How can you treat a wound at home? Self-treatment of postoperative wounds and sutures

After proper treatment of the open wound, it is left alone for 2 days, then healing ointments can be used.

Anyone has been injured in childhood. Often these are cuts.
The victim may not pay attention to the cut wound.

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Adults get injured in everyday life, cut with knives and razors.

Lesions with pus

Every person in his life has encountered purulent wounds. Such wounds should be treated 2 times a day.

It is necessary to rinse with an antiseptic. The most suitable substances are chlorhexidine and peroxide.

It is good to use these 2 substances at the same time. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Afterwards you can treat it with brilliant green.

A person is to put an ointment, for example:

  • Levomikol.
  • Levosin.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the morning and evening. This will get rid of pus and will promote rapid healing.

It would seem, what could a cut on the skin lead to? The consequences of not paying attention to your body can be costly.

A cut may damage a vessel or nerve.

If a fresh wound is not treated, then microbes will get there, and this leads to inflammation or even gangrene, followed by amputation.

With purulent ones - consult a doctor.

We treat at home

We treat the wound at home:

  1. For household cuts and – it is important to remove contamination. This can be done under running cold water, carefully using soap.
  2. Disinfection. Hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green are often used. If it happens that there are no medications at hand, then you can use a saline solution.
  3. Cover the area with a plaster or bandage. If the injury is serious and deep, consult a doctor.

Without medical education, you can help a person with an open wound.

If the wound is small and clean, then after proper treatment, you will not need to see a doctor.

First, stop the bleeding. It is not always possible to stop the bleeding. If the open wound is not deep, then it is enough to press this place.

But if the bleeding cannot be stopped and it has a rich scarlet color, then contact medical personnel. Just before this you need to apply a tourniquet. Do not overtighten the tourniquet; this may cause harm and interfere with further processing.

If an artery is injured, then the tourniquet is applied one centimeter above the wound site, and if it is a vein, then lower.

Once the bleeding has stopped, disinfect the area. Everything is done with clean and sanitized hands. Hydrogen peroxide is a cleanser and disinfectant.

After treating with peroxide, you can treat the area around the damage with alcohol or brilliant green. Then a bandage should be applied. If you don't have sterile bandages on hand, any clean cloth will do.

A small wound needs to be monitored. If necessary, the first few days can be treated with saline solution.


Disinfection after surgery

Surgery is a major procedure that may involve the removal of nonviable tissue or foreign bodies to prevent infection.

The operation helps scarring - faster tissue healing. After the operation, stitches are placed on the wound. The wound after surgery is completely sterile - this is the key to rapid healing.

Clean postoperative wounds are treated with antiseptics, they include peroxide, chlorhexidine or furatsilin solution.

Dressings are done daily until the stitches are removed. After treatment with an antiseptic, the edges of the damage are lubricated with a solution of 70% alcohol or iodine. After treatment, you can lubricate the seam with ointment for speedy healing. When the procedures are completed, a bandage is applied.

Make sure the bandage is dry and does not get wet. If the bandage gets wet, it should be changed. The postoperative wound must be monitored especially carefully to prevent infection.

Head injury

There is a certain set of rules that will minimize the risk of infection.

Any damage to the soft tissues of the head must be washed and cleared of visible dirt.

It is important to remove foreign objects. Treat with hydrogen peroxide. If you are bleeding, stop the bleeding.

Bleeding can be stopped by packing it with a clean bandage or using cotton wool.

Press the tampon for ten minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, then the tampon is pressed with a bandage for a while. In addition to cleaning the damage itself, it is important to treat the area around it. You need to shave off the hair and lubricate the edges with brilliant green or alcohol.

When cleansing procedures are completed, apply a sterile dressing. If the damaged area is very painful, then it is permissible to apply cold to the bandage. This will relieve pain and swelling.

After any injury, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because the injury is much more dangerous than it seems visually.

Shallow cut

A cut is a very common household injury. After proper treatment, a shallow cut will soon cease to bother the victim.

How to properly treat a wound:

  1. Remove contamination.
  2. Once visible dirt and objects have been removed, the area must be treated with peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. Can be treated with brilliant green or chlorhexidine. The use of various aggressive means is prohibited.
  3. Cover the injury site with an adhesive plaster or bandage. If the injury is not big, then this can be enough.

Treatment after a burn

A burn is an unpleasant injury that is especially troubling in the first days. Prompt healing will depend on first aid for the burn.

The damaged area after a burn must be cooled. The first time after a burn, you should not apply ointments to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Clean the skin with ether and alcohol. If everything is done quickly, the skin can quickly regenerate.

At first, it is permissible to apply lotions with antiseptic agents.

When time passes, you can apply ointments that have a healing effect.

These ointments include:

  • "Solcoseryl".
  • "Rescuer".

They help rapid tissue healing, dry the damaged area so that it heals faster, and provide the skin with building material for rapid regeneration.

Damage will heal faster if it is properly monitored and treated correctly. The body will fight on its own, it is important to simply help it with the healing process.

When to go to the doctor

Minor abrasions, scratches and cuts can be treated independently at home, using the right products and carrying out the necessary treatments in a timely manner.

If you have minor injuries, you should consult a doctor only if, despite all the treatments, an inflammatory process has begun in the wound and suppuration has appeared.

You can only treat shallow cuts, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm, without contacting a doctor.

If you receive a larger cut after initial treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as stitches may be required.

If you receive serious or large wounds, you should contact a doctor immediately; it is important to provide the victim with proper first aid before the ambulance arrives.

Possible consequences

Contamination of the injury is dangerous due to the penetration of anaerobic microbes. They do not require air, and they multiply quickly, causing dangerous complications. The danger is not exaggerated - the consequence of suppuration will be gangrene.

Traumatic (hemorrhagic) shock is a severe pathological condition that is life-threatening. Develops at the time of injury, without proper assistance it will cause loss of consciousness and even death of the victim.

Seroma is an accumulation of purulent fluid due to inflammation. Exudate accumulates immediately, causing suppuration. It is necessary to pump it out using a puncture or making an additional incision.

Hematoma is an accumulation of blood clots under the skin. Appears if the bleeding has not been stopped immediately. A comfortable environment for the accumulation of microbes additionally puts pressure on the tissues, pinching them.

Blood must be removed from the tissue; for this, an additional incision is made or the blood is pumped out using a puncture.

Necrosis - appears due to damage to the functioning of blood vessels. Forms on the tissue around the cut site. 2 types: wet and dry. Wet necrosis is removed immediately due to the accumulation of pus in deep tissues, dry necrosis does not need to be touched, it protects the skin from infection.

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If there is an open wound, first aid should be started as early as possible to avoid any infection getting into the blood. When treating open wounds, there are three stages of healing.

  1. Primary cleansing. Despite the body’s ability to recover from injuries, it is not possible to disinfect and clean the injury site without outside intervention. To prevent any harmful microorganisms from entering the wound and causing infection, it is necessary first of all to treat the edges of the wound with brilliant green or iodine. Antiseptics such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine are also suitable for this. If oily contaminants are noticed around the wound, you need to remove them with kerosene or gasoline, and only then carry out the disinfection procedure. The final item in the list of wound treatment actions should be the application of a sterile dressing.
  2. Inflammatory process. At this stage, the body itself enters into the healing process of an open wound. The inflammatory process here is characterized by the formation of edema in the wound area. And its appearance is due to the formation of additional antibodies that help destroy dead cells and foreign microorganisms that have entered the wound. This stage of healing can be compared to the moment when a person’s temperature rises during a cold. This means that the body is trying to overcome the virus on its own, without drug intervention. So in the case of an open wound, it independently produces additional cellular organisms that prevent the action of negative elements.
  3. Tissue granulation and their subsequent restoration. And again, the appearance of a scar at the site of an open wound, unless, of course, it is extensive and did not require the intervention of a surgeon, is the result of the regenerative actions of the body itself. We all know that after some time a kind of crust begins to form along the edges of the wound, and the wound itself is covered with a thin, translucent layer of skin. Subsequently, the wound heals completely, and in its place a scar remains, which can then also disappear. It is this healing process that is called granulation.

Primary treatment in the treatment of open wounds

As mentioned earlier, the first stage is primary processing. The goal is to avoid any infection from entering the wound. For this purpose, antiseptics, solutions of brilliant green and iodine, as well as alcohol-containing substances are used.

Only a surgeon can treat an extensive wound; the first thing he will do is remove foreign particles from the wound, such as metal filings or shavings or other debris.

This solution is not the only treatment. Ointments based on polyethylene oxide, as well as Levomikol and Lemisin also have a positive effect on wound healing. To avoid blood poisoning. In parallel with work on the wound itself, the patient is prescribed immunotherapy and a number of procedures to detoxify the body.

How can you treat an open wound?

In cases where there is no need to see a doctor, you can treat an open wound at home. For fans of traditional medicine, decoctions of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort are suitable. Aloe juice also has an excellent healing effect. When choosing pharmacy products, the list of drugs that help in this matter is not very large.

  1. Streptocide. A product known to several generations and firmly established in the home medicine cabinet. Has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. In the form of tablets, it is crushed and poured directly into the wound.
  2. Solcoseryl. A younger, but no less effective remedy. Available in the form of an ointment for the treatment of dry wounds and in the form of a gel for weeping wounds.
  3. Eplan cream. It also has an antimicrobial effect. It helps well in protecting the wound from infection.
  4. Salicylic ointment. As a rule, a bandage is impregnated with it, which is applied to the wound after treatment with an antiseptic.
  5. Rescue balm. Protects the wound from infection by forming a thin film on it. Just like salicylic ointment, it is applied after treatment with an antiseptic.
  6. Heparin ointment. Used to eliminate swelling in the area of ​​damage. Analogues - Troxevasin and Dolobene gel.

How not to treat an open wound

The first and natural thing that comes to mind in this case is treating the wound with water from reservoirs. Under no circumstances should this be done. Most bodies of water today are teeming with various microorganisms, and not all of them are beneficial to the body. The consequences can range from suppuration to serious blood poisoning.

Basic medications for treating wound surfaces that should be present in a home medicine cabinet.


At the pharmacy you can always buy an iodine solution, which has antiseptic (antimicrobial and antibacterial) and anti-inflammatory properties. It cannot be used to treat deep wounds and abrasions, lubricating the wound itself with iodine. This is due to the high probability of burns on the delicate wound surface. In the future, the damaged area will take longer to heal, and a scar may remain. There is a possibility of developing a psoriatic plaque at the site of application of the iodine solution.

Thus, iodine can be used in case of severe skin damage (cut-laceration, deep abrasion) exclusively around the wound. Its antiseptic properties will help cleanse the skin of germs and prevent infection from entering it.

Iodine is not used after 3 days after receiving a wound (there will be no effect), and it is also not used to treat thermal burns and wounds in the oral cavity.


Zelenka or a solution of brilliant green is an antiseptic, familiar to everyone since childhood. Can be used over the entire surface of the wound, while capturing areas of healthy skin around it to prevent dirt from getting into the damaged skin. It does not burn the wound, unlike iodine, but, on the contrary, stimulates the tissue to heal.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can buy a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy. It is an antiseptic that acts by releasing active oxygen upon contact of liquid with the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. Everyone is familiar with the violent hissing and release of foam when treating a wound. Thanks to this, gentle sterilization of the damaged area occurs, bleeding is reduced, and the wound is cleaned.


Chlorhexidine solution is a very effective antiseptic, but can be used at home to treat wounds only its aqueous solution in concentrations of 0.1% or 0.5% . In this breeding it cannot do any harm. They treat the entire wound surface by rinsing or applying a tampon soaked in the solution for 3 minutes.

The only warning is to use chlorhexidine solution with caution for children under 5 years of age (possibility of allergic reactions).


Miramistin solution can be used as a very effective antiseptic, especially when treating already festered or very contaminated wounds, as well as for irrigating burnt skin surfaces.

A huge plus of the drug is that it does not sting at all, even when washing extensive damage! This antiseptic should be in every first aid kit.


An aqueous solution of furatsilin as an excellent antimicrobial drug is convenient to use not only for washing external wounds on the skin, but also for damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth or inside the nasal passages.

You can buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy, or you can also purchase furatsilin in the form of regular or effervescent soluble tablets.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate is often used to treat wounds, but here you need to understand that a low concentration of potassium permanganate (weak pink solution) should be used. In this case, you need to strictly ensure that undissolved crystals do not get on the skin, otherwise you can aggravate the wound with a chemical burn from potassium permanganate.

It is good to moisten bandages that have dried on abrasions with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to treat a small abrasion or cut

If it is necessary to treat a superficial damage to the skin (a small abrasion, a shallow cut, a torn hangnail), first of all, we wash the wound from dirt with a stream of clean water, blot it with a clean cloth, and then use your choice of any of the above-mentioned drugs, moistening the wound with a swab. Then the damaged area must be covered with an adhesive plaster or bandaged.

Treatment of deep cuts, abrasions, scratches from cat claws and bites

In these cases, you need to use one of the following drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • Miramistin
  • Furacilin.

After washing the wound itself with one of these aqueous solutions, the area around it is wiped with alcohol-containing compounds:

  • iodine
  • brilliant green
  • vodka

After treatment, you need to apply a sterile gauze bandage and provide rest to the injured limb.

If the wound festers or does not heal for a long time, you should see a doctor.

Treatment of minor thermal burns

If the burn from boiling water is small in area (less than the palm of your hand), then you can cope with it with your own means. Immediately after a burn, you should immerse the burned area in cool water with a temperature of 10 to 36 degrees Celsius and hold for up to half an hour. After this, treat the burned area with a solution of furatsilin or miramistin. After the drug has dried, Solcoseryl gel or D-Panthenol cream should be applied to the burned area.

If the burn is more than 10% of the body area, you should apply a sterile bandage to the wound and call an ambulance.

Minor skin injuries are one of the most numerous types of household injuries. Such wounds do not require specialized medical care and usually heal on their own. Correct initial treatment of the injury site will help speed up the healing process and prevent complications.

In case of minor injuries, initial wound treatment is performed right on the spot. You just need to correctly assess the severity of the damage.

What is the difference between a scratch, abrasion, and cut?

Scratch- this is a small wound, damage to the surface layer of the skin in the form of a narrow strip. You can get scratched by a protruding nail, a piece of wood, the edge of a table or chair, or a not very sharp instrument. The scratch results in minor capillary bleeding.

Abrasion- superficial damage to the skin over a certain area. This area is deprived of the epidermis - the upper epithelial layer of the skin. Abrasions most often form from friction between the skin and a rough object - asphalt, concrete, rough fabric. The abrasion may be bloodless or accompanied by minor capillary bleeding.

A cut- more serious damage with a sharp object or instrument (shards of glass, knife, razor). Unlike an abrasion, a cut penetrates the entire depth of the skin, including subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes affects deeper tissues. Cuts may be accompanied by heavy bleeding, including from large vessels. Cuts to the fingers, palms, and feet are very dangerous - tendons can be damaged. Cuts to the abdomen and back may be penetrating wounds requiring immediate surgical treatment.

Any cut with signs of arterial or venous bleeding, a cut of the abdomen and back deeper than a few millimeters, cuts of the fingers, palms and feet with impaired motor functions require emergency measures to stop the bleeding and transport the victim to a medical facility.

How to treat scratches, abrasions, cuts?

Shallow cuts, abrasions and scratches can be treated independently. For this purpose they are used antiseptics- medications that can destroy microorganisms or prevent and suppress their growth. The range of common antiseptics is quite wide and includes both old, long-known and modern drugs.

Diamond green (“zelenka”) 10 ml - 10 rub.

Chemically, it is tetraethyl-4,4-diaminotriphenylmethane oxalate and is one of the aniline dyes. It is rarely used for its direct coloring purpose, but as an antiseptic it is known to every person in Russia. It is most often used as a 1% or 2% alcohol solution, although aqueous solutions with a concentration of 0.1% to 2% are also found. It is used to treat the edges of wounds; it retains an antimicrobial effect for a long time, but does not have a hemostatic effect. It is curious that it is not used anywhere except Russia and the countries of the former USSR, although it is known and even approved for use in some places. Well, Western medicine doesn’t like painted patients.

Iodine solution 10 ml - 15 rub.

Iodine in the form of a 5% alcohol solution is widely used to treat wound edges. By the way, the common pronunciation of “iodine” (through Y) is incorrect and does not correspond to either the pharmacy name of the drug or the chemical nomenclature. Iodine is quite effective, destroying almost all major pathogenic microorganisms and even their spores, but often causes allergic reactions and does not have a hemostatic effect. Recently, iodine as an antiseptic is used less and less, replacing it with other drugs.

Chlorhexidine digluconate (chlorhexidine) 100 ml - 15 rub.

A 0.05-0.1% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate is used to disinfect both the surface of the skin around the wound and the cuts, abrasions, and scratches themselves. Due to its low toxicity, chlorhexidine is suitable for washing wounds in the oral cavity. Does not have a hemostatic effect.

Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) 100 ml - 10 rub.

Hydrogen peroxide (3% aqueous solution) can be used to cleanse small wounds as an antiseptic and hemostatic agent. Long-term use is not recommended as it increases healing time and can lead to scarring.

Modern antiseptic drugs such as miramistin, Octeniman, octeniderm, octenisept are more efficient and convenient, but also significantly more expensive. For example, a 50 ml bottle of Miramistin costs about 150 rubles, and the same amount of octanisept costs more than 200 rubles. Therefore, for minor cuts, scratches and abrasions, purchasing them is hardly advisable. But if these products are present in your home medicine cabinet, then you can use them for disinfection without any fear.

How to properly treat wounds?

Proper treatment of cuts, scrapes and abrasions significantly speeds up healing time and prevents complications.

  • minor injuries do not threaten life and health, so there is no need to panic and aggravate the situation by trying to provide help with dirty hands. Nothing bad will happen after a few minutes of hand washing. A little bleeding will remove most of the debris from the wound.
  • scratches and abrasions with minor bleeding (small droplets that do not flow down the skin) can be completely washed with clean water or antiseptic preparations (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, octeniman, octeniderm, octenisept) and completely lubricated with a solution of iodine or brilliant green. It is better not to apply a bandage; it heals faster in the air. If there is a possibility of contamination, you can apply a loose bandage of a sterile bandage or seal it with a bactericidal plaster.
  • more intense bleeding, but without signs of arterial or venous bleeding, should be stopped independently. To do this, the cut is washed with clean water, the edges of the wound are treated with a solution of iodine or brilliant green, and a pressure bandage is applied with a sterile bandage. Under the bandage, directly on the damaged surface, you can apply a napkin or swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.

Deep wounds with heavy bleeding, especially with signs of arterial bleeding, deep cuts with damage to muscles and tendons should not be treated. After providing emergency assistance to stop bleeding (strong pressure, tight bandage, tourniquet), the victim must be provided with qualified medical care.

Signs of dangerous bleeding and first aid methods can be seen in this video.

One of the most common injuries in humans is wounds. When they occur, the integrity of the skin is compromised and muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and internal organs can be damaged. The area affected depends on the location and depth of the wound.

Classification of wounds

All skin lesions can be classified into a specific type. So, in everyday life, people most often encounter cuts. They are made with sharp objects tangentially. You can cut yourself with a blade, an ordinary knife, or a piece of glass. In case of such damage, it is enough to simply know

But for deep puncture injuries, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Depending on the depth of the puncture, both skin, muscles and internal organs can be affected. There is another type of injury for which it is also better to consult a doctor. These are the so-called chopped wounds. They occur after being struck by a sharp, heavy object, such as an ax. A doctor must assess the complexity of such damage. He will be able to check the integrity of bones, internal organs, and, if necessary, sew up such a wound.

Domestic injuries

Most often, people wonder how to treat a wound when it comes to a shallow cut with a knife, a broken knee, or other simple injuries to the skin and muscles. Even with a small scratch, it is important to properly approach the process of disinfection. In most cases, an ordinary household wound does not pose any threat and can heal without problems. The main danger is that it can become infected. This is what you should pay attention to first.

It is worth knowing that from the point of view of surgeons in everyday life, people usually receive minor injuries. Therefore, if you know how to treat a wound, there is no point in going to the hospital. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the cut is so large and deep that it needs to be stitched. It is also worth going to the emergency room if the wound is deep, there is dirt or foreign bodies in it. So, for example, if you step on a rusty nail, then you should not wait until the puncture site heals itself. It is important to clean out all the dirt in a timely manner and properly treat the wound. Also, many deep, contaminated or bleeding wounds require the administration of anti-tetanus serum.

Action tactics

If you have a minor domestic injury, you can figure out on your own how to properly treat the wound. First of all, it must be washed with soap. This must be done from the center to the outer edges. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse by increasing the number of microbes in the middle. But if you just use a clean, sharp knife, you can skip this step.

After this, you can begin to disinfect the damaged area. To do this, it is important to know how to treat a wound. So, the problem area must be filled with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide is considered the ideal option. By the way, it is highly undesirable to use cotton wool for any cuts. If its fibers get inside, it will be very difficult to get them out. And they will contribute to the development of infection. In this case, healing of the damaged area will be difficult. It is advisable to treat the edges of the wound with iodine solution. This will prevent the introduction of germs from adjacent areas of the skin. But pouring it inside the cut is strictly prohibited!

After this, the wound must be covered with a sterile napkin, which will need to be secured with a plaster or bandage. Please note that the bandage must be changed as it begins to get wet. The damaged area can be moistened with peroxide each time.

When to go to the hospital

If you doubt that you can provide yourself with qualified help, and the wound you receive seems too large and deep, then it is better to go to the doctor. The specialist will properly wash it, disinfect it and apply a sterile bandage. If necessary, he will stitch it up and inject you with anti-tetanus serum. It is also necessary to see a specialist if you received an injury more than 6 hours ago, and during this period of time you did not have the opportunity to properly treat it. Wounds in which bleeding cannot be stopped must be shown to a doctor. This may be due to damage to large vessels.

You should not continue to self-medicate if you see the appearance of exudate in the wound. Even if you know how to treat a purulent wound, you should show it to a specialist. He will be able to choose the most appropriate tactics of action.

Signs of infection

Every person should not only know how to treat an open wound, but also be aware of what indicates deterioration of the condition. So, a sign that bacteria continue to multiply in it will be the following factors:

Swelling of the edges, their inflammation;

Redness of the skin around the affected area;

Temperature increase;

Shooting or stabbing pain at the incision site.

When the condition is neglected, a general reaction of the body may begin, a fever may appear. Infection is also accompanied by general malaise.

The next stage will be the appearance of exudate. In this case, the doctor must decide what to do next with the damaged area. He may prescribe one of the water-soluble ointments. These include “Levomekol”, “Dioxidine ointment 5%”, “Furagel”, “Streptonitol”, “Miramistin 0.5%”, “Nitacid” and a number of others. The doctor will also explain how to treat a purulent wound and prescribe an antiseptic. It can be in the form of a solution, for example, “Dimephosphon 15%”, “Furagin potassium 0.2%”, “Iodopirone” or an aerosol - “Gentazol”, “Dioxysol”. The listed drugs should not be prescribed to yourself; they should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition.

How to treat damage at home

If you have a shallow, fresh wound, then you can figure out what needs to be done on your own. But for this it is important that you have a stocked first aid kit. It’s not enough to just know how to treat a wound; you also need to have the right tools at hand.

It is advisable that every first aid kit contain a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is a universal antiseptic that can be safely poured even on open wounds. An alcohol solution of brilliant green is capable of destroying pathological microorganisms that may be in the wound. The advantage of this drug is that it is able to retain its antiseptic properties for a long time.

Fukortsin is less known in our country, but it can also be used for disinfection. It is suitable for treating any area of ​​the skin, including mucous membranes. This bright crimson-colored drug washes off the skin better than brilliant green. But it has contraindications - breastfeeding and pregnancy.

When figuring out how to treat a wound, don’t forget about iodine. Its solution cannot be poured onto an open area of ​​damage, but it is ideal for treating its edges. It will prevent bacteria from neighboring areas of the skin from entering the wound site.

How to treat a wound with peroxide

Unfortunately, not all people who have encountered household wounds believe that they need to be treated. As a result, some of them become clients of surgeons. But it’s not at all difficult to figure out how to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide and cover the affected area with a gauze bandage or adhesive plaster.

If you have a regular household cut, then fill it with this antiseptic. Please note that the wound should be watered generously with peroxide and not blotted. As a result, you should see the solution foaming. This will not only ensure good disinfection of the damaged area, but will also help remove small particles of dirt from the wound that are not visible to the naked eye. After this, you can apply a medical bandage folded in several layers or a gauze bandage to the wound.

Damage in children

Very often, parents wonder how to treat a child’s wound. If you have a baby in the house, then the first aid kit must be equipped with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, fucorcin or an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. The tactics for dealing with cuts in children should be the same as for injuries to the skin of adults.

The difficulty is that children often do not give the opportunity to treat the wound. But this is not the case when you need to feel sorry for the baby. Parents should do everything possible to wash the damaged area and treat it properly. At this time, there is no point in scolding the baby, you need to calm him down and try to explain what exactly you are doing with his wound.

Animal bites

Unfortunately, some people experience another type of skin damage. If you are bitten by a dog, you need to treat the damaged area as soon as possible. To do this you will need hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. But you shouldn’t douse the bites with alcohol, cologne or iodine. This will only make the situation worse. Alcohol burns the wound, causing it to become even more injured. Please note that you may need information on how to treat a deep wound with ragged edges.

After washing the damaged area with peroxide, it is better to see a doctor. Perhaps he will decide that it is better to sew up the edges of the wound or simply treat it further. In some situations, it is better to remove damaged tissues, as they can be a source of infection.

Surgical debridement

Many people believe that they can cope with a cut or puncture of any complexity on their own. Some of the victims underestimate the seriousness of the situation, while others are simply afraid to go to the doctor. But in some cases it is simply necessary. After all, only a specialist knows how to treat an open wound without introducing additional infection into it. But often surgeons have to work with those lesions in which pus has already begun to accumulate.

The specialist can remove dead areas, make a decompression incision, clean the wound and, if necessary, apply stitches. Severe lesions may even require skin grafting.