What are birth stockings for? How to choose compression stockings for pregnant women and why you need them

Many women know that compression stockings are indicated for surgical interventions, childbirth, long stays in the hospital, bed rest, and, in principle, for any physical exertion. Well, childbirth is, on average, a 10-hour marathon with an increased level of stress and stress on the woman's body. Therefore, any form of their relief is a serious and to the point conversation!

In our country, the recommendation of obstetrician-gynecologists that women in labor have compression stockings is still an innovation, but justified and certainly very useful. After all, prevention is not an empty phrase, but a real struggle with a problem that every woman faces in one way or another. The fight against varicose veins is a difficult and methodical thing, it is difficult to make bets and forecasts in it, but experts assure that the constant wearing of stockings during pregnancy, during childbirth and for some time after, exactly increases the chances that your legs will remain beautiful and healthy.

We trust specialists, but most of all - our own. Therefore, they asked young mothers to ask their questions, and Diana Mardas, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the 5th City Clinical Hospital, answered them and explained in simple terms how to put on stockings and where to use them, and Tonus Elast, a brand of compression underwear, to suggest a few "life hacks".

Obstetrician-gynecologist, project manager "MamaPro"

The attending physician advised stockings with a certain compression class. What is a stocking compression class anyway? How to choose stockings for childbirth, and how - for preventive purposes?

– As a rule, compression classes 1 and 2 are used in childbirth. The compression class is the degree of pressure that the stocking exerts on soft tissues and blood vessels. If a woman did not experience any discomfort before childbirth and she did not have any prerequisites for varicose veins, no appropriate diagnoses were made earlier, spider veins did not appear during pregnancy, then the first compression class is sufficient for the period of pregnancy and childbirth. If there is a diagnosis of "varicose veins", there is chronic venous insufficiency, then it is worth starting from the second class of compression.

The first compression class can be selected independently with the help of competent recommendations of specialists in specialized medical equipment salons (for example, Medprostor, MedMagazin, Care and Health, etc.) and in some pharmacies. Also, an obstetrician-gynecologist can help with the choice of stockings for childbirth. But starting from the second level of compression and if there is evidence, a phlebologist can give competent information, who will individually determine the product that is right for you.

"Lifehack" from Tonus Elast:

  1. Be sure to pay attention to the inscription on the package. There should be the following information: compression class and pressure in millimeters of mercury. If there is no such information, then most likely you do not have a medical device in front of you, so you should not expect a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
  2. The concept of den has nothing to do with the compression class, and such marks on the stockings indicate the density of the knitwear, and also that the stockings do not have the correct compression properties.

If a woman wore compression underwear during pregnancy, is it also suitable for childbirth? Or do you need stockings with other characteristics/sizes?

- It is not prohibited. But there is a special type of hospital stockings. These stockings have been developed for those who are about to undergo surgery and childbirth, as well as for those who have to lie down for a long time or simply need to wear stockings for a long time. Indeed, in such situations, the risk of formation and separation of a blood clot increases many times! They differ both in their functional properties and in color. The hospital stockings have a special knitting that allows you to keep the compression for 3-5 days without removing it. They are white so that you can quickly determine the color of the discharge, since in the case of black or beige stockings, the nature of the discharge may be distorted. There is also a special hole on the foot, which allows you to control the peripheral circulation and gives access to the treatment of fingers without removing the stockings.

Here I want to note the following: during pregnancy and during childbirth, we look at compression stockings a little differently. During pregnancy, there is indeed a load on the venous system, it is difficult for blood to rise up through the veins to the heart, because the pregnant uterus compresses the vessels and prevents the blood flow system from working from the bottom up. Therefore, by putting on compression stockings during pregnancy, we support the vascular wall and help it lift blood up. At the same time, the vascular wall itself is less stressed, remains more integral, and the woman's risk of developing varicose veins in the future is reduced. In childbirth, add to the difficult outflow of blood upwards and the changed blood composition for a long time in a horizontal position.

After childbirth, it is not recommended to get up for 5-6 hours; during childbirth, the risk of thromboembolism, the formation of blood clots and the fact that they can move around the body, throw and clog vital vessels increases significantly. It is very dangerous! It is due to the fact that the blood stagnates in the lower parts of the leg, foot, it thickens, clots can form. They can spread later, for example, when a woman gets up too early and starts walking after giving birth. Therefore, in the first hours after childbirth, stockings are even more important. In no case does the birth of a child mean the removal of stockings right there! This is one of the typical mistakes: many mothers believe that stockings are needed only for childbirth. No: before childbirth, at childbirth and after them!

"Lifehack" from Tonus Elast: having perfect legs now, for nine months of hard efforts, the walls of blood vessels get so tired and injured that later, even six months or a year after childbirth, problems with varicose veins may appear. A woman may not even associate this with pregnancy, although the connection is direct. That is why you should continue to wear compression stockings for 4-6 months after childbirth.

The doctor warned that stockings should not be removed immediately after childbirth. So how long after giving birth to stay in stockings?

- The instructions say - for the entire period of reduced activity. But here the question of hygiene of a woman who has just given birth becomes logical. Therefore, my recommendation is as follows: 5-6 hours after giving birth, we are sure to be in stockings, then we remove them, having already walked vertically for some time, and not immediately (preferably within an hour). Thus, we are waiting for a dangerous moment when a blood clot can begin to rise through the vascular system. In part, stockings do their work for the vessels.

I emphasize that the period of changing the position of the body from horizontal to vertical is the most dangerous in terms of thromboembolism. In addition, the blood after childbirth is thicker for physiological reasons (the woman sweated and did not drink liquid for a long time), which is also a risk factor. When it comes to caesarean section, a woman, of course, needs to be in compression stockings. The risk of thromboembolism during cesarean section increases even more due to many factors, including the fact that a woman lies for a long time without changing her body position.

"Lifehack" from the doctor: as mentioned above, stay upright for an hour and then, for hygienic purposes, you can remove the stockings and, if any, immediately put on a second pair. If not, tidy up your stockings and put them on the next morning before getting out of bed.

Is it difficult to put on stockings? If a woman wants to take a shower during contractions, is it possible not to take off her stockings for this time?

- Yes, indeed, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to put on stockings. What to do? Call the medical staff or partner in childbirth if the birth is partnered. How to be with a shower and water procedures in childbirth? It is important to understand why water procedures are needed in childbirth. For anesthesia. It can be a bidet, a shower. Difficulties can arise only with a shower. In this case, there is no ideal solution, you will have to choose: either compression stockings or a shower. The third option is wet compression stockings after a shower, which is extremely uncomfortable. A large percentage of births take place under spinal anesthesia - these women are unlikely to need a shower. In the process of preparing for childbirth, I recommend learning how to breathe correctly, do self-massage, teach a partner to control the breathing of a woman in labor.

"Lifehack" from the doctor: when choosing compression stockings, women should give preference to other methods of anesthesia: breathing, massage, other water procedures (bidet allows you to take the correct sitting position during childbirth and comfortably contact with water).

To summarize: during the bearing of a baby, body weight grows, the amount of blood increases and blood flow increases, the hormonal background changes. The rainbow period in the life of a future mother, unfortunately, is often overshadowed by ailments. And, if everyone has already heard about toxicosis and the prevention of stretch marks, then a woman often encounters varicose veins for the first time during pregnancy, before that she was unaware of a genetic predisposition. But one can hope not only for genes, but also to engage in comfortable prevention, because pregnancy, no matter how strange it may sound, is a favorable time for the development of pathology. Therefore, Tonus Elast compression stockings, stockings and pantyhose are well-known favorites for pregnant women already because they relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs, provide maximum comfort, prevent the manifestations of varicose veins and look like ordinary beautiful tights or stockings.

Take care of yourself and your feet!

Giving birth in stockings is becoming more and more popular. And we are not talking about seductive fishnet underwear - neither the doctor, nor the child, nor even you will be up to aesthetics during childbirth. Women are increasingly wearing medical compression stockings for childbirth, which, however, can compete with dignity in appearance.

You can hear or read that all doctors recommend that pregnant women wear compression stockings for childbirth or bandage their legs with elastic bandages without fail. In fact, moms-to-be learn about such devices and their benefits mostly from their girlfriends.

Compression underwear is designed to protect the legs from excessive loads, as well as to prevent and treat diseases and complications associated with the state of veins and blood vessels. The most common indication for wearing such underwear is varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Compression socks, stockings and tights are recommended to prevent the appearance of spider veins, asterisks, edema, fatigue and tension in the legs, as well as in the pre- and postoperative period. Depending on the indications and the expected effect (therapeutic or prophylactic), the specialist prescribes one of four degrees of compression. During pregnancy and childbirth, prophylactic compression stockings are usually used, but if the expectant mother has problems with veins, then the phlebologist should prescribe her compression underwear on an individual basis. A consultant in a pharmacy or a specialized store will help you choose the right size.

During pregnancy, compression stockings will serve you well: such stockings will not only facilitate bearing, but will also help to avoid many possible problems. But even if during the entire period you did without stockings, it makes sense to buy them specifically for childbirth.

Compression stockings in a special way create and distribute pressure on the vessels of the legs, weakening towards the upper part. That is, in the calf zone it is maximum, and to the hips it is gradually reduced to a minimum. This contributes to better blood flow and prevents stagnation of blood in the vessels, stretching of their walls and them, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of a venous network, tubercles and in the postpartum period.

Compression stockings for childbirth will serve you well after the birth of the child, especially since they look great and are worn. During pregnancy, it is better to choose stockings made of natural cotton thread. All of them are made without seams, with special weaving, so that they don’t squeeze anywhere, don’t cause discomfort and pass air well. However, stockings marked RAL are of high quality (these meet the world standard) - pay attention to this.

Putting on compression stockings for childbirth is not easy, so it’s better to “get dressed” at home, before leaving for the hospital - then it may not be up to it. It's good to have someone close to you help you. If there is no one, then do not despair: midwives help everyone.

Of course, compression stockings will not give you a 100% guarantee that after childbirth you will not have varicose veins or other complications with the veins and legs, but they will greatly increase your chances of a positive outcome. However, not everyone sees them as useful. Some believe that if there is a predisposition, then no stockings will help, and vice versa. However, over time, compression underwear is increasingly used not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth, as well as after the birth of a child.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy is a time of joyful anticipation. So that it is not overshadowed by health problems, it is important to prevent unwanted symptoms with preventive measures. Among other things, you should pay attention to the stockings for childbirth. They protect against the development of varicose veins. You no longer need to bandage your legs, because modern products give a greater effect and at the same time are convenient to use.

Should be shared:

  • stockings for pregnant women from varicose veins;
  • for childbirth.

The former are used in the prenatal period, the latter - during and after delivery. Both types of stockings protect against varicose veins, both for those women who have already developed this disease, and for those who have its first signs. Stockings for pregnant women reduce the load on the lower limbs. This is especially noticeable when walking. They protect the veins from damage during the active phase of childbirth.

How do birth control stockings work? They create a special pressure on the legs. This allows you to protect the veins from stretching, normalize blood flow, prevent the formation of knots and blood clots.

Stockings data:

  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • aesthetic;
  • inexpensive.

Products keep well on their feet, do not fall off. They are easy to put on and fix. This favorably distinguishes the device from an elastic bandage, the use of which requires effort.

Stockings for childbirth have a significant service life. Their quality allows you to use them for several pregnancies.

Compression stockings for childbirth beautifully fit the legs. A pregnant woman and a woman who has already given birth will not have to complex by putting them on.

The cost of products is higher than elastic bandages, but their purchase is still profitable. After all, you buy them once, and the materials for bandaging will have to be updated all the time. Thus, the use of the former is inexpensive.

Where to buy quality products?

If you understand the importance of preventing the manifestations of varicose veins and decide to buy stockings for childbirth, then you should make a purchase from a reliable honest supplier. The company "It's time to maternity hospital" sells products of proven quality at an affordable price. To order goods, call the specified numbers or use the functions of the site. Delivery of products for childbirth is carried out throughout Russia, including Moscow.

Compression stockings are an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the venous system. The product is also used for recovery after surgery, childbirth or pregnancy.

For each case, stockings are selected separately. Compression underwear differs in size and compression class, and therefore there are several types. In addition, there is a difference in the choice of stockings for men and women.

Compression hosiery is a special material that exerts the correct pressure on the venous wall. Due to this, compression stockings are effectively used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins, as well as for postoperative recovery of patients.

Compression stockings are often referred to as anti-varicose, anti-embolic, or anti-varicose. Some mistakenly believe that compression underwear is practically no different from ordinary ones, and use, for example, dense tights with a high Den instead of anti-embolic ones. Indeed, any underwear puts pressure on the venous wall.

But only anti-varicose knitwear provides a special onslaught regime, which implies variable pressure, decreasing towards the feet. That is, in those parts of the body where venous pressure is higher, the onslaught of compression underwear is also more noticeable.

This ensures the normalization of the size of the saphenous and deep veins, as well as stimulates the flow of blood to the heart and stabilizes the circulation of blood throughout the body as a whole.

Compression underwear comes in several varieties. The most common are stockings and tights. Anti-varicose stockings are effectively used to relieve swelling and fatigue from the legs, as well as to combat diseases of the venous system.

What are anti-embolic stockings for: indications for use

Compression stockings are used in many situations. They are used both for the prevention of varicose veins and for treatment. Often, anti-embolic stockings are worn by pregnant women, as well as patients after surgery.

The main indications for the use of compression stockings are as follows:

Anti-embolic stockings are considered the most practical type of compression underwear. Unlike tights, they are more comfortable as they are much easier to put on and take off. Unlike conventional stockings, anti-embolic stockings do not move out during wear, as this is not allowed by the compression exerted to the right degree on different parts of the leg.

These stockings are great not only for patients after surgery, people suffering from diseases of the venous system and pregnant women, but also for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, or work standing up, straining their legs.

Wearing anti-embolic stockings is a good way to prevent diseases such as venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis or varicose veins. And in order for the sock of compression underwear to be comfortable, you need to choose the right product.

How to choose stockings?

Anti-embolic stockings must exert the correct pressure, and therefore it is important to choose the right product in order to benefit from wearing them. It is necessary to choose stockings, taking into account several factors.

These include the following:

For many, such a property as the hypoallergenicity of the product will also be important. Many brands make stockings that are formulated with antimicrobial agents and materials that won't irritate the skin of people with allergies.


The modern market for compression underwear is quite diverse. But still there are several leading manufacturers.

The most popular brands are the following:

This is not all manufacturers of anti-embolic underwear. But the above brands are the most popular and common on the market.

Compression class

Compression stockings for surgery and prophylaxis differ in compression classes.

There are 4 varieties:

In addition to 4 classes of stockings, there are also prophylactic underwear with an onslaught of 15-18 mm Hg. Art. Products are worn for problems such as cellulite or overweight. It is also convenient to use such stockings for long flights or regular physical activity. It is preventive stockings that are prescribed for pregnant women to ease the load and relieve fatigue from the legs.


In order for the sock of compression underwear to be not only comfortable, but also effective, you need to choose the right size. Since anti-varicose underwear differs from the usual elasticity. It should fit snugly enough to the body to have the desired effect. Anti-embolic knitwear for men is stockings. The dimensions and characteristics of the products are shown in the table.

Knee socks Girth above the ankle, cm Girth under the knee, cm
XS17 – 19 26 – 32
S20 – 22 30 – 42
M20 – 22 34 – 44
L23 – 25 38 – 48
LX26 – 28 44 – 55
XL29 – 31 44 – 55

Women are more likely to choose stockings. They come in different styles, more practical and comfortable to wear. Standard sizes are as follows.

Stockings Girth above the ankle, cm Girth under the knee, cm Thigh girth, cm
XS17 – 19 26 – 36 40 – 50
S20 – 22 30 – 42 48 – 60
SX20 — 22 30 – 42 56 – 70
M23 – 25 34 – 46 56 – 70
MX23 — 25 34 – 46 64 – 80
L26 – 28 38 – 51 64 – 80
LX26 – 28 38 – 51 72 — 90
XL29 – 31 42 — 55 72 — 90
XLX29 — 31 42 — 55 80 — 100

Stockings with a belt differ in parameters from ordinary ones. From the dimensional grid it looks like this.

With fixation at the waist Girth above the ankle, cm Girth under the knee, cm Thigh girth, cm
S20 – 22 30 – 42 46 – 60
M23 – 25 34 – 46 56 – 70
L26 – 28 38 – 51 64 – 80
LX26 – 28 38 – 51 72 – 90

Sometimes the dimensions may differ from the standard. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the dimensional grid of a particular manufacturer before buying a product.

Stockings for men and women: differences

Compression underwear manufacturers offer different styles of products for men and women. Men mainly buy knee-highs, but there are also models of stockings for the stronger sex. These are products of neutral colors without any decorative elements.

Compression stockings for surgery in women are visually no different from ordinary underwear. They come in a variety of styles, with various ruffles and decor. Can be with garters, belts and fasteners at the waist. The color scheme is also varied. Therefore, you can easily pick up compression underwear that will not bring disharmony to your wardrobe.

Price of medical stockings

Compression stockings for surgery differ not only in size, compression class and manufacturer, but also in cost. The price of the product is formed depending on the factors listed above.

Manufacturers of anti-embolic stockings offer underwear at the following prices:

  • Relaxan - up to 1200 rubles;
  • Intex - from 800 to 1300 rubles;
  • ORTO - 400 - 700 rubles;
  • Venoteks - 650 - 2000 rubles;
  • Medi - from 1300 rubles;
  • Sigvaris - from 2500 rubles.

The cheapest are prophylactic stockings with a low compression class. More expensive models - with high compression, from class 3.

What compression stockings are needed for gynecological surgery

Compression stockings for gynecological surgery are necessary in order to stop the loss of blood as soon as possible, which can lead to clogged veins and blood clots. Using underwear with the right compression class significantly reduces the risk of developing these side effects after surgery.

Depending on the type of operation and the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor may prescribe stockings of any of the compression classes. Preventive underwear can be purchased in specialized stores on your own, and medical products of any class will require a prescription from a specialist.

What stockings are needed after childbirth?

Anti-embolic stockings after childbirth are necessary to ensure proper blood flow. It is especially necessary to wear such underwear after a cesarean section. Anti-varicose underwear helps to avoid serious complications after surgery and ensure a speedy recovery.

Stockings of the first and second class are usually prescribed. However, underwear with higher compression is sometimes required. In each case, the product is selected individually by the attending physician.

What stockings are suitable for pregnant women?

Pregnant patients are usually prescribed first-class stockings, or prophylactic stockings. If a woman suffers from venous insufficiency, or has complications and serious edema, then underwear with a higher compression - the second class can be used.

If the patient has thrombophlebitis, impaired lymph flow, varicose veins at an advanced stage, then stockings of the third or even fourth compression class are prescribed during pregnancy.

How to put on stockings?

Compression stockings must be worn in accordance with several regulations. Properly putting on underwear at the right time will provide the appropriate preventive or therapeutic effect.

The main rules are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to put on anti-varicose stockings at the appropriate time: immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Then it will be easier to do this, since the legs are relaxed after rest.
  2. The skin must be dry and clean. On wet skin, it will be very difficult to pull the anti-varicose stocking, as the process will be accompanied by friction.
  3. When putting on underwear, there should be no jewelry on the hands (rings, bracelets, etc.), and nails should be cut short. Pulling on compression stockings is quite difficult, as they are much denser than regular underwear. Therefore, they are easy to hook with a ring or nails.
  4. To prolong the life of underwear, you need to be careful about your feet, because it is in the lower section that the stockings wear out the fastest. It is necessary to monitor not only the length of the nails, but also to ensure that there are no calluses and corns on the feet.

To put on compression stockings, you need to straighten your legs in a horizontal position, after which they are slightly raised. After that, you need to assemble the product into an accordion and begin to pull it from the foot, turning the stocking up to the heel and above. You need to put on underwear carefully and carefully, smoothing out any wrinkles that have formed.

How long should stockings be worn?

The term for wearing compression underwear is determined by the doctor, as it differs not only depending on the diagnosis, but also on the individual characteristics of the patient.

If the wearing of stockings is prescribed after the intervention of the surgeon, then most of the period of their use takes about 2 weeks. As with wearing underwear for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the venous system, stockings must be worn daily in the morning and removed before bedtime.

If anti-varicose stockings are prescribed for athletes, then they must be worn only for the period of training. The same applies to those cases when products are worn during serious physical exertion during work.

How to wash stockings?

Proper care of compression underwear can significantly extend its life. It is best to wash anti-embolic stockings by hand. The water temperature should be about 30 degrees, that is, summer.

It is advisable not to use strong powders, a slightly alkaline shampoo will be more suitable.

Rinse anti-embolic underwear should also be in cool water, and then gently squeeze. Dry anti-varicose stockings on a towel, in a horizontal position.

Avoid contact of anti-varicose knitwear with direct sunlight, as well as heating devices, such as radiators.

If the stockings are equipped with silicone retainers, then it is better not to wet the strips during washing. For disinfection, it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth based on alcohol.

To choose the right product, you need to know exactly your diagnosis and the purpose of using stockings: for surgery, for wearing during pregnancy, for prevention or for the treatment of diseases of the venous system.

Choosing the right size of compression stockings, class and providing appropriate care, you can extend the period of their use to 6-8 months, as well as make wearing underwear more comfortable.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about compression stockings

Why wear compression stockings:

Adding extra pounds during pregnancy can lead to thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend using special compression stockings for childbirth. Medical underwear will help eliminate swelling, reduce the risk of thrombosis and improve the condition of blood vessels.

What are they needed for

During the birth process, the body experiences a powerful load, pressure on the lower limbs and pelvic organs also increases.

Compression stockings can help prevent blood clots during and after pregnancy

As a result of this, inflammation can begin in the internal venous walls, accompanied by the appearance of blood clots - this is how thrombophlebitis develops. This disease has very serious consequences and often ends in death.

To prevent this, you should wear compression underwear not only before childbirth, but also after them - it will help distribute pressure in the hips and calf muscles evenly, and also prevent blood clots. Thanks to this, blood circulation in the body will improve, and the risks of vascular stasis will be minimized. If a woman in labor already has a predisposition to varicose veins, medical underwear should be worn after childbirth for two weeks to prevent the development of vascular diseases.

Compression during caesarean section is also necessary - since this operation is abdominal, during it there is a strong load on the hematopoietic vessels, which can lead to disturbances in the circulatory system and the occurrence of blood clots. With this type of delivery, the situation is aggravated by a long stay in one position and the use of epidural anesthesia, which negatively affects the hematopoietic vessels. The drug is in the body for several more days after childbirth - that's why you should wear compression underwear not only during the operation, but also after it. It is contraindicated for new mothers to take a vertical position for 2 days, in order to maintain compression support and improve the condition of the legs, stockings can be removed only 3-5 days after childbirth.

Important! It is very difficult to put on compression stockings during contractions, so it is recommended to put them on at home. Since a large tummy can greatly interfere with putting on underwear, it is advisable to ask a loved one or a nurse for help.

Putting on stockings on your own in the last months can be difficult and may require assistance

Main advantages

Compression stockings for childbirth are necessary for all women in labor, without exception, because they allow:

  1. Improve the supply of all tissues with useful elements and oxygen.
  2. Prevent varicose veins and blood clots.
  3. Accelerate the outflow of blood in the veins and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Relieve fatigue and reduce pain in the legs.
  5. Establish uniform blood flow in all parts of the lower extremities.
  6. Prevent stretching and risks of rupture of the walls of blood vessels in the legs.
  7. Prevent severe overload of the body and avoid further complications.

Compression stockings during childbirth will help to avoid many health problems.

List of indications

Compression stockings are necessary when traveling to the hospital if a woman has:

  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Seizures.
  • Fatigue, heaviness and pain in the legs.
  • The appearance of spider veins and a characteristic cobweb.
  • Chronic venous insufficiency or thrombophlebitis.

Types of compression stockings

Before choosing compression stockings, a woman should be examined by a phlebologist. The doctor will take an anamnesis, conduct a complete examination and tell you what degree of compression is best for the woman in labor.

There are 4 grades of compression stockings:

  • Therapeutic jersey 0 and 1 degree (18-22 mm Hg) is prescribed for the prevention of varicose veins when there are no serious problems with the vessels. Indications can be spider veins and meshes, as well as heaviness and fatigue of the lower extremities. Often this phenomenon is observed with a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged work on the legs.
  • Grade 2 compression (up to 32 mm Hg) is recommended for venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. The reason for wearing knitwear may be damage to the lower extremities during the period of bearing a child.
  • Stockings of the 3rd degree (33-46 mm Hg) are needed for women suffering from trophic disorders, congenital anomalies of the hematopoietic vascular system, an exacerbated form of thrombophlebitis, as well as for primary and secondary lymphostasis.
  • Medical linen of the 4th degree (49 mm Hg) should be chosen for severe lymphostasis and post-thrombotic syndrome.

There are special stockings for childbirth, which have an extensible insert, due to which there is no pressure on the stomach. The toe of such underwear is open - this allows the doctor to monitor blood circulation during labor by looking at the toes.

In case of serious anomalies of the venous system during the bearing of a baby or after a difficult course of childbirth, the doctor may advise anti-embolic stockings, which should be worn without removing (even during the shower) for several days.

How to choose stockings

To choose the right compression stockings for childbirth, you should consider the following general recommendations:

Important! Usually, compression stockings are removed 3-5 days after childbirth, and the doctor may also suggest changing underwear to a lower class. If a woman has been in a horizontal position for too long, a higher degree of therapeutic stockings may be needed.

Popular brands

The condition and health of the woman in labor depends on what stockings and what quality will be purchased, so you should not save on such things.

How to properly put on compression stockings

The most common brands at the moment:

  1. MEDI, production - Germany. They are one of the highest quality stockings. They are convenient, comfortable, easy to care for and use, very durable. The initial price of linen is from 1300 rubles.
  2. Venoteks, USA. The degree of wear resistance is average, but there are a lot of models. All products are certified. Knitted underwear for prevention costs about 700 rubles, 3rd degree of compression - from 1600 rubles.
  3. ORTO, Spain. Compression underwear of the middle price category. The cost varies from 950 to 2500 rubles. The shelf life of knitwear is 4 months, but stockings can quickly wear out on the toes and feet.
  4. Intex, Russian Federation. Excellent value for money and quality. Products are made of wear-resistant fabrics, the average cost of linen is from 1200 to 3500 rubles.
  5. Sigvaris, Switzerland. The most durable and high-quality stockings with an excellent design - for such positive characteristics, the buyer will have to pay 2500-5000 rubles.
  6. Relaxsan, Italy. Medical underwear from this manufacturer has the most affordable price - from 1000 to 1200 rubles, however, customer reviews have shown that consumers experience inconvenience when using knitwear, moreover, such stockings wear out quickly.

Summing up

Compression stockings are an excellent way to prevent thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in the legs. Underwear helps to distribute the load on the hips and calf muscles evenly, which helps to improve blood circulation and supply tissues with oxygen and necessary elements. It is advisable to purchase products in orthopedic stores or pharmacies - experts will select suitable stockings and give recommendations on how to use and care for them.