What does a pregnant sister mean in a dream. Sister - dream book

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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In a dream. It is necessary to interpret such a dream depending on the details and plot of the picture seen. In general, a woman in a position is considered a favorable sign, portending change. And if the pregnancy affects your relative, then they are likely to affect you and your family.

Pregnant sister in a dream

  • If in reality your sister is not yet married, and you saw her with a belly, then this is a very good omen.. Soon your relative will get married. In this case, the feeling that you experienced in a dream is very important. Joy and happiness mean that everything will work out for her in family life. Sadness and surprise, on the contrary, show that the sister's personal life will be unpredictable and difficult.
  • A married sister in an "interesting position" is considered not a very good sign, promising a change in relations with her spouse. Although if at the sight of this image you experienced positive feelings, then the changes will be for the better.
  • If in real life you don’t have and never had a sister, and you suddenly dreamed of her, and even pregnant, then this promises wealth. In reality, soon your financial situation will improve significantly. Be on the lookout - open up to profitable offers and deals, use the opportunities provided to you.
  • If a pregnant sister dreamed of a woman who in reality does not have her, then this may mean an early career advancement. For an unmarried girl, such an image can promise the appearance of a fan with serious intentions. And for an elderly woman, these dreams portend an inheritance.
  • A sister's pregnancy for a man means a favorable outcome of an important matter, completion of projects at work, in the implementation of plans.
  • Did you dream of several pregnant sisters? This is a very positive symbol, promising the emergence of new sources of income. Be sure to remember exactly how many relatives you dreamed about. The more of them, the more sources of profit you will have in reality.
  • If you have only brothers in your family, and you dreamed of a pregnant sister, then such a dream portends a betrayal of a close friend.
  • In the event that your relative is really pregnant in real life, and you saw her in a dream, then such a picture does not carry any special information. A dream can be taken as a hint or warning. You probably just need to talk to your relative, help her with something, or just inquire about her health.

Why see a cousin in position?

  • A pregnant cousin dreams of negative changes in life. Most likely, in reality you are experiencing some difficulties, especially financial ones. However, such a dream for your cousin predicts an improvement in her financial situation.
  • If in a dream a cousin strokes her stomach, then in reality you will meet with an influential and authoritative personwho will help you in business.
  • If a man saw such a dream, then in real life he should be careful in financial matters. and, if possible, avoid unnecessary expenses.

Dream details

The interpretation of a dream often depends on the plot of the picture seen. That is why, waking up in the morning, it is important to remember what exactly happened in a dream, what feelings you experienced.

I dreamed of a deceased relative in a demolition - what is it for?

The dream in which you saw the deceased pregnant sister is interpreted depending on the details and feelings you experience at that moment.

  • It is considered an auspicious sign to see the deceased in a good mood, cheerful and laughing.. If at the same time you experienced joy, then such dreams mean in reality receiving good news, positive changes in business, and an improvement in your financial situation.
  • If the picture you saw saddened you or caused other negative emotions, then in real life, some of your plans will not be realized. Also, such a dream can promise instability and the need to make an important decision.
  • Sleep is very important if a pregnant relative wants to tell you something. Try to remember what exactly you had a conversation with her about.. Sometimes the dead come to us to convey meaningful information.

A dream in which you see a dead pregnant sister often causes a storm of emotions. It is important to know that dreams with the dead are not among the negative ones.

In most interpretations, the sister's pregnancy is a positive sign for both the dreamer and his relative. Pregnancy, seen in a dream, in itself has a favorable meaning in most cases. Therefore, most often a relative with a rounded belly symbolizes the prosperity and prosperity of the whole family.

The dream interpretation offers several versions of what a pregnant sister dreams of. This ambiguous image can symbolize both material and mental acquisitions. Whether the dreamer will receive a tangible present or a brilliant idea will visit him, the circumstances and details seen in the dream will tell.

Miller's dream book claims that under any circumstances a pregnant sister is seen in a dream, her appearance in a dream portends the prosperity and respect of others. The interpreter advises not to tell anyone about what happened to be seen in night dreams. Otherwise, you risk frightening off the capricious fortune and be left with nothing.

Act without thinking

Explaining what the sister in position is dreaming of, Freud's dream book offers a less positive interpretation. According to the psychoanalyst, the image is caused by childhood experiences that have grown into non-childish complexes. In real life, the sleeper experiences difficulties in communication, which sometimes makes it seem to him that life is passing by.

It is curious to know why the girl dreams that her sister gave birth. The interpretation of the dream promises the young lady a respectable gentleman who, shortly after meeting, will propose to her.

If a man dreamed that his sister gave birth, he can safely proceed to the implementation of his plans. The idea is simply doomed to success.

The secret becomes clear

In some dream books there is an explanation of what a pregnant sister is dreaming of, provided that she is not blood, but a half-cousin or cousin.

  • when a cousin marries, being in an interesting position, the plot in a dream means that someone is jealous of you;
  • to see how a pregnant cousin tries to start a conversation happens under the influence of a painful foreboding, often unreasonable;
  • if you dreamed of a pregnant cousin, you may be suffering from loneliness and shyness;
  • a cousin in the last month portends unexpected news, apparently positive.

The secret to communication success

When pregnancy takes place not only in a dream, but in reality, the meaning of the dream is neutral. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to your pregnant sister, she will certainly appreciate your care.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, seeing a sister's pregnancy in a dream happens on the eve of a fateful meeting. An acquaintance with an influential person is coming, on whose patronage one can count on in the future.

If you dreamed about your sister's pregnancy, the increase in social status, the growth of authority and the strengthening of positions in society are not far off.

Whose family?

Dream Interpretation Hasse will tell you why your own pregnant sister is dreaming. The dreamer will soon have a new friend. This friendship means not only a pleasant pastime, but also mutual assistance.

For a woman, a sister in position means an affair with a wealthy man.

If you dreamed that not one sister became pregnant, but all at once, the Eastern Dream Book promises wealth. There will be exactly as many sources of income as there were relatives in the dream.

If a relative of her husband is expecting a child, an elderly dreamer can hope for an inheritance in the form of real estate and a small capital.

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream interpretation pregnant sister

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time for every woman. Expecting a child is a time of change, forced for some, long-awaited for others. Each girl in this interesting position becomes bright, kind, beautiful, gentle and doubly caring.

Dreams in which, according to the plot, a pregnant woman is dreaming, symbolize profit and all sorts of benefits in real life.

But what do the night scenes portend, in which you happened to see a relative carrying a baby under her heart? Why is a pregnant sister dreaming? This dream has a rather interesting and ambiguous interpretation, which directly depends on many dream details.

General interpretation of the dream

If in a dream you had a pregnant sister, then when deciphering such a plot, you must first of all note the degree of her relationship with you. The interpretation can differ significantly depending on whether you dreamed of a sister or cousin. Or maybe you had a chance to see a distant relative in general?

The dreamer has no sister

If a pregnant sister dreamed

Did you dream of a pregnant sister whom you don’t have in reality? The dream interpretation indicates that your work will be appreciated, you can count on a salary increase. Another plot portends wealth in real life and the conclusion of a bargain.

Is a woman dreaming? This means that the lady needs to make an effort in her work and her efforts will be noticed by the boss who will help her, move up the career ladder.

An elderly woman - this vision portends a small inheritance.

If the person who saw this night dream in real life has only brothers, then this is a dream as a sign that you will learn a secret that will jeopardize your friendship with a close friend.

I dreamed about my dear

If you really have a sister, then depending on the nuances you dreamed about, the dream may portend various events. Remember exactly what details you saw in the plot.

In a night dream, she asked for help? The dream interpretation warns: be loyal to your interlocutors, avoid conflict situations, otherwise you will suffer financially.

I dreamed of a plot in which the expectant mother with the dreamer chose the name of the child, this vision indicates that you are being considered for the role of a godmother (godfather).

In a dream, did a conversation with a pregnant relative cause a scandal or quarrel? In real life, the caretaker expects trouble and intrigue.

Also an important point in the interpretation of dreams is the marital status of your relative in real life.


Walk at your sister's wedding

What is the dream of the pregnancy of a sister who is not yet married in real life? The dream interpretation indicates that soon you will have to take a walk at her wedding. Her family life will be happy and joyful.


I had a dream in which they saw their married relative pregnant - in reality, the sister will undergo changes in family life. Which? It all depends on the emotional atmosphere of your dream.

In real life, she is really now waiting for the birth of a baby - what she saw in a dream means nothing, just call her and find out about her health.


What is the dream of the pregnancy of a sister who is your cousin by kinship? In the dreamer's life, a difficult period of failure begins. Also seen in a dream prophesies an unexpected cash receipt for your cousin.

Did a man see a dream with a story about a cousin? The subconscious sends him a signal that a man needs to beware of ill-considered waste of money.

To see how a cousin strokes her stomach - you will soon meet important people, thanks to whom the deal will be successful.

An important point - who was the dreamer

It is also important to note who had the dream, the gender of the dreamer.


A woman dreams in a dream that her own blood is hiding her pregnancy - it means that in real life, she will be entrusted with the secret of a loved one.

A young girl - to a rich betrothed and to an early marriage.

The male

If a man has a vision: his own relative carries twins under her heart - in real life, peace and prosperity will reign in his family. Also, the interpretation of the plot portends an increase in the dreamer's financial condition in the near future. If you had a dream in which the brother himself realized that she was pregnant, the dream book prophesies to a man a beautiful and rich wife in real life. To see a dream where he communicates with his sister and she informs him of her interesting situation - a night dream indicates: the dreamer really needs to urgently meet and talk with her, perhaps she needs your support now.

For a young man, such a plot predicts that the business he has begun will bring him good profit.

If it was a relative of the husband

If your husband's sister had a dream during the demolition, the interpretation of the dream book says that you should not worry, the issue of inheritance will be resolved peacefully. If in real life your husband does not have a sister, such a dream promises replenishment in your family.

When interpreting, the dream book advises you not to forget what emotions the dream you saw caused you:

  • Have you experienced positive emotions looking at a round tummy? You need the support of loved ones.
  • Touched your stomach and felt tremors? Fate will give you a chance to fulfill your plan. The result will make you very happy.
  • Negative emotions - to difficult relationships in the family.

According to the interpretation of dream books, seeing a pregnant sister in a night vision is a favorable sign. This dream promises good changes in life. Try not to frighten off luck, do not tell the night story you saw even to a loved one, and then in the near future your vision will come true.