If menstruation goes on the first day, scanty. Scanty periods - menstrual irregularity

The health of a woman of childbearing age, as a rule, can be determined by how her menstrual cycle occurs and what kind. Any slight deviation from the relative norm can be interpreted both as a normal fact and as a pathological phenomenon resulting from some disorder or disease.

Menstruation is characterized by many factors: by its regularity, by the duration of the cycle, by the duration of the blood discharge itself, by the amount, intensity of bleeding, by the color of the discharge before and after menstruation, is there pain during menstruation, is the woman worried, is there, etc.

How can a woman figure out, for example, why menstruation became scanty, the reasons for such a change? If this is some kind of pathology, then what? Of course, a woman, first of all, should seek an answer from her gynecologist by undergoing a comprehensive examination. In this article, we will try to talk about all the possible causes of scanty periods in girls, young women and women in the period before menopause.

What is considered normal, what is pathology?

Many women do not think, do not pay attention, do not attach much importance to how menstruation goes, whether the cycle is regular and what are the discharges. However, if a woman takes care of her health, plans to have a baby, especially if pregnancy does not occur for a long time, she should know that the nature of menstrual flow is a fairly significant indicator of possible disorders, diseases, and abnormalities in the reproductive function of the body.

Normally, menstruation should proceed as follows, any deviation from these norms, doctors regard as hypomenstrual syndrome or:

  • menstruation should be either mildly painful or painless at all
  • should last at least 3-5 days
  • the interval can be normal within 21-35 days
  • the secreted blood by volume is considered normal in the range of 50-150 ml

To determine the "normality" of the menstrual cycle, especially if a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct a kind observation diary, make a plate where to write down the date of menstruation, the duration of the cycle, the duration of the bleeding itself, the nature of the discharge, and you can also keep a table for measuring basal temperature, which is also an excellent way to determine the norm or abnormalities in ovarian function and helps for those who are preparing for pregnancy.

Hypomenorrhea in medicine is usually called not heavy periods, having only traces of blood or drops of blood from light brown to dark brown, which are considered a pathology of menstrual function. The only exception is 2 periods in a woman's life when the causes of meager periods are the formation or extinction of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs irregularly.

When a girl's menstruation just begins, the first menstruation is usually meager, while over the course of a year the cycle is gradually established, normalized, and in a year should become regular. During the first year of the formation of menstruation, as well as in violation of menstrual function, menstruation can be:

  • rare - this is opsomenorrhea, when the cycle is 1.5 -2 months
  • meager - 50 ml. and less - hypomenorrhea
  • shortened - oligomenorrhea, when menstruation ends by day 3
  • not permanent, but 2-4 times / year - spanimenorrhea

Also, meager periods are not considered a pathology during the period when a woman's reproductive function begins to fade - which is a natural age-related hormonal change and is not considered a sign of any disease. Ovarian failure usually begins in women after 45 years of age, but there are rare cases when this occurs much earlier, by about 38-40 years.

Hypomenorrhea in gynecology is usually divided into:

  • primary, when the girl has never had a normal menstruation
  • secondary, when a woman has always had normal bleeding, and for some reason, menstruation has become meager.

Primary hypomenstrual syndrome can be in adolescents with congenital pathology of the genital organs, which is quite rare. When girls have their first meager periods, the cause may be underdevelopment or abnormal development of the female genital organs, and it may also be a variant of the norm and menstruation becomes normal within several cycles (see).

Symptoms that may accompany a scanty period

Even very meager periods can proceed both painlessly and imperceptibly for a woman, and with severe pain. In addition to shortening the duration and intensity of menstruation, scanty periods often occur after a delay with the appearance of a pronounced premenstrual syndrome and are accompanied by additional ailments, such as:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen due to spastic contraction of the uterus
  • , in the chest
  • headaches, nausea
  • various bowel disorders - constipation or diarrhea

Sometimes with hypomenorrhea, some women experience nosebleeds every time. For a reason, libido and reproductive function may decrease in women.

If a woman of childbearing age had normal periods at first and then became scanty, this is a serious cause for concern and for establishing the cause of menstrual dysfunction.

Scanty periods after childbirth

Very often, women experience scanty periods after childbirth, if the mother for some reason does not breastfeed the baby. Then menstruation begins after 6-8 weeks, and often physiologically they can be either abundant or irregular, and the first menstruation after childbirth can be in the form of brown discharge. After pregnancy and childbirth, the body does not have time to rebuild and the hormonal background gradually normalizes over several menstrual cycles.

Sometimes in some women, even with lactation, it is possible to restore the menstrual cycle, especially when the baby switches to complementary foods. Prolactin responsible for lactation is not produced, this leads to ovulation and the appearance of menstruation in a woman. The appearance of scanty periods after childbirth for several cycles is a variant of the norm, but if it becomes permanent, this is a cause for concern, as it may indicate an exacerbation of gynecological chronic diseases or be the result of other disorders in the body.

After scraping

Any intrauterine intervention -), diagnostic curettage, removal of polyps, etc., can cause meager periods. Since such an intervention also disrupts the hormonal balance, and leads to the inferiority of the endometrium. If, in addition to a violation of the menstrual cycle, after curettage there is also an unpleasant odor, pain, fever, the woman should immediately consult a doctor, since the cause may be an inflammatory process due to unsuccessful surgical manipulation, incomplete removal of the membranes, as well as a possible infectious and inflammatory process that began after an abortion or diagnostic curettage.

The main causes of hypomenorrhea

The most serious and frequent pathological cause of hypomenorrhea in women of reproductive age is dysfunction of the ovaries and pituitary gland, which are the regulators of menstrual function. So, for example, pituitary insufficiency - Sheehan's syndrome, can lead to a complete absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) or to other menstrual disorders.

Ovarian dysfunction

K can lead to various inflammatory processes, hormonal disruptions, external factors:

Various inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

These are inflammation of the uterine appendages - adneskitis (salpingoophoritis), inflammation of the ovaries - oophoritis, caused by various pathogens, STIs. They can arise from severe hypothermia, frequent improper douching (), other infectious diseases leading to the transfer of the pathogen from the bloodstream from other organs to the female genital organs.

  • Psychological overwork, nervous overstrain, irrational mode of rest and work, physical and psychological overwork.
  • Mini-abortion, medical abortion, spontaneous miscarriage, especially during the first pregnancy, when abrupt hormonal changes occur - all this provokes the development of stable ovarian dysfunction.
  • Underdevelopment of the genital organs, abnormal development of the uterus and uterine appendages.
  • External factors such as taking certain medications, radiation damage, climate change, excessive exposure to sunlight, or overuse of tanning beds.
  • Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives or their long-term use contributes to the weakening of ovarian function (see the negative consequences of taking oral contraceptives in the article about)
  • Obesity, and thyroid can be the cause of ovarian dysfunction.

Tuberculosis of the female genital organs

Less often, tuberculosis of the female genital organs can be the cause of scanty periods. This diagnosis is established, diagnosed in ordinary clinics and hospitals very rarely, since this is done only in anti-tuberculosis dispensaries, in which today, for some reason, there are not enough qualified phthisiatricians - gynecologists and there is no one to deal with diagnostics.

Therefore, such a formidable, serious disease, which both girls from early childhood and mature women can suffer from, remains undiagnosed. There are no exact, 100% diagnostic methods for tuberculosis of the genital organs, this is an extremely difficult to diagnose disease, and the symptoms may either be absent or mild, this is the insidiousness of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

If female genital tuberculosis develops in a girl at an early age, she may not develop mammary glands (hypomastia), there may be abnormalities in the development of the uterus, or there may be amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstruation, as well as scanty periods and an irregular menstrual cycle. In the future, such a woman has persistent primary infertility. Moreover, radiography of the lungs in such cases is usually normal.

Sometimes, especially after childbirth or surgical interventions, a woman may develop acute transient tuberculosis of the genital organs, with high fever and severe course. There may also be sluggish tuberculosis of the genital organs, with periods of remission and exacerbations, when a woman has been sick for years and does not know what is the true cause of ailments and infertility, while there may be general symptoms that are no different from signs of inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages:

  • intermittent (in phase 2) or constant subfebrile temperature
  • weakness, increased sweating
  • occurrence of various allergic reactions
  • psycho-emotional disorders - increased nervousness, decreased concentration, hysteria
  • decreased appetite
  • chronic salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis, difficult to treat
  • menstrual irregularities, no or brown discharge instead of menstruation, rare menstruation
  • infertility (see)

Uterine causes

Any inflammatory diseases of the uterus and uterine appendages may be accompanied by hypomenorrhea. In addition to inflammatory processes, the following factors influence the nature of menstruation:

  • Scars on the uterus after various gynecological operations - removal of fibroids, partial removal of the uterus, caesarean section, as well as the presence of an adhesive process - reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe endometrium, on which the amount of blood discharge during menstruation depends.
  • The inferiority of the endometrium can also be caused by various diagnostic intrauterine manipulations, frequent medical abortions.
  • Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, tumors of the uterus or ovaries, as well as cancer treatment - radiation and chemotherapy can also affect the nature of menstruation.
  • The use of hormonal contraceptives can also lead to progressive atrophy of the endometrium.

genetic features

Minor bleeding during menstruation in some women may be a genetic feature. If the mother, aunt, grandmother, sisters always have a small amount of discharge during menstruation, then this can be considered normal. Most often in such cases, scanty periods do not affect pregnancy and the likelihood of infertility.

Hormonal causes

Not only hormonal contraceptives, lack of female sex hormones can be the cause of menstrual dysfunction, but other hormonal disorders can also affect the female body as a whole. Hypomenorrhea, lack of ovulation can also occur due to the following hormonal disorders or changes:

  • Endocrine diseases, when, for example, the level of thyroid hormones decreases
  • Diabetes
  • breastfeeding when

Emotional reasons

Psychological factors have a huge impact on the state of the whole organism, the immune system, hormonal levels. Both negative emotions, stress, strong feelings, and too violent positive emotions affect the centers of the brain, which have a stimulating effect on the ovaries. The ovaries are designed to produce hormones - estrogen and which are responsible for the growth of the endometrium. With severe stress, excessive excitement, the functions of these centers in the brain can be suppressed, respectively, there is a suppression and stimulation of the ovaries. Reduced or no production of estrogen leads to scanty periods.

Other reasons

  • Excessive exercise, any serious injury
  • Anemia, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders
  • Stress, climate change, lifestyle changes, nutrition
  • Rapid weight loss due to diet, exhaustion, anorexia
  • Severe infectious diseases with general intoxication of the body
  • The presence of occupational hazard - radioactive radiation, chemicals.

Normally, menstruation should have a dark red color and a slightly sour smell. The daily rate of discharge is, as a rule, several tens of milliliters.

Dark and scanty periods - this means that the discharge of blood has a brownish tint, they are very rare (less than 50 ml per day), often take the form of spotting, which is not normal for normal menstruation. Sometimes these are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. They acquire a dark color due to the fact that, starting to flow from the uterine cavity, the blood coagulates and, as a result, darkens.

Scanty periods are often combined with:

  • pains of a cramping nature in;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lumbar;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • vomiting.

It happens that meager periods are passed from mother to daughter along the family line. In this case, we cannot talk about any pathologies, this is a completely normal phenomenon that will not affect either the health of the woman or the pregnancy.

Causes of dark, scanty periods

Why are periods black and scanty? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • violations of the production of the endometrium (due to acute or chronic inflammation, abortion, tuberculosis of the genital organs, etc.);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland (as a result - hormonal failure);
  • anemia;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • suffered injuries or;
  • metabolic disorders (weight loss or weight gain);
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • psycho-emotional experiences, stress, nervous diseases;
  • interruption of sexual life for a long time;
  • improper selection of contraceptives.

Very meager periods are a common occurrence in infantilism, which is characterized by improper maturation of the genital organs, a stop in their development at adolescence level, or with congenital malformations of the genitals. Infantilism must be treated, otherwise a woman will never be able to give birth to children.

Sexually transmitted diseases can be the reason why menstruation becomes scarce. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms often associated with sexually transmitted diseases:

  • pain with;
  • itching or burning sensation in the perineum or vagina;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • strange smell.

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During pregnancy, scanty dark-colored discharge with a simultaneous increase in temperature, malaise, pain in the lower abdomen require an urgent appeal to a gynecologist, because they often portend an imminent miscarriage.

Scanty discharge can also begin in a practically healthy woman due to banal hypothermia or nervous experience.

Whatever caused meager periods, it is impossible to determine their cause, and even more so to try to treat them on your own. If the phenomenon is left unattended, then infertility may develop. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

How does this relate to age?

Most often, age can cause mild periods without violating the norm of health. The main age categories when this phenomenon occurs are associated with the periods of formation and attenuation of the reproductive function in a woman. It:

  • teenage years;
  • climax.

Approximately from the age of 12, the girl's body develops much faster, but the reproductive organs are only at the stage of formation during this period. Ovulation may not occur at all in the first months, and the menstrual cycle may present various “surprises”, such as instability, the duration of more or less normal 4-5 days, the presence of scanty dark-colored secretions, which is due to the endometrium, which in its development differs in adults and adolescents, and the formation of hormonal levels. If the girl does not feel other signs of discomfort, the presence of brown discharge should not be considered a pathology.

At the age of about 50, a woman begins a period, the hormonal background changes, and the reproductive function fades. In this regard, the menstrual cycle is modified: it becomes irregular, menstruation is not abundant or active, there are normal or dark (even black) colors. It is always better to seek the advice of a gynecologist. Sometimes it can be hidden under the guise of the onset of menopause and a serious pathology. By the way, in recent years there has been a tendency towards an earlier onset of menopause, the first signs of which may appear after crossing the 40-year milestone.

In connection with the formation of the menstrual cycle, scanty postpartum periods are also possible, especially when breastfeeding the baby, because prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation, suppresses the production of other hormones that are important for the normal course of the cycle, and the endometrium develops during the first three months slowly. After stopping breastfeeding, it may take up to six months to fully restore the cycle. If the cycle has not recovered in a year or unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Read also 🗓 Why menstruation became scarce after 40 years

Preventive measures

The appearance of scanty secretions is easier to prevent than to subsequently cure. Preventive measures include:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • frequent change of pads and washing, avoiding non-natural means;
  • protection during intercourse with a condom;
  • rejection of low-quality or excessively narrow linen;
  • visiting a gynecologist at least once every 6 months;
  • preference for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Compliance with these simple measures allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the female body, to a certain extent prevent the occurrence of disorders, pathologies, inflammation in the reproductive and other systems and organs. If meager periods appear, it is absolutely impossible to independently identify their cause, and even more so, it is absolutely impossible to start therapy, this also applies to treatment with folk methods. It should not be forgotten that ignoring the essential signs and symptoms of serious diseases can cause the most severe consequences for the functions of reproduction and childbearing. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health and visit a gynecologist on time.

Having no deviations, normal periods have a number of signs:

  • they must occur regularly every month;
  • blood has a certain color;
  • the discharge should not have a sharp and strange smell;
  • menstruation (both cycle and menstruation) should not be too long;
  • there should not be strong, interfering with the usual way of life, pain.

If any of the above processes occur, you should contact your gynecologist immediately. Scanty dark menstruation, menstrual irregularities are possible signs of many female diseases. In the presence of such violations, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor.

Doctors recommend taking preventive measures, taking care of health, carefully monitoring the cycle and nature of menstruation. Indeed, even if menstruation began on time, but is characterized by scarcity, discoloration and a short duration (less than 3 days), this can be caused by the onset of the disease, from the usual beriberi to endometriosis and cervical erosion. And if the situation is ignored, more dangerous consequences are possible, for example, the development of cancer.


Preservation of a woman's health depends to a large extent on her powers of observation. The appearance of dark scanty periods, which in certain cases can be both the norm and symptoms of the development of various diseases, should not be ignored.

It is possible to establish the causes of hypomenorrhea after donating blood, urine, endometrial scraping, smears for research and diagnosis using medical equipment (ultrasound, colposcope).

Why do periods become less abundant?

Ignoring the search for the cause of scanty discharge can lead to complications such as infertility, removal of the reproductive organs, amenorrhea. If menstruation has become less abundant, an examination is required. The treatment will be complex: with the use of diet, medicinal herbs, physiotherapy.

Hypomenorrhea is caused by many causes, including various pathologies. That is why meager periods are accompanied by signs of other diseases from the field of gynecology, endocrinology, gastroenterology.

Symptoms indicating the development of hypomenorrhea:

  • little menstrual fluid, daub;
  • the discharge is brown or light (should be red);
  • constipation;
  • migraine;
  • pain in the sacrum, lower back, abdomen;
  • dyspepsia (violation of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion);
  • decreased sex drive (libido);
  • frequent occurrence of negative emotions (depression, irritation, etc.);
  • nausea;
  • feeling of constriction in the region of the heart;
  • nosebleeds;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • possible pain during menstruation.

Scanty menstruation is normal for 12 months after menarche, when the girl's cycle is restored, during premenopause, if the woman's body is preparing to complete the reproductive function. It is not considered a pathology during the period of implantation of the embryo (the first weeks of conception). In other cases, scanty discharge is considered a sign of illness.

The duration of menstruation with hypomenorrhea is usually 3 days, then a couple more days may appear. If meager periods last longer than a week, the cause is dysfunction of the endocrine glands, beriberi, erosion, swelling inside the uterus and on the neck, endometriosis. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist for a checkup. In pregnant women after implantation bleeding, the appearance of meager periods may be at risk of miscarriage and consultation, correction of hormonal levels is required.

Causes of scanty periods

The brown hue of the discharge indicates the presence of a bend in the uterus, internal microtrauma (post-abortion endometritis, postpartum), chronic forms of endometrial and ovarian diseases. A non-pathological reason for the appearance of a dark color of the daub is considered to be the use of hormonal drugs for the purpose of contraception or treatment, but if scant discharge occurs even for 3 months from the start of the intake, a replacement is selected. The light color of meager periods indicates inflammation in the reproductive organs.

Main reasons:

  • oophoritis (ovarian dysfunction);
  • exhaustion due to diets;
  • obesity;
  • anemia;
  • genital tuberculosis;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries (adnexitis);
  • endocrine pathologies, including diabetes mellitus;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • heredity;
  • hormone therapy, incorrectly selected contraception.

An infection that causes oophoritis and scanty menstruation is introduced from the outside with unprotected sex, the use of non-sterile materials and instruments, and violation of personal intimate hygiene. The second way of infection - pathogens, carries blood and lymph from other chronic inflammatory foci (tonsils, lymph nodes, bronchial trunk, etc.).

Adnexitis causes meager periods due to dysfunction of the ovaries, gonads, the inability to exit a mature egg through the follicle shell affected by inflammation. The lack of ovulation distorts the hormonal level, which is negatively reflected in the menstrual cycle. With untimely treatment, irreversible complications arise: tissues can be scarred on the appendages, and the endometrium stops thickening for better implantation of the embryo.

Genetic heredity, when all (or most) women of the genus without other pathological causes have a short cycle, meager periods, there is no need to treat. This is a physiological factor that should be confirmed by diagnosing and excluding diseases.

The stability of the situation in society, the family, the absence of stress has a positive effect on a woman's health. The reproductive function of the body works smoothly, proceeds without pain, meager periods. In the presence of any shake-up, there is immediately a violation of the hormonal background, which negatively affects the volume of menstruation.

Genital tuberculosis develops if a family (or a woman) has been infected with a pulmonary form of pathology. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and in rare cases enters the genitals. Treatment of scanty periods is ineffective, because the real cause of the disease is rarely established (associated with pathology in the respiratory tract).

postpartum period

The female menstrual cycle will slowly become normal, smoothly returning to the hormonal background, as before pregnancy. This is the first reason for scanty periods after childbirth.

The second is lactation, in which fluid is lost. A preventive measure is compliance with the drinking regime, maintaining calm, good nutrition. Pathological causes of meager periods: stress through a postponed childbirth, the development of infections inside the uterus, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, metabolic disorders.

Scanty periods after abortion

Curettage becomes a common cause of complications. Symptoms of pathology: poor health, temperature above 37 C. Abortion is a gross interference in the work of the reproductive organs and the endocrine system.

It is possible to partially remove the membrane of the fetus, and, therefore, the development of pathogenic organisms inside the uterus. Curettage entails hormonal imbalance, cycle failure, disruption of the central nervous system, infertility. Treatment can be costly, lengthy, and have a poor prognosis.

Therapy for scanty menstruation

Consultation of doctors is required - a gynecologist, an endocrinologist. Mandatory tests and examination during diagnosis: swabs from the vaginal mucosa (bakposev, cytology), PCR, for the level of sex hormones, general blood, urine, ultrasound (reproductive organs, thyroid gland). If necessary, a biopsy is done, determined by other methods. A complete inspection with the application is required.

Suitable for treatment:

  • phytotherapy;
  • bee products;
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • restorative means;
  • medicines designed to treat a specific disease.

Having identified pathological causes, therapy is carried out according to the diagnosis. If the culprit of meager periods is diet, mental, emotional state, improper daily routine, the doctor selects adequate nutrition, sleep and wakefulness schedules, physical activity and other preventive measures. The most difficult thing is to eliminate hereditary factors or the presence of congenital abnormalities in the location of the body of the uterus. You may need an operation.

Phytotherapy for meager periods

Herbal raw materials for treatment should be taken after a medical consultation to prevent side effects of the drug. It is necessary to use according to a strict dosage, in courses, with a mandatory break, for example - they drink an infusion for 30 days and give the body a month to rest.

Collection number 1 (for scanty periods):

  • shepherd's bag (3 shares);
  • 4 shares of the ground part of knotweed and mistletoe twigs.

Mix ingredients. For a hot infusion, you need 1 tbsp in the morning. pour a spoonful of raw materials for 20 minutes with boiling water, strain, store in the refrigerator. The dose of a single dose per day is a third of a glass (250 ml is enough for 3 days).

Collection number 2 (restores hormonal balance):

  • 3 parts each: chamomile, parsley root and peony;
  • 2 parts each: yarrow leaf, mountain ash (fruits), St. John's wort,;
  • 1 part each: thyme, wormwood leaf, licorice root and valerian.

All components are mixed, stored in a dry place. For brewing take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture in 250 ml of boiling water. Insist 15-20 minutes, filter, drink at night.

Helps with meager periods parsley seeds, European dodder, blackthorn flowers, shepherd's purse, wheatgrass root, knotweed, oregano, verbena. A strong healing effect has the root of elecampane, the leaves of the bone, calendula,. All ingredients work well in formulations that are recommended to be selected individually with the help of a doctor.


Treatment is not required: during lactation, after childbirth, the period of premenopause approached, meager periods were always and without accompanying pathological signs due to the individual characteristics of the body. It is recommended to monitor the general state of health and not to miss gynecological examinations.

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Scanty periods can be the norm, or they can be one of the symptoms of a dangerous disease. Of course, you can’t figure out the situation on your own, you need a professional look. If you suddenly have fewer days of menstruation, and at the same time less blood is released, go to an extraordinary appointment with a gynecologist. And we will tell you what meager monthly causes of appearance may have.

Chronic endometritis

Inflammation of the lining of the uterus. It often occurs as a result of a long stay of the IUD, due to abortions and other surgical interventions in the uterus. An infectious agent is introduced into the cavity. The acute period is usually manifested by fever and pelvic pain, if not treated, the disease passes into the chronic phase, and its diagnosis is difficult. Signs may include scanty brown periods and/or intermenstrual bleeding.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take material from the uterine cavity for histological analysis. A pipel biopsy is recommended - when, without cervical dilatation and without anesthesia, a thin flexible tube, 3 mm in diameter, is inserted into the uterine cavity, with the help of which material is taken for histology. However, in some cases, doctors prefer to perform hysteroscopy with vacuum aspiration or curettage of the uterine cavity. This procedure requires anesthesia. When the diagnosis of endometritis is confirmed, antibiotic treatment is performed. Preparations are selected by the doctor internally.

Hormonal contraception

Scanty brown periods often appear when the Mirena intrauterine hormonal system is installed. In this case, menstruation can not only become very short and not plentiful, but also completely stop. This is due to the hormonal effect of the spiral - its special composition does not allow the endometrium to grow, which means that its detachment does not occur, and if it does, then the volume of blood loss is very small.

Very meager periods can be with the protection of modern low-dose oral contraceptives. The reason for moderate discharge is the same as when using a hormonal IUD.

If this is your situation - do not worry, this is the absolute norm. And heavy bleeding, on the contrary, does not benefit the body.


Often, scanty discharge instead of menstruation appears during the period of premenopause (menopause). Premature menopause can occur even at the age of 35, therefore, with this symptom, a woman should consult a gynecologist, especially if pregnancy is planned.

To determine whether this is really premenopause or not, a blood test for FSH will help. If it is strongly deviated from the norm, the diagnosis can be confirmed. It should be borne in mind that doing an analysis for FSH makes sense only outside of taking oral contraceptives.


Scanty periods, or rather what they take for them, often happen during pregnancy. If your next period started late, was scanty, there are other signs of pregnancy (for example, nausea in the morning), and, most importantly, you are sexually active without contraception or are afraid that the contraception used may fail - take a home pregnancy test.

If it turns out that this is indeed the reason, but the discharge has already ended and you feel good, most likely nothing bad has happened to the child and you can, if you wish, continue the pregnancy. But, of course, a visit to the doctor and ultrasound of the uterus are required.

Other reasons

If you have meager periods, treatment may be required not only from a gynecologist, but also from an endocrinologist, as the causes may be disorders in the thyroid gland, for example.

Not always moderately abundant or not at all abundant menstruation is a symptom of the disease. In some women, the body is rebuilt in this way. After a while, the nature of menstruation may change again. And with normal results of tests and examinations, you should not worry.

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Scanty periods are physiological and pathological. In general, a period of 3 days with a small amount of discharge is considered normal. Every woman dreams of such a situation. But if before that the menstruation was 5 days, and then sharply reduced - this is already a cause for concern. However, such a violation of the monthly cycle, under certain circumstances, may be normal. Is there any reason for concern? How to act in such a situation?

In medicine, the reduction of menstrual flow in women is called hypomenorrhea. And a decrease in the number of days of menstruation is “oligomenorrhea”. The processes are indicated by a violation of menstrual function, an imbalance of hormones. The deviation is primarily associated with a violation of the ovaries.

The main purpose of the ovaries is the production of hormones in sufficient quantities for a full menstrual cycle. Scanty periods are observed due to estrogen deficiency. In the first half of the cycle, under the influence of estrogen, an increase in the endometrial layer on the uterus occurs. Its purpose is to ensure the full development of a fertilized egg in the uterus in the event of conception. At the end of the menstrual cycle, if fertilization has not occurred, the uterus begins to reject this layer. The process is accompanied by a certain discomfort, pain due to contractions of the muscles of the penis. Menstruation begins with the release of vaginal secretions, cervical mucus, particles of the endometrium.

In a normal menstrual cycle, a woman's period lasts 3-5 days. The amount of discharge for the entire period is from 50 to 150 ml. A downward deviation indicates an underdeveloped layer of the endometrium - there is nothing to reject. There are many factors that influence ovarian dysfunction. From external influences to inflammatory processes and diseases. Anything can cause a violation.

Scanty periods within the normal range

In some cases, scanty periods are considered normal. And if the following situations occur in the life of women, the reason for the violation of menstruation is extremely clear.

  • The formation of the menstrual cycle

Girls have 2 years to complete this process. For 2 years, critical days come with a delay of 1 to 6 months, and the discharge is often scarce. The situation is normal for puberty. But if within 2 years the menstruation does not normalize, the help of specialists is needed.

  • Climax

The situation with meager periods is repeated in women with menopause. At this time, there is an inhibition of reproductive function. Critical days behave differently. Breaks from 1 to 6 months. Periodically there are scant discharge. Then they completely disappear. If the process begins in a timely manner, after the age of 45, there is no cause for concern. But careful attitude to your body and regular visits to the gynecologist is a must.

  • Birth control pills

Taking hormonal drugs affects the nature of menstruation. Birth control pills inhibit ovarian function. Prevents them from producing estrogen. Along with this, the level of progesterone increases. Hormones come from outside. Therefore, a situation is possible when the ovary completely refuses its duties. The body will have to work in new conditions, according to a certain scheme. 28 days duration of the whole cycle. Of these, 5 days are allocated for menstruation. However, in the first months of taking the pills, the body perceives all this negatively. As a result of great hormonal stress, menstruation may not occur at all. Or the selection will be small. In addition, brownish ointments can accompany a woman until the next expected period. The situation requires a response when scanty periods continue after 3 months of taking the pills. It should be noted that the critical days with pills should differ from the previous ones in a smaller amount of discharge. If the menstruation is 50 ml, there is no reason for concern.

  • Birth of a child

After childbirth, the body will have to reverse hormonal changes. Menstruation is restored almost a whole year. The first menstrual flow should appear after the end of breastfeeding. But meager periods are possible when complementary foods are introduced to the child. The situation is associated with the production of a large amount of "milk" hormone. It simply does not allow menstruation to occur so that the quality and quantity of milk does not change. When the need for feeding disappears, the body begins to restore its functions. At first, small ointments are observed, and this is normal. If the situation continues for about a year, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Causes of scanty periods under the influence of external factors

The situation can be regarded, on the one hand, as a normal phenomenon, on the other - a deviation. That is, under certain circumstances it should be so, but not desirable.

  • Climatic conditions

The reason for scanty menstruation can be moving to a new place of residence, a temporary vacation in warm countries. We are talking about a sharp change in temperature, humidity, time. The body gets a lot of stress. Still undecided how to proceed. Of course, this situation is reflected in the monthly cycle. Allocations are small for 2-3 days. The reason is simple and generally safe. After returning to their native places, the cycle is restored, menstruation comes normal. The same thing should happen in the new conditions within 3 months. If a woman has changed her permanent place of residence.

  • Nervous stress

The central nervous system coordinates all the processes of a woman's monthly cycle, including regulating the production of hormones. Unpleasant moments in a woman's life last month, an unfavorable psycho-emotional situation at home, at work, lead to a violation of the monthly cycle. The body can react with menstruation with strong intensity and weak. Scanty periods are more common due to severe overwork, tension, depression. Bleeding is preceded by severe stress. To restore the normal monthly cycle, it is necessary to exclude adverse factors. More rest, sleep, relieve stress after a hard day. If the situation repeats itself for several months in a row, the help of specialists will be required.

  • Abortion

As a result of an abortion, a sharp change in the hormonal background occurs in the body. In general, it is difficult to predict the reaction. But there are 2 options. Either menstruation will begin with a strong intensity, or meager periods will come. Bleeding should be regarded as an alarming symptom. Scanty periods are normal after an abortion. Normal should come in the next monthly cycle.

  • Operations on the genitals

Surgical treatment often causes scanty menstruation. This is due to mechanical damage to the tissues of the uterus, other genital organs, hormonal imbalance. The recovery period in each case is individual. But not more than 6 months.

  • Taking medications

The cause of scanty menstruation can be treatment. This mainly applies to hormonal drugs. Including, when used independently to induce menstruation or establish a monthly cycle. As well as drugs that affect blood clotting. One of these is acetylsalicylic acid. Scanty periods can cause an excessive amount of vitamin C in a woman's body.

  • physical exhaustion

The situation with scanty menstruation is often found in athletes who subject the body to constant strong physical exertion. Although exemplary physical education, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on a woman's body. They appear in women who, by the nature of their activities, are constantly tired in the physical plane.

  • Improper nutrition

The reason for poor menstruation is associated with an inadequate replenishment of the woman's body with useful microelements, vitamins. This is due to a strict diet, malnutrition. Sudden weight loss leads to hormonal imbalance. The situation is dangerous not only by a decrease in the intensity of secretions, but also by their complete absence.

  • Pregnancy

This factor cannot be ruled out. Especially if there was a significant delay before the arrival of scanty menstruation. Allocations of low intensity in some cases do not pose a danger. Doctors call this phenomenon "washing the fetus." But they should stop after 2 - 3 days. If this does not happen, the discharge intensifies - a breakdown or presence is possible. In any case, you need to see a doctor. Do a pregnancy test first. In case of bleeding, call an ambulance.

Pathological causes of scanty menstruation

The most unpleasant reason for a change in the intensity of secretions is diseases, inflammatory processes. You can't solve the problem on your own. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist, other specialists. The woman has to undergo an examination, examination. Some diseases are detected quickly, qualified treatment is prescribed. It takes a long time to identify others. Recognizing the disease by symptoms alone is difficult. Since most of them are associated with hormonal imbalance, inflammation, infection. The symptoms are similar. And in some cases, the disease at first is completely asymptomatic. The only cause for concern is the change in the intensity of menstruation.

In addition, the cause of meager periods can be diseases of the reproductive system, central nervous, endocrine and individual internal organs, which are responsible for the hormonal balance, the reproductive function of the woman's body. For example, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, erosion, uterine fibroids at the initial stage of the disease can cause the arrival of scanty menstruation.

There are more than enough reasons for menstrual irregularities. Rather than guessing, it is better to immediately go to see a doctor, start treatment, if necessary. It is interesting that there is a situation when menstruation changes after certain circumstances and for a woman in an altered state it remains throughout all cycles. For example, after childbirth, long-term use of contraceptives, change of residence. How to recognize the alarming symptoms of a cycle disorder and the usual change in menstruation?

Symptoms of anxiety discharge

At the expected time of menstruation, a woman observes droplets of blood on her underwear, or a small amount of colored mucus. The color varies from pink, red to brown. The dark color appears due to the rapid clotting of blood under the influence of oxygen. Discharge continues for 1 to 3 days. In the presence of diseases of the genital organs may not stop for a long time. But they are accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, weakness in the body.

If the cause of changes in discharge is external factors, the woman's well-being does not change much. In general, the symptoms of normal menstruation remain. Nausea, irritability, mild malaise, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the lower back, change in stool, breast enlargement.

However, do not forget that the lack of treatment, if necessary, and a long period of small secretions can lead to a weakening of a woman's sexual function, reduce libido, lead to infertility, and cause a complete absence of menstruation - amenorrhea. The causes of incomprehensible discharge must be dealt with with a doctor.