What to do on Christmas to make your wish come true. How to make wishes for Christmas

Residents of the 21st century still believe in miracles. Making wishes come true at Christmas is what many people continue to hope for. Why do not all cherished dreams expressed on this day come true? Because you need to be able to make wishes correctly in order for them to come true. You can read below about how to do this.

What wishes can and cannot be made?

What wishes do you make for Christmas? It is important to understand that requests should not be mercantile. If a person dreams of a bag of money, his fantasy is unlikely to come true. It is also useless to ask, for example, for a new cool phone or car. People who hope to improve their financial situation have the right to wish for a new good job, career advancement, and additional income. This will allow you to attract stability and prosperity to your life; such a desire is considered good. A person who does not have his own home may wish to purchase one.

You cannot wish for something bad; at best, the Universe will show indifference to such requests. You should not make plans for revenge on your enemies or dream of causing harm to someone. Good plans have a high chance of being implemented. A person has the right to wish to meet his love, have a child, and gain good health.

Meeting your soulmate is a popular Christmas wish. Many people count on love when they voice their dreams on Christmas night. However, it is impossible to make a wish for a specific person, since no one has the right to control the life of another person. But it is not forbidden to imagine the qualities that a lover should have.

How to make wishes

Making wishes come true at Christmas is a miracle that many believe in. How to correctly express your dream so that it comes true as soon as possible? It is worth listening to the recommendations below.

  • It is necessary to talk about your dream in the present tense, as if it has already come true. You can imagine pictures of a future life, in which there is already what a person dreams about.
  • It is impossible to indicate a specific date for the fulfillment of a wish. The Universe itself must decide when the dream will come true.
  • You should also not use the particle “not” when expressing your request. The wording should be positive, for example, not “I want to lose weight”, but “I want to become slim.”
  • The more details, the higher the hope for the result. For example, if a person dreams of a new apartment, he should imagine what repairs he will make in it, what furniture he will buy.

The most important rule is that the goal must be achievable. If a person does not believe in the possibility of realizing his dream, he should not count on it.

Make a wish

The time has come to move from theory to practice. What rituals exist for wishing for Christmas? The number one technique is simple and accessible. A person must make a cherished wish before going to bed on January 6th. It needs to be written on a piece of paper and placed on the windowsill. It is also advisable to light a candle or hang a Christmas star on the window, which is easy to make with your own hands. A piece of paper with wishes is placed under the star.

Legend says that when angels descend to earth, they first look into houses with a star hanging on the windows and lights on.


How else can you make your Christmas wishes come true? Technique number two will appeal to those who constantly think about their dream and cannot let it go. For forty days, you need to visualize your deepest desire, starting on January 7th. It is necessary to immerse yourself in the world of fantasy every evening.

You need to imagine your dream in all its colors and experience pleasure from this activity. This must be done as if the desire has already come true. On the fortieth day, you should treat the birds with bread crumbs, this will increase the chances of success.

Open air

What other technique can be recommended to those who are going to make a wish on the night of Christmas? Method number three is suitable for people who are willing to stay up until three in the morning. Legend says that it is at this time that the sky opens. God sees and hears everyone who turns to him, and angels descend from heaven.

In order to make a wish, you have to go outside. Next, you need to look up and ask God to fulfill your cherished dream. It is generally accepted that all wishes made on Christmas night in the open air come true almost instantly. Of course, it is impossible to predict with one hundred percent probability the speed at which a dream will come true.

Drawing an angel

How else can you achieve your desires? The Christmas rituals described above are suitable for absolutely everyone. Whereas technique number four requires at least minimal drawing skills.

You need to take a blank sheet of paper and draw a Christmas angel. Of course, the artistic value of the drawing does not play a special role. An angel can be depicted the way a person imagines it. The main thing is to draw only one eye for him. The opportunity to complete the second one will appear when the cherished dream comes true. Then the drawn figure needs to be cut out.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the wish is made directly in the process of drawing and cutting. Next, you should hang the drawing on the New Year tree or on the wall and wait for your request to come true.

We wish for health

What other effective rituals exist for Christmas? Technique number five will also help you achieve your desires. It is relevant primarily for those who dream of being cured of an illness.

On the morning of January 7th, you need to wake up as early as possible and wash your face with cool water. A special conspiracy is first pronounced: “The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared. I too will be saved through Jesus Christ.” Instead of this text, you can say a prayer and turn to the Universe with your request. This must be done on an empty stomach.

Alone with the night

Of course, not all effective techniques for fulfilling desires are described above. Method number six also involves the need to go outside at night. It is important that the person is completely alone at this time; even the presence of close people is not allowed. If this is not possible, you can stand by a window in a dark room.

Next, you should peer into the depths of the sky, listen to the sounds of the night. All this will help you mentally connect with the Universe and feel alone with it. Then you need to mentally list everything that the person expects to achieve during the year. The more specific your goals are, the easier it will be to achieve them. Next, you need to light a red candle, preferably purchased from a church shop. It must be placed where nothing will prevent it from burning to the end. The candle will play the role of a beacon that attracts the fulfillment of desires.

During this ritual, you can also get rid of everything negative that is present in life. To do this, you need to sit by the window, look and listen into the night. Then you should cover your eyes with your palm and quietly name everything you want to get rid of. Next, you need to throw away all the negativity from yourself with your hand so that it goes into the depths of the sky. Of course, such requests should not harm other people. For example, if a person doesn’t like his boss, you shouldn’t want him fired.

Notes with wishes

Notes with wishes for Christmas are very popular. When using this technique, it is recommended to take your zodiac sign into account. Leos, Sagittarius and Aries should wait until dark and light a green candle. Next, you should concentrate on the flame, throw all thoughts out of your head. The cherished dream is written down on paper, then the text is reread several times by candlelight.

Air will help Gemini, Libra and Aquarius achieve their cherished desires. A note with a dream must be placed inside the ball. The balloon should then be filled with air, tied and allowed to fly into the sky. You can admire its flight for a while, thinking about your desire.

Water will come to the aid of Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers. It is best for them to write down their wishes on the banks of a river or lake. It is advisable to find a body of water where there is an ice hole (or the water does not freeze). A piece of paper with dreams needs to be turned into a boat, and then set sailing. His journey should be watched for some time.

The earth will become a helper for Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns. You need to write down your request to the Universe on a piece of paper, which is then placed in a flower pot. It is covered with earth on Christmas night. Then you need to plant a flower, which you will have to care for at least until the dream comes true.

What time should you make a wish for Christmas to make it come true?

Correct timing also plays an important role. What time should you make a wish for Christmas so that your cherished dream comes true? There are several possible answers to this question. We can say with confidence that the best time to express your request is three in the morning. If a person also makes a wish on the street, then it will definitely come true.

What if it is not possible to make a request to the Universe at night? What time do you make a wish for Christmas? This can be done absolutely at any time. The sixth-seventh of January is a magical time when not a single request goes unanswered.

What else can you do

What else can a person do who hopes for their Christmas wishes to come true? Anyone can simply go to church, think about their dream, make a request to the Universe, which will certainly be heard. Next, be sure to light the candle. A wish will definitely come true if it is good, correct and pure.

When turning to heaven with a request to make your dream come true, we must not forget about gratitude. Words of gratitude must be said at the end of each ritual.

  • A wish made on Christmas Eve on January 7, 2019 will certainly come true

There is a theory that on Christmas night from January 6 to 7, an information portal opens and a direct connection between a person and the Universe occurs. This moment is considered the best to make a cherished wish. But the main thing is to make the right wish and put in a lot of effort to bring all your plans to life. If you take all this into account, your wish will certainly come true.

So, on the eve of Christmas Eve in 2019, it’s worth finding out exactly what folk rituals will help you correctly voice what you want and make sure that your request comes true.

There are several ancient ways to make wishes. Each of them has its own characteristics. It is very important to clearly formulate your thought so that higher powers cannot interpret it incorrectly and bring into life something completely different from what a person wanted.

The night sky will help make your wishes come true on Christmas night in 2019

One of the most popular ways to make a wish on Christmas night is related to the sky. To implement it, you need to go outside after sunset. It is advisable to go to an area where nothing will interfere and will give you the opportunity to be a little alone and think carefully about what you want to wish for. If it is not possible to leave the house, then you can go through this ritual in a dark room without the light on, so that the reflections from the Moon and stars are clearly visible.

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You need to look carefully at the sky and visualize a picture of what you really want to get in 2019. You can completely draw up a kind of plan for fulfilling your own desires point by point. After this, you need to close your eyes with your right hand and begin to say out loud all the things that you want to bring to life. After the stream of thoughts ends, you need to use the same hand to direct all visualized images towards the sky.

For the result to be final and irrevocable, upon arriving home, you need to take a red candle and carefully write on it in a couple of sentences everything that was previously directed to heaven. Then you need to light it and let it burn to the end.

Making your wish come true with a Christmas angel figurine

Among Christmas rituals, there is another most popular method. You will need to take a sheet of paper or cardboard, and then draw a large image of an angel on it. It should be cut out and picked up in order to make a wish.

It is important to describe in detail everything you want to achieve. The best option would be if you can make a kind of list of things you want to bring to life in advance. After all this has been said out loud, you need to take a pen or pencil and draw only one eye on the angel figure.

Once everything is ready, you need to hide the angel in a secluded place. Over time, fate will begin to show signs indicating that the desire is gradually beginning to come true. After they become most obvious to perception, then you need to take out the angel and add a second eye to him. It is important to keep the figurine even after the wish is fulfilled. This way you can consolidate the resulting effect.

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What you should not wish for yourself and your loved ones on Christmas night

It is very important to understand that not all wishes made during Christmas have the right to be realized in reality. You should not ask higher powers for material benefits if a person himself is not ready to work for them. After all, an expensive foreign car or a million dollars will not just fall from the sky, because fate only gives a person ways to realize his desires, pushing him on the right path.

Under no circumstances should you wish harm for other people. It is worth throwing away all grievances and not remembering them on Christmas night, no matter how strong they may be. Moreover, you cannot ask higher powers to punish people who caused inconvenience or pain. On a festive night this would be completely inappropriate.

The formulation of your thoughts is of great importance so that higher powers can accept your desire and do everything possible to fulfill it. It is important not to talk about what you would like, but to express your thoughts as if the desire has already come true. This way the energy of the words will become stronger. It is worth remembering to thank heaven for listening to the person and taking into account his request.

Useful information on making wishes on Christmas Eve

You need to make a Christmas wish at 12 am on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly, the formulation of the desire should be in the present tense. Don't think in the future tense. State it in the present as if you already have what you want, and at the end - gratitude.

Here is an example of a wish: “This year I am meeting a man, love is breaking out between us, and we are thinking about getting married, thank you God for this.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relationship and live in happiness and harmony, thank you God.” That is, the desire must be formulated in the present tense and in a positive form, without negative statements. For example, “we don’t quarrel” should be replaced with the statement “our relationship is full of mutual understanding and harmony.”

Attributes that will help fulfill wishes made on Christmas night

To perform the ritual you will need a candle, the color of which should be chosen according to your need.

  1. Peace and harmony in the family - red.
  2. Well-being and health – green.
  3. The embodiment of romantic fantasies is pink.
  4. Rest, recuperation - blue.
  5. The solution to material problems is brown.
  6. Success in business – yellow.

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, each of us believes in miracles and magic. Well, in any case, I want to believe in miracles at Christmas. It is Christmas Eve that is considered the traditional time for fortune telling, as well as for making and fulfilling your most cherished desires.

After all, in order for them to come true, you need to be able to make them correctly. Here are some of the most popular ways to make a wish at Christmas:

How to make a wish for Christmas

Method No. 1:

On the night of January 6-7, you need to go outside and try to move away from houses, people, noisy places in order to concentrate.

It is advisable to be in absolute solitude and complete darkness.

If due to some circumstances it is not possible to go outside, you can reproduce the entire ritual while sitting in your room and turning off the lights. You need to stand by the window so that the light comes only from the stars and the moon.

So, look at the sky, merge with it and mentally connect with the entire Universe. Then also mentally formulate all the desires and goals that you would like to realize in the coming year.

Remember that Christmas is the best time to make the right wishes.

Also focus your thoughts on what you want to get rid of. Close your eyes with your hands, whisper in a whisper everything that you don’t need in life and that you want to get rid of, then throw it away from you with your hand far into the sky.

And the last but most important step:

Upon returning home (if you performed the ritual on the street), light a red candle, after writing down your main desires and goals on it.

Formulate your wishes briefly so that they fit on the candle.

Then the candle must be placed in a place where it can easily burn out to the end. It will become a kind of beacon that will attract the realization of your goals.

Method number 2:

Another cute ritual of making wishes will be especially appreciated by children. After all, the cooking process itself is quite interesting and creative.

So, you need to draw an angel on thick paper or cardboard. Then you need to cut it out and make a wish.

In order not to waste time, think over your desire in advance.

When making a wish to yourself, draw one eye on the angel.

Then this image of the angel needs to be hidden or placed in a place where no one will find it. When your wish comes true, draw the missing second eye for the angel.

After fulfilling a wish, it is best to keep the angel at home. The ritual is very effective. The main thing is to sincerely believe in the fulfillment of your desire.

Method number 3:

Starting on the morning of January 7, as soon as you wake up, say to yourself your deepest desire. Thus, you attract its fulfillment.

The wish must be spoken every morning for 40 days.

Guardian angels and the bright forces of the Universe contribute to the fulfillment of our most cherished and correct desires.

On the 40th day, you need to go outside and feed the birds bread crumbs. And then just wait for the wish to be fulfilled.

Method number 4:

The next way to make wishes for Christmas is considered the most effective. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also claimed that the wish will definitely come true if you follow some simple recommendations.

So, for this ritual the following things are needed:

Items symbolizing all 4 elements;

Candles of the desired color;

White candles;


Aromatic oil.

Objects symbolizing the elements can be completely different, the main thing is that they really fit the symbols of fire, water, air and earth.

For example, a symbol of water can be a shell, a vase with water, a symbol of earth can be an ordinary stone, a blade of grass, a spikelet or a handful of earth.

White candles are used as a symbol of fire. Please note that their number must be even. Candles must be placed in a square shape.

Let the symbol of the element of air be, for example, a feather, a paper airplane, a star or a photo of a bird.

Prepare all this in advance so as not to waste time.

But the colors of the candles must be carefully selected.

Remember that blue is wisdom, purple is happiness and joy, red is passionate feelings and love, pink is interesting acquaintances and meetings, green is money, material wealth. Yellow candles usually symbolize parting with something bad and unwanted.

So, you need to prepare all the equipment in advance. At exactly midnight on Christmas night, go to the window. It is important that the room is completely dark.

Before making a wish, wash your hands so they are clean and sprinkle a couple of drops of aromatic oil on them.

Then place all the above-mentioned items on the table in the following order: there should be white candles in the corner of the table, symbols of the elements at the edges of the table, and place colored candles in the center.

Also don't forget about paper and pen.

After you have arranged all the items in the right order, you need to write down your most cherished desire on paper. It must be stated clearly, clearly and in detail.

Remember, the more detailed you write your wish on paper, the more accurately you describe it, the more likely it is that it will come true. After you write down your wish, whisper in a few words and ask for help from each of the four elements.

There are no specific rules or norms for what needs to be spoken. Say what your heart tells you.

What is important here is sincerity and, indeed, enormous faith that the wish will certainly come true.

Then you need to place colored candles on this piece of paper with your wish written on it. Light them with a match rather than a lighter and watch the flames. Mentally picture to yourself how your wish comes true.

After some time, you should have the feeling that everything you planned has come true.

At the end of the ritual, all objects that took part in the ritual must be cleaned with water to which ordinary salt has been added.

After that, hide all the items somewhere in the closet, and a sheet of paper with blots from colored wax should be placed in a secluded place away from prying eyes.

Method number 5:

This is perhaps the simplest, but no less effective way of making wishes for Christmas.

It is believed that it is on Christmas night that the heavens are especially active, and that same information portal opens.

Each of us can simply go to church, make a wish and light a candle. This wish will definitely come true if it is correct, kind and pure.

Wishes for Christmas

As mentioned earlier, there are no clear rules and regulations on how to make a wish. However, there are some guidelines that are best followed.

This way you increase the possibility that your wish will certainly come true.


Your requests should not be mercantile. This means that it is best to refuse material requests.

But you can, for example, ask for a good job. Financial stability and prosperity will flow from this.

If a person lives in humility, works hard and honestly, it is certain that he deserves all the best, including material well-being.

Asking for a new iPhone will seem inappropriate, but asking for housing for your family is, of course, possible.

Many people agree that you need to formulate your dream or desire in advance. But at what exact time is it best to ask heaven to fulfill your desire? Many find it difficult to answer here.

At midnight? At sunset or dawn? Or maybe at 4 o'clock in the morning? In fact, the best time to make wishes is between 12 am and 4 am.

According to biblical history, it was at this time that the stars lit up on the night of the birth of Jesus Christ.

You can't think of something bad. Therefore, if you have plans for revenge or other bad deeds, it is best to forget about it. After all, the Universe will immediately reject such requests. She accepts only good wishes.

How to correctly formulate your thoughts so that your wish will certainly come true? Try to confidently voice your request, as if your desire is an event that will certainly happen in the coming year.

After you voice your request, be sure to thank God for making your wish come true.

For example, if a woman wants to become a mother in the near future, her desire should be formulated as follows: “I will soon give birth to a wonderful, healthy child! Thank you for this, Lord.”

Express your thoughts with verbs in the present tense - Christmas Eve does not like subjunctive moods.

And the last rule: you can wish for something good only for yourself and those you love.

Please note that when you talk about your loved ones, be extremely careful. After all, you can’t just control someone else’s fate.

Of course, if you wish for someone happiness, love and health, then this is allowed. For example, it would be quite appropriate to ask for your loved one to be healed of an illness.

By adhering to these simple rules, you will be able to make a wish correctly, and it will certainly come true in the very near future. After all, the main thing is to sincerely believe in it.

The most powerful and effective rituals for making wishes come true are performed on Christmas Eve or on this magical night, on New Year of the Fire Rooster. During this period, magic is considered the purest and most revealed for every person, who can feel like the master of his own existence and reach established heights in the shortest period.

An ancient ritual for fulfilling wishes at Christmas

On a fabulous Christmas night, year of the rooster, angels fly over the world and fulfill the most cherished human desires. You just need to ask them about it before going to bed. All requests must be sincere and come from the soul.

When will it come Christmas night Before going to bed, you need to make your most sacred wish, write it on a piece of paper and put it on the windowsill. You need to put a lit candle or put a Christmas star on the windowsill so that the angels can see where they are most needed.

New rituals for fulfilling wishes at Christmas


From the very morning of January 7, as soon as you wake up, you need to repeat your innermost desire, as well as mentally materialize it. The procedure must be repeated for the next 40 days. This time is called “Peace”, because then all the bright forces of the world help people in realizing their dreams. On the very last day (40th) you need to throw bread crumbs to the birds. Red fire rooster loves it.


On the night of January 6th to 7th, you need to draw a little angel on a piece of paper and cut it out, then make your wish and draw one eye on the angel figurine. This makes a big difference! Then the figure hides in a safe place. The second eye of the angel is completed when there is a feeling that the wish is coming true. Such Christmas rituals very effective.


Since ancient times, Christmas has been considered the time of fulfillment of all unfulfilled hopes. On this magical night, at exactly 3 o'clock, the sky opens. Those who want their cherished desire to come true must go outside at this time and, looking at the sky, pray to heaven for assistance. You can only ask for yourself. It is absolutely forbidden to make desires that could harm someone. Asking someone to fall in love with you is also strictly prohibited. The only thing you can ask for for others is healing. Fire rooster will help with this.


At noon on January 7, you need to light a candle in front of the icon of Saint Christ and read a prayer about your innermost desire.


On the magical Christmas night you need to go outside to the darkest place. If this is not possible, then you can stand alone by the window in a room without light. You need to listen to the sounds of the night, peer into the depths of the celestial stars, and mentally connect yourself with the Universe.

Next, you need to reproduce in your thoughts everything that you really want to gain in the new year. Set a specific goal, focus on what you need to get rid of. Become ready to accept everything that is in your wish. Close your eyes with your palm, list what you want to free yourself from - and throw it all into the depths of the night sky. Then, in the same way, covering your eyes with your palm, list what you would like to gain, and also throw these dreams into the depths of space.

To complete the ritual, you need to return to the house and light a red candle. Place it in a place where it will burn completely without interference. The candle will serve as a kind of beacon that will help you fulfill your wish.

Making your wishes come true with Christmas magic

It has long been believed that it is on Christmas night that some kind of magic happens... as if the forces of white magic descend over the world. All Christmas conspiracies dreams spent on this night come true much faster than on ordinary days.

One of the most common Christmas magical rituals is the following:

You need to write down your most cherished wish on a piece of paper and take a small candle, the color of which is chosen depending on the type of wish.

For desires related to love, take a red candle, and to improve health, only a green one. The blue color of the candle perfectly helps against constant fatigue, the yellow color helps relieve stress, brown helps restore health, pink is a symbol of romance, white color is used for fortune telling at Christmas, purple removes damage sent and cures diseases, blue color is intended for reading sacred prayers to get rid of damage, and also enhance one human aspect.

In the case when the candle is tall, it needs to be trimmed a little, because all the burnt wax will need to be dripped onto the leaf on which the wish is written. Then take a thread in the color of the burnt candle, and fold the paper with the secret into a small square. The resulting square is tied crosswise with this thread and carried in your pocket throughout the next day. 2017.

Fortune telling at Christmas using a wish is a Slavic practice that has become a tradition. From century to century, people resort to simple Christmas rituals, because their implementation does not require complex actions, and faith in miracles lingers in the soul of even the most notorious skeptics. Are you ready to experience the Christmas magic for yourself?

How to make Christmas wishes correctly?

We all tend to dream, make plans, have hopes and be inspired by illusions. We make a wish when we spot a shooting star, when we blow out the candles on a birthday cake, and even when the chimes strike on New Year's Eve.

Surely you have repeatedly heard stories of how long-term prospects opened up for a person, but for others, on the contrary, an attempt to bewitch did not bring any changes. The reason is banal - fortune tellers do not always follow the basic rules of fortune telling, so their efforts are doomed to failure. What are the main magical postulates:

  1. Believe in your strength!
  2. Don't guess for fun!
  3. Do your magic with your hair down, in loose clothes, without jewelry, without makeup!
  4. During the ritual, remove your cross!
  5. Formulate your desire precisely!

Even if you follow all the instructions and memorize the necessary spells, your plan will not come true in the case where the desire can harm another person - guided by anger and envy, you will never achieve the favor of higher powers!

The time period that coincides with the celebration of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ is shrouded in mysticism. There are many stories among people about how Christmas dreams come true, easily and without effort on the part of the dreamer. It’s easy to launch the wish fulfillment mechanism - see for yourself!

Dream visualization

The evening before January 7, think carefully about what desire you would like to fulfill first, formulate it mentally, trying to think positively, and go to bed.

When you wake up on a holiday morning, return to your plans. Create the image of your cherished dream, visualizing the details in colors. This simple action must be repeated every morning for forty days. When the last one comes, take a piece of bread from home and feed the crumbs to the birds.

Angel eyes

There is also a simpler ritual. It is necessary to cut out a figurine of an angel from paper the night before Christmas. Say what you have in mind out loud and draw one eye on the figure, then hide it away from prying eyes.

As soon as you feel that the plan has begun to come true, add a second eye to the angel.

Prayer for health

If your desire is aimed at improving your health or healing a loved one, go outside at three o'clock in the morning before Christmas.

Looking at the sky, say any prayer, mentioning your good dream, and the Almighty will definitely hear your request.

And when you are at a church service on January 7, light a candle in front of the icon of Christ and again pray for recovery and gaining vitality.

There are many methods of divination that can tell you whether a specific wish will come true. Below are the simplest of them.

Fortune telling on paper

This method is one of the most popular. For it you will need scissors, a sheet of paper and a pencil or pen. Cut the leaf into twelve equal rectangles. On six of them, write your cherished dreams, the fulfillment of which you want as soon as possible. Leave the rest untouched.

Before going to bed, place all the leaves, including empty ones, under your pillow, saying quietly and clearly:

“Come, come, come!”

At this time, do not forget to mentally imagine how the dream comes true.

After waking up, the first thing you do is take out one of the hidden pieces of paper at random. What is written on it will come true very soon. If you have an empty piece of paper in your hands, what you want will not come true soon (definitely not this year).

Boats of desires

There is another option. To implement it, cut the arcush into strips, write a dream on each, and put it in a deep container. Pour water into it.

The first piece of paper that surfaces will make it clear that what is written will come true before everyone else.

How to cast a spell on a candle

As soon as the clock shows exactly seven in the evening, make your cherished wish. Then light the candle you prepared in advance and walk around all the rooms of your home with it. Walk around strictly clockwise.

  • If the candle does not go out along the way, this is a sure sign that the dream will soon come true.
  • The flame has gone out - someone (something) will interfere with the implementation of your plan.
  • There are a lot of sparks from the candle and black smoke is coming out - a direct sign that there is or on your house. Try to urgently diagnose the evil eye and evil using one of the traditional methods.

During Christmas week, you can see the omens of fate without resorting to fortune telling. Be observant, pay attention to unusual events that happen to you, remember the people you meet, make plans.

These days, the line between the present and the future is so thin that you can clearly see what fate is preparing you for and even change the unfavorable scenario by making the right wish!