Cheek hurts outside. Cheek hurts on the inside

The cheek is the side of a person's face. It is located between the eye and ear, descending along the vertical line of the face to the bones of the lower jaw and chin. One of the important features of the cheek is the fact that it also plays the role of the outer side wall of the human oral cavity. This part of the face is innervated by the buccal nerve, which can also be found under the name "buccal nerve". When pain appears in the cheek, very often it puts a person into a stupor, because it is rather problematic to understand what could cause them. However, there are quite a lot of diseases that can cause such diseases, therefore, if any of them are suspected, you should consult a doctor. You should not expect that the pain will go away, just as you should not try to treat yourself - without an accurate diagnosis and medical prescriptions, there is always a great chance to only aggravate the situation, not only not easing the pain, but also causing certain complications.

Diseases that cause pain in the cheek.

Temporal tendinitis. This disease has symptoms that are inherently very similar to those of another ailment, namely trigeminal neuralgia, therefore, in a number of situations, a fairly accurate diagnosis can be quite difficult. Temporal tendonitis is an inflammatory process in which pain is primarily localized in the area of ​​​​the teeth and cheeks, but sometimes spreads further. For example, discomfort may be felt in the cervical region. Another characteristic symptom of the disease is headache. When chewing, discomfort, as a rule, intensifies. As for the intensity and nature of pain, they can vary greatly depending on the degree of development of the disease.

Inflammation of the sinuses. If this problem occurs, then the pain occurs not only in the cheek, but also extends to the area related to the upper teeth.

Sinusitis. With a similar problem, pain sensations have a fairly clearly defined reference to time. In particular, in the morning, the discomfort is not so pronounced, it may not interfere so much. In the evening, it becomes much more noticeable and can serve as a rather serious problem for a person suffering from sinusitis. However, the diagnosis of the disease is initially quite difficult. The whole problem is that the pain does not have such a clear concentration, it does not focus in any one place, so the patient may think that this is some kind of general headache and not see a doctor in a timely manner.

Diseases of the teeth. The pain may not be in the cheek, but in the teeth. Various problems that arise with them may sometimes not even be given to such an extent, directly, in the teeth, but they can be felt exceptionally distinctly in the cheek. There are a whole range of diseases that can cause such discomfort. It can be quite strongly developed caries, it can be pulpitis, it can be periodontitis. In principle, any problem with the teeth at one stage or another can cause discomfort in the cheeks. Sometimes one disease can develop into another, which only intensifies the pain.

For example, the aforementioned pulpitis can arise from caries, which was in an exceptionally neglected state.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve. Another disease that has symptoms similar to those of trigeminal neuralgia. The pain in this case arises sharp and burning, it appears quite unexpectedly. Such neuralgia can appear due to various side causes, such as trauma or hypothermia, but in some cases it can be provoked by simply an unsuccessful and rather sharp turn of the head. The disease, with the exception of very rare cases, is treated with the help of conservative methods of various types.

Ernest Syndrome. This is another disease that, like temporal tendinitis and occipital neuralgia, shares symptoms with such a problem as trigeminal neuralgia. This, as in the above case, greatly complicates the diagnosis, sometimes forcing one disease to be mistaken for another. A patient with Ernest's syndrome feels discomfort not only in the cheeks, but also throughout the face as a whole, as well as in the neck area. In addition, there is a fairly pronounced headache. As for the causes of the occurrence of such a syndrome, they consist in a rather unsuccessful damage to the stylomandibular ligament. This ligament plays an important role in the human body, connecting the lower jaw and the base of the skull.

Whatever the true reason, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner. For problems with the cheek, the dentist can help in the first place.

Why does the cheek hurt inside is a question that everyone can have. First of all, it is worth understanding what caused the pain and swelling in the cheek area, for which you may need to consult a specialist, since any tumor is a clear sign of pathological changes in the body. Such a malaise can occur with various diseases that have a dental, neuralgic, infectious or traumatic etymology. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.

Sections of the article

1. Pulpitis

The pulp is the soft tissue found in the cavity of the tooth.. In other words, it is the dental nerve. Its sensitivity is so high that if the slightest infection occurs, an inflammatory process can begin. This is how pulpitis begins to develop.

Causes of pulpitis:

  • deep caries;
  • cracks in the tooth;
  • after an accidental burn during treatment or prosthetics;
  • less often - infection through the blood.

Symptoms of pulpitis:

  • sharp pain near the tooth;
  • the formation of a purulent bump (flux);
  • pain in the cheeks;
  • temperature rise.

Pulpitis treatment

The essence of the treatment of this disease is, first of all, to get rid of the inflammatory process that has developed in the pulp. Depending on the degree of development, the method of therapy is chosen:

  • biological- implies a set of measures to eliminate inflammation to keep the nerve alive (a positive result is possible only in the case of an early stage of the development of the disease);
  • surgical- implies partial (amputation) or complete (extirpation) removal of the affected nerve in case of neglect of the disease and the inability to achieve a positive result through a biological method of treatment.

In no case should pulpitis be started, since in case of inaction it provokes complete destruction of the tooth, by spreading the infection to other parts of it and even beyond the tooth, and also causes unbearable pain in the cheeks.

2. Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a disease of the oral cavity, which is characterized by inflammation of the periodontium, or, more simply, all the tissues that surround the tooth root.

Causes of periodontitis:

  • tartar, which may form due to poor oral hygiene;
  • periodontal injuries (with improperly selected prostheses, crowns, poor-quality fillings);
  • smoking;
  • piercing, biting the cheek (sometimes a bump can form inside the cheek);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress;
  • hormonal changes.

Symptoms of periodontitis:

  • bleeding gums (the first and most obvious sign);
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • receding gums (exposing the roots of the teeth);
  • pain in the cheek area;
  • loosening of teeth;
  • premature loss of teeth.

If periodontitis has already acquired a chronic form, then its treatment is much more difficult. In this case, doctors use the term "long-term remission" (improvement). Often, the treatment of this disease involves, first of all, the elimination of the cause of development, and then attempts to restore the periodontium.

3. Wisdom tooth

Usually a wisdom tooth is called an ordinary multi-rooted tooth, which often appears already in adulthood. Most people experience severe pain during the growth of a wisdom tooth, caused by the following reasons:

  • tissue rupture near this tooth;
  • dental diseases (pulpitis, caries);
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • destruction of an adjacent tooth;
  • growth towards the cheek (while the cheek near the wisdom tooth hurts).

In some cases, when a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly or negatively affects the condition of other teeth (moves the dentition, destroys the adjacent tooth, tears up the cheek), it is recommended to remove it, since it can cause a lot of trouble to its owner.

4. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a dental disease characterized by inflammation of the gum mucosa. In most cases, gingivitis acts as a clinical manifestation of periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Symptoms of gingivitis:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • pain at the site of inflammation;
  • bleeding gums (when brushing, eating and other contacts);
  • swelling in the cheeks;
  • bad breath.

Causes of gingivitis:

  • non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene;
  • abundant dental plaque;
  • tartar;
  • tooth growth;
  • chronic infections of the oral cavity;
  • caries.

Treatment of gingivitis

Diagnosing this disease is not difficult: for this it will be quite enough to conduct a visual and instrumental examination. But at the same time, it is important to determine the initial problem that led to the development of gingivitis, for which a thorough patient survey is carried out.

If it is not possible to determine the root cause of the appearance of this disease and why the cheek is swollen, then local treatment is carried out, which includes cleaning the teeth from plaque and tartar. At the same time, strict adherence to the rules of oral hygiene is important in order to avoid relapses. Immunity-boosting drugs and herbal rinses may also be prescribed..

Despite the fact that this disease is treated quite simply, it is not worth postponing its treatment, since the inflammatory process can spread and lead to the development of periodontal disease, which causes tooth loss, and then you won’t have to be surprised.

5. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. As a rule, this ailment is the result of advanced rhinitis or a cold. In rare cases, diseased upper teeth can become the cause of sinusitis.

Symptoms of sinusitis:

  • loss of smell;
  • headache;
  • pain in the bridge of the nose;
  • cheek on the inside hurts;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the nose.

Treatment of sinusitis

  • Local therapy (nasal drops and sprays, antiseptics, nasal lavage with special solutions).
  • Medical treatment (antibiotics).
  • Surgical intervention (used in the absence of positive dynamics after local therapy and drug treatment).

6. Stomatitis

Stomatitis is a dental disease of the oral cavity and is an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa. This disease can spread to the tongue, gums, lips, pharynx and cheeks (swelling appears on the cheek inside the mouth).

Causes of stomatitis:

  • injuries of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and cheeks (uneven cut of teeth, crowns, solid food);
  • allergic reaction;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • malnutrition (with a lack of certain trace elements and vitamins in the body);
  • stress (emotional disorders);
  • infections;
  • as a complication after other past diseases.

Depending on the nature of the appearance of stomatitis, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • with a fungal character, rashes are observed in the form of white plaque throughout the oral cavity and on the cheeks;
  • with the herpetic nature of the disease, the appearance of which provokes the herpes simplex virus, fever may appear, swelling of the lymph nodes, rashes in the form of sores in the oral cavity, and there may also be pain in the cheek on the inside.

No specific studies are required to determine stomatitis. Treatment methods for both adults and children are identical. Diagnosis of this disease consists in examining the oral cavity and cheeks by a doctor, as well as collecting material for analysis.

Treatment of stomatitis

The choice of treatment for stomatitis depends on the cause and nature of its occurrence. That is:

  • with allergic stomatitis, drugs that neutralize the action of allergens are used;
  • if the disease is viral or bacterial in nature, drugs are prescribed that suppress the activity of the corresponding microorganisms.

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of stomatitis, when the cheek inside the mouth hurts, topical corticosteroid drugs (solutions for rinsing the mouth), antibiotics (usually in the form of solutions for rinsing), as well as anesthetic drugs that help relieve pain in the oral cavity and on the cheeks. In any case, the malaise and discomfort that stomatitis can cause obliges you to immediately seek help from a specialist to prescribe the necessary treatment.

7. Patotite ("mumps")

Parotitis is an acute infectious disease of viral etymology and is characterized by damage to the glandular organs and the nervous system. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, which makes it unsafe for the environment of the patient.

Parotitis symptoms:

  • pronounced intoxication, accompanied by body aches, chills, weakness);
  • enlargement of the submandibular and parotid glands;
  • cheeks near the cheekbones hurt;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • pain in the abdomen.

Diagnosis of this disease involves a thorough examination of the patient and taking anamnesis for analysis.

Treatment of mumps involves hospitalization of the patient to the hospital in the infectious diseases department. The correct treatment can only be selected based on the results of the obtained test results.

8. Trigeminal neuralgia (neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve)

This disease is chronic and is characterized by damage to the trigeminal nerve. The risk group for the disease is women over 40 years old.

Symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia:

  • pain on one side only (for example, the right cheek hurts inside);
  • paroxysmal pain in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve;
  • possible development of uncontrolled lacrimation and increased salivation.

Causes of trigeminal neuralgia:

  • tumor lesion;
  • facial trauma;
  • malocclusion;
  • compression of the nerve from the outside;
  • pathology in the nose area;
  • proliferation of bone tissue;
  • other diseases affecting the nervous system.

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

Treatment of this disease is conservative. As practice shows, the best results in the treatment of neuralgia are shown by physiotherapy, namely:

  • ultrasound;
  • electromagnetic radiation;
  • electrophoresis in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, at the stage of the acute course of the disease, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed (relieve inflammation), tranquilizers (reduce the activity of the nervous system), as well as nootropic drugs (to improve metabolism in nerve tissues).

Which doctor will help with pain in the cheek?

If such an unpleasant symptom occurs as a cheek hurts from the inside, you should not postpone contacting a specialist, since this seemingly harmless symptom may indicate a serious illness. Depending on the symptoms that appear, consultation and examination by doctors such as a dentist or a neurologist may be required. In any case, you will have to turn to a specialist, because after a short time any of the diseases can make the life of the patient simply unbearable.

Other causes of pain

  • A bite of an insect. If pain occurs in the cheek, swelling, redness or induration appears on the cheek, it is necessary to think about whether the patient noticed, perhaps some insect had bitten him earlier. The bite of insects such as a bee, wasp or bumblebee provokes the appearance of severe swelling on the cheek, as a result of which it is almost impossible to see the bite site.
  • Injuries. If pain is felt in the cheek, then this may be the result of soft tissue bruises. At the same time, in case of weak damage, swelling and pain may not appear immediately, but after a while it will simply be impossible to even touch the cheek.
  • Other dental and neuralgic diseases, accompanied by pain sensations both on the inner and upper surface of the cheek, corners of the cheekbones.


Perhaps, in almost every person, health problems cause such unpleasant associations as malaise and pain. And such an unpleasant sensation as cheeks hurt is a very common occurrence. Despite the fact that often such pain can be muffled with painkillers or simply endured, this should not be done. Be that as it may, pain in the cheek area is always a herald of inflammatory processes, which must be eliminated as soon as possible, since self-medication or refusal of treatment can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious complications.

Cheek - the lateral part of the face, located from the zygomatic arch to the bones of the lower jaw. The skin of the cheek is thin, fused with a fatty layer, contains veins, an artery, and nerves.
Pain in the cheek is a specific symptom indicating the nature of the lesion, and not an independent disease. It is possible to identify the disease only with the help of diagnostic measures and instrumental examination.


Some of the most common dental causes are pain inside the cheek and pain in the cheek and gums.


  • Sharp, severe pain.
  • Pain when biting.
  • Pain reaction to: cold, hot, sour, sweet food.
  • Pulsating pain.
  • Swelling of the gums.
  • The pain spreads to the entire oral cavity.
  • Cheek swelling, redness.
  • Caries.
  • Mechanical damage to the tooth, root.
  • Bone disease: periodontitis, osteomyelitis.
  • Postoperative complications.
  • Damage to gum tissue.

Contact your dentist immediately. The doctor will determine the stage of the disease. If necessary, he will appoint a collection of laboratory tests, examination by other specialists. Conservative dental therapy, surgical intervention, drug treatment are supposed.

ENT diseases

There is pain in the cheek, but the tooth does not hurt, perhaps this is a symptom of the pathology of the ear, throat or nose. These diseases accompany us from childhood and are closely related to the environment. They are mostly inflammatory.


  • Deterioration of hearing, sense of smell.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Pain radiating to different parts of the face.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Purulent, bloody discharge from the nasal cavity.
  • Earache.
  • Discharge from the auricle.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Dizziness.
  • Vomit.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Foreign body in ear, nose.
  • Injuries.
  • Polyps.
  • Transmitted viral infections.

The main task is to prevent complications and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

In the treatment are used:

  • Therapeutic methods: taking medications, physiotherapy.
  • Surgical intervention.

Infectious diseases

An extensive group of diseases. Caused by specific pathogens. Diseases are highly contagious (contagious). Often acquire the character of epidemics, due to transmission from an infected individual to a healthy person.

Swelling and pain in the cheek may be associated with specific pathogens. By the nature of the pathogen, infections are divided into bacterial and viral.


  • General intoxication.
  • Inflammation.
  • Edema.
  • Bright red lesions.
  • Abscesses.
  • Necrotic foci.
  • Spots, ulcers, papules, carbuncles.
  • Weakness.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Edema and hyperemia of the pharynx.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Headache.
  • Hyperemia of the face.
  • Nasal hemorrhages.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Anthrax.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • meningococcal infection.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Measles.
  • Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

Urgent hospitalization. Treatment is carried out in specialized clinics and departments.

The main condition for successful treatment is strict adherence to the anti-epidemic regimen.


Inflammation of the peripheral nerve:

  • facial,
  • occipital,
  • intercostal,
  • limbs.

Manifested along its location by pain, impaired mobility, loss of sensitivity. Damage to several nerves is called polyneuritis.

Severe pain in the cheek, swelling, may be caused by neuritis of the facial nerve.


  • Numbness.
  • Paresthesia (tingling).
  • Paralysis.
  • Partial decrease in mobility in the affected muscles.
  • Edema.
  • Cyanosis.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Infection: brucellosis, measles, influenza, herpes, diphtheria, malaria.
  • Injury.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances: alcohol, mercury, lead, arsenic.
  • Diabetes.
  • thyrotoxicosis.
  • Hypothermia.

Treatment is primarily aimed at identifying the cause that provoked neuritis. Includes:

  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Antiviral drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy.
  • Vasodilator drugs.
  • Biogenic stimulants.
  • Anti-edematous therapy.
  • B group vitamins.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Surgery.


Nerve damage. It is characterized by pain in the zone of passage of the affected nerve. It differs from neuritis in that there is no loss of sensitivity and mobility.

The cheek and jaw hurt when opening the mouth, there are no ulcerative lesions and hyperemia, a possible cause of neuralgia.


  • Pulsating pain radiating to: temple, ear, jaw, occiput, forearm.
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes.
  • Ear congestion.
  • Pain in the root of the tongue.
  • Violation of taste, salivation.
  • Pain in throat and soft palate.
  • Violation of the swallowing reflex.
  • Painful tic.
  • Severe shooting pain, like an electric shock.
  • Increased pain during: chewing food, washing, talking.
  • Pain in the submandibular and sublingual region.

Defeat: glossopharyngeal nerve, submandibular and sublingual nodes, trigeminal nerve, ear node.

You need to see a neurologist. The doctor, after carrying out diagnostic measures, will determine the stage of the disease and prescribe outpatient treatment or hospitalization in a hospital. Drugs prescribed to treat affected nerves have significant side effects and are prescribed by a doctor.

Surgery may also be the treatment.

Skin growths (tumor)

Pathological proliferation of tissue cells. It is divided into benign and malignant tumors. A separate group is represented by precancerous conditions.

Tumors of various etiologies can cause pain in the cheek.


  • Dense nodules, roughness of the skin.
  • Plaques, ulcers.
  • Pain.
  • Inflammation.
  • Bright coloring.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Warty, cicatricial, uneven surface of the lesions.
  • Perforating ulcers.
  • Local compaction of adipose tissue.
  • Atheroma.
  • Lipoma.
  • Dermatofibroma.
  • Melanoma.
  • Senile keratoma.
  • Epithelioma.

The danger of damage by neoplasms of the skin sometimes lies in the slow course of the disease with minor sensations.

For any suspicion of deviations from the norm, it is necessary to consult an oncologist or dermatologist.

Treatment consists in removing the affected area. Modern methods of surgery are used: laser, cryodestruction, radio wave removal.
In case of inoperability of the malignant process and to prevent the spread of metastases, radiation and chemotherapy are used.


  • Medical examination.
  • Visiting the dentist 2 times a year.
  • A complete diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals and carcinogens.
  • Removal of benign formations at the initial stage of their occurrence.
  • No exposure to extreme temperatures: cold, heat.

Self-treatment with folk remedies can worsen the course of the disease.

A common recommendation for home help is to apply a cold compress for cheek pain, which can be serious if you have nerve damage. The method of applying purified lard to the gums to reduce pain can cause infection of the gum tissue and the inside of the cheek. Thermal procedures not prescribed by a doctor can provoke a purulent-inflammatory process.

It is important to take good care of your health. Often the patient seeks help in the later stages of the disease. Early diagnosis improves the prognosis for recovery and increases the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Neurodentistry: facial neuroanatomy, facial pain [Text]: textbook for students of dental and medical faculties / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, compiled by Kalinin V. A. [et al.]. - Samara: Etching, 2017. - 58 p. ISBN 978-5-473-01138-8
  • Classification of headaches, cranial neuralgia and facial pain and diagnostic criteria for the main types of headache: [Trans. from English] / Classification. com. Headache Intern. islands for headaches; [Scientific ed. and ed. foreword A. A. Shutov]. - Perm: ALGOS-press, 1997. - 92 p. ISBN 5-88493-017-8: B. c.
  • Korotkikh, Nikolai Grigorievich Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of facial pain / N. G. Korotkikh, I. N. Lesnikova. - Voronezh: New Look, 2008. - 128 p. ISBN 978-5-93737-037-2
  • Batishcheva, Elena I. Facial and oral pains [Text]: teaching aid / E. I. Batishcheva, A. A. Kopytov, A. V. Tsimbalistov; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State National Research University". - Belgorod: NRU "BelGU", 2016. - 61 p. ISBN 978-5-9571-2211-1
  • Pain syndromes in neurological practice / ed. A. M. Veyna. M. : MEDpress-inform, 2001. 368 p.
  • Tovazhnyanskaya, E. L. Trigeminal neuralgia: modern aspects of complex therapy / E. L. Tovazhnyanskaya // International neurological journal. 2010. No. 3 (33). pp. 141–145.
  • Stagnieva, Irina Veniaminovna Clinical manifestation and immunopathogenesis of facial pain in diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses: Abstract of the thesis. ... doctors of medical sciences: 14.01.03, 03.14.09 / Stagnieva Irina Veniaminovna; [Place of protection: St. Petersburg. scientific research in-t ear, throat, nose and speech]. - Rostov-on-Don, 2016. - 50 p.

Hello dear Lesya. I would like to know your opinion on the situation, if possible.
For 10 months, since May last year, my cheek periodically hurt on the inside, and my tongue felt swollen. A few days a month, it appeared, then it ceased to be felt.
At that time, in May, I have
1.two wisdom teeth came out at the same time on one side (upper and lower),
2. they removed the nerves and put a filling on the front tooth, after which for 6 weeks there was just a wild sensitivity of absolutely all teeth and gums to cold, I could not take a sip of water even at room temperature or eat a spoonful of yogurt from the refrigerator, for these six weeks periodically swollen lips, tongue, cheek. Then it passed, the sensitivity decreased (in different clinics they said that it was sealed correctly, perhaps a post-filling individual reaction, since the nerves are located very close), but the pain in the cheek remained. But since January of this year, for three months, the pain has become constant throughout the day, does not stop for a second.

in the evening there is a headache, the temperature has never risen (it generally rose above 34.5 only a couple of times in my life), nothing bothers me during sleep, during meals too.
I wake up - it starts again, and so every day. Neither rinsing nor mouth gels help, they only cause nausea. Analgin tablet helps for an hour, no more. On the cheek in several places, in the middle, like a small “nipple”, such a bulge, lower closer to the lower gum, like peas, and between them something like folds, as if bitten. Various dentists suggested that an extra wisdom tooth can go, and a cyst, and that the cheek is bitten on both sides by the upper and lower wisdom teeth. The teeth themselves, as they said, grew correctly and evenly. They sent me to a maxillofacial surgeon, whom I visited on Friday for a consultation. He said that indeed the cheek is constantly biting, to my question why I myself never felt the moment of biting, he replied that it is felt when he bites once, and when constantly and for a long time - no. Advised to remove the lower wisdom tooth. But since I have a congenital heart disease, and anesthesia is always given to me without adrenaline, he first asked the cardiologist to get a certificate from the cardiologist for the complex removal of the figure eight, and then sign up again. While I am waiting for a cardiologist from vacation, I finally decided to register on the forum and write to you, I have long wanted to.

Please tell me if you agree with the doctor's recommendation? But the most interesting thing for me is that I visited the surgeon the day before yesterday, and yesterday exactly the same thing appeared on the second cheek, absolutely symmetrically on the right, and the same pain. There are no wisdom teeth on the other side, and there seemed to be nothing to bite the cheek there ... Now both cheeks hurt at the same time. Plus, it became a little painful to swallow, gives in the throat. It's not the gums that hurt, but the cheeks. And it feels like the pain is not in the oral cavity, it’s only unpleasant there that the cheek is not smooth, and “interferes” with the tongue, but the pain is somewhere further ... in the bone at the level of the cheeks, where the jaw connects.
In general, severe pain in the jaw from the age of 13-14, now I am 23, that is, for about ten years. When I was 15, I went to the dentist with a feeling of pain in all my teeth at the same time, she found nothing and said that something was with the jaw. The same thing happened again with the same symptoms and with the same words of another dentist 5 years later. A constant desire to press the jaw hard, after which the pain in the teeth, headache immediately disappears and sleep improves. The pain begins at a point near the ear, sometimes radiates to the ears.
It becomes easier if you anoint with Diclofenac or Troxevasin. And for a long time I have noticed that the pain is always aggravated in winter, I don’t even remember in summer. Nothing crackles or clicks when opening the mouth. I also asked the surgeon about this, he said that since there are not all wisdom teeth, the formation of the jaw has not yet ended, and since it all started in adolescence, it should stop by the age of 28-29 ... But I doubt that this is normal process, somehow I have never heard from any of my peers about such wild pains in the jaw ... Many people cut their wisdom teeth, their gums hurt, they complain ... But the jaw? I will be very grateful for your opinion.

his very best to you, success, well-being! Evgenia

Swollen cheek - causes

If your cheek is swollen, and your tooth does not hurt, you need to carefully “listen” to other processes occurring in the body, perhaps there is no toothache, but it “pulls” and “pulls” behind the ear, the gums bleed or a seal appeared on the cheek. Swelling and redness in the cheek area can be caused not only by dental problems, but also by infectious diseases, insect bites, or trauma.

The most common causes of swollen cheeks

1. Dental– even if you don’t have a toothache, your cheek is most often swollen due to problems with your teeth or gums:
- after dental treatment. This may be caused by an ongoing inflammatory process at the root of the filled tooth. The dentist removed the nerve, cleaned the tooth cavity, put a filling, but did not “clean” the roots.

due to the removal of the nerve, patients do not feel pain in the tooth, but inflammation inside the gums causes swelling and redness of the cheek area;
- often the cheek swells after tooth extraction, in this case, the dentist usually warns about this and asks the patient to be careful and try not to injure the diseased area. Inflammation that persists for several days after a complex dental operation is considered residual and resolves on its own;
- swollen cheek can be due to problems with the gums - gingivitis causes redness and swelling of the gums, swelling of the cheeks, bad breath, bleeding and is often painless. Inflammation of the gums can provoke improper care of the oral cavity, the accumulation of plaque and untreated caries in the oral cavity. If the patient's cheek is swollen, and the gums look inflamed and reddened, a visit to the dentist is indispensable, since gingivitis can gradually turn into periodontitis or periodontitis;
- due to the eruption of the wisdom tooth - "wisdom" teeth that decide to erupt after 25-30 years often cause pain in the jaw and swelling of the cheeks. In these cases, the patient feels a general malaise, a strong, dull pain in the gums, the cheeks swell, it becomes difficult to open the mouth and speak. What is the reason for such symptoms and what to do with a growing wisdom tooth can only be said by a dentist by taking an x-ray. Most often, problems with the eruption of a wisdom tooth go away on their own, but if such a tooth grows crooked or does not have enough space in the gums, surgical intervention is indispensable.

2. Infectious diseases- severe swelling of the cheek on one or both sides, fever, sore throat and general malaise can be symptoms of mumps or mumps. Infectious parotitis, "mumps", "mumps" is an inflammation of the salivary parotid glands caused by pathogenic microorganisms. For "mumps" is characterized by a strong increase in the cheek and neck area on one or both sides, fever and general malaise. Adult patients tolerate parotitis quite hard, the risk of complications increases greatly, therefore, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist - an infectious disease specialist or a therapist.
Lymphadenitis can also cause swelling of the cheeks - this disease is often confused with parotitis, but unlike it, inflammation here affects the parotid and retropharyngeal lymph nodes.

3. Insect bites- if the cheek began to suddenly turn red and increase in size, and redness or induration appeared on its surface, it is necessary to remember whether any insect bit the patient. Stings from bees, wasps, bumblebees, and some other insects can cause severe swelling and redness, and in this case, a bite mark can be seen on the cheek.

4. Injuries- swelling and redness of the cheek can be caused by a bruise of soft tissues, a swelling on the cheek may not appear immediately after the injury, but after a few hours or even the next day, if the damage was minor, the swelling subsides quickly, and the cheek remains a trace of a blow or a hematoma.

Swollen cheek - what to do

If your cheek is swollen and your tooth does not hurt, only a doctor can prescribe treatment, after a thorough examination and diagnosis. You should not take any medications or drink painkillers on your own - this way you can “lubricate” the picture of the disease and it will be much more difficult to establish a diagnosis or it will be made incorrectly. But if it is not possible to urgently consult a doctor, you can try to cope with the problem using the following means:
cold compress- helps to remove swelling of the cheek after an injury, tooth extraction and insect bite, such treatment is contraindicated with an increase in body temperature or other signs of an infectious disease;
- rinsing the mouth with soda-salt solution - suitable for the treatment of dental diseases, you can cope with pain in the gums after the removal or treatment of teeth with 0.5 tsp of soda and salt in a glass of water;
- compresses with soda solution and a single dose of antihistamines will help to cope with swelling and pain after an insect bite;
- you can relieve pain in the gums when cutting a wisdom tooth with the help of special “freezing” gels and ointments used to treat infants or by drinking a painkiller tablet.

If, despite the measures taken, swelling of the cheek does not disappear within 1-2 days, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, also it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor with the rapid growth of the tumor, an increase in body temperature and a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition. If the tumor appeared after an insect bite, began to rapidly increase in size, and the patient feels dizzy, short of breath or severe itching, it is necessary to give him an antihistamine drug as soon as possible and call an ambulance, a severe allergic reaction to the bite may develop.

Why does the cheek hurt - possible causes

Pain in the cheek can be felt with a disease such as sinusitis - an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus of the nose. But such inflammation, as a rule, is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever up to 38 degrees and above, nasal congestion, headache, general weakness. The symptoms of sinusitis are so characteristic that it can be quite difficult to confuse them with some other disease. And since the maxillary sinus is located just in the cheek area, next to the nose, it is not surprising that when it overflows with mucus and pus, a person begins to feel bursting pain in the cheek.

If the entire cheek hurts, then this may be a sign of trigeminal neuralgia. The trigeminal nerve is a nerve that consists of three branches that cover the entire cheek, lower jaw, and part of the forehead. With trigeminal neuralgia, sometimes just touching the cheek is enough to cause a sharp, almost unbearable pain, the attack of which lasts, however, no more than a few minutes.

With the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, the symptoms of some other diseases are similar, in which a person complains that his cheek hurts. These are neuralgia of the occipital nerve, Ernest's syndrome, temporal tendinitis. With all these diseases, pain is felt in the cheek, in the neck, and with temporal tendinitis - and a headache

And of course, if your whole cheek hurts, first of all, we can talk about dentistry. Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis - all these diseases can cause the feeling that the whole cheek hurts.

If the whole cheek hurts - diseases of the jaw

Separately, I would like to talk about such problems as diseases of the jaw and temporomandibular joint. There are a lot of them and of course they all cause pain in the cheek area.

Osteomyelitis of the jaws is a severe inflammatory process of an infectious nature in the jawbone. It is customary to distinguish between hematogenous and odontogenic osteomyelitis. The latter is more common, its cause is an infection in the periodontal pocket. The most common pathogens are staphylococci, streptococci, anaerobic bacteria. If the whole cheek hurts, the pain is pulsating, at the same time there is a strong increase in temperature and a headache appears, then odontogenic osteomyelitis is a very likely diagnosis. Although only a doctor can confirm this definitively.

With violations of the function of the temporomandibular joint, not only the whole cheek hurts, but also the temple, and even the forehead. Almost every movement of the jaw is accompanied by a characteristic click, and the mouth becomes more and more difficult to open - jaw mobility is limited. This disease can occur for many reasons, in particular due to osteoarthritis of the joint, inflammation or myofascial syndrome in the masticatory muscles. Only a doctor can finally determine the cause and prescribe treatment after examining and examining the patient.

A broken jaw is another reason why your whole cheek can hurt. A fracture is a violation of the integrity of the jawbone as a result of an injury, for example, after a blow or other mechanical impact. Fracture can be subjected to the upper jaw, lower or - both jaws at the same time. As a result of a fracture, the cheek swells, and severe pain is felt in the muscles.

What to do if your whole cheek hurts

First of all, you need to determine the probable cause of such pain. As you have already noticed, almost all diseases that cause pain in the cheek need to be treated by a specialist. Therefore, if the pain in the cheek continues to bother you for several days, the most reasonable thing is to see a doctor. Moreover, some inflammatory processes that can lead to the appearance of such pain in their development lead to significant complications. For cheek pain, you may need the help of specialists such as a dentist, a neurologist, a surgeon, or a traumatologist.


A common disease, which is characterized by a gradual destruction of the integrity of the tissues of the tooth and the subsequent formation of pronounced carious cavities. With caries, sometimes the cheek inside the mouth hurts if destructive processes occur near the tooth or in the tooth itself. Pain occurs when the deep layers of the tooth are damaged, when the dental nerve is exposed. Be careful when detecting such a syndrome: caries has a habit of causing severe complications, despite the fact that in the early stages of development it almost does not bother you.


Periodontitis is a disease in which there is an inflammatory process in the supporting apparatus of the teeth. If the cheek hurts during periodontitis, this may mean that processes of destruction of the structure of the alveolar process of the jaw are taking place in the corner of the upper or lower dentition.

Periodontitis at first develops almost asymptomatically, but if pain already appears, then most likely there is significant destruction. If you experience pain in the cheek, it is better to immediately contact a specialist and find out the cause of the syndrome.


The neurovascular bundle of the tooth with severe inflammatory processes in it can provoke pain. Therefore, in some cases, in patients who have a sore cheek inside, the doctor diagnoses pulpitis. This disease is very dangerous for its complications, so the pain syndrome is your body's signal for help.

Wisdom tooth

When the figure eight, the farthest tooth of the row, erupts, pain may appear, which periodically spreads not only throughout the cheek, but also the jaw. Some patients claim that when the gums burst during the growth of the tooth, severe sharp pains were observed, radiating to the head area.

If you experience such discomfort, you should check with your doctor. However, if your cheek hurts inside, but you don’t know what to do, the doctor does not always advise the removal of a wisdom tooth.

Pain relief may be prescribed to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome and alleviate the general condition. Only in extreme cases is surgery indicated.

Other diseases

If the cheek hurts inside, this does not mean that the pain is caused by a tooth. Sometimes it seems to patients that it is a toothache, but in fact, the symptom can be caused by other diseases that have no connection with dentistry. The most common include sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia, Ernest's syndrome, temporal tendinitis.

Why do cheeks hurt

There are several reasons why a cheek may hurt:

  • Sinusitis - the pain is less pronounced in the morning and intensifies in the evening. Unpleasant sensations are not concentrated in one place and are perceived by the patient as a general headache;
  • Trigeminal neuralgia (trigeminal neuralgia) is a chronic disease that affects the trigeminal nerve, which is manifested by intense paroxysmal pain in the areas of innervation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve. This disease often affects women over 40 years of age. In this case, usually, the cheek is very sore on only one side, rarely the disease affects both halves of the face. The pain is very strong, shooting, the duration of the attack is usually 10-15 seconds, but can be up to two minutes and is accompanied by uncontrolled lacrimation and increased salivation;
  • Ernest syndrome - this disease has symptoms similar to trigeminal neuralgia. It is observed when the stylomandibular ligament connecting the base of the skull with the lower jaw is damaged. At the same time, the cheek, neck, face, head hurt;
  • Temporal tendinitis - this disease is accompanied by unpleasant sensations that cover the teeth, cheek and neck area;
  • Dental diseases - neglected caries, pulpitis or periodontitis often lead to the fact that the cheek hurts a lot from the damaged tooth.

cheek swelling

Most often, pain in the cheek is associated with teeth, but situations are also possible when the cheek is swollen and the tooth does not hurt. The reason for this may be an ear disease or inflammation of the parotid salivary gland, so to determine the true cause of swelling of the cheek, you may need to consult with several specialists.

It should be remembered that swelling of the cheek, even if there is no pain, is a reason to see a doctor. Inflammatory processes in the body can develop very slowly, but when the disease is started, it is much more difficult to cope with its consequences.

What to do when your cheek hurts

To find out why your cheeks hurt, you first need to contact your dentist.. If the causes of discomfort are not related to the teeth, he will refer you to an otolaryngologist or neurologist for examination.

Treatment for cheek pain depends on the underlying cause. If the cheek is swollen as a result of the flux, surgery will be required. For the treatment of inflammatory diseases, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs, painkillers, as well as local therapy agents: cold compresses, rinses, etc.

If the cheek hurts, and a similar symptom is not observed in the teeth, then this may indicate the presence of pathological changes in the body. Often there is swelling in the area. Letting the process run its course or saving yourself with analgesics is not a way out. It is urgent to consult a doctor for diagnosis, identifying the cause of pain and determining adequate therapy.

Causes of pain and symptoms

Pain in the cheek is often observed with the development of a tumor in the gums, and the reason for this can be a number of reasons:

  1. Inflammatory reaction in the root of the tooth - gets its development with advanced caries or pulpitis, in such cases the nerve has already been removed more often. Inflammation captures the root, is determined by redness in the area of ​​​​the lesion and swelling of the gums.
  2. pericoronitis A dental disease in which the gums become swollen and infected. It arises when difficulties arise during the eruption of the wisdom tooth. They suffer in the age range from 18 to 30 years. The inflammatory process is observed at the site of the lesion together with swelling, the development of a hematoma is not excluded.
  3. Neoplasms- can be cancerous or benign. In such cases, there is swelling and swelling in the gums and cheeks. The onset of development is often facilitated by trauma or a prolonged inflammatory response.
  4. Abscess or phlegmon - observed in purulent processes. An abscess has a clear location and boundaries; with phlegmon, purulent formations can spread into regional tissues.
  5. Gingivitis- this is inflammation of the gums without violating the integrity of the gingival junction. It belongs to the initial form of periodontium. There is bleeding and swelling. More often it becomes the result of a lack of oral hygiene, develops in places of accumulation of food debris or plaque. The same effect is observed with poor fixation of the crown.
  6. Burn mucous membranes of the oral cavity - it can be chemical or thermal, the gums and the inside of the cheeks are more often affected.
  7. Mechanical injury- occurs when the jaw and facial tissues are damaged from the impact of a fall, and so on.
  8. Pulpitis- an inflammatory process that occurs when an infection enters the pulp, there is pain and swelling in the gums and cheek.
  9. Periodontitis- an inflammatory process of the periodontium, which is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums, tooth loss. There is pain on the entire surface of the gums and cheeks.
  10. Sinusitis- inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus. Pain increases in the evening and at night, spread to all parts of the head.
  11. Neuralgia trigeminal nerve - a chronic pathology that captures the trigeminal nerve, manifests itself as painful attacks along its entire path. More often women after 40 years of age suffer. A distinctive feature is that discomfort is observed only on one side (a bilateral inflammatory process is rarely observed). It is characterized by a powerful pain shooting syndrome, the duration of which is about 15 seconds, in some cases up to two minutes, at the moments of such attacks, the production of salivary and lacrimal glands greatly increases.
  12. Temporal tendinitis is an inflammatory process of the tendons, when the pain spreads to the teeth, neck and cheeks.
  13. Syndrome Ernest- damage to the stylomandibular ligament, which connects the base of the skull to the lower jaw. Its symptoms are similar to trigeminal neuralgia. In this case, pain is observed in the neck, cheek, temple, eye.
  14. Osteomyelitis jaws - a powerful inflammatory reaction of an infectious nature that occurs in the bone formations of the jaw. This pathology is divided into hematogenous and odontogenic types. The most common causes of development are staphylococci, streptococci and anaerobic bacteria. The infectious process originates in the periodontal pocket. A similar reaction is characterized by high body temperature (often up to 40 degrees), severe pain in the head and cheeks, which is pulsating. The final diagnosis is made by the doctor after certain studies.
  15. fracture jaws - a frequent provocateur of pain in the cheek. Occurs after a strong blow, falling from a height. With a severe facial injury, a fracture of the upper or lower jaw, and often both, is possible. They are determined by severe pain even at rest, bruising, swelling, the patient cannot chew.
  16. Pain after local anesthesia - appears as a result of tooth extraction or after cleaning the dental canals in preparation for filling, since the dental nerves are irritated.

With pathological disorders in the work of the temporomandibular joint, the pain spreads to the cheek, temporal lobe, frontal part of the head. With each movement of the jaw, a click is heard, the mobility of the jaw is limited, urgent treatment is necessary, as the process progresses. The provocateur of such a pathology is often articular osteoarthritis, an inflammatory reaction in the masticatory muscles.

Most often, such pain in the cheek stops after a few hours. In some cases, discomfort in the teeth is observed when hard, hot and cold food is ingested, completely disappear after two weeks.

Pain and swelling after anesthesia occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Damage nervous fibers during dental procedures.
  2. Damage circulatory vessels during the injection of anesthesia.
  3. allergic reaction to pain medication.

All causes that lead to pain in the cheek require immediate therapeutic measures, with the only exception being pain and swelling that occurred after local anesthesia for treatment or root removal. Since this is a normal reaction of the body and goes away on its own.

In addition, pain and swelling of the cheek can be observed after an insect bite, mumps, severe bruises of the soft facial tissues, with herpes. Often such a symptom manifests itself as a result of neuralgia.

What to do

To determine the cause of pain in the cheeks and adequate treatment, it is necessary to seek help from a dentist, if there is nothing to do with dental factors, then he sends for examination to an otolaryngologist or neurologist.

The purpose of therapy directly depends on the cause that provoked the pathology. If flux, osteomyelitis, phlegmon, abscess is detected, surgical intervention is necessary. With the development of inflammatory reactions, antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed. For local treatment, cold compresses and rinses are prescribed.

If it is not possible to immediately seek the help of a dentist, it is necessary to take pre-medical measures that can alleviate the patient's condition:

  • Attachment cold compress or bandage with ice on the affected area.
  • Usage painkillers funds.

The use of warm compresses is not recommended, as this can lead to the opposite effect and cause purulent processes. It is also advisable to take antibiotics after prior consultation with a doctor, taking into account all their contraindications.

To relieve pain, you need to carefully consider oral hygiene, as well as avoid hypothermia, which is dangerous with sinusitis, inflammation of the ears, throat and nose.


In order to take action, you need to determine the general state of health and be examined by doctors. Most often, it turns out that the cause is dental pathology. However, for the correct diagnosis and determination of the necessary measures, it is necessary to conduct the following studies:

  1. Collection history, which is compiled on the basis of the patient's complaints, his examination and the results of the tests.
  2. radiograph jaws.
  3. x-ray skull, a thorough examination of the condition of the bones of the jaw.
  4. Orthopantomogram- panoramic x-ray image of the entire area of ​​the dentoalveolar system.
  5. Analysis blood.
  6. Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI).
  7. Computer tomography (CT).

If necessary, the patient is sent for examination to other specialists: therapist, neuropathologist, surgeon.


If you find pain in the cheek, you should immediately consult a doctor, you should not self-medicate, because the process is delayed and there is a risk of complications. For the correct appointment of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that provoked the pathology and direct the treatment precisely to eliminate it:

  • Surgical intervention - is prescribed when fractures and purulent formations are detected. For the outflow of pus, the pathology is opened, drainage is often placed. The opening site is treated with antiseptic agents.
  • Treatment dental diseases, complete rehabilitation of the oral cavity.
  • Antimicrobial and semi-synthetic drugs - to eliminate pathological microorganisms, the dose is determined by the doctor.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - stop the development of the inflammatory process, Nimesil, Naklofen, Diazolin, Ibufen and others are well suited for this.
  • Rinsing antimicrobial solutions - pharmaceutical products such as Malavit, Chlorhexidine, Betadine, Furacilin, Miramistin and others are well suited for this.
  • Painkillers(Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Aspirin, Ketorol and others) and sedatives.
  • Cold compresses, ice packs, rinses and lotions.
  • Ointments for local treatment.
  • Suprastin, Diazolin, Erius with an allergic reaction.
  • Reception Lincomycin, Amokstklava.
  • Gels Metrodent, Troxevasin in the presence of puffiness.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to heat the affected area in order to avoid the development of inflammatory reactions and purulent processes.

The inflammatory process of the buccal (buccal) nerve can lead to immobilization of the affected cheek.

Preventive measures for pain in the cheek do not always help, but their use significantly reduces the risk of pathologies. To do this, you need to dress warmly to avoid hypothermia and carefully observe oral hygiene.

When the first signs appear, you must contact a medical institution. It is also worth remembering that the use of any medications can complicate the diagnosis, therefore, when visiting a doctor, it is necessary to indicate the names of the painkillers that were used, otherwise the prescribed treatment may not bring the expected results.