If there is no menstruation for a long time. Absence of menstruation

What is the menstrual cycle? How to understand that a delay in menstruation has begun?

Delayed menstruation is one of the most common complaints of patients in the gynecological office. Let's take a closer look at the physiology of a woman and, in accordance with the knowledge gained, we will try to get to the bottom of the cause of this pathology.

The first menstruation (menarche) occurs in girls at the age of 12-14 years, sometimes a little earlier or later. After the onset of menarche for 1-2 years, girls often experience a delay in the onset of menstruation and this is considered the norm, since in adolescence only the normal hormonal background of the body is set. If, after this time, there are still delays in menstruation, then this is already a reason to contact a gynecologist.

The menstrual cycle is the period of time from one menstruation to the next. Normally, these intervals should be the same. A new menstrual cycle should be counted from the first day of menstruation. Normally, its duration is 21-35 days. Most often - 28 days. If the menstrual cycle is lengthened for any reason, then this should be considered a delay in menstruation. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, there is a physiological increase in the hormone estrogen. There is an increase in the endometrium in the uterine cavity in order to "accept" a fertilized egg. At the same time, the maturation of the egg occurs in the ovary. Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, usually on day 12-14, a mature egg is released from the ovary. Ovulation occurs - the period when the onset of conception is possible. And in place of the egg, the so-called corpus luteum is formed, which is a derivative of progesterone. With a lack of progesterone, miscarriages often occur in early pregnancy. Fertilization of the egg occurs in the fallopian tube, the development of the fetus - in the uterus. If conception has occurred, then the cause of the delay in menstruation is the onset of pregnancy. If conception does not occur, then there is a drop in the level of progesterone and estrogen and the next menstruation occurs. Thus, we can conclude that the delay in menstruation, or rather its causes, most often lie in a violation of the hormonal background of the body (in the absence of pregnancy).

Delayed menstruation during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Fortunately, most often, the delay in menstruation is associated with the onset of pregnancy, and not with serious illnesses. The delay in menstruation is observed throughout the entire period of pregnancy. After childbirth, the reason for the delay in menstruation is an increased level of prolactin (the hormone responsible for lactation). If a woman is not breastfeeding, then the delay in menstruation will be minimal. Usually no more than 6-8 weeks. In the event that a woman is breastfeeding, a delay in menstruation can be observed throughout the entire lactation period, up to 2-3 years. But there are exceptions, when the delay in menstruation, even in a nursing woman, is no more than 1.5-2 months after childbirth. Each organism is individual.

Ovarian dysfunction. Is this the reason for the delay in menstruation?

Many doctors, when they hear that you often have a delay of 5 days or more, immediately diagnose “ovarian dysfunction”. Although, delayed menstruation and ovarian dysfunction are, one might say, synonymous. Ovarian dysfunction is a common condition seen in women with irregular menstrual cycles. But ovarian dysfunction itself can be caused by many reasons. Most often, these are pathologies of the endocrine system or diseases of the thyroid gland. Therefore, if there is a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative, then you should visit an endocrinologist and undergo the examinations recommended by him. Usually this is an ultrasound of the uterus, thyroid gland and adrenal glands, brain tomography.

Some gynecological causes of delayed menstruation.

A delay in menstruation can be caused not only by endocrine, but also by gynecological diseases. Pathologies such as uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs of a woman, adenomyosis, endometriosis, cancer of the cervix or uterine body, etc. can have a negative impact on ovarian function. Often delays in menstruation by 5-10 days with a negative pregnancy test are associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the ovaries themselves.

Polycystic ovary syndrome as a cause of delayed menstruation.

One of the most common diagnoses in women who often experience problems with missed periods is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This diagnosis is made on the basis of an external examination of a woman. That is, a woman suffering from this disease often has overweight, male pattern hair growth (hair growth above the lips, in the groin, on the legs, under the arms in excessive amounts), oily skin and hair. But even these signs can be argued. For example, many Eastern women who do not experience delays in menstruation have “excessive” hair growth. But this is their individual feature, not pathology. In addition to external signs, the main indicator of PCOS is an increase in the male hormone in the blood (testosterone). Due to its excess, a woman’s menstrual cycle is upset, but the worst thing is that this leads to infertility, since there is no ovulation with a high level of testosterone.

You should not be afraid of this. It's completely curable. In mild situations, the gynecologist may recommend taking a course of oral contraceptives (birth control pills). There are special oral contraceptives recommended for women with elevated testosterone levels. They help not only restore their hormonal levels, but also significantly improve their appearance and forget about delays in menstruation. The menstrual cycle, in most cases, becomes regular when taking oral contraceptives.

But if you do not have external signs of polycystic ovary syndrome, or there is no other symptom of them - a delay in menstruation and futile attempts to conceive a child for more than a year, then you should not "bother" much on this topic.

Other common causes of missed periods.

Often, a delay in menstruation with a negative pregnancy test is associated with deviations in body weight. In order to find out if your weight is normal, you need to calculate your BMI (body mass index). To do this, divide your body weight in kilograms by your height (in meters) squared. If the result is more than 25, then you are overweight, if less than 18, then you are underweight. If a monthly delay of 5 days, 10 days or more is associated precisely with weight, then after its normalization, the regularity of the menstrual cycle will also be restored.

Often, a delay in menstruation is observed in women engaged in physical work. The reason for the delay in menstruation in this case can be removed only by switching to an easier schedule or type of work.

Quite often, a delay in menstruation is observed in women who often experience nervous stress and are engaged in serious mental work. Delayed periods can occur when traveling to an area with a different climate, taking certain medications and even (in rare cases) oral contraceptives.

What threatens frequent delays in menstruation?

There is no danger in the very delay of menstruation. But the danger may lie in the reason that caused the failure of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, this situation should not be let out of control.

For example, if a delay in menstruation occurs due to an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood, and this, in turn, is associated with the formation of a microadenoma (tumor) in the brain, then this can lead to terrible consequences if treatment is not started on time.

The same applies to inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, uterine fibroids and other gynecological and endocrinological diseases.

Frequent delays in menstruation without the first signs of pregnancy may indicate serious disorders in the body. And if left untreated, it can even lead to infertility.

And, in the end, it is much easier for a woman who is sexually active to live with a regular menstrual cycle. When a delay in menstruation is detected, the first signs of pregnancy can be noticed in time. And in some diseases, early detection of pregnancy plays a huge role.

As you now understand, an irregular menstrual cycle is not some specific, serious disease. But you should still monitor the regularity of your menstruation. A delay in menstruation is almost always an indicator of some kind of trouble in the body.

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A prolonged absence of menstruation can be caused by natural physiological processes. Then the situation is considered normal, there is no reason to worry. If there is no menstruation for 2-4 months for no apparent reason, you need to visit a gynecologist.

Changes in hormonal levels are the main reason for the delay in menstruation. All causes are conditionally divided into several groups.

Whatever the reason for the delay in menstruation, you should be careful about your body. If you experience anxiety symptoms, you should seek help from qualified professionals.

Delayed menstruation in teenagers

The first menstruation comes at the age of 12-13 years. It is promoted by sex hormones. The physical development of the girl testifies to the formation of the hormonal background. Secondary sexual characteristics appear - breast enlargement, hair growth in the groin, armpits, waist formation. In this case, the weight of the girl plays an important role. If the body weight is less than 45 kg, menstruation will not be able to start. For this reason, critical days for overweight teenagers begin earlier. In thin girls, menarche occurs at 14–16 years of age.

The onset of menstruation does not indicate a stable monthly cycle. The hormonal background is far from constant. There will be a delay in menstruation, their character will change. Moreover, a break of two months is considered normal. In general, the girl's menstrual cycle should be the same as her mother's. If the mother had everything differently, you can take the teenager for a consultation with a gynecologist. Perhaps there are pathological abnormalities.

Test negative for missed period

In order to get a true result, it is necessary to choose high-quality products with high sensitivity, to carry out the analysis correctly. Pregnancy is considered to have occurred from the moment of fixation of the egg in the uterine cavity. Then the level of the pregnancy hormone - hCG increases every day. In the urine, the level of the hormone rises much more slowly than in the blood. In the early stages of pregnancy with a delay of up to 1 week, it is recommended to conduct an analysis with a morning portion of urine. Then the hormone level is the highest.

The principle of operation of all tests is based on the reaction of the reagent. If his sensitivity is from 25 units, he will not be able to show pregnancy in the early stages. In addition, even a test with 10 units of sensitivity can also misfire. When ovulation does not occur in the middle of the cycle, towards the end, the body does not have time to quickly rebuild by the time menstruation begins. Then, with a delay of up to 1 week, the result may be false. The second stripe of gray color does not at all indicate the presence of pregnancy. This means that no reaction has taken place. Most likely, the test was kept in the urine for more than 30 seconds.

If we are talking about a delay in menstruation for 2-4 months, a negative test is a clear confirmation of the absence of pregnancy. Violation of the cycle occurs due to menopause, if age allows such conclusions, gynecological diseases, nervous pathologies, diseases of the endocrine system.

Delayed menstruation, but not pregnant - what to do

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the events of the past months. If there were no obvious factors influencing the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to undergo an examination. Delayed menstruation is caused by gynecological diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • chronic endometritis;
  • inflammation of the uterus, appendages.

Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is directly related to the production of hormones. You will also need to visit an endocrinologist. A delay in menstruation can happen after taking antibiotics and some other medications. This should be written in the instructions, the attending physician is obliged to warn.

It is very difficult to establish on your own the cause of the delay in menstruation, when they are absent for several months. The most harmless cause may be a disorder of the nervous system. Then, after restoring rest, the menstrual cycle also normalizes. In other cases, long-term treatment, taking hormonal drugs will be required.

How to call them

The absence of menstruation in women of reproductive age entails a violation of the work of other systems, internal organs. There is a question about their forced call. In the absence of serious gynecological diseases, the situation is regulated quickly enough. The reason for this phenomenon is an insufficient amount of progesterone - the hormone of the second phase. It is replenished with synthetic analogues. The most common means for calling menstruation with a long delay is Norkolut. With a delay in menstruation for several months, they begin to drink pills any day.

The dose of the drug is set by a specialist. Usually 1 tablet per day for 10 days. Or 2 tablets at a time for 5 days. Menstruation should go in the process of treatment. If the progesterone level was not so low. Or 1-3 days after the completion of the course. proceeds as usual.

The people have several recipes for inducing menstruation. For example, a decoction of parsley, which causes increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus. But in such a long absence of menstruation, folk recipes will be ineffective. It is necessary to call critical days with the help of special preparations prescribed by a doctor. Incorrect dosage may not give the desired result or cause severe bleeding.

Lack of menstruation after 40 years

At this age, the reproductive functions of the body decline. An unstable hormonal background leads to the absence of menstruation for several months. Then the amount of estrogen gradually accumulates, ovulation occurs again, and spotting appears after a few weeks. The climax lasts about 4 years. It ends with the complete absence of menstruation. However, if the situation causes concern, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. During menopause, the risk of gynecological diseases associated with hormones increases.

The menstrual cycle in women can be disrupted for a variety of reasons. This article proposes to consider these reasons in detail and answer the question of why menstruation is delayed and how many days of delay should be considered the norm.

First of all, you should decide from which day the delay is considered and what period of time should cause alarm and require clarification of the reasons. A delay in menstruation by 1-2, or maybe 3 days is quite a common occurrence, this is normal. Despite the fact that each woman has her own duration and regularity of menstruation, even in an absolutely healthy woman, periods do not always come “by the clock”. That is why a slight delay does not indicate any serious problems.

However, if the monthly delay is more than the allowable 3-5 days, you should consult a doctor and find out the reasons. The maximum period of "unreasonable" delay should not exceed a week. First, pregnancy should be excluded (or confirmed). Secondly, if pregnancy is excluded, check if everything is in order with the reproductive system. Remember that a delay in itself may not be terrible, but it is always a signal indicating changes in the body.

Normal indicators of the menstrual cycle are presented in the table:

Main reasons for the delay

The first thought that visits a woman when menstruation does not come on time is pregnancy. However, there are a huge number of reasons why the regularity of menstruation can be disturbed without pregnancy. The regularity of the cycle can be influenced by various factors, whether it is a change in time zones, problems with acclimatization, stress, hormonal disruptions, disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs, or malnutrition. Let's look at all these factors in more detail and determine what kind of delay should inspire concern.

Pregnancy is the most common reason for missed periods in young women. During pregnancy, phenomena such as changes in taste and smell, drowsiness, swelling of the mammary glands, and nausea can be observed. You should not immediately reject the possibility of pregnancy, even if you had protected sex.

If, in addition to the delay, other signs of the above appear, it makes sense to do a test, and to determine the exact result - twice. If the first test did not determine pregnancy, this does not mean that it does not exist. Repeat the test after 2-5 days. A reliable result can be obtained by passing a blood test for hCG. Only the second time having received a negative result and making sure that the woman is not pregnant, you need to look for other justifications for the absence of the onset of menstruation on time. The delay may be due to other serious and dangerous reasons, in addition to pregnancy.

Severe emotional or physical stress

If a woman observes a delay, but is not pregnant, her body may have been influenced by other changes in the physical or emotional state. Consider in which cases menstruation can be late or stop altogether.

The delay can occur due to stressful situations, shock, excessive physical exertion, intense mental activity (for example, on the eve of exams or passing an important project), tension at work. The body reacts to daily stress as a situation unfavorable for the birth of a child, and menstruation stops "until better times." This explains why menstruation does not come on time. In such a scenario, efforts should be made to get out of the crisis moment, reduce the level of emotional or physical stress and try to relax.

If a woman spends a lot of time in the gym or is busy in a physically demanding job, she should think about reducing physical activity. We are not talking about a complete cessation of training, but only about the golden mean.

Any change in your lifestyle can affect your menstrual cycle. A new job, a different daily routine, a change in climate and time zones can lead to a slight delay. Therefore, there is no need to sound the alarm if menstruation does not go on time after a vacation in another part of the planet or after a long many hours of flight. This suggests that the body is being rebuilt according to rapidly changing conditions, and the result may be a delay in menstruation. However, if there is no period for more than 10-14 days, you need to see a doctor.

Do not be surprised if the delay happened during the diet, especially if you refuse food and eat many times less than usual. In young girls who drastically restrict themselves in nutrition, delayed menstruation is a common occurrence. Hormonal disorder against the background of starvation and lack of nutrients leads.

With the stress experienced by the body in cases of sudden weight loss (or, conversely, weight gain), menstruation can stop for a long time. Of course, there is nothing good and natural in such a cessation. You should reconsider your diet and consult a psychologist. Anorexia is a terrible disease, and a delay in menstruation is by no means its only sad consequence.

The delay may be due to hormonal changes and often occurs during puberty, when the cycle has not yet been established, or during menopause.

In adolescent girls, the first menstruation occurs at 11-14 years of age, and the menstrual cycle is not established immediately, therefore, there is often a delay. It is difficult to accurately answer the question of how much menstruation can linger during the ripening period. The breaks between them may be too short or, conversely, large. However, after some time, the cycle is established, and the number of days between periods becomes constant. If menstruation began before the age of 10 or is absent at the age of 15, you need to go to the doctor.

You should not be afraid of delays after the age of 40. The functioning of the ovaries at this age begins to gradually slow down, causing menstruation to become irregular. The delay, therefore, will be a harbinger of menopause, which occurs at the age of 45-50 years. Remember that after the age of 40, an examination by a gynecologist should be done annually. The doctor will more accurately tell about the causes and exclude diseases and disorders in the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system.

Delayed menstruation after childbirth

In the first time after childbirth, the cyclic function of the ovaries is suppressed, and menstruation is restored approximately two months after the birth of the child. If the mother keeps the child on breastfeeding, menstruation usually recovers after it stops. However, if a year has passed since the birth, and the menstrual cycle has not recovered, you should consult a doctor.


Termination of pregnancy, no matter how prompt and safe it may be, always entails disturbances in the hormonal balance. Menstruation can come only 30-40 days after the abortion. Despite the fact that such a delay is common, it is still not considered the norm, so you should consult a gynecologist, undergo an examination and, if necessary, start hormonal treatment. The reason for the delay after an abortion can be both a change in the level of hormones in the woman's body, and a mechanical injury received during curettage. This symptom also indicates a delay in parts of the fetal egg.

Diseases and medications

Another reason for the delay can be medication, as well as diseases of a different nature: colds (ARVI), chronic diseases, thyroid pathology, kidney disease, etc. Usually, if the delay is due to these reasons, it is considered normal when it does not exceed weeks. If a woman does not have periods longer, you need to consult a gynecologist. A delay of 14 days or more has serious reasons.

Gynecological diseases

This group of diseases should be considered separately, because they represent one of the most common reasons for which menstruation can be delayed.

  • Tumor and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Menstruation may be delayed due to serious diseases, which may also be accompanied by abnormal discharge and pain. These diseases must be treated urgently, because they are fraught with serious consequences. We are talking about diseases such as oophoritis, uterine fibroids, etc.
  • . The duration of the delay in menstruation with this disease usually does not exceed two weeks. The cyst is formed due to hormonal disorders and is treated with a course of hormone therapy.
  • Polycystic ovaries. This disease is associated with the formation of many cysts in the ovaries of a woman. The maturation and release of eggs is disturbed, which, in turn, Polycystic may be accompanied by short and irregular delays, but sometimes with this disease, menstruation may be absent for up to five months or more.

A common cause of delay may be the use of hormonal contraceptives, since their main function is to suppress ovulation. If the drug is chosen incorrectly, a delay can become common. In this case, other contraceptive options should be considered. However, the most common reason for a delay in the use of oral contraceptives is non-compliance with the instructions. You need to drink contraceptives in strictly established terms. Violation of the regimen is highly undesirable and may affect the effectiveness of contraception.

Delayed periods are considered the norm when taking emergency contraceptives, because they contain large doses of hormones. However, the delay is considered suspicious if it exceeds 10 days. This may indicate that the measures taken did not work and pregnancy still occurred.

Gynecological procedures

An insignificant delay in menstruation can be caused by procedures such as, for example, cauterization or hysteroscopy.

Whatever the reasons, they need to be identified and analyzed. If a delay in menstruation by 3-4 days may not have any serious reasons behind it, then a longer period must be investigated and measures taken as soon as possible. Only a doctor, having examined the patient, can accurately determine the causes and say how serious they are and what to do to eliminate them.

The menstrual cycle is an indicator of women's health, a reflection of the normal functioning of her reproductive system. Any deviations in its rhythm, the appearance of irregular periods should definitely alert the woman. But sometimes it also happens that menstruation disappears completely. Why does this happen, and what to do if menstruation stops?


Menstruation is the final stage of the monthly cycle. They begin if fertilization does not occur and the preparation of the body for pregnancy is in vain. In order to start preparing for conception again, the uterus rejects the inner layer of its shell. Particles of the mucosa, together with spotting, are monthly. That is why the first thought when menstruation disappears will be about a possible pregnancy. Since the rejection of the endometrium did not occur, it is likely that an embryo has attached to it, and the woman's pregnancy progresses.


How to understand if the disappearance of menstruation is due to pregnancy? If in this cycle a woman had at least one sexual intercourse, first of all, you need to think about a possible conception. Means of protection do not give a 100% guarantee, regardless of their type.

Oral contraceptives, hormonal rings, local suppositories and ointments, condoms do not exclude a possible pregnancy. If, for the purpose of protection, the calendar method or interrupted sexual intercourse was used, then it becomes very likely.

In rare cases, pregnancy happens even if sex was on the eve of the previous period due to a shift in ovulation. And, although this phenomenon is not too common, conception cannot be ruled out. What to do if menstruation has stopped, and there are suspicions about pregnancy?

Confirmation of pregnancy

If, by all accounts, menstruation should occur, but it does not, it is better to buy a test to determine pregnancy. They are sold at any pharmacy and come in different prices and sensitivities.

When is the best time to take the test? It is not necessary to do this from the first days of the alleged delay. It is better to wait 2-3 days, when even the most low-sensitivity test becomes informative.

If the indicator shows two stripes, pregnancy is obvious, and you should not be surprised at the absence of menstruation. False positive tests are extremely rare, only in case of serious hormonal diseases.

But what if the test is negative, and menstruation does not begin? First of all, you need to repeat the study after 3-5 days. Sometimes - due to late ovulation - the level of hormones in the blood does not have time to rise by the day of the alleged delay. In this case, it will not be determined by the indicator. However, after a few days, the test will become positive.

The most reliable method of confirming pregnancy is an ultrasound of the uterus. This study is informative one to two weeks after the disappearance of menstruation, but it will definitely show whether the delay is due to pregnancy or other causes should be looked for.

Reasons for the delay

If there was no sexual intercourse the day before or pregnancy is excluded, you should think about other reasons for the disappearance of menstruation. There are enough of them. Violation of the menstrual cycle can be associated with both pathological and physiological processes.

Delay does not always mean illness. This may be temporary, transient, or even a variant of the norm. But in some cases, the disappearance of menstruation indicates serious hormonal disruptions in the body. There are three main groups of causes of an irregular menstrual cycle or the complete absence of menstruation:

  • physiological.
  • pathological.
  • external influence (reversible disappearance of menstruation).

Physiological causes

The physiological reasons for the absence of menstruation include the natural processes occurring in the female body. This is first of all:

  1. Growing up, transition from childhood to adolescence, puberty.
  2. Aging - menopause and menopause.
  3. The work of the reproductive system - pregnancy and lactation.

With a confirmed pregnancy, the disappearance of menstruation does not surprise anyone, just like their absence during breastfeeding. But in adolescence or after 45 years, the disappearance of regular bleeding can make a woman or girl seriously worry. In fact, there is usually no cause for alarm in these situations.

Teenage years

In adolescence, a girl has her first menstruation, they are called menarche. This happens between the ages of 10 and 16, more often at 12-14 years. Once the first bleeding occurs, a teenager can expect it to recur in a month. But menstruation disappears for a long time. Why does this happen, and is the absence of menstruation a pathology?

No, for the formation of the menstrual cycle, this is an absolutely normal course. But not all girls and their mothers know about it. During the first year after the onset of menarche, the cycle has the right to be very irregular. Menstruation can disappear for two to three weeks and then reappear, be different in volume and duration. You should sound the alarm in two cases:

  • If it continues after a year from the start of menstruation.
  • If a girl is sexually active with questionable contraception.

So that the disappearance of habitual bleeding does not come as a surprise to a teenager, after the onset of menarche, it is worth recommending that she consult a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor will be able to explain in an accessible way all the features of the female cycle in this period and the symptoms that should alert the girl.

Menopause and menopause

As the reproductive function fades, menstruation becomes irregular and one day completely disappears. Most women are aware of these features of their body and perceive them calmly. Usually menopause occurs after 50-55 years. However, in some situations, the disappearance of menstruation can alert a woman. When does it happen?

Sometimes menopause starts early. It can come and in 36 years. Typically, such pathologies are observed in women in several generations. There is also an artificial menopause caused by the surgical removal of the ovaries, uterus or drug suppression of their function. If a woman has received appropriate treatment, the doctor must warn her about the subsequent disappearance of monthly bleeding.

There is also another situation. Gradually disappearing menstruation in the menopause does not exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant. And their sudden disappearance in a few months may turn out to be a surprise for a woman. Moreover, some people still have the ability to conceive even one or two years after menopause, so it’s better not to tempt fate and not forget about contraceptives even with menopause.

Pathological causes

The pathological absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) is caused by many diseases. Since the female cycle is regulated by many hormones, the cause of amenorrhea in the vast majority of cases is dyshormonal diseases. They can be gynecological or endocrinological and present with different symptoms.

If menstruation has disappeared after a regular cycle has been established, this phenomenon is called secondary amenorrhea. What symptoms will help to suspect the pathological disappearance of menstruation? Most often these will be the following unusual manifestations:

  • Cessation of menstruation due to lack of sexual activity.
  • Sudden sharp weight gain - the development of obesity.
  • The appearance of hair all over the body and on the face or a change in their structure and color - coarsening, darkening.
  • The appearance of pigmentation on the body or face.
  • Hair loss on the head, the appearance of bald patches.
  • The formation of red-violet stretch marks on the abdomen, sides, thighs - striae.
  • Sharp weight loss, severe weakness.
  • The secretion of a white liquid from the mammary glands - milk.

What to do if a woman suddenly stops menstruating and has such symptoms? First of all, you should contact a gynecologist to establish a preliminary diagnosis. He will direct you to the necessary examination and, if necessary, to an examination by an endocrinologist.

Of the diseases accompanied by a violation of the female cycle, endocrinological pathologies are quite common. These include:

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  2. Galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome.
  3. Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

polycystic ovary syndrome

As the name implies, with this pathology, the structure of the ovaries changes. Many cysts form in them, which leads to dysfunction. The ovaries are responsible for the exchange of female sex hormones and the release of eggs capable of fertilization. With this syndrome, their work can be significantly disrupted.

In mild cases, polycystic ovary syndrome is manifested only by periodic anovulatory cycles. This means that in the middle of the month, a mature egg does not enter the fallopian tube, and fertilization is impossible. However, bleeding at the beginning of the cycle persists.

Severe forms of the disease are characterized by the complete cessation of menstruation. In addition, hormonal metabolism is significantly disrupted. Women with polycystic ovaries are characterized by obesity, acne, and excessive hair growth. If these symptoms have appeared recently and menstruation has disappeared, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist as soon as possible to clarify the diagnosis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome with adequate therapy can be cured. Sometimes surgery is necessary. Why is polycystic ovary syndrome so dangerous? Lack of treatment for this disease leads to persistent infertility.

Galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome

There is another endocrinological pathology in which menstruation suddenly disappears. It is also characterized by a second specific symptom - white discharge from the chest, resembling milk or colostrum in appearance. In fact, they are what they are. Galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome is caused by excess production of prolactin. Its second name is hyperprolactinemia syndrome. Why is such amenorrhea dangerous for a woman?

Prolactin blocks more than just menstruation. First of all, it suppresses ovulation. Breaking the cycle is just a consequence. The main danger of hyperprolactinemia in the resulting infertility. But that's not all.

Excess prolactin is quite easily eliminated with the help of bromocriptine tablets, and the reproductive function of a woman is restored. And with it, menstruation returns. However, the insidiousness of the galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome lies in the reason that caused it. Often, prolactin begins to be produced in excessive amounts due to a pituitary tumor - prolactinoma.

As a rule, it refers to benign formations - adenomas. But adenomas tend to grow in size over time, squeezing the surrounding structures of the brain. Large prolactinomas manifest themselves as persistent headaches, visual impairment and the disappearance of menstruation. Surgical treatment is not always possible due to the difficulty of access to the tumor. What to do in such a situation?

To date, drug treatment gives good results, but it is effective in the early stages. Therefore, timely access to a doctor is so important.

Also, galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome can develop for other reasons:

  1. Chest injury.
  2. Excessive stimulation of the nipples, simulating sucking.
  3. Taking certain drugs, such as metoclopromide (Cerucal).
  4. Reduced thyroid function - hypothyroidism.

The cessation of menstruation in combination with discharge from the chest is a reason for a mandatory examination by a gynecologist, followed by an additional examination.

Itsenko-Cushing's disease

This pathology occurs in the form of two variants - an independent disease and a separate syndrome caused by various factors. Its symptoms are the same in both cases. With Itsenko-Cushing's disease, there is a violation of the metabolism and work of adrenal hormones. And these organs of internal secretion control the functioning of all body systems.

Patients with Itsenko-Cushing's disease or syndrome have a characteristic appearance:

  • Excess body weight.
  • Moon-shaped face with a red or purplish blush.
  • Significant fat deposits on the abdomen in the form of an apron and flattened buttocks due to muscle atrophy.
  • Thin pale skin.
  • Red or purple stretch marks on the abdomen and back - stretch marks.
  • Thin, brittle hair.

In addition, this pathology is characterized by severe osteoporosis, heart disease, and the frequent occurrence of diabetes mellitus. On the part of the reproductive system, with the development of Cushing's disease, an irregular cycle is observed, and then menstruation stops completely. The woman has persistent amenorrhea.

Cushingoid syndrome can develop with long-term treatment with steroid hormones or when they are used in high doses.

External influence

Amenorrhea caused by external factors usually has a better prognosis than pathological amenorrhea and rarely requires special treatment. As a rule, menstruation is restored as soon as the external influence disappears.

The reproductive system of a woman is designed in such a way that it can only work in favorable conditions. When something seriously threatens the health and life of a woman's body, the ability to bear children is blocked. And it makes practical sense. In extreme conditions, the body must take care of itself first of all. If a woman becomes pregnant during this period, she will endanger her own health.

That is why menstruation is directly related to body weight, nutrition and physical activity. In addition, the psychological factor also matters.

Nutrition and body weight

As soon as body weight reaches a critical level, menstruation disappears. Every woman has her own threshold for amenorrhea. Nature takes care of first of all restoring the body's strength, and only then returns the ability to conceive and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation in women can disappear during wars, famine and deprivation, when ovulation is blocked and they become infertile. In the future, with normal nutrition, menstruation is independently restored, as are ovulatory cycles.

Currently, such amenorrhea is not uncommon in girls practicing various diets. Often, in pursuit of an imaginary ideal, they bring themselves to real exhaustion. And the disappearance of menstruation in such a situation is not the most dangerous symptom. This phenomenon has been very common among teenage girls in recent years. If the level of their biological literacy is low, the disappearance of menstruation will not scare them, and they will turn to the doctor out of time. At a young age, such a violation of the menstrual cycle is fraught with serious complications in the future.

The appearance of amenorrhea against the background of debilitating or exotic diets, excessive weight loss requires immediate abandonment of starvation and return to the usual diet. It is also desirable to consult a gynecologist and a psychologist.

Physical exercise

Not only hunger causes the body to block reproductive function. Increased energy consumption leads to the same result. We are talking about excessive physical activity - playing sports.

When the body spends all its energy on achieving some results, pregnancy is very undesirable for it. That is why amenorrhea in athletes is not uncommon. It cannot be called pathological, but the disappearance of menstruation is not considered a physiological process either. Rather, it is a compensatory reaction of the body to an exorbitant load.

Often, periods can disappear on the eve of important competitions, when the pace of training is too high. As the load decreases, the female cycle usually recovers without problems.

Psychological factor

Psychological factors can also lead to the disappearance of menstruation. Constant stress, anxiety, depression often cause menstrual irregularities, up to persistent amenorrhea. As soon as the situation in the family and at work returns to normal, the stress factor will disappear, and menstruation will return.

Occasionally, amenorrhea occurs with false pregnancy. This condition develops when a woman dreams of a child very much, but for some reason conception does not occur. Sometimes the power of mental suggestion on the body becomes so great that menstruation disappears, the chest enlarges and toxicosis appears. Without treatment, this condition can last for a very long time.

It happens that menstruation disappears for a while when moving, changing climate, traveling. Both psychological and physical factors can play a role here.

Amenorrhea is a serious symptom. It can be a sign of pregnancy or a physiological process, but it can also indicate dangerous hormonal diseases of the body. Do not brush aside if your period suddenly disappeared. It is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo the necessary examination.

A delay in menstruation does not always mean pregnancy, although it is the first thought of the vast majority of girls and women. It is worth more carefully analyzing all your activities in the last menstrual cycle. After all, the reason for the delay in menstruation can be medications taken, experienced stress, dropping or gaining extra pounds, certain diseases, excessive physical activity, as well as other internal and external factors, which are described in detail in this article.

The ideal time interval between menstruation, the starting point of which starts from the start of menstruation, is 28 calendar days. In real life, the menstrual cycle is different and maybe 22 days, and 39 days - all this is within the normal range. It is considered absolutely normal and fluctuations in the cycle for a couple of days forward or backward. And in fact, a very small percentage of women can boast of an ideal menstrual cycle, which runs strictly on the clock.

The cycle is influenced by a large number of internal and external factors, starting with banal stress and ending. If there was a delay in menstruation for a week - this is not the same delay because of which it is worth worrying, these are completely normal fluctuations in the cycle.

Delayed menstruation is when the menstrual cycle is delayed by more than 7 days. For example, you expected the onset of menstruation on the 5th, but they are not yet on the 13th. This is the delay in menstruation.

If menstruation does not begin for a longer period, more than 3 months, then this is already called amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for several cycles), and not a delay. And if for pregnant, lactating and menopausal women, this phenomenon is the norm, then in all other cases it is not.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

Only an uncle (or aunt) doctor can reveal the true reason why this happened to you. However, we will list the most common causes of missed periods.


When your periods are just starting, they are more likely to be irregular. It will take time to develop your individual menstrual cycle, as a rule, it takes about 6 months. If for six months menstruation has not gained regularity and stability, you should consult a gynecologist. Probably, this is just a kind of norm inherent in your body, but it will not be superfluous to check whether everything is in order.

Excessive exercise

If you have not been involved in sports for a long time and suddenly decided to load your body in order to bring your physical conditions back to normal, and took up this business with all possible diligence, for example, you do daily exercises and go to the gym several times a week, or if you started preparing for some tournament and suddenly increased the load, then the menstrual cycle may go astray. In this case, the reason for the delay in menstruation may be increased physical activity.

Weight change

It is not so important for what reason you lost or gained weight. It's great when you lost weight due to hard training and have been going for this for a long time. It’s bad when you try a miracle diet, lose or gain weight due to illness. One way or another, but a change in weight can cause a delay in menstruation and a restructuring of the entire menstrual cycle.


A delay in menstruation or their premature onset can be triggered by experienced stress. It is clear that for this you must be very nervous. And this in itself is a signal that you need help to cope with this stress and endure it calmly.

fast menopause

The age at which a woman experiences menopause (hormonal changes, due to which eggs stop forming and menstruation disappears), is an extremely individual thing. It is worth starting to think about it, at the onset of 45 years, from about this age, delays in menstruation begin to occur, as well as their irregular course.


Alas, the list of diseases that can provoke a delay in menstruation is quite extensive.

  • Various inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. The disease can be caused not only by sexually transmitted infections, but also unrelated to STDs.
  • Malignant and even benign tumors can cause a delay in menstruation. In any case, you need to check.
  • Polycystic ovaries. This is a disease in which follicles with eggs do not form completely.
  • Early ovarian failure. With this disease, the ovaries stop producing eggs regularly, although menopause is still out of the question.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Many diseases associated with hormonal failure cause a delay in menstruation.
Cancellation of hormonal drugs

Sometimes, when a woman stops drinking contraceptives, this is the reason for the delay in menstruation or their early onset. This is due to the fact that contraception with hormonal pills creates an artificial cycle. After the withdrawal of contraceptive drugs, the body restarts the natural menstrual cycle, which takes a certain amount of time.


Some medications can interfere with your cycle, such as delaying your period. Yes, they usually include hormonal contraception. However, other medications can also cause a delay, and even painkillers can serve this. So study carefully the instructions for all the medicines that you drink.


Not to mention the most popular reason for the delay in menstruation (due to pregnancy), which comes to mind for most women who lead an active sex life, we could not. After all, even the most reliable and time-tested methods of contraception have an error.

What to do if your period is late

If you lead an active sex life, then the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. If menstruation did not take too long and still started, it happened only once and everything is generally good, then you can calm down and consider that stress, changes in weight and (or) sports became the reason for the delay in menstruation.

However, if all this dragged on for more than 10 days, and the menstrual cycle went astray and became irregular, then you should immediately go to the doctor and find out the true cause of the delay in menstruation and eliminate it.