What is important when looking for a job. How to find a new job: actionable tips

The fear of staying too long in the position of an idler and the desire to adequately provide for the family make us look for a new place as soon as possible. What scheme of action to choose in order to really quickly find a job?

Here are some really helpful tips.

Gotta hurry up slowly

You should not turn the employment process into a stressful situation. It may seem to you that excitement pushes you, helps you not to waste a single minute, but in reality everything is more complicated.

Stress mobilizes the body only at first, and then the resources are depleted, leaving only unhealthy anxiety.

If you want to find a job quickly, do not rush into battle immediately after receiving a work book in your hands. Let yourself switch. Take a break for at least a week, completely throwing thoughts about business out of your head.

AND - do not overwork running through interviews. It is better to prepare well for one prospective interview and come to it fully armed than to appear for three conversations in one day.

A positive attitude is required

Don't see the job search as a problem and don't feel like a flawed slave. Consider this stage as a stepping stone on the way to new activities, achievements, acquaintances.

Your sense of self- an important point. People are hired by other people, and they are guided not only by rational considerations.

You need to impress the employer as a confident, prosperous person, and not a confused loser.

Everything must have a system.

Get a file on your computer "How to quickly find a job." Make a plan for yourself.

Treat your job search how to project, which you will work on daily from such and such time to such and such (including legal breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Outline for yourself the main points of the plan with specific and observable indicators of their implementation, for example:

  1. Write a solid universal resume and post it on all major job/employee search services.
  2. View the section "Work" in the city newspaper of announcements "Everything for everyone".
  3. Familiarize yourself with the vacancies available on the major sites of HeadHunter, Rabota.ru (as well as in our resource).
  4. Post a job search ad on your social network page and ask your friends to repost it.
  5. Register with the employment center in order to receive benefits (at least for one month, the money is not superfluous) and study the electronic database of vacancies of the Employment Center.
  6. Choose 5 organizations of the city in which you would like to work, and contact them directly with an offer of your services.

Think broadly

When considering options, don't just look for what you already know. Many professions allow you to finish your studies on the go. Think about related fields.

If, for example, you worked as a Russian language teacher, try to get a job as a journalist or proofreader.

List all your hobbies in your mind. You have a great chance to combine business with pleasure.

Maybe, after thinking, you even decide to organize a small business of your own - for the production of wooden souvenirs, sewing dresses, making interior toys ....

A small own business does not always require large start-up investments.

In times of crisis, many are concerned about the question of how to quickly find a job. Our tips will help you with this!

The terrible word “crisis” strikes fear into everyone: entrepreneurs, ordinary workers, pensioners.

Even kids know that a crisis is bad, because it is because of it that mom cannot buy a new car.

It is in times of crisis that many are concerned about the question how to find a job quickly.

Everyone has different reasons: someone gets laid off, someone is not satisfied with the salary or scope of duties at the previous place of activity, someone desperately needs additional work, because one salary is not enough for life.

But here's the paradox: someone takes an excellent vacancy in just a couple of weeks, and some are forced to beat the thresholds of various organizations for months in the hope of getting at least somewhere ..

Why is it so hard to find a job quickly?

Before moving on to tips on where and how to look for the job of your dreams, I would like to dwell on the problems that prevent some people from getting the job they want.

Here's how one of my friends (not a stupid guy who quickly learned everything new) unsuccessfully climbed through interviews for six months, and then begged for help.

We worked with him on the mistakes, which helped him through the month of his dreams.

Perhaps you are doing the same mistakes, since you are still unemployed?

    Delusions of grandeur or inferiority complex.

    A loser-musician without a higher education cannot apply for the role of financial director, just as one should not, succumbing to despair, try to get a job as a cleaner with a red diploma.

    In both cases, the employer will simply twist his finger at the temple and send you home.

  1. Resume mistakes, yes, common mistakes and blunders can ruin a career.
  2. Inability to find contact with a future employer or personnel officer.
  3. Wrong choice of clothes and line of behavior at the interview.
  4. Not knowing exactly where to look for work.

What will help you quickly find a job?

Sometimes applicants have little idea where exactly this job can be found. That's how this friend of mine is.

To my question “Where exactly are you looking for a job?” he mumbled something unintelligible.

I had to ask leading questions: “Have you registered with a recruitment agency?”, “Have you studied the offered vacancies on specialized sites (HeadHunter, Work.ua, JOB.ukr.net and others?”), “Did you buy a newspaper with ads?”

He shook his head in response to all questions.

When I, already rather angry, asked: “So, where did you even look for a job ?!” a friend, looking down, murmured: “Well, I asked around my friends, and I also called on ads, well, those that are placed on poles and in public transport.”

“It is better to work without a definite goal than to do nothing.”

I was shocked.

Who is looking for a job? What serious organization would advertise a vacancy on poles? Sharashkin's offices?

And friends are not a panacea for everything.

Well, how can you be such a dumbass?

To quickly find a job - you need to choose the right vacancy

Many people who are moaning about how to quickly find a job do not quite choose the right vacancy for which they should apply.

Because of this, confusion is obtained: you cannot fully open up in an interview, because subconsciously you are not going to at all.

The employer is also a little shocked with what fright you are applying for a position that does not suit you.

As a result, you are still unemployed.

To quickly find a job, you need to make lists:

    Its merits and demerits.

    For example, if you are patient and responsible, then the job of a packer or some kind of paper activity is suitable for you, if you hate people, then the job of a seller is definitely not for you.

    Your knowledge and skills.

    Just be honest!

    You are making this list for yourself, not for a resume, no need to lie that you almost know how to fly a submarine.

  1. Professions that interest you, in which you could realize your knowledge and skills, show your strengths to the maximum and hide your shortcomings.

Only after compiling such lists can one begin to study advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet. Mark all the vacancies you are interested in.

Now group them according to the following criteria:

  • salary;
  • those that are of most interest to you;
  • with the least/most requirements and responsibilities;
  • conveniently located offices in relation to your home;
  • the most profitable (social package and other benefits).

Respond to those job advertisements that suit you at least according to three criteria.

How to quickly find a job: summary

Of course, it is very convenient to create one resume and use it all the time, but employers value an individual approach more, so it is advisable to modify the sample you have depending on the vacancy you are applying for.

    Let it rest for at least 2 days after writing, and then subtract again.

    So you will notice all the mistakes and typos.

    If you have problems with the Russian / Ukrainian language, then ask a more literate person to review your resume for errors, and let you be ashamed of your own illiteracy.

    Do not lie, listing your own strengths, weaknesses and achievements.

    Even the sucker boss, who at first believes all the fairy tales written on the resume, will not put up with deceit.

    And the deception will be revealed as soon as you start working.

    Your resume should fit on one A4 sheet.

    There is no need to re-write "War and Peace", no one will read this multi-volume book.

  1. Resumes with a photo are more popular with employers than without one.
  2. Edit your resume according to the position.
    Try to put at the beginning a free retelling of the ad to which you are responding.

More tips for a successful interview

presented in the video.

Everyone to watch!

How to quickly find a job: interview

The interview is the final stage on the way to the desired position.

It is at the interview that you are given a chance to make the most positive impression on the employer and find your place in the profession.

In order not to miss this chance, you should:

  1. Look appropriate for the position you are applying for: office worker - business suit, designer - try to show creativity and artistic taste in clothes within reasonable limits, etc.
  2. Be calm, confident, but in no case self-confident.
  3. Do not answer the employer's questions in monosyllables, but also do not rumble incessantly, preventing him from inserting a word.
  4. Don't be stubborn, but don't be rude either.
  5. Don't lie about work experience and skills you don't have.
  6. Smile in a friendly and inviting way, but a little restrained, you should not show all your dental fillings.
  7. Even before the interview begins, make sure that you will definitely get a job in this position.

As you can see, often people who are preoccupied with a question for too long how to find a job quickly are to blame for their own unemployment.

They make unthinkable mistakes, they are too lazy to use all the options for finding a job, they are not serious about writing a resume and passing an interview.

Do not follow their destructive example and you will succeed!

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Despite the serious economic crisis, in 2019 Moscow gives more chances to find a decent job than any other city in Russia or in the countries of the near abroad.

Below you will find some tips on how to look for an interesting and well-paid job from direct employers in Moscow.

How to find a job

Let's start with a reminder that you should not neglect the help of old acquaintances and former colleagues. Even if in this moment no one could offer you anything, the recommendation of a colleague from a former place of work can positively influence the decision on your candidacy.

At the beginning of the search, you need to determine the requirements for the future workplace. This will help not only to narrow the range of choice, but, most importantly, to highlight priority search sources.

For example, if you are looking for a low-skill job close to home, you might want to pay more attention to bulletin boards, local newspapers, and direct visits to a potential employer. Highly qualified specialists, managers and office staff should consider vacancies on leading Internet sites.

Where not to look for a job

You can rephrase and soften the wording a little: try not to use the services of agencies that are engaged in employment for money. All reputable agencies take money from the employer, which has significantly more opportunities to find a good employee for themselves.

Think about which employers use the services of agencies that take money from job seekers. Most likely, your expectations will be deceived, at least, you will receive worse conditions than those mentioned at the beginning.

Where to look for a job

My personal experience is limited to the two largest Runet sites:

  • hh.ru
  • SuperJob.com

You can easily find the rest of the sites with vacancy announcements yourself. By the way, many employers post their vacancies on several sites at once. But this applies to large companies with large budgets, while small ones can use the services of less "promoted" agencies and Internet sites.

Some employers post jobs directly on their own websites. And even if there are no published vacancies, no one forbids you to contact a representative of your dream company. This is exactly the case when perseverance is rewarded.

Another option for finding a job is social media. Of course, for some activities, VKontakte and Facebook are quite suitable, but for the majority they are almost useless. For this, there are communities of professionals, such as Linkedin.com or professionali.ru

You can advise large recruitment agencies such as Kelly Services and Manpower. These agencies are engaged in the selection of qualified personnel for the most part for Western companies. There is only one minus when applying through such an agency - at least one more additional interview at the agency. By the way, they also post their vacancies and select applicants on sites like hh.ru based on resumes left on them.

How to write a resume

Whatever job search method you choose, you will need to create or update your resume. Do not underestimate its importance, as you will be judged by how and what is written there. And your career may not start after a brief review of the resume by an HR specialist and then sending it to the trash can.

Although writing a resume is a whole science, modern sites like hh.ru have a user-friendly interface with hints, which allows you to create quite decent resumes even without much experience. Pay attention to the ability to export to different formats: PDF or Word. This is useful when sending by e-mail or for quick printing on a printer.

Here we will focus only on the important points in creating a resume, which are often forgotten:

  • The size should not be very large, it should be laid out on two sheets, but the most important information, such as education and last place of work, must be on the first sheet.
  • If you still need more than two sheets to describe your qualifications, it is better to make two versions of the resume: full and abbreviated.
  • If you are going to apply for jobs in different areas, it makes sense to make different resumes, since a detailed description of experience in one area may be perceived as a lack of experience in another.
  • Carefully check the text for grammatical errors and try to avoid using dubious phraseological units. If there are errors, you will not have a chance in comparison with other resumes, even for vacancies that do not require direct work with texts.
  • Feel free to show all your merits, of course, only those that reflect success in your professional activities. Beware of writing lies. If this turns out at the interview, even a minor lie can put an end to your candidacy.
  • Do not underestimate the presence of a photo in the resume, in most cases the presence of a photo will be positively perceived by the recruiter.
  • There is no need to describe in detail your hobbies at the end of the resume, few people are really interested in this and can only do harm in some cases.

Why you need to write a cover letter

To understand the importance of a cover letter, imagine yourself in the position of a person who will go through dozens of letters from job applicants and select top candidates for an interview. There is no guarantee that all resumes will be thoroughly studied first and only after that invitations for an interview will be sent. Most likely, resumes from those letters will be studied first, the text of which was more suitable for the definition of a vacancy or the recruiter simply liked it. Thus, it may simply not come to the study of your candidacy. Therefore, you should try to write cover letters not according to a single template (this will be immediately noticeable), but focusing on your merits in the light of the requirements of a particular employer.

The main task at this stage is to please and sell yourself as expensive as possible. Try to follow these simple guidelines:

  • Check your appearance, it should be neat and not defiant. They will be greeted by clothes and there may not be a second chance.
  • Show your interest. Think ahead about the questions you will be asking. The employer must be sure that the time spent communicating with you is not just spent. Turn off your mobile phone, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
  • Do not show excessive ambition, they must correspond to the position for which you are applying.
  • Hold on with dignity. Feel free to ask if something is bothering you. In no case should you tearfully beg and be willing to do anything for this job, the employer, after such emotional outbursts, will most likely refuse you.

How to look for a job in a crisis

It may sound strange, but the answer of most recruiters is exactly the same as at any other time.

The main thing is not to sit idly by, not to be limited to a couple of large sites where you posted your resume. Use all available sources of information. Upgrade your skills. Try new activities. Maybe it's time to change everything. For some, the crisis opens up new opportunities.

You will need

  • The best job sites in Moscow are www.hh.ru, www.superjob.ru, www.joblist.ru, www.ulovumov.ru. Students and young professionals should look at www.career.ru and www.futuretoday.ru.


Despite the fact that the crisis seemed to have passed, the number of unemployed did not decrease much. Now the labor market is still the employer's market, and not. Therefore, employers, as a rule, look for employees slowly - they know that they can always find a decent specialist who is willing to work for little. Accordingly, not all applicants are considered.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be found. There are companies that are ready to hire a candidate with high salary expectations, as long as he is a true professional. Contrary to the popular myth that in Russia it is now possible to get a good job only through "connections", many people find decent work in such companies. To do this, of course, you have to go through a rather tough selection.

The first stage of selection is, of course, a resume. Most job sites have a specific form that you need to fill out. A resume should be simple, concise, and give a clear picture of your key skills and strengths. It is especially worth mentioning your work achievements, as well as managerial work experience, if any. In the event that you don’t have it yet, focus on the good knowledge gained at the university, strengths of character and the desire to learn in the process of work.

If the employer is interested in your resume, they will call you back and schedule an interview. Before the interview, you should go to the website of the company that invited you and find out as much as possible about it. Try to think of what questions an HR manager might ask a candidate like you. It would be useful to read articles about interviews and thematic forums. Even at this stage of selection, you may be offered a test or asked a couple of questions about your specialty, if, in addition to the HR manager, there is a department in which they are looking for an employee. So you should be prepared for that as well.

The final stage of the interview, as a rule, will be a conversation with a representative of the company's top management. The most successful candidates reach this stage. At this level, it is important to discuss the details of the work, the social package. You, in turn, will be tested on the ability to behave, sociability and loyalty.

Do not forget about other ways - ask your friends if they need a specialist of your profile. Few people like to be indebted to other people, but what if you really are a good candidate for a vacant position in their company. Don't be afraid to take action, after all, you may have to help them someday.

Useful advice

A lot depends on the impression you make in the interview. There are no patterns, all people are different, but there are things to remember. A confident and active candidate will always seem more competent and suitable. A candidate's positive attitude and openness will also make a better impression than being overly serious and reserved: the employer doesn't want people with problems or those who appear to be.


  • how to find a job in Moscow

We spend a huge part of our lives at work. If, at the same time, it is boring and complicated, this will certainly lead us to depression and dissatisfaction. An interesting job that brings income and pleasure can be found for everyone. The main thing is to correctly define your goals.

You will need

  • - Internet access.
  • - Email.
  • - Business Cards.
  • - Summary.


Very often we get this or that education, not imagining the intricacies of the future profession. As a result, we run the risk of being on a boring and low-paid job. It's never too late to change your life. It is awareness and desire to change the situation in order to enjoy work, and should be your first step. Think about what you would like to do (throw aside). Where do you see yourself in the future? What kind of activity makes you feel good? So you can determine the field of future work. It may seem to you that the chosen type of activity is interesting, but will not bring much income. Most often this is not the case. With proper skill, enthusiasm and zeal, you can always turn your favorite pastime into a profitable business.

Once you have defined your goals and scope, select a specific list of jobs that you would like to do. Tired of the monotonous office routine? The global labor market is gradually moving towards a home-office system (offices), remote work and attracting freelancers. If a free schedule is important to you, prepare the necessary base to work. A cell phone, a laptop, a mobile modem, an organizer, high-quality business cards - all this should always be at your fingertips, because a project or project can appear at any moment.

This article was written specifically for the majority. I’ll make a reservation right away that the topic of job search is very extensive, and it’s impossible to tell everything at once. Therefore, we will limit our job search to an invitation to an interview.

Step One: Decide

You have decided to look for a job. First of all, you need to decide what kind of work you want to find. It is very important to define the search criteria: for example, position, job content, schedule, salary, distance from home, etc. The more specific your wishes for future work, the faster you will find it. Ideally, you should take the time to sit down and write down all of your job requirements. And also limit the terms of the job search for yourself (you can sort through the options endlessly).

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Stage two: active actions

Let's get active! The essence of the stage is that everyone around should know that you are open to the market and ready to consider employers' offers!

Let's take a closer look at job search channels:

  1. The most understandable and traditional way to find a job is on specialized sites. Registration on the site is free for job seekers. Some sites allow you to host multiple . This is especially convenient if you are considering several job options (for example, full-time or part-time, different positions, etc.). Rubric « Helpful Hints»
    • Do not limit yourself to posting a resume on any one site. Often employers (for whom the service of viewing applicants' resumes is paid and, by the way, not cheap) have access to only one of the sites. Therefore, I recommend not to be lazy - and accommodate at least three.
    • When placing, I strongly advise you to compare your salary expectations with the salaries of your colleagues in the industry, as well as the offers of employers. Perhaps your salary expectations do not correspond to the market, and you need to indicate a lower / higher (!) salary.
    • Continuing the thought: do not be lazy to study the market and be sure to indicate your salary expectations. The salary column "by agreement" can play a trick on you. Since the labor market is crowded, the recruiter can simply exclude a resume with a salary “by agreement” (by the way, this is done in one click), which means that your resume, no matter how “interesting” it is, he will not see.
    • Be sure to update your resume regularly. It is better to do this every 2-3 days. Some sites do this automatically (check the settings in your personal account).
    • All contacts indicated in your resume (phone, mail, Skype, ICQ, etc.) should work! Again, due to the large number of applicants and the "urgency" of the vacancy, the recruiter, not finding your contacts in the resume or not getting through the first time, may no longer return to your candidacy.
      And yes, your resume MUST include a phone number and email address!
    • Pay attention to your work experience. For example, your work experience is 5 years, of which you worked as a salesperson for 4 years, and as a marketer for 1 year. You are looking for a job as a marketer. Your resume lists your entire career. As a result, a recruiter, opening your resume, expects you to see the declared 5 years of experience as a marketer, and your work experience is only a year. At the same time, if a recruiter needed a marketer with experience from a year (up to three), your resume would also not be included in his sample. What to do in this case? Review site settings. Some sites allow you to record your work experience, but do not include it in the overall calculation. Or indicate in the resume only 1 year of work as a marketer, and below in the column “additional information” (as a rule, such a column is in one form or another on all sites) add that you worked as a salesperson for 4 years - you know, you know how, you can do that so-and-so.
  2. Immediately, before I forget, we go to the active one. We do not sit and wait for a call, we go and look for vacancies on our own! This is where your wish list will come in handy for work. Then it's a matter of technology: enter the criteria you are interested in in the search box - and you get the result. A resume should be sent only if you are really interested in the vacancy and you are sure that 1) this job will suit you; 2) you fit the description of the employer and will be able to successfully perform this job. Rubric "Useful tips"
    • You should not send out one general resume to all employers. You can edit it for each specific vacancy (at least the title).
    • Write if the vacancy requires it. And if you don't need it, be sure to write too! This is a great opportunity to highlight your resume - write (briefly) that you are interested in the position, your experience matches and you will be glad to meet you personally and the opportunity. Sure, the site has a specific template for a cover letter, but who cares to read it? Nobody.
    • In addition, in the cover letter you can ask questions you are interested in regarding the vacancy (critical for finding a job, for example, schedule or proximity to the metro), it is better to ask about “tea with cookies” in a personal meeting.
    • To always stay up to date with updated vacancies, set up a subscription in your personal account (set job search criteria, and “suitable” vacancies will be sent to your mail). Very comfortably.

Stage Three: Networking

Networking (friends, colleagues, acquaintances). Do your friends know that you are looking for a job? If not, be sure to tell them!

Now I am not suggesting that you "look for work through acquaintances." I suggest you build job search channels. How many friends, colleagues, acquaintances do you have? Perhaps one of them knows about an “interesting” vacancy for you!

For these purposes, social networks are best suited for us - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, My Circle, Google +, etc. It is not necessary to register in all. I am sure that we have at least one page in vk or facebook. Write a message that you are looking for a job (briefly describe what kind of job you want and link to your resume).

  • I still recommend LinkedIn! The network itself positions itself as a community of professionals, and is becoming increasingly popular among recruiters. In addition, this resource will be useful for acquiring new professional acquaintances.
  • If you communicate on professional forums, post your short resume there. Perhaps someone with whom you have known for a long time will offer you an interesting job.

Step Four: Applying to recruitment agencies

We take yours, write “beautiful” to it (in which we describe your wishes for future work, etc.) and send it to the recruitment agencies in your city.

Often an employer is looking for staff through an agency, and the search itself can be conducted without posting a vacancy. This is a good start for the future.

Stage five: finally

Saved it just in case. If you're serious about getting a job and want to make sure you've done your best, this last step is for you (if the previous 4 have already been completed).

So we're left with:

  • free bulletin boards - (for example, the well-known site Avito.ru and the site of all mothers LittleOne.ru);
  • print editions of newspapers/magazines (for example, "Vacancy", "Work in the city");
  • employment Service.

Of course, the speed of finding a job depends on many factors. On the one hand, this is the state of the labor market with a large number of applicants, on the other hand, you and your wish list for work. The main thing, do not forget - "Who seeks, he will always find!". And a useful job search skill will surely come in handy!