Elastic bandage for varicose veins: the nuances of use. Why do you need an elastic bandage on the ankle How to apply an elastic bandage on the thigh

Despite the variety of types of compression underwear that exists today, an elastic bandage for varicose veins still does not lose ground. Many people suffering from this disease are accustomed to it, it is available, it is inexpensive and is sold in any pharmacy. And the effect of its use is in no way inferior to the effect of the most modern ones. But in order to achieve a positive result, it is important to be able to use the bandage correctly.

Varicose veins are a common disease of the human venous system. The lower extremities are most commonly affected. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • pronounced venous pattern;
  • bulging, tuberosity of the veins;
  • conspicuous;
  • , especially after a long walk or standing;
  • swelling.

In advanced cases, the disease threatens with thrombosis, trophic ulcers on the legs, blockage of the veins, which can lead to death. Therefore, it is important to start the treatment of varicose veins in a timely manner.

To treat this disease, drugs that increase vascular tone and thin the blood are used, both for internal use ( ), and for topical application ( and gels).

The disease cannot be cured by external means alone, since they are primarily aimed at relieving symptoms: they eliminate swelling, relieve pain and heaviness in the legs.

Special tablets are capable of strengthening the vessels from the inside. Therefore, the treatment of varicose veins should be complex.

How Bandages and Compression Underwear Help

An important place in the complex treatment is occupied by compression bandages for varicose veins. Their essence is that the necessary pressure is created in the legs, while the veins are less stretched, the correct blood flow is normalized, swelling is reduced and the risk of thrombosis and trophic ulcers is reduced.

Compared to compression stockings, stockings, this bandage also has disadvantages. Significantly thickens the ankle, which makes wearing shoes not very comfortable. It is also too noticeable, it needs to be covered with clothes or tight tights, which is not always acceptable in summer.

In the hot season, the skin under the bandage sweats a lot, causing discomfort.

Despite all this, headbands are still popular. They are cheaper than expensive compression underwear, it is not a pity to throw out a worn bandage and replace it with a new one. Bandaging can be adjusted as needed, and the tool itself is in any pharmacy.

Varieties of bandages against varicose veins

There are a lot of varieties of this remedy, so before you figure out how to use an elastic bandage for varicose veins, you need to know which one is better and for what.

You need to remember: the less stretch, the stronger the compression - that is, the pressure exerted on the legs. Such bandages are indicated for severe severity of the disease, with severe swelling.

Bandages of long extensibility are suitable for prevention and at the first signs of varicose veins. Medium, respectively, for moderate severity.

Important! No need to try to determine the severity of your disease and choose a compression tool yourself. This should be done only on the recommendation of a doctor. After all, an incorrectly selected bandage will not help at best, and at worst will aggravate the situation.

Errors when using a bandage

Without knowing how to properly apply an elastic bandage for varicose veins, you can make many mistakes that obviously will not add any benefit to diseased veins. Common mistakes when applying a bandage:

Important! To avoid common mistakes, the first time to bandage the legs should be in the presence and under the supervision of a doctor. He will immediately point out even minor flaws and help to avoid them in the future.

How to properly bandage

Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to bandage your legs with an elastic bandage for varicose veins correctly:

The correctness of the winding can be understood by sensations. The pressure should be felt but not uncomfortable.

Important! For compression to be correct, the most pressure must be applied to the foot and ankle area. The higher, the weaker the bandage should be.

In conclusion, a few useful notes on the use of the bandage:

And of course, at the slightest doubt, and if something went wrong, you need to see a doctor. He will not only advise on the bandage, but also show how everything is done correctly.


It is important to understand that an elastic bandage is not a drug and cannot replace the correct therapy for varicose veins. This simple invention is useful as an aid.

In combination with vascular-supporting drugs and ointments, it will alleviate symptoms, relieve exacerbation of the disease, and eliminate swelling. It will also reduce the risks of such serious consequences as thrombosis and trophic ulcers.

In contact with

Patients who are faced with the problem of microcirculation disorders or varicose veins are wondering: how to properly bandage the leg with an elastic bandage? An elastic bandage with varicose veins helps to fight the movement of reverse blood flow and helps to eliminate venous stasis. If bandaged daily with an elastic leg bandage, then elastic compression supports weak, damaged veins and blood vessels, and also normalizes their lumen.

Proper use of bandages

It is important for patients to have an idea of ​​how to bandage the leg with an elastic bandage for varicose veins:

  • Foot binding should be done in the morning, immediately after the patient wakes up.
  • Bandaging of the legs should be carried out not only in the area where there is a lesion of the veins.
  • You need to bandage your legs following the following rule: the foot should be fixed at a right angle relative to the lower leg.
  • Patients who are interested in how to bandage a leg should remember that the procedure is best performed while lying down, while the leg should be slightly elevated.
  • The bandaging of the legs should be carried out from the feet, namely from the base of the fingers of the lower extremities, leaving them open.
  • Compression is recommended to be applied gradually and evenly, the greatest tension can be observed in the ankle area. The tension should be gradually released as you move up the leg.
  • It is important to use the products correctly: the first round from the toes, while each next skein must overlap the previous one by at least 2/3.
  • The compression is applied in the form of a "figure eight" in the ankle area, then it goes around the ankle, then through the heel and circles around the ankles.
  • The last round of the bandage should be applied at a height of 7-10 centimeters above the affected area of ​​the veins. Fixation is carried out using a special clip or safety pin.
  • If the patient intends to lie down to rest during the day, then the compression should be removed.
  • Each leg should use its own elastic bandage.

When using compression, it is important to remember that the development of edema is observed in the ankles and feet. Before using the bandage, you can use special soft foam rubber cuts or a cotton-gauze cut, which is laid along the affected veins.

Before using elastic compression, the patient can check with the doctor how to bandage the leg with an elastic bandage.

Use of compression after surgery

It is important to know how to properly bandage your leg after surgery. After surgery to remove varicose veins, the patient must bandage the legs each time before getting out of bed. Feet should only be bandaged for the first 30 days after surgery. Then you can switch to the use of compression stockings or tights.

It is important not only to have information on how to bandage an elastic bandage, but also to remember that you need to apply elastic compression to both limbs. This is due to the fact that during the rehabilitation period, the patient involuntarily seeks to transfer the load to a healthy limb. Therefore, to prevent the development of varicose veins, a separate bandage should be applied to a healthy limb.

What you need to know about elastic compression

It is important to understand what kind of elastic compression for varicose veins the patient needs in each case. With varicose veins, the product is selected taking into account the degree of progression of the disease, as well as the length and degree of stretching of the product. Compression is classified as follows:

  • Short stretch.
  • Medium stretch.
  • Long stretch. This type of compression should be preferred if the products are selected in order to prevent varicose veins.

Elastic compression can be made on a woven or knitted basis. It is better to give preference to fabric-based products, since such an elastic bandage for varicose veins will be more effective and durable.

Bandaging of varicose veins is usually carried out using products of medium length: up to 6 meters. The width of all bandages is approximately the same and is 9-11 centimeters. Elastic compression should be washed twice a week with warm soapy water. Bandages are stored rolled up.

In the event that the bandage is applied incorrectly, then a slight blueness of the fingers of the extremities and a feeling of numbness does not disappear after 1-2 minutes after active walking. In this case, the patient feels a pulsation of blood, strong squeezing and pain in the ankle and foot.

With varicose veins, the veins expand pathologically, venous stasis of blood appears, as a result of which pressure on the vascular walls increases. Because of this, patients' legs swell, and the risk of blood clots increases. To reduce pressure on the veins, wear compression underwear or use elastic bandages.

Bandages do not help to get rid of the disease forever, but they help to improve well-being, stop negative symptoms, and prevent complications. A bandage is a type of compression hosiery for the lower extremities with varicose veins.

Bandages are made of cotton materials, they are characterized by a high degree of breathability. There are products made of synthetics, they provide tighter pressure on the patient's legs. Synthetics mean latex, a little less often polyamide or viscose.

How to properly bandage legs with varicose veins with an elastic bandage, which product to choose for treatment and prevention, the principle of operation - we will consider in more detail in our article.

Types of elastic bandages for the treatment of varicose veins

For wrapping legs with varicose veins, several varieties of elastic bandages are suitable. They can differ in firmness, elasticity and composition. The composition of the product is woven and knitted. With RVV, it is better to choose the first option, since it is durable, retains its therapeutic properties even after repeated washes.

The elasticity class of the bandage is determined by the ability of the product to elongate compared to the original size. Allocate 50% of elasticity - this is low extensibility, 130% - extensibility of the average degree and over 150% - high extensibility.

The use of compression bandages for varicose veins is a good auxiliary method of treatment and prevention. What type of dressing to choose, the doctor will advise. Most often, patients are advised to buy 130% bandages. If a patient has varicose veins complicated by trophic ulcers, then it is better to use a limb bandage.

Elastic bandages come in different lengths. This is necessary in order to choose the most convenient option for the affected limb. For bandaging, it is better to choose products whose length is not less than 3.5 m, and the width varies from 6 to 8 centimeters.

With varicose veins of the lower extremities, phlebologists recommend such elastic bandages:

  • Lauma. The product has a high degree of elasticity, it is recommended in the early stages of varicose veins or for the prevention of sports injuries and VRV, to reduce the inflammatory process in the blood vessels. There is a convenient metal clamp that firmly fixes the bandage on the leg;
  • Intex. Bandage tubular type, has a low degree of elasticity. The product is convenient to use for any part of the body. Suitable for patients with sensitive skin. Made from materials with low allergenicity;
  • Hartmann bandages are made from safe materials. The composition does not contain latex, to which patients often develop allergies. Polyamide and viscose are used as elastic components. A large size range is for sale, the price differs depending on the length / width of the product.

Elastic bandages are much cheaper than compression underwear - stockings, stockings and tights. But, if the doctor recommended compression clothing, you cannot replace it with a bandage - their compression is much lower.

Before learning how to bandage a leg, consider the mechanism of action of elastic bandages for varicose veins. In the veins of the legs, blood flows from the bottom up. There are special valves in the legs that prevent the backflow of blood. This allows fluid to flow in only one direction.

Against the background of varicose veins, the valves degrade, their functionality decreases, small gaps appear, as a result of which a certain amount of blood enters from the upper section to the lower. This is how stagnation of blood is formed, leading to swelling, increased pressure in the extremities. Elastic bandages put pressure on the limbs, which allows you to reduce the lumen of the veins and blood vessels, restore the operation of the valves.

Mechanical compression contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, reduction of swelling, leveling of the painful clinic. Elastic bandages, like compression underwear for varicose veins, must be worn constantly. Apply a bandage in the morning immediately after waking up, and unwind it only before going to bed.

In order for the use of bandages to be beneficial, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to bandage the leg in the morning, without getting out of bed.
  2. Bandage with a limb in the direction from the foot up. In this case, the foot during the manipulation must be kept at a right angle. The bandage under the fingers is not wound.
  3. When bandaging, it is important to adjust the compression. The pressure in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg should be slightly stronger than in the upper limb.
  4. When applying an elastic bandage, it is necessary to observe the bandaging technique, try to create uniform pressure. The turn of the bandage should half overlap the previous turn.
  5. Proper care of the product will extend its life. Wash by hand, do not wring, dry on a towel.

The price in the pharmacy depends on the manufacturer, the characteristics of the bandage. For example, an elastic Lauma bandage costs about 500 rubles - a length of 5 m, 300 rubles - a length of 3.5 m. A Putterbinde product with fasteners from Hartmann is 700-800 rubles.

Proper technique for bandaging the lower extremities

So, how to wind an elastic bandage on the leg with? The bandaging technique for the first time should be shown by the doctor. Most often, phlebologists recommend spiral bandaging, through which the product is fixed on the foot, and then wrapped in a circular motion up the limb to the required height.

Elastic products must be used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins, after surgery to remove the veins. The appointment is made by the doctor. If compression underwear is female and male, then the bandages do not have such a separation. It is enough to buy a product that has the desired characteristics.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to put on a bandage in the morning without getting out of bed. If the patient bandages his leg during the day, then before the manipulation it is necessary to lie down for ten minutes with legs raised so that the blood leaves the lower limbs.

The binding algorithm looks like this:

  • Bend the foot so that a right angle forms between it and the lower leg;
  • Bandaging begins with a fixing circle, which is done from the back of the foot at the level of the base of the fingers;
  • After that, they lead by the ankle, make a turn at the level of the bone;
  • If there is a need to close the heel, then they rise to the ankle in 3 spiral circles, which gradually close the heel;
  • If the phlebologist allowed the heel not to be closed, then the foot is lifted according to the figure-eight principle;
  • With each turn, it is necessary to stretch the product a little, this will create the required pressure on the limb. The degree of loading is regulated independently. The bandage should put pressure on the leg, but not squeeze or slip;
  • Then continue applying the bandage up the leg so that each subsequent turn overlaps the previous turn by half the width;
  • Bandaging ends above the knee - in the upper third of the thigh. To fix the bandage, you need to make a couple of turns, and then fill the end of the product inside the last turn;
  • To get stronger pressure, the technique of double overlap is used - they are wrapped around the lower leg in the form of a figure eight, as a result of which a double layer is obtained.

With proper bandaging, the fingers of the lower extremities may turn a little blue. If during the movement the color is restored, then there is no need to worry.

Legbinding Mistakes and Cons of Use

The therapeutic effect of elastic bandages is achieved only with the correct application of a bandage to the limb. Otherwise, the risk of negative consequences is high. The first mistake was that the foot was not involved in the bandaging. And this is wrong. The bandage requires uniform pressure, including on the foot.

Second mistake. The patient bandages only those areas where the veins are strongly visible. As a result, this leads to incorrect loading. The bandage is applied to the entire leg or at least slightly above the knee. If the veins are not visible, this does not mean that there is no internal varicose veins.

Third mistake. The load is not properly distributed. When bandaging, the lower part of the leg is bandaged more strongly than the upper. The fourth mistake is the uneven application of the dressing, as a result, the inefficiency of compression.

Another common mistake of patients is a small or very large distance between the coils, as a result of which excessive or insufficient pressure is created on the lower limbs.

Disadvantages of using elastic bandages:

  1. Due to the bandage, the size in the area of ​​​​the foot and lower leg increases, which is inconvenient when wearing shoes.
  2. In the summer, it is very hot in an elastic bandage.
  3. With prolonged wear, there is a risk of developing an allergy to substances in the composition of the fabric.

In order to avoid common mistakes when bandaging, it is necessary to bandage the limbs for the first time in the presence of a doctor. He will immediately point out the shortcomings, which will help to eliminate them when applying a bandage on his own.

The duration of the use of the bandage is determined individually. In some cases, constant wear is required, and sometimes it is enough to bandage the leg for 2-3 months. After surgical treatment of varicose veins, the elastic bandage is not removed for 14-21 days.

An elastic bandage for ankle sprains is an indispensable tool that allows you to fix an injured limb without disturbing normal blood circulation. The product stretches well, does not deform and has many advantages over a conventional gauze accessory. The bandage is hygienic, affordable, can be used several times without losing its properties.

When Elastic Bandages Are Necessary

For various skin injuries, bleeding, wounds, standard gauze dressings are used. They lie tightly, securely holding sterile materials, preventing the entry of microbes, accelerating the healing of damaged areas. However, in many cases, gauze products are practically useless. They impede movement, interfere with normal blood circulation, and cannot be used for long periods of time. There is an excellent alternative to classic gauze - modern bandages made of hygroscopic elastic materials.

Elastic bandages are indispensable for:

  • limb injuries;
  • sprains and sprains of ligaments;
  • recovery after operations;
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling and general discomfort during active sports.

Bandages made of elastic materials are recommended for professional athletes and amateurs who experience increased stress on the ankle. They will be needed by people who are fond of hiking, preferring traumatic team games (football, basketball, hockey). Without elastic bandages, weightlifters and representatives of other sports associated with a load on the joints do not go through training. Products should be kept in the home first aid kit, they may be needed for any bruises, lacerations of the limbs, sprains or swelling. It is better to use a bandage as prescribed by a doctor, you can buy it without a prescription.

Obstacles to bandaging limbs can be:

  • atopic dermatitis or other severe skin lesions;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • suspected malignancy.

In the presence of severe chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is required.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bandages made of elastic material have many advantages and successfully replace traditional gauze products. Their advantages include:

  • softness and density, which makes it possible to securely fix the damaged limb;
  • high hygienic qualities, breathability;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • availability;
  • the ability to use the accessory not only for the ankle, but also for other parts of the body.

The right bandage will last a long time. It can be washed and dried, while the product will not lose its shape, retain its density and elasticity. High-quality material allows you to make a tight bandage that does not interfere with normal blood circulation. At night, the bandage can be removed, and in the morning it can be used again for fixation. No special skills are required for bandaging a limb; a simple art can be mastered by the victim himself or any of his family members.

A big advantage of the product is reliability. A properly made bandage lasts all day without slipping or pulling on blood vessels. If necessary, a bandage can fix the movable joint. The bandage can be used when applying, as well as in the presence of a variety of wounds. The product is very economical, it will successfully replace 20 gauze bandages.

Despite the many advantages, the medical accessory also has disadvantages:

  1. Improper application may result in circulatory problems.
  2. Insufficient tension of the elastic material cannot guarantee optimal support for injured ligaments.
  3. A poorly tied bandage can cause irritation and even damage to the skin.
  4. Insufficient care of the product will quickly make it unusable.

If the degree of elasticity of the bandage is chosen incorrectly, the joint will not receive the necessary support. Despite the fact that the product is considered universal, you should not buy the first copy that comes across. An experienced traumatologist or pharmacist will help you choose the right bandage.

How to choose a bandage

You can buy the product at any pharmacy or orthopedic salon that sells various fixators, orthoses, medical bandages and other medical supplies. When it is most convenient to use a bandage 1.5-2 m long. If the desired size was not found, you can buy a product about 5 m long, and then cut it in half. The product must be securely packaged, not torn or damaged. A high-quality bandage has a uniform width and density, the manufacturer, date and storage conditions, and other important information are indicated on the package.

When choosing a product, you need to consider not only the length, but also the degree of elasticity. On sale there are both denser and well-stretched accessories. If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, it is better to buy bandages with a low degree of elasticity. They fit tightly, support the affected veins well, normalize blood flow and prevent pain. The same bandage will be needed after surgery on the lower extremities.

For normal sprains and dislocations, softer, more stretchable products are recommended. They do not interfere with movement, a patient with a properly applied bandage can lead a normal life without experiencing pain and without risking further damage to the ligaments.

How to bandage your ankle

The general rule is to apply a bandage in the morning or after a long rest with raised limbs. This technique helps to avoid swelling, the bandage can be fixed as comfortably as possible. An orthopedic doctor or a nurse can explain how to bandage a leg, the necessary instructions will be given in a pharmacy or orthopedic salon.

If the bandage has been used before, it is carefully wound into a tight roll. The product begins to unfold from the inside out, and the bandage is applied directly to the skin. Do not bandage the limb over stockings, socks or other clothing. Any fabric will interfere with the normal fixation of the elastic material and can cause severe irritation.

Before bandaging, you can apply an ointment or gel recommended by your doctor to the injured limb. Any product applied to the skin should be well absorbed. If it is planned to apply a compress, wet gauze, cotton wool or other pad soaked with medicine is covered with waxed paper or film. Only after that the compress is fixed with a bandage. If you neglect the polyethylene protection, the bandage will quickly get wet and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.

You need to bandage the ankle evenly, moving from the narrowest part of the leg to the wider one, from the ankle to the knee. In this case, the degree of tension of the material varies. In the ankle area, it should be as tight as possible, in the calf area, the fixation is reduced. Do not overtighten the leg under the knee, this interferes with normal blood circulation. You can check the degree of tension by sticking your fingers under the bandage.

The bandage is applied neatly, without folds and unnecessary thickening. Each turn overlaps the previous one by about a third, no gaps are left. When moving from under the bandage, the skin should not be visible. Maximum fixation is necessary in the lower part of the bandage, in the ankle area, this will keep the bandage from slipping.

The bandage should cover the leg 15 cm below and above the affected area. The bandage is applied from the phalanges of the toes to the middle of the lower leg. With proper fixation, the toes can turn pale and even turn blue. After a few minutes, they should return to their normal color. This is a sign that the bandage is applied correctly. If the feeling of squeezing and numbness in the fingers does not pass after 30 minutes, it is better to bandage the bandage. This will have to be done if the patient feels blood pulsing, pulling pain or other unpleasant sensations. The bandage should relieve negative symptoms, and not provoke them. Over time, it will become clear what degree of tension of the elastic material is optimal for a particular patient.

necessary with the active movement of the patient. During rest, the bandage is removed, and the affected limb is gently massaged in the direction from the ankle to the knee. Movements should be soft, it is better to postpone active self-massage until complete recovery. To improve blood circulation, you can use any cream or light gel. To relieve swelling, legs are raised during sleep, for example, by placing a folded blanket or a thick towel under them.

Bandaging scheme: instructions for beginners

To apply an elastic bandage on the ankle correctly, you need to proceed in stages. Strict adherence to the scheme will help to securely fix damaged ligaments, reduce pain and prevent the formation of edema. Instruction:

  1. The bandage on the leg is applied in a spiral, each new layer covers the previous coil by a third.
  2. The ankle is wrapped with a bandage, then the bandage is applied to the foot, tightly wrapping around the heel.
  3. The product wraps twice through the instep, securely fixing the foot.
  4. Further turns lie crosswise, from the foot to the lower leg and again to the foot.
  5. The final step involves wrapping the lower leg with another layer, then you need to bandage the ankle and tie the bandage. The knot is not tightened too tight, because before going to bed the bandage will have to be removed.

Learning how to properly bandage injured limbs is easy. By strictly following the instructions of the orthopedist, you can learn how to make a tight bandage in just 10 minutes. The attending physician should explain how much to wear an elastic bandage. Usually, the procedures continue until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely: pain, swelling, inability to step on the injured limb.

Bandage care and life extension

The elastic bandage can be used for a long time. The material from which it is made is hygroscopic, does not deform or tear. Wash the product every 7-10 days. With frequent ankle sprains, it is recommended to have 2-3 bandages in the first-aid kit so that at any time there is material for creating a bandage.

You can’t throw bandages into the washing machine; aggressive synthetic powders are also undesirable. It is best to wash the product by hand using warm water and regular soap. Gentle gels suitable for processing baby clothes are also suitable. The elastic material cannot be rubbed, it is gently compressed in soapy water without disturbing the structure of the fabric. Washing lasts only a few minutes, soaking the product is not worth it.

Clean bandages are carefully squeezed out by hand, trying not to pull or twist. It is better to dry them on a terry towel or other cotton fabric that absorbs moisture well. Drying in a horizontal position is preferable, hanging on batteries and ropes deforms a strong but delicate elastic material.

Compliance with the rules for operation and care significantly extends the life of elastic bandages.

You can use the product as long as it retains a supply of elasticity. When the material stretches, breaks, or ceases to securely fix the limb, you will have to replace the bandage with a new one.

Among the most common diseases, varicose veins are the most common. This disease affects the venous system of the body and interferes with its normal blood flow.

External signs of varicose veins are manifested in the form of cyanotic veins bulging on the legs. The patient suffers from heaviness in the legs, fatigue, numbness and decreased sensation.

The disease is dangerous with the appearance of thrombosis and thromboembolism. In the most severe cases, surgery is required to remove the affected veins, known as.

But a surgical solution can be avoided if an elastic bandage is used for the prevention of varicose veins. Its use at an early stage of the disease can normalize the blood flow of the lower extremities and relieve pain symptoms.

The composition of the elastic bandage includes cotton and a certain amount of synthetic material necessary for stretching when bandaging the lower extremities.

  • With thrombophlebitis of varying severity;
  • with dislocations and ruptures of ligaments;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • for compression therapy in phlebology.

Before buying an elastic bandage, you need to know their differences in classification for compression therapy. There are types of bandages that have positive qualities when used.

Varieties of elastic bandages:

  • knitted
  • Woven (more durable and reliable)
  • With short elongation (up to 70%)
  • Medium stretch (140%)
  • Long stretch (more than 140%)

If there is a need to buy an elastic bandage for prophylactic purposes for varicose veins, then you need to choose a long stretch bandage. Medium and short stretch differ in use.

Bandages with medium and short stretch are suitable when treating varicose veins, accompanied by varicose veins. When bandaging the legs with an elastic bandage, standard 6 meter bandages should be used.

The difference between woven bandages and knitted bandages is their durability and strength. The production technology, which is used in fabric manufacturing, allows the bandage to be used for more than one year and after numerous washes.

Unlike knitted bandages, which lose stretch over time, woven bandages can be adjusted in length by cutting off the unnecessary section. The cut edge of the woven bandage does not crumble, like a knitted bandage that needs processing.


Laum's elastic bandage

Bandage Intex

Compression bandage

Terms of use

  • The bandage should be applied in the morning, lying in bed. Before bandaging a leg or both, you should lie quietly for five minutes with your legs raised to drain blood.
  • It is necessary to slightly raise the leg, bandaging up from the foot. As the bandaging is carried out, the pressure should be released and the compression should be adjusted with the help of the hands.
  • Strict observance of the rule is required, which determines how to wind the elastic bandage: each subsequent layer is superimposed on the previous one, overlapping it by half. The area is bandaged up to the knee. The knee joint should not be tightly bandaged so as not to impede movement. The heel area should always remain free.
  • After the elastic bandage is applied to the leg, it is necessary to walk in it for 10 minutes. With proper bandaging, the tips of the toes in a calm position may turn a little blue, but when walking, the color takes on a natural color.
  • The patient himself should determine how much the bandage can be worn, but phlebologists advise leaving it for the whole day, removing it only at night for rest.
  • Bandage requires proper care. It can be washed by hand, without wringing, as it gets dirty and dried in a straightened state, spread out on a dry towel.

Due to their low cost, bandages have become the most attractive and affordable remedy for varicose veins. Often, patients with varicose veins ask questions: how much does an elastic bandage cost and where to buy? Will it help with varicose veins?

The sale of elastic bandages is carried out in almost any pharmacy. The main advantage of an elastic bandage is its low price and wide availability compared to special compression stockings. The price of one bandage is about 20 rubles. They are sold in any pharmacy chain and special medical institutions.

Stretch rate of elastic bandage

  • When choosing extensibility, one should take into account the fact that the pressure directly depends on the force of applying the bandage and the method of its use.
  • High stretch bandages can provide even pressure distribution during exercise and at rest.
  • The average and low degree of bandage extensibility is more suitable for creating a “working” pressure with an increased load, and in a calm state, to normalize the minimum pressure requiring medium or high pressure under the bandage.

When choosing an elastic bandage, you should be aware that the pressure under the applied bandage can increase proportionally when additional layers of the bandage are applied.

A three-layer bandage increases the pressure exactly three times. Accordingly, bandages with high extensibility can also be used in cases to create increased pressure under the applied bandage.

An important factor when choosing is the size and flexibility of the bandage, which determines its ability to fit snugly to the limbs and body irregularities.

Woven bandages, with a high cotton content and a gauze-like structure, have the highest degree of pliability. They are most suitable for application to the ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder.

These rules are quite simple. By adhering to them, the patient will learn how to use the elastic bandage and what it is for.

bandaging technique

Start bandaging the limb from the foot. Apply the bandage on the top of the foot, holding it on the other side.

Make a turn around the foot, while the bandage is located near the protruding bone of the thumb

The bandage is then wrapped around the ankle. The heel is left open or also bandaged if swelling is present.

After wrapping the ankle, go back to the foot, wrap the leg in the form of an 8 to strengthen at this level

Then back up to the ankle, leaving the heel open.

From the ankle, the bandage is wound up to the knee, stepping back up about 3 cm (thickness of the fingertips) from the beginning of each turn of the bandage.

Each new turn should overlap the previous one with the necessary indentation, and should also be perpendicular to the axis of the leg, for even distribution of pressure.

The width of the bandage is fully used (10 centimeters), length 3 meters.

After bandaging the leg, secure the end with adhesive tape. Don't use needles.

If you follow these 9 steps, you will be able to wrap your foot properly. An elastic bandage is used 10 cm wide from 3 to 3.5 meters in length (the length depends on the height of the leg).

Proper leg bandaging by a doctor (video)

A few nuances

Figure 10. Optimal pressure distribution after bandaging (mm Hg - mm Hg. St.)

Figure 11. Pressure gauge can be used to measure pressure

Figure 12. Optimal Pressure Measurement Locations and Optimal Performance

Suitable Pressure Values ​​Figure 10 shows the optimal bandage pressure levels at different leg levels to provide a compression effect. To control the pressure level, use a pressure gauge connected to a latex capsule (Figure 11) placed under the bandage. It is very important to control these indicators, otherwise there will be no useful effect and sense to bandage the leg.

Common Mistakes

Figure 13. Error 1. Incorrect ligation of the lower leg. The result is low pressure in the foot. Proper bandaging is bandaging with a figure eight going down to the foot and back.

Figure 14. Error 2. The distance between the turns is too small. The middle of the calf muscle was reached, and not the area under the knee

Figure 15. Error 3. Too much distance between the turns to reach the popliteal region.

Figure 16. Error 4. Uneven application of the bandage to the limb, as a result, incorrect compression.

Figure 17. Error 5. Using an old, worn, unusable bandage

Figure 18. Mistake 6. Incorrect fastening of the bandage from above. Using pins instead of band-aids.

  • Wrong time for bandaging: Bandaging should be done in the morning before getting out of bed after a night's rest with your legs slightly elevated. Not after showering, shaving or combing, breakfast or dinner. Morning shower should be replaced with an evening shower, before going to bed.
  • Wrong pressure: On the image 19 shows incorrectly applied pressure on the leg, which will be useless, since it is the same everywhere.

Figure 19. Error 7. The pressure is not distributed correctly. No beneficial effect. Bandaging is pointless.

Figure 20. Error 8. The pressure is incorrectly distributed. It should go from bottom to top, not top to bottom.

Operating principle

  1. Elastic bandages reduce the vascular lumen, supporting the walls of diseased vessels. This therapy allows you to adjust the reverse blood flow, while eliminating venous congestion.
  2. With a properly applied bandage, it will not slip, interfering with movement, and will have the best results in treatment. At first, you will have to turn to outside help, because it will not be easy to apply a bandage on your own. Gradually, a skill will be developed and instructions for the correct use of the bandage will not be needed.
  3. In recent years, products from new manufacturers have been in the greatest demand, among which the company lauma, considered the largest manufacturer of medical bandages in the Baltic region, is considered an expert in this field.
  4. Most manufacturers offer knitted bandages for use, which contain a higher content of synthetic fabrics. Lauma has launched the production of such products, focusing on the natural composition of raw materials.
  5. According to the majority of patients and based on numerous reviews, the difference in materials is significant. Such bandages are most often used for advanced diseases.
  6. Bandaging the legs with a natural-based elastic bandage allows the skin pores to open and good air exchange, which is important when wearing a compression bandage for a long time. In addition, it fits snugly to the body and is more pleasant to the touch.
  7. The main quality of bandages, based on the ability to help weak venous vessels for normal contraction and prevent their overflowing with blood, allows you to choose them in accordance with the required characteristics.
  8. If the doctor has not prescribed a certain type of compression bandage, then choosing your own option from the variety of similar products in the pharmacy is quite difficult. A person who is faced with a choice for the first time, first of all, should pay attention to the main criterion, called the extensibility of the bandage! The larger it is, the less pressure under the applied bandage (with a single layer of application).

It is worth noting that in case of varicose veins, a medical elastic bandage should be selected by a phlebologist. Each bandage has its advantages and disadvantages.

How long to wear?

Any bandage should be used strictly for its intended purpose and only a qualified specialist should decide whether to remove the elastic bandage or not. An elastic bandage is not just a dressing, but a therapeutic agent designed to prevent the disease and alleviate the symptoms that have already appeared.

Modern methods of treatment (video)