Household allergy in a baby - signs, treatment. House without allergies What are allergies in a private house

Allergy is an increased sensitivity to various substances, manifested by unusual reactions upon contact with them. Almost everything that surrounds us can become an allergen. Even if you hid from spring pollen at home, this does not mean that you ran away from allergies.

Allergy to house dust

Any house dust is a complex of allergens. It consists of: library dust (cellulose), fragments of feathers, animal hair and dander, wool fibers, human hair and skin particles, mold spores and bacteria, particles of insects (cockroaches), cotton, furniture upholstery, etc. All of the above can be the cause of an allergic disease, but the main household allergen is the house dust mite.

The main symptoms of house dust allergy are:

  • Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, suffocation);
  • Wheezing rales in the chest;
  • Spasmodic (paroxysmal) unproductive cough;
  • nasal congestion, watery nasal discharge, sneezing;
  • Itching and redness of the eyes, lacrimation;
  • Signs of eczema or hives.

These symptoms are especially evident at night in bed and in the morning when waking up, when cleaning the premises. Symptoms are noted year-round and are especially disturbing in autumn and winter, when ticks multiply. Peak numbers occur at the end of August - beginning of October.

mold allergy

Mold-related allergies mostly occur during the peak season for fungal spores; this warm season is from June-July to September-October.

Allergy symptoms develop when microscopic spores or fungal fragments are inhaled, which are easily airborne:

  • Difficulty breathing (suffocation, shortness of breath);
  • Cough;
  • Nasal congestion, bouts of sneezing.

If mushrooms enter the stomach, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Stomach ache;
  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • Itching in the oral cavity, Quincke's edema;
  • Hives.

Warm, damp, poorly ventilated rooms, cooling and heating systems, air conditioners, air purifiers over stoves, dishwashers become a place for the growth and reproduction of mold fungi. Mushrooms grow on wallpaper, walls in the bathroom and toilet, indoor plants, in the trash can and garbage containers. The moist soil of a flower pot is a good environment for the development of mold fungi.

Allergy to insects

Allergy symptoms occur when small particles of insect bodies or their waste products are inhaled, bites and stings. Allergies can occur after the bites of blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, bugs) and in contact with other insects (cockroaches, moths, butterflies, grasshoppers, etc.). Cockroach allergens are present in house dust. The most dangerous type of allergy is allergy to hymenoptera stings (wasps, bees, etc.).

A typical and normal reaction in humans after a sting is pain, swelling and redness, which are limited to the site of the skin lesion. Less often, the local reaction may be more pronounced, and consist of significant swelling and pain. Although such a reaction is quite unpleasant, it usually lasts no more than 2-3 days. However, in some people, a bee or wasp sting leads to the rapid development of severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock or laryngeal edema (angioedema). In this case, only urgent resuscitation measures can help.

latex allergy

Allergy to latex can manifest itself in a variety of terms from the beginning of everyday contact with latex - in a few days, months or years. Doctors and food workers who use latex gloves and people who use condoms that contain latex are especially susceptible to latex allergies.

For latex allergy, the most common skin symptoms that occur after contact with products containing latex are redness, itching, swelling or blisters. Latex particles can be transmitted through the air, then there are symptoms of respiratory allergies - sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itching and redness of the eyes, asphyxiation attacks are possible.

Allergy to household chemicals

This type of allergy is spreading more and more every year, as the number of household chemicals increases. It is manifested by skin reactions: itching, redness, peeling of the skin at the site of contact with the substance, as well as respiratory symptoms when particles of the substance are inhaled.

Allergy is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous disease. Moreover, it can also occur at home, when there are no obvious irritants. Naturally, in this case, I want to know how to determine the allergen in order to get rid of obsessive symptoms.

How to identify an allergen

An allergic reaction can be to anything. Allergies to food or drugs show up quickly and clearly, so identifying these types is not particularly difficult. The same is true with seasonal irritants.

But what if redness and itching of the skin, a characteristic runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, or, much worse, swelling and changes in breathing overtake you unexpectedly in your own home? This is a household allergy, and it is not easy to identify the irritant in this case.

How to identify allergens in the house

The most common irritants in the home can be:

  • dust;
  • animal hair;
  • mold;
  • household funds;
  • care cosmetics;
  • home plants.

Cockroaches can also become allergens. After death, their carcasses dry out and crumble, mixing with dust. Which, in turn, can get into your respiratory tract.

To identify the cause of discomfort, the most effective method would be to contact an allergist who will conduct all the necessary tests.

How to identify an allergen without testing? This is not possible, but if you want to do fewer tests and the allergy does not manifest itself dangerously, then you can try the following:

  • Do a thorough cleaning of the house, having previously secured yourself with an anti-dust respirator and rubber gloves. If within a few days you will not feel discomfort, then most likely the irritant is dust;
  • if you keep pets, you will have to give them to relatives or close friends for a while and clean the house well - follow your feelings, it is quite possible that you are reacting to wool;
  • to identify irritating household products, each should be used separately and the body's reaction should be carefully monitored.

Care and decorative cosmetics, being an allergen, manifest themselves quickly after application.

At about one and a half and two years old, the child begins to react very actively to the external environment, contact with it and perceive all its advantages and disadvantages. And one of these shortcomings is household allergies.

What is a household allergy in a child.

This is the effect of external allergens on the nasopharynx and eyes, which, irritating these organs and getting inside, can cause serious consequences:

  • Quincke's edema. The nasopharynx swells, blocking the path of oxygen to the lungs, they become enlarged, turn red, and disappear for a long time with the use of drugs. Also, with Quincke's edema, parts of the face (upper lips, cheeks) may swell.
  • Anaphylactic shock. If, when an allergen gets on the skin or in the respiratory tract, the eyes begin to swell (up to their complete closure, rash all over the body, loss of consciousness, and even coma). This is mainly an allergy to food, but sometimes it happens in everyday cases, for example, a reaction to household chemicals. In 20-30% it ends in death.

Causes of household allergies in a child

  • Dust. If the apartment has a lot of so-called "dust collectors":
  • Bookshelves.
  • Carpets on the walls and on the floor.
  • Upholstered furniture and many soft toys. No one says that this is bad, just try to do daily wet cleaning without using household chemicals. Vacuum the furniture, shake out the toys.
  • Animals. Animal hair is often a powerful allergen. When dogs are walking outdoors, a lot of microbes accumulate on their fur, which they bring into the house. Many mothers say that we have a dog, a cat, three parrots and so on at home, but you should not equate everyone by yourself. All children are individual, and there may be a lot of factors why a child has an allergy. The description will be below. Therefore, animals very often become allergens and irritants, birds and amphibians in the aquarium are no exception.
  • Household chemicals. This can become an allergen not only for the baby, but also for the mother, especially for the nursing one. When cleaning the apartment, do not use:
  • whiteness,
  • furniture polishes,
  • When cleaning the kitchen, do not use:
  • Dry powders for cleaning the stove.
  • Liquid sprays containing toxic substances for the removal of various contaminants.
  • Try to wash dishes with little or no detergent.
  • Things made of natural wool. Despite the fact that it is thermally processed its qualities, it has not lost and remains an allergen. It is better for children to use cotton fabric (xb). Or sweaters made of dense wool knitting, but not made of sheep's wool.
  • Fluff. Natural down is often a strong allergen. Now even pillows for children are produced with artificial fillers that do not settle or wrinkle. In addition, fluff is an expensive pleasure, and the synthetic winterizer is of poor quality. If a child sleeps on a pillow made of fluff, and you suddenly begin to observe redness or he constantly coughs, his nose is clogged, and in addition he also sneezes all the time, it is better to replace the pillow or feather bed with artificial material.
  • Plants. Even houseplants cause allergies. Even a primitive cactus can become an allergen if it blooms.

Household allergy symptoms

They are quite eloquent:

Allergy diagnostics

You can establish an allergy yourself by carefully monitoring the child, but if there are cases of asthma or anaphylactic shock, you should contact an allergist and an immunologist. There, your child will be diagnosed and an immunogram procedure will be prescribed, it is with the help of it that they will be able to tell you more accurately what exactly caused the allergy. In small allergy sufferers, class E immunoglobulin is detected - this is an antibody to the allergen.

Treatment of household allergies in a child

It depends on what results you got when passing the tests. If everything is more serious than it seemed, the child will be prescribed medication and complex therapy by an allergist. You will also be prescribed a complex that is aimed at reducing the child's reaction to a substance called histamine, it is he who reacts sharply to the allergen.

In the process of such therapy, histamine is administered as injections in small doses, histoglobulins are also prescribed.

Why can a child have household allergies

  • Prematurity.
  • Diseases of the mother during pregnancy.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Birth trauma.
  • Improper screening of the child.

Prevention of household allergies at home

Daily wet cleaning, without any household chemicals.

If the child is still allergic to animals, you will have to choose - long-term treatment of the baby (and not the fact that it will work), or send the animals, for example, to relatives. The child will grow up and the allergy may pass, because the immune system will be strengthened.

Buy a humidifier for your home. It will help to cope with some types of allergies (dust and plants) by slightly inhibiting their activity.

Allergy - the reaction of the immune system to the introduction of foreign organisms. An allergen is a substance of a protein structure. Synthetic, chemical elements. A person is not protected from dangerous elements even in his own home.

Allergy at home

If everything is more or less clear with allergies to food, plant pollen, and so on, then the problem of a domestic nature is much more complicated. It is often quite problematic to identify what exactly provoked a negative immune response.

The problem appears in modern buildings of apartment buildings. In private wooden houses. When using the most common substances, a huge number of people experience allergic reactions. Mostly blame animals, plants and so on. In fact, there are many more reasons for the pathological condition in the house.

Home allergies have long and firmly rooted in human life. To cope with it, knowledge about the possible causes, preventive measures will help. A competent approach will make it possible to avoid life-threatening consequences. It is worth noting that allergies in wooden houses, which seem to be the safest, also happen and have their own characteristics.

Allergy in a wooden house

Wooden houses are environmentally friendly, in terms of modern construction. But finishing is often carried out using materials that lead to allergies. In addition, even the tree itself causes allergies if a person has hay fever.

Another fairly common cause is mold. It often appears in rooms with high humidity. Wood dust is a problem provocateur. The main signs of such an allergy are:

  1. runny nose;
  2. sneeze;
  3. dry cough;
  4. eye inflammation.

In the room, the symptoms worsen, when you go outside, they weaken. If the above problems appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Get tested, get tested. Thanks to this, an accurate diagnosis is established.

It should be taken into account that allergic reactions in the house are caused by a huge number of substances. It is impossible to determine the allergen on your own. Qualified help required. Often, a blood test will give an answer to which element the body reacts negatively. Sometimes additional research is required.

What can you be allergic to at home?

No matter what house a person lives in, how he takes care of him, allergies develop quickly and unexpectedly. Often this happens due to constant contact with the allergen. Accumulating in the body, it provokes an increased synthesis of histamine. This is what leads to symptoms.

Allergies at home are caused by:

  • household chemicals;
  • some indoor plants;
  • animals;
  • finishing materials;
  • latex;
  • dust, in which mites often live;
  • fungus, mold;
  • pests: cockroaches, bedbugs;
  • rodents;
  • plastic windows;
  • linoleum and carpets.

The manifestations of the disease directly depend on the allergen that provoked the problem. However, some of the symptoms are the same, no matter what the cause is. Basically, allergic reactions are presumably established on separate grounds.

The individuality of the human body greatly affects the symptoms. In addition, genetics, the presence of diseases of the digestive system, and the endocrine system are of great importance. Often an increased level of stress leads to an exacerbation of the course of the disease.

Important: allergic reactions cannot be eliminated on their own. The consequences in this case are very serious. In some cases, lead to death. Of great importance in this case is constant contact with the allergen.

Allergy symptoms at home

In most patients, the onset of the disease is characterized by impaired functioning of the respiratory system. The main signs of allergies in your own home include:

  1. Allergic runny nose;
  2. Redness, watery eyes;
  3. Frequent sneezing, difficulty breathing;
  4. Severe cough, up to asthma attacks;
  5. skin problems;
  6. Urticaria and so on.

It is not uncommon for especially dangerous symptoms to appear that carry a direct threat to human life. Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions require surgical intervention by physicians. People who are prone to allergies, no matter what type, should always carry emergency medication with them.

Allergy treatment

The therapeutic effect on the problem is carried out through an integrated approach. Be sure to follow the recommendations, adhere to the rules:

1. Elimination of the allergen. First of all, the patient should be isolated from the aggressive substance. Remove from the house, everything that can cause a negative defense response. You can accurately determine a potentially dangerous element by passing a blood test. Having passed the tests, examination.
2. Diet. Even if the disease is not caused by food, it is worth making certain adjustments to the diet. In no case should you eat frankly allergenic foods. Forget about various semi-finished products, other harmful products. They have a detrimental effect on the immune system.
3. Taking antihistamines. The doctor individually prescribes certain drugs that reduce the synthesis of histamine. Thanks to this, the manifestations of the disease go away.
4. Corticosteroids. According to indications, corticosteroids, hormonal preparations may be recommended.

The impact on allergic reactions should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. There are practically no harmless pharmaceuticals. What suits one may only harm another.

Allergy at home is a rather complicated disease, in view of the many possible provocateurs. In some cases, you may have to change your place of residence. If this is not possible, you will have to periodically take antihistamines throughout your life.

Are you allergic? Well, be careful, because the sources of allergies lie in wait for us everywhere. Allergic triggers such as mold, dust, and animal dander can lurk in the most unexpected places. So, let's find out about the top 10 sources of allergies that can be right under your nose.

See also issue - Allergy culprits in all their glory, 10 Poisonous Fruits and Vegetables We Eat Every Day

(Total 10 photos)

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1. Indoor plants.

Be very careful with them. Mold can grow in pots and move onto the floor. To prevent this from happening, trim off dead leaves and use flower pot trays or saucers to keep the flowers from getting watered.

2. Pets.

Yes, we love them, but sometimes they can be troublesome. Allergies are often associated with pets, but their fur is not always the main cause. The main source of allergies is a protein found in the saliva, urine and dander of animals, which, by the way, flies everywhere and lands on our carpets, furniture and beds. Wool can be a source of allergies if it collects allergens such as dust or pollen. Keeping the pet out of the bedroom only helps in part, because the allergens quietly "roam" around the house, moving through the air. Tip: Vacuum your apartment often and wash your hands after playing with your dog.

3. Carpets and rugs.

Carpets and rugs in the house can play a role that, perhaps, you did not even suspect. They collect dust and become a home for mites - a very well-known source of allergies. To get rid of this problem, you can clean the apartment with vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter or simply throw away old carpets. Humidity in the room should not exceed 55%. In addition, you need to regularly ventilate the rooms.

Your brain food is potential pest food. Book dust can hide mites, mold and other similar microorganisms. If you suspect that your allergy is caused by books, try vacuuming the covers or keeping them in a closed bookcase. Lowering the humidity in your home and removing dust will also help reduce the number of dangerous microorganisms.

5. Upholstered furniture.

Oooh, this is the favorite residence of ticks. Vacuum furniture regularly. On leather and vinyl coverings, allergens develop less frequently. In addition, furniture that you tossed into the basement can also become a great habitat for mold. Dehumidifiers can be used to reduce humidity levels.

6. Bed.

In it, you spend up to eight hours a day (and some more). Therefore, many particles of dead skin gradually accumulate on the sheets, which attract ticks. The main solution to this problem is to buy anti-allergic mattresses, duvet covers and pillows. Also wash your bedding every week at a high temperature. It is better not to buy pillows and bedding that cannot be washed.

7. Soft toys.

Yes, they also attract a lot of mites. Of course, you should not throw them away, but it is better to buy only those toys that can be washed. As with linens, soft toys that your child often plays with should be washed weekly at a high temperature.

8. Bathroom.

The bathroom can be an ideal "residence" for mold, because there are all the conditions for its growth: it is warm and humid here. Black mold forms in hidden places under the floor. It is best to keep your bathroom clean and dry. Repair valves and other water sources if they are leaking, as leaks increase humidity. Clean surfaces regularly with bleach.

Mold's favorite place in your home is the kitchen. Feel free to throw out stale food from the refrigerator, because it can become moldy. Cover trash cans and keep food in covered containers to keep insects out.

10. Conditioners.

Air conditioners help our home stay cool and also filter out allergens from street dust and pollen. However, it is air conditioners that can become the main source of allergies, due to those allergens that remain in the filters. To get rid of this problem, you need to clean the filters regularly. Also, once a year, call a specialist to treat the air conditioner with a disinfectant.

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Over the past 10 years, allergic diseases have become more common. Their steady growth continues today. The number of agents causing allergies at home is also multiplied.

Recently, information has appeared that sterile conditions in childhood can bestow allergies for life. Contact with microbes is essential. Thus, the immune system of children learns to adequately respond to the antigen. And as a result of the beloved impeccable cleanliness of many, an inadequate reaction of the body to external agents occurs, that is, an allergic reaction.

Allergens at home

Today, even at home, you can’t hide from allergies. There are quite a few provocative allergens in the home environment.

The most common sources are:

  • house dust;
  • dust mites;
  • pets (dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.);
  • insects (cockroaches, etc.);
  • mold fungus;
  • mice;
  • household chemicals;
  • latex;
  • plastic windows, suspended ceilings, linoleum;
  • accommodation in panel and brick houses;
  • wood dust can cause allergies in a wooden house.

In the photo: Common allergens in the house

Features of allergies in a wooden house

Allergy at home often occurs in the form of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis. Perhaps the development of bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, eczema. There are also more acute forms - Quincke's edema, urticaria. Much depends on the type of allergen and the strength of the body's reaction.

The course of the disease is mainly characterized by duration, lethargy, year-round. It does not depend on the change of seasons. All other signs are not specific and do not differ from allergic diseases provoked outside the home. Of particular note is the occurrence of allergies in wooden houses.

Specific for such dwellings is the presence of wood dust, which provokes allergies in those who are sensitive to it. Otherwise, houses made of wood are considered more environmentally friendly than those made of other materials, and living in them is more favorable for allergy sufferers.

home allergy symptoms

Allergy manifestations depend on the type of allergen and the localization of the process. The most common general symptoms are as follows:

  1. Allergic rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion, clear discharge, and sneezing.
  2. With conjunctivitis, there will be redness of the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia, a feeling of sand in the eyes.
  3. Bronchitis of an allergic nature will be indicated by a prolonged dry cough, especially at night, a deterioration in general well-being, and the appearance of shortness of breath.
  4. Bronchial asthma is characterized by paroxysmal cough, turning into suffocation, shortness of breath.
  5. Redness of the skin, accompanied by itching, swelling, the formation of vesicles, followed by opening and turning into erosion, occurs with allergic dermatitis and eczema.
  6. With urticaria, you can find blisters on the skin that are prone to merging and subsequently disappear without a trace, severe skin itching worries.
  7. Quincke's edema is characterized by the appearance of edema of the mucous membrane, skin and subcutaneous tissue at the site of contact with the allergen. More often it appears on the face, in the mouth, on the genitals and is accompanied by pain and burning. The most dangerous swelling of the larynx, pharynx, tongue. In this case, there is difficulty in breathing, a "barking" cough, hoarseness, redness, and then blanching of the skin. Angioedema passes with a favorable course in a couple of days.

home allergy treatment

Assistance is determined by the type of reaction, the severity of the symptoms and the general condition of the patient. The reason for calling an ambulance is a life-threatening condition. This is an acute urticaria, Quincke's edema, an asthma attack, a sharp drop in blood pressure, accompanied by the appearance of a fear of death. More often, of course, the situation is more favorable. In any case, an allergist should treat.

It will be necessary to be patient and go through a series of tests, which is important to find out the cause and select the optimal treatment. Often the allergen cannot be found. This should not be upset, you just have to create an anti-allergenic environment at home. This will be discussed below. In addition, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, if necessary, local treatment, anti-inflammatory and other drugs, everything is decided individually.

How to protect your home from allergens?

  • First of all, try to remove everything that collects dust: carpets, various ekibans, etc.
  • It is better to replace the fabric upholstery of upholstered furniture with leatherette or leather.
  • Instead of heavy curtains and blinds, you will have to hang light curtains.
  • The presence of mice and cockroaches, if any, should be kept to a minimum.
  • Excessive cleanliness is no longer a guarantee of health, so it is necessary to minimize the use of detergents, and wear gloves when working with them.
  • It is important to clean humidifiers and air conditioners in a timely manner. Monitor the condition of the products and prevent the appearance of mold.
  • Pillows and mattresses should be dried periodically and do not use a feather as a filler.
  • It is better to evict pets or at least limit their area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence.
  • Rooms should be regularly ventilated and should be cool but not damp.
  • Books, souvenirs and various knick-knacks are best stored in closed cabinets. Furniture with open shelving is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

All these activities are not as difficult as they seem. Everything can be done gradually and not necessarily in one day. Prevention can be adjusted depending on the identified allergen. You'll have to put in a little effort. To maintain health, efforts must be made, because preventive measures are already 50% of the treatment.

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The disease, which will be discussed, has nothing to do with seasonal allergies. In order to feel it, it is enough not to clean the apartment for a week, and you are guaranteed trouble.

Jurassic tick

The source of trouble is ordinary house dust, or rather, microscopic mites (saprophytes), which live in large numbers in it and are one of the main causative agents of the most common household allergy. According to various studies, the number of citizens suffering from it is 45% of the total number of all allergic people combined.

Scientists learned about the existence of a malicious inhabitant of our apartments relatively recently, although dust mites have been counting their very respectable age since the time of dinosaurs, having bred since then so much that they have become an international natural disaster. They are found in house dust in almost all regions of the world.

Pests of duvets and sheets

Uninvited guests of our apartments especially prefer a warm and humid climate. Usually they settle in damp, poorly ventilated rooms on the first and last floors of block houses, as well as in one-story old houses with stove heating. The favorite habitat of ticks is pillows, feather beds, blankets, old upholstered furniture, and even soft toys.

But there are practically no ticks on the floor, because their main food is absent here - flakes of human skin and microscopic fungi (saprophytes - big gourmets) that live in abundance in our neglected apartments that have not been renovated for a long time. Thanks to this abundance, harmful mites begin to multiply exponentially.

And the tears come again...

At the same time, the main allergen is not transmitted by the saprophyte during the bite (house dust mites themselves do not bite - their mouth apparatus is simply not adapted for this), but is contained in their ... feces. One tick alone releases about 15 such "poisonous" balls per day.

Mixing with house dust, they enter the nasal cavity, causing a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms in especially vulnerable, sensitive citizens: from a common cold and atopic dermatitis with redness, itching, the formation of itchy, non-healing crusts all over the body to asthma attacks. There are times when you can't do without an ambulance.

“The most important thing is the weather in the house”

Fortunately, getting rid of dangerous tenants is quite simple. All in our hands. Experts advise: try to change the "weather" in your own home. Your assistant in this can be a special climate control device that records the humidity and air temperature in the apartment. By observing its readings, you can set the optimal temperature for you and intolerable for ticks.

Keep wall and floor carpets and coverings out of sight, as well as books (it is better to hide them in glassed-in shelving). Especially if you have a small child in your house. In this case, in the apartment, and especially in the children's room, there should be as few things as possible that trap dust. At least for the first three years of life, buy your baby only those toys that can be washed and washed regularly.

Behind the ear and into the sun

Try to change bedding daily or iron it on both sides. It is better if mattress toppers, pillow covers and even bed linen are made from special fabrics recommended by housing ecology experts.

It is better to refuse down, feather blankets and pillows. But synthetic blankets, pillows, mattresses are not at all a guarantee that house dust mites will not start in them, as was previously thought. The only salvation is the daily processing of the favorite habitats of saprophytes with a powerful vacuum cleaner. It is useful to put pillows and blankets on the balcony at least once a week. In summer - in order to fry them well in the sun, in winter - to cool them down in the cold (dust mites are sensitive creatures).

Go away, mold!

And no buns! For the spring period (the season of exacerbations of allergies), this product, as well as cereals, pasta, stale bread, biscuits, should be removed from the daily diet for those who are allergic to house dust. You should also not eat foods containing yeast and mold (beer, kvass, champagne, grape wine, apple and grape juice, various cheeses).

When going on vacation, refuse a ticket to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus: the high humidity of these places and especially the subtropical region (Sochi) are excellent conditions for the manifestation of all types of allergies.

Napoleon's inoculation

Getting rid of an allergy to household dust is very difficult. But there are still some means in the arsenal of physicians in this regard. One of the latest and most effective is the method of specific desensitization, which consists in introducing small doses of the allergen under the skin or under the tongue during the calm period of the disease. Thanks to such a "grafting" in the body of a person suffering from an allergy to dust, resistance to an irritant is formed. By binding to the antibodies responsible for the occurrence of atopy, the allergen neutralizes them. According to legend, in a similar way, Napoleon accustomed himself to small doses of poison and did not die when they tried to poison him later. Modern medical practice also testifies to the effectiveness of treatment by the method of hyposensitization. After such a procedure, recovery is observed in eight (!) Out of ten cases.

But experts do not advise to get involved in self-treatment. Especially now, when a lot of medicines against allergies have appeared in pharmacies. Remember: antihistamines have not only a sedative, calming effect, but also (in certain combinations) can irritate her. The choice of medicine is the prerogative of the doctor.

Note to readers

If you suspect a household allergy, experts advise you to undergo the following examinations:

Skin tests. The analysis consists in the fact that droplets of 10-15 of the most common allergens are applied to the inner surface of the elbow. Then a small scratch is made in this place with a thin feather. After a couple of minutes, the result is evaluated by the reaction of the skin.

intradermal tests. In this case, the allergen is injected into the surface layer of the skin by injection. This method is used if allergy symptoms are not pronounced enough.

Blood research. This analysis is considered not only the most reliable, but also the only possible one when there is no certainty about how strong an allergic reaction can be expected from a patient. This method can be performed for skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema, while skin testing is not possible with an active skin process.

A blood test for immunoglobulin E. This analysis provides an answer to the question of the potential danger and degree of allergy development.

And yet, bringing the war on house dust to the point of absurdity is also not worth it: excessive cleanliness can have the opposite effect. Proof of this is a curious study conducted by British scientists. Researchers from the University of Nottingham have proven the “hygiene hypothesis” of an increase in the incidence of asthma and allergies in modern residents of large cities, which was put forward by London doctor David Strachan 20 years ago. He noticed that children from clean families are more likely to suffer from allergic rhinitis and eczema: they are less likely to encounter microbes and allergens. As a result, their immune cells misreact to substances such as plant pollen, house dust, or animal dander. The experimental work of his colleagues from the University of Nottingham only confirmed the conclusions of the scientist. Comparing the immunity of forest mice and laboratory mice, the researchers found that the immune system of forest dwellers worked several times more efficiently than that of laboratory cleaners.

Every day we are surrounded by a large number of things: upholstered furniture, carpets, curtains, children's toys, flowers in a vase, household appliances and other household utensils. Many families have favorite pets: parrots, rabbits, cats and dogs. How to prevent an allergic reaction, if all this surrounds us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

To begin with, you should follow the basic rules of hygiene. So doctors recommend doing wet cleaning in the house at least once a week. Dust is one of the most common allergens. Today in supermarkets you can find special care products for cabinet furniture and appliances with antistatic. For cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture, there are a huge number of cleaning products, sprays, foams and powders that are easily applied to the surface and removed with a vacuum cleaner. The developers of home care products have provided products for washing and disinfecting window sills, radiators and floors, and without chlorine. The use of such preparations not only refreshes the room, but also contributes to a deeper cleaning, removes bacteria and allergens.

Pillows and soft toys are just a godsend for the reproduction of allergens and bed mites. That is why they need to be steam cleaned periodically, and it is better to put anti-allergic covers on pillows and mattresses.

The blades of the air conditioner and the corrugated tube of the vacuum cleaner ... the dream of allergens. Clean your favorite appliances regularly.

Bathrooms, kitchens, corners and baseboards especially require your attention, because mold is the best friend of bacteria that cause an allergic reaction. Clean surfaces thoroughly with disinfectants.

If there are beloved pets in the house, then you should take care of their hygiene as well. A dog that smells like shampoo is much less likely to cause a reaction in allergy sufferers, because. in most cases, an allergic reaction is caused by enzymes produced by the skin of the animal. Dogs are also encouraged to brush their teeth and treat their ears and eyes. Rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs also need care. An animal cell is a great place to breed bacteria.

In general, you can deduce the main rule: take care of your things and your home: wash, wash, repair and improve everything that is around you. And then you are not afraid of any household allergic reactions.