When I meet my other half. How to find out when you'll meet your loved one

No matter how old a woman, or even a man, is, it is important for her to find her person, her soul mate. You can date someone for a long time, even establish a common life together, and have children. But this does not mean that this person is your love. And a girl who is only dreaming of finding her soul mate needs to know the answer to the question: “When will I meet my love?”, a person with whom she will be completely compatible.

Numerology of love offers its own answers to this question. You can easily find out the cherished date. Let's talk how to do this.

By date of happy day

How to guess

Numerology, as the name suggests, determines the future by numbers. For this purpose use f. And. O. person and his date of birth. All numbers are added up. If a person was born on January 24, 1993, then his number is calculated as follows: 2+4+1+1+9+9+3=29. We add 2 and 9 = 11, now 1 and 1. Its number is 2. In the same way, you can add the number of letters in the first name, last name and patronymic and get another number. Your name is Sidorova Antonina Petrovna: 8+8+8=24; 2+4=6. Now add the number obtained by date of birth and f. And. o.: 2+6=8.

To calculate a meeting with your loved one, delve into your past and find out the date on which acquaintances and meetings most often took place in the last two years. Also the month when you most often met someone of the opposite sex.

Add these numbers up too. The number of the name and birth is 8. Add the lucky month and day to it. Let your month be December and the number 22. Add: 8+1+2 (12th month) +2+2=15=1+5=6. The required number 6 indicates the date when Antonina Petrovna Sidorova, born in 1993, will meet her love.

Errors in fortune telling

The number you are looking for is important in your life, because you will find the answer to the question: “When will I meet my love?”, especially since compatibility with this person will be complete. But we must also take into account possible errors, since this fortune telling cannot be called accurate. There are many reasons for errors:

  • A person's name does not change, but the same name sounds different. The parents named the girl Alexandra. But she will shorten it to Alexa, or Sasha, Shura.
  • The surname also changes. After marriage, many take their husband's surname. And the maiden name belongs to the girl’s parents
  • Lucky number It is not easy to calculate. Not necessarily significant events are somehow connected with one number. For a while, 7 was your lucky number, and then, after 5 years, 5 became your lucky number.

It is impossible to talk about the exact date of the meeting with the person with whom you will be completely compatible, but remembering your lucky number is useful.

By date of birth

There is another way to determine the time when you will meet a person with whom you will be completely compatible. This love numerology uses your date of birth for calculations. But you need to know not only the date, year and month, but also the day of the week when you were born. Let's take January 24, 1993 again. It's easy to find out on the Internet what day of the week it was. This date falls on Sunday. It is necessary to add up all these numbers: 2+4+1+1+9+9+3+7 (seventh day) =36=3+6=9. We got the number 9. Now read what it means.

  • Number 1. Your soul mate has been around you for a long time, but you don’t notice him, you consider him a friend. He is always there when you need his help, you trust him. You are not ready for a relationship right now, but very soon you will be with him.
  • Number 2. Soon you will go abroad. On the road or in a hotel you will meet someone who will become your soulmate. Love will not break out immediately; at first you will not like this person. But then strong feelings will appear.
  • Number 3. You will meet your person in a company of friends, you will communicate with him, you will realize that you have a lot in common, and then you will start dating and living together.
  • Number 4. This meeting will be very unusual: in the hospital you will fall in love with the attending physician, or on the plane you will have a relationship - a passenger and a conductor. The novel will be very emotional and beautiful: many flowers, unforgettable words of love, romantic trips, etc.
  • Number 5. The acquaintance will take place thanks to a friend. She knows this person well, and he will be interested in you. And you have seen him more than once, but did not know that this is the person with whom you are completely compatible.
  • Number 6. You will meet your other half at some special event. It could be a birthday or a wedding. You will immediately feel that he is your soul mate. But the relationship will not develop very quickly.
  • Number 7. When you meet, your future husband will have a different relationship. We will have to fight for the love of this man. His ex-girlfriend will cause a lot of trouble.
  • Number 8. This acquaintance will be virtual, through a social network or chat. Then you find out that you live nearby. At first you will be connected by communication, but the meeting will soon turn into a romantic date.
  • Number 9. Your loved one will be your boss. At first, you were connected only by business relations, and the boss was too demanding, and you did not work so well, so scandals often arose. But then one event will happen, after which you will discover that you have a lot in common with this person, complete compatibility.

Today the thought “I want to tell fortunes!” crept into my head. And I decided to conduct an online fortune telling “Will I meet my love?” on the Steampunk Tarot deck for you and a little for yourself. Yes, just like you, I participate in all my online predictions.

I realized that I need to post general online fortune telling more often. This is more interesting to you than weekly and daily forecasts. So I will try very hard to diversify the content on my site. And of course, I look forward to your suggestions in the comments on what topics you would like to tell fortunes about.

Each of us has had the thought “Will I meet my love?” and many are frightened by the fear that they will remain alone until their death. Fate supposedly predetermines our future and nothing can be changed. CAN! Everyone has a chance to achieve their goal. This must be remembered!

Well? Do you want to tell your fortune? For free! Then let's get started.

I always look at events up to 2 years old. In front of you are 6 Tarot cards (they are numbered in the photo). Focus on the question “Will I meet my love?” and at the end indicate any period (for example: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years). You shouldn't have any other thoughts in your head. You shouldn't think about something good or something bad. You must have a clear intention that you want to tell fortunes on this particular question. There shouldn't be any confusion in your head. Tarot cards love specifics and this should be remembered as “Our Father”. As soon as you have chosen a card from 1 to 6, write the number in the comments and I will post the results within a few days. Good luck

This is general online fortune telling. It is for informational purposes only and will not work for everyone.
Maps love precision in everything.

It's time to find out the results! Let's scroll down.

1 Tarot card - 6 pentacles. A woman uses a scale to count out the required amount of coins to give to poor children.

You can meet your love on a given date, but the relationship with your significant other will be dosed (infrequent meetings/communication via the Internet)

Tarot card 2 - 8 pentacles. Before us is a man, he is completely immersed in his work.

If you chose this lasso to the question “Will I meet my love,” then the answer is NO. Try to take periodic breaks from your activities. You won’t earn all the money, but you may miss your soulmate.

3 Tarot card - 3 staves. A man looks out for ships that are coming to him.

If you chose this lasso in free online fortune telling, then you can meet your love during the predicted period, or a little later. We see that the ships are sailing to the shore, they are already very close. Be careful.

Tarot card 4 - 5 of pentacles. A girl and a child are looking for a place to sleep and food during the cold period. But they don't notice the church that can warm and feed them.

If you chose this lasso to the question “Will I meet my love?”, then the answer is NO. You may be so immersed in your problems that you will not notice your significant other who was next to you. Be attentive and take a closer look at your surroundings.

Tarot card 5 - King of Swords. Before us is an adult man, he is an intellectual and very strict, but fair.

You can meet a man, but you will have to work hard to melt his heart. For single men, the card indicates that you yourself are closed to relationships. Therefore the answer is no.

6 Tarot card - 10 cups. We see a couple in love sitting in a park under the bright sun.

If you chose this lasso in online fortune telling, then the answer is YES. A very positive card in the Tarot system. You can meet your love at the appointed time.

For more precise individual consultation, you can contact me at any time convenient for you.

Every person at least once in his life wanted to lift the veil over the secrets of his future. Interest in the secrets of fate only becomes hotter at the moment when the conversation turns to love affairs. Quite a lot of girls would like not only to know that they will meet their betrothed, but also to have a clear idea of ​​when exactly this will happen.

The time of meeting with your betrothed is destined from above. However, fortune telling will help you find out the date

Magical knowledge contains information about how you can get such a desired answer to the eternally pressing question - when will I meet my love.

Card fortune telling

In matters of love, many people believe that all means are good. And to some extent this is true. After all There are many ways to tell fortunes about meeting a person destined by fate. Most often you can encounter fortune telling, for which the following attributes and tools are used:

  • playing cards;
  • tarot cards;
  • sticks;
  • paper;
  • mirrors;
  • quotes from books;
  • flowers.

You can encounter rituals that involve the use of other tools. But first, let's look at those rituals and fortune telling that have become most widespread.

Fortune telling with playing cards is the most popular way to predict a particular event. If a person decides to tell fortunes with cards, it is very important to observe the rule of novelty - the deck should not have been previously used for fortune telling, much less for games.

Playing cards - an affordable, simple and effective way of fortune telling

Fortune telling for a meeting

Fortune telling called: When will I meet my soulmate?, using a new deck of playing cards, will allow you to make a prediction for the coming year. In order to reveal your future using this method, you need to perform the following sequence of actions. First, place a card that will represent the fortuneteller.

For girls, most often this card is the queen of hearts. After this, shuffle the entire deck with great care and place 12 more cards around the central card - one for each coming month. It is important to understand that the first card will describe what will happen during the month in which the card reading was performed.

The cards must be laid out face down. When the circle of cards is laid out, you can put the deck aside and turn the cards over. In this fortune telling, the main attention should be paid to whether jacks, kings and aces fall out. Each of these cards has its own special meaning, which we will consider in more detail.

  1. The jacks that fall out in the reading promise the fortuneteller small romances, the presence of fans and suitors. However, you should not count on them for well-being in your personal life. In their interests there is much more ordinary flirting than serious intentions.
  2. The appearance of kings is a harbinger of interest from wealthy adult men. However, it is impossible to say with certainty what this relationship will be like and how serious the intentions of these men will be.
  3. Aces belonging to the suits of clubs, diamonds and spades usually fall out to indicate the presence in the life of a fortune-telling girl of people who claim to take the place of her husband. If several aces appear, you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable candidate from several applicants.
  4. A dropped ace of hearts is the most good sign. Its appearance in the scenario indicates that the person will meet a man who is predestined for him by fate. It is with this person that true love will arise.

Has the Ace of Hearts fallen? Congratulations! You will meet the man destined for you!

If during fortune-telling not one of the important and significant cards fell out, in no case should you despair and worry about the fact that your loved one will not meet. A new layout can be made exactly one month after the first. And who knows, what if fate will be more favorable the second time.

Ritual on sea stones

Stones are often used in magical rituals and activities. This tool can also be used for a simple ritual that will show when exactly the opportunity to meet your destiny on the path of life appears.

To carry out this simple ritual, which will be able to predict the time of meeting with future love, a person will need smooth sea stones of different sizes, both large and small.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual not on your own, but with the help of a friend. It is very important not to reveal to her the essence of the actions being carried out. It is necessary to preserve the mystery of the ritual in order for the result to be as accurate as possible, saying: If I haven’t found my loved one, then I will!

The essence of the magical action is for the friend to take 12 stones from the bag. The number of large stones will indicate how many months must pass before the meeting, while the small ones represent days. That is, if you pulled out 9 small and 3 large stones, we say that 3 months and 9 days will pass before you meet with love.

Ritual using cones

Our ancestors used various attributes to make predictions. Sometimes these were tools that you wouldn’t even think about at first. The cones were used for an ancient ritual that could answer the question of how long it would take for a person to meet his true love.

To find out the time of meeting with your loved one, you can tell fortunes using pine cones

Five cones are taken, on which the following inscriptions are cut out:

  • six months;
  • 2 years;
  • soon;
  • not soon.

These designations represent the period after which a fateful meeting will occur. When all the inscriptions are cut out, the cones are placed in a bag made of coarse fabric. Mix the cones, saying:

I want to know the truth when to look for my destiny.

After this, take the prepared attributes out of the bag and throw them into the air. The message on the cone that fell closest to the person will be the answer to the question posed.

Is it possible to predict exactly where the betrothed will meet?

Many girls who would like to lift the veil on the secrets of their well-being in their personal lives are concerned not only with the question of when happiness will dawn on me in a love relationship, but also with the question of where I will meet my betrothed.

The magical knowledge left by our ancestors contains rituals that can provide an answer to this question that stirs the soul. However, it is important to be aware of the fact that these rituals may require ingredients that should never be substituted. And if a person does not have something necessary, it is better to perform another ritual.

Let's consider the most effective and popular magical actions that can tell in what situation love finds this or that person.

Ritual using sand and knife

This fortune telling requires that a person has river or sea sand, a knife with a black handle and a candle. Early in the morning, sand is poured onto a sheet of paper and the candle is lit. The knife must be carried over the candle flame several times, repeating the magic words:

Spirits, reveal your secrets to me, answer where I am destined to meet my beloved?

The next step is to mix the sand using a knife held over a candle fire. When the sand is mixed, the person performing the ritual begins to pour wax onto the sand. The candle should be burning well by this time. Wait until the wax becomes drier, and then begin to interpret the resulting figures.

  1. If straight lines are formed from the wax, the meeting with your betrothed will happen in a work environment.
  2. See wavy lines - you will meet your love in an informal setting.
  3. The wax took the form of large circles - the narrowed one is already familiar, you will meet again soon.
  4. Wax circles are small - a person has mutual acquaintances with his fiancée, perhaps a correspondence acquaintance.
  5. The wax has taken the shape of plants or animals - look forward to meeting your loved one in nature.
  6. The wax figure resembles a person - a third party will introduce it.

If the wax figure resembles a person, then you will meet your betrothed with the help of a third person

Ritual using a mirror

Everyone knows that a mirror is a powerful and multifunctional tool that magicians usually use for various purposes. For fortune telling, which helps to understand in what environment a person will meet his true love, mirrors have also found their use. The proposed ritual is quite simple, but like many simple magical actions, it is very effective.

For fortune telling, a person will need a wax candle and a mirror. Usually this method is used to tell fortunes at midnight. Place both attributes on the table in front of you, light a candle and cast the following spell:

I want to see everything that is hidden from me. Show me where I will meet my betrothed!

After this, look in the mirror through the candle light. If the Universe is favorable, a person will see in the mirror the environment in which he will meet his soulmate. Situations may vary. Sometimes you can see the whole picture, and sometimes only certain details will be revealed, which will be a very good clue in the future.

If a person didn’t see anything, then don’t be upset. We say that higher powers still believe that a person is not ready to see such important information.

Summing up

When the ritual is completed, thank the Universe and its forces for its help by extinguishing the candle. It is important to remember that the mirror cannot be used immediately after fortune telling. Cover it with a white cloth and place it in a dark place for the next 72 hours after the ritual.

Only after this time has passed does the mirror become usable again. During the time it is covered, all the portals that opened during fortune telling to communicate with the subtle worlds of magic to obtain the information a person needs will close.

In order to get an answer to the question that worries you most, you can use the proposed rituals and fortune telling. But sometimes this is not necessary. Many magicians often repeat that all the necessary information is stored in the human subconscious.

Therefore, sometimes it will be enough to simply ask your Guardian to help look behind the veil of secrecy, and who knows, there is a chance that after this request a person will have a prophetic dream that will give the desired answer. After all, each of us is our own wizard and sorcerer.

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love” is a very popular way to clarify the situation in the love sphere. There are a huge number of such fortune-telling rituals. Various attributes are used in rituals. But to get reliable information, you must believe in magic.

In order to fulfill the prediction about the meeting of your love according to the calendar, you need to purchase a tear-off calendar for the next year. It is best to carry out such fortune telling on New Year's Eve.

For the fortune-telling ritual, you need to retire to a separate room and fully concentrate on your desire to meet your love in the coming year. After this, you need to close your eyes and, opening the calendar, randomly pull out a leaf from it. It is precisely this that needs to be interpreted in relation to the issue of interest.

The day of the week will give a hint:

  • Monday. You already know your life partner, but for some reason you doubt it. And if this is not the case, then in the near future you will meet the person who is destined for you. Moreover, you will be able to feel this immediately upon meeting, moreover, you will be able to immediately charm your chosen one. But at the same time, you should remember that you should not be capricious and test it, since in this case the wedding will not take place.
  • Tuesday. This means that marriage should not be expected in the coming year. Moreover, most likely, you will become the initiator of separation from your lover for some reason. This may be due to the realization that you are not suitable for each other. In this case, you should not rush and look for a new partner. You need to spend some time alone and pay attention to yourself. It also doesn’t hurt to think about what didn’t suit you in your partner and how you would like your new chosen one to be. In addition, analyze your own requirements to understand whether they are too high.
  • Wednesday. Indicates that among the people around you there is a person close to you who values ​​you very much. Try to take a closer look at him, maybe he is your destiny. If this is the case, then you should expect a marriage proposal soon.
  • Thursday. There is a high probability that you will receive an offer. But, most likely, this will not be the person from whom you expected such a step. Despite this, do not rush to refuse. If people close to you advise you to take a closer look at a person, then try to do so, and only then make a final decision. It is quite possible that over time, a man whom you had not previously paid attention to will become not only necessary for you, but also desirable.
  • Friday. Marriage should be expected in the near future. Even if you don’t have anyone in mind, a meeting with your betrothed will happen in the near future. In this case, the passion will be so intense that the desire to unite destinies will arise by itself. You need to remember that you shouldn’t rush into the pool headlong; it’s better to still try to get to know your chosen one better.
  • Saturday. The reason you can't get married is because of you. You need to ask yourself whether you really dream of marriage. It is possible that you are so afraid of life changes that you subconsciously move away from close relationships. Reconsider your inner attitude towards living together, otherwise you will face loneliness.
  • Sunday. You should not expect a proposal from your chosen one this year. But you shouldn’t be upset about this, because you will have time to take a better look at each other. If you understand that you and your partner are kindred spirits, then you will unite your destinies and live a long and happy life together.

In order for the prediction to come true, the calendar leaf should be saved.

A birthday is a significant day that affects the fate of a person as a whole. And it is this fact that is used to obtain true predictions. Fortune telling by date and time of birth for love is considered especially popular.

To find out whether a meeting with your loved one will take place in the near future and whether it will lead to marriage, you can use the following method. On a piece of paper you need to write down the day, month and year of birth in numerical form.

After this, you need to carry out the following mathematical operations:

  • Perform sequential multiplication of the first number by the second and by the third.
  • Next, the result must be multiplied by the year in which you hope to meet love.

This fortune telling is deciphered as follows. If the result is more than two fours, then the marriage will definitely take place.

Numerology also allows women to predict marriage by time of birth:

Fortune telling by name for compatibility

In order to find out whether you are compatible with your chosen one, you need to conduct fortune telling by name. This method allows you to decide whether to continue the relationship with your chosen one and count on marriage.

For fortune telling, you only need a sheet of paper and a pen. You must first write your last name, first name, patronymic. The peculiarity of the recording is that each repeated letter should be written under the same one. Next, similar actions must be performed with the surname, first name and patronymic of the chosen one.

  • The sum of 2 digits that are next to each other is calculated and recorded.
  • Then the sum of three digits and nearby digits is calculated one by one.
  • Such actions are repeated until a single-digit number is obtained.
  • Compatibility results are assessed on a ten-point scale.

Fortune telling in a dream

There is a huge variety of fortune telling for marriage in a dream. These methods allow you to predict a meeting with your betrothed, and provide the opportunity to obtain other additional information. It is recommended to perform such fortune-telling on New Year's Eve and Christmastide.

Before going to bed, a young girl should place a cup of clean water next to her bed. It is necessary to place splinters on its edges, which will symbolize the bridge.

After this, you should pronounce the following variations of words:

  • “My betrothed, the mummer, dream of me and take me across the bridge.”
  • “Who is my betrothed, he will appear in my dreams and lead me across the bridge.”

If a man appears in a dream, it means that the girl will get married soon. Similarly, you can put your own comb under your pillow and ask your betrothed to appear in your dream in any form and comb your hair.

There is another very reliable fortune telling that allows you to see your betrothed in a dream. It can be held only once a year on the holiday of Catherine the Great Martyr, which is also known as Catherine the Great Martyr. It is celebrated on November 24th.

Before going to bed, the girl must turn to the east, cross herself, bow 40 times and say the following prayer:

“Holy Great Martyr Catherine, bring me to the holy temple, where I will be married to my betrothed, and also show him his face.”

After this, you need to immediately go to bed. If a man appears in a dream, then this is a sign of imminent marriage. If you do not have a lover, then in a dream you will see a stranger. And if you know the person with whom you are joining fate, then most likely you will see items of his clothing or other personal accessories.

When conducting fortune telling on the possibility of a quick marriage, and meeting your betrothed in the near future, you must definitely believe in the power of magic. You must be sure that you receive correct information. You cannot allow even the slightest doubt in your soul or treat fortune telling as a game.