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One of the most popular plants in ornamental gardening today is thuja. It stands out with a strictly pyramidal crown and can decorate any site, an alpine hill, protect the space with a dark green hedge. You can grow an unpretentious plant in open ground, in flowerpots. It is recommended to transplant the tree in early autumn so that it has time to grow and take root. In this case, you should remember a few rules:

  • a copy planted in late autumn may not survive the winter cold;
  • the trunk circle should be well insulated - covered with needles, compost, or simply dry leaves;
  • if the winter is snowy, then periodically you need to shake off the snow cover, because weak branches may not withstand the weight of the snow.

Tui reproduction

On the advice of experts, in order to preserve the variety and shape of the thuja, it must be propagated by cuttings or processes. Cuttings are carried out in early summer. To do this, several shoots with darkened bark are separated from an adult tree (not cut off, but separated along with the “heel”). Such layers are two to three years old. The prepared seed material must be planted in fertile soil and covered with a film, periodically sprayed. The cuttings need hardening. In autumn, young trees should be wrapped around, the roots should be insulated. You can transplant them after a few years, when the root system gets stronger. The second method is as follows: having selected several branches from a coniferous bush, they need to be bayoneted along the trunk circle. But it is advisable to dig a young tree in a year, when strong root shoots appear. When transplanting, you need to be careful not to shake off the clod of earth. So the stalk grows faster.

Question about transplant

There is an opinion among gardeners that it is difficult to transplant an adult thuja, but you can still try, so transplanting a seedling to a new place is a responsible process. The procedure may be as follows:

  • a day before the tree is dug up, the soil around it must be watered abundantly;
  • mark a rectangle, the parameters of which will be larger than the crown of the growing view;
  • along the edges of the rectangle, it is necessary to dig a trench half a meter deep, cover its walls with burlap or film;
  • upon reaching a certain depth, use a lever or crowbar to try to pull the tree out;
  • the root of the plant, together with the remaining soil, is wrapped in burlap.

Experienced gardeners advise starting preparations for transplanting thuja in about a year. They cut open lateral roots, lubricate with a special compound and sprinkle with a layer of soil. This is done in order for the tree to sprout new roots. The pit will need to be watered periodically. In the spring, the transplant process can be continued.

Spring chores

  • First you need to prepare a hole in which you should put the thuja and see at what level the root collar is. She, like all grafted trees, should rise above the pit by about ten centimeters. If this condition is met, the pit is filled with water.
  • While the water goes into the ground, you need to start preparing the soil mixture: sand, peat, ordinary earth, humus, or fallen needles are mixed. A certain amount of phosphate and potash fertilizers is added to the composition.
  • The seedling is placed on the bottom of the soil. The burlap, which was wrapped around the roots of the tree, should not be removed: it will gradually decay.
  • The tree is gradually covered with prepared soil, which is lightly compacted. When the pit is two-thirds full of earth, the sprout is again watered abundantly.
  • Then it is thrown with the remaining soil, so that a uniform circle for irrigation is formed. It's a good idea to mulch the soil around the tree.
  • Once a week (until the end of summer) the tree needs abundant watering. During this procedure, the newly planted seedling is fed with liquid fertilizer.

Required for transplant

Even before the seedling is brought, it is necessary to choose a place and dig a hole up to a meter deep. Prepare drainage. They can serve as medium-sized gravel, brick fragments. Next, you should find stock with the necessary components for the preparation of the soil mixture, namely:

  • a small amount of peat;
  • one - two buckets of sea sand;
  • collect needles in a container under any coniferous tree;
  • you will also need ordinary wood ash;
  • stock up on humus and other fertilizers.

The nuances of a transplant

When planting a thuja, some points should be considered:

  • Before you dig a small thuja, you need to determine the sides of the horizon. On branches pointing north, tie a ribbon. At the new location, this direction should not be changed.
  • The depth of the planting hole is one meter, the sides should be slightly larger than the root ball.
  • Thuja can grow in any soil, but fertilizer should not be neglected. If the soil is clayey, then drainage from small pebbles is poured into the bottom of the pit, and expanded clay is added to the soil mixture. This will prevent root rot.
  • Evergreens do not like shade, so an open sunny area is an ideal place to plant.

If an evergreen plant is grown in pots, then it will have to be transplanted as the root system grows, moreover, the flowerpot needs to be picked up twice as many root branches. The bottom of the selected container should not be solid - excess moisture will accumulate under the roots, which can cause them to rot. In order for a tree to develop normally in a closed system, a special composition of the soil is necessary. The key points of tree transplantation are as follows:

  • prepare soil mix
  • pour a layer of drainage on the bottom of the container;
  • place the seedling in a flowerpot along with an earthen clod so that the root neck rises slightly above the flowerpot;
  • cover with soil all the space free from roots;
  • water the seedling abundantly.

For the first time after housewarming"

Like any tree disturbed during a transplant, a thuja seedling will get sick, which is expressed in yellowed needles. However, with proper care, the tree will get used to the new conditions and grow again. Experienced gardeners give two tips regarding transplant time:

  1. If an evergreen seedling is planted in spring, it will suffer from the bright sun. Young shoots will be saved from burning rays by a white awning stretched over a tree.
  2. A tree planted in autumn may suffer from winter cold. To prevent this from happening, the root system should be insulated, for which the trunk circle is covered with leaves and covered with earth. If the seedling is low, then it can be covered with a linen or canvas bag, which is fixed at the bottom of the trunk. The branches must first be connected. You should not take a coating of polymeric materials: they will not save you from frost.

In the spring, the seedling should be opened. Now he needs constant care: watering and loosening. It is necessary not only to water the roots, but also to irrigate the needles. With this approach, the dust from the needles is washed off, the stomata of the leaves open - the plant breathes better. It is also necessary to loosen the soil, but not too deep, so as not to damage the roots, which in this representative of evergreens are located close to the surface of the earth. In the first spring days, the tree needs fertilizing and pruning. Gardeners have noticed: the more often the crown of the thuja is cut, the more magnificent its growth. A properly formed crown of a tree gives it an elegant look.

A representative of the cypress family is a perennial plant, very unpretentious. Therefore, any owner can transplant and grow a tree on his own plot, subject to the specified rules. Only the answer to the question, when is it better to transplant a beauty, cannot be unambiguous. If the gardener noticed that the tree is not growing well, then you need to deviate from the rules and urgently start transplanting. It should be remembered that it is easier to work with young specimens. A patient move for unusual specimens will make the site attractive.

Evergreen arborvitae can decorate any garden or a small area near your home. Such beautiful shrubs or trees are very popular among gardeners, with their help they create hedges. And if you have a need to transplant a thuja in the fall, we will tell you how to do it right.

The choice of place and timing of thuja transplantation

If you intend to move the plant to another place in the fall, keep in mind that the best time for this will be mid-late September. A later transplant is undesirable, since the thuja needs to take root in a new place in order to calmly overwinter and not die.

We recommend that you pay more attention to the choice of a place for transplanting shrubs. Although this plant is unpretentious, it grows well and does not wither only in areas that are well lit. Shade is not suitable for shrubs. This is probably the main requirement for the future location. As for the quality of the land, thuja can grow on soddy, loamy and peat soil.

How to transplant thuja in the fall?

The landing hole is dug out depending on the size of the root system, but the depth should be about a meter. If you transplant several thujas at once, the distance between the planting pits should reach 60-100 cm. If the soil in your garden is heavy, we recommend placing a layer of drainage on the bottom - broken brick, expanded clay, pebbles (crushed stone). The earth can be mixed with a small amount of sand and peat and poured over the drainage layer. We place the seedling in the pit so that the root neck is located exactly at the level of the ground surface. If you are transferring your thuja from one place to another, when digging at the roots of a shrub, it is better to leave an earthen clod. We straighten the roots of the plant and cover it with earth, trample it from time to time. At the end of the work, it remains to water the shrub and.

In the future, transplanting and caring for thuja involves timely watering and fertilizing with fertilizers, which will help you better survive the change of place.

Thuja is an evergreen, unpretentious plant. It is often used in landscape design for planting in groups and separately. In order for the thuja transplant to be painless, you need to know when and how it is better to transplant it.

Why transplanting thuja in the fall is a good time

A thuja hedge protects the garden from prying eyes. Spherical dwarf bushes decorate the site. Tall, slender varieties of arborvitae, similar to cypresses, are reminiscent of hot countries. But in order for them to really please the eye, you need to transplant them correctly.

Tui transplantation is carried out in early autumn

Early autumn is the best time to transplant. The beginning of September is suitable for planting thuja in the northern regions, and the last decade of the month is good for the south. In this case, in hot weather, it is not difficult to water the bush abundantly, and in frosts you can cover it.

A timely transplanted thuja will have time to take root in place before the cold weather. If you plant a shrub in the spring, then a sudden heat can destroy a plant that is not yet strong and burn the needles.

How to choose a new place for a thuja transplant

In order for the shrub to show its best qualities, you need to choose a transplant site, taking into account its preferences. Thuja grows well and develops in sunny areas. It will also grow in the shade, but in this case the crown will not be as thick and green.

Depending on the shape and size of the shrub, choose a suitable place:

  • if this is a planting of a group of plants, a hedge, for example, the distance between them can withstand up to 1.5 m;
  • the spherical shape of dwarf thuja requires space;
  • if an alley is planted, the distance between the rows is left up to 5 m.

On a properly selected site, the thuja looks spectacular and sets off other types of plants and shrubs.

How to plant a thuja and care for it

A suitable substrate for shrubs is a mixture of soddy soil, sand and peat - 1: 1: 2 parts, respectively. If a seedling from a store has burlap on its roots, it is not removed, it will rot and become fertilizer for the seedling. If the plant is transplanted from one place to another, then it is dug in, an earthen ball is formed, the vertical roots are carefully cut off and transferred to burlap.

How to plant:

  1. Dig a planting hole 40 cm wider and 25 cm deeper than the size of the earthen clod.
  2. Pour the hole with water to shrink the earth.
  3. Put a 10 cm thick drainage of expanded clay, broken brick or stone on the bottom.
  4. Put 50 g of nitroammophoska.
  5. Pour in some of the mixture.
  6. Set the seedling, distribute the roots, sprinkle with the remaining mixture and then with earth.
  7. Do not deepen the root neck.
  8. Form a hole, water, mulch with organic matter.

Now you need to support the seedling with proper care.

The seedling is watered abundantly daily, especially if there is no rain. After a while, the earth in the hole will begin to sag. It is replenished regularly. In the first year, the plant is covered from the sun so that the needles do not burn.

Tui in the garden are islands of greenery and summer joy even in the snowy season.