What to do if you have prophetic dreams. Who and when dream prophetic dreams? I had a prophetic dream

It is believed that many of our night visions are the result of experiences and unrest in the daytime. Therefore, first of all, one should come to understand what a dream really is, and which predictions should be treated more carefully, and which ones should be taken in the form of another viewing of a nightly “movie”. Note that there is a huge variety of interpretations and descriptions of our dreams by different authors, but we all first of all want to know which dreams are considered exactly, when you dream they, and how to perceive the interpretation if it turns out to be not entirely pleasant.

Sleep - a general definition of the concept

Did you know that the human brain is in constant tension. It always swarms with various thoughts and feelings. But, if during the day we are able to manage and coordinate them, then at night our consciousness limply connects them at will and discretion.

The result is a kind of documentary - our dream.

At what age do you dream

  • Every person, regardless of age, constantly "visits" such night cinemas.
  • It is believed that even a newly born and developing embryo in the womb watches dreams.

If at some period of time we stop seeing amazing films, then this only indicates a general overstrain and overwork. An exhausted body throws all its strength exclusively into recovery and rest.

  • To assert that a person really did not see anything in a dream, no one undertakes.
  • Sometimes dreams just don't register in our memories.

  • Sometimes you may find yourself haunted by recurring haunting visions every night.
  • Some attribute them to prophetic dreams, and pay special attention to nightmares. And this is understandable.
  • Being in the power of Morpheus, looking through episodic passages that mean nothing to us, we most likely wake up without even remembering them in the morning.
  • Keep in mind that the state of fear in a dream does not arise from nowhere.
  • Try to understand and evaluate your psychological state during the nightmare.
  • If negative changes are expected in your life, which you are waiting for with apprehension and nervous tension, then the same impulses come to the brain during the night's rest.

What do inexplicable dreams mean?

When every night you see the same dream with an obscure chain of events, this speaks exclusively of your dreams for a better life. This explanation is provided by psychologists. They argue that people whose desires do not want to coincide with reality always see recurring night visions in which no logical meaning can be traced. To reveal what our subconscious tells us at such moments, pay attention to your feelings.

A calm state, not accompanied by any unpleasant symbols, means that you should not worry about this.

Dreams by day of the week what do they mean

  • If we consider dreams by day of the week, then what is seen from Thursday to Friday should be interpreted especially carefully.
  • At this time, there is a high probability of getting an accurate prediction.
  • Also, important fateful signs can be obtained during religious holidays or Christmas time.
  • In some cases, a person can remember an incredible dream that he had on his birthday or on the day of an angel, which also speaks of its importance.

Prophetic dreams when they come true

  • When grandiose changes are planned in your life, but you still do not understand what they will bring to you, then your thoughts again and again return to this upcoming event.
  • Therefore, it is likely that dreams will be filled with a sense of expectation, and harbor a certain meaning.
  • But when such prophetic dreams are dreamed, perhaps you should not take them too literally.
  • Trust your own intuition, putting together a chain of episodes from the realm of Morpheus and reality.

How to recognize a prophetic dream

Experts in the field of psychology believe that by carrying out the necessary magical actions, using conspiracies and fortune-telling, one can achieve a dream that predicts future changes in life.

At the same time, it does not necessarily have to portend failures, death or health problems, but also indicate happy events in life:

  • cash receipts,
  • addition to the family
  • meeting with the other half.

Believe it or not in a bad prophetic dream

What to do if you are not satisfied with the interpretation option, should a prophetic dream be attributed to the final verdict? Or maybe there is an opportunity to influence the course of impending events and change the course of the river of life in the direction you need?

On this account there are corresponding statements of experts.

Dreams of predicting the future

  • Numerous experiments conducted by scientists from different countries have confirmed that prediction dreams do visit us at night. But the exact chronology of such visits has not yet been proved.
  • At the same time, the ratio of negative predictions to positive ones is clearly established. It is 80% to 20%.
  • This means that most often you can predict negative events, for example, accidents, murders, natural disasters, and so on.

But information about the future positive Fate "does not spread" in our subconscious.

Doom's Warning

Throughout the day, a person experiences some emotions, he sees events that are clearly recorded in the brain while consciousness is dormant. As a result, at night, the information begins to “unzip” and “unpack”, connecting together and showing up as a prophetic dream. But in some cases, they can be confused with visions that reflect real feelings and desires.

When the expected dream will definitely come true

Several methods have been developed to determine when a dream seen will become prophetic. They are most often associated with the following concepts:

  • Moon phases,
  • Days of the week,
  • Zodiac signs,
  • solar calendar.

The influence of the phase of the moon on dreams

  • Depending on what phase the moon is in, we understand whether we will receive information about events of interest to us in the future at night or not.
  • Its influence on the energy environment of each person is quite large.
  • Do not forget about the folk wisdom given to us by our ancestors - the lunar calendar.
  • With its help, you will always determine the probability of the fulfillment of episodic night visions you remember.

The meaning of a dream depending on the lunar day

The meaning of a dream depending on the phase of the moon

Hints of Fate - how to understand a prophetic dream

It is believed that at night our soul leaves the body for a while and wanders in the universe.

And when she manages to “look” into the other world, elements of a prophetic dream appear in our brain.

  • At the moments when the soul is close to the bodily form, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
  • Most often, the subconscious mind shows us pictures of the current state of our affairs.
  • Sometimes it is very difficult to make out what the soul wants to show us, once in the world of secrets and mysteries.
  • To do this, you should study well what the symbols created over the centuries and transmitting information in encrypted form hide in themselves.
  • Each of these signs has its own purpose, understanding which you can determine the full essence of sleep.
  • And keep in mind that the fulfillment of everything you see is not expected in the next day or two, it may take more than a dozen years until a series of events begins to come true, the elements of which you put together from what you saw at night.

When dreams come true

Babies who are not yet a year old also see images in their dreams that show them what to expect from the future. It is unfortunate that prophetic dreams, when removed during this period of time, we cannot remember and reproduce. It is believed that if the baby smiles at night, then angels entertain him.

You should recognize what type your vision can be attributed to in order to understand whether or not you are puzzled over solving it.

Types of dreams Do predictions come true
  • The meaning of visions assigned to this type is always special.
  • It doesn't matter to them when you saw them.
  • Even daytime dreams always come true, so it is important to learn how to solve them correctly.
  • Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, evil spirits can appear to you in images.
  • Sometimes the sleeper himself can visit his deceased relatives.

If the prediction you see is rather unpleasant, in order to prevent its fulfillment, pour it into the water or take other measures.

  • Usually, in those cases when you need to find out whether your plan will come true, you can perform a certain ritual that helps to get an answer to the question posed during sleep.
  • Such visions, as a rule, are always fulfilled exactly.
Signs It can be difficult to tie together the signs that your subconscious mind gives in the form of confused images.

To solve them, one should understand the language of our subconscious, consisting of certain designations.

Empty (flesh)
  • Their performance is questionable.
  • Usually, they carry our everyday experiences and memories.
  • If you are visited by a nightmare at night, do not be discouraged.
  • It is referred to as empty dreams.
  • Therefore, you just need to drink a glass of water and go to bed further.

What days do dreams come true by day of the week

The predictive load of each vision that visits us at night depends on the day of the week when we dreamed of it.

  • At the same time, do not forget about such an important factor that if you went to bed on Wednesday evening, then you had a dream on Thursday.
  • Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet.
  • Knowing its astrological characteristics, one can understand what lies behind the signs that our brain sends us in the dead of night.

The meaning of dreams

Day of the week Planet The meaning of sleep
Mon Moon This planet is deceptive and fickle, controls the emotional state and sensuality, governs intuition.
  • Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the seriousness of what he saw.
  • This day of the week is generally not intended for various predictions and forecasts.
WT Mars Lord Mars

Firmness of spirit, inflexibility and inflexibility of character - all that can be said about Mars.

Pay attention to the clue signs from the dream in order to make the right decision and change your destiny.

SR Mercury Mercury brings serenity and peace.
  • If in a dream you are overwhelmed with anxious feelings, this suggests that you need to learn to be more calm, and a calm environment indicates the correctness of your decisions and actions.
Thu Jupiter
  • Businessmen and entrepreneurs, this is your day.
  • Jupiter's business acumen will show you what is better to change in your professional activity and what decision to make in a controversial issue.
Fri Venus Planet of love experiences and sensuality
  • Episodes from sleep will not push for certain actions and deeds.
  • They will only reflect the general state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction from the union of two hearts.
  • If during sleep you are anxious and sad, this means that not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance.
Sat Saturn The wisdom and severity of Saturn will predetermine all the ups and downs of your life path and the changes that occur at the behest of a formidable rock.
  • A dream can carry information about what to expect in the coming period.
sun Sun Auspicious energy of joy, light and strength always comes from this luminary.
  • When by chance a dream that day seems too disturbing, then try not to do things that can only harm yourself.

If we talk about prophetic dreams, when to take off, then be sure to take a closer look at them during any church holidays. It is also noteworthy that their execution usually takes place before lunch of the current day.

  • They used to say so: “A dream on a holiday is always before dinner.”
  • What you see always comes true on the 3rd of every month.
  • And you should never believe the dreams that visit you on the 25th, they are empty or bodily.

Dreams for Friday

Foreseeing your future changes in Destiny entail episodes from the realm of Morpheus on Friday.

  • This day of the week is the most special. Remember at least Good Friday, when Jesus Christ was punished for all mankind.
  • Try not to plan anything important these days, because you still won’t be able to complete your plans.

Are dreams from Thursday to Friday considered prophetic?

The special significance of the images that appeared before us at night on the so-called nominal Fridays. This name comes from ancient times, when each described the corresponding event.

The Old Testament lists all the deeds that take place during this period of time.

Every Friday has its own purpose:

Good Fridays

Number Day and month Name
1st First week Great Lent
2nd 07.04 Annunciation
3rd the day before palm week
4th the day before Ascension
5th the day before Trinity
6th 07.06 Nativity of John the Baptist
7th 02.08 Day of Elijah the Prophet
8th 28.08 Dormition
9th 19.09 Day of the Archangel Michael
10th 14.11. Day of Saints Kuzma and Demyan
11th 07.01 Nativity
12th 19.01 Epiphany

When solving prophetic dreams, when you dream, the days of the week, do not forget about the time of day.

  • If in a light daytime nap you were visited by a vision, then all the episodes you see are usually empty and mean nothing. Especially if they point to your past.
  • When you first lie down, your soul begins to gradually leave the body to wander in the world of illusions.
  • In such evening or night moments flashing in your mind, it is very difficult to consider anything worthwhile and combine them into a narrative accessible to our understanding.

So, the most faithful will be the morning dream.

  • The distance between the soul and the body is already sufficient to take a break from worldly worries and look into the hidden corners of the other world.

Why don't we remember dreams

It is known that the dreams that you remember in the morning to the smallest detail are fulfilled exactly. But, waking up, we can remember that at night our brain sent us some important signs, but which ones cannot be put together. Don't worry, there are certain ways to help you cope with this difficult task.

How not to forget a dream in the morning

  • If you want to look a little into the future, do the following:
  • Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, squeeze the edge of the pillow with your teeth,
  • Put a small stone under your head at night
  • Try not to look out the window or at the light after waking up,
  • Pose for night sleep - right side,
  • Don't roll over on your stomach at night.

If you had a good dream

When the meaning of the unraveled dream completely suits you and you just need it to come true, try not to tell anyone about it for three days or even keep it secret.

What to do if you had a bad dream

When bad prophetic dreams are dreamed, it does not bring much joy. But there are ways to get rid of this negativity.

To do this, do the following:

  • Don't remember the vision
  • Touch your crown for a few minutes
  • Waking up, look out the window or at the fire of a candle, gas burner or match,
  • Knock on the window three times
  • When you wake up from a nightmare, change the position of your head support and turn the bedding inside out,
  • As many people as possible should know about your dream before 12 days,

Touch a piece of iron or wood and say:

Whisper over the water flowing from the faucet:

Kick the bad dream out the front door of your house with your left foot,

Say over smoke (cigarette or campfire):

Start your morning with:

Tell your vision to an ordinary stone

Make a charm from unhappy dreams with your own hands.

When thoughts constantly show you pictures at night that you want to put together in the morning, determining their meaning and meaning, then a dream book should be available in your house.

How to solve dreams

  • When the image seen in a dream is clear and clear, and dream books give conflicting testimony, focus and remember the smallest details of what you saw.
  • It is very important to try to feel the same that you felt and did during your nightly walks.
  • If it was easy and pleasant for you, then you should not expect anything negative.
  • But, if all the predictors unanimously say that the presented image is favorable for you, and you are scared, panicking and want to run away, then this interpretation should hardly be followed.

What does it mean when you dream of a wedding

Suppose, according to all "indicators", an ambulance wedding awaits you, but in a dream you experience fear. It can be assumed that an alliance with a certain person is possible, but it will not bring joy and happiness.

Or some event will occur that brings confusion and discord to the family.

Do you believe in omens

To determine which dream book you should use, be guided, first of all, by your own views. It matters what religion you belong to. It will be wrong for a Muslim to look for an interpretation of the symbols he sees in an Orthodox dream book. Materialists by nature, skeptical of all mystical events and phenomena, will prefer a psychological description of their dreams. Those who believe in omens and beliefs will understand predictions from folk creations or the teachings of the seer Vanga. Undoubtedly, consider the authority of the author, otherwise you can run into an ordinary charlatan who wants to make money by selling the dream interpreter he invented.

Interesting to know:

Do not try to completely trust what our Soul has sent us from the world on the other side of life. The clues can be found not only in the signs and symbols seen, but also in your personality, your life experience and the current state of mind.

How to learn to understand night images

The plots and episodes of the cinema seen on the night air can be documentary, that is, completely intertwined with the realities that are currently happening or expected.

At the same time, the same symbol carries a different scenario for the development of events for a child and an adult, a man and a woman, a young lady or an aged lady.

Listen to your heart

  • Take everything you see as a kind of forecast and prediction.
  • If you are satisfied with his prophecy, then try to turn it into reality on your own, and just erase the bad from your memory forever.

Throughout the day, we all experience different emotions. We cry, smile, rejoice, be sad, nervous, laugh, get depressed and so on. Our brain is arranged in such a way that it sorts our emotional state in its cells, highlights the most important and valuable ones for further use. And the subconscious, meanwhile, fixes even the most insignificant, in our opinion, trifles.

Having learned to analyze your feelings and emotions in various life situations, you can easily interpret prophetic dreams when you dream and use the tips received to make the necessary amendments to your Destiny.

More interesting practices:

Dreams are considered to be prophetic, the events of which become reality in the near future. Of course, no one sees prophetic dreams every evening, and most often they are the result of strong experiences, stresses, emotional events experienced, fears and obsession with a specific problem.

As a rule, prophetic dreams are seen by people who have the gift of clairvoyance.

Varieties of prophetic dreams

A person may dream of symbolic and literal events. The first includes dreams that completely come true after a certain period of time.

For example, if you dreamed of a broken cup, then on the second or third day someone might break it.

A symbolic good or bad dream is already more difficult, since it predicts the future not literally, but with the help of symbols and conventions. It is very difficult to interpret them on your own, and it is not necessary, because in nature there are many dream books.

How to "order" a prophetic dream?

If you have learned to often remember what you saw in a dream, then you have already taken the first step towards clairvoyance. Next, you will just need to mentally tune in and imagine an object from dreams, or concentrate on a problem whose solution needs to be urgently found.

It is best to train on days when the moon is in its growth phase. It is then that you are able to maintain an absolutely relaxed and calm state. Additionally, you can say conspiracies and prayers, contribute to the development of prophetic abilities.

Night divination by day

A person who is far from all this mysticism and clairvoyance just wants to know those days of the week when prophetic dreams are most often dreamed.

They have long been known, and are described below:

  • Most often, prophetic dreams come true on Monday, especially if they were dreamed by a person born on this day of the week;
  • Those dreams that were dreamed on Tuesday can become reality in 10 days, or have no meaning at all;
  • Dreams that come in a dream on Wednesday very rarely become a reality;
  • On Thursday night, you should not expect anything that would portend the future. Most likely, all dreams will be associated with work and the end of the work week;
  • Prophetic dreams are a priori dreamed from Thursday to Friday, and there's nothing you can do about it, all that remains is to remember what you see and wait for it in reality;
  • Saturday is another day on which really prophetic dreams are dreamed. Be prepared that the events from the dream will take place in just a few days
  • On Sunday night, visions associated with family and positive emotions usually come. They are light, but usually do not matter.

Who will be lucky?

Why do only a few people have prophetic dreams? After all, we all walk under the same moon, sleep almost an equal number of hours, breathe the same air, experience, fear and worry. It turns out that you can be born with this gift, or accidentally discover it, train it on your own initiative, or not notice it at all.

In ancient times, the talent of clairvoyance usually "awarded" priests and just everyone who was somehow connected with religion and gods. The current Orthodox ministers completely reject this belief, considering vyschunstvo, a matter associated with evil spirits.

It is believed that scientists also belong to the category of people, wondering why they have prophetic dreams so often. This can be explained by their subtle mental organization and analytical mindset, which compares the facts, and issues a conclusion in the form of a dream.

And, finally, developed intuition is a direct path to clairvoyance, especially if a person develops and tries in every possible way to master the science of dreams. "on order" .

Want to try?

Dreaming of a prophetic dream next Friday?

Then try following the instructions:

  • Believe that tonight you will definitely have a dream that will soon become a reality;
  • Make a small evening promenade, ventilate the bedroom and read a book, giving up watching TV;
  • Reduce daytime communication with colleagues and friends to a minimum, otherwise you risk seeing in a dream a reflection of conversations, problems and experiences;
  • Take a warm and relaxing bath;
  • Think about what worries you the most, relax your body, protect yourself from the hustle and bustle of the day and sleep peacefully.

Don't be discouraged if you don't have the gift of clairvoyance. Dreams do not always promise only good things, and sometimes it is better to live your life in ignorance than to be afraid of the future, not even knowing that it will definitely happen.

No one can accurately determine the cause of their appearance. Despite significant advances in science, researchers still do not understand their nature, so none of the modern hypotheses is accurate and convincing enough.

Prophetic dreams have been seen by people throughout the history of mankind, but they were all of a different scale. Why do prophetic dreams occur and what do they mean, how to interpret them? Here is how different sources interpret their appearance.

The opinion of researchers and the church

In the scientific world, they are considered a manifestation of the unconscious genetic memory. Some scientists still believe that prophetic dreams do not exist, but there are only synchronous events.

The literature does not mention much about them, but the fact is that such dreams remain a mystery to scientists, since they cannot be approached from a scientific point of view.

Some people see them regularly and this cannot be explained by science. Some experts believe that this is simply a manifestation of the collective unconscious or hypersensitive abilities. However, the scientific approach does not allow to find the answer to the questions of many people.

A person who tries to explain with formulas the reason for the appearance of prophetic visions is often like a radiologist trying to find love in the heart or a psychiatrist trying to explain this condition from a scientific point of view. Therefore, the scientific approach to such a phenomenon as prophetic dreams cannot be applied unambiguously.

But it is not worth taking the opinion of the church on this matter. Usually priests have a negative attitude towards prophetic dreams, despite the fact that even in the Bible they were mentioned. This is due to the fact that, according to theology, dreams from God cannot appear to ordinary people, since they are not worthy to see such signs.

Therefore, prophetic visions are sent by an unclean spirit, and they can carry information harmful to the human psyche. However, in some cases, on the contrary, it is worth listening to prophetic dreams.

But why then do they dream and how to distinguish them from ordinary dreams? Here are some tips on how to deal with such nocturnal phenomena.

The work of the subconscious

Prophetic dreams are seen by people with an open channel for otherworldly information. During the life of every adult person had them at least once in their lives, but some people dream about them all the time, others see them only before significant events.

Usually they come to warn of danger or to indicate what is really happening away from the dreamer. The reason for their appearance is still a mystery to scientists and various researchers, however, magicians give their own explanation for prophetic plots.

During a night's rest, the work of the subconscious is aggravated. In ordinary life, consciousness is loaded with everyday affairs, but inner vision allows you to notice everything, for example, contradictions in behavior or words, a person’s character.

All this manifests itself in a dream to give a signal of insincerity, falsehood. Therefore, if, after meeting with a benevolent person, you dream of his aggressiveness and not good behavior, expect disappointment.

Sometimes such predictions are so accurate that they convey in detail what will happen next. For example, a girl may be friends with a friend and not notice that she is dating her boyfriend, but hides it.

In reality, this may be indicated by indirect hints, for example, a girlfriend will have the same flowers on the table as you have, similar decorations to those that the guy gave before, but this is not taken into account by consciousness.

However, in a dream, all hints can be connected into a single picture, and the dreamer will receive an answer to an important question. For example, a girl may find out that a friend is dating a guy, which will become known to her in the future.

Such a vision indicates a sharpening of intuition and a clear work of the subconscious. The appearance of the following prophetic dreams is based on this mechanism:

  • about the true face of a person and his attitude towards you;
  • about ailments and disease states;
  • about events that occurred due to blunders and mistakes, for example, at work.

Particularly sensitive people often see such dreams. Especially if they are very busy during the day at work and do not concentrate on the details of sleep. This category of prophetic dreams is not related to fatal events, it indicates what is really happening or will happen in the near future, but this is not connected with mysticism and fatal changes, but with the human condition. At this time, inner vision becomes sharper and the hints and pictures noted in the subconscious add up into one whole.

For example, a person in communication with you is insincere and hides important information.

Outwardly, this is completely imperceptible, but some actions and words give out a liar with a head. Therefore, in a dream, the dreamer may see a familiar person completely different from him, or the truth will be revealed unexpectedly.

Such night vision indicates that you need to listen to sleep signals in order to correctly understand the behavior and true attitude of a person.

The work of the subconscious can also manifest itself in another way: long before the appearance of signs of illness, a person sees injuries, raw meat, burns, or manifestations of the disease. Often there is injury to the same place where inflammation will form in the future.

Most often, the appearance of such dreams is an alarming sign that indicates the development of a disease in the body. Therefore, if you dream that you injure your throat, drink water with glass fragments instead of ice, this is an unfavorable sign. After such visions, it is worth checking your own health.

The mystical nature of prophetic dreams

This category includes prophetic dreams in which a person sees a tragedy or future events long before they appear in a dream. They are dreamed in both direct and symbolic form, so they are difficult to interpret.

A real prophetic dream is usually logical, vivid and quickly remembered. It can be frightening or, less commonly, evoke pleasant and positive emotions.

The scale of such dreams can concern both the dreamer personally, and several people, or even an entire city or country.

Psychology explains such phenomena by the work of genetic memory or the collective unconscious, when a person can receive information about the future from higher spheres of activity.

Usually such dreams appear at the junction of events, at turning points in life, or when the starting point of some kind of incident is launched.

For example, a girl decided to have an abortion and did not tell anyone about her pregnancy, and her mother sees her a day before the operation in a hospital bed or in a gynecological chair. This phenomenon is explained by the work of the subconscious, the animal instinct of the mother, who felt unwell.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams immediately, since they do not require encrypted interpretation. Prophetic night scenes of nature unknown to scientists dream before fateful events that have either already happened far away from you or will happen in a short time.

Most often, they are performed the next day or within a week, or months and years later, depending on the starting point of the situation. For example, a husband and wife are about to move to a village for permanent residence, they are full of ideas and want to settle down there.

Relatives do not approve of this venture, so they can see how the husband died a few years or decades before the tragedy, and the woman was left alone in a dilapidated dwelling with unsettled plumbing, without work and livelihood.

This dream is a warning that indicates that these people should not go to the village. Very often prophetic dreams come when:

  • a significant event has already happened or it is impossible to prevent it;
  • the mother gave birth to a child, and in a dream she sees how his fate will turn out;
  • during the New Year and Christmas. At this time, a person can recognize the most significant events of the year;
  • before or after an engagement, meeting a future husband, or a wedding. At this time, a person can find out how his life will turn out;
  • when there is a starting point of some important event, a significant decision made. It could be moving, getting married, going to college, getting married, developing an illness, or something else;
  • if there is a danger that is invisible to others.

One person can represent dreams that are related only to him and his family, another is able to foresee the future of the city, country, and even some events taking place far from him. Those who often have prophetic dreams are those who have developed sensuality and the ability to understand hidden events and the informational nature of things. Usually, even a psychic is not always able to see prophetic dreams, but there are a few individuals who can penetrate into the future.

This ability is not given to everyone, usually a person is born with such a nature and nothing can be done about it. But an ordinary man or woman can develop such abilities in themselves if they begin to work on their own intuition.

How can I order a prophetic dream

To do this, it is worth awakening the sensual and animal nature in oneself, which can be covered by cultural rules. Within the framework of society, this can be difficult to do, but most often people who are physically healthy and sensual are able to see prophetic stories more often than others.

This is facilitated by a sincere passion for what they love, for example, music: very often musicians see a work in a dream, which they then transfer to notes. Acting skills, practical psychology and simple observation also contribute to the development of animal nature.

Try to understand and feel the behavior of ordinary people around you, then prophetic dreams will occur more often. It happens that a person connects to the information flow, which gives him the ability to see the future, but in this matter it is better to turn to a good specialist.

Another skill worth developing in yourself is the ability to relax. Prophetic dreams come when the dreamer will not sleep and see his daily problems in a dream. For example, choose a dress, write a resume for a job.

With preoccupation with everyday problems and earthly affairs, the routine of prophetic dreams is seen extremely rarely. If a person is tired, exhausted or crushed by experiences, his dreams may disappear altogether.

Therefore, try to include not only logic, but also intuition, train the gift of foresight of events and a prophetic dream will not take long.

There is no such person who would not like to look into the future. The easiest way to do this is through sleep, when the human soul "soars up" and can see from there the fate of the dreamer, his loved ones, his future and past.

Psychologists believe that if a person had a dream that repeats events that recently occurred in reality, then the subconscious mind is trying to answer a long-troubling question.

Interesting? That is why there are many questions about prophetic dreams: what is it, when do they dream, what are they, who can see them. These questions are answered by astrologers, psychologists, esotericists.

Prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are dreams that show events that after some time begin to occur in life.

Adherents of Orthodoxy are convinced that true prophetic dreams come on the eve of Epiphany (on the night of January 19), while Catholics trust only the dreams of Christmas night. Peoples of any religion believe in dreams that they had from Thursday to Friday.

There is no single answer to the question of what a prophetic dream is. Dreams that are beneficial to the dreamer fall into the category of "prophetic":

  • prediction of events;
  • answers to questions that the dreamer wants to find out;
  • tips on what to do;
  • warnings.

The reasons why prophetic dreams are dreamed can be different. For example, a person thinks hard about some question. He is completely focused on the problem, but in reality he cannot solve it, because extra information interferes with the work of the brain (distracting external factors, stereotyped thinking).

And during sleep, when the individual is relaxed, the subconscious works, and all the "daily work" of the brain adds up to a clear, correct picture. This is how Mendeleev created the famous table of chemical elements. But psychologists argue whether such dreams are considered prophetic. They are sure that the true comes spontaneously, without preliminary work of consciousness.

It is believed that all events first take place on a subtle level (in a different reality), and only after that they are realized along a ready-made “track” of ordinary life. The chosen ones of fate happen to get "at the rehearsal" - that's why we see prophetic dreams that are ahead of the course of events, predict the future.

Psychologists believe that if a person has a dream that repeats events that have recently occurred in reality, then the subconscious mind is trying to answer a long-troubling question. Such a dream can be considered prophetic.

Who sees prophetic dreams?

Religious writings often offer examples of how a person happened to see a prophecy in a dream. When it comes to the question of who has prophetic dreams, we are talking about prophets - special people.

Signs of a prophet:

  1. full knowledge of the truth of the universe;
  2. love for neighbors;
  3. devotion of his whole life to the study of the world, to the service of God;
  4. suffering, prayer, love, the ability to forgive.

Personalities who give themselves entirely to the cause, strengthening faith in God - these are the people who dream of prophecies (from the point of view of the church). Without obsession (in the good sense of the word), nothing prophetic can be seen.

In this case, we are talking about ideal prophetic dreams, when it is impossible to dispute that an individual has the gift of clairvoyance. Such gifted personalities are rare, and true prophets come 1-2 times during the time allotted to a person in this world.

How to develop a gift in yourself, to see prophetic dreams?

In general, you need to become like the prophets. And this is not for everyone, and not everyone succeeds.

What if you still want to penetrate the secrets of the future? Creative people with a rich imagination can easily cope with this task. It is possible to see prophetic dreams and those who are engaged in spiritual practices, meditation.

A simple person can also see the prophecy if he relaxes well and concentrates on the problem. An involuntary prophetic dream can appear on a day determined by astrologers to a person who:

  • He does not overeat (otherwise he has a heavy dream).
  • Not too hungry (then you may dream of food).
  • Does not abstain from sex through force (otherwise erotic dreams often arrive).
  • Does not abuse alcohol or drugs (otherwise it will be nonsense).
  • Does not express violently negative emotions, at least for some time before sleep (Higher Powers bypass people who are unrestrained in the manifestation of feelings).

If a girl has several gentlemen, and she finds it difficult to choose, you can tell fortunes on card kings

What are prophetic dreams

Esotericists assure that during sleep the soul separates from the body and flies wherever it pleases. At the same time, it remains tied by an invisible thread to the body shell. When the soul moves a long distance to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur. If the soul has not gone far, then bodily (empty) dreams come, a surge of accumulated emotions occurs.


In them, the dreamer can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and other Saints. These dreams are signs confirming the connection with the Higher powers, which promise patronage or warn of responsibility for bad deeds. Prophecies (God's revelations) are sure to come true regardless of the date they were seen.

Fortune-telling dreams

They always come true. Magicians believe that you can guess in a dream. That is, on certain days, before going to bed, you need to do a simple ritual and ask Sandman a question of interest. Most often, girls guess at the betrothed. Holy week is suitable for these divinations.

If a fortuneteller puts a comb under the pillow, she should dream about the appearance of her future husband. If a girl has several gentlemen, and she finds it difficult to choose, you can tell fortunes on card kings. In the evening, each king needs to be assigned a certain guy (it is better to write down this information). In the morning it remains to determine who is narrowed, according to the map that was dreamed at night.

Curious young ladies try to see the groom in night dreams, not only on Christmas week. It is believed that the first night in a new place shows a sweetheart, if before going to bed you say: "I'm sleeping in a new place, dream of the bridegroom."


These dreams come true only on certain days of the week. They consist of a set of symbols that can be deciphered using special books (dream books). For example, a rat is an enemy, pancakes are news, and the like.

The problem is that there are a lot of dream books, they often contradict each other. For example, the Islamic dream book is very different from the Orthodox one. Admirers of Islam attach great importance to dreams, because the basic law of the Muslim religion says: the path of salvation at the time of the “end of the world” will be prompted in a dream.

Empty (bodily). They are never fulfilled. Being a reflection of the dreamer's daily reality, under certain circumstances they can serve as a hint. For example, if in a dream the moral character of some person familiar to the dreamer looked different than in life, then you need to think about the true essence of this friend.


If you dream of frightening stories or characters, this is a sign that the dreamer's nervous system is overstrained. Nightmares sometimes come after a tragedy. Psychologists believe that in this way the subconscious seeks to overcome mental pain, replacing it with other strong emotions.

When do you have prophetic dreams?

True prophetic dreams come at any moment before the event that is about to happen. The term of their execution ranges from several hours to 20 years.

But astrologers know when people can see prophetic dreams under the influence of celestial bodies. And psychologists believe that mass festivities affect the ability to see the future in a dream. In anticipation of the holiday, people unite with common emotions, the atmosphere is filled with a special energy - it allows you to see the future.


Show increased attention to your dreams that visited you on New Year's Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas time and Epiphany. Do not be afraid of these dreams - they contain clues that will help you solve problems. An adequate reaction of the dreamer to the dreams of iconic nights is important. Do not let the events that were discussed in your dreams take their course - as a result, everything will work out.

The period from Christmas to Epiphany (Svyatki) is conducive to fortune telling in a dream. It is believed that at this time living people are visited by the souls of dead ancestors, and otherworldly creatures (good and evil) “wander” between them. These "visitors" tell those who wish about the future.

Each night following Christmas brings in dreams prophecies concerning a particular area:

  • From January 7 to 8 - dreams will open their eyes to the insidious plans of enemies or competitors.
  • From January 9 to 10 - dreams will tell about the fate of loved ones, relatives, family members.
  • From January 10 to 11 - the theme of dreams - the dreamer's state of health and his moral well-being.
  • From January 11 to 12 - dreams about the "prospects" for business development, possible career growth.
  • From January 13 to 14 - the time of fortune telling. Ask any question to get an answer in a dream.
  • From January 14 to 15 - tips on how to build relationships with rivals.
  • From January 16 to 17 - warnings about the possible difficulties of the coming year.
  • From January 17 to 18 - in dreams you can get valuable information about your personal life (whether a wedding is coming, how romantic relationships will develop, whether children will appear, whether there will be well-being in the family).

During the holy divination, it is imperative to repent. Making attempts to foresee fate, the dreamer involuntarily activates evil spirits. It is she (evil spirits) who helpfully tells the future during this period, and may demand to pay for services.

It is also believed that dreams seen on the eve of any church holiday always come true. And it happens quickly (before lunch on the day of the holiday).

Friday is a mystical day that activates the secret powers of a person, including intuition.

Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday

This night of prophetic dreams, which it makes sense to remember to the smallest detail, because they can be fulfilled exactly.

Friday is patronized by the ruler of sensuality - the planet Venus, so dreams on this night are associated with emotions, secret desires, dreams of love and a little with the material sphere.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday reflect:

  1. Something that is impossible to get in real life.
  2. The creative abilities of the sleeper.
  3. They show dear and close people.
  4. They indicate the day when the desired will come true.

Friday is a mystical day that activates the secret powers of a person, including intuition. Pay attention to the dream:

  • In a pleasant vivid dream, you bought something and got what you wanted - a good omen of the fulfillment of desires or the receipt of a large amount. Positive emotions are the threshold of a new period of life full of victories. The dreamer will not have to deny himself anything.
  • In a dream, it was not possible to find anything or get what you wanted - a bad sign: times of austerity are approaching, you may have to get into debt. Another interpretation is that the dreamer is dissatisfied with his personal life.
  • Black and white - the threshold of a boring period of life. After all, the more interesting the Friday dream, the more rosy prospects await the dreamer, and vice versa.

If, when interpreting the dream of this night, predictions about work or finances are obtained, keep in mind that achievements in this area will be closely related to amorous affairs. Negative dreams on Friday night speak of the sleeper's dissatisfaction with his personal life, so dreams must be interpreted based on this context.

There is another side to the importance of Friday dreams. The crucifixion of Jesus is associated with Friday. Therefore, it is not recommended to start important things on this day of the week, as they are inevitably doomed to failure.

Friday dreams are most likely to come true on Monday.

A special energy is inherent in Fridays, which precede important church holidays - there are twelve of them. Dreams on these nights can predict fate in general and individual important events. These days it is recommended to fast, to refrain from excesses, unnecessary pleasures:

  1. During the first week of Lent.
  2. The day before the Annunciation.
  3. Before Palm Sunday.
  4. On the eve of the Ascension of the Lord.
  5. On the eve of Trinity.
  6. Before the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 7).
  7. On the eve of the feast of Elijah the Prophet (August 2).
  8. Precedes the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  9. On the eve of the Day of the Archangel Michael (September 19).
  10. Before the day of Saints Cosmas and Damian (November 14).
  11. Before Christmas (January 7).
  12. Precedes Epiphany (January 19).

These are nominal Fridays - each of them has its own name. For example, Christmas, Assumption and the like.

By day of the week

There are other days of the week when prophetic dreams are dreamed. The nature of dreams is influenced by the astrological characteristics of the planet that patronizes certain days of the weekly cycle:

  1. , which appeared under the guidance of the crafty night luminary (Moon), are not worth serious attention. But on Monday, you can artificially evoke a prophetic dream, if you first perform the ceremony and read the plot, you will get an answer to the question posed.
  2. Tuesday night dreams under the influence of Mars will give a hint on how to change your destiny. But in general, dreams on Tuesday are considered bodily.
  3. On Wednesday, under the rule of Mercury, disturbing dreams come, calling for greater control over emotions. The feasibility of the dreams of the night on Wednesday is 50%.
  4. Under the control of Jupiter on Thursday night, prophecies about professional activities or business are dreamed. The rest of Thursday's dreams are not worth attention.
  5. A lot has been said about Friday. Prophetic dreams "from sensual Venus" reveal the future of personal life and financial well-being.
  6. On the night of Saturday (Saturn day), dreams come that are rarely fulfilled, but they can suggest the general background of the future: it will be good or bad.
  7. Sunday dreams under the influence of the Sun symbolize happiness. They come true very quickly (on the same day before lunch or on the coming Wednesday). A bad dream on the last day of the week does not come true, it warns against dangerous acts.

By time of day

Most people believe that a night's sleep restores brain cells while it is resting. But it turned out that the brain of a sleeping person works more intensively than during wakefulness. During this intensive process, information is processed.

A dream that occurred during the day during a short sleep (no more than one, two hours) is a product of active analysis by the brain of the information received. Therefore, daytime dreams are not prophetic, except when they contain the prophecies of the Saints.

Evening (until midnight) and night (from 24.00 to 3.00) are most often empty (without sacred meaning). After all, a recently asleep person continues to think about the events of the past day, or plans for the future. In addition, in such a short period, the soul does not yet have time to retire to a sufficient distance to acquire mystical revelations from other worlds.

But the morning hours are the time for "long-distance flights" of the soul. Freed from everyday problems, the brain is ready to receive information from other worlds.

Despite the dreamer's feeling that he took part in interesting events all night, a person sees dreams only 10 minutes before waking up. At this time, the pulse rate increases, and the pupils begin to move at high speed. Here in the morning, as a rule, prophetic dreams are dreamed.

If you liked the dream, you want it to come true, you can’t tell it to anyone until it comes true

How to understand that a prophetic dream?

Keep in mind that a prophecy may appear on the eve of a fateful event, even at the wrong time.

Signs that you had a prophetic dream:

  • Strong emotions caused by a dream.
  • The brightness and brilliance of dreams even surpasses reality, such dreams cannot be forgotten.
  • The plot of the dream has the correct construction (with a beginning, culmination and end), the sequence and logic of the development of events.
  • There is specific information in the form of numbers or words (written or spoken).
  • The brevity of the dream.

In addition, the dreamer often actively participates in such dreams (he acts, makes decisions, is able to influence the development of events).

Prophetic dreams have two forms:

  • "Direct" (in fact, they are considered truly prophetic). These dreams are absolutely understandable. They relate to some area of ​​​​the dreamer's life. The characters of such night dreams are real people. What happens in stories is what can happen in reality. The probability of exact execution is 95%, that is, it is high, so the dreamer has a minimal chance to change anything if he orients himself in time and makes an effort.
  • Symbolic. These dreams can be absolutely fantastic. The dreamer can easily find himself in a mysterious place, encounter strangers or amazing creatures, and begin to do things that he is not capable of in reality. But the dreamer becomes the master of the situation - the realization of the symbolic plot in real life depends on his future actions.

In what form the prophecy will be dreamed depends on whether the event is already predetermined, or the prerequisites for it are just being built.

What to do if you have prophetic dreams - it depends on what exactly you dreamed about. It is impossible to change the course of events predicted by a true prophetic dream (there are 1 or 2 of them in a lifetime). But the feasibility of other dreams can either be increased or decreased.

If you liked the dream, you want it to come true, you can’t tell it to anyone until it comes true. But first you need to remember it - for this there are several proven folk ways:

  1. put a stone under the pillow;
  2. try to sleep at night on your right side (in no case do not roll over on your stomach);
  3. immediately after waking up, bite the corner of the pillowcase on which you slept;
  4. when you open your eyes after sleep, do not look out the window or at the living flame.

Use the Dreamcatcher (an ancient amulet), which will keep a good dream in its nets and drive away the bad.

So that the dream does not come true, it urgently needs to be forgotten:

  • Waking up, look at the sunlight, fire (from a candle, match, fireplace).
  • Share your content with more people before the middle of the day.
  • Retell the dream of running water (looking at a stream from a tap or a river).
  • Waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, turn the linen inside out.
  • Stepping over the threshold with your left foot, linger in this position and order the bad dream to leave your house.

There are many other ways, but the ones listed above should suffice.

Forgetting a bad dream and not letting it come true is wonderful. But not every bad dream needs to be done. They tried to lend a helping hand to you, to suggest that you are going the wrong way:

  1. meeting the wrong person who can bring chaos into your life, or cause pain;
  2. you are not doing something that will take you a lot of effort, time, money, and will not please you with the result;
  3. intend to commit a bad deed, which you will later regret very much;
  4. set yourself a goal that will lead you to the abyss.

Therefore, carefully analyze the symbols and signs seen in a dream and, using a dream book or the help of a specialist, extract useful information. Then act on the basis of the received interpretation.

A dream is called prophetic, where a person sees events from the future. Probably, each of us at least once in his life had a dream that fully or partially came true. And some people see prophetic dreams very often. How can the phenomenon of prophetic dreams be explained? What dreams are prophetic? How to induce a prophetic dream? And how do you react to what you see?

When prophetic dreams

The nature of prophetic dreams has not been fully studied, but, nevertheless, prophetic dreams can definitely be divided into 3 large groups. The first group includes those dreams that are directly related to the daily activities of a person. The most striking example of such dreams is the invention by Mendeleev of his periodic table of chemical elements, which, as you know, the scientist dreamed of after a long work on its creation. This principle works for many creative people. Poets dream of rhymes that were not found during the day, artists see their paintings in their dreams, and engineers wake up in the morning with ready-made ideas that were spinning in their heads before and did not “glue” into a coherent picture.

It is very easy to explain such prophetic dreams. During the day, the human mind is heavily loaded. He is distracted by extraneous sounds and various domestic issues. But on a subconscious level, a person constantly continues to think about his idea, which is of particular interest to him. During sleep, the brain rests, but does not stop its work. Inertially, he continues to think about solving an important problem. And it is in complete silence and darkness that an idea arises in the mind of a person that could not be born during the day because of the noise and bustle. Nothing supernatural happens in this case. There can be no talk of any gift of clairvoyance here. It's just that our brain, which we use only 10%, throws us a pleasant surprise in the form of such a dream.

The second group of prophetic dreams are those dreams that come true at the will of a person. When prophetic dreams are dreamed, people who believe in them can simply bring them to life. Everything here is also connected with the work of the brain. For example, a girl who really wants to get married constantly thinks about her loved one, about living together, about family and about children. It is not at all surprising if she dreams of this very man who invites her to go on vacation together. And believing in her dream, the girl, even without knowing it herself, can push her friend to really go to the exact place that she dreamed of. Because any attentive man is able to notice what his soulmate dreams about and what pictures of cities or resorts she opens on the Internet.

And, finally, the third group is those dreams that are really connected with clairvoyance. They dream of people with a subtle emotional sphere. People who are able to see the future in a dream explain this in different ways. Some say they can travel between past, present and future. Others explain their dreams by communicating with deceased relatives. And still others use special conspiracies to have a prophetic dream. There are no objective explanations for this. However, dreams come and they do come true.

For a long time in Russia there were days of prophetic dreams, when girls guessed at their betrothed and tried to predict their fate. These were Christmas time for Epiphany, the feast of Ivan Kupala, Christmas, the days of the summer and winter solstice and full moon. It was also believed that prophetic dreams most often occur on the night of Thursday to Friday. Although the idea that you can see your happy future in prophetic dreams is a bit exaggerated. According to statistics, about 80% of prophetic dreams are just the same quite sad. People see in them future accidents, misfortunes, the death of loved ones and even natural disasters.

Interpretation of prophetic dreams

If you had a colorful dream, before trying to interpret it, you need to decide whether it was prophetic. People who see prophetic dreams claim that they are distinguished by special lighting. From the first time it is difficult to understand what kind of lighting should be in a dream. But if one day you see a dream that will come true, remember what you felt in it and what emotions you experienced. Then you will surely remember the special colors that were in this dream. Try to remember the dreams you see at night. But don't make it an obsession. A prophetic dream will definitely remain in your memory and pop up at the right time.

It is also important to understand that the interpretation of prophetic dreams is appropriate only when they are not related to events, objects and people that concern you. If you ate before bed, or the room was very hot, and as a result you had nightmares all night, this is quite natural, and nothing like this will happen in real life. If you drank alcohol in the evening, then dreams can turn out to be even more colorful, but they will have nothing to do with your future. Also, a person's well-being can affect dreams. Prophetic dreams are dreamed in a healthy state and under normal conditions. They are often not related to the present. And waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains that would lead to their fulfillment.

People who interpret dreams take into account many factors - on which day of the lunar and solar month the dream occurred, in which zodiac sign the moon was at that time, and which zodiac sign a person belongs to, since predictions can be not only direct, but also reverse. We will not go into these details. If you have a prophetic dream, you will definitely feel it. But in no case should you take bad dreams for granted. This is only a small part of your future, which may have a different interpretation depending on your actions.