What to do okay the child's eyes fester. Causes of festering eyes in children

After your baby is born, he needs your close attention to his health. As well as careful, gentle care of every part of the body and every organ. Baby eyes are no exception. Your day should begin with the fact that you wash the baby's face, including the eyes, with a cotton swab dipped in clean water. A separate swab is taken for each eye. By following these simple rules, you will thereby maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of your baby's eyes. But it happens that even in the hospital you notice that the baby's eye is festering. Or this unpleasant symptom appeared in a baby under the age of one year. What to do and how to properly treat eyes? Let's consider this topic in more detail.

Reasons why the eyes of a newborn fester

There may be several reasons:

  1. Conjunctivitis;
  2. Dacryocystitis.


The first reason a baby has festered one or both eyes may be conjunctivitis. You will recognize it immediately: sticky cilia, reddened eyeball, increased tearfulness. Conjunctivitis has several varieties:

  • adenovirus
  • Allergic
  • herpetic
  • Pneumococcal/staphylococcal
  • Gonococcal
  • diphtheria

The further development of events depends on the correct diagnosis of conjunctivitis. The doctor may prescribe treatment, or may give a referral for testing for concomitant infections, since some types of conjunctivitis are accompanied by the main source of the child's disease - infection.

Your task is to contact your local pediatrician as soon as possible. Hurry is important here because if one eye of the baby is infected, then there is time to prevent infection of the second. When both eyes are infected, the child's body weakens, the temperature rises, and the disease brings him great discomfort and takes a lot of strength.

If circumstances develop in such a way that you have to wait a long time for a doctor, you can provide first aid to the child yourself.


There is another reason when a baby's eyes fester. This disease is called dacryocystitis. It occurs when a child has mucus left in the ducts of the lacrimal canal / canals, which enveloped the child in the womb.

Under normal circumstances, she should freely exit the channel at the time of the first breath and the cry of the baby. If this does not happen, stagnation forms, a plug, and the canal clogs. The eye of the child is not washed by the lacrimal fluid, since it cannot penetrate the stagnation, and the path for pathogenic bacteria is open.

With dacryocystitis, the canal cleaning procedure, or probing, is most often performed. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the improvement comes almost immediately. After that, either drops are prescribed to consolidate the result, or an ointment, or other medications that are right for your baby.


If a newborn child has a festering eye, prepare an infusion of chamomile and wash his eyes and eyelids. The infusion is made simply:

  1. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of chamomile into a glass with a capacity of 200 ml and pour boiling water to the top. Cover with a lid or saucer, leave for about an hour. Then dip a cotton swab in the infusion and wipe the entire eye towards the child's nose. If the baby is less than three months old, do this procedure with very great care, since the skin of the eyelids is too thin and you can inadvertently provoke hemorrhage of small vessels.
  2. Tea brewing. If an infant's eye is festering and this is conjunctivitis, then wipe his eyes with tea. Make a strong infusion of tea, and gently wipe the child's eyes with a cotton pad.

All other medicines and various drops can only be prescribed by a specialist, and only in an individual age dosage.

Often, parents notice in children an accumulation of purulent discharge in the corners of the eyes. This symptom is quite dangerous, as it may indicate the presence of a certain ailment. It must be treated immediately at the initial stage, until severe complications arise. The doctor will be able to prescribe treatment only after he can understand what led to the development of such unpleasant symptoms.

Symptom Definition

When the eyes of a child fester, it is most often caused by some kind of disease. It is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • increased secretion of tear fluid;
  • mucosal hyperemia;
  • photophobia;
  • purulent, which do not allow to fully open the eye in the morning;
  • film on the mucosa, which is not subject to home removal;
  • eyelid swelling;
  • bubbles on the edges of the eyelids;
  • sore throat, runny nose, swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever;
  • runny nose and itching in the eyes;
  • burning and pain in the eyes;
  • the formation of yellow crusts;
  • irritability and moodiness;
  • poor appetite and sleep;
  • deterioration in visual acuity.

Each child's body reacts in its own way, so that the pathological process can manifest itself in different ways. But if at least one of the above symptoms occurs, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

The reasons

There are many reasons why purulent discharge from the eye appears. Often this symptom is associated with an infection that is passed from mother to child during childbirth. In such children, already on the 3rd day after birth, they begin. In this case, it is important to understand which pathogen influenced the development of the infection.


The main reasons for the development of purulent discharge from the eye of a child include:

  1. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. This should include staphylococci or streptococci. They are focused on the skin of each person. But the immune system does an excellent job with this pathogenic microflora. But if the immune system is weakened, then this leads to the development of an infectious process.
  2. Fungi. Most often, purulent discharge develops against the background of candidiasis.
  3. Not maintaining hygiene. The baby needs to be washed properly, using a wet cotton swab for this.
  4. Viruses. If there is a viral infection, then in children, in addition to purulent discharge, there is also a runny nose. In a child under 6 years old, the duct between the eyes and nose is not long, so that the formation of snot leads to conjunctivitis.
  5. Impaired patency of the lacrimal canal. This process is observed in newborns. To restore patency, it is necessary to use massage or surgery.

Possible diseases

Pus concentrated in the corners of the eyes often indicates the presence of diseases such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, or blepharitis.


This inflammation is formed in the lacrimal sac. Obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal can affect its development. Divide dacryocystitis into primary and secondary. The first develops in children during the first days of life, but the secondary one develops in older children.

Why white discharge appears in the eyes, see.

It is possible to distinguish dacryocystitis from other diseases of the organs of vision by the fact that the pathological process is one-sided. This suggests that only one eye is festering.

This gives rise to the following symptoms:

  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • purulent discharge;
  • multiple crusts on the eyelids.

In newborns, a gelatin film can affect the development of the disease. It is concentrated in the lower part of the nasolacrimal canal. It should break as soon as the baby took its first breath. If this does not happen, then the above symptoms occur.


This pathology is of an infectious-allergic origin. Affects the region of the edges of the eyelids. Accompanied by the presence of many crusts, gluing of eyelashes and swelling of the area of ​​​​inflammation. All this leads to the development of suppuration or suppuration of the organ of vision. Violation of hygiene rules can affect the development of the disease.

Read more about what blepharitis is, its symptoms and treatment.

Blepharitis, taking into account the form of the disease, can be divided into the following types:

  • scaly;
  • ulcerative;
  • angular;
  • meibomian;
  • demodectic.


This disease is inflammatory in nature. The inflammatory process affects directly the conjunctiva. The fact is that immunity in infants is prone to hyperreactive responses to various infectious agents, resulting in festering of the eye.

In children, a neglected form of conjunctivitis can cause complications.

Diagnostic methods

Before proceeding to the treatment of the pathological process, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of its development. To do this, the doctor carries out standard measures, which include establishing visual acuity and field of view, examining the fundus, as well as in direct and transmitted light. In addition, the doctor takes a smear from the conjunctival cavity to perform a bacteriological examination. This will accurately determine the pathogen and correctly formulate antibiotic therapy.


In this case, the therapy is a comprehensive approach. Both medications and home remedies can be used, thanks to which you can overcome the symptoms and eliminate the root of the problem.

More specifically than treating conjunctivitis in a child, see.


After making a diagnosis, the doctor will be able to draw up an effective treatment regimen, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's body.

If there is an infectious process, then the following drops are used to treat it:

  • Eubital;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Kolbiocin.

Read about Levomycetin eye drops.

Some children are better off with ointments. For this, it is better to use Torbex, Erythromycin or Tetracycline ointment.

For the treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis, it is worth using florenel or 25% tebrofen ointment. When suppuration of the eye occurs mainly in the spring, this indicates the onset of an allergy. For its treatment, it is necessary to use antihistamine drops:

  • Allergodil;
  • Spersallerg;
  • Lecrolin;
  • Allergoftal;
  • Dimedrol in solution.

To quickly defeat allergies, it is necessary to direct all efforts to raising immunity.

Treatment of herpetic conjunctivitis is carried out with the help of Acyclovir. For this, both ointment and tablets can be used.

If this pathology occurs, then the use of washes and drops will not give the desired result. First you have to remove the films. And to do this is really only with the help of massage. The essence of it and the technique of execution will be able to show the doctor. Parents can do all the activities themselves.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before massaging. Nails should also be cut short. Move your finger up and down with slight pressure, but gently massage the inside of the eye. For one procedure, it is necessary to perform 6-10 movements. When pus began to stand out more actively, this indicates the correctness of the massage.

When it was not possible to defeat the pathology in the first 6 months of life, the lacrimal canal is probed. This procedure must be carried out in a hospital setting.

Folk remedies

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible, then in combination with medications, you can use traditional medicine recipes. Some of them have a bactericidal, healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The following recipes remain effective:

  1. Chamomile. It is necessary to take 20 g of raw materials, pour boiling water and wait 10 minutes. Dip a cotton pad into the filtered broth, and then apply to the affected eye. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, carried out 2-3 times a day.
  2. succession. This plant is one of the most effective for fighting eye suppuration. You need to take 0 g of raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Simmer on fire for 2 minutes. Use ready-made broth for washing.
  3. Celandine. It is necessary to use both flowers and leaves of the plant. Take 5 g of raw materials. Add 200 ml of boiling water. Simmer on fire for 2-3 minutes. Use a filtered decoction to wipe the eyes with moistened cotton pads.

Recipe for infusion of celandine


Prevention of conjunctivitis begins even in prenatal sanitation of pregnant women with further processing and application of drops with antibacterial and antiseptic effects to newborns.

Even if the inflammatory process is accompanied by a classic clinical picture, then injury to the organ of vision should not be ruled out. There is a high risk of infection of internal structures. In this case, it is necessary to proceed to treatment as soon as possible.

Prevention involves following simple rules:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • hardening;
  • proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and useful microelements;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of infectious eye diseases.



The eye of a child can fester for a variety of reasons. So you can start treatment only after the exact discovery of the fundamental factor. Parents should regularly monitor the condition of the eyes, conduct high-quality hygiene and consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms are detected. With the help of a doctor, you can find out the best ones that are suitable for the child.

Also read about how to treat strabismus in children at.

Causes of discharge of pus from the eyes in children and methods of treatment.

The appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes in children is associated with conjunctivitis. This is an ailment in which the mucous membrane of the eye and the conjunctiva are affected. Most often, the disease is provoked by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

There are many reasons why pus is released from the baby's eyes after sleep. Most often, the disease is caused by an infection. Conjunctivitis is especially common in newborns. This is due to an untreated infection of the genital tract in the mother. In such babies, already on the 3rd day after birth, there is a discharge of pus. In this case, it is necessary to find out the causative agent of conjunctivitis.

The main causes of suppuration of the eyes after sleep:

  • Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. These are ordinary staphylococci or streptococci, which are found on the skin of everyone. But the immune system should be able to fight these microorganisms very well. When the immune system is weakened, conjunctivitis appears.
  • Mushrooms. Most often it is the well-known candidiasis (thrush).
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. The newborn needs to be washed properly, using a separate wet cotton wool to treat the eyes.
  • Viruses. With a viral infection in children, a runny nose is often observed. In children under 6 years of age, the duct between the nose and eyes is very short, so the appearance of snot often leads to conjunctivitis.
  • Violation of the patency of the lacrimal canal. This is often seen in newborns. To restore patency, massage or surgery is prescribed.

There can be several reasons for redness of the eyes. Most often, redness is observed with ARVI and when a foreign body gets into the eyes. If the baby began to suddenly complain of pain in the eyes, carefully examine the mucous membrane for the presence of foreign bodies. Do not rub and climb there with dirty hands. Rinse the eye with cool water and treat with a solution of furacilin.

With SARS, conjunctivitis is often observed. This is due to the fact that part of the secretions from the nose enters through the ducts into the eyes. There are many ways to get rid of such conjunctivitis.

Ways to get rid of discharge from the eyes with SARS:

  • Rinse your nose every hour with saline
  • Instill a solution of furacilin in the eyes
  • Drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose

A child with a cold, SARS has green snot and festering eyes: what to do?

The appearance of pus from the eyes and fever are the first signs of the virus. Most likely, the child fell ill with SARS. In this case, it is worth increasing the protective functions of the child's body. To do this, purchase vitamins, fish oil and do not ignore folk methods.


  • As soon as the child's temperature rises, and the eyes begin to water, turn sour, use antiviral suppositories. Now in the pharmacy you can buy Anaferon, Interferon, Laferobion.
  • Rinse your baby's eyes with a solution of chamomile and furacilin.
  • Lubricate the inner corner of the eye with tetracycline or nitroxoline ointment.
  • Be sure to rinse your child's nose with saline. You can drip a few drops of ACC or Decasan. These liquids kill viruses, bacteria and fungi. This will prevent further spread of the infection.

This is one of the options for complications after SARS. In children, the ears, eyes, nose and throat are closely connected. Therefore, if a lot of mucus forms in the nose, it can flow into the eyes or ear. In this case, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Most often, ear pain indicates otitis media, and if there is purulent discharge from the eyes, then there is a risk of otitis media. This is a rather insidious and dangerous disease. With these symptoms, you should not hope for a chance. Visit an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe antibiotics, drops and physiotherapy.

Most often, newborns have festering eyes for two reasons:

  • Infection that got into the eyes while passing through the birth canal of the mother
  • Blocked tear duct

Pediatricians and neonatologists recommend lacrimal sac massage. In addition, three times a day, you need to wash the eyes of the crumbs with a solution of furacilin. The pediatrician may prescribe drops. Excellent help to cope with the infection Albucid, Oculoheel.

Herbal decoctions are often used to treat conjunctivitis. They have a bactericidal and healing effect, relieve inflammation.

Herbs to treat conjunctivitis:

  • Chamomile. Pour a spoonful of dry grass with boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and soak cotton wool with decoction. Flush eyes with fluid.
  • Series. This plant is also great for pus in the eyes. It is necessary to pour 10 g of grass with boiling water and then simmer on fire for 2 minutes. Wash eyes with warm solution.
  • Celandine. Leaves and flowers of the plant are used to make a decoction. It is necessary to pour 5 g of raw materials with boiling water and then simmer on fire for 2-3 minutes. Strain and chill. Wipe your eyes with cotton pads soaked in decoction.

Conjunctivitis associated with teething is a common problem. Usually it is faced by children aged 1-1.6 years. It is at this age that fangs are cut. In this case, parents are advised to instill a solution of furacilin in the eyes or rinse with a decoction of chamomile. Ibufen, Nuprofen are also shown.

Many parents often experience conjunctivitis in babies while on vacation at sea. This is quite normal, as bacteria also live in sea water. After swimming, they often get into the eyes and provoke inflammation of the conjunctiva.


  • Rinse eyes with warm chamomile tea
  • Drip eyes with Oculoheel or Cipropharm drops. These drops are great for bacteria.
  • You can wash the mucous membrane with a solution of furatsilina
  • Try to choose places where there are not very many vacationers

As you can see, conjunctivitis in children is a common ailment. Do not self-treat the disease, it can cause complications.

VIDEO: Pus from the eyes of children

What can fester in the eyes of a child? Pus is a combination of dead white blood cells (protective cells of the body), live and dead bacteria, and dead tissue.

The reasons for the discharge of pus from the eyes of a child: eye diseases, improper care of the baby, colds. If the child's eyes fester after sleep, then this is not a reason for worry. During the day, fine dust particles enter the organ of vision; at night, during sleep, they are removed. This is a protective function of the body. In the morning it is enough to wash the child.

What else often fester in the eyes of children? The cause may be inflammatory diseases of the visual apparatus of a viral or infectious nature:


- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the visual organ. (herpetic, adenovirus) - occurs when the immune system is weakened. It often happens against the background of SARS. Allocations are scanty, transparent, mucous.

(staphylococcal, streptococcal, gonococcal) - occurs when a secondary infection is attached. In infants, infection occurs when passing through an infected mother's birth canal. It is characterized by the release of yellow pus from the eyes of the child. It will fester profusely, sometimes with an unpleasant odor.

Inflammation of the ciliary margin of the eyelids. The most common cause of blepharitis is a staphylococcal infection. Discharge from the eyes of a child is accompanied by swelling of the edge of the eyelids, redness and itching. The eyes begin to fester, the eyelashes stick together, a yellowish crust forms on them. Occurs most often after dust gets into the eyes, after hypothermia.


Dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac due to blockage of the excretory duct. There is nowhere for the tear fluid to drain, an infection joins, and as a result, inflammation. The lesion is one-sided, that is, one eye will fester.

It develops in the first days of life and is called primary. The reason is anomalies in the development of the nasolacrimal canal. The baby's eye is very festering, crusts form, a painful swelling is observed in the corner of the affected organ.

Secondary dacryocystitis - in older children. The manifestations are the same: the eye fester, pain is felt.


- purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue. Associated with a decrease in immunity, hypothermia and the addition of pathogens. Symptoms: rounded dense formation on the eyelid, lacrimation, pain. Possible low temperature (subfebrile condition). It begins to fester after the opening of the focus.

Inflammation of the choroid of the organ of vision. Uveitis is caused by viral or infectious causes, and is also possible with allergic reactions. The disease occurs acutely with the onset of eye pain. The pain extends to half of the head. Accompanied by blepharospasm (difficulty opening the eyelid), photophobia, lacrimation, blurred vision.

The pupil becomes sluggish and reacts badly to light. Visually - redness, swelling, overhanging of the eyelid. Yellowish or clear pus is discharged from the child's eye (depending on the cause).

Other reasons

Causes not related to inflammation of the eyes:

  1. Colds of viral origin. The reason that pus collects in the corner of the eye is the addition of a secondary infection. Most often - streptococci and staphylococci. The symptoms of the underlying disease come to the fore: the child becomes lethargic, drowsy, a runny nose appears, pain or sore throat, headache, muscle aches, body temperature rises above 38 degrees, eyes fester.
  2. Allergic reactions. The most common allergens are plant pollen, animal hair, chicken protein, honey, citrus fruits. There is a clear relationship: symptoms appear after contact with the allergen. Parents notice that the baby's eyes are swollen, festering, reddened, watery. There may be itching and sneezing.
  3. Mechanical damage. Symptoms are associated with trauma or a foreign body under the eyelid. In this case, the child has a watery eye, purulent discharge may appear. It will fester a second time when pathological microorganisms enter and inflammation develops.
  4. Lack of hygienic care for the child. It occurs in dysfunctional families. In this case, not only the eyes fester, but there are other signs of poor care for the baby.

What to do if the child's eyes fester

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky spoke about suppuration of the child's eyes in his program. The mucous membrane in children is sensitive to viruses and bacteria, as well as to allergens.

To find out the causes and prescribe effective treatment, Dr. Komarovsky recommends observing your child. After what the eye begins to fester? After visiting a kindergarten and contact with sick children? Or after contact with animals? Maybe after changing the washing powder or other household chemicals? Are there other symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat?

1. Viral colds. Therapy is directed at the underlying disease.

  • "Ingavirin" is an antiviral drug. Prevents the reproduction of viruses, increases the activity of interferons, stimulates the immune system. Allowed for children over 7 years old. Take 1 capsule (60 mg) 1 r / day. Packaging of the drug will cost 350-400 rubles.
  • "Kagocel" - activates the production of interferons, stimulates the body's defenses, inhibits the reproduction of viruses. Suitable for children over 3 years old. The dosage depends on age. Up to 6 years - 1 t. 2 times a day for 2 days, then 1 t. 1 r / d. - 2 days. General course - 4 days. Over 6 years old - the first 2 days, 1 t. 3 r / d, the next 2 days, 1 t. 2 r / d. Course - 4 days. The cost of 1 pack of tablets is 250–480 rubles.
  • "Anaferon for children" is a homeopathic preparation that improves the baby's immunity. Assign from infancy and older. On the first day of the disease, 1 t. every 30 minutes, then - 1 t. 3 r / d. before normalization. Infants should dilute the medicine in warm boiled water. At a price of approximately 200 r / pack.
  • "Albucid" is an addition to the main treatment as an antiseptic so that the eye does not start to fester. Eye drops for children 10% - for children under 2 years old, 20% - for children over 2 years old. Bury 1-2 drops every 2-4 hours. The cost is about 50 rubles.

2. Allergic reactions are treated with antihistamines. They relieve swelling, redness, itching.

  • "Tsetrin". Assign 1 t. 1 r / d or 1/2 t. 2 r / d. Allowed from 6 months. 150–200 r / pack.
  • "Suprastin". Take 1/2 t. 2 r / day. or 1/4 t. 3 r / day. Acceptable from 3 years of age. 1 package of the drug costs 100-130 rubles.
  • "Zodak" - eye drops for children older than a year. Dosing regimen depends on age. 1-2 years: 5 drops 2 r / d. It costs from 160 rubles.
    • 2–6 years: 5 drops 2 r/d or 10 drops 1 r/d.
    • 6–12 years: 20 drops either at a time or divided into 2 doses.
    • Over 12 years old: same dose once a day in the evening.

3. Mechanical damage. The first step is to remove the foreign body. To prevent the eye from starting or stopping to fester, use:

  • "Albucid", eye drops. They have an antiseptic effect. Method of application: age 2 years and less - 10% drops 1-2 in 2-4 hours, age over 2 years - 20% drops in the same dosage. The price is about 50 rubles.
  • "Tobrex", drops for children up to a year and older from pus in the eyes. They belong to the group of antibacterial drugs, have a bactericidal effect. They are needed to prevent a secondary infection caused by microorganisms that have entered the damaged visual organ. 1-2 k. every 6 hours. The price is about 200 rubles.

4. Inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision. Drops with an antimicrobial effect are prescribed:

  • "Floksal" - instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac 2-4 r / day. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days. Price: 170–220 rubles.
  • "Tobrex", eye ointment. Lay under the lower eyelid 2-3 r / day. A strip of ointment 1–1.5 cm. The course is up to 10 days. The ointment will cost 170–200 rubles.
  • "Albucid". Infants are prescribed at a concentration of 10%, over 2 years old - 20%. 1–2 k. 6–12 r / d. 1 bottle costs 50 r.
  • "Acyclovir" - antiviral eye ointment for herpetic lesions. It has a detrimental effect on herpes viruses. Lay under the lower eyelid 5 r / d. Apply during the entire period of illness plus 3 days after the symptoms have passed. The cost is 50–100 rubles.
  • With dacryocystitis, it is additionally necessary to massage the lacrimal sac to normalize the outflow of lacrimal fluid. Massage is performed with clean hands. Light pressing movements of the fingers are carried out from the inner corner of the eye up and down. The correctness of the massage is indicated by the improvement in the outflow of pus, that is, the eye begins to fester intensely. After the massage, use topical antimicrobial agents.

5. If purulent discharge is the result of poor hygiene, how to wash your eyes? For washing, infusions of soothing herbs are suitable: chamomile, succession. They will relieve inflammation. After 2-3 days, the eyes will stop festering. We will talk about this in detail below.

In addition, we invite you to watch a video where an ophthalmologist will talk about the causes and treatment of eye suppuration in a child:

How to cure children at home?

It is better to seek medical help from a specialist than to treat children at home. The doctor will correctly diagnose, refer to laboratory and diagnostic examinations, prescribe treatment. With the right medication, the eyes will quickly stop festering. If you decide to refuse the clinic, then you should know how to wash the festering eye:

  1. Chamomile solution. Recipe: Pour boiling water over 1 filter bag of chamomile. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Cool the solution to lukewarm temperature and then either rinse or rinse for 10 minutes. apply to the closed eye, which is festering, a cotton pad soaked in chamomile. Repeat the procedures 2-3 times a day.
  2. A decoction of a series. Pour a bag of string with one glass of boiling water, let it simmer on fire for 2-3 minutes. Cool slightly and rinse eyes with warm broth 3 r / d.
  3. A decoction of celandine. Both leaves and flowers can be used. The decoction is prepared in the same way as the decoction of the string. Washing is done at least 3 r / d.


To prevent the baby's eyes from festering, it is important to follow preventive measures:

  • A complete night's sleep. For young children, daytime sleep is also necessary.
  • Healthy balanced diet. The diet should contain fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals, dairy products, meat and fish dishes. It is advisable to limit sweet and canned foods to the maximum.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: regular washing in the morning and evening, additionally - if necessary.
  • Teach children not to rub their faces with dirty hands.
  • Maintaining immunity: hardening, good nutrition, outdoor games, walks in the fresh air.
  • Consulting a doctor in the early stages of diseases, when it has just begun to fester.

If the visual organ began to fester, then it is necessary to treat it in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of complications, such as visual impairment, partial and complete blindness, sepsis, when pathogens enter the bloodstream. This problem is dealt with by pediatricians and ophthalmologists.

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Sometimes parents may notice that pus appears in the eyes of the child in the morning or after sleep. This dependence is due to the fact that during the day purulent discharge from the eyes can be independently removed when blinking. During rest, the accumulation of discharge occurs, it becomes more noticeable.

Why do the eyes of a child fester? There may be several reasons for purulent eye infections, they are discussed in more detail in this article. In pediatrics, bacterial conjunctivitis, secondary infections against the background of systemic diseases, dacryocystitis, and infections that affect children during childbirth come first. You can talk about purulent diseases of newborns.

Variety of reasons

Exogenous factors

If a child's eyes are very festering and at the same time he complains of photophobia, heaviness and sticking of the eyelids, blurred vision, discomfort, then a bacterial infection of the eyes can be suspected.

The eyes of a child can be damaged if a pathogen gets into them from dirty hands, foreign bodies, when using other people's hygiene items

Purulent discharge from the eyes is nothing more than a mixture of waste products of microbes, pathogen residues, leukocytes, proteins, enzymes and damaged tissues. At the very beginning of the development of infection, this substance is more liquid, since exudative processes predominate. Gradually, it becomes thicker and more cloudy, which indicates the imminent completion of the process, the removal of the pathogen and the beginning of tissue repair.

Common causative agents of ophthalmic infections in children are Staphylococcus, Corynebacteria, H. influenzae, Moraxella, Pseudomonas, Neisseria species. They give yellow-colored pus, and the blue-green color of the pus indicates infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The eyes are very festering in infants infected with gonococci in childbirth (with gonorrhea in the mother), or in older children with gonococcal urethritis, and the discharge from the eyes is yellow with a greenish tint. For the prevention of gonoblenorrhea in babies, from the first hours of life, the organs of vision are treated with Albucid or silver solution.

Such precautions are essential, since older children are much more difficult to tolerate this disease, often encountering its complications - keratitis, joint damage.

Endogenous factors

Many causative agents of ophthalmic infections are located on the conjunctiva and may not manifest themselves in any way. Their rapid growth and development begins with the onset of favorable conditions:

  • mechanical damage to the cornea;
  • stagnation of the lacrimal fluid with an anomaly in the structure of the lacrimal organs;
  • violation of the function of the tear film, its drying or insufficient production;
  • meibomian gland dysfunction;
  • decrease in the level of interferons, lysozyme, lactoferrin, betalysin in the lacrimal fluid;
  • suppression of general immunity.

Often, parents may notice that the child’s eyes fester “seasonally”, when colds come and the incidence of infections of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract increases. The reasons for this are a general weakening of immunity and the spread of infection by the hematogenous route from foci of infection outside the eyes.

Against the background of general malaise, especially if it is accompanied by a high temperature, and with a runny nose, green snot is released, it can be assumed that staphylococcus aureus has cleared up in the body. Then this pathogen can get into the eyes from dirty hands or care items (for example, when wiping the nose and eyes with the same handkerchief) or spread from the nasal sinuses. Staphylococci in smears can almost always be detected if the child has both festering eyes and a runny nose.

Throwing discharge from the nasal passages often occurs when blowing your nose or through the nasolacrimal canal

Also dangerous cases, when a child has red eyes and fester, include infection with a hemophilic bacillus. The causative agent, as a rule, is located in the upper respiratory tract, where it causes acute inflammation with a large amount of exudate. It poses the greatest danger to young children under the age of four. In them, the pathogen causes severe pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, conjunctivitis, arthritis.

Hemophilic conjunctivitis occurs with a large release of pus, often accompanied by complications in the form of ulcers on the cornea. Ophthalmic drops with antibiotics are ineffective in this disease, so treatment is always carried out with systemic drugs.

The dangers of childhood include conjunctivitis, which develops against the background of diphtheria. The disease affects young children up to 4 years of age. In the first stage, a red eye is visually observed, its sharp swelling and the presence of whitish dense films. These fibrous plates are difficult to remove from the surface of the conjunctiva, leaving bleeding wounds. Sachala disease proceeds without pus, with a slight discharge of mucus or cloudy liquid. This phase usually lasts a week. In the second phase of the disease, when the films go away on their own, pus begins to stand out profusely.

If a child’s eyes fester during diphtheria, then most likely it will not do without complications from the organs of vision, which are manifested by the formation of adhesions between the eyelid and the eyeball, trichiasis, inversion of the eyelids, xerophthalmos, star-shaped scars that will remain for life. Treatment of this disease necessarily includes the introduction of antidiphtheria serum. Antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are systemically prescribed, and locally - washing with solutions of antiseptics, sulfonamides.

Viral conjunctivitis in children is characterized by more pronounced redness and an abundance of mucous discharge. They occur against the background of SARS, influenza, adenovirus infection. The eyes begin to fester in case of a secondary bacterial infection. Viruses significantly weaken local immunity, opening the gates of infection.


For successful treatment of purulent eye infections in children, first of all, it is necessary to establish its cause. If purulent discharge is detected, the organs of vision should be carefully examined. Perhaps the cause is a mote or a foreign body, around which an infectious-inflammatory process unfolds.

In the case of detection, if the object is on the surface of the eye without penetrating into its membranes, it can be removed by yourself. Rinse your eyes with boiled water or a very pale solution of potassium permanganate, you can also use saline sodium chloride solution or "artificial tears" eye drops. What to do if they are not at hand? You can use a decoction of chamomile or tea leaves without flavorings.

An aqueous solution of furacilin is suitable for eye treatment.

After the mote is removed, in order to prevent the further development of the infectious process, children can be instilled with the antiseptic drug Okomistin (Miramistin), Vitabact, sulfanilamide drops Albucid (sulfacyl sodium).

For common uncomplicated infections, therapy is empirical. That is, they try to use drugs with the widest possible spectrum of action, with established activity against the most well-known pathogens of conjunctivitis. After consulting a doctor and prescribing medication, such infections can be treated at home.


First of all, you need to create conditions for normal contact of drugs with the conjunctiva. This is prevented by pus and crusts that form when it dries. For the purpose of hygienic care and before dripping drops or putting an ointment, the eyes should be washed. The crusts are well removed with cotton swabs dipped in an aqueous solution of boric acid (half a teaspoon of the powder is diluted in 250 milliliters of warm boiled water) or with a solution of furacilin (two tablets are dissolved in boiling water). Movements when removing pus should be from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Be careful not to flush both eyes with the same cotton swab. Such a procedure in the first few days of the disease will need to be carried out every two hours.

Eye ointments

What to treat next? Antibacterial drops and ointments are used to fight the infection. Drops are more convenient to use, but children tolerate ointments better because they sting their eyes less. In terms of therapeutic effect, both dosage forms are equivalent.

A specialist should select drugs depending on the age of the child. Children can apply erythromycin eye or tetracycline ointment, as well as Tobrex.

Erythromycin ointment is effective in mild forms of bacterial conjunctivitis, as well as in the case of atypical pathogens - Mycoplasma, Legionella, Chlamydia and some Mycobacterium.

Ophthalmic antibiotics

Antibiotic eye drops are usually given one drop three to four times a day. To treat bacterial uncomplicated conjunctivitis, instill them for at least five to seven days. A shorter period does not guarantee a complete victory over the pathogen and contributes to the formation of their resistance.

In pediatrics, antibacterial drugs Trimethoprim are used in combination with Polymyxin B - Oriprim eye drops; sulfonamides (Sulfacyl sodium 20%). They are relatively inexpensive but effective. It should be borne in mind that Sulfacyl sodium can cause severe irritation and a burning sensation in the eyes.

Aminoglycosides are drugs with a wide spectrum of action. They can be given to babies from the first year of life, so many children are prescribed Tobrex, Tobrimed, Tobrin, especially since Tobrex exists in the form of an eye ointment.

Ointment and drops have equal therapeutic activity

Fluoroquinolones in terms of their safety and effectiveness today come out on top in the treatment of purulent eye diseases in children. Ciprofloxacin (Ciprinol, Alox, Floximed, Ciloxan, Ciprolet, Ciprofarm drops) and ofloxacin (Floxal drops and ointment) have a wide spectrum of activity, including, among others, Pseudomonas and Haemophilus influenzae. Fourth-generation fluoroquinolones have increased activity against strains resistant to quinolone, especially Staphylococcus aureus, as well as against penicillin and macrolide resistant strains.

Drops with moxifloxacin (Vigamox) and levofloxacin (Oftakviks) are approved for use in children even up to a year for the empirical treatment of purulent discharge from the eyes, as well as for established chlamydial or hemophilic infections.

The main thing in the application of antibacterial drops is to adhere to the schedule of their application in order to constantly maintain a germ-suppressing concentration.

Additional measures

To restore the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the eye, a child may be prescribed moisturizing drops, as well as drugs that stimulate the production of nonspecific local immunity.

Moisturizing drops that can be used by children - Sistane, Vizin pure tear, Artificial tears, Vidisik, Vita-Pos. When the cornea is sufficiently hydrated, it is more resistant to bacterial infection or micro-damages.

Drops that increase the protective properties of the eyes contain interferons and their inducers. In childhood, Okoferon, Oftalmoferon can be safely used. The production of their own protective proteins is stimulated by drugs Atipol, Poludan.

Such drugs are prescribed as an addition to the main antibiotic therapy.

The success of treatment depends not only on the use of the right drugs. It is also important to observe eye hygiene, do not allow the child to touch them with your hands, constantly change the swabs with which you wipe your eyes, and do not touch the cornea with the spout of the bottle when instilled.

It is necessary to establish good nutrition, introduce additional vitamin complexes. You can also use systemic immunomodulatory drugs: Immunal, Likopid, Amiksin, Imudon, Aloe preparations, Timalin.


Any eye infection in children, especially if pus appears, requires an examination by a specialist and the appointment of adequate treatment.

An urgent need to consult a doctor in the following cases: purulent discharge from the eyes lasts more than two days, and there is no improvement; the child is less than 1 year old; your baby has a fear of light; an older child complains of pain in the eyes or blurred vision; eyelids begin to swell quickly and increase in size; the temperature rises sharply, and the general condition worsens.