What is irritable bladder syndrome? Causes of irritable bladder syndrome in women and men Irritable bladder specialist Zurich.

Irritable bladder syndrome is characterized by an excessively frequent urge to urinate and an inability to restrain the physiological need for a while. This delicate problem can occur in any person, regardless of age and gender.

Very often, irritable bladder syndrome is not associated with any anatomical defects or inflammatory processes in the structural sections of the pelvis. In many people, the cause of the anomaly is pronounced psycho-emotional and neurotic disorders. That is why irritable bladder syndrome may indicate the presence of an organ neurosis in a patient - a severe somatoform disorder.

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Most often, people after 25 years of age suffer from this variant of organ neurosis. At the same time, the majority of patients with irritable bladder syndrome are residents of large cities, working in positions associated with intense mental overload. A lot of patients diagnosed with somatoform disorder lead a "sedentary" lifestyle, do not play sports and rarely go outside.

A feature of irritable bladder syndrome caused by psychogenic factors is a chronic prolonged course. Many patients mistakenly associate their discomfort with infectious processes, trying to eliminate the symptoms by self-treatment, without resorting to medical help. This leads to the fact that an unpleasant disease does not disappear in them, but, on the contrary, is aggravated.

As a result, a person is deprived of the opportunity to perform typical tasks qualitatively and in full, cannot communicate normally in society, and refuses many exciting activities. Such isolation from society, the lack of life's pleasures further worsens the psycho-emotional state of the patient, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in the frequency and intensity of symptoms. Thus, a vicious circle is closed. The patient is in a depressed state and is under the yoke of irrational fears.

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Psycho-emotional causes of irritable bladder syndrome

In the formation of all variants of organ neuroses, mental, psychological, and social aspects are dominant. At the same time, somatoform pathologies rarely develop due to the rapid impact of extreme conditions. The formation of organ neuroses is the result of chronic stress. Prolonged stay in a stressful state, inferiority complexes, the existing internal conflict lays the foundation for the emergence of pathological disorders.

Many people are constantly dissatisfied with their own lives and are under the pressure of negative experiences. At the same time, they cannot neutralize their negative feelings in a constructive way, expelling thoughts of difficulties and grievances deep into the subconscious. Instead of working on themselves and eliminating destructive links from their own lives, many contemporaries simply prefer not to think about troubles, trying with all their might to forget about problems. As a result, a tangle of negative experiences is transformed into a destructive life program, in which mental anguish is replaced by pathological physiological sensations.

The cause of irritable bladder syndrome can be any unpleasant phenomena that are regularly present in a person's life. These situations are:

  • everyday troubles;
  • misunderstanding between spouses;
  • frequent quarrels in the family;
  • lack of common values ​​among the married couple;
  • a sense of threat to well-being and a sense of danger;
  • the presence of bad habits in a partner;
  • uncomfortable living conditions;
  • long-term unemployment;
  • conflicts with superiors;
  • unfriendly atmosphere in the work team;
  • engaging in activities that do not attract;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • poverty;
  • restriction of freedom of choice;
  • failure to meet basic needs;
  • untapped creative potential.

Psychologists have found that people who are prone to neurotic reactions have many common character traits. Most patients suffering from irritable bladder syndrome are suspicious, impressionable, suspicious and anxious persons. The strength of the reactions they demonstrate does not correspond to the scale of the acting stimulus.

They do not tolerate criticism and reproaches addressed to them. They perceive any minor changes in the world around them as a global catastrophe. Such persons are distinguished by hypochondriacal traits. They interpret any malfunction in the body as a deadly disease.

Almost all patients with such a delicate problem are timid, shy, indecisive people. They do not show leadership qualities and are prone to dependent behavior. They rarely enter into debates and take the point of view of the opponent. Such subjects are executive and responsible workers. They think over the plan of their studies and try to follow it unquestioningly.

Patients with organ neurosis are limited to a narrow circle of contacts. They find it difficult to make new connections. Such persons feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. They rarely decide to change jobs and never try their hand at a new field.

How does irritable bladder syndrome manifest itself: symptoms

The main manifestation of irritable bladder syndrome is an excessively frequent urge to urinate. The number of visits to the restroom in patients exceeds ten times a day. At the same time, the volume of liquid released is minimal.

Another symptom of this variant of organ neurosis is cystalgia - cutting, pulling, stabbing pains in the bladder area. A person may also feel a feeling of heaviness and burning in the lower abdomen.

A characteristic symptom of this somatoform disorderpersistent need to immediately carry out the act of urination. The patient is unable to restrain the physiological need, so often simply does not have time to run to the toilet. The outpouring of urine can begin involuntarily if a person hears the sounds of rain or water dripping from a tap. The process of urination can start when a person laughs, sneezes, coughs, or suddenly lifts weights.

At the same time, the physiological act does not bring satisfaction to a person. The patient feels that his bladder is not completely empty.

Unpleasant physical sensations always coexist with an irrational overwhelming fear. The patient fears that he will not be able to prevent the onset of urination when he is in public. For this reason, a person begins to avoid being in noisy, busy places. He does not use public transport. It is not removed a considerable distance from places where it is possible to go to the toilet.

Constant nervous tension eventually develops into depression. A person feels his inferiority and inferiority. He is in a gloomy mood and thinks about the meaninglessness of existence.

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Treatment of irritable bladder syndrome

Most often, a person suffering from irritable bladder syndrome does not need to stay in a hospital. Full assistance and treatment can be provided to a person on an outpatient basis. However, in the case of joining the pathology of severe depressive states with suicidal ideas, it is hardly possible to do without hospitalization.

If the examination has refuted the presence of anatomical flaws, and the psychogenic origin of the disorder has been confirmed, the patient needs the help of a psychotherapist. Methods of psychotherapy are designed to eliminate a person's anxiety and stabilize his emotional state. In the course of psychotherapy, the patient learns about the probable origin of the neurosis and gains psychological skills to control his own feelings.

However, it must be remembered that irritable bladder syndrome can only be overcome by establishing and neutralizing the cause of the disorder. Since in natural conditions people cannot remember, understand and indicate exactly what factors provoked neurotic reactions, it is necessary to temporarily turn off consciousness and penetrate into the deep sphere of the psyche - the subconscious. Temporarily turning off conscious censorship is possible by immersing the client in a hypnotic trance - a state similar to drowsiness.

Unhindered access to the subconscious provides an opportunity to determine exactly what past events and situations laid the foundation for the formation of irritable bladder syndrome. After discovering the trigger of the disorder, the hypnologist helps the client change the perception of the drama that has taken place, get rid of irrational links in thinking and take a different look at life circumstances.

Conducted verbal suggestion relieves a person from an inferiority complex, contributes to the unequivocal cessation of an internal conflict, and motivates for the subsequent development of a personality. After hypnosis sessions, the patient forever forgets about his existing problem. He is freed from irrational anxiety and ceases to be a prisoner of illogical fears.

His mood stabilizes, and he begins to look at reality from an optimistic point of view. Hypnosis is a universal tool for restoring mental health in a natural way, since the manipulations carried out during treatment do not have any side effects and do not cause injury.

Today there is a great opportunity to comprehend the theoretical basics of hypnosis and practice the acquired skills. Anyone who is interested in mastering the techniques of hypnosis is offered the chance to be trained by an experienced qualified specialist who has proven the effectiveness of psychosuggestive therapy through personal practice.

Irritable bladder syndrome occurs in people of all ages and is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen.

The disease leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, poor health in the absence of treatment.

What is it - symptoms

Irritable bladder syndrome is psychosomatic disorder urination processes, accompanied by frequent urge to empty the bladder.

A person cannot hold urine, which causes awkward situations and stress. This becomes a huge problem, as a person is forced to adjust his life to this disease.

The syndrome usually occurs for psychological reasons. Having got rid of stress, the syndrome gradually disappears, the process of urination is restored.

Symptoms of the syndrome vary depending on the sex and age of the person.

Among women

To disease symptoms irritations of the bladder mucosa include:

  • Soreness and itching in the vulva.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urination: 10-12 times a day.
  • Urination at night: more than twice a night.
  • A small amount allocated at a time.
  • Inability to hold urine.
  • Redness of the external genitalia.

In men

Symptoms of the disease in men are:

  • Pain and itching in the genital area.
  • Painful and frequent urination: up to 12-14 times a day and up to 3 times at night.
  • Feeling of insufficient emptying of the bladder.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Insomnia.
  • Redness in the genital area.
  • Weakness.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Decreased erection.

In children

This ailment also occurs in. He appears in the following way:

  • The child complains of pain in the abdomen and in the genital area.
  • Redness and itching of the genitals.
  • Frequent urination: up to 12 times a day.
  • Too little fluid comes out during urination.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • At night, the child goes to the toilet at least three times.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Weakness, decreased performance.
  • Laughter can cause involuntary urination.

The reasons

The disease develops and develops for other reasons:

  • Regular weight lifting.
  • Violation of the nervous system: stress, depression.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Congenital defects of the urinary tract.
  • Urinary tract injury.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Nephritis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Effects of drugs and alcoholic beverages on the functioning of the nervous system.

Diagnosis of the disease

To determine the disease on your own will not work, you need the help of specialists.

In the hospital to determine the syndrome diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Analysis of urine.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. pelvic organs.
  4. Rectal examination of the prostate.
  5. Sonography.
  6. Cystometry.
  7. Uroflowmetry.

After the diagnosis, doctors determine the cause of the problem, prescribe optimal treatment.

How to treat bladder irritation?

First of all, patients are prescribed drugs:

  • Detrol.
  • Novopassit.
  • Sedavit.

These funds reduce bladder activity, normalize the process of urination.

The dosage and duration of medication are set by the doctor.

In the hospital, patients are given a course of botulinum toxin injections. Injections are injected into the walls of the bladder, due to which its muscles relax, the work of the urination channels is normalized. The course of injections is prescribed by a specialist, usually lasting several months.

In a hospital setting, physiotherapy is carried out, in which it is used electrical stimulation of the pelvic muscles. For this, special devices are used. The duration of the course depends on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the patient's body.

Vegetables and fruits must be present in the patient's diet. You should refrain from sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Healthy food will help normalize the functioning of the urethra.

They also help you get well folk remedies.

Usually cooked infusion of St. John's wort and. Each plant is taken in 3 tablespoons, mixed with a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for two hours, after which it is filtered. It is consumed 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day in between meals.

It is also effective infusion of thyme and elecampane. You need to mix one tablespoon of thyme, two tablespoons of elecampane and a liter of boiling water. The solution is infused for three hours, after which it is filtered. It is consumed two tablespoons three times a day between meals.

Plantain infusion will help normalize the functioning of the urethra. To do this, mix one tablespoon of the plant and 500 ml of boiling water. The solution must be infused for at least 30 minutes, then strain. Use the prepared infusion 1/3 cup twice a day after meals.

If these methods do not lead to recovery, apply surgical method. With its help, part of the muscles of the bladder is removed, while its sensitivity decreases. This leads to recovery, normalization of the urinary canals.

There is another surgical method in which part of the organ is replaced with a fragment of the large or small intestine.

The bladder also gets bigger. increased ability to retain urine. A person ceases to suffer from an illness, recovers.

Optimal surgical method selected by the doctor individually. Such methods are rarely used. Usually the patient recovers after taking drugs, medicinal infusions.

Irritable bladder syndrome is a serious ailment that needs to be treated when the first ones appear. The sooner action is taken, the sooner you can recover.

Learn interesting facts about the bladder from the popular science video:

Irritable bladder syndrome in women is one of the common causes of uncontrolled urination and spasmodic pain in the pelvic area and perineum. The disease is characterized by ambiguous symptoms and criteria, and the diagnosis is made only after a complete examination and exclusion of pathologies with similar clinical manifestations. Sudden urge to urinate and psychological problems significantly reduce the quality of life, at the same time, it has been reliably established that the syndrome in 90% of cases affects the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity over the age of 45 years.

Irritable bladder syndrome is characterized by increased sensitivity of the receptors, which leads to involuntary contraction of the detrusor (muscle membrane). The condition is uncontrollable, and the amount of urine excreted is disproportionate to the strength of the urge, which indicates a violation of the accumulative function of the bladder.

Despite the prevalence of the disease, scientists still cannot come to a consensus about its causes. There are various theories of pathogenesis, among which are:

  1. autoimmune disorders.
  2. An increased content of mast cells in the bladder, which contributes to a decrease in the barrier functions of urothelial mucus.
  3. Violation of blood circulation in the wall of the body.
  4. Lack of estrogen in the blood of postmenopausal women.
  5. Endocrine pathologies.
  6. Psychosomatic disorders.
  7. Increased permeability of the urothelium.
  8. Chronic infections of the genitourinary system.

A predisposition to overactive bladder is observed in patients suffering from depression, memory and attention disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anorectal dyskinesia. In 70% of patients, an idiopathic form of detrusor overactivity is detected, when the symptoms are smoothed out, there are no neurological factors, which does not allow to identify the true cause of the disease. The pathological process does not carry a mortal danger, but against its background, the development of persistent insomnia, pain syndrome of varying severity, bacterial cystitis is noted.

At least 15% of Russians suffer from frequent urination, in most cases due to overactive bladder. The disease state is more common than allergies, bronchial asthma and diabetes! Despite this, patients rarely seek medical help, which is explained by their low awareness, the lack of uniform treatment standards, and the reluctance of doctors to conduct a full diagnostic examination.

Symptoms of the disease

First of all, irritable bladder syndrome is manifested by urinary incontinence and an increase in the number of acts of emptying the organ. Complemented by pain, chronic inflammation of the bladder membrane and neuropsychiatric problems. Symptoms that cannot be ignored include:

  • nocturia - abundant excretion of urine at night;
  • feeling of fullness in the bladder;
  • spastic pains accompanying the process of emptying;
  • involuntary separation of urine during sudden movements or sneezing.

The main task is to identify concomitant pathologies and organic lesions of the bladder, and the state of the microflora is also assessed. For this, general clinical and instrumental examination methods are used, including:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • examination by a gynecologist and sampling of biological material for bacteriological and cytological examination;
  • cystoscopy - a diagnostic technique for visualizing an organ;
  • x-ray;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • cystometry - urodynamic study of the accumulative function of the bladder and the state of the detrusor.

Due to the vague symptomatic picture, diagnosis presents certain difficulties and relies on clinical manifestations, the nature and localization of pain. It is important to exclude from the anamnesis pathologies with similar symptoms, which include: urolithiasis, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory processes and anatomical features of the structure of the urinary system.

Basic Treatments

Currently, there are no uniform standards for drug therapy for irritable bladder syndrome. Treatment of the disease requires a clear definition of symptoms, constant monitoring and a multidisciplinary approach. Includes the following methods:

  • drug therapy;
  • gymnastics of the pelvic floor muscles;
  • behavior correction;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • neuromodulation.

The first step is to change the diet: reduce the amount of table salt, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, exclude smoked meats and spices from food. It is important to observe the drinking regime - at least 2 liters per day.

In combination with behavioral correction, it is recommended to control the amount of urination and perform a physiological act strictly at the wake of the alarm clock, for example, every two hours. At the same time, it is important to visit the toilet, even in the absence of urges. Kegel exercises are excellent help - a special complex for maintaining the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Depending on the results of the examination and on the basis of the anamnesis, an irritated bladder requires support from narrow specialists: a neurologist, nephrologist, psychoneurologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist.

The main method of treatment is therapy with anticholinergic drugs that block the receptors of the bladder and increase its accumulative function. The attending physician necessarily includes antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs in the therapeutic regimen. After examination by a psychoneurologist, the complex is supplemented with tricyclic antidepressants and light sedatives.

If the patient wants to improve the quality of life, then treatment should be carried out continuously, as with hypertension. The success and effectiveness of therapy depends on the strict implementation of medical recommendations and adherence to a strict medication schedule.

In difficult situations, treatment with anticholinergics is used in combination with intravesical therapy with botulinum toxin. In the vast majority of cases, an integrated approach allows the patient to lead an active lifestyle and work fully.

Treatment with folk methods

Along with traditional therapy, time-tested recipes of traditional medicine will provide the necessary result. To eliminate constipation, it is recommended to eat foods high in fiber: raw vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as, on the recommendation of a doctor, use berry fruit drinks and herbal infusions.

Recipe #1

Cranberries have anti-inflammatory, tonic and disinfectant effects. Pour 500 g of the fruits of the plant into a saucepan, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Mash the berries and strain the juice through a fine sieve, if desired, you can add a little sugar.

Recipe #2

Cowberry fruits and leaves contain tannins, catechins, B vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids and a complex of valuable trace elements. Fruit drinks from berries and decoctions from plants that have a multiplicative therapeutic effect. Pour boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. lingonberry leaf, let it brew for at least an hour, strain. The decoction is taken throughout the day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Recipe #3

Decoctions of elecampane are used as an anti-inflammatory agent in various conditions, including in the complex treatment of cystitis. Pour 50 g of raw materials with a liter of water, simmer for at least 30 minutes. Let the drink brew, strain, take half a glass a day 15-20 minutes before eating.

Due to the fact that herbal infusions and berry decoctions can cause allergic reactions and neutralize or reduce the effect of medications, a specialist consultation is required. Only the attending physician can include herbal remedies in the therapeutic course!

A healthy urinary system works imperceptibly: 4-8 times a day, signals are sent to the brain about the need to empty the bladder. Up to 250 ml of urine accumulates there, but it can retain this liquid for 2-5 hours.

This time is enough to find the right moment and "to relieve the need." The situation is quite different with irritable bladder syndrome (IBS).

What problems can be encountered with SRMP?

  • The need for emptying occurs much more often (10-15 times);
  • Attacks come on suddenly and with great force, so that it is impossible to endure;
  • Urine can be released involuntarily, the process is uncontrollable;
  • Unexpected attacks disrupt night sleep;
  • During the day, the possibility of sudden attacks keeps in constant tension, stress arises, and efficiency decreases.

The quality of life is drastically deteriorating. Although the organs of the urinary system can be absolutely healthy and function normally. The kidneys filter the usual daily volume of urine (2 liters), the ureters have good patency, the bladder itself is not inflamed and not clogged with stones.

Why then these sudden and painful attacks of urination? They are associated with hyperactivity of the muscles surrounding the walls of the bladder. This muscle layer is called the detrusor, in the normal state, at the signal of the central nervous system, it contracts and compresses the bladder. The sphincter that holds urine, on the contrary, relaxes - the act of urination begins.

In irritable urinary tract syndrome, sphincter and detrusor receptors act spontaneously, not obeying brain signals. Irritation of the receptors is not associated with the accumulation of urine - with frequent emptying, very small portions of it are released.

The main problem that defines irritable bladder syndrome is that the process of urination is out of control of the central nervous system.

Reasons for deviations

There can be several reasons for the unbalanced work of the urinary organs.


Systemic, infectious diseases, changes in the body, which are accompanied by frequent and painful urination:

  • , urolithiasis disease;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Tumors: benign and oncological;
  • Changes in the pelvic organs associated with muscle strain (sports, weight lifting), operations, progressive obesity;
  • Old age: stretching of the ligaments and muscle fibers of the pelvic organs, hormonal changes cause urinary incontinence.

- pathologies of the central and autonomic nervous system:

  • Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, multiple sclerosis;
  • Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • The effect of alcohol, drugs, strong drugs;
  • A complication of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy.

Irritable bladder syndrome as a psychosomatic disease.

As an independent disease, not associated with other pathologies, SRMP has a psychosomatic nature. The cause of such diseases is mental disorders, prolonged stress, depression, and psychotraumatic situations.

They form a neurosis - a pathology of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls the work of internal organs. Their functions are violated, a somatic (bodily) disease occurs, which is based on a mental disorder.

Functional disorders of the internal organs that have a mental cause are called organ neuroses. The signs of SRMP as an organ neurosis are characterized by:

  • Chronic, persistent nature of seizures;
  • Cystolgia (a complex of causes characteristic of cystitis) - a feeling of pain in the urinary organs, a sharp urge to urinate, a small amount of urine;
  • Nervous excitability, depression, insomnia, etc.
  • The presence of concomitant neurosis of another internal organ (irritable bowel syndrome)

Signs of irritable bladder syndrome in women are many times more common, especially during menopause.

Attempts to heal on their own are unsuccessful. It is impossible to get rid of the disease, the causes of which are unknown. The most practical way out is to make an appointment with a urologist and establish a diagnosis of your disease.

Diagnosis of SRMP

Diagnosing irritable bladder syndrome is not easy. The patient will undergo a number of tests.

Anamnesis - a survey.

During which the possibility of underlying diseases of a systemic and neurogenic nature is established, which can provoke frequent urination. In addition, you will have to answer in detail:

  • Under what circumstances do seizures occur most often?
  • What liquid and in what quantity the patient consumes;
  • Is the amount of fluid drunk comparable to the amount of urine output.
visual inspection.

To exclude the pathology of the genital area, women are examined by a gynecologist, and men are prescribed an examination of the prostate gland.

Conducted: general analysis of blood and urine.

To exclude infectious diseases; cytological examination of urine (are there any cancer cells); biochemical tests for the presence of genital infections.

Uroflowmetry and cytometry.

The functional state of the detrusor is checked by uroflowmetry (speed and volume of urination) and cytometry (measurement of urine flow pressure using a catheter).

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Determines the presence or absence of tumors. Computed tomography is sometimes used to clarify the diagnosis.

Only after excluding infections and inflammations (especially cystitis), urolithiasis and tumors does the urologist make an assumption about irritable bladder syndrome.

Bladder neurosis: methods of therapy

With neuroses of internal organs, consultations with a psychotherapist are mandatory. Only he will help to overcome mental disorders that caused organ dysfunction.

Medical treatment

  • First of all, for the treatment of SRMP, drugs are used that block involuntary contraction of the detrusor muscles: M-cholinergic blockers, alpha1-blockers;
  • Botulinum toxin successfully treats this neurosis. 20-30 injections of Botox into the wall of the bladder cause a decrease in muscle tone for up to a year. During this time, training and special exercises can restore the normal rhythm of urination;
  • Reception of sedatives is necessary to relieve the negative effects of stress.

Kegel gymnastics

An effective set of 4 exercises strengthens the muscles of the small pelvis.

  • Tension of the muscles of the bladder - an imitation of stopping urination. The state of tension is delayed by slowly counting to three, then the muscles relax;
  • Gradual tension of the pelvic floor muscles: at first light, then stronger, finally, maximum. At each stage, there is a fixation and delay of the position. Then the same gradual relaxation is performed;
  • Fast and strong movements to tension and relax the muscles of the small pelvis;
  • Imitation of attempts to push.

Such a complex should be done 5 times a day, repeating each exercise up to 10 times. With regular exercise, lost control over urination is restored.

Other treatments

Electrical stimulation of the bladder.

With the help of electrical impulses, the contraction of the sphincter, which retains urine, is stimulated.

urination mode.

Maintaining the regimen developed together with the doctor, it is necessary to go to the toilet according to the schedule: 1 time every 2 hours. Accustom the excretory organs to the normal mode of operation. Make notes and observations, evaluating the success of the technique.


It is carried out in extreme cases when it is necessary to replace an organ or increase its size by excising muscles. During surgery, nerves can be damaged, then the patient will have to live with a catheter.

Herbal infusions to reduce the symptoms of SRMS

At home, the symptoms of frequent urination can be relieved with the help of herbal remedies.

Kidney tea: the main component of such a drink are the leaves of the orthosiphon staminate. For 100 ml of boiling water, 20 g of raw materials are taken. The infusion is kept for 3 hours and consumed throughout the day.

Collection of St. John's wort and bearberry. Take one st. l. each herb to 1 cup boiling water. Leave the remedy overnight. Drink the next day for 3 doses.

Collection of elecampane and thyme. For 1 st. a spoonful of thyme (thyme) is taken 2 tbsp. l. elecampane. The grass is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for 3 hours. The entire infusion is drunk during the day.

Nutrition and drinking regimen

When organizing nutrition, it must be taken into account that SRMP is often associated with constipation.

  • It is recommended to eat more fiber, berries, cabbage, carrots, fruits, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • Exclude chocolate and coffee, citrus fruits and alcohol from the diet. they cause severe irritation of the lining of the bladder;
  • To prevent nighttime urination, refrain from drinking 2 hours before falling asleep;
  • Cut down on diuretic foods. These include:, herbal teas, watermelons, melons, fresh juices, etc.


Knowing that nervous disorders often lead to neurosis of internal organs, one should not bring one's psyche to complete exhaustion and depression. A timely appeal to a neurologist will help resolve a stressful situation and relieve such unpleasant diseases as irritable bladder syndrome.

Problems with urination are typical for, but many people ignore such delicate symptoms and postpone visiting a doctor. This statistic also applies to pathologies such as irritable bladder syndrome.

The disease is typical for patients of different ages, delivers not only physical, but also emotional discomfort, requires proper diagnosis and mandatory comprehensive treatment.

Causes of the disease

Medical preparations

If concomitant diseases are found that provoke urination disorders, then a therapeutic course is prescribed to eliminate them.

In some cases, a direct effect on the bladder is carried out, when the drug is injected into the walls of the organ, for this, botulinum toxin is used. The purpose of this procedure is to normalize muscle tone in the organ itself, so injections are placed in the tissues of the bladder.

As a treatment, drugs can be prescribed that help reduce the contractility of the muscular membrane of the urea. Such blockers are used at the beginning of treatment, help to achieve positive dynamics. In severe nervous conditions, sedatives, antidepressants may be recommended.

Kegel exercises

Physical therapy, known as Kegel exercises, promotes the natural training of the pelvic muscles. You can perform movements without being distracted from everyday affairs, the main thing is to do it constantly and correctly. You can strengthen the urinary and reproductive system with the help of the following exercises:

  1. Tighten your muscles as if you need to stop the process of urination and hold in this state for at least 3 seconds, relax on exhalation. You need to start with 5 approaches, at least 8 times a day. Increase the number of approaches weekly.
  2. Rhythmically strain and relax the complex of muscles of the small pelvis.

A doctor will help you choose the best type of exercise, but even self-training will benefit from an irritated or overactive bladder.

Physiotherapy procedures

Direct impact on the tissues of the bladder by physiotherapeutic procedures in some cases gives a positive effect. Regarding the specifics of the disease and contraindications, the following measures can be taken:

  • electrophoresis, ultrasonic exposure, paraffin applications, which are aimed at reducing;
  • galvanization, directional ultraviolet;
  • electrosleep therapy, galvanic collar - procedures with a sedative effect.

It is prescribed after the removal of inflammation, if such reactions are present.

Bladder training

For some patients, an irritated bladder is not only a physical but also a psychological problem. In such cases, special training helps, which are aimed at controlling urination, regulating urges.

The technique is based on drawing up an indicative plan for visiting the toilet room. It is advisable to choose this frequency together with a specialist according to the diagnosis. Start a diary. For example, an interval of 2 hours is selected, after which the bladder can be emptied. You should try not to violate the chosen time, to restrain the urge.

Such training of the bladder gives results only with the right tactics, fixing the intervals of urination. These data are analyzed by the doctor, the feasibility of the technique is assessed, since it is not suitable for all categories of patients.

Treatment of the syndrome with folk remedies

Urological problems are often treated with folk recipes, but with neurogenic causes of diseases, attention should also be paid to sedatives. Decoctions and infusions are taken for removal and for other purposes, but such healing solutions should be used with caution.

To treat an irritated bladder, infusions of various herbal ingredients are used, including thyme, bearberry, elecampane, St. John's wort, plantain and some other herbs.

Despite the herbal composition of the funds, their uncontrolled intake can aggravate the situation and cause complications. In order for therapy with folk recipes to benefit, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

How to eat right?

During the treatment period, and in the future to prevent relapses, it is necessary to choose the right diet. There are a number of products that provoke by irritating the walls of the organ. This list includes: canned, spicy or highly acidic vegetables, chocolate in large quantities, coffee, citrus fruits, sour-milk products, smoked meats, dishes with spices. Alcohol is contraindicated.

A diet that includes dishes such as:

  • cereals rich in fiber;
  • watermelon, plum juice, green tea, decoctions of diuretic herbs;
  • seafood that is rich in fatty acids, vitamin E, D and other equally important elements;
  • fluid intake of at least 2 liters per day.

What do you need to know about prevention?

It is difficult to completely prevent irritable bladder syndrome, but with the first symptoms or relapses already suffered, certain rules should be followed. They may include the following items:

  1. Prevention of stressful situations, the ability to control one's emotional state. It is nervous tension that provokes an exacerbation. To minimize such situations will help special psychological training, the use of light sedatives, and can be of plant origin;
  2. With already detected bladder disorders, contact immediately, since in the early stages many diseases are treated with conservative methods, sparing therapy;
  3. Proper nutrition, physical activity, periodic Kegel exercises.

Diseases of the genitourinary system are a delicate topic for many, especially for men. Independent struggle with unpleasant symptoms is dangerous, since the true diagnosis may not be associated with the urinary system, but be a secondary sign of another serious disease. Consultation and testing will not take much time, and correct and timely diagnosis can save your health.