Center for the fight against psoriasis on Kursk. The best effect of the treatment of psoriasis in the sanatoriums of Russia

Venereal diseases have been known to mankind for a very long time. Even though it was not possible to diagnose them so accurately and effectively treat them as it is today, but since ancient times people have clearly understood: sexual intercourse can carry not only pleasure, but also danger. Syphilis is one of the most common, best known and most dangerous sexually transmitted infections. This disease became the hero of many works of art, inspired fear and meant inevitable death. But all this is in the past: modern medicine can easily cure this pathology. However, it is very important to know what signs this disease has in order to see a doctor in time and start treatment. This article will discuss exactly how to recognize syphilis at any stage of the course of the disease.

Syphilis is an infection that belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases. And although unprotected sexual contact is not the only way to “catch” syphilis, it is the main one. Pathology can proceed for many years with periods of deterioration and improvement. It is worth noting that the disease affects all organs and systems in the human body, including the skin and mucous membranes, heart and blood vessels, nerves, muscles, gastrointestinal tract, bones, cartilage. The disease can last for many years if it is not treated or treated incorrectly, gradually destroying the body of its "master".

Etiology and pathogenesis

Syphilis is an infectious disease, which means it is caused by a specific microorganism. Treponema pallidum is such a microbe. It looks like a twisted curved stick, capable of moving in different directions and multiplying by dividing in half.

Due to the fact that this microorganism is very comfortable to exist in the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the human body, it multiplies there, appearing in the systemic circulation only in the second period of the development of the disease. The peculiarity of treponema is that it can live outside a person for quite a long time. Lasts in linen, towels, toothbrushes, dishes, bed linen - feels great in warm and humid conditions. That is why all syphilitic patients require separate food containers, strictly individual hygiene items, clothing and bedding.

This need is fueled by the fact that a person with syphilis is contagious at any time point in his illness, especially at the very beginning.

Table. Methods of transmission of syphilis.

Situationtransmission factor
unprotected sexual intercourseSeminal fluid, vaginal secretion
Breast-feedingmother's milk
Blood transfusions (blood transfusions), surgical interventions, use of shared syringes, non-sterile instrumentsBlood
household contactDishes, towels, bed linen
Possible intrauterine infection and the development of congenital syphilis

Periodization of the disease

As already mentioned, syphilitic infection proceeds in waves, with periods of "blooming and fading" of symptoms.

  1. Incubation period. The countdown is from the moment of the first hit of pale treponema in the body of a healthy person. The microbe needs time to "get comfortable" and begin to multiply, multiplying the population non-stop. The incubation period usually lasts about a month. However, this time period can be reduced with a high bacterial load at the source of infection, or, on the contrary, increase if the sick person is taking drugs that can slow down the growth of bacteria in the body. But in insufficient doses to completely kill the pathogen. The spread of bacteria occurs along the paths of the lymph flow, blood vessels, the pathogen infects all organs and tissues of the body. At this time, the disease still does not manifest itself in any way, but a person can already infect other people.
  2. . The first manifestations of the disease. In those places where the treponema was introduced into the mucous membrane or skin, so-called syphilomas appear (they are otherwise called hard chancre). In addition, the lymph nodes around increase significantly in size. At this time (1.5-2 months from the moment of infection), signs of the disease can be noticed for the first time.
  3. Secondary syphilis. A very long period, which can take more than 3-4, less often - 5 years. At this time, all the internal organs of the patient suffer, a widespread (generalized) rash on the mucous membranes and skin may appear, often alopecia occurs (hair falls out). There are several options during this period of the disease, but the most unfavorable diagnostic is latent secondary syphilis, when there are no skin symptoms.
  4. . To date, this is pure casuistry, isolated cases. This is a long-term untreated disease that kills all organs and tissues in the human body. It can flow for years, corroding the central nervous system (neurosyphilis), skin, heart and other organs (visceral syphilis). This is a disabling, disfiguring stage, at which the destruction of skin formations called gums occurs. "People without a nose" are bright representatives of patients with tertiary syphilis.

In order to suspect the disease in time and begin its treatment, it is important to have a good idea of ​​what symptoms one or another of its stages manifests itself.

In the event that a person has had unprotected intercourse, it is very important for him to be thoroughly attentive to himself. The first and main symptom of a syphilitic lesion is development of hard chancre. This term refers to a single round erosion or ulcer with perfectly clear and even edges. Its feature is the presence of a purple-red bottom. The ulcer does not hurt, is not inflamed, does not itch, does not have a red roller around - does not bring any discomfort at all. The formation does not increase in size, it can get a little wet, but its contents are not purulent, but a light serous fluid. Chancre at the same time may be dry and covered with a film or scab. No local antiseptics work on it, it cannot be squeezed out or “picked out”. Usually a syphiloma is about 1 cm in diameter, but there may be other options.

It must be understood that the localization of erosion can be absolutely anything - from the crown to the heels, on the surface of the forearm or in the most hidden folds of the body. However, the most common location of the chancre is the genitals (glans penis, foreskin, trunk, urethra, labia, perineal surface, on the walls of the vagina and even in the cervix).

Education can develop even on the tonsils. In this case, a tonsillitis-like condition appears, but the symptoms are much less intense - the temperature does not rise, the pain in the throat is weak or absent, but there is a sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

The greatest diagnostic difficulty is the fact that chancres do not hurt or itch. There are only two exceptions - syphiloma of the anus and syphiloma-panaritium, which develops on the nail phalanx of the finger. In other cases, the formations are completely asymptomatic and it is often not only difficult to find them on their own, but it is completely impossible (for example, a chancre that has developed on the cervix can only be seen by a gynecologist during a vaginal examination).

However, there is a very important "hint": about a week after the formation of syphiloma, an increase in regional lymph nodes begins, which eventually reach 8-10 cm in diameter. Most often this is the inguinal group, but there may be any others. Nonspecific symptoms of the disease may appear - malaise, joint pain, headache, drowsiness. It is by the combination of all these signs and the presence of a risk factor for the transmission of the disease in the anamnesis that one can and should suspect a syphilitic lesion and consult a dermatovenereologist.

There is a danger of a secondary infection joining, then the process is symptomatically activated and delayed, otherwise the primary syphiloma heals a couple of months after the onset. Often this is the only sign of primary syphilis, and until the development of the second stage, the disease does not manifest itself in any way.

Secondary syphilis

This stage is a period of generalized infection, the spread of the disease throughout the body. Most often, it begins 3 months after infection and can last for several years. Treponema attacks everything:

  • articular apparatus;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • central nervous system;
  • hematopoietic organs (bone marrow, spleen);
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • sense organs.

The main symptom by which one can guess the presence of a syphilitic lesion is a rash. They appear both on the skin and on the mucous membranes. Moreover, unlike primary syphilis, at this time they are very common, accompanied by a feeling of aches all over the body, headache, fever.

Secondary syphilis - photo

Clinically, there are three stages of secondary syphilis: fresh(when the rashes first appeared, they are bright, there are many of them), recurrent(their second and subsequent appearances are paler, there are fewer of them) and hidden("periods of silence" when skin symptoms are absent).

There are several types of rash.

Other signs of secondary syphilis include the following:

  • angina-like syndrome (inflammation of the tonsils, the appearance of white spots on them, the absence of fever);
  • seizures (in the corners of the mouth);
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • damage to most lymph nodes on the body;
  • baldness;
  • depigmentation of the skin (often looks like pale spots, including the characteristic symptom of the "necklace of Venus" - a chain of white patches on the neck);
  • voice disorders.

The stage of serious multiple organ disorders, the appearance of crippling changes in appearance, disability, and sometimes death. There are latent and active forms of tertiary syphilis.

For diagnosis (if it was not carried out at the previous stages), active tertiary syphilis is, of course, more favorable, since it has manifestations: the presence of a small number of infiltrates (called tubercles, gummies), which easily and often disintegrate, causing destruction of organs and tissues . At the same time, there are no changes in the well-being of the infected, and the probability of transmitting the disease at this stage is close to zero. However, ulceration of skin formations always leads to a change in the appearance of the patient and a violation of the functions of the organ in which these formations appeared. Thus, tertiary syphilides of the oral cavity, larynx, and nose cause not only significant changes in the patient's appearance, but also disturbances in the processes of swallowing food, speech production, and even breathing.

Syphilitic formations provoke bleeding, perforation of hollow organs, proliferation of coarse connective scar tissue, adhesive processes, causing failure of almost all organs.

At this stage, even the diagnosis carried out does not guarantee success in treatment. The therapy is practically ineffective, the body's compensatory reserves are exhausted, and neurosyphilis can significantly change the patient's personality. Almost always tertiary syphilis ends in death.

Photo - manifestation of syphilis in the tongue

Laboratory diagnostics

In addition to detecting the characteristic symptoms of the disease, syphilis can also be recognized in the laboratory. The following methods apply.

  1. Microscopic method. The discharge from syphilomas (if any) is examined.
  2. Serological method. These include non-specific (Wasserman reaction and reaction to fast pigment reagins), which are used for screening studies, but can give false positive results, as well as specific ones (immunofluorescent analysis, etc.), which are highly sensitive and allow to determine infection by the end of the incubation period.

Thus, syphilis is a disease with a huge number of very specific symptoms that can be diagnosed and treated without problems, you just need to be attentive to your body.

Video - Symptoms of syphilis

Reading time: 4 minutes

By reading to the end, you will know:

  1. which resorts qualitatively treat psoriasis
  2. which resorts will provide sustainable remission diseases

Psoriasis- This is an autoimmune disease, most often acquired, and not inherited. Genetic predisposition to this disease can be transmitted.

Psoriasis appears due to set of reasons: weakening of the immune system, stress, metabolic disorders. That's why one treatment for psoriasis(e.g. mud only, thermal or sea water only) inefficient.

What resorts treat psoriasis

All resorts where psoriasis is treated, I divided into two types.

1 type . Resorts where this disease is treated really effective, because at the resort the treatment of skin diseases is the main or one of the main specializations.

These resorts include: Naftalan(Azerbaijan), The Dead Sea(Israel), Smrdaky (), saki(Crimea).

2 type. Resorts that claim to treat skin conditions but treatment effectiveness due to a number of objective reasons remains questionable.

What determines the successful treatment of psoriasis in the resort

There is different forms of psoriasis: drop-shaped, atypical, plaque-shaped, etc. The degree of skin damage also varies. All this is taken into account when prescribing treatment.

Spa dermatologists specializing in skin diseases say that psoriasis best treated with a combination of methods. Recommended to use (it depends on the specific resort) multiple areas of treatment, among which:

  1. Mud therapy
  2. Climatotherapy
  3. Thallasotherapy
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Naftalanotherapy

Now, let's look at each method separately and understand which resorts are the most effective.

Mud treatment for psoriasis: which resorts are the most effective

Not all mud spas treat psoriasis, because it is not the presence of dirt that matters, but its chemical composition. For example, if you come to a mud spa, there will be no result in the treatment of psoriasis. At this resort sulfur mud best of all helps only with diseases. And here is the composition of the dirt Dead Sea, resort saki in the Crimea, allows successfully fight with this disease. Of course, there are disputes about which resort's mud is stronger. It has been scientifically proven that mud of Saki lake many times more efficient, how dead sea mud. In the course of biochemical analysis, it was revealed that in the mud of Lake Saki there are 2 times more lipids and amino acids and 5-10 times more vitamins than in the mud of the Dead Sea. Conclusion: The most effective for psoriasis treatment mud therapy in Crimea.

Climatotherapy for psoriasis

Climatotherapy is effective in teardrop-shaped, plaque forms of psoriasis. As in the case of dirt, the composition of the air is important. It's better when the air nautical. In terms of the effectiveness of climatotherapy, such resorts as Smrdaky, Naftalan, inferior Dead Sea, Crimea, .

Using climatotherapy at the Dead Sea improvement occurs in 68% of patients, significant improvement - in 22%, improvement - 10%. On the coast Black Sea (Crimea) indicators are lower: stable remission - in 23% of patients, significant improvement - in 40%, improvement - 36%.

The Dead Sea wins over other resorts also because this area is illuminated narrow spectrum sunlight. It is known that sunlight negatively affects the condition of the skin in psoriasis. And at the Dead Sea, you can afford to be under the sun more than at other seaside resorts - in Crimea or Portorož.

Remember , heliotherapy is indicated in stationary and regressive stages of psoriasis.

Conclusion: Most Efficient for the treatment of psoriasis climatotherapy on the dead sea.

Tallas therapy for psoriasis

Bathing in sea water, mineral water sea ​​estuaries provide stable remission of psoriasis in 80% of patients. Bathing in sea water and procedures using rapa can be combined into Crimea and . But the brine of the Crimean estuaries is stronger than in Portorož. On the dead sea no ordinary sea water. All the water of the Dead Sea is actually brine.

Conclusion: Most Efficient for the treatment of psoriasis thallas therapy in the Crimea.

Physiotherapy for psoriasis

Physiotherapy procedures are auxiliary in the treatment of psoriasis. They are held at any resort. It is not recommended to choose a resort based only on the presence of a large number of physiotherapy procedures. For example, in psoriasis, only mud combined with physiotherapy(cryotherapy, phototherapy, light therapy). And on dead sea mud, brine, climatotherapy and physiotherapy. It is quite obvious which of these resorts is more effective.

Conclusion: Any of the resorts who specialize in the treatment of psoriasis undergo physiotherapy.

Naftalanotherapy for psoriasis

This method of treatment is best presented at the spa in Azerbaijan. Treatment skin diseasesthe main specialization of the resort along with treatment musculoskeletal system. Except naftalan baths are used iodine-bromine baths, physiotherapy.

The effectiveness of the treatment speaks for itself - in 98% of patients improvements are comingeven during your stay in Naftalan. Remission diseases can last from six months to several years (depending on the form of psoriasis).

Conclusion: Naftalan same efficient resort like Saki or the Dead Sea.

Where is the best place to go for treatment?

For treatment psoriasis it is best to choose resorts where presented at the same time All of the treatments we have reviewed include: mud therapy, climatotherapy, thallas therapy, physiotherapy. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account healing properties of natural factors.

The combination of all these conditions the best resortsThe Dead Sea, Crimea, .

Tips, without which the treatment of psoriasis will be ineffective

1. Optimal time stay at the resort for the treatment of psoriasis - 21-28 days.

You can come for a shorter period, but disease remission won't be as long. Six months after the treatment, it is advisable to come to the resort again. You can change resorts but re-come on equivalent in efficiency resort.

2. It is better to treat psoriasis in a sanatorium under the supervision of experienced doctors.

You can just do it yourself swim in the Dead Sea or in mud lakes of Crimea, but then there will be no comprehensive treatment. Mud procedures also need to be taken in a certain mode. Complement them physiotherapy. And if psoriasis is caused, including metabolic disorders, it also matters proper nutrition prescribed by a nutritionist.

3. You should rest in the most peaceful environment.

Psoriasis is, among other things, result of stress. The main task in the treatment of psoriasis is not only to remove external manifestations, but balance internal processes organism. Increase immunity, improve metabolism, stabilize the nervous system.

Find out prices for resorts where psoriasis is effectively treated -

Vladislav Burya, specialist in choosing medical resorts, author of the book "How to choose a medical resort and get effective treatment.

Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow offer private doctors, public clinics. You can also get a doctor's consultation and.

Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow: clinics

Consider 3 large public medical centers and say about treatment in private clinics in Moscow.

Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology (Institute of Psoriasis on Kurskaya)

Institute of Psoriasis on Kurskaya

The Psoriasis Institute in Moscow has been operating since 1989. CEO and doctor who conducts the appointment - Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimirov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Where is

Address: Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, house 27, building 2, entrance 6 (metro station Kurskaya).

What services does

  • selective phototherapy;
  • laser treatment.

Medical treatment psoriasis is prescribed individually.
The psoriasis institute also provides cosmetology services.

Depending on the qualifications of the doctor consultation price - 1000-3000 rubles.

How much does the treatment cost

PUVA course costs 39,000 rubles. plus the cost of medicines.

Course of therapy 311 nm costs 39,000 rubles.

Official site


Feedback about the institute of psoriasis user Angelina

Feedback about the institute of psoriasis of the user Guest_Katya

Review of the institute of psoriasis by user voa

Clinic of skin and venereal diseases. V. A. Rakhmanova (at the Institute named after I. M. Sechenov)

Clinic at the Sechenov Institute

One of the oldest medical institutions in Moscow for the treatment of skin and venereal diseases. Director - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Olisova Olga Yurievna

Where is

Address: Moscow, st. B. Pirogovskaya, 4, building 1.

What services does

Phototherapy for psoriasis:

  • PUVA therapy for psoriasis;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • ultraviolet
    311 nm for psoriasis;
  • low-intensity laser irradiation.

How much does a doctor's consultation cost

The cost of admission is 500-1000 rubles.

How much does the treatment cost

A session of general PUVA therapy - 750 rubles.

Treatment session with ultraviolet 311 nm - 750 rubles.

Official site


Clinic Review by Gap User

Clinic Review by Sufferer User

State Scientific Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

FSBI “State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology” of the Ministry of Health of Russia is engaged in the treatment of psoriasis, as well as scientific research and education in the field of medicine.

Where is

Address: Moscow, st. Korolenko, 3, building 6.

What services does

Phototherapy for psoriasis:

  • PUVA therapy for psoriasis;
  • low-intensity laser irradiation;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • ultraviolet 311 nm for psoriasis;

How much does a doctor's consultation cost

Depending on the qualification, the price of one appointment is 1000-4400 rubles.

How much does the treatment cost

A session of general PUVA therapy - 740-950 rubles. (the price depends on the drug used: Ammifurin or Oxoralen).

Treatment session with ultraviolet 311 nm - 680 rubles.

Official site


Feedback about the user center Vahmurka

Treatment of psoriasis in a private clinic

Treatment of psoriasis or in a private clinic in Moscow differs in the level of service. Services provided by clinics are the same as in public ones:

  • analyzes, diagnostics;
  • phototherapy of psoriasis;
  • medical treatment of psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease. Its main manifestations are scaly papular rashes on the skin. In many cases, the pathology occurs in young and middle age. It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but the methods used in specialized clinics eliminate the main manifestations of the pathology and make it possible to achieve long-term remission.

Moscow clinics

The expert clinic Aloderm has equipment that shows maximum effectiveness and safety in the treatment of psoriasis.

The devices were chosen taking into account many years of experience in the fight against psoriasis and other chronic dermatosis.

The therapy is based on the impact on psoriatic rashes with ultraviolet rays (phototherapy) of the B spectrum, in the range from 300 to 380 Nm, which makes it possible to refuse to take photosensitizers used in PUVA therapy.

Phototherapy with UV-B rays has long established itself as the main method of treatment for plaque, guttate, inverse psoriasis, as well as psoriasis of the nail plates. The techniques are relevant in the stationary and regressing stages of the psoriatic process. In the progressive stage, hyposensitizing, detoxification therapy is used.

The devices used in the Aloderm clinic, developed by Israeli and German specialists, allow you to successfully deal with psoriasis of any shape, localization and area.

Devices used — DermaLight 1000; Harmony XL.

This is the leading clinic in Russia specializing in dermatological diseases.

In a medical institution, patients are offered the latest types of phototherapy. Presidentmed is the only medical institution where innovative cold plasma technology is used in the treatment of psoriasis. Devices are used, the operation of which is based on the radiation of ultraviolet rays of the B spectrum (range - from 304 to 314 nm), which show maximum efficiency when directed at the areas of localization of the lesion.

Each device has a specific area of ​​application. When choosing a method, the localization and type of foci, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lesion are taken into account. The best result can be achieved when using lasers in the treatment of plaque and inversion psoriasis.

The use of laser therapy is justified in case of low effectiveness of local treatment and to achieve long-term remission. In case of plaque psoriasis with a significant area of ​​damage, the Dermalight apparatus is used in the clinic. When the course of the disease is unstable with the formation of new foci, the laser is not used, since irradiation of individual plaques with UV rays cannot stop the spread of the process. Devices used:

  • Quantel Derma;
  • multiclear;
  • Derma Light;
  • excimer laser.

Psoriasis Institute

The Moscow Institute of Psoriasis is a division of the Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology and has been dealing with the problem of treating this pathology from the very beginning (in 1989).

At the Institute, patients are offered all types of phototherapeutic effects:

  • photochemotherapy, or PUVA;
  • PUVA baths;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • medium wave UV radiation at a wavelength of 311 nm.

The PUVA technique is based on the property of photosensitizers (psoralens) to increase skin sensitivity to long-wave UV radiation. Its essence lies in the patient taking psoralen followed by ultraviolet irradiation. Treatment of psoriasis with PUVA reduces the rate of formation of new skin cells, which in the case of the disease is three times higher than normal.

The Institute of Psoriasis also widely uses PUVA therapy, which is popular in Europe, with baths with photosensitizers. After taking a bath, patients are directed to an ultraviolet booth. The use of this technique eliminates the effect of the photosensitizer on metabolic processes.


Specialists of the laser cosmetology clinic have developed and tested the latest method of treating psoriasis using a unique technique of spatially modulated ablation (SMA). If indicated, it is used simultaneously with a laser to correct vascular pathologies. The effect of the laser on the cells contributes to the normalization of their maturation process, due to which their life cycle is regulated and the skin structure is restored.

The psoriasis treatment method used in the clinic has a number of advantages:

  • the laser exposure is aimed exclusively at the lesions and does not extend to the surrounding tissues, due to which the likelihood of side effects is minimized;
  • the technique does not have a systemic effect on the body, since the use of toxic substances is not required;
  • the laser emits infrared rays that do not have a carcinogenic or damaging effect, completely safe for the body, and have a beneficial effect on it (the rays help restore the skin, renew it, and eliminate age-related changes).

The effect is obvious already after the first procedures, but a lasting result can be achieved after a full course.


The question "Where is it better to treat psoriasis - in Israel or Russia?" for the majority of patients it is decided in favor of Russian clinics. The effectiveness of treatment at the Dead Sea is undeniable, but after returning home as a result of a sharp change in climatic conditions, the disease often recurs.

The Uro-Pro clinic uses evidence-based treatment methods covering all aspects of the pathogenesis of the disease.

The set of activities includes:

  • the use of hyposensitizing agents;
  • the use of detoxification drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • means for improving peripheral circulation;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • physiotherapeutic methods: magnetic laser therapy and electrosleep, or sedative therapy.

External therapy includes the use of an optimal combination of ointments and special mud shampoos based on Dead Sea forms from leading manufacturers of medical cosmetics for the treatment of psoriasis.

Thanks to an innovative approach to therapy, long tedious stays in hospitals have been replaced by successful outpatient treatment, in which one visit to a specialist is enough per week. The result is almost 100% remission in patients.

Healthy Skin Institute

Today, the Institute uses a highly effective author's technique by Vladimir Mak, developed by him as a result of 20 years of experience in the fight against various types of psoriasis. During the treatment, a special ointment is used, which is prepared according to the author's recipe based on more than 30 medicinal herbs.

Particular attention is also paid to the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of patients and cleansing detoxification therapy with herbal preparations.

Dr. Mack considers it dangerous to use hormonal ointments in the treatment of psoriasis, and also warns against using traditional medicine recipes without prior professional advice.

Psoriasis Center

The main treatment for psoriasis in the dermatological clinic Psoriasis Center is PUVA therapy. The set of measures also includes traditional methods. An individual program is selected for each patient. In this case, all the features of the course of the disease are taken into account. Treatment is based on the use of:

  • medicines;
  • therapeutic mud and peat;
  • phytocollections based on Altai mountain herbs;
  • medical cosmetics (shampoos, creams).

Clinics of St. Petersburg


In the multidisciplinary clinic Med-Art, psoriasis of any form is treated.

The emphasis is on eliminating the causes and transferring the disease from the acute phase to the subacute one. After the exacerbation is removed, individual therapy is selected, the purpose of which is to achieve a long-term stable remission.

If the cause of exacerbation of psoriasis is a stress factor, acupuncture is prescribed, which contributes to the normalization of the nervous system.

No less effective is anti-stress physiotherapy - the so-called transcranial electrical stimulation, or TES-therapy.

If the exacerbation is caused by immune disorders, laser blood irradiation, as well as photohemotherapy, is used to eliminate inflammatory processes.


The clinic provides a comprehensive treatment of psoriasis, aimed at eliminating symptoms and relieving the acute phase. Apply:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • absorbable and exfoliating ointments;
  • hormone therapy;
  • sedatives;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • paraffin treatment;
  • mud treatment.

Dr. Voight Clinic

The treatment of psoriasis at the Vojta Clinic includes several areas:

  • first of all, a diet is prescribed, the duration and features of which depend on the severity and specificity of the disease;
  • drug therapy is used: means to improve microcirculation, antiallergic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • detoxification therapy is carried out;
  • if necessary, hormone therapy is prescribed (included in inpatient treatment);
  • in the physiotherapy complex, UV rays and the latest method of external laser therapy are used;
  • the use of external therapy is practiced: ointments and other medicines;
  • acupuncture is widely used - a long-established remedy used in the treatment of psoriasis in many clinics in Russia

Healthy life

The specialists of the Healthy Life Center have developed a unique program for the treatment of psoriasis based on drugs of exclusively natural origin, without synthetic additives.

  1. The main treatment is Amaranth oil. It is used for oral administration, topical application and instillation into the nose). It includes:
    • squalene - protects the skin and strengthens local and general immunity;
    • polyunsaturated fatty acids - they form prostaglandins that have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects;
    • phytosterols - necessary for building the framework of cell membranes;
    • tocopherols - increase cellular protection and stimulate the restoration of damaged skin.
  2. In the treatment, Burdock burdock is also used, which has the following properties:
    • antimicrobial;
    • antiseptic;
    • decongestant;
    • disinfectant;
    • antipruritic.
  3. Shark Rey Formula based on shark cartilage and Reishi mushroom - promotes the synthesis of components of the body's natural defenses.
  4. Vitamin remedy Super Complex - necessary to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and mineral compounds.
  5. Royal jelly is used to regulate metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the peripheral nervous system.

Clinic of modern surgical technologies

A feature of the treatment of psoriasis in the clinic is the use of the so-called Hungarian scheme, which does not have side effects. Additional measures apply:

  • laser intravenous blood irradiation according to the method developed and patented by the clinic's specialists;
  • exclusive creams and ointments with non-hormonal composition;
  • infusion therapy (dropper).

The main advantages of treatment in the Clinic:

  • achievement of positive dynamics in 85% of cases;
  • effectiveness of treatment at any stage;
  • duration of the course - only 15 days;
  • elimination of inflammation and exudative reaction;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • no unwanted side effects;
  • prevention of joint damage;
  • job retention.

Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

The Center provides two types of therapy:

  • medical;
  • photodynamic (PDT).

PDT is based on the use of photosensitizers (light-sensitive substances) and visible light of a specific wavelength. The result of their complex effect is the elimination of tissues as a result of a chemical reaction that is activated under the influence of light energy. The substances used are selectively accumulated in the affected cells, after which they are irradiated with laser devices that emit wavelengths corresponding to the maximum absorption of the dye.

Video about the treatment of psoriasis

Other Russian clinics

Among the Russian clinics that treat psoriasis, it should be noted:

  • Center for the treatment of skin diseases in Voronezh, where more than 50 methods of therapy are used;
  • the Chelyabinsk clinic MedArt, specializing in the treatment of psoriasis using the MultiClear excimer multifunctional lamp and the XTRAC Ultra excimer laser system;
  • Ufa sanatorium "Rainbow" - therapy is based on the use of an excimer laser;
  • Samara Center for the Treatment of Psoriasis and Other Skin Diseases;
  • Sochi resorts: the silt of the Imeretinskaya Bay, combined with the famous ones, has a special healing power.

Examination and complex treatment of psoriasis in Moscow is carried out in specialized clinics. Clinics for the treatment of psoriasis are institutions of a narrow profile. Psoriasis treatment can be outpatient or inpatient. Inpatient treatment of psoriasis in Moscow involves the use of drugs both internally and externally. Effective treatment depends on how quickly you see a doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow today is carried out by dermatology clinics and medical centers that offer patients all types of hardware treatment. Clinics carry out complex treatment of psoriasis, select an individual approach to each patient. This is a medical method and laser treatment, phototherapy and irradiators, physiotherapy, cosmetology methods.

Reviews for the treatment of psoriasis with a laser suggest that the disease can disappear for 6-7 months. However, after, the course of treatment must be repeated. The treatment regimen for psoriasis is selected only after a thorough examination. Moscow clinics for the treatment of psoriasis have achieved excellent results in this area. Laser treatment of psoriasis unique and painless procedure.

Institute of Psoriasis in Moscow

The Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology is a specialized medical institution for the treatment of psoriasis. Institute of Psoriasis in Moscow is a branch of the Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology. Official website - Reviews of the Institute of Psoriasis in Moscow are the most positive and grateful. And this is all thanks to a sensitive team of staff and its professionalism. Treatment of psoriasis in St. Petersburg is also possible.

This institution provides medical specialized care for skin diseases. Its structure includes: departments of consultation, physiotherapy, phototherapy, a pharmacy and a department of cosmetology. One of the methods of treatment at the institute is treatment with the use of ultraviolet rays. This treatment has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

Psoriasis Center in Moscow

The establishment of a dermatological profile, the Psoriasis Center clinic in Moscow, uses the method and traditional methods of therapy. These are therapeutic complexes, which may include drug treatment, herbal medicine, mud therapy, medical cosmetics. The Psoriasis Treatment Center in Moscow selects comprehensive methods to combat this disease. Methods such as are very effective and allow you to achieve stable long-term remission.

The Psoriasis Center in Moscow uses PUVA therapy sessions. This method of treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. During treatment, you must strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician. The schedule and treatment regimen for psoriasis does not change on its own. By choosing a psoriasis control center in Moscow, you will be able to appreciate this method of treatment. The advantage of this method is its high efficiency. The psoriasis clinic in Moscow has good and positive reviews. Official site -

Psoriasis treatment in Moscow for free

Many people think that free treatment of psoriasis in Moscow is impossible. However, free psoriasis treatment a very real fact. I will describe the fastest way. You need to choose a public clinic where you are going to treat psoriasis in Moscow. After the first consultation with the doctor, the quota committee meets, and in your case, a quota decision is made on the readiness to take you on complex treatment of psoriasis. This way is the fastest, it takes two to three weeks. So know that psoriasis is treated in Moscow according to the quota, but, unfortunately, not everyone is provided with such an opportunity. For more information on obtaining quotas, see:

  • Moscow Dermatovenerologic Dispensary –
  • State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology –
  • National Medical and Surgical Center. N.I. Pirogov –

Healthy Skin Institute PsorMak

Psoriasis is treated in Moscow at the Institute of Healthy Skin PsorMak. This is a family clinic for the treatment of various skin diseases. The method of treatment of this clinic is a unique author's technique of Dr. Mak VF, the use of an ointment prepared according to a unique own recipe. Dr. Mack believes that the use of hormonal treatment is not entirely correct, as it only gives a temporary improvement. After the removal of these drugs, the disease returns, even in a more severe form. More about complex treatment of psoriasis at the PsorMak clinic on the official website -

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