Wild and domestic animals, their role in human life. Pets: a list of different types of pets What pets are

On the pages of our site, we have repeatedly talked about small breeds of dogs. However, besides them, there are other small pets. For example, in popularity, immediately after dogs and cats, decorative rabbits follow, and then there are chinchillas, hamsters, parrots, etc. Below we will talk about decorative pets in order, giving their names and photos.

List of decorative pets:

In addition to those listed, there are other pets, but they are less common. First, let's get acquainted with the most popular pets.

decorative dogs

The Yorkshire Terrier is a toy dog ​​breed.

There are dozens of different breeds of toy dogs in the world. All of them are characterized by a common feature - small size, which makes them suitable for keeping even in a small apartment.

These dogs are often much smaller than a normal cat. For example, we give the maximum weight of popular breeds: Yorkshire Terrier - 3.1 kg, Chihauhua - 3.5 kg, Russian Toy - 3 kg.

decorative cats

Scythian-toy-bob is a decorative breed of cats. Photo of the kennel "Smolcats".

Even ordinary breeds of cats can be called decorative, because they weigh an average of 6-8 kg. Although there are those that grow to the size of a small dog and weigh 15 kg each.

But there are also small cats, such as Singapura and Scythian toy-bean. The latter is considered the smallest cat breed in the world, usually its adult representatives weigh from 1 to 2.5 kg and are no larger than a 4-month-old kitten of a regular breed.

decorative rabbits

Dwarf Rex is a decorative breed of rabbits. Photo of the nursery "Valley of the Winds".

In recent decades, decorative rabbits have become increasingly popular. Due to their small size (usually they weigh from 1.5 to 3 kg), beautiful appearance and lower maintenance costs, many choose these pets.

Domestic dwarf rabbits are different - some are lop-eared, others are sharp-eared, the third one has a lion's mane on its head, etc. In general, there are plenty to choose from. Among other things, rabbits are usually cheaper than kittens and puppies.

  • Breeds of decorative rabbits - photos, names and descriptions.

decorative chinchillas

Decorative chinchilla (photo by Fine_plan).

The chinchilla is a rodent that looks like either a rabbit or a huge mouse. These animals come with a long and short tail, have a beautiful fur coat with various colors, are unpretentious to the conditions of detention, and also get used to people well.

Thanks to these factors, many pet lovers liked chinchillas. In size, they are comparable to many decorative rabbits - the body length can reach 35 cm.

Decorative ferrets

Domestic ferret, photo by Selbe Lynn.

Initially, they were tamed to fight rats in the house, because ferrets can get them where the cat can't get them. Now they are used simply as pets, which, by the way, respond to the name and are well trained in various tricks.

Ferret sizes: body length from 33 to 40 cm, and weight from 0.6 to 2 kg. On average, their life expectancy, like that of decorative rabbits, is about 7 years. Among other things, ferrets, like dogs, can be walked on a leash.

Decorative fox Fenech

Domestic fox Fenech.

Such an unusual pet came to our homes from the deserts of North Africa, respectively, it can only be kept in a warm apartment and cannot be taken outside in winter. At the moment, the Fenech fox as a pet is not very common, primarily because of the price.

Despite the large ears, the overall dimensions of this fox are small - from 30 to 40 cm long, up to 22 cm in height and no more than 1.5 kg in weight. You can read more about Fenech at the link below.

Decorative animal prices

Many would like to get themselves, for example, a Fenech fox, and not a decorative dog. However, such an exotic pet is quite expensive. Here are the approximate prices of some domestic decorative animals:

  • Puppies of decorative breeds - price from $ 150.
  • Rabbits of decorative breeds - price from $ 30;
  • Fennec fox cub - price from $ 2000.

The indicated prices are relevant for nurseries, if you buy a pet on the market, it will be cheaper. However, then there is no guarantee that you will get exactly what you buy (a dog or a rabbit can grow large and not at all decorative).

If you have children, sooner or later they will start asking for a pet. Which one to choose, so that it would be good for both people and pets?

If your child already understands that birds, dogs, cats, fish, mice can live in a house or apartment, then, naturally, the question will be asked: why don't we have a bird, dog or cat? Well, the question will be followed by such familiar words for parents as “Mom, buy it!” or “I want, I want, I want!” Which pets are the most attractive, useful and safe for children? Let's get to know everyone.

What is important to consider when choosing a pet

In this case, first of all, parents should focus on the age of the child. Doctors and psychologists do not recommend getting a pet for children under 6 years old, since only by this age the child begins to understand that an animal is not an insensitive toy, it, like a person, feels pain, needs care, nutrition, rest, etc. .

If the age of the child allows you to have a pet, then you should pay attention to the choice of a pet. You should not make a decision in a hurry or buy at the pet store the animal that the child pokes his finger at. Take enough time to choose an animal, study information about pets for children from various sources, consult with your pediatrician so that later you do not have to give the animal back or there are no unexpected troubles.

When choosing an animal for a child, consider the gender, age, temperament, health of the baby, as well as your physical abilities and the size of the living space. The most common types of pets may not always be suitable for one particular child, so pay attention to exotic types as well.

Who needs a kitten

In the descriptions of pets for children, there is no division among pets into female and male, only cats deserve special attention here. No, cats are not contraindicated for either girls or boys, but for girls they are more useful. If a girl grows up in the city and never spends time in a house where a cat lives, then it makes sense to have a kitten.

The secret here is in the strange and rare but dangerous disease toxoplasmosis. It is dangerous mainly for unborn children, that is, for the fetus of a pregnant woman. And it is precisely in order for the fetus not to die from toxoplasmosis that a woman in her childhood should spend at least some time with a cat or a cat, play, stroke, live in the same room. In this case, Toxoplasma, having entered the child's body, stimulates the production of antibodies that in the future will protect the baby of this girl from a rare disease. We have already written about the other one.

If you are considering getting a cat, there are several factors to consider. Allergy is the first thing that can make you give the kitten back to the store or, God forbid, leave it on the street. Also, the aggressive temperament of the child will not allow the cat to take root in your house. If you understand that a son or daughter is likely to pull the unfortunate kitten by the tail, tie rattles to it, or cause inconvenience in other ways, then it is better to refrain from acquiring.

Yet, for the most part, cats are independent and proud animals who are not used to enduring anything. In case of a bad attitude towards themselves, they will be able to stand up for themselves or they will live in constant fear. But there are also cat breeds that are suitable for an active child, these can be patient Scottish Folds or playful Abyssinians. At the same time, cats of different breeds will be ideal for a child prone to tantrums, such children need animals in the first place, as they have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

The best devoted friend is a dog

The dog is man's best friend. An old but very accurate and wise phrase. But by bringing a puppy into the house, you are essentially having another child. After all, the dog needs a lot of attention, these are vaccinations, and walks, and feeding, and training, and bathing. Therefore, having chosen a dog of a suitable breed, immediately prepare the child for the fact that caring for the animal will be his responsibility.

Safety is also very important, you should teach the child to treat the puppy so that in the future, when the little animal grows up, he does not remember the baby's past grievances. Another disadvantage of keeping a dog is the financial side, since you will have to buy food if you want to raise a healthy animal. And, accordingly, the larger the dog, the more food it needs, and the more expensive the muzzle and collar, that is, the more money it will take, consider this when choosing a breed.

But the advantages of dogs, of course, are invaluable. What are some walks in the fresh air, and even with a four-legged partner, if, of course, your child will participate in this. As well as boundless devotion and readiness to protect their owner - these are the undeniable advantages of dogs. In a child, a dog will bring up a sense of responsibility, devotion, courage, teach you to be friends. The main thing is to choose the right breed.

Little rodents for babies

A small child, if he has already persuaded you to buy a pet at the age of 4-5, you can buy a hamster or a mouse. They do not require special care, just feed the rodent twice a day and clean the cage a couple of times a week. Perhaps breeding small animals will be training to get a more serious animal.

The downside is that rodents do not live long, 2-4 years, so be prepared to explain to the child what happened to his pet. This will not be a big trauma for your little one at an early age, but it can seriously injure an older child.

A domestic or laboratory rat is perhaps the most unloved creature by mothers, but a suitable animal for preschool children. But only at first glance. When this animal appears in the house, sooner or later the mother decides to get to know him, and the rodent will certainly win the favor of even the most strict parent. Like hamsters, rats are picky in care, omnivores, do not require much attention from humans.

Leaving for a couple of days, you don’t have to worry about the rat, it won’t get bored very much, just give it enough food and fill the drinker. Of course, rats have an unpleasant smell, but not as strong as, for example, guinea pigs. If you periodically bathe the animal and often clean the cage, then the smell is practically not felt.

The rat is a very intelligent and sociable creature. Having become attached to a person, she will play with him, you can even let her run around the apartment, at the first call she will come running to you, as she easily remembers the sound of her name.

But when buying a rat, you need to check it with a veterinarian, since these animals are the carriers of the greatest number of infections that are also dangerous for humans. Also, a rat can be aggressive towards other animals, there were cases when a domestic rat bit a guinea pig and even a grown kitten to death, so you need to be careful.

Home aquarium with fish

Fish are ideal for restless, hyperactive children. On the one hand, it would seem that such a child will be bored with fish. You can’t stroke them, you can’t run with them, you can’t take them out for a walk. But an aquarium with fish will perfectly calm the child's nervous system before bedtime or after a school day.

They are easy to care for, feeding the fish is a matter of two minutes. At first, you can clean the aquarium together with mom or dad until the baby learns to do it himself. In addition, the fish do not make almost any noise, which is sometimes very important for parents. But keep in mind that interest in fish can quickly fade, so be prepared for new requests to buy a new pet.

For details on how to start breeding fish and how to choose and buy everything you need, read our article.

Feathered friends instead of an alarm clock

A parrot is a great choice for both a teenager and primary school children. Caring for a parrot is basically simple, you just need to add food, monitor the presence of water in the drinker and sometimes clean the cage. A parrot is a good choice if you have a calm, silent or even melancholic child.

A beautiful, bright, active bird will attract the attention of a bored son and cheer him up. But pay attention not only to parrots, but also to canaries, because these are one of the most domestic birds. Be prepared for noise and an early rise, as the majority of birds wake up very early, and they definitely will not silently wait for you to wake up.

Turtle is a calm long-liver

If you decide to present an animal as a gift to a child, then you can consider a turtle as a pet. Pros: it does not need to be walked, it does not make noise, does not leave hair in the apartment, and will not be able to injure a child. Turtles easily take root in a new home. Also, with proper care, you can not be afraid that the child will be upset because of the death of his pet, as turtles live for 20-40 years.

Unlike hamsters and mice, you can not be afraid that the turtle will run away from the child under the sofa, you can even take it with you for walks. But there is a risk that an active child will quickly get tired of the turtle, and he will start asking for a new pet.

In any case, before finally deciding which animal to choose for a child, all factors must be taken into account, and not just the desire of the youngest family member. But, of course, it’s better to get at least a small animal, because taking care of it, the baby will gradually become accustomed to responsibility, learn to appreciate and love, and in the end he will have a friend.

It is especially important to have a pet if you are not yet deciding on. If you are afraid to get a pet because of smells, sounds, or any other factors that are unpleasant at first glance, then think about what is more important for you, whether some rustling or chirping can interfere with making your son and daughter happy.

A few thousand years ago, ancient man took the first steps to tame wild animals in order to use them for their own purposes. And today it is already difficult to imagine our life without pets, as if they have always been faithful companions of people. Initially, man sought to get something of value from animals, providing them with shelter and food. However, according to anthropology, in ancient times they also served as a source of aesthetic pleasure.

Pets are animals that a person has tamed, caring for them and providing them with food. All domesticated species and artificially bred breeds were used for material gain or pleasure. They became good companions for a person, brightening up his life. The process of reproduction of animals easily takes place even outside natural conditions. By controlling it, people create breeds with the desired properties.

Interesting! Alternative medicine has long been marked by the ability of animals to heal people. Cats are the most successful in this. Scientists explain the effectiveness of cat therapy by the ability of this animal to create a unique electromagnetic field with low-frequency currents thanks to its thin and soft fur. This allows the cat to act on the source of inflammation and pain, destroy microbes.

Scientists have proven that petting an animal is not only pleasant, but also useful. During the bioenergetic contact that occurs in this case, the central nervous system of people receives special impulses that cause positive emotions and improve mood. Therefore, communication with cats is especially important for psychological disorders and stress.

Types of pets

Domestic animals are conditionally divided into two groups.

  1. The first includes agricultural species used in everyday life and allowing to obtain natural products and materials. For example, goats and cows provide a person with food: milk and meat, as well as wool and skin. But horses, despite the appearance of various mechanisms, are still used as a labor force for the transport of goods and a means of transportation.
  2. The second group includes all the animals that people have in the first place for communication and leisure activities. Cats, fish, rodents and dogs are just some of the pets living at home. Like agricultural species, they too can be used for material gain. For example, many breeds of cats and dogs are highly valued on the market, so some owners are engaged in breeding and selling offspring. But most often, such pets, first of all, become full-fledged members of the family and a friend of a person. They help to cope with a bad mood, fight loneliness and stress.

The most devoted friend of a person living at home has become a dog. There is an opinion that, unlike cats, it is more attached to a person. Cases are widely known when, after the death of the owner, the dogs could not find a place for themselves, yearning, and even died, unable to bear the separation. Similarly, many people experience the loss of a pet that has become a full-fledged member of the family very hard. On average, dogs live for about 10 years, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will not always be able to stay around.

When deciding to get a dog, you should also know that it needs constant care. Regular walks and feeding are only a small part of care. It is important to immediately decide on the breed, because each has its own characteristics. The nature of the animal and the kind of care required depend on them.

Dogs of decorative breeds are brought up exclusively as pets: for the sake of pleasure and communication. They don't do any work in a person's life. These include, for example, lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers, miniature pinschers, Pomeranians. Some of them were bred from large dogs as a result of breeding with a decrease in size. With proper upbringing, representatives of decorative breeds are non-aggressive, pleasant in communication, easily make contact with people and other animals. In addition, they lend themselves well to training.
Another large group of breeds is formed by dogs that were originally used as hunting and guard dogs: shepherd dogs, spaniels, pointers, poodles, greyhounds, dachshunds, bull terriers. Gradually, many of them began to play exclusively the role of pets, as well as decorative species.

Interesting! The smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua, weighing only half a kilogram. At the withers, it reaches 10 cm. But the English mastiff was recognized as the largest representative among dogs. The weight of males of this breed exceeds 100 kg. With impressive size, English mastiffs have a fairly peaceful character and get along well with children.

Along with dogs, the “companion animal” includes the cat. It is valued both for its sociability and for its ability to catch rodents. The life expectancy of cats, like dogs, averages 10-15 years. But there are also unique cases.

Interesting! Among animals, too, there are centenarians. So, one cat in the UK is already about 40, which by human standards is more than 170 years old! Her predecessor, also listed in the Guinness Book of Records, lived to be 38 years old.

Today there are a large number of breeds of cats. The main feature in their classification is usually the length of the coat. Many breeds have their own unique traits. So, Scottish fold cats are distinguished by their characteristic forward-curved ears, the Canadian and Don Sphynxes are completely devoid of hair, but in representatives of the Cornish Rex it curls. Crossbreeding of wild and domesticated species has led to such interesting breeds as the Savannah and Bengal cat.

farm animals

Farm animals bring the greatest benefit in everyday life to humans. Most of them are able to live not only in favorable conditions created by people, but also adapt to various changes, due to which they are bred almost everywhere. These types include sheep, horses, cows, pigs. Some farm animals such as camel or llama, on the contrary, can only live in certain geographical areas. For this reason, it is more difficult to keep them in other areas, since it is necessary to create conditions close to natural.

Farm animals provide a person with natural products: milk, eggs, meat. Leather and wool, down and feathers are highly valued. The most consumed meat is pork. It is also often considered the most delicious, as compared to beef, for example, it is fatter and softer. Pigs are quite unpretentious in terms of keeping and food, give a large offspring, so they are most often bred for slaughter. In addition to meat, bristles and skin are also obtained.

The cow is the breadwinner of the family, as Russian peasants used to say. Every day she is able to give several liters of milk, from which fermented milk products, butter, and cheese are then obtained. Man has achieved success even in the domestication of insects - bees, thanks to which he was able to get honey, propolis, wax.

Interesting! More and more people, for various reasons, have recently given up meat, becoming vegetarians. However, blindly following this fashion trend is extremely dangerous for health. Meat is a source of essential amino acids. They are needed for the construction of antibodies that provide protection against pathogens of various diseases, including cancer. When you refuse meat, essential amino acids cease to enter the body, immunity decreases, which causes the development of infections.

In the economy, animals also participate in agricultural work, transport heavy loads and people. Horses are usually used for this purpose. At stud farms, they are kept and bred to participate in races, equestrian sports. For lovers of horses, the mere communication with them gives great pleasure.

domestication of animals

Little information about the domestication of wild animals has survived to this day, but it is known that the dog is considered the first tamed pet living in the house. In ancient times, she played the role of a companion for a person. Thanks to its excellent learning and training abilities, the dog eventually began to guard the house, participate in hunting and grazing. In some countries, attempts have been made to tame the weasel to fight rats and mice. However, she did not adapt well to life in captivity, and over time, cats came to replace her.

Interesting! Whether cats are fully domesticated remains an open question. They still retain the habits of their wild relatives, although for many thousands of years they have already lived next to humans. Unlike dogs, they are not so strongly attached to a person, remaining independent. According to one point of view, for cats, coexistence next to a person is just an opportunity to live in good conditions, continuing to hunt birds and rodents. But there is an opinion that this proud animal, like a dog, is able to establish emotional contact with the owner and experience a sense of affection.

It is believed that most domestic animals descended from representatives living in the wild. Tour was the ancestor of cattle. But from whom the dog originated is not known exactly. It could be a wolf, a jackal, or even a coyote. The wild sheep, the moufflon and the mountain sheep are considered as the ancestors of the sheep. The exact time of domestication of animals has not been established. Rock paintings testify that already in ancient times, people had tamed pets. However, when exactly this happened is still a mystery.

Pet breeding

Domesticated animals breed well in captivity. Their offspring do not need to be tamed again. From birth, pets adopt the habits of their mother and easily make contact with a person. In the case of farm animals, reproduction is an opportunity to obtain more valuable products. But the appearance of offspring in cats and dogs is often undesirable for the owners. Therefore, many owners castrate and sterilize their pets.

Breeders have long taken advantage of the ability of domestic animals to reproduce easily through crossbreeding. It allows you to breed new breeds with the desired properties. Work with farm animals is mainly carried out to increase their fertility, food potential, and weight. For example, in the middle of the last century, the goal was to get a dairy and meat breed of cows that would quickly gain weight. So the Kostroma breed appeared. The goal was achieved: cows produce a record amount of milk (about 10,000 kg per year) and meat.

Breeding work is also carried out to obtain breeds that can live in specific conditions. In the desert steppes of Kazakhstan, sheep did not gain weight well due to poor food. Therefore, it became necessary to obtain a new breed that would be able to adapt to such difficult conditions, to feed fat well in them. As a result, edilbaev sheep were bred.

Interesting! Dwarf animals are often not a mutation, but the result of the painstaking work of scientists. The miniature breed of cows, bred in India, requires much less space for keeping and feeding. At the same time, the animals retained their productivity. The quality of their milk and meat is no worse than the products obtained from ordinary cows. But mini-pigs are a decorative breed of pigs. Their mass does not exceed several tens of kilograms, while ordinary pigs can weigh several hundred! The little pygmy pig is shy and requires special care. But if you tame it, then it becomes affectionate and obedient. The mini pig can be petted like a cat or dog. Unlike these animals, it is unpretentious in food, does not shed, and its short coat does not cause allergies. This is an ideal pet for those who choose an active lifestyle, because daily walks are a must for a pygmy pig.

When taming pets, it is important to remember that you should be responsible for them, provide them with proper care and care. Then pets will become reliable friends and helpers of their owner.

Interesting facts about pets. We all love pets and they need only care and affection from us. And this is a very small price to pay for their warmth and devotion.

Four-legged healers

Almost all cats and some dogs lie next to or on the affected part of the human body. The saliva of dogs promotes the healing of wounds and abrasions. The presence of pets causes an improvement in immune functions in humans. Surprisingly, people who regularly communicate with animals have the same processes as women who are preparing to give birth to a child! Cancer patients literally refuse to die because they are afraid that when they die, there will be no one to look after their pets!

Getting up early for a walk with the dog has many positive effects! Play with the dog, leave the stick and you won't need any charging. And if you go out into the forest or to the river on the weekend and play with your pets in nature, consider that over the weekend you will lose several kilograms.

Among the most worthy four-legged rescuers is Ajax, as they say about him - "the hero of Dachstein." In the Dachstein mountains in 1954, an avalanche caught 11 schoolchildren and a teacher on the way. The rescue team included a shepherd dog with the name of an ancient Greek hero. Ajax worked 96 (!) hours in a row. He scraped with his claws and tore at the packed snow until he collapsed from exhaustion. His paws were worn to the bone and frostbitten. Ajax was taken to a mountain hut to be bandaged. But the dog could not be kept under the roof. He threw himself at the locked door, whimpered, and escaping, rushed headlong to the site of the collapse and dug up another person.

Animal and child

Not so long ago on the forum I came across this question: Advise what animal to get for a child? I am firmly convinced that an animal should be kept for joy, for communication, and not for fun. In several families of my acquaintances, pets became victims of the strong love of children: a drowned hamster, which the kid wanted to wash, a swaddled and suffocated bird. For a child, a small fluffy ball will become another toy if the parents do not explain to him that this is not so. It is necessary to instill in the child that a dog, a cat, a rabbit are not toys, but living beings, a small life that depends on us. Therefore, one should not interfere with him, when he eats or sleeps, obsessively show his love.

Dogs and cats can get jealous when a baby comes into the house. It is not necessary at the first signs of jealousy on the part of the animal to look for another owner for it. You need to try to pay attention to all family members, and four-legged too. As for the advice of doctors, pediatricians agree that the presence of an animal in the house has a very beneficial effect on the child.

The weirdness of animal love

Masha, do you like animals?
- Oh yeah! But only when someone looks after them, feeds and walks.

It is not surprising that Masha does not have an animal home. If she ever decides to take this step, then, most likely, she will have fish. At least you don't have to walk with them.

Sometimes love for animals is a dangerous reason for the appearance of a living creature in the house. To love is not the same as caring. Many people get pets on the spur of the moment. I wanted a dog, a cat, a crocodile. But! Dogs and cats sometimes pee on the floor, and crocodiles grow up and no longer fit in the bathroom. As soon as such an animal lover is faced with such problems, his pet, at best, ends up in a shelter. At its worst on the street. Before deciding to adopt a pet at home, weigh the pros and cons to avoid this kind of consequences. Can you get up in the morning and take your dog out for a walk? Do you regularly visit the veterinarian with your pet? Wash your paws and tummy after walking in the rain and look for ticks in the thick fur? Talk and play with him? Clean the apartment more often from wool, because ALL animals shed? If the answers to the questions are yes, then you are ready for the presence in your home and the life of a four-legged friend!

Domestic animals in world culture

Pets have long been heroes not only in our lives. Four-legged and feathered favorites were immortalized in stone, in literary works, on canvas. The famous Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov endowed the heroes of his works with human traits. It is not surprising that a monument was erected to the author and his characters in a shady corner of the St. Petersburg Summer Garden. An impressive figure of a fabulist sits on a high pedestal, and at his feet forever frozen: a crow and a fox, a cuckoo and a rooster, a donkey and a nightingale. Another eternal story of love and devotion is White Bim Black Ear. In the Moscow metro, in the lobby of Mendeleevskaya station, a monument to a stray dog ​​was opened. In honor of the dog that was killed there. And this is only a small part of the stories related to the relationship between man and animal.

In Paris there is a monument to St. Bernard Barry. For 12 years he carried out a difficult service in the mountains. He saved the lives of 40 (!) people. Forty-first was a soldier of Napoleon's army, making his way home after the defeat near Moscow. Barry dug him out from under the snow and leaned against him with his furry side, warming him. The man woke up, got frightened, found a gun with his hand. . . The stuffed Barry is one of the most expensive relics of the Bern Museum.

Celebrities and their favorites

French kings are known to the world not only for the luxury of the court and love affairs. These great people are famous for their boundless love for hunting dogs. Louis XIII slept with his dogs. Duke Vedom went even further, not favorites sleeping on his bed, but a whole pack of dogs.

At the court of Russian tsars, dogs were also loved. In the architectural ensembles that have survived to this day, often next to the imposing buildings of the stables, no smaller kennels were adjacent. However, there are also plenty of cat lovers among celebrities. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan adores his Siamese cat Phil, Sergey Bezrukov became the owner of a fashionable Shrex roots cat, and Anastasia Volochkova loves her blue-eyed cat Marquise.

Short interesting facts about pets

- Mice can laugh! They make sounds similar to human laughter when they play.

“Hamsters have a long-term memory mechanism similar to that of humans!”

The African breed of dog, the Basenji, cannot bark.

The most popular dog breed in the United States is the Labrador Retriever.

- Rabbits of the Belgian Giant breed can weigh 11 kilograms.

- In May 2009, a cat named Lucky ("Lucky") fell from the 26th floor of a New York skyscraper and survived. Nothing to say, a real lucky one!

- Dogs of the rare Turkish breed "Katalburun" have a forked nose. According to scientists, the reason for such an unusual appearance may be inbreeding, that is, crossing close relatives.

- Usually cats have five toes on their front paws and four on their back paws, however occasionally animals are born that have six or more fingers on one or even several paws.

- Puli dogs, faithful helpers of Hungarian shepherds, are distinguished by a unique coat, which dog breeders call "corded" - long hair and undercoat roll into bundles sticking out in all directions, something like dreadlocks.

- Cat owners will surely confirm that their pets do not like water - but cats of the Turkish Van breed simply love to swim!

- Xoloitzcuintli is not a tongue twister or a spell of African sorcerers, but just the name of Mexican hairless dogs, which, by the way, are considered the most ancient breed in the world. However, their owners, who have to answer the question: “What breed of dog do you have?”, you will not envy ...

- Cats of the Khao Manee breed, bred in Thailand, have multi-colored eyes - one blue and the other green. This is a very rare breed, also known as "diamond eyed cats".

Rabbits are very fond of playing hide and seek and roar funny when they don’t like something.

- In the UK, a law has come into force, according to which the owners of overfed domestic cats and dogs can be held criminally liable.

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