Chihuahua what are the varieties. Chihuahua types

What are the types of Chihuahua - the question is of interest to many fans of these cute crumbs, who like their funny appearance and loyal character. In this article we will try to give the most detailed answer to it.

Before talking about the differences, it is necessary to highlight the common features characteristic of these dogs:

  • average life expectancy is about 12 years;
  • tiny height (from 15 to 23 cm) and weight (from 500 gr. to 3 kg);
  • the head is shaped like an apple, there is a fontanel on top - an unossified part of the skull;
  • pronounced transition from the forehead to the nose;
  • muzzle pointed, large erect ears, large dark eyes;
  • characterized by high activity;
  • smart, easy to train;
  • wool is of different colors;
  • they are distinguished by a devoted and friendly character, they treat children well.

Each dog has its own individual characteristics, but these signs are common to representatives of the breed.

Officially accepted varieties

There are species recognized by professional cynologists, and there are those that are artificially bred by breeders for profit, the so-called false types. Let us consider in more detail which of them dog breeders refer to as generally accepted.
Animals are divided into several subtypes. First of all, there are long-haired and smooth-haired dogs.

For long-haired, the presence of soft, non-curly hair of a fine structure is characteristic. There is an undercoat of low density. More elongated hair is observed in the area of ​​the ears, neck, back of the paws and tail.

For smooth-haired, a shorter and denser coat is characteristic, which is adjacent to the body. It is soft and smooth to the touch, in some areas the hairs can be slightly longer than on the whole body.

If a dog has a mixed or intermediate type of coat, then this is considered a deviation from the norm.
Based on the parameters of the physique, there are varieties of cobby and dir.

Cobbies have a dense and stocky body structure, in addition to these characteristics, they can be distinguished by the following features:

  • large head;
  • large round eyes, located far from each other and a snub nose, due to which they are also called "baby face";
  • the ears are not too large, set far apart, wider at the base;
  • well developed chest;
  • small, dense, developed limbs;
  • powerful tail with a seal in the middle;
  • the coat is dense with a pronounced undercoat;
  • when moving, they push off with their hind legs, making a strong push.

Chihuahua dirs are similar in structure to tiny deer, which is why they are also called "deer-like".

Such animals are characterized by the following features:

  1. small head;
  2. elongated muzzle;
  3. large ears, reminiscent of bat ears;
  4. small chest;
  5. paws are long and thin;
  6. the tail is long and thin;
  7. coat of moderate density, almost no undercoat;
  8. to move, they have to take more steps, because their legs push off much weaker than those of the cobby.

Both body types are recognized by dog ​​breeders, but more often kobbies are preferred for breeding.

Interestingly, these varieties of the Chihuahua breed are rarely found in their pure form, most animals have the features of both, which is quite acceptable.

False types

In addition to these options, there are other body types of dogs of this breed. They are also called intrabreeding lines.

  • It must be taken into account that these options are not recognized by serious cynologists and are unlikely to be able to participate in exhibition activities.

Therefore, if you intend to breed, choose individuals that meet the standards as closely as possible.

Domestic breeders have bred subspecies that differ from the generally accepted ones. Let's consider them in more detail:

Pekingese subtype - they are distinguished by an overly snub nose and bulging eyes that make these dogs unlike ordinary representatives of the breed and give an external resemblance to pugs. These individuals have vices and shortcomings that exclude the possibility of further breeding and participation in exhibitions.

Aboriginal species - animals are characterized by such characteristics as excessively tall compared to others and a pointed insufficiently round shape of the skull, too small a distance between the eyes and ears.
The English subspecies is characterized by a rough weighty physique.

The extreme subtype is characterized by such features as a large forehead, very bug-eyed eyes, a strong snub nose and very short limbs, which makes it difficult for babies to move around.
The exotic subtype is similar to the previous one, it is distinguished only by the smaller size of the individuals.

  • Classic - resembles the deer type, but the shape of the skull is simplified, the forehead is flat, the muzzle is strongly lowered, and the feet are located at the wrong angle.

The price of purebred dogs is much higher than the cost of false types, which is why breeders are breeding them.

Possible vices and shortcomings

Deviations from the standards are divided into shortcomings and vices.

Dogs have the following disadvantages:

  • the absence of some teeth or the presence of double;
  • jaw deformity;
  • very pointed ears;
  • excessively short neck;
  • stretched body;
  • too short legs;
  • hind legs are too close;
  • inverted position of the elbows;
  • an incorrectly set, twisted or too small tail.

The International Cynologists Federation admits the possibility of some deviations in physique and proportions between body parts. However, they should be as close to standards as possible.

Separately, we list the vices that will lead to disqualification:

  1. pronounced aggression or cowardice in behavior;
  2. drooping or short ears;
  3. very elongated body;
  4. absence of a tail;
  5. the presence of bare skin in smooth-haired individuals;
  6. too long, thin or shaggy coat in long-haired dogs;
  7. weight over 3 kg;
  8. the presence of a large fontanel.

Height restrictions

These dogs are the smallest of all living on the planet. The Guinness Book of Records lists the dog of this breed Boo-boo, which is considered the smallest dog. Her height is 10 cm in height and 16 in length, and her weight is 675 grams.

However, officially professional dog handlers do not distinguish such types of Chihuahua as mini or supermini. Such deviations are considered a disease of dwarfism or the result of untimely birth.

Excessively small dogs are not suitable for further breeding and participation in exhibitions.

In addition, they have a more fragile body structure than their counterparts, an incomplete set of teeth and reduced immunity.

Their life span is no more than 10 years. Caring for such a pet will require a lot of effort and time, so it is worth assessing all the risks before purchasing.

The rules for caring for micro pets are as follows:

  • miniature dogs cannot be dropped;
  • you need to look under your feet all the time so as not to step on the baby;
  • children should not be allowed to play with pets, as they may die as a result of careless handling;
  • you can not take them with you to bed, this can result in a fall and injury;
  • exclude the possibility of playing with other animals;


  • for puppies, a diet should be observed: they are not given barley porridge and milk in order to avoid health problems;
  • do not skip feeding puppies, this can cause hypoglycemia in the pet and lead to his death;
  • for some time the little dog is fed pre-chewed food;
  • do not let the kids get a lot of stress, this is also fraught with hypoglycemia and seizures.

When purchasing such pets, be careful: they often have genetic diseases of the organs of vision, respiration, the cardiovascular system, etc. Don't trust breeders who talk about new varieties. Of course, not all representatives of intrabreed deviations are ugly and sick, but it is better to play it safe.

Study the established standards in advance, this will help you avoid problems and worries with a sick pet. Focus on the puppy's pedigree, the show achievements of the parents and the experience of dog breeders.

Remember that whatever variety of Chihuahua you choose, it is your responsibility to take care of it and provide care. Each dog is individual, but it will always respond to the love and care of the owner.

Chihuahuas are considered one of the most ancient breeds and these dogs are associated with the Mayan and Aztec tribes. But until recently, they were not even heard of ... What provoked the frenzied popularity of these crumbs, and how, in addition to size, do they bribe their admirers?

Given the antiquity of the breed, it is no wonder that a lot of legends and conjectures hovers around its origin. However, there is little information, according to which, in the 5th century AD, tiny long-haired dogs, “techichi”, which may have been mute, already lived on the site of modern Mexico. They lived among the Toltec tribes, but there are also theories that they came from even earlier Inca tribes. Experts suggest that the Techichi were the ancestors of the modern Chihuahua.

In the period from the 14th to the 19th centuries, there was practically no information about dogs of this breed, and they were on the verge of extinction. But in 1800 in America they decided to revive the Chihuahua, and they found several purebred dogs in peasant families living near the ruins of the last ruler of the Aztecs, Montezuma. The path of these little dogs to popularity was very long and thorny, however, today they are distributed all over the world and are very popular.

Description of the Chihuahua breed

According to the accepted standard, the growth of representatives of the breed is not fixed, and more attention is paid to the weight of these dogs. Maximum weight chihuahua body - 3 kg, minimum - 500 g. Ideally, this figure should vary from 1.5 to 2.5 kg.

However, breeders still defined unspoken standards: growth dogs weighing less than 2 kg - 17-23 cm, from 2 to 3 kg - 25 cm. Unlike other breeds, Chihuahua females are slightly taller than males. In the latter, “unsightly” growth is especially valued.

Ideal representatives of the breed have a square format, this quality is especially pronounced in males. In females, the body may be slightly longer than its height.

Head in dogs, it is small and has the shape of an “apple”, with ears that are wide at the base and tapering towards the tips. According to the standard, the auricles must stand - a semi-standing position is a disadvantage, and if they hang down, then the dog will be disqualified. In babies, the ears are hanging, but gradually rise. Ideally, this happens by 3 months.

There are 2 varieties of this breed:

  • Smooth-haired - dogs with short, smooth hair that fits snugly to the body.
  • Long-haired - in this case, the coat can be straight or slightly wavy, but not curly. Dogs have a dewlap in the tail area and a collar.

What are the colors of the Chihuahua?

The following colors are accepted as standard:

In addition, Chihuahuas are blue, purple or red. Other color options are also possible, but the standard allows them only if the dog is elite, but not mestizo.

The nature of the representatives of the breed

Despite their decorativeness, Chihuahuas have very developed protective qualities. Sensing danger, this dog is not only able to raise barking throughout the house, but even rush at an uninvited guest and bite.

If tiny terriers need regular intense exercise, then it is enough for a chihuahua to run around the house and go to the toilet in the tray. Such unpretentiousness allows people with health problems and elderly dog ​​lovers to get a Chihuahua puppy. Of course, the baby will not refuse street walks and will enjoy them, then it is not necessary to take him out daily.

Small, calm and even-tempered, the dog of this breed is an excellent companion. He can accompany the owner everywhere - in a purse, in a pocket or in a bosom. This is a wonderful property, because if the owner does not want to leave his crumb dog alone, he does not have to do this.

Chihuahuas suffer from the so-called "mole syndrome", that is, they like to burrow into fabric - a blanket, bedspread or blanket, creating a kind of nest out of it. Experts attribute this habit to the fact that these dogs are cold, and in this way they keep warm.

Representatives of this breed are very fond of children, however, such a pet is not recommended to start in a family with kids. And the point is not at all in the character of the dog, but in its small size. Even a baby who cannot walk yet can inadvertently injure a Chihuahua.

These dogs do a great job as the only pet, but they also get along well with other pets. Possible problems may arise during street walks, since Chihuahuas are by nature very cocky and brave, they can get into a fight with dogs that are larger than them - and these are almost all dogs.

Such situations are deadly for these pets. To avoid incidents, it is recommended to use a harness with a leash or a tape measure for walking, which will give the dog a certain freedom, but at the same time the owner will control his actions and can always intervene. Chihuahuas are fragile, brave, funny pets, they become real family members, loyal and affectionate.

Chihuahua training

Many people think that since the dog is small, he does not need to be educated and trained. But this is a delusion. If you do not pay attention to this aspect, the pet will be self-willed and allow itself what, as a rule, dogs are not allowed. Usually the first skill that the owners of these pet dogs begin training with is potty training. This is easy for dogs to digest.

It is important to teach the puppy to respond to the nickname, and for this the owner must pronounce it clearly, confidently and calmly. At the beginning of training, the dog can be encouraged, even if he looks at the owner when he hears his name. If the first attempt was not successful, it should be repeated after a while. You do not need to call the dog often and several times, otherwise he will not understand that this set of rapidly repeating sounds is nothing more than his nickname and will not be able to remember it.

Usually Chihuahuas learn the skill of responding very quickly. But here are other commands that can cause significant difficulties. First of all, the owner of a small dog must understand the essence of its training. It lies in the fact that the dog must remember the correct algorithm for executing the command and take into account the wishes of the owner.

Naturally, the “whip” method, which people often use when training their four-legged pets, is strictly prohibited in this case! In general, to apply physical force to dogs today is considered at least savagery. Therefore, there is only one option - the method of encouragement.

It is recommended to start training from the basics - the dog must learn the commands "Place!", "Lie down!", "Sit!" And since all dogs react primarily to intonation, you should choose the most suitable one. It should be the same for all trainings, the commands should be pronounced clearly, moderately loud (you should not shout), and you do not need to swallow sounds.

Do not think that the owner should be a leader only for a large pet. And in the case of such a tiny dog, this rule works. If he does not see the leader in the owner, he may simply refuse to complete the tasks. Yes, and with discipline in this case it will be much more difficult. Chihuahua training is a long-term event, the owner will have to give the pet a set of the same commands day after day, because he will only execute them when associations with words begin to arise in his head.

How to take care of a small pet?

When purchasing such a baby, owners should be prepared for various aspects of its content:

  • . As already noted, Chihuahuas are different from other dogs, as they do not require daily 2-time walks. To make toilet cleaning easier, many homeowners use a tray and disposable diapers that are changed regularly. But it should be borne in mind that representatives of this breed do not tolerate separation very well, so the owners often take their crumbs with them.
  • and drying chihuahua. This aspect requires special attention, as the dog's fur gets dirty very quickly. Bathing the baby is required often - once every one and a half weeks. After walking, he needs to wash his paws, and at any time of the year. The dogs of this breed are dried in a special way - they are wrapped in a towel with a dense terry pile and held in their arms until the fabric absorbs water. After that, special conditioners are used, most conveniently in the form of a spray. In addition, you can dry your pet with a hairdryer, this will avoid catching a cold. After the coat is completely dry, you need to comb it using a special brush suitable for the type of coat.
  • Caring for your pet's claws, teeth and ears. is mandatory and should be done at least twice a month. It is important during the procedure to ensure that the blade does not go on the pink base, and only the keratinized tip is cut off. Note to owners - the claws on the hind limbs do not grow as fast as on the front ones. Ears are cleaned to these dogs every time after a bath day. This can be done using a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or a special solution. Hairs that can grow in the auricles must be removed, as they are fertile ground for the reproduction of ear mites. These dogs need professional dental care, so the owner will have to take the pet once a month for a routine checkup and cleaning of the tooth enamel from plaque and tartar.

Features of feeding

The size of the daily portion of food for an adult Chihuahua is calculated as follows - 50-80 grams per 1 kg of body weight. The portion increases if the dog is hyperactive, as well as during the growth period - up to 8 months.

On average, a 2 kg dog gets 150 grams of food. Of it, 2/3 servings should consist of protein foods, the rest should be plant foods. The exception is the lactation period, in which case the diet is increased by 1/3, and the supplement should consist of foods that are sources of calcium.

But sea fish can often be present on the Chihuahua menu, except for pollock. This fish contains substances that impede the absorption of iron and provoke the development of this breed. The fish is given carefully cleaned of bones. Turkey, chicken, rabbit are allowed to be given, but also pitted. The source of carbohydrates are cereals - rice, buckwheat, and calcium - fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.

In addition to feeding natural food, owners can choose another option - canned food or dry food. balanced and great for a chihuahua. But you need to purchase a high-quality product suitable for small breeds, and its price is quite high. Dry food is given soaked in water or mixed with soft food. If the food is intended for the prevention of tartar, then it should not be softened, because then it will not give the desired effect. With any type of feeding, it is important to provide your pet with clean drinking water.

Chihuahua photo

Video about chihuahua

Acquisition and cost of a thoroughbred puppy

Given the growing popularity of dwarf breeds and the quality of representatives of this particular breed, it is easy to imagine that it is not the cheapest. You can buy a puppy with a pedigree from private breeders and small kennels for 10,000-25,000 rubles, depending on the class. Well-known nurseries sell high-quality offspring much more expensive, here the price tag varies from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

The Chihuahua is a soul dog that requires warm, friendly treatment. And then the baby will become not just a pet, but a friend and family member.

Chihuahua Kennels

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  • St. Petersburg
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  • Minsk

Deer, as most breeders prefer to breed cobby type dogs.

But these graceful dogs have their admirers, who remain true to the classic breed type.

At first glance, Chihuahua dirs may seem too delicate and fragile. In fact, they are in no way inferior to their stronger and more powerful-looking cobby relatives.

In the article we will talk in detail about this breed variety of Chihuahua, and also show photos of these dogs.

When Chihuahuas appeared, there was no single breed type. Dogs could be of any color and build, there were also differences in their sizes.

But at the same time, high-legged dogs had advantages - it was easier for them to hunt for small animals living in the jungles of Mesoamerica, where their ancestors appeared as early as the 15th century BC.

Perhaps it was this feature that helped the long-legged and fast dogs of this breed survive the difficult times when, after the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadors, they again became wild and lived in the forests. When they were domesticated again by the locals, these small, graceful dogs became their faithful and devoted companions.

In the middle of the 19th century, American travelers became interested in the Chihuahua and local residents began to sell them puppies of this breed.

Read more about the history of the Chihuahua.

Long-legged, deer-like dogs were popular until relatively recently, when stocky chihuahuas of the cobby type began to be considered more conformable.

Character Description

Chihuahua Deer is a small dog with a graceful build. She looks elegant and sophisticated, and her movements are light and free. When such a dog runs, it seems that at the same time it almost does not touch the ground.

Chihuahua Deer are smart and very intelligent. These are agile and playful dogs, which, despite their apparent fragility, are hardy and strong enough.

They are selflessly devoted to their master, friendly and affectionate towards him. But strangers are wary.

Chihuahua dirs make good guards. Despite their small size, they are always ready to protect their owner or his property.

Distinctive features

The distinguishing features of this type of dog are:

  • relatively small head, slightly elongated in shape;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • large and high set ears;
  • deep, but not wide chest;
  • rather long paws;
  • long and thin tail;
  • articulation angles are less pronounced than in cobby;
  • in the movements of dogs of the dir type, strength and power are not felt.

Deer type Chihuahuas do not have well-developed musculature, which visually makes them more refined than representatives of the Cobby type.

Dir type standard accepted

The size of a standard Chihuahua dir should be no more than 23 cm at the withers. Weight is from 0.5 to 3 kg.

The Chihuahua Deer is a small, light-boned, square dog.

The head looks neither large nor convex. The transition to the elongated muzzle is pronounced, but not sharp.

The ears are large and rather thin. Set on high, giving the dog a resemblance to a fawn.

The eyes are relatively small, slightly protruding. Their most preferred color is dark shades of brown.

The color of the nose is black or in the tone of the main color.

The neck is rather long and narrow. The back is straight, not wide, turning into a slightly sloping croup.

The chest is deep enough, but not too voluminous. The abdomen is tucked up.

The limbs are parallel, due to the lack of pronounced musculature, they seem thin and long.

The tail is set rather high, long and thin.

The coat is soft, can be both smooth and, but not fluttering.

For a pet, toys or treats designed to remove plaque should be given to gnaw.

Due to the fact that the Deer has an accelerated metabolism, these dogs need already in cool weather, moreover, the pet should wear it indoors.


Chihuahua Deer is not intended for street keeping - such a dog should live only in a house or apartment.

Price range

The price starts from about 20 thousand rubles, if the dog is with documents. The maximum cost can reach up to 30-35 thousand and even higher.

How to choose a puppy?

Despite the fact that most modern breeders breed Chihuahua Cobbies, it is still quite possible to find Deer-type puppies with documents.

When choosing a future pet, you need to pay attention to the structure of its muzzle and head - if a cobby has a convex skull, then it is elongated for dirs. The muzzles of this type of Chihuahua are quite long, the ears are larger and set high, and the eyes are not very large and less rounded than those of the Cobby, moreover, this is noticeable already at an early age.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Chihuahuas of the dir type, considered classic, have now become much less common. However, most of these Chihuahuas have retained a gracefulness and gracefulness without becoming too thin and frail.

And, despite the fact that the dir type is considered to be on the verge of acceptable standard requirements, these dogs have their own rather wide circle of admirers.

Useful video

Useful and Interesting Chihuahua Facts:

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Update: October 2017

  • miniature size, lively temperament;
  • intelligence combined with fine manners;
  • self-confidence, sometimes bordering on arrogance;
  • devotion, friendliness;
  • curiosity, courage (up to recklessness);
  • cheerful disposition;
  • activity, emotionality;
  • very subtly feel the mood of the owner;
  • grow up early, the psyche and character traits are fully formed by the age of 1;
  • there is a fontanelle on the head (an unossified area of ​​​​the parietal parts of the skull), it may not overgrow throughout life.

Brief description of the breed:

What should be the coat standard for a Chihuahua: long or short?

According to the breed standard, there are 2 varieties: smooth-haired and long-haired Chihuahua.

Dogs with short hair are more active and quick-tempered. Long-haired behave more calmly, they are distinguished by a complaisant, soft character.

Why Do Chihuahuas Shake Often?
They can tremble not only because of the cold, but also for other reasons: fear, strong arousal, depressed mood. Tremor attacks are based on a very fast metabolism.
When should a puppy's ears stand up?
Normal - at 3-5 months. (sometimes at 2.5 months). When the teeth begin to change, the ears may fall off again. Then they will finally stand up after the change of teeth.
Why do chihuahua watery eyes?

Tearing is a fairly common occurrence. Remove streaks, crusts with a cotton swab and warm boiled water.

Abundant clear discharge can be a sign of an allergy to a certain type of food, then you need to adjust the diet. If pus begins to stand out from the eyes, show the dog to the veterinarian.

What is the best food to feed?
The food is the same as for other breeds of dogs. You can feed both dry food and natural food, but you cannot mix the types of feeding. "Drying" is convenient to take on trips.
Who are dogs of this breed suitable for?

Lonely, elderly people. For those who love to travel with their pets. Growing children.

Not suitable for: too busy people, families with a small child, those who do not tolerate dog barking.

How do Chihuahuas treat children?
Friendly, love to play. However, too small a child can easily injure a dog. The pet can be entrusted to children older than 6-8 years.
Can a Chihuahua be trained?
Why not. Chihuahuas are smart enough, quick-witted, have a good memory, obedient. They easily master elementary commands, quickly wean themselves from bad habits.


  1. Miniature size (ideal for keeping in an apartment, travel accompaniment).
  2. Good health, stamina.
  3. Stable psyche (compared to miniature dogs of other breeds).
  4. Good adaptability.
  5. Playful character, mobility.
  6. Loyal to the owner, sociable, love to play.
  7. Clever, they understand everything literally from a half-word.
  8. Do not require long walks (you can teach the dog to the tray).
  9. They get along well with cats and other pets.
  10. They are wary of strangers, have a sensitive ear, so they are excellent watchmen.


  1. They need warmth (especially dogs with short hair).
  2. Clothing is required for walking in the cold season.
  3. Requires careful handling.
  4. Walking only on a leash (harness), extreme caution and attention are required in the presence of other dogs.
  5. Poorly tolerate stress, which is expressed in uncontrolled urination.
  6. Voiced bark.
  7. Stubbornness, resentment, jealousy.
  8. Aggressiveness (in the absence of proper education).

Chihuahua photo

Character, behavioral features

Despite their miniature size, Chihuahuas feel free and confident, show courage and fearlessness. Anger, cowardice are not typical for them. They are distinguished by activity, mobility and emotionality, but they also love peace and quiet. You can have fun with a dog, take it on a trip - chihuahuas tolerate the road well. At a party or at a party, the pet can calmly and patiently sit in a special bag.

They love to walk, especially in good weather, but they like home comfort more. A funny feature of behavior is the need to burrow into the folds of bedspreads and blankets. Hardy, during a long walk you can not pick up. On the street, a pet can have fun chasing insects, eating grass, playing with other small dogs. Keep in mind that birds of prey (hawk, owl, crow) are deadly for the Chihuahua.

Ability to learn

Smart, perfectly trainable. Learning the necessary commands will not take much time, and a child from 6-8 years old will cope with the task. The main reasons for difficulties with training a dog: the independent nature of the Chihuahua, natural stubbornness.

Attitude towards hosts, strangers

They quickly get used to family members, however, one person is chosen as the owner. Sometimes they claim to be a leader, then they can become uncontrollable. Devotees often show jealousy. Indelicate treatment (for example, a loud cry) is unacceptable: representatives of the breed are vulnerable, touchy and may not approach the owner all day. But it is the pet that often becomes the initiator of reconciliation.

They need attention, they themselves show it, often and for a long time watching how the owners do household chores. Quite intrusive, not everyone likes it. It is not recommended to leave alone for a long time: out of boredom, the dog will bark, gnaw at things, shit in the wrong places. Balanced, obedient, but quickly calculate the weaknesses of a person and often achieve their goal.

Strangers are wary, guests are greeted with ringing barks, they can rush and bite. On the hands of the first comer will not go. However, they can get used to new people quickly enough when they understand that there is no danger to the owner. Guests should not be allowed to command the dog, give it treats.

Relationship with other pets

They interact better with small breed dogs, but they do not recognize authorities. Miniature sizes do not feel, they are able to show aggression towards larger relatives. Due to recklessness and insolence, they do not care about their own safety and can die if you do not monitor their behavior on a walk. They get along well with cats (birds, rodents), especially if other animals do not show aggression.

  • Wool: combing. Smooth-haired - 1 p. per week (brush, massage mitt), long-haired - every 2 days (comb with rare teeth, the ends of which should be rounded). During shedding brush your dog daily.
  • Washing: no more than 1 p. at 3-4 months More often it is not recommended: you can wash off the layer of protective fat, the skin will become dry, the hair will begin to fall out. Use special dog shampoos. After bathing, dry your dog thoroughly with a towel. If the coat is long, use a hair dryer. In case of heavy pollution, you can use a “dry shampoo” before the exhibition. After walking, wipe your pet's paws with a cloth.
  • Haircut: 1 time per month. In short-haired representatives of the breed, the hair is trimmed in the area of ​​​​the head, ears, then the hair is trimmed on the neck and tail. In long-haired ones, the hairline on the body (back, sides, stomach) is shortened, it is trimmed on the ears, neck, paws, tail. They cut the hair in the armpits, groin, under the tail, and also between the fingers on the paws.
  • Eyes: examination, removal of secretions with a cotton swab moistened with warm boiled water - daily. Washing with infusion of chamomile (2 p. per week) or a special solution for the eyes (1 p. per week).
  • Claws: trimming - 1 p. per month
  • Teeth: brushing - daily. Take a piece of gauze or bandage, apply some toothpaste. Open the dog's mouth, brush your teeth. Remove the paste with a clean damp cloth. You can spray the dog in the mouth with water from a conventional sprayer. To prevent the formation of tartar, give your pet special treats (biscuits, biscuits), they are sold in pet stores.
  • Ears: examination, cleaning - 2 p. per week Use cotton swabs, a special gel, preferably plant-based (or a decoction of chamomile). Wipe the inner surfaces with a cotton swab as they get dirty. If red spots, pustules, and an unpleasant odor appear in the ears, show the dog to the veterinarian.

Chihuahua care and maintenance include compliance with the rules for handling a dog:

  1. Raise it only with both hands, one under the chest, the other under the seat.
  2. You can not lift the animal by the scruff, by the paws, in the girth of the ribs or in any other way.
  3. The dog's head requires careful and careful handling. As a result of careless injury, the pet may die.
  4. Chihuahuas have brittle bones and should not be allowed to jump from heights. Jumping off the couch can lead to injury, death.
  5. Climbing, descending stairs, overcoming other obstacles can negatively affect the condition of the spine, so it is better to take the pet in your arms.
  6. Do not let a small child play with a dog. This can lead to injury and even death of the animal.

The dog can go to the tray, but he will always be happy to walk in the fresh air. Physical activity is necessary, unspent energy can be directed to destruction (the dog will begin to spoil things). Walking with him is enough 1 p. per day (up to half an hour). In the cold season, the pet needs special clothes for walking, you can buy shoes.

Health, susceptibility to disease

Genetically determined diseases:

  • Hydrocephalus. It is characterized by an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, often develops after birth injuries. Symptoms: an increase in the volume of the skull, convulsions, impaired coordination of movements, behavioral disorders (lethargy, attacks of aggressiveness). Pathology is incurable, the prognosis may be unfavorable. Treatment: the use of drugs to reduce intracranial pressure, eliminate excess fluid from the body. If the disease is advanced, an operation (bypass surgery) is performed.
  • Pulmonary stenosis. This is a congenital heart disease, which is manifested by a violation of the outflow of blood. Consequences: increased risk of early sudden death. Symptoms: shortness of breath, arrhythmia, ascites. Treatment: mild degree - outpatient observation; moderate degree - restriction of physical activity, long-term maintenance drug therapy. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.
  • hip dysplasia. Symptoms: lameness, "jumping" gait. When moving, the dog whines. Consequences: development of secondary osteoarthritis, complete immobility. Treatment: taking medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, chondoprotectors), surgical intervention (arthroplasty, arthroplasty, etc.).
  • retinal atrophy. It is manifested by degeneration of visual cells, thinning of the tissues of the organ. Consequences: visual impairment, development of complete blindness. Symptoms: the appearance of difficulties with orientation at dusk (the dog bumps into objects). The disease is incurable. The animal well compensates for the loss of vision with other senses (hearing, smell).

Propensity to disease due to exterior:

  1. Increased risk of traumatic brain injury, headaches, meteosensitivity. Causes: the presence of an ungrown fontanel due to underdeveloped skull bones. In most, it disappears at the age of 3-4 months. Protect the dog's head from possible injury.
  2. Bone fractures. Causes: short stature, brittle bones. You must not allow the dog to overcome obstacles on its own, jump from a height exceeding its height by 2 times.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the eyes. Symptoms: redness, thick discharge. Treatment: washing, use of a drop.
  4. Hypoglycemia. It is characterized by a drop in blood sugar levels. Consequences: convulsions, loss of consciousness, hypoglycemic coma. Reason: light weight. Treatment: subcutaneous administration of glucose, soldering with water and sugar.

Choosing a puppy, care, maintenance, upbringing

Chihuahua puppies are usually sold when they are 2-2.5 months old. What you need to pay attention to:

  • good fatness;
  • clean skin;
  • wool shines;
  • no discharge from the eyes, nose.
  • the puppy is mobile, playful;
  • does not show aggression.
Exterior (for show and breed class):
  • rounded head;
  • the presence of a fontanel;
  • short muzzle;
  • well-defined forehead;
  • sharp stop (transition from head to muzzle);
  • flat back;
  • a slightly bent tail, but it does not twist into a ringlet;
  • the number of teeth at 8 weeks is 12 (6 incisors each from below and from above).
  • correct bite (upper teeth should completely cover the lower ones).

What documents does the breeder provide:

  • puppy card;
  • veterinary passport;
  • written recommendations on keeping, feeding;
  • purchase and sale agreement (at the request of the parties).

The following items will be required:

  • a house made of soft material (most preferable for this breed), it can be washed in a typewriter at temperatures up to 90 ° C;
  • an open sleeping place (bedding) where the pet will sleep if it is hot in the house;
  • carrying;
  • ceramic or stainless steel bowls;
  • collar, leash, harness, tape measure-leash;
  • toys (rubber and soft);
  • bristle brush - for a smooth-haired puppy;
  • comb, slicker brush - for a long-haired chihuahua;
  • claw cutter;
  • shampoo;
  • towels;
  • tray, disposable diapers.

It is recommended to pick up the puppy in the morning so that he can get used to his new home a little during the day. It is better to first settle him in 1 room, in a limited space he will quickly get used to it. Drafts should be excluded, it can not be placed near the batteries either.

Place the baby in the house immediately. After a while, he will calm down and come out. At night, you can put a heating pad in the house. You can’t take a puppy to your bed, otherwise he will always strive to sleep only there.


Puppies need sun and fresh air. At first, on the street, he may show fear, then the baby needs to be picked up. Walk only on a leash (harness). How to teach:

  1. Put on the collar and feed.
  2. After 5-10 min. remove, praise.
  3. Gradually increase the time the Chihuahua is collared.
  4. Then accustom to the leash: fasten it, call the pet, give a treat.
  5. In the first days, the puppy should not feel the tension on the leash, do not pull, do not pull it.

In the cold season, the dog needs warm clothes. Recommended daily walks (if possible), at least 1 p. in a day. Duration of stay in the air: first - 5 minutes, then gradually increase to half an hour (in the cold season - up to 15 minutes). You can not leave a Chihuahua for a long time in the open sun, the consequence will be sunstroke.


From the first days of the puppy's stay in the house. It must be made clear that a person has a higher status than a dog, otherwise there is a risk that the Chihuahua will claim a leading role. The dog needs to know what he can and cannot do. It is not necessary to punish, caress or a strict voice is used as an impact on the psyche. However, if handled too softly, the pet can become arrogant, naughty. The puppy must:

  • respond to a nickname;
  • approach the owner on command;
  • know where his place is;
  • learn the "no" command;
  • walk in a collar (with or without a leash);
  • do not impose on outsiders;
  • be able to walk in the tray;
  • do not spoil things, interior items.

Gradually accustom the puppy to the fact that he will have to be alone for some time. Play with him, feed him, leave him alone for a while. Each time slightly increase the period of time when the puppy is left alone.

Toilet training

For the first 3 days (or longer) keep an eye on the puppy after sleeping, feeding. When he starts looking for a secluded place, take it to the tray. At the end of the process, praise, give a treat.

If the pet ignored the tray, scold (can not be punished). This should be done immediately after the dog shit in the wrong place. If scolded later, he simply will not understand why the owner is angry. To teach your puppy to defecate while walking, take a diaper with you for several days, where he has already left smells.

What to do if a puppy bites

The main reasons: teeth are being cut or the owner allows you to bite your hands during the game. During the period of changing teeth, give the puppy rubber toys, special teethers. Slip them in when your pet starts biting.

To stop your puppy from using his teeth during play, show that you are in pain (yell loudly). Stop playing with him, ignore him for a while. Other ways: using the “no” command, slipping a toy.


How many times to feed:

  • age 2-3 months. - 6 p. in a day;
  • 3-4 months - Five times;
  • 4-6 months - 4 times;
  • 6 months - 1 year - 3 times;
  • starting from 1 year - 2 times a day.

In the first 3 weeks, the mother's milk is enough for the animals. From the 21st day, give complementary foods (scraped beef meat or soaked pieces of dry food). Puppies at 1 month old can be fed with cottage cheese, kefir, porridge with meat. Babies who are 35-40 days old should eat their mother's food.

Dry food

Food "Premium" or "SuperPremium" ("drying" and canned food) for puppies, then for adult dogs. Brands: Hills, RoyalConin, Brit, Proplan, Akana, Purina, etc. If your dog is allergic to any food, buy hypoallergenic food.

natural food

The basis of the diet is animal protein. For 1 kg of animal weight, 50–80 g of feed is needed. Protein-rich foods should make up 2/3 of the diet.

What to feed a chihuahua:
  • meat, minced meat (poultry, beef, rabbit);
  • offal (kidneys, scar, liver, heart) - 1 p. per week;
  • fish (sea) - 1 p. per week;
  • eggs - 1 r. per week;
  • fermented milk drinks, products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, beets, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant);
  • fresh fruits (bananas, pears, apples);
  • vitamin, mineral bait (according to instructions).
  • pork;
  • tubular bones;
  • nuts;
  • cabbage, beans;
  • bell pepper;
  • sweets;
  • salted, smoked;
  • fried, spicy;
  • fresh milk (from 2-2.5 months).
How to feed properly:
  1. Meat, offal is pre-boiled. Minced meat is scalded with boiling water.
  2. The fish is boiled, the bones are removed.
  3. Vegetables are stewed or boiled, mixed with meat, fish. Carrots are also fed raw (grate, add sour cream or sunflower oil).
  4. Fruits are added to food or given in pieces.
  5. Boil eggs, make an omelet.
  6. Between feedings, you can give bones, biscuits. Suitable as a treat: raisins, dried fruits, crackers, pieces of fresh fruit.

FCI breed standard

Scull Apple-shaped, a small fontanel is allowed.
Muzzle Short, wide at the base. Tapers towards the nose.
Teeth The bite is straight or scissor.
Eyes Large, dark, very expressive. Not convex, have a rounded shape.
Ears Large, open wide.
Neck The length is average. The topline is slightly curved.
torso The length is slightly greater than the height at the withers. In bitches, a more extended body is allowed. The chest is deep and wide.
Tail Set on high, of moderate length. Wider at the base, tapering towards the end. There is a flattening in the middle.
Wool smooth-haired The coat is shiny, soft, short. Fits tight. The coat is longer on the neck and tail.
long-haired The coat is silky, soft, slightly wavy or straight. Longer on the ears, neck, tail, paws. The undercoat is not very dense.
Color Any colors (except merle) with all sorts of combinations.
The weight 1.5-3 kg. Allowed 0.5-1.5 kg.
Flaws Any deviation from the standard.

History reference

Country of origin - Mexico, the breed is named after the largest state (Chihuahua). It is believed that dogs were tamed by local residents even before the discovery of America by seafarers. Animals were considered sacred. At the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spanish conquest of Mexico began, the breed was on the verge of extinction. She received a second birth after 300 years. Local residents began to catch feral animals in the jungle to sell them to the Americans.

The dog got its name in 1884. The official description of the Chihuahua breed appeared only in 1923. The modern standard was approved in 1998 by the International Cynological Federation (FCI). Today the breed is most popular in Mexico, USA, England.

Chihuahuas came to Russia in 1959, when Khrushchev was presented with two long-haired individuals during a trip to Cuba. For breeding, representatives of the breed were brought from Algeria (in the 60s), Mexico, England (in the 70s). Chihuahuas were the most popular among Muscovites. In 1996, the National Breed Club was opened. In 2005, the Chihuahua World Monobreed Club was created, which united the best kennels in the country.

There are different types of Chihuahua. These mini dogs may differ in body type, length of coat, variety of colors, and temperament. From this article you will find out if this small breed can have a difference in height, how long Chihuahuas live with different body weights, whether the standard specifies the features of mini and super mini dogs, why they are called "baby face" and much more.

To date, the standard adopted by the English Kennel Club recognizes two body types of the Chihuahua:

  • cobby;

I would like to note right away that some sellers describe this type of Chihuahua as "kobe". But this is not true, since the name of this species comes from the English "cobby-type", respectively, it will be correct - "cobby", with two "b".

Cobby type mini dogs are distinguished by a dense and stocky body structure. Micro representatives of the breed with this type of body have peculiar characteristics that are different from another species:

  • the head of a cobby like a mini dog of a rather large volume;
  • huge round eyes combined with a snub-nosed nose, for which the breed received the nickname "baby face";
  • the ears are smaller in size, but rather wide at the base;
  • the cobby-type dog has a greater distance between the ears, as well as between the eyes;
  • quite voluminous chest;
  • dense and muscular paws of small length;
  • powerful tail in the middle has a seal;
  • the dense hairline of the cobby type has a particularly pronounced undercoat;
  • during movement, a Chihuahua of this type makes a powerful push with its hind limbs.

The deer type dog or deer-type dog is very similar to a small deer, so this species is also called "deer-like". Chihuahua with dir type of body structure has its own characteristics:

  • head dir type mini doggie of small volume;
  • elongated muzzle seems light in appearance;
  • large ears are very similar to the ears of a bat;
  • the chest of the deer type is smaller than that of the cobby type;
  • the paws are slightly longer and thinner than in other types of body structure;
  • thin tail of greater length;
  • hairline of medium density with almost no undercoat;
  • Chihuahuas of this body type have to take more steps during the movement, since the hind legs push off the ground much weaker than the cobby type of mini dog.

Even though the standard recognizes both body types of the toy breed, breeders generally prefer the cobby type.

But many unscrupulous salespeople try to sell Chihuahuas of other body types for money that they are not worth at all. only two types of body structure are accepted, so be extremely careful.

To help you figure out what is true and what is false, here are some examples of unofficial Chihuahua body types:

Aboriginal - an oval head, a sharp muzzle, ears, like eyes, are too close to each other, a lot of weight, a large tail lying on the back - all these characteristics do not fit into the Chihuahua breed standard.

English - the following features do not fit the standard of a mini dog: large body weight, large physique, rough skeletal structure.

Extreme - in the Chihuahua standard there are no such characteristic features as bulging eyes, too thin paws, a small head. These super micro dogs are most likely suffering from dwarfism disease, which entails big problems. They need careful care and constant attention. They are sometimes confused with "baby face" because of their round eyes and snub nose.

Exotic - the same features as the extreme type, only even smaller.

Classic - mini dogs of this false type are somewhat similar to representatives of the dir type. But the head has a smaller volume, the muzzle is longer, the angle of the hocks is wrong.

These are only the most common false body types of the Chihuahua breed, but any unscrupulous seller can come up with as many beautiful names as they want to sell their goods for the most expensive price.

To avoid problems in the future, especially if you are planning to breed a Chihuahua or take part in shows, choose only the standard types of dogs accepted for this breed.

So if you are offered a Chihuahua with a beautiful, even familiar name, for example, a micro "baby face" dog, compare its parameters with the standard of this breed before buying.

Types of wool

The coat of the Chihuahua differs only in the length of the pile. There are two types of wool:

  • long;
  • short.

First type

The long-haired Chihuahua has a fine hair structure. Due to the large length of the coat, these dogs are also called hairy. This type of wool is very soft to the touch.

The “jabot” or fluffy collar looks very nice on the Chihuahua’s neck, just like the “pants” on the paws. The hair on the tail is especially thick. Long hair on the ears forms a fringe. On the body, the straight coat is not very long; when palpated, it is not at all rough.

Curly hair is not allowed by the standard, except for light waves. Also, according to the standard, the undercoat may be absent, although in many cases it is quite developed.

Second type

Short-haired super mini dogs are usually called smooth-haired because this type of hair is very smooth. Also characteristic of such a structure are short, even hairs that fit snugly against the body of a chihuahua. The coat of this species is very beautiful: shiny, soft and silky to the touch.

Individual hairs may be longer around the neck and tail. And in the throat area, the wool is the rarest. As with other types of wool, the standard allows for the absence of an undercoat. Sometimes in places of the shortest hair you can see a leather cover.

So there are only two types of woolen cover, which are indicated in the standard. If a super mini dog has a mixed or intermediate type, then such an individual is unlikely to fit the parameters of the standard.

Differences in temperament

The Chihuahua has an extremely stable psyche, which reaches its development as early as a year. It is difficult to meet cowards and hysterics among them, although of course there are exceptions - how many dogs, so many features. For the owner, this dog will become a wonderful companion and a faithful, sometimes jealous friend. But some representatives of the breed, depending on the different type of coat, may have different characteristics in behavior.

It is believed that dogs with a long coat type have a soft and docile character, a calmer temperament. Whereas short-haired Chihuahuas are often quick-tempered and live more active lives.

Types of colors

Height divisions

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in existence. This is confirmed by a super mini dog named Boo-Boo, which has been in the Guinness Book of Records for several years because of its small stature: ten centimeters in height and sixteen in length, weighing six hundred and seventy-five grams.

But be that as it may, such a thing as "mini" and "super mini" in the standard of this small breed simply does not exist. Yes, and at the exhibitions there are no names of such varieties. This is the name of this breed as a whole, because of its miniature size.

In fact, micro dogs are nothing more than a disease of dwarfism or the consequences of premature birth. Unscrupulous breeders are happy to sell these very small dogs and call them new directions in the breed with full confidence. How much such a dog will cost depends only on the greed of the seller.

When buying a micro dog, you are unlikely to be able to breed them in the future, and they will not pass the basics of the standard. This means that they will not be able to participate in exhibitions. They live much less compared to purebred Chihuahuas, up to a maximum of ten years. At the same time, it is even difficult to imagine how much effort will have to be made for such a dog to live to such an age. Standard dogs live an average of twelve years.

Super micro dogs often have the following disadvantages:

  • fragile body structure;
  • incomplete set of teeth;
  • undershot;
  • too large fontanel;
  • weakened immunity.

Dwarfism for this breed is quite normal, but in moderation. Chihuahuas with too little weight usually do not live longer than ten years. If you still decide to take such a brave step as buying a super micro Chihuahua puppy, then first of all think about how much effort you will have to put in to constantly and monitor a tiny pet. Here are the basic rules that must be followed:

  • you can not drop the mini dog;
  • always look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on an animal, especially if it lives in an apartment;
  • children should not play with it - the slightest injury can cost a pet a life;
  • do not take the super mini baby with you to the bed so that he does not fall out of there;
  • such dogs should not be played with other animals in order to avoid injury;
  • for such puppies, veterinarians provide a special feeding regimen, for example, they should not eat barley porridge, drink milk, as this can lead to big problems with digestion.

For the first time, food for a dwarf dog will have to be chewed by the owner and given only in this form. Such super mini dogs do not live long, especially if you miss a couple. In this case, the pet may begin hypoglycemia, as a result of which the dog has a violation of the coordination of movement, followed by convulsions, which sometimes leads to the death of the animal. Such a state can cause any excitement.

With any features and differences of your dog, you must always properly care for her, groom and cherish. Each Chihuahua is individual, but she will always respond to your love with devotion, adoration and obedience.

What body type and color is your Chihuahua? Does your dog fit the standard?