Gdz in physics 9 didactic material.

This manual includes tests for self-control, independent work, control work.
The proposed didactic materials are compiled in full accordance with the structure and methodology of V. A. Kasyanov's textbooks “Physics. A basic level of. Grade 11" and "Physics. Deep level. Grade 11".

Task examples:

TS-1. Electricity. Current strength. Current source.
Option 1
1. The conductor is in an electric field. How do free electric charges move in it?
A. Make an oscillatory movement. B. Chaotic.
B. Orderly.
2. What is the direction of the electric current?
A. The direction of the ordered movement of positively charged particles.
B. The direction of the ordered movement of negatively charged particles.
B. No definite answer can be given.
3. How did the strength of the current in the circuit change if the concentration of charged particles increased by 4 times, while the speed of electrons and the cross section of the conductor remained the same?
A. Hasn't changed.
B. Decreased by 4 times.
B. Increased 4 times.
4. What is the role of the current source in the electrical circuit?
A. Generates charged particles.
B. Creates and maintains a potential difference in an electrical circuit.
B. Separates positive and negative charges.

TS-1. Electricity. Current strength. Current source.
TS-2. Ohm's law for a circuit section. Conductor resistance TC-3. Specific resistance of conductors.
The dependence of the resistivity of conductors on temperature.
TS-4. Connection of conductors.
TS-5. Ohm's law for a closed circuit.
TS-6. Measurement of current and voltage.
TS-7. Thermal effect of electric current. Joule-Lenz law.
TS-8. Electric current in solutions and melts of electrolytes TS-9. A magnetic field. The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.
TS-10. The action of a magnetic field on moving charged particles.
TS-11. Interaction of electric currents and moving charges. magnetic flux.
TS-12. The energy of the magnetic field of the current.
TS-13. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
TS-14. Transformer. AC generation. Transmission of electricity over a distance.
TS-15. Resistor, capacitor and inductor in an AC circuit.
TS-16. Free electromagnetic oscillations.
TS-17. Electric current in semiconductors. Transistor.
TS-18. Electromagnetic waves.
TS-19. Principles of radiotelephone communication.
TS-20. Reflection and refraction of waves.
TS-21. Lenses.
TS-22. The human eye as an optical system. Optical devices.
TS-23. Wave interference.
TS-24. Diffraction. Diffraction grating.
TS-25. Photoelectric effect.
TS-26. The structure of the atom.
TS-27. The composition of the atomic nucleus. Communication energy.
TS-28. natural radioactivity. Law of radioactive decay.
TS-29. artificial radioactivity. Thermonuclear fusion
SR-1. Current strength. Ohm's law for a circuit section.
SR-2. conductor resistance.
SR-3. Connection of conductors. Calculation of the resistance of electrical circuits.
SR-4. Ohm's law for a closed circuit.
SR-5. Measurement of current and voltage.
SR-6. Thermal effect of electric current. Joule-Lenz law.
SR-7. Transfer of electric current power from source to consumer.
SR-8. Electric current in liquids.
SR-9. A magnetic field. The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.
SR-10. The action of a magnetic field on moving charged particles. Interaction of electric currents.
SR-11. magnetic flux. The energy of the magnetic field current
SR-12. EMF in a conductor moving in a magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction. Self-induction.
SR-13. Generation of alternating electric current.
SR-14. AC circuits. Free electromagnetic oscillations.
SR-15. Radiation and reception of electromagnetic waves.
SR-16. Reflection and refraction of waves.
SR-17. Refraction of light by a plane-parallel plate and a prism.
SR-18. Lenses. Thin lens formula.
SR-19. Construction of images in lenses.
SR-20. Optical systems. Optical devices.
SR-21. Wave optics.
SR-22. Photoelectric effect.
SR-23. The structure of the atom.
SR-24. Physics of the atomic nucleus.
SR-25. The phenomenon of radioactivity.
KR-1. Ohm's law for a circuit section. Connection of conductors.
KR-2. Ohm's law for a closed circuit. Work and current power
KR-3. Magnetism.
KR-4. Electromagnetic induction.
CR-5. Alternating current.
CR 6. Electromagnetic waves.
CR-7. Geometric optics.
KR-8. Wave optics.
KR-9. Quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation.
KR-10. Physics of the atomic nucleus.
Tests for self-control.
Independent work.
Test papers.

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Physics. Grade 9 Independent and control work. Maron A.E., Maron E.A.

Moscow: 201 eight . - 128 p.

This manual is intended for the organization of current and thematic control in classes studying physics according to the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin “Physics. Grade 9. The manual includes independent work in two versions for each paragraph, thematic tests for each section of the 9th grade physics course in four versions and two final tests - for the 9th grade physics course and for the 7-9 grade physics course also in four options. At the end of the manual, additional independent works are given that allow you to update knowledge on dynamics, conservation laws and wave optics. reflection of learning activities in the classroom.

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SR-1. Material point. Reference system 5
Option 1 5
Option 2 5
SR-2. Move 6
Option 1 6
Option 2 6
SR-3. Determining the coordinates of a moving body 7
Option 1 7
Option 2 7
SR-4. Movement with rectilinear uniform motion 8
Option 1 8
Option 2 9
SR-5. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Acceleration 10
Option 1 10
Option 2 10
SR-6. The speed of rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
Speed ​​Graph 11
Option 1 11
Option 2 12
SR-7. Movement of the body with a rectilinear uniformly accelerated
traffic 13
Option 1 13
Option 2 13
SR-8. Movement of the body with a rectilinear uniformly accelerated
movement without initial speed 14
Option 1 14
Option 2 14
SR-9. Relativity of motion 15
Option 1 15
Option 2 15
SR-10. Inertial reference systems. Newton's first law 16
Option 1 16
Option 2 16
SR-11. Newton's second law 17
Option 1 17
Option 2 17
SR-12. Newton's third law 18
Option 1 18
Option 2 18
SR-13. Free fall of bodies 19
Option 1 19
Option 2 19
SR-14. The movement of a body thrown vertically upwards. Weightlessness 20
Option 1 20
Option 2 20
SR-15. Law of gravity 21
Option 1 21
Option 2 21
SR-16. Acceleration of free fall on the Earth and other celestial bodies. , 22
Option 1 22
Option 2 22
SR-17. Rectilinear and curvilinear motion 23
Option 1 23
Option 2 23
SR-18. The motion of a body in a circle with a constant
modulo speed 24
Option 1 24
Option 2 24
SR-19. Artificial satellites of the Earth 25
Option 1 25
Option 2 25
SR-20. body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum 26
Option 1 26
Option 2 26
SR-21. Jet propulsion. Rockets 27
Option 1 27
Option 2 28
SR-22. Derivation of the law of conservation of mechanical energy 29
Option 1 29
Option 2 29
Option 1 30
Option 2 30
Option 3 31
Option 4 32
SR-23. oscillatory movement. Free vibrations 33
Option 1 33
Option 2 34
SR-24. Quantities characterizing the oscillatory motion 35
Option 1 35
Option 2 36
SR-25. Harmonics 37
Option 1 37
Option 2 38
SR-26. damped vibrations. Forced vibrations 39
Option 1 39
Option 2 40
SR-27. Resonance 41
Option 1 41
Option 2 41
SR-28. Propagation of vibrations in a medium. Waves 42
Option 1 42
Option 2 42
SR-2E. Wavelength. Wave speed 43
Option 1 43
Option 2 43
SR-30. Sound sources. Sound vibrations 44
Option 1 44
Option 2 44
SR-31. Pitch, tone and volume 45
Option 1 45
Option 2 46
SR-32. Sound propagation. Sound waves 47
Option 1 47
Option 2 47
SR-33. Sound reflection. Sound Resonance 48
Option 1 48
Option 2 48
Option 1 49
Option 2 49
Option 3 50
Option 4 51
SR-34. Magnetic field 52
Option 1 52
Option 2 53
SR-35. The direction of the current and the direction of the lines of its magnetic field 54
Option 1 54
Option 2 55
SR-36. Detection of a magnetic field by its effect on an electrical
current. Left Hand Rule 56
Option 1 56
Option 2 57
СР-37, Magnetic field induction 58
Option 1 58
Option 2 58
SR-38. Magnetic flux 59
Option 1 59
Option 2 59
SR-39. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction 60
Option 1 60
Option 2 61
SR-40. The direction of the induction current. Lenz's Rule 62
Option 1 62
Option 2 63
SR-41. The phenomenon of self-induction 64
Option 1 64
Option 2 64
SR-42. Receiving and transmitting alternating electric current.
Transformer 65
Option 1 65
Option 2 65
SR-43. Electromagnetic field 66
Option 1 66
Option 2 66
SR-44. Electromagnetic waves 67
Option 1 67
Option 2 67
SR-45. Oscillatory circuit.
Getting electromagnetic vibrations 68
Option 1 68
Option 2 68
SR-46. Principles of radio communication and television 69
Option 1 69
Option 2 69
SR-47. Electromagnetic nature of light 70
Option 1 70
Option 2 70
SR-48. Light refraction. The physical meaning of the refractive index. . 71
Option 1 71
Option 2 71
SR-49. dispersion of light. Body colors 72
Option 1 72
Option 2 72
SR-50. Types of optical spectra 73
Option 1 73
Option 2 73
SR-51. Absorption and emission of light by atoms.
Origin of line spectra 74
Option 1 74
Option 2 74
Option 1 75
Option 2 75
Option 3 76
Option 4 77
SR-52. Radioactivity. Models of atoms 78
Option 1 78
Option 2 78
SR-53. Radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei 79
Option 1 79
Option 2 79
SR-54. Experimental methods for studying particles 80
Option 1 80
Option 2 80
SR-55. Discovery of the proton and neutron 81
Option 1 81
Option 2 81
SR-56. Core composition. Nuclear forces 82
Option 1 82
Option 2 82
SR-57. Communication energy. Mass defect 83
Option 1 83
Option 2 83
SR-58. Fission of uranium nuclei. Chain Reaction 84
Option 1 84
Option 2 84
SR-59. Nuclear reactor. Conversion of internal energy
atomic nuclei into electrical energy 85
Option 1 85
Option 2 85
SR-60. Nuclear power 86
Option 1 86
Option 2 86
SR-61. The biological effect of radiation.
Law of radioactive decay 87
Option 1 87
Option 2 87
SR-62. Thermonuclear reaction 88
Option 1 88
Option 2 88
Option 1 89
Option 2 89
Option 3 90
Option 4 90
SR-63. Composition, structure and origin
solar system 91
Option 1 91
Option 2 91
SR-64. Large planets of the solar system 92
Option 1 92
Option 2 92
SR-65. Small bodies of the solar system 93
Option 1 93
Option 2 93
SR-66. Structure, radiation and evolution of the Sun and stars 94
Option 1 94
Option 2 94
SR-67. Structure and evolution of the Universe 95
Option 1 95
Option 2 95
Option 1 96
Option 2 96
Option 3 96
Option 4 96
CONTROL WORK No. 6 (final) 97
Option 1 97
Option 2 98
Option 3 100
Option 4 101
CONTROL WORK No. 7 (preparation for exams) 103
Option 1 103
Option 2 103
Option 3 103
Option 4 104
SR-1. Elastic force 105
Option 1 105
Option 2 105
SR-2. Friction force 107
Option 1 107
Option 2 107
SR-3. Force work 108
Option 1 108
Option 2 108
SR-4. Potential and kinetic energy 109
Option 1 109
Option 2 109
SR-5. Interference and Diffraction of Light 110
Option 1 110
Option 2 110

This manual includes training tasks. tests for self-control, independent work, tests and examples of solving typical problems. The proposed didactic materials are compiled in full accordance with the structure and methodology of the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin, K. M. Gutnik “Physics. Grade 9".

TK-1. Path and movement.
1. Indicate in which of the following examples the body can be considered a material point:
a) the earth moving around the sun;
b) the Earth rotating around its axis;
c) the moon revolving around the earth;
d) the Moon, on the surface of which the lunar rover moves;
e) a hammer thrown by an athlete;
f) sports hammer, which is made on the machine.
2. What determines the bus passenger by the numbers on the kilometer posts installed along the highway - the movement or the distance traveled by the bus?
3. Figure 1 shows the flight paths of projectiles. Are the paths traveled by the shells equal for these movements? moving?
4. A body thrown vertically upward from point L fell into the shaft (Fig. 2). What are the distance traveled by the body and the displacement module if AB = 15 m, BC - 18 m?
5. The athlete has to run one lap (400 m). What is the displacement modulus if he: a) ran 200 m of the path; b) finished? Consider the stadium track as a circle.
6. The squirrel runs inside the wheel, being at the same height relative to the floor. Are the path and displacement equal in such a motion?

TZ-1. Path and movement.
TZ-2. Rectilinear uniform motion.
TZ-3. Relativity of motion.
TZ-4. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
TK-5. Newton's laws.
TZ-6. Free fall of bodies.
TZ-7. The law of universal gravitation. body movement
ТЗ-8. Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum.
Law of energy conservation.
TK-9. Mechanical oscillations and waves. Sound.
TZ-10. Electromagnetic field.
TZ-11. The structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus.
TS-1. Rectilinear uniform motion.
TS-2. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
TS-3. Newton's laws.
TS-4. Free fall of bodies.
TS-5. The law of universal gravitation. body movement
around the circumference. Artificial satellites of the Earth..
TS-6. body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum.
Law of energy conservation.
TS-7. Mechanical vibrations.
TS-8. mechanical waves. Sound.
TS-9. Electromagnetic field.
TS-10. The structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus.
SR-1. Path and movement.
SR-2. Rectilinear uniform motion.
SR-3. Rectilinear uniform motion.
Graphic tasks.
SR-4. Relativity of motion.
SR-5. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
SR-6. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
Graphic tasks.
SR-7. Newton's laws.
SR-8. Free fall of bodies.
SR-9. The law of universal gravitation.
Artificial satellites of the Earth.
SR-10. The movement of the body in a circle.
SR-11. body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum.
Law of energy conservation.
SR-12. Mechanical vibrations.
SR-13. mechanical waves. Sound.
SR-14. Electromagnetic field.
SR-15. The structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus.
KR-1. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
KR-2. Newton's laws.
KR-3. The law of universal gravitation. body movement
around the circumference. Artificial satellites of the Earth.
KR-4. Law of conservation of momentum.
Law of energy conservation.
CR-5. Mechanical oscillations and waves.
CR-6. Electromagnetic field.
Laws of interaction and motion of bodies.
Mechanical oscillations and waves.
Electromagnetic field.
Training tasks.
Tests for self-control.
Independent work.
Test papers.

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