If a cat came into the house, why. Interpretation of signs why a strange cat comes into the house

It is believed that if you follow the signs, you can avoid many troubles. To believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone. It is worth emphasizing that most signs are connected with the way of life and the view of the world order that existed at that time.

We offer a selection of folk signs, beliefs and superstitions associated with pets - cats.

Folk omens

  • If a black cat (cat) is at home, lovers will not be transferred to it. (Old English proverb)
  • Stray cat - for an imminent wedding. (Sign of the western coast of India)
  • A black cat, rooster or dog protects the house from thieves.
  • The cat washes - it washes the guests (invites).
  • A cat reaches for a person - for renewal (or for self-interest).
  • You can not carry a cat on a horse - the horse will dry after that.
  • If there is a cat on the ship, the ship will avoid any danger, and as long as the cat remains in the house, nothing will happen to the sailor, her owner, who went to sea to fish.
  • A cat that entered the house before the owners will ensure the well-being and peace of this house.
  • A tricolor cat protects the house from fire and other misfortunes, and its owner will never fall ill with a fever.
  • The blue-eyed cat will save the owner from the evil intentions of his enemies.
  • If a cat sneezes near a young couple - for a close wedding.
  • A cat in a house or on a ship is tricolor - fortunately or a safe voyage.
  • If the cat came home three days later dirty - spring.
  • Although black cats are considered to bring bad luck, a stray cat, especially if it is black, is sure to portend good luck. If a black cat comes to your door, let him in and be kind to him. (American folk wisdom of the 19th century.)
  • A black cat always lies on a sore spot.
  • If a cat gave birth to black and red kittens, then the red one should be given away, and the black one should be kept for good luck.
  • Cats and weather

  • They don’t take a cat on the road - there will be no way.
  • If a black cat is thrown overboard during a voyage, a terrible storm will break out at sea. (Sign of English sailors).
  • A cat in the stove - a cold in the yard.
  • The cat sits in the stove in the cold.
  • The cat is tearing up the wall - to bad weather.
  • The cat scratches the floor - into the wind, into a blizzard.
  • The cat buries its face - to frost, or to bad weather.
  • The cat washes, licks its paw - to the bucket (i.e. good weather).
  • A cat in a ball - in the cold.
  • The cat is fast asleep - to warmth.
  • The cat lies belly up - to the heat.
  • The cat licks on the body - to bad weather.
  • The cat licks its tail, hides its head - to bad weather.
  • In France, many fishermen and their families believe that if a cat passes its paw behind the ear while washing, it will rain. If she cleans her nose, windy weather is expected. If the cat lies on the ground and starts to spin, then the bad weather is over. If the cat hides its nose in its paws or tail when sleeping, the cold will drag on for a long time.
  • A black cat on the porch is wealth in the house.
  • If the cat licks itself against the wool - be rain.
  • The cat sleeps soundly or sleeps with its belly up - to warmth and heat.
  • If the ship's cat purrs especially loudly, there will be a storm.
  • He sleeps with his muzzle under his belly - to bad weather or cold.
  • Curled up in a ball - to frost (cooling).
  • In autumn, spring, winter: he sits in the stove (climbs onto the battery) - to the cold in the yard.
  • In winter: spreads its tail - to a blizzard. Licks tail - to a blizzard. The floor is scratching - mind you, blizzard, wind.
  • Licks its tail, hides its head - to bad weather and rain.
  • Licks a paw, washes - by a fine day.
  • He licks his paw and smoothes the hair on his head - the weather will be fine.
  • Licks the skin - to bad weather.
  • He raises his hind leg - by a fine day.
  • It scratches behind the ear - to rain or snow.
  • Scrapes the wall with its paws - to the bad wind.
  • He sharpens his claws on the leg of the table - the weather will change.
  • The cat sneezes - to the rain. If the cat sneezes, you must say: “Hello!”, Then the teeth will not hurt.
  • When a cat washes, turning to the east, it portends good weather, and if it turns to the west, bad weather.
  • Cats wash with their paws, turning in the direction from which the wind blows.
  • If a cat in bad weather lies with its stomach up or circles its muzzle three times with its paw, then there will be good weather.
  • superstition

    According to folk beliefs, the cat is at the disposal of the brownie. Therefore, a cat is given the color of the hair of the owner of the house. Otherwise, the brownie will dislike the animal and will survive it from the hut, constantly throwing it off the stove.

    The acquisition of a cat is accompanied by a variety of magical actions: you cannot buy a cat, you can exchange it, for example, for a chicken egg.

    Source: V.I.Dal. "Proverbs of the Russian people"

  • During a thunderstorm, you need to throw a black cat out of the hut, otherwise it can attract lightning and burn the house.
  • Cat sneeze - to a toothache. And so that the tooth does not hurt, you need to say “Hello!” to the cat.
  • As long as the fisherman's wife keeps a black cat in the house, the head of the family is not afraid of either storms or hurricanes.
  • If a cat sneezes near the bride on her wedding day, a happy family life is guaranteed.
  • To get rid of the stye on the eye, it is enough to stroke it with the tail of a black cat, and it will disappear.
  • You can also get rid of warts; only for this the tail of a tricolor cat is suitable.
  • A black cat on board a ship promises good luck.
  • Trouble is not far off if a black cat crosses the road. It is especially bad if the cat runs "in the bosom", i.e. towards the fastener on the garment. Misfortune can be averted by spitting three times over your left shoulder and continuing on your way, folding the cookie in your pocket or holding on to a button, but it is better to stop and wait for someone else to pass.
  • The appearance of someone else's black cat in the house is a harbinger of trouble.
  • According to the Slavic tradition, before the first laying of the baby in the cradle, a cat was put there so that the child would sleep better.
  • A cat killer will become a human killer.
  • A person who sees a black cat in a dream on the night before Christmas will become dangerously ill this year.
  • Demons tempt the saints, appearing to them in the form of black cats. (from the writings of medieval monks)
  • If the cat sneezes, you must say - "Hello!", Then the teeth will not hurt. (Modern Japanese sign)
  • Before entering a new hut, they let in a black rooster and a chicken for the first night, and a black cat and a cat for the second.
  • If a cat runs away from the house where a seriously ill person is, the patient will soon die.
  • If the cat is lying on the table, then this is not good - she “looks up” someone from the family.
  • The cat does not leave the patient or lies under the table on his back - to the death of the patient.
  • From a black cat, you can extract a bone that will make a person invisible, or in exchange for a black cat, you can get an invisibility cap and an unchangeable gold piece from an evil spirit. (Old Russian belief)
  • To kill a cat - for seven years you can’t see any luck in anything.
  • If a cat eats boiled peas, it will go deaf.
  • Whoever sleeps with a cat gets frogs in his head.
  • If a man emptied the bottle to the bottom and at the same time a cat was sitting under the table, then he would marry in the same year. (Breton belief)
  • Torturing a cat is a sin. The first meeting in the next world will be with a cat: if he treated cats cruelly, then cats will torment and scratch him.
  • The cat gives life, well-being and health, she does this every day and ensures a peaceful old age. (Inscription on ancient graves.)
  • Cats are able to call the souls of the dead (Ancient Chinese belief)
  • On Friday, the 13th, owners are required to put on bells for all black cats, releasing them outside. (Law in Lick Springs, Indiana, USA.)

Cats and profit, benefit

  • With the help of a black cat, you can get an unchangeable ruble. To do this, you need to catch a black cat without a single white mark, stand with him on a moonless night at the crossroads of four roads, one of which leads to a cemetery, and pinch the cat so that it meows. When a stranger comes up and asks to sell the cat, you need to demand one ruble for the cat - this ruble will be inexchangeable: no matter how many times it is given away, it will return to you.
  • If a cat stretches for a person, it promises a new thing or benefits.
  • Japanese merchants believed that if a cat ran its left paw over the ear, then visitors would definitely come to the shop or a good deal would be made.
  • To see an angry cat in a dream is to be robbed.
  • In China, a cat is considered the keeper of wealth, but if a strange cat appears in the family, this is an omen of impending poverty.
  • In order for big money to come, on the young moon you need to stroke a gray cat with white paws, and say: “Babyushok, give us money, perhaps we need more.”
  • A home without a cat or dog is a miser's home, says a Portuguese proverb.

According to popular signs, a kitten that appeared on the doorstep of the house must be adopted into the family, otherwise people will live in poverty, they will be haunted by misfortunes. By the behavior of a pet, you can determine what awaits its owner in the future and how the life of all household members will turn out. Beliefs about a kitten in the house are also related to weather conditions.

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Folk signs about cats are interpreted in accordance not only with cat habits, but also with their color, external features, breed.

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    The cat that came into the house

    A homeless cat came into the house - great joy will happen in the family. This may be the wedding of one of the household members or another magnificent celebration with a lot of positive emotions and pleasant chores.

    If a person sees a cat near his house after another failure, then fate is favorable to him and the unsuccessful period will soon be replaced by a streak of luck and joy. But the sign will come true only if the animal is accepted into the family.

    Someone else's cat that came into the apartment should not be kicked out. You need to give her something tasty and release it when she wants to leave.

    Esotericists claim that other people's pets come to the house to convey a message from deceased relatives and report that they are doing well in the next world. Therefore, they must be received with special cordiality and positive emotions.

    Birth of kittens

    If the pet gave birth to kittens on the matrimonial bed, in the pram, behind the sofa or elsewhere in the apartment, this is a good sign. The well-being of the owners is not threatened.

    But if a cat, after the birth of kittens, takes her cubs out of the apartment and hides them in a secluded place, the household should be wary, since such behavior indicates an approaching danger.

    Dead kittens are usually born in the house where there are frequent scandals, screams and quarrels between households. A pet takes on all the negative energy, and therefore her babies are born dead. Magical interference in the life of the owner of the animal is also possible, for example, damage to death or the evil eye.

    cat behavior

    The actions of the animal have the following interpretation:

    1. 1. sneezes- the pet warns of severe toothache. You should immediately say "Hello" to the animal to avoid illness. If a cat sneezes near a young couple of lovers, the guy and the girl will soon get married.
    2. 2. washes his face- to uninvited guests.
    3. 3. Fawning- to a long-awaited new thing or valuable acquisitions.
    4. 4. Sits on the table- the animal takes the energy of people who visited the owners with bad intentions.
    5. 5. Sleeping in a crib- the cat protects the baby from the evil eye.
    6. 6. Sitting on the doorstep- the animal does not let evil spirits into the house.

    If cats often go to the toilet in the wrong place for no apparent reason, then in this way they are trying to protect their owners from evil spirits. In bed - the cat wants to save its owner from trouble. In no case should you scold the animal or beat it, you need to be more vigilant and move to another room for a while. Perhaps a chandelier or a shelf that hangs above the bed will fall from the ceiling, and the animal anticipates this.

    Depending on the part of the owner’s body near which the pet is sleeping, its behavior can be interpreted:

    1. 1. At the head, on the pillow- the animal wants to rid the person of obsessive thoughts.
    2. 2. On my feet, on my knees- the cat takes away the negative energy that his owner brought from the street.
    3. 3. On the owner's belly- a person suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and a pet takes away pain. If a cat lies on the belly of a pregnant woman, she warns her mistress of a possible miscarriage. The animal is trying to help not only the girl, but also her unborn child.

    If a kitten is regularly laid to sleep between husband and wife, he takes away all the negative emotions that they have accumulated in relation to each other.

    Folk signs say that a cat will not bring anything bad to the family. On the contrary, positive changes will soon take place in the life of its owner.

    Unfavorable signs

    According to superstitions, the behavior of a cat can speak of tragic events:

    1. 1. The cat left the house in which there is a seriously ill patient This man will soon die.
    2. 2. The animal does not leave its owner during a serious illness or rolls under the table The patient is doomed to death.
    3. 3. Cat stretched out on the dining table- to irreparable losses due to a tragic accident or an incurable disease.

    A pet dies at home - a series of misfortunes is coming. This may be dismissal from work, the loss of a large amount of money, or the sudden death of a loved one. It is believed that a cat that jumped from the window of a multi-storey building anticipates a fire in the apartment.

    If the cat is sitting on the window, then people with malicious intent want to enter the house. It can be thieves or acquaintances who are up to no good against the owner of the cat. If the animal behaves restlessly, scratching its paws on the windowsill, it anticipates the emergence of conflicts between its owner and people from the close environment.

    Women who have never been married are not recommended to have a male pet, as he will scare away all potential gentlemen and the woman will remain single. It is worth giving preference to kittens-girls.

    Weather forecast

    Signs about cats and cats that predict the weather are associated with the behavior of a pet. To find out what tomorrow will be like, you need to pay attention to the position in which the kitten sleeps and how he behaves:

    1. 1. Cat rolling on the floor on its back- It's going to be a nice day.
    2. 2. Pet fluffy tail in winter- you have to wait for blizzards.
    3. 3. Cat tearing up wallpaper or wall with claws- to be bad weather.
    4. 4. The cat hides its nose in winter or late autumn- severe frosts are expected.
    5. 5. Kitten paws the floor- It will be windy.
    6. 6. While washing, a pet runs its paw over the ear- expect heavy rain.

    Color and breed of animal

    Blue-eyed animals will save their owners from enemy machinations and intrigues of ill-wishers.

    According to popular beliefs, white cats portend happiness in personal life, tricolor cats - financial success, black cats can both attract misfortune to the house and portend pleasant events.

    A Siamese cat with different eyes is a harbinger of good luck, like cats of other breeds that have different eye colors. The Sphinx does not let the owner over the threshold - he wants the person to stay at home, because he anticipates the danger that awaits him on the road.


    If a white cat appeared on the threshold of the house in which the wedding will take place soon, the bride will become happy and love, peace and mutual understanding will reign in her family.

    A white animal, met along the way, portends success in all endeavors and new useful acquaintances.


    A cat, in the color of which there are black, red and white colors, is able to bring family well-being, get rid of financial problems and ensure the harmony of its owner with the outside world. And also a tricolor pet will save your home from fires, floods and other disasters. The presence of this animal on the ship will save the ship and its passengers from storms.

    If the tail of a tri-colored or four-colored cat is run over a wart, it will soon disappear, according to popular belief.


    Pets of a red color cleanse the home of negative energy and protect households from serious diseases. In a house where red cats live, there will never be poverty and material need.

    The ginger kitten looks warily towards the front door - an ill-wisher will come soon.


    A black cat came to the house - a great tragedy will happen in the family. However, before moving into a new house or apartment, you need to let a black animal in so that life in the new place is happy and long.

    A pet of this color is able to save its owner from barley on the eye. To do this, you need to draw the tail of the animal over the inflamed area.

    English signs promise the owner of a black cat a rich intimate life and great success with men.


    If you stroke a gray pet on the full moon and ask the higher forces for material well-being, then the owner’s desire will certainly come true. A gray animal that ran across the road to its owner promises him a happy path.

    What happens if you throw away, give away or steal a cat?

    According to folk signs, in no case should a cat be kicked out. A person who gets rid of his pet will doom himself to an unhappy existence.

    A person who kills a cat will become merciless not only in relation to animals, but also to people. The one who was able to offend a pet, beat, treat these animals cruelly, will face retribution for atrocities in the form of a meeting with aggressive cats that will scratch and bite him.

    According to popular beliefs, you can not give a pet. But if, for certain reasons, the owner is forced to do this, then strangers cannot be chosen as new owners, since an animal that falls into the hands of a bad person will harm its former owner. It is recommended to give it to a friend or close relative who will take care of him and never kick him out into the street.

    Following superstitions, pets are stolen from happy and wealthy families so that together with the animal, happiness and financial prosperity pass into the house of the new owner. But the people who committed the theft will not receive the expected benefits, but will attract troubles and misfortunes to their home.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

What to do if a tailed fluffy suddenly appears on your doorstep? Most people immediately feel that if a cat came into the house, then this is a great sign. And they are right!

It is believed that if a cat comes to you of its own free will, it will soon bring to your home happiness, wealth and prosperity. Special luck awaits you if it is a black or tricolor cat.

If a cat has wandered to you, wait making a profit or even replenishment in the family, it is possible emergency pregnancy.

Sometimes a cat appears if some life trials lie in wait for you. In this case, the cat is able to take away negativity from you. Unfortunately, sometimes she does this at the cost of her own life. Why this happens is unknown, but the ability of cats to neutralize bad energy, remove damage from people, is truly amazing. Sometimes, after a cat that has come to your house fulfills its “mission”, it just quietly goes away to no one knows where. Also, the cat can leave, taking trouble away from your home. Don't forget to thank her from the bottom of your heart after leaving!

Of course, many people are not happy at all if an animal jumps into their house. And there could be many good reasons for this. But you should not kick a cat out of the house, especially if she is pregnant. Open the door, let her leave on her own. It is also recommended to do, for example, with . If the cat does not want to go to any, listen to your intuition - maybe you should still leave it? After all, many people from their own experience were convinced of the significance of this good omen.

    Discussion: 7 comments

    three months ago I found a cat and gave her to people, and today she was brought back to me deeply pregnant. The cat is exhausted and hungry. Let her give birth, then I will attach her. I have a cat, I would keep this one for myself, but the cat is jealous, and I don’t want to offend her! Cats bring me luck and prosperity.!

    While having dinner in the evening, I heard meowing, my heart twitched strangely, I went out to see the silence, I called kitty-kitty, and I hear meowing again, I thought a kitten, and a cat comes out from behind the fence, and immediately runs to me caresses, purrs, I stroke her and I understand that she is exhausted, I decided to bring her into the house and feed her. It’s strange that she’s affectionate only with me, she snorts at the rest of my cats, and she doesn’t approach the household, she just rubs around me, her mother wanted to kick her out, like she ate and let her go, but she doesn’t go beyond the threshold. And then I go to the site. There are very big difficulties in my life now, and in everything, the year has clearly not been set for 4 months now, only troubles, the children were very sick, there were problems with my husband, I had an accident, repairs are very expensive, and all things somehow do not go, like a black streak . Let's see what this guest brings us....

    for several days a tricolor cat has been coming to our house and all the time lies near the threshold. we open the door, she comes in, she doesn’t eat or drink anything. we open the door and leaves. The last two days, another cat comes.
    I love to go fishing. At first I came home without fish and a little upset, but when the cats began to come everything changed, there was not a day when I returned without fish.

    I love cats very much. I pick them up on the street and put them in. They treat me. I gave one such cat to my mother, she somehow had a pre-infarction condition, the pregnant cat screamed outside the door when they let her in, literally spread herself on her chest, and mom felt better. But when she gave birth to one kitten was dead. The cat was crying, there were tears in her eyes. I think that she sacrificed him ....!

    We also have a cat in our house! we live in a private house, my mother did not allow me to have a cat for a long time, they say it will crap! but one evening she went out onto the veranda and sees 2 huge black eyes, turned on the light, a cat sits, black with fish, dried fish, in its teeth. she left but came the next day and that's it, she lives with us, It's strange but she is afraid of all the household except me and I can only take her in my arms and the rest does not sit! so, let's see what happens next!

    A little over 2 years ago, a black and white cat came to our door, meowed in the stairwell in the morning. Naturally, I let in, fed, stroked. I sent my husband to work, the child got up and saw happiness on his face, the joy of communicating with the kitten, but then I realized that I needed to stop it somehow, to be honest, there were enough animals in the apartment before (2 cats , 2 rabbits, 2 hamsters) and I really did not want to take on these worries again ....
    The cat was fed again, sent to the entrance with a bowl of food. The child was terribly upset. Soon the “kind people” took the bowl and the cat out into the street…. I already started to blame myself for this act and wanted to leave it, and I did it, the cat spent the whole day in our yard running around the entrance and eating flies, I saw it from our balcony) They returned the poor man to our house! Synulya was very happy, immediately gave him the name Monya) when we carried the monya to wash, we found a large hernia on the stomach, due to which he would have died after some time, this was told to us in the veterinary clinic. The next day they took him to the clinic for surgery, the cat was cured.
    I don't regret adopting him. Before, I didn’t believe in these signs about cats, but now I do. Indeed, at the time when he came to us, we lived very poorly, at that time I didn’t even have 3000 r for the operation, I pawned gold, old jewelry for this ... But soon, literally in a month or two, we very successfully changed the living area, I left I got married (before that we were not married), I began to earn good money and my husband began his career growth, from the seven we moved to a new Volkswagen, etc. And this cat is kind of magical.
    It does not need to be taught or weaned from something. He himself realized that it was not pleasant for me to clean the patches and just began to go to the children's pot. When we bought leather furniture and saw that he was jumping and leaving traces of cocktails, we scolded him for it and after that he no longer scratched it and never sharpened his claws on him! Our bed is a sore subject, because my cat sleeps next to my pillow and has always done this, and therefore wool on the linen is inevitable .... and recently my husband just got furious about this and started yelling at me that if even once the cat was in bed, he just has it ... I changed the bed linen before going to bed and thought that I would have to close the door to the bedroom, but my wise cat has not entered the bed since that day, he chose a place for himself in the kitchen ... And there was another interesting case with him , one woman came to me with her daughter, they have never been with us .... and the cat met them at the doorstep (usually he doesn’t react to guests at all!) And with his ears flattened, and wagging his tail, he began to howl menacingly looking at the 5-year-old girl, he just clung to her with his eyes, then followed her on her heels until I removed him from her. I asked if they have any animals at home, but they don’t have any animals ... that’s how the magician Monya lives with me) Thank him!
    Take care of animals, because they themselves protect us when we do not even understand it! And in general they teach us to be kind ...

    I still didn’t understand what was wrong with this girl, what did the cat see ??? because she didn’t even have time to say a word then, but the animal had such a reaction. this was the only time..

The modern world is immersed in the novelties of technological progress, in a hurry, not noticing the change of seasons. Space is getting closer and clearer, relations are becoming more pragmatic, friendship and letters are becoming more and more virtual. The news that a cat has come into the house can take you by surprise. What did our ancestors associate with this incident?

Experience of the past

If this happened in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, the owner would have decided that this was the blessing of the gods. If a cat or a cat came to the house, they were met with honor. The same honors awaited such guests in ancient Greece. The Romans considered cats a symbol of freedom. The white cat came - the helper of the gods came, the Celts thought.

In Russia, the signs associated with such guests had a good meaning. If the cat came to the house, expect good luck, good news, profit. Opinions differed only regarding black in color. There was a belief: if a cat came in black, expect trouble. However, in other places it was believed that he guards the house from thieves.

There are many signs and beliefs about the visit of cats. In order not to ward off good luck and prosperity, never kick out a cat that came to your house on its own. The most correct decision is to shelter the animal, feed it, caress it, and gratitude will not keep you waiting. “I am welcome here and I will stay for a couple of months, and maybe more,” the guest decides.

The Amazing Ability of Cats

Man has the most accurate predictors of earthquakes and other natural disasters. It has long been noticed that the cat accurately anticipates the approaching disaster, whether it be a volcanic eruption, a tsunami or tremors. With such a threat, the behavior of the animal changes dramatically. The cat starts to rush about, meow, if she has a kitten, then she tries to hide it, and, if possible, leaves herself. When the trouble passes, the beast comes home again, even if it walks for several months. This feature of animals is well known and appreciated in earthquake-prone places where people live. In Japan, they often keep a cat at home in order to know in time about the threat of an earthquake. In general, the animal world signals about trouble not only through cats. Today they talk a lot about the energy that surrounds a person.

The black cat has a special gift in this regard. It is believed that she feels negative bioenergy fields and is able to level them. So, if the owner is sick, then the cat can come and lie down on the sore spot, alleviating the suffering of the person.

In general, a cat or cat lie down only in areas with negative energy, taking it on themselves. If a cat lies next to the patient, be sure that she will take on his illness. Everyone knows that they have the power of healing. You have probably noticed that these animals are drawn to a sore spot, as if trying to warm it, and, no matter how surprising it may be, it actually works.

Let's talk about color

A cat came into the house - a good sign. Its value can be clarified by the color of the coat. It is believed that the red suit promises wealth and prosperity, a white cat brings good luck, a black cat will protect you from thieves and give you health, but if a tricolor cat lives in your home, happiness is guaranteed in it.

However, in different countries and among different peoples, opinions on this issue differ. Sometimes, a white cat is considered a messenger of misfortune, but there is no need to talk about black ones. Below we will understand how color is most often interpreted.

  1. Black color is associated with witchcraft, with occult powers, with protection. If we discard all superstitions, then with full confidence it can be argued that it is precisely such animals that save all household members from negativity in the house, giving them wisdom, and also endowing them with insight. A well-known fact is that the English, for example, idolize this animal: if a black cat is in their house, it is considered a great joy. It is important to remember that if an outside cat from the street came to your house already “in position”, you need to keep only a black kitten for yourself, and it is advisable to distribute the rest to other people. A strange cat can become your true friend later on.
  2. If red cats and cats appeared in your house, remember that their energy is exclusively masculine, they are awarded with solar power. You are lucky if you are the owner of such a cat, because he will bring prosperity and prosperity to the house.
  3. But gray cats are gentle by nature and will give you only joy and good luck. In Thailand, there is even a special tradition - such kittens are presented as a gift to brides for a wedding, as a symbol of great love and tenderness.
  4. Rejoice if at the moment when someone is sick in your house, a white cat wanders into your house, because such representatives have an incredible healing power. If you do not have enough energy or want to relieve stress, just put such a pussy next to you - it will provide you with a good mood. Americans are sure that this is the kindest sign if such a “beauty” has entered the house.
  5. A tricolor cat will bring you real happiness, there is no doubt about it. In addition, such representatives are also considered excellent hunters, and therefore your home will be in “reliable paws”.

Recognizing guest behavior

If a stray cat appears in the apartment, you should monitor its behavior. There are signs about where he will lie down, whom he will caress about, begin to purr or “wash” guests. If the family is to be replenished and the cat rubs against the legs of the pregnant woman, then this indicates that she will soon give birth. If the cat came on the eve of the wedding, and even sneezed near the bride, this means that the union will be happy. Signs about cats sleeping on the table warn that the family will soon bury the deceased.

Most people cannot imagine their lives without fluffy couch potatoes. In magic, there is an opinion that cats feel and recognize negative energy better than people, they can even protect their owners from negativity and take on the bad. The cat in the house, about her, will be described below. These are the main superstitions that those who decide to take an animal into an apartment should be aware of.

The most characteristic signs

However, there are more important signs that can carry a positive or negative sign.

If a cat dies at home: signs

When an animal dies, this circumstance means that it takes upon itself the misfortune that could happen in the house. Often cats, especially black ones, feel the approach of danger or negativity. They take on damage, the evil eye, start to hurt. If the cat dies at home , signs in England and other countries say only one thing: either she prevented the misfortune that could happen there, or the trouble is still ahead and the cat got only part of it.

The cat sleeps at the head of a person: a sign

If an animal climbs on its head, it accepts this person and feels his energy. But often this symptom becomes the beginning of the illness of this person and the fact that he can soon depart to another world, if he is seriously ill. When a cat sleeps near a person’s head, it’s a good sign. She means that she does not wish you harm, it’s just that at the moment he has problems with energy, such as lack of strength, holes in the aura, and much more.

A strange cat came into the house: a sign

If she is a tricolor, a rare breed, or just very beautiful, expect success and profit. A dirty, shabby and sick animal often means the approach of trouble, negativity in the house that the cat wants to take over. If a strange cat came into the house, the omen can also carry a positive meaning. Especially if its owner is familiar to you or it is a neighbor. Such a sign means that he thinks about you or that the cat is so bad there that she is simply looking for another shelter.

Other signs about cats

They can carry different information. Here are just a few of them that owners should pay attention to:

  • if the cat does not love any one member of the family, hisses at him or hides - this indicates the presence of negativity;
  • if a cat looks at one point, follows something, then this may be an indicator of the approach of trouble. Especially if the animal is looking at the threshold or out the window.

A cat in the house - signs and beliefs bring with it not only the classic ones. There are also individual signs that you need to be able to notice and interpret. And then life with a cat will become a real interesting action for you, full of surprises, surprises and interesting discoveries.