What is important to know about the Chihuahua standard? How does a Chihuahua change as it grows? Chihuahua adult dog weight standard.

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, this is confirmed annually by the data of the Guinness book.

All owners want to know the healthy weight of a chihuahua in accordance with height. Comparing his mini-pet with others, the owner may doubt that he has acquired a purebred Chihuahua. After all, referring to the same breed, animals can vary greatly in size and weight.

Let's figure out how much a Chihuahua weighs in a healthy state, and what methods to maintain a normal weight?

About the "standard" weight...

The unthinking owner is trying to find out the standard sizes of the dog, looking for the exact figure. “I will find a healthy weight for a chihuahua and I will keep the dog of this indicator,” the owner thinks. This is absolutely the wrong approach! Because animals, even of the same height and breed, can vary significantly in weight. This is due to the individual structure of the dog's body: stocky, dense, big-headed, thin, thin. Bone density also affects - there are light-boned and heavy-boned dogs. For a Chihuahua, height is not the most important characteristic. "Influential" are the location of the ears, the volume of the head and its shape, the proportionality of the body, the features of movements.

It's important to know!Chihuahua breeders recognize a proportional dog with a weight of up to 2 kg and a height (at the withers) from 17 to 23 cm. In “boys”, weight and height are preferable, and “girls” (for breeding) are welcomed more dense and tall.

Chihuahua growth chart

The table is used to track the pet's dimensional indicators. Here the weight of the Chihuahua is set by month. Knowing the desired indicator of a pet, one can presumably find out the optimal data for the future. Puppies must be weighed at birth so that the veterinarian can determine for healthy development.

If the Chihuahua mother has one puppy, then usually its weight is 5% of the maternal indicator. If there are several puppies, then they are born smaller, catching up on volumes after birth.

A three-month-old puppy weighs half the size of an adult, slowing growth after 5 months. At the beginning, there is often a rapid weight gain, so you need to choose the right .

In the pursuit of miniaturization, do not forget that the cardinal limitations of a pet are dangerous. Therefore, consultations with a veterinarian about , will not be redundant. It is also necessary to decide on the general dimensions of the dog. The owner of small paws, a smaller head, a thin skeleton will be more miniature. Chunky, "square" puppies will grow more massive.

In the growth of the mass of the Chihuahua, one cannot refer to the data of the parents. It happens that stocky dogs grow chihuahua crumbs. Therefore, unconditional adherence to the figures of the table is impractical. The health and normal development of the pet is important, without pronounced restrictions in order to achieve an “optimal” figure.

It is not the diminutiveness and dimensions of the Chihuahua that brings joy, but its cheerfulness, playfulness, vivacity and boundless love for the owner!

Weight at
71 78 85 99 113 120 128 142 156
1 week
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18 months

Selected for exhibitions, body proportions and weight are important. Not growth indicators, as many believe, are the main ones, but weight and proportions in accordance with the table of standard values.

Here is a general description of the Chihuahua dog, its appearance, standard. We will also find out whether it is worth buying a puppy with other indicators that do not correspond to the table, and why.

In outline

When choosing, pay attention to the behavior, appearance of the dog and weight indicators. Chihuahua, born from healthy parents and having a good pedigree, has good health, actively behaves.

If a dog has one of the following signs, you need to think about whether to get such a puppy:

  • Aggression, lethargy, whining, alertness, cowardice;
  • Watery eyes or have purulent discharge;
  • Ears dirty and bad breath;
  • Strongly bulging or sunken eyes;
  • Between the eyes and the nose, not a visible equilateral triangle is formed, but another figure;
  • Body proportions and weight do not correspond to growth indicators (a table of these indicators is given below);
  • Lips that do not tightly cover the teeth, the tongue is constantly visible from the mouth;
  • The skull is not rounded (the standard provides for equal proportions of the head - a skull in height and width, similar to an apple);
  • There is no slight curve at the top of the neck;
  • The muzzle is equal to the width or height of the head (correct - the muzzle is always shorter).

All these indicators are typical for both an adult Chihuahua and a puppy. When purchasing a puppy, you need to ask what weight the dog was born with and how much it weighs now.

It can be seen that girls of the same age as boys are always larger. Greater weight and body proportions are needed in order to subsequently safely bear offspring. Boys have a square physique, while girls have an elongated one.

Weight indicators by age

Many mistakenly believe that growth indicators are fundamental, and the greater they are in height, the more correctly the dog will develop and grow. In fact, dogs of this breed grow (gain weight) up to 12 months, but the skeletal system up to 7, whether it will recover and grow quickly depends more on its hereditary predisposition.

It is also known that the fewer puppies in the litter, the stronger their health, so pay attention to this fact. For example, let's take the proportions of the body of an adult dog that weighs 2 kg, its height at the withers should be in the range of 17-23 cm. Permissible weight indicators in this case are as follows - up to 3 kg of weight, but not less than two.

To make it clear, the spine grows (growth in height) up to 1.5 months, and weight gain at this age is weak. After 6 months, the puppy is actively gaining weight and by 8 months, girls may have their first estrus.

It is best to purchase a two-month-old puppy, when the skeleton is already formed, you will see the original size and know that the dog will not grow much more, it will only gain weight and increase in breadth due to the mass and expansion of the chest.

The Chihuahua weight and height table is detailed by month (standard) in the canine world organization, consider the weight parameters relative to age.

Ideal proportions (table)

Find out how much a Chihuahua weighs according to age using this table:

Does your puppy meet the given parameters or not?

In any case, it will be easier for you to determine if he is healthy, and whether you buy a puppy is up to you. If you do not attend exhibitions, then small deviations from the standard are allowed, the main thing is not to take a puppy less than the weight of dwarf chihuahuas - 71 grams, and also born with a weight of about 200 grams.

And take into account the parameters of the head, muzzle, body length (it should be a little more than the height). Does your puppy meet the given parameters or not?

To meet the breed standard, the Chihuahua's head must be domed, apple-like, without any angularity. The eyes are large but not protruding, preferably dark or radiant ruby. The ears are large and take a standing position when the dog is alert, but hang freely at an angle of 45 degrees when normal. Dogs with cropped or floppy ears are disqualified.

The muzzle is fairly short and pointed, with a straight or scissor bite. Overshot or undershot is considered a serious fault. The color of the nose leather depends on the color of the dog itself. Light, blue, black and chocolate Chihuahuas can have a lobe to match the color. Light colored animals may have a pink nose.

Perfectly built representative of the breed

The neck is slightly arched and merges into gracefully sloping shoulders. Shoulders should be broad and well articulated with straight forelegs. The front legs are held shoulder-width apart, free at the elbows. The Chihuahua's paws are very small and graceful, with separated, but not splayed, toes and thin pasterns.

The length of the dog's torso is slightly greater than its height. The topline is level, the ribs are well developed and rounded, but do not have a bulldog, barrel-shaped outline. The tail is quite long, crescent-shaped, carried above or at the level of the back. It can also be curled in a ring over the back, touching it only with the tip. Under no circumstances should the tail be tucked between the paws.

The hindquarters of the Chihuahua, according to the breed standard, are muscular, with wide-set, straight hocks, turned neither out nor in. They should be strong, stocky, well let down for a quick gait, during which the hindquarters step exactly behind the forelegs. When viewed from the front or back, with an acceleration of movement, the paws move towards the center line. When viewed from the side, the Chihuahua moves with strong sweeping steps, head proudly raised.

Vices and defects of the exterior

This photo shows the typical faults of the breed.

Color and coat

The standard allows solid colors, as well as with marks and spotted.

The coat of smooth-haired animals has a soft texture, fits snugly, and shines. A thicker coat with a real undercoat is also acceptable. The dog may have an even coat, shorter on the head and ears, fluffy on the neck, fluffy tail.

The long-haired variety has a soft coat, even or slightly wavy. An undercoat is preferred, as are fringes on the ears and a long, sultan-like tail. Judges favor dogs with feathered legs and rich fluffy collars around their necks.


The corners of the eyes should be cleaned regularly with a clean cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Newly minted Chihuahua owners have many questions about a new pet. One of the concerns is why sneezes constantly have watery eyes. This is normal for such a small dog with large eyes that are in close proximity to the floor.

Those sparkling expressive eyes, in which the owner falls in love forever, act like a magnet, attracting every lint and dust speck raised into the air. These secretions are a natural way of cleaning and moisturizing the eyes.

The discharge should be clear and liquid, like water. If there is a change in the density or color of the discharge, the dog should be examined by a veterinarian.

A foreign body can be washed off the surface of the eye with boiled or distilled water; the owner cannot use human preparations for self-treatment of eye diseases!

Components such as cortisone and other types of steroids, often included in eye preparations for damaged retinas, will do more harm than good.

Many Chihuahuas have a fontanelle. It forms when the bones of the skull do not fully fuse and leave an open, soft area on top of the head. Despite the undesirability of such a phenomenon, dogs with a fontanel are able to live a long happy life. In general, Chihuahuas are strong little ones, some of them live up to 18 years.

Chihuahuas are excellent pets for conscious children who can take good care of them, adults and the elderly.

They give an endless sea of ​​love and adoration, laughter and pleasure to those who are obsessed with them.

These are kids with the fearless heart of a bullmastiff, the courage of the most desperate of terriers, gushing energy, in comparison with which the energizer rabbit is just a zombie. Eager to be hugged and petted like a child's favorite teddy bear, Chihuahuas have deservedly become one of the most popular dogs of our time.

Chihuahua is the smallest decorative dog breed. It is very popular with dog breeders all over the world. The smallest Chihuahua specimens can weigh less than a kilogram. When purchasing a small puppy, every owner should know how he should grow and gain weight.

Dogs belonging to the same breed may vary in size. And by the standard they can be considered the norm. To keep track of whether the pet is developing correctly, you can use the weight table. The main thing is to know the initial weight of the puppy at birth.

Standard sizes

Inexperienced dog breeders often try to figure out the breed standards, wanting to find the exact number. This is the wrong approach. After all, even Chihuahuas of the same height can have different weights. This can be explained by the individual characteristics of the body: body structure, bone density.

Experienced cynologists, after long studies and observations of the breed, determined the normal growth and weight of the Chihuahua, and a table was compiled to track their dynamics. In adult dogs, the height at the withers is 18-23 cm. The weight of the dog can vary from 1 to 3 kg. The main requirement of the standard is that the weight does not exceed 3 kg.

Puppy weight by month

Chihuahuas are born with a weight of 75-170 g. The ideal weight is about 100 g. During the first 3 weeks, the owner must record the dynamics of weight every day, then once a week, and after 6 months - once a month.

Each period has its own norms for gaining height and weight. On the 2-3rd day after birth, the puppy may lose 5-10 g. But after that, he begins to actively recover. And by 2 weeks, its mass can become 2 times larger.

Finally, the height and weight of a Chihuahua should, on average, be formed by 8-10 months, after the change of teeth. During this time, they have several sharp jumps in growth, as well as periods of its stop. For six months, the dog becomes 3 times heavier than at birth, and 2 times more. By 9-10 months, the final formation of the inert system takes place. During this period, the head and chest are getting stronger, the body is expanding. It is possible to determine exactly how tall a Chihuahua will grow to in about six months.

How to wean a dog from stealing food from the table? See allowed and prohibited ways to correct your pet's behavior.

The first signs, symptoms and effective methods of treating tick-borne anaplasmosis in dogs are written on this page.

Chihuahua weight limit:

Important! If within 4 weeks the puppy does not gain weight and does not grow, it must be shown to a specialist.

Weight and dimensions of an adult dog

Although a Chihuahua is already an adult dog in a year, it becomes fully developed by 1.5 years. With proper care and feeding, the dog still continues to gain weight up to this age. Although its fluctuations can occur throughout life.

The weight of an adult dog directly depends on what weight it was born with:

  • 70-100 g - 1.5-2 kg;
  • 100-120 g - 1.7-2.5 kg;
  • 130-170 g - 2.5-3 kg.

But there are representatives of the "mini". Their weight can be less than 1.5 kg. Most cynologists consider a very small weight in a Chihuahua to be a deviation. Such dogs are in poor health, they are not recommended for breeding.

It is also important to correctly calculate the normal proportions of the Chihuahua's body. In height, the dog grows 18-23 cm. To calculate what the length of the body should be, you need to divide the height at the withers by 10, and then add the height of the dog to the resulting number. The volume of the chest varies between 26-37 cm, depending on the parameters of the dog.

What influences the development of a dog

In order for a Chihuahua puppy to develop normally, both hereditary factors and proper care are important. The development of the dog is affected by:

  • Pedigree. The size of the parents always affects the characteristics of the puppies. Although they can express themselves and the genes of older generations. Heredity affects how quickly the dog will grow, what will be its final height and weight.
  • Food. If the puppy receives all the necessary nutrients from food and the owner strictly adheres to the feeding norms, he will gain weight correctly. There are a number of foods that can lead to obesity. Then the development of the dog will deviate from the norm.
  • Activity. The more time a puppy spends on the move, the more calories they burn. In dogs that lead an inactive lifestyle, weight is usually higher.

Today there is a tendency to popularize the mini chihuahua. Some breeders deliberately underfeed puppies to keep their puppies dwarfed for the purpose of miniaturization. As a result of underfeeding, the dog gets a lot of health problems (allergies, beriberi, metabolic disorders). When purchasing such a baby, you need to understand that if he weighs less than 1.5 kg in adulthood, he will not be allowed to show or to breeding.

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An overview of the flavors and variety of Barking Heads ready-made food for small breed dogs can be seen in this article.

On the page, read about the rules and features of the use of Apoquel for dogs.

What to do if the puppy is lagging behind but normal

If the pet does not reach the requirements of the standard, you first need to find out what is the reason. If the problem has genetic roots and the puppy's parents reached the standard late enough, you can just wait until he grows up.

If the Chihuahua grows poorly due to poor care or past illnesses, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose vitamin and mineral supplements and other means that will contribute to weight gain and growth.

Chihuahuas need high quality nutrition. Each serving must be measured to the nearest gram, taking into account the needs of the body in accordance with age. You can feed your Chihuahua either ready-made super premium food or natural products. With a natural feeding system, it is important to provide enough protein. It is better for a growing body to increase fermented milk products in the diet. Very useful for puppies cottage cheese. It contains not only protein, but also calcium, which takes part in the normal formation of the skeletal system.

If the dog has a tendency to gain excess weight, you need to not only review the diet, but also provide a sufficient amount of physical activity. At the same time, the Chihuahua should not be allowed to overwork. For this fragile dog, jumping from a height, fast running are dangerous.

Chihuahuas are small dogs that, with proper care, can live 12-15 years. When choosing a puppy, it is important to consider its height and weight in accordance with the standard in order to understand what kind of dog will grow. To do this, you can use the weight table. But it is worth remembering that it provides average indicators of the norm. Not all dogs, due to personal characteristics, will have actual sizes that are expected.

Video about how Chihuahua puppies grow and develop in the first month of life:

Chihuahuas are dogs for which they create their own world. This is due to the character, size, temperament and features. Basically, life revolves around a pet.

Chihuahua sizes: weight, height, coat color, proportions and physique were established in 1954 by the Kennel Club in England. The name of the breed is adopted by the same name with the Mexican state.

The legend says: dogs lived in natural conditions, but during the period of the ancient Toltec civilization they were caught, trained, domesticated, which is confirmed by images on structures and remains in tombs that date back to 300 BC.

According to dog handlers, the Chihuahua is the smallest breed on earth. The body is proportional, elegant.

Aristocratic behavior is always with a proudly raised head and a tail twisted towards the waist.

The tail creates a vertical semicircle above the back. The length of an adult dog is 2-3 cm less than the height at the withers.

Males have a square shape. Girls are shorter, the body is elongated, this is due to reproductive characteristics, they are shorter and smaller.

A special table regulates the permissible forms of the body, ears, the location of the teeth, chest, which guarantees admission to exhibitions and mating with thoroughbred partners.

Height, weight, features

Chihuahua breed standard: stretch index is determined up to 110. The ideal is a square body. The growth rate is within 30 - 38 cm. Weight ranges from 1.5 - 4 kg. Allowed body weight in the range of 500 g - 1.5 kg. Exceeding 4 kg will result in disqualification.

When judging two animals, the smaller one gets the highest score. Therefore, the animal should not be overfed, you should not limit outdoor games, walks.


Round in shape, large, dark. Light eyes are acceptable but are not indicative of the purity of the breed by established standards.


The dog has large, with developed muscles, erect ears: under 45% of the horizontal of the forehead: wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the tips. The size of the ears is similar to the distance between the eyes. In a calm state, they lower slightly, as the muscles relax. The state of the animal is determined by the ears: calmness, alertness, fun or fear.

Bite and teeth

The number of teeth in an adult: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars, 10 molars. As a result, 42.
Overshot, jaw misalignment is a deviation from the standard. Dogs must have a straight or bite, all teeth, if one or more are missing, does not lead to disqualification, but this is a disadvantage.

Chest, back

Wide and harmoniously developed. The ribs are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The body is slender, without thinness. Athletic physique: lean, this is due to an active lifestyle. The back is muscular, the croup is strong.

Head and neck

The head is large, the shape of an apple is figurative - the standard of the Chihuahua breed. Unlike other dogs, an uncovered gap remains between the bones of the skull throughout life.

They are vulnerable and prone to injury. The forehead is large with prominent eyebrows, which makes a noticeable transition between the muzzle and the skull.

Rounded cheekbones, a short muzzle, adjacent lips close the teeth, make the appearance cheerful and aristocratic. The neck of females is thinner than that of males.

The nose is upturned, a characteristic fold between the eyes. Lips, cheeks dry.


The forelegs, when viewed from the side, create a straight vertical line with the elbow joint. Back, with developed muscles and convenient for running and jumping angle of connection of various joints.

Elbows are strong, pasterns are strong, flexible, provide free movement. The gait is active, soft, sweeping. The limbs are small with protruding fingers, the pads are elastic, the nails grow long and curved. Profitable fingers need prompt removal.

Color, coat

The Chihuahua standard includes 2 varieties: long-haired and smooth-haired. In the first case, the coat is short adjacent to the body. In the second, the coat is soft, wavy or straight, pleasant to the touch.

The color is varied with various color combinations: white, chocolate, black, lilac, fawn, cream, blue, brindle. The value of a Chihuahua does not depend on color. The nose is the same color as the fur. Hairless dogs are a deviation from the norm.


A small dog is a long-liver among dogs. 12-16 years is considered the norm for these animals. Correct standards are a guarantee of longevity. A healthy dog, without pathologies, bad heredity gets sick less, eats normally, grows well and lives longer.

Growth and upbringing

Grow fast. Monthly weight gain and growth slows down in boys by 9 months, in girls with the appearance of the first estrus.

  • By the age of one and a half years, the dog is fully formed physically and emotionally, it is an adult. It is necessary to accustom to the toilet, walks, order.

A Chihuahua's bedding or mattress is a toy, not a resting place. They occupy the whole apartment.

They love armchairs, sofas to have a sufficient view, hide in a dog house to feel protected. They are afraid of drafts. It is necessary to transport in plastic carriers or soft bags.

Character and temperament

Cheerful dog, little prone to stress, has a lightning-fast reaction and high endurance. Small sizes do not interfere with being bold.

Gait and running energetic, free this is not a lazy animal. A sensitive intellectual is one of the well-deserved characteristics.

They are curious, nimble, active, do not get tired of playing, are exclusively attached to the owners, love guests. However, care must be taken to avoid injury.

Fragile, constantly spinning underfoot, jumping on sofas, climbing to doors, into cabinets.

Chihuahua quickly and accurately takes on the character of the owner, but does not get along well with other breeds.

Curiosity may prompt you to spend hours watching a working computer or an owner reading a book.

Dogs are clean, quickly get used to their own toilet. Severe stress can cause involuntary urination.

Deviations from the norm

For a Chihuahua, the standard is an indicator of the health and purity of the breed. Some deviations are allowed:

Double teeth; Ears: sharp shape; sloping croup; Slight jaw deformity: Arched or sagging back; Short neck; Elbows turned out, hind legs close set; Short limbs. Not a wide chest;

  • Dog Flaws Affecting Cynologists' Evaluation
    Bulging, small eyes, deep set; Malocclusion; Narrow skull or elongated muzzle. Dislocated kneecaps.

Faults leading to disqualification:

Non-healing large fontanel on the head; Manifestations of aggression or excessive fearfulness; Baldness of some parts of the body;

Long-haired breeds have very thin, too long hair;

Short, long hanging ears; Atypical structure: chihuahua growth, which is above normal, thin long legs, lean torso, small head; Stretched body; If there is no tail; Straight (tick-shaped), bulldog bite.
A dog with deviations; physical or mental, is not allowed to exhibitions and matings.