Where to get a charm for pets in WWII. Charm for pets with their own hands

We continue to explore the lands of Draenor, and, of course, in our travels we will meet new pets (and receive new rewards for battles). Master trainers have appreciated the variety of pet battle options on Draenor in the past, and Patch 6.2 won't disappoint. Let's find out what creatures you can add to your collection.

Note: Below is important information about the content of the update! If you want to get to know the new pets and rewards yourself, read no further!

Break in Tanaan

The Tanaan jungle is, first of all, a place of incessant bloody battles. You will be able to find all types of battle pets throughout the zone, with four of them meeting you for the first time. To replenish your collection in a hurry:

  • bloodbeak,
  • azure Moth,
  • purple firefly,
  • swamp crab.

Also be sure to get the task "My little bad puppy." Completing it will reward you with an adorable Fel Wolf Pup.

Well, isn't it cute?

But in the jungle you can meet not only ordinary pets. If you spend enough time and effort searching, you will find 15 fel-infested legendary pets in the Tanaan Jungle. Your garrison battle pet keeper will be sure to share important information with you on how to find them. You can only defeat one of the 15 Legendary pets per day for a Cache of Corrupted Pet Goods containing:

  • gold,
  • pet guards,
  • bandages for pets.

In addition, there is a small chance that the container will also contain:

  • Corrupted Training Pet Stone (a one-time use item that increases a pet's level by 5),
  • one of the following rare pets:
    • littorine cub,
    • zangar controversy,
    • spore spore,
    • bell of nightmares.

You can ring the nightmare bell. Do not be afraid.

In addition, players who have mastered all fifteen legendary enemies in the Tanaan Jungle will receive a special new achievement.

How do you take care of your pets?

Patch 6.2 will also add a new vendor to your Tier 3 menagerie. Tiffy the Grasp and Hyada Goldchain have been enchanted by your impressive collection of charms and are willing to trade the following pets for them:

  • dusty sporewing,
  • Bloodthorn Ravager Hatchling,
  • shimmering sporebat,
  • Lost Nether Wolf.

They also agree to exchange amulets for toys:

  • magic Pet Mirror,
  • indestructible bone,
  • wand of the spirit.

The hunt continues

Patch 6.2 will introduce a plethora of new pets to the game that can be found across both Azeroth and Draenor. Adventurers from Azeroth will be thrilled to see the light of Netera shine in Dalaran. In addition, the Darkmoon Faire will have two new marine pets that can be obtained. These are Bulbul (it will not participate in pet battles) and ghost crab.

This shell is made from the essence of ghosts.

More pets can now be found on the battlefields of Draenor. Be careful and you will certainly find them!

  • The Crimsonwing Moth is a rare pet that spawns throughout Talador. Only one such pet can be in the entire zone at a time.
  • The Sapphire Firefly is a rare pet that can be found throughout the Spiers of Arak, and never has more than one Firefly in an area.
  • Fire Pup - He can be obtained by completing a quest in the garrison, added in update 6.2.
  • Corrupted Nest Guard - This pet can be obtained by defeating Shadowlord Iskar in the new Hellfire Citadel raid.

You can test all of the new pets for yourself by participating in PTR 6.2 PTR. Please note that new content can only be tested at certain times. To learn more about the upcoming 6.2 update and how to participate in PTR testing, visit

At all times, dogs have been true friends for people, and for some, even the only ones. The loss of such a friend is tantamount to the loss of a family member, because he lives with the owner under the same roof, eats, sleeps nearby for many years. That is why a charm for a dog is needed no less than for a person.

Why do you need dog guards?

Losing a friend, even in the face of a dog, is a psychological trauma, especially for children who become attached to them with all their hearts. It will not be cunning if we remember the cost of such friends, because for some breeds they ask far from small money. By the way, the theft of these cute creatures is a widespread phenomenon. Therefore, the owner must protect his pet from any negativity. Many have seen people who do not like animals and even mock them. Giving a heavy kick to a cat or dog is an ordinary act for them, which often leads to tragedy.

These are not all the dangers that await your friends on the open spaces of the streets. Dogs, especially small ones, accidentally run out onto the road and fall under the wheels of a car, and sometimes not by accident. In the spring, your friends are waiting for various diseases that have thawed along with the snow. And, finally, the evil looks of the neighbors, because your "family member" violates their peace day and night. He runs, barks, taps his nails on the parquet, as if on their nerves, not everyone can stand such a test. But everyone can spoil a dog, not considering such an act to be sinful, because a dog is not a person. Therefore, heavenly protection for your dog is very necessary.

Types of protective amulets for four-legged friends

Charms for dogs can be different, but the most effective is the one that is made by hand. Indeed, in the process of its manufacture, the soul and good wishes are invested. Even in Russia, people protected livestock with various magical means, as it fed their families for many years in a row. The tradition, of course, was adopted from the practice of protecting a person, for example, wives sewed shirts or sashes with their own hands for warriors precisely for a protective purpose, embroidering various protective signs and symbols in a circle. Everything is created according to the same principle.

The circle is very important for magical actions, it gives full protection around the entire perimeter. Therefore, each amulet must be organized in a circular or closed path. Signs and symbols are an equally important element, they have a deep protective meaning, backed up by the faith of ancestors and the magic of centuries.

The material can be anything, but it is best to choose natural, which has a connection with nature:

  • Linen, cotton.
  • metal
  • Wool.

Natural remedies, caring hands and good wishes - isn't that already protection for a close friend?

How to make an amulet for a dog?

For such purposes, collars, scarves (bonds), belts, bracelets, pins, brooches are well suited.

The simplest amulet for a dog, which is easy to make yourself. In a matter of hours, weaving of a scarlet woolen thread will be organized. It can be a collar, but if there is a fear of suffocation, it is best to tie a bracelet on the pet's paw.

Braided collar

To do this, you will need two woolen threads folded in a cross. Any master class on working with plastic ribbons or macrame is quite suitable for this purpose. But to make the thread thicker, you can first make a crocheted chain out of it.

Putting on collars or a bracelet, you need to pronounce these words:

“I am a servant (a) of God (I) praying, I will go, crossing my Guardian Angel, meeting under the starry sky, on the Milky Way and ask him to be a protector for my friend. Protect his heavenly angel, defenseless from an evil word and black envy, from a bad deed and any illness until old age. Amen".

If the amulet will be removed at home, repeat the words every time in the process of dressing. Weaving such a talisman will protect the dog from bad intentions and deeds.

Meaning of symbols

Symbols and signs of amulets are a culture of millennia, each generation added something of its own to them. On the amulet were very significant:

  • Simple circles in the form of a spinning wheel, all this personified the sun protecting and feeding.
  • Flowers of a three-leaf clover, symbolizing the Trinity (less often a four-leaf clover, for good luck).
  • Crosses, as the intersection of all the roads of the world and a reflection of the evil.
  • Herringbone, paws up promises to reflect any negative thought, down prophesies longevity.
  • Zigzags, like confusion for, envious glances.

Protective amulet

Zigzags protect very well from bad looks. To make such an amulet you will need:

  • Bright woolen threads (all colors of the sun: red, yellow, orange).
  • Cardboard.
  • Muline, threads.
  • Needle for embroidery.

Cut out a rhombus from the cardboard inside, cut through the second rhombus so that it becomes like a donut. The rhombus is a symbol of the year, which in our case means year-round protection. Tie a knot around the cardboard and gently wrap it clockwise around the diamond. Tie the knot again and the amulet for the dog is almost ready. Embroider zigzag lines around the entire perimeter and make a loop for it to hang on a leash. During the creation process, you should pronounce the following words:

“The sun is bright, the sun is hot, you stand high and see everything, help to see and get ahead of evil, envious thoughts against God's creatures. Be always with him and illuminate and protect his path. My words are strong, your case is true!

Embroidery on a scarf (bondane)

For this purpose, zigzags and rhombuses are suitable. The pattern must be embroidered either in a circle or on four sides so that the protection is complete. Embroidery lines must be made in loops, which will also personify a closed ring. Embroidery patterns can be found on needlework sites.

For those who do not like or cannot do needlework, you can make a simple amulet with your own hands.

Safety pin

Take a pin, red threads and beads with a cat's eye. String beads and wrap them on a pin, which should be attached to the dog's collar or street clothes.

It is necessary to wash any dog ​​amulet manually and without chemicals, only under running water, especially knitted things. At each wash, you need to pronounce:

“Wash away all the evil thoughts and looks that the amulet held back and give it strength hitherto unknown in any of the worlds.”

The strongest conspiracy to amulet for a pet

For the protective power of the amulet, all spells should be cast on a full moon, which will enable it to gain strength. On the contrary, it is necessary to wash with the departing moon in order to remove everything bad. One of the strongest rituals is considered to be a ritual on the umbilical cord of a dog. Of course, it is possible to implement it only if you buy a puppy immediately after birth or when mating.

Especially for this ritual, a nettle stalk should be picked in the cemetery, this can be done during the day, it is there that it has a magical property. Peel off with gloves and rinse well. Tie the umbilical cord with the resulting flagellum. Dry everything. Pour rice or peas into a cotton bag, which you also need to make with your own hands, it will help living matter to be stored longer. Weave a small loop to hang it on a collar or secure it tightly with a pin on clothes.

To prepare a charm for a dog from the evil eye should be on the night of the full moon, pronouncing the following words:

“The amulet is omnipotent, its strength is not measured by anyone, so it is useless to fight it. The path protects my friend from all the looks of evil, from all the words and desires of the black! My words are strong!

You can’t wash the amulet, you can only wash the bag and change rice once a week. The umbilical cord connection with the mother provides tremendous protection to the dog throughout its life.

Other ways to protect the animal

To protect our smaller brothers, you can use not only amulets and conspiracies, but also prayers. You can buy an amulet with a prayer for the preservation of life and attach it to the collar. You can read a prayer to the guardian angel from time to time:

“Guardian angel be with my friend (name), he is also a creature of God and needs your protection! Save him from the evil eye and evil thought. Amen!".

You can ask for help from the patrons of the animal world - Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov and St. George. For them, you can put candles in front of the images, order a prayer service in their honor, ask for help and protection, especially when it comes to illnesses or difficult childbirth of an animal.

Washing the dog in the shower, you should always repeat:

“Wash away all the thinness and anger addressed to my dog!”

Here you will find photos and videos on creating amulets with diagrams. It should only be remembered that all of them are aimed at the good and protection of our smaller brothers.

The developers want to ensure that players in Battle for Azeroth don't have to drop everything they do and travel to Pandaria or the Broken Isles just to earn wards for their pets. But how do you make sure that pet collectors don't have to spend a lot of time in old locations to do this?

Complicate everything several times.

In Battle for Azeroth, pet collectors are in for a change. Recently CM Kaivax posted a post explaining future changes. Everything looks quite confusing, but it's not too difficult to figure it out.

Here is the full post describing all the changes:


You'll notice that today's beta update brings some changes to the pet battle currency. Here are the main changes:
  • Pet Charms will be called Shiny Pet Charms. Shiny Pet Charms will continue to be obtained from pet fights that were introduced in the game prior to Battle for Azeroth;
  • A new currency has been added - Polished Pet Charms. You can get them by playing BFA, for example, by participating in world quests related to pet battles;
  • Vendors, who have always sold useful pet items, will now ask you to pay with brand new polished pet charms. For example, Serr "a from Dalaran will now ask for new polished pet charms. Similar merchants selling similar items have changed their prices in accordance with this change;
  • Vendors that have always sold unique pets or toys for pet charms will still ask for shiny pet charms for them. For example, Hyada Goldchain in Dalaran will continue to sell all pets and toys in her inventory for pet charms;
  • The Pocket Pet Portal, which was a reward for completing 30 pet battle world quests in the Broken Isles, can be purchased from the vendor for Polished Pet Charms. This is to prevent non-players from feeling obligated to complete World Quests from previous expansions. You can play the current content to get this item for free. This change will be reflected in a future beta build;
  • The cost of "Perfect Training Pet Stones" will be increased from 45 to 60 Pet Charms.

In summary, any Shiny Pet Charms earned from pre-Battle for Azeroth content can be spent at vendors on any pets or toys from previous expansions. But if you go to Kul Tiras or Zandalar and start doing quests related to pets, then "Polished Pet Charms" will already be issued for them, and everything for leveling your pet, as well as toys, will be bought for this currency.

In addition, the Pocket Pet Portal, which increases the maximum pet limit to 1500, will no longer require you to complete 30 Legion quests. It will now be purchasable with the same Polished Pet Charms so that players don't have to go back to Legion content just to increase their account cap. The new system is not that complicated. Now you will have to return to the old content just to get some pets from there, and earn currency on them already in the Battle for Azeroth.

If you feel that in the future you will need things that will be available in the Battle for a new currency, then now is the time to get them. It's also a good idea to stock up on the perfect pet training stones before they go up in price, and use them in a future expansion.

We always strive to protect from various misfortunes, to protect those we love. And these are not always members of our families and relatives, close people. Many try to create protection for their beloved pets. And it is not surprising, because animals are also subject to magical effects, which can be provided from outside. That is why the question of how to make a charm for a dog with your own hands is quite relevant. Answering it, we will give not only arguments in favor of creating magic items for four-legged friends, but also the most popular options for dog amulets.

Evil is not always physical pain caused by enemies and ill-wishers. Often, evil is damage, the evil eye and terrible curses, from which animals cannot protect themselves on their own.

For an envious person nothing is worth causing suffering. And sometimes, in order for such an impact to affect the victim the most, curses are sent to the people most dear and close to him. And not only. Often dogs are included in the number of objects. That is why it is recommended to protect your beloved pets by creating protection for them at the energy level.

Do-it-yourself charms for a dog belong to this method of protecting a four-legged friend. And it was not in vain that our ancestors used it. With the help of similar magical things and objects that they could make (make, weave) with their own hands, our ancestors could install an energy shield on:

  • domestic favorite animals;
  • paddocks with livestock;
  • domestic birds.

The situation changed a little when Christianity was officially adopted in Russia. Since that time, amulets and other non-traditional means have been replaced by prayers and holy water. Basically, they were used when the animals were sick. Then holy texts were constantly read over them and they were sprinkled with water.

But the advantage that amulets for dogs had, prayers and holy water could not take over. Unlike them, magic items could warn the pet from external influences. Therefore, now it is the amulets that have become popular again.

What can be amulets?

To protect your four-legged pet, you can use the purchased items. In souvenir shops, you may be offered to buy a dog charm made in the form of a collar, keychain, etc. To protect the dog from evil and the evil eye, magic items designed to protect people can also come in handy. In this case, preference should be given to universal amulets that are not delimited by gender or age.

However, the most powerful were always considered to be hand-made amulets. The power of thought, supported by verbal magic, which literally impregnates a thing during its manufacture by a master, is able to put up a strong energy shield to protect the animal. Therefore, a caring pet owner prefers to make a charm for him with his own hands.

A variety of things can be attributed to such amulets. But the most common today still remain:

  • pin;
  • gem pendants;
  • collars that you can weave yourself.

The ritual of bathing in a natural reservoir can also become a talisman for a dog. This tradition came to us from our ancestors, who, thanks to this rite, cleansed dogs and other domestic animals from damage, the evil eye.

The fact is that in the magical world, water is famous for its ability to remove external adverse effects, as well as its consequences. Therefore, in the warm season, if the pet was completely healthy, he was taken to the river, lake or rate.

You can do the same if you want to neutralize the supposed magical effect and save your dog from its consequences. In general, such a talisman can also be done as a preventive measure. If you have the opportunity to bathe a four-legged pet in a natural reservoir, this will not only please him, but also protect him from negative magic.

Basic rules for creating charms for pets

Weaving pattern

If you have already decided to make (weave, make) a charm for a dog with your own hands, you need to know the basic rules regarding this needlework process.

In general, there are no basic requirements for a talisman for a beloved pet. However, it is worth adhering to the general recommendations that are provided for the creation of all magical amulets. Perhaps the main ones are:

  • Preliminary preparation and purification of your thoughts from negativity before proceeding with the implementation of this or that amulet;
  • In the process of making a magical amulet, you should think only about its immediate purpose (whether it will serve as protection for the dog);
  • To make an amulet for your four-legged friend, you should use only natural raw materials and natural materials. For example, if you decide to weave a collar yourself, it is better to use natural threads. If you prefer a pendant or pendant as a talisman, then let it be a natural gem with protective properties;
  • In the product, which will become a talisman for the dog, there must be a red color. It was this color that our ancestors characterized as energy protection from the evil eye, negativity and various misfortunes;
  • It is advisable to start the manufacturing process exactly at the moment when you want it the most. If you do not force yourself, but follow the dictates of your heart and inner prompts, the amulet will turn out to be very strong and very effective.

Charms for dogs, made in accordance with the rules described above, are quite effective.

Pets, just like people, are subject to negative bioenergy effects (damage, evil eye). To protect them, various amulets are used. If desired, a caring owner of a dog, cat or other pet can easily make a protective talisman with his own hands.

Why do we need amulets for pets

Often people use various amulets to help protect themselves from envy, damage or the evil eye. However, not everyone knows that the pet of a person using a protective magic item becomes especially vulnerable. And all because the negative coming from ill-wishers is automatically addressed to him. Our ancestors, knowing this, made amulets for pets. Magic items were hung on pets, and sometimes special symbols were drawn on a pasture or in a barn. Dogs were often made amulets in the form of a collar.

There are many prayers and conspiracies used to protect animals. Believers pray to the martyrs Florus, Laurus and Tryphon, as well as the Great Martyr George.

In the villages, even today, the owners make protective amulets for livestock, but in the city, amulets for dogs, which can be called full-fledged family members, are popular. These animals spend a lot of time outdoors, so they especially need protection. Making a magic item is easy. It is important to arrange it correctly, adhering to special traditions.

Every loving owner wants to protect his pet from all evil. A good way to do this is to make a charm.

Types of amulets for dogs and cats

There are several types of amulets for animals. Most of them are universal. They are suitable for both dogs and cats. Here is a list of magical items that can protect a four-legged pet from negativity:

  1. Conspiracy things. You can attach a pin to the pet's collar, after reading a special plot on it.
  2. Knitted or woven amulet. With your own hands, you can weave a collar or knit a vest for an animal. Things are decorated with protective symbols.
  3. natural stones. Amber and cat's eye are suitable for all pets without exception. These minerals protect against damage and the evil eye, as well as protecting against evil spirits. You can also choose a stone according to the horoscope. Remember the date of birth of the animal and see which stones are right for him.
  4. Prayer. Reading a prayer is an effective way of energy protection.
  5. Bathing. If you are sure that damage has been imposed on the animal, or you just want to protect it in the future, then swimming in an open reservoir (river, sea) will be a great way. The main thing is to carry out this ritual in the summer so that the beast does not get sick.

You can make a charm yourself. If you can’t do it, then you can ask a friend to make a magic item. Remember that you should never be forced to do this activity. A person should make a talisman of his own free will and with positive thoughts.

With the advent of Christianity, amulets were replaced by prayers and conspiracies, which are also a very effective means of protection against negative magical influences.

How to make a charm for a dog with your own hands

There are several ways to create amulets. But whichever you choose, in the manufacture you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. You need to sit down to work only in a good mood. Drive away all negative thoughts, think positively.
  2. Think only of your pet. Restore in your memory the day on which your first meeting took place, remember the funny moments from the life of an animal. This will help to endow the amulet with protective powers.
  3. The color scheme of a magical item must necessarily contain red, which not only protects against evil spirits, damage, the evil eye and curses, but also improves health.
  4. Listen to your inner voice. If today you do not feel like making a talisman, then postpone the work for later. Under no circumstances should you force yourself.
  5. The most powerful amulets are created by the owners of animals or their blood relatives.. Today you can buy a protective symbol, but it will not be as effective as one made with one's own hand.
  6. The amulet should accompany the dog everywhere. If the animal refuses to wear it, then a new protective symbol should be made. The old one either does not suit the pet, or has already completed the mission assigned to it.

In the manufacture of the amulet, natural materials should be used whenever possible. For weaving a collar, choose woolen, silk, cotton or linen threads. If the thread is thin, then you can fold it several times.

During work, you can silently list everything that you wish for your four-legged friend. This will help charge the magic symbol with positive energy.

The easiest way to make a charm that suits both a cat and a dog is to take a ten-kopeck coin and tie it four times crosswise with red thread. No special words need to be said during production. Now the coin needs to be placed under the bedding of the pet. This simple ritual will protect the animal from various diseases and prolong its life.

In order for the amulet to serve as an effective protection against damage and the evil eye, you need to follow simple rules when making it.

Wicker amulet technique: master class

If desired, you can make a protective collar that will protect the dog during a walk. To do this, you will need red woolen threads, foam rubber, sewing pins and scissors. Choose the thickness of the thread depending on the size of the pet. For medium-sized breeds of dogs and cats, you can take a thin woolen thread, and for large individuals, it is better to opt for a wide one.

Cut three threads 1 meter long and tie them into a knot at the top. You can initially fold the threads in half. Secure the top piece to the foam with a pin. Take the end of the right thread to the left so that you get a loop. Thread the left thread into this loop and tighten. Continue the same manipulations, only with the right thread. Next, weave the amulet, changing sides in turn. The length of the amulet should allow you to easily put it on the head of the animal.

Step-by-step instructions on how to weave a charm for a dog from a red thread

After you weave the collar of the desired size. Its ends must be tightly tied together. So that they do not untie, you can sew them to each other.

Now make a fluffy tassel for the collar. To do this, wind the threads around your fingers and cut the skein on both sides. Now wrap them around the amulet, and use a thread to tie a knot at the top. Wind the remaining thread around the tassel to securely fix it. Now your amulet is ready.

Video: how to make a magic decoration for a dog with your own hands

You can also weave a more complex protective collar. By experimenting with colors and patterns, you can make something beautiful and exclusive.

The scheme of weaving a collar for a dog in the photo

It will not be difficult to weave a collar for a dog. For weaving, you will need a buckle and strong threads. Weaving such a collar is within the power of everyone

Putting a charm on a pet, say:

“For you (name of the animal), I made this amulet, and filled it with magical power. He will protect you from the evil eye, from a serious illness and from a bad person. Let it be so. Amen".

If you know how to crochet, it will not be difficult to knit a charm for a pet. If you don’t have the time or desire to make magical crafts, then you can use collar pendants to protect yourself from negativity. For this purpose, fit:

  1. A small Chinese bell, the ringing of which scares away evil spirits.
  2. Red thread tassel. If the collar or charm of the dog is not made in red, then you can compensate for this by attaching a red tassel.
  3. Wolf or bear fang. If a real tusk from a wild animal is available, then use it. In addition to the present, an ordinary pendant made of metal is also suitable.
  4. A pin with amber or a cat's eye. Just be very careful not to prick the animal. Choose high-quality pins that will not spontaneously unfasten.

Almost all amulets that are designed for dogs can be used for cats. For example, for a cat, you can also weave a protective collar from red threads.

Charms for livestock and conspiracies to them

Residents of villages and villages also try to protect their pets from damage, evil eye, disease and theft. Every month, when the full moon shone in the sky, our ancestors went outside late at night and, looking at the stars, read a special plot:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the servant of God (name), will go out under the starry sky,

Under a clear month.

I bow low on all four sides,

To all the violent winds, to the bright-eyed month

Yes, the stars are clear.

Moon, golden horns,

Count all my words

How do you count your stars?

I will follow the path into the forest.

There is a clearing in the middle of the forest.

A mossy stump stands in the clearing,

A shaggy wolf roams around him,

He has butted cattle in his teeth.

Let the wolf not come out of the forest,

Don't come near my cattle.

I will put the fear of God on the beasts of the forest

And for a man with two legs and arms,

To keep my livestock from being stolen.

My protective word take away the fangs and knives,

Drive away thieves and beasts,

Lead the creeping snakes into the forest.

Fence from sorcerers and

Evil eyes and slander.

My word is strong

Stronger than dead sleep and red-hot damask steel.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Site "Conspiracies for all occasions"


When buying a new cow or horse, do not forget to sprinkle the animal with holy water

To protect cattle from the evil eye in the barn above the front door, you can hang a rowan branch with berries or an aspen branch. These trees have been known since antiquity for their unique properties.

Garlic also has excellent protective properties. Take 12 unpeeled garlic cloves, wrap them in a clean sheet of A4 paper and hide them in the barn. After about six months, replace the bundle with a new one.

So that the cow is not jinxed, you need to throw a pinch of salt into it and say:

“I forbid you, damned demon, unclean spirit, to be in this place. Go to your place, and your place is hell. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Natalia Stepanova


If it seems to you that the animal has been jinxed, then fumigate the cattle and the barn with dry aspen branches.

Amulets for animals were actively used by our ancestors, but even today these magical objects do not lose their relevance. You can make them with your own hands. The main thing is desire and a positive attitude.