Sore throat: medicines, pills, antibiotics. Antibiotics from the throat for adults: absorbable tablets of local action Antibiotics sore throat for a long time

According to statistics, doctors are most often treated with a complaint about sore throat. These complaints are a whole complex of pathological conditions of the pharynx, larynx and pharynx. There can be many reasons, although they are divided into only two types - infectious and non-infectious.

The last reason may be related: due to smoking, mechanical damage, hot or spicy food, etc. And the infectious cause links all inflammatory causes due to pathogenic microorganisms. In most cases, it is precisely because of infections that they go to the doctor, who, in turn, after determining the disease, prescribes a course of treatment, which often includes antibiotics.

In this article, you can learn about which antibiotic to take for a sore throat and cough.

Often there are only a few diseases that cause. And a lot of people think that if they have a sore throat, antibiotics will help. But this is a delusion, since some diseases may not perceive them at all, so the patient intentionally ruins the immune system and does not get rid of the disease. Therefore, before using antibiotics, you need to consult with your doctor. The four most common throat diseases are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and strep throat infection, and they will be discussed further.


When an infection enters the human body, there is practically no chance to escape from it, since according to statistics, the occurrence of pharyngitis is 90% after infection. This disease is well reminiscent of SARS, as it is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose and dry cough. But pharyngitis also has symptoms such as perspiration and pain on the back of the throat. This is exactly the case above, in which taking antibiotics will only harm the patient. Judging by the symptoms, it is determined and treatment is prescribed.


Unlike pharyngitis, the occurrence of angina can serve not only as the penetration of infection into the body, but also as a fungus and virus. In this case, it is necessary to treat only after the causative agent of the disease has been identified. Antibiotics can be taken only if the causative agent of tonsillitis is bacteria. In the case of contact with the mucous membrane of the virus or staphylococcus particles, the disease develops into an acute and even chronic form. If reproduction continues, and the number of viral particles increases, then the pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils become inflamed. For acute or chronic tonsillitis, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • the patient's body temperature rises;
  • there is discomfort, cough and pain in the throat;
  • clearly visible swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • plaque or purulent follicles appear in the region of the palatine tonsils.

Such a case requires the use of antibiotics only those that contain penicillin, macrolides or cephalosporins. But to determine the exact antibiotic for the course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor who, after the result of the sowing, will indicate the right choice.

It is this infection that is the most common causative agent of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. The infection appears after infection or subsequently a disease that has shaken the immune system. And also the development of viral particles due to bad habits such as smoking is not excluded, because the mucous membrane becomes more vulnerable to infection. Heartburn also affects the multiplication of bacteria on the walls of the throat due to the ingress of gastric juice on the walls of the throat.

The incubation period lasts from one to four days. In adults, the disease can be severe and with fever up to 40 degrees. Symptoms are similar to tonsillitis and pharyngitis, as the infection develops into these diseases.

Angina is considered one of the most common diseases of the throat, so it is important to know about the full range of antimicrobial drugs that eliminate this problem. The following are attributed to the penicillin series:

  • Amoxicillin is considered a semi-synthetic drug that has a wide range of properties. It is effective against bacteria and has the main advantage for such drugs - it has no side effects. Amoxicillin continues to fight harmful microorganisms even in gastric juice, since it does not break down in it.
  • Bizzilin-5 is a drug that prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, but some bacteria, fungi and viruses are resistant to it. Therefore, it only applies in certain cases. It has a long-term effect and suppresses the chance of complications.
  • Amoxiclav is a mixed, antibacterial agent. It is very effective for tonsillitis, as it quickly and efficiently eliminates foci of inflammation, and most importantly, does not harm the immune system. Of the side effects of Amoxiclav, weight loss and, in some cases, a rash can be taken into account.
  • Ampicillin is a medicine that has a low price compared to the rest. Just like Amoxicillin, it has a wide spectrum of action. It destroys the main pathogenic microorganisms, from which serious illnesses begin, such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis. It is in good demand, because it is allowed for children from two months old, but for those who have weak kidneys, it is contraindicated.

Also, with angina, a cephalosporin series is recommended:

  • Cefuroxime is a second generation drug. It has a point action on certain microorganisms. It has poor absorption (about 50%).
  • Ceftriaxone - the drug is prescribed only for acute or especially complex diseases. It has a considerable handful of side effects, as it causes diarrhea, fever and headache. It is prescribed only with the instructions of a doctor, because self-use can confuse the whole picture of the disease.

The last to help against infections and viruses is the macrolide series:

  • Erythromycin is a drug that has some similarities with penicillin. It is used to eliminate angina caused by staphylococcus aureus. Less toxic and approved for use by pregnant women.
  • Spiramycin - fights complicated diseases of the ear, throat and nose. It also has reduced toxicity and is still contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women. The drug is common, as it quickly eliminates inflammation.
  • Sumamed is a medicine that will completely eliminate all the symptoms of a sore throat in 5 days. It is not used in every case, but only when the acute form of tonsillitis becomes chronic. For children, it is prescribed from six months.

How to take antimicrobial medicines

Each antimicrobial drug has its own characteristics, but they are all covered by the same rules for their use. The main and first rule is always considered that the form and the drug itself should be prescribed only by a doctor after an examination. For self-treatment can be dangerous to health. It is required to monitor the course of treatment, the first days the effectiveness of the medication is evaluated, and if changes are not felt, then you need to tell the doctor about it and he will change the treatment.

Since many antibiotics have a remarkable number of side effects, they can occasionally occur. If you experience nausea, headache or dizziness, inform your doctor and the course will be adjusted.

An increase in dosage is also unacceptable when taking antimicrobial drugs. Violation of this rule is considered at the level of self-healing, because it can be just as dangerous to health. In some cases, the outcome can be fatal. Reducing the dosage without the instructions of a doctor is not recommended.

Timely medication can be written as a rule. Because the body needs to constantly maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood.

Both antibiotics are toxic in their own way, so it is important to understand how it affects the intestines and the body as a whole. So when using antibacterial drugs, you need to take probiotics to restore the intestinal flora.

Well, the last rule should be the full implementation of all the points in the instructions for the drug.

It is known that taking drugs such as antibiotics have their own contraindications, so there is a certain list of people who are strictly forbidden to take these medicines:

  • breastfeeding women;
  • people who have weak kidneys or liver, as well as those who have a permanent disease of these organs;
  • people who have an allergic reaction to certain components of antibiotics.

What to do if the throat hurts, and taking antibiotics is contraindicated? In this case, local preparations are prescribed, so the drug will be absorbed into the blood in small doses and toxicity to the body will be minimal.

At the moment, it is impossible to imagine how a sore throat or similar diseases were previously treated without antibiotics. There is an opinion that with the help of these drugs you can cure anything. But in fact, one cannot be so attached to this type of medicine, since they are primarily toxic, and, secondly, they adversely affect the immune system. Therefore, the treatment of a simple disease with antibacterial drugs can destroy the immune system, which will lead to an easy infection of the body, and this time it can be a fatal disease.

It is better to know all the medicines and their names than to get sick and take anything. After reading this article, you know that it is better to prescribe antibiotics for an adult to the attending physician, and not to self-medicate. After all, antibiotics are actually our friends, only up to a certain point, while we act according to the rules. Everything you need to know is already mentioned above.

Rawness and burning are felt in the throat, it hurts when you swallow or even speak, your general health has worsened - all these are signs of an inflammatory process occurring in the throat mucosa. There may be several reasons for such a reaction of the body, but it must be clarified before starting to take systemic drugs.

Antibiotics are not always necessary for a sore throat. If you start the wrong therapy, then the inflammation can spread to adjacent organs, for example, the nose, ear, eyes, lower respiratory tract and provoke complications in the form of sinusitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis.

What can cause throat discomfort

A sore throat can be caused by:

  • development of bacterial microflora (causes pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis);
  • viral respiratory infection (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza);
  • overstrain of the vocal cords, if a person speaks a lot and loudly by occupation (teachers, singers, actors);
  • negative environmental factors (for example, if a person stays in a smoky, dusty room for a long time or in hazardous production, then the nasopharyngeal mucosa becomes inflamed as a result of irritation and drying out);
  • thyroid disease - an enlarged thyroid gland can cause discomfort in the throat and pain when turning the head;
  • reflux disease - part of the contents of the stomach rises from the esophagus, this causes irritation of the mucous membrane and sore throat;
  • mucosal injury (it can be a chemical, thermal burn or mechanical injury).

When antibiotics are used to treat a sore throat

Antibiotics are prescribed only for the treatment of diseases of bacterial origin, it is powerless against viruses.

The development of a bacterial infection is indicated by yellow or green mucous discharge from the nasal cavity and purulent plaque on the throat.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature to febrile;
  • the appearance of soreness in the throat, especially when swallowing;
  • discharge of purulent exudate from the nose;
  • purulent or, boils on the tonsils;
  • there are signs of intoxication (dizziness, nausea);
  • swelling of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  • tonsils and uvula became red;
  • deterioration in well-being.

If three of the above signs appear, the throat is treated with antibiotics.

Antibiotics are required for the development of streptococcal infection, since it can cause serious complications. Antibiotic therapy is indispensable for bacterial tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, severe intoxication, and the development of purulent complications.

Why should a doctor prescribe antibiotics?

Antibacterial drugs can be broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum. The former destroy many types of bacteria, the latter have a targeted effect. Bacteria are capable of producing

  • resistance to antibacterial drugs:
  • mutate and change the structure that the drug destroys;
  • become impermeable to the active substance;
  • isolate compounds that destroy the antibiotic;
  • change the metabolism, bypassing those biochemical reactions that are blocked by the antibiotic.

The bacterium adapts to the action of the substance if the wrong dosage or duration of therapy is chosen, since some of the microbes survive and mutate. Taking uncontrolled drugs, a person harms his own health.

It turns out that by taking the wrong antibiotic or not, a person triggers the mechanisms that make the microorganism resistant to this antibiotic, and the next time antibacterial drugs do not always help. Treatment becomes difficult and requires alternative drugs or increased doses, which are toxic.

The antibiotic must be prescribed by a doctor

Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are better because the precise effect on the body reduces the risk of developing resistance in other types of bacteria. The most common disease in children, the symptom of which is a sore throat, is a sore throat.

It requires broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat it. Although the medicine does not affect the duration of the disease, it relieves symptoms on the third day and avoids complications.

To prescribe a narrow-spectrum antibiotic, you need to find out which bacterium caused the inflammatory process in the throat. The “correct” drug will only affect a specific microorganism, destroying its shell or preventing its reproduction, will not affect beneficial bacteria and will not force the opportunistic microflora to adapt.

Antibiotics for the throat can be in the form of tablets, injections, syrup, may be contained in topical preparations such as lozenges, spray

How to minimize the harm from taking an antibiotic and increase its effectiveness

When taking an antibiotic, you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions. The general rules for taking antibacterial agents are as follows. Which antibiotic to drink and in what form, the dosage and duration of the course is determined not by you, based on past experience, but by the doctor, taking into account the rate of development and strength of the disease, as well as which medications were prescribed earlier and which are needed in complex therapy.

If a ten-day course of injections is prescribed, and you feel healthy after five days, then the course should still be continued. If within 3 days of taking the medicine, the state of health has not improved, then you should consult a doctor so that he can adjust the therapy (increase the dose or replace the drug).

If after taking the medicine there are adverse reactions (nausea, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, migraine), you need to change the medication. In order not to harm the digestive system, the tablets should be taken as directed in the instructions (before or after meals).

Drink the tablets only with plenty of water (it is strictly forbidden to drink or drink grapefruit juice or milk within 30 minutes after taking the medicine). The same level of the active substance must be maintained in the blood, so the medicine must be drunk at regular intervals.

With a sore throat and fever, a person should observe bed rest

Systemic drugs to suppress bacterial infection

For the treatment of bacterial tonsillitis and diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci, antibiotics of the penicillin group are prescribed. These include:

  • Amoxicillin. Semi-synthetic drug that almost does not cause adverse reactions. Acts on bacteria even while in gastric juice;
  • Augmentin. May be prescribed for the treatment of children. Contains clavulanic acid, which prevents enzymes from destroying the active substance;
  • Flemoxin. It is prescribed for both adults and children, even women in position. Affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The course of treatment lasts 14 days;
  • . Quickly destroys bacteria and does not harm the immune system. As a side effect, weight loss or a rash sometimes occurs. Can be used to treat children older than 3 months;
  • Ampicillin. Destroys several types of bacteria, including those that provoke tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Relatively inexpensive drug. It is allowed for children from two months of age, however, it is contraindicated in people who have kidney pathology;
  • Bacillin-5 prevents the reproduction of some, although not all, bacteria, so it is prescribed when the "culprit" is known. It acts for a long time and does not allow the development of complications of the disease.

The therapeutic effect of Amoxiclav is noticeable after 1-2 days

If the patient has intolerance to antibiotics of the penicillin group, then the doctor may prescribe macrolides:

  • Sumamed. Cope with angina in 5 days. It is used only if the sore throat is protracted and becomes chronic. Children can be prescribed from the age of six months, the dose is calculated from body weight. Release form: tablets, injections, suspension;
  • Erythromycin. It is prescribed if the sore throat is provoked by staphylococcus aureus, it has a relatively low toxicity, therefore it is allowed for pregnant women;
  • Spiramycin. The drug quickly eliminates inflammation and destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Toxicity is reduced, but it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Pharyngitis can cause a complication in the form of phlegmous tonsillitis. With this type of tonsillitis, only macrolides can cope, since they are able to penetrate the bacterial cell wall. If penicillins and macrolides do not work, then fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin or Ciprolet) are prescribed. For the treatment of the throat, broad-spectrum antibiotics can also be prescribed: Siflox, Cefazolin, Cefalexin, Lendacin.

If sore throat and fever are provoked by purulent tonsillitis, then the doctor, for the rapid destruction of bacteria, may prescribe cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cephabol). These are strong antibiotics that quickly affect the pathogenic microflora, but addiction is quickly developed to them. If a sore throat occurs without an increase in body temperature, then Amoxicillin or Ampicillin is prescribed.

Which antibiotic should be taken to eliminate pathological processes in the throat, the doctor will decide by making a diagnosis and conducting laboratory tests if necessary.

Topical antibiotic throat treatment

For sore throats and coughs for children and adults, in addition to tablets or injections, local therapy is also prescribed: inhalations, rinses, compresses. It can be cured without systemic antibiotics.

Topical preparations are used, for example, lozenges for resorption or spray. A local antibiotic for the treatment of the throat acts only on the mucous membrane at the site of application and does not penetrate into the blood. These drugs are effective as monotherapy if the pathogen develops only in the throat (no fever).

Cough lozenges have a local effect

If a sore throat is the only symptom, and it persists for a long time, then there is a chance that it is a viral or fungal infection. And antibacterial drugs are unsuitable for its treatment.

Local antibacterial drugs for the treatment of throat are represented by the following means. Lozenges Dr. Mom - has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and expectorant effects. Spray Ingalipt - it helps to relieve swelling and restore trophism in the tissues. Not allowed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 3 years.

Bronchicum contains herbal ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effects. Contraindicated in pregnancy and children under 6 months. Spray Oracept contains phenol, which has anesthetic and antiseptic properties. The medicine can be taken by children over 2 years old, not recommended for pregnant women.

Pharyngosept - the active substance ambazon has an antiseptic effect, quickly relieves soreness and restores the mucous membrane. Trachisan is intended for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis).

Stopangin 2A forte - the active ingredient is Benzocaine and Tyrothricin. Works as an antibiotic and as an antiseptic. Contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women. Release form tablets and spray.

Is it possible to take an antibiotic during pregnancy

During pregnancy or lactation, any medication should be taken under the watchful supervision of a physician. Strong drugs are prescribed only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

If a pregnant woman has a sore throat and a high temperature, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic that will be as safe as possible for the fetus.

Often, pregnant women are prescribed topical drugs that are less absorbed into the blood to eliminate sore throats.

The following pharmacy remedies will help a pregnant woman from severe sore throat:

  • lollipops with sage and chamomile, which relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • Gramicidin C, Gramicidin Neo - have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and in children under 4 years of age;
  • Tantum Verde - the spray has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anesthetic properties, it is allowed for children from 3 years old and pregnant women;
  • Bioparox based on fusafungin - spray has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, is contraindicated in children under 2.5 years old.

Many pregnant women are wary of taking medicines, fearing that it will affect the health of the child and trying to be cured by folk remedies (gargling with infusions and decoctions of herbs, inhalations, eating honey and lemon).

Such a strategy may be justified if a sore throat is the only symptom. If the temperature rises, then antibiotics are indispensable. Modern pharmacology can offer drugs that do not affect the fetus in any way, so do not wait for complications and ignore the doctor's prescription.

Antibacterial drugs destroy pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation, but at the same time they kill beneficial microorganisms and have a number of contraindications and side effects. They must be excreted from the body by the liver and kidneys, and this is already an extra burden on the internal organs. Therefore, you need to take an antibiotic only after the appointment and following the doctor's instructions, but not based on "last time helped."

Everyone has had a sore throat at least once in their life. For some, this condition proceeded easily and recovery came quickly. And others, experiencing excruciating pain, sought help from a doctor and used drugs for treatment.

We will talk about two serious diseases that cause severe sore throat and require the use of drugs for treatment. Our topic today: sore throat medicines, pills, antibiotics.

Causes of inflammatory diseases of the throat

Of the most common causes of the development of acute and chronic diseases of the pharyngeal mucosa, two main ones are distinguished:

Bacteria, viruses, pathogens that cause inflammation.

Poor ecology, polluted air, smoking, too hot or cold food, throat injuries.

The most common diseases that cause sore throat are acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Acute pharyngitis

This disease appears from the effects of viruses on the upper respiratory tract. As a result of the action of viruses, an inflammatory process occurs. It is characterized by sore throat, general malaise, slight fever.

A sick person feels a moderate pain in the throat, there is perspiration, tingling, dryness of the throat. These symptoms are slightly relieved by eating and drinking. Sometimes an excess amount of mucus forms on the back of the throat, which provokes a cough. In the presence of a bacterial infection, the mucus acquires a greenish tint with splashes of blood. On visual inspection, when the throat hurts, it is almost red.

Drugs for the treatment of the disease

In the treatment of acute pharyngitis, antiseptic (disinfecting), anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They are used as rinses, irrigation. There are also drugs that alleviate the condition - tablets, lozenges, lozenges that dissolve in the mouth.

Herbal preparations are used: Romazulan, decoctions, tinctures of calendula, sage herbs, decoctions of oak bark, etc.

Synthetic preparations: furacilin solution, dioxidine. Medicines have proven themselves well: miramistin, chlorhexidine. Or the combination drug strepsils.
Medicines are used from 4 to 10 times a day. It depends on the severity of the disease and the intensity of pain.

With severe sore throat, anesthetic drugs can be used: tantum verde, strepfen.

With a concomitant bacterial infection, antibacterial agents are used for treatment: bioparox, framycetin. These drugs have a local effect, do not penetrate into the blood. Therefore, they can be used by pregnant, lactating women.

With the phenomena of intoxication, tablets, powders, medicines are used. For example: coldrex, maxgripp, phenylephrine. To increase the body's resistance to infection, vitamin complexes or simply vitamin C are used.

How to use medications, which pills to choose for treatment, should be decided by the attending physician based on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.
On your own at home, you can use inhalations with aromatic oils of eucalyptus, fir, tea tree, grapefruit, etc., use auxiliary folk remedies - infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants for oral administration and gargling.


This acute infectious disease is caused by harmful microbes - streptococci, staphylococci. In this case, an inflammatory process of the palatine tonsils occurs, signs of general intoxication of the body appear.

At the beginning of the disease, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. A person feels general weakness, loss of strength, a significant deterioration in well-being. Angina is often accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, joints, and a headache occurs.
At the same time, there is a strong pain in the throat, dryness of the nasopharynx, rawness. The pain may radiate to the ear, neck area. The submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged.

Treatment depends on the type of angina, the severity of its course, the general condition of the patient. Bed rest is required, especially in the early days. With severe sore throat, severe intoxication of the body, treatment in the hospital of an infectious diseases hospital is often necessary.

The basis of treatment is local and general antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics of the penicillin series are used: amoxicillin, augmentin, amoxiclav. Antibiotic treatment is 5 to 7 days. For higher efficiency, treatment begins with injections, and then follows the transition to oral administration of tablets, mixtures and other drugs.

In the future, for the treatment used: strepsils, neo-angin H, stopangin. Effective preparations in the form of tablets: sebidin, pharyngosept, septolete. They are used only against the general background of antibiotic therapy. Along with the use of antibacterial drugs, antihistamines must be used.

In stationary conditions, in severe forms of the disease, drugs from the cephalosporin group are used: cefurabol, fortum. They are used in the form of intravenous and intramuscular injections.

When the throat hurts, all the pills used for treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the pain, prescribe timely treatment with drugs that are right for you. After all, many of them have many side effects, and this must also be taken into account. Be healthy!

Sore throat - a very unpleasant sensation, especially strong, which interferes with swallowing and provokes a constant cough. In an attempt to get rid of this symptom, many people take antibiotics for a sore throat on their own, without even consulting a doctor. Sometimes they help, but more often the uncontrolled use of such drugs only aggravates the situation and leads to unwanted side effects.

Why does my throat hurt

A sore throat can be due to a thousand reasons, most of which are non-infectious. Therefore, swallowing an antibiotic for a sore throat without a doctor's prescription is completely pointless and even harmful. In cases where you can do without it, it is better to use other drugs. Thus, immunity is strengthened, and the risk of adaptation of microorganisms to the drugs used is reduced.

The evolutionary development of bacteria lasts several million years. And they are still alive only because they are able to quickly adapt to sudden changes in environmental conditions. Therefore, if the treatment of the throat with antibiotics is performed incorrectly or not completed, it is highly likely that some of the microbes will survive, but you can no longer take them with these drugs. And then it will be much more difficult to cope with a new wave of the disease.

A sore throat is a sign of severe irritation or inflammation, which can be triggered by external or internal factors. Some of the most common causes of a sore throat are:

Accordingly, before taking antibiotics for sore throats in adults, it is necessary to exclude all possible non-infectious causes for which these drugs are useless.

It is easiest to identify the presence of an acute inflammatory process and determine pathogens in a sore throat with the help of a general blood test and bacterial culture of mucus. If these data are not enough to make a diagnosis, the doctor may ask for an additional examination: X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, etc. And only after the final diagnosis is made, a decision is made to prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of the throat.

When is an antibiotic needed?

Antibiotics for the throat are necessary if, according to the results of the tests, the bacterial nature of such diseases is revealed: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, or paratonsillar abscess. In the acute form, they have very similar symptoms, upon detection of which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate:

If three or more of the above symptoms are present, broad-spectrum antibiotics for the throat are usually prescribed immediately to prevent possible complications. When the results of the examination come, the drug can be replaced with a more effective one or its dosage can be adjusted.

It becomes necessary to use an antibiotic in the case when, after several days of home treatment with folk remedies, the situation has not improved: the temperature persists, the throat hurts, redness does not go away. Most likely, the patient’s immunity is weakened, and his body cannot cope on its own with a throat disease. But in any case, the doctor must prescribe the medicine.

The best drugs

The concept of "antibiotic for the throat" does not exist. Antibiotics are universal preparations capable of destroying pathogenic (unfortunately, not only) microorganisms in any organs of the human body. This is important to know in order to understand why there is so much controversy and controversy around antibiotics.

It is impossible to unambiguously name the best preparations for the throat with an antibiotic, since in each case the medicine must be selected individually, taking into account the age of the patient, his general condition, the type and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Below is a list of antibiotics that have worked well for inflammation of the larynx and sore throats:

  • penicillin series: Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Biillin, etc.;
  • cephalosporins: "Cefazolin", "Certriaxone" and others;
  • macrolides: "Azithromycin", "Clarithromycin" and others;
  • fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.

These are systemic drugs that come in the form of tablets and/or injections and affect the entire body. Most of the contraindications apply to them, and the dosage must be accurately calculated.

But there are also antibiotic preparations designed for resorption or irrigation of the throat. A local antibiotic can even be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, since most of the drug remains on the sore throat, and it hardly enters the bloodstream. It is also impossible to abuse such drugs, since an overdose and the manifestation of associated side effects are possible.

Doctors consider the most popular and effective local drugs: Bioparox, Strepsils, Strepfen, Grammicidin, Faringosept. They are available in the form of sprays and/or lozenges. It is advisable to rinse your throat well before using such remedies (with warm, clean water!), And after that, do not eat or drink for at least half an hour. When used correctly, they can even cure a sore throat at an early stage.

Remember also that antibiotics do not relieve a sore throat by themselves - they only eliminate its cause. To solve the problem faster, anti-inflammatory drugs or throat sprays with lidocaine or other anesthetics are usually also prescribed.

Well removes the pain in the throat, its treatment with an oily solution of chlorophyllipt - it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, while moisturizing and softening the mucous membranes.

Steam inhalation and frequent rinsing with soda solution or herbal decoctions will significantly speed up recovery.

Rules for taking antibiotics

When treating with antibiotics, everything is important - from the correct diagnosis and choice of the drug to scrupulous adherence to the rules for its administration. Only in this case, you can be sure that pathogens will be completely destroyed.

Only with such a reasonable approach, antibacterial drugs will be as effective as possible, and the risk of side effects will be minimized. After completion of treatment, it is advisable to retake tests to ensure the final recovery.

Side effects and contraindications

There are no absolute contraindications to modern antibiotics. The range of their choice is so wide that, if necessary, you can pick up drugs even for pregnant and lactating women, although 20 years ago, during pregnancy, their use was strictly prohibited. Of course, there are some risks to the fetus, especially in the first trimester, but they have decreased significantly.

Doctors have such a thing as individual intolerance to a drug or a whole group of drugs. This can be a problem when choosing antibiotics, but a competent doctor can handle it. That is why it is so important that only a specialist prescribes such drugs.

With great care, antibiotics are prescribed to people suffering from severe forms of kidney or liver failure. The breakdown products of the drug are irritating to these organs and may cause deterioration. But in the case of a disease that poses a threat to life, the antibiotic is still used simultaneously with liver and kidney supportive therapy.

With the correct use of the drug and compliance with all medical recommendations, side effects from modern antibiotics are minimal. Most often observed:

  • allergic reactions;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • jumps in blood pressure.

You can alleviate the condition by drinking plenty of water and observing bed rest in the acute stage of the disease. Herbal teas: chamomile, linden, from currant leaves and rose hips contribute to the rapid neutralization and removal of toxins and decay products of drugs.

In general, folk remedies, when used correctly, will be a good help in treating the throat. But even their use during antibiotic therapy must be agreed with the doctor.

Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms for which patients usually come to the doctor. It is usually a key sign of microbial inflammation of the mucous membrane or tonsils. And many patients almost demand an ultimatum to prescribe an effective antibiotic that would relieve them of this problem as quickly as possible.

When to Take Antibiotics for a Sore Throat

However, according to statistics, only in a third of cases of sore throat, the appointment of antibacterial agents can really be justified. The main reason is that most acute processes in the oropharynx are caused by viral pathogens, on which antibiotics do not work.

The frequent unjustified prescription of antibacterial agents has caused another problem - the growth of microflora resistance. This process has recently reached such proportions that some doctors have declared the end of the era of antibiotics. Of course, this moment has not yet come, but this situation requires a more rational prescription of this group of drugs.

Since antibacterial agents are drugs with a systemic effect, only a qualified doctor can prescribe them.

Self-administration of antibiotics often does not give the expected result and brings numerous side effects.

The doctor should conduct a thorough patient interview and examination. In bacterial pathology of the oropharynx, acute or chronic tonsillitis is most common, in which there is a lesion of the tonsils. They increase, swell, on their surface or in the gaps you can see purulent gray deposits.

This is accompanied by an increase in temperature to febrile levels (38.0 ° C), the development of symptoms of general intoxication (decreased performance, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, rapid fatigue). The patient often feels a lump in the throat and may have difficulty swallowing due to pain.

If the patient has an acute viral infection, then there is no point in prescribing antibiotics for a sore throat. However, after the fourth day of illness, there is a risk of secondary bacterial pathology against the background of a weakened immune system.

Be sure to conduct a general blood test. In it, the bacterial etiology of the process is indicated by an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, the appearance of their immature "young" forms, as well as an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

Bacteriological examination remains the most accurate method for determining the type of pathogen. It requires a smear from the posterior wall of the oropharynx and tonsils.

This material is sent to the laboratory and after a few days they receive a response indicating the microorganism that caused the disease. The sensitivity of microflora to antibacterial drugs is also being studied.

Antibiotics prescribed for sore throat

If the throat hurts, then many doctors use macrolide antibiotics, in particular azithromycin. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect - its molecules pass into bacterial cells and block the 50S subunit of ribosomes. This leads to the impossibility of further protein synthesis and reproduction of microorganisms.

There is also an increase in the sensitivity of microbes to the action of specific defense mechanisms of the immune system. When taken orally, the drug also has an increased concentration in the focus of inflammation up to 72 hours. The ability to accumulate in tissues makes the antibiotic as convenient as possible for use.

This antibiotic for the throat is effective against most pathogens that can cause the development of bacterial pathology of the oropharynx - staphylococci, streptococci, legionella, neisseria, mycoplasma.

This antibiotic should not be prescribed under the following conditions:

  • the presence of hypersensitivity in a patient to macrolide drugs;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver or kidneys with impaired function of these organs;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the conduction system of the heart (with a tendency to develop tachyarrhythmias).

During therapy with azithromycin, the following side effects are possible:

  • dyspeptic disorders (feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea);
  • allergic reactions of varying severity;
  • transient increase in the concentration of liver enzymes and bilirubin;
  • lengthening of the Q-T segment on the ECG, the development of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias;
  • headache, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Usually, adults are prescribed azithromycin once a day in the form of tablets of 500 mg. For children under 6 years of age, the antibiotic is released in syrup with a special measuring spoon or syringe (the dose must be calculated based on the age and body weight of the child).

The minimum duration of antibiotic throat treatment is 3 days.

Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid

The combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is often optimal for the treatment of bacterial pathologies of the oropharynx. The original drug is Augmentin. Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action.

Its molecules violate the integrity of the cell membranes of pathogenic pathogens, which leads to their lysis and death. Therapeutic concentrations of the drug are observed in most tissues of the body, including the respiratory epithelium. Azithromycin shows good efficacy against most strains of staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, Haemophilus influenzae.

Clavulanic acid is a specific inhibitor of penicillinases, enzymes that bacteria produce to break down antibiotic molecules. Its presence significantly expands the spectrum of action of the drug.

"Augmentin", like other representatives of penicillins, is one of the safest drugs.

It is allowed to be used during pregnancy and from the first weeks of a child's life. But it also has one drawback - quite often hypersensitivity is observed to it and allergic reactions develop.

At the same time, if this side effect has already been observed in a patient earlier when taking an antibiotic from the group of beta-lactam drugs (cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems and penicillins), then it is strictly forbidden to prescribe Augmentin.

Augmentin is produced both in the form of tablets (825/125 mg and 500/125 mg) and syrup for children. The calculation of the dose for a child should be based on the weight of 25 or 45 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the severity of the pathology. The antibiotic is taken two or three times a day. The course of drug therapy lasts 5-14 days.

In stationary conditions, ceftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin drug, is often chosen for the treatment of bacterial tonsillitis. It penetrates well through all barriers in the human body and has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Like penicillins, ceftriaxone destroys microbial cell membranes.

The antibiotic is characterized by low oral bioavailability, so it is administered only intramuscularly or intravenously. The drug is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, but some is also excreted in the bile. The antibiotic acts on most pathogens of bacterial pharyngitis - staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci.

When using ceftriaxone, the following side effects are possible:

  • allergic reactions of varying severity (the appearance of a rash with severe itching, swelling at the injection site, the development of anaphylactic shock);
  • oppression of hematopoiesis (increased risk of bleeding, severe anaplastic anemia, reduced body resistance to infections);
  • functional disorders of the digestive tract;
  • accession of a secondary infection;
  • interstitial nephritis with an increase in the concentration of urea and createnin in the blood;
  • pseudomembranous colitis;
  • transient increase in liver enzymes;
  • headaches, dizziness, feeling of general weakness.

Ceftriaxone is available in powder form in vials. Before its introduction, it is necessary to dilute the contents in saline (water for injection). The drug for bacterial pathologies of the oropharynx is administered mainly intramuscularly 2 times a day, 1 g each.

In a serious condition of the patient, they switch to intravenous administration of the drug. For a child, the calculation is based on a dose of 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 2 separate injections. The course of treatment with ceftriaxone is at least 5 days.

Ampicillin with sulfbactam

Another antibiotic often used in hospitals to treat bacterial pharyngitis or tonsillitis is Trifamox. It contains the penicillin antibacterial agent ampicillin and the inhibitor of bacterial enzymes sulfbactam. Ampicillin is a classic bactericidal antibiotic.

After intravenous or intramuscular injection, its high concentrations in the respiratory system are recorded after 20-30 minutes. Sulfbactam is similar in its chemical structure to beta-lactam drugs and irreversibly inhibits a number of bacterial enzymes that break down antibiotic molecules.

This allows to overcome the resistance of the pathogenic pathogen.

Contraindications to the appointment of "Trifamox" are as follows:

  • the presence of hypersensitivity to beta-lactam drugs;
  • suspicion of infectious mononucleosis;
  • hematological pathologies (leukemia);
  • chronic inflammatory processes of the digestive system;
  • violation of the filtration function of the kidneys.

Among the side effects, it is necessary to highlight allergic reactions, digestive disorders, the addition of a secondary bacterial or fungal pathology, transient jaundice and interstitial nephritis.

Cases of toxic effects on the central nervous system are described, in which hyperkinesis, reactive agitation and headache were observed.

Episodes of discoloration of the tongue and tooth surface were also noted.

"Trifamox" is available in the form of a powder for intravenous or intramuscular administration of 500/250 mg or 1000/250 mg of ampicillin with sulfbactam. For adult patients, 1 g of the drug is administered 2 or 3 times a day. For children (depending on their age), 250 or 500 mg of ampicillin can be used. The course of treatment lasts 5-14 days.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or SARS. The opinion of an experienced doctor.