Exam options exam.

Option 1. USE 2014,

When completing the tasks of this part in the Ml answer sheet, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A36), put the “x” sign in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. What optical device can be used to see the internal structure of chloroplasts?

1) hand magnifier 3) light microscope

2) tripod magnifier 4) electron microscope

A2. The unity of the organic world is evidenced by

1) the similarity of individuals of the same species

2) the cellular structure of organisms

3) the habitation of organisms in natural and artificial communities

4) variety of species in nature

A3. In the lysosomes of the cell, as in the mitochondria,

1) photosynthesis 3) energy metabolism

2) chemosynthesis 4) plastic exchange

A4. DNA combines with proteins in eukaryotic cells to form

1) chromosome 3) microtubules

2) membrane 4) nucleolus

A5. The prokaryotes are

2) animals 4) cyanobacteria

A6. The embryonic period in the development of amphibians ends

1) tail resorption

2) the formation of internal gills

3) the release of the larva from the egg (egg)

4) the appearance of the forelimbs

A7. The chromosomes of a cell containing a pair of allelic genes are called

1) non-homologous 3) maternal

2) paternal 4) homologous

A8. The gene for color blindness is recessive, sex-linked. Specify the genotype of a man with normal color vision.

l)XdXd 2)XDXd 3)XdY 4) XDY

A9. Modification variability in an organism of one species

1) provides adaptability to environmental conditions

2) leads to disorders of plastic metabolism

3) appears randomly in individual individuals

4) is the result of gene mutations

A10. Bacteria that consume organic matter of dead organisms are called as

AN. The carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis enters the plant through

1) stomata in leaves 3) root hairs

2) bast cells 4) conductive tissue

A12. What character distinguishes the class of monocotyledonous angiosperms from dicotyledons?

1) development with alternation of generations

2) tap root system

3) arc venation of leaves

4) the presence of double fertilization

A13. What is the function of green euglena organelles containing chlorophyll?

1) form in the light of organic substances from inorganic

2) accumulate a supply of nutrients

3) digest captured food particles

4) remove excess water and unnecessary substances dissolved in it

A14. Arterial blood does not mix with venous blood in the heart

1) most reptiles

2) birds and mammals

3) tailed and tailless amphibians

4) cartilaginous and bony fish

A15. What substances are broken down in the oral cavity in humans?

1) fats 3) proteins

2) carbohydrates 4) nucleic acids

A16. What number indicates the parietal bone in the figure?

A17. Children develop rickets due to vitamin deficiency

1)C 2)A 3)B 4)D

A18. Nervous and endocrine systems of organs in the body of vertebrates and humans

1) provide transport of substances

2) regulate the activities of bodies, carry out communications between them

3) contribute to the preservation and transmission of traits by inheritance

4) provide the connection of oxygen with hemoglobin

A19. Disturbance of coordination of movements in a person after a head injury is a consequence of damage

1) forebrain 3) midbrain

2) medulla oblongata 4) cerebellum

A20. The formation of a population within a species contributes

1) the way of feeding individual individuals

2) self-regulation

3) isolation of groups of individuals

4) care for offspring

A21. The preservation in the process of evolution of individuals with traits that are useful under certain conditions is the result

1) natural selection 3) struggle for existence

2) population waves 4) genetic drift

A22. Homologous organs in animals are butterfly wings and wings

1) bat 3) flying fish

2) bees 4) sparrows

A23. What serves as proof that all modern human races belong to the same species?

1) reproduction of their own kind within the race

2) fertile offspring from marriages of people of different races

3) adaptation to life in various conditions

4) free migration of people

A24. The limiting factor for light-loving forest plants is

2) elevated temperature

3) concentration of carbon dioxide

4) closeness of crowns of trees of the upper tier

A25. Species of organisms that sequentially extract organic matter and energy from the original food substance in the biocenosis form

1) a single population

2) population waves

3) power circuit

4) systematic group

A26. The role of saprotrophic bacteria in the cycle of substances in the biosphere is

1) the accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere

2) converting solar energy into chemical

3) the formation of organic substances from inorganic

4) the destruction of organic substances to inorganic

A27. Lysosome enzymes are synthesized in

1) Golgi complex 3) ribosomes

2) cell center 4) mitochondria

A28. Thanks to plastic metabolism, the plant is provided

1) organic substances

2) mineral salts

3) carbon dioxide

4) oxygen

A29. When prokaryotes reproduce, doubling occurs

1) circular DNA

2) chromatids

3) mitochondria

4) sister chromosomes

A30. Shortwave ultraviolet rays are

1) beneficial to living cells

2) biotic factors

3) mutagenesis factors

4) a necessary condition for the life of animals

A31. With closely related crossing, the viability of the offspring is reduced due to

1) manifestations of recessive mutations

2) occurrence of dominant mutations ^

3) increase in the proportion of heterozygous individuals

4) reduction in the number of dominant homozygous individuals

A32. Species - warty birch and downy birch - are combined into a larger systematic category -

1) class 2) order 3) family 4) genus

AZZ. The life processes of animals are mainly spent

2) Carbon dioxide raises the dough.

C2. 1) The figure shows the metaphase of mitosis.

2) in this phase, two-chromatid chromosomes line up in the plane of the equator;

C3. 1) internal fertilization;

2) a large supply of nutrients to the cell;

3) development of egg and embryonic membranes.

C4. 1) a small number of species inhabit it, monoculture prevails;

2) unbranched networks and short supply chains;

3) the circulation of substances is not closed, since organic substances are partially withdrawn by man with the harvest.


2) tRNA anticodons: GUG, UUU, GAG, CAU;

3) amino acid sequence: gis-lys-ley-val.

C6. 1) genotypes of parents - smooth seeds and antennae: AaBb (gametes AB, ab), wrinkled seeds and without antennae - aabb (gametes ab).

2) genotypes and phenotypes of offspring:

1AaBb - smooth seeds with antennae;

1 aabb - wrinkled, seeds without tendrils.

1) The law of linked inheritance of traits.

The answer to tasks B1-B15 must be an integer or a final decimal fraction. The answer should be written down in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the number of the task being performed, starting from the first cell. Write each number, minus sign and comma in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Units of measurement are not required.

IN 1. Sasha invited friends to his birthday by sending SMS messages to 17 friends. Sending one SMS-message costs 1 ruble 50 kopecks. Before sending messages on the account 55 rubles. How many rubles will Sasha have after sending all the messages?

IN 2. 25% of the contestants made it to the semi-finals, 10% of them made it to the final. How many contestants were there if there were 8 finalists?

AT 3. The chart shows the average monthly rainfall for Kyiv in 2011. Months are indicated horizontally, and the average monthly amount of precipitation in the corresponding month, in millimeters, is indicated vertically.

Determine from the diagram the least average monthly rainfall. Give your answer in millimeters.

AT 4. To glaze the veranda, you need to order 25 identical glasses from one of the three companies. The area of ​​each glass is 0.4 square meters. The table shows prices for glass and glass cutting. Which company will cost the least? In response, indicate the cost of this order (in rubles).

AT 5. Find the area of ​​the shaded sector. Write down the number equal to .

AT 6. There are 10 cards on the table, on which numbers from 1 to 10 are written. Misha randomly draws one card. What is the probability that the number on the chosen card is composite?

AT 7. Solve the equation.

AT 8. In the triangle ABC, AC \u003d BC, AB \u003d 30, , AH - height. Find VN.

AT 9. The material point moves in a straight line according to the law

(where x is the distance from the reference point in meters, t is the time in seconds measured from the start of the movement). At what point in time was her speed equal to 12 m/s.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Through the midline of the base of a triangular prism, the volume of which is 32, a plane is drawn parallel to the side edge. Find the volume of the cut off triangular prism.

Part 2

AT 11. Find the value of the expression.

AT 12. There is a platform on the rails. A skateboarder jumps on it with a speed v = 3 m/s at an acute angle a to the rails. From the push, the platform starts to move at a speed where m = 80 kg is the mass of the skateboarder with the skate, and M = 400 kg is the mass of the platform. What is the largest angle a(in degrees) do you need to jump to accelerate the platform to a speed of at least 0.25 m/s?

B13. A cylinder is circumscribed near the sphere, the surface area of ​​which is 42. Find the surface area of ​​the sphere.

B14. 44 liters of a 15% aqueous solution of a certain substance were mixed with 56 liters of a 25% aqueous solution of the same substance. What percentage is the concentration of the resulting solution?

B15. Find the largest value of the function on the interval .

To record solutions and answers to tasks C1-C6, use the answer sheet No. 2. First write down the number of the task being performed (C1, C2, etc.), and then the full reasoned decision and answer.

C1. a) Solve the equation.

b) Find the roots of this equation on the interval

C2. At the base of a straight prism ABCDA 1B 1C 1D 1 lies rhombus ABCD with diagonals AC=6 and BD = 12. The height of the prism is . Find the angle between the lines and .

C3. Solve the inequality: .

C4. Given a parallelogram ABCD. Point M lies on diagonal BD and divides it 1:2. Find the area of ​​parallelogram ABCD if the area of ​​quadrilateral ABCM is 60.

C5. Find all values ​​of the parameter a, for each of which the equation has exactly three different roots.

C6. The arithmetic mean of three natural numbers is 4 times greater than the arithmetic mean of their reciprocals. Find these natural numbers.

Diagnostic work on geometry

Option number 1

Work instructions

Job characteristics. In total, there are 20 tasks of a basic level of complexity and 3 tasks of an increased level of complexity for schools with in-depth study of mathematics. The work consists of five plots: plots 1-4 are mandatory, plot 5 is performed only by students in classes with in-depth study of mathematics.

Councils and instructions for the performance of work. We advise you to start with the plot, the tasks of which cause you less difficulty, then move on to other plots. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks.

The answer to tasks (B1-B20) must be an integer or a final decimal fraction. The answer should be written in the answer sheet AB to the right of the number of the task you are performing, starting from the first cell.

When correcting an incorrect answer in tasks B1-B20, cross out the old answer and write the new one on the right without spaces.

When completing the tasks of plot 5 (C1-C3), it is necessary to write down a reasoned decision and answer in the answer sheet C. The text of the task should not be rewritten in the form, you only need to indicate its number.

The control and measuring materials issued to you can be used as drafts. Please note that entries in the draft will not be taken into account when evaluating the work.

The use of a calculator is not allowed.

We wish you success!

Story 1

Given a right triangle with hypotenuse 10 and leg 8.

IN 1. Find the perimeter of this triangle.

IN 2. Find the area of ​​this triangle.

AT 3. Find the sine of the smallest angle of the triangle.

AT 4. Find the radius of the circle inscribed in the triangle.

AT 5. Find the length of the median drawn to the hypotenuse.

AT 6. Find the areas of the triangles into which this median divides the given triangle.

AT 7. Find the length of the altitude subtracted from the hypotenuse.

AT 8. Find the areas of the triangles into which this height divides the given triangle.

Plot 2

Given a rhombus with a side and an angle of 60°.

AT 9. Find the area S of this rhombus, in the answer write down the value

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Find the longest diagonal of the rhombus.

AT 11. Find the radius of the circle inscribed in the rhombus. If it is impossible to enter a circle, write down the number 0 in your answer.

AT 12. Find the radius of the circle circumscribed about the rhombus. If the circle cannot be described, write down the number 0 in your answer.

Plot 3

A circle is circumscribed near a parallelogram with sides.

B13. Find the perimeter P a square whose area is equal to the area of ​​the given parallelogram; write down the value in your answer.

B14. Find the length of the segment AK, if To- point of intersection of the angle bisector BUT and parties Sun given parallelogram, in the answer write down the value

B15. Find the area of ​​the quadrilateral.

FROM scene 4

In a circle of radius 1 with center O diameters AB and CD.

B16. ABD if the angle AOD equals 24.

B17. Find the value (in degrees) of the angle OSB if the angle AOD equals 24.

B18. Find the magnitude of the chord AD if the angle AOD is equal to 60.

B19. Find the magnitude of the chord AFROM if the angle AOD is equal to 60. Write down the value in your answer.

IN 20. Find the area S quadrilateral ADBC if the angle JSCD is equal to 60. Write down the value in your answer.

Plot 5 (for schools with in-depth study of mathematics)

The bases of the trapezoid are 1 and 7.

C1. Find the length of the segment connecting the midpoints of the diagonals of the trapezoid.

C2. Find the length of a segment with ends on the sides of the trapezoid, parallel to the bases and dividing the trapezoid into two equal parts.

C3. Find the length of a segment with ends on the sides of a trapezoid passing through the point of intersection of its diagonals parallel to the bases.

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Text content of presentation slides:
GIA standard examination materials (collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) 2014. OPTION 1 (1) His name was Mukhtar. (2) But it was not the famous Mukhtar, who was filmed in the film "Come to me, Mukhtar!". (3) That Mukhtar was a thoroughbred shepherd and helped to look for criminals. (4) And when he was wounded and he could no longer work, people continued to feed him and take care of him. (5) And this dog, which I want to tell you about, was a simple mongrel. (6) But she honestly served her masters: she guarded the garden, played with the children and was ready to rush at anyone who would dare to offend them. (7) But the people with whom she lived were not at all worth her devotion. (8) When the cold came, they left her in the country and left for the city. (9) At first, the hungry, emaciated dog was waiting for its owners. (10) Then she went to look for them. (11) How could the dog know that the owners no longer need it ... (12) At first, she ran along a country road. (13) Noticing a person from afar, she stopped, peered carefully, then caught up and sniffed. (14) But these were all strangers, and she again ran on. (15) The road took her to the highway, and she kept running and running aimlessly ... (16) On Sunday, my husband and I, as always, arrived at the dacha. (17) While Shura poured seeds into the bird feeder and hung them for tits fat, I went to the house. (18) At the porch, all shrinking, dirty and so thin that you could count all the ribs, the dog lay and looked at me in fear. (19) Mukhtar stayed with us. (20) He recovered a long time ago, but he was not going to leave us, although he could do it freely, because there were a lot of broken boards in our fence. (21) Mukhtar turned out to be a smart and quick-witted dog. (22) Soon he not only knew all the people living nearby, but willingly met them at the bus stop and escorted them along our lane. (23) Now we were no longer worried, if for some reason not could bring the dog food. (24) Mukhtar was always full. (25) He no longer ate oatmeal soup, but chose bones and pieces of meat from it. (26) And why does he need soup! (27) It used to happen that you would come, and empty packages, scraps of newspapers, papers were lying near the gate. (28) From them I could always tell which of his friends had been here. (29) Here is a sheet from a notebook - it was Katya who shared breakfast with him, here is a newspaper - it means Kolya came. (30) He collected food for Mukhtar from the whole two-story house, and his friend - Seryozha Gavrilov - brought treats from Moscow. (31 ) Mukhtar also made friends among adults. (32) And among them is our neighbor Fedor Vasilyevich. (33) He lived opposite us, often came to us and, if for some reason we could not come, fed Mukhtar. (34) Mukhtar knew him well and loved him. (35) - Let him live with me, - Fyodor Vasilievich suggested. (36) - We have a new fence, just put up, otherwise it’s true, no matter how dog lovers catch it. (37) And here Mukhtar lives with a new owner. (38) There he has a good new kennel, they feed him well and, most importantly, they love him. (39) Everyone loves him: Fedor Vasilyevich himself, and his wife, and little granddaughter Andryusha. (40) Mukhtar also loves his new owners. (41) He carefully guards their peace, guards their garden, but still does not forget us, and when he is released, he always comes to visit. (42) And on short winter days, Mukhtar, as before, meets his friends and escorts them home through our dark alley. A1. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did the owners of the dacha stop worrying if they could not bring food to Mukhtar?” 1) Because Mukhtar stayed with them, recovered and was not going to leave, although he could do it freely .2) Because Mukhtar turned out to be a smart and quick-witted dog and very soon knew all the people living nearby. 3) Because adults and children living nearby became friends of Mukhtar and fed him. 4) Because Mukhtar began to live with Fedor Vasilyevich - his new owner. A2. Indicate the meaning in which the word “alien” is used in the text (sentence 14) 1) Belonging to others 2) Outsiders 3) Having different views 4) From another country A3. In what example is a phraseologism a means of expression? 1) (6) But she honestly served her masters: she guarded the garden, played with children and was ready to rush at anyone who would dare to offend them. 2) (13) Even from a distance, noticing a person, she stopped , peered carefully, then caught up and sniffed. 3) (15) The road brought her to the highway, and she kept running and running wherever her eyes looked ... 4) (20) He recovered a long time ago, but was not going to leave us, although he could it is free to do this, because there were a lot of broken boards in our fence. A4. Point out the erroneous statement. 1) There are five sounds in the word HONESTLY. 2) In the word SHEPHERD, the first consonant sound is (B). 3) In the word FIRST, only the consonant sound (CH ’) is soft. 4) In the word BIRD, the number of sounds and letters is the same. A5. Indicate the word with an alternating vowel in the root. 1) was going to 2) ran 3) met 4) turned out to be A6. In what word does the spelling of a vowel in a prefix not depend on the subsequent consonant sound? In which word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In the full passive past participle is written НН”? 1) broken 2) devotion 3) frightened 4) wooden В1. Replace the colloquial word "rush" in sentence 6 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym. Answer: ________________ B2. Replace the phrase "bird feeder" (sentence 17), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase. Answer: ________________ B3. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 24. Answer: ________________ B4. Among sentences 27 - 32, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ________________ Q5. In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write out the tsirs denoting commas at the introductory word. There he has a good new kennel, (1) he is well fed and, (2) clearly, (3) is loved. Everyone loves: Fedor Vasilyevich himself, (4) and his wife, (5) and little granddaughter Andryusha. Answer: ________________ B6. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 4. Write down the answer in a number. Answer: ________________ В7. In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write out the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating relationship. But she honestly served her masters: she guarded the garden, (1) played with the children and was ready to rush at anyone (2) who would dare to offend them. But the people (3) with whom she lived (4) were not worth her devotion at all. Answer: ________________ B8. Among the sentences, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ________________ B9. Among the sentences, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this sentence. Answer: ________________ ANSWERS: A13A22A33A42A51A63A71B1 attack B2 bird feeder B3 Mukhtar was full B430B52, 3B63B72, 3, 4B820B96