What is better Nystatin or Fluconazole for fungus? Analogues of "Fluconazole" and their differences: what to pay more for? Fluconazole or nystatin for thrush which is better.

Nystatin, based on the reviews of many patients, has a weak effect on the fungal flora, since the resistance of these pathogenic microorganisms to the effects of this drug has increased significantly in recent years.

  • The ointment is applied in a thin layer 2 times a day on the skin area affected by fungi.
  • Each form of release of the drug has its own instructions:

    There is a somewhat less effective group in the fight against the same disease - a polyene antibiotic. It includes a popular drug - nystatin. By itself, it is rather weak in the treatment of an advanced form of thrush, but if you take nystatin and fluconazole at the same time, the result will be positive when there are no contraindications.

    Some patients experience side effects. Candles can cause skin itching and burning, rarely there is a rash, swelling, redness of the genitals.

    Release form

    Nystatin acts destructively on the cell membranes of fungi and, penetrating into the cell, causes its suppression or death. It can be used for a long time, because fungi do not develop resistance to it for a long time. The drug is available in various pharmacological forms and, due to its low toxicity and effectiveness, can be used among almost all groups of patients, excluding pregnant women and individuals with individual intolerance to this drug.

    Remedies for thrush for women related to local preparations are suppositories, ointments and creams that are inserted with an applicator into the vagina. Such medicines contain antifungal substances - clotrimazole, miconazole or econazole. Side effects with the use of local remedies are very rare. May be used during pregnancy. Local preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

    Very often, treatment is carried out in a combined way - this is treatment with nystatin ointment and nystatin in the form of tablets. Take pills 2-4 times a day. This is the most effective way to treat thrush in men.

    The advanced form of the disease requires several courses of antibiotic therapy. You need to drink antibiotics for ten days, take a break for two weeks, and repeat the therapy. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to pass a swab from the vagina.

    Nystatin: instructions for use - video

    Treatment of thrush in general must be performed under the supervision of a doctor, this is the very first and important rule. Practice shows very good results in the treatment of thrush in women with nystatin. Many positive reviews can be heard about the treatment of thrush in women with an inexpensive and effective antifungal drug nystatin. Treatment of thrush in women with nystatin can be: internal use of nystatin in the form of tablets (oral treatment with nystatin thrush), suppositories or tampons from nystatin ointment vaginally. You can treat thrush in girls and women externally - this is the use of nystatin ointment.

  • tablets - 250 and 500 thousand units, 10 pieces in a blister, 20 pieces in a package;
  • Treatment of thrush with nystatin

    According to the majority of patients who took Nystatin in various forms, it is effective only in detecting the sensitivity of Candida fungi to it. The drug in all forms is well tolerated by patients: only rarely causes allergic reactions and side effects in the form of nausea, indigestion and fever. The use of Nystatin in the form of ointments and suppositories almost never causes local allergic reactions.

    Thrush in women is an infection that is caused by a yeast fungus of the genus Candida.

    Application instruction of Nystatin

  • It is contraindicated to be treated with nystatin suppositories during menstruation
  • ointment 100 thousand units per 1 g, tube 15 g - 21-48 rubles;
  • Before starting treatment with nystatin or diflucan (fluconazole, flucostat), all side effects must be considered. This is especially true for tablets of the systemic group. They are toxic and can adversely affect the kidneys and liver. Such antifungal agents are contraindicated for some, therefore, before buying nystatin or flucostat, the attending physician will better help you figure it out. It is also advisable to analyze the following points before admission:

    Nystatin from thrush can be used internally, intravaginally. The medicine has various forms of release: rectal, vaginal suppositories, tablets, ointment. An experienced doctor will tell you how to take Nystatin, individually for each patient.

  • when taken orally and with the introduction of rectal suppositories - nausea. vomiting (sometimes), diarrhea. discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • Nystatin during pregnancy

    Miconazole (miconal, mycostat). The active substance of this drug is miconazole nitrate. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial action, affects many pathogenic fungi. It is used to prevent the development of streptococci and staphylococci. But it has little effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. When used, this medicine is practically not absorbed into the blood. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

  • ointment - 100 thousand units per 1 g, 15 or 30 g in tubes;
  • The medicine is prescribed for vaginal candidiasis, stomatitis, intestinal fungus.

    Some pediatricians recommend using the following composition based on Nystatin for the treatment of oral thrush: powder from a crushed tablet (250 thousand units) is mixed with 1 ml of a solution from an ampoule with vitamin B 12. This solution can lubricate the affected areas of the oral cavity. If necessary, the ampoule solution of vitamin B 12 can be replaced with water.

    If after taking nystatin such side effects appear, you should urgently contact your doctor to change the treatment regimen: adjust doses or stop the drug.

    Nystatin for thrush

    This drug is recognized as the "Gold Standard" in the treatment of urogenital candidiasis by doctors around the world. It is the only antifungal tablet approved by the WHO for the treatment of thrush. They are highly active against fungi of the genus Candida.

    In women, thrush manifests itself in the form of a yeast-like discharge from the vagina, an unpleasant odor and itching in the outer part of the vagina. Also, quite often, thrush in women can affect the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx and oral cavity.

    • vaginal suppositories 500 thousand units, 10 pieces per pack - 42-60 rubles;
    • Nystatin suppositories for acute thrush in women must be taken vaginally, 1 pc. 2 times a day, supplementing the treatment with ointment. The ointment is applied to the external genitalia 2 times a day, and candles are placed after hygiene procedures. It is necessary to continue treatment of thrush with nystatin for 10 days, even if significant relief occurs after several applications. Men with acute thrush take nystatin tablets 4 times a day for two weeks. Treatment is also supplemented with ointment, applying it to the affected areas for 10 days.

      Nystatin is still used in pediatric practice in the treatment of candidiasis in children. Due to the fact that this drug, when applied externally, is practically not absorbed into the blood, it is quite effective and harmless for the treatment of children.

    • antacids with aluminum, calcium, magnesium (Almagel. Maalox, etc.) - reduce the activity of Nystatin;
    • Self-treatment of thrush can lead to negative consequences. Nystatin is dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription.

      Nystatin side effects

    • prevention of intestinal candidiasis in the preoperative period and after surgical operations;
    • if there is a history of chronic and acute diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, peptic ulcers of the intestine and stomach, cholecystitis, hepatitis).
    • Treatment tactics

      For ease of dosing, not tablets, but Nystatin granules can be used. Dosing during their use is carried out as follows: one granule contains 100 thousand units of Nystatin, the age dosage per dose is divided by 100 and the number of granules that must be given to the child is obtained.

    • when taken orally in any form, allergic reactions are possible (fever, chills, itching, rashes).
    • from 3 to 13 years - 250 or 400 thousand units 3-4 times a day;
    • Fluconazole and its analogues

    • Prevention of candidiasis during long-term treatment with antibiotics;
    • When treating thrush, many women prefer to take pills, since, unlike ointments, creams and suppositories, they have a pronounced systemic effect and they should be taken only from one to three days, which, of course, is very convenient if you need to quickly get rid of the signs of the disease .

      Treatment with Nystatin

      With thrush (vaginal candidiasis), Nystatin is used in the form of suppositories, ointments and tablets.

      In the chronic form of the disease, treatment with suppositories and ointment must be supplemented with nystatin tablets. Scheme and doses of how to take nystatin for chronic thrush. in this case, the doctor determines. Usually, several courses of nystatin are taken, making intervals of 2-3 weeks with the obligatory taking of a swab from the genitals after the end of each course.

      The volume of the dose depends on the severity and nature of the disease. Treatment of cryptococcosis meningitis requires 400 mg on the first day, then the amount may be reduced, according to the doctor's prescription. The admission process usually takes 6-8 weeks. A 50 mg or 100 mg tablet should be taken once a day for 7 to 14 days to get rid of oropharyngeal (oral) candidiasis. 150 mg of the drug will help cure vaginal candidiasis in one go. The same dose is recommended for candidal balonitis. It is recommended to take fluconazole for skin diseases (mycosis, lichen, inguinal dermatomycosis) in the amount of 150 mg once a week. The main side effects can occur in the form of a rash, diarrhea, nausea, fainting, and so on.

      The mechanism of action of this drug is due to a violation of the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the cell membrane of the fungus. The drug is well absorbed even when taken with food. Especially recommended for genital candidiasis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis and candidal balanitis. Just a single use of this drug is enough. It is possible to use during pregnancy only in the most necessary cases, during lactation is contraindicated.

    • Fungostatin granules, 100 thousand units, 7.5 g per pack - 400 rubles;
    • In small doses, Nystatin with thrush prevents the growth of the Candida fungus, and a large dosage of the drug destroys the infection completely.

      Gynecologists in the treatment of thrush often prescribe, together with the use of suppositories, an ointment based on Nystatin, which must be applied 2 times a day after the administration of the suppository. The course of its use can last from several days to two weeks, and in the chronic form of thrush, a second course of treatment can be prescribed after three weeks.

      The antifungal drug is intended for the treatment of cryptococcosis, generalized candidiasis, mucosal candidiasis, genital candidiasis, ringworm, endemic mycosis, as well as for the prevention of fungal infections and maintenance therapy in patients with AIDS. The name fluconazole is generally accepted in world pharmaceuticals, but you can also find it as flucostat, diflucan, ciscan, medoflucon, forkan.

    • Tetracycline with Nystatin - complement each other well, providing a pronounced antimicrobial and antifungal effect;
    • Treatment of thrush with nystatin - general rules


    • give up intimate relationships, especially since sex causes pain and discomfort;
    • The price of Nystatin in various forms of release depends on various factors: the city or region and the pharmacy that sells the drug, the manufacturer of this drug. That is why before buying this drug, you should check the price in different pharmacies. On average, the price of various dosage forms of Nystatin is as follows:

      Symptoms of thrush in women are watery, creamy white vaginal discharge, redness, itching, discomfort, or pain around the vulva. These symptoms do not go away without treatment.

      Nystatin granules (syn. Fungostatin) can be used for internal and external use in the treatment of candidiasis in children. When preparing a suspension for oral administration, the required amount of granules is diluted in a small amount of chilled boiled water or milk. The resulting suspension is given to drink to the child.

      Does nystatin help with thrush? Yes, because it is active against yeast-like fungi, which are the cause of thrush. Nystatin penetrates the cell membrane of the fungus and forms a dense, impermeable to nutrients and liquid film. As a result, fungi stop multiplying and die. In low doses, nystatin slows down the growth of fungi, in high doses it kills them. The result from its use comes much faster than the fungi have time to develop protection from it.

    • Tablets for adults - 250 thousand units 6-8 times a day or 500 thousand units 3-4 times a day (if necessary, during the treatment of generalized candidiasis, the dose may be increased by 2 times).
    • Fungistatic drug that promotes the rapid death of fungal cells of the genus Candida. Therapy with this medicine is prescribed for patients with candidiasis of the skin (ointment), internal organs (tablets), mucous membranes (suppositories). According to the doctor's prescription, it is customary to drink the prescribed dose in tablets with water 4-8 times a day for up to 14 days. Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum twice a day, the treatment process lasts up to two weeks. The same course of treatment and vaginal suppositories inserted into the vagina. 2 times a day, the ointment should be applied to the affected areas for 10 days. The use of nystatin can cause nausea, vomiting, chills, and fever.

      For those who do not know whether it is possible to take fluconazole with nystatin at the same time, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of these drugs. In addition to the description of side effects, one should also take into account the general condition of the body for that day. It is important to remember that these drugs should not be taken during pregnancy.

      Nystatin. Most often, this medication is used to prevent the development of candidiasis during prolonged treatment with antibacterial agents, especially in debilitated and malnourished patients. It is indicated for candidiasis of the mucous membranes (vagina, lower intestines and rectum) and skin. Contraindicated in pregnancy, diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

    • rectal suppositories 500 thousand units, 10 pieces per pack - 47-80 rubles;
    • the drug is stored for about two years, in an inaccessible place for small children.
    • Treatment of thrush with nystatin in women

    • from a year to 3 years - 250 thousand units 3-4 times a day;
    • does not cause addiction in the patient;
    • give up alcoholic beverages for the period of treatment;
    • Having chosen nystatin or fluconazole, you need to carefully study the package insert, according to which the dosage should be observed. Fluconazole is made in the form of tablets, and nystatin - in tablets, suppositories and ointments. Giving preference to the form and type of the drug, it is necessary to take into account those who already have ailments. For example, with a peptic ulcer, it is not recommended to be treated with tablets. The medication in question is allowed only with a healthy liver, kidneys and stomach. Fluconazole and nystatin, the compatibility of which is possible only after a complete examination of the body and consultation with a doctor.

      Vaginal and oral treatment usually combined with the use of nystatin ointment with its external application, applying the required amount of nystatin ointment to the affected skin or genitals, twice a day for 7-10 days.

      Treatment with nystatin for thrush is unacceptable in the following cases:

    • Local. These include cream and suppositories (rectal and vaginal). Such medicines rarely give side effects that many of them are even prescribed to pregnant women. They also allow avoiding the adaptation of fungi to them, due to the high concentration of the substance. But, if the focus of the disease comes, for example, from the intestines, then this type of treatment is not necessary. " Local remedies are prescribed at the first sign of thrush or during its mild duration.
    • In some cases, with candidiasis of the oral mucosa, Nystatin tablets can be administered as follows: a tablet of 500 thousand units is placed behind the cheek until completely absorbed. It is recommended to take after meals and oral hygiene 3 to 5 times a day.

    1. Systemic include tablets and capsules. Thanks to their intake, medicinal substances are able to spread throughout the body, being absorbed into the blood after entering the stomach. The tablets/capsules may cause side effects. " Systemic remedies are prescribed for frequent infections with thrush (4 times a year).
    2. Contraindications

      Suppositories are inserted into the vagina or rectum 2 times a day (after hand hygiene and external genitalia), and the duration of treatment for such forms of candidiasis lasts from 10 to 14 days.

    3. edema;
    4. Treatment of thrush in women vaginally it is also possible with the drug nystatin in tablets in vaginal use - a tablet is injected into the vagina deeply 2 times a day for 7-10 days.

    5. ointment 100 thousand units per 1 g, tube 30 g - 30-45 rubles.
    6. You can not take alcohol and drinks containing alcohol together with nystatin
    7. Diflazon - a synthetic antifungal drug is aimed at treating candidiasis of the abdominal cavity, endocardium, respiratory and urinary tract, genital candidiasis, skin mycosis and other infections. The volume of capsules (50, 100, 150, 200 mg) are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. Diflazon, along with other drugs, must be used strictly according to the prescription. It has many side effects
    8. with prolonged use - in rare cases, the development of resistance of fungi to the drug and the lack of its effectiveness are possible;
    9. Nystatin suppositories allow you to achieve a local effect on the affected area. This form of the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor after an analysis such as a bacteriological smear.

      In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist before treatment. Failure to follow the recommendations of a specialist or premature interruption of therapy can aggravate the situation. An untreated disease causes serious complications. If the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, it affects other organs: the rectum, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system.

      Nystatin with thrush: how to take it correctly?

    10. indirect anticoagulants (Warfarin. Acenocoumarol, Fenindione, Coumadin, etc.) - their activity decreases under the influence of Nystatin, an increase in their dosage is required;
    11. Some of the patients consider Nystatin an outdated drug and prefer that the doctor prescribe them antifungal agents that do not require such a long-term use and are more convenient to take (Fluconazole, Difluzol, Levorin, Pimafucin, etc.).

    12. tablets 500 thousand units, 20 pieces per pack - 13-30 rubles;
    13. The external use of Nystatin for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes (thrush) is widely used, since children quite often get sick with these fungal diseases. For the treatment of skin candidiasis in children, an ointment or self-prepared suspension of Nystatin from granules or tablets (250 thousand units per 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature) can be used.

      The only safe method of treatment with Nystatin during pregnancy can only be considered the use of an ointment based on this drug. When applied externally to treat candidiasis of the mucous membranes or skin, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and cannot harm the unborn child.

      Side effects

      With a mild course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the use of only local preparations - ointments, creams, suppositories. But if the infection is severe and extensive or neglected, then treatment is necessarily prescribed with the use of tablets.

    14. granules for the preparation of a suspension (Fungostatin) - 100 thousand units in 1 granule, 7.5 g in a vial;
    15. Nystatin

    16. if there is a history of intolerance to the components of the drug;
    17. Chymotrypsin - the effectiveness of Nystatin is enhanced;
    18. consult a doctor while taking other drugs, do not use Clotrimazole with Nystatin - the effectiveness of the funds decreases.
    19. In recent years, Nystatin has been used less frequently for the treatment of thrush, since the modern pharmacological industry produces a large number of other antifungal drugs (Levorin. Betadine. Clotrimazole. Terzhinan, etc.), which are more convenient to use. Despite this, in some special clinical cases, gynecologists prescribe Nystatin. As a rule, this drug is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes adverse reactions.

    20. treatment of candidiasis of the vagina or organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
    21. But like any drug, the nystatin remedy has contraindications, it is necessary to refuse the medicine:

      Can nystatin cure thrush?

      The molecules of the component enter the cell membranes of the fungus, and envelop the bacterium with a film. After that, pathogenic microorganisms stop growing and die.

      After a course of therapy, it is necessary to pass laboratory tests to make sure that the fungal infection has disappeared.

      Nystatin granules and tablets can be used to treat or prevent fungal infections caused by various causes. Granules are convenient to use for the preparation of suspensions for children. Tablets can be used for the preparation of a solution of Nystatin, and for oral administration.

      At the first symptoms of the disease: itching, burning and discomfort, curdled plaque, pain, the specialist prescribes vaginal suppositories. To enhance the result, it is recommended to use an ointment in the complex. The tool is used in men, lubricating the external genitalia in the morning and evening.

      What you need to know about antifungals

      It should be remembered that thrush is a very insidious disease that, in advanced cases, can affect the internal organs of a person. Therefore, at the slightest sign of this disease, you should not self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor who will examine and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

      In the treatment of candidiasis, Nystatin is not addictive, the resistance of bacilli is developed slowly.

    22. burning;
    23. rectal suppositories - 500 thousand units, 10 pcs. packaged;
    24. children under one year - 100 or 125 thousand units 3-4 times a day;
    25. Interaction of Nystatin with other drugs

      Medicinal substances in the form of tablets for the treatment of thrush

      Thrush - description and symptoms of the disease

    26. Clotrimazole with Nystatin - the activity of Clotrimazole decreases;
    27. The doctor will help you choose which medicine, he will recommend effective therapy, set the dosage and duration of taking the drug. Instructions for use will help to achieve a quick recovery.

      In some cases, Nystatin tablets are used to treat thrush, which develops against the background of long-term illnesses or treatment with antibacterial drugs. The dosage of the drug is carried out according to the age of the patient, and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

      It is permissible for a small child with stomatitis to lubricate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with Nystatin after consultation with a pediatrician. The doctor will set the exact dosage, according to the weight of the child.

    28. do not use nystatin in suppositories during menstruation;
    29. Treatment of thrush in women

      Thrush is a disease caused by uncontrolled reproduction of Candida fungi on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genital organs, as a result of which the mucous membranes become inflamed, swollen, and covered with a white cheesy coating. In the fight against this disease, a wide range of drugs are used. One of the remedies used for thrush in women, men and children is nystatin. The drug is produced in several dosage forms: suppositories, tablets and ointment.

      The drug has a different form of release:

    30. Suppositories rectal or vaginal - 250 or 500 thousand units 2 times a day in the morning and evening.
    31. There are frequent cases when, as a result of the use of nystatin, the growth of the fungal flora is accelerated. In this case, the drug should be stopped.

      Thrush is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

      In order for recovery to come faster, it is important to follow these recommendations:

      A feature of the drug is:

    32. vaginal suppositories - 250 or 500 thousand units, 10 pieces per pack.
    33. vaginal suppositories 250 thousand units, 10 pieces per pack - 33-40 rubles;
    34. estrogen-containing oral contraceptives (Marvelon. Logest, etc.) - their effectiveness under the influence of Nystatin may decrease, and the risk of breakthrough (intermenstrual) bleeding increases;
    35. Reviews about the drug


      Candida fungi, or in other words, thrush, also affect the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and so on in children and young children, even infants can have oral thrush.

    36. for maximum effect, both sexual partners must undergo treatment;
    37. Thrush tablets for women are oral medications that are well absorbed in the digestive system. They destroy the fungus not only on the genitals in women, but throughout the body, even with minimal lesions.

      Before the introduction of the suppository, the woman should hold the toilet of the external genital organs and insert the Nystatin suppository into the vagina with clean hands.

      Treatment of thrush with nystatin in men

    38. refuse flavored personal care products, tight-fitting synthetic underwear;
    39. Indications for use

    40. Polymyxin and Nifuratel - enhance the effect of Nystatin;
    41. How to treat thrush with nystatin?

    42. You should not combine taking nystatin with the use of alcoholic beverages;
    43. Usually these fungi live in small numbers on the skin and in the vaginal area of ​​women and do not cause any harm to the body. The immune system and beneficial organisms that also live on the skin and in the vagina do not allow these fungi to multiply. But as soon as there are good conditions for fungi, they begin to multiply and invade the vagina, causing unpleasant symptoms of thrush.

    44. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    45. However, there are also reviews of cases where modern drugs were ineffective in the treatment of candidiasis, and Nystatin helped. That is why before using any antifungal agents, you should consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of their use.

      Treatment is usually repeated after the first course of treatment. This happens no earlier than 2 weeks after the first course. We recommend that you persistently carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

    46. to determine the effectiveness of treatment after the end of the course, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests of vaginal discharge.
    47. Fluconazole is the international name for an antifungal agent, as previously mentioned. The commercial names of this drug with the active substance fluconazole are as follows:

    48. tablets of 250 thousand units, 20 pieces per pack - 14-16 rubles;
    49. Characteristics of the drug

    50. treatment with an antifungal agent is important for both partners in order to observe the effectiveness of therapy;
    51. This drug is recommended in the treatment of fungal diseases, systemic candidiasis and thrush. Low toxicity to the human body, but slightly affects human cytochromes. Compared to other drugs of thiazyl groups, Fucis has a less inhibitory effect on cytochrome-dependent processes in the liver. Recommended for the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

    52. when combined with Nystatin retinol preparations - the risk of increased intracranial pressure increases.
    53. Nystatin - instructions for use, side effects, reviews, price

    54. nystatin ointment for thrush;
    55. when using vaginal suppositories - allergic reactions are possible;
    56. thrush candles.
    57. If candidiasis has become chronic, antibiotics must be taken. The dosage and course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

      Fluconazole is a very broad-spectrum antifungal drug that has a powerful effect. Works great with thrush. Taken once. Side effects are extremely rare. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitivity to this drug.

    58. over 13 years old - 250 or 500 thousand units 3-4 times a day.
    59. tablets;
    60. Pimafucin. This medicine has a wide spectrum of action and is very effective in thrush. The active substance of this drug is natamycin. It is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, from the skin and mucous membranes. Most often, pimafucin is prescribed in the treatment of non-invasive intestinal candidiasis. It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy. In rare cases, when used, mild intestinal disorders and nausea are noted, especially in the first days of administration, as well as allergic reactions with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

      Thrush is a very unpleasant disease. Treatment of thrush with nystatin is very effective at any stage of the disease. Nystatin is available in three forms, these are tablets, suppositories, and nystatin ointment. In the group, these drugs are very effective in the treatment of thrush in both women and men.

    61. bactericidal antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins) - their effectiveness decreases when interacting with Nystatin;
    62. the use of nystatin in conjunction with clotrimazole reduces the effectiveness of the latter;
    63. Nystatin belongs to the group antifungal drugs and is used to treat candidiasis. which are caused by fungi of the genus Candida and aspergillus. This drug can be used to treat candidiasis of the oral cavity, skin, vagina and intestines, because it is not absorbed into the blood and acts on the fungus locally. Nystatin has no effect on the normal bacterial flora. When taken orally, it is excreted from the body in an almost unchanged form along with feces.

      Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

      Compatibility of Nystatin and Fluconazole

      If it is necessary to prepare a suspension for external use, it is necessary to dissolve 2 granules in 200 ml of boiled water. Such a solution is used for rinsing the mouth or treating the anus or external genitalia.

      The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by a long time of use. The price of Nystatin is democratic and accessible to every person. Tablets can be purchased for about 30 rubles, depending on the number and dosage of tablets. Ointment costs more than 50 rubles, candles - about 35-40 rubles.

    64. skin rashes.
    65. Nystatin or Fluconazole - choose which is better

      Remedies for fungal diseases with the active substance Fluconazole

      When treating thrush with nystatin, the following rules must be observed:

      It is customary to distinguish between two groups of drugs for the treatment of thrush:

      Tablets can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen. Such adverse reactions require consultation with a doctor. The doctor will adjust the dosage or change the drug.

      Treatment of thrush in men allows you to take local (ointment) and systemic (tablets) at the same time. 150 mg tablet once will get rid of candidiasis. It can be combined with an ointment, which should be applied 2 times a day to the foreskin for 14 days. Diflucan is great for this problem. It can also be cured with nystatin according to an individually calculated method.

    66. Others.
    67. Nystatin is available in various forms:

      Drug Nystatin

      Treatment of thrush in women with pills

    68. during treatment it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse;
    69. Flucostat - a low price will present a fairly high-quality capsules. Having a wide spectrum of action, 150 mg of the product will relieve genital candidiasis, candidiasis of the mucous membranes, cryptococcosis, generalized candidiasis, skin mycosis. In 2 days, it will solve the fungal problem in the body
    70. A commonly used group of antimicrobials is called azoles (including fluconazole). Taking such a pill allows you to stop the synthesis of the basic component of the cell membrane of fungi - ergosterol. As a result of this action, the internal components of the cell disintegrate and it dies. Azoles do not harm human cells.

    71. prevention of candidiasis of the external genital organs with the external use of antibacterial drugs;
    72. In rare cases, Nystatin tablets or vaginal suppositories are prescribed for pregnant women, but in these forced cases, its dosage is reduced.

      In the event that the patient suffers from generalized or constantly recurring forms of a fungal infection. repeated courses of taking Nystatin can be repeated at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

    73. Ointment for thrush is more often recommended for men. With this disease, it is necessary to undergo treatment for both partners, otherwise there will be no positive result. From intimacy for the period of local treatment, you must refuse or use condoms. You need to lubricate the affected areas twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after a shower. With a mild form of the disease, seven days of treatment is sufficient, in more advanced cases, extend therapy up to two weeks. If side effects are observed during the use of Nystatin for thrush, it is better to stop the drug and consult a doctor. The doctor will change the drug to prevent serious complications.
    74. The course of therapy lasts about fourteen days. After two or three days, the patient is relieved. But even if the symptoms disappear, it is forbidden to stop treatment, an untreated disease causes severe complications.

      As a rule, suppositories of 500 thousand units are prescribed for the treatment of thrush, but in some cases a dosage of 250 thousand units may be prescribed. Candles are recommended to be administered twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment is usually about two weeks, but in some cases, the duration of Nystatin use may increase. Suppositories should not be used during menstruation and during pregnancy and lactation.

      Nystatin tablets help very well in the treatment of thrush in the weak half of humanity. Before starting treatment with nystatin tablets, a consultation with a doctor is necessary. You need to pay attention to this. Nystatin tablets are mainly used in the treatment of advanced or chronic thrush in women. Nystatin tablets are an antifungal antibiotic. It is very poorly absorbed into the blood and almost all is excreted in the feces and urine.

      You can view the instructions for the treatment of thrush with nystatin tablets on our website!

      It is advisable to conduct parallel treatment of the sexual partner with nystatin ointment, which in these cases is applied to the glans penis twice a day. This measure is explained by the fact that, despite the absence of clinical manifestations of thrush, a man may be a carrier of the fungus of the genus Candida, and sexual intercourse with him after treatment of the disease may provoke a relapse of the disease.

      Contraindications to taking nystatin

    75. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    76. Nystatin tablets can be taken with or without food. It is recommended to swallow them whole (not crushed or chewed). The average duration of the treatment course is about 10 days or 2 weeks.

    77. Forkan - the active components of the drug with fluconazole in the base allow you to fight various types of candidal infections. Available in capsules of 50,100, 150 mg. Its compatibility with other tablets is not always positive.
    78. with individual intolerance to the active component;
    79. How to take Nystatin with thrush, are there any contraindications to the drug? Thrush is a common disease that causes discomfort and requires effective treatment. There are many antifungal drugs on the pharmacological market. But a remedy proven over the years is Nystatin.

    80. treatment of candidiasis of the skin or mucous membranes.
    81. When such symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued and replaced with another antifungal agent. Side effects when using Nystatin are quite rare and easily reversible.

      The only exceptions are some drugs with which it can interact and lose its activity or reduce the effectiveness of a particular drug.

      If it is necessary to treat candidiasis of the skin or mucous membranes, an ointment with Nystatin is used, which can be administered either alone or in combination with taking the tablet form of the drug. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the areas affected by candidiasis 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and, as a rule, is 7-10 days.

    82. Candles with Nystatin from thrush is an effective remedy for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The active substance acts locally on the mucous membrane, relieves unpleasant symptoms and prevents the infection from multiplying. Nystatin suppositories for thrush exist vaginal and rectal. Vaginal suppositories are used in combination with ointments to speed up recovery. It is necessary to administer the drug after water procedures, before going to bed. The course of therapy lasts about fourteen days. It is also permissible to use an antifungal agent for prevention purposes.
    83. during pregnancy and lactation;
    84. The dosage of Nystatin for children when administered orally depends on the age of the child:

      How to take Nystatin?

      If you do not eliminate the above points, then neither fluconazole, nor nystatin or diflucan, and other strong drugs will not give a lasting result. They only heal the disease, which will return after a while.

    85. Diflucan is aimed at the treatment of candidiasis, cryptococcosis, skin mycosis, lichen, onychomycosis, sporotrichosis and others. The daily dosage is calculated individually (50, 100 and 150 mg). There are contraindications, so when choosing, for example, nystatin or diflucan, you need to consult a doctor
    86. Nystatin ointment for external use is used to treat skin candidiasis. In addition to Nystatin, its composition includes components such as white petrolatum and lanolin, which ensure a uniform distribution of the active substance. If necessary, this ointment can be used not only for the treatment of skin candidiasis, but also for the treatment of candidiasis of the vulva and anus.

      The price of the drug

      Features of an antifungal agent

      Treatment of thrush in women includes the use of tablets or topical preparations.

      Nystatin for children

      With a strong and advanced disease, you can take fluconazole, nystatin together, but only after consulting a professional.

      Rectal and vaginal suppositories include, in addition to Nystatin, a number of additional substances that make it more convenient for the treatment of candidiasis of the vagina and lower intestines. Suppositories should be administered after the toilet of the perineal area, following all the doctor's recommendations.

    87. Tablets are available in 200 and 500 thousand IU, can be used for treatment and prophylactic purposes. It is more often recommended to drink tablets for intestinal candidiasis, fungal infection of the genital organs. It is permissible to take the drug about 6-8 times a day.
    88. Nystatin tablets for the treatment of thrush should be recommended by a specialist based on the results of tests and smears. He must also prescribe the dosage of the drug. If we take information from the official instructions for nystatin tablets, then the treatment of thrush is carried out as follows: take the tablets inside without chewing, drinking plenty of water 3-4 times a day.

      The composition of the drug includes the active substance - nystatin, which belongs to antibiotics. Tablets stop the reproduction of the infection, because the uncontrolled growth of yeast fungi is the cause of thrush.

      Yeast fungi of the genus Candida prefer moist and warm parts of the body that are deprived of air. Therefore, the vagina in women is the most common place for the development of thrush.

      Fluconazole can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but you should still carefully read the instructions for use. Its analogues are:

      Nystatin interacts with a few pharmacological drugs, since it practically "transit" passes through the human body. It is not absorbed and does not accumulate, does not penetrate through the mucous membranes into the blood, and does not go through the process of any biotransformation.

      Nystatin or fluconazole, which will better affect the focus of the disease, depends on its degree and nature. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the appointment, contraindications and schedule of admission.

      After using nystatin tablets, digestive system disorders are possible:

      The most common medicinal substances in the form of tablets today are fluconazole and its analogues (diflucan, flucostat, mycosyst, itraconazole), as well as pimafucin, nystatin and miconazole.

      Pimafucin, nystatin and miconazole

      Rectal suppositories are recommended to be taken with a fungal infection of the rectum. The drug is prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient, the doctor determines the duration of the course of therapy. It is more often recommended to inject the drug into the anus for about two weeks.

      The problem of fungal infections is solved. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with effective drugs and choose an individual one. Fluconazole and Nystatin are good remedies. Before taking it is desirable to consult an appropriate doctor. It is important to figure out which method of treatment (ointment, tablets, suppositories) is better and whether these drugs can be combined.

    Treatment of thrush in women - nystatin tablets

    In recent years, Nystatin has rarely been prescribed to women during pregnancy. This drug, according to the instructions, is contraindicated for use in pregnant women and, due to the presence of a wide range of other antifungal agents, can be successfully replaced by safer antifungal drugs (for example, Pimafucin, Polygynax, Difluzol, etc.).

    Treatment of thrush in men with nystatin is carried out mainly with the help of nystatin ointment. The ointment must be applied to the head of the penis twice a day and for seven to ten days.

  • rectal and vaginal suppositories are best not to use during menstruation;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • After using nystatin in ointment or suppositories, a local reaction is possible:

    Most women have had thrush at least once in their lives. This disease mostly develops on its own, without any apparent reason. But there are some factors that make women more likely to develop thrush, such as pregnancy, diabetes, and long-term use of antibiotics. Women with weak immunity, or who have undergone chemotherapy, are also susceptible to infection with thrush.

    I follow proper hygiene rules after the surgical removal of laferon powder, intimidating women or out of ignorance, for 2 years. I have a feeling that it increases the level of infection and, accordingly. At […]

  • They inhibit the process of reproduction of the virus. If, after the examination, itching is also found in the genital area of ​​type 56, 66, 70, which manifested itself in the form of condylomas or papillomas on the mucous membranes of the vagina, external genitalia, oral cavity and examination for the detection of human papillomavirus. Information As a rule, growths […]
  • antimicrobials; If the pain is very strong, then either works properly or that, and go to a dermatovenereologist. But in any case, the main thing. If such changes are not treated, charred firebrand to provoke necrosis. You can carry out the removal of warts 28, 2013 The appearance of papillomas on it is advisable to do this in the evening before […]
  • Preparations Indole-3-carbinol An alarming symptom of papilloma of the larynx in childhood is developmental delay - both mental and physical. This is due to oxygen starvation, which developed against the background of impaired breathing. Very often, papillomatosis appears due to a tendency to diseases of the respiratory system (SARS, pneumonia, […]
  • Adults take 3 grams of the drug per day at a time. Therapy is continued for 1 day. If relapses occur in the elderly and with a severe course of the disease, Monural can be taken twice (the next dose is 3 g of the drug, one day after the first). When taking the drug for prophylaxis before diagnostic procedures or before […]
  • http://prokistu.ru/www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaW1Fx9U6Mo The risk of ovarian cyst formation increases if: 4. Hormone analysis: LH and FSH, estrogen and testosterone. ovarian cysts have already been in the past; Usually, an ovarian cyst does not make itself felt and decreases until it disappears completely in a few monthly cycles. It can be detected with an ultrasound […]
  • Fungal infections develop as a result of a violation of the protective function of the skin or the normal balance of the intestinal microflora, oral cavity and genital mucosa. Most often they are observed in children, pregnant women, patients with metabolic and immune disorders, and patients receiving immunosuppressants and antibiotics.

    Depending on the type and course of the disease, Fluconazole or Nystatin, as well as other antimycotic drugs, may be prescribed for treatment.

    Properties of drugs

    The difference in the mechanism of the antifungal action of the active ingredients (nystatin and fluconazole) and their effect on the mucous membranes causes a difference in the indications for the use of both drugs, as well as their side effects. Both drugs are available in several dosage forms and dosages for ease of use in various diseases.


    Fluconazole is an azole antimycotic that is active against most pathogenic fungal species (dermatophytes, molds and yeasts).

    The mechanism of its action is based on blocking the synthesis of enzymes, the formation of which depends on cytochrome P450. By reducing the activity of enzymatic processes, fluconazole inhibits the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol and the formation of a fungal membrane. This leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane of already existing pathogens and the impossibility of further growth of the colony.

    Thrush is a harmless, but rather unpleasant disease that leads to a decrease in the quality of life. It is considered to be a female disease, although both men and newborn children are susceptible to it. For the treatment of thrush in each case, antifungal drugs are prescribed, which can be applied topically - in the form of ointments and creams, or orally - in the form of tablets. The modern pharmaceutical market offers a fairly large number of drugs for the treatment of thrush. The most common of these today are flucostat, diflucan and nystatin.

    The drug from thrush fluconazole (flucostat)

    Flucostat is a modern broad-spectrum agent. This drug has a pronounced activity against fungi of the genus Candida, which are the main causative agent of thrush. Its main active ingredient, fluconazole, is recognized by gynecologists around the world as the best way to combat genital candidiasis. Conducted by specialists from different countries over a long period of time, studies have confirmed its complete safety and effectiveness in the treatment of candidiasis. Fluconazole is currently approved by the World Health Organization.

    The main difference between flucostat and topical preparations is that it acts not from the outside, but from the inside of the body and ensures the destruction of the fungus not only on the vaginal mucosa, but also in all places of its possible localization. For example, in the oral cavity. Flucostat has a negative effect only on fungal cells, without affecting the healthy microflora of the body. Therefore, taking the drug does not lead to development.

    To eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, many patients need only one capsule of flucostat. Only 150 mg of the drug is able to exert its therapeutic effect for several days. Within two hours after taking it, itching and burning are reduced. The full effect of the drug is achieved, as a rule, 24 hours after taking the capsule. In terms of its effectiveness, one capsule of flucostat can be compared with a weekly course of using suppositories and other topical preparations. The main advantage of using this drug is the absence of discomfort that occurs when using suppositories and creams. Treatment can be started on any day of the cycle, even during menstruation, regardless of the time of day. A woman can take flucostat while taking oral contraceptives or when using condoms during intercourse. This drug can be bought at any pharmacy at an attractive price and without a doctor's prescription.

    Diflucan drug for thrush

    Another drug for the treatment of thrush, made on the basis of fluconazole, is diflucan. Taking one capsule of the drug at the first manifestation of the disease guarantees its cure in 90% of cases. A longer course of treatment is required only if thrush makes itself felt more than three times a year. Before entering the pharmaceutical market, Diflucan passed through more than 20 studies in different countries of the world. More than four thousand patients took part in the studies. The drug was well tolerated by most of them, and only in rare cases did its use cause a minor allergic reaction. Diflucan is indicated for the treatment of thrush in newborns.

    The drug can be used in the form of capsules, powder for suspension, syrup or solution for intravenous administration. Diflucan treatment can be started when the first signs of thrush appear, without waiting for a medical examination, since its main active ingredient, fluconazole, is completely safe for the body. With vaginal candidiasis, one capsule of the drug is usually taken. There are no serious contraindications to its use. The drug is dispensed from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

    Antibiotic for thrush nystatin

    Antibiotics may be used to treat frequently recurrent thrush. For example, nystatin. This drug is available in the form of tablets, but vaginal suppositories are also produced on its basis. Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic drug from the group of polyenes. From the body, as a rule, it is completely excreted along with the contents of the intestine. Treatment with nystatin should be prescribed by a doctor, it lasts no more than 14 days. The main side effects of the drug are: skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, chills and fever. If at least one of the described signs appears, you should stop taking nystatin and consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment with another drug.

    The use of nystatin as the main drug for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy is indicated only in those rare cases when the benefit to the mother from its use outweighs the risk for the proper development of the unborn child. During breastfeeding, the drug is also not recommended, since the antibiotic is passed to the baby with breast milk. Nystatin can be used during menstruation, but it is better to refuse sexual intercourse during treatment.

    Nystatin is the main component of such a drug for the treatment of thrush as terzhinan. The peculiarity of these tablets is that they are not used orally, like all conventional tablets, but just like candles, vaginally. Terzhinan can be used for prophylactic purposes, before childbirth or abortion.

    The main advantage of treatment with these drugs is their oral administration that does not cause discomfort. Capsules and tablets can be used on any day of the cycle and during menstruation, which cannot be said about vaginal suppositories and ointments. Moreover, to completely get rid of thrush, sometimes it is enough to take just one tablet or capsule.

    Among healthy people, women and infants are most likely to need antifungal therapy. In women of any age, vaginal candidiasis is a common problem, especially with reduced immunity. Oral thrush (oral candidiasis) is common in newborns.

    People with immune system diseases (such as HIV) or who are immunosuppressed or have other predisposing factors also need antifungal drugs. Here we compare two of the most popular and prescribed candidiasis drugs: fluconazole and nystatin. We will deal with the features of their action and effectiveness.

    What is the difference?

    The only thing they have in common is that they belong to the group of antimycotic agents, that is, both are used to treat fungi of the genus Candida and other mycoses. Otherwise, fluconazole is very different from nystatin both in terms of spectrum of action and therapeutic effect.

    Nystatin began to be used in medicine since the middle of the last century and is still successfully used due to its good antifungal activity and high safety profile, but only in some cases. The fact is that nystatin penetrates very poorly through the mucous membranes and works only directly at the point of application. This can be called both a plus and a minus (depending on the diagnosis).


    With candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract, nystatin tablets are an excellent remedy, since they will act only in the intestines (along its entire length), without being absorbed into the blood and practically without causing side effects.

    With oral mycoses (oral cavity), the effectiveness will depend on the quality of rinsing or chewing the tablet, as well as adherence to the regimen of use and the duration of the course, which are set by the doctor.

    In the form of suppositories (candles), it is well suited for uncomplicated vaginal candidiasis. It will also be a safe option with a minimum of possible side effects, but care must be taken that there are no gaps in use during treatment. This is important, because for the complete destruction of candida, it is necessary to maintain a constant concentration of the drug in the place of its pathogenic growth.


    The disadvantage of nystatin is the reverse side of its advantage, due to zero absorption, the scope is limited to the listed conditions, and also requires more frequent and systematic intake without gaps. Therefore, there are so many preparations based on fluconazole on the pharmaceutical market now, which is much more convenient in treatment.

    Diflucan, Flucostat, Mykokis and a dozen other less popular brands: all of this fluconazole. This is a very powerful agent with a much broader spectrum of action than nystatin. When taken orally, the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream and works in all organs and tissues of the body (systemically), including the skin, so it can be used against dermatomycosis. Although with fungal infections of the nails or feet, special fungicidal preparations in the form of creams or varnish (and others) will be much more effective.


    Due to the long period of excretion from the body, it has a prolonged action, which allows it to be used much less often or even once. The problem of banal thrush in adult women, as a rule, is solved with just one tablet, if necessary, using fluconazole and nystatin suppositories together.


    But not everything is so rosy. The systemic action of fluconazole is much more likely to cause adverse reactions. The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys, therefore, an already fairly wide range of contraindications is supplemented by problems in the renal sphere. Interacts poorly with other medications: certain antibiotics, painkillers, or “heart” medications that need to be taken constantly. All these restrictions require a mandatory medical consultation before starting treatment.

    What is stronger?

    In absolute and relative terms, in terms of antifungal intensity of action, fluconazole is definitely more effective, although it is inferior in the safety of treatment. This is supported by many clinical studies and analyzes comparing nystatin versus fluconazole versus which is better for the same conditions.

    For example, with oral candidiasis (in the mouth), which can be treated with both drugs. In adults, after 7 days of treatment, improvement results were 82% with nystatin versus 91% with fluconazole. In children, the difference was much more significant: 32% versus almost 100%. This is due to the fact that the nystatin suspension acted only at the site of entry in the mouth (which is difficult to control in young children), and the opponent is everywhere. Only a doctor can prescribe fluconazole to a child, correctly calculating the dosage according to body weight.

    Compatibility with each other

    In some female cases, for example, with mixed vulvovaginal candidiasis (when thrush is accompanied not only by discharge, but also by itching or burning in the genital area), nystatin and fluconazole can be used simultaneously in different forms for greater efficiency. So, in parallel with the use of nystatin suppositories, you can drink a pill if there are no contraindications. It is not advisable to take both drugs in the same form.

    Which antifungal drug to choose in a pharmacy, Flucostat or better Fluconazole or Nystatin is better? What are the features of treatment, contraindications, and so on. Especially for readers of “Popular about Health”, I will consider the main characteristics of medicines.

    Pharmacological group

    All three drugs are included in the group of antifungal drugs. Flucostat and Fluconazole are derivatives of triazole compounds, and Nystatin belongs to the group of polyenes.

    Strictly speaking, Fluconazole and Flucostat are complete structural analogues. Both contain the same active ingredient and belong to the same class of pharmaceuticals.

    pharmachologic effect

    The action of all three drugs is fungistatic in nature (slows down growth and suppresses vital activity). In general, their influence is of a similar nature and is aimed at suppressing the reactions of synthesizing the components of the cell membranes of Candida albicans fungi.

    The mechanism of influence of Nystatin is based on the suppression of biochemical reactions of the formation of sterols, which are part of the cell membrane of fungi, as a result of which the causative agent of the disease loses the ability to maintain a constancy of the internal environment. The active ingredient in the drug is nystatin.

    The action of two other antifungal drugs is also aimed at suppressing the processes of synthesizing cell wall sterols, but this is achieved in a slightly different way - by suppressing the activity of cytochrome P450.

    Nystatin is only active against Candida albicans. In contrast, two other drugs act against pathogens of opportunistic mycoses: Cryptococcus neoformans, Microsporum spp., Coccidioides immitis, Trichophyton spp., and some others.

    Nystatin - indications for use

    Taking tablets, as well as the use of ointments or suppositories of the drug is indicated in the following cases:

    Mucosal candidiasis;
    Candidiasis of internal organs;
    Vaginal candidiasis;
    Candidomycosis of the skin.

    The medicine is sold by prescription. Before use, you should consult with your doctor. In addition, there are many contraindications.

    Nystatin - contraindications for use

    The use of all dosage forms of the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    Ulcerative lesion of any part of the intestine;
    Component intolerance.

    In most cases, during the lactation period, as well as during pregnancy, the use of Nystatin is strictly unacceptable.

    Flucostat and Fluconazole - indications for use

    The use of drugs is indicated in the following cases:

    Generalized candidiasis;
    genital candidiasis;
    Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
    Prevention of mycoses of any localization with reduced immunity.

    As in the case of Nystatin, taking drugs, regardless of their form, is possible only if they are prescribed by the attending physician. There are contraindications for use.

    Flucostat and Fluconazole - contraindications for use

    The use of antifungal drugs is contraindicated in the following cases:

    Age less than 3 years (less than 4 years for Fluconazole);
    Intolerance to the active ingredient or excipients;
    The need for taking arrhythmogenic (disturbing heart rhythm) drugs.

    Relative contraindications: renal or hepatic insufficiency, the use of hepatotoxic drugs, organic heart disease, pregnancy (for Fluconazole), alcoholism.

    Side effects

    The use of the drug Nystatin contributes to the development of the following side effects: nausea, weakness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, allergic reactions.

    In addition to those mentioned above, the drugs Flucostat and Fluconazole add the following negative symptoms: headache, convulsions, changes in laboratory blood parameters, hair loss, dizziness, taste changes, flatulence, drug-induced hepatitis.

    Drug differences

    Fluconazole and Flucostat are not much different from each other. Both drugs are available in capsules and solution, both are used according to the same scheme, are characterized by similar side effects.

    However, Fluconazole is produced in capsules, with an active substance content of 150 milligrams, as opposed to Flucostat, the dosage of the active ingredient of which is only 50 mg.

    Both drugs have a prolonged action. In most cases, you will have to use them only 1 time per day. Nystatin in some cases is used up to 8 times a day. The duration of treatment is the same everywhere - from 10 to 14 days.

    It is quite expected that the cost of drugs is also not the same. Flucostat, as a product of an imported pharmaceutical manufacturer, costs from 200 to 300 rubles per pack. Nystatin and Fluconazole are produced in Russia and therefore cost around 20-30 rubles.


    In most cases, preference should be given to products of the European or American pharmaceutical industry. The effectiveness of these drugs, as a rule, is several times higher than that of domestic analogues.

    Alas, regrettably, in most cases this is true, of course, unless counterfeit products interfere, which can equalize the chances of success or even give the palm of leadership to Russian pharmaceutical companies. A favorite target category for manufacturers of counterfeit medicines are drugs that cost between 200 and 500 rubles.