Energy diet for health and weight loss. Energy diet for health and weight loss Customer opinion and real photos of losing weight

If you are responsible for your health and understand that losing weight quickly does not mean losing weight correctly, if it is important for you to stay fresh and vigorous throughout the entire period of weight loss, then the energy diet is created just for you.

energy food

The diet includes products that provide the body's daily need for all the necessary substances, while the number of calories is calculated accurately, and therefore the body begins to use its own reserves without prejudice to itself. Thus, the main difference between the energy diet and most others is that foods containing proteins, fats or carbohydrates are not excluded from the diet.

For the duration of this diet, coffee, carbonated drinks, fatty and spicy foods, muffins and sweets are completely excluded from the menu. However, it is reasonable to refuse these products on ordinary days.

Diet Features

There are three full meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. The portions are hearty, tasty, but not large. Snacks are planned in between. As them, the energy diet menu offers smoothies, fruits, juices and vegetable salads.

Nutrition for athletes

This diet was originally developed as an energy nutrition menu for athletes, and therefore it takes into account the body's needs for fats, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. The purpose of such a diet is not to lose weight quickly - in a week you will lose only up to 3 kilograms. However, avoid feelings of hunger, irritability, loss of energy and poor health.

Another important rule of the energy diet is to consume plenty of fluids. It can be water, green tea, vegetable juices or herbal smoothies.

By following all the rules of the energy diet, you will certainly get rid of excess weight without much effort.

One of the best at a time when the main thing is to maintain efficiency and clarity of thought for the whole day, and not quickly and a lot to lose weight in any way.

energy diet. Proper nutrition system

  1. Proper combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  2. Small meals every 3-4 hours will help keep blood sugar at a constant level, thus preventing energetic ups and downs.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids in the form of juices and clean water without gas. Lack of fluid causes weakness of the whole organism.
  4. Combination of vegetables and fruits. The absence of fatty, fried foods, which causes feelings of lethargy and laziness.

Energy Diet. Menu

Breakfast(choose 1 of 3 options):

  1. Low fat yogurt, mixed fresh berries, a glass of fresh orange juice.
  2. Omelet from 2 eggs with low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, boiled low-fat meat (veal or chicken). 1 piece of grain bread. A glass of grapefruit juice.
  3. Oatmeal buckwheat or rice porridge in skim milk with a banana. A piece of grain bread. A glass of tomato juice.

Dinner(choose 1 of 3 options):

  1. Vegetable soup puree. A slice of whole grain bread with low calorie cheese spread on it. A glass of grapefruit juice and skim milk.
  2. A piece of boiled lean meat with vegetable salad. A few tangerines and 1 cup skim milk.
  3. A piece of grilled chicken breast, a slice of bread, 200 grams of fresh tomatoes, 1 large orange, a glass of skimmed milk.

Dinner(choose 1 of 3 options):

  1. Halibut fillet, one piece baked potatoes with sour cream, 200 grams of stewed broccoli. Juice from freshly squeezed fruit. Also, the menu can be supplemented with low-fat yogurt.
  2. Grilled steak, 200 grams of vegetable salad, 200 grams of boiled spinach, a few fresh fruits, fresh juice or skim milk.
  3. Chicken breast stewed with vegetables and rice, 200 grams of vegetable salad, a few fresh fruits, fresh juice or skim milk.

Small meals between main meals.

In time, they will take place between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and if you lead an active lifestyle, then in the evening.

You can include the following products:

  • 100 grams of dried fruits, 50 grams of nuts;
  • Apples;
  • Bananas;
  • Orange slices with low-calorie cheese;
  • Muesli with skim milk;
  • 1 egg and a slice of grain bread;
  • 200 grams of fat-free yogurt, etc.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


The problem of excess weight causes a lot of trouble for women and men. Energy diets (ED) are specially designed food products (cocktails) that help to say goodbye to extra pounds without much effort. The ED system is designed for athletes and people leading a less active lifestyle. This is a balanced diet that cleanses the body of toxins and saturates it with vitamins and microelements. The process of losing weight is slow, the skin has time to shrink without sagging and without adding new wrinkles.

How do Energy Diet slimming cocktails work?

Where to buy Energy Diet

What is included

Energy Diet is a high-tech product designed to provide an adult healthy person with all the necessary elements. The components that make up the ED products:

  • - animals (milk protein concentrate), vegetable (soy, pea proteins). Each cocktail contains 18 essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize on its own, but can only get from food.
  • Fats. ED cocktails contain soybean oil, which contains more than 30 trace elements, including vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which inhibits the development of cancer cells. The product does not contain animal fats, which means that it does not contain cholesterol.
  • Carbohydrates in cocktails they are balanced and represented by glucose, which is instantly absorbed, maltodextrin with starch, thanks to which the body is provided with carbohydrates for a long period. Providing the muscles and brain with the right amount of carbohydrates prevents the feeling of fatigue.
  • Cellulose in the form of gum, as well as chicory inulin. These cocktail ingredients provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety, help maintain normal microflora, and cleanse the intestines.
  • 11 minerals, 12 vitamins in the product help to optimize the body's metabolism.
  • Acerol (Caribbean cherry). This is a record-breaking vitamin C product.
  • royal jelly- the milk that bees secrete to feed their larvae. Thanks to this ingredient in cocktails, body tissues absorb oxygen better, resistance to adverse external conditions increases, and the emotional state stabilizes.
  • Complex of enzymes, which are part of the cocktails, contributes to the rapid, complete absorption of vegetable and animal proteins. The activity of enzymes produced by the body is preserved.

Weight loss program from Energy Diet - three stages

Energy diets - concentrates for quick preparation of omelettes, soups and cocktails. Due to the balanced composition, the body receives all the necessary elements with a limited calorie content. Product manufacturers promise comfortable weight loss without hunger, depression and lethargy. The weight loss program is divided into three phases. During any period, you must comply - drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Start for 3-5 days

The first stage is designed to start the process of losing weight. The main goal is to change nutrition, providing the body with elements that are deficient for it, and restore metabolism. The daily calorie content of products is limited to 1200-1500 calories. This stage lasts: with excess weight up to 10 kg - 3 days, with an excess of more than 10 kg - 5 days. The daily diet consists of 4-5 servings of energy diet cocktail and 1-2 servings of allowed foods. To enhance the feeling of fullness, diet developers recommend drinking a glass of water immediately after drinking a serving of a cocktail.

Vegetables allowed by the Energy Diet program, the amount of which should not exceed 400 g, are recommended to be consumed boiled, raw or stewed. For dressing salads, it is permissible to use a small amount of vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices, apple cider vinegar. ED soup products can be enriched with finely chopped dill or parsley. Foods allowed in the diet:

  • eggplant;
  • bell pepper;
  • broccoli;
  • mushrooms;
  • green radish;
  • zucchini;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • hardwood beets;
  • onions (green and onion);
  • seaweed;
  • cucumbers;
  • soy shoots;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish;
  • turnip;
  • asparagus;
  • green bean pods;
  • pumpkin;
  • dill, parsley, sorrel, celery greens;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • spinach.

All drinks should be drunk without sugar, it is acceptable to use low-calorie sugar substitutes in limited quantities. Drinks allowed while on a diet:

  • decaffeinated or lightly brewed coffee;
  • still water;
  • herbal tea;
  • green, red or black teas.

Consolidation of the result

At this stage, the process of losing weight is already in place. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended goal and not return to the old way of life. The creators of the diet call this period the transitional stage. Energy diet cocktails should be consumed 1-2 times a day (required for dinner). The list of foods allowed in the diet is expanding. To it are added:

  • boiled fish or seafood - 150g;
  • turkey - 150g;
  • rabbit 150g;
  • low-fat cheese - 100g;
  • lean beef 100g;
  • liver 100g;
  • veal 100g;
  • fat-free cottage cheese 150 g;
  • chicken 150 g;
  • eggs (without yolks) 2 pcs.

If in the evening you feel hungry, then no later than 2 hours before bedtime you are allowed to eat 0.5 servings of a cocktail. The duration of this period is from 3 to 4 weeks. If the body weight is more than normal by 15 kg or more, and the result is not achieved by the end of the stage, the developers of the weight loss program recommend that you start taking cocktails again, as in the first period of the diet.

Nutrition and weight control

To consolidate the result, you will have to monitor the quantity and quality of the absorbed products. The main thing is to finally displace the psychological dependence on food, learn how to correctly assess the needs of the body and satisfy them. The creators recommend at this time to use a cocktail once a day for dinner.

At this stage of the diet, dishes containing carbohydrates are added to previously allowed foods, the amount of which should still be limited:

  • buckwheat;
  • green pea;
  • cereal bread;
  • Red beans;
  • wholemeal pasta;
  • unpolished rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • dry beans;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • lentils.

During the passage of the stage of control over nutrition and weight, it is allowed to consume 1 serving of fruits, in the amount of 80 g:

  • fresh apricot 3 pcs.;
  • orange 1 pc.;
  • fresh pineapple 1 large piece;
  • watermelon 1 large piece;
  • fresh banana 1pc;
  • grapefruit 0.5 pcs.;
  • pear 1 pc.;
  • kiwi 2pcs;
  • fresh strawberries 7 pcs.;
  • fresh raspberries 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • peach 1 pc.;
  • plum 2 pcs.;
  • fresh blueberries 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh blackcurrant 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • apple 1 pc.

The duration of the stage is easy to calculate by the formula: the number of kilograms lost is equal to the number of months. If eight kilograms are lost during the entire diet, then the stage will last eight months. This is how you reinforce your eating habits so that the weight does not start to grow again. Always remember: the amount of water you drink is two liters per day!

The theory of nutrition called "Energy Diet" was developed by French nutritionists, who assure that, thanks to traditional methods of losing weight, the body does not receive the vitamins and minerals required for normal life in the right amount.

Among other things, classic diets can exhaust the body.

As an alternative, a specially developed diet "Energy" appeared., balanced in all directions by the best experts in the field of nutrition.

So what is the concept of proper nutrition used in this complex? What results to expect, and should I be worried about the side effects of the diet?

Energy Diet is a deliberately created system of proper and healthy nutrition.

The base includes food cocktails, which help to part with unnecessary kilograms without much difficulty.

The complex is designed not only for people involved in sports, but also for those who lead a less active lifestyle.

Mixtures balanced in accordance with the daily needs for vitamins, macro- and microelements gently cleanse the body of toxins, saturating it sufficiently with everything necessary.

It's important to know! The process of losing weight is a rather complex biological process, which includes not only getting rid of extra pounds.

Often side effects of the wrong approach to the problem of weight loss are problems such as:

  • dull, lifeless hair;
  • flabbiness of the skin;
  • the appearance of many wrinkles and folds;
  • state of chronic fatigue.

Thus, the body signals a lack of necessary substances.

To avoid such undesirable effects when losing weight, it is important to know how to take Energy Diet correctly in order to achieve the desired result.

The complex is intended for people of absolutely different categories:

  • for leading both active and passive lifestyles;
  • for young and old;
  • for women and men.

With the right, reasonable approach to the problem of weight loss, the body slowly gets rid of all that is superfluous.

Important is the fact that the epidermis has time to respond to changes occurring in the body, gradually shrinking. Thus, it is possible to avoid the appearance of skin folds and wrinkles.

Slimming product lines

All products for weight loss are divided into 2 groups - cocktails and ready-made mixtures for a healthy diet with different tastes:

  • soup sets (5 varieties);
  • omelette;
  • bread products with pasta;
  • desserts;
  • porridge from oatmeal;
  • a complex of enzymes to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

You can choose products depending on personal preferences or mood. It is important that any product is filled with exactly the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that a person needs for normal life.

If you have chosen the Energy Diet for yourself, you can learn how to take cocktails and mixtures for weight loss from this article.

Drink options

Cocktails are the most popular product of the entire complex.

Its advantages over other mixtures are that it is easy to prepare, you can arrange a small snack even at the workplace, plus an excellent assortment.

Cocktail flavors:

Whatever flavor is preferred, it is important to follow the recommendations of nutritionists so as not to harm your body and achieve the desired result.

Therefore, it is worth paying special attention and considering the schedule of how to take Energy Diet for weight loss, what foods you can combine cocktails with and what you should refrain from.

Composition of products, active substances and how they help to lose weight

The complex includes high-tech products that daily provide an adult, healthy body with everything necessary.

The effect of the substances included in the products of "ED":

The substance in The effect of the substance
SquirrelsTypes in products:
  • animals (in the form of milk proteins);
  • vegetable (in the form of soy and peas).

Their entry into the body is possible only through food.

Each mixture includes 18 amino acids, which are a kind of building material for the tissues of the whole organism.

Fats"ED" mixtures contain only vegetable fats: soybean oil, which contains more than 30 trace elements, as well as the presence of vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

There are no animal fats in the mixtures, that is, there is no cholesterol in these products. All presented fats are a source of fatty acids, which are so necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

CarbohydratesThey are in a balanced form in the complex is glucose, which is very quickly absorbed by the body. Thanks to this, muscle mass and brain cells are provided with a sufficient amount of this useful component, and as a result, the feeling of fatigue disappears, strength and vigor appear throughout the body.
CelluloseRepresented by gum and chicory inulin. Thanks to these ingredients, saturation with food intake is ensured for a long time, the intestinal microflora is maintained.
Biologically active elements, low molecular weight compoundsImprove metabolic processes in the body.
Acerola (Barbados cherry)Its presence in the composition of mixtures indicates that the cocktails contain enough vitamins of group C, which is necessary to strengthen the body's immune system, and also promotes active tissue regeneration.
royal milkThis substance is secreted by bees to feed their larvae. It has a lot of useful qualities, about which many articles and books have been written.

In the presence of this ingredient, the body absorbs oxygen better, it more actively resists negative factors, and the psychological state of a person stabilizes.

EnzymesThey contribute to both rapid and 100% digestibility of not only Energy Diet products for weight loss, but also all food products, and cleansing the digestive tract.

Daily taking a certain rate of enzymes, you can significantly free the body from toxins in a short period of time.

All vitamins and biologically active substances that make up Energy Diet are selected and balanced in accordance with the daily needs of the human body.

Nutritionists have put a lot of effort into creating Energy Diet, and also developed a scheme on how to take it correctly for weight loss and recovery, so that each product brings maximum benefit.

Reduce the body's need for ordinary food, provide all the necessary elements and reduce weight - this is the main task of ED products.

How Energy mixes work

Energy food mixtures optimize the number of calories a person needs to consume per day for normal life.

Thanks to this well-designed system, the body receives all the necessary vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

Advantages of "Energy Diet" over other complexes:

  • the complex has an excellent combination of products and seven types of cocktails. By mixing some ingredients, you can get a new tasty dish. This allows you to diversify dietary nutrition;
  • thanks to the fiber and enzymes found in each cocktail, the work of the digestive tract is getting better;
  • quick and easy digestibility and easy digestion of food without the formation of toxins;
  • protein in mixtures, as well as the presence of dietary fiber supplements nourish the body, giving a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • a wide range that allows you to regularly change the diet;
  • if you change one meal for a mixture, repeat this a couple of times, then your taste habits gradually change, and the craving for familiar food also disappears.

Three Stages of the Weight Loss Project

Manufacturers of products guaranteed weight loss with comfort, that is, without hunger strikes, depression, nervousness, dizziness and poor health.

The system works to reduce weight, and it has been broken down into step-by-step steps for convenience.

But, no matter what period the patient is in, it is very important to maintain a strict water balance. To do this, you should drink at least 2 liters of water (daily rate).

The most important thing at each stage is to follow all the recommendations regarding information on how to take Energy Diet for weight loss.

Stage 1. How to start taking

How to take "Energy Diet" to be guaranteed to lose weight?

At the initial stage, you need to start the procedure itself. The main task is to modify food intake, its quantity and quality.

Thanks to this, the body will be provided with everything necessary, excluding the lack of one and the excess of other vitamins and microelements. This procedure is important for restoring the normalization of metabolic processes.

The average daily calorie content of food should be limited to 1200-1500 cal / day

The duration of the initial stage is three days. If the excess body weight is more than 10 kg, then it is necessary to extend the initial stage to 5 days.

In the daily diet should be 4-5 cocktails and some permitted foods (several servings).

In order not to feel hungry, the developers of Energy Diet recommend drinking 200 grams of water after a portion glass of the dietary mixture.

The allowed vegetable set should not be more than 400 grams per day. It is recommended to eat raw, boiled or lightly stewed vegetables.

You can fill such salads with a few drops of sunflower oil, a small amount of lemon juice, seasonings or apple cider vinegar. Soup mixtures from the Energy complex can be enriched with finely chopped greens.

A food set of vegetables that is allowed by nutritionists: you can cook mushrooms, radish, zucchini caviar, beetroot salad with onions (green or onion), seaweed salad.

Or cut cucumbers, add soy shoots, tomato, radish. Turnip salad with asparagus and green beans is delicious. You can originally diversify the menu with a pumpkin baked in the oven.

You can add dill, parsley, sorrel, celery, spinach to vegetable salads. Do not forget about cabbage (cauliflower and white).

It's important to know! Reception of drinks is allowed strictly without the addition of granulated sugar or with its low-calorie substitutes in small quantities.

Drinks that are allowed to drink:

  • coffee or its low-caffeine substitutes. You can take a weak ground hot drink;
  • still mineral water, filtered water;
  • herbal teas, green and red teas.

The daily rate of fluid intake (water, unsweetened tea) should be at least 2 liters at any stage of weight loss!


  • 5 Energy Diet cocktails;
  • 2 servings of vegetables.

Sample diet for the day:

  1. 1st breakfast: one cocktail "ED" (Strawberry, Coffee or other type);
  2. 2nd breakfast: one portion of "ED" (you can choose Chicken);
  3. Lunch: one serving of "ED" (for example, Omelet) + a plate of vegetables from the list;
  4. Afternoon snack: ED cocktail (Chocolate, Raspberry or other optional);
  5. Dinner: a serving of ED products (this can be Mushrooms) + a plate of vegetables from the above list.

It is important to keep drinking throughout the day.

Stage 2. How to fix the result

Allowed food:

  • You can cook a salad of boiled fish or a sea cocktail - no more than 200 g;
  • Boil turkey meat - 200 g;
  • It is permissible to eat a piece of rabbit - no more than 200 g;
  • Make a salad: low-fat cheese (100 g) mixed with a sliced ​​​​piece of lean beef (100 g);
  • You can eat the liver in any form - 100 g,
  • It is allowed to eat boiled veal - no more than 100 g;
  • Recommended low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • Chicken meat is allowed - 150 g;
  • You can eat eggs (only proteins) no more than 2 pieces / day.

If you want to eat in the evening, then you can enjoy half a serving of any mixture of your choice.

The transitional period of 20-28 days continues. If the excess weight is more than 15 kg, and the results after the initial stage remain unchanged, then the first stage should be started again.

It's important to know! Only after noting the positive results of the reception, you can proceed to the next stage.

Stage 3. How to control nutrition and body weight

To fix the acquired success, you should track the quantity and quality of food consumed. The main task is the complete displacement of psychological dependence on the usual food.

It is necessary to learn at this stage to correctly assess the needs of the body, and get enough of healthy, wholesome food. The creators of the diet at the control stage recommended the consumption of the mixture only once a day, in the evening.

Previously allowed food can be diluted with a small amount of carbohydrates, which are contained in buckwheat, peas.

It is useful to eat cereal bread, red beans, pasta, rice and oatmeal, wheat bread, lentils.

At the control stage, the consumption of fruit platter is allowed. You can take salads from apricots, oranges, adding slices of pineapple, slices of watermelon, banana.

Grapefruit (0.5 pcs.) Mix with pear (1 pc.), Add 2 kiwi. Or make a berry platter: strawberries (6 pcs.), Raspberries 5 tbsp. l. or blueberries 4 tbsp. l., mixed with blackcurrant in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. You can eat 1 apple.

At this stage, it is important to strictly monitor the weight and volume of the body. Nutritionists recommend keeping a strict daily record of these parameters.

To do this, you can make a small table consisting of 3-4 columns and daily, at the same time, carry out control weighing and measurements. Record all results in the appropriate columns.

Thanks to this approach to strict control of your weight, you can immediately notice changes in mass and volume.

Reducing these parameters will cheer you up and give you confidence to continue such a difficult process of losing weight.

At this stage, it is important to consider that weight loss is equated to the number of months during which it is important not to interrupt the intake of cocktails. For example, if you need to lose weight by 9 kg, then the entire stage should be at least 9 months.

Good to know! Even with excellent weight loss results, you should not relax. Strict control over the daily diet is necessary.

Only one failure in a carefully designed scheme can negate all the efforts made.

How to take Energy Diet cocktails for weight loss

Immediately before taking the cocktails should be diluted with milk 1.5% fat.

It is exactly the number of calories, vitamins and microelements contained in the dairy product that was incorporated by the developers when calculating the composition of products for weight loss.

In the absence or unwillingness to take milk, it can be replaced with kefir (with the same fat content), or vegetable broth. But in this case, it should be borne in mind that this may affect the calorie content and taste of the cocktail.

It is allowed to mix different products. Thus, you can significantly diversify the menu and try a lot of new flavors of the ED product line.

Nutrition tips for the perfect result

Any diet involves a complete change in the mode and quality of nutrition. In order to see the results of such a complex process as quickly as possible, it is necessary to adhere to several rules.

Nutritionists assure that following these rules will help not only maintain the results, but also accustom the body to healthy and wholesome food in much smaller volumes.

Nutrition rules:

  • take at least 2 liters of fluid per day. You can drink: water, tea, weak coffee. All drinks should be consumed without sugar;
  • monitor daily weight and volume;
  • if after 20 min. after taking a cocktail, drink a glass of water, the effect of saturation will increase;
  • you can not skip a pre-established meal;
  • breakfast and lunch can be full, and for dinner it is desirable to reduce the amount of food;
  • eat fractionally;
  • it is forbidden: to eat for the company, at the TV, while reading or seizing stress;
  • It is advisable not to snack between pre-set meals. If you feel hungry, you can eat an apple;
  • the menu for each day must be prepared in advance;
  • it is forbidden to take during the diet: fatty, spicy, fried foods, sweets, mayonnaise and sauces based on it, strong alcohol (sometimes you can afford to drink a glass of red wine or champagne), salty cookies.

Adhering to these recommendations, the body will get rid of extra pounds much faster., metabolic processes will return to normal, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will improve.

Who is contraindicated system for weight loss "Energy Diet"

Any diet is associated with the restructuring of the body in the diet and lifestyle changes. This power system was no exception.

Before taking "Energy Diet" for weight loss, you must undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor.

Below is a list of diseases in the presence of which the use of ED products is strictly prohibited:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age up to 14-16 years;
  • elderly age;
  • insomnia;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order not to cause irreparable harm to your body, you should take this information seriously.

Opinions of nutritionists and doctors about Energy Diet products

Personal opinions of certified doctors and nutritionists about the product line converge on one thing - the products are designed with the utmost care.

The composition of each mixture is clearly calibrated in accordance with the daily requirements of the human body in vitamins and minerals.

The quality of ED products has been repeatedly confirmed by research results. In 2011, the entire product line of this brand was subjected to a thorough analysis by an independent commission of nutrition experts.

Experts have confirmed the ideal combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in mixtures and recommended their regular intake to keep the body in perfect shape.

Qualified nutritionists and doctors are generally of the opinion that all products are ideal as the main nutrition for athletes, where it is imperative to always keep yourself in shape.

Due to the balanced composition, the line of passive weight loss cocktails is positioned as a healthy and useful addition to the diet of a person who wants to lose extra pounds.

All ED products are aimed at improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing metabolic processes in the body.

As a result, health improves, weight decreases, the psycho-emotional state of patients improves.

Interesting fact! Unlike many other analogues designed for weight loss, Energy Diet products are not addictive.

It is for this reason that shakes can be taken throughout the life cycle to keep fit.

The Energy Diet nutrition system is not a replacement for a full meal, but an additional line of products to the main diet.

And the whole point of the diet comes down to strict control over your weight and the right, rational approach to nutrition. After all, weight loss with the help of cocktails is a very long process, consisting of three stages.

And in order to achieve the desired result, you need to make every effort and maintain daily monitoring of nutrition and weights.

In this video, you will be told what "Energy Diet" is and how to take products for weight loss:

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare Energy Diet cocktails and what flavors they have:

An energy diet will “take away” no more than 2 kg per week, but it will allow you not to feel a breakdown and not fall out of the usual rhythm of life.

What helps the body to keep working throughout the day?

Firstly, a well-composed menu that provides the body with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

By sticking to the diet and the rules of the energy diet, you will not be left without any of these three components of proper nutrition. And also do not allow their excess, which is also not very good for well-being and figure.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates on this diet enter the body with every meal.

Secondly, "energy fuel" must be distributed evenly. Any deficiency puts the body out of action.

Therefore, the diet prescribes to eat food more often, at least every 3-4 hours. It doesn't have to be full, solid meals. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner. The rest is snacks.

It is not the amount of food that is important here, but the fact of the meal itself. Eating little and often helps keep your blood sugar at the same level. This is necessary, because when sugar is lowered, our brain begins to think not about business, but about what to eat in order to restore sugar. Accordingly, we feel hunger, fatigue, we cannot concentrate.

Thirdly, in order to save energy, in addition to the three "protein-fat-carbohydrate whales", we need vitamins and microelements.

They support the proper functioning of all systems of our body, help digestion of food and extract all useful elements from it.

Therefore, the energy diet does not limit the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables eaten. And she includes a variety of dishes based on them.

Fourthly, a person, who consists mainly of water, needs to receive a sufficient amount of fluid to maintain strength.

In order not to weaken from lack of water, the energy diet encourages the consumption of at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Therefore, the diet menu includes both milk and juices. Additional drinking water is also allowed.

And finally, fifthly, excess fat is dangerous for clarity of mind and body tone.

The body needs very little fat. He takes them in full from the simplest products: milk, cheese, meat, fish. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to flavor them when cooking with an additional portion of fats - butter, mayonnaise, sour cream.

And even more so fry food in oil. When heated, oil, in addition to fat, becomes dangerous for us and toxins - friends of cancer cells.

An excess of fat knocks the body out of its usual rhythm of work and leads to a breakdown and even apathy. No wonder fatty foods are also called "heavy". Yes, it is hard on the digestion as well as on the mind and body.