How to quickly increase hemoglobin in an adult. Effective ways to increase hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin is a lack of iron in the blood. In this case, the blood does not carry oxygen well. This means that metabolic processes are disrupted and physical endurance and the protective properties of the immune system are reduced.

What is hemoglobin

Surely many have heard this word. What does it mean? Hemoglobin is a complex protein consisting of two parts: iron (heme) and protein (globin), which are part of red blood cells. Hemoglobin helps to transport oxygen between organ cells, maintains normal blood pH. This protein can be of two types:

  • Glycated (in adults).
  • Fetal. It exists in the first year of a baby's life, then it collapses. Its appearance in an adult is a sign of a serious illness.

The norm of hemoglobin for women is from 120 to 130 g / l, for males - from 135 to 160 g / l. A decrease in this protein is observed in pregnant women with hypoglycemia, anemia and other diseases, including cancer. Hemoglobin also decreases with blood transfusion and bleeding.

This protein is very important for the body. Therefore, it needs to be restored. There are many foods and medicines that increase hemoglobin in the blood. But not all juices, fruits and vegetables that can increase hemoglobin are compatible. They should be cooked and eaten with foods that help absorb iron, not break it down.

Medications that increase hemoglobin

Drugs that increase hemoglobin in the blood contain iron. Most often prescribed inside. Sometimes the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Basically, doctors use Venofer, Ektofer. There are certain drugs that increase hemoglobin in the blood for anemia:

  • intramuscular injections with vitamin B12 ("Cyanocobalamin" and "Oxycobalamin");
  • glucocorticosteroid hormones;
  • immunoglobulin;
  • anabolics;
  • desferal;
  • androgens;
  • colony stimulating factors;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • cyclosporine;
  • antilymphocyte globulin.

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood? Only a doctor can choose the best medicine. Self-medication is contraindicated. The doctor may prescribe:

  • "Sorbifer-durules";
  • "Tardiferon-retard";
  • "Irovit";
  • "Fefol";
  • "Ferrogradum";
  • "Ferograd";
  • "Heferol".

In any case, all of the listed drugs should be taken only after consulting with your doctor.

What foods increase hemoglobin in the blood from iron?

Foods containing iron, which helps restore complex protein levels, are divided into three groups:

  • With a high content (per 100 grams of product - more than 4 mg). This includes all organ meats (tongue, liver and kidneys), beans, peas, buckwheat, blueberries, chocolate, porcini mushrooms, meat: beef and rabbit meat, oatmeal, nuts, apples, pears, etc.
  • With a moderate content (per 100 grams of product - from 1-1.9 mg). This includes: sardine, beets, mackerel, chicken, radishes, potatoes, some cereals, etc.
  • With a low content (per 100 grams of product - less than 1 mg). These are eggplants, cherries, lemons, pumpkins, apricots and grapes.

It must be remembered that calcium-rich foods do not combine with iron-containing foods. It is highly undesirable to use them together. What foods should prevail in the diet? This question is asked by many people.

Let's give an example of some foods that increase hemoglobin in the blood, which must be included in the diet:

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood with caviar

Hemoglobin rises well when eating black caviar. Every 100 grams add almost 2.5 mg of iron to the body. Due to the saturation with microelements, black caviar increases the number of cells in the body that are responsible for the production of hemoglobin.

Red caviar contains many trace elements and vitamins. It is very rich in folic acid, which helps the circulatory system to function normally. It is desirable to use red caviar in its pure form, you can add it to salads or make sandwiches.


What increases hemoglobin in the blood yet? Ice cream, as it contains iron necessary for protein. The treat will contain 1.57 mg of iron per 100 grams. For its preparation, two egg yolks, ½ cup of granulated sugar, ¾ cup of cream are taken. Everything is thoroughly mixed and heated in a saucepan over low heat. Without bringing to a boil, the mixture is removed from the stove, poured into molds and frozen. Then three apples are baked in the oven, mixed with ¾ cup of cream. The frozen mixture is added to the resulting mass. Placed back in the freezer.

Meat products

What foods increase hemoglobin in the blood from deli meats? This is perfect for beef. 100 grams of this meat contains 2.2 mg of iron. Pork also helps to increase hemoglobin. Only meat should be consumed without prolonged heat treatment. Well increases hemoglobin beef liver and tongue, as well as any game.

When cooking, frying, boiling and stewing are not suitable, since iron is destroyed during long heat treatment. Therefore, it must be remembered that meat cooked only half-cooked increases hemoglobin in the blood. Or you can make a barbecue out of it. But to increase complex protein, meat should not be consumed with bread, cereals and pasta. These foods interfere with the absorption of iron. The most optimal side dishes are cabbage, beans, green peas and potatoes.

What fruits are needed to increase hemoglobin

Some of the most popular fruits for boosting hemoglobin are pomegranate, plum, and peach. Also contains iron:

  • quince;
  • persimmon;
  • pear;
  • watermelon;
  • apricot;
  • Apple.

For better absorption of iron by the body, you need to eat fruits containing vitamin C. These are melon, all citrus fruits, sour apples and pineapple.

What vegetables are useful

Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood are various vegetables. The best are beets and carrots. And both raw and cooked. Contribute to the increase in protein tomatoes and potatoes. Zucchini is rich not only in essential iron, but also in other useful substances. These vegetables help to restore the functioning of the intestine. This allows the body to absorb the iron contained in them as much as possible, and, accordingly, hemoglobin rises faster.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood with the help of berries? Perfect for this: cranberries, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries and currants. They can also be consumed frozen. Rowan is very useful, which must be eaten with anemia and anemia. For maximum effect, it is used 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood with the help of juices? Only natural, freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables are needed. They are well accepted by the body and contain many vitamins. You need to cook them three times a day and drink immediately. There are three types of juices that contain a lot of iron, which is necessary to increase hemoglobin:


How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood with nuts? Pistachios contain more iron than other foods - 60 mg per 100 grams of nuts. Their regular use will quickly increase hemoglobin. Pistachios can also be added to salads. To quickly increase hemoglobin, you can cook a dish with the addition of carrots and pomegranate. To do this, the fruit must be freed from grains and mixed with grated carrots. Add sugar and sour cream to taste. To stir thoroughly. Then add the roasted pistachios to it. But not only nuts contribute to an increase in hemoglobin. This complex protein is excellently enhanced by oil made from pistachios.

To increase hemoglobin, in addition to pistachios, walnuts are also used. They contain not only iron, but also a number of other minerals and vitamins. In addition to restoring hemoglobin, these nuts strengthen the weakened body, which leads to a faster increase in complex protein.

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood with folk remedies using green walnuts? They are carefully crushed and mixed in proportion: 2 tbsp. spoons for 1.5 kg of honey. The resulting infusion must be kept in a dark place for three weeks, stirring several times a day. The treatment takes place until the resulting mixture runs out. It must be stored in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Walnuts combined with raisins give an even better result. Half a glass of dried grapes is soaked in water for two hours. Then it merges and the swollen berries are mixed with 20 grams of nuts. The mixture should be divided into three times. One serving is two tablespoons. You can additionally add cranberries and honey.

Folk remedies

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood? The best medicine for each situation can only be determined by a doctor, focusing on the disease, excluding side effects and possible allergic reactions. But there are many folk methods that you can use on your own. They have no contraindications, unlike drugs. But there is also a minus. If drugs give an instant result, then by folk methods it is achieved from at least two weeks to one and a half months.

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood at home? You can prepare mixtures of dark honey with walnuts and buckwheat. Solid ingredients are finely ground and mixed with honey. The resulting mixture is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, two dessert spoons, 30 minutes before a meal. You can't drink. Instead of buckwheat, you can use walnuts, raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

What increases hemoglobin in the blood yet? A good result will give a mixture of honey and lemon, which is pre-crushed in a blender. Both ingredients are mixed and consumed in a tablespoon three times a day. You can add a three-year agave. Five leaves are taken, they are crushed together with one lemon in a blender. The resulting mixture must be kept in the refrigerator for three days and then consumed 20 grams three times a day.

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood with folk remedies? The normalization of a complex protein with healing infusions has been practiced for a long time. For example, from yarrow. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass is steamed in 0.5 liters of boiling water for an hour. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered. Take it 3 times a day before meals for a teaspoon.

The level of hemoglobin is well normalized by rowan infusion. You need to take 2 teaspoons of berries and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. The mixture is infused for an hour, then mixed with honey or sugar. Use 3 times a day for half a cup.

What increases hemoglobin in the blood yet? Regular garlic will help too. It will take 300 grams. It must be cleaned, rinsed and filled with 1 liter. alcohol. You need to insist for 30 days, shaking every day. Ready infusion is drunk 3 times daily for 1 teaspoon. It is best to drink it with a glass of milk.

You need to take care of your body and often eat food rich in useful trace elements. All of the above foods, vegetables and fruits are useful not only for increasing hemoglobin levels. Boiled lean meat is perfectly perceived by the stomach and does not give an excessive load on the liver. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the daily diet for various diseases. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and will also be beneficial for the body. They are recommended to be eaten more often in the winter period of beriberi. The more often they are present at the dinner table, the more the body will receive useful vitamins and minerals.

Reduced hemoglobin is not only lethargy and weakness, but also a lack of oxygen in the brain, kidneys and many other organs. It’s just that the cells don’t have enough nutrition, and this affects the appearance and quality of life: we get tired quickly, headaches and back pains haunt us, heart palpitations and shortness of breath appear, thermoregulation is disturbed, you are cold even in the heat, your nails exfoliate ... The reason lowering the level of this complex protein in the blood can be vitamin deficiency, and pregnancy, and even critical days. Of course, you can drink preparations with iron, but why, if the same element can be obtained along with tasty and healthy food. Often diseases are to blame for low hemoglobin, but in any case, you need to follow a diet and understand which foods increase hemoglobin.

iron factor

The main method of increasing hemoglobin is the use of large amounts of iron, of which this protein is composed.

Previously, it was believed that to increase hemoglobin, you need to eat all foods containing iron, so you can happily lean on pomegranates and cereals. Today, many experts believe that animal products that increase hemoglobin are more useful. However, this is also debatable. In any case, foods containing hemoglobin can be divided into several categories: those with a high iron content, that is, more than 4 mg, those in which the iron content is moderate (1–2 mg per 100 g) and those with a low iron content.

In addition, it is worth knowing that in some cases iron cannot be absorbed into the blood, for example, this happens with diseases of the intestines and stomach. In this case, you can increase hemoglobin only if you undergo treatment.

Top 10 Best Hemoglobin Boosting Foods

  1. Nutrition with low hemoglobin must necessarily include meat, liver, tongue, kidneys, cream, egg yolks, butter and milk. But only they drink it not in one gulp, but in small sips. These are foods high in iron.
  2. To increase hemoglobin in the diet should be raspberries, pomegranates, strawberries, garlic, bananas and oatmeal.
  3. Also, the list of products to increase hemoglobin in the blood includes ordinary beets. You can either eat it boiled (150 g per day), or drink juice or make salads with it. The main thing here is the duration of use: the first results will be in a few months.
  4. Melon and watermelon. It is important that they are seasonal and of high quality. You need to choose them correctly, otherwise you can run into nitrates.
  5. Apples. Just out of competition. You can eat them both raw and baked, but every day and at least half a kilogram a day. But there is one feature: after them you can’t drink tea for several hours: it interferes with the absorption of iron.
  6. Rowan. It is able to raise hemoglobin and is rich in vitamin C. Why is it needed for anemia, we will tell later. Its juice is drunk 4 times a day, one tablespoon. In no case should you pick red and black berries along the roads and in the city center.
  7. Rosehip decoction is a simple and affordable remedy. Just pour a couple of tablespoons of boiling water and leave overnight. We drink a glass a day. By the way, a rosehip drink can cheer up no worse than coffee.
  8. Carrots in combination with sour cream are also a good way to raise hemoglobin. But carrot juice is even better. It is drunk 3 times a day before meals.
  9. Nettle. Do not think that this is just a stinging weed. If you douse it with boiling water, then you can safely crumble it into salads. You can also pour dry or fresh nettles with boiling water, insist for half an hour and drink a quarter cup three times a day.
  10. Nuts. Also rich in iron. This is especially true for walnuts. They are eaten 100 g per day and with honey.

Chocolate, buckwheat, legumes, porcini mushrooms, blueberries, pears, mackerel and sardines, radishes, rice, and chicken are also rich in iron. Some iron is found in potatoes, eggplants, pumpkins (especially seeds), grapes, lemons, apricots, and cherries.

Iron and how to eat it

In order to increase the content of this protein in the blood, it is necessary not only to eat foods that increase hemoglobin, but also to use them correctly. So, there are products that contribute to the absorption of iron (and, therefore, an increase in hemoglobin), and there are those that interfere with the absorption of iron.

So, vitamin C is an excellent catalyst for the absorption of iron. That is why I advise you to take all iron-containing medicines in combination with ascorbic acid.

That is why iron-rich foods should not be washed down with coffee or tea, but with orange, tomato or grapefruit juice. It will also help the iron to digest spinach or any other greens.

But what interferes with the absorption of iron is calcium. Milk, of course, contains iron, but it is better not to use it in combination with meat.

In addition, cereals, with the exception of oatmeal and buckwheat, interfere with the absorption of iron. The remaining cereals bind iron in the intestines. The same goes for pasta. That is why it is better to eat meat with peas or beans. And you can with a vegetable side dish.

In any case, your diet and intake of iron-containing drugs must be coordinated with your doctor.

As you can see, there are no special delicacies in the list of products for increasing hemoglobin. This means that any of us can adjust our diet and give the body health. The main thing is to use these products constantly and correctly.

Hello dear readers. The problem of low hemoglobin or anemia occurs when the human body senses an insufficient amount of iron in the blood. The lack of such an important element can disrupt the process of moving other substances through the body, the main problem is that the human body will experience a huge need for oxygen. The decision to treat anemia is made by considering a list of various details. At each stage of a person's life, doctors control how much his hemoglobin corresponds to the norm. Observation is made as soon as a person is born, when he is one year old, in women this happens during the period of bearing a child, as well as in the process of treating various kinds of diseases and others.

2. Legumes and cereals

It is best to eat cooked food made from sprouted grains. Kupu should be soaked before use. Iron in the composition of ground cereals is better absorbed by the body.

3. Greens and vegetables

Most iron in products grown in their own garden. With low hemoglobin, it is recommended to make a menu with tomatoes, onions, potatoes, herbs, beets and others.

You can cook pumpkin porridge, it is very useful for the body. In the summer, many adults add to the vegetable salad not only the usual greens in the form of parsley or dill, but also do not disdain dandelion leaves. By the way, they are very useful and edible, oddly enough.

4. Fruit fruits

From fruits, everything is suitable for raising hemoglobin. There are no restrictions on what you can eat and what not.

On any garden plot there are apples, pears, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, all of them can be added to the daily menu. From fruits on hot days you can cook compote. Dried fruits are also great for snacking.

5. Berries

From the berries, you can also choose those that grow in the beds of almost every gardener. Black currant is very useful for hemoglobin. If you do not like to eat currant berries, make juice out of them.

Strawberries, blueberries, blueberries due to vitamin C are also very useful. Blueberries can be eaten fresh, dried and even frozen.

6. Nuts

Chocolate lovers with nuts do not rush, so that they really bring you benefits, nuts should be consumed exclusively in their raw form. Any variety will do.

7. Juices

Most iron in beetroot, carrot, apple and especially pomegranate juice.

8. Hematogen

Hematogen has a certain dose of consumption - 50 grams per day.

There are some other products with which you can raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. They do not belong to any of the groups described above.

For example:

  • high quality red wine
  • green tea
  • dark chocolate

There are some more alternative medicine recipes that can be used in the treatment of hemoglobin deficiency at home, for example:

  1. The next morning, you can prepare a salad of vegetables, add cabbage, beets, dandelion leaves, peppers and herbs to it.
  2. Plum, provided that you do not have pathological diseases of the intestines and stomach, will help in two months to normalize not only hemoglobin, but also pressure.
  3. Fructose also promotes the absorption of iron and can be found in dark honey.
  4. Doctors advise people suffering from anemia to use cast iron cookware during cooking. 20 minutes of cooking in such dishes increases the dose of iron in the body by 9 times.

If you are in treatment, make sure that home-cooked food is combined with each other.

You can not cook buckwheat with milk at the same time, since calcium will not allow iron to remain in the body.

If you like dairy products, consume them two hours after your main meal.

What are vitamins with iron - how to raise hemoglobin with drugs

First of all, if you decide on drug treatment for low hemoglobin, consult a doctor. Incorrect manipulation of drugs can lead to unforeseen consequences.

To increase hemoglobin, you need to undergo a medical examination. Pregnant women are allowed to increase hemoglobin with drugs only under the supervision of a doctor.

Most often, after the examination, the doctor draws up a menu for the patient with dietary adjustments, prescribes the necessary medications, and possibly advises other folk methods for treating iron deficiency in the blood.

Of the drugs, one can note those that can really help with a low level of hemoglobin. These can be iron preparations, vitamin B 12 and folic acid. Only a doctor prescribes medicines.

Anemia medications come in a variety of forms, such as tablets, injections, and even syrups. Depending on the level of hemoglobin, you can choose one or another form of the drug.

The course of drug treatment is usually long; it can take from three months to six months. It is best to take prophylactic drugs constantly even after the main treatment.

To increase hemoglobin, drugs such as:

  • Feronat
  • Ferrous gluconate
  • Ferronal
  • Feroglobin B 12

Each of the drugs contains iron, but only a doctor can prescribe them after a detailed examination of your body.

Before donating blood for analysis, very often you want to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood. Is it possible to do this?

Is it possible to raise hemoglobin before donating blood very quickly?

If you are about to donate blood and need to increase your hemoglobin, there are some ways. Intramuscular or intravenous injection can improve hemoglobin in a short time. For this, iron or folic acid preparations are suitable. Immediately after the injection, the hemoglobin level reaches its normal level.

You can do without pills. In order to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you can drink half a glass of beet, carrot or apple juice on an empty stomach in the morning and throughout the day.

Many doctors know the recipe, but for some reason they are silent. The prepared drink does not require additional ingredients.

By itself, the juice from beets, carrots and apples is sweet and suitable even for small children. Doctors often recommend this drink to pregnant women, but it will suit everyone else.

As you can see, it is possible to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. For this, there are pills and alternative methods of treatment.

The amount of time spent on recovery depends on the method you choose. Do not forget about your mental state, as constant stress and fatigue adversely affect the general condition of the whole organism and can lead to anemia.

We all live in big cities and every year we move away from nature. Our body suffers from a lack of oxygen and vitamins. Fruits and vegetables will help replenish the supply.

For fresh air, go to the park areas of your city or to the village to your grandmother. Spend your free time less at the computer or TV and go outside more.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. Unfortunately, people who suffer from non-typical diseases that affect the level of hemoglobin will take a little longer to fully recover.

Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells. Its function is to saturate the body with oxygen. A lack of hemoglobin is called anemia. Anemia provokes malfunctions of the immune system, that is, any disease becomes dangerous. Help to increase hemoglobin quickly folk remedies. In the treatment of anemia, they are quite effective and do not provoke complications, unlike chemical drugs.

The symptoms of anemia are as follows:

  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • peeling of the lips and skin around them;
  • pinching of the tongue;
  • dullness of smell and taste,

and others. When such signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Increased hemoglobin in adults

To protect your body, you need to urgently take measures aimed at increasing hemoglobin. Consider what methods are used in the treatment of anemia in adults.

What foods are good for anemia

Foods containing iron will help increase hemoglobin. First of all, you need to eat meat, but cutlets or goulash are definitely not suitable. The fact is that the longer the dish undergoes heat treatment, the more iron is destroyed in it. The ideal option would be a barbecue or chop of lean pork or beef. There is a lot of iron in meat, 30% of which is absorbed in the body, so with a low level of hemoglobin it is necessary to eat it.

Also, beef is useful for anemia. It should be boiled and eaten, if desired, you can cook pate and smear on bread. Also, beef tongue belongs to products that increase hemoglobin.

For vegetarians, meat and liver can be replaced with beans - there is also enough iron. It will also be useful to boil peas and add to soups, salads and main dishes.

From cereals, give preference to buckwheat, cook it at least 2 times a week. The most iron-rich mushrooms are champignons and porcini. It is also recommended to eat red fish, red caviar, seafood, fresh salads with parsley and egg yolks.

For children a little older, choose from iron-containing foods those that he eats. If you do not like meat, feed buckwheat sprinkled with green onions and dill. Let's drink apple, carrot or pomegranate juice. Since a lack of hemoglobin means oxygen starvation, walk with your baby more often in the fresh air, and get out of town on weekends.

Physical activity is not recommended for people with a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, because when a person sweats, iron is excreted from the body.

It is useful for girls to wear stones that positively affect blood flow: garnet, ruby ​​or red coral.

Sunbathing stimulates the appearance of red blood cells; in clear weather, go for a walk down the street or go out into nature. A contrast shower is no less useful. Start with a warm temperature, and then gradually decrease by 1 degree every day. When the body gets used to the coolness, you can take cold baths, but not for long. This will help strengthen the immune system, the body will be better able to resist infection. Once a week for anemia, hot baths with the addition of sea salt and essential oils are also shown.

In connection with the increased amount of iron taken orally, you need to take care of the digestive system. For best results, add ginger or cinnamon to your tea.

Proper lifestyle and a balanced diet will quickly increase the level of hemoglobin.

Erythrocytes. It is a complex substance (compound of protein and iron) that stains the blood. It is thanks to the iron particles that the blood turns red. In the body, hemoglobin is responsible for the function of transporting oxygen to tissues from the respiratory organs, as well as transporting carbon dioxide from tissues to the respiratory organs. The level of hemoglobin, which is considered the norm, is 120-140 g / l. A little lower may be hemoglobin in infants and this will be the norm.

Red blood cells are responsible for blood. Therefore, if leukocytes suppress erythrocytes, then hemoglobin, respectively, decreases. This can occur as a result of blood loss or after a viral acute illness. The main signs indicating a decrease in hemoglobin are pale skin color, fatigue and "lethargy", worsening of the emotional state. Due to iron deficiency in the body, tachycardia, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, muscle hypotonia, indigestion, brittle nails and hair, blue skin color, and stomatitis may also appear. If you notice that just such symptoms have been observed in you over the past time, then you should think about how to raise hemoglobin.

Coming to the doctor with a question about how quickly people most often get the answer that they should take iron supplements. However, a much more useful, but no less effective way is proper nutrition. There are many foods that contain iron. They can help. That is why, before you raise hemoglobin with pills, you should just try to eat some meat products more often: white chicken meat, poultry, fish, kidneys, tongue (50g of boiled beef tongue, eaten daily, will help keep hemoglobin at the right level) . Equally useful are cereals made from buckwheat, peas, beans, rye, lentils, and oatmeal. Among greens and vegetables, onions, tomatoes, pumpkin, turnip tops (young), new potatoes (baked in their skins), beets, mustard, dandelion leaves, spinach, parsley (greens) contribute to an increase in hemoglobin. In folk medicine, people who knew how to raise hemoglobin advised to eat more blueberries. Also good are berries such as cranberries, strawberries and strawberries. From fruits, bananas, apples, quinces, persimmons, plums, apricots or dried apricots, pears, pomegranates and peaches help well. Rich in iron and juices: pomegranate (it is enough to drink 2 sips daily) and carrot. No less useful are products such as walnuts, dark chocolate, egg yolk, red and black caviar, as well as various seafood, dried mushrooms, hematogen.

There are many different ways to raise hemoglobin. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Pour half a glass of buckwheat into a plate, pour one glass of kefir into it and leave overnight. You can eat porridge in the morning. If you eat such porridge for several days in a row, the hemoglobin level will quickly recover.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of beetroot juice with cranberry juice and apple juice (half a glass each). You need to drink the resulting juice daily.
  3. Take a glass of walnuts, dried apricots and raisins, 1 lemon, grind and mix everything, add a glass of honey - the medicine is ready.
  4. You can make a tincture. To do this, 300 grams of garlic is poured with alcohol and insisted for 2.5 weeks. Drink the resulting infusion with milk (half a glass of 25 drops) three times a day.

There are many recipes, but the main thing is to know that for a more complete and effective absorption of iron from foods, you must simultaneously consume foods that are rich in vitamin C.

It seems that everything is clear with the benefits of products. Only one thing seems unclear, in a child, if many of the healthy foods in a baby can cause allergies. The answer is very simple: for everyone, it is necessary to individually select food products that will only benefit him. And, of course, do not forget that outdoor walks, breathing exercises and gymnastics are all very useful for maintaining the desired level of hemoglobin.