Formation of motivation for physical culture lessons among university students. Features of motivation for physical culture and sports

Completed by: Gogolevskaya I.V.

Physical education teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 17"

Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Formation of motivation for physical culture and sports at school age.


1. The concept of motivation

2. Age features of motivation

3. Technology for the development of motivational foundations for physical education lessons

List of used literature


Physical education, being an integral part of society, its subsystem, is in certain connections, relationships with other social subsystems. The relationship of physical education with general cultural, political and socio-economic conditions of society is very complex and not the same in different formations. The value of physical culture in the school period of a person's life is to create a foundation for comprehensive physical development, health promotion, and the formation of various motor skills and abilities. All this leads to the emergence of objective prerequisites for the harmonious development of the individual.

The full development of school-age children without active physical education is practically unattainable. It was revealed that the lack of motor activity seriously impairs the health of a growing human body, weakens its defenses, and does not provide full physical development. Sports pedagogy still leaves in the shade the issues of studying the processes of formation of motivation for physical culture and sports, as well as the development on this basis of the principles of management, attraction and preservation of the contingent of those involved. One of the main features of the successful implementation of a healthy lifestyle and sports program for senior schoolchildren is the purposeful management of the motivation for sports activities and the formation of sports motivation in the process of physical education at school.

Motivation for educational and physical activity results from various needs, which can be divided into three groups: the need for movement, the need to fulfill the duties of a student, and the need for sports activities.

The need for movement is an innate human need. In different people, this need is expressed in different ways, it depends on both genetic and social factors.

There is a great need for physical activity in persons with a strong nervous system and a predominance of excitation in terms of "internal" balance. Such individuals are more active in physical education classes and during training. Therefore, they have better progress in mastering motor skills and developing motor qualities, and teachers note their greater efficiency. However, the greater activity of one student compared to others does not mean that he is more conscious of his duties, that he is more responsible, he just needs a greater range of movements to satisfy the need for physical activity.

For students with low physical activity, additional external stimulation is required: constant attention from the teacher and comrades, encouragement, inclusion in joint work with highly active students.

Among those involved in physical education in one form or another, the main motives, according to many studies, are: health promotion, enjoyment of activities (pleasant pastime), communication, the desire of parents.

  1. The concept of motivation.

The main component for the successful implementation of any activity, including physical culture and sports, is motivation. Motivation is one of the most complex personality structures. Since the motive has always been considered as the basis of activity, almost all scientific educators and psychologists devoted their studies to its formation. (V.K. Balsevich, M.Ya. Vilensky, E.N. Litvinov, L.I. Lubysheva, V.I. Lyakh, A.P. Matveev, V.D. Sonkin, etc.).

Motivation - the process of forming and justifying the intention to do or not to do something. Motivation for physical activity is a special state of the individual, aimed at achieving the optimal level of physical fitness and performance.

The motives for doing physical culture are conditionally divided into general and specific. The general motives include the desire of the student to engage in physical exercises in general, i.e. he doesn't care what he does. To specific motives - the desire to perform any specific exercises, the preference of the student to engage in some kind of sport.

The motives associated with the process of activity are the satisfaction of the need for motor activity and the pleasure caused by getting sharp impressions from rivalry (excitement, emotions of joy from victory, etc.).

The motives associated with the result of activity are caused by the satisfaction of the individual's needs for self-improvement, self-expression and self-affirmation, and its social needs.

The formation of motives is associated with the influence of external and internal factors. External factors are the conditions in which the subject of activity is found. Internal factors are desires, drives, interests and beliefs that express the needs associated with the personality of the subject of activity. Beliefs play a special role. They characterize the worldview of the student, give his actions significance and direction.

2. Age features of motivation.

Age characteristics of children affect motivation.

During the period of primary school age, the following motives appear: needs, interests, desires, there are rearrangements in the hierarchical motivational system of the child. What is related to learning activities turns out to be significant, valuable, what is related to the game becomes less important. At the same time, the predominance of motives over motivational attitudes is still noticeable among younger schoolchildren, since they basically set goals for the near future associated with real events.

Primary schoolchildren have new social attitudes, new social motives associated with a sense of duty and responsibility, with the need to get an education (“to be literate”). However, often these motives remain only "known", declared. The real motive is getting a high mark or praise; for the sake of receiving them, the child is ready to immediately sit down to study and diligently complete the entire task. In a competitive situation, the motive of working for oneself turned out to be more effective among first-graders than for the team, however, in the 3rd grade, the social motive (“for the class”) is already more pronounced than the individual (“for oneself”). At the same time, if in the 3rd grade social motives are expressed equally in boys and girls, then in the 4th grade these motives are more often manifested in girls. The role of the “internal filter” in the process of motivation is also increasing because half of the younger students are oriented towards self-esteem, which is of great importance in the formation of a motive. It is also very important that younger students develop a semantic orienting basis of an act - a link between the desire to do something and the unfolding actions. This is an intellectual moment that makes it possible to more or less adequately assess the future act from the point of view of more distant consequences and therefore excludes the impulsiveness and immediacy of the child's behavior. Before acting, the child now often begins to think. He begins to form foresight as a personality trait. At the same time, there is a transition from motives only “known” to motives “actually acting”. Younger students, to a greater extent than preschoolers, are able to suppress their desires for the benefit of others. By the end of primary school age, most students, when the general meaning of the activity changes, can change the specific goal. Primary school students improve their ability to plan their actions.

The social motives of learning are expressed in different ways in schoolchildren with different academic performance. As I.Yu. Kulagin, the motives of underachieving schoolchildren are specific. With a strong motive for getting a good grade and approval, the circle of their social motives for learning is narrowed. Some social motives appear only by the 3rd grade.

Children with high academic performance have a pronounced motivation to achieve success - the desire to do a task well, combined with the motive of getting a high mark or approval from adults. In poorly performing primary school students, the achievement motive is much less pronounced, and in some cases it is completely absent. The prestige motivation associated with rivalry with capable classmates is inherent in well-performing students with high self-esteem and leadership inclinations. Underachieving students do not develop prestigious motivation.

The motive of avoiding failure is inherent in both well-performing and poorly-performing elementary school students, but by the end of elementary school in the latter it reaches significant strength, since they have practically no motive for achieving success. Almost a quarter of underachieving third-graders have a negative attitude towards learning due to the fact that they are dominated by the motive of avoiding failure. At the same age, schoolchildren feel the need to realize themselves as a subject, joining the social aspects of life, not just at the level of understanding, but also as transformers. The main criterion for evaluating oneself and others is the moral and psychological characteristics of the individual (V. N. Lozotseva).

In adolescence, there are significant changes in the body and psyche of the child, due to puberty. As noted by L.S. Vygotsky, this significantly changes the sphere of interests of the child. He writes that in the transitional period one can clearly trace two waves (phases) in the development of interests: a wave of the emergence of new drives that create an organic basis for a new system of interests, and then a wave of maturation of this new system of interests, building on a new drive. The attraction phase usually lasts about two years. It is characterized as a phase of sharp fluctuations and clashes of psychological attitudes, a phase of the collapse of authorities. In this phase, the previously established system of interests collapses and dies (hence its negative, protesting, negative character), maturation and the appearance of the first organic drives associated with puberty. It is the combination of both moments taken together that characterizes the seemingly strange fact that a teenager seems to have a general decline, and sometimes even a complete lack of interests. This devastating phase, during which the teenager finally outlives his childhood, gave L. Tolstoy a reason to call this period the "desert of adolescence."

This phase is also characterized by pessimism, the collapse of collective ties, the rupture of previously established relations between children, including friendly ones, the desire for loneliness, a sharp change in attitude towards other people, and neglect of the rules of social behavior.

The second phase - the phase of interests - is initially characterized by their diversity. Then, gradually, through differentiation, some basic core of interests is selected and strengthened. Romantic aspirations give way to a realistic and pragmatic choice of one most stable interest, for the most part directly related to the main life line of an adolescent and determining the direction of his personality. This phase is also characterized by the expansion and strengthening of public relations. The second phase essentially depends on the material conditions of life, the environment. Under unfavorable, difficult conditions, it is compressed in time, retarded in its development, which is why the range of interests of the adolescent is small and poor.

In the studies of K. Reininger, L. Vecherka and G. Hetzer, it was shown that there are significant gender differences in the course of these phases. The negative phase in boys comes later (due to later puberty), but it proceeds more rapidly and for a long time, the negativism is more pronounced.

In the motivational sphere of adolescents, an extremely important event is taking place, which consists in the fact that they are largely able to be guided in their moral behavior by the requirements that they impose on themselves, and by the tasks and goals that they set for themselves. Consequently, there is a transition from "reactive" following the requirements from the outside to the active construction of one's behavior in accordance with one's own ideal.

Schoolchildren of the middle classes have a greater than before stability of goals, a sufficiently developed sense of duty and responsibility. Interests are no longer situational, but arise gradually as knowledge is accumulated. Hence - the stability of a number of motives based on the interests and goals set by the students themselves.

Self-esteem in adolescents becomes more multifaceted and becomes more important than the assessment of others. According to E.I. Savonko, the largest number of students focused on self-esteem falls on the 6th grade. The presence of ideals, self-assessments, learned norms and rules of social behavior indicates a significant development of the personality of adolescents, the formation of their “internal plan”, which is an essential factor in motivating and organizing their own behavior. However, this "internal plan" is not yet organized into an integral system, it is not sufficiently generalized and stable. Thus, the existing ideal is not specific and often changes. The requirements of a teenager to themselves need constant support from the outside. Hence - the instability of a number of motives, the variability of behavior. In addition, a characteristic of this age is the discrepancy between goals and possibilities, which indicates an overestimated level of claims and is the cause of frequent failures in the implementation of the plan.

The desire of older adolescents to establish themselves in their own opinion to a greater extent than in the opinion of others leads to the fact that their motives are formed primarily and mainly taking into account their own opinion, which ultimately is expressed in their stubbornness.

Older students, like younger ones, are outward-facing, but they do not just learn about the world around them, but develop their own point of view about it, as they have a need to develop their views on moral issues, to sort out all the problems themselves. In this regard, the decisions made and the formed motives acquire an increasing social orientation among schoolchildren. Under the influence of the worldview, a fairly stable hierarchical system of values ​​arises that affects the views and beliefs of students. The latter are a rather strict controller of the desires that arise in high school students and at the same time encourage them to self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-determination, including the choice of a profession. For high school students, this choice is made on the basis of preliminary preparation, a careful analysis of the activity that they are ready to choose as their profession, and the difficulties that they will encounter.

Thus, the more socially mature a person becomes, the more the first and second stages of motive formation are reflected in her mind, the wider the motivational field becomes. At the same time, more attention is paid to the forecast of the consequences of planned actions and deeds, and not only from pragmatic, but also moral and ethical positions.

3. Technology for the development of motivational foundations for physical education lessons.

a). Definition of goals.

A mutually developed goal provides a meeting of external influences (pedagogical requirements of the teacher) and internal sources of self-organization (personal structures of the student's consciousness) that satisfies both sides. In this regard, the development of creativity in very specific types of relationships that arise in the process of creating a personally oriented situation in a physical education lesson between a teacher and students is seen as an opportunity for a cultural change in motivations.

The overall goal is the upbringing of a creative personality, determined by the special atmosphere of communication that arises in the process of mastering various types of sports activities by students. In the process of physical education classes, the demand for creative potential is extremely rare. Usually teachers refer to the need to teach how to perform exercises where the creative element is simply inappropriate.

However, creativity is necessary in team sports, the most attractive for schoolchildren. Traditionally, the teacher's appeal to the aspect of physical culture of consciousness is not used. In particular, it consists in the presence of the inclinations of a civilized understanding by the individual of the many advantages that a physically developed and strong person has in relation to other people.

The greatest danger in terms of moral health and an uncivilized understanding of physical education are students who are stronger in physical and least strong in their mental development. In this case, there is a motivational re-accentuation of the meaning of education, due to which attention is drawn to the development of only physical qualities, and the cognitive-semantic sector of consciousness is blocked. As a rule, such a group is not numerous, but its representatives do not participate in sports specializations. They prefer to specialize in overt displays of strength, thus establishing their implicit dominance over weaker students, and often over teachers as well.

Civilization can be brought up if the teacher manages to set a particular goal for each lesson, orienting both the teacher and the students to create conditions for demanding the activity of the personal structures of the students' consciousness.

A private goal is a gradual and variable change in the motivation for physical education.

b). Definition of principles

Definition of principles containing guidelines for building technology: the principle of personal activity - orientation to the activity of personal structures of consciousness, the most significant in the context of the goals set (motivation, civilized autonomy, meaning creation); principles of subjective control, self-realization in creativity, openness of educational information, dialogue, morality of persuasive communication, implicit pedagogical ethnoculture.

in). Selection of conditions:

To demand the value-semantic component of consciousness - a change in speech strategies, an appeal to the moral characteristics of the author of information about sports ideals, the creation of situations of choice based on the proposal of alternatives, etc.;

To demand the value-emotional component of consciousness - the addition of intuition to the lack of objective information, decision-making in the process of discussing a particular problem, taking into account the influence of a pedagogical decision on the mood of students, encouraging and developing "small talents", etc.

G). Content development.

Developed self-control is a reference point in the development of all other components of the motivation to achieve a high level of physical culture of the consciousness of high school students. Indirectly, self-control is manifested in the personal structure of consciousness - motivation, determining the activity of all other personal structures.

The acquisition of a personal meaning of the information contained in communication in the process of interaction with it is facilitated by the creation of situations of joint creative search, when the participants in the educational process are united into a single structure. Such situations are built in the classroom. Value-semantic and value-emotional components of pedagogical conditions were used as the content for their construction, deployed in specific methods of providing pedagogical support for students to acquire new communication experience.

e). Organization of educational facilities.

From the organizational side, the technology is represented by the stages of the teacher's activity in order to assist students in solving problems: diagnostic, search, contractual, activity, reflective. These stages represent a holistic indicative algorithm.

Diagnostic- identification and fixation of a fact, a signal of problematicness: lack of orientation, the presence of difficulties, lack of abilities and qualities, external obstacles. The purpose of the diagnostic stage is to create conditions for the student to understand the essence of the problem, the manifestation of value contradictions and their own meanings.

One of the means of providing support is the verbal formulation of the problem: it is important to help the student to say aloud what he is worried about, what place this situation occupies in his life, how he relates to it, and why it was necessary to resolve the problem now, and not earlier. An equally important tool is a joint assessment of the problem with the student in terms of its significance for the student.

The task of the teacher at this stage is to help the student formulate the problem himself, i.e. speak her. The importance of this task is based on the data of psychological and pedagogical research, which have established that independent verbalization (verbalization) of the problem statement by the student provides a more successful solution compared to those cases when the teacher formulates the problem for the student. It is important to obtain the consent of the student to help and support in this situation.

At this stage, diagnostic data were obtained, indicating that a significant proportion of students are in need of pedagogical support.

Search - organizing a joint search with the student for the causes of the difficulty, the possible consequences of its preservation (or overcoming); a look at the situation from the outside, both through the "eyes of a child", and with the help of the synergistic principle of "taking an outside position". The purpose of the search stage is to provide support and accept the student's responsibility for the occurrence and solution of the problem using the data of the diagnostic stage (definition of the focus of self-control); assistance in identifying the facts and circumstances related to the problem, the reasons that led to the difficulty.

Discussion of possible consequences implies that the teacher has the ability to foresee, predict what will happen in the immediate and delayed period - after school, if no action is taken. The search stage also implies support in determining the goal of the upcoming choice - in the course of revealing the facts and reasons, preliminary "working" conclusions and ways to achieve the goal, as a way out of the problem, appear.

The following were used as pedagogical means of support: showing attention to any methods that the student himself names; refusal to express evaluative and critical judgments; discussion of the advantages of one or another way of achieving the goal as support for the choice. The task of the teacher is to support the student in any choice and express readiness to help in any case.

Treaty - designing the actions of a teacher and a student (separation of functions and responsibilities for solving a problem, for example, the reception of clarifying the essence and meaning, attractive examples of physical development). In accordance with the algorithm of pedagogical support, this technique develops the positions of the search stage in the direction of solving the problem of value choice, in the distribution of actions on a voluntary basis. Focusing on the student's ability to overcome difficulties on his own opens the way to designing his own actions. The desire of the student to independently make efforts to solve his problem of moral self-determination is an important result of pedagogical work.

activity - to ensure success, the teacher must support the student both morally and psychologically, and, if necessary, directly protect his interests and rights in front of peers, parents, teachers, if this is related to ensuring safety on the path of independent action. The resolution of the problem of moral choice requires the involvement of new examples that act in two ways: support or "shattering" of the chosen position.

The technique of "loosening" the chosen position is determined by introducing elements of implicit, often negative characteristics that are present in the behavior of "heroes" into the description of the role model's actions. Pupils were asked to build a model for the further development of the situation, where the consequences of their actions would have an effect, if they were in the place of one or another character. This is necessary to form a position of stability or rejection of the chosen model.

reflective - a joint discussion with the student of the successes and failures of the previous stages of activity, a statement of the facts of the solvability or insolubility of the problem for its reformulation, understanding by the student and teacher of new options for self-determination. In the course of reflection, previously invisible causes and circumstances that stand in the way of supposed self-determination may be revealed.

Discussing with the student the progress towards solving the problem, highlight the key points that confirm the correctness or fallacy of the designed actions. Particular attention is paid to the feelings and emotions of high school students, support is provided through the expression of their own feelings. The teacher creates conditions in which the student analyzes his actions, self-evaluates both the method of action and the result achieved. It is important to help the student to notice the changes that occur both in himself and around him. The reflexive stage can be singled out as an independent one, but it can also permeate all support activities.

The above structure brings the teacher closer to understanding and transforming his role in providing pedagogical support for the development of the value-semantic sphere of students' consciousness by means of a physical education lesson. At the same time, it brings high school students closer to a new understanding of the meaning of physical education, not only as a means of strengthening health and developing physical capabilities, but also as a means of contributing to the formation of the moral health of the individual.


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9. Cretty J. Psychology in modern sports. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1978.- 194 p.

10. Krutsevich T.Yu. Conceptual prerequisites for improving the system of youth physical education. - M.: Delo, 2004.

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12. Leontiev A.N. Selected psychological works. In 2 vols. M., 1983

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Given the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem, the theoretical and methodological foundations for studying motivation in physical culture and sports are determined. The data of different authors, who presented the results of the study of the motivation of physical culture classes for various contingents of the population, are considered. The reasons interfering with active physical culture lessons are established. The motives of physical culture lessons of university teachers are revealed and ranked. The similarity and differences of motives in the sexual aspect are determined. So, for university teachers, both men and women, the motive of emotional relaxation and stress relief is in the first place, and the motives for changing the environment and pastime, communication in an informal setting also occupy a high ranking place. A rather low ranking place was established for the motive of improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improving appearance, and losing weight. An explanation for this distribution is given.

motives for physical education

university professors

1. Vydrin V.M. Features of physical culture of adults // Theory and methods of physical culture / ed. Yu. F. Kuramshina. - 2nd ed. – M.: Sov. sport, 2004. - S.295-310.

2. Ilyin E. P. Motivation and motives. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 512 p.

3. Cretty B. J. Psychology in modern sports: Per. from English. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1978. - 224 p.

4. Lavrinenko I. M., Likhachev O. E. Motivations of physical culture for women aged 35–45 // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P. F. Lesgafta: Scientific and theoretical journal. -2008. - No. 11(45). - P.56-59.

5. Leontiev A. N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - 2nd ed. – M.: Meaning; Academy, 2005. - 352 p.

6. Maslow A. Motivation and personality: per. from English. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 352 p.

7. Nagovitsyn R. S. Motivation of students for physical education at the university // Fundamental research. - 2011. - Part 2. - No. 8. - P. 293-298.

8. Piloyan R. A. Motivation for sports activity. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1984. - 104 p.

9. Rodionov A. V. Psychology of physical education and sports: textbook. for universities. -M.: Academic Project, 2004. - 576 p.


People's motives for choosing ways to use their free time are associated with the level of their general culture, with the creative qualities of the individual, and the degree of his social maturity. Motor activity in free time is characterized by complete freedom to choose the content, time, place of classes, their duration, partners. At the heart of the motivation for such activities are purely personal, individual tastes, interests, needs. Very attractive is the combination of elements of the game and competition, the simplicity of inventory and equipment, the absence of strict regulations.

The main reasons for the decrease in people's interest in physical exercises are insufficient physical education, lack of free time or inability to rationally organize and use it, lack of sufficiently comfortable conditions for practicing, poor provision of sports facilities, inventory and equipment, clothing and shoes, unsettled life, serious economic difficulties and some other reasons.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to study the reasons that impede active physical education, and to identify the motives for physical education of university teachers of non-physical specialties (on the example of volleyball).

Research results and discussion

In modern psychology, the term "motive" (motivation, motivating factors) refers to completely different phenomena. The task of psychological analysis of personality requires consideration of only the main questions. And above all, it is a question of the correlation of motives and needs. The psychological analysis of needs is inevitably transformed into an analysis of motives.

Understanding the mechanisms of motive formation is given by humanistic concepts in psychology. Among these concepts, one can single out the concept of A. Maslow, who developed a “hierarchy of needs”, consisting of the following steps: 1) physiological needs - lower needs controlled by body organs (breathing, food, sexual need, self-defense); needs for reliability - the desire for material reliability, provision for old age, etc .; 3) social needs - the satisfaction of these needs is not objective and difficult to describe: one person is satisfied by few contacts with other people, in another person this need is expressed very strongly; 4) the need for respect, awareness of one's own dignity - respect, prestige, social success - groups are required to meet these needs; 5) the need for personal development, for the realization of oneself, for self-realization, self-actualization, for understanding one's purpose in the world.

An active attitude to the surrounding world is one of the main features of a person. The forms of manifestation of human activity are very diverse. These include a wide range of actions, deeds and activities of people. The common ground that unites all types of active attitude of individuals to reality is that human actions (in the broad sense) do not arise spontaneously. This is a complex social, psycho-physiological process, which has a very specific basis. The forming and directing beginning of any activity is its motive, which is the stimulus to action, deed, activity. From a person who is poorly motivated, one cannot expect great returns in any business.

Numerous studies have identified the main functions of motives, which require their own mechanisms for their implementation. Such mechanisms that carry out these functions include needs, meaning and purpose. At the same time, there is no need to remind that all these formations are interconnected with the main mental processes. Accordingly, the needs provide the functional-dynamic nature of human behavior and activity. The goal as presented in advance, and, therefore, a conscious result, determines the direction of actions. And the value, as a mastered and generalized cultural and historical concept, determining the significance of external and internal events, controls the motivation and, accordingly, the behavior (activity) of a person, that is, “Until I understand, I will not calm down.” Thus, direction and organization, that is, the expediency and reasonableness of behavior, is provided either by a single motive or by the entire motivational sphere of the personality.

Among those involved in physical education in one form or another, the main motives are: health promotion, enjoyment of activities (pleasant pastime), communication. According to the dominant motive, athletes are divided into 2 groups of athletes - collectivists and individualists. Collectivists are dominated by social, moral motives. Individualists have motives of self-affirmation, self-expression. For women, health promotion is more important, and for men, sports improvement.

Among the motives that encourage people to go in for sports, the following stand out: a) striving for stress and overcoming it; notes that fighting to overcome obstacles, expose oneself to stress, change circumstances and achieve success is one of the powerful motives for sports activities; The pursuit of excellence; increase in social status; the need to be a member of a sports team, group, part of a team; receiving financial incentives.

The motives for physical culture are: 1) health; 2) motor-activity; 3) competitive-competitive; 4) aesthetic; 5) communicative; 6) cognitive-developing; 7) creative; 8) professionally oriented; 9) administrative; 10) psychologically significant; 11) educational; 12) status; 13) cultural studies. And although the study was performed on a different contingent, its results will be useful in the methodological aspect in our work.

The reasons interfering with active physical training for women aged 35-45, as well as the motives for physical training for women of the same age, are revealed. As a result of the research, the authors determined a pronounced feature in the choice of the type of health-improving physical culture, which manifested itself when comparing women involved in an individual type - aerobics and a team sports game - volleyball. Women (business women) predominate in aerobics classes, whose main task is self-improvement: weight loss, improvement of appearance, desire to improve health, etc. Women involved in volleyball prefer to get emotional release from classes, change the situation, expand the out of family communication with women of his age. Playing volleyball gave them the feeling of "returning" to their youth. They explain participation in games by the fact that the game gives them joy, it is interesting to them in itself. They find in it their life hobby and thus maintain a circle of partnership.

To study the reasons that prevent active physical education and the motives for physical education, we conducted a survey of teachers according to the methodology presented in the above work. As a supplement, interviews were also held with these respondents in order to explain their point of view.

In table. 1. The reasons that prevent university teachers from actively engaging in physical culture are presented. At the same time, the overwhelming majority answered that they consider it necessary to practice physical culture.

However, when considering the reasons that impede physical education, women revealed a significant dependence on their friends: more than three-quarters do not go to classes where they are not there. It is more difficult for them to join an unfamiliar team. Men show significantly more autonomy: a little over one-quarter do not want to work in groups where their friends do not exist.

Table 1

Reasons preventing university teachers from actively engaging in physical culture

Poll results

Contingent of respondents

Total (n=78)

I consider it necessary to exercise

Reasons for not allowing to engage in health groups

I consider it necessary, but I can’t force myself to do it

I consider it necessary, but there is no time

Lack of nearby places of employment

Friends, girlfriends don't do

No groups of my age

No free lessons available

The high cost of health services

Inconvenient class times

I don't see the need to do

One of the serious reasons that do not allow women to engage in various groups is the high cost of health services. As a rule, they are

family budget, pay utility bills, buy groceries, etc. Moreover, for many of them there is no opportunity for free classes. For men, the high cost of such services is much less of an obstacle.

Also for women, the lack of nearby places is also a serious obstacle: after classes late at night, it is tiring and even unsafe to get home.

For women, there is less time left for themselves, since they still have the duties of a housewife, taking care of children, etc. One in six of them simply do not see the need to exercise. Among men, only one in ten holds this opinion. Women showed themselves to be somewhat more inert, saying that it is generally necessary to study, but they cannot find the strength to study.

Analyzing the motives of university teachers doing physical culture, it can be stated that there are somewhat more men striving to improve their health (Table 2). They explain that prior to the time of the survey, they had less time to improve their health, and now they are forced to do this task. In women, the motive inherent to a greater extent for this contingent to lose weight and improve their appearance prevails. Men have a more pronounced motive to develop physical abilities. In both groups, the motive of emotional release and removal of emotional stress is most pronounced. This is due to the prevalence of business relations, the mental and emotional intensity of teaching work. To a greater extent, men tend to change the situation and type of pastime, entrusting household chores to women. The communicative motive is highly developed - communication in an informal setting among representatives of both groups. They also have a fairly pronounced motive for obtaining muscle joy.


The lowest ranking place of the motives of physical culture lessons of non-physical education university teachers is occupied by the motives of losing weight, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improving appearance. This is due to the fact that the representatives of the studied contingent of teachers generally lead a healthy lifestyle.

At the same time, the most pronounced motives are: 1) emotional release, stress relief; 2) communication with friends in an informal setting; 3) change of scenery and pastime. This is due, first of all, to the high mental and emotional intensity of the work of teachers against the background of a lack of motor activity.

The revealed motives are taken into account by us in the process of physical culture lessons based on volleyball of the members of the Health Club.

table 2

Motives for Physical Education of University Teachers

Contingent of respondents

Total (n=37)

Self improvement

Striving for better health

lose weight

Improve appearance

Improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Development of physical abilities

Active, emotional rest

Emotional release, stress relief

Change of environment and type of pastime


Chatting with friends in an informal setting


The habit of participating in social events

Getting pleasure

Getting Muscular Joy


Galimov G. Ya., Ph.D., Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory of Physical Culture, Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude.

Sagaleev A.S., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Sports Disciplines, Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude.

Bibliographic link

Ayusheev V.V. MOTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS OF UNIVERSITIES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF VOLLEYBALL) // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 5.;
URL: (date of access: 04/06/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The article substantiates the importance of forming a stable motivation of children to engage in physical culture. Ways to form interest in sports.

  • Comparison of programming languages ​​on the example of array sorting
  • The role of physical culture in the system of modern education
  • Reforming the system of general education of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries
  • Features of teaching descriptive geometry to cadets of a military university

Formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the most urgent problems today. The task of the school is to develop the inner individuality of the student, according to his inclinations, as well as the needs of society.

School age can be defined in the age range from 6-7 to 16-18 years. During this time, the child goes through many deep and quite serious changes, both physical and psychological. One of the tasks of a physical education lesson at school is to compensate for the ongoing changes and stimulate the proper development and growth of the student.

In order to achieve the set task, it is necessary to arouse the student's interest in physical culture, the desire to attend the lesson. Interest in the subject contributes to high cognitive and physical activity in the classroom.

We can consider interest in physical culture as one of the most difficult manifestations of the motivational sphere. In relation to the student, motivation should be distinguished internal, external, general and specific. The student's extrinsic motivation can be extremely unstable, as it is caused by circumstances or external stimuli. Whatever the circumstances and incentives, interest is formed only if it is caused by intrinsic motivation. The student's internal motivation is formed when his abilities are consistent with external goals and motives, when the student experiences satisfaction from classes. Successful realization of one's own goals arouses interest in continuing to engage in physical culture. The nature of the student's relationship with the teacher and classmates during the lesson also plays a significant role in the formation of intrinsic motivation.

Motivation of schoolchildren in relation to physical culture is differentiated. It is conditionally possible to single out general and specific motives for physical education. General motives are characterized by the desire of the student to engage in physical activity in general, that is, in this case, he is indifferent to the type and nature of activity. This motive is caused by the need for physical activity. Specific motives differ in that the type of activity in the lesson plays an important role for the student. The student gives preference to some exercises and games, and has a negative attitude towards others. As a rule, younger students prefer games, while teenagers prefer specific sports, such as gymnastics or volleyball.

The task of physical education teachers is to create all the necessary conditions for students in order to form interest in classes.

The process of forming interest in physical education lessons is not easy. It includes both elementary concepts of physical culture and some knowledge about human physiology, anatomy, and psychology. The most important is the practical part, which is based on theoretical knowledge. Therefore, we can conclude that physical culture includes not only an increase in the level of physical training of schoolchildren, but also an educational focus.

The lesson of physical culture should be based on the use of modernized technologies. The teacher needs to use both a general and an individual approach to students, to assess the level of physical fitness of each student.

Frontal methods of influencing schoolchildren during a physical education lesson will help the teacher to interest students, to cause positive motives for classes. In this case, gaming complexes are the best choice. The teacher can independently build a complex of games, depending on the characteristics of the students (age, physical fitness, etc.). Game complexes, in turn, may include a set of games, relay races, small competitions. Game complexes arouse interest among schoolchildren, give them pleasure and joy, which contributes to a good mood in physical education lessons. During games, children satisfy their motor activity, it becomes possible to take the initiative, try their hand. All of the above leads to the formation of a stable internal motivation among students for physical education.

If the child does not show the slightest interest in the lesson, performs all tasks through force, he develops a negative attitude towards physical culture. The reason for this may be poor organization of the lesson, lack of emotional contact between the teacher and students, improperly selected exercises, lessons, excessive or low physical activity.

Cognitive interest plays a significant role in mastering the lesson. It is necessary to use visual aids, these can be cards, pictures, stands, posters, presentations, educational videos. Visualization is a necessary condition for the successful assimilation of the lesson material. Acquaintance of schoolchildren with new, unfamiliar sports contributes to an increase in interest in physical culture.

Thus, we can conclude that when using all of the above methods in combination, the teacher can increase interest in the subject, help increase internal motivation for physical education.


  1. Matkovskaya, I. The role of motive in achieving the goal. // Teacher. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 60-72.
  2. Cretty J. Psychology in modern sport. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1978.- 194 p.
  3. Nechaev A.P. Psychology of physical culture. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004.
  4. Bozhovich L.I. Studying the motivation of the behavior of children and adolescents - M .: AST-Press, 2005. - 427 p.





Formation of students' positive motivation for physical culture lessons

Dmitrieva T.A.,

physical culture teacher

Work experience: 17 years



I. Theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of motivation for physical culture ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I.

II. The system of work on the formation of positive motivation ……………………7

2.1. GEF requirements for the formation of positive motivation…………………………………………………………………………...7

2.2. Stages of work on the formation of positive motivation………………………………………………………..………………….8

2.3. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing motivation………………….10

2.4. Educational technologies used to increase motivation..11

2.5. Methods, forms and techniques for increasing motivation…………………………….14

2.6. Extracurricular activities on the subject………………………………………….16





The formation of a personality ready for active creative self-realization in the space of universal culture is the main goal of the development of the domestic system of school education. The education system refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities, the wording of the standard indicates real goals, activities. Based on the concept of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard in physical culture, the goal of school education has become the formation of a versatile physically developed personality, able to actively use the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and maintain their own health for a long time, optimize labor activity and organize outdoor activities. The educational process is aimed at the formation of sustainable motives and needs of schoolchildren in respect for their health, the holistic development of physical and mental qualities, the creative use of physical culture in the organization of a healthy lifestyle.

Over the past years, an alarming situation has developed - the health and physical fitness of children have deteriorated, there is a low level of positive motivation for systematic physical education, sports, and a healthy lifestyle among students of general education schools. According to physiologists, the fact of a decrease in the average daily indicator of the level of physical activity of students in grades 2–11 by 35–45% compared with the hygienic norm has been established (Appendix 1, Table 1, Fig. 1).

The solution of the tasks of strengthening physical culture and sports work among children and youth requires the organization of the educational process in a certain system, when all educational influences are connected into a single whole, which will allow the school to raise the work of educating young people to the level of modern requirements corresponding to the conditions of our time.

The problem of the formation of a person brought up not just as “the bearer of a certain amount of knowledge, but above all as a citizen of society, active with his inherent attitudes, morality, interests, high culture of work and behavior” cannot be considered outside the issues of raising the need for knowledge, motivating learning, mastering knowledge of their creative application in practice.

As studies by L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev and others, this is impossible without the formation of an appropriate motivation. Motivation is considered by many researchers as a regulator of human activity, which, in turn, implies in itself a system of significance for a person.

In the practice of physical education teachers, more attention is paid to increasing the level of motor fitness and less, and sometimes, as noted in the press, the educational and upbringing orientation of physical education classes is completely lost.

"Physical self-improvement is closely related to the development of personality, the upbringing of the spiritual needs of schoolchildren, but these aspects are almost not affected in the course of classes."

On the one hand, the educational policy of the state is aimed at the effective use of school resources for physical culture and sports, at the formation of a physically healthy person who is able to actively use the values ​​of physical culture to improve their own health, optimize work activities and organize outdoor activities.

On the other hand, due to the popularization of television and the Internet, an increase in the volume of the study load, modern schoolchildren move less and sit at computers more, increasing eye strain, aggravating posture disorders, and spending insufficient time outdoors.

Working with children, I noticed a decrease in the level of positive motivation to go in for sports, and as a result, a decrease in their interest in physical education lessons, in a healthy lifestyle and in health as a personal value.

Thus, there was a need to study the aspects of schoolchildren's motivation, search and implementation of new forms and methods of teaching, which would increase interest in physical education lessons, create a positive emotional background, and activate students' motor activity.

I believe that this problem is of particular relevance, since the student's motivational sphere is the main component in the process of organizing educational activities. It reflects the student's interest in the lessons, his active and conscious attitude towards them. The effectiveness of training, the level of results achieved, and hence their development as a whole, largely depend on how developed the motivation for classes is. The success of solving this issue largely depends on how the work of the teacher and students in the classroom is organized, on the methods and means used. The main task is to organize a lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular activities in such a way as to arouse children's interest in physical education and to prepare physically educated and well-physically developed young people by the end of school.

The urgency of this problem determined the choice Topicsresearch: The system of work on the organization of educational space, aimed at the formation of positive motivation of students for physical education.

Work on the formation of positive motivation for educational and cognitive activity at physical education lessons was started in 2014. The direction of work was chosen, its prospects were determined.

The range of work covers the organization of physical culture activities in a single system "lesson - extracurricular activities - extracurricular work".

The novelty of the work experience lies in the creation of a system of work and conditions for the formation of positive motivation of students for physical education, to increase the level of physical fitness and physical health of schoolchildren at the present stage of modernization of school education.

An object research is an educational process.

Subject The purpose of the research is to identify the system of means and methods that influence the formation of a positive attitude towards physical culture among students aged 8–14.

Target to identify means and methods that increase the level of motivation of schoolchildren for physical education and create conditions for the formation and maintenance of a sustainable interest in sports activities.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

    To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

2. Determine the conditions that influence the formation of motives for physical education.

3. To explore the opinion of students on the issue of motivation and attitude towards physical education.

4. To develop and substantiate the effectiveness of the choice of means, forms and methods for the formation of positive motivation for students to engage in sports activities, through the lesson - extracurricular activities - extracurricular work.

5. To form in students a conscious need for independent and organized physical education, for systematic physical improvement, the development of positive motivation, the acquisition of knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle.

Hypothesis: knowledge of the features of the formation of positive motives and the use of game means will allow schoolchildren to form a stable motivation for physical education.

    Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of motivation for physical culture

The path to effective management of a person lies through understanding his motivation. Only knowing what motivates a person, what motivates him to activity, what motives underlie his actions, one can try to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing a person.

“You can’t attract a satiated person with bread. Bread is important for those who don't have it." The highest motive in the pyramid built by Maslow is “self-realization, the desire of a person to realize himself in his work, in his creation (Appendix 2, Fig. 2). The desire of a person to find himself in something else, to recognize himself in the results of his work, to participate in the formation of this world, is now absolutely indisputable.

What is a motive? A motive is something that causes a person to act in a certain way. The motive is located “inside” a person, has a “personal” character, depends on many external and internal factors in relation to a person, as well as on the action of other motives that arise in parallel with it. Under the motives, according to Zuev V.N., Suleimanov I.I., Siegert V. and Lang L., we mean active driving forces that determine the behavior of living beings. It can be hard work, with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, or it can be avoidance of it. Behavior can have any other form of manifestation. You should always look for motives for behavior.

Human behavior is usually determined not by one motive, but by their combination, in which motives can be in a certain relationship with each other according to the degree of their impact on human behavior. Therefore, the motivational structure of a person can be considered as the basis for the implementation of certain actions by him.

Motivation is the process of influencing a person in order to induce him to certain actions by inducing certain motives in him. Motivation is the basis of human management. The effectiveness of management to a very large extent depends on how successfully the motivation process is carried out.

Currently, there are two types of motivation.

The first type of motivation It consists in the fact that through external influences, a person has certain motives that encourage a person to carry out certain actions, which leads to the desired result for the motivating subject. With this type of motivation, one must know well what motives can induce a person to desirable actions, and how to cause these motives. This type of motivation is a lot like a variant of a bargain: "I give you" what you want, and you give me what I want. If the two parties do not have points of interaction, then the process of motivation cannot take place.

A task the second type of motivation process- the formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. In this case, the main attention is paid to developing and strengthening the motives of a person that are desirable for the subject of motivation and, conversely, to weaken those motives that interfere with the effective management of a person. This type of motivation requires much more effort, knowledge and ability to implement it, but its results generally significantly exceed the results of the first type of motivation.

The first and second types of motivation should not be opposed, since in modern management practice, effective managers tend to combine them.

Currently, there are many different forms of motivation, but material rewards and non-material rewards are primarily important. As you know, a reward is due for work, which is everything that a person considers valuable for himself. This kind of encouragement is divided into internal and external. The former include a sense of respect, satisfaction from achieving results, a sense of the content and significance of one's work, etc. External remuneration is what is provided in return for the work done: grades, symbols of status and prestige, various benefits and incentives, etc.

    The system of work on the formation of positive motivation

    1. GEF requirements for the formation of positive motivation

In our time, the main regulatory document on which learning outcomes are built and designed is the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The new standard imposes three groups of requirements for learning outcomes (Appendix 3, tables 2, 3).

Specialists in the field of physical culture (M. Ya. Vilensky, Yu. A. Kopylov, V. P. Lukyanenko and others) note that a traditional physical education lesson basically solves only two tasks - health-improving and training. Without belittling the significance of any of them, experts suggest that this is not enough for the “prestige”, the significance of the subject. Therefore, the determining factor in the modernization of physical education, in their opinion, is the increase in the general educational potential of the subject "Physical Education". Due to the lack of attention to the general educational orientation, it “dropped out” from the system of general education; at the same time, the tasks of the lesson of physical culture are not solved in full, which affects the effectiveness of physical culture at school. The priority goal of school education, instead of simply transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student, is the development of the student's ability to independently set learning goals, design ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the formation of the ability to learn. The student himself must become the "architect and builder" of the educational process. Achieving this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a system of universal educational activities (UUD).

Within the framework of my topic, personal UUDs play an important role, which provide the value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, three types of personal actions should be distinguished:

    personal, professional, life self-determination;

    meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what stimulates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out;

    moral and ethical orientation, including the evaluation of the content being assimilated (based on social and personal values), which ensures a personal moral choice.

The development of a system of universal educational activities as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative activities that determine the development of the psychological abilities of an individual is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's learning activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of these universal learning activities (their level of development corresponding to the "high norm") and their properties.

Universal educational activities represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational activity is determined by its relationship with other types of educational activities and the general logic of age-related development.

For the formation of personal UUD, in particular, the development of motivation in the field of physical culture, it is necessary to take into account the following circumstances:

    When conducting lessons of any type, you must:

    appeal to the mind of students, to their feelings;

    prioritize student autonomy;

    consider the age of the children when selecting tasks.

    The teacher needs to remember:

    any action must be meaningful;

    the development of intrinsic motivation is an upward movement;

    the tasks that we set before the child should be not only understandable, but also internally pleasant, significant for him.

    The student needs:

    create an atmosphere of success;

    help to learn easily;

    help to gain confidence in their abilities and capabilities;

    do not skimp on encouragement and praise.

It was these circumstances that became for me the main principles of work on the formation of positive motivation.

      Stages of work on the formation of positive motivation

On the first stage studied scientific and methodological literature and the state of the problem in practice. The formation of the motivational sphere of students was studied by such scientists as V. G. Aseev, L. I. Bozhovich, R. A. Zhdanova, V. S. Ilyin, A. K. Markova, and others.

An analysis of the scientific literature on the problem made it possible to find out: the levels of its development, to determine the foundations of experimental work, to identify the conditions that contribute to the formation of cognitive motives.

In practice, I used the methodology for studying and shaping the motivation of the teachings of schoolchildren Markova A.K., including the study of students' motivation, planning its development and monitoring this process. I conducted a theoretical study of the essence of "motive" and motivation.

On the second stage experimental ways of studying motivation for physical culture and sports were determined, and the opinion of students on the issues of motivation for physical education lessons at school was also studied. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in MBOU secondary school No. 2. A total of 127 students of grades 2, 3-b, 5-6 were involved.

The survey was of a comparative nature and was conducted in order to identify:

The subjective attitude of students to physical education lessons at school,

Features of the formation of motivation for physical culture and sports in children of different school ages.

As a result of the survey, the following data were obtained:

The vast majority of students answered that they, in general, like physical education lessons. And to the question: “Why do you attend physical education classes at school?” The majority of primary school students chose the following answers:

Satisfy your need for movement;

Take a break from class;

Get positive emotions;

The majority of students in grades 5-6 chose the following answers: - test your strength, test yourself;

Communicate with classmates in the conditions of competitions and games;

Improve health;

Based on the results of the survey, it was concluded that the motivation of students is exclusively age-related, depending on the leading type of activity and depends on the following factors:

    children's needs,

    the personality of the teacher of physical culture, from his pedagogical skills,

    features of educational work in the classroom, in the family,

    physical and technical readiness of students and on the level of their physical development,

    conditions of the educational environment.

On the third stage I carried out the selection of forms, methods, means of physical education, which would allow to form positive motives for physical education lessons of schoolchildren, increase the level of physical fitness and physical development and, as a result, improve the health of schoolchildren.

The formation of positive motivation for physical education can be achieved through the use of both traditional and innovative educational technologies, involving students in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, so I use various technologies most effectively in my work.

      Psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing motivation

In the practice of teachers' work, for the most part, they rely on motives, coercion, orders, which is an integral part of the structure of negative motivation and reduces the effectiveness of educating a positive attitude towards learning. From the analysis of a number of researchers devoted to the problems of motivation of the teachings of Markov M.D., Yakobson P.M., Bozhovich L.I. It was found out that the conditions for the formation of positive motivation in the classroom, including physical education lessons, are as follows:

    taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the motivational sphere of students of a given age;

    determination of ways and means of motivation development at physical culture lessons, taking into account best practices.

When educating the motivation for learning in adolescents, one should take into account those neoplasms that psychologists point to:

    the need for adulthood; special susceptibility to the assimilation of methods, skills, norms of behavior;

    general activity of a teenager and readiness to realize himself as a person and assess the needs for self-expression;

    breadth of interests.

However, it is necessary to take into account the negative, which reduces the level of development of the motivational sphere of adolescents. Keep in mind that teenagers experience:

    immaturity of assessments of oneself and another;

    rejection of words on faith (reasoned evidence is required);

    an external manifestation of indifference to what was said in relation to a teenager;

    denial of "submission" of ready-made knowledge;

    misunderstanding of educational subjects for the future;

    subject selectivity;

    unstable interests.

This is the age of the birth of self-education motives. A system of motives is formed, motives are realized through a comparison of the motives of classmates.

Based on the positions of psychologists on the structure of motivation, the following components must be included in the structure of positive motivation for learning: interest, need, duty, responsibility, self-affirmation, which must be presented in their dynamics (Appendix 4, table 4).

      Educational technologies used to increase motivation

The priority direction of the work of each school is to improve the quality of education through the use of modern educational technologies in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Therefore, a modern teacher must be fluent in knowledge in the field of these technologies and successfully apply them in their lessons. The teacher, using modern technologies, can improve not only physical qualities, but also develop the creative potentials of students.

Technology of differentiated learning

Working at a school as a physical education teacher, I was faced with a problem in which, on the one hand, children of different levels of physical fitness, different levels of learning and health status come to the lesson, and on the other hand, with the requirements of the federal state standard for mastering educational material. As a means of solving this problem, I chose the technology of differentiated learning. The chosen technology to the greatest extent forms subject skills and universal learning activities. The principle of a differentiated approach implies the optimal adaptation of educational material and teaching methods to the individual abilities of each student.

For example, health groups. The students of the main group at the lessons of athletics develop endurance in cross-country running, and the guys of the preparatory group perform a health run, combined with walking.

Also, I have a differentiated approach to grading in physical culture. I take into account both the result and the increase in the result. Moreover, individual achievements (i.e., the increase in results) are of priority importance, I also take into account theoretical knowledge, and the technique of performing a motor action, and diligence, and the ability to carry out sports and recreational activities. All assessments must be substantiated.

Gaming technologies

Play and childhood are inseparable. Sociologists believe that sports and outdoor games are at the highest level of interests of children and adolescents; only books and films can compete with them. The TV screen more and more often gives us fragments of childish battles, where the main weapon is outdoor games. Schools, sports families, pioneer camps and yard teams compete. In terms of the intensity of the fight on the courts, outbursts of emotions in the stands, the spirit of fair competition, these small fights are hardly inferior to large-scale adult competitions.

The acceleration of the rhythm of modern life, the progress of science, technology, and sports sets the task for pedagogy to use the game even more actively to educate the collective principles, physical and moral qualities of the younger generation.

Mass competitions in outdoor games among schoolchildren have become widespread.

What is a game? The Great Soviet Encyclopedia answers this question as follows: “A game, a type of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself. The game has accompanied humanity throughout its history, intertwined with magic, cult behavior: sports, military and other training."

The connection of the game with training and rest is simultaneously due to its ability to model conflicts, the solution of which in the practical field of activity is either difficult or impossible.

The game is not only physical training, but also a means of psychological preparation for future life situations. A man plays only when he is in the full sense of the word a man, and he is fully human only when he plays.

Games help in my work to increase interest in physical education, create situations filled with emotional experiences, which naturally stimulates the activity of students, encourages children to express themselves creatively. The most important feature of gaming technologies in physical education lessons is the connection with other subjects.

Collaboration Technology makes it possible to organize the educational process in a joint developmental activity, sealed by mutual understanding, a joint analysis of the progress and results of this activity. This technology of working in a group contributes to the emergence of interest in the learning process and a sense of satisfaction not only with the results, but also with the learning process itself. The principle of personal responsibility of each for the success of all leads to the fact that students tend to choose their own way of intra-group participation, taking into account the maximum benefit for the common cause, and this, in turn, contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem and self-determination of the student, helps to develop his creative abilities.

For example: in a gymnastics lesson, groups are given the task to build a sports pyramid. There are 5 people in the group, with different levels of physical fitness. The work can be structured as follows: a more prepared student chooses a difficult exercise to demonstrate and directs the work of the group; three other students, in conjunction with the first one, demonstrate the task, and the less prepared student supports and insures the students, realizing that this is a very important and responsible task.

Information and Communication Technologies allow my students to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information on the subject, it becomes possible to model research activities. Interactive presentations of different directions: quizzes, tests, crossword puzzles, puzzles, extensive theoretical material help to make the educational process intensive, effective and of high quality. The use of information technology makes it possible to diversify homework, which contributes to the creative development of children. Also, I actively use computer technology as a control, correction and testing of students.

problem learning technology, justified by J. Dewey, in my opinion, is most consistent with the requirements of the time: to teach ─ researching, research ─ teaching, where the student becomes an active participant in his own learning. Problem-based learning in physical education classes is learning to solve non-standard problems, situations, during which students learn new knowledge and acquire skills and abilities of creative activity. It develops independence, responsibility, criticality and ensures the strength of the acquired knowledge, because they are mined in independent activities.

For example, when teaching throwing a ball at a distance, students, solving the problem of how to improve the result, offer ways to solve this problem.

Technology of design and research activities provides an opportunity to orient the student to independent activity, in accordance with his personal interests. Designing at the lesson of physical culture ─ these are projects to study the influence of physical culture on the human body, to study the history of sports, physical qualities, preparing and holding competitions and sports holidays.

For example, a group of 6th grade students completed the project of the sports festival “To be friends with sports is to be healthy” and spent this holiday in the 1st grade.

Health saving technologies help to implement an educational process based on changing values ​​in relation to the health of students. In the classroom I use elements of fitness technologies, such as step aerobics, fitball exercises, shaping, which are an effective means of increasing girls' interest in classes, helping to increase the level of physical fitness and improve the health of expectant mothers.

I believe that the technologies I use are a complex innovative process based on changes in values ​​in relation to the motivation of students for physical education, for educational activities, for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and for their health.

These technologies are based on systemic - activity approach in which the problem of self-determination of the child in the educational process comes to the fore.

      Methods, forms and techniques for increasing motivation

The success of education, the process of involving schoolchildren in active work, the fulfillment of the set goals depends on the ways to achieve them, i.e. teaching methods and techniques.

In my work, along with generally accepted methods, I use problem-search, game, competitive, group methods to increase the interest and activity of students. In classes with grades 5 and 6, I prefer the circuit training method, since I think that this method is the most effective, it includes a number of private methods of strictly regulated exercises with a selective overall effect on the students' body. It organically fits into a specific series of training sessions, helps to effectively organize learning activities.

To check homework or control the assimilation of the material, I try to use interactive methods. For example, I use the “Unfinished Proposal” method or the “Joint Project” method when working in a group. For example, in gymnastics lessons, students, working in groups, make test combinations from previously studied elements on a balance beam and acrobatics. Then they demonstrate them and invite the students of another group to repeat.

I also use frontal, group, individual methods, I use various options for loads and rest.

As a result of creative cooperation with students, the optimal forms of organizing the educational space were determined:

    problem presentation lessons;

    travel lessons;

    research lessons;


    lessons with group methods of work;

    project lessons;

    integrated lessons, etc.

The requirements for the structure of the lesson have also changed:

Lesson Requirements

Lesson of the modern type (corresponding to GEF)

Lesson topic announcement

Formed by students

Communication of goals and objectives

Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance


Students planning ways to achieve the intended goal

Practical activities of students

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used)

Exercising control

Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are used)

Implementation of the correction

Students formulate problems and correct them on their own.

Student Assessment

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of comrades)

Lesson summary

Reflection is underway


Students can choose a task from the ones proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual abilities.

In the structure of any lesson, I use the following techniques:

1. The preferred choice of exercises that have a healing effect.

The water part of each lesson necessarily includes exercises for coordination of movements, for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet. Students from the 1st grade independently prepare warm-up exercises, this contributes to the familiarization with independent physical exercises.

2. Increase motor density lessons.

The main part of the lesson is conducted using frontal, group, individual, differentiated, game, competitive forms and methods of teaching.

3. Individual approach to students, providing the necessary information to maintain and improve health.

Acquaintance with the results of medical examinations of children; their consideration in educational work (Appendix 5, Fig. 3). When declaring the purpose and objectives of the lesson, the impact of the exercises used in the lesson on health is reported. The possibility of using these exercises and games for independent physical education. Developing creative tasks are used, the preparation of messages that contribute to the formation of a sustainable interest in the subject, successful intellectual development. Particular attention is paid to developmental education. Taking into account the interests and inclinations of students, their individual characteristics, educational material of different levels of complexity is provided, which contributes to physical development and makes it possible to fully engage in lessons for students with preparatory and special medical groups.

4. Creating a positive emotional mood in the lessons.

The use of gaming technologies in the classroom in combination with other techniques and methods of organizing training sessions strengthens the motivation to study the subject, helps to evoke positive emotions, to see the individuality of children. Positive emotions reliably protect students from mental overload.

5. Democratic communication style creates conditions for the development of the mental activity of the child, gives freedom of cognitive activity, the student is not afraid to make a mistake when solving the problem.

6. Multiple scoring options are used. When evaluating educational standards, the achievements of the beginning of the year and the end of the year of each student are compared. When performance improves, points are added to the mark. When evaluating the technique of movements or performing sets of exercises, qualitative and quantitative indicators are taken into account. Thus, the student competes with himself, this forms a willingness to improve results, strive to achieve his goal, forms motivation for learning and creates a positive emotional mood in the classroom.

5. Use of natural natural factors.

Under suitable weather conditions, physical education classes are held outdoors, which greatly contributes to the hardening of students.

      Extracurricular activities in the subject

At school, I am actively working to include students in all types of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. It has become a tradition to hold such events:

    health days;

    competitions between classes in football, basketball;

    individual table tennis championship;

    fun starts;

    competitions of drawings and photo collages "Sport in our life", "Healthy lifestyle";

    "Knight Tournaments";

    “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, girls!”;

    "Dad, mom, I am a sports family."

As part of extracurricular activities, in the primary grades I conduct classes according to the Corrective Gymnastics program, and in grades 5-6 I work according to the Athletics program.

The use of various forms of organizing training sessions makes it possible to activate the cognitive activity of students, to involve them in the educational process as its subject.


Speaking about the effectiveness of the experience, it is advisable to start with the dynamics of students' learning motivation.

For two years, at school, according to the results of the survey, there is a positive dynamics of motivation for physical education. Primary school students can observe a consistently high level of motivation, among adolescents it increased by 8% (Appendix 6, Fig. 4, 5).

The quality of mastering physical culture curricula by students increased by 4% and is 94% (Appendix 7, Fig. 6) .

The high quality of mastering the curriculum by students indicates a high positive motivation to study in physical culture.

A comparative analysis of physical fitness shows that the level of physical fitness of both girls and boys is growing for each type of test. The growth of achievements has its own characteristics. In some cases, there is a steady and almost uniform increase in achievements in boys and girls, in others, the growth in achievements goes in the form of “scissors”, the older the age, the greater the difference in the results of boys and girls (Appendix 8, Fig. 7).

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people involved in sports circles and sections from the total number of students in our school (Appendix 9, Fig. 8).

Our students regularly take part in school, city, district and regional competitions in physical culture and sports, where they repeatedly become winners and prize-winners (Appendix 10, table 5).

The main forms of interaction with parents are speeches at parent meetings, individual conversations.

I actively work with parents to attract their children to sports clubs. I systematically bring to the attention of parents the monitoring of physical development, academic performance, sports success and student results. Holding "Health Days" with the participation of parents has become traditional.

I provide methodological assistance in the development, conduct and analysis of lessons, extra-curricular activities for students of ASC (branch) Sakh SU.

I pay much attention to the issues of self-education, follow the latest methodological literature, studying the magazines "Physical Education at School", "Health of a Schoolchild". I attend open lessons of my colleagues and seminars with great interest.

Analyzing the results of their activities on the topic, we can conclude that the formation of positive motivation of students is achieved through:

    self-improvement of the teacher himself and his personal example;

    use of modern educational technologies;

    effective forms and methods of organizing the educational process;

    involvement of students in extracurricular and extracurricular activities in various forms;

    orientation of students to the result of activity;

    innovations in the content of education.

I see the prospect of further work:

    in continuation of research on this topic based on the introduction into the educational process of working with individual "passports" of physical development, physical fitness and sports achievements of schoolchildren, which will be a visual "portfolio" of success and motivation for physical education;

    in identifying gifted children and creating conditions for the realization of their potential;

    in preparing schoolchildren for the successful completion of the norms of the TRP complex.

List of used literature

    Azarov Yu.P. Play and work. – M.: Knowledge, 2011.

    Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M., 1999.

    Bozhovich L.I. Questions of psychology, personality. - M., 2004.

    Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M., 2000.

    Byleeva L.V. Outdoor games. - M., 2000.

    Volkov V. Teenager and physical culture. - Smolensk, 2003.

    Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydov. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1991.

    Gandelsman and others. Physical education of children of school age. - M., 2005.

    Gellar E.M. Games for schoolchildren at recess grades 1–4. - M., 2011.

    Zaichenko V.I. The system of work of the class teacher on the formation of positive motivation. - M., 2000.

    Kan-Kalik V.A., Nikandrov I.D. Pedagogical creativity. - M., 1990.

    Klyuchko T.S. Methods of educational work with students in the process of physical education and sports. - M., 2010.

    Kondratieva M.M. We have in the yard. - M., 1977.

    Korotkov I. Summer games. - M., 1999.

    Modeling of pedagogical and control situations. - M., 2000.

    Modeling of pedagogical tasks in teaching. - M., 2013.

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Physical culture. - M., 2010.

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. - M., 1998. - 256 p.

    Tropnikov V.I. Structure and dynamics of sports activity motives. - M., 2012.

    Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - M., 2011.

    Formation of UUD in basic school: from action to thought. Task system: teacher's manual / edited by A.G. Asmolov.-2nd ed. - M., 2011.

    Shevchenko S.D. School lesson: How to teach everyone. - M., 2004.

    Shchukina T.I. cognitive interest. - M., 2009.

    Shchukina T.I. The role of activity in the educational process. - M., 2012.

    Yakobson P.M. Psychology of feelings. - M., 2000.

1pAppendix 1

Table 1. Hygienic norm of the total daily motor activity of children aged 5-17 years (according to the data of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A. G. Sukharev)


(thousand steps)

Motor component

Energy costs


6-10 years (both sexes)

11-14 years old (both sexes)

15-17 years old (boys)

15-17 years old (girls)

Rice. 1. The level of total physical activity of schoolchildren (according to the data of the Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene of the Russian Federation)

Annex 2

Rice. 2. Maslow's pyramid

Annex 3

Table 2. GEF requirements for learning outcomes






Fundamentals of the system of scientific knowledge

Meaning formation


Experience of subject activity in obtaining, transforming and applying new knowledge

Moral and ethical orientation


Subject and meta-subject actions with educational material

Table 3. GEF requirements for learning outcomes in the subject area of ​​Physical Education




Positive attitude towards exercise

The ability to use the values ​​of physical culture to meet individual needs and achieve personally significant results in physical perfection

The level of formation of universal abilities, manifested in the active application of knowledge and skills in cognitive and practical activities

Knowledge and methods of motor activity The ability to creatively apply them in solving practical problems related to the organization and conduct of independent physical education classes

Appendix 4

Table 4. The structure of positive motivation for learning

Levels of development of positive motivation for learning

Interest in physical perfection

Situational interest during the session, little activity

Sustained interest, activity during the lesson

Passionate, high activity

duty, responsibility

They are situational in nature, executed upon presentation of requirements from

side of the teacher.

Motivating force acquires respect for the work of the teacher, his personality

Duty, responsibility are understood and experienced as a need for society, the team, oneself, parents, elders


The value-evaluative attitude towards oneself is unstable, a feeling of inferiority is inherent.

The desire to achieve approval in the team through good study.

Self-affirmation is based on a creative approach to learning activities, dissatisfaction with oneself.

Annex 5

Rice. 3. The state of health of students in grades 2, 3-b, 5-6 grades MBOU secondary school No. 2

(September 2015)

Appendix 6

Rice. 4. Dynamics of the level of formation of school motivation of primary school students (2, 3-b) MBOU secondary school No. 2

Rice. 5. Dynamics of the level of formation of school motivation of students in grades 5-6 of MBOU secondary school No. 2

Annex 7

Rice. 6. Dynamics of the level of education and the quality of knowledge of students in grades 2, 3-b, 5, 6-a, b MBOU secondary school No. 2

Appendix 8

Rice. 7. Dynamics of the level of physical training of students of 2, 3-b, 5, 6-a, b classes MBOU secondary school No. 2

Annex 9

Rice. 8. Growth in the number of students attending sports clubs and sections in MBOU secondary school No. 2

Annex 10

Table 5. The results of participation in sports competitions of students of MBOU secondary school No. 2 (2014, 2015)




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