Scratched her heels stories of history. Funny pictures

The writing

Brief review of V. Shalamov's story Someone else's bread.
The story of ChH was written in 1967, after V.T. Shalamov left the camp. In conclusion, the author
spent a total of eighteen years, and all his work is devoted to the theme of camp life.
A distinctive feature of his heroes is that they no longer hope for anything and
believe. They have lost all human feelings, except for hunger and cold. It is in the story of ChH that
The characteristic of the camp is especially pronounced. The comrade entrusted the main character with a little bag with
bread It was extremely difficult for him to restrain himself from touching the soldering: +I didn’t sleep+ because in
I had bread in my head.+ You can imagine how hard it was for the camper then. But the main thing is that
helped to maintain self-respect. You cannot compromise your pride, conscience and honor in any way.
circumstances. And the main character showed not only all these qualities, but also the strength of character,
will, patience. He did not eat the bread of his comrade, and thus, no matter how he betrayed him, remained to him
correct. I believe that this act is important primarily for the hero himself. He remained faithful
as much to his comrade as to himself: And I fell asleep, proud that I had not stolen my comrade's bread.
This story made a big impression on me. It fully reflects those terrible,
unbearable conditions in which the life of the camp passed. And yet the author shows that the Russian
man, no matter what, does not deviate from his convictions and principles. And it helps in some way.
degree to him to survive.

Chat between colleagues.
xxx: Dim, current shhhh
yyy: oh!
xxx: there's some paperclips, dude!
xxx: do you have any paper clips?
xxx: Paperclip output
xxx: bro, the heel really remains
yyy: for that with staples everything is even
yuu: come, I won’t deprive you, fuck!
xxx: Yes, I have to fasten at least half of the documentary, pzdts have not fastened for a long time
xxx: I tried to fix it with my fingers
xxx: not that BITCH
xxx: fuck
yoo: no life at all
xxx: not rushing...

Dog Diary:
8:00 Dog food! Favorite food!
9:00 a.m. Let's go in the car! Love!
9:40 Walk in the park! The most wonderful walk!
11:00 Scratched behind the ear! I love people!
11:30 Gave a bone! My favorite meal!
14:00 We play in the garden! My favorite place!
14:20 Waving my tail! Favourite hobby!
17:00 Dog food! Favorite food!
18:00 Let's play ball! My favourite game!
20:00 Watching TV! My favourite hobby!
22:00 Sleeping on the mat! My favorite place!
Diary of a cat:
956 day of my imprisonment...

Most, when they go to bed, cover themselves with a blanket so that even the heel does not stick out, because if even one centimeter of the body sticks out, then someone will grab you from under the bed, drag you away and eat you!

If you are learning to play the piano, then in one of the first lessons you should
to your student throughout the text of works (and this is sometimes dozens
pages) SPACING fingers: make notes which note which finger
play. If you do this from time to time, then the student has time to memorize the wrong ones.
fingers that are only good for slow tempo, but for fast
sure to cause an accident or clumsiness.

Therefore, one often has to spend a whole lesson on this laborious task.
For the teacher - hard work, and for the student - green longing. For the whole
the teacher’s lesson to him, maybe only 3-4 times will turn (check, they say,
Are my fingers comfortable for you I wrote here?)

And if you teach to play the organ (the legs have their own keyboard on it),
so more work. It is necessary to make notes: left sock,
right heel, left heel, etc.

There is a bus stop in front of the conservatory. Two students enter, continuing
already begun conversation: “Did you go to your professor?” - "I went, but
He hasn't done anything to me today. A whole hour was carried - that's all
spread my legs, and when, finally, spread, so there is already the next
the student has arrived.

Shocked by what they heard, the passengers whispered for a long time and twisted

Well, morals in this conservatory!

My husband is a native city dweller, but while my grandfather was alive, we went to the village
We went to visit, my husband managed to see something from the village life. Yesterday
in the morning I watch how our janitor rapes a scythe, I call to see my husband
this is a "brawl". His Conclusion: "No, she won't succeed, she
puts the heel wrong. "I am delighted with his knowledge, yes, indeed
The scythe has a "heel" that should be just below the blade. But something me
twitched to clarify:
- And how to put the heel?
The husband becomes in a ballet pose, as we danced in kindergarten
"heel-toe, top-top-top" and imitate mowing, shows HOW.
It turns out that he thought that the main thing when mowing is CORRECT STATEMENT
Petipa, damn it.

when you come to the hospital, you are being treated. neither there nor there you are required to have a deep knowledge of your own, not your profession. so what the hell admins require otherwise? something is up =(

apparently because you don’t come to the hospital, because your heel itches, moreover, if your heel itches, you don’t try to first saw it off with a rusty saw, then pour iodine on it, and then only call the doctor and he’s full of horror look to answer that it somehow happened, you did not touch anything.