Turnip dessert. Turnips in the oven with cheese

Everyone has read the fairy tale about the turnip, but has everyone tried the original Russian product, which once (before the widespread use of potatoes) served as the basis of the diet of our ancestors?.. Now that very steamed turnip, the simpler of which nothing can be simpler, is a real exotic, especially for city residents. Meanwhile, turnip is a very healthy root vegetable.

Turnip roots contain a lot of vitamin C, contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, PP, manganese, iron, sodium, iodine, etc. Turnips also contain a very rare element, glucoraphanin, which has a strong anti-cancer effect. Turnips contain a lot of sulfur salts, which disinfect the blood and have an anti-infective effect, help with bronchitis and even skin diseases of various origins. Turnip green leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, K, calcium and folic acid, and also contain large amounts of lutein. In a word, the fabulous turnip is a storehouse of useful substances and a real dietary product, since it contains very few calories. By the way, do you know which turnip is the most delicious? Small and round!

You can introduce turnips into your baby’s diet from six to seven months. Like zucchini, pumpkin or broccoli, turnips are easily digestible and do not cause allergies. The carbohydrates contained in turnips are a good prevention of constipation and intestinal discomfort. Vitamin C helps strengthen the child’s immunity and helps absorb iron from food, which is necessary for the development of the child’s brain. Zinc also helps with brain and immune system development. Like any complementary food, turnips need to be introduced, observing the reaction.

Turnip dishes for children: recipes

Turnip puree for babies (first feeding)

Wash the turnip, clean it, cut it into small pieces and boil until soft in a small amount of water or steam. Grind. There is no need to add salt or oil, but a little breast milk or formula will make the turnip puree more attractive to the baby. Fast, simple and tasty. Later, turnips can be added to mashed zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc.

Steamed turnips

For those who can already boast of having teeth, you can prepare the legendary steamed turnips. To do this, the turnip needs to be washed, peeled, cut, placed in a fireproof form (ideally a clay pot), covered with a lid and sent to “steam” in the oven at a temperature of 160-180 degrees for 40-60 minutes. Of course, once upon a time, steamed turnips were cooked in a Russian oven at the same heat that remained after baking bread. But the oven will not let you down, try it. You need to understand the real taste of turnips!

If you don’t like the classic steamed turnips, you can pour the chopped turnips with milk, add butter and a little salt (some people add chopped carrots, zucchini, potatoes, it turns out to be a stew). And also in the oven for 45 minutes. Very tasty.

Children one and a half to two years old can be given raw turnips. Or add to soup, stew, porridge.

Turnip salad

Turnip salad is very easy to prepare. Wash the turnips, peel them, and grate them on a fine grater. If desired, add grated carrots, an apple or a boiled egg. You can season with vegetable oil or sour cream. Salt to taste.

Turnip and apple dessert

A turnip dish can also be sweet. Take equal parts of peeled turnips and apples, cut into cubes and simmer with butter until soft. Sugar and raisins (or other dried fruits) to taste. Serve very tasty with sour cream or cream.

Semolina porridge with turnips for kids

Take one medium potato, a small carrot, half a turnip. We wash and peel the vegetables, chop them, put everything in a saucepan and cook until soft in a small amount of water. Wipe the vegetables and add to the freshly cooked semolina porridge, stir. And don’t forget about butter, which, as you know, won’t spoil the porridge.

Millet porridge with turnips

Millet porridge with turnips is prepared in almost the same way as with pumpkin, best of all - in pots in the oven. The turnip should be cut into cubes, mixed with millet cereal, put in pots, and add a little butter. Salt and sugar to taste. Then pour boiling water or hot milk, cover with a lid and simmer in the oven until the liquid is completely absorbed. After turning off the oven, it is advisable to let the porridge stand until the oven cools down. Millet porridge with turnips turns out crumbly and aromatic.

Turnip is a root vegetable with a delicate sweetish taste, distinguished by some pungency and a pleasant specific aroma. It is eaten raw in salads, turnips are fried, stewed, baked, and added to soups instead of potatoes. There are many turnip dessert dishes that are tasty and healthy.

Don't know what to cook with turnips? Recipes for quick and tasty root vegetable dishes will help you prepare healthy food for every taste and for any table.

General principles for preparing turnip dishes

Even an inexperienced cook will be able to prepare turnip dishes according to our recipes quickly and tasty. Raw turnip salads are ready in minutes, and a soup or stir-fry with root vegetables will be ready in less than half an hour, depending on additional ingredients. Turnips are baked to create desserts and light snacks; casseroles and puddings are prepared with it.

There are many varieties of turnips. The taste of root vegetables with white pulp is more delicate and such turnips are better digestible. Yellow root vegetables have fleshier flesh and a richer flavor.

It is important to choose the right turnips. Preference should be given to young root vegetables, the size of a fist, without cracks, with delicate skin - they have the most tender and fleshy pulp. If you take the turnip in your hand and evaluate it by weight, it should be quite heavy for its size. Light root vegetables, as a rule, contain voids or their flesh is not juicy and loose. If possible, pay attention to the tops; there should be no wilted leaves.

The root vegetable has a bright, unique taste. Main and snack turnip dishes, recipes for quick and easy preparation of which are given in the article, do not need hot and aromatic spices, they can overwhelm their main taste. Turnips go well in desserts with products such as milk, honey, and cottage cheese. They should be flavored with vanilla or cinnamon, since boiled turnips, which are mixed as a puree with other ingredients, have a neutral taste and aroma.

Turnip dishes: recipe for a quick and tasty salad

Turnip salads are very healthy. They will be a good addition to any main dish. Light salads are perfect for dietary nutrition. We offer a recipe for a quick turnip salad with lettuce, herbs and cheese, seasoned with sour cream. For a dietary dish, sour cream can be replaced with yogurt or a fermented milk product with the lowest fat content can be used.


Turnip - 180 gr.;

Half a glass of medium-fat sour cream;

120 gr. "Dutch" cheese;

A small bunch of dill;

Fresh lettuce leaves - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the lettuce leaves, place them on a towel and dry well. We also wash and dry the dill.

2. After grating the turnips with a coarse grater, sprinkle with salt and, after mixing well, let stand for five minutes. Drain off the released juice completely.

3. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater. Grind the dried greens - cut the salad leaves into thin strips, finely chop the dill.

4. Place the greens and cheese on the turnips, add some sour cream and add some salt. After thoroughly stirring the salad, add the remaining sour cream.

Turnip dishes recipes: how to quickly and tasty prepare a light vegetable side dish

Let's prepare a light vegetable side dish from chopped turnips and bitter onions. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil with the addition of sugar and flour. The dish can also be served as an appetizer.


Half a kilo of turnips;

Two spoons of flour;

A spoonful of sugar;

Vegetable oil - half a glass;

200 gr. bitter onion.

Cooking method:

1. After washing the turnips, carefully wash off all the dirt; we will not remove the peel. Remove the top with the tops and the lower part of the root crop.

2. Cut the turnips into thin strips; if you have a shredder, use it.

3. Cut the onion into half rings, combine with turnips, sprinkle with sugar and mix well. Sprinkle with flour and mix well again.

4. Pour the oil into a thick-walled frying pan and heat over medium heat. Dip vegetables into boiling fat and fry over medium heat until golden brown. Stirring regularly, cook for up to a quarter of an hour. At the tenth minute, add half a spoonful of salt.

Turnip dishes recipes: how to quickly and tasty bake turnips with minced meat and cheese

Stuffed turnips are another simple and delicious side dish. Root vegetables are pre-boiled, then filled with fried minced meat mixed with turnip pulp. To prevent the boiled root vegetable from drying out during baking, and to obtain a delicate blush, it is greased with butter and cooked until the cheese melts, about a quarter of an hour. If you like a cheese crust, you can keep the turnips in the oven longer.


One kilogram of turnips;

Vegetable oil - two teaspoons;

100 gr. minced meat;

Butter - 80 gr.;

20 gr. hard, high quality cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Wash off the dirt from the turnips, add cool water and set to cook. As soon as the vegetable becomes soft, remove from boiling water and cool.

2. Cut the peel off the turnip in a thin layer and cut out the core. Make the funnel wide and deep so that there is enough space for the filling.

3. Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cook, stirring often, breaking up large pieces with a fork. At the end add a little pepper and salt.

4. Cut the cut pulp into small cubes and combine with the fried minced meat. Fill the holes in the root vegetables with the filling.

5. Place the stuffed root vegetables on a baking sheet and add half a centimeter of water. After pouring melted butter over the turnips, sprinkle with finely grated cheese.

6. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven, cook until the cheese melts, about a quarter of an hour.

Turnip dishes recipes: how to quickly and tasty cook light cabbage soup without potatoes

A simple recipe for light cabbage soup, where turnips are added instead of potatoes. It is prepared in water, which makes the dish dietary; if desired, cabbage soup and turnips can be cooked in any meat and bone broth.


160 gr. fresh cabbage;

One and a half liters of water;

Medium size turnip;

Small carrot;

Two tomatoes;

Parsley root;

Small onion;

One and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil;

Fresh dill, parsley - three branches each;

Sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Peel parsley root, carrots, turnips and onions. We wash the greens and vegetables, place the dill and parsley on a towel to dry. Separate the stems and tie them into a bouquet with thread.

2. Cut carrots into thin rings, parsley root into thin strips, tomatoes into slices. Cut the onion into half rings, turnips into small slices, cabbage into medium-sized cubes or strips.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put all the vegetables in it, except cabbage. Stirring, fry over medium heat for about seven minutes until soft.

4. Having brought one and a half liters of water to a boil, lower the cabbage. After waiting for it to boil again, add the sautéed vegetables. After adding salt, cook at a low boil for 15 minutes.

5. Dip a “bouquet” of stems into the cabbage soup, add tomatoes, cook until the cabbage is ready. When finished, remove the spices. Let go, flavored with sour cream and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Turnip dishes recipes: how to quickly and tasty prepare pudding from semolina porridge with turnips

Not all children like semolina porridge, and not everyone can be forced to try turnips. You can do it easier, make an airy pudding from semolina with turnips. It is not that difficult to prepare, and the dish comes out with double benefits.


Milk - 150 ml;

450 gr. turnips;

Frozen homemade cream or butter - 50 g;

Large egg;

50 gr. fresh, dry semolina;

Two spoons of white breadcrumbs;

30 gr. any honey;

Vanilla powder - 1 gr.;

Sour cream, fat content not lower than 20% - 100 g;

A spoonful of refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled turnips into small slices and place them in boiling water. From the moment it boils, cook over medium heat until soft. We strain the water, blend the softened vegetable with a blender until pureed.

2. Cook a thick porridge from semolina - heat the milk over high heat, add honey and lightly salt. As it warms up, stir thoroughly to dissolve the honey completely. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, intensively stirring the milk in a circle, quickly but little by little add semolina. After boiling for about a minute, turn it off and stir in the oil. After cooling slightly, add the egg yolk.

3. Combine semolina porridge with turnip puree, add vanilla and stir for a long time to obtain a homogeneous mass. To speed up the process, you can use a blender or mixer.

4. Separately, beat the egg whites until foamy. Gently stir the protein mixture into the mixture of porridge and vegetables.

5. Rub the bottom and walls of the refractory mold with butter. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out the pudding base, leveling it.

6. Bake the pudding in a hot oven for 25 minutes, serve, cool slightly, with sour cream mixed with sugar.

Turnip dishes recipes: how to quickly and tasty cook cottage cheese casserole with turnips

Cottage cheese casserole with turnips, another healthy recipe for a children's menu. As in the previous one, the turnip is boiled until soft, after which it is crushed and mixed with cottage cheese. The casserole turns out to be moderately sweet, so it is better to serve it with sour cream or yogurt.


Small carrot;

120 gr. cottage cheese;

Half a spoon of semolina;

A tablespoon of sugar;

Two raw eggs;

Spoon of butter;

White breading (finely ground crackers).

Cooking method:

1. Wash the turnips with water and remove the peel in a thin layer. Cut into small slices and simmer in a small amount of water until softened. Without draining the broth, puree everything with a blender.

2. Using a medium grater, grate the carrots into the turnip puree and add sugar. Mix thoroughly and place on low heat. While intensively stirring the boiling puree, pour semolina in a thin stream, heat for about ten seconds and cool.

3. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve into a wide bowl. Add the cooled mass of turnips and semolina, stirring until smooth, add one egg.

4. Rub the walls and bottom of the refractory mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. After filling the container with the curd mass, place it in the oven, which has been preheated to 180 degrees. Cook the cottage cheese casserole in just under half an hour.

Immediately set aside large overripe fruits; do not take wilted, wrinkled root vegetables. Such turnips will be bitter due to the high content of mustard oil, the amount of which increases as the root crop ripens and withers.

If a correctly selected turnip still tastes bitter, pour boiling water over it - the bitterness will go away.

It is not necessary to puree boiled turnips in a blender. Its pulp is so tender that it allows you to prepare a homogeneous mass by simply grinding the root vegetable on a sieve.

You can store turnips in the refrigerator for up to a month if tightly packed in a bag. Root vegetables must be dry and without tops.

For many, turnips may seem like an unattractive vegetable, but in ancient times they were used to prepare all sorts of dishes. So what dishes can be prepared from this vegetable? In this article I will tell you the most popular recipes for making turnips.

Recipe for turnip casserole:

Required ingredients:

  • 4 medium turnips
  • 3 slices of loaf
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Preheat the oven to 160 C.

Peel the turnips, cut into slices, and place in a colander.

Boil water in a large saucepan and place a colander with turnips in it for 32 minutes. Then leave the blanched turnips in a colander for a while to drain off excess moisture.

Lightly grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. Do not overdo it, otherwise the casserole may turn out liquid. Place the loaf pieces in a dense layer on the bottom of the mold. Then place the turnip slices on the bread, salt, pepper and sprinkle with cheese. Next, add another layer of white bread, the remaining turnips, salt and pepper again and sprinkle with cheese.

Bake the dish in the oven for 25 minutes.

Steamed turnip recipes:

Required ingredients:

  • 2 medium turnips
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • salt to taste
  • milk
  • dry dill or parsley

Preheat the oven to 180 C.

Three cooking methods:

1 recipe for steaming turnips

To prepare steamed turnips for a child, peel them and cut them into slices. Then fill it with milk, salt to taste, sprinkle with dry dill or parsley, add butter and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

2 recipe for steaming turnips

Peel the turnips and cut into slices. Place it in a thin-walled pan, add milk, salt, add butter and place it in a second pan of boiling water to cook. Don't forget to cover the steamed turnips with a lid. Steam it for about 35-45 minutes.

3 recipe for steaming turnips in a double boiler

Wash the turnips and place them in a steamer. Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the skin, cut into thin slices, add salt, add butter and serve.

Recipe for turnips with stew:

Required ingredients:

  • 300 g potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 150 g frozen green peas
  • 1 onion
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 400 g zucchini
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 50 g vegetable oil

Cooking method

Peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces and place in a saucepan. Pour two glasses of hot water and cook over high heat for 5 minutes without a lid.

While the potatoes are cooking, peel all other vegetables.

Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into thin slices. Turnips and zucchini - in halves or quarters of circles, but thick enough. The thickness of the pieces should be approx. 1 cm.

Place in the pan in layers: onions, carrots, turnips, zucchini. Lightly add salt to each layer. Place green peas on top and pour vegetable oil over the stew.

Cover with a lid and cook the turnip stew over medium heat for about 15 minutes. The water remains at the bottom of the pan, so the potatoes in the stew are boiled, but all other vegetables are not covered in water and are steamed.

Recipe for turnip and chicken soup:

Required ingredients:

  • 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of rice
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 500 g chicken broth
  • 1 turnip
  • salt, herbs to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and put it in chicken broth, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Place rice.

Peel the carrots, turnips and onions, and cut the onions into small cubes, the turnips into medium cubes, and the carrots into strips.

First fry the onion in vegetable oil, then add the carrots and turnips, fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Place the fried vegetables in a saucepan, add salt and pepper to taste and cook for 5 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe for stewed turnips with raisins and apples:

Required ingredients:

  • 300 g turnips
  • 6-7 apples
  • 100 g raisins
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • sugar to taste

Most turnip recipes were lost due to the lack of popularity of this vegetable. However, some recipes with turnips can be restored and diversified. In cooking, turnips can replace potatoes and some other root vegetables. Use the suggested turnip recipes and appreciate their simplicity and the taste of the resulting dishes. For clarity of information perception, all turnip dishes are accompanied by photos.

Turnip vegetable and its photo

The turnip vegetable has many uses in the kitchen, and some varieties are not bitter. Early varieties for summer and fall can be harvested as long as they are no larger than radishes and used in the same way. Regular large turnips with fibrous roots are ideal for stews and fried dishes. Turnip tops are useful; they are cooked like early greens. Small leaves can be eaten raw. Turnips come in a variety of colors, from creamy white to golden, with purple or green tops, but all varieties have white flesh. The shape is usually round, but there are flattened and cylindrical turnips. Look at the turnip vegetable in the photos that are located on this page:

Storing turnips

How to store turnips depends on the harvest date. Early ripening turnips can be kept in the refrigerator for several days in a bag, but it is better to consume them immediately. Late varieties are harvested in November to be used in winter; long-term storage of turnips is possible. Cut the tops at a height of 2.5 cm from the root crop, dry and store in peat or compost. Can be stored between layers of newspaper in boxes, in a dry, cool and dark place. Cut small turnips into pieces, blanch for 2 minutes and freeze in a plastic bag.

Young turnip roots can be eaten raw. Grate them or slice them thinly and add them to salads and sandwiches.

How and what can be cooked from turnips

What can be prepared from turnips besides vegetable stew, porridge puree? We invite you to learn how to cook turnips at home using various recipes.

Before cooking turnips, remove the tops and roots, wash and dry. Early varieties are not cleaned. Cook small early turnip roots whole, large ones - in parts. Peel and chop the main crop turnips. The following describes what to cook from turnips at home.

Boiled turnip- cook in lightly salted water for 10-15 minutes (depending on age and size) until soft; drain the water.

Steamed turnips- cook over boiling water for 12-20 minutes until soft. Add some salt.

Turnip puree recipe

The turnip puree recipe offered on this page has a delicate taste. Mash boiled or steamed turnips with butter at the rate of 10 g of butter per 100 g of turnip. Add some salt.

Fried turnips.

Cut into slices and boil lightly for 3 minutes. Dry the slices and fry them in vegetable oil over medium heat until soft: 3-4 minutes on each side. Add some salt.

Turnips roasted in the oven.

Boil lightly for 3 minutes (small turnips whole) or 5 minutes (if the turnips are large, then in pieces). Drain the water, roll in vegetable oil and salt. Roast in the oven at 190C for 45 minutes until soft and golden, turning once.

Baked turnips.

Place small turnip roots on a baking sheet. Grease them with vegetable oil, salt and bake at 200°C for 30 minutes until soft.

Gratin casserole with turnips.

An exceptionally tasty dish that goes well with pork, ham and roast chicken.

Serves 4

  • 300 ml cream
  • 100 ml semi-dry cider
  • salt, black pepper
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of Dijon mustard
  • 4 turnips (approximately 800 g)
  • 25 g grated Parmesan cheese

Pour the cream and cider into the pan and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring once or twice. Add salt, pepper and mustard.

Place the thinly sliced ​​turnips until the slices are completely submerged in the liquid, then pour the contents into a heatproof bowl and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 190°C for 40-45 minutes until the turnips are golden and the liquid begins to bubble.

Stewed young turnips with bacon.

Try to take small turnips, no larger than a large radish. If the turnips are large, cut them in half.

Serves 4

  • 6 slices smoked bacon
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
  • 500 g young small turnip roots
  • 25 g butter
  • juice of one lemon
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons fresh chopped parsley salt, pepper

In a large saucepan, fry chopped bacon in olive oil over medium heat until golden and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon, cool and break into pieces.

Place turnips in a pan with butter and fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

Add chopped garlic and stir for a minute, pour in lemon juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of parsley, salt and pepper. Reduce heat to low and cook turnips until soft. Add salt and pepper again, add bacon, stir over the heat for one minute, then serve, sprinkled with the remaining parsley.

Stewed turnips with mustard.

Goes great with any fried meat. If you don't have an oven, you can cook this dish on the burner in a saucepan with a lid.

Serves 4

  • 500 g small or medium turnip roots
  • 2 shallots
  • 25 g butter
  • 2 teaspoons mustard powder
  • salt, black pepper
  • 200 ml vegetable broth
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh chopped parsley

Cut the turnips into slices 0.5 cm thick and fry over low heat in a heat-resistant bowl along with finely chopped shallots in butter for 10 minutes.

Add mustard powder, salt and pepper, add broth and parsley. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer at 170°C for 45 minutes until soft.

Puree of turnips, potatoes and celery.

Try this puree as a side dish for baked ham or roast lamb.

Serves 4

  • 2 turnips (approx. 400 g)
  • 1 small or medium celery root
  • 2 potatoes 200 ml milk
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 25 g butter
  • salt, black pepper

Chop all the vegetables into fairly small cubes and place in a saucepan. Add the milk and bay leaf, then pour in boiling water until the vegetables are just slightly covered. Add salt. Boil for about 20 minutes until all vegetables are soft.

Drain the liquid into another bowl, first removing the bay leaf. Add butter, salt and pepper, and also pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid from vegetables. Mash thoroughly, adding liquid as needed.

The well-known turnip from the fairy tale of the same name has become available today to our housewives - it can be purchased both in the store and at the market. Externally similar to white radish, but with a more delicate taste, it perfectly diversifies the daily table. Unlike radishes, which can be eaten raw, turnips must be cooked.

How to cook steamed turnips

This ancient Russian dish that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers prepared will surely please your whole family. Preparing this turnip couldn’t be easier:

  • Peel the top skin from the turnip roots. Cut them into slices or large slices.
  • Place the turnips in a ceramic pot.
  • Place the pot in a cold oven.
  • Turn on the oven and wait until it reaches a temperature of 170 degrees.
  • Simmer the turnips until they are completely softened - from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • Serve steamed turnips with sour cream.

How to cook turnips stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms

You can stuff turnips with any food, but this recipe is with mushrooms.

  • Peel 8 medium-sized turnips.
  • Place the turnips in boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes.
  • Using a small spoon, scoop out the pulp from the cooled root vegetables. Chop it finely.
  • Boil 100 grams of any dry mushrooms. Do not pour out the broth.
  • Fry 2 chopped onions and two chopped carrots in olive oil.
  • Add mushrooms to the vegetables, which you also chop.
  • Simmer everything together for 5 minutes.
  • Add chopped turnip pulp and salt and pepper to taste. Pour in half a glass of mushroom broth. Warm everything up and add a little dry thyme.
  • Stuff the turnips with the filling and brush the top with thick sour cream.
  • Bake the stuffed turnips in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Temperature – 190-200 degrees.

How to cook turnips stuffed with apples and raisins

This recipe will really appeal to those with a sweet tooth. So:

  • Boil peeled turnips (6 pieces) in water until soft. Remove the centers and chop them.
  • Peel 2 blocks and cut into cubes.
  • Mix apples with turnip pulp and add a handful of raisins.
  • Pour honey (4 tablespoons) over the filling.
  • Stuff the turnips and sprinkle them with nuts.
  • Bake sweet turnips until the top is golden brown.

How to make turnip stew

Take turnips, carrots, root celery, onions, tomatoes, and zucchini in equal quantities. Cut everything into equal pieces and place in a saucepan. Season the vegetables with salt and pepper and lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil. Place the saucepan in a hot oven and keep the stew in it for 2 hours. To prevent it from burning, place a bowl of water at the bottom. Set the oven temperature to 180 degrees. When serving the stew, sprinkle with chopped garlic.

You can replace potatoes with turnips in soups and fry them well, like the same potatoes. You can even make pies with turnips. See one of the most delicious recipes below.