Accounting for overhaul operations in homeowners associations, housing cooperatives and management organizations. Features of receipts and differences from a similar housing and communal services document


Up to 10% of residential buildings in the capital are able to serve themselves on their own. They don't need special accounts. Now, unlike the scheme proposed by the authorities, the money collected for repairs, the cooperatives keep on bank deposits - at a good percentage. The special account does not promise any interest to the owners: in five years, the money will depreciate at best by a quarter. At the same time, there are no guarantees of their safety in case the bank's license is revoked. Housing cooperatives are asked to be given the opportunity to withdraw from the regional program and renovate their homes the way they have done for many years. The Moscow City Duma supports them in this.

The problem of cooperatives in the capital's parliament was analyzed on the example of the housing cooperative "Artists of Cinema and Drama" (Chernyakhovsky str., 5, building 1, Airport district). The house was commissioned in 1958, and since then it has been completely self-service. “Elevators, roofing, heat supply risers - all replacements were carried out in the normal mode, no accidents,” said Nadir Alimov, chairman of the housing cooperative.

The cooperative raised money on its own, looked for contractors, accepted work. Until now, all the documents about what happened to the house over the past half century are stored in the safe of the organization.

Now it is the turn of the sewers. A few years ago, after a complete analysis of the state of engineering systems, residents began to save up for their replacement. By the time the regional overhaul program was launched, about 2.5 million rubles were already in the bank account of the housing cooperative. Residents are now at a crossroads. Now they will either have to collect money again - 15 rubles per square meter - for the same needs, or transfer it from a deposit to a special account, which, having no special alternative, the participants of the cooperative nevertheless opened. At the same time, it is not clear whether such a transfer is provided for by law and whether it will exempt tenants from mandatory fees.

The reason co-ops don't want to work with a special account is simple. Unlike deposits, such a form as a special account involves an average of only 1-2% per annum.

“Imagine: only our house - 80 apartments - collects a million rubles a year. According to the schedule of the Moscow Housing Inspection, in 2018 we must repair the sewer. In three years we will accumulate three million rubles. By the time the money is needed, inflation, which, according to the most optimistic forecasts, is 15% today, will eat up about a quarter of savings. Meanwhile, according to the old scheme, we could collect this money in a year. Why spread the fees over the years, given that banks do not provide protection against inflation, if you can speed up the process through earmarked contributions,” Alimov said.

The fact that now there are no guarantees for the safety of funds in case the bank's license is suddenly revoked is also alarming for the owners.

The deputies of the Moscow City Duma also recognized the problem. The participants in the discussion propose to insure savings accounts for overhaul, and allow the use of money on the principle of "accumulated-repaired". They intend to address this issue to the federal parliament.

As for the special accounts themselves, in the opinion of those gathered, it is necessary, if not to oblige, then at least to recommend to banks to give interest on them, as on deposit accounts. And it is better to completely exclude independent houses from the law on overhaul. “We are not opposed to raising money for overhaul. But even now in Moscow there are quite a few houses - about 10% - that do it on their own, without any programs. We need to give them that opportunity. The Housing Inspectorate already has enough authority to monitor the condition of buildings,” the chairman of the housing cooperative believes.

Moreover, you can make repairs cheaper on your own, Alimov believes. Find a contractor not in Moscow, but in the nearest suburbs or Tatarstan, order work during the period when the company is “underloaded”.

Participants of the hearings also pointed out that the system is not flexible. “Now residents of the first floors pay contributions for overhaul on an equal basis with the rest. Meanwhile, we remember that they do not use elevators, and their replacement is about 10% of the repair cost, ”said the chairman of the housing cooperative.

A lot of controversy was also caused by the schedule for the overhaul. “Dates should be determined only after an examination of the condition of the house, engineering communications. Meanwhile, the Moszhilinspektsiya draws up a list of works based on “visual inspections of residential buildings”, which are carried out every five years. How can you "visually" assess the condition of the sewerage system? - the chairman of the ZhSK was perplexed.

So, in the house on Chernyakhovsky, it is necessary to insulate the wall - it was planned to continue the house, which was not followed. However, there are no such works in the overhaul schedule, Asya Kulikova, a resident of the house, complained.

In turn, a member of the public advisory council of the Moscow City Duma, Kristina Simonyan, suggested not to think ahead 20 years, and draw up a schedule for overhaul - with a list of houses and types of work - for a year, with mandatory coordination with municipal deputies.

As for the list, Sergey Cherepanov, head of the housing and communal services department of the SAO prefecture, who was present at the meeting, said that it was possible to add or move certain works manually, and promised to meet with representatives of the housing cooperative again to work out the issue. Such responsiveness of local officials, though pleasant, but, alas, does not speak of consistency.

The law is logical, fair, but incomplete, summed up the participants of the round table.

“No one argues with the need for a paid overhaul,” said Moscow City Duma deputy Leonid Zyuganov. “However, many provisions of the overhaul program need to be clarified and adjusted.”

Anna Semenets

Generally speaking, there are no free home maintenance services. We still pay for some work, some of these services are already included in the rent. Therefore, public utilities should not take extra money for them or evade their implementation.

  • § PP. 2 p. 1 art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

The list of all the works already paid for by us is detailed in Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Guide for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock MDK 204.2004 (approved by the Gosstroy of Russia) and in Appendix No. 4 to the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170).

  • Beating off the exfoliated finish of the outer surface of the walls (plaster, facing tiles)
  • Removing Dangerous Décor Items
  • Removal, strengthening of broken or weakly reinforced house number plates, stair signs and other elements of visual information
  • Strengthening canopies, fences and railings and other works


  • Cleaning debris and dirt, removing snow and ice from roofs
  • Checking the condition and strengthening of the heads of chimneys, ventilation pipes and metal coatings of the parapet and other works


  • Replacement of broken and strengthening weakly strengthened glass
  • Strengthening or adjusting springs and closers on entrance doors
  • Closing basement, attic doors and manholes with locks
  • Insulation of window and door openings and other works


  • Cleaning and housekeeping
  • Green space care


  • Daily wet sweeping of landings and marches of the lower 2 floors
  • Weekly wet sweeping of landings and marches above the 2nd floor
  • Daily wet sweeping of places in front of the loading valves of the garbage chutes
  • Daily washing of the floor of the elevator car
  • Monthly washing of landings and marches
  • Annual (spring) washing of windows, wet wiping of walls, doors, plafonds on stairwells, window sills, heaters, window bars, attic stairs, cabinets for electric meters, mailboxes and other works



  • Cleaning of container sites
  • Cleaning trash bins

cold period

  • Removal of snow and ice from the area in front of the entrance to the entrance
  • Snow removal from sidewalks and driveways
  • Sprinkling the territory with anti-icing compounds


  • Sweeping the territory on days without precipitation and on days with precipitation up to 2 cm
  • Lawn cleaning and watering
  • Seasonal mowing of lawns and other works


  • Shutting off radiators when they leak
  • Draining and filling the heating system with water
  • Elimination of air jams in radiators and risers
  • Insulation of pipelines in attics and technical undergrounds and other works


  • Eliminating leaks, changing gaskets and stuffing glands in water and valve taps in technical undergrounds
  • Insulation of pipelines in technical undergrounds and others

But there are also jobs for which you need to pay extra.

  • Maintenance and repair of entrance doors to apartments, doors and windows located inside the apartment
  • Insulation of window and balcony openings in the apartment, replacement of broken glass on apartment balconies
  • Cleaning, cleaning and landscaping of areas that are not part of the common property of the house. Such plots should be monitored by their owners, even if this land is located close to the house.
  • § Clause 15 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491)

With the onset of spring, public utilities are required to conduct a planned general inspection of the house. It is produced from the roof to the basement, including structures, engineering equipment and elements of the external improvement of the house. And if spring brings natural disasters that can cause damage to the elements of the house (rainstorms, hurricanes, floods, etc.), an extraordinary inspection should also be carried out after them.

  • § Clause 13 of the Rules ... (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491)
  • § Clause 2.1.1 of the Rules and Regulations ... (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170)

After the inspection, all the work necessary for the house is formed into 2 lists:

  • those that the management company will spend from the funds already transferred by the tenants for monthly payments (for the maintenance and current repairs of common property);
  • those that involve a major overhaul of the common property of the house (tenants will have to pay for them separately).

It involves some work in emergency situations and related work during the elimination of accidents (ditching trenches, pumping water from the basement, opening floors, punching holes and furrows over hidden pipelines, etc.).

Unfortunately, the indicated Appendix No. 2 and Appendix No. 4 are advisory norms. That is, the law recommends (but does not oblige) management companies to prescribe all these works in contracts with residents of apartment buildings.
Often, utilities prescribe all these provisions in contracts so as not to create conflict situations with regulatory authorities. But they are not always fulfilled. In this case, it will be easy to achieve justice. The main thing is to prove that the work is not being done, and attach a copy of the contract where they are indicated. You can also complain to the State Housing Inspectorate.
But even if the management agreement does not contain these provisions, do not despair. It is necessary to hold a general meeting and, on behalf of all owners, declare to the public utilities the demand to include one or another clause in the contract. If they demand additional payment for this, you can try to achieve justice in court. Or you can contact the State Housing Inspectorate with a complaint about their refusal, this body very often comes to the defense of residents in such matters.
The main thing to remember is that water does not flow under a lying stone. Take action!

(Original article in the magazine "Chairman of the HOA" No. 12 for 2015)

I was inspired to take up the pen by a small article in the magazine “Chairman of the HOA” No. 10 for 2015 “Can housing cooperatives manage an apartment building?”. With a question mark. The preamble states that “the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, by ruling No. 305-KG-1770 of September 10, 2015, put an end to this theoretical dispute.” If you read the text of the definition, which is posted on the website of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, it becomes clear that this is not a period, but just a comma. But still a punctuation mark.

What is the sequence of consideration of economic disputes in the Russian Federation in the 21st century? Two economic entities in the city of Moscow may submit their dispute to the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow. Its decision can be challenged in the 9th Arbitration Court of Appeal, then in the Moscow District Arbitration Court, in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. But this is not the end, because there is the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, there is the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights). The decision of the Board for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation stopped the progress of the complaint of a specific resident of the housing cooperative "Kaunas", located in the city of Moscow at Lipetskaya Street, 13, along this chain.

I do not know the reason for this complaint, sent to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate by a specific resident of the ZhSK building and a citizen of the Russian Federation, Tyan Viktor Mikhailovich, who was present at the meeting of the collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation as a third party on September 8, 2015. It can be assumed that it is this resident who does not understand exactly what functions the housing cooperative board performs and for which this resident is charged an additional 5 rubles for each square meter of his apartment. Perhaps very good and honored people sit on the board, but the resident, apparently a professional lawyer, does not see the results of their work. MZhI (Moscow Housing Inspectorate), within the framework of its powers, filed a lawsuit against a legal entity - ZhSK "Kaunas". This did not happen due to the malicious intent of the MZhI, it is forced to respond to written appeals from citizens. Moreover, a legally literate citizen, in the event of his victory over a legal entity - a housing construction cooperative, will be obliged to bear the burden of the costs of implementing the court decision.

There are objective signs of the lack of execution of the functions of managing a residential building by the housing cooperative "Kaunas". Anyone can find the House of Moscow portal on the Internet in any search engine, find an apartment building at the address: Lipetskaya Street, 13, and make sure that there is absolutely no information about the house and the organization managing this house on the portal. This is what explains such a long progress of the resident's complaint through the judicial chain. The decision of the Chamber for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 305-KG-1770 dated September 10, 2015 literally states: :

the decision of the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow dated April 25, 2014 in case N A40-27092 / 14, the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated July 21, 2014 and the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District dated December 2, 2014 in this case are canceled.

Send the case for a new trial to the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow.

The issue is not closed, the MZhI claim will be reconsidered at a meeting of the Moscow Arbitration Court and the final decision is not yet known. Here I recall an example from my judicial practice: disabled pensioners, without paying a court fee, filed a lawsuit with the Magistrate's Court to recover one million rubles from the chairman of the board of the housing cooperative personally for the damage caused to them. The court rejected the claim against me personally on formal grounds, because I was acting as chairman of the board. This lawsuit has been closed. Then there were three more trials with the same people. The result - bailiffs, by court decision, withdrew 21 thousand rubles from the accounts of the plaintiffs-pensioners in the Savings Bank of Russia and transferred this money to the account of the housing cooperative to partially pay the costs of the housing cooperative for lawyers. The return of the arbitration case to the first instance does not yet mean a victory over the Moscow housing inspectorate on the issue of the original, “innate” right of the housing cooperative to manage a residential building. It is better not to allow a situation at all in which residents do not understand the role of the housing cooperative board in the management and operation of an apartment building and complain to various authorities.

Based on my 27-year experience of chairing an almost 500-apartment Moscow housing cooperative, I can say that the boards of housing cooperatives are very different, and they perform their work in different ways. Let's discuss this issue.

Self-service housing complex. In this case, the housing cooperative is the governing body and the executor of all work on the maintenance of an apartment building and the provision of public services to its residents. The staff of the housing cooperative includes cleaners, janitors, security guards, plumbers, electricians, accountants, caretaker technicians, up to landscape designers. Of course, the housing cooperative is a legal entity, has a seal and a bank account. The size of the house is critical. A five-story building with 60 apartments cannot contain such a large number of people. I know 500-apartment houses, the service staff of which consists of 10-15 people.

ZhSK on self-government. Here, the housing cooperative performs only management functions, concluding contracts with service and resource-supplying organizations, accruing and accounting for payments, and organizing the operation and maintenance of a residential building. In this case, the housing cooperative is also a legal entity, has a seal and a bank account. This is how our housing cooperative has been operating since 2006. Only two people receive money for their work and they receive it from the section of the estimate for the maintenance of a residential building under the “Management” agreements. There is no column “ZHSK expenses” in our receipts, there is a column “Target repair reserve fund” and the fee for it is 3.6 rubles per square meter and the money goes to repair common property and not a penny to pay the chairman of the board and the accountant-manager.

ZhSK managed by a municipal or commercial management company. This is how many "old" housing cooperatives work. There is a chairman with a seal and a salary, but what he does to the residents is not clear. Receipts for payment are generated at the EIRC (Unified Settlement and Information Center), documents on residence for residents of the house are issued at the MFC (Multifunctional Center), maintenance work is performed by contractors who are hired, for example, by the State Unitary Enterprise "DEZ of the Biryulyovo Vostochnoye District". The accountant can only issue salaries to himself and other paid board members. Perhaps the chairman and accountant issue certificates of the paid share to the members of the housing cooperative, in order to formalize the ownership of their apartments. Perhaps the board of the housing cooperative organizes children's matinees, publishes a wall newspaper, and leads a choir for pensioners. Remember Shvonder in the film Heart of a Dog. Members of the “housing association” only sang, they did not know how to repair the sewer, they were not accustomed to take off their galoshes in the front door.

Our ZhSK "Maryino-9" was formed on August 6, 1989 at the organizational General Meeting in the assembly hall of the hostel No. 10 of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman. The Charter of the housing cooperative was adopted, the board of the housing cooperative was elected, and I was elected chairman of the board of the housing cooperative by the General Meeting on an alternative basis. This is the birthday of our cooperative. Our housing cooperative was formed from among those on the waiting list for state living space and residents of communal apartments in the Baumansky and Krasnopresnensky districts of Moscow, as well as people in need of better housing, according to the lists of enterprises in these areas. We opened an account with Promstroybank of the USSR, collected share contributions, took out a loan from Stroybank of the USSR, transferred the full cost of a 474-apartment residential building under project P44/17 to account TUKS (Territorial Administration of Capital Construction) No. 7. Upon completion of construction and acceptance of the house by the State Commission, ZhSK received a piece of paper called "aviso". The concept of ownership of housing in the USSR did not exist. We have passed the stage of registration of a legal entity, registration of ownership of apartments by our residents. There is no document on the ownership of the housing cooperative for an apartment building and cannot be. The current officials of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate did not even exist in the project at that time.

Over the years of existence, our housing cooperative has been constantly discriminated against in various areas. There were times when the sandbox closest to the neighboring council house was filled with fresh sand by DEZ workers in the spring, while ours was left empty. Repair and painting of the benches in front of the house was proposed to be carried out at the expense of the housing cooperative, the deputy head of the municipality (the councils appeared later) went from house to house and demanded the keys to the control rooms and cellars. On May 25, 2006, the General Meeting of the housing cooperative was held, at which it was decided to start managing the house on their own. Contracts were signed with Mosvodokanal, MIPC, Mosenergosbyt, one of the contractors, we bought our own garbage containers and hired our own waste collection company. Immediately we had money in our hands and immediately we began repairing and putting the common property in order. Every year from May to September we repair, paint, change something. On the Internet, you can easily find the website of the housing cooperative "Maryino-9", it contains hundreds of photographs of the state of common property, minutes of annual general meetings, copies of court decisions that have entered into force. Through the site, you can take readings of apartment water meters, apply to the housing cooperative board with an application. The portal "House of Moscow" contains comprehensive information about the apartment building at the address: Lyublinskaya Street, 124 and about the organization managing the house - ZhSK "Maryino-9" in the self-government.

What is the self-government of the housing cooperative and how to implement it?

It all starts with the very statutory cooperative action: the holding of the General Meeting of members of a housing, housing construction or other consumer cooperative, which exists in a detached apartment building. Note, "free-standing", i.e. having a unique address. The situation in which there are two housing cooperatives in one house is contrary to the letter of the law, because then budget subsidies for the maintenance of the house must be paid to two different legal entities that manage the MKD at the same address. It is clear that the reasoning is based on the Moscow experience.

The meeting must be legitimate, otherwise one "legally competent pensioner" will torture a dozen lawyers. Then the direct work on the management of a residential apartment building begins. Residents' money, including budget money, is paid for the work performed, and not for the presence of a housing cooperative seal for a group of people. The easiest way out of the specific situation in the housing cooperative “Kaunas”, in “my estimated opinion”, is to delimit the functions of the management company and the management of the housing cooperative.

I recall a conversation with an employee of the prosecutor's office after a letter from a resident of the house on a completely different matter many years ago. To my explanation: “Everyone does it like that…”, the answer was: “Everyone does it, but not everyone is written to the prosecutor’s office.”

Indeed, the board can engage in cultural work, holding children's matinees, discussing on social networks the role of "honored boards of the housing cooperative" in the operation of apartment buildings. In order for officials of housing inspections not to have questions about spending budget funds, it would be better not to receive them at all. Residents of the house for their own money can oblige the board of housing cooperatives to “shower rose petals” on every apartment building entering the entrance. The duty of "shedding" is not spelled out in the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, control over it is not within the competence of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

Chairman of the Board of ZhSK "Maryino-9"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman

Goncharenko Konstantin Vladimirovich

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Our construction company performs repair and finishing works in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the process of performing engineering work, such as plumbing and electrical work. We are always closely connected with budget management companies.

Long-term cooperation with these organizations gives a positive result when carrying out repair work in different parts of the city of Moscow. On this page we give contact information and addresses of operating organizations in different districts and districts of the city of Moscow.

We think that this useful information will be useful for those who carry out major repairs of apartments, and it will also be useful for homeowners.

ZhEKi and REU of Moscow.

Addresses and telephones of all ZhEKs and REU of the city of Moscow. And here are the transcripts of the abbreviations:
ZhEK - housing maintenance office or housing maintenance company.
REU - repair and maintenance department.
REP - repair and maintenance enterprise.
ZhSK - housing construction cooperative.
DEZ - directorate of a single customer.
RSP is a repair and construction enterprise.

Central administrative district

Basmanny district

DEZ f-l No. 1, Moscow, 109028, per. Podkopayevsky, 2/6, tel. 917-98-85
DEZ f-l No. 1, Moscow, 109028, st. Solyanka, 1/2, tel. 921-98-86
DEZ f-l No. 1, Moscow, 103062, b-r Chistoprudny, 14, tel. 924-24-68
DEZ f-l No. 2, Moscow, 103064, st. Mashkova, 9, tel. 916-49-56
DEZ f-l No. 2, Moscow, 101000, per. Garden Sloboda, 14, tel. 923-25-79
DEZ f-l No. 2, Moscow, 101000, b-r Chistoprudny, 11, tel. 923-20-64
DEZ f-l No. 3, Moscow, 107066, st. Basmannaya Staraya, 20, tel. 265-26-18
DEZ f-l No. 3, Moscow, 103064, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 23, tel. 916-19-29
DEZ f-l No. 3, Moscow, 103064, st. Khomutovsky dead end, 6, tel. 208-23-31
DEZ f-l No. 4, Moscow, 107005, st. Baumanskaya, 43/1, tel. 261-63-04
DEZ f-l No. 4, Moscow, 107066, st. Dobroslobodskaya, 15/17, tel. 261-60-50
DEZ f-l No. 5, Moscow, 107066, st. Krasnoselskaya Lower, 42, tel. 267-46-80
DEZ f-l No. 5, Moscow, 107082, per. Centrosoyuzny, 14, tel. 265-40-26
DEZ f-l No. 6, Moscow, 107005, st. Bakuninskaya, 10/12, tel. 267-42-82
DEZ f-l No. 6, Moscow, 107082, st. Postal Bolshaya, 18/20, tel. 261-96-04
DEZ f-l No. 7, Moscow, 105094, st. Hospital Val, 5, tel. 360-35-21
DEZ f-l No. 7, Moscow, 105094, emb. Semenovskaya, 2/1, tel. 360-47-40
DEZ f-l No. 8, Moscow, 103064, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 10, tel. 916-08-50
DEZ f-l No. 8, Moscow, 103062, per. Podsosensky, 14, tel. 916-29-33
DEZ, Moscow, 107066, per. 1st Basmanny, 6, tel. 207-44-43
REP No. 1, Moscow, 101000, per. Zlatoustinsky, 5, tel. 925-97-81
REP No. 2, Moscow, 101000, b-r Chistoprudny, 9, tel. 925-46-17
REP No. 3, Moscow, 107066, st. Basmannaya Star., 20, tel. 261-71-57
REP No. 4, Moscow, 107055, st. Baumanskaya, 39, tel. 267-59-36
REP No. 5, Moscow, 107082, st. Bakuninskaya, 55, tel. 267-82-78
REP No. 6, Moscow, 107082, st. Postal B., 18/20, tel. 261-07-89
REP No. 7, Moscow, 105094, st. Hospital Val, 5, tel. 360-76-70
REP No. 8, Moscow, 103062, per. Lyalin, 9, tel. 917-17-04

Zamoskvorechye district

DEZ f-l No. 1, Moscow, 101000, per. Zlatoustinsky Small, 5, tel. 925-97-81, 928-56-83
GREP 1, Moscow, 113093, st. Serpukhov Bolshaya, 46, tel. 236-33-96
RSP SIVILA GUP, Moscow, 113184, per. Ovchinnikovsky Bolshoi, 17/1, tel. 53-37-75
GREP 2, Moscow, 113035, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 10, tel. 951-78-90
RSP SIVILA GUP, Moscow, 113184, st. Tatarskaya Bolshaya, 25/27, tel. 951-75-68
LLC LAKISTROYTEHNO, Moscow, 113054, st. Pionerskaya Bolshaya, 28, tel. 235-58-93
LLC LAKISTROYTEHNO, Moscow, 113093, per. 1st Shchipkovsky, 11/13, tel. 235-41-97
CJSC SOYUZVODOTEPLO, Moscow, 113054, per. 3rd Monetchikovsky, 10/1, tel. 959-28-22
ZAO SOYUZVODOTEPLO, Moscow, 109017, st. Pyatnitskaya, 43, tel. 953-08-81
DEZ, Moscow, 113035, st. Pyatnitskaya, 18, tel. 951-30-08

Krasnoselsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 107140, st. Krasnoselskaya Lower, 5, tel. 262-65-39
REP No. 1, Moscow, 101000, per. Milyutinsky, 11, tel. 924-87-75
REP No. 2, Moscow, 103045, per. Dayev, 6, tel. 207-74-94
REP No. 3, Moscow, 107078, per. Dokuchaev, 11, tel. 975-10-03
REP No. 3, Moscow, 129010, per. 1st Koptelsky, 26, tel. 280-85-22
Production base KRASNOSELSKAYA GUP REU, Moscow, 107078, st. Novoryazanskaya, 16, tel. 208-86-83
Production base KRASNOSELSKAYA GUP REU, Moscow, 107140, per. 2nd New, 3/5, tel. 264-93-38
FIRM BYT-SERVICE 11 CJSC, Moscow, 107140, lane 3rd Krasnoselsky, 6, tel. 264-65-43
FIRMA BYT-SERVIS 11 CJSC, Moscow, 107140, st. Rusakovskaya, 1, tel. 264-67-34

Meshchansky district

REU NAPRUDNOE, Moscow, 129110, st. Gilyarovsky, 68, tel. 281-22-80
REU NAPRUDNOE, Moscow, 129272, Olympiyskiy Ave., 30, tel. 281-85-00
REP No. 4, Moscow, 129041, per. Bath, 3, tel. 280-93-19
REP No. 4, Moscow, 129041, Mira Ave., 74, tel. 971-03-78
REU SRETENKA, Moscow, 103013, per. Kiselny Small, 4, tel. 925-19-02
REU SRETENKA, Moscow, 10345, per. Sergievsky Bolshoi, 9, tel. 921-40-18
REU SRETENKA, Moscow, 103045, per. Last, 25, tel. 207-12-46
REP No. 2, Moscow, 129010, per. Botanical, 11, tel. 280-07-66
REP No. 2, Moscow, 129090, st. Meshchanskaya, 8, tel. 281-17-17
DEZ, Moscow, 129010, per. Botanical, 7, tel. 280-09-17

Presnensky district

LLC SOZIDANIE-98, Moscow, 123056, st. Vasilievskaya, 2/6, tel. 254-47-03
LLC SOZIDANIE-98, Moscow, 123056, st. Krasina, 7/3, tel. 254-92-38
GREP No. 2, Moscow, 123557, st. Klimashkina, 12, tel. 253-81-77
GREP No. 2, Moscow, 123022, per. Stolyarny, 18, tel. 253-59-56
GREP No. 3, Moscow, 123557, st. Georgian M., 43, tel. 253-37-55
GREP No. 3, Moscow, 123056, st. Georgian Val., 26/1, tel. 251-81-77
OOO SOYUZ-3, Moscow, 123100, pr. Shmitovsky, 11a, tel. 256-32-12
GREP No. 5, Moscow, 103009, per. Bryusov, 1b, tel. 229-53-61
GREP No. 5, Moscow, 121069, per. Skaterny, 11, tel. 290-29-32
ARU DANILOVSKOE, Moscow, 103104, per. Kozikhinsky Bolshoi, 8/1, tel. 209-72-30
LLC COMPANY EZHNF, Moscow, 103001, per. Kozikhinsky Bolshoy 27/1, tel. 299-70-52
ARU DANILOVSKOE, Moscow, 121069, st. Nikitskaya Malaya, 14/2, tel. 290-19-52
LLC FIRMA MEIRUM, Moscow, 123317, st. Litvina-Sedogo, 13, tel. 256-62-62
GREP No. 9, Moscow, 123022, per. Predtechensky Bolshoy, 21, tel. 252-37-81
GREP No. 10, Moscow, 123290, Shelepikhinskoe sh., 11/1, tel. 259-49-10
LLC INZHSERVISSTROY, Moscow, 123100, pr. Shmitovsky, 8, tel. 205-74-53
DEZ, Moscow, 123022, st. Krasnaya Presnya, 26, tel. 252-06-83
LLC FRIZ-XXI, Moscow, 123056, st. Zoological 26/2, tel. 254-31-49

Tagansky district

GREP No. 1, Moscow, 109172, st. Masons Big, 17, tel. 911-17-70
GREP No. 2, Moscow, 109028, st. Vorontsovo Pole, 2/1, tel. 916-15-40
GREP No. 4, Moscow, 109172, Kotelnicheskaya emb., 25/8, tel. 915-73-13
GREP No. 6, Moscow, 109029, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 6, tel. 270-12-22
GREP No. 7, Moscow, 109120, st. Sergius of Radonezh, 10/1, tel. 270-37-10
GREP No. 7, Moscow, 109004, per. Torch Bolshoy, 3, tel. 912-71-99
GREP No. 8, Moscow, 109544, st. Working, 22/24, tel. 278-80-59
GREP No. 9, Moscow, 109004, per. Nikoloyamskoy, 4/6, tel. 915-20-11
GREP No. 10, Moscow, 109316, st. Jerusalem, 8, tel. 276-02-51
GREP No. 5, Moscow, 109129, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 9b, tel. 278-00-79
DEZ, Moscow, 109147, st. Vorontsovskaya, 21, tel. 912-19-76
DEZ, Moscow, 109044, st. 2nd Dubrovskaya, 4, tel. 277-16-51
DEZ, Moscow, 109147, st. Marxistskaya, 9, tel. 270-52-50
OOO PF FRIGAT, Moscow, 109044, st. 2nd Dubrovskaya, 4, tel. 277-14-66

Tverskoy district

GREP No. 1, Moscow, 125047, st. 1st Brestskaya, 41, tel. 251-59-45
GREP No. 1, Moscow, 119332, st. Tverskaya, 27/1, tel. 299-44-93
GREP No. 2, Moscow, 119332, st. Tverskaya, 6, tel. 292-06-34
GREP No. 2, Moscow, 119332, st. Tverskaya, 12/8, tel. 299-39-40
GREP No. 3, Moscow, 103006, per. Vorotnikovsky, 5/9, tel. 299-56-33
GREP No. 11, school, Moscow, 125047, st. 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 56/6, tel. 251-26-17
LLC FIRMA LANTAN, Moscow, 103031, st. Petrovka, 19, tel. 921-86-63
GREP No. 6, Moscow, 103051, per. 2nd Kolobovsky, 9/2 building 5, tel. 924-76-77
GREP No. 7, Moscow, 103030, st. Dolgorukovskaya, 29, tel. 978-55-93
CJSC REMSERVICE, Moscow, 103473, pr. 1st Samotechny, 18/1, tel. 281-86-31
GREP No. 11, Moscow, 103055, per. Vadkovsky, 20, tel. 972-64-23
GREP No. 9, Moscow, 103030, st. Dolgorukovskaya, 36/2, tel. 978-38-49
GREP No. 10, Moscow, 103055, st. Gorlov deadlock, 11, tel. 250-51-71
DEZ, Moscow, 103050, per. Degtyarny, 3, tel. 299-78-26

Khamovniki District

GREP No. 1, Moscow, 121019, per. Znamensky, 10/2, tel. 203-88-04
GREP No. 3, Moscow, 119034, per. Sechenovsky, 5, tel. 203-16-85
GREP No. 4, Moscow, 121019, per. Afanasyevsky Bolshoi, 14, tel. 291-06-07
GREP No. 6, Moscow, 119121, Smolensky blvd., 17, tel. 241-66-41
ZHILKOMPLEKS LLC, Moscow, 119021, st. Timur Frunze, 26, tel. 246-72-09
GREP No. 9, Moscow, 119146, emb. Frunzenskaya, 16/2, tel. 246-47-16
GREP No. 10, Moscow, 119270, emb. Frunzenskaya, 44, tel. 242-55-55
GREP No. 11, Moscow, 119270, st. Khamovnichesky Val, 14, tel. 242-16-45
GREP No. 12, Moscow, 119048, st. Khamovnichesky Val, 32, tel. 245-47-93
GREP No. 13, Moscow, 119048, st. Usacheva, 21, tel. 247-09-60
GREP No. 14, Moscow, 119435, st. Pirogovskaya Bolshaya, 35a, tel. 246-23-23
DEZ, Moscow, 119048, Efremova st., 13/2, tel. 242-89-90
DES Ostozhenka, Moscow, 119034, per. 2nd Obydensky, 10, tel. 291-50-86
LLC PRODUCTION FIRM FRIGATE, Moscow, 119121, st. Plyushchikha, 43/47, tel. 248-30-78
REU No. 5, Moscow, 121002, per. B. Mogiltsevsky, 7, tel. 241-79-02
LLC RADONEZH, Moscow, 119034, st. Ostozhenka, 7, tel. 202-42-10

District Yakimanka

REP YAKIMANKA, Moscow, 109017, st. Ordynka Bolshaya, 36, tel. 951-90-60
REP Yakimanka, Moscow, 117419, st. Academician Petrovsky, 5, tel. 237-18-00
REP Yakimanka, Moscow, 117049, st. Krymsky Val, 8, tel. 238-34-95
REP YAKIMANKA, Moscow, 109180, st. Polyanka, 11, tel. 238-05-39

Northern administrative district

Area Airport

DEZ, Moscow, 125315, prosp. Leningradsky, 74/6, tel. 152-49-11
DEZ, Moscow, 125315, st. Usievich, 25/3, tel. 151-16-61
DEZ, Moscow, 123167, per. Eldoradovsky, 5, tel. 212-43-31
DEZ, Moscow, 125319, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 32, tel. 155-97-01
DEZ, Moscow, 125319, st. Hourly, 8, tel. 152-01-36
CJSC ENGINEERING-M, Moscow, 125315, per. 2nd Baltic, 4, tel. 151-99-81
OOO NIKOSTROY-2000, Moscow, 125315, per. 3rd Baltic, 4/1, tel. 152-33-15
LLC FRIOLA, Moscow, 125167, per. Eldoradovsky, 5, tel. 214-49-79

running area

REU No. 43, Moscow, 125040, prosp. Leningradsky, 19, tel. 251-26-25
REU No. 44, Moscow, 125124, st. Bashilovka New, 6, tel. 212-04-98
REU No. 44, Moscow, 125040, prosp. Leningradsky, 26/2, tel. 214-88-81
DEZ, Moscow, 125040, st. Raskovoy, 14, tel. 213-30-68

Beskudnikovsky district

DEZ school No. 4, Moscow, 127474, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 16a, tel. 480-29-22
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 127474, st. Dubninskaya, 3, tel. 487-53-50
DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 127474, b-r Beskudnikovsky, 32/5, tel. 488-23-35
DEZ school No. 5, Moscow, 127247, Beskudnikovsky blvd., 40/2, tel. 489-00-64
DEZ school No. 6, Moscow, 127247, Beskudnikovsky blvd., 54/2, tel. 485-57-81
DEZ account No. 6, Moscow, 127247, st. 800th anniversary of Moscow, 8, tel. 483-66-61
OOO OMONIA, Moscow, 127474, b-r Beskudnikovsky, 12, tel. 487-26-95
EY-OU-EL LLC, 127247, Beskudnikovsky blvd., 46/3, tel. 489-51-11

Voikovsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 125171, 4th Voikovsky Ave., 9, tel. 150-00-57
Russian Economic University No. 28, Moscow, 125171, pr. 5th Voikovsky, 16, tel. 150-24-11
REU No. 29, Moscow, 125130, st. Kosmodemyanskikh, 10/12, tel. 159-05-57
REU No. 29, Moscow, 125171, per. 1st Novopodmoskovny, 2/1, tel. 150-04-69
REU No. 30, Moscow, 125212, sh. Leningradskoe, 34/2, tel. 159-75-96

Golovinsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 125565, st. Flotskaya, 1, tel. 456-07-91
REO No. 19, Moscow, 125438, st. Onezhskaya, 22, tel. 453-11-22
REO No. 19, Moscow, 125438, st. Onezhskaya, 28, tel. 456-40-02
REO No. 19, Moscow, 125414, st. Festivalnaya, 44, tel. 453-50-50
REO No. 20, Moscow, 125565, Pulkovskaya st., 1, tel. 452-21-63
REO No. 20, Moscow, 125493, st. Pulkovsky, 15/2, tel. 452-37-44
REO No. 21, Moscow, 125493, b-r Kronstadsky, 17/3, tel. 452-09-98
REO No. 22, Moscow, 125413, st. Onega, 39, tel. 453-90-93
REO No. 22, Moscow, 125499, st. Flotskaya, 48/2, tel. 456-00-11
REO No. 23, Moscow, 125438, per. 3rd Likhachevsky, 1/2, tel. 456-14-00
AZHU LLC, Moscow, 125499, st. Flotskaya, 48/2
REMSTROY CJSC REKS-5, Moscow, 125413, st. Flotskaya, 74, tel. 454-52-61
LLC PTO PEKA, Moscow, 125493, st. Pulkovsky, 15/2, tel. 452-02-06
LLC ISTI, Moscow, 125438, st. Onezhskaya, 9/4, k.A, tel. 153-14-12
ZAO REMSERVICE, Moscow, 125493, st. Pulkovsky, 15/2, tel. 452-02-06

District East Degunino

DEZ, Moscow, 127591, st. Dubninskaya, 73/4, tel. 900-47-47
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 127540, st. Dubninskaya, 10/2, tel. 481-51-10
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 127540, st. Dubninskaya, 16/2, tel. 481-35-77
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 127540, st. Dubninskaya, 24/1, tel. 480-69-11
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 127591, pr. Keramichesky, 49/2, tel. 900-87-00
DEZ school No. 2, Moscow, 127591, pr. Keramichesky, 57/3, tel. 900-08-48
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 127591, st. 800th anniversary of Moscow, 11/5, tel. 480-91-88
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 127591, st. Dubninskaya, 36/2, tel. 485-61-66
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 127591, st. Dubninskaya, 73/4, tel. 481-12-13
LLC STROYGRANDE, Moscow, 127540, pr. Keramichesky, 45/11, tel. 900-61-55

District West Degunino

DEZ, Moscow, 127486, st. Deguninskaya, 22, tel. 487-56-93
DEZ, Moscow, 127635, st. Angarskaya, 22/5, tel. 906-74-33
DEZ, Moscow, 127599, st. Marshal Fedorenko, 2/3, tel. 486-15-69
DEZ, Moscow, 127635, st. New, 7, tel. 905-72-36
CJSC ALNITA, Moscow, 127599, st. Marshal Fedorenko, 2/2, tel. 486-26-00
LLC COMUS-CENTER, Moscow, 127486, st. Ivan Susanin, 2/1, tel. 487-57-72
FIRM LLC TRANSCONTACT, Moscow, 127635, st. New, 7, tel. 905-43-41

Dmitrovsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 127247, st. Sofia Kovalevskoy, 4a, tel. 483-90-74
DEZ, Moscow, 127411, st. Sofia Kovalevskoy, 16, tel. 483-87-40
DEZ, Moscow, 127412, st. Angarskaya, 49/4, tel. 483-90-56
DEZ, Moscow, 127644, st. Klyazminskaya, 7/2, tel. 486-00-52
DEZ, Moscow, 127644, st. Klyazminskaya, 19, tel. 484-16-54
DEZ, Moscow, 127411, st. Lobnenskaya, 6a, tel. 483-90-77
DEZ, Moscow, 127644, st. Klyazminskaya, 11/3, tel. 906-60-84
LLC LIK-SERVICE, Moscow, 127411, Dmitrovskoe highway, 125/1, tel. 484-06-96
CJSC LOTOS, Moscow, 127412, Korovinskoe highway, 22, tel. 483-69-10
Russian Economic University No. 9, Moscow, 127644, Karelsky blvd., 5, tel. 483-18-47

District Koptevo

DEZ, Moscow, 125299, st. Academic Bolshaya, 6, tel. 150-68-08
DEZ, Moscow, 125130, st. Kosmodemyanskikh, 39, tel. 450-73-72
DEZ, Moscow, 125239, per. 3rd Mikhalkovsky, 21, tel. 156-38-62
DEZ, Moscow, 125008, per. 3rd Mikhalkovsky, 6, tel. 154-11-77
DEZ, Moscow, 125008, st. Academic Bolshaya, 49/2, tel. 153-42-51
DEZ, Moscow, 125183, st. Academic Bolshaya, 77/4, tel. 488-60-90
DEZ, Moscow, 125008, st. Mikhalkovskaya, 26/2, tel. 154-43-30
OOO AZHUR, Moscow, 125299, st. Academic Bolshaya, 6, tel. 159-21-31
ZHILISCHNIK TK-ХХ1ООО, Moscow, 125008, 3rd Novomikhalkovsky Ave., 4, tel. 154-84-45
OOO LIMK, 125008, per. 3rd Mikhalkovsky, 8/2, tel. 153-14-75
LLC SK-REMONT-777, Moscow, 125008, st. Mikhalkovskaya, 26/2, tel. 154-54-37

Levoberezhny district

DEZ, Moscow, 125565, st. Flotskaya, 1, tel. 456-10-61
DEZ, Moscow, 125195, st. Belomorskaya, 22/1, tel. 457-93-41
DEZ, Moscow, 125195, st. Leningradskoe sh., 96/5, tel. 457-12-95
DEZ, Moscow, 125445, Valdaisky Ave., 6, tel. 457-45-84
DEZ, Moscow, 125445, st. Smolnaya, 73, tel. 457-95-10
OOO KEDR, Moscow, 125195, st. Smolnaya, 37, tel. 457-62-71

Molzhaninovsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 141400, Okhtinsky Ave., 8, tel. 578-33-72

Savelovsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 103287, st. Bashilovskaya, 19, tel. 285-76-90
Uch-k № 1, Moscow, 103220, st. Bashilovskaya, 3/2, tel. 945-20-28
Uch-k № 2, Moscow, 125015, st. Butyrskaya, 9, tel. 285-26-13
Uch-k № 1, Moscow, 125083, st. Maslovka Upper, 24, tel. 212-45-63
OOO IVA XX1, Moscow, 125040, st. Raskovoy, 10/12, tel. 214-69-49

Sokol area

DEZ, Moscow, 125080, st. Shishkina, 7, tel. 195-99-53
REU No. 31, Moscow, 125957, st. Novopeschannaya, 8, tel. 157-22-73
REU No. 31, Moscow, 125252, st. 2nd Sandy, 6, tel. 157-37-76
REU No. 32, Moscow, 125252, st. Halabyan, 15, 198-36-01
REU No. 32, Moscow, 125252, st. Novopeschanaya, 14, tel. 198-35-41
REU No. 33, Moscow, 125080, st. Volokolamskoe sh., 10, tel. 158-01-31
REU No. 33, Moscow, 125080, st. Panfilova, 4/5, tel. 198-14-36

Timiryazevsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 127434, st. Dmitrovskoe sh., 3/1, tel. 976-31-29
DEZ f-l No. 5, Moscow, 125422, Dmitrovsky Ave., 20/1, 211-43-29
DEZ f-l No. 5, Moscow, 125422, st. Kostyakova, 6/5, tel. 976-09-12
DEZ f-l No. 1, Moscow, 127434, Dmitrovskoe highway, 19/1, tel. 977-26-11
DEZ f-l No. 2, Moscow, 127550, Dmitrovskoe highway, 33/1, tel. 976-51-10
DEZ f-l No. 3, Moscow, 127238, pr. 3rd Nizhnelikhoborsky, 8, tel. 488-73-36
DEZ f-l No. 4, Moscow, 125206, st. Vuchetich, 15/1, tel. 211-05-48
Russian Economic University No. 51, Moscow, 125422, Krasnostudenchesky Ave., 19, tel. 976-54-06
REU No. 52, Moscow, 125550, st. Dmitrovskoe sh., 33/1, tel. 976-52-74
REU No. 53, Moscow, 127238, st. Dmitrovskoe sh., 51/1, tel. 488-70-30
LLC FIRMA ZHKH-SERVIS, Moscow, 127434, st. Dmitrovskoe sh., 7/2, tel. 211-54-26

District Khovrivo

DEZ, Moscow, 125502, st. Petrozavodskaya, 3a, tel. 455-90-00
REU No. 13, Moscow, 125414, st. Onezhskaya, 53/4a, tel. 456-20-01
REU No. 13, Moscow, 125581, st. Festivalnaya, 14/1, tel. 456-57-10
REU No. 14, Moscow, 125502, st. Petrozavodskaya, 3, tel. 451-12-40
REU No. 14, Moscow, 125502, st. Petrozavodskaya, 17/1, tel. 455-20-51
REU No. 15, Moscow, 125475, st. Petrozavodskaya, 22, tel. 455-53-33
REU No. 15, Moscow, 125475, st. Petrozavodskaya, 28/5, tel. 451-35-37
REU No. 16, Moscow, 125475, st. Zelenogradskaya, 33a, tel. 451-55-76
REU No. 16, Moscow, 125414, st. Klinskaya, 4/, tel. 451-99-00

Khoroshevsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 123007, st. Khoroshevskoe sh., 68/, tel. 941-18-17
REU No. 38, Moscow, 125284, st. Khoroshevskoe sh., 58a, tel. 941-28-57
REU No. 39, Moscow, 123308, st. Kuusinen 4/2, tel. 195-21-50
REU No. 40, Moscow, 125252, st. Zorge, 14, tel. 943-35-33
REU No. 41, Moscow, 125167, st. Viktorenko, 4, tel. 157-21-01
REU No. 42, Moscow, 123007, 5th Magistralnaya st., 14, tel. 940-22-68
REU No. 45, Moscow, 125284, st. Polikarpova, 25, tel. 945-94-64

Northeastern Administrative District

Alekseevskiy district

DEZ, Moscow, 129278, st. Pavel Korchagin, 16, tel. 283-44-24
LLC KEDR, Moscow, 129301, st. Boris Galushkin, 14/2, tel. 283-25-69
OOO KEDR, Moscow, 129278, st. Konstantinova, 11, tel. 283-08-03
OOO KEDR, Moscow, 129278, st. Konstantinova, 32/2, tel. 283-46-80
LLC KEDR, Moscow, 129278, pr. Rizhsky, 5, tel. 283-40-33
LLC ALEKSEEVETS, Moscow, 129626, st. Novoalekseevskaya, 9a, tel. 287-05-31
CJSC REU GRAND HOLDING STROY, Moscow, 129164, prosp. Mira, 122, tel. 283-51-64
CJSC REU GRAND HOLDING STROY, Moscow, 129164, prosp. Mira, 124, tel. 283-51-53


DEZ, Moscow, 127549, st. Bibirevskaya, 1, tel. 902-73-38
DEZ, Moscow, 127549, st. Kostroma, 12, tel. 902-20-00
DEZ, Moscow, 127410, Putevoi Ave., 24, tel. 901-11-22
REP No. 44, Moscow, 127410, Putevoi Ave., 26, tel. 481-82-10
REP No. 45, Moscow, 127549, Altufevskoe highway, 64v, tel. 902-42-18


DEZ, Moscow, 129344, st. Yeniseiskaya, 10, tel. 471-26-41
DEZ, Moscow, 129344, st. Pechorskaya, 9, tel. 470-60-73
DEZ, Moscow, 129327, st. Lenskaya, 28, tel. 472-47-59
DEZ, Moscow, 129327, st. Chicherina, 8/2, tel. 186-65-01
DEZ, Moscow, 129281, st. Pilot Babushkina, 35/1, tel. 472-00-66
DEZ, Moscow, 129281, st. Yeniseiskaya, 28/1, tel. 185-08-11
LLC KOR, Moscow, 129281, st. Pilot Babushkina, 31/2, tel. 470-02-83
RUB ZO, Moscow, 129344, st. Rainbow, 15/3, tel. 186-55-38
REM ZO, Moscow, 129344, st. Rainbow, 15/3, tel. 189-47-48
OOO VISHERA-REMKOM, Moscow, 129281, pr. Starovatutinskiy, 7, tel. 472-22-55


DEZ, Moscow, 127549, st. Prishvina, 12/2, tel. 405-25-81
DEZ Communal branch No. 36, Moscow, 127349, st. Altufievskoe sh., 86, tel. 909-13-00
DEZ Communal branch No. 36, Moscow, 127349, st. Altufievskoe sh., 92, tel. 908-52-00
DEZ Communal branch No. 37, Moscow, 127543, st. Korneichuk, 36a, tel. 405-59-01
DEZ Communal branch No. 37, Moscow, 127543, st. Korneichuk, 58, tel. 405-41-49
DEZ Communal branch No. 38, Moscow, 127543, st. Belozerskaya, 11, tel. 406-87-77
DEZ Communal branch No. 38, Moscow, 127543, st. Belozerskaya, 17b, tel. 406-31-78
DEZ Communal branch No. 39, Moscow, 127549, st. Prishvina, 3a, tel. 406-18-88
DEZ Communal branch No. 39, Moscow, 127349, Shenkursky Ave., 12b, tel. 909-72-00
DEZ Communal branch No. 40, Moscow, 127560, st. Konenkova, 8b, tel. 407-38-66
DEZ Communal branch No. 41, Moscow, 127549, st. Konenkova, 23b, tel. 407-89-00
DEZ Communal branch No. 41, Moscow, 127549, st. Muranovskaya, 8a, tel. 407-82-44
DEZ Communal branch No. 42, Moscow, 127543, st. Korneichuk, 51b, tel. 405-04-60
DEZ Communal branch No. 42, Moscow, 127560, st. Pleshcheeva, 16, tel. 902-32-11
RPP No. 40 LLC, Moscow, 127560, st. Konenkova, 8b, tel. 407-40-00
RPP No. 41 LLC, Moscow, 127549, st. Prishvina, 3a, tel. 406-92-00
POLYUS-91 State Unitary Enterprise, Moscow, 127549, st. Prishvina, 12, tel. 407-64-76


DEZ, Moscow, 125015, st. Butyrskaya, 6/3, tel. 285-18-16
DEZ, Moscow, 127254, st. Goncharova, 19a, tel. 219-33-34
DEZ, Moscow, 127254, st. Yablochkova, 10a, tel. 210-48-49
DEZ, Moscow, 127322, st. Milashenkova, 9/2, tel. 210-39-91
DEZ, Moscow, 127322, st. Milashenkovaul, 12b, tel. 979-14-18
DEZ, Moscow, 127322, st. Yablochkova, 29v, tel. 210-48-37
OOO PENTA, Moscow, 127254, st. Goncharova, 7a, tel. 218-62-06
CJSC REMSTROYSERVIS, Moscow, 127322, st. Milashenkova, 12b, tel. 979-82-81


DEZ, Moscow, 127576, st. Abramtsevskaya, 1, tel. 400-10-33
CJSC RARITET, Moscow, 127572, st. Abramtsevskaya, 9/1, tel. 908-70-00
CJSC RARITET, Moscow, 127253, st. Pskovskaya, 2/1, tel. 400-76-39
CJSC RARITET, Moscow, 127572, st. Abramtsevskaya, 16b, tel. 400-10-29
CJSC RARITET, Moscow, 127349, st. Altufievskoe sh., 95b, tel. 400-59-01
OOO KEDR, Moscow, 127576, st. Abramtsevskaya, 8a, tel. 409-45-56
OOO KEDR, Moscow, 127576, st. Altufievskoe sh., 89a, tel. 409-31-77
OOO KEDR, Moscow, 127576, st. Uglicheskaya st., 6, tel. 400-37-76

Losinoostrovskiy district

DEZ, Moscow, 129345, st. Taininskaya, 17/1, tel. 474-87-22
OOO EX-REM, Moscow, 129281, st. Emerald, 11, tel. 184-50-36
LLC ZKS-REM, Moscow, 129346, Ave. Yantarny, 35/7, tel. 184-09-09
LLC REM-EXPO SERVICE, Moscow, 129346, pr. Anadyrsky, 47/1, tel. 475-01-72
LLC REM-EXPO SERVICE, Moscow, 129345, st. Taininskaya, 17/1, tel. 475-71-56
LLC REM-EXPO SERVICE, Moscow, 129346, st. Malygina, 11, tel. 475-47-11
LLC RSP LOSINOOSTROVSKOE, Moscow, 129336, st. Starting street, 11 475-99-45


DEZ, Moscow, 127276, st. Botanicheskaya Malaya, 20, tel. 219-88-90
DEZ, Moscow, 127276, st. Botanicheskaya Malaya, 20, tel. 219-71-24
DEZ, Moscow, 129427, st. Queen Academician, 28/3, tel. 218-23-29
DEZ, Moscow, 127106, st. Orlova Komdiva, 8, tel. 908-76-82
LLC SIRIUS-A, Moscow, 127276, st. Botanicheskaya M., 20, tel. 219-71-14


DEZ, Moscow, 129594, st. 4th Maryina Grove, 4, tel. 288-57-86
OOO GLASTER-1, Moscow, 103055, st. Obraztsova, 8a, tel. 971-38-66
OOO GLASTER-1, Moscow, 103055, st. Tikhvinskaya, 16, tel. 973-18-28
OOO NERA-18, Moscow, 127521, st. Annenskaya, 8, tel. 218-93-30
OOO NERA-18, Moscow, 127018, st. Streletskaya, 6, tel. 289-60-39
LLC FEIRIN, 129594, pr. 3rd Maryina Grove, 5, tel. 971-18-93


DEZ, Moscow, 129224, st. Ostashkovskaya, 28, tel. 475-99-24
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 129224, Studeny Ave., 34, tel. 478-80-38
DEZ school No. 1, Moscow, 129282, Zarevy Ave., 8, tel. 476-24-44
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 129224, st. Ostashkovskaya, 28a, tel. 476-99-44
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 129224, Shokalsky Ave., 63, tel. 477-14-52
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 129221, Shokalsky Ave., 37/2, tel. 476-78-82
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 129282, st. Polyarnaya, 30/2, tel. 476-50-18
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 129282, st. Tikhomirova, 9/2, tel. 476-41-60
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 129642, st. Suhonskaya, 11, tel. 472-45-21
DEZ school № 3, Moscow, 129282, st. Polyarnaya, 52/4, tel. 478-95-18
OOO Remontn. enterprise ABRIAS school № 4, Moscow, 129224, st. Grekova, 10, tel. 479-87-51
DEZ school № 3, Moscow, 129282, st. Broad, 5/4, tel. 479-42-31
GREP 58, Moscow, 129224, st. Broad, 13/1, tel. 479-22-14


DEZ, Moscow, 129081, Yasny Ave., 17, tel. 477-01-32
DEZ, Moscow, 129081, Yasny Ave., 11, tel. 477-91-88
DEZ, Moscow, 129081, Yasny Ave., 8/1, tel. 477-81-03
DEZ, Moscow, 129081, st. Molodtsova, 21, tel. 477-15-44
DEZ, Moscow, 129642, Dezhnev Ave., 9/2, tel. 186-44-69
DEZ, Moscow, 129081, Dezhnev Ave., 25/1, tel. 473-25-93
DEZ, Moscow, 129221, st. Polyarnaya, 8, tel. 473-81-72
DEZ, Moscow, 129642, Shokalsky Ave., 4, tel. 472-05-00
REMSTARSERVICE LLC, Moscow, 129081, Yasny Ave., 15b, tel. 477-22-55
TEHNOSTROY-98 LLC, Moscow, 129642, Dezhnev Ave., 17, tel. 186-50-57

Ostankinsky district

DEZ, Moscow, 129085, Prospect Mira, 89, tel. 287-42-91
REU ZVEZDNY, Moscow, 129085, st. Maryinskaya Bolshaya, 19, tel. 215-00-26
PRUE ZVEZDNY, Moscow, 129110, Mira Ave., 85, tel. 287-11-61
REU NOVOOSTANKINO, Moscow, 129075, 2nd Novoostankinskaya st., 6, tel. 282-30-18
REU NOVOOSTANKINO, Moscow, 129515, st. Tsander, 11, tel. 283-39-38
REU Ostankino, Moscow, 129515, st. Kondratyuk, 4, tel. 286-65-50
REU Ostankino, Moscow, 129515, st. Queen Academician, 4/2, tel. 216-85-12


DEZ, Moscow, 127562, st. Kargopolskaya, 17, tel. 907-14-56
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 22, Moscow, 127273, st. Birch alley, 7v, tel. 402-45-45
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 22, Moscow, 127273, st. Olonetskaya, 21, tel. 904-33-27
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 23, Moscow, 127273, Yakushkina avenue, 2, tel. 907-50-55
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 23, Moscow, 127273, Yakushkina avenue, 5, tel. 404-34-27
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 24, Moscow, 127490, st. Pestelya, 4a, tel. 403-65-00
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 24, Moscow, 127566, Severny blvd., 14, tel. 403-51-68
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 25, Moscow, 127577, st. Bestuzhevykh, 4a, tel. 404-40-38
DEZ Repair-operation subsection No. 25, Moscow, 127490, st. Pestelya, 3a, tel. 404-80-75
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 26, Moscow, 127566, Severny blvd., 19, tel. 404-09-00
DEZ Repair-operation subsection No. 27, Moscow, 127577, st. Bestuzhevykh, 3b, tel. 401-64-10
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 27, Moscow, 127566, st. Bestuzhevykh, 17a, tel. 401-93-61
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 28, Moscow, 127562, st. Altufievskoe sh., 24, tel. 401-28-92
DEZ Repair and maintenance subsection No. 29, Moscow, 127562, st. Sannikova, 9a, tel. 401-17-14
KVANT-1 LLC, Moscow, 127562, st. Kargopolskaya, 14/2, tel. 904-05-60


DEZ, Moscow, 129226, Prospect Mira, 177/2, tel. 181-00-11
DEZ, Moscow, 129226, st. Agricultural, 14/2, tel. 181-70-32
DEZ, Moscow, 129128, st. Malahitovaya, 13/1, tel. 187-37-41
OOO GARANTIA-R, Moscow, 129226, Mira Ave., 163, tel. 187-89-56
LLC TTZ-STROY, Moscow, 129128, Budajsky Ave., 3, tel. 187-44-54


DEZ, Moscow, 129343, pr. Beringov, 3, tel. 180-42-67
DEZ, Moscow, 129323, st. Snezhnaya, 4, tel. 189-31-40
DEZ, Moscow, 129323, st. Sedova, 4/1, tel. 180-40-70
DEZ, Moscow, 129323, st. Sedova, 7/1, tel. 180-01-56
DEZ, Moscow, 129329, st. Vereskovaya, 13, tel. 189-08-29
CJSC CENTAVO, Moscow, 129343, Beringov Ave., 3, tel. 180-52-14
OOO BLK, Moscow, 129343, st. Amudsena, 10, tel. 180-02-40


DEZ, Moscow, 127204, pos. Northern, st. 9th line, 1/1, tel. 409-68-67
LLC REP No. 55, Moscow, 127204, pos. Northern, st. 9th line, 1/1, tel. 409-83-40
DEZ, Moscow, 129337, st. Yaroslavskoe sh., 120a, tel. 182-99-84
OOO SPECMASHINOSTROENIE. MU No. 7, Moscow, 129347, st. Losevskaya, 1/4, tel. 182-43-92
OOO SPECMASHINOSTROENIE. MU No. 7, Moscow, 129347, st. Kholmogorskaya, 1, tel. 182-83-01
REP No. 13, Moscow, 129347, st. Yaroslavskoe sh., 120a, tel. 182-99-84
REP No. 13, Moscow, 129347, st. Yaroslavskoe sh., 142, tel. 182-21-10
REP No. 13, Moscow, 129337, st. Palekhskaya, 9/1, tel. 183-28-29
REP No. 13, Moscow, 129337, st. Yaroslavskoe sh., 109/3, tel. 183-89-38
REP No. 13, Moscow, 129337, st. Yaroslavskoe sh., 28, tel. 188-79-78
REP No. 15, Moscow, 129348, st. Yaroslavskoe sh., 16, tel. 183-52-74

Eastern administrative district


DEZ school No. 4, Moscow, 107370, b-r Marshal Rokosovsky, 17, tel. 169-41-33
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 107392, st. Malaya Cherkizovskaya, 64, tel. 168-56-33
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 107564, st. Narimanovskaya, 13, tel. 169-75-10
DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 107258, st. 2nd Progonnaya, 11, tel. 168-65-42
DEZ school № 6, Moscow, 107150, pr. 3rd Podbelsky, 16, tel. 160-33-14
REU No. 7, Moscow, 107370, st. Open sh., 6/2, tel. 168-00-58
LLC PRESTIGE-2, Moscow, 107258, st. 2nd Progonnaya, 11, tel. 168-65-42
OOO FIRM UNI-STROYTEKS, Moscow, 107150, pr. 5th Podbelskogo, 4a/10, tel. 169-42-00


DEZ, Moscow, 111395, st. Veshnyakovskaya, 24a, tel. 374-10-61
REU No. 44, Moscow, 111402, st. Ketcherskaya, 6/3, tel. 375-76-22
REU No. 44, Moscow, 111539, st. Reutovskaya, 4, tel. 375-94-50
REU No. 44, Moscow, 111402, st. Old Guy, 10, tel. 375-98-89
CJSC Repair-operating firm RARITET-R, Moscow, 111539, st. Veshnyakovskaya, 19, tel. 375-65-33
CJSC Repair-operating firm RARITET-R, Moscow, 111402, st. Pearl alley, 5/2, tel. 75-02-03
REU No. 55, Moscow, 111538, st. Veshnyakovskaya, 22/2, tel. 373-97-15
CJSC Repair-operating firm RARITET-R, Moscow, 111538, st. Kosinskaya, 18, tel. 375-93-11
CJSC Repair-operating firm RARITET-R, Moscow, 111538, st. Moldagulova, 30, tel. 375-70-12
REU No. 55, Moscow, 111395, st. Krasny Kazanets, 3/4, tel. 374-05-88


DES 107005, Kurganskaya st., 8 460-00-98
REU No. 9, Moscow, 107241, st. Amurskaya, 62, tel. 462-01-05
REU No. 10, Moscow, 107241, st. Uralskaya, 15, tel. 462-31-44
REU No. 11, Moscow, 107065, st. Altaiskaya, 9, tel. 467-38-05
REU No. 11, Moscow, 107589, st. Baikalskaya, 41/3, tel. 466-93-29
REU No. 12, Moscow, 107497, st. Baikalskaya, 44/4, tel. 467-99-66
REU No. 61, Moscow, 107497, st. Novosibirsk, 6, tel. 466-71-55
REU No. 13, Moscow, 107065, st. Uralskaya, 23/2, tel. 466-14-84
REU No. 13, Moscow, 107065, st. Ussuriyskaya, 5/3, tel. 469-25-05
REU No. 14, Moscow, 107589, st. Khabarovskaya, 6/2, tel. 469-32-33
REU No. 14, Moscow, 107589, st. Khabarovskaya, 14/1, tel. 467-17-00
REU No. 15, Moscow, 107207, st. Baikalskaya, 38/2, tel. 466-72-77
REU No. 16, Moscow, 107065, st. Kurganskaya, 8, tel. 460-00-98
REU No. 16, Moscow, 107065, st. Khabarovskaya, 23/2, tel. 467-85-33
REU No. 54, Moscow, 107589, st. Khabarovskaya, 4, tel. 460-16-88
REU No. 60, Moscow, 105122, st. Schelkovskoe sh., 19, tel. 966-41-57
LLC GERCON, Moscow, 107589, st. Krasnoyarskaya, 5/36, tel. 469-27-55
OOO FIRM UNI-STROYTEKS, Moscow, 107589, st. Khabarovskaya, 4, tel. 466-93-06


DEZ, Moscow, 111555, st. Sayanskaya, 18, tel. 918-98-58
REU No. 30, Moscow, 105568, st. Chelyabinskaya, 8, tel. 300-99-20
REU No. 30, Moscow, 105568, st. Chechulin, 10, tel. 308-51-02
REU No. 30, Moscow, 105568, st. Chechulin, 26, tel. 308-28-38
REU No. 40, Moscow, 111531, st. Sayanskaya, 15/3, tel. 300-42-70
REU No. 40, Moscow, 111531, st. Enthusiastov sh., 96/1, tel. 300-50-11
REU No. 41, Moscow, 111555, st. Molostov, 6/2, tel. 307-99-88
Russian Economic University No. 41, Moscow, 111578, Svobodny Ave., 7/2, tel. 307-23-10
REU No. 41, Moscow, 111555, st. Stalevarov, 10/2, tel. 300-02-40
REU No. 42, Moscow, 111558, st. Molostovyh, 14/2, tel. 302-01-12
REU No. 42, Moscow, 111558, st. Molostovyh, 15/1, tel. 302-25-32


REU No. 21, Moscow, 105043, st. 3rd Parkovaya, 22a, tel. 367-75-77
DEZ, Moscow, 105043, st. 5th Parkovaya, 18, tel. 367-62-60
DEZ, Moscow, 105043, st. 9th Parkovaya, 27/36, tel. 463-23-40
Russian Economic University No. 22, Moscow, 105043, Zavodskoy Ave., 25, tel. 367-77-18
Russian Economic University No. 24, Moscow, 105037, Izmailovsky Ave., 9/2, tel. 166-95-54
REU No. 24, Moscow, 105122, st. Nikitinskaya, 19/3, tel. 164-58-46
REU No. 24, Moscow, 105264, st. Pervomaiskaya Upper, 23a, tel. 163-02-42
REU No. 27, Moscow, 105264, st. 7th Parkovaya, 15/3, tel. 965-25-10
Russian Economic University No. 57, Moscow, 105077, Izmailovsky blvd., 40, tel. 965-47-01


DEZ, Moscow, 105554, st. 11th Parkovaya, 1/89, building 1, tel. 965-55-73
DEZ, Moscow, 105484, st. 15th Park, 26/4, tel. 464-98-54
Russian Economic University No. 18, Moscow, 105077, Izmailovsky blvd., 60/10, tel. 465-43-89
DEZ, Moscow, 105077, st. May Day Middle, 31/33, building 1, tel. 461-04-35
Russian Economic University No. 29, 105554, Izmailovsky Ave., 87, tel. 465-43-63
DEZ, Moscow, 105203, st. Pervomayskaya, 106, tel. 465-09-90


REU No. 25, Moscow, 105425, st. 3rd Parkovaya, 44/3, tel. 164-46-35
REU No. 25, Moscow, 105215, st. Shchelkovskoe sh., 44/4, tel. 164-16-40
REU No. 26, Moscow, 105215, st. Konstantin Fedin, 19, tel. 468-10-48
Russian Economic University No. 26, Moscow, 105523, 13th Parkovaya st., 38/3, tel. 468-81-25
REU No. 26, Moscow, 105484, st. 15th Park, 41/2, tel. 468-83-39
REU No. 28, Moscow, 105484, st. 15th Parkovaya, 40b, tel. 461-78-14
REU No. 28, Moscow, 105523, st. 16th Parkovaya, 43a, tel. 468-51-01
REU No. 31, Moscow, 105425, st. Nikitinskaya, 20, tel. 164-09-71
DEZ, Moscow, 105425, st. 5th Parkovaya, 58a, tel. 367-58-81


DEZ, Moscow, 111621, st. B. Kosinskaya, 20/1, tel. 700-18-30
REP No. 48, Moscow, 111622, st. Black Lake, 5, tel. 700-37-21


DEZ, Moscow, 107143, st. Open sh., 19/6, tel. 167-04-12
REU No. 8, Moscow, 107143, st. Nikolai Khimushin, 13/1, tel. 167-83-32
REU No. 63, Moscow, 107143, st. Open sh., 19/6, tel. 167-04-12
REU No. 64, Moscow, 107143, st. Open sh., 25/16, tel. 167-33-75


DEZ, Moscow, 111394, st. Novogireevskaya, 54, tel. 918-41-60
REU No. 38, Moscow, 111397, st. Bratskaya, 19/1, tel. 306-11-79
REU No. 38, Moscow, 111141, st. Kuskovskaya, 27/2, tel. 309-30-16
Russian Economic University No. 39, Moscow, 111396, Zeleny Ave., 50/11, tel. 301-71-17
Russian Economic University No. 39, Moscow, 111396, Soyuzny Ave., 6/3, tel. 302-81-22
Russian Economic University No. 43, Moscow, 111396, Soyuzny Ave., 20/1, tel. 375-67-66
Russian Economic University No. 43, Moscow, 111558, Federative Ave., 42/1, tel. 303-64-57


DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Gorodetskaya, 10b, tel. 701-25-32
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Novokosinskaya, 27, tel. 701-01-90
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Novokosinskaya, 43, tel. 702-32-68
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Saltykovskaya, 29a, tel. 702-05-65
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Suzdalskaya, 20v, tel. 701-63-09
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Suzdalskaya, 34a, tel. 701-10-11
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Suzdalskaya, 34a, tel. 701-54-60
DEZ, Moscow, 111673, st. Novokosinskaya, 6a, tel. 702-82-00
DEZ, Moscow, 111673, st. Novokosinskaya, 9/1, tel. 700-53-40
DEZ, Moscow, 111672, st. Novokosinskaya, 14/1, tel. 701-06-95
DEZ, Moscow, 111673, st. Suzdalskaya, 10/3, tel. 702-48-34
DEZ, Moscow, 111673, st. Suzdalskaya, 12/3, tel. 702-16-49
REU No. 49, Moscow, 111672, st. Saltykovskaya, 29a, tel. 702-50-01


DEZ, Moscow, 111401, st. 2nd Vladimirskaya, 15/4, tel. 304-24-63
DEZ, Moscow, 111141, st. Bratskaya, 1/45, tel. 306-60-18
DEZ, Moscow, 111141, pr. Green, 6/2, tel. 368-33-40
REU No. 35, Moscow, 111141, st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 17a, tel. 368-37-70
REU No. 35, Moscow, 111123, st. Plekhanov, 3/2, tel. 305-00-00
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 111141, Zeleny Ave., 6/2, tel. 368-33-00
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 111123, st. 1st Vladimirskaya, 8, tel. 368-41-79
DEZ school № 3, Moscow, 111112, st. Enthusiastov sh., 70, tel. 176-27-77
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 111123, st. Enthusiastov sh., 68, tel. 176-06-67
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 111524, st. Perovskaya, 8/1, tel. 368-21-10
DEZ account No. 6, Moscow, 111401, 2nd Vladimirskaya st., 15/4, tel. 304-18-42
REU No. 37, Moscow, 111397, st. Novogireevskaya, 19/2, tel. 303-30-26
DEZ, Moscow, 111398, st. Plekhanov, 25/5, tel. 309-52-88
REU No. 50, Moscow, 111524, st. Plekhanov, 14/4, tel. 368-74-34
REU No. 58, Moscow, 111397, st. Metallurgists, 13/1, tel. 176-08-54
OOO TEHSTROY S.V., Moscow, 111123, st. 3rd Vladimirskaya, 3/3, tel. 305-01-88
OOO FIRM UNI-STROYTEKS, Moscow, 1111141, pr. Green, 6/2, tel. 368-33-71


DEZ, Moscow, 105173, Vostochny settlement, st. May 9, 28, tel. 460-61-30
DEZ, Moscow, 105173, settlement Akulovo, 24/36, tel. 460-98-01
REU No. 56, Moscow, 105173, Vostochny settlement, st. May 9, 28, tel. 465-02-78
Russian Economic University No. 62, Moscow, 105173, settlement Akulovo, 1, tel. 460-96-70


DEZ, Moscow, 107392, st. Znamenskaya, 23, tel. 161-53-97
REU No. 1, Moscow, 105023, st. Buzheninova, 22, tel. 963-63-36
CJSC PROMETEY, Moscow, 107076, pl. Preobrazhenskaya, 5/7, tel. 963-43-09
REU No. 2, Moscow, 107061, per. Zhidkov, 19, tel. 161-50-82
REU No. 2, Moscow, 107553, st. B. Cherkizovskaya, 26/6, tel. 161-80-80
REU No. 3, Moscow, 107392, st. Znamenskaya, 23, tel. 162-23-66
REU No. 3, Moscow, 107392, st. Khalturinskaya, 13, tel. 162-50-23
CJSC PROMETEY, Moscow, 107061, st. B. Cherkizovskaya, 5, tel. 168-85-28


REU No. 17, Moscow, 105275, st. 5th Falcon Mountain, 25a, tel. 365-40-80
REU No. 17, Moscow, 105118, st. Volnaya, 3, tel. 365-46-45
Russian Economic University No. 17, Moscow, 105318, Izmailovskoye sh., 15/2, tel. 369-67-21
REU No. 17, Moscow, 105023, per. Honey, 12, tel. 369-70-72
REU No. 17, Moscow, 105118, st. 9th Falcon Mountain, 15/12, tel. 365-56-34
REU No. 20, Moscow, 105058, st. Zverinetskaya, 25, tel. 369-32-03
REU No. 20, Moscow, 105187, st. Shcherbakovskaya, 54, tel. 166-73-65
REU No. 17, Moscow, 105275, st. Utkina, 40a, tel. 273-43-50


DEZ, Moscow, 107076, per. Kolodezny, 14, tel. 269-59-11
SOKOLNIKI-STROYSERVICE State Unitary Enterprise, Moscow, 107076, st. Stromynka, 19/2, tel. 268-37-83
REU No. 51, Moscow, 107113, per. Rybinsky, 6, tel. 264-50-66
REU No. 51, Moscow, 107113, st. Sokolnichesky Val, 46, tel. 264-01-98
REU No. 52, Moscow, 107014, st. 4th Sokolnicheskaya, 2, tel. 268-24-64
REU No. 53, Moscow, 107076, st. Korolenko, 7/3, tel. 964-40-62
REU No. 53, Moscow, 107014, st. Ostroumovskaya Malaya, 1g, tel. 268-09-30

Southeastern Administrative District


DEZ VYKHINO, Moscow, 109444, st. Tashkentskaya, 21/1, tel. 376-08-46
CJSC DEZ FREGAT-1 f-l No. 2, Moscow, 109542, Ryazansky Ave., 72/2, tel. 377-59-82
DEZ FRIGATE-1 CJSC f-l No. 2, Moscow, 109542, Ryazansky Ave., 64/2, tel. 377-67-66
DEZ VYKHINO f-l No. 4, Moscow, 109444, st. Tashkentskaya, 21, tel. 376-08-46
DEZ FRIGATE-1 CJSC f-l No. 3, Moscow, 109444, per. Tashkent, 5/2, tel. 372-12-77
DEZ FRIGATE-1 CJSC f-l No. 3, Moscow, 109444, st. Fergana, 13/1, tel. 372-48-48
DEZ VYKHINO f-l No. 4, Moscow, 109444, st. Fergana, 16/2, tel. 376-08-88
DEZ VYKHINO f-l No. 5, Moscow, 109507, Fergansky Ave., 7/1, tel. 376-56-45
DEZ VYKHINO f-l No. 5, Moscow, 109507, 10/3 Fergansky Ave., tel. 376-43-51
DEZ FRIGATE-1 CJSC f-l No. 3, Moscow, 109507 blvd Samarkand, 137a/5, tel. 377-47-56
DEZ FRIGATE-1 CJSC f-l No. 1, Moscow, 109542, Ryazansky Ave., 93/1, tel. 371-08-76
DEZ VYKHINO f-l No. 6, Moscow, 109472, Volgogradsky Ave., 160/2, tel. 376-33-86
DEZ VYKHINO f-l No. 6, Moscow, 109472, Volgogradsky Ave., 170/1, tel. 377-31-25
DEZ ZHULEBINO, Moscow, 109145, st. Privolnaya, 5/5, tel. 705-04-75
DEZ ZHULEBINA, office No. 1, Moscow, 109145, Zhulebinsky Boulevard, 5, tel. 705-29-30
DEZ ZHULEBINO, school № 1, Moscow, 109145, st. Lermontovskaya, 10/2, tel. 705-59-03
DEZ ZHULEBINO, school № 1, Moscow, 109145, st. Privolnaya, 5/5, tel. 705-61-73
DEZ ZHULEBINA, office No. 1, Moscow, 109153, Khvalynsky Boulevard, 1, tel. 705-61-72
DEZ ZHULEBINO, office No. 1, Moscow, 109153, Khvalynsky Boulevard, 7/11, tel. 705-78-46
DEZ ZHULEBINO, school № 2, Moscow, 109153, st. Aircraft designer Mil, 5/2, tel. 704-54-01
DEZ ZHULEBINO, school № 2, Moscow, 109153, st. Gene. Kuznetsova, 11/2, tel. 705-58-00
DEZ ZHULEBINO, office No. 2, Moscow, 109153, Zhulebinsky boulevard, 23, tel. 704-54-00
DEZ ZHULEBINO, school № 3, Moscow, 109153, st. Aircraft designer Mil, 14, tel. 704-09-77
DEZ ZHULEBINO, office No. 3, Moscow, 109153, Zhulebinsky Boulevard, 31, tel. 705-67-30
DEZ ZHULEBINA, office No. 3, Moscow, 109153, Zhulebinsky Boulevard, 36/3, tel. 704-59-64
DEZ ZHULEBINO, school № 3, Moscow, 109153, st. Privolnaya, 61/1, tel. 705-45-35
LLC PPK AQUA, Moscow, 109444, st. Fergana, 12, tel. 919-11-01
LLC PRODUCTION COMPANY FRIGATE, Moscow, 109542, Ryazansky Ave., 93/2, tel. 371-40-20
CJSC PROMETEY, Moscow, 109153, b-r Khvalynsky, 1, tel. 705-57-62
LLC REPAIR-EXPL. ENTERPRISE REMZH, Moscow, 109153, st. Tarkhanskaya, 5, tel. 705-81-49
OOO INKFOR, Moscow, 109444, st. Fergana, 2, tel. 919-11-26


DEZ, Moscow, 109649, st. 5th quarter Kapotnya, 26, tel. 355-65-56
LLC REMBYTSERVICE-95, Moscow, 109649, st. 5th quarter Kapotnya, 26, tel. 355-67-83


DEZ, Moscow, 109378, st. Fedor Poletaev, 32/6, tel. 378-60-56
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 109117, st. Okskaya, 14/2, tel. 919-31-31
DEZ school No. 3, Moscow, 109462, Volgogradsky Ave., 60/3, tel. 178-90-52
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 109462, Volzhsky Boulevard, 113a/4, tel. 179-10-00
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 109378, st. Fedor Poletaev, 32/6, tel. 379-76-61
DEZ school No. 9, Moscow, 109439, Volgogradsky Ave., 130/3, tel. 175-13-76
DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 109426, st. Marshal Chuikov, 11/3, tel. 179-88-34
DEZ account No. 9, Moscow, 109443, Volgogradsky Ave., 96/4, tel. 175-12-52
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 109443, Volgogradsky Ave., 135/3, tel. 175-13-66
DEZ account No. 20, Moscow, 109457, st. Zelenodolskaya, 32/5, tel. 175-05-11
OOO REMSPETSSERVIS-CHN, Moscow, 109462, Volgogradsky Ave., 60/3, tel. 179-94-08
LLC FIRMA GERKON, Moscow, 109443, Volgogradsky Ave., 96/4, tel. 172-06-34
FIRM TRANSCONTACT LLC, Moscow, 109145, Lermontovskiy Ave., 10/2, tel. 705-60-00


DEZ, Moscow, 111024, st. 1st Enthusiastov, 12a, tel. 273-22-87
DEZ department No. 7, Moscow, 111112, st. Left dead end, 5/7, tel. 361-44-91
DEZ department No. 3, Moscow, 109033, st. Volochaevskaya, 12, tel. 362-37-07
DEZ department No. 4, Moscow, 111116, st. Lapina, 3, tel. 362-03-69
DEZ department No. 5, Moscow, 111020, st. Ukhtomskaya, 6, tel. 360-84-41
DEZ department No. 7, Moscow, 111024, st. Aviamotornaya, 49/1, tel. 362-20-05
DEZ department No. 8, Moscow, 111250, st. Soldier, 10/1, tel. 361-22-06
DEZ department No. 8, Moscow, 111020, st. Guard, 18, tel. 360-96-21
OOO MIRIDOR, Moscow, 111024, st. Enthusiastov sh., 18, tel. 361-58-51
OOO VOLOCHAEVKA-9, Moscow, 109033, st. Volochaevskaya, 19, tel. 362-16-63
OOO VIMPEL-97, Moscow, 111024, st. Aviamotornaya, 29, tel. 362-03-60
OOO IVAKRISTA, Moscow, 111250, st. Soldier, 12/1, tel. 918-08-11


DEZ, Moscow, 109387, st. Kubanskaya, 27, tel. 350-27-60
DEZ department No. 2, Moscow, 109382, st. Armavirskaya, 7a, tel. 359-11-29
DEZ department No. 6, Moscow, 109559, st. Belorechenskaya, 5, tel. 358-01-68
DEZ department No. 6, Moscow, 109559, st. Tsimlyanskaya, 10, tel. 358-95-66
DEZ department No. 5, Moscow, 109380, st. Golovacheva, 3/2, tel. 359-42-57
DEZ department No. 2, Moscow, 109382, st. Krasnodonskaya, 42a, tel. 351-16-80
DEZ department No. 1, Moscow, 109387, st. Kubanskaya, 27, tel. 350-01-03
DEZ department No. 1, Moscow, 109386, st. Novorossiyskaya, 6, tel. 359-24-29
DEZ department No. 3, Moscow, 109559, st. Sovkhoznaya, 18/4, tel. 352-00-11
DEZ office No. 3, Moscow, 109559, b-r Tikhoretsky, 14/2, tel. 352-00-96
DEZ department No. 4, Moscow, 109387, pr. 40 let Oktyabrya, 11, tel. 350-48-10
DEZ department No. 7, Moscow, 109387, st. Kubanskaya, 14/1, tel. 350-33-10
LLC AUGUST-VG, Moscow, 109559, st. Stavropolskaya, 27, tel. 350-05-81
OOO ALSU, Moscow, 109387, st. Kubanskaya, 27, tel. 350-17-29
LLC REMBYTSERVICE TIKHORETSKY, Moscow, 109559, st. Stavropolskaya, 62, tel. 358-94-20
LLC REMSPETSSERVIS-CHN, Moscow, 109382, st. Armavirskaya, 7a, tel. 359-12-38


DEZ, Moscow, 109369, b-r Novocherkassky, 57, tel. 348-43-90
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 109652, st. Podolskaya, 1/2, tel. 356-32-21
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 109651, Bataysky Ave., 35, tel. 356-50-31
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 109651, Bataysky Ave., 55, tel. 356-23-51
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 109369, st. Marshal Golovanov, 15, tel. 357-18-31
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 109652, st. Donetsk, 4/2, tel. 356-88-71
DEZ school № 3, Moscow, 109651, st. Donetskskaya, 11, tel. 356-08-11
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 109651, st. Donetskskaya, 11, tel. 356-16-21
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 109651, st. Donetskskaya, 33, tel. 356-65-11
DEZ school No. 4, Moscow, 109369, b-r Novocherkassky, 23, tel. 357-00-81
DEZ school No. 4, Moscow, 109369, b-r Novocherkassky, 57, tel. 357-23-60
DEZ school No. 6, Moscow, 109341, b-r Maryinsky, 1, tel. 349-57-35
DEZ school No. 6, Moscow, 109341, b-r Maryinsky, 1, tel. 345-03-01
DEZ school No. 7, Moscow, 109341, b-r Maryinsky, 7, tel. 349-57-33
DEZ school № 7, Moscow, 109341, st. Porechnaya, 13/1, tel. 349-57-34
DEZ school № 8, Moscow, 109469, b-r Maryinsky, 10, tel. 349-04-49
DEZ school № 8, Moscow, 109469, b-r Maryinsky, 13, tel. 349-07-80
DEZ school № 9, Moscow, 109341, st. Novomaryinskaya, 3/4, tel. 349-02-43
DEZ school № 9, Moscow, 109341, st. Novomaryinskaya, 3/4, tel. 349-64-11
DEZ account No. 10, Moscow, 109341, st. Bratislavskaya, 18/3, tel. 348-73-00
DEZ school No. 10, Moscow, 109341, b-r Myachkovsky, 3, tel. 345-12-10
DEZ account No. 10, Moscow, 109429, st. Upper Fields, 24, tel. 349-73-61
DEZ account No. 10, Moscow, 109341, st. Pererva, 45/1, tel. 346-89-59
DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 109469, st. Novomaryinskaya, 26, tel. 346-45-00
DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 109341, st. Bratislavskaya, 15/2, tel. 345-10-11
DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 109341, st. Bratislavskaya, 21/2, tel. 345-06-11
DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 109469, st. Novomaryinskaya, 20, tel. 345-98-01
DEZ account No. 14, Moscow, 109451, st. Upper Fields, 34/3, tel. 358-66-75
DEZ account No. 14, Moscow, 109451, st. Pererva, 62/4, tel. 345-02-86
DEZ school No. 15, Moscow, 109463, b-r Perervinsky, 19/3, tel. 347-93-60
OOO GAZELLE AND CO, Moscow, 109651, Bataysky Ave., 35, tel. 357-04-91
LLC PPK AQUA, Moscow, 109369, b-r Novocherkassky, 43, tel. 349-64-02
REP 52, Moscow, 109341, b-r Maryinsky, 1, tel. 349-59-03
OOO TOIR, Moscow, 109651, st. Donetskskaya, 11, tel. 356-34-11
OOO EXZHILFOND, Moscow, 109652, st. Donetsk, 4/2, tel. 357-54-51


DEZ, Moscow, 109052, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 56/2, tel. 170-80-53
DEZ department No. 1, Moscow, 109202, st. 3rd Karacharovskaya, 6/1, tel. 171-92-63
DEZ department No. 2, Moscow, 109052, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 60, tel. 278-10-53
DEZ department No. 2, Moscow, 109052, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 65, tel. 278-40-39
LLC PTO PEKA, Moscow, 109391, pr. Orekhovo-Zuevsky, 8, tel. 171-14-45
LLC REMSPETSSERVIS-CHN, Moscow, 109052, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 60, tel. 170-51-60


DEZ, Moscow, 109383, st. Polbina, 58a, tel. 354-04-29
DEZ account 1, Moscow, 109548, st. Kukhmisterov, 3/1, tel. 353-84-44
DEZ account 4, Moscow, 109388, st. Polbina, 12, tel. 353-81-26
DEZ account 1, Moscow, 109388, st. Polbina, 42, tel. 354-52-47
DEZ account 2, Moscow, 109383, st. Polbina, 58a, tel. 354-39-47
DEZ school 2, Moscow, 109388, st. Shosseynaya, 42, tel. 353-95-30
DEZ account 4, Moscow, 109388, st. Guryanovo, 67, tel. 354-04-30
DEZ account 3, Moscow, 109235, st. Batyuninskaya, 14, tel. 357-21-12
TOO VIRGO-P, Moscow, 109388, st. Shosseynaya, 42, tel. 353-94-48
LLC PTO PEKA, Moscow, 109548, st. Polbina, 10, tel. 353-11-85
LLC DIO FLASH, Moscow, 109235, st. Batyuninskaya, 14, tel. 356-64-91


DEZ, Moscow, 140008, st. 2nd Volskaya, 20, tel. 558-30-85
REP NEKRASOVKA, Moscow, 140008, st. 2nd Volskaya, 8, tel. 558-32-97
LLC FIRMA TRANSKONTAKT, Moscow, 109145, Lermontovsky Ave., 10/2, tel. 705-60-00
DEZ, Moscow, 109377, st. 1st Novokuzminskaya, 10, tel. 371-67-44
DEZ f-l 5, Moscow, 109428, st. Mikhailova, 4a, tel. 171-07-01
DEZ f-l 5, Moscow, 109428, st. Mikhailova, 13, tel. 171-39-29
DEZ f-l 6, Moscow, 109377, st. Zelenodolskaya, 16, tel. 919-51-11
DEZ f-l 6, Moscow, 109378, st. Fedor Poletaev, 19/2, tel. 379-19-57
DEZ f-l 8, Moscow, 109456, st. Papernika, 6, tel. 371-23-95
DEZ f-l 17, Moscow, 109377, st. 1st Novokuzminskaya, 22/2, tel. 378-73-80
LLC OPORA-2, Moscow, 109428, st. Mikhailova, 41, tel. 171-69-90
CJSC GAY-95, Moscow, 109377, st. Fedor Poletaev, 13, tel. 919-25-28
LLC NIMFEIA, Moscow, 109377, st. 1st Novokuzminskaya, 22/2, tel. 378-27-29


DEZ, Moscow, 109263, st. Malysheva, 19/2, tel. 178-05-61
DEZ department No. 1, Moscow, 109390, st. Artyukhina, 20, tel. 179-61-09
DEZ office No. 4, Moscow, 109518, Volzhsky Boulevard, 8/3, tel. 173-51-89
DEZ department No. 3, Moscow, 109125, Volzhsky Boulevard, 95th quarter, room 7, tel. 177-19-19
DEZ department No. 3, Moscow, 109125, st. Saratovskaya, 14/1, tel. 177-68-02
DEZ department No. 2, Moscow, 109129, st. 8th Tekstilshchikov, 16/1, tel. 178-18-39
DEZ department No. 2, Moscow, 109390, st. Young Lenintsev, 18/1, tel. 179-78-01
LLC FIRMA KEDR, Moscow, 109263, st. 7th Tekstilshchikov, 6/19, tel. 179-22-11
LLC TEHSAN, Moscow, 109382, st. Krasnodonskaya, 35, tel. 351-58-80
OOO ELECTROLIFTREMONT-3, Moscow, 109518, Volzhsky Boulevard, 8/3, tel. 173-13-98


DEZ, Moscow, 109193, st. Saykina, 1/2, tel. 279-37-33
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 109044, st. 1st Dubrovskaya, 4a, tel. 277-17-21
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 109432, st. 5th Kozhukhovskaya, 18/2, tel. 277-59-24
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 109193, st. 7th Kozhukhovskaya, 10, tel. 279-59-75
DEZ school No. 3, Moscow, 109088, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy Ave., 19, tel. 958-86-01
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 109280, st. Velozavodskaya, 11/1, tel. 275-79-17
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 109068, st. Novoostapovskaya, 6, tel. 274-70-66
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 109193, st. 6th Kozhukhovskaya, 28, tel. 277-79-13
OOO TEHKOM-RS, Moscow, 109432, st. Trofimova, 24/1, tel. 279-44-45
LLC INZHPRES MZhK KOZHUHOVO, Moscow, 109088, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy Ave., 19, tel. 958-88-29
Construction company STATUS LLC, Moscow, 109193, st. Saykina, 11/2, tel. 279-87-89
LLC TEHSAN, Moscow, 109044, st. Melnikova, 18a, tel. 274-32-93

Southern Administrative District


DEZ, Moscow, 115598, st. Lipetskaya, 17/1, tel. 328-94-44
DEZ Residential-office school No. 1, Moscow, 115404, st. Lipetskaya, 24/2, tel. 326-98-47
DEZ Residential-com-uch-to No. 1, Moscow, 115372, st. Lipetskaya, 32/25, tel. 327-41-95
DEZ Residential-office school No. 2, Moscow, 115547, st. Biryulevskaya, 11/2, tel. 326-79-83
DEZ Residential-office school No. 2, Moscow, 115547, st. Biryulevskaya, 18/1, tel. 326-09-92
DEZ Residential-office school No. 3, Moscow, 115547, st. Mikhnevskaya, 7, tel. 329-07-68
DEZ Housing office No. 3, Moscow, 115547, Mikhnevsky Ave., 6, tel. 328-17-00
DEZ Residential-office school No. 4, Moscow, 115372, st. Biryulevskaya, 45/1, tel. 329-32-95
DEZ Residential-office school No. 4, Moscow, 115598, st. Zagoryevskaya, 10/2, tel. 329-15-77
DEZ Residential-office school No. 4, Moscow, 115372, st. Lipetskaya, 46/1, tel. 328-81-43
DEZ Housing office No. 5, Moscow, 115598, 37/30 Zagoryevsky Ave., tel. 329-53-92
DEZ Residential-office school No. 5, Moscow, 115598, st. Lipetskaya, 17/1, 329-20-44
REU No. 6, Moscow, 115404, st. Biryulevskaya, 21/2, tel. 326-95-38
REU No. 20, Moscow, 115372, st. Lipetskaya, 40, tel. 329-87-58
REU No. 21, Moscow, 115598, st. Lipetskaya, 17/1, tel. 329-64-33
OOO OTDELSTROYKONTRAKT, Moscow, 115404, st. Biryulevskaya, 7, tel. 326-62-11
LLC NIMFEIA, Moscow, 115547, st. Mikhnevskaya, 5/1, tel. 327-17-33


DEZ, Moscow, 113546, st. Medynskaya, 1/2, tel. 383-45-42
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 113403, st. Bulatnikovskaya, 7/1, tel. 383-50-03
DEZ school No. 1, Moscow, 113403, Bulatnikovsky Ave., 14/4, tel. 383-62-01
DEZ school No. 1, Moscow, 113403, Vostryakovsky Ave., 25/2, tel. 383-89-47
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113546, st. Medynskaya, 1/1, tel. 383-45-42
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113546, st. Medynskaya, 2/2, tel. 383-43-67
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113546, st. Medynskaya, 14/1, tel. 383-43-97
REU No. 52, Moscow, 113403, st. Bulatnikovskaya, 3/2, tel. 384-86-75
REU No. 53, Moscow, 113546, st. Medynskaya, 1/3, tel. 383-24-38

Brateevo district

DEZ, Moscow, 105408, st. Ferry, 9/2, tel. 342-96-93
CJSC REP FIRMA RODNIK-N, Moscow, 115408, st. Alma-Atinskaya, 11/1, tel. 342-83-86
REU No. 22, Moscow, 115408, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 38, tel. 341-83-58
OOO ZHILSERVICE-N, Moscow, 115408, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 42, tel. 341-24-44
REU 22, Moscow, 115408, st. Ferry, 9/2, tel. 342-96-93
REU 23, Moscow, 115612, st. Brateevskaya, 25/2, tel. 342-76-53
REU 23, Moscow, 115612, st. Key, 4/2, tel. 342-39-19
REU 23, Moscow, 115612, st. Key, 10/2, tel. 342-55-00
OOO ZHILSERVICE-N, Moscow, 115408, st. Alma-Atinskaya, 9/2, tel. 342-83-85
OOO ZHILSERVICE-N, Moscow, 115408, st. Brateevskaya, 18/3, tel. 342-68-45
OOO ZHILSERVICE-N, Moscow, 115612, st. Key, 24/1, tel. 342-52-74
OOO GEFEST-ChK, Moscow, 115211, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 10/5, tel. 342-98-89
OOO GEFEST-ChK, Moscow, 115211, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 14/1, tel. 342-83-93


DEZ, Moscow, 113093, per. 3rd Pavlovsky, 10, tel. 958-56-13
DEZ account No. 29, Moscow, 109280, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 4/10, tel. 275-50-39
DEZ account No. 29, Moscow, 109044, st. Simonovsky Val, 8/2, tel. 274-80-61
DEZ account No. 55, Moscow, 113162, st. Mytnaya, 23/1, tel. 237-42-34
DEZ account No. 56, Moscow, 113162, st. Lesteva, 13/3, tel. 954-45-82
DEZ account No. 56, Moscow, 113162, st. Shukhov, 16/2, tel. 237-28-45
DEZ account No. 57, Moscow, 113191, st. Tulskaya Malaya, 2/1, tel. 954-38-92
DEZ account No. 58, Moscow, 113114, emb. Derbenevskaya, 13/17, tel. 235-95-41
DEZ school № 58, Moscow, 113114, pr. 3rd Paveletsky, 6v, tel. 235-25-79
DEZ account No. 63, Moscow, 109280, st. Avtozavodskaya, 7, tel. 277-63-02
DEZ school № 63, Mosuva, 109280, st. Avtozavodskaya, 17/2, tel. 275-60-79
CJSC MZEP-REU, Moscow, 113162, st. Shukhov, 16/2, tel. 237-05-15
REU No. 55, Moscow, 113093, per. 3rd Pavlovsky, 10, tel. 236-80-04
REU No. 57, Moscow, 113191, st. Serpukhovskoy Val, 13a, tel. 954-25-28
Russian Economic University No. 63, Moscow, 109280, pr. 1st Kozhukhovsky, 19/1, tel. 275-30-86
CJSC IVLP, Moscow, 113114, st. Danilovskaya embankment, 17a, tel. 956-63-04
LLC LIKA-29, Moscow, 109044, st. Simonovsky Val, 8/2, tel. 274-82-70


DEZ, Moscow, 113152, pr. Sevastopolsky, 3/1, tel. 127-46-86
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 113105, st. Warsaw sh., 2, tel. 954-32-24
DEZ school No. 1, Moscow, 113152, Sevastopolsky Ave., 3/1, tel. 127-46-86
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 117419, st. Shabolovka, 50, tel. 954-22-00
DEZ school No. 2, Moscow, 117071, Leninsky Ave., 20, tel. 952-31-79
Russian Economic University No. 59, Moscow, 117419, pr. 1st Roschinsky, 8, tel. 952-41-65


DEZ, Moscow, 115682, st. Kustanayskaya, 3/2, tel. 396-15-38
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 115573, Orekhovy Ave., 35/2, tel. 394-41-90
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 115573, Orekhovy Ave., 35/2, tel. 394-78-18
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 115573, b-r Orekhovy, 51/2, tel. 396-32-12
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 115582, st. Shipilovskaya, 60/1, tel. 396-32-14
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 115573, st. Musa Jalil, 4/4, tel. 395-44-46
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 115573, Orekhovy Ave., 11, tel. 395-71-33
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 115580, st. Kustanayskaya, 3/2, tel. 344-06-50
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 115680, st. Kustanayskaya, 3/2, tel. 396-15-38
DEZ school No. 5, Moscow, 115580, Zadonsky Ave., 14/2, tel. 395-73-77
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 115580, st. Musa Jalil, 5/5, tel. 340-66-08
Russian Economic University No. 14, Moscow, 115573, Orekhovy Ave., 35/2, tel. 393-14-00
REU No. 62, Moscow, 115580, st. Musa Jalil, 5/5, tel. 395-33-83
LLC BETTA GRAND, Moscow, 115573, st. Musa Jalil, 14, tel. 395-24-38
CJSC GOSKOMSERVICE, Moscow, 115682, st. Kustanayskaya, 3/2, tel. 344-06-51


DEZ, Moscow, 115244, st. Kashirskoye sh., 51/4, tel. 344-85-49
REU No. 64, Moscow, 115304, st. Kantemirovskaya, 4/1, tel. 323-34-69
REU No. 64, Moscow, 115612, st. Kashirskoye sh., 51/4, tel. 344-85-74
REU No. 64, Moscow, 115409, st. Kashirskoye sh., 50/2, tel. 324-30-19
REU No. 64, Moscow, 115211, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 13/2, tel. 393-49-66
REU No. 28, Moscow, 115477, st. Kantemirovskaya, 18/4, tel. 323-63-01
REU No. 28, Moscow, 115477, st. Kantemirovskaya, 39, tel. 323-43-80
REU No. 28, Moscow, 115522, st. Kashirskoye sh., 32/3, tel. 324-44-38


DEZ, Moscow, 115230, st. Warsaw highway, 53/4, tel. 112-64-44
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 115487, Andropov Ave., 46/1, tel. 112-24-86
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 115446, st. Academician Millionshchikova, 21, tel. 112-11-84
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 115446, st. Academician Millionshchikova, 37, tel. 112-54-89
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 115230, st. Kashirskoye sh., 2/1, tel. 113-94-62
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 115201, st. Kashirskoye sh., 16, tel. 113-98-61
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 115230, st. Warsaw highway, 53/4, tel. 112-64-44
DEZ account No. 31, Moscow, 115487, st. Nagatinskaya emb., 14/5, tel. 118-34-55
DEZ account No. 31, Moscow, 115487, st. Nagatinskaya emb., 20, tel. 118-43-28
DEZ account No. 31, Moscow, 115533, st. Nagatinskaya, 29/1, tel. 112-34-43
REU No. 1, Moscow, 115446, st. Ak. Millionshchikova, 14/2, tel. 112-45-88
REU No. 2, Moscow, 115230, st. Kashirskoe sh., 8/3, tel. 113-82-93
REU No. 31, Moscow, 115533, st. High, 5/1, tel. 114-47-21


DEZ, Moscow, 115407, st. Shipbuilding, 27/3, tel. 114-76-10
REU No. 30, Moscow, 115407, st. Shipbuilding, 30/1, tel. 117-91-65
REU No. 32, Moscow, 115470, st. Novinki, 21/2, tel. 115-63-58
Russian Economic University No. 33, Moscow, 115470, Klenovy blvd., 10/3, tel. 116-45-61
REU No. 33, Moscow, 115407, st. Shipbuilding, 27/3, tel. 114-76-10
REU No. 34, Moscow, 115407, st. Zatonnaya, 2/5, tel. 117-18-53
REU No. 34, Moscow, 115407, st. Nagatinskaya emb., 64/2, tel. 117-63-33
REU No. 35, Moscow, 115142, st. Kolomenskaya emb., 6/2, tel. 115-22-73
REU No. 35, Moscow, 115142, st. Kolomenskaya emb., 22/1, tel. 115-30-02


DEZ, Moscow, 113556, st. Warsaw highway, 74/3, tel. 113-54-22
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 113556, st. Krivorozhskaya, 25a, tel. 113-16-36
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113556, st. Bolotnikovskaya, 3/7, tel. 119-07-69
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113556, st. Fruit, 5/2, tel. 113-14-18
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 113556, st. Artekovskaya, 7/3, tel. 119-07-02
DEZ school No. 3, Moscow, 113452, Simferopolsky Boulevard, 17/1, tel. 113-16-18
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 113452, Balaklavsky Ave., 10/1, tel. 318-98-96
Russian Economic University No. 40, Moscow, 113639, Balaklavsky Ave., 12/2, tel. 110-97-69
CJSC PRIVATIZATSIYA- STROYSERVICE, Moscow, 113556, st. Artekovskaya, 7/2, tel. 110-17-55
ZAO Spetsializ.predpriyatie PODEM, Moscow, 113638, st. Krivorozhskaya, 25a, tel. 113-32-00


DEZ, Moscow, 115563, st. Generala Belov, 19, tel. 394-00-45
DEZ account No. 8, Moscow, 115551, st. Domodedovskaya, 7/2, tel. 392-01-11
DEZ account No. 8, Moscow, 115551, st. Kashirskoe sh., 94/4, tel. 392-24-11
DEZ account No. 9, Moscow, 115569, st. Shipilovskaya, 14, tel. 391-35-66
DEZ school No. 9, Moscow, 115551, Shipilovsky Ave., 41/6, tel. 343-38-63
DEZ school No. 11, Moscow, 115563, Borisovsky ave., 11/3, tel. 394-02-81
DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 115563, st. Shipilovskaya, 25, tel. 393-40-00
DEZ account No. 12, Moscow, 115563, st. Belova Generala, 19, tel. 394-00-45
DEZ school № 12, Moscow, 115563, b-r Orekhovy, 25, tel. 390-14-75
DEZ account No. 13, Moscow, 115569, st. Marshal Zakharov, 14/1, tel. 393-94-63
DEZ account No. 13, Moscow, 115569, st. Kashirskoe sh., 84/1, tel. 393-44-87
DEZ account No. 13, Moscow, 115569, st. Shipilovskaya, 5, tel. 391-18-30
CJSC NUPTUN, Moscow, 115569, st. Marshal Marshal, 27, tel. 393-02-80
LLC SAMSHIT-2, Moscow, 115551, st. Domodedovskaya, 22/2, tel. 391-95-33


DEZ, Moscow, 115583, st. Eletskaya, 11/2, tel. 398-50-95
DEZ account No. 10, Moscow, 115582, st. Kashirskoe sh., 124/2, tel. 391-45-81
DEZ account No. 10, Moscow, 115582, st. Kashirskoe sh., 144/2, tel. 398-97-34
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 115597, st. Voronezhskaya, 34/6, tel. 398-50-53
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 115583, st. Eletskaya, 11/2, tel. 398-50-95
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 115583, st. Eletskaya, 31, tel. 398-42-88
DEZ account No. 19, Moscow, 115583, st. Eletskaya, 12/2, tel. 399-40-95
DEZ account No. 19, Moscow, 115583, st. Eletskaya, 16/1, tel. 399-85-88
DEZ school № 19, Moscow, 115583, b-r Orekhovy, 18/2, tel. 398-91-06
DEZ account No. 24, Moscow, 115597, Guryevskiy Ave., 23/3, tel. 399-41-81
DEZ account No. 24, Moscow, 115597, Guryevskiy Ave., 23/3, tel. 397-97-63
DEZ account No. 60, Moscow, 115582, st. Domodedovskaya, 24/2, tel. 392-89-77
DEZ account No. 60, Moscow, 115582, st. Kashirskoe sh., 108/2, tel. 391-10-77
REU No. 10, Moscow, 115582, st. Kashirskoe sh., 124/2, tel. 391-39-00
LLC REID, Moscow, 115597, st. Voronezhskaya, 34/6, tel. 398-50-56
LLC COMUS-CENTER, Moscow, 115597, st. Voronezhskaya, 34/6, tel. 398-48-30
LLC LAKAZ, Moscow, 115597, Guryevskiy Ave., 23/3, tel. 399-85-89
LLC SU-7, Moscow, 115582, st. Domodedovskaya, 24/2, tel. 392-84-77


DEZ, Moscow, 115304, st. Medikov, 24, tel. 320-46-77
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 115477, st. Bekhtereva, 13, tel. 325-46-11
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 115477, st. Kantemirovskaya, 53/1, tel. 325-26-05
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 115516, st. Sevanskaya, 54/1, tel. 325-51-02
DEZ school No. 4, Moscow, 115304, Kavkazsky Boulevard, 25, tel. 321-99-69
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 115541, st. Caspian, 24/3, tel. 321-58-90
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 115516, st. Sevanskaya, 21/3, tel. 325-38-86
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 115541, st. Solnechnaya, 1, tel. 321-23-00
DEZ account No. 27, Moscow, 115304, st. Medikov, 24, tel. 320-46-77
DEZ account No. 61, Moscow, 115477, st. Kantemirovskaya, 33/2, tel. 324-24-45
LLC PZSR-98, Moscow, 115477, pr. Proletarsky, 33/3, tel. 323-52-27
LLC SVOLK, Moscow, 115304, b-r Kavkazsky, 25, tel. 321-99-56


DEZ, Moscow, 113208, st. Chertanovskaya, 9/4, tel. 315-50-63
DEZ school-to SEVERNOE CHERTANOVO, Moscow, 113648, Chertanovo Severnoe, 820, tel. 318-63-89
DEZ account No. 1, 113639, Balaklavsky Ave., 1, tel. 310-01-45
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 113208, Sumy Ave., 8/1, tel. 312-31-09
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113208, st. Sumy, 8/2, tel. 311-50-90
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 113208, Sumy Ave., 5/3, tel. 311-50-36
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 113208, st. Warsaw sh., 122, tel. 316-77-54
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 113525, st. Chertanovskaya, 16/2, tel. 311-71-41
FIRM SHAFRAN RD LLC, Moscow, 113208, Sumy Ave., 13/2, tel. 311-37-49
LLC SPETSMASHINOSTROENIE.MU No. 7 REU No. 2, pr. 113208, st. Chertanovskaya, 9/4b, tel. 315-50-44
State Unitary Enterprise for Operation Residential Fund of the Sev.Chertanovo district, Moscow, 113648, Chertanovo Svernoye, room 820, tel. 318-63-50
LLC ELECTROLIFTREMONT-3, Moscow, 113208, Sumy Ave., 12/1, tel. 312-07-54


DEZ, Moscow, 113587, st. Kirovogradskaya, 16b, tel. 315-01-13
REU No. 43, Moscow, 113525, st. Kirovogradskaya, 16/b, tel. 315-01-13
REU No. 43, Moscow, 113519, st. Red Lighthouse, 4/1, tel. 314-04-90
REU No. 44, Moscow, 113519, st. Kirovogradskaya, 17/1a, tel. 387-97-88
REU No. 44, Moscow, 113570, st. Chertanovskaya, 41/2, tel. 387-09-06
REU No. 46, Moscow, 113525, st. Chertanovskaya, 30a, tel. 313-84-27
REU No. 46, Moscow, 113570, st. Chertanovskaya, 36, tel. 312-03-32
REU No. 47, Moscow, 113570, st. Red Lighthouse, 13a/2, tel. 386-94-18
REU No. 47, Moscow, 113570, st. Chertanovskaya, 42/3, tel. 314-30-90


DEZ, Moscow, 113535, st. Rossoshanskaya, 11/3, tel. 382-88-76
DEZ account No. 45, Moscow, 113534, st. Kirovogradskaya, 44/2a, tel. 387-01-54
DEZ account No. 45, Moscow, 113534, st. Chertanovskaya, 51/4, tel. 387-64-02
DEZ account No. 48, Moscow, 113534, st. Chertanovskaya, 60/1a, tel. 387-12-59
DEZ account No. 48, Moscow, 113534, st. Chertanovskaya, 64/2, tel. 386-13-57
DEZ account No. 49, Moscow, 113535, st. Road, 7/1, tel. 381-09-97
DEZ account No. 49, Moscow, 113545, st. Podolsky Cadets, 8/2, tel. 381-79-29
DEZ account No. 50, Moscow, 113405, st. Warsaw highway, 143/5, tel. 386-01-67
DEZ account No. 50, Moscow, 113405, st. Warsaw highway, 158/1, tel. 386-80-90
DEZ account No. 50, Moscow, 113405, st. Gas pipeline, 7/2, tel. 389-19-44
DEZ account No. 51, Moscow, 113535, pr. 3rd Dorozhny, 6/1, tel. 382-80-23
DEZ account No. 51, Moscow, 113535, st. Rossoshanskaya, 7/1, tel. 382-85-40
DEZ account No. 51, Moscow, 113535, st. Rossoshanskaya, 11/3, tel. 382-88-76
REU No. 45, Moscow, 113534, st. Kirovogradskaya, 44b/1, tel. 387-01-53
REU No. 48, Moscow, 113534, st. Chertanovskaya, 60/1a, tel. 387-44-05
REU No. 49, Moscow, 113545, st. Warsaw highway, 131/4, tel. 381-89-64
REU No. 50, Moscow, 113405, st. Gas pipeline, 5a, tel. 389-20-09
REU No. 51, Moscow, 113535, pr. 3rd Dorozhny, 8/2, tel. 382-88-58

Southwestern Administrative District


DEZ, Moscow, 117292, st. Krzhizhanovsky, 8/2, tel. 719-08-40
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 113447, st. Cheremushkinskaya, 6/2, tel. 126-20-05
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 117449, st. Shvernik, 13/2, tel. 126-47-80
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 117449, st. Shvernik, 11/3, tel. 718-11-55
DEZ school No. 1, Moscow, 117036, pr. 60th anniversary of October, 25/2, tel. 126-10-70
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 117218, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 39/1, tel. 124-19-49
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 117218, st. Profsoyuznaya, 11/11, tel. 125-58-04
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 117292, Nakhimovsky Ave., 48, tel. 125-35-23
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 117282, st. Profsoyuznaya, 20/9, tel. 125-51-39
LLC SK SERVICE, Moscow, 117218, st. B. Cheremushkinskaya, 26/3, tel. 125-88-37
OOO SK SERVICE-2, Moscow, 117218, st. Profsoyuznaya, 17/2, tel. 125-02-48
LLC FIRMA KEDR-4, Moscow, 117282, st. Profsoyuznaya, 24/1, tel. 125-50-80
REMSTROYTREST CJSC REU, Moscow, 117036, pr. 60th anniversary of October, 29/2, tel. 126-08-35
LLC CHEREMUSHKI-1, Moscow, 117218, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 20/23, tel. 333-15-64


DEZ, Moscow, 113628, st. Grina, 1/2, tel. 713-55-99
REP No. 29, Moscow, 113628, st. Grina, 3/1, tel. 712-29-63
REP No. 29, Moscow, 113628, st. Starokachalovskaya, 3a, tel. 711-51-18
REP No. 32, Moscow, 113628, st. Grina, 15b, tel. 712-11-72
REP No. 41, Moscow, 113628, st. Ratnaya, 2a, tel. 711-16-36
REP No. 32, Moscow, 113628, st. Znamensky Sadki, 5b, tel. 712-21-02
REP No. 41, Moscow, 113216, st. Starobitsevskaya, 21a, tel. 711-16-54
CJSC COMPANY REMSTROYSERVIS, Moscow, 113216, st. Academician Glushko, 6, tel. 712-08-09
CJSC COMPANY REMSTROYSERVIS, Moscow, 113628, st. Grina, 1/2, tel. 712-11-77


DEZ, Moscow, 113042, Admiral Ushakov blvd., 3, tel. 716-70-27
REU No. 30, Moscow, 113546, st. 2nd Melitopolskaya, 21/1, tel. 712-59-09
Russian Economic University No. 31, Moscow, 113042, Chechersky Ave., 36, tel. 716-37-09
Russian Economic University No. 31, Moscow, 113042, Chechersky Ave., 66, tel. 716-27-27
Russian Economic University No. 31, Moscow, 113042, pr. Chechersky, 102a, tel. 716-05-45
REU No. 31, Moscow, 113042, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 55, tel. 716-37-36
REU No. 31, Moscow, 113042, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 97, tel. 716-26-90
REP No. 31, Moscow, 113042, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 21, tel. 716-31-18
OOO SK EXPRESSMONTAZH, Moscow, 113042, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 52, tel. 716-46-81
OOO SK EXPRESSMONTAZH, Moscow, 113042, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 80/1, tel. 715-34-21
LLC CENTER TECHNOSTROY, Moscow, 113042, st. Venevskaya, 9, tel. 716-19-72
LLC CENTER TECHNOSTROY, Moscow, 113042, st. Venevskaya, 10, tel. 716-26-18
LLC CENTER TECHNOSTROY, Moscow, 113042, Admiral Ushakov blvd., 8, tel. 716-92-90
LLC CENTER TECHNOSTROY, Moscow, 113042, Admiral Ushakov blvd., 9, tel. 716-61-36


DEZ, Moscow, 117296, Leninsky Ave., 62/1, tel. 137-81-70
REP No. 33, Moscow, 117334, Leninsky Ave., 36, tel. 137-81-55
REP No. 33, Moscow, 117334, Leninsky Ave., 43, tel. 135-40-51
REP No. 33, Moscow, 117333, Leninsky Ave., 52, tel. 137-14-11
REP No. 34, Moscow, 117296, Leninsky Ave., 66, tel. 930-43-88
REP No. 34, Moscow, 117296, Universitetsky Ave., 5, tel. 938-16-60
REP No. 35, Moscow, 117311, st. Builders, 4/1, tel. 930-38-60
REP No. 36, Moscow, 117261, Lomonosovsky Ave., 7/1, tel. 134-34-68


DEZ, Moscow, 113452, Simferopolsky Boulevard, 16/1, tel. 319-02-88
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 113303, st. Bolotnikovskaya, 33/3, tel. 119-54-61
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 113149, st. Odessa, 17, tel. 310-42-64
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 113149, st. Fruit, 18, tel. 113-22-60
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 113149, b-r Simferopol, 14/1, tel. 317-01-54
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113303, st. Kakhovka, 13/7, tel. 319-36-39
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 113461, st. Khersonskaya, 8, tel. 122-55-00
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 113209, st. Bolotnikovskaya, 45/3, tel. 122-02-22
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 113209, st. Bolotnikovskaya, 52/4, tel. 122-33-57
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 113452, Balaklavsky Ave., 20/4, tel. 316-16-90
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 113452, b-r Simferopol, 24/5, tel. 310-53-00
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 113461, st. Kakhovka, 14/4, tel. 122-00-38
DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 113149, st. Azovskaya, 13, tel. 113-63-13
REP № 7, Moscow, 113149 st. Fruit, 18, tel. 113-22-67
REP No. 8, Moscow, 113461, st. Khersonskaya, 12/5, tel. 121-11-22
REP No. 9, Moscow, 113209, Sevastopolsky Ave., 61, tel. 122-70-00
REP No. 10, Moscow, 113303, st. Kakhovka, 11/2, tel. 318-58-09
REP No. 42, Moscow, 113149, st. Azovskaya, 13, tel. 318-72-88


DEZ, Moscow, 117647, st. Ostrovityanova, 32, tel. 429-56-61
DEZ Management of houses No. 5, Moscow, 117437, st. Academician Volgin, 31/3, tel. 335-86-91
DEZ Management of houses No. 5, Moscow, 117437, st. Academician Artsimovich, 13, tel. 335-05-88
DEZ Management of houses No. 1, Moscow, 117485, st. Butlerova, 4/3, tel. 336-81-32
DEZ Management of houses No. 1, Moscow, 117485, st. Profsoyuznaya, 98/10, tel. 336-52-44
DEZ Office building No. 5, Moscow, 117437, st. Profsoyuznaya, 110/2, tel. 335-61-87
DEZ Management of houses No. 3, Moscow, 117342, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 44, tel. 335-46-44
DEZ Management of houses No. 3, Moscow, 117342, st. Ostrovityanova, 41/1, tel. 336-10-88
DEZ Management of houses No. 3, Moscow, 117343, st. Ostrovityanova, 53/3, tel. 429-61-85
DEZ Management of houses No. 4, Moscow, 117279, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 32a, tel. 330-52-56
DEZ Management of houses No. 4, Moscow, 117279, st. Ostravityanova, 31, tel. 336-02-44
DEZ Management of houses No. 2, Moscow, 117279, st. General Antonov, 4/1, tel. 334-86-93
DEZ Management of houses No. 2, Moscow, 117342, st. General Antonov, 5/1, tel. 333-03-31
DEZ Management of houses No. 6, Moscow, 117647, st. Academician Kapitsa, 30/2, tel. 420-31-22
DEZ Management of houses No. 6, Moscow, 117647, st. Ostrovityanova, 36, tel. 420-39-33
REP No. 45, Moscow, 117485, st. Profsoyuznaya, 98/10, tel. 335-27-51
REP No. 46, Moscow, 117342, st. General Antonov, 5/4, tel. 333-35-17
REP No. 48, Moscow, 117247, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 38, tel. 335-87-00
REP No. 49, Moscow, 117647, st. Profsoyuznaya, 119/1, tel. 420-39-00
EUROLIFT LLC f-l No. 2, Moscow, 117342, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 44, tel. 335-10-71
REP No. 50, Moscow, 117437, st. Academician Artsimovich, 9, tel. 336-26-37


DEZ, Moscow, 113186, st. Nagornaya, 28/1, tel. 127-59-97
KOTLOVKA MO DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 113447, st. Vinokurova, 17/1, tel. 129-65-54
KOTLOVKA MO DEZ account No. 6, Moscow, 113186, st. Nagornaya, 31/1, tel. 127-23-70
KOTLOVKA MO DEZ, school No. 6, Moscow, 113209, Sevastopolsky Ave., 51/5, tel. 121-00-33
KOTLOVKA MO DEZ account No. 11, Moscow, 113186, st. Nagornaya, 18/1, tel. 127-39-10
OOO GERFEST-ChK, Moscow, 113447, st. Cheremushkinskaya B, 3/2, tel. 123-25-65
OOO REMSTROYKOMPLEKT, Moscow, 113209, pr. Sevastopolsky, 51/5, tel. 123-03-80
OOO SYDNEY, Moscow, 113186, st. Nagornaya, 18/1, tel. 127-66-71
LLC EKRO-SERVICE, Moscow, 113186, st. Nagornaya, 15/6, tel. 127-56-94
VORONTSOVO-1 TPZhK, Moscow, 117393, st. Academician Pilyugin, 16/1, tel. 132-32-11
VORONTSOVO-1 TPZhK, Moscow, 117335, st. Vavilov, 95, tel. 132-18-01
VORONTSOVO-2 TPZhK, Moscow, 117331, st. Kravchenko, 12, tel. 138-45-84
VORONTSOVO-2 TPZhK, Moscow, 117331, st. Krupskaya, 13, tel. 133-02-41
VORONTSOVO-2 TPZhK, Moscow, 117313, Leninsky Ave., 88/1, tel. 138-30-07
VORONTSOVO-3 TPZhK, Moscow, 117261, Leninsky Ave., 85, tel. 132-59-43
VORONTSOVO-3 TPZhK, Moscow, 117313, Leninsky Ave., 91, tel. 132-58-90
VORONTSOVO-4 TPZhK, Moscow, 117311, st. Krupskaya, 4/1, tel. 131-83-74
VORONTSOVO-4 TPZhK, Moscow, 117311, st. Builders, 7/3, tel. 930-97-89
DEZ, Moscow, 117393, st. Academician Pilyugin, 16/1, tel. 132-43-88
SOZIDANIE-9 LLC, Moscow, 117261, Leninsky Ave., 81, tel. 134-15-95
OOO TEMP-LUX office № 2, Moscow, 117331, st. Maria Ulyanova, 9/2, tel. 133-32-24
OOO RP TEMP-LUX, Moscow, 117393, st. Academician Pilyugin, 26/1, tel. 935-18-00


DEZ, Moscow, 117630, st. Academician Chelomeya, 8a, tel. 936-10-27
DEZ school № 40, Moscow, 117421, st. Novatorov, 16/2, tel. 935-52-81
DEZ school № 40, Moscow, 117421, st. Obruchev, 11/1, tel. 935-67-45
DEZ account No. 43, Moscow, 117421, st. Obruchev, 16/2, tel. 936-44-98
DEZ account No. 14, Moscow, 117393, st. Garibaldi, 26/5, tel. 120-40-51
DEZ account No. 14, Moscow, 117630, st. Academician Chelomeya, 8/2, tel. 936-14-91
REP No. 14, Moscow, 117393, st. Garibaldi, 26/5, tel. 128-49-79
REP No. 40, Moscow, 117421, st. Novatorov, 16/2, tel. 432-99-71
REP No. 43, Moscow, 117421, st. Obruchev, 16/2, tel. 936-44-87


DEZ, Moscow, 117321, st. Profsoyuznaya, 128, tel. 429-17-56
REP No. 16, Moscow, 117321, st. Profsoyuznaya, 130/4, tel. 338-72-33
REP No. 16, Moscow, 117321, st. Profsoyuznaya, 136/1, tel. 420-67-11
REP No. 16, Moscow, 117321, st. Profsoyuznaya, 140/1, tel. 420-76-00
REP No. 17, Moscow, 117465, st. Teply Stan, 7/3, tel. 337-90-00
REP No. 17, Moscow, 117465, st. Teply Stan, 15/4, tel. 337-07-11
REP No. 17, Moscow, 117465, st. Generala Tyulenev, 35, tel. 337-25-44
REP No. 18, Moscow, 117133, st. Academician Vargi, 1, tel. 337-38-41
REP No. 18, Moscow, 117133, st. Teply Stan, 21/5, tel. 337-72-70
REP No. 18, Moscow, 117465, st. Generala Tyulenev, 5/1, tel. 337-23-33
REP No. 19, Moscow, 117133, st. Academician Varga, 22a, tel. 337-82-55
REP No. 19, Moscow, 117133, st. Teply Stan, 12/5, tel. 337-00-33
REP No. 20, Moscow, 117513, st. Academician Bakulev, 6/2, tel. 438-19-66
REP No. 20, Moscow, 117513, Leninsky Ave., 129/2, tel. 438-31-92


DEZ, Moscow, 117418, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 61a, tel. 128-66-65
DEZ, Moscow, 117418, st. Novacheremushkinskaya, 61a, tel. 120-11-76
DEZ, Moscow, 117418, st. Tsyurupy, 8b, tel. 120-00-63
DEZ, Moscow, 117335, st. Architect Vlasov, 7/2, tel. 128-29-66
DEZ, Moscow, 117335, st. Garibaldi, 7/2, tel. 120-01-28
REP No. 15, Moscow, 117246, st. Obruchev, 55a, tel. 331-59-11
REP No. 51, Moscow, 113461, st. Kakhovka, 18/3, tel. 332-19-01
REP No. 15, Moscow, 113461, st. Kakhovka, 35/2, tel. 331-67-22
REP No. 51, Moscow, 117420, st. Nametkina, 29, tel. 331-43-22
OOO MSF SANREM, Moscow, 117418, st. Tsyurupy, 8b, tel. 120-25-65
LLC REMSTROY-94, Moscow, 117418, st. Novye Cheryomushki, 22-23/1b, tel. 128-56-20


DEZ, Moscow, 117593, st. Aivazovsky, 8/2, tel. 426-39-66
YASENEVO-1 TP, Moscow, 117574, st. Vilniusskaya, 8/2, tel. 423-42-88
YASENEVO-1 TP, Moscow, 117574, st. Golubinskaya, 7/2, tel. 421-65-55
REP No. 22, Moscow, 117574, Odoevsky Ave., 11/4, tel. 422-61-77
YASENEVO-2 TP, Moscow, 117574, Odoevsky Ave., 3/7, tel. 421-63-27
YASENEVO-3 TP, Moscow, 117574, st. Vilniusskaya, 7/2, tel. 423-46-11
YASENEVO-3 TP, Moscow, 117574, st. Tarusskaya, 18/2, tel. 423-56-00
YASENEVO-3 TP, Moscow, 117588, st. Yasnogorskaya, 17/2, tel. 422-74-77
REP No. 24, Moscow, 117463, st. Paustovsky, 2, tel. 422-61-00
YASENEVO-4 TP, Moscow, 117463, pr. Novoyasenevsky, 32/1, tel. 422-03-77
YASENEVO-4 TP, Moscow, 117463, pr. Novochsenevsky, 38/1, tel. 425-92-11
REP No. 25, Moscow, 117463, st. Karamzin, 13, tel. 421-85-55
YASENEVO-5 TP, Moscow, 117463, st. Golubinskaya, 24/1, tel. 422-22-00
YASENEVO-5 TP, Moscow, 117463, st. Inessa Armand, 7, tel. 422-84-33
REP No. 26, Moscow, 117588, b-r Litovsky, 6/3, tel. 425-89-79
YASENEVO-6 TP, Moscow, 117588, blvd Litovsky, 6/3, tel. 426-01-11
YASENEVO-6 TP, Moscow, 117588, st. Yasnogorskaya, 3, tel. 426-00-00
YASENEVO-7 TP, Moscow, 117593, st. Aivazovsky, 8/2, tel. 425-24-11
YASENEVO-7 TP, Moscow, 117593, b-r Litovsky, 11/2, tel. 425-02-22
YASENEVO-8 TP, Moscow, 117593, pr. Novoyasenevsky, 19/2, tel. 425-76-11
YASENEVO-8 TP, Moscow, 117593, st. Rokotova, 7/2, entrance 11, tel. 425-14-22
CJSC REM-SERVICE, Moscow, 117593, pr. Novoyasenevsky, 19/2, tel. 425-75-22
ZAO REMKOMPLEKS, Moscow, 117465, st. Teply Stan, 11/1, tel. 338-09-79

Western administrative district


DEZ, Moscow, 103027, pos. Vnukovo, st. Izvarinskaya, 3a, tel. 436-83-30
DEZ, Moscow, 103027, pos. Vnukovo, st. Sports, 3a, tel. 436-21-13
OOO MSF SANREM, Moscow, 103027, pos. Vnukovo, st. Aeroflotskaya, 1/23, tel. 436-69-63


DEZ, Moscow, 121170, pr. Kutuzovsky, 39, tel. 249-66-88
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 121170, pl. Victory, 1A, tel. 148-14-31
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 121170, st. 1812, 7, tel. 148-07-41
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 121059, st. Malaya Dorogomilovskaya, 36, tel. 243-38-88
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 121151, st. Student, 16, tel. 249-35-73
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 121165, st. Student, 23, tel. 249-65-51
DEZ school No. 2, Moscow, 121165, pr. Kutuzovsky, 33, tel. 249-61-48
REP No. 25, Moscow, 128248, Kutuzovsky Ave., 8, tel. 243-55-86
REP No. 27, Moscow, 121151, st. Student, 22/2, tel. 249-38-21
REP No. 28, Moscow, 121165, st. Student, 25, tel. 249-62-77
REP No. 29, Moscow, 121165, pr. Kutuzovsky, 33, tel. 249-62-43
REP No. 30, Moscow, 121170, pl. Victory, 7A, tel. 148-23-48
CJSC FITTING, Moscow, 121170, st. 1812, 7, tel. 148-43-07


DEZ, Moscow, 121609, st. Autumn b-r, 5/4, tel. 412-90-14
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 121360, st. Krylatsky Hills, 27/1, tel. 412-23-84
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 121609, Rublevskoe sh., 34/1, tel. 412-87-65
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 121614, st. Krylatsky Hills, 49, tel. 412-15-05
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 121609, st. Autumn b-r, 5/4, tel. 413-02-85
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 121360, st. Autumn b-r, 12/3, tel. 412-23-94
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 121614, st. Krylatskaya, 31/2, tel. 413-31-45
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 121614, st. Krylatsky Hills, 26/2, tel. 415-75-34
REP No. 1, Moscow, 121609, Rublevskoe sh., 44/1, tel. 412-23-44
LLC MSF SANREM, Moscow, 121614, st. Krylatsky Hills, 49, tel. 412-57-54
CJSC FIRM MORELINE, Moscow, 121614, st. Krylatsky Hills, 26/2, tel. 415-08-85


DEZ, Moscow, 121552, st. Academician Pavlova, 42/2, tel. 140-32-24
DEZ account No. 37, Moscow, 121615, st. Elninskaya, 18/2, tel. 141-80-73
DEZ account No. 48, Moscow, 121351, st. Polotskaya, 23/17, tel. 141-32-29
DEZ account No. 49, Moscow, 121351, st. Bobruiskaya, 6, tel. 149-62-70
DEZ account No. 41, Moscow, 121359, st. Academician Pavlova, 40/2, tel. 149-54-74
DEZ account No. 41, Moscow, 121359, st. Marshal Tymoshenko, 24, tel. 149-92-61
DEZ account No. 37, Moscow, 121609, Rublevskoe sh., 24, tel. 415-07-82
DEZ account No. 37, Moscow, 121552, st. Yartsevskaya, 27/5, tel. 140-34-67
DEZ account No. 45, Moscow, 121500, pos. Rublevo, st. Novoluchanskaya, 5, tel. 414-38-64
DEZ account No. 48, Moscow, 121351, st. Ivan Franko, 40/1, tel. 417-27-94
DEZ account No. 49, Moscow, 123100, st. Yartsevskaya, 16, tel. 141-32-66
LLC AIDA & Co, Moscow, 121351, st. Ivan Franko, 40/1, tel. 417-34-18
OOO VOSHOD-MN, Moscow, 121351, st. Kuntsevskaya, 4/1, tel. 417-80-35
OOO ZARYA & Co., Moscow, 121552, st. Yartsevskaya, 36/2, tel. 141-99-10
LLC MSF SANREM, Moscow, 121500, pos. Rublevo, st. Novoluchpnskaya, 5, tel. 414-43-15
OOO ORSHANKA, Moscow, 121552, st. Academician Pavlova, 26, tel. 140-31-52
OOO URGAN, Moscow, 121351, st. Yartsevskaya, 22, tel. 141-65-93


DEZ, Moscow, 119530, Ochakovskoe sh., 8/4, tel. 441-71-37
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 119361, st. Natasha Kovshova, 7/1, tel. 430-67-40
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 119361, st. Elena Kolesova, 2, tel. 437-20-04
DEZ school No. 3, Moscow, 119530, Ochakovskoe sh., 8/4, tel. 441-71-37
DEZ account No. 6, Moscow, 119501, st. Fan, 26/2, tel. 441-35-29
DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 119501, st. Fan, 3/1, tel. 441-83-83
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 119517, st. Nezhinskaya, 15/1, tel. 441-21-55
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 119517, st. Matveevskaya, 28/1, tel. 442-52-22
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 119517, st. Nezhinskaya, 21, tel. 441-21-56
REP No. 6, Moscow, 119517, st. Nezhinskaya, 15/1, tel. 441-22-29
RESP, Moscow, 119361, st. Ozernaya, 8, tel. 430-67-06
LLC KATRAN-N, Moscow, 119361, st. Ozernaya, 31/3, tel. 437-44-00
LLC RSP ZHILSERVIS, Moscow, 119501, st. Veernaya, 12a, tel. 441-41-26
LLC STROYVEKTOR-M, Moscow, 119530, Ochakovskoe sh., 2/3, tel. 441-22-56


DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 121353, st. Belovezhskaya, 13, tel. 446-51-44
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 121471, st. Guards, 6/2, tel. 440-51-47
DEZ account No. 2, Moscow, 121374, Mozhayskoye sh., 8, tel. 443-77-26
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 121354, st. Kutuzova, 18, tel. 446-24-34
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 121353, st. Belovezhskaya, 61, tel. 446-36-59
REU No. 44, Moscow, 121471, st. Bagritsky, 22/4, tel. 443-18-95
Russian Economic University No. 44, Moscow, 121471, Mozhayskoe sh., 31/3, tel. 443-39-15
DEZ account No. 5, Moscow, 121596, st. Barvihinskaya, 16/1, tel. 447-53-15
REP No. 56, Moscow, 121596, st. Tolbukhina, 8/1, tel. 448-56-26
CJSC FITING, Moscow, 121471, st. Guards, 6/2, tel. 444-15-22
Russian Economic University No. 43, Moscow, 121353, Skolkovskoe sh., 32, tel. 447-00-44


DEZ, Moscow, 119619, st. Chobotovskaya, 17a, tel. 732-50-30
Russian Economic University No. 18, Moscow, 119633, Borovskoe sh., 23a, tel. 731-55-84
REU No. 18, Moscow, 119633, st. Novoperedelkinskaya, 8a, tel. 731-55-40
Russian Economic University No. 19, Moscow, 119633, Borovskoe sh., 35/1, tel. 731-40-33
REU No. 19, Moscow, 119633, st. Novoorlovskaya, 10a/2, tel. 731-60-36
REU No. 20, Moscow, 119634, st. Chobotovskaya, 3/1, tel. 731-28-98
REU No. 20, Moscow, 119619, st. Chobotovskaya, 17a, tel. 732-80-30
Russian Economic University No. 21, Moscow, 119634, Borovskoe sh., 48/1, tel. 731-73-72
REU No. 22, Moscow, 119634, st. Lukinskaya, 9/1, tel. 731-21-07


DEZ, Moscow, 117454, Vernadsky Ave., 22, tel. 133-54-06
DEZ, Moscow, 117454, st. Lobachevsky, 68a, tel. 432-94-08
DEZ, Moscow, 117415, Vernadsky Ave., 49, tel. 431-47-22
DEZ, Moscow, 117415, Leninsky Ave., 102, tel. 432-87-74
DEZ, Moscow, 117415, Leninsky Ave., 130/2, tel. 431-09-92
LLC AVS-ZKSPLUATATSIYA, Moscow, 117415, Leninsky Ave., 92a, tel. 432-32-94
LLC AVS-OPERATION REU-1, Moscow, 117415, Leninsky Ave., 92a, tel. 431-49-68
LLC AVS-OPERATION REU-2, Moscow, 117454, Vernadsky Ave., 62a, tel. 461-96-00


RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 119136, pr. 3rd Setunsky, 3, tel. 240-88-56
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 119590, st. Dovzhenko, 12/3, tel. 143-57-16
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 119285, st. Pyreva, 5a, tel. 143-35-15
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 3, Moscow, 117330, st. Mosfilmovskaya, 17/25, tel. 147-23-54
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 6, Moscow, 117607, st. Lobachevsky, 100, tel. 932-11-17
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 117607, Michurinsky Ave., 9, tel. 932-51-00
DEZ, Moscow, 117607, Michurinsky Ave., 25/5, tel. 143-90-90
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 6, Moscow, 117607, st. Ramenki, 23, tel. 931-65-58
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 117192, st. Vinnitskaya, 11, tel. 932-31-00
RAMENKI MO DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 117192, pr. Michurinsky, 18/1, tel. 143-17-16
RAMENKI MO REP No. 57, Moscow, 117607, Michurinsky Ave., 29/1, tel. 147-65-12
LLC AIDA & Co, Moscow, 119285, st. Pyreva, 10, tel. 932-61-34
LLC MSF SANREM, Moscow, 117192, Michurinsky Ave., 54/3, tel. 932-22-95


DEZ account No. 15, Moscow, 119618, st. Glavmosstroy, 2, tel. 435-97-35
DEZ account No. 15, Moscow, 119618, st. 50 years of October, 25, tel. 435-56-82
DEZ account No. 15, Moscow, 119620, st. Bogdanova, 26/5, tel. 435-82-13
DEZ, Moscow, 119620, st. Bogdanova, 48/3, tel. 439-11-00
DEZ account No. 16, Moscow, 119620, Solntsevsky Ave., 15a, tel. 934-85-59
DEZ account No. 16, Moscow, 119620, st. Aviators, 16a, tel. 934-13-66
DEZ school No. 16, Moscow, 119620, pr. Solntsevsky, 19, tel. 934-85-22
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 119332, st. Domostroitelnaya, 3, tel. 435-68-57
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 119619, st. Narofominskaya, 13, tel. 435-14-26
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 119619, st. Production, 5, tel. 435-56-58
DEZ account No. 17, Moscow, 117297, st. Rodnikovaya, 16, tel. 435-08-66
REP No. 16, Moscow, 119620, st. Aviators, 16a, tel. 934-13-22
REU No. 14, Moscow, 119618, st. 50 years of October, 6, tel. 435-02-48
LLC SECRET-STROYSERVICE, Moscow, 119619, Borovsky Ave., 13, tel. 435-14-14


DEZ school Nikulino, Moscow, 117602, st. Academician Anokhin, 6/3, tel. 430-93-10
DEZ school Nikulino, Moscow, 117602, st. Academician Anokhin, 24, tel. 433-27-85
DEZ school Nikulino, Moscow, 117602, st. Nikulinskaya, 13, tel. 232-89-10
DEZ school Troparevo, Moscow, 117526, Vernadsky Ave., 91/2, tel. 433-45-00
DEZ school Troparevo, Moscow, 117526, st. 26 Baku Commissars, 3/3, tel. 434-30-24
DEZ school Troparevo 117571.26 Baku Commissars st., 8, building 3 434-00-01
OOO Remont.-builds. pr-tie DOMSERVIS, Moscow, 117602, st. Nikulinskaya, 19, tel. 231-54-70
OOO Nauch.-Prod. Firm GRIF, Moscow, 117571, Vernadsky Ave., 127, tel. 438-40-38


REP No. 24, Moscow, 121601, st. Filevsky Boulevard, 6, tel. 738-50-75
REP No. 24, Moscow, 121601, st. Filevsky Boulevard, 40, tel. 738-23-66
DEZ, Moscow, 121309, st. Filevskaya Bolshaya, 17a, tel. 148-68-37
REP No. 26, Moscow, 121087, Bagrationovsky Ave., 14/1, 148-86-82
REP No. 32, Moscow, 121096, st. 2nd Filevskaya, 3a, tel. 144-88-23


DEZ, Moscow, 121108, st. Kastanaevskaya, 41/2, tel. 144-36-20
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 121108, st. Kastanaevskaya, 51/1, tel. 440-37-95
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 121108, st. Kastanaevskaya, 41/2, tel. 146-77-44
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 121108, Rublevskoe sh., 7, tel. 443-55-04
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 121108, st. Kastanaevskaya, 27/3, tel. 146-93-95
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 121433, st. B. Filevskaya, 41/4, tel. 144-29-32
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 121352, st. Slavyansky Blvd., 7/2, tel. 445-13-54
REP No. 35, Moscow, 121352, st. Slavyansky Blvd., 7/2, tel. 443-94-35
REP No. 36, Moscow, 121357, st. Vatutina, 14/1, tel. 445-05-05
REP No. 36, Moscow, 121357, st. Initiative, 10/1, tel. 444-61-74
Russian Economic University No. 33, Moscow, 121108, Rublevskoe sh., 17, tel. 443-39-74
REU No. 34, Moscow, 121108, st. Kastanaevskaya, 27/4, tel. 144-59-16

Northwestern Administrative District

Fili-Davydkovo area

DEZ, Moscow, 141400, st. Rodionovskaya, 16/3a, tel. 961-34-71
LLC KURKINO-SERVICE, Moscow, 141400, st. Zakharyinskaya, 8, tel. 155-54-84

Mitino area

DEZ, Moscow, 123430, st. Mitinskaya, 38/1, tel. 753-35-11
DEZ ZhKU No. 1, Moscow, 123464, Pyatnitskoe highway, 16/4, tel. 567-00-10
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 5, Moscow, 123627, st. Mitinskaya, 37, tel. 745-41-12
DES Zhil.-kom. account number 1, Moscow, 123637, st. Mitinskaya, 38/1, tel. 753-35-11
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 1, Moscow, 123464, Pyatnitskoe shosse, 6/1, tel. 567-00-80
DES Zhil.-kom. account number 1, Moscow, 123430, st. Central, 9, tel. 948-01-11
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 2, Moscow, 123637, st. Mitinskaya, 52/1, tel. 751-35-64
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 2, Moscow, 123310, Pyatnitskoe highway, 38, tel. 753-20-30
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 1, Moscow, 123637, Pyatnitskoe shosse, 13/1, tel. 751-50-09
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 2, Moscow, 123637, Pyatnitskoe shosse, 27/1, tel. 751-35-66
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 3, Moscow, 123222, per. Angelov, 8, tel. 751-70-10
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 3, Moscow, 123310, st. Baryshikha, 44/1, tel. 751-69-03
DES Zhil.-kom. account number 3, Moscow, 123310, Pyatnitskoe highway, 41, tel. 751-78-90
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 4, Moscow, 123222, per. Angelov, 11, tel. 751-07-79
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 4, Moscow, 123368, st. Baryshikha, 15, tel. 754-05-92
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 4, Moscow, 123368, st. Baryshikha, 23/1, tel. 567-08-57
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 4, Moscow, 123222, st. Mitinskaya, 49, tel. 751-19-01
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 5, Moscow, 123368, st. Dubravnaya, 40/3, tel. 751-69-28
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 5, Moscow, 123368, st. Mitinskaya, 17/4, tel. 751-28-01
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 5, Moscow, 123368, st. Mitinskaya, 27/2, tel. 751-21-21
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 6, Moscow, 123430, st. Generala Beloborodov, 12/1, tel. 752-71-01
DEZ No. 6, Moscow, 123430, per. Uvarovsky, 3/1, tel. 753-38-99
DES Zhil.-kom. school № 6, Moscow, 123430, per. Uvarovsky, 12, tel. 752-29-99
OOO SK, Moscow, 123368, pr. 3rd Mitinsky, 4/1, tel. 751-41-13
LLC MREP, Moscow, 123222, st. Mitinskaya, 15, tel. 752-78-22
State Unitary Enterprise, Moscow, 123430, st. Mitinskaya, 44/1, tel. 751-41-14

Area Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo

DEZ account 1, Moscow, 123424, Volokolamsk highway, 96/2, tel. 491-50-61
DEZ school 1, Moscow, 123367, pr. Vrachevny, 6/2, tel. 193-62-43
DEZ account 2, Moscow, 123362, st. Freedom, 9, tel. 490-29-06
DEZ account 1, Moscow, 123371, pr. 3rd Tushinsky, 7, tel. 490-15-20
DEZ account 2, Moscow, 123362, st. Freedom, 9, tel. 490-29-07
GREP 1, Moscow, 123424, Volokalamskoe sh., 96/2, tel. 491-23-44

Strogino area

DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO, Moscow, 12313, st. Parshina, 4, tel. 947-46-37
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 2, Moscow, 123458, st. Tallinnskaya, 12, tel. 758-04-01
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 2, Moscow, 123458, st. Tallinnskaya, 24/2, tel. 758-29-05
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 2, Moscow, 123458, st. Tvardovsky, 19/1, tel. 756-62-18
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 10, Moscow, 123592, st. Kulakova, 19, tel. 758-10-42
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO, school No. 10, Moscow, 123592, Nemansky Ave., 7/2, tel. 758-76-88
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 10, Moscow, 123592, st. Stroginsky b-r, 15, tel. 750-45-62
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 11, Moscow, 123181, st. Marshal Katukov, 15/2, tel. 758-40-66
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 11, Moscow, 123631, st. Marshal Katukov, 19/3, tel. 758-81-33
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 12, Moscow, 123181, st. Marshal Katukov, 9/3, tel. 757-42-71
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 12, Moscow, 123181, st. Kulakov, 4/1, tel. 758-99-89
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO, school No. 12, Moscow, 123181, Nemansky Ave., 5/2, tel. 750-68-52
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 13, Moscow, 123592, st. Stroginsky Boulevard, 4/2, tel. 758-42-07
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 13, Moscow, 123592, st. Stroginsky b-r, 12, tel. 758-35-77
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO school № 13, Moscow, 123458, st. Tvardovsky, 18/3, tel. 757-42-61
OJSC APREO, Moscow, 124104, st. Parshina, 4, tel. 947-46-22

Northern Tushino area

DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 123481, st. Glider, 12/5, tel. 494-84-10
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 123481, st. Svobody, 93/1, tel. 494-92-10
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123480, st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 1/5, tel. 495-82-14
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123480, st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 15/3, tel. 496-35-62
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123459, st. Yana Rainis b-r, 10, tel. 495-41-06
DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 123481, st. Fomicheva, 3, tel. 492-02-15
DEZ school № 5, Moscow, 123481, st. Fomicheva, 14/2, tel. 497-29-85
GREP No. 4, Moscow, 123459, st. Turistskaya, 16/3, apt. 18, tel. 496-36-70
GREP No. 6, Moscow, 123480, st. Glider, 1/1, tel. 494-19-90
DEZ school № 3, Moscow, 123480, st. Glider, 5/4, tel. 494-24-55
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 123514, st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 22/1, tel. 490-88-28
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 123373, st. Yana Rainis b-r, 24/2, tel. 949-90-74

District South Tushino

DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 123373, st. Vasily Petushkov, 15, tel. 948-60-09
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 123373, Donelaitis Ave., 12/2, tel. 949-56-44
DEZ school No. 3, Moscow, 123373, pr. Svetlogorsky, 7, tel. 949-00-50
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 123364, Dosflot Ave., 5, tel. 492-12-61
DEZ school № 4, Moscow, 123363, st. Boat, 3, tel. 493-21-06
REP No. 11, Moscow, 123364, st. Boat, 13, tel. 497-35-35
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 123364, st. Freedom, 55, tel. 492-71-16
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 123364, st. Svobody, 40/2, tel. 492-93-00
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123363, st. Fabricius, 36, tel. 497-43-70
LLC RESAN, Moscow, 123373, st. Jan Rainis, 43/1, tel. 492-15-71
DEZ account No. 1, Moscow, 123363, st. Steering wheel, 5/1, tel. 493-22-53
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123459, Yana Rainis blvd., 19/2, tel. 497-28-81
DEZ school No. 3, Moscow, 123373, Yana Rainis blvd., 43/1, tel. 949-11-57

District Khoroshevo-Mnevniki

DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO, Moscow, 123103, st. Parshina, 4, tel. 947-46-37
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 1, Moscow, 123423, st. Demyan Poor, 1/2, tel. 191-54-10
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 3, Moscow, 123423, st. Marshal Zhukov, 37/2, tel. 199-38-11
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 4, Moscow, 123308, st. Demyan Poor, 17/3, tel. 197-10-97
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 6, Moscow, 123585, st. Marshal Tukhachevskogo, 42/4, tel. 192-75-90
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 8, Moscow, 123423, st. Demyan Bedny, 15a, tel. 197-09-23
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 15, Moscow, 123154, st. People's Militia, 29/3, tel. 192-77-36
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 17, Moscow, 123103, st. Marshal Tukhachevsky, 58, tel. 192-27-01
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 18, Moscow, 123103, emb. Novikov-Priboy, 10A, tel. 947-62-05
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 5, Moscow, 123448, st. Generala Glagolev, 8/3, tel. 199-86-91
DEZ KHOROSHEVO-STROGINO No. 18, Moscow, 123103, Marshal Zhukov Ave., 74/1, tel. 947-22-16
Russian Economic University No. 1, Moscow, 123423, Marshal Zhukov Ave., 31, tel. 191-23-76
JSC APREO, Moscow, 123103, st. Parshina, 4, tel. 947-46-22

Shchukino area

DEZ, Moscow, 123060, st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 2, tel. 194-04-45
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 123060, st. Marshal Konev, 7, tel. 194-35-39
DEZ school № 1, Moscow, 123060, st. Marshal Rybalko, 12/2, tel. 194-31-23
DEZ account No. 3, Moscow, 123182, st. Aviation, 68, tel. 193-40-31
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123182, st. Marshal Novikov, 20, tel. 193-80-57
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 123060, st. Marashala Biryuzova, 25, tel. 194-87-82
LLC REP No. 26, Moscow, 123098, st. Academician Bochvar, 10b, tel. 193-70-51
DEZ account No. 4, Moscow, 123298, st. People's Militia, 44/2, tel. 943-54-09
DEZ school № 2, Moscow, 123182, st. Academician Bochvar, 3/3, tel. 193-52-68
LLC REP No. 14, Moscow, 123060, st. Marshal Konev, 9, tel. 194-08-98
LLC REP No. 15, Moscow, 123060, st. Marshal Rybalko, 18/3, tel. 194-34-31

Zelenograd administrative district

1 district

REU No. 1, Zelenograd, 103305, room 158, tel. 535-03-15
REU No. 2, Zelenograd, 103305, room 233, tel. 535-53-10
REU No. 4, Zelenograd, 103498, room 409, tel. 534-33-53

2 district

DEZ, Zelenograd, 103536, room 343, room 01, tel. 535-55-58
DEZ school № 1, Zelenograd, 103482, room 317, tel. 535-54-73
DEZ school № 2, Zelenograd, 103536, room 521, tel. 535-42-26
DEZ school № 2, Zelenograd, 103489, room 613, tel. 535-73-06
REU No. 3, Zelenograd, 103482, room 301b, tel. 534-27-84
REU No. 5, Zelenograd, 103489, room 617, tel. 534-11-68

3 district

DEZ, Zelenograd, 103536, room 01, tel. 535-55-58
DEZ school № 1, Zelenograd, 103527, room 815, tel. 531-84-82
DEZ school № 1, Zelenograd, 103527, room 837, tel. 531-43-14
DEZ school № 2, Zelenograd, 103575, room 919, tel. 531-45-44
REU No. 6, Zelenograd, 103527, room 815, tel. 531-05-37
REU No. 7, Zelenograd, 103575, room 922, tel. 531-79-20

4 district

DEZ, Zelenograd, 103460, room 01, tel. 535-55-58
REU 8, Zelenograd, 103575, room 1004, tel. 531-80-41
REU 9, Zelenograd, 103460, room 1105, tel. 532-31-61
REU 9, Zelenograd, 103460, room 1203a, tel. 531-90-91
REU 11, Zelenograd, 103460, room 1137, tel. 530-96-02

Kryukovo area

DEZ, Zelenograd, 103683, office 1529, tel. 537-01-13
REU No. 10, Zelenograd, 103617, room 1441, tel. 537-82-86
REU No. 10, Zelenograd, 103617, room 1448, tel. 538-18-33
REU No. 12, Zelenograd, 103683, room 1529, tel. 537-01-13
REU No. 12, Zelenograd, 103683, room 1559, tel. 533-03-33
REU No. 14, Zelenograd, 103365, room 1604, tel. 537-20-74
REU No. 14, Zelenograd, 103365, room 1628, tel. 537-43-88
REU No. 14, Zelenograd, 103365, room 1641, tel. 538-71-44
REU KRYUKOVO-ZELENOGRAD, Zelenograd, 103683, room 1820, tel. 538-02-60

1. I have been the owner of the property for only 7 months. I pay for the article "Overhaul" in the housing cooperative, according to the tariff for a single payment document. I received an information letter about the debt for cap. repairs from the Housing and Utilities Modernization Fund for previous years. How to be?

1.1. Good afternoon. Most likely the seller was in debt. Contact the seller and find out.

2. I am the chairman of the housing cooperative. The house was built in 1990 and included in the overhaul program for 2038. The energy resource organization requires the commissioning of a common house meter to pay for electricity consumed. How legal is that.

2.1. Irina, well, you consume energy for general needs (lighting of entrances, landings, elevator). It is legal.

3. Cosmetic repair of the common areas of the housing cooperative has not been carried out for more than 5 years. Does the chairman of the housing cooperative have the right to demand compensation for damage after the strait, if it is the fault of the tenant.

3.1. If as a result of the flood, which occurred through the fault of the owner of the premises in the MKD, there was damage to the COMMON property of this house, then the housing cooperative has the right to present a claim to the culprit for compensation for the damage caused to such property and ALL losses incurred by the housing cooperative in connection with the elimination of such damage.
In the event that the guilty person refuses to compensate for damages and losses, the housing cooperative has the right to recover in court the cost of such damage and ALL losses incurred, including legal costs.

4. I live in a housing cooperative and pay monthly for major repairs at the expense of the house. Today, the tenants of our house began to receive receipts from the capital repair fund about debts to the fund of 15,000 or more. The chairman says our account is not closed. And all payments are credited to it. Don't worry. I am going to travel abroad soon. Will there be any problems at the border?

4.1. Hello, Alexander!
You can go easy! The ban is imposed by bailiffs, and this is after a court decision on the recovery and malicious evasion of debt. You haven't even had a trial yet. Deal with the arbitrariness of the capital construction fund. Write a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office! Where could such a debt come from!

5. 1. Does the housing cooperative have the right to collect funds for overhaul in cash and keep them on its own account?
2. Does the housing cooperative have the right to combine his position with the duty of a cashier and an accountant?

5.1. Request the Charter of your housing cooperative from the chairman, there should be an item of this type: the housing cooperative has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banks, a round seal with its name, a stamp, letterhead, company name.
Can combine.
Do you receive receipts for paying capital repairs? Cash payments are also not prohibited.

6. Do I have to pay for the overhaul? Do I live in the housing complex?

6.1. Since you are a member of the housing cooperative, questions about the need and amount of earmarked contributions, including the strength and cap. repairs are decided at the general meeting of the housing cooperative. If at the general meeting a decision is made on the need to collect earmarked contributions for cap. repairs, you must make them. You can check the information on the availability of the relevant decision of the general meeting in the board of the housing cooperative.
Good luck.

7. Is it possible not to pay for cap. Repair? The house is renovated, is under the management of the housing cooperative and in the receipt of the housing cooperative there is a fee for the capital. Renovation of my house!

7.1. No, it will not be possible to completely refuse to pay for overhaul, because. is a mandatory payment in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you can only receive benefits for the service. In your case, you need to contact the housing inspectorate about paying for the overhaul, as I understand it, you receive 2 receipts.

7.2. If at the general meeting it was decided to pay to a specially opened account in your house and you pay there, then you do not have to pay anything extra.

8. House of housing cooperatives. We started to do a major overhaul this year with the replacement of windows in the common corridors, we ran out of money at our entrance and the windows were not changed. Where to file a complaint and how can you control the write-off of funds for work?

8.1. Do you have TSN or UK? Who did the renovation?

8.2. Under Section VI. ASSOCIATION OF HOUSING OWNERS you have the right to familiarize yourself with all documents related to the activities of the HOA.

9. The owner of the housing cooperative. On the 3/9 floor, the owner is doing repairs, wants to change part of the sewer riser and the tee from cast iron to plastic, part of the tee is in my apartment 2/9. I have half cast iron, half plastic. Offers to do everything at his expense. The question is, who can carry out work on a common riser, whose permission is needed and what documents are required?

9.1. These works should be carried out by the housing cooperative.

10. I live in a housing cooperative. Residents are charged for the repair and maintenance of housing, contributions for major repairs and a fee to the reserve fund, i.e. repairs are paid 3 times. Does the housing cooperative have the right to create a reserve fund if there are payments for capital repairs?

10.1. Has the right if there is a general meeting of members of the housing cooperative and in accordance with the CHARTER.

10.2. Hello, Alexander! According to Art. 151 RF LC 3. On the basis of a decision of the general meeting of members of a homeowners' partnership, special funds may be formed in the partnership to be spent on the purposes provided for by the charter. The procedure for the formation of special funds is determined by the general meeting of the members of the partnership. 4. The board of the association of homeowners has the right to dispose of the funds of the association held in the bank account in accordance with the financial plan of the association.
Thus, the HBC reserve fund is created on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of members of the homeowners association and can be used for various needs, not only for cap. repairs (to pay for services, settlements with suppliers, liquidation of accidents and other emergencies). As a member of the housing cooperative, you have the right to familiarize yourself with the financial plan of the partnership and demand an answer to your questions from the chairman, including in writing. If you disagree with the creation of a reserve fund and contributions to it, you have the right to appeal the decision of the meeting in court. All the best!

11. In the house of the housing cooperative, she was unemployed and a debt for rent (12500) and overhaul (8000) accumulated. In December, I found a part-time job and began to pay off debts (December 3000, January 2000 and overhaul at a monthly rate of 300 r). The chairman of the house wants to go to court to recover the debt. What are the consequences for me?

11.1. Good evening!
In the event of a court order or court decision (if you write an application to cancel the court order within 10 days), after its entry into force, the bailiff will impose restrictions on your property, the value of which cannot exceed the amount of the debt, primarily on funds in the accounts. In case of their absence, to other property belonging to you.

The following property cannot be foreclosed:
1. Recovery under executive documents cannot be levied on the following property owned by a citizen-debtor on the right of ownership:
residential premises (its parts), if for a citizen-debtor and members of his family living together in the owned premises, it is the only premises suitable for permanent residence, with the exception of the property specified in this paragraph, if it is the subject of a mortgage and on it in accordance with mortgage legislation, foreclosure can be levied;
(As amended by Federal Law No. 194-FZ of December 29, 2004)
land plots on which the objects specified in the second paragraph of this part are located, with the exception of the property specified in this paragraph, if it is the subject of a mortgage and execution may be levied on it in accordance with the legislation on mortgage;
(As amended by the Federal Laws of December 29, 2004 N 194-FZ, of October 2, 2007 N 225-FZ)
items of ordinary home furnishings and household items, items for individual use (clothes, shoes and others), with the exception of jewelry and other luxury items;
property necessary for the professional occupation of a citizen-debtor, with the exception of items whose value exceeds one hundred minimum wages established by federal law;
used for purposes not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, breeding, dairy and working cattle, deer, rabbits, poultry, bees, feed necessary for their maintenance until pasture (leaving for an apiary), as well as outbuildings and facilities necessary for their content;

seeds needed for the next sowing;
food and money for a total amount not less than the established subsistence level of the debtor citizen himself and his dependents;
(As amended by Federal Law No. 225-FZ of October 2, 2007)
fuel needed by the family of the debtor citizen for cooking their daily food and heating during the heating season of their living quarters;
means of transport and other property necessary for the citizen-debtor in connection with his disability;
prizes, state awards, honorary and commemorative signs awarded to a debtor citizen.

11.2. Draw up an agreement with the housing cooperative on debt repayment. The chairman is not a distant mind, because you cancel the court order, the state duty will be lost by the housing cooperative. Pay the debt on receipts from the first delay in increments.

12. We are doing repairs in apartment 606 of the series, it came to the bathroom and toilet, and the head of the housing cooperative refused to replace pipes from cast iron with new pipes at our expense, she said she would not allow the riser to be turned off. It is necessary to change the hot water pipes, cold water pipes and the heating riser with a heated towel rail. As far as I know, this can be done in the non-heating season, but not in the heating season, because the entire riser must be disconnected from the heating. How to be further? Who is right?

12.1. Until you receive permission, no work can be done with the common property of the riser house. You can change your own property to someone else's only with your consent.

12.2. Hello! First of all, you need to write a letter to the chairman of the housing cooperative with a notification and inventory. State your requirements. If the house is 606 series, then the service life of the pipes has ended. (clause 4.1, article 4.1 Order of the State Committee for Architecture dated 11/23/1988 N 312 "On approval of departmental building standards of the State Committee for Architecture" regulation on the organization and implementation of the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities "). The order is valid. Refer to appendices No. 3 to this order, where the operating periods of the relevant facilities are indicated. In addition, if the service life has expired, then you can make a replacement for free, i.e. this should be included in the payment for current repairs (clause 12, Appendix 2 "Methodological guide for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock. MDK 2-04.2004" (approved by Gosstroy of Russia).
If the chairman does not respond, then contact the housing inspection of St. Petersburg on the basis of the answer or "non-response" of the chairman of the housing cooperative.

13. ZhSK filed a claim for debt for cap. repairs that have never been paid since the introduction (August 2014). As soon as I mentioned the statute of limitations during the pre-trial proceedings, the plaintiff's lawyer said that one payment was made at the beginning of 2015 and only 3 months would remain from the statute of limitations. Since no payments were made, the receipts were immediately thrown away. How now to prove that they did not pay these payments?

13.1. You don’t need to prove that you filed a petition in court to skip the statute of limitations and that’s all, and let that side prove the opposite and provide evidence.

13.2. Elena, good evening.

Cap payments. repairs are paid monthly. Accordingly, the statute of limitations applies to each payment due (for example: August 2014, September 2014, October 2014, etc. monthly plus three years). If at the beginning of 2015 you paid the debt for any month (for example, for November 2014), this payment does not interrupt the limitation period for other payments. In order to fully understand the issue, it is necessary to raise all receipts for the period from August 2014 and all payments - look for each payment separately, whether the limitation period has passed.

14. Please explain the statute of limitations for debts under cap. repair before housing cooperative. Since August 2014, since the introduction of the receipt for cap. repairs, never paid these bills. In November 2017, a court decision came for recovery in favor of the housing cooperative, without calling the parties, the consideration was, this decision was canceled within the prescribed time frame. Now a subpoena has arrived, on the same issue, the amount is set for March 31, 2018. I'll just get acquainted with the case materials tomorrow. Question: The limitation period of 3 years is calculated from what moment and how to document it (that this limitation period has come, if it has come at all, in my case). Thank you.

14.1. Good afternoon! The limitation period is calculated from the date of filing the claim. That is, if the housing cooperative filed a lawsuit in October 2017, then they have the right to collect the debt starting from October 2014, if the lawsuit was filed in August 2017, then from August 2014. Go to court and see what date the lawsuit was filed, but most likely there are no grounds for applying the consequences of missing the statute of limitations in your case.

15. He himself made repairs and replaced plumbing, including water meters.
ZhSK requires documents for replacement, but I did it myself.
What document is needed, in addition to the passport of the meter itself, and how legal is this?

15.1. The legislation does not prohibit the installation of meters by citizens themselves. If the place for the counter has already been prepared, it is quite simple to fix the new device to the water supply line, since anyone who knows how to hold an adjustable wrench and use sealant can handle this. However, after the installation is completed, residents will need to call a representative of the housing department: he must inspect the installed device, put a mark in the data sheet on the IPU and seal the meter. From this moment, the replacement procedure is over, you can record the readings and make payment already on them.

16. In the receipt for May, housing cooperatives billed 1,008 rubles for repairs in the basement (hot water). Although there is a separate line of content lived. premises - 1 683.36, and in February it was 842.94. (increased by 840 rubles - 2 times). And there is a separate receipt with a separate invoice for the overhaul of an apartment building - we pay 451.71 rubles a month. Do we have to pay for basement repairs (hot water)? "According to the materials of the legal social network ©"

16.1. Dear Elena! Indeed, somehow suspicious: the current repair of communications - this is the cost of maintaining common property in the MKD, which are presented under this item of expenditure. I would suggest contacting the housing cooperative with a request to clarify the situation. If they don’t answer or they answer some kind of “noodles”, a complaint to the GZHI RO. :sm_ay:

17. We are a housing cooperative. The maintenance and repair of MKD is carried out and paid by a hired company. For other resources, residents also pay directly to the RSO. Accruals and work with non-payers are carried out under the agency agreement of the VTsZhKH. The heating network filed a lawsuit (to be held on May 28) against the housing cooperative for an underpayment of 320,000 rubles, because ZhSK, being a management company, remains a service provider. More than 15,000 a month is not received on our account (for management) and is barely enough to pay for the services of an accountant, post office, bank. If Teploset wins, what threatens ZhSK? And can we ask to write off the debt and switch to direct tenant contracts with the RSO.

17.1. Hello Irina! If the decision is not in favor of the housing cooperative and disagrees with it, you can appeal it to a higher court. If in the end the dispute is resolved not in your favor, the court decision will need to be executed. In case of non-execution of the decision on a voluntary basis, bailiffs will be engaged in the enforcement of the decision (if they receive a writ of execution).
Debt cannot be written off if there is a dispute over it.

18. For what period is the accountant of the housing cooperative obliged to recalculate the contributions for the overhaul, if it is established that the overpayment occurred for more than a year.

18.1. Good afternoon, Michael! The accountant is obliged to recalculate the amounts, if there are grounds for this and an application is written within a month and notify the results of such a recalculation. If they refuse, they must notify within 10 days.

19. The house is an old housing cooperative, maintenance is with a management company under a contract. Cap. home repairs. According to the project of cap. repair, all pipes must be replaced with plastic ones. Neighbors from above (80 years old), according to the beginning. plot, sewed pipes into the wall, wrote a refusal to replace the risers. We bought an apartment last year, made expensive repairs according to the project adopted by the Moscow Housing Inspection. A door 1 m x 40 cm was made in the box, and when replacing pipes with plastic ones, this would be more than enough. The chairman of the housing cooperative does not want to spoil relations with grandmothers. We had to partially disassemble the box so that the locksmith could make a tie-in. But we still have the remains of an old 45-year-old pipe in our apartment. We want to write in the act of acceptance that the management company made a major overhaul in the apartment not according to the project. In the event of a flood, grandmothers will have to pay for the damage. But they are 80 years old ... 3 kopecks each. to death. And then every year, with leaks, and they are inevitable, they will carry out welding work with us, and not with them. The Moszhilinspektsiya said that the pipes are for the management company (the chairman of the housing cooperative). But he stands up for them. We want to insure ourselves somehow for the future. Write a complaint against the manager or chairman of the housing cooperative, to the Moscow Housing Section or the administration? Tell me, please, what should we do?

19.1. Good evening.
In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the common property includes in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, consisting of risers, branches from risers to the first disconnecting device located on branches from risers, indicated disconnecting devices, collective (common house) devices metering of cold and hot water, the first shut-off and control valves on the outlets of the intra-apartment wiring from the risers, as well as mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located on these networks.
If the decision to replace the risers is made, then it must be carried out.
In this case, the management company or the HOA must go to court with a request to provide access. If the HOA is inactive, you can file a complaint about it.
You, as the owner of one of the apartments and an interested person, also have the right to go to court with claims against the neighbors and the management company. There are many such judgments.

19.2. Hello Valentine.
The stated problem is understandable. The law is on your side. But there are two important nuances.
1. Personally, you do not have the right to directly oblige the neighbor to comply with the requirements of the law in this case (many courts believe so). Only the management company and the regional overhaul operator have such a right. Here you need to force them to take active actions against the neighbor in order to force her to replace the risers.
2. Law enforcement practice in such cases is ambiguous. In many houses, during overhaul, in the event of obstruction by residents, sometimes the risers are not completely repaired at all. This is also beneficial financially. And in some courts, government agencies cover.

20. I would like to know when it is necessary to make major repairs in the house? I live in a residential building, since 1976. No repairs have been carried out, the ventilation system is faulty, there are flies in my apartment.

20.1. Olga, Overhaul of residential buildings can be complex and sometimes selective. Comprehensive is held 1 time in 25 years, selective 1 time in 15 years. There is also current repairs - carried out once every 5 years, there is also annual maintenance.

20.2. Send an application to the Criminal Code to provide information on the timing of major repairs in your MKD. Thank you for your feedback.

20.3. Hello dear Olga! You need to know that each region is obliged to create its own fund, which will receive funds for capital repairs, for example, in the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Construction is engaged in this, you need to go to the portal and enter the exact address of a particular house, and on the interactive website find the necessary information. For a Muscovite, the task of finding a schedule is not a problem: all services are collected on one service portal, it uses the latest information Internet technologies: just enter the address of the house, and a schedule of work from 2015 to 2044 will open. The accumulative fund will make it possible to carry out the following works: To replace intradepartmental communication systems, including the replacement of hot and cold water pipelines, gas supply, sewerage, elevators. Such a service is available only to those residents whose regional authorities have launched a major overhaul program, and there is detailed information on the official websites. I wish good luck and success to you and your loved ones. Sincerely, A.A. Bogolyubov.

20.4. Good day to you. Send a written request to the management company regarding the overhaul. Good luck and all the best.

21. On 09/08/2017 you answered the question about cap. repair (you can collect money in a housing cooperative on a special account). We have a problem not only in closing the account of the housing cooperative in connection with the court. case of fraud of the chairman, but also in the absence of registration (recognition) of a new, elected chairman, the absence of a registered charter of the housing cooperative, the seal of the housing cooperative, etc.

21.1. In this case, the Administration is obliged to hold a competition to select a managing organization for your MKD, since the management method - housing cooperative is not implemented.

22. The chairman of the housing cooperative refuses to accept an application to turn off the water supply to repair the plumbing in the apartment. Requiring a license to carry out work. How legitimate are his actions, and how can they be appealed?

22.1. Ivan, plumbing work is not licensed. In addition, in order to calm down the chairman, take a written refusal from him and remind him that, according to Residential complex for the maintenance of the apartment is the responsibility of its owner. And if, as a result of the fact that he refused to turn off your water and you could not replace the plumbing, a breakthrough occurs, based on this refusal, he will be to blame.

23. A separate account has been opened in Sberbank for our housing cooperative for major repairs. If we save up money and do not withdraw it for overhaul, they can transfer it without our consent to the regional operator's account.

23.1. Nina, if the account is opened directly for your home, then it cannot be transferred to the account of the regional operator. Sincerely.

24. In our housing cooperative, the money for major repairs is in the bank on the account of the housing cooperative. If you accumulate them and do not spend for a long time, no one will be able to transfer them to the regional operator's account?

24.1. The transfer of this money to the account of the regional operator is not provided if your HCC has chosen the method of repair through its account, therefore, spending funds from the account only for the purposes indicated when opening the account is possible and for no other.

25. My name is Maria. For non-payment of the cost of major repairs in housing cooperatives, they may not be allowed to go abroad? Thank you!

25.1. Good afternoon! If the case was not handed over to the bailiffs and the amount of the debt is less than 10,000 rubles, then you will not have any problems crossing the border.

25.2. Good afternoon, Evgenia! What is the amount of debt? Has the housing cooperative filed a lawsuit? Has the court made a decision, has it entered into force? The bailiff opened enforcement proceedings? Did the bailiff restrict you from traveling abroad? If not, then you can safely cross the border with debts for services for major repairs.

25.3. Hello Evgenia! If the amount of the debt exceeds 10,000.00 rubles and enforcement proceedings are opened, then the bailiff has legal grounds for issuing a ban on traveling abroad of the Russian Federation. With respect and willingness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

26. DO I need the consent of the residents to carry out cosmetic repairs in common areas, the house of the housing cooperative. Thank you.

26.1. If the house is managed by a housing construction cooperative, then a decision of the general meeting of members of the cooperative to carry out repairs is necessary.

27. Do homeowners of the MKD have to pay additionally for the repair of the entrance. The chairman of the housing cooperative collects from the owners 60 rubles per square meter of the apartment for the repair of the entrance. Why I don’t understand from a square meter. Everyone uses the entrance the same way!

27.1. Good afternoon. No, this money is already paid as part of utility bills. The collection is illegal. Write a complaint to the housing inspectorate.

28. We are now collecting zhsk for cap. roof repair for 30 thousand. This will reshape the collection to the capital fund. renovation until 2020. Do we have to pay our uncle to the cap fund. repair, after all, we have a housing cooperative and we do everything for our own money, no one allocates us a penny? Thank you waiting for an answer.

28.1. Why are you doing roof repairs? Of course, in this case, you will continue to contribute money to the capital repair fund, as you do this before the official schedule.

29. In our housing cooperative, a meeting on overhaul was held in person and in absentia. There is no voting in the ballots for the choice of the chairman of the meeting, the secretary and the counting commission. Is it possible, on this basis, through the court to declare the protocol invalid, and the meeting not held?

29.1. --- Hello, at least a hundred times recognize the minutes of the meeting as invalid, you WILL pay for the overhaul, as provided by law. Good luck to you and all the best. :sm_ax:

29.2. This issue should be resolved in court. And only the court has the right to decide on the recognition of the general meeting of owners of the premises as invalid.
But, as the lawyer, Ligostaeva A.V., correctly pointed out in her answer: "you WILL pay for the overhaul, as provided by law."

30. We live in a 5-storey building. The house is self-governing, it has its own housing cooperative, i.e. We do repairs in the house at our own expense. We donate money monthly to the housing cooperative fund and separately for the needs of the entrance every month. There was a leak in the house with cold water. Do we have the right to repair the cold water riser at the expense of the funds collected from the residents of the entrance, or do we have to repair the risers at the expense of the residents of the apartments.

30.1. The common property of the house is being repaired at the expense of all the owners of the multi-apartment residential building and these responsibilities cannot be divided by entrances.

30.2. The risers are common property, so repairs should be carried out in your case at the expense of the housing cooperative fund, where you actually donate money for these purposes.

31. Our house has been the property of the housing cooperative from the very beginning. Now we are raising money for cap. roof repair. These collections of money will increase the amount of contributions that we must deduct to a special account cap. renovation until 2022. How to arrange it correctly so that you do not pay twice to the cap fund. repair? Thank you waiting for an answer.


The overhaul FUND is one thing, and the money YOU collected has nothing to do with the overhaul FUND.


32. We have a housing cooperative, there was a meeting of owners by cap. repair. Voting by votes is written in the charter, and the chairman counted everything as squares. Are the chairman's actions legal?

33. We have a separate housing cooperative, Beskudnikovo. "They come to pay for water, heating and repairs at 8.5 tr. recently. Energy and telephone separately. How to be?

33.1. Contact the management company with a claim to resolve the issue of providing you with payment documents and calculating them for the specified services.

34. Our apartment building is owned (ZhSK). Three years ago, we had a major overhaul of the roof at the expense of the owners. According to the Charter of our house, such issues are decided by the general meeting with a majority of votes. There was a meeting, but no one took the minutes of the meeting (it is not known how many tenants were present). Our entrance did not give consent for repairs and did not hand over the money, because. we repaired our section of the roof shortly before at our own expense. The chairman of our house did not demand money, because. There is no protocol of the meeting, but the repairs were done poorly (even those who had no roof leaks before, now there are problems). Now the chairman has changed. They demand money and threaten to sue. They made a new Minutes of the meeting (allegedly instead of the lost one). It, of course, was signed by the majority (everyone who handed over the money, except us). In this regard, questions:
1. Is there a statute of limitations for this issue
2. Is it legal to draw up a new Meeting Minutes after three years?
3. Do we legally have the right not to pay for the service that we get was imposed? Thank you!

34.1. Good afternoon! Yes, there are deadlines - this is 3 years, drawing up a protocol retroactively is not lawful, but this will need to be proven. There is a protocol, which means you agreed.

34.2. You can file an application with the prosecutor's office to conduct a check on the fact of forgery of documents and initiation of a criminal case on this fact.

35. Can the housing cooperative accept its tariffs for overhaul at the general meeting?

35.1. Hello, only if you decide to pay more).

Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 169. Contributions for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building

1. The owners of premises in an apartment building are obliged to pay monthly contributions for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, except for the cases provided for by part 2 of this article, part 8 of article 170 and part 4 of article 181 of this Code, in the amount established in accordance with part 8.1 of Article 156 of this Code, or, if the relevant decision is made by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, in a larger amount.

36. Should pensioners living alone pay for the overhaul of housing cooperatives.

36.1. If the owners - they must, because the regional legislation will not provide benefits. There are no federal benefits in this case.

37. And does the housing cooperative have to enter incomprehensible payments such as disinfection of the basement, repair of the roof, electrical work as such actions were not observed, the chairman refuses to say what kind of work it is.

37.1. Has the right if a decision is made by the general meeting of owners of an apartment building to carry out additional work at the expense of the owners. The rest of the current repairs must be carried out within the framework of the house management agreement (for a monthly fee for the maintenance of the dwelling in accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

38. The management company included the remuneration to the chairman of the housing cooperative in the general receipt (current repair of water, heating, etc.) without a decision of the meeting - is this allowed or does it fall under the law on collectors?

38.1. The remuneration to the Chairman of the Board of the housing cooperative and the procedure for paying such remuneration is usually established in accordance with the Charter of the housing cooperative, based on the decision of the general meeting of the members of the housing cooperative.
This remuneration can be taken into account either in the MKD management fee or in the AHR fee.

39. Is it possible now to open a special account for major repairs without legal consequences for the housing cooperative (fine)?

39.1. A special account is opened in a bank in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the features established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
RF LC, Article 175. Special account
2. The owner of a special account may be:
1) an association of homeowners managing an apartment building and created by the owners of premises in one apartment building or several apartment buildings, in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 2 of Article 136 of this Code;
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 255-FZ of 21.07.2014, No. 176-FZ of 29.06.2015)

2) a housing cooperative that manages an apartment building;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)
(see text in previous edition)
3) a management organization that manages an apartment building on the basis of a management agreement.
(Clause 3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 255-FZ of July 21, 2014; as amended by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)
(see text in previous edition)

39.2. Is it possible now to open a special account for major repairs without legal consequences for the housing cooperative (fine)?

It won't work without consequences. Close hsk and create tsn. there you will do everything as it should be according to the law. Need help, please contact.

40. Question on cap. repair. I am the owner of an apartment in the housing complex.
Made payment for cap. repairs to the Regional Operator's Fund according to receipts received. In mid-2014, at a meeting of homeowners, the Chairman of the Board of our housing cooperative announced that he had opened his own account and that we would now pay to it. Receipts from the Regional Operator Fund stopped coming, and the payment for the overhaul was included in the housing cooperative receipt. All residents conscientiously paid housing cooperatives. A year later, a receipt came from the Regional Operator Fund with a debt of 3.5 thousand rubles. Many owners received subpoenas. To me - no. During the analysis in court, it turned out that our Chairman somehow did not draw up the documents correctly and the Regional Operator Fund refused to transfer funds to an open account. At the same time, the Regional Operator Fund still sent receipts, but the postman brought them to the Chairman (we did not receive these receipts). Now payment for overhaul comes both in receipts from the Regional Operator Fund and in receipts of housing cooperatives. I have not yet paid the debt to the Regional Operator Fund (because I paid this money regularly to the housing cooperative), now I pay it in the receipt of the Regional Operator Fund, in the receipt of the housing cooperative I pay minus this amount. The chairman writes letters to me that I have to pay to the housing cooperative and that anyway I will have to pay him a second time. Which authority should I contact to sort out my problems (Debt to the Regional Operator Fund and a double receipt), can I contact the prosecutor's office?

40.1. Hello!
Yes, start by contacting the prosecutor's office, they have the opportunity to request the necessary documents. Additionally, make written requests to the housing cooperative and the Fund to justify the charges.

41. We pay for cap. repairs to the current account of the housing cooperative, the accountant transfers these funds to the Special account on the last day of the quarter. Are there any violations here?

41.1. We pay for cap. repairs to the current account of the housing cooperative,
the accountant transfers these funds to the Special account on the last day of the quarter. Are there any violations here?
The main thing is that the funds arrive in a special current account in a timely manner.

42. We pay for the maintenance and repair of common property in the housing cooperative. However, the neighbors force us to do the cleaning in the entrance ourselves, because. The housing cooperative does not have money to clean the premises. Do we have to clean up the entrance and at the same time pay for the maintenance and repair of common property?

42.1. --- Hello, yes you must, you can hire a cleaning lady at the entrance and pay for her work at the end of the month. Like everyone else does. Good luck to you and all the best.

43. I am an accountant of a housing cooperative. Our housing cooperative has opened a special Account and accumulates funds there for cap. repair, the funds are transferred by the owners of the apartments according to the receipt. Today the inspector of the Housing Committee called and said that in connection with the debt of the owners to the housing cooperative for the cap. repair the money that we have already accumulated in the account will be transferred to the regional representative. It is legal?

43.1. Article 173

1. The method of formation of the capital repair fund may be changed at any time based on the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.
2. In the event that for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, a loan was provided and not returned, or there is a debt payable at the expense of the capital repair fund for payment for the services rendered and (or) work performed on the overhaul of common property in an apartment building , the adoption by the owners of premises in an apartment building of a decision to change the method of forming the capital repair fund in relation to this apartment building is allowed subject to the full repayment of such debt.
(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)

3. If the formation of a capital repair fund is carried out on the account of a regional operator, in order to change the method of formation of the capital repair fund, the owners of premises in an apartment building must make a decision in accordance with part 4 of Article 170 of this Code.
4. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building to change the method of forming a capital repair fund within five working days after the adoption of such a decision is sent to the owner of a special account to which contributions for the capital repair of common property in such an apartment building are transferred, or to a regional operator, to account to which these payments are made.
5. The decision to terminate the formation of a capital repair fund on the account of a regional operator and the formation of a capital repair fund on a special account shall enter into force two years after the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is sent to the regional operator in accordance with part 4 of this article, if a shorter period not established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but not earlier than the occurrence of the condition specified in part 2 of this article. Within five days after the entry into force of this decision, the regional operator transfers the funds of the capital repairs fund to a special account.
6. The decision to terminate the formation of a capital repair fund on a special account and the formation of a capital repair fund on the account of a regional operator shall enter into force one month after the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is sent to the owner of the special account in accordance with part 4 of this article, but not before the occurrence of the condition specified in paragraph 2 of this article. Within five days after the entry into force of the said decision, the owner of the special account transfers the funds of the capital repairs fund to the account of the regional operator.
7. When changing the method of formation of the capital repair fund in the cases provided for by this Code, the regional operator, in the event of the formation of the capital repair fund on the account, accounts of the regional operator, or the owner of the special account in the event of the formation of the capital repair fund on the special account, is obliged to transfer to the owner of the special account and ( or) to the regional operator, respectively, all the documents and information available to him related to the formation of the capital repair fund, in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
(Part 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)
8. If, on the basis of information received in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 172 of this Code, the amount of actual receipts of contributions for major repairs is less than fifty percent of the amount of invoices submitted for payment, the state housing supervision body in writing or using system notifies the owner of a special account of the need to inform the owners of premises in an apartment building about the presence of debt, about the need to pay off such debt within a period of not more than five months from the date the owner of the special account received the relevant notification from the state housing supervision body and about the consequences provided for by this Code in connection with with non-payment of debts on time.
(Part 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)
9. The owner of a special account who has received a notification from the state housing supervision body specified in paragraph 8 of this article, not later than within five days, informs in writing and using the system the owners of premises in this apartment building who have a debt that served as the basis for sending the specified notifying the state housing supervision body of the need to repay the debt and taking measures aimed at its repayment. If there is no repayment of such debt two months before the expiration of the period established in accordance with part 8 of this article, the owner of the special account is obliged to initiate a general meeting of owners of premises in this apartment building in order to decide on the procedure for repaying the debt.
(Part 9 was introduced by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)
10. If within five months from the date of receipt of the notification specified in paragraph 8 of this article, the debt has not been repaid in the amount specified in the notification of the state housing supervision body, and the latter has not been presented with documents confirming the repayment of such debt, the state housing supervision body shall notify about this, the local self-government body, which within a month decides on the formation of a capital repair fund on the account of the regional operator and sends such a decision to the owner of the special account. The owner of a special account is obliged to transfer the funds on the special account to the account of the regional operator within one month from the date of receipt of such a decision by the local government. If the owner of the special account did not transfer the funds on the special account to the account of the regional operator within the period established by this part, the regional operator, any owner of premises in an apartment building, the local government body has the right to apply to the court for the recovery of funds, located on a special account, with their transfer to the account of the regional operator. The provisions of this part shall not apply if there is a loan and (or) credit for a major overhaul that has not been repaid within the terms established by the loan agreement and (or) the loan agreement, and the repayment of which is carried out at the expense of funds received on a special account.
(Part 10 was introduced by Federal Law No. 176-FZ of June 29, 2015)

44. We have a three-room apartment, housing cooperative management. Every month we pay for the overhaul in the receipt. Now a receipt has arrived for another 8,000, allegedly for two years and penalties are already being charged. What's this? How legitimate? They also say it's okay, pay in installments.

44.1. In such situations, an appeal to the local housing inspectorate and the court is required.

The application addressed to the head of the management company must contain information about the citizen and his contact details. Next, you should state the essence of the claim: referring to the figures indicated in the receipt; comparing them with real facts and events. For example, residents may not agree that repairs to the house or utilities have not been made, and fees for such services have been accrued regularly. Or the fact of supplying low-quality utilities was recorded, and the management company unreasonably refused to recalculate, etc.

45. Can the housing cooperative collect additional money for the repair and replacement of elevators, pumps, etc., even if there is a line for the maintenance of common property and current repairs in the receipt?

45.1. It can only if the relevant decision was made at a meeting of the owners of the premises in an apartment building.

46. ​​In the housing cooperative, neighbors from above are doing repairs and poured concrete on the balcony. Now I am writing a statement addressed to the chairman with a request to initiate a commission check on this fact.
What is the term for consideration of this application and what legislative act does this term refer to?
I repeat - I am writing to the chairman of the housing cooperative, not to a government agency.

46.1. Good afternoon! For any appeal, you can refer to the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ

47. Does the housing cooperative have the right to include payment for overhaul in the general receipt indicating the current account, if a decision was made at the general meeting of residents to open a special account and such a special account is open.

47.1. No, it doesn't.
Art. 171 RF LC, part 2:
In the event that a capital repair fund is formed on a special account opened in the name of a person specified in paragraph 3 of Article 175 of this Code, contributions for capital repairs are paid to such a special account within the time limits established for making payments for housing and communal services. Contributions for major repairs are paid on the basis of a payment document provided in the manner and on the conditions established by part 2 of Article 155 of this Code, unless other procedures and conditions are determined by a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

48. A claim was filed by the housing cooperative for non-payment of overhaul contributions. The defendant was not informed about the time of the court session and the court took place without him. At the time of the meeting, the plaintiff kept silent in court about the payment by the defendant of 50% of the debt and the court recovered from the defendant in court the amount of already paid debts and penalties and state duty. The bailiffs withdrew money from the salary card on account of the debt by a court decision and 1000 rubles additionally. How can you challenge the court's decision and is it possible not to pay for the services of a lawyer and penalties, because part of the debt at the time of the trial was paid and the entire debt was repaid in 2 months. ?

48.1. Claim the reversal of the execution of the court decision, attach evidence of payment.

49. I am asking a question on behalf of the housing cooperative of a 5-storey "Khrushchev" building, the roof is not leaking, there is enough money on the special capital repair account so far only to repair the gutters due to the catastrophic state of the facade, the contractor has been found. The Housing Inspectorate does not allow the bank to transfer our money to the contractor for this work, requiring them to deal with the gutters at the same time as the roof. Co-financing of overhaul from the regional fund is not provided, and we cannot afford to take money from the bank at a loan interest even for a roof, which is not required. Is this decision of the housing inspectorate, which provokes the destruction of our house, legal?

49.1. Write a request to the housing office and demand a written response, write "a copy to the prosecutor's office" on the request.

50. We are a housing cooperative. We have a special Account for major repairs in the Savings Bank. Interest is charged on the account balance every month. Do I have to pay income tax on this interest? We are on OSNO.

50.1. Hello.
Income tax is paid