What to do to lose weight at home. How to quickly reduce the face and tighten the skin at home

What makes your face thin? Why is the face thinning? - The face is different!

When applying different methods of losing weight, many people are faced with the problem of uneven weight loss. Sometimes the face loses weight first, and in some cases, with total weight loss, the face does not lose weight. This is due to many reasons, and first of all, the fact that each person has a different face, as well as a physique.

Finding out why a person is losing weight, several reasons can be noted, and they all boil down, mainly, to the resorption of subcutaneous fat layers. Therefore, usually when losing weight, the face loses weight in the first place. But when the face loses weight, it is not immediately possible to assume excessive swelling of the face. In order to find the answer to the question of why a person is losing weight or not losing weight, it is necessary to find out the reason.

Why does the face lose weight while maintaining normal weight?

The body accumulates fat deposits over time, depositing them mainly in the hips and waist. Since there is not so much fat accumulation under the skin of the face, it loses weight much faster.

Some cases when a person loses weight are associated with getting rid of excess fluid. Violation of the kidneys, excessive consumption of alcohol or large amounts of fluid causes swelling, which is primarily reflected on the face. When the causes of puffiness are eliminated, the face loses weight.

You can find out what it means if a person loses weight for no apparent reason if you pay attention to your lifestyle. A hectic lifestyle, sleepless nights, stress and fatigue can create a visual effect of losing weight on the face. At the same time, dark circles appear under the eyes, the nose stands out and seems larger and the face looks tired and haggard. Due to this, the face seems to have lost weight.

The appearance of age-related changes affects why a person loses weight with age. Sudden changes in weight primarily cause facial weight loss. To prevent a sharp weight loss of the face, it is necessary to constantly maintain skin tone and elasticity.

In summer, the face loses weight most often due to dehydration. Frequent exposure to the sun and lack of fluid intake contributes to the rapid loss of moisture in the body. As a result, there is a sharp weight loss of the face. In the hot season, especially careful observance of the drinking regime is necessary, while at least two liters of clean water should be consumed per day.

Why doesn't the face shrink?

Sometimes in the process of losing weight, the face does not lose weight. This may be due to the structural features of the figure. With the distribution of fat according to the female type, the face, neck, chest, back and abdomen lose weight at the beginning. If the fat is located according to the male type, then initially there is a weight loss of the lower part of the body and only in the last place the weight loss of the face.

Also, facial weight loss is associated with the sequence of fat accumulation. If, when gaining weight, the face first recovers, then it will lose weight last. This problem is most relevant for women with an apple-shaped figure, in whom weight loss occurs from the bottom up.

Sometimes the face loses weight unevenly. Why does only one part of the face lose weight? In most cases, this is due to the weakness of the facial muscles, unable to maintain the skin in an elastic state. In this case, it is simply necessary to combine weight loss with cosmetic and preventive procedures. You can perform special exercises to tighten the skin of the face, preferably the use of tightening face masks.

There are acquired habits that do not allow a person to lose weight:

  • the habit of stooping, in which even a thinner face looks fuller;
  • sleeping on a very low pillow;
  • frequent reading while lying on your back;
  • the habit of walking and sitting with the head bowed.

The question “I’m not losing weight on my face, why is this happening?” It also has an explanation in the form of physiological reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • weakness of the facial muscles and sagging skin;
  • excessively overweight.

There are no special methods aimed specifically at losing weight on the face. In order to maintain the shape of the face in the desired state, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach.

Puffy cheeks and a double chin can cause a lot of discomfort for men and women. Fullness of the face is a common problem, familiar to both overweight and slender people. To lose weight in the face, you need to develop a whole strategy to combat body fat. It should include correction of the diet, the use of special exercises, massage and other methods to reduce the fullness of the face. We will tell you exactly what needs to be done for local weight loss.

The key to success in weight loss is proper nutrition. To lose weight in the face of the diet, you need to exclude products that lead to the appearance of edema. Sometimes it is the excess fluid in the body that gives the impression that the cheeks are plump. The cause of fullness in the face is an excess of excess weight. Properly using recommendations for correcting nutrition, it will be possible to achieve a local reduction in body fat.

  • Tip 1: Don't starve.

One of the mistakes of losing weight is the refusal of food or a significant reduction in diet. Fasting will not help you lose weight. On the contrary, the body will switch to economy mode, rounded cheeks will “melt” with great difficulty. To lose weight, you need to eat, but not overeat.

  • Tip 2: Drink plenty of pure water.

At least 1.5-2 liters of water per day will help to improve metabolism, reduce the amount of food consumed, and reduce swelling. You can also drink green tea to avoid causing fluid retention.

  • Tip 3. Give up alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks can lead to swelling of the face, so visually the cheeks and chin will appear fuller.

  • Tip 4: Limit salty foods in your diet.

It is advisable not to salt the dishes at all and refuse to use canned food, pickled dishes, sausages, etc. These products often provoke appetite and cause puffiness, which makes the face visually appear more rounded.

  • Tip 5. Eat fractionally in small portions.

It is best to eat every 2.5-3 hours, the serving size should be more than 200 g. You need to consume more vegetables and herbs, the fiber they contain will ensure a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Experts from the Medical Faculty of the American University of Laval came to the conclusion that calcium deficiency increases appetite. Those who want to lose weight need to eat more foods with calcium. Otherwise, its lack will be compensated by the desire to eat more high-calorie meals.

Slimming in the face, first of all, should be complex. The human body is designed so that the loss of fat mass occurs fairly evenly. First of all, you need to start with nutrition - this is seventy percent of success in achieving the goal. For skin health, local weight loss, it is important to maintain a balance in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed, to ensure the presence in the diet of a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

There are many types of facial slimming exercises. Consider one of the effective examples:

  • The muscles of the face are relaxed.
  • The sounds "y" and "y" are pronounced alternately.
  • At the first sound, the muscles stretch in a smile with a parted mouth.
  • On the sound "y" the lips form a "tube".

Try to actively engage muscle tissue during this exercise.

To reduce volumes, a person needs to be given physical activity. Fitness exercises for this part of the body will help remove excess fat, improve muscle tone, and reduce sagging tissues when losing weight. Face gymnastics must include these exercises:

  • "Fish Lips"

Pull in your cheeks and pull out your lips strongly, like a fish. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, then relax your face. Repeat the exercise 10 times, 2-3 sets are enough per day.

  • "Cow".

Take a chewing gum and make repetitive movements with your jaws as intensively as possible. Practice for 1-2 minutes 2-3 times a day.

  • Lip lift.

Tilt your head back, lift the lower lip above the upper one as high as possible. Repeat 15 times, 3 sets per day.

  • "I am gloomy and I am joyful."

Extend your index and middle fingers and gently pull the corners of your lips down with both hands. Hold this position, overcoming the resistance of the muscles. Then simultaneously lift the corners of your lips up with your fingers. Keep your lips closed, linger in each exercise for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times in 2 sets.

  • "X" and "O".

Alternately pronounce the letters X and O, achieving contraction of the muscles of the face. Actively move your jaws during this exercise. Do 3 sets a day, each with 40 reps.

The fashion for round rosy cheeks has passed. Now a storm of emotions in men and women is caused by pronounced cheekbones. It is almost impossible to lose weight in only one place, whether it be the waist, hips or another area. With weight loss, the volumes go evenly throughout the body, it is possible to control a certain area only with certain physical activities.

When it comes to the face, there are several secrets to getting curvy sunken cheeks. First of all, these are fitness exercises for weight loss in the face. The most proven of them: close your lips, but open your teeth, slightly pull your cheeks in. Repeat several times, preferably in front of a mirror. The more often you do the exercise, the better.

You can also lose weight in the face with the help of salon procedures. The most popular ways to reduce facial volume in salons are:

Oxygen mesotherapy

This non-injection rejuvenation method removes the second chin. Exposure to the skin occurs by supplying a jet of oxygen. The procedure affects the muscles of the face from the inside, tones them, and also fights swelling.

Chemical peel

Peeling using weak solutions of acids and other chemical elements not only tidies up the skin, but also affects the muscles of the face, improves their tone.

Myostructural facial massage

Professional massage eliminates puffiness of the face, improves blood circulation, relieves congestion in the tissues. Deep study of the muscles of the face accelerates the metabolism, which also contributes to weight loss.

Self-massage of the face

Not only myostructural, but also classical massage, self-massage for the face can work wonders if the purpose of the manipulation is to burn fat deposits locally. You can also perform it at home. It is best if the procedure is carried out after fitness gymnastics for the face. Massage will help speed up the removal of excess fluid, so the face will lose weight and by reducing swelling.

To reduce the chin and make the cheeks less rounded, you need to properly massage the face:

  • Start with light pats on the chin area.
  • Then pat your cheeks, massage them in a circular motion.
  • After 5-10 minutes of massage of the cheeks and chin, proceed to a uniform massaging of the face along the entire contour.

An increase in the size of the cheeks is a consequence of the general obesity of the body. In this regard, the fight against extra centimeters should be carried out by reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat throughout the body. To solve this problem, it is necessary to perform cardio training and strength exercises for the largest muscle groups, gymnastics for facial muscles, and follow a diet. Cosmetic and physiotherapy procedures will also help to lose weight in the face.

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In situations where you need to get a result in just a week, you can use radical means: diuretics, correction with threads.

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    Normalization of the diet

    You need to start losing weight in the face with a diet. It is an unbalanced diet in most cases that is the cause of fatty deposits, including on the cheeks and neck.

    The fastest way to lose weight is a protein diet. Its essence lies in the observance of five rules:

    1. 1. The amount of complex (slowly digestible) carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta) in the diet should be reduced to 50-70 grams per day. Simple carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods, soups) should be completely excluded from the menu.
    2. 2. Food should be grilled or boiled.
    3. 3. Do not eat canned food, pickles, stew, semi-finished products.
    4. 4. The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts, seafood, chicken, meat.
    5. 5. It is necessary to eat as often as possible: at least 1 time in every 2-3 hours (in small portions).

    Particular attention should be paid to the amount of liquid consumed: a man and a woman who want to quickly remove subcutaneous fat on their faces should drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. The amount of salt is recommended to be reduced as much as possible, up to 2.5 g per day.

    A teenager (both a guy and a girl) who suffers from acne on the skin of the face should lower the fat content in the menu. To do this, it is necessary to remove the fatty parts of chicken and pork from the diet, switching mainly to boiled fish, shrimp, mussels, and veal.

    To quickly reduce overall body weight and lose weight in the face, you need to significantly increase physical activity. The easiest and most effective way to do this at home is to start doing aerobic exercise. They will lead to an increase in the metabolic rate, saturation of tissues with oxygen and a high consumption of calories, which will have a positive effect on reducing subcutaneous fat on the neck, cheeks, chin and other problem areas of the body.

    At home, you can perform the following exercises:

    1. 1. Run. It is necessary to carry out jogging 2-3 times a week on an empty stomach. Recommended time: in the morning before breakfast or in the evening 2 hours before bedtime. The duration of one cardio workout should be at least 40 minutes - that's how long it takes for the body to begin the processes of active splitting of adipose tissue. The lesson, if necessary, can be divided into 3 series, each of which will consist of an eight-minute run and a two-minute rest in the form of a calm walk.
    2. 2. Sports or Nordic walking. Such training is recommended for men and women in old age who have a high degree of obesity or diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for whom running is contraindicated). It is necessary to engage in this method several times a week for 60-75 minutes. The intensity of walking during training can be changed, adjusting it to individual capabilities.
    3. 3. Rope jumping. This is an effective fat burning exercise that you can do at home during bad weather outside. Training scheme: 2-3 minutes - load, 1 minute - rest. The duration of one lesson is from 35 to 45 minutes.

    In parallel with the implementation of cardio loads, you can include sports games, long walks or bike rides in the daily routine, this will help increase the energy costs of the body.

    Strength exercises

    Together with a high calorie consumption, power loads lead to the activation of the production of testosterone, somatropin and other hormones that speed up fat burning processes. As a result of reducing the amount of fat in the whole body, such exercises allow you to quickly lose weight in the face, get rid of the "double chin", and improve skin condition.

    Before you begin to perform the power complex, you should do a warm-up: jump for five minutes on a rope, tilt the body, rotate the pelvis, swing arms and legs.


    With the help of the exercise, the abdominal muscles are worked out.

    1. 1. Spread a rubber fitness mat on the floor and lie on it with your back.
    2. 2. Cross your fingers at the back of your head.
    3. 3. Straighten your legs, bring your feet together and lift them from the floor by about 35-45 centimeters (this position will be the starting position).
    4. 4. Perform dilution and reduction of the lower leg in a horizontal position 20-25 times.
    5. 5. Take a thirty-second pause to restore strength and produce three more similar series.

    jumping out

    This is an energy-intensive multi-joint exercise performed with the help of almost all the major muscles of the body.


    1. 1. Take a starting position: sitting, feet are at shoulder width, arms extended in front of you, back straight.
    2. 2. As you exhale, jump up sharply, throwing your hands over your head.
    3. 3. Return to the original squatting position.
    4. 4. Perform - 10-12 repetitions. The number of approaches is 4-5. Rest pause between series - 90 seconds.


    The reduction of body fat occurs due to the active work of the rectus, lateral and oblique abdominal muscles.

    Exercise algorithm:

    1. 1. Lay out a fitness mat.
    2. 2. Sit on it lying on your back.
    3. 3. Fix the palms on the back of the head.
    4. 4. Tear off the legs and shoulder blades from the floor.
    5. 5. Perform alternating information of the left elbow with the right knee and the right elbow with the left knee.
    6. 6. After 20-25 repetitions, you need to rest for one minute and complete three more series.


    This is an effective exercise for weight loss of the whole body. A high calorie consumption during its implementation is achieved due to the participation of 4 muscle groups at once: the press, shoulders, chest and deltas.

    Push-up technique:

    1. 1. Lie face down on a fitness mat.
    2. 2. Focus on the floor with your palms and toes.
    3. 3. Straighten the hips, spine and head in one line.
    4. 4. Pull in the stomach and, while inhaling, lower the chest down.
    5. 5. On the exhale, push up from the floor.
    6. 6. Repeat the movement about 15-20 times, then pause for a minute and perform another 3-4 series.


    Due to the powerful contractions of the muscles of the back and arms, the exercise is energy-intensive and helps to quickly remove extra pounds.


    1. 1. Grasp the bar with your hands.
    2. 2. Spread the brushes to a level slightly wider than the shoulders.
    3. 3. Throw the shins on top of each other and slightly bend the hips at the knees.
    4. 4. Pull the body to the horizontal bar (the crossbar should be below the chin).
    5. 5. Straighten your arms, lowering your body down.
    6. 6. Do 8-12 repetitions.
    7. 7. Rest 2 minutes.
    8. 8. Run 4 approaches.

    Gymnastics for the face

    You can tighten the oval of the face and ensure that the cheeks decrease and the cheekbones appear, using facial gymnastics. Performing special movements will remove puffiness, improve skin condition, and remove the “double chin”.

    To lose weight in the face will help the exercises presented in the table:

    An exercise Execution technique Image
    "Cupid's bow"

    The purpose of the exercise is to work out the muscles in the cheeks and lips.

    Execution sequence:

    1. 1. Pull your cheeks inward.
    2. 2. Draw out the lips.
    3. 3. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds.
    4. 4. Take a twenty-second pause for rest.
    5. 5. Perform the exercise three more times


    This exercise is used to stress the muscles of the cheeks.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. Widely stretch your lips in a smile.
    2. 2. Lock in this position for 30 seconds.
    3. 3. Rest 20 seconds and do three more sets


    The exercise is performed by the strength of the muscles of the cheeks and lips.


    1. 1. Pull the lips forward a little.
    2. 2. Take air into the lungs.
    3. 3. Slowly exhale, creating tension in the facial muscles.
    4. 4. Repeat the procedure 15-20 times

    Mahi head

    An effective exercise allows you to tighten the muscles in the neck and remove fat from the chin.

    Execution sequence:

    1. 1. Slowly tilt your head back.
    2. 2. With a quick and easy movement, lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest.
    3. 3. Repeat the movement 15 times.
    4. 4. Rest 40 seconds and do three more similar approaches

    Gymnastics should begin with warm-up rubbing of the skin of the face and rotation of the head.

    Massage for slimming cheeks

    The procedure makes it possible to speed up lymphatic drainage, activate blood circulation and improve cell nutrition. This leads to an increase in skin elasticity, getting rid of puffiness, and an increase in the rate of fat burning.

    There are two main types of cheek massage:

    1. 1. External. It is performed on the surface of the skin of the face using classic movements: rolling, smoothing, tapping, etc. It is effective to use nutritious cosmetic oils during the procedure.
    2. 2. Interior. Fingers are placed in the mouth, and tissues are kneaded: the thumb of the right hand is immersed in the area behind the left cheek and massages it, pressing it against the index and middle fingers located outside. The same technique is used to massage the other side.

    It is important that during the procedure there are no physical damage, acne, redness and allergic reactions on the skin of the face.

    Masks and compresses

    An increase in the volume of adipose tissue on the face is often associated with impaired blood circulation. The active components of medicinal plants, clay, honey and other products are able to normalize blood flow to the muscles and skin of the cheeks, lips, chin, neck and forehead, and increase the rate of lipid metabolism.

    The following compositions help to lose weight in the face:

    1. 1. Herbal collection of sage, chamomile and thyme. To prepare the composition, place 10 g of each plant (dry and crushed) in a teapot and pour 200 ml of boiling water into it. After twenty minutes of infusion in the decoction, it is necessary to dip the gauze or bandage, squeeze it slightly and apply it on the face. After 20 minutes, the compress should be removed and the skin washed with warm water.
    2. 2. Blue clay. Dry raw materials must be diluted with warm water until a creamy slurry is obtained and the mixture is applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off and treated with a moisturizer.
    3. 3. Green tea. To prepare a compress, 2 tsp should be used. tea, brew 100 ml of boiling water and let it brew. After 30 minutes, moisten a piece of gauze or bandage with the resulting composition and apply it evenly over the entire surface of the face. After 25-30 minutes, the compress should be removed and the skin washed with warm water.
    4. 4. Honey. 200 g of the product should be heated in a water bath to 36 degrees, add 10 ml of lemon juice to it, carefully move and apply on the skin of the neck and cheeks. After 15-25 minutes, the composition can be washed off with warm water.

    Before using masks and compresses for face slimming, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. This is done by applying a small amount of the composition used on the wrist. After 10 minutes, the mixture must be washed off. If the treated area does not turn red, then the product can be applied without fear.

    Surgical operations and cosmetic procedures

    In emergency situations, when it is necessary to lose weight in the face in just two days, plastic surgery is used. The most common liposuction is an operation that removes fatty tissue through small punctures in the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and usually lasts no more than 30 minutes.

    After surgery, side effects are possible: inflammation, swelling, numbness. Rehabilitation requires a short stay in the hospital.

    A safer and more popular way to reduce the size of the cheeks is reinforcement. A cosmetic procedure is the introduction of special thin threads under the skin of the face. Subsequently, collagen and elastin fibers begin to "sprout" through them, thus forming the "frame" of the face. Thanks to this, a lifting effect is achieved. Rehabilitation takes place at home.


    When it is necessary to “hide” chubby cheeks in a few hours, decorative cosmetics can help. The purpose of makeup is to darken those parts of the face that need to be hidden and highlight what needs to be highlighted.

    Correction of imperfections with tint compositions is carried out after applying the foundation to the entire face.

    Surgical and cosmetic procedures, as well as makeup, allow you to get only a temporary effect. In order for a person to remain thin all the time, it is necessary to completely change your lifestyle: create and follow a healthy diet, expose your body to regular physical activity, fall asleep and wake up at the same time, stop smoking and alcohol, and monitor your general health.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Does your face look fat with those chubby cheeks and chin? Are you looking for ways to get rid of facial fat? Currently, this fat is one of the biggest problems in the world. Do not worry, right now we will tell you how to lose weight in the face. I have several simple and proven ways to lose weight.

Removing excess fat on the face is possible with the right diet, exercise and weight loss methods. You can get rid of excess facial fat and lose weight with simple home remedies.

There are many reasons. Listed below are some of the main causes of facial fat.

Moisture retention A: If you drink little water, your body will retain this fluid in the future. Obviously your face will look fat.

Lack of sleep: lack of sleep and stress not only badly affect the functioning of your brain, but also on your face. Sleep disturbance and stress can make the skin more elastic. That is why the skin begins to sag.

Obesity: obesity creates an additional layer of fat on the face. Therefore, in order to get rid of facial fat, you need to defeat obesity.

Side effects: Side effects caused by the use of certain steroid drugs can also lead to facial fat.

Genetics: genetics is also one of the culprits for the presence of fat on the face. If this is the reason, then you must follow a strict diet to get the perfect face.

How to get rid of facial fat?

Getting rid of fat on the face is possible through constant procedures. There are 3 best ways to do this. You must follow the three methods below to completely get rid of excess fat.

  1. Suitable Diet
  2. Exercises
  3. Decreased total body weight

Proper nutrition

The best way to get rid of facial fat is to follow the right diet. It is very necessary to reduce body fat. With the right diet, you can increase or decrease your weight in a short amount of time. But you should be careful in choosing food.

1. Watch your calories

Calories are a vital factor in losing or gaining weight. To get rid of facial fat, you need to control your calorie intake. Eat healthy and avoid fast food, canned and processed foods. You also eat fruits, vegetables and salads. You can lose weight by cutting calories.

To get rid of facial fat, you must cut out certain foods completely. High calorie foods will make your face look fat and puffy. Please avoid these products if you want to have a slim face.

  • Avocado
  • Cakes
  • Cookie
  • Dark chocolate
  • macadamia nuts
  • oily fish
  • Prunes

Low calorie foods:

Low-calorie foods do not have a strong effect on your face. Thus, you can consume these products without any worries.

  • Almond milk (unsweetened)
  • Arugula
  • Blackberry
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Bulgur
  • Celery
  • Chicken breast
  • Cucumber
  • Grapefruit
  • Lentils
  • shellfish
  • Plum
  • Pork tenderloin
  • Powdered peanut butter
  • Radish
  • Strawberry
  • Watercress salad
  • Wheat bran
  • Zucchini, etc.

If you reduce your calorie intake by 400-1200 calories every day, you will lose 3-4 kg per month. Also, avoid 3 meals a day and eat 6 small meals per day.

2. Avoid water retention in the body

Dehydration causes water retention. This is the main cause of facial fat. If fluid intake is minimal, it causes dehydration. Dehydration is the perfect reason to retain moisture in the face.

When you are dehydrated, your body focuses on absorbing more water. Thus, moisture remains in the face. This leads to puffy face, swollen chin and thick cheeks.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to gradually lose fat over 30 days.

3. Do not abuse alcohol

“Excessive consumption of alcohol, salt and sugar is associated with the appearance of fat on the face,” says Dr. Sue Decotiis in one of her interviews.

Do not abuse alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to dehydration, followed by moisture retention. Therefore, if you are trying to get rid of excess fat on your face, then avoid alcohol.

4. Cut down on salt and sugar

As stated above by Dr. Sue Decotiis, limiting your sugar and salt intake helps you get rid of facial fat. The sodium contained in salt keeps the moisture content in the face. This way you look chubby!

So try to cut down on both salt and sugar.

What foods should be avoided:

  • Bacon
  • Cookie
  • Cakes
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Processed cheese
  • Fat meat
  • French fries
  • Hamburgers
  • Jam
  • Cookie
  • Pickles
  • Pizza
  • Popcorn
  • processed foods
  • puddings
  • roasted nuts
  • Salami
  • Smoked fish
  • Smoked meats
  • Soy sauce
  • bouillon cubes
  • Yeast extract

5. Eat More Dairy

Dairy products such as yogurt, lassi and cheese are helpful in reducing the moisture content of the face. But be sure that the dairy products you consume contain a small amount of fat and calories.

6. Eat Healthy Fats

The fastest way to lose fat is to consume healthy fats. Not all fats make you fat. There are some healthy fats that help in fat loss. The fats present in salmon, tuna, mackerel and nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

7. Eat foods rich in calcium and protein

Foods rich in calcium and protein will help you burn more calories. Calcium flushes out excess water from the body. Thus, the removal of body fat is possible with the help of calcium and protein.

Foods rich in calcium

  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • cabbage leaves
  • Cornflakes
  • Dried fruits
  • Herbs
  • Cabbage
  • leafy vegetables
  • oranges
  • Soya beans
  • Spinach
  • Yogurt

Protein, on the other hand, is very important in the process of getting rid of facial fat. They reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your body.

Foods rich in protein

  • Beans
  • Chicken eggs
  • dietary meat
  • Lentils
  • nuts
  • Seeds
  • Yogurt

8. Make breakfast your main meal.

Make breakfast your main meal. Reduce portions for lunch and dinner. Breakfast gives your body energy to help you do your day's work.

Never skip breakfast. It is very beneficial for your health.

The study confirmed that eating high-calorie foods at the beginning of the day helps to lose weight faster.

In addition, try making juices that will help you get rid of excess fat.

1. Inflate balloons

Want to feel a little crazy? How to get rid of body fat with balloons?

Balloons will help you remove chubby cheeks. If you inflate a balloon, your cheeks will expand and the fat will start to go away. You can easily make your face slim with balloons.

  • Just slowly inflate the balloon and let the air out of it
  • Repeat this action for 10 minutes

In a week you will feel the difference.

2. Steam your face

To burn fat, a steaming procedure is necessary.
Such care causes sweating of the face. This removes excess fat. Just go to any beauty salon and get facials.

Or you can do this procedure yourself at home.

3. Massage your face

This is an effective and proven method. This method improves blood circulation in the face. Thus, it "stretches" your facial muscles.
In addition, facial massage reduces moisture retention in the face.

  • Apply any essential oil to your face (If you are allergic to oils, etc., skip this step and massage with your bare hands)
  • Start at the cheeks, gently moving your palms up
  • Move up in a circular motion.
  • Do massage for about 5-8 minutes

Note. Do not move downward.

4. Chew sugar-free gum

Chewing gum is one way to reduce body fat in a week. Also, it reduces your puffy cheeks.
Chew sugar-free gum for at least 15 minutes a day. This "melts" the fat cells in your cheeks and reduces the fat layer.

5. Exercises for chubby cheeks

This simple exercise is useful for getting rid of fat on the cheeks. Try to do it in your free time.

  • Shut your mouth
  • Slowly puff out your cheeks.
  • Then hold the air for 5 seconds
  • Move the air to the right cheek and wait 5 seconds
  • Then move the air to the left cheek and hold for 5 seconds
  • Exhale
  • Repeat this exercise at least 10 times a day

6. Make circular motions with your tongue

It is also a good exercise that will help you to reduce the amount of fat in short periods of time.

  • Shut your mouth
  • Rotate your tongue in a circular motion
  • Repeat this exercise for 10-15 minutes clockwise and counterclockwise

7. Rinse to get rid of fat on the face

This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of facial fat. Just follow the instructions below.

  • Take a sip of water
  • Gargle it with your tongue, 2 minutes
  • Repeat this exercise at any time and as many times as you like.

8. A smile is a good welcome

Getting rid of excess fat on the face is easier with a smile. You smile more often. If you reduce the fat layer on the cheeks, then your face will definitely become slimmer.

This is all the information about exercises to get rid of fat. Try it and get a charming slim face.

Reduce overall body weight

Obviously, if you reduce your overall weight, you can easily lose your excess facial fat. But it's very hard to do it!

So, how to reduce overall body weight? I highly recommend that you reduce your overall weight. Because it only gives the expected weight loss results.

Since fat loss in a certain place is difficult to achieve.

1. How to Lose Facial Fat Fast with Cardio Workouts

Do cardio workouts. Since total weight loss matters for face slimming!

Try the following cardio exercises:

  • Aerobics
  • Race walking
  • Climbing the stairs
  • Kickboxing

2. Training with additional weights

Lifting weights is a good option for reducing overall body weight. Try starting with a light weight.

You can also lose weight by simply drinking juices.
If you find it difficult to follow these methods, try alternative weight loss methods.

Sleep is one of the best natural cures for all health problems. While you sleep, your body is repairing itself. Thus, your body is rejuvenated after you get out of bed.
Research shows that there is a link between sleep duration and weight gain. If you sleep less than 5 hours at night, then you will suffer from serious problems with being overweight.
You need to sleep at least 8 hours every day to stay healthy and get rid of excess facial fat.

How to Get Rid of Face Fat (Additional Tips)

Getting rid of body fat is not a difficult process. Try the tips below to get rid of excess fat on your face easily.

  • Don't sleep after dinner
  • Do not go to bed immediately after dinner, take a break for at least two hours
  • Drink plenty of warm water
  • jump rope
  • Drink green tea
  • Be natural
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits

If you have a fat belly, try these simple methods to get rid of this problem.

Even juices are good for weight loss. If you want to get rid of belly fat, then this post is for you. You can also try to get rid of neck fat with these simple tips.

Check out the above simple and proven ways to get rid of facial fat. This is possible with the right diet, exercise, and some weight loss methods. You can shed fat with simple home remedies.

How to lose weight in the face at home - video

I hope you now know how to quickly get rid of body fat at home.

Many women are familiar with the problems of extra pounds, even if it's just one or two, and the desire to lose them.

If everything is approximately clear with the body - sports and diet, then the question of how to lose weight in the face, especially if it is naturally round and with "cheeks", remains open to many.

This article contains information about the most effective methods for improving facial relief and ways to get rid of the second chin.

First you need to learn one thing well: the proportions are given to us by nature and no matter how we lose weight, we won’t be able to change the distance between the eyes or make the chin less massive, which means we won’t have to count on a “new” face after losing weight. Only plastic surgeons change the features, so it’s not a fact that removing the volume of the cheeks is exactly what you need.

But if, when looking in the mirror, or, even more so, at your photos of past years, a conviction arises - “Yes, it is the rounded oval that spoils me,” then this is how it is and we must act.

I want to warn you right away, those who say that it is simple are disingenuous. There will be no easy ways, in any case you will have to work on yourself, whether it is the use of cosmetics or dumbbells.


The very first thing we turn to when we want to “get off our face”. After all, if the face is rounder than you want, then there are still extra pounds. They can be in a very insignificant amount (only 1-2) and everything else can be completely satisfied, but in order to lose weight, anywhere, you need to reconsider your daily diet and start eating with a calorie deficit.

Remember the main thing:

  • only by consuming less than we expend can we reduce our weight;
  • it is impossible to lose weight locally on the cheeks, waist or second chin.

Now let's start making our dream come true!


With mood? First of all, you need to tune in and accept the idea that everything can be fixed only with the help of nutrition adjustments.

No, no, do not think that from now on for breakfast, lunch and dinner we will have a leaf of Chinese cabbage and a slice of grapefruit! Such an approach will only lead to breakdowns, and we do not need them, right?

For the diet to work, you first need to stop perceiving it as a diet, let it become a new game. The simpler our approach to dietary change, the better.

And do not set yourself sky-high goals, like “now for a whole month only chicken breast and fat-free cottage cheese”! Our body will never “subscribe” to such a thing, and instead of steely adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, a breakdown awaits us at the start.

Instead, it’s better to say to yourself every morning something like: “Today I’m doing great and eat only healthy, proper food in small portions,” and every evening be sure to praise yourself for another “useful day.”

Such fragmentation of an unbearably complex task will make it simple and interesting. The month of “health” will fly by unnoticed, and after it you will no longer want to return to the diet of past years, because now we already have a new habit!


Now that we know that following the new principles is easy and pleasant, let's find out what exactly you need to eat in order to lose weight on your face.

Yes, you understood everything correctly, you need to know not what you can’t eat, but what you can and should, because, firstly, we don’t set limits for ourselves, but simply choose something new, remember? And secondly, let's not have any illusions - in the modern world there are much more harmful products than really useful ones.

So what does our new diet consist of?

Carbohydrates - 50%

This is not sugar, not cakes, and not even rye bread. We are talking about complex carbohydrates - cereals, whole grain breads and heat-treated vegetables.

Proteins - 30%

Sausages, barbecue and ham are not suitable - there are too many unnecessary fats or even preservatives. Ideally, in terms of calorie content and protein content per 100 g of the product, chicken fillet (boiled, in the oven or from a double boiler), it contains as much as 23 g or fat-free cottage cheese - 20 g.

Why low fat? The higher the percentage of fat, the lower the percentage of protein, and since we set out to lose weight in the face, then animal fats should be excluded if possible. All fermented milk products, and we must leave them, must be low fat.

Fats - 20%

Ideally, these should be vegetable oils - olive, linseed, walnut oil, etc. and low-fat varieties of sea fish - mackerel, salmon, cod.


I consider it reasonable to put it in a separate paragraph, since its importance is difficult to overestimate, especially for those who are just changing their usual diet.

Raw and steamed vegetables (except potatoes) will improve intestinal motility and occupy the stomach accustomed to large volumes of food.

Important: sweet fruits like bananas, grapes and watermelon are better for everyone who wants to correct the volume of the face in the morning. After dinner, we don’t need simple carbohydrates.

Of course, all of these products have analogues: turkey, rabbit, tofu and much more. It will not be difficult to find analogues and diversify your diet, even with such a seemingly limited list, it is not difficult, most importantly, there would be a desire!


Gradually accustom the body to small portions, which we will consume 5-6 times a day. It is fractional nutrition that helps speed up metabolism.

What we won't do: Skip breakfast and starve ourselves before bed.

In the morning, it is best to eat a plate of oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts and a spoonful of vegetable oil - such a breakfast will take on the lion's portion of all daily carbohydrates and provide strength until lunchtime.

Well, in the evening, if 2 hours have passed after dinner, and the same amount before bedtime, it’s good to eat a glass of kefir. Yes, yes, it is to eat with a small spoon, and not to drink - this will calm the body and allow you not to “store for future use” at the next meal.


This is a necessary component of all diets in order to lose weight not only on the face, but also on the body. You should not force yourself to drink by force, you just need to introduce a glass of room water into your diet immediately after waking up, then, after 15-20 minutes, a glass of very hot water with a slice of lemon.

Also, 20-30 minutes before meals, another ¾ cup and an hour before bedtime. So during the day the required minimum of 2 liters of water will run.

Physical exercises

To lose weight a person to reduce the "calorie content" of each day is good, but not enough. To speed up the result, I strongly recommend including sports in the routine. Both for the body and for the face.

For body

In the first case, everything is clear - we choose any physical activity that is pleasant and understandable to us. Swimming, dancing, fitness, gym, morning / evening exercises or just brisk walking - anything to stir up the body.

Slimming waist, as we remember, we will definitely begin to lose volume in the cheeks. You can lose weight in the face only together with the rest of the body - our body is one.

For face

Looking for information about the problems of excess weight, I got to the site http://pohudeemsami.ru/, which offers to analyze this problem in detail and solve it systematically. What I have collected in one article, the guys describe in detail: starting with solving psychological problems and ending with building a nutrition system and physical activity.

For some reason, many people want their face to lose weight, but no one thinks about how it will grow old and sag even in a young girl. But if a woman under 25 has a good chance of returning to the previous quality of facial skin with a good weight loss (10 - 15 kg), then with age, this probability decreases markedly.

What to do so that the oval does not float and the second chin does not turn into a sad bag of skin around the neck?

Charging comes to the rescue again, friends! Again, only she is able to prolong our youth. Yes, I warned that there would be no easy ways, but we are acting qualitatively and for sure.

Fortunately for us, the process of losing weight to the desired result does not happen instantly - in this case, strange creatures covered with skin folds would walk the streets! Fortunately for us, the volumes go away gradually, which allows you to strengthen the skin ahead of time, taking care of maintaining its elasticity.

When performing all the exercises below, excellent articulation is important - the muscles of the face should alternately tighten and relax well. The better we try, the more noticeable the result, remember this!

Exercise 1

We pronounce the vowels I and O alternately. On the letter I, the lips, without opening, are stretched, and on O, they are rounded. This alternation will allow you to work out different muscles, using the muscles of the cheekbones, lips and lower jaw.

Exercise 2

We push the lower jaw forward and return it back, trying to ensure that the movement occurs in the same plane. Let's not leave a second chin a single chance!

Exercise 3

We inflate our cheeks and, holding the air for 3-4 counts, we distill it from one side to the other. Then we make circular movements with air, first counterclockwise, and then clockwise.

Exercise 4

Again we train the muscles of the lower jaw, opening the mouth as wide as possible. The movement should imitate a yawn.

Exercise 5

We press our index fingers to the corners of our lips and try to smile. Under the fingers, the resistance of the fixed muscles should be felt. Perhaps even a slight burning sensation.

Now, without removing our fingers, we try to stretch our lips with a pipe. Muscles make the opposite movement, using other fibers.

Exercise 6

We will try to raise the cheeks to the eyes as high as possible, training the muscles of the lips and lower jaw. We freeze like this for a couple of accounts and “return” the face to its place.

Exercise 7

It is necessary to close your eyes as tightly as possible, linger for 2-3 counts and “release” the muscles, completely relaxing.

We perform all exercises alternately for 2-3 sets of 10-15 times, or do them in a row for one approach, and then repeat 2-3 circles.

Performed by us regularly, this complex will accelerate lymphatic drainage processes and, by engaging the muscles of the facial muscles, will increase fat burning.

Along with these recommendations for physical changes to lose weight in the face, remember one of the most important - good posture. Straightening the back and lifting the chin, we automatically become not only taller and straighter, but also improve the contours of the face, simply stretching the skin on the chin and neck with such a small movement.

Now that we have decided on nutrition and have already cooked buckwheat with chicken breast for lunch, and in the evening we did facial exercises, let's talk about the importance of proper rest.


Yes, such an obvious, well-known and most neglected point. Still, after all, how can you sleep here, if there are so many things to do and one is more important than the other!

Try to rearrange your routine in favor of falling asleep earlier. Yes, you will also have to get up earlier, but this will significantly increase the number of hours of useful sleep, because it is the time spent in sleep until midnight or at least until one in the morning that is the most productive in restoring the body.

And now, the most important thing: how to sleep to lose weight in the face? On the back and on an almost flat pillow. This is ideal. So during the rest, normal lymphatic drainage will be carried out, the contours will not “float”. In the morning, in the mirror, we will see a noticeably thinner and rejuvenated face without a hint of swelling or bruising.

If it is difficult to sleep on your back, you can start with a flatter pillow, because our plans do not include violence against our own body, we will accustom it to good things gradually. And the correct position of the head during sleep has a positive effect not only on the contours of the face, but also on well-being in general.


An extremely useful aesthetic procedure that, thanks to its drainage effect, can tighten and strengthen the oval. With it, losing weight in the face will be easier, and the result will appear faster.

I offer you several techniques.


We moisten a small towel with boiled water or a decoction of herbs and, pulling it sharply every time, pat on the chin and cheeks with the edge.

For herbal decoction, it is best to brew a couple of sachets of calendula in the evening.

In addition, it is suggested to do this procedure with a saline solution, but this is not suitable for every type of skin. If you have dry or sensitive skin prone to dryness, it is better not to practice salt - it can dry it out even more.

The option with a towel tones well and relieves swelling, so I recommend doing it in the morning - it is very refreshing. In the first few sessions, while the face is not used to, we massage for 3-5 minutes. In the future, the time can be increased to 10 - 15 minutes.

We repeat the procedure every 2-3 days for two weeks, then take a break for a month.


It is not difficult to learn self-massage, the main thing is to master the basics. There are several main massage lines located from the center of the face to the periphery. Let's just imagine that a vertical line runs through the forehead, nose and chin. Here from it and slightly upwards, you should apply the cream and do a massage.

This procedure is good in the evening. We remove all cosmetics from the face and apply cream to clean, tonic-treated skin. With him, we will have a massage. It doesn't matter what in our arsenal is a light gel or a dense balm, the main thing is that it should be more than usual so that the fingers do not stretch the skin.

To begin with, we apply the product with stroking movements, and then, moving symmetrically from the center of the face, gently massage the face with both hands. You can do this with your fingertips, or with your knuckles. Movements should be light, not traumatic.

If there is excess, blot them with a napkin. This type of massage can be practiced after 1 - 2 days for 10 - 14 days, then the person also needs to be allowed to rest for a month - one and a half and resume the procedure.


When the task is to lose weight with your face, none of the proven products is superfluous, and even more so a good cosmetic mask!

You can buy it in a store or pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. In any case, the mask is applied only to completely cleansed skin. It will be better to moisturize it with a tonic or steam it for best results.

On industrial products, carefully read the label. The composition should include seaweed extracts, coffee, green tea, cosmetic clay. These components tighten well and improve blood circulation, just what we need.

But you can make no less, if not more effective face slimming masks at home.


Grind 1 tbsp of oatmeal in a mill or blender, mix the resulting flour with 1 tsp of lemon juice, yolk and apply on the face with a thick layer. Let stand for 15 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.


Beat 1 protein with a fork or mixer, bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream with blue clay and drip 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix everything well and apply on the face.

Hold for 15 minutes and wash off.


We buy seaweed powder in a pharmacy, pour 1 tablespoon, mix 1 yolk into it and, if necessary, dilute it with boiled water.

Keep on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

coffee shop

We also make it on the basis of algae powder.

Pour 2 tsp into a cup. ground coffee and pour 150 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 - 20 minutes. Pour into another bowl 2 tbsp. algae powder and fill them with 2 tbsp. coffee. Cover and insist for about an hour.

Apply the mask on the face in a thick layer and wash off after 20 minutes.

After applying any mask, apply your favorite cream. It is possible with a massage, or without, the main thing is to follow your feelings, it should be comfortable.

As you can see, dear friends, in order to lose weight with your face, you have to work hard, but, you see, it's worth it! Moreover, we will be pleased not only with an updated reflection, but also with the process itself - it's so exciting to try something new and useful!

Applying a systematic approach, we always achieve results and losing weight is no exception. You'll see, everything will work out!