Domestic animals in the laws of Russia (2010). Pets: List of different types of pets Information about pets


animals bred by man for the satisfaction of decomp. needs, primarily for food and industrial. raw material as a vehicle. With the growth of settlement and an increase in the population, especially in connection with the transition of a person from hunting and gathering to agriculture, D. j. became a naib, a reliable source of food. In decomp. periods by man were domesticated by many. animals (see table), of which the largest households. value have kr. horn. cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, etc. Ancestors D. j. had special characteristics. type of nervous activity, were distinguished by a high degree of morphophysiol. and ecological plasticity. It is no coincidence that almost all D. (except for mulberry and Chinese oak silkworms, bees and some others) belong to vertebrates, and many of them are gregarious ungulates or flocking birds. The vast majority of D.. was domesticated in the early and cf. Holocene. In addition to modern D., in the definition. At other times, other animals were also kept (for example, dec. antelopes, cheetah, ostrich, cranes, crocodiles), but the degree of their domestication is unknown. The oldest method of domestication was apparently based on imprinting; later, forced domestication with the help of hunger became widespread. In the course of domestication, morphophysiol changed. characteristics of animals - color, hairline, size and weight, features of the skeleton, muscles and fat deposition, fertility, productivity, etc. Particularly indicative is a decrease in the brain (one of the universal domestic signs), as well as a change in behavior. Primary domestication usually took place in relatively narrow areas. In a number of countries, including the USSR, the domestication of new species continues (antelope, elk, mink, coypu, silver-black fox, blue fox, sable, deer, spotted deer). Cases of the reverse process are also known - D.'s running wild. (e.g. horse in America, camel and dingo dog in Australia). Intensive cultivation D. (especially kr. horn. cattle, goats and sheep) significantly changed the natural environment in a number of districts of the world. Thus, the exorbitant use of pastures and the reduction of forests for them led to the destruction of nature. biocenoses - the expansion of the desert zone (Sahara), the deforestation of slopes (Greece), the increase in steppe areas (the Eurasian steppe zone), as well as the reduction in the number of species, abundance and ranges of a number of wild animals. (see ARTIFICIAL SELECTION).

.(Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Chief editor M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected . - M .: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Animals tamed by man and bred by him to satisfy economic and other needs. Breeding of domestic animals (animal husbandry) is the main source of meat, milk, eggs, and other products of animal origin, as well as raw materials for the light and leather industries. Domestic animals are used as transport, hunting, service and decorative. The number of species of domesticated animals is small (about 25), but the number of species bred as a result breeding breeds reaches several thousand.
The vast majority of domestic animals belong to vertebrates, among which mammals predominate. Domestic animals include: mammals - cattle (domestic forms of artiodactyl ruminants of the bovid family, as well as yak, gayal, bison, bison), sheep, goats, pigs, horses, camels, reindeer, rabbits, dogs, cats; from birds - chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowls, pigeons; from insects - bees, silkworms. Close to domestic animals are fish bred in ponds and aquariums, ornamental and songbirds kept at home, as well as laboratory animals.

The process of domestication of animals lasted for several millennia (see. Domestication), different animals were domesticated in different periods (see table).
Breeding of domestic animals must be carried out within reasonable limits. The exorbitant growth of their number entails negative changes in the natural environment (for example, the reduction of forests for pastures leads to the destruction of natural biocenoses).

.(Source: "Biology. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Editor-in-Chief A.P. Gorkin; M.: Rosmen, 2006.)

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), materials (wool), or performing work functions (transportation of goods, security). The second big category is companion animals that are entertaining, entertaining and socializing. For urban residents, the concept of "pets" is more often associated with the second category, that is, with "pets". Animals of the same breed can act in both capacities. For example, someone breeds rabbits for meat and fur, and someone keeps a rabbit at home as a pet.

Pets can be kept in special premises (barnyard, stable, dog house), but they can also live directly in a person's house. Of those animals that live in the house, some are kept in cages, aquariums, terrariums, and other "houses", while others (such as cats, dogs, rabbits, and even monkeys) are allowed to roam freely around the premises.

No matter how loyal a cat is, it will always remain independent.

Pets are mainly fed commercially formulated foods with specially selected ingredients. These feeds are not only convenient to use, but also provide the animal with all the necessary substances. For example compound feed for farm animals, cat or dog food.

Many families who keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, soothe, and relieve stress.

In addition to pets, there may be unwanted tenants in the house - house animals. They settle in a dwelling or near a person's dwelling without an invitation, without bringing any benefit and sometimes causing a lot of harm. These are, for example, rats, mice, cockroaches, ants. House animals are included in a larger group of synanthropic animals that live near human dwellings.

Breeding in captivity

Domestic animals are descended from wild animals living in the wild. Many wild animals can be tamed, especially at a young age, and even kept at home. Sometimes it happens that wild animals are easily tamed, but hardly reproduce in captivity. But if tamed animals reproduce, then their offspring must be tamed again.

Unlike wild animals that are tamed or kept in captivity, domestic animals tend to breed easily. When such easy reproduction is desirable, fertility is spoken of as a positive quality. The offspring of domestic animals do not need to be tamed - the characteristics that make an animal domestic are fixed in the genes and are inherited. This genetic set has developed in the process of selection that people have carried out over the centuries.

farm animals

Not all of the animals listed here are equally domesticated. Farm animals are the most domesticated. They have a highly developed ability to adapt (with the assistance of man) to a variety of external conditions. For example, they can endure intense cold and heat and eat food not only provided by nature itself, but also prepared artificially. Cow, sheep, horse and pig have such properties, and therefore they are common in the economy. But there are also those who, such as buffalo, camel, reindeer, llama, paco or alpaca, live only in certain areas - in very cold or hot stripes of Asia and Africa or on the high mountains of Peru.


The main feature of domestic animals, which breeders use, is the diversity of their qualities. This is used to breed a variety of breeds. Thanks to painstaking selection work, in the last two centuries, some of the original animals have changed beyond recognition. An example is the short-horned cow, the Leicester and Southdown sheep, the English racehorse and draft horse, and finally the Yorkshire and Berkshire breeds of pigs. These changes in the animal organism and the consolidation of the desired heredity became possible as a result of long-term work carried out by many generations of breeders.

If you take the original animal and put it next to the bred animal, the selection results are often simply incredible. The English bull reaches up to 50-70 pounds of weight. The Russian peasant sheep weighs 50-60 pounds, the Southdown sheep is fattened up to 400-600 pounds, and in addition produces 10-15 pounds of fine long wool. English pigs in one year reach 10-12 pounds in weight (for comparison, in order to obtain such a weight, a Russian pig needs to be raised for 3-4 years). There is nothing to say about English horses in heavy trucks, they have long gained worldwide fame.

An interesting example of changes in the properties of domestic animals depending on human needs is the merino sheep. The selection of its coat was determined by changes in the demand for different types of wool. Over the past decades, sheep farmers have tried to change the length, fineness and other characteristics of merino wool.

Currently, breeders are looking to create breeds that could be useful for several functions. For example, in cattle they try to combine milk production with the ability to fatten, and in sheep - the production of good wool with meatiness.

The work of Beckwell and the Collins brothers has shown that through selection it is possible to achieve the desired changes in the properties of domestic animals, and one can only guess whether there is a limit to these changes.

Darwin, in his world-famous work On the Origin of Species, repeatedly referred to the achievements of pastoralists in breeding new breeds of livestock. The entire first chapter of the book is devoted to the changes that animals and plants undergo as a result of their domestication.

History of domestication

Little is known about how and when domestication began. There is practically no information about this either in legends or in historical annals. It is believed that the man of the Stone Age already had with him almost all the main domestic animals. The most ancient historical chronicle, the Bible, speaks of cows, sheep, horses and others as the most common accessories of the pastoral and agricultural trade of peoples. In short, the time when man tamed modern domestic animals remains unknown, as well as the origin of most domestic mammals.

However, it is assumed that each of the domestic animals had wild progenitors. The evidence for this is the study of bones found in the remains of piled buildings. When analyzing the excavations, it was possible to distinguish the bones of domestic animals from the bones of wild animals related to them. Thus, it can be assumed that in that era so far from us, which neither history nor legend remembers, the same animals could be both wild and domesticated. Currently, the species to which some domestic animals belong are not found in the wild at all. So, for example, a cow and a horse are exclusively domestic species.

The question of who was the ancestor of some of the domestic animals is still controversial. So, some believe that the Russian domestic sheep descended from the mouflon, others from the argali, and others from the North African wild sheep ( Ovis tragelophus). Who considers the ancestor of the dog to be a wolf, who is a jackal, and some - both of these species (sometimes a coyote is added to them). According to modern ideas, dogs are entirely descended from wolves.

Wild representatives of many domestic animals have become extinct. So, the tur is considered the ancestor of most of the breeds of cattle ( Bos primigenius) (Ryutimeyer and his followers believe that all breeds of cattle distributed along the Baltic coast and the North Sea originated from the tour: Dutch, Holstein, and equally short-horned cattle of England. Ukrainian cattle also belong to this group.

Also according to Rutimeyer, Bos brachyceros (short-horned bull) and Bos frontosus (lobed bull) should also be included in the original breeds. From the first form came the monochromatic brown cattle of Switzerland (Switzerland) and the neighboring Alps, and from the second - the motley, also Swiss, but found in the valleys between the tori, and the hornless cattle of Scotland and Norway). He lived like a wild bull, not only in prehistoric, but also in relatively recent times. This is evidenced by the legends of our folk poetry, ancient Russian epics, then the names of various tracts, in which the name of the tour is heard, and, finally, the positive news of the chronicles and other monuments of ancient literature. Judging by these monuments, the ancient tour was well known to our ancestors, it was a massive animal, with long horns, of a bay color, it was distinguished by its enormous strength and speed, it liked to stay in swampy areas in wooded areas, as free for food and solitary. According to epics, the boundaries of the tour. are defined by the Dnieper, the Volyn land and the Lithuanian forests, but the folk language and the names of various tracts, in which the name of the tour has been preserved, expands these borders east to the upper reaches of the Donets, and north to Ladoga (where there is Turov desert), Gryazovets and Galich. From direct evidence of the tour, the description of it given by the famous Herberstein, who came to Russia in the 16th century, is especially remarkable. In order not to confuse the aurochs with the bison living to this day, Herberstein in his notes (“Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii”) included drawings of both animals.

Thus, as to the origin of the domestic bull, the question would be clear if it were not known that some of the domestic animals easily turn into wild ones. In America, before its discovery, there was not one of the domestic animals of the Old World. There were no horses, no cows, no pigs, no sheep, no goats. All these of our original domestic animals were brought to America by Europeans, and they all found such favorable soil for themselves that they soon multiplied to excess. Their number began to exceed the needs of the population. Under such conditions, of course, some animals were left unattended, began to lag behind the herds, wander through the forests and gradually run wild. In this way, whole herds of wild bulls and horses began to be recruited in America. Nathusius says that he had cases of pigs running wild and mating them with wild boars. What happened to our domestic animals in America, and what happens to some extent in Europe, is also repeated in the sparsely populated areas of Australia, where wild cattle and horses are not even safe for people. In the ease of running wild domestic animals some see as a proof of their origin from wild species. Because some of the domestic animals run wild so easily that their nature is more in line with the wild state than the domestic, artificial state, from which they seem to strive to get out. If domestication were a natural property of some animals, then it would not be easy for such people to do without human help, and the transfer of single-species wild animals to a domestic state would not be a big deal. Be that as it may, but the question of the origin of our domestic animals, these closest servants and friends of man, should be considered open, since, according to the just remark of Nathusius, it lies outside observation and experience.

As for pets, that is, animals living in the same dwelling with a person, dogs began to play this role before anyone else. In ancient Rome and early medieval Europe, the weasel was a common pet, as it preyed on house rodents. However, due to the poor tameability of the weasel as a hunter for house pests, it was replaced by genets (for a short time in the Middle Ages) and cats, which remain common pets in our time, when the need for the extermination of rodents has already disappeared.

Homeless animals


see also

  • decorative birds
  • Five Freedoms ( Five animal freedoms)


  • World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity / B.D. Scherf (Ed.). - 3rd edn. - Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2000.(English)


  • Pets- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Pets // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). St. Petersburg: 1890-1907.

Helpful Hints

Pets not only bring a special atmosphere to the family, but also help the children who care for them, learn responsibility. If you don't want to get a cat or dog, and if you don't have a lot of space in your apartment, then consider smaller pets.

There are many cute little animals in the world that can become your pets. But before you bring such an animal home, you should carefully study their character and habits. Not all of these creatures can be hugged and held close.

Choosing a pet for your child should also be based on how old your offspring is. Of course children can learn responsibility through care and communication with animals, however, experiments can end in failure for both the pet and your child.

That is why we offer you a list of ten furry and not very potential candidates for the role of a pet for your child. You just have to read the information provided and choose the pet that suits you the most.



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Hedgehogs are the cutest little animals that really need the least amount of attention from you. However, it should be borne in mind - if you rarely contact such a pet, then hedgehog can become quite aggressive bringing a lot of problems.

Hedgehogs are for you if you like independent animals. They are loners by nature, and usually lead an appropriate lifestyle. It is better to keep a hedgehog in a cage (as for rabbits), but do not forget - they are great at climbing, and why cover it with a lid so that the hedgehog does not slip away.

Hedgehogs mainly eat food for cats or dogs, however, it is necessary to periodically add eggs, insects, vegetables and fruits, and cooked meat to the diet. Besides, hedgehogs need to be bathed regularly keeping them clean.

Also, you should be aware that hedgehogs are very susceptible to various diseases (at least compared to many other animals), so you should be careful. Hedgehogs are great pets for older children. If hedgehogs are given more attention, they become quite obedient and sociable.

Guinea pigs

© Life On White

Guinea pigs can hardly be called unusual pets. These cute creatures, who are often turned on for their very friendly and sociable character, are among the largest rodents.

Adult guinea pigs can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. They are very sweet and love to interact with their owners and other guinea pigs. They live an average of five to ten years. These are the best animals to start teaching kids of all ages about care and responsibility.

Guinea pigs are much less temperamental than, for example, hamsters, and are much less likely to bite you. However, they need constant care. The diet of pigs should consist of special granular feed, hay, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Pet stores sell portable guinea pig cages that you can add various accessories (houses) to so that your guinea pig has somewhere to hide. However, the installation of a wheel is not recommended for guinea pigs, as your pet can easily injure the paws and back.


© DeirdreRusk/Getty Images

Hamsters are extremely popular as pets because of their cute appearance, fluffy fur, and relatively low maintenance costs. They usually easy to pick up, although some small-sized species can be quite restless, especially the females.

Larger species, such as the Syrian hamster, are more peaceful and better suited for your children, who will likely want to babysit them. In addition, large species of hamsters are not so gentle, rather obedient and, if I may say so, more well-mannered.

On the other hand, hamsters are also completely self-sufficient loners, so they need cage adaptations such as tunnels, passages and wheel to maintain health. In addition, they do not necessarily need partners.

However, the disadvantage is the short life span of hamsters - from two and a half to three years. It means that you have to be mentally prepared to your child's feelings about the death of a pet. By the way, hamsters are predominantly nocturnal, most of the day being in hibernation.

Our little brothers


© Pakhnyushchyy / Getty Images

Perhaps a rat is not the first thing that comes to your mind when your child suddenly expresses a desire to receive a pet as a gift. In vain. The rat is supreme sociable and intelligent animal that needs minimal maintenance.

In addition, they are very playful and love to mess around with all sorts of toys, balls, strings, and can even play with a roll of toilet paper to their delight. So rats are the perfect little pets?

It turns out that it is. In addition to friendliness, intelligence and sociability, they demonstrate great affection for their owners. In other words, be prepared for the fact that your children will also kindle a reciprocal relationship with them.

Rats have a wonderful memory for such small creatures. They are very unpretentious in food, although you can also buy the most suitable food for them in the appropriate stores. However, like hamsters, rats have a very short life cycle of two to three years.


© Svetlanistaya / Getty Images

Gerbils are collective animals that form colonies in their natural environment. That is why it is recommended to keep them in small groups - from two to four individuals. But don't be afraid - they are very inexpensive to maintain..

They prefer a mixed diet, very often stocking up quite large amounts of food (when the opportunity arises). They can be picked up and stroked, but you should do it very carefully, since gerbils are extremely gentle creatures, they can easily be harmed.

There are a very large number of species of gerbils, but at home they often contain the so-called Mongolian gerbil. These animals are big clean and practically do not smell. Unlike hamsters, gerbils are not nocturnal animals.

They are quite independent creatures, so they can entertain themselves for a long period of time. The life expectancy of gerbils is quite short - from three to four years, for which it is worth preparing mentally in advance.


© bilbot / Getty Images

Ferrets are extremely active, terribly inquisitive and extremely agile animals. At the same time, they are very cute in appearance and have a fluffy fur coat, which is very pleasant to the touch. They live longer than many of their smaller counterparts.- from eight to ten years.

As soon as the ferret is released from the cage, it will immediately begin to rush around the house, studying every nook and cranny, so they should not be left unattended outside the cage. If the ferret is outside, someone must look after him, otherwise you will be tormented to look for him later.

They definitely need more attention than rats or hamsters, as they do not feel very comfortable if they are in a cage all day. It turns out a rather paradoxical situation - ferrets should not be left unattended outside the cage, but keeping them in a cage all day is undesirable even if you are not at home.

Ferrets willingly go on hands. They will not bite you, unless, of course, you accidentally harm them. These animals can play with you or your children all day long. They acquire their sweet special attraction somewhere closer to three years.


© GlobalP/Getty Images

Of all the fluffy pets on this list, chinchillas are the fluffiest. Their fur is thick and silky. Thanks to this, chinchillas, probably, most pleasant to pick up, stroke.

On the other hand, the chinchilla doesn't really like being squeezed. Better give her the opportunity to run around your home. An adult chinchilla reaches a length of up to 30 centimeters or even more, moreover, females are larger than males.

Chinchillas practically do not emit an unpleasant odor. And even their discharge does not smell for several days. These cute animals live from 10 to 15 years. The color of the fur of these creatures varies from the lightest tones to black, like soot.

Chinchillas do not require much attention. They feed on special food, which can be freely purchased at pet stores. Male chinchillas are best kept in pairs. But the females of these animals are single, so they can be kept one at a time.

Pet for your child

Cancer hermit

© David Clarke/Getty Images

The hermit crab is far from the most common pet on this list of recommended pets. However, they are very educated and very inexpensive to maintain so they are perfect for this role.

This is a very peaceful, calm animal, not at all like those pets that you want to pick up and stroke. The hermit crab is best observed from afar as it moves slowly in his aquarium, burrowing into the sand to hide its sophisticated muzzle there.

In the article I will talk about the most popular types of pets, what options there are and give a list.

List of pets

The variety of pets allows you to choose a pet for every taste and color for the home, but even this does not stop exotic lovers, forcing them to look for more and more sophisticated options.

Consider the most popular animals that are kept at home.


The image of a cat is always associated with grace and love of freedom.

This is the only animal that has not submitted to human attempts to domesticate.

All cats can be divided into 3 large groups according to the type of coat:


Long-legged cats with short hair do not take much time to care for and are divided into 3 types:

  1. European. This type includes plush and aristocratic, restless and representatives - widespread cats with a classic striped color. Europeans get along well with dogs, but dislike birds and rodents.
  2. Oriental. Refined Asian women (,) are famous for their intelligence and ingenuity, require respectful treatment and quickly become attached to their owners. Always consider the touchiness and vindictiveness of Asian cats. Remember that Siamese and small children are not compatible.
  3. American. American women are friendly, independent and playful. Rounded outlines and thick coat add visual volume to the well-balanced proportions. Representatives of the American type get along well with children, but it is better not to leave them with babies. A shy pet will not offend a flirtatious baby, but it may suffer itself.

american shorthair


Miniature, attached to a person and in need of reverent care.

They don't handle loneliness well.


Pinscher and Schnauzer

Complimentary and smart. They need mandatory training and an experienced owner.


Active and friendly dogs bred for burrow hunting. Suitable for apartment living.


- German hunting dogs, similar in character to a terrier. They have high devotion and intelligence.


(pointer, setter). Another type of hunting dog with a calm and docile disposition.


They are capricious and stubborn, hard to train and not suitable for beginners.

The largest representatives (,) of the dog family are included in the group of pinschers and schnauzers. Despite their impressive size, the breeds are distinguished by a good disposition and love for children.

The average life span of dogs varies from 10 to 13 years. Long-livers include representatives of small breeds.

Rabbits for the home

A great alternative to the usual four-legged ones.

Can be divided according to the length of the coat:

  • long-haired (angora, fox, ram, squirrel);
  • short-haired (butterflies, rex, dutch, hermelins).

If an eared pet is selected for a child, then wayward butterflies, aggressive female hermelins and phlegmatic rexes are best avoided.

Unlike wild counterparts, domesticated rabbits live up to 12 years.

Rodents as pets

The list of the most popular rodents for home keeping includes:

Mice and rats

They are smart, easy to train and quickly become attached to the owner. Life expectancy is about 2 years.

Nocturnal animals that require careful and reverent attitude. They prefer separate living and minimal contact with strangers. Live no more than 3 years.

Guinea pigs

Unlike rats, which have a bad reputation, they have an attractive appearance, as well as a peaceful and trusting disposition. With a careful attitude, they are given into the hands of not only adults, but also the smallest owners.


Nimble, inquisitive and graceful. The content is not whimsical.


Large representatives of rodents characterized by increased shyness. They are not suitable for children and require careful grooming.

Long-livers among disassembled rodents include guinea pigs and squirrels that can live for about 10 years.

Reptiles for a child

Cold-blooded reptiles did not do without attempts at domestication. The group of the most popular reptiles includes:


For home maintenance, small snakes (no more than 1.5 m) are recommended, which are distinguished by the absence of aggression and tiny teeth that are unable to cause serious damage. Do not buy snakes from your hands. A small snake can grow into a dangerous and poisonous animal.


They require reverent content, are prone to colds and are easily injured. Peace and quiet are important for them, so communication with young children is not safe for them.


The most unpretentious reptiles living in terrariums or aquaterrariums.

Of the presented reptiles, snakes that can live up to 40 years have the longest life span.

The lifespan of those kept at home is usually shorter than in the wild. The figure for lizards depends on the size (larger representatives are among centenarians).


The most popular domesticated birds include:

  • . A long-lived parrot that can live >80 years. Smart, but in the absence of training becomes uncontrollable and aggressive. Do not get a bird in the absence of free time for training. Hitting it with a large beak is very traumatic.
  • . Fidget birds with a bright color, suggesting mandatory keeping in pairs.
  • Jaco. Unlike budgerigars, which can imitate simple everyday sounds, the Jaco easily imitates the speech of its owners. The bird loves to communicate with people and is happy to learn intricate tricks.

  • Wild animals

    Among wild birds, the most popular are:


    The popularization of feathered pets occurred after the Harry Potter films. Despite the fabulous appearance and mysterious "ears", such a bird is not suitable for everyone.

    Do not purchase an unringed bird without documents. The lack of necessary ammunition is the main sign of poaching.

    Domestic tame owls Barnacle Raven

    Other types

    Options for home exotics depend not only on the imagination, but also on the breeder's finances:

    1. Foxes. The cost of foxes varies from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. When purchasing a furry animal, it is important to consider its danger to other pets. If the danger of a fox is similar to that of a wolf, then its waywardness resembles that of a cat. The fluffy beauty is against familiarity and is given into hands only in a good mood.
    2. Crocodiles. Depending on the size of the reptile, the issue price can reach up to 60 thousand rubles. Don't believe in the existence of little crocodiles. The minimum size of an adult animal is at least 1.5m. For safety, a toothy pet is kept exclusively in a terrarium.
    3. Monkey. Prices for monkeys start at 65 thousand rubles and, depending on the species, can reach up to 500 thousand rubles. Keeping such animals without an aviary will not work because of their dominant behavior. The owner of the monkey will have to constantly defend his rights as the leader of the pack.
    4. Anteaters. A clean and calm animal with a funny proboscis and a friendly disposition is steadily gaining popularity in the United States. The cost of an outlandish beast reaches 350 thousand rubles. Strong paws with tenacious claws in the lung open the door of the refrigerator.
    5. Tigers. Not all cat lovers have enough exotic bengals and savannahs, so they get real tigers as a pet. The price of a striped pet, reaching up to 2 million rubles (and in the case of buying a white tiger, up to 9 million rubles), is available to units. A wild cat is born at the age of a kitten. When feeding, it is important to avoid the use of raw meat, which can provoke suppressed predatory instincts.

    In conclusion, I note that before buying a pet, it is important to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the species:

    • large pets will have to be kept in a spacious area;
    • decorative breeds require frequent veterinary control;
    • exotic animals require increased security measures;
    • reptiles will have to purchase special UV lamps.

    Remember that having a pet is a big responsibility.

    Do not purchase an animal unless you are sure that it is properly maintained.

    A few thousand years ago, ancient man took the first steps to tame wild animals in order to use them for their own purposes. And today it is already difficult to imagine our life without pets, as if they have always been faithful companions of people. Initially, man sought to get something of value from animals, providing them with shelter and food. However, according to anthropology, in ancient times they also served as a source of aesthetic pleasure.

    Pets are animals that a person has tamed, caring for them and providing them with food. All domesticated species and artificially bred breeds were used for material gain or pleasure. They became good companions for a person, brightening up his life. The process of reproduction of animals easily takes place even outside natural conditions. By controlling it, people create breeds with the desired properties.

    Interesting! Alternative medicine has long been marked by the ability of animals to heal people. Cats are the most successful in this. Scientists explain the effectiveness of cat therapy by the ability of this animal to create a unique electromagnetic field with low-frequency currents thanks to its thin and soft fur. This allows the cat to act on the source of inflammation and pain, destroy microbes.

    Scientists have proven that petting an animal is not only pleasant, but also useful. During the bioenergetic contact that occurs in this case, the central nervous system of people receives special impulses that cause positive emotions and improve mood. Therefore, communication with cats is especially important for psychological disorders and stress.

    Types of pets

    Domestic animals are conditionally divided into two groups.

    1. The first includes agricultural species used in everyday life and allowing to obtain natural products and materials. For example, goats and cows provide a person with food: milk and meat, as well as wool and skin. But horses, despite the appearance of various mechanisms, are still used as a labor force for the transport of goods and a means of transportation.
    2. The second group includes all the animals that people have in the first place for communication and leisure activities. Cats, fish, rodents and dogs are just some of the pets living at home. Like agricultural species, they too can be used for material gain. For example, many breeds of cats and dogs are highly valued on the market, so some owners are engaged in breeding and selling offspring. But most often, such pets, first of all, become full-fledged members of the family and a friend of a person. They help to cope with a bad mood, fight loneliness and stress.

    The most devoted friend of a person living at home has become a dog. There is an opinion that, unlike cats, it is more attached to a person. Cases are widely known when, after the death of the owner, the dogs could not find a place for themselves, yearning, and even died, unable to bear the separation. Similarly, many people experience the loss of a pet that has become a full-fledged member of the family very hard. On average, dogs live for about 10 years, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will not always be able to stay around.

    When deciding to get a dog, you should also know that it needs constant care. Regular walks and feeding are only a small part of care. It is important to immediately decide on the breed, because each has its own characteristics. The nature of the animal and the kind of care required depend on them.

    Dogs of decorative breeds are brought up exclusively as pets: for the sake of pleasure and communication. They don't do any work in a person's life. These include, for example, lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers, miniature pinschers, Pomeranians. Some of them were bred from large dogs as a result of breeding with a decrease in size. With proper upbringing, representatives of decorative breeds are non-aggressive, pleasant in communication, easily make contact with people and other animals. In addition, they lend themselves well to training.
    Another large group of breeds is formed by dogs that were originally used as hunting and guard dogs: shepherd dogs, spaniels, pointers, poodles, greyhounds, dachshunds, bull terriers. Gradually, many of them began to play exclusively the role of pets, as well as decorative species.

    Interesting! The smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua, weighing only half a kilogram. At the withers, it reaches 10 cm. But the English mastiff was recognized as the largest representative among dogs. The weight of males of this breed exceeds 100 kg. With impressive size, English mastiffs have a fairly peaceful character and get along well with children.

    Along with dogs, the “companion animal” includes the cat. It is valued both for its sociability and for its ability to catch rodents. The life expectancy of cats, like dogs, averages 10-15 years. But there are also unique cases.

    Interesting! Among animals, too, there are centenarians. So, one cat in the UK is already about 40, which by human standards is more than 170 years old! Her predecessor, also listed in the Guinness Book of Records, lived to be 38 years old.

    Today there are a large number of breeds of cats. The main feature in their classification is usually the length of the coat. Many breeds have their own unique traits. So, Scottish fold cats are distinguished by their characteristic forward-curved ears, the Canadian and Don Sphynxes are completely devoid of hair, but in representatives of the Cornish Rex it curls. Crossbreeding of wild and domesticated species has led to such interesting breeds as the Savannah and Bengal cat.

    farm animals

    Farm animals bring the greatest benefit in everyday life to humans. Most of them are able to live not only in favorable conditions created by people, but also adapt to various changes, due to which they are bred almost everywhere. These types include sheep, horses, cows, pigs. Some farm animals such as camel or llama, on the contrary, can only live in certain geographical areas. For this reason, it is more difficult to keep them in other areas, since it is necessary to create conditions close to natural.

    Farm animals provide a person with natural products: milk, eggs, meat. Leather and wool, down and feathers are highly valued. The most consumed meat is pork. It is also often considered the most delicious, as compared to beef, for example, it is fatter and softer. Pigs are quite unpretentious in terms of keeping and food, give a large offspring, so they are most often bred for slaughter. In addition to meat, bristles and skin are also obtained.

    The cow is the breadwinner of the family, as Russian peasants used to say. Every day, she is able to give several liters of milk, from which fermented milk products, butter, and cheese are then obtained. Man has achieved success even in the domestication of insects - bees, thanks to which he was able to get honey, propolis, wax.

    Interesting! More and more people, for various reasons, have recently given up meat, becoming vegetarians. However, blindly following this fashion trend is extremely dangerous for health. Meat is a source of essential amino acids. They are needed for the construction of antibodies that provide protection against pathogens of various diseases, including cancer. When you refuse meat, essential amino acids cease to enter the body, immunity decreases, which causes the development of infections.

    In the economy, animals also participate in agricultural work, transport heavy loads and people. Horses are usually used for this purpose. At stud farms, they are kept and bred to participate in races, equestrian sports. For lovers of horses, the mere communication with them gives great pleasure.

    domestication of animals

    Little information about the domestication of wild animals has survived to this day, but it is known that the dog is considered the first tamed pet living in the house. In ancient times, she played the role of a companion for a person. Thanks to its excellent learning and training abilities, the dog eventually began to guard the house, participate in hunting and grazing. In some countries, attempts have been made to tame the weasel to fight rats and mice. However, she did not adapt well to life in captivity, and over time, cats came to replace her.

    Interesting! Whether cats are fully domesticated remains an open question. They still retain the habits of their wild relatives, although for many thousands of years they have already lived next to humans. Unlike dogs, they are not so strongly attached to a person, remaining independent. According to one point of view, for cats, coexistence next to a person is just an opportunity to live in good conditions, continuing to hunt birds and rodents. But there is an opinion that this proud animal, like a dog, is able to establish emotional contact with the owner and feel a sense of affection.

    It is believed that most domestic animals descended from representatives living in the wild. Tour was the ancestor of cattle. But from whom the dog originated is not known exactly. It could be a wolf, a jackal, or even a coyote. The wild sheep, the moufflon and the mountain sheep are considered as the ancestors of the sheep. The exact time of domestication of animals has not been established. Rock paintings testify that already in ancient times, people had tamed pets. However, when exactly this happened is still a mystery.

    Pet breeding

    Domesticated animals breed well in captivity. Their offspring do not need to be tamed again. From birth, pets adopt the habits of their mother and easily make contact with a person. In the case of farm animals, reproduction is an opportunity to obtain more valuable products. But the appearance of offspring in cats and dogs is often undesirable for the owners. Therefore, many owners castrate and sterilize their pets.

    Breeders have long taken advantage of the ability of domestic animals to reproduce easily through crossbreeding. It allows you to breed new breeds with the desired properties. Work with farm animals is mainly carried out to increase their fertility, food potential, and weight. For example, in the middle of the last century, the goal was to get a dairy and meat breed of cows that would quickly gain weight. So the Kostroma breed appeared. The goal was achieved: cows produce a record amount of milk (about 10,000 kg per year) and meat.

    Breeding work is also carried out to obtain breeds that can live in specific conditions. In the desert steppes of Kazakhstan, sheep did not gain weight well due to poor food. Therefore, it became necessary to obtain a new breed that would be able to adapt to such difficult conditions, to feed fat well in them. As a result, edilbaev sheep were bred.

    Interesting! Dwarf animals are often not a mutation, but the result of the painstaking work of scientists. The miniature breed of cows, bred in India, requires much less space for keeping and feeding. At the same time, the animals retained their productivity. The quality of their milk and meat is no worse than the products obtained from ordinary cows. But mini-pigs are a decorative breed of pigs. Their mass does not exceed several tens of kilograms, while ordinary pigs can weigh several hundred! The little pygmy pig is shy and requires special care. But if you tame it, then it becomes affectionate and obedient. The mini pig can be petted like a cat or dog. Unlike these animals, it is unpretentious in food, does not shed, and its short coat does not cause allergies. This is an ideal pet for those who choose an active lifestyle, because daily walks are a must for a pygmy pig.

    When taming pets, it is important to remember that you should be responsible for them, provide them with proper care and care. Then pets will become reliable friends and helpers of their owner.