Colored lenses before and after. I want an expressive look - contact lenses that enlarge the eyes will help

695 09/18/2019 7 min.

Colored contact lenses appeared on our market not very long ago. But every year their popularity is growing. How can this be explained? Users first of all note one of the main functions of colored lenses: they help to change the shade and even color of the eyes. Fit blue. green. After all, how great it is: I want to be a blue-eyed coquette today, and tomorrow - a burning beauty with brown eyes! However, this is not all that colored lenses are capable of.

About the varieties, the specifics of the mode of wearing, as well as the features of the selection of colored contact lenses, read on.

What you need to know about colored lenses?

Colored contact lenses are small hemispherical products that are printed with a pattern that mimics the natural iris. When worn, they change the natural color of the eyes: from giving them a slight shade to a dramatic change.

In the manufacture of colored lenses, colorants are added directly to polymeric materials or are already applied to the finished lens. In both cases, paint that is absolutely harmless to the body is used, which does not cause inflammatory reactions of the mucous membranes, almost does not provoke allergies, and does not have a toxic effect.

To date, colored lenses are most often used for cosmetic purposes. But these lenses are also used for medical purposes:

  • with defects of the iris after injuries or surgical interventions;
  • with a significant ("thorn");
  • with diseases of the organs of vision, accompanied by intolerance to direct sunlight;
  • if necessary, "training" of the diseased eye.


There are two types of colored contact lenses: actual colored and tinted. Colored lenses allow you to radically change the color of your eyes, turning, for example, brown eyes into blue ones. Such lenses have an intensely colored peripheral part and a transparent central part (in the pupil area) and are suitable for both light and dark eyes. There are dozens of color options for such lenses. Colored lenses also include ("crazy" lenses), which are used most often for "theatrical" purposes.

Tinted lenses are less intensely tinted and usually only have three primary hues: blue, green and aqua. Such lenses are suitable only for light eyes, they are practically invisible on dark ones.

Tinted and colored contact lenses are corrective (with diopters) and cosmetic (without diopters).

Models without diopters are designed to change the color of the eyes for those who have good vision. Corrective lenses are designed not only to change the color of the eyes, but also to improve the clarity of vision. Similar models are used to correct or.


Colored lenses have a number of disadvantages:

  • When worn in a dark room, the quality of vision may deteriorate. Since the human pupil expands in low light, sometimes the size of the pupil becomes larger. This interferes with normal visual perception.
  • Tinted lenses are thicker and thicker than clear lenses. Therefore, the duration of their wearing should not exceed a few hours.
  • If the wearing mode is not observed, the risk of irritation and redness of the eye and conjunctiva increases.
  • Sometimes, when blinking, the colored lenses move and briefly cover part of the pupil, which causes a momentary blurred vision. Therefore, such lenses are not recommended for use while driving a car and when performing work that requires accurate visual perception.

Why vision is deteriorating will tell this.

Wear mode specifics

Colored lenses are somewhat different from regular lenses. Due to their softness, the level of oxygen permeability is reduced in them. And this means that the cornea of ​​​​the eye in them suffers from hypoxia. This leads to redness and pain in the eyes. In addition, carnival lenses impede color perception, and with frequent use and illiterate care, they can lead to visual impairment.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should observe the terms of wearing such lenses (recommended no more than 4 - 5 hours a day).

If you feel tingling or haziness in your eyes, then the lenses must be removed immediately. You can not sleep in colored lenses, this will lead to oxygen deficiency of the iris. You need to get used to wearing lenses gradually, starting with one hour a day, and then increasing the time by half an hour daily. In case of discomfort, you need to remove the lenses and give your eyes a rest.

For each person, the time of wearing lenses is individual and depends on the sensitivity of the eyes. If, after removing the lenses, you see fog before your eyes, and this sensation does not go away within 10-15 minutes, then the time for wearing the lenses has been exceeded for you.

If after 5 hours of being in the lenses you did not notice any discomfort, then you can wear them longer. However, do not exceed the time limits specified in the instructions.

You should not wear lenses if you have:

  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • bacterial infection;
  • exacerbation of blepharitis or demodicosis, as well as other eye problems.

What is blepharitis and how to treat it read.

Even if you decide to purchase colored lenses without diopters, you must first consult with an optometrist. The doctor will determine the visual acuity, conduct an eye examination in order to identify contraindications to wearing lenses. Also, the ophthalmologist will measure the necessary indicators, which will become a guideline in the selection of lenses.

See how to determine visual acuity.

When choosing a color, you need to clearly understand what effect you want to get. If you have light eyes, then the best option would be to buy tinted lenses. For dark-eyed users, only colored lenses are suitable.

Like conventional lenses, color models must be selected strictly in accordance with the anatomical parameters of the eyes: the diameter of the iris and the curvature of the cornea. If you neglect these values, then you can buy lenses with the wrong characteristics, which not only will not fulfill their decorative function, but will also cause discomfort and visual impairment.

As for the timing of wearing, the ideal option is one-day lenses. This is especially true for beginners: suddenly the lenses do not suit you. If you have already used certain lenses and are confident in the brand and shade, then you can take the option with a longer shelf life - up to six months.

You can read all about daily contact lenses at.

Colored lenses can cause allergic reactions or irritation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, at the slightest sign of discomfort (pain or burning in the eyes), the lenses should be removed immediately. And if unpleasant symptoms do not go away within a few days, you should visit the office of an ophthalmologist.

Modern manufacturers

Consider colored contact lenses of the most famous manufacturers.

Bausch & Lomb has been producing colored lenses for many years. They can be found in many optics. For example, Soflens Natural Colors lenses can be with or without diopters (non-corrective). The manufacturer offers various colors. It can be blue, gray, purple, blue, green and brown contact lenses. Soflens lenses will enhance the natural shade of your eyes or completely change their color.

The Italian company EyeMed Technologies produces colored lenses using a unique technology of color implantation, which eliminates the contact of the cornea with the coloring pigment. EyeMed offers two- and three-tone honey, blue, gray and green colored lenses. All these lenses can correct and simply change the color of the eyes.

Johnson & Johnson manufactures clear, tinted and colored Acuvue lenses. ACUVUE 2 COLORS Opaques lenses are made using Colours-Wrapped-in-Comfort technology, thanks to which the color layer does not come into contact with the eye and creates a natural effect. The colors of the lenses are varied: brown, blue, blue, gray and green. ACUVUE 2 COLORS Enhancers tinted lenses will change the color of exceptionally light eyes. They are offered in three colors: turquoise, green and blue.

Doctors advise Acuvue contact lenses, learn more at.

The English company Sauflon produces Optosoft Colors lenses, which completely change or only shade the iris of the eyes. The eyes are transformed in green, violet, turquoise and blue lenses from Sauflon.

Reliable and safe colored lenses OPHTHALMIKS COLORS of a domestic manufacturer - the company "Oftalmiks". There are models for every color taste: rich blue, brown, gray, green, as well as violet, cornflower blue and black lenses.

The well-known English company CooperVision produces colored contact lenses of various colors and shades. Users really like the natural colors of the Images lenses: gray, hazel or green. Color Tones lenses are unique in their natural beauty with their smooth transitions from saturated color along the edge of the lens to the yellow frame around the pupil, which gives clarity and sparkle to the look.

The American company Ocular Sciences produces Biomedics Colors lenses, made using a special staining technology. Ultra Flex tinted lenses for sensitive eyes are available in green, blue and turquoise.

The Swiss company CIBA Vision is a leader in the production of colored contact lenses. The company produces saturated Fresh Look lenses with beautiful natural transitions and shades (purple and brown, blue and blue, hazel and honey lenses), which are designed for light-eyed and dark-eyed users. Fresh Look contact lenses are very intriguing and mesmerizing. Focus Softcolors tinted lenses allow you to both correct vision and enhance / change eye color. These light lenses (with 10% tint) come in just three shades: turquoise, blue and green.

Care rules

In order for colored lenses to last as long as possible, you need to properly care for them. Basic care rules:

  • Colored contact lenses should be put on before applying make-up and removed before removing make-up.
  • All manipulations with lenses must be carried out only with clean hands, which reduces the risk of loss or damage.
  • Do not wear colored lenses in smoky, smoky or dusty areas. This can cause them to become damaged and cloudy.
  • Between wearing periods, colored lenses should be stored in a special container with moisturizing liquid.
  • At least once a week, lenses should be treated with special cleaning tablets or solutions that remove all deposits from their surface.



So, colored contact lenses are a fashionable and functional accessory. They are absolutely harmless if you follow the terms of wearing and remember the rules for caring for them. The dye itself does not contain components hazardous to health. Follow the fashion and use colored contact lenses so that your look is always spectacular and expressive.

For comfortable wearing contact lenses, use moisturizing drops, and which ones to choose, we will tell you in.

Every girl dreams of big and beautiful eyes.

With the help of lenses, you can significantly increase the shape of the eye, change its color and make the look more expressive and deep. And with the help of lenses with diopters, correct vision.

Features of contact lenses that enlarge the eyes

Such lenses come in a natural solid color, can repeat the natural pattern or completely differ from natural shades, include all kinds of effects.

Iris size much more.

Another distinguishing feature is dark outline, due to which there is a noticeable increase. There are products with diopters, with the help of which it is possible not only to achieve the effect of increasing the eye, but also to improve vision.


  • Individual intolerance. Before buying, be sure to consult with an ophthalmologist.
  • Lenses with dark shades, due to the density of the pattern, lead to faster visual fatigue.
  • Can call turbidity eyes, so you should refrain from driving a car when using.
  • Incorrectly selected products can create an effect unnatural.
  • Can't be worn constantly otherwise it will lead to dryness and irritation of the visual organ.


  • Allows you to completely change the color of the eye as from dark to light and vice versa.
  • Create an expressive look increase eyes.
  • There are products with different diameter.
  • Large selection of different colors and shapes.
  • Suitable for people with low vision quality due to the presence diopter.
  • Allow you to see well in low light because the pupil does not overlap.

How to choose items to enlarge

Selection rules:

  1. Be sure to consult with ophthalmologist in order to select the desired radius of curvature, since the lens should follow the shape of the eye as much as possible for a better fit.
  2. The doctor will tell you what you need diopters in the case of a combination of improved vision and cosmetic effect.

Important! When choosing, you need to focus on diameter, because the desired effect will depend on it.


The larger this parameter, the stronger effect eye enlargement.

  • close to natural lenses are considered to be the size of the eye diameter 14 mm. Can be used for daily wear, as they are invisible and make the look expressive.
  • small increase eyes give lenses diameter 14.2-14.3 mm. Such an increase can be called natural, as it is noticeable to others, but does not cause the effect of "doll eyes".
  • For photo shoots or cosplayers suitable products with a diameter 14.7 mm. The effect of "doll eyes" is created, which is clearly visible to others. Not recommended to wear them more than 8 hours, as they interfere with the access of oxygen to the organs of vision.

Reference! Often, manufacturers indicate, along with the diameter, the effect of perception by others. It may be slightly larger than the actual size. For example, when 14.4 mm magnification effect can reach 17.5 mm.


Magnifying lenses are made up of hydrophilic materials that absorb and retain moisture well. There are hydrogel and silicone hydrogel products.

AT hydrogel oxygen permeability is the higher, the more water the lens contains. Their cost is quite low.

Silicone hydrogel do not depend on the water content due to the presence of silicone, but they are much more expensive.

Materials with a low moisture content are less susceptible to mechanical stress. The service life of materials with a large amount of water is much shorter, as it is incompatible with enzymatic cleaners, but they are best suited for correcting myopia and hyperopia.

You will also be interested in:

What is the name of the water content parameter

Silicone hydrogel lenses contain symbiosis of silicone and water. In them, the percentage of water is much lower than in hydrogel ones, since the quantity and quality of silicone is responsible for oxygen permeability.

Radius of curvature: what is it

The indicator fluctuates 8.3 to 8.8 mm. The smaller the radius, the more convex the lens will be. She must repeat the curvature of the cornea as accurately as possible so as not to cause discomfort to the eye when worn.

In order to correctly determine the radius, you should contact an ophthalmologist. Usually, Europeans correspond to a radius 8.6mm, and the Asians 8.4 mm.

Oxygen permeability

Any lenses are a barrier to the flow of oxygen to the eye. The higher this parameter, the longer they can be worn. used to characterize oxygen permeability. coefficient, consisting of the ratio of the oxygen volume that has passed through a unit area in a certain time.

Attention! How denser lens, the lower the indicator oxygen permeability.

For hydrogel lens coefficient lies in the range from 20-40 units, and for silicone hydrogel 70—140 . Thus, hydrogel lenses can be worn up to 8 hours, and silicone hydrogel up to several days.

In silicone hydrogel products from the density of silicone depends on oxygen permeability. The level of the content of the component should be high enough and at the same time not cause discomfort to the eye when worn.


optical power eyes measured in diopters and is expressed in positive or negative terms. Lenses have a lower rate than glasses.

Diopters for myopia concave scattering matter from -3 to over - 6.25 diopters. With farsightedness - from +2 to over +5 diopters. The selection takes place on the recommendation of a doctor.

If no vision problems, products without diopters are selected.

Proper care

Care rules:

It is necessary to monitor the state of the container.

After the lenses are put on, the old solution should be poured out of the container, rinsed with fresh disinfectant solution and left to air dry by placing it upside down on a clean cloth.

The container should be changed once a month.

Names of famous manufacturers: before and after photos

Most lenses that enlarge the eyes are manufactured in South Korea, but some are made in other countries, including European ones.


The main part of the lenses does not contain diopters, there are several models for vision correction up to -8 diopters. Variety of colors - up to 200 options, among which there are natural colors and various patterns. Diameter is up to 14.7 mm, and the radius of curvature 8.6 and 8.8 mm. Moisture content 40% . You can use them up to a year.

G&G Contact Lens

The company produces lenses without diopters. There are both natural colors and other shades. Diameter is 14.5mm and 22mm for scleral lenses. Moisture content up to 43% , and the oxygen permeability up to 35%, thanks to the thinnest thickness and the absence of the top layer of paint. They should be changed once every 4 months.

Geo Medical

Release silicone hydrogel and hydrogel lenses. The range includes the following types: scleral, natural shades, luminous in ultraviolet, with various geometric patterns. Available with and without diopters.

Photo 1. On the right - an eye with a Bella blue lens, diameter - 14.2 mm, manufacturer - Geo Medical, Korea.

Lenses have good oxygen permeability and moisture content up to 48%. A distinctive feature is protection against ultraviolet radiation. Lifetime up to a year.

It's no secret that the same lenses can look different on eyes of different colors. Often we hear the question "How do colored lenses look on brown eyes, can I have a photo?". People want to buy lenses that cover brown eyes well. It is believed that it is more difficult to choose a lens model for brown eyes, because it is not always easy to block brown, and especially dark brown eyes.
This is only partly true, because when choosing lenses, you almost always need to consider eye color. And what matters when choosing lenses for dark eyes is not important for blue, gray or green. As well as vice versa. The choice of lenses for light eyes also has its own characteristics, which will be discussed in another article.

Let's see how colored lenses change the color of brown eyes. We have collected here photos of blue, gray, green and other colored lenses on dark eyes. All photos are presented without processing in a graphic editor, which could affect the transmission of a real impression. You have the opportunity to buy colored lenses for brown eyes in Ukraine - those in the photo and many others. Delivery from Zaporozhye is carried out by Nova Poshta to Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnipro, Odessa, Lviv, Kherson, Nikolaev and many other cities of Ukraine.
. The reviews about these lenses for brown eyes are the most positive, these are the best lenses. You can buy any of the presented models in our online store - there are corresponding links under all the photos.

1. Blue Lenses for Brown Eyes

The most popular lens color for brown eyes. Those who were born with brown eyes wanted to change their color to blue at least once in their lives. There are many options for how to do this. Below is a photo of just a few of them:

Photo 1.1- Lenses Rain Blue on brown eyes. In the center, near the pupil, a color transition is made from the brown color of the eye to the blue color of the lens, this allows you to add naturalness. View more photos and order such lenses.

Photo 1.2- Bright blue lenses for brown eyes. Please note that in different lighting conditions, such lenses may look brighter even on brown eyes. And you can order them from the link.

Photo 1.3- Carnival sky blue lenses on brown eyes. The color of the lenses is opaque, so they will look equally good on eyes of different colors. More photos and opportunity to buy these lenses.

Photo 1.4- Beautiful blue lenses for brown eyes. The rich blue color and black rim of these lenses look amazing on brown eyes. An excellent choice for those who want to change the color from hazel to blue. .

Photo 1.5- The most popular blue lenses for dark brown eyes. Perfectly block any, even the darkest eyes. The superior quality and ease of use of these lenses make them easy and comfortable to use. .

Photo 1.6- The famous model of blue lenses for brown eyes in Europe. They are a wide transparent part in the center and a rich, bright blue border. They look very nice on dark eyes. .

In the online store site you can choose blue or blue lenses to your taste. If in doubt whether they are suitable for brown eyes - ask questions when buying.

2. Green Lenses for Brown Eyes

Green eyes - people with brown eyes also dream of it. In the online store, the site has a great opportunity to pick up green lenses that will cover brown eyes well.

Photo 2.1- Green lenses can look very natural on brown eyes. We have such models. To go to the page with these green lenses and buy them, go here.

Photo 2.2- Among the green lenses for brown eyes, puppet magnifying lenses are used prominently. They will not only change the brown color of the eyes to green, but also make the eyes visually larger. .

Photo 2.3- Bright green lenses, which are a wide green edging around the brown eye. This model is very popular among buyers in Europe. A very unusual solution. .

Photo 2.4- Green Halloween carnival lenses are usually very bright and prominent. They easily cover any brown eyes, even the darkest - link.

Photo 2.5- Bright green lenses for brown eyes. Change the color of your dark eyes to green with this model! Excellent bright lenses without magnifying effect. Link to order.

Photo 2.6- Korean green lenses of the Fairy series from EOS with a puppet effect. Saturated color and shade of these lenses will depend on the color of the eyes. The darker the eyes, the darker the lens will look on it. These lenses will be light green on light brown eyes and deep dark green on dark brown or black eyes. .

Photo 2.8- Saturated green lenses made in Korea. The opaque color of the lens allows them to look equally predictable on the eyes of any color - both light and very dark.

As you can see, choosing beautiful green lenses for brown eyes is very simple. There are many options that will cover the dark color of the eyes well. If you suddenly have difficulties or doubts about the right choice - contact us by phone numbers listed at the top of the site and our managers will be happy to help you.

3. Gray Lenses for Brown Eyes

Another desirable eye color is grey. Gray lenses are either magnifying or non-magnifying. Dark gray or lighter, with or without a rim around the outer edge.. Some examples of photos in gray lenses

Photo 3.1- Gray lenses on brown eyes. These are light gray lenses with a black rim without the effect of enlarging the eyes. Perfect for any brown eyes, even the darkest ones. More information at the link.

Photo 3.2- Gray doll magnifying lenses on brown eyes. They have a good magnifying effect, visually make your brown eyes bigger, help change the color of your eyes to gray. Order these lenses here.

Photo 3.3- Beautiful puppet lenses in Gray Ice. They got their name because of the similarity of the elements of the pattern with real ice crystals. Suitable for light brown and brown eyes of other shades. The amazing lens pattern and magnifying effect make this model a very good buy. Link to lens page.

Photo 3.4- Quite popular gray lenses are presented in the online store site. They are designed for dramatic color changes, and the 14.0 diameter means they are not doll-like. .

Photo 3.5- Gray contact lenses that look great on dark eyes. They create some effect of increasing the iris. To buy, follow the link.

Photo 3.6- Very beautiful gray lenses for brown eyes! The color of the lens is distributed in an unusual way: the lenses are light gray towards the center and darker towards the outer edge, a black outer edging completes the pattern of this model. .

These models of gray colored lenses are only a small part of all those that our store site can offer. You can go to the gray lenses page and see many other great models.

4. Brown Lenses for Brown Eyes

It happens that you do not need to change the color of the brown eyes completely, but you only need to supplement it. Make it darker or brighter, change the picture, or visually highlight, emphasize the eyes, enlarge the iris. In this case, use brown lenses on your brown eyes. This effect is sometimes superior to any effect of changing the color to blue, gray or green. Your brown eyes become more expressive, more noticeable, and the look attracts the attention of others, although there is no cardinal change in eye color.

Photo 4.1- Perhaps the best brown contact lenses on the site that will look great on brown eyes. This model is specially created for brown eyes and appears in all its glory on such eyes. These lenses will truly transform your look. Buy them and you won't regret it. Go to order.

Photo 4.2- Dark brown magnifying colored lenses with prominent black rim. A special model for dark brown eyes to make them visually bigger, stand out and attract attention. Link to go to the product page.

Photo 4.3- Unusual lenses, which are a wide black edging with a translucent brown color around it. They have a puppet effect due to their special structure. Feel comfortable on the eye thanks to a well-established manufacturer from South Korea, EOS. .

Photo 4.4- A very successful model of magnifying brown lenses that will work well on brown eyes of any shade. The noticeable magnifying effect and minimal black edging along the edge of the lens, combined with your natural eye color, will make a good impression on others, and they will give you many compliments. .

These and other brown lenses on the site will help to bring a noticeable novelty to your unique look without completely changing the color of your eyes.

5. Purple Lenses for Brown Eyes

For those brown-eyed people who simply change their eye color to blue, green or gray - it's boring and uninteresting, there are special purple lenses on the site. They will cover brown eyes in the best way and will look very beautiful and impressive. After all, the natural violet (lilac) color of the eyes of people is very rare, as one of the manifestations of a feature of the body called "the origin of Alexandria." But this situation has other implications as well. Therefore, the best way to show off purple eyes is to buy purple eye lenses. Below is a photo of several options for such lenses before and after use.

Photo 5.1- Stunningly beautiful purple contact lenses for dark eyes .. The pattern of the lenses, reminiscent of purple ice crystals on brown eyes, looks simply amazing. In addition, these lenses create an excellent magnifying effect. It is simply impossible not to notice such eyes! !

Photo 5.2- Another worthy Korean purple lenses from EOS for dark brown eyes. A well-marked purple color will easily block brown eyes of any shade. Visit the page with these lenses and see for yourself!

Photo 5.3- Purple lenses covering brown eyes. The diameter of this model is 14.0 mm and this indicates that they are without an increasing effect. The size of the iris will remain close to natural. .

Photo 5.4- The most intense purple lenses. The structure of the painted part allows you to cover any eye color and get an excellent result. The black rim will make the eyes in these lenses even more noticeable than usual. They are able to meet your expectations. Order these lenses from this link.

Purple lenses are the choice of those who are not afraid of changing their image, who are ready for the most daring experiments. We hope you will be able to choose the models to your liking.

6. Pink Lenses for Brown Eyes

Fans of cosplay and anime festivals not only throughout Ukraine, but also from Japan, Korea and other countries are interested in pink lenses. Pink eyes are quite popular among anime characters. In addition, the Halloween look may also need such lenses. Pink lenses on brown eyes should look bright and noticeable, be exactly pink, and not change color to a darker one. In the online store, the site has selected special models that meet all these requirements.

Photo 6.1- The design of these lenses is made with an eye to naturalness. If pink eyes existed in nature, they would look something like these pink lenses on brown eyes. .

Photo 6.2- Noticeable pink lenses on brown eyes. A popular element of this series is a black rim to give expressiveness to the eyes. .

Photo 6.3- Carnival pink crazy lenses on brown eyes. Most often used for Halloween or any theme party for the appropriate image. .

Pink lenses are a rare exclusive item that is needed only on special occasions. The online store site can offer you a good selection of such lenses - choose the model to your liking.

7. White Lenses for Brown Eyes

White lenses are always in high demand! First of all, among fans of various musicians, such as Marilyn Manson, Tony Raut, Allj and others who use white lenses on stage and in videos. Well, when it comes time to get ready and choose a Halloween costume, the popularity of white contact lenses will increase many times over. Such lenses are well suited to the image of any wickedness and look quite scary with the appropriate makeup. The white color of the lenses covers any eye color, this is never a problem. You can choose any model based on your taste and preferences.

Photo 7.1- Completely white lenses on brown eyes. The dense white color of the lens covers the dark color of the eyes well. The transparent part in the center, near the pupil, retains the ability to see in these lenses. This is the main difference from white blind lenses. It is in these white lenses that Tony Routh performs. .

Photo 7.2- White lenses with a black rim on brown eyes. Such lenses are used by rock musician Marilyn Manson as an integral part of his image. .

Photo 7.3- White blind lenses without a pupil on brown eyes. These lenses cover both the iris and the pupil completely, so it doesn’t matter at all what kind of eyes are under these lenses. Since it is the pupil that allows the eye to see, the eye cannot see in these lenses, since the pupil is closed. These lenses are used exclusively for photo shoots. Order white blind lenses.

Photo 7.4- Here, on brown eyes, lenses are shown without pupils of white color, in which you can see. The entire lens is made in the form of a fine mesh. The pupil is completely closed by the mesh, but the presence of small transparent cells retains the ability to see. White color is present in the field of view, but the visibility of surrounding objects is preserved. The inhomogeneity of the grid becomes barely noticeable already from a distance of several meters. They become like completely white blind lenses covering the pupil. These lenses are used by Aljay, so they are especially popular with his fans. .

8. Red Lenses for Brown Eyes

Red lenses are used mainly for Halloween. This is a very popular color for the holidays. Images of vampires, devil, demon, monsters and other wickedness cannot do without red contact lenses. See which red lenses are perfect for brown eyes:

Photo 8.1- Red lenses, special for brown eyes. One of the few that do not belong to carnival lenses and do not increase the iris. If a person could have natural red eyes, then we can say that these are natural red lenses. .

Photo 8.2- Full red carnival lenses for brown eyes. A classic example of the best red lenses for Halloween. Just red. Nothing more. In real life, the red color may look slightly different than in the photo due to lighting. To order full red carnival lenses, follow this link.

Photo 8.3- Option of red lenses on the site, but with a black rim. Photo before and after on brown eyes. These Korean lenses perfectly cover the brown color, and the rim makes the eyes even more noticeable. .

Many girls are not satisfied with their natural eye color, and they cannot be changed like hair color, but there is one solution that is now in fashion and this is - color contact lenses .

Previously used lenses for costume parties, such as tiger lenses, in the form of a soccer ball or intimidating, like zombies.

But now they are often used for everyday life and for an evening out. Today you can change your eye color and go to a nightclub.

The most popular colors are gray and blue, because they are the most attractive.

What color lenses to choose?

You can choose either a shade of your eye color to add saturation and depth to the color, or a completely different and not even real color. After all, all kinds of colors are now available: purple, yellow, pink, and even with patterns.

You can purchase these lenses from an optician, who will not only advise you on the best color to choose based on the color of your eyes, but also tell you how to properly use and care for them. In addition, you need to choose the right size, because not all eyes are the same.

Colored lenses - before and after

You can wear such lenses every day and even a month, because they are not corrective vision, which means that your eyes quickly adapt to them. Although, at the beginning, there may be a sensation of a foreign object in the eye.

You will be surprised how many models and shades of lenses there are to choose from. Many of them can only be purchased online, but for the sake of hygiene and eye health, it is still recommended to make such purchases not online or in reliable stores where a professional will advise you and you will have a guarantee.

In addition to colored lenses, you can choose lenses FreshLook Dimensions, which are ideal for light eyes and help to visually enlarge the eyes.

Colored lenses are modern high-quality optics that allow you to simultaneously correct your vision and radically change your image. Such lenses can also be used by people without vision problems who purchase decorative products without optical properties solely to change their image. It is not easy to choose lenses for brown eyes because of their initially saturated natural color, but with a careful approach to the choice of products, you can achieve a complete change in image.

Lens properties

Modern lenses are made from soft, breathable materials. Thanks to the constant supply of oxygen through the lenses, the eyes of a person are comfortable throughout the day.

Colored lenses, like ordinary ones, do not pose a danger to the human eye, despite the presence of a dye in their composition. The coloring matter is located inside the soft base of the lens, so its contact with the shell of the eye is excluded.

A person with healthy vision can only use decorative products, and a person with vision problems can buy colored lenses with the desired optical effect. The color of the lenses does not affect their corrective ability in any way. Even products of the darkest shades fully perform optical functions.

Colored lenses are used according to the same simple principle as conventional products. There are no additional features to care for them.

The variety of colors of contact lenses allows you to radically change the color of your eyes and create a completely new image. If desired, a person can purchase several pairs of lenses of different colors and change the shade of their eyes, taking into account the style of clothing, hair color, makeup, etc. Modern technologies make it possible to make the shades of cosmetic lenses as close as possible to natural ones, which eliminates the possibility of obtaining an unnatural eye color.

Product varieties

In terms of the degree of coloration, there are three main types of decorative lenses for brown eyes:

  1. Dense colored lenses with rich pigmentation that allow you to completely change the color of the iris.
  2. Products with a slight coloring effect that cannot change the brown color of the eyes, but can give a different shade to the iris. Such lenses are called tinted lenses.
  3. Effect lenses. They can not only change the color of the eyes, but also give the look a special originality thanks to the applied drawings. Drawings can be very diverse: soccer balls, flowers, patterns, figures, etc. Also, such lenses can give the look a glowing effect or contain several iridescent shades.

In addition, there are several types of lenses, depending on the features of their use:

  • lenses for daytime use only. At the time of sleep, such products are removed;
  • lenses that can be used without interruption for 3 days;
  • products that can be worn continuously for up to 7 days;
  • lenses that can be worn for a month without removing.

Color matching for brown eyes

When choosing a lens color, it is important to objectively evaluate the shade of brown eyes. Brown color can be light, chocolate, almost black, or interspersed with other colors (green, yellow, gray, etc.). Also, many people's eyes change color depending on the lighting and the color of the clothes. The following combinations are considered the best:

No less important is the image of the person himself. When choosing eye color, it is important to take into account the general features of the style (color of clothes) and the person's face (color of eyebrows, eyelashes, skin, hair).

So, light skin and hair imply warm and soft eye colors. With pale skin and dark hair, the use of natural shades is also recommended. And with dark skin and dark hair, it is better to give preference to bright and saturated colors.

Correctly selected eye color will allow you to change the image, while maintaining the harmony of appearance. A discrepancy between the color of the eyes and the type of appearance (for example, gray eyes with dark skin and black hair) can greatly spoil the appearance of a person.

Selection process

When choosing lenses, consider the following points:

Eye comfort when wearing lenses largely depends on compliance with certain rules for care and use:

  • it is undesirable to rub eyes with lenses, as this causes lens displacement and discomfort;
  • with dry air and a high level of dustiness, it is worth using special drops to increase the level of eye hydration;
  • daytime lenses must be removed at night, otherwise redness and discomfort in the eyes will appear by morning;
  • it is necessary to adhere to the terms of operation of the lenses and replace them in a timely manner;
  • store products in a special container with a disinfectant solution. The container must be clean and the solution fresh each time. This will prevent the entry of microbes;
  • do not wash the lenses with liquids not intended for this (water, various liquids, etc.);
  • make-up should be applied before using lenses, and makeup should be removed after removing them;
  • remove the products with your hands washed with soap, moving the lens from the cornea with your index finger. In this case, you need to tilt your head down and look forward;
  • it is undesirable to wear lenses with eye irritation, with inflammatory processes, while using eye drops, while swimming and swimming;
  • at the slightest sign of discomfort, the lenses should be removed and contacted by an ophthalmologist.

Video - how to choose colored lenses


Many people fear that wearing decorative lenses unnecessarily for the sole purpose of changing their image can lead to visual impairment. Numerous studies confirm that wearing lenses does not harm human vision in any way.

Harm to health is possible only if the rules for the operation and care of lenses are not followed. So, exceeding the permissible duration of use of lenses without interruption or untimely replacement of the disinfectant solution can actually cause eye problems.

But there are a number of disadvantages of lenses:

Interference with visionInterference for full-fledged visual perception, which arise due to the fact that the human pupil is constantly changing size, and the size of the lens remains unchanged. As a result, the dilated pupil becomes wider than the uncolored lumen in the center of the lens and there is a feeling as if something is blocking the view.
Difficulties in choosing colored lenses for brown eyesThe rich brown color of the iris is quite difficult to cover with another color, so it takes a lot of time to find the right shade of the lens
Production costHigh-quality lenses from trusted manufacturers are not cheap. Also, when buying lenses, it becomes necessary to purchase containers, a disinfectant solution, special drops