Why do you need lymphatic drainage body massage? Lymphatic drainage massage - helps to lose weight by removing excess fluid

The lymphatic system is responsible for the elimination of harmful substances formed in the process of human life. The deterioration of the lymphatic system leads to the fact that the waste products of vital activity are not removed, but accumulate, therefore, intoxication of the body occurs. In addition, the lymph nodes contribute to the destruction of microbes. To stimulate the lymphatic system and facilitate the movement of fluid in the body, lymphatic drainage massage is necessary.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

This is a physiotherapy procedure that removes toxic formations and excess fluid from the body. The main effect of lymphatic drainage is to increase the speed of lymph flow. This helps the organs get rid of decay products faster and get more nutrients and oxygen.

The basis of the lymphatic drainage session is knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of movement of the lymph. This is an absolutely painless process based on stroking and pressure.

Cosmetologists and medical professionals strongly advise to carry out this simple but effective procedure at least once a week, which will help you look young without the intervention of surgeons.

Indications and contraindications

The following problems of the body can serve as the basis for prescribing a course:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • varicose disease of the extremities;
  • excess body fat;
  • reduced skin turgor;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • the presence of postoperative and burn scars and stretch marks;
  • weakening of the lymph flow with cellulite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • circulatory disorders in the limbs.

Like any therapeutic procedure, lymphatic drainage has contraindications:

  • acute stage of thrombophlebitis;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • various skin diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • prone to growth benign tumors;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • frequent headaches of unclear etymology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes mellitus of any form;
  • menstruation;
  • infectious diseases.

Zones for lymphatic drainage

Excess fluid can accumulate in different parts of the body, especially the face and legs:

  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage relieves swelling, redness, skin laxity, change complexion. It is also prescribed for acne, in the presence of mimic wrinkles. It also helps with postoperative skin restoration.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the areas under the eyes is performed during a facial massage. This procedure relieves swelling under the eyes, restores elasticity to the skin, gives a healthy, fresh look. Lymphatic drainage for the face and the area around the eyes should be carried out by a specially trained cosmetologist or massage therapist in a salon, as unskilled handling in this case can be harmful to health. It can not be carried out in the presence of abscesses on the skin, neuralgia of the facial nerve, oncological diseases.
  • Lymphatic drainage body massage is used in anti-cellulite programs and for body modeling. It stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, which helps to reduce body volume and weight.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the legs will help those who suffer from swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. The session can be held separately or included in a general body massage. A serious contraindication in this case is thrombophlebitis.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

According to the degree of impact on the body, three methods can be distinguished:

  1. Superficial lymphatic drainage has a positive effect on small vessels. The masseur makes circular movements with a slight pressure on the tissues, which facilitates the movement of lymph to the nodes, relieves spasms of blood vessels. To enhance the effect, you first need to relieve muscle tension with the help of relaxing techniques.
  2. Deep technique stimulates the muscle layers of tissues accordingly. In this case, the most intense effect of the massage therapist on the patient's body is assumed. Deep techniques increase blood flow, improve muscle tone, dilate blood vessels, which helps the fluid to actively move through the intercellular spaces. This technique perfectly reduces the volume in the buttocks and thighs.
  3. Point or projection lymphatic drainage works on the areas of projections of the main lymph nodes. This involves the use of microcurrent therapy, pressure therapy or LPG massage.

According to the methods of action on the body, there are two main techniques: manual and hardware, which often complement each other:

  1. Manual involves an accurate, gentle, measured effect of the massage therapist's hands on the lymphatic areas of the body, so the qualifications of the master and his experience are very important here. The delicacy of the procedure improves its quality, which leads to excellent results. The intensity of exposure increases gradually towards the middle of the session. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the direction of movement from the lower to the upper body, which allows the fluid to smoothly change the direction and pace of movement.
  2. Massage with the use of equipment is based on the use of electrical impulses, which, when influenced by tissues, stimulate the removal of accumulated lymphatic fluid. It is of the following types:
    • Galvanization. The metabolic processes in the skin are activated by a low voltage current, which relieves it of excess fluid.
    • Electroiontophoresis. Substances are introduced into the skin with the help of electrodes, which stimulate the removal of toxic formations from the pores of the skin while moisturizing it.
    • Process therapy. A special suit worn by the client and two connected microprocessors create pressure on the entire body, which accelerates the circulation of fluid and its removal in a natural way. This is the most effective method, the action of which is similar to the work of the masseur's hands.
    • vacuum massage. Increased drainage of the lymphatic fluid causes the effect of negative pressure. This method is quite complicated, it requires perfect knowledge, and it is better to entrust its implementation to a professional who can control the strength of the action, otherwise the epidermis tissues can be damaged.
    • Lymphatic drainage with microcurrents. Very low electrical impulses directed to the upper layer of the skin relax the muscles of the face. This helps to smooth wrinkles on the forehead and around the lips.

Each method of lymphatic drainage has its own specific effect on the human body. Depending on the problem areas of the patient's body, the following methods are used:

  • Lymphatic drainage technique is used for anti-edematous body shaping. The masseur uses smooth and sliding rubbing, soft rhythmic movements and stroking. In-depth technique involves affecting the muscle tissue, in this case, the techniques are performed more intensively. The same method is effective for preventing complications in varicose veins and in an anti-cellulite program, has a calming effect.
  • The anti-cellulite technique removes the hypertrophy of fatty deposits, the so-called orange peel. Relaxation of soft tissues, removal of excess fluid and toxins, loosening of connective and adipose tissues restores blood circulation in areas affected by cellulite. It is done locally, in places with identified violations. If there are many such regions, then they alternate. The main purpose of this technique is to restore microcirculation in certain problem areas, as this is the main thing in the treatment of cellulite.
  • The lipolytic technique focuses on reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. It is effective only in the case of local cosmetic defects of the body in combination with cellulite. The main condition for this is the absence of fluid stagnation, so this technique is used after the elimination of lymph stagnation and anti-cellulite sessions. The essence of the technique is a smooth transition from a superficial to a deeper effect exclusively on the subcutaneous fat, so special techniques are used here that allow you to control the depth of penetration.
  • Modeling technique is currently the most well-known body shaping technique. All attention when using this type is given to the best effect on specific areas. The intensity of exposure is selected individually for each patient. This technique is very comfortable, there are no painful techniques, while the fat layer is significantly reduced, the release of fluid is facilitated, and the skin becomes easier to breathe.
  • Lifting technique is used in acute violation of the skin condition, for example, after a sharp weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth. The technique enhances metabolism, stimulates the production of collagen, which prevents skin aging.

Carrying out the procedure - step by step instructions

A session of lymphatic drainage massage includes three main stages:

  1. Training. The course is selected personally for each client, depending on the problem. As a rule, preventive courses are 6 - 12 sessions held every other day. For best results, the patient should drink enough liquid before the session. The client undresses and lays down on the couch. With a cleansing gel, the massage therapist removes impurities from the skin, then applies cream or oils. If you intend to use hardware, it is recommended to preheat the skin with a manual massage, and then apply a special composition. For the duration of the procedure, all conditions are created for the complete relaxation of the patient, a comfortable air temperature in the room is necessarily maintained.
  2. Performance. The principles of lymphatic drainage are based on the rules of classical massage. The procedure always begins with exposure to the lymph nodes. All further techniques are performed strictly along the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. Stroking should be gentle, wavy, performed slowly and softly enough. The duration of the session, depending on the size of the problem areas, ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Completion. At the end of the session, the skin in the treatment area is cleaned of the remnants of the massage cream or oils (if you have dry skin, this can be omitted), after which a moisturizing milk or cream is applied.

There is no special preparation required for this procedure. There are only a few conditions, the fulfillment of which will make it more effective:

  • during the entire course it is undesirable to smoke and drink alcohol;
  • in the evening it is undesirable to take a large amount of food and liquid;
  • it is better to carry out in the evening, a few hours after eating.

Before the session you need:

  • thoroughly cleanse the body by taking a shower;
  • it is desirable to carry out scrubbing to improve the penetration of the agent used by the massage therapist into the skin.
  • ten minutes to remain at rest, better lying down;
  • you need to drink plenty of water, preferably just warm water;
  • apply a lymphatic drainage wrap to prolong the outflow of lymph.


A course of lymphatic drainage massage is an effective means of relaxing and strengthening the body. After the first procedure, there is lightness in the body, a decrease in swelling, and after a full course of 6-12 procedures, the following positive changes are noted:

  • body weight is significantly reduced, especially of edematous origin;
  • headaches disappear;
  • chronic fatigue disappears;
  • the skin becomes even, elastic, acquires a healthy color;
  • mood improves;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • improves metabolic processes in tissues;
  • increases the elasticity of the skin;
  • figure flaws are corrected.

Lymphatic drainage massage - before and after the procedure

Possible complications and side effects

Lymphatic drainage massage is a physiological procedure, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it practically does not cause complications and undesirable effects. Sometimes, after a session carried out with the help of the device, light bruises appear. The reason for this is increased vascular fragility, which is most often found in smoking patients. As a rule, these cosmetic defects do not cause concern to the patient and pass quickly.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Not every woman, due to busyness or financial problems, can afford a full course of lymphatic drainage massage. But if you give him just a few minutes a day at home, then the trip to the massage therapist can be postponed.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for this procedure, having studied the location of the lymphatic zones, the principles of lymph movement, which will allow you to get rid of unpleasant consequences with the wrong technique.

The first step is to warm up the body by taking a bath or shower. For massage, special lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite creams, essential oils are used, and the use of honey will make it even more effective, since honey enhances the removal of toxic formations.

Warming up with home lymphatic drainage is not required. Hand movements for the beginning should be free, stroking, gradually turning into springy and patting, going in the direction of the lymph flow. These movements should not be kneading and cause pain.

At the end of the procedure, you need to rest for several hours, so it is best to perform it in the evening. The duration of the home session is no more than 30 minutes.

Masseurs and cosmetologists strongly do not recommend doing lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face at home. In any case, to carry out this procedure, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Cost of the procedure

The price of one session of lymphatic drainage massage is relatively low. The cost depends on the size of the area, the duration of the procedure and the qualifications of the master. For example, facial lymphatic drainage in the salon costs from 600 to 900 rubles. Massage of other parts of the body is a little more expensive - from 1000 rubles. The cost of lymphatic drainage of the whole body starts from 2000 rubles. and higher. As a rule, a discount is provided for a course of 10-15 procedures in all salons and clinics.

Many women are desperately looking for ways to improve their health. What is meant by quality cosmetic care? This is not only external attractiveness, but also health inside. There are many expensive procedures that rejuvenate and improve the appearance, heal and eradicate imperfections in their rudiments. Lymphatic drainage is one of the most effective methods for achieving beauty and freshness of the body. It activates and stabilizes the body's lymphatic system, thereby allowing the removal of harmful toxins and excess fluid. That is why, from the competent conduct of lymphatic drainage massage, the general well-being of a person improves and problem areas of the body are corrected. So, lymphatic drainage - what is it and how does it work?

Lymphatic system: importance for the body

The lymphatic system complements the cardiovascular system. They are interconnected and depend on the functioning of each other. Lymph itself is a fluid that circulates in the vessels, which consists mainly of water, "washing" the cells. The lymphatic system moves proteins and fluid in the interstitial space through the subclavian veins into the blood. It also plays an important role in the body's defense reactions, as it produces lymphocytes and guarantees immunity. All vessels pass through the lymph nodes. In today's urbanized world, people often face devastating food and environmental pollution, malnutrition, more stress and a sedentary lifestyle. This entails a thickening of the lymph and a decrease in the rate of fluid transport. Malfunctions and any imbalance in the system lead to the formation of tumors and edema, make diet and sports meaningless if a person intends to lose weight. Physical exercise contributes to an increase in the speed of lymph, so it is logical to improve the condition of tissues, blood vessels and muscles with the help of useful loads. There is a more pleasant and less energy-intensive way - lymphatic drainage. What is it, can it be done at home and what are the results?

What is it needed for

Bruises and bags under the eyes, puffiness, sudden wrinkles, unhealthy appearance, weight gain and cellulite, problems with blood pressure, leg pain, varicose veins and many other unpleasant diseases and ailments are often the consequences of a disturbed functioning of the lymphatic system. In order to prevent and get rid of disorders, experts recommend lymphatic drainage. What it is? Lymphatic drainage is understood as a set of procedures aimed at removing and distributing excess fluid and metabolic products from the intercellular zone, achieving improved lymph flow using special techniques. Due to massage movements, the flow of lymph is accelerated, tumors and edema are removed, and metabolism improves. Lymphatic drainage can be manual and hardware.

Manual lymphatic drainage: benefits

Those who prefer living hands, which are able to have an unforgettable relaxing effect, revive not only the body, but also the spirit, should give preference to manual lymphatic drainage massage. In addition to healing, it will bring incomparable pleasure and relaxation. The technique is different from traditional muscle massage. Soft sliding movements, stroking the skin and soothing pats properly affect the vessels and provide the necessary healing and cosmetic effect. This method is less popular due to low efficiency, but it is the most useful for the human body. During the session, which should be carried out by an experienced highly qualified master, the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account, and the most tense points are affected. Having picked up a competent specialist and having identified problem areas, feel free to choose manual lymphatic drainage, reviews of which, as a rule, are commendable and positive. With a deep manual massage, stagnant imperfections are eliminated. Its systematic implementation increases muscle tone, tightens them and contributes to weight loss. Surface massage should not be accompanied by pain, it has a preventive, relaxing effect.

Hardware lymphatic drainage - what is it?

In addition to manual, there is such a variant of the procedure. Hardware lymphatic drainage is a physiotherapeutic procedure that is carried out with pulsed currents, microcurrents, vacuum, pressure drops, and ultrasound. This is the most effective massage, during which a mechanical effect is exerted on large lymph nodes, serious shortcomings are eliminated. Its main advantage is long-lasting positive effects. By observing the frequency of procedures and gradually changing the way of life, a person achieves excellent results in appearance and, most importantly, is relieved of pain. Hardware lymphatic drainage of the body allows you to increase the flow of lymph by 8 times, due to which the tissues are easily subjected to any other medical procedures, the skin becomes smooth, firm and elastic due to deep nutrition, the “orange peel” is removed, a rejuvenating effect is achieved, the immune system is strengthened and the body is restored. metabolic processes, the condition of the veins improves. Since it is hardware lymphatic drainage that has the best anti-cellulite effect, reviews about it are left by satisfied representatives of the weaker sex, who note a general improvement in skin condition, lightness in the legs and a decrease in volume.

Pressotherapy: impact on the skin

Pressotherapy is a procedure of alternate painless compression of individual parts of the body, which leads to the elimination of stagnant imperfections. This is the most popular sparing type of hardware lymphatic drainage. With the help of special disposable cuff suits, into which air is pumped, a certain pressure is created on the body. The process combines the functions of a relaxing massage and a treatment procedure, during which toxins are washed out and blood circulation improves. Doctors recommend pressure therapy for varicose veins, swelling in the legs. The procedure starts metabolic processes that allow you to fight excess kilograms and hated cellulite. You can also use various oils and healing ointments on problem areas, as pressotherapy contributes to their enhanced effectiveness.

Results of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage of the face for a long time will relieve the face of puffiness, bags under the eyes, puffiness and wrinkling. Due to improved blood circulation, the appearance and color of the skin is significantly changed, a healthy, fresh look is acquired, shapes are corrected, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out and the number of deep ones is reduced, smoothness and elasticity are acquired. Facial lymphatic drainage is most often carried out with microcurrents that stimulate muscle contraction and relaxation. This is a useful facelift, which is a worthy replacement for plastic surgery. Manual facial massage can be carried out along with the use of masks. If your financial situation allows, do not refuse to apply them during the session.

Lymphatic drainage of the body is what it is worth starting weight loss and the transition to a healthy lifestyle. It corrects the contours of the figure, improves the condition of the skin (smoothes scars, stretch marks) and veins, eliminates cellulite, saturates the body with oxygen, and, together with proper nutrition, reduces the volume of problem areas. A large number of vascular diseases, unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, pains and ailments occur in poor female legs. Lymphatic drainage of the legs will help get rid of all this. The procedure eliminates cellulite, tightens the skin, reduces pain, heaviness and swelling, relieves inflammation, favors the vascular system. And in this case, manual home lymphatic drainage is perfect.

When Not to Do Lymphatic Drainage

In a number of contraindications available for lymphatic drainage, there are skin diseases. Internal massage, that is, hardware massage, has a particularly detrimental effect on various burns, deep abrasions, allergic rashes and rashes. Serious chronic edema should never be treated with lymphatic drainage. First you need to eliminate the root cause, identify possible cardiovascular diseases, and then apply an external, more superficial treatment. In infectious diseases, malignant and benign formations, pregnancy, a tendency to thrombosis, the procedure is also not recommended.

Lymphatic drainage on your own

To save money, put your face in order, and just gain experience in cosmetic care, facial lymphatic drainage at home will help. It is best to look at the training videos on the Internet or take specialized courses. Beware of strong influences, do not overdo it and do not abuse amateur performance. Confident in your own abilities, you can move on to simple methods of lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Before you need to steam and warm up the skin. First, massage the forehead: with the pads of your fingers, gently draw from the center to the temples. The eye area is tender and sensitive, gently bring the same movements from the bridge of the nose along the lower edge of the eye socket to the temple, then lightly from the ends of the eyebrows run your fingers to the inner corner of the eye along the upper region. Cheeks should be massaged from the corners of the mouth to the temples with gentle pressure touches. You can smooth out the nasolabial folds using light pressure and strokes with your fingertips. Accentuate the line of the chin with a movement from the center of the chin to the ears.

home and body

It is necessary to stimulate blood flow in the legs and body with light blows, pinching, active rubbing in of oils and anti-cellulite products. The legs should be massaged by pressing on the skin and running over the muscles. Regular baths and gentle and face, balanced nutrition, the right regimen will not make you wait long for stunning results in appearance and internal condition.

The lymphatic system plays an important role when it comes to human health. It is involved in the transport of chemicals throughout the body and also affects immune function. Therefore, when lymph stagnation occurs in certain parts of the body, it immediately affects the well-being. Congestive lymphatic phenomena are called lymphostasis. In addition to the negative impact on health, problems with lymph outflow also affect the appearance: swelling appears, an increase in body volume is observed. Most often this happens in the thighs and calves, as well as on the face. If such problems appear, a course of lymphatic drainage massage will help, which is aimed at releasing the lymphatic ducts and accelerating the outflow of lymph.

Lymphatic drainage massage is aimed at achieving an outflow of lymph from those areas where it stagnates. This goal is pursued by both manual and hardware massages, the difference is only in the execution technique. As a rule, the cause of lymph stagnation lies in the clogging of the sinuses of the lymph nodes, and the increase in lymph flow, which is achieved by massage, can clean both the lymph nodes and the lymph ducts.

The procedure has a beneficial effect on both health and appearance:

  • improves immunity;
  • the level of activity increases;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • improves metabolism;
  • decay products, toxins and toxins are more easily excreted from the body;
  • edema passes;
  • the skin looks smoother and firmer, and the contours of the body become clearer;
  • volumes in the places of massage are reduced;
  • massage helps in the treatment of initial forms of varicose veins.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for lymphatic drainage massage are:

  • lymphostasis of the extremities, regardless of the cause of the development of the disease (gradual development, injuries and operations, etc.);
  • varicose veins in the initial stage;
  • visible swelling of the limbs;
  • friability and flabbiness of the skin;
  • cellulite deposits;
  • bags under the eyes, sagging cheeks;
  • stressful conditions, psycho-emotional and sleep disturbances.


Contraindications for the procedure are:

  • dermatitis of various etiologies, skin diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • benign neoplasms (cysts, fibroids, etc.);
  • varicose veins in the later stages;
  • infectious and viral diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including massage is prohibited in the presence of a pacemaker;
  • neuralgia;
  • respiratory diseases.

Areas for lymphatic drainage massage

Massage designed to drain lymph is universal and can be performed on various parts of the body. You can massage the limbs, back and hips, chest and abdomen, face. The choice of zone for exposure depends on the indications. It is necessary to pay attention to exactly where stagnation occurs. Most often, these areas are the hips, legs and face. However, it should be noted the special benefit of complex massage, during which all zones are processed. It is this procedure that is aimed, first of all, at improving the whole body, removing toxins and increasing the level of immunity.

Video: about the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage

Techniques and types of lymphatic drainage massage

There are two techniques for performing lymphatic drainage massage: manual and hardware. At the same time, both of them equally effectively affect the lymph flow. The difference lies only in the efforts of the specialist.

Manual technique

With manual technique, lymphatic drainage massage is performed with the help of hands. Oddly enough, it is manual exposure that is most in demand, despite the apparent simplicity of the method. Lymphatic drainage does not involve the use of many techniques and techniques. Basically, all movements come down to squeezing and stroking.

There are three types of manual lymphatic drainage massage:

  • surface. It involves a fairly light degree of pressure on the skin. With light sliding movements, it is necessary to work out various parts of the body strictly in the direction of the lymph flow. This massage has a relaxing effect, normalizes the psycho-emotional state and metabolism. It is advisable to apply it to the face;
  • deep. In this case, the hands already exert significant pressure on the body, and therefore the effect will be more noticeable. This type of massage is used in the fight against edema, as well as to remove toxins and toxins from the body. If there is a goal to get rid of cellulite and make the contours of the body clearer, then the choice should also be stopped on a deep massage;
  • point. This is the most difficult type of manual lymphatic drainage massage. It involves a targeted effect on the lymph nodes. It is used, as a rule, for medical reasons and must be carried out by a specially trained master.

The duration of a session of manual lymphatic drainage massage may vary depending on how many zones are planned to be worked out. On average, this can take from 15 minutes to an hour.

The most effective of the manual types of lymphatic drainage massage is the main massage. It can be included in anti-cellulite programs and contour massage programs. Its essence is to influence the areas of projections of large lymph nodes, which, in turn, affects the lymph flow. All movements are performed gently, but at the same time, such a massage is effective and is able to normalize the movement of lymph in the body in just 2-4 procedures. The sessions themselves are long and last almost an hour. During this time, all parts of the body are worked out.

Video: master class on main lymphatic drainage massage

hardware views

There are several types of hardware lymphatic drainage massage. This helps save time and effort.


The principle of operation of the vacuum method and the execution technique are very similar to anti-cellulite massage, with the difference that the vacuum does not act on the body randomly, but along the lines of the lymph flow. Instead of hands, as in the manual massage technique, vacuum containers are used here, which are installed on the body. As a rule, the session lasts no more than 30 minutes. The result is a deep tissue study. Such a massage well removes everything superfluous from the body, instantly increasing blood circulation.


Impact on blood vessels and lymph nodes can be done by means of ultrasonic waves. This is achieved through the use of a special apparatus. It is believed that this method of lymphatic drainage massage is the safest, and in addition, it does not involve strong pressure on the areas of the body being worked out, as a result of which there are no discomfort during the procedure. In addition to exposure to ultrasound, you can accelerate the flow of lymph using microcurrents. These two types of influences are very similar. Unfortunately, they do not give such visible results as manual or vacuum massage.

The average duration of exposure to ultrasound is 40 minutes.


Pressotherapy is very popular. It is recognized as effective for reducing body volume. The essence of the technique is the simultaneous effect of compressed air on several parts of the body. A special suit, which the specialist suggests to put on to the client, provides alternate compression and relaxation of the tissues, which allows you to disperse the stagnant lymph. A pressotherapy session lasts 30-40 minutes.

Video: the basics of lymphatic drainage massage

How many sessions will be required

The result of lymphatic drainage massage is usually assessed individually. The number of sessions required is determined based on what goals are set and what condition the body is in initially: the degree of swelling, whether there is cellulite, its stage, whether it is necessary to reduce volumes, etc.

Accordingly, if we are talking about manual massage, which is done for preventive purposes, then it will be enough to carry out three or four procedures with an interval of 1-2 days, and if it is necessary to correct the figure with severe cellulite, then 12-15 sessions will be required. The interval between them will be 2-3 days. Usually come from the schedule of two sessions per week. According to the same plan, hardware lymphatic drainage is done. Regardless of its specific type, in order to achieve a visible effect, it will be necessary to carry out 10-15 procedures.

Should we be afraid of negative consequences?

Lymphatic drainage massage is an absolutely safe procedure, of course, if you carefully study the existing contraindications and do not neglect them. As a rule, if any consequences appear, then they come down to unpleasant sensations in the muscles, unusual for massage effects, as well as bruising. For example, this happens after a vacuum massage. You should not be scared right away, however, if there are a lot of hematomas after each session, it is better to interrupt the course of lymphatic drainage.

Video: Asahi Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage

Lymphatic drainage massage during breastfeeding

Many women immediately after childbirth strive to return to their previous shape, resorting, among other things, to various massage techniques. Since the period of pregnancy often leaves behind both edema and unnecessary cellulite deposits, lymphatic drainage massage would seem to be the best way to restore the figure. However, everything is not so simple here. This type of massage, among other things, is aimed at removing accumulated toxins from the body. During the first massage sessions, toxins released from the areas of lymph stagnation enter the bloodstream, and at the same time into the milk. As a result, they can harm the health of the baby. Therefore, while the child is still very young (at least up to 6 months), it is recommended to refrain from lymphatic drainage massage.

"In advertisements, the word "lymphatic drainage" often flashes. I want to try it, but I don't know if I really need it. What is its use?" Olga Svetlova, Voronezh
Responsible candidate of medical sciences, therapist-aesthetician of the Moscow "VIP-Center" Anna Yaroslavovna GONCHAROVA.

Lymphatic drainage is an effective cleansing procedure and should be carried out regularly. The fact is that our lymphatic system can be compared to a broom in the human body. Yes, yes, it is the lymphatic system that collects and helps to remove toxins, substances used in the metabolic process, waste products.
In a young healthy body, this process is intense, but disease and aging slow it down. In addition, we ourselves often interfere with the lymphatic system to cleanse the body: we move little, stand on our feet for a long time, sit for hours at work in one position, for example, at a computer. Influenza, infectious and inflammatory diseases, unbalanced nutrition, passion for canned food, salty and fatty foods also make it difficult for the body to cleanse itself. Unfavorable factors include hormonal disorders, which lead to a delay in the body of salts and water. In the end, the lymphatic vessels become clogged and they noticeably narrow.
The process is especially obvious in the lymph nodes - these kind of garbage cans are overflowing with toxins and as a result, the lymphatic system simply stops working. On the one hand, this is poor health, fatigue, lack of energy, on the other hand, poor complexion, swelling, excess weight, sagging skin, cellulite.
To restore the patency of the lymphatic vessels, cleanse the lymph nodes and make the entire lymphatic system work normally, the body needs help from the outside. That's what lymphatic drainage is for.
Previously, it was performed manually, but it turned out that fragile capillaries and lymphatic vessels are easily damaged. For safe lymphatic drainage, it is necessary to strictly dosed and uniform pressure no more than 30-33 mm r. Art. It is even more important that the movements of the massage coincide with the heartbeat, are performed synchronously with the release of blood. When the heart contracts, blood rushes from the center to the periphery, and if this blood flow is increased with the help of massage, the metabolism is accelerated and the purification is more noticeable.
Therefore, physiotherapy devices are best suited for lymphatic drainage. One of the most effective is "Lymphodgey". It not only sensitively captures the contraction of the heart muscle, but also takes into account the tone of the tissues of various areas of the face and body. The device can vary the pace and strength of massage depending on age and gender. Under the influence of lymphatic drainage, the metabolism improves and excess fluid is immediately removed from the body, and this is your extra pounds.
Working in a different mode, the device affects the venous system. Varicose veins are released from stagnant blood and swelling of the legs, pain is reduced. Therefore, lymphatic drainage is especially useful for those who stand on their feet for a long time - saleswomen, teachers, surgeons, stewardesses.
If the procedures are carried out regularly, the working capacity increases, sleep normalizes, strength and energy are noticeably increased. Many women claim that they experience the feeling that, along with extra pounds, the body is shedding several years.
The most obvious result of lymphatic drainage is an improvement in skin tone. From lethargic and flabby, it becomes fresh and elastic, the complexion is restored, bags under the eyes disappear, swelling disappears, the “orange peel” of cellulite is smoothed out.
Along the way, lymphatic drainage solves many problems. For example, as the lymphatic system is cleansed, immunity is strengthened. After all, it is known that infectious inflammatory diseases, acne, allergic conditions are manifestations of weakened immunity. They develop because the most active and mobile young forms of lymphocytes, which are responsible for immunity, are washed out of the clogged lymph nodes chaotically and forcibly, simply for lack of space. In clean lymph nodes, they act actively, so the body is cleansed more intensively and better resists disease.
How often can lymphatic drainage be performed? Even if it's constant, it won't hurt. But even if you do just one procedure lasting 30-40 minutes, you will immediately feel that the recovery program has been launched. If you conduct a course, a rejuvenated body will respond with a consistently excellent condition. In addition, the procedure is comfortable: you can completely relax and even take a nap, and the smart device will work on your body under the supervision of a doctor. He attaches electrodes to problem areas and monitors the progress of lymphatic drainage. You rest, and cellulite, swelling, gray sagging skin cease to be your problem.

The lymphatic system works invisibly in our body to keep us healthy. Without it, our cells would fill with stagnant fluid and our bodies would swell up like balloons. Its influence is so great that many do not even realize that their weaknesses and ailments, susceptibility to colds and flu can be caused by too sluggish work of the lymphatic system and weakened immunity. In this article, we will look at the structure of the lymphatic system, find out what happens with edema, how it can help lymphatic drainage massage And what are its contraindications?

Lymphatic vessels

Lymphatic vessels form a dense network that covers every centimeter of the body and the surface of every organ. The smallest lymphatic vessels are called lymphatic capillaries. More than 70% of lymphatic capillaries are in or directly below the skin. The walls of the lymphatic capillaries consist of a single layer of cells. The strength of these cells within the connective tissue comes from the collagen and elastin fibers that hold them in place.

Correctly performing lymphatic drainage massage, we stimulate the opening of lymphatic capillaries and can increase the speed of lymph movement by 20 times. But if we push too hard, we pinch the lymphatic capillaries, reducing the outflow of lymph. Too much pressure can even damage the fibers holding the capillaries in place. Therefore, intensive massage is contraindicated in edema. Fortunately, damaged fibers usually recover within the next 24 hours.

From the lymphatic capillaries, lymph enters larger vessels, then into the lymphatic trunks and the main lymphatic streams of the body. Large lymphatic vessels reach 100-600 microns in diameter. These vessels have valves every 6-20 mm, which allow the lymph to move in only one direction. When performing lymphatic drainage massage, one should not be afraid to harm the client by directing the movement of lymph in the opposite direction; it's just not possible. Massage in the wrong direction will simply be ineffective, but will not cause harm.

The part of the lymphatic vessel between the two valves is called the lymphangion, or valve segment. In the lymphangion, a muscle-containing part, or muscle cuff, is isolated. "Angion" means "heart", and the lymphangion works like a pump that pushes out the lymph. Lymphangions are equipped with pressure receptors. The walls of a lymphangion stretch as it fills with lymph, and receptors cause the muscle cuff to contract, pushing lymph into the next lymphangion. Pushing a portion of the lymph forward, the lymphangion creates a vacuum behind it. Thanks to this vacuum, the lymph also enters the lymphatic capillaries (R.Kasseroller, Dr. Vodder's Brief Guide to Manual Lymphatic Drainage, The Hague, Heidelberg, 1998).

When the lymphangion contracts, it sets off a chain reaction or wave of contractions that move the lymph around the body. Thus, by stimulating the movement of lymph in one area, we increase the flow of lymph in others. Factors such as contractions of skeletal muscles, respiration, pulse, as well as the ability of lymphangions to contract independently of stretch receptors, can also affect the lymph flow. The effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage is that it triggers a reaction to stretching, significantly accelerates the pulsation of lymphangions, thereby increasing lymph flow.

lymph nodes

The lymph moves through the lymphatic vessels towards the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes range in size from a pinhead to an olive. In total, there are 400-700 lymph nodes in the body, most of which are located in the abdominal cavity (about half) and in the neck.

The main function of the lymph nodes is to pass and purify the lymph. Lymph nodes produce different types of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes remove harmful substances from the body and are an important part of the immune system. The lymph nodes reabsorb about 40% of the liquid composition of the lymph. This makes the lymph denser. Because of this, and also because of the filtration processes, the lymph nodes delay the lymph flow. The speed of lymph movement through the lymph nodes is 15 times less than through the lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic drainage massage helps to reduce this delay and speed up the movement of lymph.



In most cases, lymphatic drainage massage is absolutely safe. Light touches eliminate the possibility of injury. However, there are conditions in which the acceleration of lymph flow can be harmful. If you are doing lymphatic drainage massage and are unsure of its safety for your client, he should consult a doctor. Acute inflammation, malignant tumors, thrombosis and heart problems preclude the use of lymphatic drainage massage. Consider these contraindications.

Acute inflammation caused by infections, toxic substances or allergens is a contraindication. The temperature of such tissues is increased, there is redness, soreness or heat. Lymphatic drainage massage will remove toxic substances into the lymphatic vessels before the body has the opportunity to neutralize them by phagocytosis in the intercellular space. If you conduct a session of lymphatic drainage massage in this state, the infection can spread throughout the body. You should wait a few days until the exacerbation passes and the toxins are removed.

Malignant tumors are a contraindication for lymphatic drainage massage, as it can cause tumor growth. You should wait until the malignant tumor is cured or completely removed, and only then carry out lymphatic drainage massage.

Thrombosis and phlebitis are two diseases that cause the formation of blood clots and their arbitrary movement in the body. Typically, patients with these diseases are treated in hospitals and take blood-thinning medications. If you work in a medical facility, do not prescribe lymphatic drainage massage to such patients. A symptom of femoral artery thrombosis may be pain in one leg, swelling, and a bluish tint to the skin. The likelihood of developing thrombosis of the lower extremities in bedridden patients is very high.

Heart disease. If the work of the heart is impaired, edema may be lymphodynamic in nature due to weakened venous circulation. The movement of fluid towards the heart can worsen the condition.

Having become acquainted with contraindications, many specialists may experience fear when working with someone. The best way is to include questions about these diseases in the questionnaire for clients. Such a list of contraindications makes you think about how powerful the technique is lymphatic drainage massage, which can cause both harm and great benefit.

Lymphatic drainage massage is one of the most effective techniques in the arsenal of a good massage therapist. Direct action on the lymphatic system directly improves immunity. Good immunity supports the integrity of the body, health and good mood. Lymphatic drainage massage helps with swelling - where deep tissue massage and Swedish massage do not work. The paradox is how deep the effect can be on the surface.