Product information. Types and media

Product information (product information) is information about the product intended for users. / (for commercial entities). The primary source of product information is the manufacturer.

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into 3 types: fundamental, commercial and consumer.

Fundamental TI– contains basic information about the product, what is written on the label. Products – characterizes the type, name, grade, shelf life, net weight, manufacturer, etc. Purpose – information for consumers.

Commercial TI– this is information about the product that supplements the basic information. Means - information about intermediary enterprises, ND, about the quality of goods, bar code, product assortment number according to OKP, HS, etc. Purpose - information for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers. Such information is not readily available to the consumer.

Consumer TI– this is information about a product intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a specific product, and specifically targeted at the consumer. It contains information about the most attractive properties of the product. Products - nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, colorful images, etc. Purpose - specifically for consumers.

Requirements for product information. This is the 3D rule. Reliability, accessibility, sufficiency.

Credibility– assumes the truthfulness and objectivity of information about the product, the absence of misinformation that misleads users.

Availability– this is the openness of information about the product to all users. Language accessibility - information must be presented in State. language of the country where it is consumed. Demand is a requirement that establishes the consumer’s right to the necessary information, and the obligation of the manufacturer and seller to provide it upon request. Understandability are requirements that involve the use of generally accepted concepts, requirements whose definitions are given in standards and reference books, and they do not require explanation.

Adequacy– implies that the information available about the product should be sufficient for the consumer to receive all the necessary information about the product. Can also be interpreted as rational information. Incomplete information is a lack of information about a product, which makes the product unreliable. Excessive information is the provision of information that duplicates various types of information and is not of interest to buyers.

(Examples: labels on jars or written on consumer packaging (sausage, ice cream, kefir, etc.); Labels on clothing, in passports for electrical goods, or on the product itself for ease of use (microwave ovens, washing machines, TVs, etc.) .d.)).

Types of product information



In commercial activities, product information is of great importance. And from the point of view of its commercial function, a trademark must help promote the goods of a specific trademark owner on the market, protect these goods from counterfeiting and ensure an increase in profits from the sale of goods.

Saturation of the market with goods, expansion and deepening of the range are one of the achievements of the transition to market relations. However, it is often difficult for the consumer to understand this variety of products and make a competent choice of sufficient and reliable information about each name of the goods released for sale. Moreover, information is needed not only about new, but also about long-known products.

Product information – information about a product intended for users – commercial entities. Business entities are manufacturers, sellers (suppliers) and buyers (consumers).

Trade and economic information is used in the process of managing the activities of a trade organization. It is a set of information characterizing the economic side of the circulation of goods that are the object of storage, transfer and transformation.

The purpose of the work is to consider the features and essence of information, including trademarks.

1. Product information and its features

1.1 What is information?

The word “information” comes from the Latin “informatio” - information, explanation. The same information may be new or outdated, relevant or irrelevant for different people. Information transmitted on electronic media may be interesting and accessible to a person who is computer literate, but is useless to someone who does not have a computer at hand or does not know how to use it.

Information is any information that interests a specific person in a specific situation. The series is also information, and at times very relevant. Sometimes the object of information may be the phone number of a new beauty salon, which currently has discounts, and then we begin searching for information. The search takes place through information channels. In the case of a salon, the information channels are friends, help desks, and the Internet. However, the Internet is a universal source of information. It was created for this purpose, so that people from all over the world would put their information into it and look for someone else’s.

Information in the electronic sphere is a number that is always fixed. The static form of electronic information is typical for storage on a computer memory disk.

Information is information about objects or environmental phenomena that we request if there is a need for them. Information can be new - this is information that we do not yet know, and outdated - i.e. famous, reworked. Information is disseminated on media; its relevance for an individual is subjective and depends on pre-information reserves.

1.2 What is a product?

A product is any product, thing that has a material, material form.

The product is the main object involved in market relations between buyer and seller.

A product cannot be spiritual, that is, it cannot be just air, since it cannot be sold for material values.

You can offer a product for sale only if it has a tangible form.

When talking about a product, they mean that it is someone’s, that it is owned by someone.

A product can be homogeneous, for example, raw materials or material for the production of a product, or heterogeneous.

A heterogeneous product involves the presence of several components, for example a car, which consists of many parts and assemblies. The car can be repaired, that is, you can buy spare parts for it.

There is a division of goods by time. Perishable goods, non-perishable goods.

In the first case, such goods include food products, technical goods, etc. which gradually deteriorate over time.

Non-perishable goods are all other types of products that are timeless (precious metals, luxury goods, etc.).


Before making a purchase (ordering a service), you study information about the product. Information when choosing a product, a specific manufacturer, is a key factor. The right information means we make the right choice. Dubious information - and we are disappointed. Or there may be a situation where the lack of information, after purchasing the product, will lead to its breakdown. What to do: who is right, who is wrong?

Let's simulate the situation. You have purchased a software disc. The disc (on the cover) contains information that the disc contains such and such a program in such and such a version. Having come home and installed (installed) the program, you realize that it is not a program at all (a pirated copy, an incomplete version, or, for example, a version in English). Thus, due to the lack of information about the product, you made the wrong choice and purchased the wrong product.

One more example. You purchased an expensive mountain bike; Along with the purchase, we received advice from the manager, but bad luck, the seller did not provide you with instructions in Russian (only in English, Chinese, etc.), but at the same time he explained everything to you in detail. Two or three days after using the bike, let’s say its “mechanical speed switch” breaks down. And all because you didn’t know how to use the bike correctly. The same question: who is right and who is wrong? And who will bear the burden of property liability?

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer has the right to demand the provision of necessary and reliable information about the manufacturer (performer, seller), his mode of operation and the goods (work, services) he sells.

So, there are two blocks of information that should be brought to the attention of the consumer.

Information about the manufacturer (performer, seller);

Information about the product (services).

1.3. Product information or product information.

Product information - information about a product intended for users - commercial entities. The primary sources of product information and at the same time providers of services to inform sellers and/or consumers about the goods sold are manufacturers. The speed of promotion of goods through distribution channels, sales intensity, sales promotion, the creation of consumer preferences and, ultimately, the life cycle of the product depend on the quality of these information services. At the same time, the manufacturer is not the only source of information. Production information may be supplemented by the seller.

The legal basis for information support for consumers is the following laws: “On trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin of goods”, “On the protection of consumer rights”, “On standardization”, “On certification of products and services”, “On information, informatization and protection information", "About advertising". In addition, Roskomtorg has developed a draft Federal Law “On packaging and labeling of consumer goods sold in the field of trade and services.” The Federal Law “On Trademarks, Service Marks, Appellations of Origin” regulates relations arising in connection with the registration, legal protection and use of trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin of goods.

On January 25, 1995, the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” was adopted, which regulates the relations arising in the formation and use of information resources based on the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and provision of documented information to the consumer ; creation and use of information technologies and means of supporting them; protection of information, rights of subjects in information processes and informatization. The law defines the main directions of state policy in the field of informatization. One of these areas is the creation of conditions for high-quality and effective information support for citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations based on state information resources."

The Federal Law “On Packaging and Labeling of Consumer Goods Sold in the Sphere of Trade and Services” regulates “relations between manufacturers (performers), sellers and consumers in the field of trade and industrial packaging and labeling of consumer goods”, establishes the rights of consumers to receive reliable information about products sold products using labeling, will determine the requirements for industrial packaging and labeling of consumer goods to ensure the safety of life, consumer health and the environment.

1.4. Main function of product information- this is bringing to the attention of the consumer (supplier, seller, etc.) information about the consumer properties of the product, the conditions and modes of proper storage, transportation, selection, use and disposal of the product. The manufacturer and/or seller is responsible for the complete compliance of the product with the information stated about it.

The consumer's right to information is regulated by the norms of the Russian Federation Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the requirements for the content and methods of providing information about goods are established by presidential decrees and government regulations of the Russian Federation, relevant decisions of authorized executive authorities and regulatory documents for specific groups and types of goods.

1.5. The main requirements for product information are identified:

reliability, accessibility, sufficiency

1.5.1. Reliability presupposes the truthfulness and objectivity of information about a product, the absence of misinformation and subjectivity in its presentation, which misleads users.

1.5.2. Accessibility - this requirement is associated with the principle of information openness of information about a product that affects the interests of consumers for all users. Accessibility consists of three components: language accessibility, relevance and understandability.

Language accessibility, i.e. information must be in the state language or the language of the predominant part of consumers for whom this product is intended. Language accessibility in the Federal Law “On Packaging and Labeling of Consumer Goods Sold in the Sphere of Trade and Services” is specified as follows: “Labelling of domestic and imported goods and medicines must be in Russian.”

Demand - providing the necessary information at the request of the consumer.

Understandability - the use of generally accepted and (or) standardized concepts, terms, symbols, as well as the ability to define or decipher them.

1.5.3. Sufficiency of information - can be interpreted as rational information saturation, which excludes the presentation of both incomplete and unnecessary information.

Incomplete information is the absence of certain information about a product. Often, incomplete information makes it unreliable. For example, in the Russian consumer market it is very common to find goods produced by joint ventures in Russia or neighboring countries, without indicating the country of origin or the name of the manufacturer. This incomplete information is at the same time unreliable, and goods passed off as imported from foreign countries are falsified.

Redundant information is the provision of information that duplicates basic information without particular need or is not of interest to its consumers.

Reliability presupposes that the information contained in it about a product (work, service) corresponds to reality (that is, the truth). Thus, if there are fish heads in a jar of “sprats”, then you should write “food for poor cats”, that is, fish heads, and not sprats of the 3rd class, second packing, seventh twist.

Information in a clear and accessible form is brought to the attention of the consumer in Russian.

Lack of translation into Russian is tantamount to failure to provide information about the product. The consumer is not required to know foreign languages, and does not have to bother reading “from the dictionary”.

The translation of some instructions can be safely given for reading in humorous programs. Thus, the instructions for insoles (manufactured in China or Vietnam) contain information that the insoles are intended to prevent “foot rot”, although, of course, we are talking about “sweating feet” and the difference between these concepts is catastrophic.

If the translation into Russian is unreliable, then this should be regarded as providing inadequate information, i.e. false or insufficiently complete information, and the seller (manufacturer, performer) faces the legal consequences provided for in Article 12 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. That is, the consumer has the right to demand from the seller (performer) compensation for losses caused by unjustified avoidance of concluding a contract, and if the contract is concluded, to terminate it within a reasonable time and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods and compensation for other losses. Upon termination of the contract, the consumer is obliged to return the goods (result of work, services, if possible due to their nature) to the seller (performer).

The seller (performer), who did not provide the buyer with complete and reliable information about the product (work, service), is responsible for defects in the product (work, service) that arose after its transfer to the consumer due to his lack of such information.

For example, due to the lack of instructions for a technically complex product, for example, a washing machine, the buyer unintentionally “broke” the washing machine (one of its mechanisms), and also ruined the clothes, and God forbid, got hurt.

In this regard, we focus on the fact that if harm is caused to the life, health and property of a consumer due to failure to provide him with complete and reliable information about a product (work, service), the consumer has the right to demand compensation for such harm, including full compensation for losses caused to natural objects, owned (owned) by the consumer.

When considering consumer claims for compensation for losses caused by unreliable or insufficiently complete information about a product (work, service), the court proceeds from the assumption that the consumer lacks special knowledge about the properties and characteristics of the product (work, service). That is, if you buy, say, a DVD player, then it is assumed that you do not know how to operate it.

To operate successfully in the market, enterprises, first of all, need operational information on individual goods, statistical information, as well as information on groups of interchangeable goods. When entering international markets, information about potential competitors is required. Information about products and manufacturers is contained in specialized catalogs, newspapers, magazines, industry directories and catalogs dedicated to industry and international exhibitions. Databases are being created in large consulting companies specializing in the production and marketing of software products. Provided the opportunity to receive a huge amount of information via the Internet and electronic portals and databases .

One of the important tasks of enterprises- collection, processing and dissemination of operational information about manufactured products to consumers. From these positions, the most effective product cataloging system is that created for automated accounting of the range of manufactured products in the whole country and in the regions, providing state and local governments with analytical information about manufactured products, their characteristics, the range of products and regulatory documents that regulate production one or another product .

1.6. Types of product information

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into three types: fundamental; commercial; consumer.

1.6.1. Fundamental product information is basic information about the product, which is crucial for identification and intended for all subjects of market relations. Fundamental information includes the type and name of the product, its grade, net weight, name of the manufacturer, release date, shelf life or expiration date.

1.6.2. Commercial product information is information about a product that supplements basic information and is intended for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers, but is not readily available to the consumer. This information contains data on intermediary enterprises, regulatory documents on the quality of goods, product assortment numbers according to OKP, HS, etc. A typical example of commercial information is bar coding.

Barcoding of goods- a method of encoding information about all parameters of manufactured products using a specially developed international standardized system. Decoding of the encoded information is carried out using special electronic reading devices.

1.6.3. Consumer product information is information about a product intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a specific product and aimed at consumers. This information contains information about the most attractive consumer properties of goods: nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, etc. Colorful images on the product and/or packaging are also intended to enhance the emotional perception of them by consumers.

1.7. Basic forms of product information

1.7.1. Verbal information is most accessible to the literate population if it is given in the appropriate language (for example, in Russian for Russia). The disadvantages of verbal information include its bulkiness; placing it requires a significant area on the packaging and/or product. Perceiving it (reading and comprehending) requires time, and if verbal information is too rich, the consumer cannot or does not want to spend a lot of time comprehending it.

1.7.2. Digital information most often serves to complement verbal information in cases where a quantitative characteristic of a product is necessary, for example, serial numbers of products, enterprises, net weight, volume, length, dates of manufacture and expiration dates. Digital information is used in combination with other types of information (verbal, symbolic, line) or independently, for example, conventional digital markings on the bottom of a tin can. Digital information is distinguished by conciseness, clarity and uniformity, but in some cases its understanding is accessible only to professionals, and it is not accessible to consumers (for example, product assortment numbers, serial numbers of enterprises require decoding using OKP and OKPO).

1.7.3. Visual information provides visual and emotional perception of information about products using artistic and graphic images of the product itself, or reproductions from paintings, photographs, postcards, or other aesthetic objects (flowers, animals, insects, etc.), or other images. The main purpose of this form of information is to create consumer preferences by satisfying the aesthetic needs of buyers. The increased demand for many imported food products is often explained by the fact that these products compare favorably with domestic ones with thoughtful visual information.

The advantages of visual information include clarity, conciseness, accessibility, aesthetics and emotionality. At the same time, the possibilities of this form for presenting diverse information are very limited, so it does not replace, but only supplements verbal or digital information.

1.7.4. Symbolic information is information about a product transmitted using information signs. This form of information is characterized by brevity and unambiguity, but their perception requires certain professional training to decipher or notify the consumer through the media and consultations.

1.7.5. Bar information - information in the form of a bar code, which is intended for automated identification and recording of information about a product, encoded in the form of numbers and bars. A bar code is applied to shipping or consumer packaging of many imported and domestic goods either by printing or by using a sticker or label that is adhesive.

2. Product information media

Information about the product is brought to the attention of the consumer using information resources, labeling, advertising attached to the product, or in another way adopted for certain types of goods.

Informational resources(IR) - represent an integral set of individual documents and arrays of documentation in information systems - libraries, archives, funds, and other information systems. These include:

1. Regulatory documents,

2. Technical documents,

3. Shipping documents,

4. Project documentation,

5. Design documentation,

6. Documents for supplying products to production.

Regulatory document- a document containing rules, general principles, characteristics relating to certain types of activities, accessible to a wide range of users.

Regulatory documents on standardization, for example, include State Standards of the Russian Federation (GOST RF), international regional standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization, all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information, standards of sectors of the national economic complex (OST), enterprise standards (STP ), standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations, sanitary norms and rules (SanNiP), construction norms and rules (SNiP), technical conditions (TU).

A key role in the development of marketing activities is played by all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information (OK TEI). The All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP), which was adopted and introduced into the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information (EC QC) by Decree of the State Standard of Russia No. 301 of December 30, 1993, has been in effect since July 1, 1994.

OKP is a systematic set of codes and names of product groups, built according to a hierarchical classification system. It is intended to ensure reliability, comparability and automated processing of information in such areas as standardization, statistics, economics, etc. The classifier is used:

When solving problems of product cataloging - developing catalogs and systematizing information in them on the most important technical and economic characteristics of products;

For statistical analysis of production, sales and use of products at the macroeconomic, regional and industry levels;

To structure industrial and commercial information for the purpose of marketing research and commercial operations.

All global trade is carried out within the framework of barcoding, which assigns a barcode and digital code to a specific unit of goods, characterizing the country of the manufacturer, price, size, weight. In international practice, the EAN (Europe, article, number) bar code has been developed and used. The EAN barcode was developed by the International EAN Association, based in Brussels. The Association assigns a digital code to each country centrally. The digital country code is the only information contained in the barcode that can be checked visually by knowing the number of the leading countries in the world.

In Russia, barcoding of goods is carried out by the Foreign Economic Association for Automatic Identification UNISKAN, which represents the interests of Russia in the international association EAN.

The state standardization system of the Russian Federation puts forward general requirements for the construction, presentation, design and creation of standards. In particular, general requirements for product labeling, including transport ones, are grouped: when transporting products, the labeling must be applied in a clearly designated place - directly on the products, containers, tags, labels; methods of marking are indicated - engraving, etching; when marking transport cargo, it must have sufficiently complete content. Labeling standards for potentially hazardous products contain precautionary safety measures: there must be information about the conditions of use, precautions during transportation, storage and consumption, fire and explosion safety, periods of periodic inspection, control, and re-preservation. In the technical specifications, the subsection “Marking” includes requirements for the content of the marking: indication of a trademark registered in the prescribed manner, a mark of conformity for certified products, a designation of the standard.

Technical requirements usually provide only the classification and assortment, the nomenclature of indicators and their regulated values.

Technical documents- documents containing information to identify product lots along the entire path from the manufacturer to the final consumer.

Transport and accompanying documents- documents containing necessary and sufficient information to identify goods along the entire distribution route. Unlike regulatory documents, transport documents have a weak legal basis. The requirements for compiling many of them are not clearly regulated or not established at all. The lack of a unified approach makes it difficult to analyze and compare the information provided in the relevant documents. The exception is made by many types of transport and accompanying documents on the quality of goods, the regulatory framework of which is laid down in the standards, rules, and instructional letters of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Transport and accompanying documents are divided into the following types: quantitative, qualitative, settlement, complex.

Quantitative shipping documents- documents intended for the transfer and storage of information about the quantitative characteristics of goods or product lots (plumb lines, fence sheets, packing lists, specifications, acts on establishing discrepancies in the quantity of goods, commercial acts). In addition to dimensional characteristics (weight, length, volume, etc.), they necessarily contain information identifying the product to which these characteristics relate - name, grade, brand, and sometimes prices are given.

In the presence of high-quality transport and accompanying documents (certificates of conformity, quality certificates, test reports, write-off acts, declarations, certificates), the test report is not a mandatory document when selling goods, but information about test results and actual values ​​of quality indicators undoubtedly represents interest for manufacturers, sellers and consumers. Therefore, when purchasing unique and valuable types of products, it makes sense to ask the holders of the original certificate about the contents of the test report

Payment documents intended to document price agreements, payment of transportation costs and other costs of production of goods and their consumption. Settlement transport and accompanying documents include a protocol for agreeing prices, invoices, invoices and other documents.

Invoices contain information about the price and value of the goods for payment, as well as information about the number of goods in packaging, the number of transportation services, forwarding, etc.

The invoice contains the following data: number and date of issue of the invoice; name and bank details of the shipper and consignee-payer; name and other identifying information about the product (variety, brand, quantity; price and value of the product, including payment by the recipient; last name, first name, patronymic of the person who released and accepted the goods).

Comprehensive transport and accompanying documents- documents intended for the transmission and storage of information about the quantitative, qualitative and cost characteristics of commodity lots, as well as for their quantitative accounting in the process of goods distribution. Complex transport and accompanying documents are invoices: goods and transport, road, railway, air, bills of lading (for sea transport).

Operational documents play a major role in the formation of information about the purchase and sale of goods.

Operational documents- documents intended for transmitting and storing information about the rules of operation of complex technical goods, the use and maintenance of which does not require special training. If special training is necessary, then the operating documents contain appropriate instructions for this. Unlike shipping documents, which are intended mainly for sellers, operational documents act as carriers of consumer information. The list of operational documents in accordance with GOST 2.606--71 "Operational documents for household appliance products" is presented in the operating manual, passports, and labels.

Manual- an operational document designed to provide the consumer with all the information necessary for the correct use and maintenance of the product. This document includes a description of the product design, operating principle, and information necessary for proper operation and maintenance.

A passport is an operational document certifying the basic parameters and characteristics of products guaranteed by the manufacturer. The passport includes the following information: general instructions, technical data, delivery set, acceptance certificate, warranty, price.

Label- an operational document intended to present the main indicators and information required for the operation of the product. The label indicates the name of the product, product designation or its index, technical data, standard number or technical conditions to which the product meets the requirements, information about the acceptance of the product by the technical control department (QC), information about quality, price, release date.

A special group of operational documents consists of substance (material) safety data sheets, which are a mandatory component of technological documentation for a substance, material, industrial waste.

For the consumer, it is of paramount importance marking, which is text, symbols or drawings applied to the packaging and (or) product, as well as other auxiliary means intended to identify the product or its individual properties, provide information about manufacturers, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the product.

2.1. Marking

This is part of the information that is applied by the manufacturer (seller) directly to the product, container, packaging, labels, tags, inserts, etc. The content and methods of marking for each type of product are specified in the standards.

Marking is applied directly to the product or to the main label attached to the product, to the control label, labels, fabric tapes, etc.

The mark is an integral part of the marking.

A brand is a sign that is applied to a product using a special form. Branding and marking can be carried out by various methods, the choice of which is determined by many conditions; therefore, the regulatory and technical documentation indicates the method of marking.

Marking performs a number of functions:

1. Information function. This is the main function of marking. The largest share falls on fundamental and consumer information, the smaller share on commercial information. In this case, the basic information on the labeling duplicates the same type of information in the shipping documents. A discrepancy in basic information may be a consequence of counterfeit goods.

2. Identification function. This marking function is extremely important, as it ensures traceability of product lots at all stages of distribution.

3. Emotional and motivational functions. These marking functions are interrelated. Colorfully designed labeling, explanatory texts, and the use of generally accepted symbols evoke positive emotions in the consumer and serve as an important motivation for making a decision to purchase a product.

Markings may include three elements: text, drawing and symbols or information signs. These components differ in the ratio and degree of availability of product information, breadth of distribution and different functions.

3.1. Text, as a form of written information, is the most common element of markings. It is characterized by a high degree of accessibility of information about the product for all subjects of market relations. Text can perform all the main functions of marking, but to the greatest extent it is characterized by information and identification. The proportion of text on the marking, depending on its purpose and media, is 50-100%.

3.2. The drawing is not always present on the marking. As a marking element, a drawing, as a rule, has a high degree of accessibility and performs mainly emotional and motivational functions, less often informational and identifying. Although there are exceptions, for example, when the labeling of packaging and inserts in the form of drawings provides information on the operation or use of the product. The share and degree of accessibility of picture information ranges from 0 to 50% of all product information on the label.

3.3. Symbols or information signs. Their features are the brevity of the image, a small area of ​​placement on the marking medium with high information capacity, but less accessibility of information. Sometimes such information is available only to professionals and requires special decoding. Therefore, information signs will be discussed in more detail below. Specific gravity from 0 to 30%

Each enterprise, when releasing a product to the market, must take care of its recognition by consumers. Marketing specialists are also involved in this area of ​​activity, i.e. design of the individual market “face” of the product. This is what trademark symbols are designed for. The consumer’s choice of goods is not always rational, based on the characteristics of the product itself, but is determined by its associative perception as symbolism through which ideas about the product are built. Marketing research shows that approximately 85% of industrial purchasing decisions are based on visual information. Therefore, the main function of trademark symbols is the individualization of a product and the ability to distinguish it from other similar products, conveying information to consumers that this particular product is better than its analogues. With the help of trademark symbols, the image of goods is created.

2.1.1 Trademarks and their role.

Trademark- these are designations (verbal, pictorial, three-dimensional, as well as their combinations) that make it possible to distinguish the goods of some manufacturers from homogeneous goods of other manufacturers. A trademark is a business card of an enterprise.

For example:

A trademark is registered by the Patent and Trademark Agency, where their patentability and novelty are checked. A document - a certificate - is issued for a registered trademark.

Trademark registration is valid for 10 years, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Agency. The validity period of registration can be extended at the request of the trademark owner each time for 10 years. The right to use a trademark is protected by the law of the Russian Federation “On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin”.

Trademarks can also be collective or individual.

There are three main types of trademark design:

1. A corporate name is a word, letter, group of words or letters that can be pronounced.

2. Brand name - a symbol, design, distinctive color or designation.

3. Trademark - a company name, trade mark, trade image or a combination thereof, officially registered in the International Register and legally protected, as indicated by the ® sign placed next to the trademark. If trademarks are the property of the company, they may have a © symbol.

According to the degree of importance and prestige, we can distinguish ordinary And prestigious branded signs.

Ordinary brand names are developed by their owner or on his behalf by specialist designers, registered in the manner established by Federal Law. At the same time, the law does not provide for mandatory registration, which gives the owner the exclusive right to use and dispose of the trademark. The owner of the trademark may not register his trademark, but he does not acquire copyright to it.

Assorted products signs are intended to identify assortment items. They come in two types: specific (the brand is presented in verbal or pictorial form) and branded (a specific name or sign inherent in a specific type of product). A brand mark can be presented in the form of various symbols, for example, the candies “Evening Ringing”, “Russia”, figurative brand marks for the candies “Alyonushka”, “Bear in the North”.

Prestige marks assigned to firms for their special services to the state. Images of prizes, medals and other insignia received by companies at international, regional and national exhibitions are also used as prestigious brand marks.

Marks of conformity- these are designations that are applied to the product and (or) packaging to confirm that the quality of the product meets the requirements of regulatory or technical documents. Marks of conformity are classified into international, regional and national. An example of a regional conformity mark is the European Economic Community "CE" mark

For example :

Manipulation signs applied mainly to transport containers or packaging. These signs provide instructions for loading and unloading operations.

Warning signs are applied to labels, packaging or shipping containers of those goods that can cause harm to humans. They notify the consumer about the dangers during operation (consumption), transportation and storage of goods. The most common labeling systems are those used when transporting hazardous substances and materials and are based on UN recommendations. To briefly describe the hazard and describe tips for safe handling of a substance, it is recommended to use basic expressions and their corresponding codes (R-phrases with corresponding R-codes) and (S-phrases with corresponding S-codes). For example: R29 - upon contact with water, toxic gas is released; S30 - avoid contact of contents with water.

If the small size of the package with the substance does not allow all the warning information to be placed on the label, then the label should contain: the name of the substance; signal word; danger symbols; R- and S-codes and, if label sizes allow, then also standard R- and S-phrases; supplier data; product batch designation; an indication of where more complete information on safe handling of the substance can be found.

Materials containing certain hazardous substances (lead, cadmium, chlorine, etc.) must be marked with additional information.

For example, for materials containing cadmium or its alloys, the following warning must be given: "Caution! Contains cadmium. Hazardous vapors may be generated when used. Use safely."

Ecological signs are applied to those goods that may cause harm to the environment during production, use, disposal and disposal of the goods.

The environmental sign "Green Dot" (Fig. 6 a) is used in the system of measures to prevent environmental pollution by waste. This symbol on the packaging indicates that it can be recycled or returned.

Products marked with the Blue Angel sign

(Fig. 6 b), meets established requirements, the implementation of which guarantees environmental safety. For example, a car with such a sign is equipped with a reliable exhaust gas purification system.

Other environmental signs inform the consumer about various indicators of the environmental properties of the goods sold, which often serves as the main criterion for their selection.

Currently, our country is building market relations, entering the international market, and the issue of trademarks is of great importance. First of all, the manufacturer must decide whether a trademark will be used for a given product at all. The answer to this question is determined by comparing the costs of creating income that can be obtained through its use.

Having decided to use a trademark, a commodity producer can: create his own trademark; transfer the goods to an intermediary who will sell this product using his trademark; sell part of the goods with your own trademark, and transfer the other part to intermediaries who will sell these goods using their trademarks .

An important element of marking is the bar code. The presence of a bar code is mandatory when conducting foreign trade operations and when certifying imported goods. Its absence may cause a decrease in the competitiveness of goods.

A bar code is a combination of dark (bars) and light (spaces) stripes of varying thickness, as well as letters and/or numbers. Bar coding is designed to provide fast and most accurate input of large amounts of information.

There are several types of product numbering standards EAN-13, EAN-8, DUN-14, UPC, which are used to encode goods.

The UPC (Universal Product Code) was adopted in the USA in 1973, and in 1977 the European EAN (European Article Numbering) coding system appeared, which is currently used as an international one.

EAN-8 is an eight-digit version of the international product code EAN. EAN-13 is a thirteen-digit version of the international product code EAN. DUN-14 is a fourteen-digit version of the shipping package code. UPC - Universal Product Code (American code). LAC is a locally assigned code.

The assignment of codes to goods, their application and use are regulated by international non-governmental organizations: the Council for the Application of Unified Codes (USC) in the USA and Canada, the International Association of Commodity Numbering EAN and its representatives in 79 countries around the world. In Russia, barcoding issues are dealt with by the Foreign Economic Association for Automatic Identification (UNISKAN), which is designed to provide practical assistance to industrial, agricultural, trade, transport and other organizations in the implementation of barcoding systems and automated identification of goods. UNISKAN represents the interests of Russia and the CIS in the EAN; it has the right to develop codes in the EAN system and enter them into the data bank.

Most consumer products are labeled using the EAN-13 standard, which consists of 13 characters (13 digits under bars and spaces) and has the following structure:

the first 2 (3) characters are the code of the country where the organization that registered the manufacturer, his product and assigned serial numbers is located;

the next 5 (4) characters are the number assigned to the manufacturer or other organization selling the product. Data on these numbers is contained in the databases of national commodity numbering organizations. It should be borne in mind that there is currently no single international database, and information from some national organizations can be requested by contacting the relevant organization. In Russia, the enterprise code can be found using the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO);

further 5 characters - the product code assigned by the enterprise, taking into account its consumer properties of the product, packaging, weight, etc. The enterprise may, at its discretion, use product numbers for internal classification of products. Classification is not mandatory; its rules are established by the enterprise itself, without coordination with national organizations.

The 13th character (last) is the check number. Serves to check whether the number is assigned correctly and the symbol is read.

The EAN-8 short number is intended for numbering small-sized goods on which it is difficult or impossible to place a standard EAN-13 number. EAN-8 has the following structure:

the first 2 (3) characters are a prefix indicating the country code;

the next 5 (4) characters are the product number assigned directly by the national product numbering organization, it does not correspond to the standard EAN-13 numbers used by this enterprise;

The 8th character (last) is the check number.

Bar codes can be applied in a variety of ways; they can be printed on packaging or product labels during manufacturing (eg cigarette packs, bottle labels), or they can be printed on adhesive-backed labels. The location of the bar code on the product must allow it to be easily read.

The EAN-8 code is intended for small packages that cannot accommodate a longer code. EAN-8 consists of a country code, a manufacturer code, and a check number (sometimes instead of a manufacturer code, a product registration number).

In addition to labeling, carriers of product information are technical documents, which, depending on their purpose, are divided into shipping documents (delivery notes, invoices, quality certificates, certificates of conformity, etc.) and operational (passports, operating manuals, etc.) documents.

General requirements for information about goods. In accordance with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” information about the product must be complete, clearly understandable and presented in Russian. Information can be partially or completely duplicated in foreign languages, and at the request of the customer can be presented in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Advertising information must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For example, the use of terms such as “environmentally friendly”, “fortified”, “radiation-safe” is of an advertising nature. These terms can only be used when indicating a regulatory document that allows for control and identification of the declared characteristics, as well as when this is confirmed by bodies authorized to carry out such control.

It should be noted that for failure to provide information, as well as provision of unreliable or insufficiently complete information, the manufacturer (seller) bears administrative responsibility. If insufficient or missing information results in harm to the life or health and property of the consumer, the manufacturer (seller) may also incur criminal liability.


The set of properties and characteristics that ensures the satisfaction of human needs is quality. Consequently, the study of consumer properties of goods and the quality of goods is the main task of commodity science. Commodity knowledge of the usefulness of the product, its safety, depth and breadth of assortment, quality, as well as packaging, warehousing, and storage of goods are essential for successful marketing activities. We receive this knowledge along with information about the product, which is presented in the following forms:

· verbal,

· digital,

· fine,

· symbolic,

· dashed.

Attention to product information media is due to the fact that a saturated market poses a difficult task for consumers and producers: to have reliable information about new and existing products.

To operate successfully in the market, each participant in market relations, first of all, needs operational information on individual goods, statistical information, as well as information on groups of interchangeable goods.

One of the means of individualizing products is a trademark. Along with its distinctive function, a trademark evokes in consumers a certain idea of ​​the quality of the product. Being a kind of business card of an enterprise, a trademark obliges the enterprise to value its reputation and constantly take care of improving the quality of its products. One of the important functions of a trademark is advertising of manufactured products, since a trusted trademark helps to promote any goods marked with this mark.

The process of creating a trademark is quite complex and in many cases cooperation in the field of commodity science, marketing, psychology and jurisprudence is useful. A trademark acts as a kind of indicator that helps buyers choose certain goods and performs the functions of guaranteeing the quality of the product. It is the face of the product, the business card of the company, and contributes to their recognition. Thus, the final information about the product should be recognizable among consumers. Research shows that most purchasing decisions are based on visual information.


1.Kiryanova Z.V. Commercial merchandising: Textbook for universities 2001.

2.Magomedov Sh.Sh. Commodity research and examination of footwear: Textbook. 2004.

3. Nikolaeva M.A. Merchandising of consumer goods. Theoretical foundations: Textbook for universities. 1998.

4. Stepanov A.V. Commercial merchandising and examination: Textbook for universities. 1997.

5.Versan V.G., Chaika I.I. Product quality management systems. M.: Standards Publishing House. 2001. 150 p.

6. Bogatyrev A.A., Filippov Yu.D. Standardization of statistical methods for quality management. M.: Publishing house. Standards. 2002. 121 p.

7. Gissin V.I. Product quality management. Ed. "Phoenix". 2005. 255 p.

8. Glichev A.V. Fundamentals of product quality management. M.: Publishing house. Standards.1988. 80s.


1. Product information and its features

1.1 What is information?

1.2 What is a product?

1.3 Product information or product information

1.4 Main function of product information

1.5 Requirements for product information

1.6 Types of product information

1.7 Basic forms of product information

2. Product information media

2.1 Marking

2.1.1 Trademarks and their role


Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Nizhny Novgorod State University

them. N.I.Lobachevsky".

Finance Department.

Coursework in the discipline

“Commodity research and examination in customs affairs”

“Types of information about products”


3rd year student, group 13T31

correspondence department

specialty customs

Pankova Yulia Vyacheslavovna



Polyakova P.P.


Product information- information about the fundamental characteristics of the product intended for users - commercial entities.

The primary sources of product information and at the same time providers of services to inform sellers and/or consumers about the goods sold are manufacturers. The speed of promotion of goods through distribution channels, sales intensity, sales promotion, the creation of consumer preferences and, ultimately, the life cycle of the product depend on the quality of these information services. At the same time, the manufacturer is not the only source of information. Production information may be supplemented by the seller.

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into three types: fundamental; a commercial; consumer.

Basic product information- basic information about the product, which is crucial for identification and intended for all subjects of market relations. Fundamental information includes: And name of the product, its grade, net weight, name

manufacturer, release date, shelf life or expiration date.

Commercial product information - information about the product that supplements the basic information and is intended for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers, but is not readily available to the consumer. This information contains data on intermediary enterprises, regulatory documents on the quality of goods, product assortment numbers according to OKP, HS, etc. A typical example of commercial information is bar coding.

Consumer Product Information - information about a product intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a particular product and ultimately aimed at consumers. This information contains information about the most attractive consumer properties of goods: nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, etc.

Verbal information is most accessible to the literate population if it is given in the appropriate language (for example, in Russian for Russia or one of the languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

The disadvantages of verbal information include cumbersomeness: its placement requires a significant area on the packaging and/or product. Perceiving such information (reading and comprehending) requires time, and if the verbal information is too rich, the consumer cannot or does not want to spend a lot of time comprehending it.

Digital information used most often to complement verbal and in cases where quantitative

nary characteristics of information about the product (for example, serial numbers of products, enterprises, net weight, volume, length, dates and deadlines). Digital information is distinguished by conciseness, clarity and uniformity, however, in some cases it is accessible only to professionals and is incomprehensible to consumers (for example, product assortment numbers, serial numbers of enterprises require decoding using OKP And OKPO).

Fine information provides visual and emotional perception of information about products using artistic and graphic images of the product itself or reproductions from paintings, photographs, postcards or other aesthetic objects (flowers, animals, insects, etc.) or other images. The main purpose of this information is to create consumer preferences by satisfying the aesthetic needs of buyers

Symbolic information- information about the product transmitted using information signs. Symbol (from the Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark) is a characteristic of the distinctive properties of a product to briefly reflect their essence. This form of information is characterized by brevity and unambiguity, but their perception requires certain professional training to decipher or notify the consumer through the media, consultations, etc.

Product information- information about the product intended for users - commercial entities.

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into three types: fundamental; commercial; consumer.

Basic product information- basic information about the product, which is crucial for identification and intended for all subjects of market relations. Fundamental information includes the type and name of the product, its grade, net weight, name of the manufacturer, release date, shelf life or expiration date.

Commercial Product Information- information about the product that supplements the basic information and is intended for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers, but is inaccessible to the consumer. This information contains data on intermediary enterprises, regulatory documents on the quality of goods, product assortment numbers according to OKP, HS, etc. A typical example of commercial information is bar coding.

Consumer Product Information- product information intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a specific product and ultimately aimed at consumers. This information contains information about the most attractive consumer properties of goods: nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, etc. Colorful images on the product and/or packaging are also intended to enhance the emotional perception of them by consumers.

To convey information to subjects of market relations, various forms of product information are used: verbal; digital; visual; symbolic; dashed.

Marking- text, symbols or drawings applied to the packaging and (or) product, as well as other auxiliary means intended to identify the product or its individual properties, convey to the consumer information about manufacturers (performers), quantitative and qualitative

The main functions of marking are informational; identifying; motivational; emotional.

Labeling-specific requirements: clarity of text and illustrations; visibility; unambiguity of the text, its correspondence to the consumer properties of the product; reliability - the information provided on the label should not mislead the recipient and consumer regarding quantity, quality, manufacturer, country of origin; use for marking of indelible dyes approved for use by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Marking is divided into production and trade:

Manufacturing markings- text, symbols or drawings applied by the manufacturer (executor) to the product and (or) packaging and (or) other information media.

The carriers of production markings can be labels, necklaces, inserts, labels, tags, control tapes, stamps, stamps, etc.

Trademark- price tags, receipts.

Information signs are part of the marking.

Information signs (IS)- symbols intended to identify individual or aggregate characteristics of a product. IZ is characterized by brevity, expressiveness, clarity and quick recognition.

The classification of IZs into groups and subgroups depending on certain characteristics is presented in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17 Classification of information signs.

Trademarks and service marks (TS)– designations capable of distinguishing, respectively, the goods and services of some legal entities from homogeneous goods and services of other legal entities or individuals (2).

Other marks of the place of origin of goods - settlement, locality, historical name of a geographical object - do not have generally accepted symbols, but they quite often serve at the same time as a brand mark. This is especially true for folk art products.

Marks of conformity or quality.“Mark of conformity (in the field of certification) is a duly protected mark, applied or issued in accordance with the rules of a certification system, indicating that the necessary confidence is provided that a given product, process or service conforms to a specific standard or other regulatory document” ( MS ISO/IEC 2, clause 14.8).

Depending on the scope of application, national and transnational marks of conformity are distinguished.

National mark of conformity is a sign confirming compliance with the requirements established by national standards or other regulatory documents. It is developed, approved and registered by the national standardization and certification body.

Along with marks of conformity, a number of countries also use quality marks. Unlike the former, quality marks can be assigned not only by certification bodies, but also by other organizations not included in the national certification system.

Bar code (BC)- a sign intended for automated identification and recording of information about a product, encoded in the form of numbers and strokes.

The EAN system is universal and can be applied to almost any type of product and used at any point in the chain “manufacturer - wholesaler - retailer”.

Shk classification. Shk are divided into two types: European - EAN and American - UPC.

EAN codes are divided into three types: EAN-8, EAN-13 and EAN-14 (for shipping containers only).

The codes are deciphered by scanning devices. Security codes are not intended for transmitting information about a product to the consumer and for its non-automated identification.

Since there is a large amount of incorrect information about deciphering the CC, we present the structure of different types of CC (Table 3).

Table 3.

Structure of different barcodes

Notes * - countries that are given the opportunity to detail the country code in the third digit, for example CIS countries - 460-469,

** - in the above case, the manufacturer can use only four digits.

In Russia, the code is assigned to the manufacturer by the UNISKAN Association, which represents the interests of its members in EAN.

Component signs- are intended for information about the food additives used or other components characteristic (or not characteristic) of the product.

The most common information signs on imported goods include component signs, designated by the letter “E” and a three- or four-digit digital code.

Dimensional signs- signs intended to designate specific physical quantities that determine the quantitative characteristics of the product (kg, time).

Operating signs - signs intended to inform the consumer about the rules of operation, methods of care, installation and adjustment of consumer goods. For example, on some electric irons different ironing modes are indicated by one, two and three dots with corresponding explanations in the accompanying documents.

Manipulation signs- signs intended to provide information on how to handle goods. Thus, the sign “open here” is applied to boxes of milk, washing powders, etc. Therefore, we can talk about expanding the scope of application of manipulation signs.

Warning signs- signs designed to ensure the safety of the consumer and the environment when operating potentially dangerous goods by warning about the danger or indicating actions to prevent the danger.

Warning signs are divided into two types: warning signs; warnings about actions for safe use.

Ecological signs. One of the most pressing problems of our time is environmental protection and human safety. The ways to solve it are varied. One of them is to inform consumers through environmental labels.

PRODUCT INFORMATION (works, services)

Information about the contract must be defined in the contract with a degree of completeness and clarity that corresponds to the interests of the parties and does not allow one of the counterparties to be misled. To ensure control over the reliability of information about goods, sales contracts provide for the seller’s obligation to provide a quality certificate. The contract may stipulate that a certificate of the composition and quality of goods is issued by a licensed expert organization. including accredited by the state control body.

The legal acts and the contract that are binding on the parties determine the I. from., which must be indicated in the transport and accompanying documents for the transported goods, on the container (packaging). It is mandatory to indicate the special properties of the goods that must be taken into account during transportation, loading, unloading, storage and operation.

The seller must, simultaneously with the goods, transfer to the buyer the documents related to it, provided for by law, other legal act or agreement and containing information about the product (technical documentation, quality certificate, etc.). The contract may provide for other procedures and terms for the transfer of documentation for the goods.

Information about the work performed (its result) is reflected in detail in the act or other document certifying the acceptance of the work by the customer.

The commercial invoice sent by the seller to the buyer provides, along with other information, a description of the goods sold. Information about the product includes information about the packaging, the weight of each item, the exact designations and numbers indicated on the container (packaging), the price and total cost of the goods and other data.

Puginsky B.I.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .

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