What is herbal collection. Medicinal herbal preparations

The collection of medicinal herbs is a mixture of raw materials, which is either in whole or in crushed form.
Additional medicines can be added to the collection, and a phytopreparation is used to make infusions, decoctions or tinctures.

Is there any problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment of this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

Collection of medicinal plants

There are a number of rules that are followed to obtain the correct collection:

  • Before you start collecting a particular herb, you need to study the specifics of this plant;
  • Those departments that relate to the aerial parts of plants should be collected only in dry weather in the sun, when water has evaporated;
  • When collecting, you must adhere to the calendar dates for each specific plant;
  • Plants that were collected in wet and cloudy weather, especially immediately after rain, are not suitable for collection, they have a short shelf life and quickly deteriorate;
  • You can collect completely healthy plants without the slightest sign of rot or wilting, flowers and leaves should be fully bloomed;
  • Before the collection process, it is necessary to carefully study the structure of the desired plant and distinguish it from others that may have a similar appearance, but have a harmful effect on the body;
  • At a certain time of the day, the plant contains the maximum content of all useful substances, and this must be taken into account when compiling the collection;
  • It is important to find out which part of the plant is needed for a particular collection, different parts of the plant have a different composition of useful substances - different vitamins;
  • Different parts of the same plant should not come into contact with each other after they are collected, ideally they should be collected in different containers, and it is better not to fold them too tightly or crush the contents of the container;
  • Plants in their natural habitat will contain many more valuable substances than those that have been artificially grown in greenhouses or in pots;
  • It is necessary to collect plants as far as possible from large highways, cities and industrial enterprises, they accumulate many harmful substances that they absorb from the air and soil;
  • If the collection is carried out annually, then it must be carried out in different places so as not to make the complete destruction of medicinal plants in a particular area;
  • Store herbs from medicinal collections in cool, dark rooms with good ventilation.

Each specific part of the plant must be harvested at the right time to achieve the best concentration of nutrients.

Proper harvesting of grass and bark

The bark is taken from plants more often in the spring, when there is a massive movement of juice, and young plants with tender bark are better suited for this purpose.

During this period, it contains many useful substances, and also, it is much easier to separate it from the stem of the plant. The area of ​​bark chosen for collection should be clean and without any growths.

The grass is usually harvested in the very early flowering period. It is better to cut it off near the ground with a sharp knife or sickle. If the plant has a rigid stem, then side shoots are taken. If the grass is in dense thickets, then it is better to mow them entirely, and then select the necessary plants.

Preparation of leaves and flowers

Leaves are best harvested by hand before flowering. Leaves can be plucked with or without a cutting.

In a number of plants, such as coltsfoot, large leaves carry a large concentration of beneficial ingredients immediately after flowering.

Only completely healthy leaves without any signs of rot and withering are suitable for collection. Flowers are always harvested in their full bloom, and only in dry weather.

Flowers for collection should be fresh, without the slightest wilting. They are usually harvested only by hand, and only the flowers are picked without a pedicel.


Roots, berries and buds

All parts of the plant that are underground are collected, when the plant enters the dormant stage, during this time period, all the valuable substances necessary for the manufacture of the medicinal collection are localized in the roots. These parts of the plants should be well shaken off the ground and washed with water.

The buds are collected in the spring, before the moment when they bloom. It is better to dry the buds in a cool place without the sun to prevent their early blooming.

Fruits are harvested only when they are fully ripe. It is better to collect in the morning or evening hours, during the day in hot weather they can quickly deteriorate. The fruit should be without the slightest dents or cracks.

Calendar by month to collect

Each plant has its own time for harvesting. The collection calendar for medicinal plants focuses on the time when you need to collect the most common components.

  • birch buds;
  • Pine buds.
  • Oak bark;
  • Willow bark;
  • Ginseng root.
  • Dandelion herb;
  • Plantain herb.
  • Hypericum herb;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Herb motherwort;
  • Sage leaves.
  • Hypericum herb;
  • Flowers of calendula;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Dandelion herb;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Herb motherwort;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;
  • Sage leaves.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Flowers of calendula;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Dandelion herb;
  • Herb motherwort;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;


  • Valerian roots;
  • Flowers of calendula;
  • Dandelion roots.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Dandelion roots.

Types of useful herbs and their uses

There are many types of fees that differ in their constituent components, in their effect and in the range of diseases for which they are applied.

Friends! Take some common recommendations for treatment with our herbal preparations, tinctures and individual herbs. Usually, the course of treatment with the collection of herbs is 3 months, you need to drink fresh infusion every day according to the indicated method (pour a tablespoon of herbs along the edge of the spoon, without top), there is no need to take breaks in treatment. You need to understand that herbs act slowly, gently, but always correctly and without any side effects, therefore, in the treatment of certain diseases (various neoplasms: tumors, cysts, polyps; chronic and advanced forms of diseases, difficult to treat, etc.) it is quite possible that you will have to drink not one, but two or more courses in a row (take a break of 2 weeks between courses).

It is very important in the treatment to establish the correct diagnosis, because on this basis we select medicines for you. The first thing you need to start treatment is to choose collection of herbs corresponding to your disease. In parallel with the collection, you can take various alcohol tinctures, poisons, etc. The effect will be much stronger.

! Can't mix poisons(for example, Todikamp, ​​hemlock, oncolan, knyazhik, wolf's bast), after finishing the course of one poison, you need to take a 2-week break, and then you can start taking another.

Non poisonous herbs(both individual and herbal collections) can be taken in parallel, but no more than three collections at the same time. If you are taking 2-3 herbs at the same time, drink them an hour apart. You can do otherwise: after drinking one collection for several days (say, a week or 10 days), start drinking another one without any break and so alternate up to three collections. Thus, it is possible to accept various fees, supporting one or the other body, for several months in a row without interruptions, because. the body does not get used to the same composition of herbs.

The treatment will be much more effective if you follow our recommendations (all methods are based on many years of experience): treatment of various neoplasms(tumors, fibroids, adenomas, cysts, polyps, etc.) an antitumor collection of herbs should be taken in parallel with hemlock tincture (if the neoplasm is below the belt) or oncolan tincture (if above the belt), as well as Todikamp (for tumors of any localization) . You cannot combine them, because. these are poisons, but excellent antitumor, anticancer agents.

In the treatment of polyarthritis, joint diseases the effect will be stronger if, with the collection of herbs, you drink a tincture of marsh cinquefoil, comfrey, maclura or Todikamp (at the same time, you can rub sore joints with Todikamp, ​​ointment or emulsion of cinquefoil, maclura ointment).

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland should be treated by combining the collection of herbs with tinctures of elecampane or calamus, cocklebur. At hypofunction- another collection, in parallel with cocklebur (which is used in both cases) and Todikamp.

At metabolic disorders the most faithful doctor is a cinquefoil (in parallel with the collection of herbs).

For blood purification it is necessary to take the collection of herbs in parallel with black elderberry syrup(which successfully fights various blood diseases), sophora.

The strongest remedy with osteochondrosis and salt deposition, as practice shows, this is Caucasian hellebore (but you need to drink it for a long time, at least a year), it also fights well with excess weight.

beautiful sedatives are tinctures of calamus, skullcap and elecampane (with the collection of herbs). With various heart disease, hypertension, along with the collection of herbs, it is necessary to drink tincture of skullcap, sophora and mistletoe, hellebore, dioscorea. Powerful in the treatment of various gynecological diseases(inflammation, bleeding, fibroids, adhesions, etc.), diseases of the genitourinary system is a hog uterus or a red brush (taken in parallel with the collection of herbs for a specific disease).

Excellent results against alcoholism gives the use of a special collection of herbs in combination with a puppeteer (causes an aversion to alcohol).

Comfrey is an excellent medicine for any bone pathology(osteomyelitis, fractures, sciatica, hernias, etc.).

It is important to understand that there is no universal remedy that would help everyone cure a particular disease. All means are strong, but they suit one person, the other does not experience much improvement.

Therefore, you need to try to be treated with different means and look for what suits you. Listen to your body: if there is an improvement when taking any medication, then continue to take it.

For those who love to read healing newspapers, I highly recommend subscribing to the newspapers "Doctor Lekarev", "Azbuka zdorovya", "People's medical book", "Ay, it hurts!" (Severodvinsk), "Newspaper of folk medicine 36.6" and "People's doctor". There you will find many recipes for traditional medicine for various diseases, descriptions of herbs, healing stories, interesting articles.

The healing properties of herbal teas have been known to people since ancient times. They were used not only for the treatment of ailments, but also as a preventive measure, increasing vitality, and general health promotion. In addition, unlike chemical medicines, herbal teas are a completely natural product that has a pleasant taste and wonderful aroma.

herbal teas

Herbal teas, tinctures, decoctions - all these drinks came to us from ancient times. Already in those days, their useful properties were used by people with might and main. Then every housewife was a bit of a witch and knew what herbal teas you can drink. All natural gifts were used: roots, herbs, berries.

From time immemorial, herbal preparations have been prepared, which relieved fatigue, toned up in the morning, and helped to fall asleep at a late hour. Medicinal teas relieved diseases, restored the supply of vitamins and useful microelements in the body. The best herbal teas are still used by people today.

Properties of herbal teas

What are the benefits of herbal tea? Recipes (you can easily brew any tea at home) are diverse not only in their content, but also in purpose. In addition to herbs, the collection may include various healing components: fruits, roots, buds. Sometimes traditional tea is also added to herbal teas. Fees can contain up to ten components.

Herbal preparations for tea are usually divided according to their effect on:

  1. Therapeutic.
  2. Preventive.
  3. Tonic.
  4. Soothing.
  5. Vitamin.

Ready-made herbal teas can be purchased at any pharmacy and supermarket. However, it is hardly worth relying on their quality, because no one can guarantee that they are made from natural and environmentally friendly raw materials. Since we consume a lot of non-natural products that are harmful to the body in our daily life, we need natural herbs with all their beneficial properties to maintain health.

The best option is self-collected all the necessary plants. The preparation itself is a very interesting and exciting process that will bring you many pleasant moments of unity with nature. You just need to know the rules by which herbs are harvested.

In the conditions of living in a metropolis and lack of time, not everyone will be able to allocate time to collect plants. Then you can be advised to purchase all the necessary herbs in the market, as a rule, there are grandmothers selling ready-made plants.

How to brew tea?

We want to note right away that only one plant is brewed for medicinal purposes. Then the finished drink will have a targeted effect. And combined tea will have a whole range of therapeutic effects, since it will contain a large number of biologically active substances that are found in different plants. At the same time, our unique organisms independently select the necessary elements from the entire presented complex and send them for processing into metabolic processes.

As a rule, the composition of herbal tea includes restorative and immunostimulating components. And most importantly, they do not contain caffeine, so drinks can be given to children too.

The main components of teas

What is in herbal tea? Recipes at home can come up with a wide variety. However, first you need to figure out which components are used in different situations.

So, let's list the most commonly used components:

  1. Flowers of oregano, chamomile, linden, etc.
  2. Raspberry, mint, currant, strawberry leaves.
  3. Herb lemon balm, oregano, sage, thyme, valerian, St. John's wort.
  4. The fruits of raspberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, currant, blackberry, mountain ash.

We emphasize once again that these are far from all the components, there are actually a lot of them. It is good to add various spices to the preparations, they give an exquisite taste and aroma, and also bring additional vitamins. For such purposes, you can use cinnamon, vanilla, pepper, cloves.

medicinal tea

You need to understand that any medicinal herbal tea (recipes at home can be invented and modified) does not have an instant effect. After all, this is not a pill, and therefore it takes some time. However, regular use of it will help to cope with the problem. Herbal teas for every day (we will give recipes in the article) will help to establish processes inside the body:

  1. Savory and licorice are added to tea to relieve stress.
  2. With a cold, wormwood, sage, licorice root helps well.
  3. With a tendency to depression, you should regularly use St. John's wort, ginseng, rosemary.
  4. If you are worried about stomach pains, then dandelion flowers and dill are added to tea.
  5. Tea with valerian, hop cones, chamomile, lemon balm, verbena helps to cope with sleep disorders.
  6. If you get irritated at the slightest pretext, drink tea with valerian and lavender.
  7. To relax and calm down, you should use a drink made from lemon balm, hops, strawberry grass.
  8. Motherwort will help with heart problems.
  9. Linden tea (useful properties and contraindications will be discussed later) has a wide range of qualities - antiseptic, choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic.
  10. Mint, thyme and sage will help with frequent headaches.

Grated ginger can be added to any of the listed fees. It enhances the anti-inflammatory, expectorant, stimulating effect of tea on the body.

Multivitamin herbal teas for every day

The recipes for such teas are not difficult, but the benefits of them are very great. They can be prepared on the basis of fruits and berries. Herbal and are a storehouse of vitamins. Most of the nutrients are found in rose hips. They also use mountain ash, blackberries, strawberries, black and red currants, and sea buckthorn to make decoctions. Not only healthy, but also delicious herbal teas are obtained by adding aromatic herbs: oregano.

To get a multivitamin drink, all components are placed in equal parts. Such a drink is brewed according to the general rules. In the cold season, tea is drunk warm with the addition of honey and ginger. In summer, all decoctions and infusions can be consumed cold with the addition of ice. Such drinks are good to tone up in the heat.

Strawberry tea: strawberry leaves (10 g), St. John's wort (2 g), mint (2 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for ten minutes.

Heather heather (2 g), rosehip leaf (2 g), strawberry leaves (10 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for five to ten minutes.

Rowan tea: dried rowan fruits (30 g), raspberries (5 g), currant leaves (2 g). Infuse for five to ten minutes and use as tea leaves.

Tonic fees

Tonic teas are suitable for daily use, they not only have a pleasant taste, but also have a positive effect on the body. Juniper, currant, mountain ash, wild rose, oregano, blueberry, St.

Such fees in the winter should be consumed hot, and chilled in the summer. They quench thirst well and invigorate cold teas with a slice of lemon or zest, raspberry and blackberry leaves. In hot weather, mint can be added to green tea.

How to choose a delicious drink?

It's no secret that any herbal tea is bitter. Therefore, you must independently choose for yourself such a collection that you will like. As a rule, one plant dominates in the collection, and the rest only harmoniously complement it, emphasizing the taste.

Compositions are always obtained according to the scheme: spices + fragrant grass + leaves of a berry plant. Cinnamon, vanilla, anise, cloves, star anise are usually used as spices. All these ingredients harmonize perfectly and open in a very special way if citruses are added to the tea.

What nuances about teas should you know?

How different can be herbal tea! Recipes at home can be used in a variety of ways. They will help diversify your usual menu, even if it is not about food, but about drinks.

At home, you can make herbal teas from the following ingredients:

  1. Orange slices, cinnamon, raspberry leaves.
  2. Lemon slices, star anise, mint.
  3. Carnation, lemon balm, sage,
  4. Lemon peel, oregano, thyme.
  5. Strawberry and cherry leaves, vanilla stick.

All components for teas are best stored in paper bags or cloth bags, but not more than two years. But the roots can lie for three years. Over time, herbs lose their taste, smell and all useful trace elements.

Crushed citrus zest should be added to green or black tea in advance (for example, a couple of weeks in advance). In a closed jar, the orange peels will give off their flavor to the tea petals. And as a result, you get a fragrant drink without artificial flavors.

I would like to note that you should not use the same collection for a long time. The human body has such a feature as addiction. Herbs in this sense are no exception. Over time, the usual collection may not have the desired effect. Therefore, it is better to alternate tinctures.

Lime tea

The largest amount of nutrients is found in lime flowers. Essential oils and flavonoids are the main therapeutic components. Lime blossom destroys bacteria in the human body, reduces fever, and removes phlegm.

For colds and flu, tinctures are used. For convulsions, rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder, stomach and intestines, colds and fever, they are taken two to three glasses a day. The drink is prepared as follows: a few tablespoons of linden flowers are poured into a glass of hot water.

Linden tea (useful properties and contraindications are given in the article) has a calming effect on the nervous system, significantly reduces blood viscosity. A drink made from flowers has completely unique properties. It contains a large number of vitamins and other medicinal components. In addition, this tea is very pleasant in taste and has a strong aroma.

Linden drink is used for hypertension, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

As for contraindications to the use of lime color, there are not so many of them. But still, it should be remembered that the decoction has medicinal properties. Linden increases the body's defenses and has a diaphoretic effect. Therefore, tea gives a load on the heart. People with heart disease should not get carried away with such a drink every day.

Herbal tea is brewed similarly to green or black, but there are some nuances. As a rule, two hundred grams of water put a tablespoon of the collection. Brew a drink in a teapot, wrapping it with a towel. You can also use a thermos. It will make the tea stronger and richer.

The brewing process itself lasts:

  1. Three minutes if we brew leaves and flowers.
  2. Five minutes - for seeds and leaves.
  3. Within ten minutes, the kidneys and roots are brewed.

The finished drink should be filtered.

Healing recipes

Herbal tea for cough: a teaspoon of mint is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for ten minutes. Take up to five times a day.

Fortifying drink: blackcurrant leaves (1 part), raspberries (1 part), oregano grass (1 part), bergenia leaves (3 parts).

Soothing (1 part), mint leaves (1 part), hawthorn (1 part of fruits and leaves), lemon balm (1 part).

Raspberry leaves (1 part), strawberries (1 part), nettle and blackberry leaves (one part each), apple peel (1/2 part).

Fortifying infusions, multivitamins and sedatives can be drunk as regular tea after meals three times a day, or in smaller quantities. For example, soothing before bedtime, and vitamin in the morning.

Drink for neuralgia and back pain: thyme (1 part), black elderberry (1 part), lime blossom (2 parts). Tea is drunk in a long course up to four times a day (3 cups).

Tea for gastritis and stomach ulcers: bergenia (1 part), mint (2 parts), chamomile (1 part), sage (2 parts), St. John's wort (2 parts), thyme (1 part). You should drink up to three glasses per day.

Are there any contraindications to the use of herbal teas?

People prone to allergic reactions should be aware that the drink can cause an allergy attack. Therefore, for the first time using a new collection, drink quite a bit of it and make sure that there are no side effects.

Most often, when allergic to herbal preparations, dryness and irritation of the skin, a small rash appear. Swelling may appear much less frequently. In general, people with bronchial asthma should treat herbal teas with great care.

At the first manifestations of an allergy, you should stop drinking the herbal drink and take Suprastin or Tavegil.

Medicinal teas should be consumed only after consulting a doctor or as prescribed by an herbalist. The fact is that any herb, in addition to a beneficial effect, can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the state of health.

If you still choose your own collection, then before using it, carefully study the indications and contraindications for the use of each individual component.

A sedative collection is a collection of medicinal plants that have a sedative effect on the human central nervous system. The collection is produced in the form of special medicinal raw materials, which are crushed herbs. Such raw materials are packaged in filter bags for convenient use. On the basis of sedative fees, various infusions, decoctions and teas are prepared.

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    Soothing Herbal Collection #1

    Soothing collection No. 1 is produced in the form of filter bags, which contain crushed raw materials from dry medicinal herbs. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    The action of the collection is aimed at the treatment of the central nervous system. It must be stored in a dry place at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

    The composition of the sedative contains such components as:

    • watch leaves;
    • mint leaves;
    • hop cones.

    This herbal remedy has a sedative effect. It is prescribed to eliminate insomnia and nervous excitability. In addition, the collection has an antispasmodic effect, is able to relieve excessive gas formation and intestinal colic.

    The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • if there is an allergy;
    • if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • in children under 3 years of age.

    In case of misuse of a sedative or overdose, side effects may occur, such as:

    • dizziness;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • drowsiness;
    • lethargy.


    To prepare a sedative, you need to take a small container (preferably enameled), place 3 tbsp. l. chopped herbs (if the collection is not packaged in filter bags) and pour them with hot water in a volume of 350 ml. Next, the contents of the container must be heated using a water bath. The mixture should be heated for 10 minutes. After the liquid boils, the pan with the contents should be removed from the stove and allowed to cool for 30 minutes. An obligatory step is filtering the liquid. The remaining raw materials once again need to be brought to the original volume of 350 ml by adding boiling water to it.

    Adults and children over 12 years of age should take half a cup three times a day. Take the infusion should be half an hour before meals. Children under 4 years old are allowed to take a decoction only a teaspoon per day, also half an hour before eating. Children 4-6 years old need to drink a spoonful of infusion twice a day, and children 7-12 years old - three tablespoons 15 minutes before eating. You need to take the remedy within a month.

    If a collection packaged in filter bags is used to prepare the infusion, then adults and children from 12 years old need to brew 2 filter bags with 1 cup of boiling water. Tea should be infused for half an hour. The remedy must be taken warm. The medicine should be taken three times a day before meals. Children aged 3-4 years should drink 1 tbsp. l. medicinal drink, at the age of 4-6 years - 2 tbsp. l., at the age of 7-12 years - 3 tbsp. l.tea The drink should be taken four times a day.

    Herbal collection No. 2

    It is produced in bags of 50 g, as well as in the form of filter bags of 1.5 g. You can buy the drug without presenting a doctor's prescription. The shelf life is 2 years.

    Composition, indications and contraindications

    The composition of the collection number 2 includes the following components:

    • peppermint leaves;
    • valerian;
    • liquorice root;
    • herb motherwort;
    • hop cones.

    The collection belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group "Sleeping pills and sedatives".

    The action of the sedative collection is aimed at manifestations of sedative activity and is expressed in a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system, and an increase in the action of sleeping pills. The drink also has antispasmodic properties.

    The effect is determined by the active substances contained in the components that are part of the collection. Menthol is such an active substance in peppermint leaves, valerian rhizome contains isovaleric acid ester, hop cones contain organic acids, essential oils, flavonoids, motherwort contains essential oils, saponins; licorice roots contain glyceric acid, flavonoids.

    The application of the collection is shown in the following cases:

    • with nervous disorders;
    • bad sleep;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    The use of infusions and decoctions based on collection No. 2 is contraindicated:

    • if there is hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug;
    • children who are under 3 years of age.


    To prepare a soothing infusion based on herbal collection No. 2, it is necessary to place 70 mg of raw materials in a shallow enameled pan and pour 200 ml of water into it. After that, the liquid must be heated using a water bath for 10 minutes. After this, the broth must be cooled and insisted at room temperature for 40 minutes, then strain the liquid. The raw material that remains after pressing must be brought to a volume of 200 ml with boiling water.

    Children over 12 years of age and adults should take 1/2 cup of infusion twice a day for half an hour before eating. Children 3-4 years old should take the remedy once a day for 1 tbsp. l., at the age of 4-6 years - a dessert spoon twice a day, children from 7 to 12 years old - 2 tbsp. l.

    2 filter bags must be placed in an enameled bowl and filled with 400 ml of water, then cover the container with a lid and leave for 25 minutes. Adults should apply collection inside warm. Reception of a sedative infusion is carried out three times a day for half an hour before eating. Children 3-4 years old need to use 50 ml of medication, children aged 5-6 years old - 0.25 cups each, from 7 to 12 years old - half a glass three times 25 minutes before meals. Treatment should last 4 weeks. Collection No. 2 is combined with various sedative drugs and cardiovascular agents.

    Herbal collection No. 3

    This herbal collection contains components of plant origin. The remedy is dispensed without a prescription from the attending physician. Release form - filter bags of 1.5 g, which are in cartons.

    One such package contains 20 sachets. In the filter bags are the components of the collection crushed to a powder state.

    Composition, pharmacological action

    The collection contains many components that relate to phytosubstances. Composition number 3 is represented by such active components:

    • medicinal valerian roots;
    • sweet clover grass;
    • oregano ordinary;
    • motherwort;
    • creeping thyme.

    The soothing collection of plant origin also incorporates active biological compounds found in the roots and leaves of plants, including coumarins.

    The collection has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Thanks to this, infusions based on the herbs that make up the product help to relieve increased arousal, eliminate insomnia, and help lower blood pressure. This is especially useful for people who have the initial stage of hypertension.

    Indications, contraindications

    Indications for the use of the collection are:

    • frequent sleep disturbance, severe headache, insomnia;
    • psychological overexcitation, stress, apathy;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • lack of appetite.

    It is contraindicated to use the photomeans in case of:

    • if patients are allergic to the components of the drug;
    • if patients are less than 3 years old.

    Side effects from the use of collection No. 3 can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. If there is an allergy, you need to stop using this remedy. You should also seek advice from a dermatologist and, if necessary, drink a course of antiallergic drugs.


    To prepare a decoction, you need to take 30 mg of the dried collection and place it in a small glass dish. After that, you need to pour the collection with hot water in a volume of 200 ml. Mix all the contents and put the dishes in a water bath.

    The mixture should boil for 10 minutes, after this time it is necessary to remove the liquid from the heat and cool to room temperature for 50 minutes. The phytopreparation should be filtered using a fine sieve or gauze folded several times. Next, the volume of the broth must again be brought to the original amount - 200 ml.

    With the help of filter bags collection No. 3, an infusion is prepared. To do this, you need to place one bag of raw materials in a glass dish and add 120 ml of hot water there. Infuse for 35 minutes, then carefully wring out the filter bag. After that, the collection is ready for use for medicinal purposes.

    It is necessary to take collection No. 3 in the form of tinctures or decoction. The remedy is used for half a glass twice a day. Duration of reception means - 2 weeks. If there is a need for a second course of treatment, then it can be done after 10 days.

Herbal medicinal preparations are in demand both among supporters of traditional methods of treatment, and among fans of traditional medicine. The desire to use chemicals as little as possible sooner or later leads to the purchase of herbal tea. There is no other choice even in cases where side effects or allergic reactions negate the benefits of the use of advertised expensive drugs.

But it is not always possible to buy high-quality herbal preparations, despite the abundance of offers on the market. The sale of medicinal herbs is often taken by people who are incompetent in this area, who do not know how to properly store medicinal herbs and fees. As a result, their healing power is lost, and the overall effectiveness of the treatment is reduced.

Herbal collection - a unique combination of crushed herbal ingredients. Optimally selected proportions allow for a complex effect not only on the diseased organ, but on the whole organism as a whole. Herbal preparations are made in such a way that each ingredient included in them complements the others. Collections of medicinal herbs give a much greater effect than when using a single-component drug. A properly compiled collection of medicinal herbs eliminates even minimal side effects from taking natural potions.

Where do our herbs come from?

herbal preparations, presented in our assortment are harvested only in ecologically clean areas in the most favorable terms for this procedure. In these regions, there are no harmful enterprises that poison the atmosphere with toxic emissions. Human intervention is minimal, also due to low population density in these areas:

1. Altai. - In this region, many forests and almost untouched corners of nature have been preserved. Great importance is attached to the construction of treatment facilities and their maintenance. It is on the territory of Altai that the largest amount of herbal preparations is harvested.
2. Ussuri taiga.
3. Ecologically clean areas Siberia and the Urals.
4. Bashkiria. - In this region, about 50-60 species of medicinal plants are harvested, wild and growing on cultural plantations.

Where to buy medicinal herbs and fees

The question of where to buy herbal preparations arises for everyone who wants not to get sick himself and see his loved ones healthy. By purchasing collections of medicinal herbs in our company, you can be sure of their quality and environmental friendliness. With a significant volume of the order, herbal preparations can be bought in bulk. In this case, a system of discounts is provided, which allows you to purchase medicinal herbs and fees at a very attractive price. Competent and friendly consultants will offer exactly the collection of herbs and plants that is most effective for your diagnosis. In this case, you will definitely be notified of the existing contraindications when taking the selected drug. We do not consider such precautions unnecessary. Any unwanted moments are reduced to zero, since medicinal herbs and preparations should only be beneficial. Easy ordering and prompt delivery guaranteed.

The use of herbal preparations

which you can buy in our store can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. For some, they will be a great addition to the main therapy. And they will give someone a chance for healing when traditional remedies did not bring the desired relief.

The effect of the use of medicinal fees

Regular intake of medicinal herbs will allow you to get a very tangible effect. They can be used like:
a) immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial agent;
b) an antitumor and analgesic drug;
c) a means to increase the potency and general tone of the body;
d) antiallergic, antispasmodic, hemostatic.

We will help you choose a collection of medicinal herbs to fight cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and many others.