Bubnovsky and Semenovich traffic rules last issue. Bubnovsky's gymnastics: we are treated by movement

Healthy lifestyle program.

"Rules of motion" - a real help in solving existing problems.

The hosts of the program - international master of sports of Russia in figure skating, champion and beauty Anna Semenovich and kinesitherapist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky - will tell you how to restore health with the help of the right movement. "The right movement heals, the wrong one cripples."

Having learned to move correctly, you can not only cope with ailments, but also maintain the body in an optimally healthy state, prolong youth and a full life, and maintain activity.

Wrong way of life, laziness and medicines are death for the body. Movement is life. Kinesitherapy - movement therapy. Pain paralyzes the will and mind. But it must not be avoided, but overcome. You can defeat pain only by moving towards it. You can overcome fear only if you do what is scary. By the same principle, one can ultimately defeat pain and illness.

The guests of the program are famous people who will share their experience of the right lifestyle. Anna Semenovich and Sergei Bubnovsky will test the viability of their theory in practice. Rapid weight loss and diet? And what happens at this moment with the muscles, do you think? And what will the loss of the muscular frame of the spine lead to, you know? Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky will always give advice, tell whether our star guest is taking care of his health correctly, and also what else needs to be done so that a person’s lifestyle is really right.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse! The presenters communicate with the audience and find out what the general denseness and laziness leads to. How to move correctly in everyday life, how to get out of bed, take bags, how to get rid of stress and mental trauma with the help of movement, self-diagnosis, the simplest tests to determine the state of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and general body tone - all this is in our new program. Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky, by their own example, will teach you how to move, feel and understand your body correctly.

In addition, Dr. Bubnovsky, right in the studio, will tell and show how you can cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and immunity without drugs and painkillers. Using the example of a specific story of a specific person, viewers will see the result right in the studio. The facilitators will give advice on the right way of life in relation to a specific diagnosis and specific problems.

Presenters: Sergei Bubnovsky and Anna Semenovich

If you have osteochondrosis, pain in your shoulder, back, knee, neck and lower back, if you suffer from sciatica, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, scoliosis or intervertebral hernia - become the hero of our program! Send your applications - always with a photo and contact details - to the address [email protected] or call 8-916-166-57-59, 8-925-203-79-80 . There is a chance to live without pain!

When you teach yourself to move properly, you will be able to cope not only with diseases, but also keep your body in optimal health, prolong your youth and fullness of life, and maintain vitality.

Wrong way of life, laziness and drugs - this is the real death of the body. And here is movement contrary - this life. Such a concept as kinesitherapy - in translation means treatment with the help of movement. Pain paralyzes your will and your mind. But they should not be avoided and overcome. It is possible to win in the fight against pain only if you move towards it. As well as defeating fear, you can only if you do what you are afraid to do. The same principle will help overcome pain and disease in the end.

The guests of our TV show are famous and successful people who share their experience of leading the right way of life. Presenters Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky will conduct a test to confirm their theories directly in practice. Are you talking about rapid weight loss and various diets? But what is happening at the moment with the muscles, are you interested? And what will happen after you lose the muscular skeleton of the spine, you know?

Sergey Bubnovsky will always give accurate and correct advice, whether our popular guest looks after his health correctly, what should be done in a person’s lifestyle in order to direct him in a really right direction.

If you don't know the laws, that's no excuse for you! The hosts conduct live communication with the audience and find out the consequences of backwardness and general laziness, the causes of mistakes and ignorance.

How to move in everyday life, how to get out of bed, grab a bag, how to use movement to get rid of stress and injury, self-examination, a simple test aimed at determining the condition of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and the general condition of your body . Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky, together with the audience, and even together, following the example, will teach you how to move correctly, feel and understand the signals of your body.

In addition, Dr. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky in the studio will tell and demonstrate how diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and immune system can be overcome without medicines and painkillers. Using an example, a real story, a real person, viewers will be able to see the result right in the studio.

Treatment of a certain disease, with the help of movement is quite possible! Right before our eyes! Speakers will provide advice on the correct lifestyle for a specific diagnosis and specific problems.

“I was 22 years old when I got into a terrible accident, - recalls Sergei Mikhailovich. - The driver of the car fell asleep at the wheel, and the car flew to the side of the road at high speed. He suffered clinical death, and when he came to, it turned out that only his left leg remained intact. The rest of the bones were broken, three vertebrae folded like an accordion.

Doctors collected the guy in pieces. The prognosis was disappointing - lifelong disability. Sergei did not accept the forecast and began to try on himself everything that official medicine offered. To no avail.

“Then I realized that I would have to save myself. I decided to become a doctor - not by vocation, but by need. I entered the medical institute, sat down with textbooks ... and realized that medicine helps not to recover, but to adapt to one's illness. This option didn't work for me."

Student Bubnovsky began to study non-drug methods of healing, testing on himself. What helped, formed the basis of the method, which is now called kinesitherapy (treatment by movement). With his help, Sergei Bubnovsky put himself on his feet. And now he helps others stand up.

Bones don't hurt

Dr. Bubnovsky believes that today 90% of people suffer from hypodynamia, kinesitherapy is necessary for everyone - both children and adults.

Patients come to us mainly with complaints of pain in the back and joints. But the pain does not occur in the bones, as it seems to patients, but in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, - explains the professor. - Nutrition in the bones comes through the muscles, and the metabolism occurs only in those muscles that work. If the muscles are turned off, dystrophic changes occur in the bones. It is generally accepted that this is an age-related phenomenon. But it's not! As soon as the muscles are included in the work, the problems disappear. Therefore, osteochondrosis, hernia, disc protrusion, pain in the joints and back are treated not by rest (as is usually advised), but by movement.

Another thing is that not every movement is useful. Improper gymnastics and physical education can be harmful (especially after 40 years, when the disease accumulates). In order to determine which muscles need to be turned on in order to deliver “nutrition” to the problem area, to calculate the optimal load and training regimen, a kinesitherapist is needed.

Sergei Bubnovsky put himself on his feet. And now he helps others stand up. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ruslan Krivobok

Suck out a hernia

"AiF": Is it true that hernias occur due to weight lifting?

Sergei Bubnovsky: Hernia is a chronic condition that occurs due to dystrophic processes in the spine. If the muscles in this zone do not work, the disk (which is 80% water and does not have its own vessels), without receiving nutrition, dries up. Surgeons cut it off (thus condemning a person to lifelong suffering), and we, through a system of special exercises, get to the problem muscles, turn them on, and the hernia resolves. It is dangerous to get to doctors today - either they will poison you with pills, or they will cut off something. I always say: “If the blood does not gush, the bones do not stick out, a surgeon is not needed. You'll manage on your own."

- Today, a rare patient comes out of a neurologist without a diagnosis of osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is not a disease, but a punishment for an unhealthy lifestyle. In sedentary people, osteochondrosis appears as early as 20 years old. But with the help of gymnastics, you can get rid of it.

- Why are diseases of the back and joints so common today?

Mankind is ruined by the fact that people are warm and at rest, and for health, cold and movement are needed. I always warn patients that they need patience, work, and obedience in order to recover. Those who are ready for this - recover.

Without pain there is no salvation

- What to do if twisted, and there is no doctor nearby?

The biggest mistake is to use anesthetic injections in this state, which only destroy pain impulses, but do not solve the problem. I say in such cases: “Crawl to the floor and crawl!”. Each movement must be accompanied by a diaphragmatic exhalation (“ha-a!”) - this relieves the internal tension of the organs, relaxes the muscles. When a person moves, blood flow works for him, thanks to which the nutrition of muscles and bones improves, swelling and acute pain go away.

The hardest part is getting over the pain. But there is no recovery without pain. I always tell my patients: “Tolerate a little pain, don’t allow a big one.”

What to do in order not to get sick?


10 thousand steps is 2 hours of walking at a speed of 6 km/h. Only pensioners can afford such walks.

For the rest, 15-20 minutes of walking a day is enough to maintain health - only with full gear (pulse 140-145 beats per minute, reddening of the skin, sweating).

Physical load

The triad of health and longevity

1. Squats- load the feet, knees, hips ("first floor" of the body). During squats, blood returns from the legs to the heart and head. You need to squat on the inhale, rise on the exhale.

Perform 10 squats 10 times a day, gradually increasing the amplitude. If it is difficult, you can hold on to a doorway or wall bars.

Important: squats are not indicated for arthrosis (destroyed joints).

2. Exercises for the press- n-load for internal organs located in the abdominal cavity; and - on the "second floor" of the body. Lying on your back, raise and lower your legs (ideally throw them over your head).

Thanks to this exercise, the spine is stretched, the internal organs are massaged, and the abdominal wall is strengthened. This is the prevention of stagnation in the intestines and prolapse of internal organs. Perform 20-50 times a day.

3. Push-ups(load for the heart, chest, head - the "third floor" of the body). Only young and healthy people can push up from the floor. The more diseases a person has, the “higher” you need to start push-ups (from a wall or table).

Although push-ups are considered a male exercise, they are highly recommended for women - this is the best prevention of mastopathy.

Perform 5-10 repetitions 10 times during the day.

When you teach yourself to move properly, you will be able to cope not only with diseases, but also keep your body in optimal health, prolong your youth and fullness of life, and maintain vitality.

Wrong way of life, laziness and drugs - this is the real death of the body. And here is movement contrary - this life. Such a concept as kinesitherapy - in translation means treatment with the help of movement. Pain paralyzes your will and your mind. But they should not be avoided and overcome. It is possible to win in the fight against pain only if you move towards it. As well as defeating fear, you can only if you do what you are afraid to do. The same principle will help overcome pain and disease in the end.

The guests of our TV show are famous and successful people who share their experience of leading the right way of life. Presenters Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky will conduct a test to confirm their theories directly in practice. Are you talking about rapid weight loss and various diets? But what is happening at the moment with the muscles, are you interested? And what will happen after you lose the muscular skeleton of the spine, you know?

Sergei Bubnovsky will always give accurate and correct advice, whether our popular guest looks after his health correctly, what should be done in a person’s lifestyle in order to direct him in a really right direction.

If you don't know the laws, that's no excuse for you! The hosts conduct live communication with the audience and find out the consequences of backwardness and general laziness, the causes of mistakes and ignorance.

How to move in everyday life, how to get out of bed, grab a bag, how to use movement to get rid of stress and injury, self-examination, a simple test aimed at determining the condition of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and the general condition of your body . Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky, together with the audience, and even together, following the example, will teach you how to move correctly, feel and understand the signals of your body.

In addition, Dr. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky in the studio will tell and demonstrate how diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and immune system can be overcome without medicines and painkillers. Using an example, a real story, a real person, viewers will be able to see the result right in the studio.

Treatment of a certain disease, with the help of movement is quite possible! Right before our eyes! Speakers will provide advice on the correct lifestyle for a specific diagnosis and specific problems.

"Rules of motion" - a real help in solving existing problems.

The hosts of the program - international master of sports of Russia in figure skating, champion and beauty Anna Semenovich and kinesitherapist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky - will tell you how to restore health with the help of the right movement. "The right movement heals, the wrong one cripples."

By learning to move correctly, you can not only cope with ailments, but also maintain the body in an optimally healthy state, prolong youth and a full life, and keep active.

Wrong way of life, laziness and medicines are death for the body. Movement is life. Kinesitherapy - movement therapy. Pain paralyzes the will and mind. But it must not be avoided, but overcome. You can defeat pain only by moving towards it. You can overcome fear only if you do what is scary. By the same principle, one can ultimately defeat pain and illness.

The guests of the program are famous people who will share their experience of the right lifestyle. Anna Semenovich and Sergei Bubnovsky will test the viability of their theory in practice. Rapid weight loss and diet? And what happens at this moment with the muscles, do you think? And what will the loss of the muscular frame of the spine lead to, you know? Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky will always give advice, tell whether our star guest is taking care of his health correctly, and also what else needs to be done so that a person’s lifestyle is really right.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse! The presenters communicate with the audience and find out what the general denseness and laziness leads to. How to move correctly in everyday life, how to get out of bed, take bags, how to get rid of stress and mental trauma with the help of movement, self-diagnosis, the simplest tests to determine the state of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and general body tone - all this is in our new program. Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky, by their own example, will teach you how to move, feel and understand your body correctly.

In addition, Dr. Bubnovsky, right in the studio, will tell and show how you can cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and immunity without drugs and painkillers. Using the example of a specific story of a specific person, viewers will see the result right in the studio. The facilitators will give advice on the right way of life in relation to a specific diagnosis and specific problems.

Presenters: Sergei Bubnovsky and Anna Semenovich

If you have osteochondrosis, pain in your shoulder, back, knee, neck and lower back, if you suffer from sciatica, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, scoliosis or intervertebral hernia - become the hero of our program! Send your applications - always with a photo and contact details - to the address or call 8-916-166-57-59, 8-925-203-79-80 . There is a chance to live without pain!

Only people who, due to illness, cannot move independently, take care of themselves, can truly understand what life without movement is like. Diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system can lie in wait for anyone. A minor injury can take away the joy of movement, even with enhanced treatment. Progressive medicine offers non-pharmacological ways to deal with ailments. It has established itself as an effective technique of Bubnovsky's gymnastics.

Who is Sergey Bubnovsky

Sergei Bubnovsky has medical scientific titles, regalia, the status of the founder of one of the areas of kinesiotherapy. His specialization is prevention, rehabilitation after injuries, problems of the musculoskeletal system. Bubnovsky created a technique that he first tested on himself. After surviving a car accident, he was able to put himself on his feet. Therefore, the gymnastics offered by the doctor of medical sciences inspires confidence among patients and specialists.

Treatment on the move

Fundamental to the treatment is the fact that a person must cope with the disease himself. Refuse, minimize the intake, dependence on drugs. And most importantly, move. The direction of treatment in which Bubnovsky works is called kinesiotherapy for a reason. The root of the meaning, if translated from the language of the ancient Greeks, sounds like movement.

Fundamentals and principles

Gymnastics involves not only healing. This is a good preventive measure. Bubnovsky made the main emphasis on the musculoskeletal system. A modern person, sitting at computers, in offices for many hours of his life, deprives himself of the opportunity to once again walk, stretch his muscles.

Lack of mobility causes our joints to become unusable. Daily uncomfortable posture, improper fit forms curvature. Muscle tissue is numb.

Only regular warm-ups will not allow destructive consequences to occur. Bubnovsky's course of treatment, his gymnastics are the right movements.

What diseases does it treat

The list of ailments covered by Bubnovsky's therapy has significantly expanded the scope today. The scope has gone beyond diseases of the organs of movement. There is even a course for expectant mothers. Here are some of the ailments that are afraid of this method:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • aseptic necrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • periarthritis humeroscapular;
  • polyarthritis;
  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • prostatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • excess weight;
  • disorders of the nervous system, etc.

Use of Therapy

Gymnastics includes many exercises that affect certain areas. Each situation is characterized by an individual approach. The simplest movements can be performed independently, guided by video courses.

The use of Bubnovsky's gymnastics does not require special medical prescriptions, especially for preventive purposes. However, the ideal option would be an initial consultation with specialists. Moreover, many clinics have adopted the technique.

Any of the types of gymnastics that Bubnovsky offers begins with an adaptive course. At this stage, the loads are minimal. The body, muscles, joints get used to the built complex, which necessarily includes the following exercises:

  • warming up, stretching muscles;
  • development, warm-up of joints;
  • study of muscles of various groups;
  • breathing exercises;
  • to improve blood circulation;
  • to strengthen musculoskeletal functions;
  • meditation exercises.

In each complex, emphasis is placed on areas that require a special therapeutic course. For the knee joints, the main participants in the classes are the lower limbs. In diseases of the pelvic region, lower back - hip joints. Preventive courses involve the active participation of all joints and muscles.

Bubnovsky paid considerable attention to the spine, as one of the vulnerable parts of the human skeleton. The complex includes exercises on simulators in order to reduce, move the load from problem joints, and revitalize blood flow. All exercises are safe. This is one of the basic principles that Bubnovsky uses in his therapy.

Therapeutic exercises can reduce pain. However, if you practice without following simple rules, you can only exacerbate the pain, add it to another muscle group. Warm up, warm up before gymnastics is a must! And follow some guidelines:

  • practice 3 to 6 times a day;
  • break the complex into convenient groups of exercises;
  • the first lesson is to be carried out in the morning, starting with simple movements;
  • at the debut lesson, try out all the exercises, testing them for discomfort;
  • gradually increase the load, the number of repetitions of movements of one exercise;
  • be sure to complete the entire recommended course!

Waiting for a breakthrough after a single lesson is not worth it. Only after spending a dozen of the total complex, you can feel the effect, general improvement. The completion of the full course will be effective. After rehabilitation, it is better to continue classes. Bubnovsky's therapeutic technique will help keep the body in good shape, strengthen muscle mass, and keep joints in good shape.


Bubnovsky divided the groups of exercises into diseases, age categories, and gender. There is a special adaptive complex for the joints, the spine, from which you can start your own preventive, therapeutic course. The basis of the classes consists of simple exercises in sitting positions on the heels, lying on the back, side. They, like others in the Bubnovsky method, are based on proper breathing, slowness and complete relaxation.

Start simple. Don't stop at the difficult. Always stay on the move!

Every Saturday at 9:30 on the channel "Russia 1" the author's program "Rules of Movement" by Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, the founder of modern kinesitherapy, which has become polar for viewers, begins. You can see a selection of videos of these programs for 2016. In the programs themselves and videos, you can easily see the effectiveness of the unique method of S.M. Bubnovsky - treatment with the correct movements of various diseases and not only the musculoskeletal system. It is shown on life examples that by determining the state of the muscles of the spine and joints in a patient using the original myofascial (patent for invention No. 23052) and functional diagnostics, one can easily make sure that in most cases surgical intervention can be avoided. Classified kinesiotherapists, methodologists and instructors of the Bubnovsky Centers will teach you the right individual therapeutic movements (exercises for the home) and return your lost ability to work!

In case of muscle injury, apply cold! By strengthening the abductor muscles of the thigh, we give health to the prostate gland. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 07/16/2016

How does exercise help fight fatigue and headaches? Anti-gravity exercises improve the blood supply to the muscles. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 07/09/2016

A beautiful person is a healthy person! How to feel young, healthy and fit? Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 07/02/2016

How to improve the blood supply to the brain? How kids can avoid scoliosis with exercises at home. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 06/25/2016

How to treat an intervertebral hernia with physical exercises? What exercises restore mobility to the shoulder joint? Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 06/18/2016

Treat movement like relaxation! Deep muscles of the back, muscles of the thoracic spine and legs are strengthened only by exercises. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 06/11/2016

Spinal hernia, kyphoscoliosis, pain? We stretch the muscles of the back on the simulator, and at home with rubber expanders. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 06/04/2016

How to relieve back pain? Exercises to relieve pain in the shoulder and hip joints. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 05/28/2016

How to independently determine the state of your body? Is it possible to get rid of stress and psychological trauma? Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 05/21/2016

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What exercises prevent diseases in women? How to effectively tighten the buttocks and remove cellulite? Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 04/02/2016

How to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle without overloading the joints? Home exercises with expanders for injured ligaments. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 03/26/2016

Headaches, depression, dementia, osteochondrosis? Are you suffering from pain in your hips and feet? Exercises and correct movements will help you! Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 19.03.2016

No pills, only exercises to solve problems with gout, flat feet, diabetic foot syndrome and varicose veins. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 03/12/2016

We train the muscles responsible for blood flow in the pelvic organs. Prevention of male and female diseases (prostatitis and uterine fibroids)! We train the ligamentous apparatus of the foot. Channel "Russia 1" Author's program of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. "Traffic rules" 03/05/2016

Healthy lifestyle program.

"Rules of motion" - a real help in solving existing problems.

The hosts of the program - international master of sports of Russia in figure skating, champion and beauty Anna Semenovich and kinesitherapist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky - will tell you how to restore health with the help of the right movement. "The right movement heals, the wrong one cripples."

Having learned to move correctly, you can not only cope with ailments, but also maintain the body in an optimally healthy state, prolong youth and a full life, and maintain activity.

Wrong way of life, laziness and medicines are death for the body. Movement is life. Kinesitherapy - movement therapy. Pain paralyzes the will and mind. But it must not be avoided, but overcome. You can defeat pain only by moving towards it. You can overcome fear only if you do what is scary. By the same principle, one can ultimately defeat pain and illness.

The guests of the program are famous people who will share their experience of the right lifestyle. Anna Semenovich and Sergei Bubnovsky will test the viability of their theory in practice. Rapid weight loss and diet? And what happens at this moment with the muscles, do you think? And what will the loss of the muscular frame of the spine lead to, you know? Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky will always give advice, tell whether our star guest is taking care of his health correctly, and also what else needs to be done so that a person’s lifestyle is really right.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse! The presenters communicate with the audience and find out what the general denseness and laziness leads to. How to move correctly in everyday life, how to get out of bed, take bags, how to get rid of stress and mental trauma with the help of movement, self-diagnosis, the simplest tests to determine the state of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and general body tone - all this is in our new program. Anna Semenovich and Sergey Bubnovsky, by their own example, will teach you how to move, feel and understand your body correctly.

In addition, Dr. Bubnovsky, right in the studio, will tell and show how you can cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and immunity without drugs and painkillers. Using the example of a specific story of a specific person, viewers will see the result right in the studio. The facilitators will give advice on the right way of life in relation to a specific diagnosis and specific problems.

Presenters: Sergei Bubnovsky and Anna Semenovich

If you have osteochondrosis, pain in your shoulder, back, knee, neck and lower back, if you suffer from sciatica, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, scoliosis or intervertebral hernia - become the hero of our program! Send your applications - always with a photo and contact details - to the address [email protected] or call 8-916-166-57-59, 8-925-203-79-80 . There is a chance to live without pain!