Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God: how the holiday goes Holidays Kazan summer and Kazan winter (autumn)

Since ancient times, the image of the Mother of God has been famous in Russia, and the festivities associated with it, it is no coincidence that they have a special sacred meaning for all Orthodox people. Therefore, one of the most beloved and revered among the people is the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (or the feast of the Kazan Mother of God, in common parlance).

To this day, parents bless the newlyweds with this icon and which indicates the right path (or the right decision) to all those who doubt. This amazing icon also has many healing properties, but it is best known for the numerous cases of healing of believers from blindness and other vision problems.

The holiday is celebrated twice a year: 21 July and November 4 because each date has its own history.

By the way, the very origin and real fate of this miraculous icon, which gives both physical and spiritual insight, is still shrouded in mystery. But first things first!..

July 21 - the summer holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

This string of amazing events began after a terrible fire that occurred in Kazan in the summer of 1579, which left many Kazanians homeless. Among the victims of the fire was the daughter of a local archer, nine-year-old (according to some sources, eleven-year-old) Matryona (or Matrona) Onuchina, to whom the Mother of God suddenly appeared in a dream, indicating to the girl the place where Her icon is underground.

Since none of the adults took the children's words seriously, in the third dream the Most Pure Virgin was angry with Matryona, threatening her with imminent death if she did not fulfill Her order. At this point, the frightened girl and her mother went with the news to the local mayor and the archbishop, but they only brushed aside the annoying visitors.

What to do?.. The Onuchins themselves had to start excavations on the ashes in the place indicated in the dream, where the icon was dug up by Matryona herself and looked surprisingly freshly painted.

How it got into the ground is the first mystery of the Kazan icon. Perhaps she was hidden there from the supporters of Mohammed by some Orthodox even before the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, but these are only assumptions, nothing more ...

This time, the "fathers of the city" did not blunder and immediately arrived at the place, after which they transferred the miraculous icon (through the church of St. Nicholas located nearby) to the first Orthodox church in Kazan - the Annunciation Cathedral. And it was here (literally on the way) that the Kazan Mother of God began to show miracles of healing, the first of which affected the local blind men Joseph and Nikita.
On the site of a miraculous find, a convent was founded a little later, in which Matryona Onuchina was the first to take tonsure, who became Mavra (Martha), in the future - his abbess. Matrena's mother followed her daughter.

November 4 is the autumn feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Soon a copy of the miraculous icon was sent to Ivan the Terrible in Moscow (from where it subsequently ended up in St. Petersburg in 1737 and was placed in the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the site of which the Kazan Cathedral was later erected).

It is interesting that historians do not have exact facts regarding the fate of the original, because some of them claim that it was he who was sent to Moscow, and not the list. It is only known for certain that there were two miraculous lists made.

One of the lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was brought to Moscow liberated from the Poles on October 22 (November 4), 1612 by Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the people's militia. This joyful event gave rise to the "autumn Kazan", which has long been celebrated at the state level.

In 1636, this image of the Blessed Virgin was placed in the Kazan Cathedral erected on Red Square (today the icon is in the Cathedral of the Epiphany). Russian rulers turned to the patronage of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on the threshold of all critical historical events (both on the eve of the Battle of Poltava and before the defeat of the French in 1812).

The last secret of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (PHOTO)

In 1904, terrible news suddenly spread among the Russian Orthodox world: the famous icon of the Mother of God was stolen and destroyed in Kazan. This crime was taken on by a certain Stoyan-Chaikin, who later died in the Shlisselburg fortress, who committed this blasphemy in order to prove to everyone the "unholy" icon.

The accusation was based on the jewelry from the salary found in the thief's apartment and the testimony of the nine-year-old (is it an accident?) daughter of his cohabitant, who allegedly saw how Chaikin and his accomplice Komov cut icons and burned them in the oven.

Indeed, several loops, pearls, carnations and the remains of matter were later found there. But whether the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, stolen from the temple, was then burnt is not known for sure ...

So the trace of this shrine was lost ... Some believe that the original icon is in Moscow (and the copy perished in the fire), others - that in St. Petersburg, and still others - that the real icon is preserved by the Old Believers.

I really want to believe in the immortality of the relic!.. But perhaps it is no less important for all of us to keep it in our hearts?..

The Heavenly Intercessor, Patroness and Guardian of the Russian land is the Blessed Virgin Mary. People who offered prayers to the Queen of Heaven soon received help through their prayers.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Entering the temple of God, the first thing that every parishioner sees is the multitude of holy faces on the iconostasis. One of the main ones is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, one of the oldest Russian shrines. Her image can be seen in almost every believing family.

Help through the prayers of believers

The Kazan Mother of God helps to cope with absolutely all problems:

  • they pray to her before the wedding, and the parents bless the bride and groom into family life with this particular icon - the Virgin Mary will certainly help the newlyweds to build a strong marriage union;
  • it is the Kazan Mother of God who prays for the sick, for the granting of health to them - She can heal from any disease, including through the prayers of believers, the eyes of blind people see through;
  • ensures peace on earth, in times of military conflicts, it inspires calmness and prudence to the warring parties, contributes to an early truce;
  • sincere prayer before the Holy Face will allow you to keep peace in the family hearth, prevent quarrels in the family, will become the key to a comfortable and harmonious marriage;
  • a mother, wishing health and well-being to her child, offers prayers before the Kazan icon;
  • Matushka helps childless spouses get rid of infertility;
  • The Queen of Heaven will protect from sudden death;
  • Protects travelers and wanderers.

Description of the holy image

The Kazan Mother of God belongs to the type "Hodegetria" - "Guide", "Showing the way".

Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan

Tradition says that the original image belongs to the brush of the Apostle Luke. The meaning of the image on the icon is to represent the appearance of the Savior in the world. On the icon He blesses with two fingers.

But in other lists, finger addition is depicted in such a way that each finger means a letter of the Greek alphabet, and together they form the monogram of the name of Jesus Christ IC XC.

The head of the Mother of God is bowed to Her Son, and Her face radiates the highest love. Her eyes are thoughtful, motherly, but the eyes of the Blessed Child express the mind of an adult. He stands on the left side of the Mother, his right hand is raised, which means blessing.

Procession of the Church to God

Religious processions were created in ancient times, since then they have been of great importance and great meaning for the Russian Land. Processions with the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos are outwardly similar to church services and clearly show the strength of the Christian faith.

Icon of the Mother of God

More than 10 monastic cloisters and fifty cathedrals and churches were consecrated in her honor, which, in addition to Russia, are located in other countries.

Churches and temples in honor of the Kazan icon:

The veneration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God takes place annually:

  • July 21, on the day of her solemn acquisition;
  • November 4, in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from foreign invaders.

The history of the appearance of the face

The year 1579 turned out to be very terrible for the city of Kazan, at the time of its conquest by Ivan the Terrible. A huge part of the city was struck by a severe fire, many families were left without a roof over their heads. The fire broke out of the house of one of the city archers and in a few minutes turned into ashes what human hands had been creating with great labors for many years.

ancient icon

Fierce crying and human tears stood over Kazan. The fire raged mainly in the part of the city where Orthodox believers lived. It was difficult for them to endure accusations, desecration of sacred images.

And then the Almighty showed Divine mercy to his faithful people - to satisfy sorrow and enlightenment.

The ten-year-old girl Matrona, the daughter of an archer, in an empty hut, the image of the Virgin appeared. A voice came from the icon, commanding to find Her image in the bowels of the earth. The matron, of course, was frightened and did not tell her parents anything.

The next day, the vision was repeated, and the girl told her mother about the diva, but she did not attach much importance to her daughter's words. A few days later Matrona lay down to rest during the day and fell asleep, when suddenly an unknown force lifted her up and carried her to the middle of the courtyard.

Matrona of Moscow

Opening her eyes, the maiden again saw the face of the Theotokos. Huge and bright fiery rays emanated from it. The maiden was frightened and thought that they might burn her. A formidable female voice ordered her to publicly announce the revealed decree and find the icon, and as a punishment for disobedience, the girl was promised a serious and incurable mortal illness. From fright, the girl fell to the ground unconscious.

About other Mother of God icons:

When she woke up, she told her mother about her miraculous transfer from the house to the courtyard, about the icon and the fiery rays. Soon the mother and daughter went to the local governors, told about the miracle and indicated the place where the icon should be underground.

But the governors did not take the story seriously, and Matrona and her mother went to the ruling bishop in the hope that he would listen and order to remove the Holy Face from the earth. But he left the story without due attention.

There was nothing to do, they had to look for the miraculous icon in the ashes themselves. Many people worked at the excavations, but the icon was never found. But when Matrona herself began to dig the earth in the place where the furnace had previously stood, then at a depth of one and a half meters she acquired the Sacred Face.

The image of the Mother of God was wrapped in a shabby piece of cloth, but when the canvas was unfolded, it shone with radiant light. Time spared the Holy Face, it did not deteriorate at all and looked as if it had just been written.

The Orthodox people were very happy to find the icon, they knelt down before it, kissed and kissed it in the hope of healing from ailments and receiving grace.

The bishop, having learned about the miraculous finding, ordered to ring all the bells. Seeing the newly-appeared image, he was very surprised - he had never seen icons of such wonderful writing. Falling to his knees, he tearfully begged the Mother of God for forgiveness for his unbelief.

Patriarch Hermogenes, being a priest in those years, transferred the icon from the place where it was found to the church.

By the mercy of God, miracles began to happen from the icon on the way from the conflagration to the temple. The two men, who had been blind for a long time, suddenly received their sight.

The miraculous news spread far beyond Kazan, Tsar Ivan the Terrible learned about the miracle and ordered to write a copy from the miraculous icon. She, like a precious treasure, was delivered to Moscow.

Video about the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The icon of the Mother of God "Kazan" is truly famous, miraculous, every Orthodox Christian appreciates and reveres it. This ancient Russian shrine is in almost every home.

Since ancient times, both common people and kings and princes addressed the Patron. She, according to beliefs, gives people health, heals from the most terrible ailments, and also restores lost sight and hearing. The intercessor creates wonderful things that can be called miracles with confidence, so the faithful come to her when they overcome troubles and difficulties. How to correctly read prayers with petitions to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and what significance does it have, why does it protect?

Appearances of the miraculous shrine

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God was discovered after a large-scale fire in Kazan, which blazed and burned everything to ashes in 1579. The Mother of God was dreamed of by a little girl named Matrona, the daughter of archer Daniil Onuchin. She ordered to go to the conflagration in order to find a shrine on the burnt ruins. However, no one believed the child for the first time. When the dreams began to repeat every night, Matrona's parents nevertheless decided to go to the indicated place. The villagers indeed found an icon of the Saint in the conflagration. To the surprise of people, the colors on it were fresh, bright, as if it had just been painted. The icon immediately healed two blind elders, Joseph and Nikita. They had only touched it when they were granted sight. Then the villagers believed in its healing power.

Where the shrine was found, people erected a nunnery, and the find itself was transported to the territory of the Kazan Assumption Cathedral. In 1904, vandals stole the holy face because of the precious frame. The further fate of the icon is unknown, presumably it was burned. To date, only copies of the Holy Image have survived. But their strength is no less than that of the original source.

On the Kazan icon, the Divine Infant is depicted to the left of the mother's hand. He blesses every Orthodox, as his right hand is frozen in the air, and two fingers are crossed - this is the main sign of forgiveness, as well as approval.

The earliest icon of the Mother of God is dated 1606. It is kept in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. Another image, which is greatly revered by believers, is located in the house church at the residence of the Moscow Patriarch. It was given by the Roman Catholic Church as a gift to the Russian Orthodox Church when the dioceses ceased to compete. Also, the holy face, which is considered the closest to the ancient prototype, is in the St. Petersburg Prince Vladimir Cathedral.

All Orthodox Christians celebrate the divine feast in honor of the face twice a year, on July 21 and November 4. These days, the church holds a service with a sermon, and then a kontakion.

How the Kazan icon helps the Orthodox

The holy face of the Mother of God grants help to all Orthodox Christians, without exception, who come to her with pure thoughts and an open heart. She blesses, protects those who truly believe and strive to find harmony.

The icon is advised to contact in such cases:

    • For healing from diseases, both physical and spiritual. The saint especially helps with problems with vision and hearing, skin diseases, ailments of internal organs. Also, the Mother of God heals the soul, instructing on the true path. It opens the eyes to spiritual insight and inspires faith.
    • For support in difficult life situations. The protector shows a person that everyone is given a cross according to his strength, and gives the opportunity to overcome obstacles. The saint instructs and comforts during any sadness.
    • For intercession. If you pray in front of the face, you can get a strong amulet for a long time.
    • For help in making a decision. The Mother of God is the guide. She always comes to the rescue when the question concerns a serious choice. It saves the believer from making mistakes and misfortunes that can negatively affect a person's life. Prayer at the icon points the way only to a good, disinterested goal. Many Orthodox said that when they found themselves at a crossroads and did not know what to do, the holy face appeared to them in a dream. He talked about how to avoid trouble or correct its consequences. The Mother of God always gives instructions to those in need.

  • For protection for warriors. The Kazan Saint is the main patroness of soldiers defending their native land. It will help those who rid the Motherland of invaders and occupiers. You can pray both for protection on the battlefield and for health in the rear.
  • For the preservation of peace and harmony in the family. The icon of the Mother of God belongs to women's amulets. Married women ask her for assistance in family life. The image in the house strengthens the family, makes it strong in the face of problems, hardships; builds relationships, brings prosperity.
  • For a blessing. Since ancient times, the Intercessor blessed the newlyweds before the wedding, and was also considered a wedding icon. Before marriage, young people should pray in front of the icon, ask her for a happy, comfortable life together. Then the new family will always have money, and the newlyweds will not quarrel over trifles. By the way, there is a sign associated with this icon. If the wedding ceremony falls on a divine holiday in honor of the face, then the life of the family will be happy, and harmony and peace will reign between the spouses.
  • For the health of the children. The Kazan Mother of God is especially favorable to children. She protects them from sorrows, helps on the path of life. In order for the child to be favorably treated by higher powers, he did not get sick, he was lucky, parents need to constantly pray to the Intercessor.

The rules of prayer before the image

Our Lady of Kazan hears every Orthodox Christian who believes. However, there are unspoken rules of prayer that must be followed. We give their description.

It does not matter where to read the prayer to the Intercessor: this can be done both in the temple and at home. It is best to ask for help from the icon early in the morning, immediately after waking up. Before this, you should wash yourself with clean cold water, which washes away bad thoughts, instructing in a divine way. Be sure to tune in to positive emotions and a wave of humility. Throw out of your head all annoying and negative thoughts, thoughts should be pure and clear.

Light church candles in front of the face of the Saint, kneel down and say the words of prayer. It doesn’t matter how to do it, the main thing is that the petition comes from a pure heart, sincerely, with faith in the light. The person who speaks the words must believe in them himself. After the prayer is read, it is recommended to state your petition in a simple colloquial language. Do it calmly and consciously. It is important to understand that the Mother of God will not fulfill the request if it contains negative words or bad thoughts.

- one of the most revered icons in Russia. It is this icon that is usually hung by cribs and young people are blessed with this icon. Prayer before the Kazan icon helped many suffering people: the blind gained sight, and the weak were healed.
The image of the Kazan Mother of God refers to the icons of the Hodegetria - the Guide, and for many people she has repeatedly indicated the right path.

Acquisition history

After the troops of Ivan the Terrible took Kazan in 1552, by royal command, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos was founded in the city, and after that the Kazan diocese was established.

Almost thirty years after this landmark event for Russian history, in 1579, a severe fire broke out in Kazan, which was extinguished for a whole week, and which destroyed more than half of all the buildings of the Kremlin and the city buildings adjacent to it. Many people were left homeless or died in the fire. Muslims used to say that the fire was a sign of the Russian God, who showed His wrath to people, because of which, as the chronicler said, "The faith of Christ became a parable and a reproach."

However, it was at this time that the Lord showed people His mercy. The Mother of God appeared in a dream to the little girl Matryona, the daughter of an archer, commanding her to look for Her icon on the ashes of the burnt house. Nobody believed the girl and did not undertake to help her. However, the girl's dream kept repeating. Then Matryona's parents themselves decided to check their daughter's words by going in search.

What a surprise it was when the place indicated by the Mother of God was indeed found an icon wrapped in a sleeve of men's clothing made of cherry cloth. The face of the Most Pure One was bright and clear, as if the icon had just been painted.

Archbishop Jeremiah reverently received the miraculous icon and transferred it to the church of St. Nicholas, from where, after a prayer service with a procession, it was transferred to the Cathedral of the Annunciation.
During the procession from the icon of the Mother of God, the first miracle was revealed, when two blind men gained sight: Joseph and Nikita.

After the appearance of the miracle, those who mocked the Orthodox faith were already hastening to the miraculous icon with a prayer - Queen of Heaven, help, enlighten, heal!

The story of finding the icon impressed Tsar Ivan the Terrible so much that he ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral and the founding of a convent. In that monastery, after a while, Matrona and her mother took monastic vows.

Kazan icon and the liberation of Moscow

By the end of 1611, the Muscovite state looked completely destroyed: the government was paralyzed, the Poles, who captured Smolensk and Moscow, were in charge in the capital, and Novgorod was captured by the Swedes.

In the winter of 1611, the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God returned to the Kazan Cathedral of the Annunciation. On the way, in Yaroslavl, the icon was met by a militia marching from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. The militia was assembled by Minin, and Prince Pozharsky took command of it. Having learned about the miracles that occurred from the icon, the militia took it with them and prayed in front of it, asking for help to be sent down to them.

The Most Holy Theotokos showed Her mercy, taking under Her Protection the faithful sons of the fatherland, and with Her help Russia was saved from her enemies.

November 4, 1612(according to the new style) the militia liberated Kitay-gorod, and two days later the Kremlin itself was taken, putting the Poles to flight. This day is currently a public holiday in Russia - national unity day.

In memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the blessing of Patriarch Filaret, it was established for the Church annually on October 22 (November 4, according to the new style) to celebrate in Moscow in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with a procession.

Temples in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Kazan Cathedral, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, was built on Red Square in the second quarter of the 17th century. The cathedral was built at the expense of Prince Pozharsky, who led the liberation militia in gratitude for the help and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The temple was consecrated by the patriarch in the presence of the tsar and Pozharsky himself. An old legend has been preserved that the Kazan icon is not in the temple itself, but above the bell tower in the middle of the cross, and it was as if the holy icon was brought into the cathedral several times, but each time it again appeared on the bell tower's cross.

Kazan Cathedral in Saint Petersburg

The history of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg begins in 1710, when a chapel was built on Nevsky Prospekt next to the wooden building of the hospital, and later a wooden church of Our Lady of Kazan. In 1733, by decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna, a stone Church of the Nativity was laid on the site of a wooden church. Upon completion of construction, the Kazan icon of the Mother of God was transferred here from the Trinity Cathedral, and the Church of the Nativity was called Kazanskaya after this icon. Later, the church received the status of the Cathedral, which became the main temple in the Northern capital.

By the end of the 18th century, the building of the Kazan Cathedral fell into disrepair, and it was decided to build a new temple. Emperor Paul I wished that the new temple would be similar to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, and in 1799 a competition was announced for the project of a new cathedral building. The project of the young architect Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin, a former serf, won the competition. In the presence of Emperor Alexander I, a new temple was laid, the construction of which was completed in 1811.

Temples of Russia in honor of the Kazan Icon

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is revered throughout the Orthodox world, and throughout Russia there are many churches dedicated to the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Among these temples there are both cathedrals and small churches built at the expense of believers.

Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Aleksandrovka

In the north of the Volgograd region, in the village of Aleksandrovka, there is a small wooden church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which was erected in honor of delivering the village from the devastating fire that engulfed the entire north of the Volgograd region in 2010.
Services in this temple are held on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

In this temple, through the service, you can also order prayers for you and your loved ones.

Loss of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

On the night of June 29, 1904, several robbers, led by a certain V. A. Stoyan-Chaikin, broke into the Kazan Cathedral and stole the Kazan icon along with a richly decorated riza. When the robbers were caught, neither the robe nor the most miraculous image was with them. Chaikin assured that the riza was sawn and sold to jewelers, and the icon was burned in the oven, where he threw it to check if it was really miraculous. The long-term investigation was never able to establish whether the icon was really burned or sold to the merchant Shevlyagin, who left for England after the revolution and sold it there in private hands.

In the 1960s, the Kazan icon in a precious riza really appeared in the West. This image turned out to be masterfully executed in the list already in the 20th century; but the robe on it, judging by all the evidence, is genuine - the same one that was on the miraculous missing in 1904. Orthodox Americans tried to buy this image, it was even exhibited for a prayer service in a Boston Orthodox church, where thousands of people saw it, but they failed to raise funds. As a result, this Kazanskaya, together with the riza decorating it, was bought in 1970 by Catholics, was kept for a long time in the Portuguese city of Fatima, and since 1982 has been in the Vatican.

Despite the contradictory versions about the fate of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, it is known for certain that since it disappeared without a trace, Russia has suffered many sorrows: defeats in wars and two revolutions. However, any troubled times, by the grace of God, end, and we hope that His grace will touch Russia again.


Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 4

Zealous Intercessor, / Mother of the Lord Most High, / for all pray to Your Son, Christ our God, / and work for everyone to be saved, to those who run to Your sovereign protection. / Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Mistress, / even in adversity and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, / coming and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, / before Your most pure image with tears / and irrevocably having hope on Thee, / deliverance of all evils, / bestow on all useful / and save everything, Virgin Mother of God: / Thou art the Divine Protection of Your servant.

Kontakion of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

Come, people, to this quiet and good haven, / an ambulance Helper, ready and warm salvation, the cover of the Virgin. / Let us hasten to prayer, and rush to repentance: / the Most Pure Mother of God exudes for us inexhaustible mercy, / anticipates help, and delivers from great troubles and evils, // Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants.

Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling down before Your honest icon, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who resort to You, implore, Merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may our country be peaceful, may the Church be established His holy Yes, he will keep it unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, unless you, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, the correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all thankfully sing of Your greatness, we will be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God has been celebrated in Russia for several centuries. This is one of our most revered images.

When is the Day of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God celebrated?

The miraculous acquisition of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in the city of Kazan took place in 1579. In memory of this event, the celebration of the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God takes place annually on July 21.

Also, the Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is also celebrated in the fall - on November 4, in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612. Then, during the Time of Troubles, the list from the icon helped the Russian soldiers win several battles.

History of the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The history of the feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is as follows: after a fire broke out in Kazan, many citizens were left homeless. Among the victims of the fire was the daughter of the archer Matryona (Matrona) Onuchin, to whom the Mother of God appeared in a dream and indicated where her icon was hidden under the ground.

At first, no one believed the girl - neither the local mayor, nor the archbishop. When the girl had this dream for the third time, her family began excavations on their own, and in the indicated place, at a depth of about a meter, the girl discovered the icon.

She was sent to the first Orthodox church in Kazan - the Cathedral of the Annunciation. Several people took part in this procession. It is known that two blind people, having touched the icon, received their sight.

A nunnery was erected on the site of the miraculous find. Matrona was the first to take tonsure in him and later became his abbess.

In 1649, on the occasion of the birth in 1648 on the feast of the “miracle-working icon of Kazan, during the all-night singing” of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Dmitry, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered to celebrate on October 22 (November 4, according to a new style) the Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God “in all cities throughout years."

A copy of this icon was sent to Ivan the Terrible in Moscow. Later, in 1737, the list of the icon was transferred to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St. Petersburg, on the site of which the Kazan Cathedral was later erected.

In 1904, the icon was stolen in order to sell its precious frame, and destroyed. Today, in temples around the world, copies of the miraculous image are used, which have repeatedly shown miraculous properties. This icon has become one of the independent iconographic types of the Mother of God icons in Russia.

How is the holiday Day of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The celebration of the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is widely celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church. On this day, people turn to the Mother of God with prayers for their loved ones.

According to tradition, this icon has long been used to bless the newlyweds. It is believed that this contributes to building a strong and happy family.

The Kazan icon of the Mother of God also has many healing properties. Numerous cases of healing of believers who turned to her from blindness and other eye diseases are known.