Eetp commercial purchases. Roseltorg electronic platform

JSC "United Electronic Trading Platform" - is currently one of the leaders among the most popular electronic trading operators working in the field of public and commercial procurement. In the article you will learn about the history of the emergence of the Roseltorg site, the functions of the site, the features of the accreditation procedure, and also learn about participation in the auction on this site.

1. History of creation

In 2005, it became necessary to make the possibility of electronic trading a reality. The question arose of intermediaries and organizers helping to implement this opportunity from the technical side, in accordance with applicable law. This is how organizations began to appear, acting as an intermediary in transactions concluded between government agencies and private companies. They ensured the transparency of transactions and provided the most complete information on them.

After the increase in the number of tenders conducted, in particular by such customers as the government of Moscow, in 2009 EETP JSC was formed. The Moscow government became one of the founders of Roseltorg, owning a controlling stake. The second founder, having 48.18% of shares, was the Bank of Moscow. The Unified Electronic Trading Platform within the framework of experimental electronic auctions helped to save budget money during their implementation, and the percentage of savings was 18 units.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2016 N 29335-r, operators were appointed who will conduct electronic auctions on their sites for federal needs, among which the Unified Electronic Trading Platform was indicated. The selection of electronic platforms for holding open auctions in electronic form was carried out on a competitive basis, in the manner approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2015 N 2488-r. In 2016, 343 thousand lots for 1.00 trillion rubles were placed on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform. rubles.

2. Trading sections (sectors) on the Roseltorg site

The official website of the United Electronic Trading Platform is divided into separate sectors. The Bidding sector includes the Register of Customers, the Register of Participants and the Agroplatform. Next is the sector Property auctions, Illiquid property and the Register of bank guarantees. Separately, there are Bidding on 615-PP of the Russian Federation (overhaul), Bidding on 178-FZ (privatization) and Bidding of State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans ( The site also developed a service for participating in small volume purchases, which is located in the Corporate Online Store sector. This service allows suppliers to post their price lists and take part in the procedures for free, paying only a percentage of completed transactions. To access the Register of Bank Guarantees sector, registration as a guarantor is required. In this sector, the user has access to the register of issued bank guarantees, verification of their authenticity and the ability to transfer data on issued bank guarantees to the unified automated trading information system of the city of Moscow (EAIST).

The Roseltorg agricultural platform makes it possible to sell and buy farm products without intermediaries. In the Property auctions and Illiquid property sector, auctions for the sale of property rights (lease and pledges) and illiquid assets are carried out, in which all accredited users can participate in the form of auctions for an increase.

The Trading sector is divided into sub-sectors, which are divided into:

  • State procurements
  • Commercial purchases (
  • Procurement of VTB Group (
  • Procurement of State Corporation Rosatom (new version of
  • Purchases of PJSC Rostelecom and subordinate organizations
  • Procedures in accordance with 178-FZ
  • Procurement of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia"
  • Purchases of JSC "OPK"
  • Procurement of Rosgeo Holding
  • Procedures in accordance with 615-PP RF
  • Purchases of RusHydro Group
  • Purchases of PJSC "FGC UES"

3. Functions of a single electronic trading platform

The electronic platform performs the following important functions:

  • optimizes the procurement activities of accredited participants by posting and searching for information on tenders, including organizing access to procurement documentation;
  • ensures the conduct of operations on a personal account to ensure applications for participation in trading procedures;
  • provides an opportunity to submit requests to the organizers of procedures; signing contracts;
  • provides the possibility of signing contracts between the seller and the buyer in electronic form;
  • analysis of various performance indicators of organizations;
  • user data protection.

4. Accreditation for Roseltorg

To participate in the trading procedures posted on the website of Roseltorg, you must become an accredited participant, for this, by clicking in the "Login" section, you must follow the "Registration" link.

In the registration window, select the appropriate item "Supplier (applicant) and / or customer of SC Rosatom and subordinate organizations"

If an electronic signature was purchased before, then some data can be filled in with its help by clicking on the "Fill from ES" button, or you can fill out the registration form yourself.

To complete the registration stage, you must attach the following documents to the application:

  • a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (from legal entities / from individual entrepreneurs)
  • from the company it is necessary to provide data on the representative (if not, then it is usually the head), attach to this data confirmation of his authority (power of attorney for the representative and an order for the person who signed this power of attorney or an order for the head)
  • founding documents
  • a document confirming permission to make large transactions

After providing all the data, the application will be sent for consideration to the operator, after which a notification will be sent to the mail about the result of consideration of your application. If a refusal comes, then it contains the reason for not being admitted to accreditation on the trading platform. After correcting the deficiencies, you can re-send the application for consideration. The review itself takes no more than five working days.

After that, the submission of an application for registration of a supplier in the ETP system is considered completed.

5. Services of ETP "Roseltorg"

In addition to working as an electronic trading platform, Roseltorg offers additional services.

  • Connection to the electronic document management system
  • Registration and issuance of an electronic signature:
  • Accelerated express accreditation at ETP Roseltorg.

The EDI system at Roseltorg helps to solve the problem of automating document flow between companies, simplifying the exchange of electronic documents without paperwork.

6. Registration and issuance of EDS

As in all certification centers, the acquisition of an electronic signature for participation in the auction is not free.
To issue an electronic signature, you must select a service on the website in the "For Providers" section. The Unified Electronic Trading Platform provides two options for obtaining: issuing an electronic signature and receiving it at the point of issue, which is located in your locality or in the nearest locality to you, and an electronic signature with delivery to the office.

The second option, in addition to delivery, includes the departure of a specialist to set up your workplace with the installation of all necessary programs and setting up browsers for work.

After filling in the personal data, a representative of the company will contact you to clarify the data you submitted, and tell you the further sequence of actions. After the application for obtaining an electronic signature is accepted, ETP Roseltorg issues an invoice for payment of the tariff you have chosen.

7. Express accreditation

This service is necessary for potential participants who have little time left to participate in any auction. Since the application for accreditation according to the rules of Roseltorg is considered within 5 working days, and the purchase is completed, for example, in two days, this is a convenient way for suppliers to take part in the auction. Perhaps the application will be processed faster, but not everyone is ready to take risks, especially if mistakes are made in the application itself or when it is submitted. Express accreditation is paid and takes three hours. This service is also provided by intermediaries and agents of certification centers.

8. How to participate in the auction at the ETP Roseltorg

The application for participation in the auction under 44-FZ consists of the first and second parts of the application. In the first part, the bidder expresses his agreement with the terms of the auction. The wording of consent sounds like consent to perform work, provide services that meet the requirements of the documentation, on an electronic auction on the terms provided for in such documentation, as well as information about the quality and functional characteristics of the goods.

Such information also includes: technical specifications, information about safety, size, packaging and shipment of goods, as well as other information, the provision of which is provided for by the auction documentation. This part on the electronic site is filled in automatically. After the participant completes both parts of the application for participation in the auction, it is transferred to the operator in the form of two electronic documents. After the completion of the application, the first part of the application will be sent to the customer for consideration.

The second part, as an electronic document, will be sent to the customer after the auction. Also, do not forget that the participant can submit only one application. If there are several lots in the auction, then the participant submits only one application for participation for each lot. It is important to remember that in order to timely submit your application at the auction, you must have enough funds in your account to secure the application. The amount of this security is indicated in the procurement information. If there is no security in the auction documentation, then you need to familiarize yourself with the tariffs of the site for submission. This applies to commercial sites, since the operator does not have the right to charge a fee for participation in the auction in accordance with Article 59, Clause 5 of 44-FZ.

When filling out the second part of the application for participation in the auction, the participant provides a certain list of documents and information.
Firstly, it provides information and details of the organization (or individual) participant in the order placement.
Secondly, copies of documents confirming the compliance of goods, works and services with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if such requirements exist, and provided that the provision of such documents is provided for by the auction documentation.
Thirdly, if the initial maximum price of the contract is higher than the maximum amount indicated in the agreement to conclude a major transaction, which was submitted when the participant was accredited on the electronic trading platform, then in the second part of the application it is necessary to attach a new document that allows you to complete this transaction.

An exception is the situation when such a requirement for the need to have such a decision to complete a major transaction is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or the constituent documents of a legal entity.
Fourth, other documents within the framework of Article 66, Clause 5 of the 44-FZ. If this is an auction under 223-FZ, then within the framework of the procurement documentation or the position of the customer.

9. Applying for an auction

To apply for participation in the auction, find the desired auction, for this you need to select the "Auctions" section. Do not forget that if you are in the advanced search "My bids", then only those auctions in which you have already submitted bids will be displayed in the search. Accordingly, if you have not submitted a single application, then the list below will be empty.
Having found the desired auction in the lower right corner, you need to go to the section “Apply for participation.

A page will open showing all the details of the auction. And then there will be forms of the first and second parts of the application, which must be filled out. If any part is not filled out, the system will not allow you to send an application. I would also like to note that according to 44-FZ, the electronic platform will offer to automatically fill out the declaration form in the first part.

Also on this page, you must attach all the documents that are required in the documentation for this auction. After the application is completed and all the necessary documents are attached, it is sent by clicking on the "Sign and send the application" window.

1. Unified electronic trading platform - EETP Roseltorg

The Unified Electronic Trading Platform (JSC EETP or Roseltorg) is the largest national operator of electronic trading for commercial enterprises. Over 300,000 customers and more than 420,000 suppliers are among the regular customers of JSC EETP today. The unified electronic trading platform "Roseltorg" was one of the first to start conducting an open auction procedure in electronic form, according to Federal Law No. 94-FZ, as an experiment on the implementation of pilot electronic trading for state customers. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755-R, UETP JSC was included from June 1, 2009 into three sites authorized to conduct electronic auctions. For almost 10 years, the company has established itself as a reliable partner and a true professional in its segment. Purchasing at the EETP allowed government agencies to immediately save budget money: during the auction, the average percentage of savings approached 20%. And this is almost a fifth of the total amount of funds. And on a large scale, the figure looks more than solid.

2. The history of the development of the Single Electronic Platform (UETP) "Roseltorg"

The history of the company's development began in 2005, when the first electronic auctions were held in Russia to place government orders from the Government of Moscow, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and interregional companies of the Svyazinvest group and the AFK Sistema holding.

The founders of the Single Electronic Trading Platform "Roseletorg" are:

    The Moscow city government is the highest executive body in Moscow, headed by the mayor (51.82%);

    VTB Bank is the second largest bank in the Russian Federation in terms of assets and the leader in terms of authorized capital (48.18%).

Anton Andreevich Yemelyanov has been the General Director of the company from the day of its foundation to the present day.

3. What types of activities are carried out by the Single Electronic Trading Platform (EETP) "Roseltorg"

According to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2009 No. 428, JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform became one of the winners of the competitive selection of electronic platforms and received appropriate accreditation, becoming a federal operator of electronic trading under state orders. The rapid development of the company contributed to the rapid expansion of the geography of its productive activities. Currently, operating offices of UETP JSC are open in 30 Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cheboksary, Arkhangelsk, Tambov, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Tyumen, Yakutsk, Sakhalin, etc.

Today, the EETP is active in several areas.

    Electronic bidding for government customers. Placement of the state order under 94-FZ and 44-FZ;

    Placement of orders for goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities under 223-FZ.

According to the norms enshrined in the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities”, the EETP conducts trading procedures posted:

    state corporations, state companies;

    subjects of natural monopoly, state institutions of planned types of employment (for electricity, gas, heat, water supply, etc.);

    state and municipal unitary enterprises;

    autonomous institutions;

    economic various units;

    subsidiaries of economic state institutions.

Do you want to be accredited to the ETP

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

4. Which organizations does the Unified Electronic Trading Platform cooperate with?

Entering the auction, it is important to understand the level of professionalism of the organizing company. This is eloquently evidenced not only by customer reviews and comments, but also by the structures, enterprises and companies with which JSC EETP works. The unified electronic trading platform provides services to an extremely wide range of government organizations, including:

    Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments;

    Federal Agency for Tourism;

    Ministry of the Interior;

    Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;

    Federal Antimonopoly Service;

    Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;


    Federal Customs Service;

    Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;

    Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

    Investigative Committee of Russia;

    Federal Highway Agency;

    Federal Treasury;

    Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

And many other departments and subordinate organizations. JSC EETP has been specializing in tender support for 8 years, has established itself as an excellent developer of practical training programs, has created its own competence center for tenders for the supply of goods and services. The motto of the company's activity has become: we win through the force of law, consistency and experience (without gray schemes). Regular customers have long been convinced of the veracity of these words, and new ones have the opportunity to personally verify what was said.

5. The level of specialists of JSC EETP

There is no doubt that the face of the company is the professionals who create its authority and image. You should not convince or convince anyone of this, especially when it comes to a high-level company. All employees of JSC EETP are highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience in the field of electronic trading. Full openness and truthfulness to customers and suppliers, a high level of responsibility and distribution of duties, productive feedback, as well as the organization of a transparent procurement and sales process are the fundamental principles of JSC EETP's work with customers and suppliers. This is a company that guarantees its customers:

    the most convenient and efficient work;

    professional level of bidding;

    quality and convenient training for their customers.

EETP JSC is ready to explain everything that customers need in simple words, understandable to non-specialists, to help where others refuse. Many services can be obtained within just one hour.

To train those wishing to take part in trading in the system of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform, there is a training center, in which more than 45,000 specialists have already completed training. Also JSC EETP has its own certification center and agreements with 35 third-party partners. This creates a unique opportunity to obtain the electronic signature required for participation in the auction at more than 600 points throughout Russia.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of specialists at all levels, JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform forms the leading trends in the procurement market, and the key to its successful activity is a high-quality technological base and modern software. Today, access to bidding for suppliers and small and medium-sized businesses is greatly simplified. Invariable positions in the Russian and international markets of electronic trading have been confirmed for a long time and more than once by high places in professional ratings. JSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform is a vivid example of a successful and dynamically developing company, ready for productive and effective cooperation.

6. Video instruction for applying for Roseltorg

For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement periods, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only on profitable contracts with minimal competition!

Joint Stock Company "Unified Electronic Trading Platform" is a trading operator for government customers under 44-FZ, for individual legal entities - 223-FZ, as well as for commercial enterprises. More than 300,000 customers and 400,000 suppliers, more than 2 million completed trade procedures with a total volume of over 10 trillion. rubles - this deserves special attention.

History of education and development

JSC EETP, an electronic trading platform, was established in 2009 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 28, 2009 No. 369-PP.

The owners are the Government of Moscow, which has a controlling stake in the amount of 51.82%, as well as VTB Bank, which has 48.18%.

EETP was one of the first operators to host and conduct auctions as part of the pilot electronic trading experiment.

On July 1, 2009, the EETP of the Russian Federation, an electronic trading platform, became part of the operators, on whose sites auctions began to be held for state and municipal customers under the then 94-FZ (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2009 No. 428, Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2009 No. 466/763), and currently - according to the law on the contract system (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2016 N 2933-r).

In 2011, a new trading section was opened on procurement procedures for state corporations and natural monopolies under 223-FZ, as well as for commercial bidding.

It is important not to confuse the EETP, an electronic trading platform, the official website of which is located at (hence the second widely used name is Roseltorg), and the EETP RZD, an electronic trading platform, the official website of which is http://etzp.rzd .ru. The second is designed to optimize the procurement process and conduct procedures related to the disposal of the property of Russian Railways.

Main directions

  1. Procurement for state, municipal customers and individual legal entities.
  2. Purchasing for commercial customers.
  3. Conducting property auctions, including the sale of illiquid property.
  4. Issuance of EDS by own certification center.
  5. Exchange of legally significant documents via the Internet (Rosinvoice document management system).
  6. Educational seminars and conferences.

Functionality and characteristics

For the convenience of participants in electronic procurement, the site provides for the possibility of remote configuration of the workplace for both the customer and the supplier.

In 2017, Roseltorg ranked first in the categories “Best results in expanding competition in procurement” and “High level of customer and technical support” according to the largest corporate customers in Russia. The stable position of the EETP in the Russian trading market has been repeatedly confirmed by high places in professional ratings. Let's take EIS statistics as an example.

National operator of electronic trading under the state order. A single electronic trading platform provides the most complete statistics on auctions, which allows you to effectively prevent corruption, ensure the competitiveness of auctions and, as a result, initiate large discounts for customers.

History and Performance

2017: Speed ​​of search of the auctions grew by 9 times

On August 9, the United Electronic Trading Platform announced the launch of an updated version of the open part of the site (the main site). Thanks to modern technological and multimedia developments, the functionality of the open part of the site has simplified and made working with the site comfortable for both customers and suppliers.

In addition to a single design, the most important update was the multifunctional platform, which made it possible to increase the speed of searching for auctions by nine times, and the overall speed of the site by 2.5 times. Taking into account the various psychological characteristics of the perception of information, specialists also completely redesigned the page structure and created a single user space, - said Anton Yemelyanov, General Director of the EETP.

According to the EETP representatives, finding a suitable purchase from a list of several tens of thousands of procedures will not be difficult even for a novice user. The updated search system, which works taking into account the morphology of the Russian language and separately highlights all relevant information, displays the necessary results almost instantly, in real time. An intuitive interface with a convenient menu will also allow you to quickly navigate through the pages of the site and find any necessary information or service.

In addition, the Knowledge Base section was created, which is an electronic repository of reference information necessary for the daily work of all procurement participants and site users. This section contains and structured all the most relevant information for users and instructions for working with the trading sections and services of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform.

An interactive map appeared in the "Contacts" section, which clearly shows detailed information about all the company's representative offices and electronic signature issuance points in the regions of Russia.

The “Press Center” section has also been updated, which is an informative news feed that includes, in addition to company news, news from the entire procurement area. News messages are integrated with all popular social networks - this allows you to quickly share the site's news content.

In the near future, the EETP plans to adapt all pages of the updated site to any screen sizes - from mobile devices to widescreen monitors.

Within a month (approximately until September 2017), an updated version of the site will be available at, after which it will be moved to the main site address


The trading volume on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform exceeded 10 trillion rubles

The total volume of procurement procedures on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform reached 10 trillion rubles in monetary terms, an increase of 12% compared to the previous year.

Thanks to the electronic procurement procedures carried out at the site, the state and state-owned companies have already saved over 550 billion rubles. Only in the past 2016, the savings of customers thanks to the EETP exceeded 151 billion rubles, for comparison - in 2010, at the dawn of the formation of the e-procurement market, the amount of savings amounted to 15.2 billion rubles.

In 2016, customers conducted 318,000 procurement procedures on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform under the Law “On the Contract System” (44-FZ), as well as 121,000 procedures under 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services certain types of legal entities. In total, since 2009 the site has been running over 2.2 million trading procedures at EETP. The average price reduction from the initial one during the auction is 14.3%.

As of February 2017, the number of users registered on the site of EETP JSC is more than 300,000 customers and over 420,000 suppliers.

Among the largest state institutions and companies that carry out their purchases on the "Unified Electronic Trading Platform": the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee of Russia, the State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)", the State Corporation for atomic energy Rosatom, State Corporation Rostec, Inter RAO and RusHydro groups, etc.

The volume of data stored on the EETP servers exceeded 150 TB

According to the officially presented data of the "Single electronic trading platform" (EETP), the amount of project data currently stored on the servers has exceeded 150 TB. As of January 2017, the data volume is over 158 TB (over 161 thousand gigabytes or 165.5 million megabytes). In fact, these are 7 massive server racks, which are located in one of the largest data centers in the world.

The stored information includes bidding records, bidders' submissions and other auction and procurement documentation, which are highly confidential documents and data. In addition to information about the trading procedures themselves, the site has accumulated information about more than 600 thousand users of the trading platform, information about all legal entities registered in the system, email addresses and phone numbers.

The protection of such a volume of information implies the obligatory presence of a reliable system of control and protection, the maintenance and improvement of which is carried out by site specialists on a daily basis. These are analysts, testers, developers and other technical engineers.

The monitoring system, developed by the EETP's own specialists, examines the entire range of hardware and software facilities of the site around the clock and transmits the monitoring data to the situation center. In total, over 3,500 sensors are involved in the system, which monitor the amount of free disk space, determine the voltage and temperature of servers in the data center, study network traffic, etc.

Technicians constantly monitor system performance, configure and implement various new options and services to ensure reliability and improve fault tolerance.

EETP is the first portal where electronic auctions were placed and held. Roseltorg is one of the largest platforms for public procurement.

Also, it was the starting one, based on the results of which it was later decided to conduct purchases through the form of electronic tenders.

Description of the EETP

Despite functioning since 2005, the official opening was in 2009. The founders of JSC "United Electronic Trading Platform" are the Bank of Moscow and the Government of Moscow. The decision to create this type of tender organization, as a result, showed significant savings in the organization of open auctions and a reduction in corruption in the conclusion of government contracts.

EETP is one of the eight sites that has the right to place government orders and conduct purchases on them.

On the ETP site, purchases are carried out not only for municipal and state needs, but also purchases under 223-FZ and property tenders are carried out on it.

Securing an application at the Roseltorg site

To participate in the tender under 44-FZ at the Roseltorg site, it is necessary to make a security for participation. According to the new requirements of 44-FZ, this requires a special account in one of the banks authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

We provide financial support to participants in the state order and provide tender loans at all sites. We transfer funds within 2 hours immediately to your special account. You can learn more about this in this section.

EETP sections

At the moment, the number of ETP participants is one of the largest and is growing every year. It is worth noting that the auctions of VTB and Mosgortrans are held exclusively here, they have their own sites for placing orders.

As mentioned above, the EETP holds trading in various directions:

    purchases to meet state and municipal needs, regulated by 44-FZ, the site of a single electronic trading platform - ;

    commercial purchases under 223-FZ are carried out on;

    Agricultural site Roseltorg -

    Corporate online store (KIM) —

    Branch section of Regional operators FKR MKD —

Accreditation at ETP Roseltorg

From January 1, 2019, to participate in purchases under 44-FZ, it is impossible to pass accreditation on the site separately. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in the unified information system, and accreditation at state sites is assigned to him automatically after confirmation of registration in the EIS.

The data that the participant fills in when registering with the EIS is quite enough to apply for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation at the EETP. But the ETP personal account has more fields for filling in data about the participant, so if you wish, you can also fill them out.

Automatic accreditation at the Roseltorg site must take place within 1 business day after successful registration in the EIS.

Because the unified information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successful or not), then you can use the register of accredited organizations and the unified register of participants for verification.

Important: in order to register in the EIS, the user (head of the organization) must first be authenticated in the ESIA (State Services Portal). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then you must first register with the ESIA.

Applying for the Single Electronic Trading Platform

After that, you just have to choose the auction you are interested in and apply for participation. How to do it correctly is described in detail in the video, which was prepared for you by the tender specialists of the RusTender company.

OOO IWC"RusTender"

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