Budget planning to delete the purchase proposal. GIS "Electronic budget

The system "Electronic budget" was formed with the aim of combining public cash flows. The goals and objectives are determined by the Regulation of 30.06.2015 N 658. The Ministry of Finance jointly with the Federal Treasury carries out activities for the creation and development.

One of the areas of activity is the relationship between the budget process and procurement planning. For government customers, placing the procurement plan for 2019 in the EIS through the electronic budget has already become mandatory, but the process is still under development and causes many difficulties. Let's try to figure out what and how to do it.

How to work with e-budget

To get started, a participant in the process will need to log into his personal account on the Unified Portal of the Budget System. To do this, you must comply with the requirements for hardware and software, as well as for the certificate. Among the main ones:

  • processor with a clock frequency of at least 600 MHz;
  • the amount of RAM is not less than 128 MB;
  • Internet with a speed of at least 256 Kbps;
  • Internet browser Internet Explorer version 10.0 and higher;
  • operating system Windows Vista/7/8/8.1;
  • certified CryptoPro CSP;
  • qualified .

The section "Electronic budget" was put into operation on the website of the Ministry of Finance. In it, in the form of various documents, information is presented about the system itself, how to work with it, instructions are laid out, and answers to current questions are given. The subsystem "Budget planning subsystem" is included. It includes the Technological instruction for connecting to the electronic budget.

The Treasury website has a special section that provides practical advice on how to connect to the system. This section contains the manual for the ES registrar.

Procurement plan in the electronic budget

The order of work in the formation of the plan is determined by the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 21-03-04 / 35490. Federal customers draw up a plan for three years and upload it to the electronic budget system, and it itself transfers this document to the EIS. When a change is made, a new version of the document is generated, while information about previous versions remains available for review.

Please note that without the start of budgetary obligations (adjusting limits and approving the document of economic activity), the customer cannot place such a document (and after it the schedule plan in the electronic budget). But limits from the manager of funds can be adjusted throughout the year. In such a situation, the customer should place the procurement plan in the electronic budget for 2019 in the amount of the amount that was sent to him first. And then correct the document if necessary.

How to create a procurement plan through an electronic budget

Until a single document has been formed to ensure the interaction of the Unified Information System (UIS) and the e-budget system, one should rely on the provisions of the Law on the contract system. Many refer to the user manual, which is published in the EIS. But the problem is that the concept of e-budget is not used in its text. Consequently, there is no answer to the question of how to form a procurement plan in the electronic budget. The Treasury has compiled a user manual for users of the e-budget system, which discusses the procurement plan in sufficient detail. The customer must form it through the Unified portal of the budget system.

We suggest using our guide.

1. Go to the portal and select the Procurement management menu item, and then go to the tabs Forms - Planning - Procurement plan - Procurement plan items and make a list by selecting the necessary ones and their statuses.

2. Select one of the proposed controls (create, delete, edit, send for approval, make changes, approve), and then manually (fill in the tabs basic information, amount of financial support, approval sheet), based on the approved enlarged cards orders, based on the mass formation of several approved bulk purchase cards.

3. Check the automatic completion of sections with general information and information about the state customer.

4. Correct the serial number for the order identification code (IKZ), fill in or select the type of order, name, OKPD2 for IKZ from the directory, check the box for the contents of several OKPDs (if several codes are used), select the type of order (for competitive and with notice placement in the UIS, the Purchase value is selected), check the need for a specific order to fill in optional fields (for example, about public discussion).

5. Fill in the tab on the amount of financial security.

6. Fill in the substantiation tab for the order, attach documents for substantiation through the added attachment (these documents are not transferred to the EIS).

7. Fill in the Approval Sheet, for which it is necessary to establish the requirement for approval, select the positions of the approving and approving person from the directory.

8. Check the correctness of filling in the data and save the changes.

9. Send for approval and approval. To do this, go to the forms of approval and approval through the menu item Procurement Management, then on the tabs Forms - Planning: Procurement Plan, My Documents.

10. Check the statuses for inconsistent ones for revision through the appropriate button Take to work again and make a change through editing (the ability to view previous versions is retained).

11.Go to the list via the menu item Purchasing Management, the Forms tab, and then Planning - Purchasing Plan.

12. Click the Create button to open the plan form with partially pre-filled fields.

13. Go to the tab with the plan positions and enable the position, select all the options you need, check what is in the Approved status.

14. View auto-filled tabs, in particular the rationale.

15. Fill out the Approval Sheet and send it for approval.

16. Go to the approval and approval forms through the menu items Forms - Planning - Plan - My documents, then on the On approval or On approval tab, click the Approve (1) or Approve (2) button.

17. Send for control and placement in the EIS.

What problems may arise and how to solve them

Since the launch of the e-budget system, there have been failures in the EIS due to the need to adjust the system. Faced with such problems, you need to collect confirmations with them and contact the EIS support service. Such evidence would be:

  • screenshots of errors;
  • correspondence with the support service;
  • sending complaints;
  • any other evidence that the customer has taken all possible steps to fulfill obligations.

Also now the dependence of the customer on the manager of funds has increased. Sometimes, in response to a sent procurement document, the customer receives a protocol on zero limits. The reason is that the manager did not enter the information into the system. In this case, it is necessary to record the fact of zero limits and contact the manager for an explanation of the situation that has arisen.

You need to be prepared for the situation when the limits are brought to a short period (for example, a month). The procurement document in this case is formed by the customer for a month, and then changes are made to it.

The "Electronic Budget" (EB) system functions to create and store accounting documents, maintain accounting, generate and place documentation for state customers and perform some other functions. Read more about the system, as well as how to create a procurement plan in the Electronic Budget, in our material below.

Who forms procurement plans in the electronic budget

The subjects of the electronic budget system are:

  • bodies of state power and local self-government;
  • budget institutions;
  • other legal entities that receive budgetary funds;
  • management bodies of state non-budgetary funds;
  • other participants in the budget process;
  • customers under Law No. 223-FZ.

Who is involved in the formation of the procurement plan in the electronic budget:

  • government customers acting on behalf of the Russian Federation;
  • FGBU, FGUPy, whose property belongs to the Russian Federation;
  • federal state autonomous institutions whose property belongs to the state;
  • FGBU, FGAU, FGUP, which carry out purchases within the powers of the state customer transferred to them from federal authorities, state corporations.

This is stated in clause 6 of the Rules for placing procurement plans in the EIS, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2015 No. 1168).

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The following customers publish the procurement plan through the EIS interface or through regional or municipal information systems:

  • government customers acting on behalf of a subject or municipality;
  • budgetary institutions created by the subject or municipality);
  • State Unitary Enterprises, whose property belongs to the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • MUPs;
  • autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • budgetary, autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, state unitary enterprises whose property belongs to the constituent entities, municipal unitary enterprises that carry out purchases within the framework of the transferred powers of customers to conclude contracts on behalf of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, according to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 173n, all government customers are required to create data for maintaining the register of government contracts first in the EB system and only then transfer them to the Federal Treasury.

How to create a procurement plan for 2019 in the electronic budget step by step

Let's analyze the formation of a procurement plan in the electronic budget step by step. To go to the desired section, in the main window, select the "Menu" tab, the "Purchase Management" section and the "Purchase Proposal (AU/BU)" subsection. You will be taken to the subsection “AC/BU procurement plans”. Go to the tab corresponding to the budget cycle you will be working on, then to the Execution tab.

Open the procurement plan form and click the "Create a new document" button. You need to fill in the tabs:

  • common data;
  • positions of the public procurement plan;
  • special public procurement;
  • final data on BCF;
  • final information on CWR;
  • justification;
  • agreement sheet.

Form a procurement plan in the budget planning subsystem of the Electronic Budget. To do this, log into your personal account on the budget.gov.ru website. First, create a purchase proposal, and then form a plan. Read how to create and how to agree on a procurement plan in the E-Budget.

Some tabs will be filled in automatically, but some will have to be filled in manually. For example, the system will indicate the number, status, version of the plan itself, as well as the date of creation. But the planning period must be selected. The tab with the data of the state customer is filled in automatically by the program, the information is taken from the register of organizations. You can only correct the address, phone number, email, OKPO and OKTMO.

Documents must also be attached. For example, a list of changes made to a previously published plan, or a scanned copy of the plan. To do this, click on one of the three buttons: "Add attachment", "Create link", "Make a scanned copy of the document and attach as an attachment".

How to make changes to the procurement plan in the electronic budget 2019

To change an item of a placed purchase plan, you must go to the list form of items of purchase plans and find the desired item. To search, you can use the inclusion identifier (in the procurement plan), the date and time of placement in the EIS, etc.

After selecting the item, click on the "Make changes to the approved version" button. The system will generate a new version of the plan item with the "Draft" status. This will invalidate the earlier version. Next, select the required position of the procurement plan and click on the "Open document for editing" button. In the form that opens, make changes on the tabs "Basic information", "Amount of financial security", "Justification of purchases" and "Agreement sheet". It is important to reflect the rationale for the change. Select a value from the directory:

  • “Change following the decision of the public discussion of the procurement”;
  • "Other" - if any circumstances have arisen that could not be foreseen at the date of approval of the plan.

After filling in the fields, click on the "Save changes and close the window" button. Further, the changed position must be agreed upon.

Attached files

  • Instructions for making changes to the procurement plan and plan schedule.pdf
  • User Workplace Installation and Configuration Guide.doc
  • GRBS User Guide for Forming a Plan in the E-Budget.docx
  • PBS User Guide for Forming a Plan in the Electronic Budget.docx

The concept was introduced by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 dated 06/29/2015 (clause 7 of Order No. 422) in terms of the formation of planning documents. The answer to the question of what is an enlarged purchase of SP (closed part) is simple.

Bulk purchase is an order formed on the basis of several positions (lots). It is compiled in the process of formation of budget projects. In accordance with them, the expediency is substantiated and budget allocations for the implementation of such orders are confirmed. Adjustment of enlarged purchases is made at the time of consideration of draft budgets of all levels. The plan is filled out on the basis of the already formed KM. According to the information provided in the UZ, . Detailed information about the volumes and technical characteristics of the order is entered into it. Approved within ten working days after finishing. Both the PP and the schedule must be updated in accordance with the current legislation on the contract system. According to 44-FZ, the procurement and executive procedures follow, that is:

  • determination of the supplier, contractor, performer;
  • conclusion of a state, municipal contract;
  • acceptance of work performed, goods delivered, services rendered;
  • payment authorization;
  • contract payment.

However, Order No. 422 does not specify the principles by which order consolidation can be carried out, therefore, customers should take into account that within one UZ, on the basis of a schedule, it is forbidden to combine goods, works, services that are included in different groups according to OKPD classification.

In order to add information about the KM to the "" system, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

1. You need to enter the tab "Goods, works, services", press the button "Add line" on the working panel and select the item "Bulk purchase".

2. The “Adding a lump-sum purchase” item will open, in which you must fill in information about the state, departmental or federal target program, the name of the state program event, as well as the planned year of placement of the KM. All values ​​are selected from the proposed directories. Upon completion of the action, you must save the information.

  • start date (calendar value);
  • end date (calendar value);
  • frequency of implementation of KM;
  • Object name;
  • Expected Result;
  • substantiation of conformity of objects.

All changes made are saved.

4. If you need to delete a line, then select the one you need, press the left button and mark the action "Delete".

Bulk purchase identification code

When it is carried out, the order number in the PZ does not change, the serial numbers of each item (lot) are noted in categories 27, 28, 29 of the schedule. The number of PG positions increases in accordance with the number of lots in the bulk order. Structurally, the IPC consists of 36 digits, where code positions 27-29 are the order number from the schedule generated by the customer organization. Digits 27-29 are set in the range from 001 to 999 in ascending order of the number of each subsequent order in the PP (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development No. D28i-2694 dated 09/18/2015).

In the process of developing, agreeing and approving the schedule, the customer in fields 27, 28, 29 of the IKZ enters the serial number of the order drawn up within the framework of the KM in accordance with the previously formed PP (clause 7 of Order No. 422).

EB is a system developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation jointly with the Federal Treasury, designed to ensure transparency, openness and systematization of the financial activities of state and subordinate bodies, as well as budgetary institutions of various levels. With the help of EB, you can generate and store reports, compile and place documentation intended for state and municipal orders, and conduct planned activities.

Regulates the functioning of GIIS EB Government Decree No. 658 of 06/30/2015. The state information system consists of several subsystems that integrate various information flows:

  • income and expense management;
  • budget planning;
  • procurement management;
  • coordination of funds;
  • personnel;
  • reference data, etc.

Procurement planning in EB for customer organizations is also mandatory - the procurement plan in the "Electronic Budget" for 2019 must be placed by all institutions conducting their procurement activities.

How to generate a PP in the "Electronic Budget" system

Based on the Federal Law on the federal budget for 2019-2020. GRBS bring the limits of budgetary obligations to the RBS and subordinate institutions, which, in turn, must use the "Electronic budget" (procurement plan for 2019) for subsequent planning (letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 21-03-04 / 78050 dated 11/24/2017).

State and municipal customers must develop and approve the PZ within 10 working days after bringing the LBO, and budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises - within 10 working days after the approval of the financial and economic activity plan.

The schedule in the "Electronic budget" is formed at the same time on the basis of previously developed and signed PP.

The PP is drawn up for the reporting year and two subsequent financial periods, that is, for three years. The formation regulations are established in the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 21-03-04 / 35490 of 06/17/2016. After the planning document is approved in the EB, the system sends the plan to the customer's personal account in the Unified Information System.

Let's consider step by step how to create a PP in the "Electronic budget".

Step 1. In the GIS EB dialog box, select the "Purchase Management" section. Next, go to the "Forms" tab, then "Planning", then "PP" and at the end of the "PO Positions". All values ​​in the plans are selected from the list of suggested options.

Step 2. Select the "Create" option. You need to fill in the following tabs:

  • Basic information;
  • the amount of financial support;
  • agreement sheet.

Before filling it is necessary to check the settings regarding the automatic filling of some sections (general information, information about the customer).

Step 3. Next, fill in the basic information. The type of order (reference book) must be selected, the subject of purchase, the OKPD2 code or several codes (which must be specified additionally) must be indicated. If necessary, information about the mandatory public discussion or other additional information is filled in.

Step 4. It is necessary to fill in the "Amount of financial security" tab.

Step 6. After filling in all the tabs, an "Agreement Sheet" is formed. To do this, you need to note in the PP the requirement to approve the document and pull up the officials from the directory - the coordinator and the approver. Next, you need to send the planning document for subsequent approval and approval. In the "Purchase Management" context menu, select the "Forms" tab, then "Planning", then "PP" and "My Documents".

Step 7. After completion of all the above actions, the PP is sent for control.

Problems arising in the operation of the EB system

First of all, problems may arise when moving documentation to the EIS. In this case, the responsible executor must send a request to the technical support of the Unified Information System, attaching all supporting files (screenshots and complaints) to the letter.

It is not uncommon for a protocol on zero limits to come after the control of the PP. This may happen due to the fact that the RBS either made a mistake when filling in the limits, or did not deposit the LBO. The customer should resolve this issue directly with the manager of budgetary funds.

If the customer has difficulties in generating planning documents in the EB system, then the contractor needs to use the tab "Electronic budget" → "User's guide" → "Purchase plan". The user manual describes in detail the procedure for the formation of PP and schedules, as well as other features of working in the ES system.

Working with bulk purchase cards 2

Formation of cards of large-scale purchases on the example of a card of large-scale purchases-200 3

Coordination and approval of bulk purchase cards 14

Making changes to bulk purchases 15

Working with Procurement Plan Items 16

Creating purchase plan items using the example of a purchase plan item 200 18

Editing a procurement plan item 28

Sending for approval and approval of the item of the procurement plan 28

Working with purchasing plans 30

Formation of the Procurement Plan 31

Editing a procurement plan 33

Sending for approval, approval and approval of the procurement plan 33

Sending for control under part 5 of article 99 of Law 44-FZ 35

Placement in EIS 36

Provision of procurement plan to GRBS 37

Create schedule item 38

Create one schedule item 40

Mass formation of schedule positions 45

Creation of a position of a procurement schedule based on an earlier created PPG with the allocation of part of the financial support 45

Coordination of the position of the schedule 46

Approval of the position of the schedule plan 47

Editing a procurement schedule item 48

Procurement schedule 48

Formation of a schedule 49

Editing a schedule 52

Sending for approval, approval and approval of the procurement schedule 53

Sending for control under part 5 of article 99 of Law 44-FZ 54

Placement of the schedule in EIS 55

Viewing a receipt on the results of placing a procurement schedule in the EIS 55

Scheme for the formation of a procurement schedule

Picture.Scheme for the formation of a procurement schedule

Working with bulk purchase cards

The Bulk Purchase Cards section consists of the following types:

Bulk Purchase Cards-200- cards about the object of procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs.

Bulk Purchase Cards-300- cards about the object of procurement in terms of the public obligations of the Russian Federation to purchase goods, works, services in favor of citizens for the purpose of their social security.

Bulk Purchase Cards-400- cards about the object of procurement in terms of capital construction objects, events (enlarged investment projects), real estate objects included (proposed for inclusion) in the federal targeted investment program.

To go to the section "Cards of bulk purchases" click on the item "Formation of OBAS" in the "Planning" block.

Picture.Bulk purchase cards.
When you select the required type of bulk purchase card, a page with a list of bulk purchases of this type is displayed.

Picture.List of enlarged purchases.

Formation of cards of large-scale purchases on the example of a card of large-scale purchases-200

To generate a bulk purchase card, you must click the "Create a new document" button and fill in all the required fields.

Picture.Bulk purchase card-200

Mandatory fields are marked with "*".

On the "Basic information" tab, you must sequentially enter the data. "Information about the federal state customer" is filled in automatically based on the data of the Consolidated Register.

"Status"– is determined automatically (permissible values ​​are “Draft”, “Under approval”, “Agreed”, “Not approved”, “Approved”) based on the state of the document in the process of internal approval by the customer's organization. When creating a bulk purchase, the Draft status is set.

"Number"– a unique number of a bulk purchase item, assigned automatically when creating a bulk purchase item.

"Version"– contains the version number of the bulk purchase. Filled in automatically.

"The date"- the date of creation of the document, is determined automatically;

"planned period" filled in from the directory by pressing the button "Select from the directory of the planning period".

Information on procurements of the federal state customer: The fields “Name of the object of procurement”, “Name of the code of goods (work, services) according to OKPD” are filled in automatically when selecting the value of the field “OKPD” from the directory.

Picture.Selection from the reference book "OKPD"

"Procurement Description"- filled in both manually and by selection from the directory by pressing the "Select based on templates of acceptable values" button, which is filled in based on previously entered values.

In the "Documents" block, you need to attach documents.

Picture.Attached Documents
Next, you need to sequentially enter the data on the tab "Characteristics of financial security". The tab "Characteristics of financial support" is intended to indicate information on the financing of the procurement object with the choice of the year of placement of the notice, broken down by CSC and years of the planning period.

Picture.Formation of KUZ-200. Tab "Characteristics of financial security".
To fill in the block "Amount of financial support for the implementation of the purchase", the button "Add a new line" is available.

The following columns are required for each row:

Planned year of publication of the notice– is selected from the drop-down list;

KBK- is selected from the KBK directory;

KD- Department code is selected from the directory;

KOSGU- is selected from the KOSGU directory or entered manually;

Additional analytical feature- selected from the directory of additional analytical features or entered manually;

The amounts of financial security for the years of the planning period are entered manually.

If the planned purchase is carried out for the needs of a foreign apparatus, it is necessary to select "Purchases of a foreign apparatus of federal executive bodies and other state bodies."

When checking the box, the form displays the following additional fields for selecting the bulk purchase currency: « Currency code», «», « Amounts of financial collateral in US dollars».

« Amounts of financial security by years of the planning period in currency» - indicated in thousands (thousand rubles for purchases in rubles, as well as in thousands of units for purchases in other currencies). To indicate the amount with an accuracy of up to hundreds of rubles, it is allowed to indicate 1 digit after the decimal point.

Block "The amount of financial support for the implementation of the purchase, grouping by the planned years of placement"– summary table with automatically calculated amounts for each specified year of the notice placement

Block "The amount of financial support for the implementation of the purchase, grouping by BCC"- a final table with automatically calculated values ​​​​of the amounts for each entered BCF in the context of the years of the planning period.

Every purchase may be agreed and must be approved. To do this, on the "Approval sheet" tab, you must fill in the "Approvers" and "Approvers" sections.

Tab « Approval sheet» is intended to indicate information about the coordinating and approving persons of the organization.

Picture.Formation of KUZ-200. Approval sheet tab

For approval, it is necessary to check the box “Agreement is required”, the block “Agreers” will appear. If there is no need for approval, the block is not filled.

To add a new line, you must click on the "Add new line" button, select the approver from the directory of authorized users for approval, and also specify the "Stage", "Group Code" and "Ordinal number" of the approver.

If more than one matching is indicated, then, if parallel matching is required, the same values ​​(Stage, Group Code and Sequence number) are indicated, and in case of serial matching - different values ​​in accordance with the required sequence.

To save the changes, you need to click on the "Save changes" or "Save changes and close the window" button. This starts the process of automatic checks of the correctness of the document formation.

As a result, the "Check Results" window will be displayed, which indicates the number and a detailed list of errors. To return to the tabs and correct errors, click on the "Return to the editing window" button. If all errors are corrected correctly, a window with successful completion of all checks is displayed.

Picture.Check Results window

Bulk purchase card - 200 will remain in the "Draft" status and will be displayed on the page with a list of bulk purchases 200.

Formation of an enlarged purchase 300

Basic information» «» « Approval sheet».

Filling in the bulk purchase card-300 likewise

In addition, on the tab Basic information» field added « Name of the public obligation» The name is selected by clicking on the button «Select from the directory of public obligations of the Russian Federation».

Also on the tab Characteristics of financial security» block added « The amount of financial support for the procurement, grouping by categories of recipients”, is filled in automatically based on the block “ The amount of financial support for the procurement».

Picture. Formation of KUZ-300

Formation of an enlarged purchase 400

When creating, you must fill in the data on the tabs " Basic information» « Characteristics of financial security» « Approval sheet».

Filling in the bulk purchase card-400 likewise formation of a bulk purchase card - 200.

Picture.Formation of KUZ-400. Basic Information Tab

In the block "Information on procurement of the federal state customer", fill in the field "Name of the object of procurement", manually or by selecting from the directory. Required field.

The fields "OKPD" and "Name of the capital construction object, event, real estate object" are required, the values ​​are selected from the directory.

The "Object type" field is filled in from the drop-down list.

Picture.Selecting an Object Type Value

The object type is selected from the list of possible values:

"01- Included in FAIP",

"02 - Proposed for inclusion in the FAIP",

"03 - Not included in FAIP":

If the value "01- Included in FAIP" is selected in the field "Type of FAIP object", then:

The name of the capital construction object, event, real estate object - is selected from the "FTIP Objects" directory, while the following fields are filled in automatically based on the data of the FTIP directory (if there is a corresponding value in the FTIP directory) and are not available for editing:

        • Unique code

        • FIIP section

        • Sign of inclusion in FTIP

        • Federal Target Program (FTP)

        • subroutine

        • Industry

        • Event group

        • FIIP object group

        • Customer

    • Direction of investment - if there is more than one direction of investment in the directory of FTIP objects, for the selected FTIP object, it is additionally proposed to clarify the required direction of investment. When choosing the required investment direction from the list of possible values, the following fields are automatically filled in based on this investment direction. If the directory of FTIP objects contains information on only one direction of investment, then the fields below are filled in based on this entry;

        • Accounting unit code

        • unit of measurement

        • Power

        • OKVED code
If the value "02 - Proposed for inclusion in FAIP" is selected in the "Type of object" field, but the object is already included in the reference book of FAIP objects with the sign "Proposed for inclusion in FAIP", then the procedure for filling in information about the FAIP object is similar to the procedure for filling in information for the FTIP object with the "01- Included in FTIP" type, the description is given above;

If the value "02 - Proposed for inclusion in the FAIP" is selected in the "Type of FAIP object" field, but the object is not yet included in the FAIP object directory, then the information about the object is filled in as follows:

    • Unique code - not filled;

    • FAIP section - entered manually;

    • Sign of inclusion in FTIP - set by the user;

    • Federal Target Program (FTP) - filled out on the basis of the reference book "Federal Target Programs / Subprograms";

    • FTP subprogram - filled out on the basis of the reference book "Federal Target Programs / Subprograms";

    • Industry - filled in on the basis of the directory "Industries";

    • Event group – entered manually;

    • Group of FIIP objects – entered manually;

    • Developer - entered manually;

    • Power - entered manually;

If the value "03- Not included in FTIP" is selected in the "Type of FTIP object" field, then information about the capital construction object is indicated as part of the following information:

    • The name of the capital construction object, event, real estate object - is entered manually;

    • Direction of investment - entered manually;

    • Accounting unit code - entered manually;

    • Unit of measurement - filled in on the basis of the reference book "OKEI";

    • Power - entered manually;

    • OKVED - the code and name of the code are filled in on the basis of the OKVED reference book;
The fields "Description of the purchase" and "Justification of the purchase" in the block "Information" are filled in manually by the user or selected based on the templates of acceptable values ​​(by clicking on the icon). are optional;

If the checkbox "Information about the technical complexity, innovativeness and the special nature of the purchase" is checked, then the option is available to fill in the field manually or select based on templates of valid values.

The “Mandatory discussion required” checkbox is set if a mandatory public discussion is required.

The field "Terms for the implementation of the purchase" is filled in manually or by selection from the "Calendar", optional.

The field "Frequency of planned purchases" - is selected from the directory or entered manually, optional.

Fill in the required fields and click the "Save Changes" button.

Tab "Amount of financial security" is intended to indicate information on the financing of the procurement object with a choice by the year of placement of the notice, in the context of the CSC and the years of the planning period.

Picture. Formation of KUZ-400. Tab "Amount of financial security"

Fill in the table in the block "Amount of financial security".

To add a new row, click on the "Add new row" button. The following information is required for each line:

To delete a line, click on the "Delete line" button.

The block “Amount of financial support for the purchase, grouping by planned years of placement” is a summary table with automatically calculated amounts for each specified year of placement of the notice. Filled in automatically.