USE social science taxes assignments 21 24. Suppression of violations of public order

Task 21 opens a series of tasks related to the given text. It is necessary to analyze the source and answer the question that implies the presence of the author's opinion in the text - for example, highlight the criteria or definitions given by him. For this you can get two primary points. The main thing is to carefully read the text and the task so as not to choose what is not required. As such, there is no theory, so let's go straight to the analysis of typical options!

Analysis of typical options for task No. 21 USE in social science

The first version of the assignment

Socio-economic changes in Russia at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. are accompanied by a significant transformation of civic consciousness and the democratization of political relations. The most important aspect of these changes is the formation of civil society institutions. By civil society, we mean a system of non-governmental organizations, institutions, associations, foundations, professional and public associations that perform the function of civil self-organization and self-government, influencing public management and the private sector, adjusting public policy and the decision-making process of entrepreneurs in the direction of increasing their social efficiency. At the same time, civil society can influence socio-political processes in general - as a system of social communications; and in particular - with the help of specific institutions directly related to the protection of human rights in various spheres of society. One such institution is the trade unions. With the spread of industrial relations throughout the world, trade unions have become the main form of institutionalization of the social interests of employees, the only civil force that protects human rights in the field of social and labor relations.

The experience of countries with a developed socially oriented market economy clearly demonstrates that in order to conduct a successful social policy aimed at creating an effective system of social protection of workers, a system capable of protecting the rights of citizens in the field of labor relations, it is necessary to have cooperation between employers, employees and government agencies.

The most important condition for this is, first of all, the presence of equal representatives of the interests of employees, employers and the state, capable and interested in solving social and labor issues both at the level of enterprises, firms, corporations, government agencies and organizations, and at the level national economy and international social and labor relations. But if the state and employers have broad political, legal and economic opportunities to effectively defend their interests at all levels of social and labor relations, then employees still have to defend their interests, their inalienable socio-economic rights on their own, often one on one with powerful public and private structures. That is why the trade unions remain the only institution that is able to provide effective support to the working people in the struggle for their socio-economic rights.

(according to A. V. Petrov)

What definition of civil society does the author give? Whose actions are being corrected by civil society, from the point of view of the author?

  1. Civil society is a system of non-governmental organizations, associations, institutions, foundations, professional and public associations that perform the function of civil self-organization and self-government.
  2. Civil society corrects the actions of the state (the policy pursued by the state) and entrepreneurs (the process of their decision-making in the direction of increasing social activity).

The second version of the assignment

The peculiarity of competition lies in the fact that in specific situations where it is significant, its action cannot be verified, but can only be evidenced by the fact that the market will win when compared with any alternative social mechanisms.

Which boons are rare, or which items are boons? And what is their rarity or value? That is what competition is meant to be. The preliminary results of the market process at each individual stage indicate to individuals the direction of their search. To use the knowledge widely dispersed in a society with a developed division of labor, it is not enough to rely on people who know perfectly well for what specific purposes well-known objects from their familiar environment can be used. What kind of information about the various goods and services offered by the market may be of interest, suggest prices to individuals. This means that the market makes use of personal knowledge and skills, which always form individual combinations that are unique in one way or another and are based not only and not even so much on the assimilation of such facts that could be listed and reported at the request of some authority.

In the literal sense of the word, "economy" is an organization or social structure where someone consciously places resources in accordance with a single scale of goals. There is none of this in the spontaneous order created by the market: it functions in a fundamentally different way than the "economy" proper. It differs, in particular, in that it does not guarantee the obligatory satisfaction of first more important, according to the general opinion, needs, and then less important ones. This is the main reason why people object to the market. Indeed, all of socialism is nothing more than a demand to turn the market order into an "economy" in the narrow sense, in which a common scale of priorities would determine which of the various needs are to be satisfied and which are not.

There are two kinds of difficulties associated with this socialist plan. As in any conscious organization, the project of the “economy” proper can only reflect the knowledge of the organizer himself, and all participants in such an “economy”, understood as a conscious organization, must be guided in their actions by a single hierarchy of goals to which it is subordinate. Accordingly, the spontaneous market order has two advantages. It uses the knowledge of all its members. The ends it serves are the private ends of individuals in all their diversity and contradiction.

Of decisive importance for understanding the functioning of the market order is the fact that a high degree of coincidence of expectations with reality directly depends on the systematic divergence from it in a certain part of them. But the mutual adjustment of plans is not the only achievement of the market. It also guarantees that any product will be made by people who can do it at a lower or at least not more cost than someone who does not produce this product.

If even in highly developed economic systems competition is important as an exploratory process, during which pioneers search for untapped opportunities that are available to all other people if they succeed, then this is even more true in relation to undeveloped societies.

(F. A. von Hayek)

In this text, the answer does not lie directly on the surface, but it is not so difficult to find it after a careful reading of the text. Let's pay attention to the third paragraph, in which the word "economy" is mentioned for the first time - in it it is compared with the market type of organization of the economy, and its positive aspects are considered here. Confirmation of this can be found in the phrase "This is the main reason why people object to the market", that is, "this is the main reason why people support the economy." In the next paragraph, the author talks about the difficulties that the "economy" is associated with, comparing them with the advantages of the market.

Ultimately the answer will look like this:

Appearances of attraction:

  • lack of spontaneity;
  • a guarantee of obligatory satisfaction first of the more important, in the general opinion, needs, and then of the less important ones.


  • reflecting only the goals and knowledge of the "organizers", and not private goals;
  • no guarantee that any product will be produced by people who can do it at a lower or at least not more cost than someone who does not produce this product.

The third version of the task

Legal consciousness is the attitude of people to law ...

The key point of legal consciousness is people's awareness of the values ​​of law and at the same time ideas about the current positive law, about how it meets the requirements of reason and justice, legal values ​​and ideals.

Legal consciousness differs scientific, professional, everyday, as well as mass, group, individual. These varieties of legal consciousness influence differently - but they all influence! - on the perfection of legislation, the effectiveness of the work of the court, all law enforcement agencies, on how much the citizens of the country are law-abiding, voluntarily, strictly, accurately comply with the norms of positive law, what legal requirements they put forward.

Among the types and forms of legal consciousness, it is precisely the legal ideology that stands out - the active part of legal consciousness that directly affects legislation, legal practice and therefore is part of the national legal system of the country ...

In connection with legal consciousness and legal ideology - briefly about legal culture. Legal culture is the general state of "legal affairs" in society, i.e. the state of legislation, the position and work of the court, all law enforcement agencies, the legal consciousness of the entire population of the country, expressing the level of development of law and legal consciousness, their place in society, the assimilation of legal values, their implementation in practice, the implementation of the rule of law. One of the indicators of legal culture is the legal education of each person, i.e. a proper, high level of legal awareness, manifested not only in law-abiding, but also in legal activity, in the full and effective use of legal means in practice, in the desire to establish legal principles as the highest values ​​of civilization in any business. Legal culture is a broader and more capacious phenomenon than just an appropriate level of legal awareness; the main thing in legal culture is the high development of the entire legal system, the worthy place of law in the life of society, the exercise of its supremacy and the corresponding state of affairs in the entire “legal economy” of the country (training and status of legal personnel, the role of legal services in all departments of the state system, the situation advocacy, the development of scientific institutions on legal issues, the level of legal education, etc.).

In the first half of the text, the author discusses legal consciousness, and the last paragraph (the largest one) devotes specifically to legal culture, giving a definition at the very beginning, which we will rewrite in the first part of the answer. In the second sentence of the paragraph, the author talks about legal education and lists its signs in a row - the manifestations we need.

  1. Legal culture is the general state of "legal affairs" in society, i.e. the state of legislation, the position and work of the court, all law enforcement agencies, the legal consciousness of the entire population of the country, expressing the level of development of law and legal consciousness, their place in society, the assimilation of legal values, their implementation in practice, the implementation of the rule of law.
  2. Manifestations of legal education:
  • appropriate, high level of legal awareness;
  • manifestation of law-abiding and legal activity;
  • full and effective use of legal means in practice;
  • the desire in any business to establish the legal principles as the highest values ​​of civilization.

Slides captions:

Selection of the necessary positions Task part 1 of type No. 21

Choose from the proposed features of the rule of law. 1 existence of a system of taxes and fees 2 separation and independence of the branches of government 3 system of checks and balances between the branches of government 4 rule of law, its equal effect for all 5 an extensive system of law enforcement agencies 6 the ratio of the national currency to the currencies of other countries 2,3,4

Specify in the proposed list the features of the criminal process in relation to minors. 1 minors must be released on a mandatory basis not to leave the country 2 the time of detention on charges of a crime cannot exceed 48 hours 3 interrogation of minors cannot be carried out in the presence of their parents 4 interrogation of the victim under 14 years of age is carried out with the obligatory participation of a teacher 5 minors cannot be detained 6 interrogation of a minor cannot be carried out at night 2,4,6

Select the characteristics of the sensory stage of cognition and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1 generalization of the essential properties of objects in concepts 2 reflection in the mind of individual external properties of objects in contact with them 3 formulation of conclusions and conclusions about the subject 4 formation in the mind of a holistic external image of the object without direct contact with the object 5 affirmation or denial of certain provisions about the subject 6 perception of a holistic pictures of an object, process, phenomenon that directly affects the senses 2,4,6

Select from the proposed list the main principles governing the scope of small business. 1 low opportunities for flexibility and efficiency 2 non-mandatory state registration 3 freedom of entrepreneurial activity 4 legal equality of different forms of ownership 5 average number of employees up to 300 people 6 legality 7 restriction of monopoly 3,4,6,7

Select from the proposed list the main principles of the activities of the judiciary. 1 legality 2 collegiality 3 sovereignty 4 independence 5 democracy 6 tolerance 1,2,4

Choose from the proposed list the main features related to the proportional electoral system. 1 direct responsibility of the elected to the voters 2 repeat voting 3 single-mandate constituencies 4 represents a wide range of parties 5 electoral threshold 6 the candidate with the most votes wins 4.5

Choose from the proposed characteristic features of Western civilization. 1 domination of the traditions of collectivism 2 parliamentarianism 3 striving to be in harmony with nature 4 priority of the individual 5 predominance of state and communal property 6 domination of private property 2,4,6

Choose from the proposed characteristic features of Eastern civilization. 1 domination of the traditions of collectivism 2 parliamentarianism 3 desire to be in harmony with nature 4 sacred nature of power 5 predominance of state and communal property 6 individualism 1,3,4,5

Choose from the proposed characteristic features of progress. 1 undulating 2 progressive 3 contradictory 4 cyclic 5 spasmodic 6 temporary 2.3

Select from the proposed list of participants in international humanitarian law. 1 civilians 2 combatants 3 priest 4 senior officers 5 journalists 6 partisans 1,2,5,6

Choose from the proposed characteristic features of the cadre party. 1 free membership 2 strict discipline 3 reliance on professional politicians 4 small membership 5 activity during the election period 6 presence of primary party organizations 1,3,4,5

Choose from the proposed characteristic features of the mass party. 1 strict discipline 2 free membership 3 reliance on professional politicians 4 large membership 5 activity during the election period 6 presence of primary party organizations 1,4,6


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Eliminate Concepts Assignment Part 1 Type #24

5.8 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "manufacturer". offer investments balance sheet profit management system consumer income logistics fixed capital utility benefits Find and indicate the terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

5.8 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "science". hypothesis experiment evidence-based rationality sensibility theory concept subjectivity Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

4.6 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to the concept of "human abilities". talent communicative genius need creativity genetic predisposition quick wits intellectuality Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

1.5 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "mass culture". anonymity standardization accessibility commercial orientation complexity of perception replicability seriality Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

4.5 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "political party". program faction ideology cult of personality reflection electorate clerical leader Find the terms that "drop out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

4.6 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of "citizenship". stateless option soil principle anomie naturalization expatriate citizenship Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

5.7 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the economic activity of people. production investing exchange consumption socialization specialization codification Find the terms that "drop out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

3.6 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the totalitarian political regime. cult of personality universal control political pluralism repressions official ideology legal opposition one-party system Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

4.5 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the types of costs. alternative accounting variables rational temporary external explicit Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

2.5 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are direct taxes. income excise tax inheritance tax property tax value added tax income tax vehicle tax Find the terms that “fall out” of the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated, separated by commas.

2.5 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize a democratic political regime. guarantee of individual rights and freedoms universal control political pluralism lack of censorship official ideology legal opposition multi-party system Find terms that “drop out” of the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

2.5 Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize an authoritarian political regime. centralization of power full control over the lives of citizens minimal participation of the people in politics limited pluralism political pluralism lack of feedback from the people Find the terms that “drop out” of the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated separated by commas.

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Task part 1, type No. 26 Differentiation of social information

1: A; 2: A; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Human knowledge is distinguished by a variety of types and forms. (2) One of the forms of knowledge is mythological knowledge. (3) Mythological knowledge is a syncretic unity of rational and emotional reflection of reality. (4) Ancient legends about the origin of the world and man can serve as an example of mythological knowledge. (5) Without a doubt, a careful study of the myth provides significant information about the way of life of people, various spheres of life of ancient society. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: B; 3: B; 4: B; 5: A Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) The concept of progress expresses the idea of ​​improvement, transition to higher levels of development, overcoming the obsolete, obsolete, the victory of the new, advanced. (2) Social progress, that is, progress in the development of society, has, in our opinion, a similar meaning. (3) The idea of ​​social progress, that is, the progressive movement of society, is, without a doubt, a revolutionary idea. (4) It means the development of society along an ascending line, in other words, the obligatory replacement of obsolete and obsolete institutions by new, young and growing ones. (5) The idea of ​​social progress originated in philosophy on the basis of objective observations of the socio-cultural transformations of human society. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: B; 3: A; 4: B; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Social conflict is the highest stage in the development of contradictions in the system of relations between people, social groups, social institutions, society as a whole, which is characterized by the strengthening of opposing tendencies, the interests of social communities and individuals. (2) Social conflict may well form at the individual level. (3) This means that the norms and values ​​of one role of a person contradict the norms and values ​​of another role. (4) Indeed, women who are going to make a successful business or scientific career, as a rule, have children late, because caring for them does not allow them to remain effective workers. (5) Conflicts between individuals are most often based on emotions and personal dislikes, while intergroup conflict is usually impersonal. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: A; 3: A; 4: B; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Students of religion distinguish four main types of religious organizations: church, sect, charismatic cult, and denomination. (2) The purpose of a religious association is the common denomination and dissemination of the faith. (3) Propaganda of religious hatred is prohibited in the Russian Federation. (4) Unfortunately, the activities of non-traditional confessions and religions have recently expanded. (5) Apparently, religious organizations with a non-traditional cult can have a devastating effect on the fragile psyche of adolescents. Determine which provisions are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: A; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Interpersonal (human) relations - a set of interactions between individuals that make up the social hierarchical ladder. (2) Interpersonal relationships may arise through business and personal contacts. (3) As a rule, mutual sympathy leads to the development of friendly relations. (4) Communication occurs in the process of practical interaction between people. (5) It is absolutely essential to trust whoever you associate with. Determine which provisions are: A) factual B) evaluative C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: A; 3: B; 4: A; 5: A Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Referendum - a form of direct expression of the will of citizens, expressed in voting on the most significant issues of national, regional or local scale. (2) In the Russian Federation, the referendum is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. (3) Unfortunately, some citizens of Russia do not use their active suffrage. (4) The causes of absenteeism are varied. (5) The last all-Russian referendum took place in 1993. Determine which provisions are: A) factual B) evaluative C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: A; 2: A; 3: B; 4: B; 5: Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) By utility, economists refer to the pleasure or satisfaction people derive from the use of various goods and services. (2) Innumerable commodities we subdivide into necessities and luxuries. (3) In our opinion, in the aggregate, all material needs are insatiable or limitless (4) Without a doubt, the rapid appearance of new products instantly whets our appetites. (5) Utility is a necessary condition for an object to acquire an exchange value. Determine which provisions are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: B; 3: B; 4: A; 5: A Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) One of the global problems of mankind is terrorism, which, in our opinion, is especially dangerous in terms of the degree of crime. (2) Terrorism is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by public authorities, local governments or international organizations, associated with intimidation of the population and / or other forms of illegal violent actions. (3) Without a doubt, it has a negative impact on almost all aspects of public life. (4) A vivid example from life is the terrorist act "Nord-Ost" in Moscow. (5) Millions of civilians have become victims of terrorism around the world. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: A; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) The activities of trade unions in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees for Their Activities”, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. (2) A trade union is a voluntary public organization designed to protect the labor rights and interests of citizens. (3) Apparently, such organizations are necessary in the modern market economy. (4) The trade union reliably protects its members from the arbitrariness of employers. (5) Unfortunately, not all workers understand that the trade union is an effective structure for ensuring the social rights of workers. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: B; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Political culture - a part of the general culture, including historical experience, memory of social and political events, political values, orientations and skills that directly affect political behavior. (2) Political culture is considered to be an important component of the political system. (3) The main types of political culture are: patriarchal, subservient and activist. (4) One of the subjects of formation of political culture is the state. (5) Without a doubt, educational institutions contribute to the formation of political culture. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: A; 3: B; 4: A; 5: A Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality. (2) Science has three necessary features: cognitive methods, reliability and general validity. (3) Without a doubt, modern science is universal in spirit. (4) There is no such area in industrial activity that could fence itself off from science for a long time. (5) Everything that happens in the world is subject to observation, consideration, research. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

1: B; 2: A; 3: B; 4: A; 5: B Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. (1) The social policy of Elizaveta Petrovna is aimed at transforming the nobility from a service class into a privileged class. (2) Together with the rules of good manners, the system of patronage and patronage enters the life of the court, and favoritism becomes the norm of court life. (3) According to the manner of communication, behavior and style of dress, the Elizabethan nobleman is a European. (4) At the same time, the internal, family and everyday life of the nobility adhered to the ancient Russian tradition, autocracy and Orthodoxy, serfdom. (5) It can be said that Eastern despotism and semi-Asian way of life were hidden behind the European facade. Determine which provisions of the text are: A) factual B) the nature of value judgments C) the nature of theoretical statements

Used material

Secondary general education

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (10-11)

UMK Tishkov line. Social studies (6-11)

UMK Sorvin line. Social studies (6-11)

Line UMK Kravchenko. Social Studies (10-11)

USE in social science: work with text. Tasks 21-24

Tasks 21-24 in the Unified State Exam in social studies are considered a single entity and involve working with a fragment of a popular science text. This part of the exam tests both subject and meta-subject skills of graduates. Recommendations on how to teach schoolchildren to work with text were presented by the Russian Textbook corporation Irina Krutova, an expert in checking detailed USE tasks in social science, with more than 8 years of experience.

Tasks No. 21-24 in the exam in social studies:
requirements and common mistakes

Tasks 21 and 22 test knowledge of the basic level. They are aimed primarily at identifying the ability to find, perceive, reproduce and apply the information contained in the text. Task 22 in the Unified State Examination in social studies, following the questions on the text in task 21, requires analyzing and summarizing the data from the material. Next, the student is asked to complete tasks of an increased level of complexity to explain cause-and-effect and functional relationships (tasks 23-24). Unified State Examination in Social Studies, assignments 21-24, examples of questions from the 2018 demo: “How does the text reveal the essence of the rational behavior of business entities?”, “How does the author understand the freedom of entrepreneurship?”, “How does the author describe the economic goal of the company?”, “What are the two possible sources (paths) of economic growth are named in the text?

The handbook contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the Unified State Examination in social studies. After each section, multi-level tasks are given in the form of the exam. For the final control of knowledge, at the end of the reference book, training options are given that correspond. Students do not have to search for additional information on the Internet and buy other manuals. In this guide, they will find everything they need to independently and effectively prepare for the exam. The reference book is addressed to high school students to prepare for the exam in social studies. The manual contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the exam. After each section, examples of USE tasks and a practice test are given. For the final control of knowledge at the end of the reference book, training options are given that correspond to the Unified State Exam in social studies. All questions are answered. The publication will be useful to teachers of social studies, parents for the effective preparation of students for the exam.

Typical mistakes of graduates when completing assignments on the text:

  1. Can't find the correct answer in the text.
  2. Rewrite part of the text.
  3. They do not highlight the required provisions and ideas, they cannot rearrange the content of the text.
  4. They do not know how to correctly build sentences, create meaningless formulations.
  5. Do not breed requirements (for example, bring the author's opinion or your own judgments).
  6. They do not specify the proposed provisions based on the involvement of contextual knowledge.
  7. Causes and consequences are not explained. 8. Not answering all required questions in the assignment.
  8. Inaccurately format the answer: they present illegible, unreadable, continuous text.

Causes of errors:

  • misunderstanding of the text.
  • Misunderstanding of the essence of the issues.
  • Lack of knowledge on the topic.
  • Unformed ability to search for information in the text, focus on keywords.
  • Unformed skills to systematize, analyze, generalize social information.
  • Unformed skills to explain cause-and-effect relationships, evaluate social actions.
  • Unformed ability to give and formulate examples.
  • Lack of skill in expressing opinions in writing.
  • Carelessness.

Step-by-step preparation for the exam in grades 5-11 How to complete tasks with the text on social studies of the exam? It is obvious that working with a social science text includes a set of skills and knowledge that are formed gradually, step by step, throughout the entire training. Text comprehension is facilitated by:

  • The general outlook of the student.
  • Knowledge on the topic, knowledge of social science and metasubject concepts and terms.
  • A complex of general educational and subject skills for working with text.
  • A complex of general educational speech skills of a schoolchild.

Many of the skills and knowledge necessary for the successful passing of the exam cannot be obtained at express training courses. Consider how to gradually form important skills from grade 5.


Grade 5 Drawing up a simple plan under the guidance of a teacher. Text: textbook paragraph paragraph.
6th grade. Self-compilation of a simple plan. Text: textbook paragraph paragraph.
7th grade. Drawing up a detailed plan under the guidance of a teacher. Text: paragraph or adapted written source.
8th grade. Independent drawing up of a detailed plan. Text: paragraph or adapted written source.
Grade 9 Drawing up a detailed plan of the topic under the guidance of the teacher.
Grade 10. Self-compilation of a detailed plan of the topic.
Grade 11. Self-selection of the plan (general structure) of the work for writing an essay / review / abstract, etc.

Point of view argument

Grade 5 In a coherent story, the reproduction of the course of reasoning, the repetition of arguments confirming a particular conclusion made by the author of the textbook or teacher.
6th grade. Teacher-led selection of facts to support or refute a point of view.
7th grade. Self-selection of facts to support or refute a point of view.
8th grade. Building, under the guidance of a teacher, arguments based on facts to support or refute a point of view.
Grade 9 Self-building arguments based on facts to support or refute a point of view.
Grade 10. Building, under the guidance of a teacher, arguments based on facts to support and refute a point of view.
Grade 11. Self-building arguments based on facts to support and refute a point of view.

These stages are reflected in the UMK "Social Science" of the "Russian Textbook" corporation, edited by G.A. Bordovsky.

Examples of tasks from textbooks:

5th grade
Read the text about the family traditions of the peoples of other countries. Which ones did you like and why? The Scots are very proud of the tradition of spending the day off. Sunday walk traditionally ends with an indispensable family dinner. Latin Americans hold sacred family cooking traditions. Recipes discovered by some great-great-aunt are carefully recorded in a thick book, and each growing mistress of this family contributes to the traditional manner of cooking. The Italians pass on the spirit of the family by inheritance along with antiques. Despite the fact that Italians quite easily part with old unnecessary things, they carefully store family heirlooms, no matter how dilapidated they may be, and be sure to tell children about their origin.

Grade 10
Read the text about the development of art and answer the questions to it. In the history of the human spirit, and in general in the history of human accomplishments, there are two types, two forms of historical heredity. One form fits into the schematism of climbing the ladder of "progress". So, in education, in moving along the schematism of science, each next step is higher than the previous one, absorbs it into itself, develops everything positive that has been achieved on this step, which our mind, our legs and arms, our social communication has already passed ... Indeed, what kind of eccentric would study mechanics according to the works of Galileo or Newton... There is one sphere of human accomplishments that does not fit into the schematism of ascent. This area is art. It cannot be said here that, let's say, Sophocles was "removed" by Shakespeare... (Bibler V.S. From science teaching to the logic of culture. M., 1991, pp. 281–285).

What is the peculiarity of the development and existence of art in contrast to other forms of human culture? What other elements of the spiritual sphere of society are not subject to progress? Justify your opinion.

All materials of the school course in social science are clearly structured and divided into 35 logical blocks (weeks). The study of each block is designed for 2-3 independent lessons per week during the academic year. The manual contains all the necessary theoretical information, tasks for self-control in the form of diagrams and tables, as well as in the form of the exam, forms and answers. The unique structure of the manual will help structure the preparation for the exam and study all topics step by step throughout the academic year. The publication contains all the topics of the school course in social science required to pass the exam. All material is clearly structured and divided into 35 logical blocks (weeks), including the necessary theoretical information, tasks for self-control in the form of diagrams and tables, as well as in the form of the exam. The study of each block is designed for 2-3 independent lessons per week during the academic year. In addition, the manual provides training options, the purpose of which is to assess the level of knowledge. This manual will help organize step-by-step preparation of high school students for the exam in social studies.

Working with the text of the Unified State Examination "Social Science": an algorithm in preparation

  1. Reading the text aloud by schoolchildren in small parts (attention to the correct reading of words, stress).
  2. Work with unfamiliar words, expressions to understand their meaning.
  3. Definition of the main idea of ​​the read part of the text, its formulation and disclosure.
  4. Establishment by schoolchildren of logical connections between all parts of the text (if there are difficulties - drawing up a plan), formulating the main idea of ​​the text.
  5. Comprehension of the text on the subject of the new that it brings to the understanding of the topic under study.
  6. Selection of examples, facts that may be useful for other tasks (essay).
  7. Analysis of tasks for the text (orally and in writing).
  8. Formulation of answers, verification, analysis.
  9. Based on the presented algorithm, a gradual transition to an independent solution of subsequent tasks with texts is carried out.

According to the metrics provided in the teacher guide, graduates do relatively well on #21 and #22, but the tasks in the next two tasks often result in a loss of points. Those students who have fully received not only subject knowledge, but also universal skills prescribed in the education standards can count on a high result.

As statistics show, the school course of social science has long been the most popular exam among applicants. However, the scores for this exam are not always high. As a rule, this is due to the fact that applicants have very little information about the criteria for passing, and also do not always understand the meaning of the tasks that they are offered in the exam. Despite the fact that text assignments (No. 21-24 in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies) are considered relatively easy in the second part of the work, many students lose good scores on inattentive study of the material, as well as reading the questions themselves. Today we offer you several recommendations on how to most accurately and correctly complete assignments No. 21-24 in the Unified State Exam in social studies.

How to evaluate

Tasks 21-24 in the Unified State Exam in social studies are work with a fragment of a source of social information (document) and four tasks for it, meaningfully related to one of the sections of the course being studied at school. Each of the four questions (tasks) to the document has its own purpose in the examination paper:

  • In task 21, you must demonstrate understanding of the text, write out its key semantic part or a specific problem that the author touches on in the text (it all depends on the specific issue). Such a task in case of accuracy will bring you 2 points.
  • Task 22 requires you not only to rewrite a certain fragment that accurately answers the question posed by the compilers, but also to interpret the author’s words based on the social science course you have completed. In such tasks, it is usually required to write out comparisons, types, types and other elements of the problem under consideration. Task 22 in the exam in social studies will also bring you 2 points.
  • Task 23 is more difficult, and therefore the score for it reaches 3 points. Here you need not only to interpret the author's thoughts, but also to reveal them using certain examples or social science provisions. Sometimes, you also need a broad outlook, which you use in everyday life, since the illustration of certain provisions of the text cannot be successful without a developed experience of social life. Typically, such a task is successfully performed by those applicants who spend a lot of time getting acquainted with modern events, processes and phenomena through news, social networks or other mass media.
  • Task 24 is traditionally the most difficult in the section of working with text, because. requires from you a skillful and correct skill in arguing your own or someone else's point of view, competently defending the public position of a person or group. You must be able to evaluate social science processes and events and be able to correctly prove your assessment. For such a task, you will also be awarded 3 points in the case of an accurate and logically correct answer.

In one of the author's manuals of the USE experts in social studies Kotova and Liskova [See: Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E., Rutkovskaya E.L. Excellent student of the exam. Social science. Solving Complex Problems/FIPI. – M. Intellect-Center, 2010.] provides an interesting text, on the example of which the authors are trying to show the reference work of the applicant, which will be evaluated with the highest score:

Sample text 1

“Now it has become an indisputable truth that communication is as necessary for a child as food. A kid who receives good nutrition and good medical care, but is deprived of constant contact with an adult, develops poorly not only mentally, but also physically: he does not grow, loses weight, loses interest in life.

If we continue the comparison with food, then we can say that communication can be not only healthy, but also harmful. - Bad food poisons the body; incorrect communication "poisons" the child's psyche, endangers his psychological health, emotional well-being, and subsequently, of course, his fate.

“Problem”, “difficult”, “naughty” and “impossible” children, just like children “with complexes”, “downtrodden” or “unhappy” are always the result of improperly developed relationships in the family.

The world practice of psychological assistance to children and their parents has shown that even very difficult problems of upbringing are completely solvable if it is possible to restore a favorable style of communication in the family.

The main features of this style were determined as a result of the enormous work of humanist psychologists, theorists and practitioners. One of the founders of humanistic psychology, the famous American psychologist Carl Rogers, called it “personality-centered”, that is, it puts the personality of the person with whom you are now communicating in the center of attention.

Humanistic approach to man and human relationships<. ..>opposes the authoritarian parenting style that has long dominated our schools and families. Humanism in education is based primarily on understanding the child - his needs and requirements, on knowledge of the patterns of his growth and development of his personality.<…>communication style is socially inherited from generation to generation: most parents raise their children the way they themselves were raised in childhood.

(Yu. B. Gippenreiter)

In such a task, we recall that you are required to give an answer that is closest to the text, sometimes they are even asked to write out this or that passage. Follow the criteria and indicate the following two aspects in your answer:

1) communication is as necessary for a child as food;

2) communication, like food, can promote health, and can harm it. (Bad food poisons the body; improper communication "poisons" the child's psyche, endangering his psychological health).

If you approached the question carefully and indicated the necessary two aspects, you are given 2 points, if one is indicated, then 1 point is given. If the answer is wrong - 0 points.

22. What is the style of communication in the family, which the author considers favorable. What is its main content?

Recall that this task also assumes your ability to work with text. Therefore, in the answer, you should indicate (preferably in quotation marks) the exact name of the style given by the author:

1) communication style - "personally centered";

2) the main content of the style (for example, “the focus is on the personality of the person with whom you are now communicating”).

If the style is named and its content is indicated, 2 points are given, if only the style is named or only its content is indicated, 1 point is given. If the answer is wrong - 0 points.

As mentioned earlier, the answers to questions 21-22 can be easily found in the text. To do this successfully, it is important to be able to perceive the text as a whole, and not its separate semantic parts.

23. What two approaches to raising children does the author name? Give the author's description of one of them. Based on your own knowledge and experience, indicate what characterizes the second approach.

Here you already need an analytical flair, you must not only indicate the approaches mentioned by the author, but also be able to interpret the characteristics of the provisions set forth in the text. And then analyze the content of the text and your knowledge of the social sciences, which you received in the classroom and individual lessons with tutors. Therefore, in your response, you should include:

2) the humanistic approach is characterized (for example: “It is based primarily on understanding the child - his needs and requirements, on knowledge of the laws of his growth and development of his personality”);

If both approaches are named and characterized, 3 points are given. If one approach is named, but both are characterized, or both approaches are named, and the authoritarian approach is characterized, or the authoritarian approach is named and characterized, 2 points are given. If both approaches are named, only the humanistic approach is characterized, or the approaches are not named, but the given characteristics reveal their essence, or the humanistic approach is named and characterized, then 1 point is given. If the approach or approaches are named without characteristics or an incorrect answer is given, 0 points are given.

24. Satisfying what needs of children does the author consider vital? Based on the knowledge of the course and experience, give two proofs of the validity of this statement.

We remind you that the 24th task is considered the most difficult in the block of questions on the text. Therefore, first think about the positive and negative sides of the described phenomenon, and then narrow the field of analysis. For example, in this task, the USE experts recommend answering the following:

1) the need of children for communication, or psychological contact, that is, for care, attention, care from a close adult;

2) evidence, for example: “a child who receives psychological support from a close adult is protected from the negative impacts of the social environment and can resist them”; “A child who is given little attention becomes withdrawn, it is difficult for him to establish contacts, and this affects his development.” Other evidence may be given.

If the need is named, and two proofs are given, 3 points are given. If the need is named, and one proof is given, or the need is not named, but two proofs are given, 2 points are given. If only a need is named or only one evidence is given, 1 point is given. If the answer is wrong - 0 points.

It is no coincidence that this task is objectively considered the most difficult of all four. It is impossible to find a direct answer to the question in the text, and in order to complete the task, one should rephrase the author's judgments about the need for children in psychophysiological contacts and the consequences of their deficiency, and then independently formulate evidence for the validity of the author's point of view. This is not easy to do, because. graduates have little personal experience, and in the course the issue of communication in this perspective is not considered.

The key to completing the task is the ability to interpret the information of the text and apply new knowledge (obtained while working with the text) in the required context. Having singled out these lines of reasoning, the graduate could, relying on personal experience and media reports, cite as evidence sketches about the development of children in problem families, where parents do not pay due attention to children for various reasons, as well as about the developmental features of children in orphanages and boarding schools.

What texts should be expected on the exam?

The texts included in the composite tasks may represent scientific, scientific publicistic, popular scientific, artistic works. Among the sources there are also legal documents. Articles for encyclopedic dictionaries are also used.

USE experts in social studies Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E., Rutkovskaya E.L. they give as examples three texts belonging to different genres, belonging to authors living in different specific historical conditions, and reflecting certain aspects of the content of various content lines of the social science course.

Sample text 2. Section "Policy".

The foundations of legitimate power in the state

The state, as well as the political unions that historically preceded it, is a relation of domination of people over people, based on legitimate (that is, considered legitimate) violence as a means. Thus, for it to exist, the people under domination must submit to the authority claimed by those who now dominate. When and why do they do this? What are the internal grounds for justifying domination (legitimacy) and what external means support it?

Firstly, it is the authority of “eternally yesterday”: the authority of morals, sanctified by primordial significance and the habitual orientation towards their observance - “traditional” domination, as it was carried out by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of the old type.

Further, the authority of an extraordinary personal gift (charisma), complete personal devotion and personal trust caused by the presence of the qualities of a leader in some person: revelations, heroism and others - charismatic domination, as exercised by the prophet, or - in the field of the political - the elected prince - military leader, or plebiscitary ruler, an outstanding demagogue and political party leader.

Finally, domination by virtue of “legality”, by virtue of belief in the obligatory nature of legal establishment and business “competence”, justified by rationally created rules, that is, orientation towards subordination in the implementation of established rules - domination in the form in which it is carried out by the modern “civil servant and all those holders of power who are similar to him in this respect.

In this case, we are primarily interested in the second of them: domination based on the loyalty of those who submit to the purely personal "charisma" of the "leader". For here the idea of ​​vocation in its highest expression is rooted. Devotion to the charisma of a prophet or leader in war, or an outstanding demagogue in a popular assembly or parliament, just means that a person of this type is considered internally "called" to lead people, that the latter obey him not by virtue of custom or institution, but because they believe into it.

… Leadership as a phenomenon occurs in all historical epochs and in all regions.

(M. Weber)

21. What are the three grounds for the legitimacy of power in the state named in the text?

The following grounds for legitimacy may be cited in the response:

1) tradition;

2) charisma;

3) legally established rules.

22. Find and write out from the text the definition of the state formulated by the author. Based on the knowledge of the course, formulate any other correct definition of the state.

2) any other correct definition of the state, for example:

  • an organization of political power with sovereign rights;
  • the political organization of the country, which has a certain type of government (monarchy, republic), bodies and power structure (government, parliament);
  • a special organization of a society united by common interests, occupying a certain territory, having its own management system and possessing internal and external sovereignty.

23. The author of the document defines the essence of traditional domination as the authority of “eternally yesterday”. Give an explanation of the author's thought. Based on knowledge of social studies and history courses, give three specific examples of power based on traditional domination.

The correct answer must contain the following items:

1) Explanation of the author's thought, for example: traditional domination is based on the prevailing foundations and customs, habits that exist in society, what was yesterday and always; the foundations of domination are rooted in the past, in the history of the people;

2) Examples of traditional domination, for example:

  • the power of the emperor in pre-revolutionary Russia;
  • the power of the Pope in the Vatican;
  • rule of the Saudi dynasty in Saudi Arabia.

24. The author pays special attention to the charismatic type of legitimate power, characterizing it as "a vocation in its highest expression" and emphasizing that "leadership as a phenomenon occurs in all historical epochs and in all regions." Based on the author's understanding and knowledge of the course, formulate the essence of leaderism. Express your judgment about the specifics (special conditions) of the formation of charismatic power in the state. Name the main danger of the leader type of government for the people.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the essence of charismatic power (leadership): power based on the special, exceptional qualities of a leader, a special gift inherent in him;

2) a judgment about the specifics of charismatic power (leaderism), for example: charismatic rule is usually established at difficult, critical, crisis moments in the history of the country, for example, during the revolution, which is headed by the leader;

3) the danger of charismatic power (leaderism), for example: the people, having believed in the exceptional qualities of the leader, will be inert, inactive, and if the leader pursues an erroneous policy or leaves the historical arena, a crisis may arise in the state again; this is an unstable power that does not have a solid foundation and foundation.

Sample text 3. Section "Economy"

The author is a modern researcher Natalya Nikolaevna Dumnaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Choice of a Development Model for Russia and the Crisis of 1998

The direction of the reforms followed the path of pure, and sometimes "wild" capitalism. The state has actually removed itself from the regulation of the economy, and the spontaneous mechanisms that ensure human rights in developed countries have not yet been strengthened. Let us single out the main components of the country's development.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a sharp drop in production in the real sector of the economy - industry, construction, agriculture, and transport.

The ill-prepared opening of the domestic market to meet the world market has led to Russia's dependence on imported food, consumer goods, and many investment goods. There was also an excessive dependence of the country on income from the export of raw materials (especially oil and gas), and, consequently, on world market prices.

The difficult situation in the economy caused a decrease in tax revenues to the state treasury, which led the country to a budget crisis. The sources of financing pensions, salaries of public sector workers, defense spending, education and health care have dried up.

Fears of causing inflation did not allow government spending to be financed by issuing money. True, for some time the state managed to solve its financial problems through huge loans.

On this basis, a separate, artificial prosperity of the financial and banking sector has developed due to inflated interest rates on government loans and speculative games in the foreign exchange markets.

As a result, the contradictions inherent in the chosen model of reforms emerged with full force by mid-1998.

Thus, the era of development along the path of pure capitalism ended in a dead end that brought the country to the brink of new social upheavals. Only during the severe socio-economic crisis of 1998 did the official process of changing the reform model begin in Russia. We are talking about a turn towards the creation of a “mixed” market economy.

(N.N. Dumnaya)

21. What signs of the 1998 crisis are mentioned in the text? (Specify any three of them).

The response may include the following:

  • a sharp drop in production in the real sector of the economy;
  • reduction of tax revenues to the state treasury;
  • the sources of financing pensions and salaries of public sector employees have dried up;
  • cuts in budget funding; paralysis of the national banking system.

22. Name two models of economic reform mentioned in the text. According to which of them was the Russian economy reformed before 1998?

1) two models:

a) pure, and sometimes "wild" capitalism;

b) "mixed" market economy;

2) the answer to the question: until 1998, the direction of reforms followed the path of pure, and sometimes “wild” capitalism.

23. When choosing a development model for Russia, different points of view are expressed. Which model is more preferable according to the author? By what author's judgment did you determine this? Do you share the opinion of the author? Justify your answer.

The response must contain the following elements:

3) own opinion (agreement or disagreement);

4) substantiation of one's own opinion; in case of agreement, for example: a mixed market economy ensures optimal interaction between the state and the market in solving problems facing society;

in case of disagreement, for example: a command-administrative (planned) economy would be more optimal, since it would allow us to get out of the crisis in a short time (to increase production, eliminate unemployment and raise the standard of living, as was the case in the history of our country in the 30- e years).

24. The author of the document emphasizes that at the beginning of the reforms, the state actually withdrew itself from the regulation of the economy. Based on the knowledge of the economic course, name any three economic tasks that the state is called upon to solve in a mixed market-type economy.

In response, the following economic tasks of the state can be named:

1) redistribution of income (through taxation and transfer payments);

2) price stability;

3) control and regulation of the level of employment;

4) economic freedom;

5) balance between exports and imports.

Sample text 4. Section "Social Relations".

The author is a modern statesman Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, from 2000 to 2008, from 2012 President of the Russian Federation, from 2008 to 2012 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

We set ourselves the most serious tasks: by 2020, to become one of the five largest economies in the world. We are able to solve this problem. But this is not an end in itself - to enter this top five; We understand that the capacity of the state to address social issues will depend on the size of the economy. This means that in order to ensure such a dynamic, outstripping movement of Russia forward, it is already necessary to actively switch to a qualitatively new social policy — the policy of social development.

Its content is much broader than just the payment of benefits and the financing of social institutions. We are talking about the formation of a modern social environment around a person, working to improve his health, education, housing, working conditions, increase competitiveness and income, and ultimately, the development of the Russian people. Not just for savings, but for the development of the Russian people.

<…>the basis of social policy is an adequate level of people's incomes. In the coming years, we must raise the average pension above the subsistence minimum and bring the level of wages in the social sphere to the average level of wages in each of the regions of the country. Of course, effective support for the family, motherhood and childhood should also be developed.<.. .>

In the near future, we need to work in detail on updating the system of social obligations in order to fully implement the principles of accessibility and quality of social services. This work needs to be carried out in constant dialogue with civil society, business, and professional communities.<.. .>

Finally, we need to get rid of the stereotype that the “social program” is exclusively the domain of the state: there are already examples when private business works in social areas, both with higher quality and at the same time at lower costs.

Ultimately, it does not matter where the service is provided: in a public, private or municipal institution, the main thing is that a person can choose the option that suits him. And the state must pay for the services provided in the amount determined by state guarantees<.. .>

<…>the social sphere should become a field for an interested partnership between the state, business, and public structures in the implementation of their joint programs.

(V. V. Putin)

21. How is the task of Russia entering the top five largest economies in the world related to the social policy of the state? What task directly follows from this connection?

The response should answer two questions:

1) the capacity of the state to address social issues will depend on the volume of the economy;

2) in order to ensure such a dynamic, outstripping movement of Russia forward, it is already now necessary to actively move towards a qualitatively new social policy - the policy of social development.

22. The text reveals the meaning of the term “social development policy” in the narrow and broad sense. Give them, be sure to note which meaning corresponds to the narrow sense, and which - to the broad one.

The answer should give two meanings of the term "social development policy"

1) in a narrow sense: "payment of benefits and financing of social institutions";

2) in a broad sense: "the formation of a modern social environment around a person, working to improve his health, education, housing, working conditions, increase competitiveness and income, and ultimately, the development of the Russian people."

23. How do you understand V.V. Putin the expression "system of social obligations"? What, according to the author, is its renewal in modern conditions? How can civil society organizations participate in this renewal?

A correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the expression, for example: the system of social obligations should be understood as the creation of a system of guarantees that ensures the availability and quality of social services for all citizens, regardless of their material well-being;

2) the essence of renewal: in modern conditions, it is necessary to get rid of the stereotype that only the state should deal with social problems; involve business, for example, professional communities;

3) the form (method) of participation, for example: civil society organizations can create various funds, organize charity auctions, and hold socially oriented actions.

24. V.V. Putin proposes to take measures in order to ensure an adequate level of people's incomes. The situation of which categories of the population, in the first place, are called upon to improve these measures? Name three such categories of the population. Why do these categories of the population need state support?

The response must contain the following elements:

2) an explanation, for example, these categories of the population need state support, because: their standard of living is below average; they are more vulnerable due to their social insecurity.

Thus, in order to successfully complete tasks 21-24 of the Unified State Examination in social studies, an applicant must master the following skills and abilities:

  • own vocabulary corresponding to the content line that the task represents;
  • understand and interpret the information contained in the text;
  • correctly use social science concepts and terms in the analysis and interpretation of the text;
  • correlate the meanings of individual author's words and phrases with the studied social science material;
  • determine logical connections in the text;
  • see the subtext, connect the author's ideas with each other and with the content of the text as a whole;
  • understand both the individual thoughts of the author and the general idea of ​​the document, the author's position expressed in it;
  • apply the theoretical provisions of the document to facts not contained in the text;
  • correlate the content of the document with the realities of our time;
  • determine a personal attitude to the ideas contained in the document, express their own opinion about what they read;
  • reasonably express and argue their point of view on the problem proposed in the document;

The written part of the exam in social science always causes difficulties for graduates. It requires not only a confident knowledge of theoretical material, but also the application of one's own knowledge, a broad outlook and an understanding of social interactions. I propose to analyze the real tasks of part 2, met at the USE in 2016.

Part 2 of the exam in social studies

Let us immediately highlight several blocks of “difficulties” associated with their solution at the USE:

  1. Lack of time (a significant amount of the written part, the need to write it out in a draft, and then carefully transfer the notes to a clean copy - answer forms 2);
  2. Insufficient knowledge of the theory of basic social sciences
  3. Inability to apply this knowledge in practice, giving examples from social practice and from one's own life;
  4. Insufficient understanding of how to correctly, and in a “favorable” light for oneself, formulate an answer that a subjective person will check -

We also note that it is these tasks that will bring you about half of all possible points that you can score on the exam on the exam - 27 out of 62, according to the evaluation criteria in

Real tasks and answers of part 2 of the exam in social science 2016

I propose to see how the work of part 2 was performed by one of the graduates at the USE in 2016, and then analyze it. First, let's look at the completed answer sheets 2:

And now let's look at the texts of the tasks and the score received by the graduate for completing the tasks of part 2:

Text (tasks 21-24)

Guarantees of law and order

In a state governed by the rule of law, there is a whole system of guarantees of law and order. Under the guarantees of law and order are understood such conditions of public life and special measures. adopted by the state, which provide a strong regime of legality and stability of the rule of law in society. There are material, political, legal and moral guarantees of law and order.

Material guarantees include such an economic structure of society, within which equivalent relations are established between producers and consumers of material goods. With equivalent market commodity relations, a real material basis is created for the normal functioning of civil society. Under these conditions, any subject of law becomes economically free and independent. Supported and protected by law, it fully realizes its potential in the sphere of material production, which is the most important guarantee of law and order in society. A financially secure and socially protected individual, as a rule, conforms his behavior to the law, since his interests are guaranteed by the rule of law and are objectively embodied in the rule of law.

Political guarantees of law and order are all elements of the political system of society that support and reproduce social life on the basis of legal laws that reflect the objective laws of social development. The state, its bodies, various public associations and private organizations, labor collectives, that is, all links of the modern political system of society, in the interests of their livelihood, support the necessary regime of law and order in every possible way. Those political organizations or individual politicians who oppose themselves to the order established by law are deprived of the protection of the state.

Legal guarantees include the activities of state bodies and institutions, specifically aimed at preventing and suppressing violations of law and order. It is carried out by legislative, executive and judicial bodies of state power. The main directions of the fight against offenses are formed by the legislature, issuing relevant regulatory legal acts that provide for legal liability for illegal actions. Direct work on the prevention and suppression of offenses is carried out by law enforcement state bodies. In the presence of sufficiently strong economic and political guarantees, the law enforcement activity of the state effectively ensures the optimal regime of legality and the stability of the rule of law.

Moral guarantees of law and order are a favorable moral and psychological environment in which the legal rights and obligations of participants in legal relations are realized; the level of their spirituality and culture; sensitivity and attention of state bodies and officials to the person, his interests and needs. All parts of the political system of society, including charitable organizations, institutions of culture and art, schools, higher educational institutions, and the church are involved in creating a healthy moral environment in the field of legal regulation. A morally healthy society is a society functioning on the basis of laws, in a stable legal order.

Law and order in society are provided by the entire system of guarantees that organically interact with each other, mutually condition and complement each other.

  1. 2 points out of 2 possible.
  1. 2 points out of 2 possible.

What system, according to the author, is the basis for the normal economic development of society? How does the text explain that economic operators have an interest in law and order? Illustrate this interest with an example.

  1. 1 point out of 3 possible.

What kind branch examples

  1. 1 point out of 3 possible.

  1. 2 points out of 3possible.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social group"?
Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences:
one sentence containing information about the types of social groups, and one sentence containing information about any of the functions of social groups.

  1. 3 points out of 3 possible.

Name and illustrate with (concrete) examples three types of imperfect competition.

  1. 3 points out of 3possible.

A young person aged 16 years is hired on the following conditions: without a medical examination, working day from 16 to 23 hours, leave only after 6 months of work, and in addition, hourly pay. It is necessary to find violations committed by the employer and explain them.

  1. 3 points out of 3 possible.

Topic plan "Activity as a form of human interaction with the outside world".

29.3 3 points out of 5: 1(1) 1(2) 1(2)

“Real patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual peoples” (N.A. Dobrolyubov).

Analysis of the performance of tasks of part 2

We will not comment and dwell in detail on those tasks where the maximum possible points were set. In the form of a joint analysis of the graduate and the USE expert Kotsar Evgeny Sergeevich, we will analyze those moments for which the graduate could not get the maximum score:

23. 1 point out of 3

What kind branch known to you from the course of social studies? Name them and bring examples their activities to ensure law and order.

Alumni comments:

  • the condition did not say that the examples should be specific.
    In addition, the Methodological Recommendations for Social Science Experts on page 18 says:

« Examples there may be facts of the past and present, gleaned from the personal social experience of graduates or gained public fame; real events, examples from art and simulated situations. Answers varying degrees of specification are allowed , and in this regard, some examinees can follow the path of ever greater clarification of the very starting position, highlighting its sides, aspects, forms of manifestation, etc.; others may prefer individual facts that embody the features (characteristics) of the general.

  • I suspect that they gave only one point out of three for the fact that only the 3rd example seemed concrete to them, and the first two were considered to be what the criteria from the Demo version called "General reasoning is given."

Let's say the second example really looks like "general reasoning". But why is the 1st example bad? In fact, it says about the development of a bill regulating the sphere of economic relations, and the essence of this bill is indicated

  • Perhaps they would like to see in each example a link to some state. organ, i.e. so that in each example the subject of this activity is indicated. For example, in the 3rd I have said about the court, but in the first two there is no such subject. But as far as I remember, nothing was said about the authorities in the condition - it was necessary to write about branches authorities. If, after all, it was not about branches, but about something more specific, then, probably, they shot it fairly

And yet, I think you can try to appeal 1 point for the first example.

Expert comment:

The second argument will definitely not be counted, “implementation of measures… (?what???)”

I agree that most likely they took into account the 3rd example (more specifics), but also that it is possible to fight for the 1st (the wording of the task did not provide for concretization, the functions of the legislature were not distorted). You are absolutely correct in citing an excerpt from the Methodological Recommendations.

  1. 1 point out of 3

Using social science knowledge, give three explanations for the fact that the regime of law and stable rule of law contributes to the normal functioning of society.

Alumni comment:

In this case, I don’t understand at all why only one point out of three. If you look at the answer to task 24, then there seems to be no specifics required. Unless, perhaps, I have written more detailed and more difficult to understand from the first reading. In addition, various terms from the course are quite actively used.

A score of 1 implies that the experts accepted only one of the three explanations. But in my opinion, here all three explanations are essentially the same in nature. That is, if we assume that there is some flaw in one of the explanations, then the same flaw must be in the others. In this case, it was necessary to put either 0 or all 3 points here. But I don't see any problems in explanation here, so I'm more inclined to 3 points.