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Bad habits of a person are actions that are automatically repeated a large number of times and can harm the health of a person or those around him.

Bad habits of a person are the result of a weak will. If he cannot force himself to stop doing certain actions that in the future may be harmful to health, then gradually it turns into a habit that is quite difficult to get rid of.

What are bad habits

The impact of bad habits on human life and health can be different. Some of them (alcoholism, drug addiction) are considered by modern medicine as a disease. Others are classified as unhelpful actions caused by imbalances in the nervous system.

The following are the main bad habits of modern man:

  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • gambling addiction;
  • shopaholism;
  • Internet and television addiction;
  • binge eating;
  • the habit of picking the skin or biting the nails;
  • clicking joints.

The main causes of bad habits

The most common reasons for the development of bad habits in humans are:

Social consistency - if in the social group to which a person belongs, this or that model of behavior, for example, smoking, is considered the norm, then most likely he will also follow it in order to prove his belonging to this group, hence the fashion for bad habits arises;

Unsettled life and alienation;

Pleasure is one of the main reasons why the influence of bad habits is so great, it is the constant obtaining of pleasure that leads to the fact that people become alcoholics or drug addicts;

Idleness, inability to properly manage free time;


Stress relief.

Bad habits and their impact on human health

But of course, the most severe consequences are the habits of using drugs, nicotine and alcohol, which quickly develop into addiction and can lead to the development of a number of complications, up to death.

Tobacco smoking is one of the types of household drug addiction, the essence of which is to inhale the smoke of herbal preparations containing nicotine in its composition, which from the respiratory organs quickly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, including the brain.

The health risks of smoking are as follows:

  • the risk of developing cancer, pathologies of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and so on increases significantly;
  • calcium is washed out of the body, the skin of the face ages, fingers become yellow, teeth deteriorate, the structure of hair and nails is destroyed;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, the development of peptic ulcer is possible;
  • vessels become fragile and weak, lose their elasticity;
  • oxygen supply to the brain deteriorates, hypertension develops.

Alcoholism is nothing more than a drug addiction of the body, in which a person feels a painful craving for alcohol. With this disease, not only mental, but also physical dependence of a person on alcohol develops. With alcoholism, severe damage to internal organs (especially the liver) is observed and personality degradation occurs.

Drinking alcohol does not always lead to the development of alcoholism. Whether a person becomes an alcoholic or not depends on many factors. These are heredity, willpower, frequency of drinking and volume of alcohol, habitat, individual characteristics of the body, mental or emotional predisposition, and so on.

The systematic use of alcohol leads to the following consequences:

  • the immune defense of the body decreases, a person often gets sick;
  • there is a gradual destruction of the liver;
  • the work of the nervous and digestive systems of the body worsens;
  • increased blood glucose levels;
  • among alcoholics, there is a high level of mortality due to accidents, suicides, poisoning with low-quality alcohol;
  • the work of the brain gradually worsens, the person begins to lose memory and degrades.

Drug addiction is perhaps the most powerful and dangerous bad habit that has long been recognized as a disease. Drug addiction is a person's dependence on the use of drugs. The disease has several phases of the course and gradually developing syndromes.

The harm that drugs do to the human body is great. The most serious consequences of drug addiction are listed below:

Significant reduction in life expectancy;

Increased risk of contracting the most dangerous and often incurable diseases (HIV, hepatitis);

High mortality among drug addicts from accidents, suicides, overdoses and drug poisoning;

Rapid aging of the body;

Development of mental and somatic abnormalities;

The strongest degradation of the personality;

criminal behavior.

How to deal with bad habits

What are the methods and ways to deal with bad habits, and which one is the most effective? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on so many factors - the degree of dependence, the willpower of a person, the individual characteristics of the organism.

But the most important is the desire of a person to start a new life without bad habits. He must be fully aware of his problem and admit that he is an alcoholic or drug addict.

Without the desire of the person himself to get rid of the addiction, it is extremely difficult, and often impossible, to carry out treatment.

All methods of dealing with bad habits are divided into three groups:

  • gradual reduction in the consumption of harmful substances;
  • struggle with desires and refusal of a habit;
  • replacing one habit with another.

For example, many people quit smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke every day. This is a lengthy process and the last stage, when it is necessary to completely give up smoking, is very difficult for many.

But the drugs must be abandoned immediately. This leads to the most difficult condition of the body, breaking, when the remnants of narcotic drugs leave the body. It is impossible to solve the problem in any other way, in this case gradualness is not an option.

Prevention of bad habits

Unfortunately, so far the prevention of bad habits has not been given worthy attention. The effect of various commercials, signs and posters is not great. Often a person in trouble is left alone with his problem. Friends and relatives turn away from him, which makes the probability of overcoming the disease extremely low.

The path to a life without bad habits always begins with the awareness of the problem. If a person does not see harm in his actions (believing, for example, that he is not an alcoholic, but simply drinks sometimes, like everyone else and there is nothing wrong with that), then a cure is almost impossible.

In medicine, the prevention of bad habits is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Let us explain this with the example of alcoholism.

The essence of primary prevention is to prevent the use of alcohol by persons who have not previously consumed it. Such prevention is aimed at young people, adolescents, children.

The target audience of secondary prevention is people who already know the taste of alcohol or those members of society who have the first signs of the formation of alcohol dependence.

Tertiary prevention is predominantly medical and is aimed at alcoholics.

It should be remembered that in order for people to give up bad habits, it is not enough just to scare them with the terrible consequences of drinking alcohol, tobacco or drugs. We need special comprehensive programs operating at the state level.

State support is needed for the development of sports, the creation of employment places for children and adolescents, the use of hotlines and telephones for psychological assistance, and the creation of new modern drug treatment centers.

The mass media should actively promote a healthy lifestyle, form an understanding in the minds of young people that it is fashionable not to drink and smoke, but to play sports.

It is necessary to conduct special classes on the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction in schools. Moreover, they should not be boring, but interesting. Not only teachers should take part in the classes, but also psychologists, narcologists, former alcoholics and drug addicts, who can tell children by example about what bad habits lead to.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that in the end, the decision on whether to start smoking, drinking or taking drugs is made by the person himself. It depends on him how his life will turn out, whether he can become a full-fledged member of society or not.

Prevention of bad habits can help someone make the right decision, and even if one person, after talking with a psychologist or watching social advertising, says no to bad habits, this will already be a sign that everything was done for a reason!

Cigarettes and alcohol are one of the main fears of parents of teenagers and reasons for family scandals. What to do if a pack of cigarettes is suddenly found in a child’s pocket or after a friend’s birthday he came home drunk? Should a young smoker be placed under house arrest or transferred to a new school? These and many other questions were answered for you by a psychologist-consultant, specialist of the "Architecture of the Future" center Alexandra Chernysheva.

- Is the child's interest in smoking and alcohol natural or an indicator of improper upbringing?

- It is completely natural, like everything connected with adulthood. Moreover, with regard to alcohol and smoking, children constantly hear: “You will be an adult ...”, “Only adults can”, etc. This causes natural interest, even if the parents themselves do not smoke or drink.

- How should parents behave: never smoke or drink in front of children or, if you smoke yourself, do not require children to follow a healthy lifestyle?

— First of all, you should not divide the world into black and white. Children still see smoking and drinking adults: at home holidays, on TV, on the street and other public places, so it is pointless to deny the existence of alcohol and smoking. Another thing is that parents in a state of intoxication are not the best sight not only for the child, but also for the surrounding adults.

In any case, even if you yourself smoke, it is worth talking with your children about the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol. According to statistics, not in all cases, parental smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages (we are talking not even about alcoholism, but about consumption in general) goes to children. Absolutely all children know whether their parents smoke or not, even if an adult carefully hides this fact. But whether the children themselves smoke or not depends on their upbringing and environment. Therefore, in any case, it is worth talking, as well as offering alternative ways of entertainment and pastime.

How to talk to a child if you smoke yourself?

- You can honestly say that you can’t quit, that it’s not so easy to quit - it’s easier not to start than to fight an already established habit. If you are really ready and want to quit, then you can tell your child about it. But if you are not ready, then you should not lie, because lies will not end in anything good.

- Are there age differences in showing interest in bad habits?

- This interest can manifest itself at completely different ages. In the smallest, it manifests itself in “smoking” with a Chupa-Chups stick or a juice tube. This is the simplest case. It is enough for a parent to simply say that such a game is unpleasant for him and offer an alternative.

Often there is a pronounced interest at 10-12 years old, when children begin to laugh and joke about cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. This is also normal and natural. In this situation, you need to tell the child how you feel when the child behaves this way, talk and discuss this topic. It’s definitely not worth shouting and grabbing your head, because the interest is rather cognitive. Children want to look older.

- What is the reason for teenage smoking and drinking alcohol?

- Desire to look cool. Often this happens when a child cannot show that he is successful in something else. Also, if the company he belongs to or wants to join, smoking and alcohol are accepted and are an indicator of "class", then there is practically no chance that a teenager will give up smoking. In this situation, bad habits can only be avoided by changing companies or building confidence.

Almost all children try. Remember yourself at this age... If a child tries, it is not so scary and will not necessarily develop into a habit and addiction. This is the age of trying and testing yourself. Question to continue. If you want to protect the child, then in his environment (including friendly ones) there should be an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, a passion for sports. And, of course, it is important to educate the child's own opinion and independence so that he can tell the company what he does not like and is not on the way with bad habits.

- How to do it?

- This should be done much earlier, before the appearance of interest in smoking and adolescence: to form adequate self-esteem, self-confidence and one's own opinion. I understand that the recommendation is very hackneyed, but only it works. If I am not confident, then I will go for a company that I think is cool, because I will become cool too. If I can get attention with something else, like playing the guitar, breaking dancing, or being well read, then the chances are high that I won't need anything else to show that I'm good too.

What to do if the child is already in adolescence and there is already interest? First of all, talk with him about why he needs these bad habits, what he “gets” from them, offer other options and jointly agree on the rules of conduct.

- If I have already caught a child smoking and realized that it is the result of the influence of the company, should I isolate him from this company?

- Transferring to another school, isolating from the company at this moment is already pointless. If a driver does not carry a child from house to house, and a bodyguard does not sit with him during the lessons, then there is no chance to keep track. We return again to the problem of trust and control, which always appears in the parents of teenagers. There is only one way out - to discuss and talk, but be prepared for the fact that a teenager can choose a different opinion. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. Until the age of 14, you can firmly stop any encroachments, deprive you of pocket money, but with older teenagers, this tactic is likely to fail.

Parents do not have a magic button that would get rid of all problems and bad habits. Moreover, 14-15 years old is the age at which a child who has always had a negative attitude towards smoking can suddenly change his mind dramatically. Talk, talk and talk, ask the question why he needs it. High chance to hear something about self-esteem and self-confidence. Not with the same words, but the meaning of the statements will be the same.

- Does it make sense to take you to a training or a consultation on self-confidence?

Yes, you can try. Unfortunately, it is not a panacea, like all other methods. The issue of bad habits is one of the most relevant in adolescence, since this is a period of trials and self-testing.

Let's be honest. Almost everyone has gone through this in one way or another. The most important thing is to maintain contact with the child so that he is ready to give an honest answer to your honest question. This is already half the battle, because further space for discussion opens up.

- If I'm sure that the child drinks or smokes, but I can't catch him. Is it worth it to play the investigator and try to pin him to the wall?

What do you get by pushing him against the wall?

— Fear, aggression and loss of trust.

“Here, you answered your own question. I will say a seditious thought, but if a child does it in such a way that it is impossible to “dig into” him, then he is already old enough and independent to talk to him on an equal footing. Do not wave your hand: “Let him do what he wants,” but come and honestly say: “I suspect this and that. I don't know how you do it. But do you need it?" And talk about the consequences.

- There is a traditional method of combating smoking and alcohol, when a child is forced to smoke a pack at a time or drink until exhaustion ...

- And you can also flog ... Two excellent methods from the same area of ​​\u200b\u200beducation. If the goal is to humiliate a close and dear person, to put pressure on or demonstrate one's own strength, then there are many ways: to walk in formation, to lead by the hand, to punish for everything. But trust from this will no longer be, and protest behavior can flourish. A child can come up with such a huge number of ways to take revenge on his parents that it will not seem enough to anyone.

- Is it possible to hope that interest in alcohol and smoking will subside by itself if this topic is not raised?

You can, you can always hope. But it's still better to talk. When we pretend that nothing is happening and bury our heads in the sand, the problem is not solved, and teenagers feel the falsity and tension very well. One day the “dam” will break anyway: maybe the parent will run out of resources to pretend that everything is in order (and this always leads to very emotional reactions). Perhaps the child will get the impression that the parents are satisfied with everything and you can do what you want ... In any case, the result is unlikely to be what adults want.

- If the family has a bad heredity for alcohol, and there is a fear that the child will follow someone else's path?

- It is worth talking about this, talking about your experiences, but not in the format: “You will take the worst from a parent or relative,” because the child is aware of the situation and, for sure, is afraid of inheriting something bad. Do not escalate the situation and do not prophesy an alcoholic future for your child. In his life, for sure, there are kind people who are ready to do this without you.

In addition, in psychology there is such a thing - self-fulfilling predictions, when we decide that everything will turn out in a certain way, we subconsciously begin to strive for this future. Decided that the day will be bad - subconsciously do everything to make it justify your hopes. We decided that the child is a future alcoholic - you will "dig" his brain to the stage when he decides not to disappoint you.

- A few words of farewell to all children and parents ...

- The most important thing in a relationship is to communicate, communicate and communicate again, and also not to allow loss of trust. It is informal communication: not about grades, studies, mistakes of a child and about dirty dishes, but just lively human communication.

Not so long ago, I read an article on a study that asked teenagers about who and what in the family they would like to talk about. Then the same question was asked to the parents. It turned out that in the modern world we talk with a teenager for about 10-11 minutes a day, 90% of which is spent on questions about school affairs, what is asked, what is done, quarrels over everyday life. There are practically no heart-to-heart conversations. At the same time, the more we communicate, discuss important topics, the closer we are to the child and the faster and more clearly we understand what is happening to him. This helps to avoid many problems and difficulties, especially in relation to teenagers. Let's take care of each other and remember that with support and trust, you can cope with anything!

Curriculum vitae:

Alexandra Chernysheva is a psychologist-consultant, graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, Department of Crisis and Extreme Situations.

Since 2007, Alexandra has been conducting individual, group consultations and trainings with children and adolescents, and also coordinates the work of the "Architecture of the Future" camp. Her scientific and practical interests include the following topics:

  • "Self confidence",
  • "Intellectual Success"
  • "Communication Efficiency".

You can book a ticket to the camp "Architecture of the Future" where Alexandra works for free:

Adolescence is considered to be the most difficult period of life from a psychological and emotional point of view. This belief is not based on an empty place - the body is rebuilt, hormonal changes become more active, a still very young person gets acquainted with what had not affected him before.

The environment of growing children is changing, as well as habits, lifestyle. Children's hobbies disappear, and their place is taken by new, adult activities. Most often, it is during this period that bad habits appear in adolescents. Parents, teachers and the environment of the child in general can contribute to preventing this.

Bad habits in teenagers

Most often, children adopt negative experiences from others. As you know, the bad seizes faster than the good. The most commonly adopted bad habits in adults are smoking and drinking alcohol.

Today, an important role is occupied by psychological addictions, and a separate topic, for the consideration and analysis of which it is necessary to prepare the child thoroughly - this is drug addiction.


In recent years, the WHO (World Health Organization) has set restrictions on smoking in public places. As you know, prohibitions attract teenagers. The main risk factor that increases the chances of making a child a smoker is the environment. There is an opinion among boys and girls that smoking is cool, interesting, helps to grow up.

Children tend to become adults faster. It seems to them that uncertainty and many problems will be solved in adulthood. They tend to look more developed in the circle of acquaintances, interesting to those who do not pay attention to them. Ways to solve such problems are not always correct, and society can impose stereotypes that through bad habits all these goals will be at least partially achievable.

The following factors influence the desire to smoke:

    trying to join a new company;

    desire to be like adults;

    trying to impress.

What adults can do:

    conversations with teenagers about bad habits;

    help in finding other ways to be different;

    revision of values ​​​​and the search for positive qualities in a child that will interest his peers;

    information about the dangers of smoking;

    real life stories to tell your child.

It is not recommended to impose any information. It is better for parents to tell what they consider necessary, but in an abstract representation, and the child will have his own relationships. It is necessary to convey to the child, even if by example, that most smokers regretted that they had once become addicted to this addiction.

Remember, the mechanism of imitation is the main tool that pushes children to smoke.

Alcohol consumption

The body of children is incredibly susceptible, so it is difficult to overcome the emerging craving for alcohol. The chance of developing diseases of the internal organs is growing noticeably, and the process of addiction formation is accelerating.

What parents can do:

    discuss with the child the harm of alcohol;

    find out the point of view on how the child relates to drunk people;

    explain how alcohol addiction occurs, how quickly it happens, how it interferes with a normal life;

    give negative examples of real people, as well as non-drinking successful individuals.

A teenager in a world of bad habits struggles to resist the threats that await him. The reasons for the desire to drink alcohol are similar to those discussed above in the case of smoking. Boredom, trying to become an adult, the stereotype that alcohol helps to cope with emotional stress - these are the wrong incentives. The main task of parents and teachers is to help in rethinking ways to manage their emotions and problems.


White death - drug addiction. The most stable addiction occurs due to the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. The main task of parents and teachers is to warn the child against the very “test” that they can offer him.

After taking one dose of a narcotic substance, active destructive processes already begin, and with stable use they can become irreversible. The main task of adults is to prevent this, to warn and protect.

Drugs destroy personality, stop growth, development, recovery processes in organs. The main causes of children's drug addiction are the desire to imitate, an attempt to find ways to get new pleasures, the inability to find ways to solve their problems, the inability to make decisions.

Children from dysfunctional families are not always at risk, not all potential victims of drugs are those who already smoke or drink alcohol.

How drugs affect a child's body:

    oppression of the cough center (irreparable harm to the lungs);

    inhibition of the function of contraction of the heart muscle, destruction of the walls of blood vessels, increased heart rate;

    an obstacle to normal growth and development;

    effects on the nervous system - sleep disturbance, hallucinations, apathy, suicidal tendencies, and so on;

    inhibition of the processes of regulation of the gastrointestinal tract;

    increased chances of having handicapped children in the future, infertility;

    susceptibility to infectious diseases.

What parents can do:

    Accept the truth and act as calmly as possible, overcoming fear and despair.

    Contact the coordinating center for combating drug addiction. It is not necessary to take a child with you - come to the first consultation yourself, and then be guided by the advice of a specialist.

    Honesty and toughness are the main features of the tactics of dealing with a teenager. Be confident in yourself, convince the child of a positive result of the fight against addiction.

    Try not to get hung up. Show your teenager that life goes on, that he can do everyday things with you and enjoy it. You don’t need to reproach him all the time and remind him of the consequences, the past, teach yourself and him to see a new personality, healthy and reasonable, who has left the past behind and is moving forward with confidence.

    Contact a psychologist-narcologist, do not refuse medical treatment.

    Support the child, help restore strength, hope and will in him.

Creativity, mental health, the emotional sphere of children - all these important human skills are oppressed against the background of drug use. Do not let the problem take its course and do not despair, even if the first steps in the struggle for a brighter future were in vain.

Psychological addictions

A teenager can depend on the so-called "comfort zone", when he is afraid to learn something new, to go forward. Such a dependence is difficult to recognize, it manifests itself over time and is characterized by high stability.

Teen bad habits are the inability to give up computer games and social networks. Today, the International Health Organization fully recognizes online and information addiction as dangerous and the most common. Already every second teenager does not see life without online communication and can replace them with real entertainment, spending all the time with a gadget in their hands and sacrificing many needs and opportunities.

Teenagers can depend on their parents - this includes the inability to solve problems on their own, in general to make important decisions, to find a way out of difficult situations. Such children are more susceptible to the temptations that arise in society - they often become drug addicts, alcoholics, smokers. Therefore, to promote their independence and teach that a teenager is able to be responsible for his life is an important responsibility of parents.

Other bad habits

Among other bad habits that lie in wait for a teenager, the following can be emphasized:

    Game addiction. Some online games become more interesting for children than real life. It's hard for an adult to understand, but for a child it is. Much can not be done, so he runs into a fictional world, where everything is clear and is built according to an interesting plan prepared. Such hobbies can contribute to the emergence of suicidal tendencies, detachment from the real world. At risk are children who are used to spending time on their own.

    TV addiction. This includes watching cartoons, TV series via the Internet, programs. This type of addiction resembles a game one, when the virtual world seems more understandable, brighter and more colorful than the real one. In addition, the danger lies in the fact that TV, radio and the Internet can be presented with misleading information that the child will naively believe.

    Internet addiction. It should be listed separately. In part, this is a kind of psychological addiction, but attachment to the online world creates a separate niche for the child. This is the discovery of wide opportunities, ease of communication, obtaining new information (not always useful and truthful). The variety of opportunities and interest create the basis for the rejection of real benefits, activities, development.

Of course, some of the activities listed, such as the Internet, social networks, games, should not be completely deleted from the life of a child, they must be limited to the best of reason.

The impact of bad habits on adolescent health

How is the impact of bad habits on adolescents expressed? Psychological development, emotional state suffers, as well as damage to physiological functions, organs and systems as a whole. It is difficult to predict what will be adversely affected, but the damage is often irreparable.

Ways to deal with bad habits

So, how can you overcome the bad habits of teenagers, if they have already appeared? There are several key points that should be integrated into communication with the child in a complex:

    Do not Cry. Shouting will push the child away. You can ask what caused him to start smoking or periodically drinking alcohol.

    Understand the problems. Make a list of what is in front of the child. If we manage to solve them together, that's good. If not, try to give good advice.

    Do not insist on going to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Adolescents are afraid of this - for them, this is associated with mentally unhealthy people.

    Talk about harm. Explain the implications. Help break the habit, offer a substitute - interesting activities, such as photography, games, quests, fishing trips, and so on. Offer to go dancing, wrestling, painting. Find an activity that your child will really enjoy.

    Give up bad habits. You are an example for children. If you smoke yourself, don't expect your child to stop smoking.

    Offer support and understanding. They should be not only in words, but also in deeds.

    Do not threaten or forbid. Help to realize that bad habits are not needed by the teenager himself, and not just interfere with you.

    Encourage success, praise.

    Hug your child, kiss him, show him more often that you love him.

If you can apply all these rules, success will not be long in coming. If the child is unable to give up the habit, in this case, you can offer to seek help from a specialist.

Preventive measures

So that addictions do not take over the child, you need to adhere to certain methods of education.

So, the prevention of bad habits in adolescents consists of the following steps:

    Cultivate self-awareness in your child. Help him to be in something favorably different from others, to stand out. When a child feels self-sufficient, he does not need other methods to draw attention to himself, to appear more mature or better in the eyes of his peers and the environment.

    Cultivate self-confidence. Let the child know that he has something to love himself for. He should feel love for parents, friends, teachers, animals. Ask how he treats himself and others. The one who has been taught to respect others is not subject to outside influences that encourage the formation of bad habits.

    Show that you are leading a healthy lifestyle. Note that your example is the main one. This is not to say that it is very harmful to smoke, smoking another cigarette.

    Take your child's time with something interesting. Send to the section, make sure that there is little free time. This will significantly reduce the chances that a teenager will become addicted to alcohol.

Do not forget that you are not only parents, but also friends for the child. Share his interests, gain trust, learn to understand.


Children absorb everything that surrounds them. From the environment in which a teenager lives, how relatives treat him, how he evaluates himself, his susceptibility to the emergence of bad habits depends.

Adolescent children are particularly susceptible to negative influences. This is primarily due to the fact that the environment, interests, living conditions and even values ​​are changing. The goal of parents is to follow the correct change of orientations, trust children, understand them and talk as much as possible about problems, thoughts, desires, dreams.


"Preventing Bad Habits in Adolescents"

Each person has habits - harmful and useful. In life, they play an important role, fully justifying their name. … Habit is second nature… How often do we hear these words.

Each person has a large number of habits, both harmful and useful.

Habits are automated actions that occur independently of a person's desires.

Good habits help us feel collected, organized, ready to overcome difficulties. They help a person with stress, in conditions of lack of time.

Unfortunately, people - both adults and children - by themselves have not only useful, but also bad habits. Any habit does not appear by chance. At the core is a reinforcement mechanism.

If a habit has received repeated positive reinforcement, then it will become fixed and it will be difficult to eliminate it.

Both psychologists and teachers solve the problem of bad habits, and parents also struggle with bad habits of children. How do we do it?

Harmful should be considered those habits that interfere or do not allow a person to successfully realize himself as a person during his life. The basis for the formation of bad habits may be the lack of a guiding and motivating role of elders. As a result, children are left to themselves, their activity finds random and sometimes undesirable outlets, their bad impulses are not stopped in a timely manner, which contributes to their consolidation. Many adults strive to raise a child well, not noticing that they themselves serve as a bad example to the child, not understanding their own shortcomings. An example of this may be the use of obscene expressions in front of children, the abuse of alcohol, nicotine, etc. The formation of bad habits is, as a rule, easier than the formation of good ones, and bad habits are fixed more firmly. It is always the path of least resistance, the path from order to disorder, from
order to chaos.

Many of us have repeatedly heard about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol. Some adults are prone to these bad habits. They say one thing and do another. It must be understood that children themselves cannot always, in the complex contradictions of life, learn to be critical in life to the words and deeds of people. Hence the desire to test the correctness of the statements about the dangers of a cigarette and a glass of wine on their own experience. Just one puff of tobacco smoke and just one sip of wine, I'll try what happens. Interesting. How am I worse than my comrades, who solemnly take out a pack of cigarettes from their pocket or solemnly uncork a bottle of beer with a mysterious expression on their faces?

Most often, once having experienced the "pleasure" of smoking or drinking wine, a person remains their slave for life: he would like to quit a cigarette or stop drinking, but he can no longer. Such are the properties of these drugs. But who, in childhood or adolescence, thought about the consequences of certain violations of a healthy lifestyle. What personality traits predispose a person to the use of narcotic substances and what leads to the formation of these traits?

First of all, when a child is not under the proper control of parents who would guide his actions, set certain goals and objectives for him, and monitor their achievements. Firstly, when parents make an idol out of a child. He is constantly praised without reason, his real abilities are exaggerated. Excessive praise, enthusiasm lead to increased self-esteem, the development of unjustified exorbitant claims. Such a child is not able to critically look at his actions. Detachment from reality leads to a breakdown in case of disapproval or failure.

Secondly, when parents strictly regulate the activities of the child, exercise petty control over him, constantly teach, instruct, strictly correct, severely punish for the slightest misconduct. The child is regulated in the course of such "education". He is incapable of distinguishing good from bad.

The widespread use of smoking is associated with the ability of the substance contained in tobacco - nicotine to provide pleasant excitement, peace of mind, and lightness. Nicotine is a liquid with a burning taste, very poisonous: its lethal dose is about 1 g/kg of body weight. The smoke formed during smoking contains nicotine, essential oils and many other substances, more than 800, among which there is not a single one useful for the body. There are about 30 particularly harmful substances. Benzopyrene is the most active of the substances that cause malignant degeneration of tissues - the formation of tumors. Hydrocyanic acid, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, heavy metal ions. Together, these substances have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, and the lungs themselves, leading to the development of chronic inflammatory processes, and even malignant transformations. Smoking is widespread in the modern world. In many countries, the onset of smoking occurs at the age of 11-12 years. Smoking harms the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, and vocal cords. It was noted that in smoking adolescents, chest volume and lung development are about 25% behind those in non-smokers. Schoolchildren who smoke are more scattered, their performance is reduced. According to statistical data, only 16.7% of schoolchildren who did well were smokers, 45.2% were smokers among poor students, and 59.1% were poor students. Why? Often the desire to smoke appears during the lesson and the student is distracted from classes, thinking only about how to quickly run to the toilet with the bell and take the first puff of tobacco smoke there. Smoking students do not walk along the corridors, do not seek to be active. The desired place for them is the toilet, here they rush after the lesson and spend their rest in clouds of tobacco smoke.

What motivates you to smoke?

Firstly, imitation. Deliberate imitation of the members of the company, liking the person. unconscious imitation. If parents smoke, then smoking becomes part of the everyday life of the family, for children there is no longer a question - to smoke or not to smoke. Question
just when to start? Secondly, it is a striving for maturity. When a child seeks to demonstrate their independence. Thirdly, this is a way of self-affirmation to stand out from a background of a group of people. Fourth to try everything in life.

By statistics

5-6 classes:

50% - imitation of others;

41.5% - a sense of novelty;

5.5% - the desire to seem like an adult;

7 - 8 classes:

35.6% - imitation;

30% - a sense of novelty;

10.4% - the desire to seem like an adult.

Fifth, this is an example of parents and other adults. Studies show that if the father and mother smoke, 44% of boys and 37% of girls share their bad habit, if one of the parents smokes, then 37% of boys and 29% of girls imitate him, if parents do not smoke, they acquire the habit 20% boys and 9% girls. distribution
smoking also contributes to the condescending attitude of others. To prevent this bad habit, it is necessary to conduct anti-nicotine education. Pay attention to the unpleasant smell of a smoky room,
to the fact that it is difficult to breathe, to the fact that it is necessary to appreciate fresh air. It is necessary to show that smokers are not so much adults as slaves of a very bad habit. It should be clarified that the initial toxic reaction to
nicotine is not a sign of weakness, but evidence of his health. It is necessary to control the contacts, communication of the student: often boys are drawn to the older ones, and if there is a suspicion that they smoke, stop the possibility of communication.

Children should be reminded of the dangers of smoking for sports performance.

Explain to the girls that they look at the smoker cautiously, suspiciously. When preventing smoking, it should be borne in mind that adolescents sometimes take some time from the first cigarette they try before they start smoking for real. And it is very important not to miss this time for anti-nicotine struggle.

Another bad habit is drinking alcohol. Alcohol abuse prevention should start at an early age. First of all, the child should see the bottle of wine on the table of his parents as rarely as possible, even on holidays. If the guests brought and you are going to treat them, then you should make sure that the child does not see the bottle, or at least that it does not become the center of the table, the object of everyone's attention. It should be prevented that a bottle of wine takes its place in the child's mind in a number of life values, so that at least some positive emotions are associated with wine.

During a walk, you need to draw the child's attention to the unpleasant and bleak appearance of the drunk he met, emphasize how much he differs from most other people - smart, kind, in a hurry about their business.

It is necessary to tell the child how bad it is for the children and relatives of this drunk, how difficult it is for them to live because of his drunkenness.

The reaction of adults should be emotional: the child takes everything on faith and therefore it is especially important that he perceives examples of alcohol abuse as sharply negative.

Unfortunately, sometimes things go differently. If a feast with wine is accepted in the family, then the child is attached to alcohol from an early age. Some parents themselves give their children wine or beer at the request of the children. the whim of the child is more important than the negative consequences.

If approached from a medical standpoint, then in most cases nothing particularly dangerous will happen, although cases of serious poisoning of children are known. However, in the memory and consciousness of the child, alcohol in itself, a glass of wine can be imprinted as a positive moment and the memory of this will be kept all his life, guiding his behavior.

Indeed, one glass of wine will not spoil either the liver or the heart. However, there are cases when one event, one case determined a lot in a person's life.

It happens that when a child gets older, parents often put him at the table - first they pour tinted water, juice, and then wine into his glass. Even if the child is not given wine, introducing him to the ritual forms the idea of ​​these moments of behavior as positive.

But even in those cases when parents do not give wine to a child and do not even put him at the table with them, their answer to his request to give it a try: “It’s too early for you, you still can’t” - develops in him an attitude towards alcohol as a value available only for adults, as one of the privileges. This is especially easy to develop if the parents simply tell the child "I can - you can't."

As a result, the expectation of the moment when it will be possible for him to try alcohol remains in his mind, and even without knowing its properties, without having tried it, he will treat him positively.

It is necessary to explain the various harmful aspects of its action - on health, on the development of strength, on achieving success in sports, etc.

The actions of parents are harmful when they give wine to a child who has reached a certain age - as if in recognition of his adulthood. In this case, the wine turns into a symbol of adulthood. The drunkard boasts: "I can drink a lot and get drunk slowly." To explain to a teenager that this is a sign of illness, a sign of a certain stage of alcoholism, and there is absolutely nothing to boast about. It should also be explained that the use of alcohol affects the overall life path of a person, the implementation of all his plans.

All this is possible only if the parents themselves are negatively disposed towards alcohol.

Unfortunately, while sometimes showing a tendency to criticize (people) young people, the elders are not critical enough of themselves. They would like the younger generation to borrow only the best from them and avoid the worst. However, while perceiving the good, children, adolescents, boys and girls also perceive the bad.

Breaking bad habits is a very difficult task. As Ushinsky emphasized, “if one single, although the most energetic effort on oneself, was enough to eradicate a bad habit, then it would not be difficult to get rid of it ... But the trouble is that the habit, established little by little and over time, is eradicated in the same way, little by little, and after a long struggle with it.

The use of obscene expressions also belongs to the bad habits of a person. Obscene expressions are indecent not because of some features of the sound of unpronounceable sounds, but because of the meaning put into them. As Makarenko rightly noted, “swear words” are unvarnished petty, poor and spiritual muck, a sign of the wildest, most primitive culture, a cynical, arrogant, hooligan denial of our path to deep and real human beauty.

The use of obscene expressions is an indicator of the wretchedness of a person’s speech and thinking: the primitiveness of thought, a meager vocabulary make it difficult for him to speak convincingly and intelligibly, and he resorts to obscene expressions.

As Makarenko noted, “in the old days, a swear word, perhaps, served as a kind of corrective to a beggarly dictionary. With the help of a swear formula, one could express a primitive emotion, anger, surprise, condemnation, jealousy. But for the most part, she did not even express any emotions, but served as a link, replacing pauses, stops, transitions.

The harm of obscene expressions lies in the fact that they are offensive to others, but also in the fact that they unite a person’s speech, make it primitive and reinforce the level of primitiveness.

Obscene expressions instill in the child an obscene view of intersexual relations. For an adult, a swear word is just an offensive, rude word. When pronouncing it or listening to it, an adult experiences only mechanical consumption, without causing any sexual shocks. But when a boy hears or utters this word, the word does not come to him as a term of abuse, it brings with it its inherent sexual content. The sexual secret is exposed before the boy in the most ugly, cynical and immoral form...

The use of obscene expressions is a typical bad habit and the wrong behavior of adults contributes to its formation. Often a child, having heard an unfamiliar word, turns to adults for clarification. The correct tactic for parents is not to show an emotional reaction, but to express apparent indifference and transfer the conversation to another topic. You can’t scold a child for this question, if only because he asked for an explanation. If the parents scold the child, express indignation, ask him questions like: “Where did you hear this disgusting thing?”, that in case of obvious disapproval, the word and the situation related to it clearly sink into the child’s memory and in the future he will not turn to parents, and to strangers who are not interested in the correctness of his upbringing and will receive obscene information from them. Parents should avoid abusive and obscene expressions in their speech, restrain themselves in front of the child, even if the situation causes a feeling of annoyance, irritation and the person feels the need for emotional release. The child immediately picks up what he has heard, especially since he is attracted to this word by the very reaction of the adult at the moment of its pronunciation.

A teenager should be explained that obscene expressions are a sign of low culture, primitive thinking and speech of a person, and by no means a sign of his adulthood.

If parents simply scold a teenager for such words, instead of explaining, strictly forbid their use, these words will only sink deeper into memory, and then become a symbol of adulthood, and a teenager will strive to use them, for example, in a circle of peers, to emphasize in front of them its independence and independence. And then it will turn into a habit, which is the more difficult to get rid of, the lower the level of development of thinking and speech of a person.

The founder of Russian physiology, I. Sechenov, formulated the principle: "The reason for any human action lies outside it." What will be the actions of the child in the first place depends on the parents, who should serve the child as a worthy example. And perhaps this is the reason why education is such a difficult process.

As Makarenko noted, addressing his parents, “your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you bring up a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you communicate with friends and enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child. These words fully apply to the prevention of bad habits.

Article 6.10. Involvement of a minor in the use of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products or intoxicating substances

1. Involving a minor in the use of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products or intoxicating substances, with the exception of cases provided for by Part 2 of Article 6.18 of this Code, - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles.
2. The same actions committed by parents or other legal representatives of minors, with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 2 of Article 6.18 of this Code, as well as by persons who are entrusted with the responsibility of educating and educating minors - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of four thousand up to five thousand rubles.

Article 6.23. Involving a minor in the process of tobacco use

1. Involving a minor in the process of tobacco consumption - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles.
2. The same actions committed by parents or other legal representatives of a minor, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand roubles.

Article 6.24. Violation of the ban on tobacco smoking established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities

1. Violation of the ban on tobacco smoking established by federal law in certain territories, in premises and at facilities, except for the cases provided for by Part 2 of this Article, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred roubles.
2. Violation of the ban on tobacco smoking at playgrounds established by federal law - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand roubles.

Article 6.25. Non-compliance with the requirements for a no-smoking sign, for the allocation and equipping of special places for smoking tobacco, or failure to fulfill obligations to monitor compliance with the norms of legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption

    Failure to comply with the requirements for a no-smoking sign denoting territories, buildings and facilities where smoking is prohibited, and for the procedure for its placement - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of ten thousand to twenty thousand roubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to sixty thousand roubles.
    2. Failure to comply with the requirements for allocating and equipping special places in the open air for smoking tobacco, or allocating and equipping isolated premises for smoking tobacco -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to thirty thousand roubles; for legal entities - from fifty thousand to eighty thousand roubles.
    3. Failure by an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity to fulfill the obligations of monitoring compliance with the norms of legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption in the territories and premises used to carry out their activities, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of thirty thousand to forty thousand roubles; for legal entities - from sixty thousand to ninety thousand roubles.

Article 20.21. Appearing in public places while intoxicated

Appearing on the streets, stadiums, squares, parks, in a public vehicle, in other public places in a state of intoxication that offends human dignity and public morality -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles or an administrative arrest for a term of up to fifteen days.

Article 20.22. Being intoxicated by minors, their consumption (drinking) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products or their consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

Being in a state of intoxication by minors under the age of sixteen years, or consumption (drinking) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products by them, or consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances by them without a doctor's prescription, or other intoxicating substances -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on parents or other legal representatives of minors in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand roubles.

Questions for parents:
1. Do you talk to your child about drug addiction, the dangers of smoking and drinking, or avoid this problem? How do you talk about it, and in what situations?
2. Do you think that your child can be tempted to use drugs, smoke, drink alcohol? If yes, then why? If not, then why not?
3. In your opinion, what measures should be taken in the family to protect the child from drug addiction, substance abuse, smoking, drinking alcohol? What rules would you suggest to prevent trouble?

And at the end of our meeting, listen to the instructive story of the legendary Greek fabulist Aesop, the moral of which you must determine for yourself. …

“... They lived in the same swamp - there were two frogs. The hot summer came, the swamp dried up, and the frogs had to move to a new place, because frogs live where it is humid. In search of a new shelter, they stumbled upon a deep well.

One of the frogs looked into it and said: “Great place! It's full of cold water! Let's jump into this well and stay in it to live!

But the other frog replied, “Don't be in a hurry. Of course, there is a lot of water here, but what will happen to us if this one dries up, like the swamp? How can we jump out of such a deep hole?"...

In psychology, bad habits are regularly repeated actions that have a negative impact on the person himself, damage his physical and mental health. In addition, the people around them indirectly suffer as well. The main ones are traditionally considered: smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Most of the bad inclinations, pathological addictions are acquired in childhood and adolescence. If the child is not able to get rid of them in time, they will remain for life, seriously reducing the chances for a happy future, having a detrimental effect on health - early chronic diseases, premature aging, and a decrease in intellectual abilities.

What are the main causes of bad habits in teenagers and how to deal with them? Let's talk about it:

The main reasons for the emergence of bad habits

Adolescence is very controversial. Adolescents are not yet adults, but they are no longer children. Although they themselves consider themselves to be quite adults, their parents still treat them like babies. This is an important factor in the problems that arise with the family.

A growing person constantly faces a lot of various tasks and issues that he needs to solve. But he still does not have life experience, so he cannot always make the right independent decision. And many parents do not notice this, they cannot give advice on what to do. Or they undertake to solve the problems of a teenager on their own. This often happens in families where mutual understanding is broken, there are no friendly, trusting relationships.

As a result, a teenager is constantly in a stressful state, becomes nervous, irritable, withdraws into himself. He is tormented by constant doubts, he worries or gets angry over the most trifling reasons.

If he lacks self-confidence and cannot cope with the difficulties he faces, it is likely that he will find a way to get rid of stress through smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs. Gradually, this turns into a harmful, pernicious habit that causes irreparable harm to his health.

Major addictions

Tobacco smoking

According to the latest statistics, the percentage of adult smokers is actively decreasing. However, the percentage of teenagers who smoke is constantly growing. Moreover, the girls practically do not lag behind the boys, they smoke no less.

At the same time, no lectures, talks about the dangers of smoking almost do not have the proper impact on them. There is so much of this information that it has long been set on edge and little attention is paid to it. Especially if the example before your eyes is smoking parents. Adolescents smoke, often not realizing the harm they do to their health. And although it is possible, and even cheaper methods, such as soda, monastic tea, Corvalol, oats, they still smoke ...

In Russia, children start smoking at the age of 10, sometimes earlier. If the child is not stopped in time, it is likely that he will become a heavy smoker in the future, with a corresponding “bouquet” of chronic diseases.

We already mentioned last time. So, American scientists have developed a variety of GMO tobacco with a reduced nicotine content. Such cigarettes are used in anti-smoking treatment programs. Nevertheless, smoking remains one of the reasons for the increase in diseases and deaths.

Alcohol consumption

How to deal with it? Tips for teenagers

First of all, you need to realize, admit to yourself that there is a bad habit, and it interferes with life. Remember when and why it started. Most likely this was a difficult period in your life. But now, after a lapse of time, the problem is likely gone, but the addiction remains. It's time to get rid of it, try to learn how to cope with difficulties without cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

Alternative Solutions

A fairly effective way is an alternative to an existing bad habit. Especially for quitting smoking: if you want to smoke, eat a mint candy or chew on seeds. Getting rid of alcoholism and drug addiction is much more difficult, most likely you will need the help of a specialist. However, those who have enough willpower and self-respect can overcome their addiction, especially if there is not yet a strong addiction.

To make it easier, think about how proud you will be of yourself, how your life will improve, how much healthier and more attractive you will become. With what pleasure you will begin to tell your friends how you got rid of addiction, give advice, etc. And saving money is an important motivation.

Reward yourself for one day, a week, a month of abstinence. Buy yourself some thing that pleases you, go with a girl (boyfriend) to a good concert, movie, match. Fill your life with new little joys, happy moments. And always remember that bad habits are the lot of weak, weak-willed, dissatisfied people. You are not like that and therefore exclude yourself from this list.

Believe me, gradually you will be able to do without them and you yourself will not notice how to get rid of them forever.

Find a helper

To make it easier for yourself, ask a person close to you - a relative, friend, loved one to follow your actions. For example, when you "automatically" get a cigarette, or reach for a glass of beer in the usual company, he will point you to it. You can even argue with him for some interest, give your word that you will get rid of a bad habit.


There is no better prevention than a favorable harmonious situation in the family. Dear parents, realize that your child is becoming an adult. This is a very difficult process and it is very difficult for a teenager. Help him, talk to your daughter or son like an adult. Do not solve problems for a teenager, but unobtrusively suggest the best solution.

Remember that friendly relations between mom and dad, between parents and children, mutual understanding, the habit of solving emerging problems together - significantly reduce the likelihood that a child will start smoking, drinking or using drugs. If you already have an addiction, fight it all together. This is not an easy test, but with the efforts of the whole family, you will definitely emerge victorious from it.