleviate the suffering of the child. All otitis media are divided into external, middle and internal (but internal otitis media is often called labyrinthitis). If a child has symptoms such as severe pain in the ear, discharge from the ear, and the like, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist (ENT) for treatment, self-treatment can be dangerous!

Otitis externa

Otitis externa develops when an infection enters the skin of the ear canal, for example, with constant contact with water while swimming. It can occur when performing a hygiene procedure (cleaning the ears). There is swelling and redness of the skin in the external auditory canal. In some cases, discharge from the ear canal may appear.

Damage to the outer ear can occur with erysipelas, when streptococcus penetrates through microcracks in the skin. The temperature suddenly rises to high numbers, this is accompanied by chills, the baby refuses to eat. In addition to redness and swelling, blisters may appear on the skin of the auricle and in the external auditory canal.

Otitis externa can also develop with a boil or inflammation of the hair follicle in case of reduced resistance of the child's body. On external examination, the furuncle is not visible. It causes pain in the ear, aggravated by chewing, by touching the tragus (protrusion above the earlobe). The parotid lymph nodes are enlarged. After a few days, the boil matures, and the abscess opens, then the pain decreases. Timely initiation of treatment of otitis externa leads to a favorable outcome of the disease.

Otitis media

According to the nature of the course, otitis media can be acute and chronic. There are serous and purulent acute otitis media.

There are several causes of otitis media:

  • inflammatory process in the nasopharynx: the infection enters the ear through a wide and horizontally located auditory tube (Eustachian tube) in children, connecting the nasopharynx with the ear; the outflow of fluid from the middle ear through the inflamed auditory tube is disturbed, the fluid accumulates in the middle ear and becomes infected;
  • violation of the temperature regime (hypothermia or overheating of the child);
  • improper feeding of the baby (in the supine position): breast milk or mixture can enter the middle ear from the nasopharynx;
  • the presence of adenoids;
  • weakness of the child's immune system, especially with artificial feeding.

The onset of the disease is acute, sudden, often at night. A small child wakes up from severe pain in the ear and screams piercingly, cries without ceasing. The temperature can reach 40 ˚ C, sometimes there is vomiting and loosening of the stool. The kid turns his head, can rub or cover the sore ear with his palm, preventing him from touching it.

When the baby is sleeping, you can try to lightly press on the tragus. If the child pushes back the head, frowns or cries, then this confirms the inflammation of the ear, and you should immediately consult a doctor.

Attempts by parents to self-treat a child can lead to complications: the spread of infection to the airway in the behind-the-ear region. The timing of the appearance of this complication (mastoiditis) is different, shortly after the onset of the disease or after some time.

With serous or catarrhal otitis, fluid accumulates in the middle ear, which leads to hearing loss. The main manifestation of catarrhal otitis is severe pain, due to which the child does not sleep, pulls his ear with his hand. If the process is one-sided, then the baby tries to take a forced position: lying on the side of the lesion.

The pain intensifies when swallowing, so the child refuses to eat. During the examination, the doctor sees redness and protrusion of the eardrum. With timely treatment, such inflammation disappears after a few days.

Acute suppurative otitis media

Acute catarrhal otitis can quickly (even during the first day) turn into purulent. Purulent discharge from the ear appears, indicating that the eardrum has burst, and pus flows into the ear canal. The pain in the ear is reduced.

The appearance of purulent discharge from the ear is an indication for urgent medical care. You should put a wick (turunda) rolled from a bandage into the child’s ear, put on a hat and go to the doctor.

In some cases, the doctor himself makes a puncture (paracentesis, or puncture) of the eardrum to ensure the outflow of pus through the puncture hole. Healing at the puncture site then occurs within 10 days. At this time, careful care is taken for the ear of a small patient.

Chronic otitis media

The transition of otitis into a chronic form is most often noted with a reduced body resistance as a result of the presence of concomitant pathology (rickets, frequent colds, diabetes mellitus, deviated nasal septum, adenoids, etc.).

The main symptoms of chronic otitis media:

  • prolonged non-growth of the hole on the eardrum;
  • discharge of pus from the ear, recurring periodically;
  • hearing loss (the intensity of which increases with a long process);
  • undulating course of the disease.

Complications of otitis media

With untimely treatment or a lightning-fast course of the process, serious complications can develop:

  • paresis of the facial nerve;
  • hearing loss;
  • meningitis (inflammation of the meninges);
  • damage to the vestibular apparatus (an organ that responds to changes in the position of the body and head in space).

Features of the course of otitis media in children under one year old

Acute respiratory diseases in children under one year old can often be complicated by otitis media. Since the baby cannot explain what hurts him, the mother should carefully monitor the sick child so as not to miss the onset of otitis media.

Most often, the main sign of ear inflammation in young children is a sharp anxiety, seemingly unreasonable outwardly. The baby becomes moody, often crying loudly. Crying is aggravated by an accidental touch to the ear. Sleep becomes restless: in the middle of the night, the baby may wake up screaming.

The appetite also worsens: during feeding, the child, having taken 2-3 sips, suddenly throws the mother’s breast or a bottle with the mixture and “rolls up” crying. And this is due to the fact that when sucking and swallowing, the pain in the ear increases.

Sometimes in children under one year old with otitis media, vomiting and diarrhea are noted; convulsions are possible.

Features of the treatment of otitis in children under one year old are that ear drops are not prescribed, and only 0.01% Nazivin is instilled into the nose.

Otherwise, treatment is carried out in the same way as in older children (see below).

Treatment of otitis media in children

An appeal to an otolaryngologist is mandatory in any case of a child with pain in the ear. If a discharge (especially purulent) appears from the ear, you should seek medical help immediately.

Otitis media is treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is indicated only in case of a severe course of the disease.

What can be done at home?

In no case should you self-medicate. Before visiting a doctor, you can only give your child an antipyretic at an age dosage (Paracetamol, Nurofen; older children - Nimesulide, etc.). These drugs will also reduce ear pain.

The nasal passages should also be cleared for free breathing (let the child gently blow his nose, and in younger children, suck the mucus out of the nose with a douche).

It is dangerous to bury ear drops before a doctor’s examination, since in the event of a rupture of the eardrum, the drops can enter the middle ear cavity and damage the auditory nerve or auditory ossicles, which will lead to hearing loss. It is better to use a turunda from a bandage instead of direct instillation of drops: insert it carefully into the external auditory canal, and drip 3-4 drops of warm (heated) 3% boric alcohol onto the bandage.

After examining the child by a doctor, you need to carry out all medical appointments at home:

  • instill special drops in the ear;
  • if necessary, give antibiotic tablets;
  • make compresses on a sore ear;
  • warm the ear with a blue lamp or a bag of heated salt;
  • clean the nose of the child for free breathing;
  • provide proper care for the child.

Instillation of drops in the ear

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe ear drops to the child, which have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (for example, Otipax or Otinum). You need to bury these drops in a heated form, otherwise the cold liquid will increase the pain in the ear.

You can first heat the pipette in hot water, and then draw drops into it. If the bottle with drops has a dosing pipette, then you need to turn the bottle over, close the cap and heat in hot water only that part of the drug solution that entered the pipette. Then remove the cap and drip the medicine into the ear or onto the gauze turunda inserted into the ear.

If the doctor has allowed direct instillation of the medicine into the ears, then you first need to warm the vial in your hand, lay the child on his back and turn his head to one side. Slightly pulling the auricle up and back, drip 3-4 drops into the ear canal (ear canal). It is advisable that the child lie down for several minutes in this position. If this was not achieved, then a piece of cotton should be placed in the ear.

Ear compresses

In acute catarrhal otitis, the doctor may prescribe a vodka or semi-alcohol compress (if pus is discharged from the ear, any compresses are contraindicated!).

Compress rules:

  • take a gauze napkin in 4 layers, the size of which extends 2 cm beyond the auricle, make an incision in the middle;
  • moisten a napkin in a half-alcohol solution (alcohol, half diluted with water) or vodka, wring it out slightly, put it on the ear area (put the auricle through the cut on the napkin);
  • put compress paper on top of the napkin (its size should be larger than the size of the napkin);
  • put a layer of cotton wool on top, the size of which is larger than the size of the paper;
  • fix the compress with a handkerchief;
  • keep the compress for 3-4 hours.

Other ways to warm up the ear

You can warm up the diseased ear of a child with catarrhal otitis media using a reflector with a blue lamp. A session of such warming lasts 10-15 minutes and is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Effective heating is also provided by a bag of salt, preheated in a pan. The pouch should be pleasantly warm, but not burn, so its temperature must be assessed by hand before being applied to the child's ear. A bag of salt is also held near the ear for 10-15 minutes.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the otolaryngologist may prescribe additional physiotherapeutic methods of treatment: UVI (ultraviolet radiation), electrotherapy (UHF), laser radiation.

Ensuring free nasal breathing

An important point in the treatment of otitis media is to ensure that the child breathes freely through the nose. You can free the baby's nasal passages with cotton flagella, wetting them with baby oil. You can use a small syringe to suck out mucus from the nasal passages, but do it very carefully.

With a sharp suction, a negative pressure is created in the nasal cavity, and this can lead to hemorrhage in the middle ear cavity and detachment of the mucous membrane. Older children should be taught how to properly blow nose discharge: you can’t blow your nose in both nostrils at the same time, but only alternately. As prescribed by the doctor, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used, which will ensure not only free breathing through the nose, but also the patency of the auditory tube.

ear toilet

With purulent otitis, it is important to regularly toilet the ear. This procedure is carried out by a doctor or an experienced nurse; It is strictly forbidden for parents to try to clean the child's ear on their own.

The doctor removes pus from the auricle and from the ear canal using a probe with cotton wrapped around it. At the same time, he pulls the child's ear down and back.

After removing the pus, the ear is treated with disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide 3% solution), and then an antibiotic solution, Dioxidin, Sofradex, etc. is instilled.

Antibiotics for otitis media

Antibiotics are prescribed for children with purulent otitis media (by mouth or by injection). The choice of an antibacterial drug is carried out by the doctor, based on the sensitivity of the isolated pathogen.

Parents must comply with the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment (at least 5-7 days) in order to prevent complications of the disease and prevent the transition of otitis into a chronic form.

How to treat otitis in a child - treatment at home

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I will tell you about a topical medical topic - otitis media in children. Any infection in children, even the simplest one, can have serious consequences for the health of the child. Let's take a closer look at what's happening in the ear. Against the background of a bacterial infection, inflammation occurs in it.

Reasons for the development of the inflammatory process

Reasons for the development of the inflammatory process in the hearing aid:

  • decreased immunity;
  • anatomical features of the structure;
  • concomitant ENT pathology (adenoids, runny nose, tonsillitis);
  • eardrum injury;
  • in infants - the flow of milk into the auditory tube;
  • avitaminosis.

Etiological agents are streptococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, fungi.

Signs of otitis in a child

Symptoms of otitis media depend on which part is affected: external, middle and internal. How to determine where the process is localized? According to clinical manifestations. Otitis externa is most common in children. Symptoms: a translucent liquid is released from the ear, audibility in one ear decreases, the general condition of the child worsens, body temperature rises. The auricle acquires a characteristic appearance: it is red, swollen.

The defeat of the middle section can be as a complication of an acute respiratory infection. As an independent disease, it occurs in children under 3 years of age due to structural features. Otitis media is catarrhal and purulent.

Signs: severe pain in the ear, in a child under 1 year old, the signs of the disease are constant crying and a piercing scream. If the process is one-sided, then the child lies on the side of the lesion, constantly touches the sore ear. The baby refuses to eat because sucking and swallowing increase the pain. When probing the auricle, especially in the area of ​​the tragus. The general condition worsens, accompanied by a high temperature.

If this process is not treated, it will turn into a purulent one. It is accompanied by severe pain that does not subside, rupture of the eardrum and leakage of pus from their ear, fever with otitis media in a child.

To diseases of the middle ear can be attributed the inflammatory process in the Eustachian tube - tubo-otitis. It is one- and two-sided. Its symptoms are mild, most often accompanied by colds, it manifests itself as a feeling of ear congestion, decreased audibility. The child begins to hear better after blowing his nose or yawning.

Labyrinthitis is a disease in which the internal part of the hearing aid is affected. It often develops as a complication of a middle ear infection. Labyrinthitis is characterized by hearing loss, tinnitus. A specific manifestation of this pathology is dizziness. The attack occurs suddenly and may result in nausea or vomiting.

Otitis in a child treatment at home

How to treat otitis in a child, what should I do if the child has symptoms of otitis media, or he complains of pain in the ear? If the first symptoms are found, you should contact a pediatrician, call a doctor at home, or go to an appointment with an ENT doctor. In any case, be sure to contact a specialist, self-medication can be dangerous to health.

What to treat? For the treatment of external otitis, topical treatment is sufficient. Lotions, ointments, balms are used. Rarely, systemic drugs are prescribed - antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. At very high temperatures, paracetamol or nurofen may be used. Nurofen has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it must be prescribed for the inflammatory process in the inner ear. Otitis externa can be treated at home. The rest is desirable in a hospital.

With inflammation of the middle ear, antibiotics are prescribed for otitis in children with a course of up to 7 days, especially if a purulent process is manifested. Especially children under two years of age should be prescribed antibacterial drugs because of the high risk of complications. In any case, if the baby begins to complain of pain in the ear, his condition will improve the local warmth. To do this, put a hat on the child. You can use alcohol compresses for this, mix alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 1. We soak a cotton swab and lay it on the ear in the area of ​​​​the external auditory canal under the cap. We change every 3-4 hours.

Ear drops. Their use is similar to compresses. Some of them cannot be instilled directly into the ear. They are pre-impregnated with a cotton swab or gauze folded in several layers. The bottle with drops needs to be heated to 36 degrees, for this you can hold it in your hands, or put it on the battery for a while.

Drops Otipaks relieve inflammation, thereby quench the pain. Very safe, do not adversely affect the eardrum.

With purulent otitis media, it is necessary to provide first aid. To do this, a cotton wool is carefully placed in the ear canal, and put on a cap. The use of alcohol compresses is strictly prohibited.

With internal otitis, antihistamines are used to relieve dizziness. Most often, suprastin and diazolin are prescribed.

Antibiotics are used with a wide spectrum of action, preference is given to amoxicillin, augmentin, ampecillin, ceftriaxone. An alcohol solution of chloramphenicol is used.

What are the consequences and complications? When the process is running, the bacterial infection can spread to the meninges causing meningitis. Perforation of the eardrum and damage to the auditory bones can lead to hearing loss. The process can go from acute to chronic.

What to do to protect the child? Prevention is very simple:

  • it is necessary to strengthen the immune system,
  • take a responsible approach to the treatment of colds,
  • and of course, wearing a hat in the cold season,
  • Breastfeeding should be done in an upright position.

That's all I wanted to tell you about such a serious disease as otitis media in children. Subscribe to news, share information with friends.

See you soon! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Ear pain in children: symptoms and treatment of otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear in children is a common ailment at an early age. At the same time, the baby cannot always clearly explain what actually hurts him. Already with the first symptoms related to otitis media and similar inflammations, you need to go to the otolaryngologist, because the chronic form of the inflammatory process can no longer be cured.

Otitis in children - symptoms

It is possible to diagnose a possible otitis media in a child by his complaints and external signs. The initial stage of the disease is expressed by symptoms similar to all causes: a sensation of fluid in the ear, shooting or clicking pain, hearing loss. This is already a reason to urgently go to the hospital. The further condition will worsen, and the symptoms of this disease in children will appear as follows:

  1. Acute intermittent pain in the ear, extending to the jaw and throat. At the same time, the effect has a wave-like character, which is practically not stopped by painkillers.
  2. Discharge of pus and mucus from the ear. This is the first sign that the tympanic membrane has perforated due to exudate pressure. In this situation, the pain decreases or disappears altogether, but an open wound with suppuration is formed.
  3. High temperature, which is briefly reduced by medication.
  4. Significant hearing loss, the appearance of additional "effects": muffled voices, echo, regular change in the frequency of perception.

Symptoms of otitis media in infants are much more difficult to determine. In this case, parents should carefully monitor the mood and behavior of the baby, the change in his mood and the following signs:


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  1. Long position of the head on a certain side in bed (the child will try to put the sore ear on the pillow).
  2. High body temperature.
  3. The baby refuses to feed from one breast. The reason for this choice of position is an attempt to comfortably place a large ear.
  4. Painful reaction when pressing on the protrusion of the auricle (tragus).

Otitis media

Inflammation of the ear is divided into three diseases according to localization: internal otitis (labyrinthitis), external and middle. Otitis media in a child is divided into acute and chronic. The last variety of the disease is divided into serous or purulent. There can be several reasons for the inflammatory process and subsequent otitis media:

  1. Inflammation localized in the nasopharynx. The Eustachian tube works as an infection-spreading channel.
  2. Hypothermia or overheating of the body on the street or at home.
  3. For children of breastfeeding age - the wrong posture of the child (lying on his back). In this case, mother's milk can enter through the nasopharynx.
  4. Problems with adenoids and their treatment.
  5. Low immunity. Often this problem appears with artificial feeding.

Otitis externa

A quarter of all cases of ear disease is otitis externa in a child. Due to the localization of the disease, it is highly treatable. But this happens if the diagnosis is determined correctly and treatment is started. The reasons for the onset of inflammation are the most banal: improper ear hygiene, damage to the integument of the auricle. The results of the disease can be completely different:

  • the formation of a boil;
  • purulent external otitis;
  • inflammation of the cartilage - perichondritis;
  • fungal infections - otomycosis;
  • eczema on the skin.

One of the most common inflammatory processes is suppuration in the tympanic cavity. For the occurrence of the disease, a simple runny nose is enough. Since the baby spends a long time lying on his back, the secretory fluid of the nasal mucosa freely enters the ear canals through the Eustachian tube. Parents need to control the cleanliness of the nasal passages and wash them in a timely manner. The symptoms of the disease have been described above. In severe cases of acute purulent otitis media, children experience bradycardia, clouded consciousness, and vomiting.


A severe form of ear inflammation that is difficult to treat. The reason lies in the fact that the disease is often determined in the later stages. It is characterized by a violation of the ventilation of the middle ear and the accumulation of exudate. By the time exudative otitis media is diagnosed in a child, the accumulated fluid already consists of pus and mucus. The causes of the development of the disease are respiratory infections, "cleft palate", passive smoking, poor "toilet" of the nasopharynx.


A disease that is quite common among children, which is caused by the incomplete formation of the auditory canal. Catarrhal otitis in a child almost always precedes the development of a purulent variation of the disease. The causes of the onset of the disease are no different from otitis media of other types (except external): SARS, runny nose, accumulation of foreign fluid in the ear. Similar symptoms of two diagnoses can cause improper treatment, so you should contact an otolaryngologist, and not get carried away with self-medication.

double sided

Proper diagnosis of this form of the disease will help to avoid a decrease or total hearing loss at a young age. Features of the structure and process of formation of the auditory apparatus in children provoke the fact that 90% of children under one year old suffer from bilateral inflammation of the ears. Bilateral otitis media in a child is dangerous in that it is sometimes characterized by only a slight decrease in hearing sensitivity. Even with this symptom, you need to go to the hospital.

In an infant

The most difficult thing is to determine any disease in young children, when they still cannot show what hurts them and how. Otitis in an infant is fraught with subsequent complications up to actual complete deafness. A timely visit to the doctor will help to quickly and correctly cure the disease. Therefore, parents should carefully watch the behavior, changes in his mood and the following signs:

  1. Long position of the head in the crib on one side (the baby will try to put the sore ear on the pillow).
  2. Unmotivated crying, constant anxiety.
  3. Heat.
  4. The baby refuses to feed from one breast. The reason is the same as when lying on a pillow.
  5. Painful reaction when pressing on the protrusion of the auricle.

Treatment of otitis media in children

Otitis in children - the symptoms and treatment for different types are similar, but the main differences lie in the cause of the disease. Standard therapy takes 1-2 weeks, but there are ways to compensate for pain and improve hearing. Treatment of otitis media in children is supported by clearing the nasal passages to ensure normal breathing. The baby's head should not freeze, and walking on the street with the child is allowed after the temperature normalizes and the pain in the ear is relieved. Constant hygienic cleaning of the ear canal from secretions is mandatory.

Treatment of otitis media

With a timely visit to the doctor, the treatment of otitis media in children passes quickly and without consequences. For most diagnoses, conservative treatment with antibiotics (tablets or injections) is used. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used to normalize the patency of the Eustachian tube. Purulent secretions are removed with disinfectants like chlorhexidine. Next, antiseptics are used - Tsipromed, Normaks, Sofradex. On the recommendation of a doctor, thermal physiotherapy (heating, blue lamp) can be performed.

Treatment of otitis externa

Depending on the type of disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-administration of drugs (even if parents know what kind of disease) can lead to an aggravation of the situation. Treatment of otitis externa in children necessarily occurs in stages and with a complex of selected drugs in order to achieve a full recovery.

  • analgesics for pain relief - paracetamol, ibuprofen;
  • neomycin, ofloxacin to reduce the inflammatory process (over time, they are replaced by ointments or creams to avoid the development of recurrent otitis media);
  • boils are treated with antibiotics.

Otitis media treatment with antibiotics

It is worth recalling that the use of potent drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment of otitis media in children with antibiotics can lead to a deterioration in the condition and the development of third-party diseases. The most effective pharmaceuticals to date, including for staphylococcal otitis media:

  • Sofradex;
  • Ceftriaxone (Unazine, Hemomycin);
  • Ceftazidime;
  • Cefaclor;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Cefuroxime;
  • Roxithromycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin (Azitralom, Azithromycin, Amikacin, aminoglycosides, Amoxiclav, Ampiksid);
  • Flemoxin Solutab, Sollux.

Otitis in a child - treatment at home

If the inflammation of the ears in children goes away without indications for hospitalization, then home peace and maintaining the right conditions will help you recover as quickly as possible. To do this, ensure bed rest, maintain dry heat in the room. Treatment of otitis in children at home is possible in the absence of a high constant temperature, a weak pain symptom and a good general condition of the child.

Treatment of otitis with folk remedies

People's experience in medicine, when used correctly, can make the treatment process more effective. In this case, the characteristics of the child, individual intolerance and recommendations of specialists are necessarily taken into account. Treatment of otitis media with folk remedies is quite acceptable at home. Here are some proven recipes for fighting inflammation:

  1. Warm compress on the ear. A mixture of vodka (alcohol) and water in a one-to-one ratio is heated to about 40 degrees. Moisten a piece of gauze in it and put it on the ear area (the auricle should remain free). Duplicate the top with waxed paper or plastic wrap. The next layer is cotton. Bandage the compress to the head and close the bandage from above with a non-synthetic scarf or scarf. Leave for 30-60 minutes (You can also use heated salt or baking soda wrapped in a warm cloth).
  2. You can use turundas or instillation based on water, herbs, camphor alcohol, camphor oil, boric alcohol and honey. Before the procedure, the solution needs to be slightly warmed up to avoid hypothermia of the inflamed area.
  3. With external otitis, you can put crushed aloe or Kalanchoe leaves on a gauze napkin into the ear.
  4. Prevention of the common cold against the background of otitis media is carried out using oxacillin.

Despite the popularity of iodine in the treatment of ear diseases, it is highly discouraged for use in children's treatment. Iodine solutions are aggressive and can cause secondary inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, even in minimal concentrations. Alternative methods of treatment should be used only with the approval of a specialist and under his control.

Causes, features, symptoms and treatment of otitis in children of different ages

Otitis is a disease characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in any part of the ear. Most often it occurs in children. According to statistics, by the age of 5, almost every child has one or even several times this problem. The causative agents of the disease can be viruses, fungi or bacteria. The most common otitis media is bacterial. The inflammatory process in the ear is accompanied by quite severe pain for children and requires the immediate provision of qualified medical care.

Types of otitis media

Depending on which part of the ear the inflammatory process is localized, otitis media is distinguished:

In 70% of cases in children, and in young children in almost 90%, acute otitis media is detected, caused by infection through the auditory tube from the nasopharynx into the tympanic cavity. By the nature of the inflammation, it can be catarrhal, serous or purulent. Catarrhal otitis media is more common than others.

By the nature of the course, ear inflammation can be acute (no more than 3 weeks), subacute (3 weeks to 3 months) and chronic (more than 3 months).

By origin, otitis is infectious, allergic and traumatic. Depending on whether an inflammatory process has developed in one or both ears, unilateral and bilateral otitis media are distinguished.

Causes of ear inflammation in children

The main reason for the high incidence of otitis in children is the peculiarity of the structure of their auditory (Eustachian) tube. It is practically not curved, has a larger diameter and shorter length than in an adult, so mucus from the nasopharynx can easily enter the middle ear cavity. As a result, the ventilation of the tympanic cavity is disturbed and the pressure in it changes, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process.

Otitis externa occurs as a result of infection when the skin is damaged during cleaning of the ear canals or combing the hair, as well as when fluid enters and stagnates in the ear after swimming or bathing.

The main causes of acute inflammation in the middle ear can be:

  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • hypothermia;
  • hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils and chronic adenoiditis;
  • chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis);
  • weakening of local immunity against the background of various diseases (rickets, underweight, anemia, exudative diathesis, leukemia, AIDS and others);
  • frequent allergies, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and runny nose;
  • improper blowing of the nose;
  • injuries with penetration of infection into the ear cavity.

Internal otitis develops as a complication of acute or chronic inflammation of the middle ear, as a result of trauma or a common infectious disease. In the latter case, the pathogen enters the inner ear through the blood or meninges (for example, with meningitis).

Symptoms of otitis in a child

The clinical picture characteristic of otitis is determined by the localization of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of otitis externa

With external otitis in children, there is redness, itching, swelling of the auricle and external auditory canal, accompanied by a sudden rise in temperature and pain. The feeling of pain intensifies when trying to pull the auricle, when opening the mouth and chewing.

Allocate external limited and diffuse (diffuse) otitis media.

Limited otitis externa occurs when the hair follicle and sebaceous gland in the external auditory canal become inflamed. It manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin, the formation of a boil, in the center of which a purulent core forms, and an increase in the lymph nodes behind the ear. When the mature abscess opens, the pain decreases, and a deep wound remains in its place, which subsequently heals with the formation of a small scar.

With diffuse otitis externa, the inflammatory process affects the entire ear canal. It usually occurs due to an allergic reaction, bacterial or fungal (otomycosis) lesions of the skin. Blisters often appear on the skin of the external auditory canal with this form of the disease. With a fungal infection, peeling of the skin in the ear canal is observed, accompanied by severe itching.

Video: How to treat otitis media in adults and children

Symptoms of otitis media

In acute otitis media in children, the symptoms depend on the form of the disease. For catarrhal inflammation, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • throbbing, stabbing or shooting pain in the ear, aggravated by pressing on the tragus, pain may radiate to the temple, throat or cheek;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C;
  • stuffiness in the ears;
  • restless sleep;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • capriciousness, irritability;
  • vomiting, loose stool (not always observed).

In the absence of timely therapy, acute catarrhal otitis media can turn into purulent on the next day. Pus is formed in the exudate that has sweated out during catarrhal otitis, which is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Severe pain is characteristic of purulent otitis media (the higher the pressure in the tympanic cavity, the stronger the pain), hearing loss. When the eardrum ruptures, purulent fluid flows out of the external auditory canal. Pain sensations become less intense.

Serous otitis media is a low-grade inflammatory process that can last from several weeks to several months. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid of non-purulent origin in the tympanic cavity.

The chronic form of otitis media is characterized by mild symptoms. With it, the hole on the eardrum does not grow in the child for a long time, pus is periodically released from the external auditory canal, tinnitus is noted and hearing loss gradually increases depending on the duration of the disease. There are no severe pains.

Symptoms of otitis media

The inner ear is closely connected with the vestibular analyzer, so the inflammatory process in it affects its functions. In children with this type of disease, in addition to hearing impairment, there is tinnitus, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and balance, nausea and vomiting.

Features of otitis media in infants

Suspecting otitis media in infants who cannot explain to their parents what exactly hurts them is a difficult task. The main sign of ear inflammation is a sharp anxiety, a strong, seemingly unreasonable piercing cry and crying. They do not sleep well at night, wake up screaming. If you touch the sick ear, then the crying intensifies. There is a marked deterioration in appetite or refusal to eat. The child cannot eat normally, as pain increases during sucking and swallowing. He twists his head and turns away from the bottle or breast.

The child can pull the sore ear with his hand. During sleep, he often rubs his head against the pillow. With unilateral otitis, the baby, in order to reduce pain, tries to take a forced position and lies down so that the sore ear rests on the pillow.

The risk of developing the disease in children of the first year of life increases the fact that most of the time they are in a horizontal position. This makes it difficult for the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx during a cold and contributes to its stagnation. Also, when feeding a baby in a supine position or when spitting up, breast milk or milk formula sometimes enters the middle ear from the nasopharynx and causes inflammation.


If you suspect otitis in children, you should contact a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist. In the case of purulent discharge from the ear, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor at home or put cotton wool in the child’s ear, put on a hat and go to the clinic on your own.

First, the doctor collects an anamnesis and listens to complaints, and then examines the ear with an otoscope or ear mirror, evaluates changes in the external auditory canal and the condition of the eardrum. The sinuses and oral cavity are also examined.

If otitis is suspected, a general blood test is prescribed to assess the presence of an inflammatory process in the body and its severity (increased ESR, an increase in the number of leukocytes). Audiometry may be done to check for hearing loss.

If purulent fluid flows out of the external auditory canal, then it is taken for bacteriological examination and antibiotic sensitivity analysis. In particularly difficult situations (for example, with damage to the inner ear), X-ray examination, CT and MRI are additionally used.

Timely treatment of otitis in children provides a favorable outcome. Depending on the type of disease and the severity of the course, the recovery process in the acute form can take 1-3 weeks. After the end of therapy in children, on average, up to three months, hearing loss persists.

Treatment of otitis externa

Otitis externa is treated on an outpatient basis. Until the purulent core of the boil matures, it consists in the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and alcohol compresses. After the rod is formed, the doctor opens it, followed by drainage of the resulting cavity and washing it with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution). After the end of the procedure, a bandage with levomecol is applied, which must be periodically changed until the wound is completely healed.

If there is a high temperature and a strong increase in the size of nearby lymph nodes, antibiotics are used.

With otomycosis of the external ear, the auricle and external auditory canal are cleaned of earwax, desquamated skin, pathological secretions and fungal mycelium. Then they are washed with solutions of antimycotic agents and treated with antifungal ointments or creams (clotrimazole, nystatin ointment, candida, miconazole and others). Tablets are prescribed inside (fluconazole, ketoconazole, mycosyst, amphotericin B), taking into account the admissibility of their use for children of a certain age.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of acute otitis media in most cases is carried out at home. Depending on the form and severity of the disease can be used:

  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers;
  • antibiotics;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • antiseptics;
  • antihistamines;
  • physiotherapy procedures (ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy, UHF in the nasal passages and external auditory canal);
  • surgical intervention.

For children older than two years, if the diagnosis requires clarification, the inflammation is unilateral and the symptoms are not too pronounced, expectant management is advisable. Therapy in this case consists in the use of antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen with an increase in temperature. After some time, a re-examination is carried out to confirm the diagnosis. If the child's condition does not improve during the observation period (24-48 hours), the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics for otitis are prescribed if the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection. Their use in injection or oral form (tablets, syrup, suspension) is necessary from the first day if:

  • the disease was detected in a child under one year old;
  • the diagnosis is not in doubt;
  • the inflammatory process is localized in both ears;
  • there are severe symptoms.

With purulent otitis media, antibiotics are usually prescribed by injection, since this method of administration significantly increases their effectiveness.

Of the antibiotics for the treatment of otitis in a child, penicillin preparations (amoxiclav, amoxicillin, ampisid, augmentin and others) and cephalosporin series (ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, cefotaxime), macrolides (azitrox, sumamed, chemomycin, azimed and others) are most often used. The main criteria for choosing a drug are its ability to penetrate well into the middle ear cavity and relative safety for children.

The dosage is calculated exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the weight of the child. The therapeutic course is at least 5-7 days, which allows the drug to accumulate in sufficient quantities in the tympanic cavity and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the symptoms and treatment of otitis media

Local remedies for purulent otitis media

For the treatment of otitis media, ear drops with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects and antiseptic solutions are used.

With suppuration from the external auditory canal, the doctor first carefully removes the pus and rinses the ear cavity with disinfectant solutions (hydrogen peroxide, iodinol, furacilin), after which he instills an antibiotic solution (dioxidin, sofradex, otof).

From painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, you can use ear drops otipax, otirelax, otinum. They are instilled into the ear cavity directly or soaked in cotton turundas, and then inserted into the ear. Drops in the ear canal are instilled into the child in the supine position with the head turned to the side, slightly pulling the auricle up and back. After that, the child should lie down for 10 minutes without changing the position of the body.

Many pediatricians, including Komarovsky E. O., especially focus the attention of parents on the fact that no ear drops can be used to treat otitis media before the doctor examines the ear cavity and assesses the integrity of the tympanic membrane. If, when the tympanic membrane is ruptured, they fall into the cavity of the middle ear, then damage to the auditory nerve and damage to the auditory ossicles is possible, which will lead to hearing loss.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops

With otitis media, it is important to ensure that the child breathes freely through the nose. To do this, it is necessary to regularly clean the sinuses from accumulated mucus with cotton flagella soaked in baby oil. If there is dried mucus in the nasal cavity, then 2-3 drops of saline or special preparations (aquamaris, marimer, humer) should be dripped into each nostril, and then after 2-3 minutes very carefully remove the softened mucus using an aspirator.

With otitis media, instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose (Nazivin, Vibrocil, Galazolin, Rinazolin) is indicated, which not only improve nasal breathing, but also ensure the patency of the auditory tube, reducing mucosal edema and normalizing the ventilation of the middle ear.


Surgery for acute otitis media is rarely required. It consists in an incision in the tympanic membrane (myringotomy) in order to provide an outlet for the pus or exudate accumulated in the tympanic cavity to the outside. The indication for this procedure is severe pain. It is carried out under anesthesia and allows you to immediately alleviate the condition of the child. A damaged eardrum takes about 10 days to heal. During this time, careful ear care is necessary.

Treatment of labyrinthitis

Treatment of inflammation of the inner ear is carried out in a hospital, since this disease is fraught with the development of quite serious complications in the form of cerebrovascular accidents, the development of meningitis, and sepsis.

For treatment, antibiotics, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and dehydrating agents, vitamins, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation, normalize the functions of the vestibular apparatus and hearing are used. If necessary, they resort to surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to remove fluid from the cavity of the inner ear and eliminate the purulent focus.


With untimely or incorrect treatment, as well as with a rapid course, otitis media can become chronic or lead to the development of the following complications:

  • mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone);
  • meningeal syndrome (irritation of the membranes of the brain);
  • hearing loss;
  • paresis of the facial nerve;
  • damage to the vestibular apparatus.

Immunocompromised children are most at risk for complications.


Prevention of otitis in children is aimed primarily at increasing the body's defenses and preventing mucus from the nasal cavity from entering the auditory tube. In this regard, it is recommended:

  • ensure as long as possible breastfeeding;
  • take measures to harden the body;
  • timely and completely cure acute respiratory infections and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • if you have a runny nose while breastfeeding or from a bottle, do not lay the baby horizontally;
  • regularly remove mucus from the nasal cavity with a runny nose;
  • wear a hat that covers the ears in cold and windy weather.

Parents need to ensure that the child correctly blows his nose, alternately each nostril.

Treatment of otitis media in children. Symptoms, types and prevention

Otitis media - inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear, which may be associated with a viral, bacterial infection, anatomical features of the ENT organs. Otitis in a child is a common disease, occurs in 80% of children under 3 years of age and in 90% of children under 5 years of age.

The diagnosis of "otitis media" in medical practice implies inflammation of the middle ear. As a rule, acute pain, fluid from the external passage, hearing impairment are associated precisely with inflammation of the middle ear. Why do these symptoms occur? You need to remember how the inner ear works. It consists of the tympanic cavity, it contains the auditory ossicles and the auditory nerve. If the pressure in the cavity and atmospheric pressure are equal, then the middle ear functions normally and the person can fully hear. The pressure level is maintained by the auditory (Eustachian) tube, which connects the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity. If the auditory tube does not fulfill its function, then the pressure is disturbed, the tympanic cavity is filled with fluid, inflammation begins. The treatment of otitis in a child is complex: it is necessary to treat not only inflammation of the ear, but also its cause - SARS, bacterial infection, ENT pathologies, allergic rhinitis, weak immunity, etc.

Causes of the disease

What are the main causes of otitis media in children?

Types and forms of otitis media

The inflammatory process of various nature can be localized in the outer, middle and inner parts of the ear.

5 stages of acute form of otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear in children can be accompanied by different symptoms. It depends on the stage of the inflammatory process.

  1. There is noise, congestion in the ears. The temperature is within the normal range, but if there is SARS, it can rise.
  2. Congestion intensifies, there is a sharp pain in the ear, subfebrile temperature (from 37 to 38 ° C), weakness, headache.
  3. The pain intensifies so much that it becomes unbearable, gives to the teeth, neck, eyes, temples. The child is screaming and crying. The temperature is febrile (from 38 to 39 ° C).
  4. Sudden subsidence of pain. Under the pressure of the accumulated purulent fluid, the eardrum ruptures, then pus flows out of the ear, sometimes there are blood impurities in it. The temperature drops to normal limits, stuffiness in the ears remains.
  5. The healing period of the tympanic membrane.

As a rule, the hole after the rupture of the eardrum quickly stops and heals. After healing, a small scar remains, which does not lead to hearing impairment.

Features of inflammation of the middle ear in infants

How to determine otitis media in infants? After all, the baby cannot complain of pain, so diagnosis is difficult. You can observe indirect symptoms of otitis media in an infant:

All of these symptoms are already a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor. Most often, infants develop catarrhal acute otitis media against the background of SARS. Purulent forms are less common.

Otitis media in a child is treated by an otolaryngologist. For any complaints of ear pain, you need to get an appointment with a specialist.

Emergency care before seeing a doctor

There are situations when the pain appeared suddenly, but there is no way to get to the doctor in the near future. How to be in this situation?

  • Relieve acute pain with an anesthetic. Antipyretic "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol" are both painkillers and well relieve headache, toothache, ear pain.
  • Give antipyretics. If there is a high temperature with otitis media in a child.
  • Drop a vasoconstrictor into the nose. It will help relieve swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and auditory tube. The outflow of fluid will begin, if this does not relieve, then at least reduce the pain. The most famous children's forms of vasoconstrictor drops: "Naphthyzin", "Vibrocil", "Nazol", "Tizin", "Galazolin", "Otrivin", "Afrin", "Xylometazoline", "Rinospray" Sanorin "and others. Read more about drug treatment for otitis media in our other article.

Medical assistance

With the help of an otoscope, the otolaryngologist will assess the condition of the external passage and the eardrum. What treatment can a doctor prescribe?

  • Antiviral drugs. They help relieve common symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, get rid of the common cold, which provokes otitis media.
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops. The same drugs that are used in emergency care.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesic drops in the ears. They are used in the initial stages of the disease to relieve acute pain.
  • Glucocorticoid combined drops in the ears. Help relieve inflammation, swelling, itching.
  • Antibacterial ear drops. They are prescribed for external and middle otitis media of a bacterial nature, purulent inflammations.
  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and auditory tube.
  • Antibiotics. All purulent, bacterial otitis media are treated with antibiotics. Treatment will be effective only when a drug with an adequate spectrum of action is selected, a sufficient dose and a long course of therapy are prescribed. Treatment of inflammation of the middle ear in children under 2 years of age involves a course of up to 10 days. In older children - up to 7 days. If the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood is insufficient, inflammation can become chronic.

Most often, the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear is carried out at home, but with mandatory control visits to the otolaryngologist. With purulent, severe forms, hospitalization is possible.

Folk methods

Lotions, compresses, talkers are widely used in the treatment of otitis media. Read more about folk remedies for ear inflammation in our other article. What can't be done?

  • Apply hot compresses to the ear in the form of heated salt, a boiled egg, a heating pad with hot water, etc. Any warming can increase the inflammatory process.
  • If there is purulent discharge from the ear, do not apply anything to it and do not drip anything into it.
  • Apply alcohol compresses.
  • Apply at elevated temperatures.
  • Boric alcohol is canceled in pediatric practice due to toxicity. Some doctors allow it to be used only in children over 6 years old in small doses - 2 drops each.

Signs of otitis in children after the use of folk remedies may decrease. Often, inflammation of the ear ends with a complication if they tried to treat it only with folk methods. Consultation with an otolaryngologist is required. The use of all folk recipes must be agreed with the doctor.


Complications of acute forms of otitis media can be meningitis, labyrinthitis, brain abscess and other dangerous purulent inflammations. Accompanied by high fever, vomiting, dizziness, headache. Occur after improper treatment, chronic forms, aggravated by a secondary bacterial infection. A ruptured eardrum sounds like something scary and threatening. However, it is not classified as a severe complication. Sometimes the doctor purposefully punctures a too dense eardrum in order to open the way for the outflow of fluid from the cavity. If this does not happen, purulent discharge can get into other cavities of the skull. After the puncture, the pain immediately disappears, the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

What to do if hearing loss

It is normal if the child has difficulty hearing after otitis for 1-3 months. Then hearing is fully restored. If a long time has passed, and hearing does not improve, you can conduct a special examination of the functions of the middle ear - a tympanogram. Hearing loss may be caused by residual fluid in the middle ear cavity. Often, enlarged adenoids affect fluid retention. If they are removed or treated, the outflow of fluid begins and hearing is restored naturally. Exudative otitis media can become a complication of inflammation of the middle ear. Its main symptom is a gradual hearing loss.

How to prevent otitis media

Prevention of inflammation of the middle ear is the following measures.

There is another reliable preventive measure - vaccination against bacterial otitis media. It is not included in the Russian national vaccination calendar. Abroad, the otitis vaccine is actively used, which has significantly reduced the number of these diseases.

Treatment of otitis in children is carried out by an otolaryngologist. If a child complains of ear pain, you should immediately contact a specialist. Timely treatment will help to avoid complications, chronic otitis media and hearing loss.

Otitis in children. Treatment of otitis media

So, your child has otitis media. The following questions arise: Why does a child have otitis media and how to help a child with otitis media.

In children, especially younger children, a common complication of colds is inflammation of the middle ear, or otitis media.

The human ear is made up of three parts: the outer, middle, and inner ears.

The outer ear is the only part of the ear that can be seen. It consists of the auricle and the external auditory meatus, ending with the tympanic membrane. The middle ear begins behind the tympanic membrane.

The middle ear is responsible for sound conduction. Behind the tympanic membrane is the tympanic cavity - a limited space that contains very small sound bones (hammer, anvil and stirrup). The hammer handle is firmly connected to the eardrum, which vibrates under the action of sound waves. These vibrations are transmitted along the chain of bones, and the base of the stirrup is located in a special hole in the temporal bone, behind which the inner ear begins. The tympanic cavity is connected to the nasopharynx by the Eustachian, or auditory, tube. At the time of swallowing, the tube opens. Due to this, the pressure inside the tympanic cavity is maintained at atmospheric level, and conditions are created for unhindered oscillation of the tympanic membrane.

The inner ear is a system of channels inside the temporal bone, which is called the cochlea and forms the actual auditory organ.

Since both anatomically and physiologically there are three sections of the ear (external, middle and internal), it is possible to develop three types of otitis media - external, middle and internal.

Why do children get otitis media much more often than adults?

✓ The Eustachian tube of a child is much narrower than that of an adult, as a result of which the violation of its patency occurs more easily.

✓ Children are more likely to get colds.

✓ Children often have enlarged pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) that can compress the Eustachian tube.

The main causes of otitis media

✓ The main cause of otitis in children is, of course, acute respiratory viral diseases. Often the cause of otitis becomes a bacterial infection, which joins the already begun viral.

✓ Another common cause of otitis is excessively enlarged adenoids and their chronic inflammation (adenoiditis).

✓ Children prone to allergies may develop allergic otitis media.

✓ Hypothermia can provoke inflammation of the middle ear.

Some useful information about otitis media

❧ In almost all cases, when saying “Your child has otitis media”, doctors mean otitis media.

❧ American researchers have found that against the background of a common ARVI, 65% of children have a lesion of the middle ear, that is, the entire clinic of acute otitis media is present.

❧ Otitis, as a rule, is not an independent disease and is usually a complication of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, primarily acute respiratory viral infections.

❧ To detect ear pain in young children, press a finger on the tragus - a small cartilaginous process of the auricle that protrudes in front of the ear canal. Pressure on the tragus of the affected ear will cause a scream. You need to press with moderate force when the child is calm.

❧ All children with ear diseases should be observed by a doctor from the beginning and throughout the illness. If developing complications are suspected, the child is subject to immediate hospitalization in a hospital and intensive treatment, in which urgent surgical care is not excluded.

❧ The use of boric alcohol in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear in children is undesirable. This substance irritates the baby's ear canal knife, which not only increases the pain, but also leads to peeling of the skin inside the ear. There is evidence that in children of the first year of life, boric alcohol can cause convulsions.

Why otitis does not happen

Contrary to popular belief, the ingress of water into the external auditory canal in a healthy person (including a newborn) does not cause otitis media. The tympanic cavity is separated from the external auditory canal by the tympanic membrane. Therefore, while bathing the baby, it is not necessary to hold his head with all his might so that water does not get into his ears. After bathing, clean your ears with a cotton swab.

Prevention of otitis media

Prevention of otitis in case of a cold is reduced to maintaining the patency of the auditory tube. That is, you need to strive so that the mucus does not thicken, since thick mucus causes blockage of the Eustachian tube.

Once again, we recall the factors that contribute to the drying of mucus.

✓ Lack of fluid in the body (you need to give the baby more to drink).

✓ Too warm and dry air in the room (the child needs to be dressed or covered so that he is not cold at an air temperature of 17-20 ° C; regular ventilation, frequent wet cleaning, removal of dust accumulators from the room are also necessary).

✓ High body temperature (timely use of antipyretics is necessary, of course, in accordance with the doctor's recommendations).

How does otitis media start?

Usually a child falls asleep completely healthy, and suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and begins to act up: he worries, turns his head, grabs his sore ear with his hand, newborns stop sucking; body temperature rises to 38-39 °C.

Suppuration from the affected ear appears much later; but you should consult a doctor without waiting for purulent discharge. Before the doctor's examination, you can put a cotton pad on the baby's ear, put a scarf or cap on his head.

How to treat otitis media

Otitis is a serious disease that requires treatment by a specialist and the implementation of all his recommendations. You should not prescribe treatment on the recommendation of pharmacists or friends, give your child drugs that are learned from advertising, or rely too much on the omnipotence of traditional medicine.

The appointment of drug therapy should be carried out by an ENT doctor after examination and examination.

Since it is necessary to restore the patency of the auditory tube, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are very often used. These drugs (Galazolin, Nazol-baby, etc.) reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane. Contraindicated in the common viral rhinitis, they become mandatory if otitis media is suspected.

Locally (into the ear canal) antiseptic solutions are injected. With severe pain in the ear, drops that cause anesthesia are sometimes used, and anti-inflammatory hormones are often used. Otitis media in children under two years of age must be treated with antibiotics. But in no case do not prescribe treatment yourself without consulting a doctor.

All children with otitis are well helped by warming compresses, inhalations, expectorant therapy.

With inflammation of the middle ear, even if it is accompanied by purulent discharge, in no case should any medications be injected into the ear canal without a doctor's prescription. With severe anxiety, you can apply dry heat to the sore ear or warm it with a blue lamp. In addition, you can gently wipe the external auditory canal and plug it with a clean cotton swab.

How to apply ear drops

The drops that you will instill should be warm (37 ° C). Put the baby on the side. In order for the ear canal to be clearly visible, in children of the first year of life, the auricle should be carefully pulled down a little. After instillation of drops, the baby should remain in this position for at least one to two minutes.

How to apply a warm compress

Fold gauze in four layers, make a slit for the ear and moisten with a solution of vodka and warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Press. Then apply behind the ear. Cover the top of the gauze with waxed paper and a layer of cotton wool. To prevent the compress from moving, tie the child's head with a scarf. The compress should be kept until it has a thermal effect (3-4 hours).

What not to do with otitis media

✓ When the temperature is high, you can not do a warm compress on the ear. This can seriously worsen the condition of the child.

✓ If pus begins to flow from the ear, do not try to deep clean the passage with a cotton swab. At best, this will do nothing, at worst, an injury to the eardrum will occur.

✓ Do not give antibiotics or other medicines without talking to your doctor.

What to do if a child has otitis?

Probably, almost every parent at least once in their life faced with a situation where the child has otitis media. This very unpleasant disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process and severe, sharp pain. If left untreated, the disease can lead to complications, so it is extremely important to know about its main symptoms and effective therapy.

As already mentioned, otitis in modern medicine is called inflammation of the ear. Of course, often the inflammatory process is observed in the outer part of the auditory analyzer and is associated with mechanical damage to the tissues of the auricle or ear canal, complicated by the penetration of infection.

Nevertheless, most often pediatricians diagnose acute otitis media in children - a disease in which the focus of inflammation is localized in the middle ear. This form of the disease is accompanied by fever and sharp, shooting pain in the ears.

By the way, the situation is not uncommon when there is repeated otitis media in a child. 3 years is a kind of “transitional” age in children, as statistics confirm the disappointing fact that almost 60% of young patients suffer from recurrent inflammation. This is due to some anatomical features of the structure of the Eustachian tubes in babies.

The main cause of the inflammatory process is infection, most often bacterial. It is worth noting that otitis media often develops against the background of tonsillitis and some other respiratory diseases, since the middle ear cavity is connected to the nasopharynx by the Eustachian tubes.

However, in some cases, the disease is the result of the activity of a particular virus, for example, it can occur as a complication of the flu or a cold. Much less often, the cause of inflammation is a fungal infection.

The child has otitis: what are the symptoms?

In fact, such a disease is difficult to overlook or ignore, since its symptoms are very specific. The main symptom of otitis is severe, sharp pain in the ear, which the child simply cannot bear. In addition, the inflammatory process often leads to an increase in temperature. In some cases, you can notice abundant discharge from the ear canal (often it is sulfur mixed with exudative fluid or pus).

But how do you know that a child has otitis media if he is too small to report discomfort to his parents? In such cases, you need to carefully monitor the baby. Sick children become capricious, often cry out and, for no reason, suddenly come in strong crying, often wake up at night. In addition, newborn babies often rub the sore ear, and also refuse to eat and drink, as sucking movements only increase the pain.

How to treat inflammation of the middle ear?

It is extremely important to show a small sick child to a specialist in time. The fact is that inflammation of the middle ear, especially if it is accompanied by an accumulation of pus, can lead to a decrease or complete loss of hearing.

Treatment depends on both the age of the child and the severity of the disease. To begin with, doctors prescribe pain-relieving ear drops, as well as nasal sprays that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier. If necessary, antipyretic drugs are also used. If the larynx is inflamed, then, of course, it is also treated. In the event that these methods do not give results or the body temperature rises to 39 degrees, it is advisable to use antibiotics.

Otitis media in children is extremely common. Approximately eight out of ten children experience this disease at least once. All parents need to know the main symptoms of the disease, its causes, features, as well as treatment methods. It is not so difficult to determine in a child, but only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Warning! It is dangerous to do anything on your own until a verdict is issued. Any methods can aggravate the situation if used inadequately.

Characteristics of the disease and its classification

In medicine, otitis media is understood as inflammation of the ears, accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The causes of the disease are often associated with a mismatch between atmospheric pressure and - in the inner cavity of the ear, which, in turn, can be provoked by various factors.

There are several classifications of otitis media. They are built taking into account certain fundamentally important parameters. So, depending on the place of localization in medicine, it is customary to divide the disease into:

  1. Otitis externa - is deployed in the auricle and ear canal to the membrane. It is most easily tolerated, but is relatively rare.
  2. Otitis media. It affects the Eustachian tube, which connects the eardrum with the nasopharynx. It has five stages of development. Children's otitis media in the vast majority of cases is of this type.
  3. Interior. It affects the so-called cochlea, the opening at the entrance to it, as well as the semicircular canals. Another name for this type of otitis media is labyrinthitis. It also doesn't happen often. Is fraught with serious consequences.

From the point of view of the duration of the disease, there are three types of inflammation of the middle ear:

  1. Acute otitis media. It develops very quickly. Accompanied by severe symptoms. Lasts no longer than three weeks.
  2. Subacute look. Accompanied by constant relapses. Lasts from one to three months.
  3. Chronic otitis media. It may drag on for years. It often results from constant contact with water. It also overtakes the patient with inadequate treatment of the acute form. It happens that inflammation of the eardrum in the chronic course of the disease is caused by its mechanical damage.

Depending on the type of inflammation, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Catarrhal otitis in children. Usually becomes a consequence of SARS. Pathogenic microorganisms, along with catarrhal mucus, enter the ear canal from the nasopharynx during sneezing and coughing, causing inflammation in the ear. This variety is one of the most common complications of acute respiratory viral infections.
  2. Exudative otitis. It is also called secretory, mucosal, or serous. It develops very slowly, has several stages. It is provoked by taking antibiotics, as well as poor ventilation in the ear canal.
  3. Allergic otitis. Becomes a consequence of allergies occurring in a chronic form. Due to the swelling of the tissues inside the ear, hearing is impaired. Often, against the background of this form, an infectious species develops.
  4. Purulent otitis media in a child. It is a complication of inflammation of the ear in any of its departments: external, middle or internal. It is very hard to bear. It is characterized by the release of pus from the auditory canal. Therapy should be carried out in a hospital setting, especially if a very small child is sick.

In addition to all of the above, there are also bilateral and unilateral otitis media. The first affects both ears. The second is just one of them.

Comment! If there is left-sided or right-sided otitis media, and drops are used during treatment, then not only the diseased, but also the healthy ear should be instilled.

Causes of the disease

Any disease has its provoking factors, and ear inflammation is no exception. The causes of otitis media are quite diverse. The main ones include:

  1. Viral infections. The most common factor A huge number of children get ear problems due to SARS. In this case, we are talking about viral otitis media.
  2. bacterial infections. In particular, Haemophilus influenzae, moraxella or pneumococcus. It's also a fairly common reason. If it is identified, then the disease is classified as bacterial otitis media.
  3. Allergies. This has already been discussed above. Chronic allergic rhinitis leads to swelling of the mucosa and problems with the ears.
  4. hereditary factor. Not considered very common. But still, sometimes frequent otitis media in a child is explained precisely by the fact that the father or mother also regularly manifested this disease in childhood.
  5. Adenoids. If they are enlarged, then the walls of the nasopharynx are compressed, and the ear canal is narrowed. This leads to poor ventilation in the latter, and, as a result, to otitis media.

Comment! Otitis in infants and children of younger preschool age is often explained by the anatomical features of the auditory tube. It is wide and short, which makes it easier for infections from the nasopharynx to the ear.

Other diseases can contribute to the occurrence of otitis media in children. Such, for example, as:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • rickets;
  • pathology of ENT organs.

In general, almost any ailment can become a "background" for inflammation in the ear. This is explained very simply. Immunity during illness is reduced, and any wound in the ear and other sources of ear infection can turn into severe inflammation.

Attention! In newborns, otitis media often becomes the result of diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, as well as inflammatory ailments that she currently suffers from.

Symptomatic picture

Anyone who knows what otitis is only by hearsay will never be able to imagine the pain that occurs with it. Exhausting, aching or throbbing, aggravated in the supine position, not allowing to eat or sleep ... It can be considered the main symptom of otitis media in a child (as, indeed, in an adult). Most of the remaining symptoms largely depend on the specific type of disease.

So, usually with external otitis observed (look at the photo):

  • hearing loss;
  • itching in the ear canal;
  • swelling inside the auricle;
  • redness in the ear.

As a rule, such otitis occurs without temperature. And if it rises, it does not exceed the 38-degree mark.

Important! The external form may not manifest itself in any way or practically in any way, which allows the disease to progress, remaining unnoticed.

With otitis media, a child is observed (see photo):

  • pulsating pain radiating to the jaw and head;
  • "Pawned" ears, a sharp deterioration in hearing;
  • sore throat;
  • viscous discharge from the eyes;
  • pus and blood from the ear;
  • fever;
  • stomach upset;
  • very high temperature.

Signs of an internal type can be:

  • hearing loss;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • "flies" in the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Approximately half of all cases of otitis media occur in infancy. In addition to the anatomical features of the hearing aid, this is also due to the fact that the baby lies almost all the time, and mucus from the nasopharynx is very easy to get into the ear. But to recognize the disease is difficult, because the baby will not tell what hurts him. The main symptoms of otitis in infants:

  • restless behavior;
  • incessant crying;
  • sleep in fits and starts;
  • tilting the head;
  • attempts to reach the ear (in children older than four months);
  • swelling of the fontanel;
  • a sharp cry when pressing on the tragus.

Comment! Otitis in a newborn can be suspected if, starting to suck on the breast, he suddenly throws it and screams for a long time after that.

And one more important general point to keep in mind. Ear pain is not always a symptom of otitis media in children. It may also indicate mechanical damage to the eardrum, caries, inflammation of the lymph nodes and other abnormalities. It is impossible to treat an ear based only on the presence of this symptom.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to stop the symptoms and start treatment of otitis media in children on time, it is necessary to call a local pediatrician at home at the slightest suspicion. He will examine the baby, listen to complaints and, if in doubt, refer him to an otolaryngologist. The ENT will be able to accurately recognize otitis media, thanks to the use of a special mirror that will show the condition of the eardrum and the walls of the auditory canal. But this device alone is not enough. There are additional methods for diagnosing otitis media:

  • bacteriological studies:
  • audiometry;
  • CT (if in doubt).

The tactics of the examination largely depends on the age of the patient. In a newborn, it will be one, and in a child of 3 years of life, it will be completely different. In some cases, a consultation with a neurologist is required, which will help to understand whether intracranial complications of otitis media have developed.

First aid

It is impossible to treat otitis media in a child on your own, without consulting a doctor. This is a serious disease, fraught with consequences - up to disability. Only a specialist can choose an adequate therapy. But if there is no way to get to him in the next hour, first aid for otitis media may well be provided by parents.

Non-steroidal drugs allowed for children will help to stop the pain syndrome. These are Panadol, Tailed, Efferalgan, Nurofen, Naproxen and others. They will not only relieve pain, but also slow down inflammation, and also remove fever if the temperature during otitis in a child goes off scale.

You can drip something vasoconstrictor into the nose. For example, Nazol, Afrin, Tizin. This will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal and auditory passages.

Attention! It is impossible to drip anything into the ear (Sulfacyl Sodium, etc.) before a medical examination, since many drugs have contraindications and can damage the eardrum.

Medical treatment

Features of drug therapy depend on the type and stage of the disease. So, with the external form, the treatment of otitis media in children is limited to warming up, putting cotton swabs soaked in alcohol in the ears, and careful toileting of the auricles. If after a few days the boil has not disappeared, it will have to be opened.

A more serious approach requires the treatment of acute otitis in a child in case of damage to the middle ear. It must be comprehensive. If the cause of the disease is SARS, antiviral drugs will be required. If you have an allergy, then remedies for it.

In many cases, antibiotics are required for otitis media in children. Especially often they are prescribed to very tiny patients, as well as in cases of severe disease. If the child has not received antibacterial drugs during the previous month, Flemoxin Solutab is usually prescribed for otitis media. Regularly ill children, as well as with the ineffectiveness of the therapy, are prescribed other drugs from this group. A good medicine is considered, in particular, Amoxiclav.

As noted above, ear instillation should be approached with caution. Many remedies are contraindicated if the eardrum is even slightly affected. And some can damage it. Albucid for otitis is a completely safe antibacterial and analgesic. It is actively used in most cases.

Comment! Sulfacyl sodium can be dripped into the ears only with the permission of the doctor, since the drops are eye drops and there are no instructions for other situations!

The purulent appearance requires paracentesis of the membrane, which will ensure the outflow of fluid. Here already one children's ear drops will not manage. The exudative form often requires myringotomy and similar procedures. Without them, it will be difficult to remove mucus.

Especially carefully should be approached with otitis media of the inner ear. Labyrinthitis is fraught with serious complications and requires appropriate measures. Therapy must be carried out in a hospital. Treatment at home is unacceptable.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods and the progression of the disease, surgical intervention is indicated. In particular, it is carried out when the disease has already provoked hearing loss. The destroyed auditory ossicle is replaced with a prosthesis.


Treatment of otitis media in children at home allows the use of traditional medicine methods. They cannot replace drug therapy, but can be used as a supplement.

Popular folk remedies for otitis are warming up. A hot egg, a bag of warm salt, or a heating pad are applied to the affected ear. A similar effect is provided by special compresses. For example, applying napkins soaked in camphor oil to the ear (a hole must be made in the center so that the liquid does not enter the ear canal).

Important! In case of otitis with temperature or with a purulent form, it is impossible to carry out warming measures in any case.

Complications of inflammation

Lack of treatment, as well as inadequate therapy, can lead to very serious consequences. And hearing loss is not the worst complication after otitis media. The disease is fraught with:

  • meningitis;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • abscesses;
  • acute mastoiditis;
  • purulent streaks;
  • sepsis;
  • encephalitis;
  • complete deafness.

Some of the above pathologies are deadly. Ear treatment should be started on time. In the later stages, the risk is too high.

Preventive measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than to fight it - this is a well-known truth. To prevent inflammation of the ear in a child, parents need to be on the alert. Namely:

  1. Closely monitor the condition of the baby, paying attention to every feature in his behavior. A baby, as well as a one-year-old child, does not have the opportunity to tell his mother about his condition. Therefore, any deviations should be regarded as a signal. Poor sleep, refusal to eat, moodiness, prolonged crying ... All this may indicate that the baby is suffering from headaches, which often become harbingers of ear problems.
  2. Carefully treat SARS. Many parents, trying to protect their child from chemistry, resort exclusively to folk methods of dealing with colds. But often antibiotics are needed. Without them, the disease can give complications. And otitis media is not the worst thing that a seemingly ordinary SARS threatens.
  3. Boost immunity. If a child of 2 years of age still has the opportunity to eat mother's milk, this will have a very good effect on the defenses of his body. Babies who are weaned early are much more at risk of contracting otitis media. It is also necessary to harden the baby, walk a lot in the fresh air and feed well.
  4. Clean ears only with special sticks (preferably with limiters).

And the most important measure for the prevention of otitis media is to prevent water from entering the ear by covering it with a cotton swab when bathing. By adhering to these rules, you can significantly reduce the risks and save your baby from suffering. Treating otitis in children (especially in very tiny ones) is a difficult, nervous and long business. We must try at all costs to prevent it.

So, in this article, such a disease as inflammation of the ear is considered in detail. Its causes, symptoms and features of the course are described. The most common medicines for otitis media are listed.

The information will be useful both for those whose child is already ill, and for parents who want to insure themselves. It is impossible to be guided exclusively by it during treatment. It will be a good help, but will not replace the advice of a competent doctor. Good health to you!

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