Turns black under a gold ring. Why does the skin turn black from gold, or a gold ring and a black finger

It is believed that a dark mark appears under a gold product when its owner is sick or exposed to ill-wishers.

In fact, the answer to the question “why do fingers turn black from gold rings” is much simpler and has nothing to do with diseases or the evil eye.

Composition of gold jewelry

The highest 999 gold is not used to make jewelry, as the pure metal is quite soft and can easily be deformed when worn. To increase wear resistance, various impurities are added to it. The types and allowable amount of such additives are strictly regulated, so high-quality gold products do not lose their appearance and do not leave dark marks on the skin.

Copper, which is known for its tendency to darken and oxidize, is added to the alloy for the manufacture of products from yellow and red gold. The higher the percentage of its content, the higher the likelihood that the ring will react with the skin and turn it dark.

White gold often contains silver and palladium, but the jewelry is very expensive. To reduce their cost, nickel is used, which, if the proportions are not observed, can leave black marks on the skin.

The appearance of a strip under the ring indicates that the ratio of pure metal and impurities was violated during production, while the quality of the product is considered to be quite low.

Other causes of black marks

There are several more reasons why fingers turn black from gold rings:

  • Stress. When a person is nervous, his palms sweat, sweat can react with the components in the ring through microcracks on its surface (relevant for low-quality products).
  • polishing paste. Before selling, the jewelry is treated with a special compound, if it is poorly washed off, traces will remain on the skin.
  • With long wear, the ring is damaged, dirt, skin secretions, and hand cream accumulate in the notches. That is why it may not darken immediately, but after a few years.

It is impossible to check the quality of a gold ring on your own, the sample does not matter. To avoid blackening, you should purchase jewelry only in large stores or from reliable craftsmen.

Many people choose gold jewelry not only because of its visual appeal, but also because gold, especially high-carat gold, does not come into contact with oxygen and, as a result, does not oxidize. However, cases when fingers turn black under gold rings are not so rare. What is the reason for this phenomenon, and what effect does the quality of the metal have on its appearance?

Reasons why fingers turn black under gold rings

Seeing the darkened skin under the gold jewelry, its owner begins to sort out in his mind the possible reasons why such a phenomenon could occur. It is obvious that initially the metal still darkens, and the skin, which is in constant contact with it, only takes on the dark pigment.

It is worth knowing that gold can turn black for the following reasons:

Low quality metal

As you know, it has a minimum amount of impurities in its composition and, as a result, it does not oxidize at all when interacting with oxygen. However, such gold is very soft and has little resistance to physical impacts, deforming from slight pressure. That is why the jewelry industry uses alloys of pure gold with other metals.

The more impurities in the alloy, the lower its sample. So, it contains a large amount of copper, which is very susceptible to oxidative processes. That is why rings made of such metal turn black rather quickly, upsetting their owner.

Processing the product with polishing paste

Perhaps the most innocuous reason why fingers under a gold ring can darken. After manufacturing, all products are processed with polishing paste, and before sale they are cleaned. In the event that traces of this substance remain on the jewelry, when interacting with the skin, they will instantly turn into black spots. Getting rid of them is easy - just wash your hands and the product.

Using hand cream

Some creams contain substances that can come into contact with gold and other metals that are part of the alloy used to make the product. In order to get rid of unwanted pigmentation on the skin, it is enough to replace the care product used with another, better one.

allergic reactions

Sometimes the finger turns black under gold jewelry due to a banal allergy. In this case, you should contact an allergist and, if the suspicion is confirmed, replace gold items with jewelry made from less allergenic metals.

Increased sweating

If a person sweats a lot for any reason, the skin under the ring may darken due to the interaction of sweat secretions with the metal of the jewelry. In the event that sweating increases due to stress or other short-term factors, no action is required - the problem will resolve itself as soon as excess moisture disappears under the ring.


Such a banal reason as metal contamination can also cause darkening of the skin under the ring. Dust, mixing with natural skin secretions (fat and sweat), forms a film of an unpleasant dirty shade on the surface of the ring. To get rid of this kind of blackness, it costs only

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The finger under the ring turns black - what does the sign say?

Ions of different metals are necessary for the human body. That is why our body can interact with jewelry, as if “drawing in” their smallest particles. Usually this happens with copper or silver - the latter generally darkens very quickly due to sweat (or any other moisture).

  • If the finger turns black under the golden ring - the sign advises to take a closer look at your surroundings or take care of your health.

Rational sign: why does the finger turn black under the golden ring?

Cosmetics and more

Having noticed incomprehensible dark marks on your fingers, think first of all about possible everyday nuances. For example, about the quality of water for washing, creams and other cosmetics. Also, chemicals in the composition of washing powders, gels, and dishwashing detergents can interact with the precious metal.

  • It’s easy to check the guess: take off your jewelry when bathing and cleaning, give up your usual creams for a while and see if there will be changes?

metal quality

It is possible that the jewelry initially does not meet the stated standards.

  • A proven sign: if a finger turns black under a gold ring, you are most likely the owner of a fake.

Or there are impurities in gold that do not affect the quality in general, but personally cause a skin reaction in you.

Individual intolerance

Very rarely there are facts of individual intolerance to precious metals. In these cases, the owner of the jewelry asks a reasonable question: why do fingers turn black from gold rings, if this has not happened before? Alas! The allergen is able to accumulate, so there is nothing surprising in such a delayed reaction. Another thing is that a true allergy usually reports itself with a complex of symptoms - along with blackening or redness of the skin, itching, swelling, and small rashes should appear. Found something similar - see a doctor!

For diseases

There are other reasons for taking tests when a dark rim appears on the finger. Gold is not oxidized by the sweat of a healthy person, but it can react when its composition changes - during stress, endocrine diseases, hormonal disruptions. A black stripe on the skin should be an alarm: probably not everything is in order with your body.

Why gold turns black on the finger - a mystical omen

Gold is a metal with incredibly powerful energy, so it has been used since ancient times to create protective amulets. The ring on the finger is the perfect amulet. Properly selected decoration can not only

Indeed, what you just won’t believe when a black rim appears on the finger of the hand where a golden ring flaunted during the day. One of the most common reasons is the small amount of gold in the item and the many alloys added to it. Another reason is often referred to as problems caused by the state of speaking - disease. Why does the skin turn black from gold? Maybe jinxed its owner?

Love, ring, organism

Sometimes it is enough not to use the cream to which you are accustomed to get rid of this phenomenon - the black line from the ring. Some creams contain mercury in small amounts. Interacting with gold, it is on the skin. Or cream in a bucket, or not to wear gold, there is no third way.

There is a widespread opinion why the skin turns black from gold - from the fact that there are problems with the liver or the state of the endocrine system. In the human body there are electrical charges, each person has their own individual. In contact with the skin, gold forms a galvanic couple, a kind of microbattery. On different parts of the hand, it "works" in different ways. It happens that on some finger the skin turns black, but on others it does not.

Causal relationship

Sometimes the question of why the skin turns black from gold is very simple to check: when processing gold, it is used. If the product is poorly washed, then the paste may leave dark stripes from the ring or chain on the skin for some time. After some time, the paste will wash off and the ring will no longer leave dark marks on the finger.

Sometimes the underlying reason is that the person has nickel used in precious metal alloys. The phenomenon of electrolysis (a chemical reaction caused by the reaction of the skin with metals) enhances the makeup or cream used on the hands. If the alloy contains copper, then the skin can not only turn black, but also turn green.

More reasons why the skin turns black from gold

The cheapness of products that are passed off as gold may be the answer to the question of why the skin darkens from gold. Sometimes the data indicated in the certificate does not correspond to the content that is actually in the gold jewelry. There is no need to purchase jewelry where there is no firm confidence that the gold jewelry really corresponds to the specified certificate.

In addition, there is a theory that human sweat changes its composition if any disease occurs and changes its structure. Perhaps there is a rational grain in the theory and it makes sense to check health. The practice of wearing rings suggests that the same ring can leave or not leave black circles on the skin at different periods of a person's life. Poor-quality cosmetics, creams containing mercury are probably to blame for this, but it won’t hurt anyone to check their health once again.

Precious metals affect a person in different ways, everyone knows that there are no products made of pure gold for sale, since the metal is very soft and expensive. The content of gold in jewelry corresponds to such an indicator as a sample. The higher its value, the more gold is contained in the product. It may well be that the prejudice that the skin darkens from gold is unjustified, since it darkens from the alloys that it contains.

It is believed that people who eat a large amount of meat can also become the object of gold's "dislike" for the skin, expressed in the fact that you have to ask yourself and your friends why the skin turns black from gold. It is believed that a lot is released with sweat and this contributes to contact with nickel or copper added to the alloy. Although there is no scientifically proven data in this regard.

It's no secret that gold has long been considered a sign of a person's wealth and success. Therefore, products must be suitable in style, as well as correspond to the status of a person. I would like to choose the most beautiful gold jewelry, a ring, a chain, earrings that would last a long time. But after wearing jewelry for a long time, many are wondering why the finger turns black under the gold ring? Moreover, this problem most often concerns rings, since the products are in close contact with the skin and many practically do not remove the product from their hands.

Finger blackened under a gold ring

List of causes of blackening of the skin

But how to explain this reaction is not clear to many. Since gold is a noble metal, it should not somehow show its interaction with other substances. But the skin can not only turn black, but also acquire a green tint. Why does a finger turn black from a gold ring at different periods? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Poor quality decoration. The thing is that there are a lot of scammers in the jewelry industry. They sell low-quality goods, which are not only below the declared sample, but also may contain dangerous impurities. Such products are called samovar and are sold by individuals on trays or in other places where there are no product certificates. All this leads to the fact that a person overpays for a cheap product, which contains a lot of alloys that oxidize with the skin and leave traces. As a result, traces of blackening disappear if you stop wearing the product. To prevent this from happening, buy jewelry only in stores with a proven history or from large jewelry factories. Items must be stamped with a hallmark indicating the amount of pure gold in the item.
  • Repairing jewelry or buying new rings. It so happens that after any type of repair, the jeweler forgot to wipe the product from the inside, and those chemicals that were on the inside were imprinted on the hand and the skin under the ring changed in color. Of course, such traces are short-lived and you should not worry about this. To quickly wash off the remnants of substances from the ring, dip the jewelry in warm water and wash with soap and water. Jewelry paste will also wash off your hands after 2-3 days. This rarely happens with new products, because before putting them up for sale, consultants thoroughly wipe the product.
  • Stressful situations also explain the phenomenon of why the skin turns black. They contribute to the production of sweat, which affects the gold product. Gold itself does not react in any way to human sweat or other chemicals, but impurities that are found in the ligature of products are sensitive to this. And since it is the feet and hands that produce a fairly large amount of sweat, this effect is not surprising. Also, a large production of biological fluids may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia or disorders of the nervous system. Try to avoid stressful situations or wear rings not every day. Eating large amounts of meat can speed up the blackening process, which saturates the sweat with nitrogen compounds that react with the ligature. And the composition of sweat can also change due to hormonal imbalances. Problems with the kidneys or thyroid gland can contribute to change. Therefore, if you see that a blackening reaction has occurred and it is clearly not related to the quality of the product, contact a specialist. This applies to cases of spontaneous opacification.
  • The processes of oxidation and, accordingly, blackening of the skin can occur due to the action of chemicals. This is especially true for household chemicals. The ligature in the alloy can be sensitive to powders, cleaners and detergents. In this case, the finger turns black from the gold ring, which has reacted with household chemicals. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from wearing rings during cleaning. If you do not want to remove the jewelry, protect yourself with gloves.
  • Hand creams or other hygiene products, as well as certain medications, can cause a skin darkening reaction. Of course, creams also react to jewelry only if mixed with sweat and in contact with the ligature in the alloy. Of the drugs, mercury ointment or substances that contain mercury can give a reaction. In this case, the finger and even the gold itself darken, since this is the only metal with which it reacts.
  • Allergic reaction. This is rare because gold allergy is rare and manifests differently than pigmentation. But ligature allergy is a common side effect of wearing a ring. Nickel often gives such a reaction. Therefore, if you know that you are allergic to metals, ask about the composition of the alloy from which your jewelry is made. If it contains metals such as zinc, cobalt, nickel, then it is better to refuse to buy the product so as not to get an allergic reaction. Even if this happens, consult a dermatologist for advice. Most likely, you will be prescribed antihistamines and ointments with an anti-allergic effect.
  • From an unscientific point of view, it is believed that gold is a metal that has the ability to attract the evil eye and envious glances. There is a sign that if you were jinxed or wished evil, gold will take away the negative, and a blackening mark may appear on the skin. The trace also appears if you accumulate negative emotions in yourself. In this case, you need to contact the church to cleanse the soul. Since the hypothesis is untested, it is better to stick to the traditional reasons.

Gold is a noble and neutral metal. In order for it to react with the skin, you need to mix a lot of components. You should not refuse gold rings completely if the skin has turned black, for example, due to chemicals or care products. Blackening usually disappears within a week and does not leave any marks. If you follow the rules of hygiene and protect the product, the skin under the gold ring will not darken.

Most often, the ligature is responsible for such reactions. Therefore, blackening can be avoided if you buy high quality jewelry from a quality manufacturer.