General Igor Sergun. How and where did the chief intelligence officer of Russia actually die?

The President of Russia expressed his condolences in connection with the death of the military leader

The Russian special services have suffered an irreparable loss. In Moscow, at the age of 59, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Igor Dmitrievich Sergun, died. The President of the Russian Federation expressed his condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased.

The death of the head of the GRU became known from the press service of the Kremlin. The cause of death is not named, it is only noted that it was sudden.

The biography of Igor Sergun, as a true representative of the special services, is presented in open sources quite concisely. He served in the Armed Forces since 1973. He studied his military specialty a lot - he graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the Soviet Military Academy, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, defended his thesis for a Ph.D. In 1998, with the rank of colonel, he served as the military attache of the Russian Federation in Tirana.

Igor Sergun spoke several foreign languages. He was awarded state awards. Married, has two daughters.

With the rank of major general, Igor Sergun headed the GRU at the end of 2011, replacing Colonel General Alexander Shlyakhturov in this position.

According to the Kremlin press service, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram of condolences to the relatives of the deceased.

"The whole life of Igor Dmitrievich - from a cadet of the Suvorov Military School to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia - was devoted to serving the Motherland, the Armed Forces. Colleagues and subordinates knew him as a real military officer, an experienced and competent commander, a man of great courage, a true patriot, respected for professionalism, firmness of character, honesty and decency,” the presidential telegram reads.

Born March 28, 1957 in Podolsk, Moscow Region. In the Armed Forces of the USSR - since 1973.


He graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the Military Academy of the Soviet Army, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


The Kremlin denied information about the death of the head of the GRU Sergun in Lebanon

Dmitry Peskov said that the previously circulated information about the death of the head of the GRU, General Igor Sergun, in Lebanon is not true. A high-ranking source in the General Staff told the media about the same

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the information about the death in Lebanon of the head of the GRU, Igor Sergun, which was previously distributed by the American intelligence and analytical center Stratfor, is not true.

"This is not true. Not at all, ”Peskov is quoted by LifeNews.

A high-ranking source in the Russian General Staff told the Kommersant newspaper about the same, who said that the data on the death of Sergun in Lebanon were not confirmed. “Many will try to extract political dividends on the death of Igor Dmitrievich, there will be a lot of speculation.” According to him, the general died from acute heart failure, and this happened during the new day holidays that Igor Sergun spent in the Moscow region

Another high-ranking Russian military officer who participated in the occupation of Crimea died

Colonel General Igor Sergun, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, died in Moscow at the age of 59. According to the Kremlin press service, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to Sergun's family and friends.

The cause of death has not yet been reported.

For actions that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, Sergun was included in the sanctions lists of the European Union and Ukraine.

In Moscow, the head of the GRU of the Russian Federation, Igor Sergun, suddenly died

In Moscow, at the age of 59, the head of the GRU of the Russian Federation, Igor Sergun, died suddenly. This was reported on the official website of the Kremlin press service.

"The whole life of Igor Dmitrievich was devoted to serving the Motherland, the Armed Forces," the president's telegram says.

"Colleagues and subordinates knew him as a true combat officer, an experienced and competent commander, a man of great courage, a true patriot," Putin added.

The head of the GRU, Igor Sergun, died suddenly

In Moscow, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Igor Sergun, died suddenly. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to his family and friends.

As the Kremlin press service told Interfax, the president's telegram reads, in part: "Igor Dmitrievich's entire life - from a cadet at the Suvorov Military School to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate - deputy chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - was dedicated to serving the Motherland, the Armed Forces . Colleagues and subordinates knew him as a real military officer, an experienced and competent commander, a man of great courage, a true patriot. Respected for professionalism, firmness of character, honesty and decency.”

In Russia, the chief intelligence officer died

On Sunday, January 3, in Russia, at the age of 59, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Igor Sergun, died.

Interfax writes about this, citing data from the Kremlin press service.

At the same time, the agency clarified that the serviceman had headed the department since December 2011.

GRU chief Igor Sergun dies in Moscow

MOSCOW, 4 January. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), Igor Sergun, died suddenly in Moscow. This became known from the telegram of Russian President Vladimir Putin with condolences, published on the Kremlin website.

“The whole life of Igor Dmitrievich, from a cadet of the Suvorov Military School to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, was devoted to serving the motherland, the armed forces. Colleagues and subordinates knew him as a real military officer, an experienced and competent commander, a man of great courage, a true patriot. They were respected for their professionalism, firmness of character, honesty and decency,” the telegram reads.

GRU chief Igor Sergun dies at 59

Today it became known that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Igor Sergun, died at the age of 59. It is reported by RBC with reference to the website of the President of Russia.

Igor Sergun was appointed Chief of the GRU - Deputy Chief of the General Staff on December 26, 2011. His predecessor Alexander Shlyakhturov was transferred to the reserve due to reaching the age limit for military service.

On August 31, 2012, Sergun was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and on February 21, 2015, the rank of colonel general.

According to Sergun's biography on the website of the Ministry of Defense, he was born on March 28, 1957, graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the Military Academy of the Soviet Army and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

GRU chief Igor Sergun dies

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Igor Sergun, died suddenly at the age of 59. This is stated in a telegram of condolences published on the website of the President of Russia.

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), Igor Sergun, died suddenly. This is stated in a telegram of condolences published on the website of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Igor Sergun was appointed Chief of the GRU - Deputy Chief of the General Staff on December 26, 2011. His predecessor Alexander Shlyakhturov was transferred to the reserve due to reaching the age limit for military service.

Special Purpose Rearrangement

The leadership of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff changed. Major General Igor Sergun became the new head of the GRU. His predecessor, Alexander Shlyakhturov, carried out a major reform of the intelligence service, and his resignation was a signal that the internal restructuring of military intelligence was over. .

The chief of military intelligence of Russia spoke about the everyday life of a top-secret agency

I.S.: “Reconnaissance as a type of activity in one form or another has existed throughout the history of mankind. In Russia, military intelligence began to acquire organized forms in the 17th century. In 1654, under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Order of Secret Affairs was founded. In the Military Regulations of 1716, Peter I summed up the legislative and legal framework for intelligence work. In the reign of Emperor Alexander I in 1810, on the initiative of Barclay de Tolly, the Secret Affairs Expedition was created under the Ministry of War.

The Russian Foreign Ministry responded to the EU sanctions: "Aren't you ashamed?"

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted to the sanctions adopted by the European Union against Moscow. “The new portion of sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian citizens adopted by the European Union cannot but cause rejection. Instead of forcing the Kyiv clique to sit down at the negotiating table with the South-East of Ukraine on the future structure of the country, our partners are following Washington's lead with more and more unfriendly gestures against Russia," the ministry said in a statement.

Sergun: Russian military intelligence has adjusted its work taking into account the global situation

MOSCOW, January 19. The military intelligence of the Russian Federation has adjusted its work taking into account the global situation. This was stated by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Igor Sergun at a meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who visited the headquarters of the Directorate. "Changing the situation in the world objectively required an adjustment of intelligence priorities and mechanisms for their implementation," Sergun said.

Igor Sergun: “The number of states with nuclear weapons may grow in the near future”

The number of states possessing nuclear weapons may grow in the near future, Interfax reports, quoting Lieutenant General Igor Sergun, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Igor Sergun announced cuts in the GRU

The chief of the GRU of the General Staff of Russia, Lieutenant-General Igor Sergun, announced staff cuts and reorganization of management. In an interview with Arguments and Facts, he explained these decisions by the changed situation in the world, which "required the adjustment of intelligence priorities and the mechanism for their implementation." Among the new priorities, he called increasing the efficiency of obtaining, analyzing and processing intelligence information in near real time by equipping intelligence with modern technical means, raising the level of professional training of military intelligence officers and ensuring continuity in all areas of military intelligence activities.

GRU headed by Igor Sergun

On Monday, the resignation of Colonel-General Alexander Shlyakhturov was announced, the decision on which, according to Izvestia, was taken in September after the completion of large-scale cuts in the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense.

A source in the General Staff said that Shlyakhturov was officially fired on Thursday, December 22, instead of him, Igor Sergun was appointed acting head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces (as the GRU is called according to the documents, for secrecy)

Igor Sergun replaced Alexander Shlyakhturov as head of the GRU

MOSCOW, December 26 - RIA Novosti. The head of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Alexander Shlyakhturov, was dismissed from military service, Major General Igor Sergun was appointed head of the GRU, deputy head of the General Staff, a representative of the Ministry of Defense told RIA Novosti.

According to him, Shlyakhturov was relieved of his post due to reaching the age limit.

In September 2011, the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, General of the Army Nikolai Makarov, refuted rumors that appeared then about the alleged resignation of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).

Igor Sergun appointed head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff

Today it became known about personnel changes in the Ministry of Defense. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Shlyakhturov, was dismissed. As reported in the defense department, he was transferred to the reserve in connection with the achievement of the age limit for military service.

Igor Sergun became the head of Russia's military intelligence

The mysterious story with the change of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has ended: Alexander Shlyakhturov was indeed fired from this position, and Major General Igor Sergun was appointed in his place by decree of the country's president, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Monday.

According to the official representative of the military department Igor Konashenkov, Colonel-General Shlyakhturov was transferred to the reserve in connection with reaching the age limit for military service (63 years), Interfax reports.

The Ministry of Defense announced the appointment of a new head of the GRU

Major General Igor Sergun has been appointed as the new Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This was announced on Monday by the press service of the Ministry of Defense.

Sergun replaced Colonel-General Alexander Shlyakhturov as head of the GRU. He was relieved of his post with the official wording "in connection with the achievement of the age limit."

In September 2011, the Chief of the General Staff, Nikolai Makarov, denied the then rumors that Shlyakhturov had allegedly already resigned.

Military intelligence has a new boss

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 64-year-old Colonel-General Alexander Shlyakhturov, was dismissed from military service by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. KP sources in the General Staff claim that he will soon head the board of directors of OAO MIT Corporation (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering), the developer of the Bulava rocket and other strategic missile systems.

“The whole life of Sergun Igor Dmitrievich, from a cadet of the Suvorov Military School to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, was dedicated to serving the Motherland, the Armed Forces. Colleagues and subordinates knew Sergun Dmitry Igorevich as a real military officer, an experienced and competent commander, a man of great courage, a true patriot. Respected for professionalism, firmness of character, honesty and decency.

Biography, Sergun Igor Dmitrievich

Sergun Igor Born March 28, 1957. In the Air Force since 1973. He graduated from the Moscow Suvorov School, the Moscow Higher All-Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the Academy of the Soviet Army, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

In military intelligence since 1984. He served in the military in various positions in the Main Intelligence Directorate. Speaks several foreign languages. Awarded with state awards.

In 1998, with the rank of colonel, he served as the military attache of the Russian Federation in the capital of Albania, the city of Tirana.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in December 2011, he was appointed Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2012 No. 1240, Sergun Igor Dmitrievich was awarded the title of Lieutenant General.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2015 No. 91 Igor Dmitrievich Sergun was awarded the title of Colonel General.

Candidate of military sciences.

the site tried to understand the causes and circumstances of the death of Russia's chief intelligence officer Igor Sergun.

On New Year's holidays, at the age of 59, Colonel General Igor Sergun, head of the GRU and deputy chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, died. As the site found out, not only the life, but also the death of the head of military intelligence turned out to be shrouded in state secrets.

Lebanese version

Vladimir Putin officially announced the death of Igor Sergun for the first time, sending a telegram of condolences to his relatives - it was published on the Kremlin website on the afternoon of January 4. And late on the evening of January 5, the American private intelligence company Stratfor - this is something like a "shadow CIA", - enjoying great authority, gave a sensation (we quote verbatim): "The Russian government said that he (Sergun. - Ed.) had a heart seizure in Moscow on January 4, but a Stratfor source heard a report that he died on New Year's Eve in Lebanon."

This news was immediately picked up and smashed by the media around the world, including ours, omitting the following phrase: “If the message about his death in Lebanon is true, this raises questions ...” And it’s not even that Stratfor, it turns out, the grandmother said for two (with such a trick and an anonymous source one could assume any other country and reason), but that ... there was never any data on the death of the head of our military intelligence in Moscow from cardiac arrest.

the site, after talking with its sources in the Ministry of Defense, conducted a whole investigation and found out amazing things.

First of all, the government of the Russian Federation has never published what the Americans write about. Official news of Sergun's death is only on the Kremlin's website, but Putin in his telegram does not write about the date, place, or cause of the intelligence officer's death. But 2.5 hours before the Stratfor sensation, an official obituary appeared on the website of the Ministry of Defense (namely, its structural part is the GRU), which says that Sergun passed away on January 3 (and not January 4, as he passed off as the Russian version of Stratfor ). The causes and place of death were also hidden in it. But it was too late: the media had already replicated the assumption of the "shadow CIA", taken from an incomprehensible source.

So where and how did the scout actually die?

Moscow region version

Many of our media, at the suggestion of the Americans, wrote that Sergun died in the Moskvich FSB rest house near Moscow, either after a massive heart attack, or from overwork. This reason and place was even recorded on his Wikipedia page.

Where did it all come from? There were no such reports from the Kremlin or the Ministry of Defense, and who else can reliably know where their chief intelligence officer died? Nevertheless, we also checked this version by calling the Resort Store - it is this company that sells vouchers to Moskvich.

Sales consultant Vladimir Litovchenko told us that this sanatorium is open to everyone: anyone can buy a ticket here, without any checks. A standard room will cost 1780 rubles, a junior suite - 1880, for a suite they charge 2300 rubles per person. The price includes all the pleasures - food, a swimming pool, a rocking chair ... Accommodation is even cheaper for FSB members.

Sanatorium "Moskvich" /

- It would be very strange to assume that the late Igor Sergun could have rested in Moskvich: firstly, we have an entrance courtyard - the territory is common to everyone, and secondly, this is the FSB base, and the GRU seems to be a competitor to them, - he is perplexed Litovchenko. - The Ministry of Defense has its own base in the Moscow region - in the village of Arkhangelskoye. And as far as I know, Shoigu personally forbade the sale of commercial tours to where his people rest. And believe me, if someone died in Moskvich, even such a secret person, I would know. There were no incidents on New Year's Eve.

/Special services version

The site’s own sources in the Ministry of Defense unofficially admitted: the place and cause of Sergun’s death (as well as the date and place of the funeral) are classified as state secrets and are not subject to publication in the foreseeable future because “it’s necessary”. And they also told something else: in fact, there is no GRU anymore ... no. A few years ago, Serdyukov quietly renamed it GU - the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. Well, the intelligence officers in Stratfor didn’t know this and everywhere they call the department in the old fashioned way ...

However, despite such a puncture by American intelligence, we decided to test their guess about Lebanon to the end. What could Sergun theoretically forget there? Maybe just relaxing?

“Yes, he was actually not a man of the special services,” the site was taken aback by retired Major General Valery Malevanny, Doctor of Historical Sciences, vice-president of the association of veterans of the special services “Berkut”, a writer and historian of the special services. - He was in the structure of the GRU for only 10 years. This is not a respectable period for the special services.

- And how much work do you need to become a member of the special services?

- All life. In October last year, the President of Russia awarded Colonel Alexei Kozlov in honor of his 80th birthday with the title of Hero of Russia. He worked in the illegal intelligence of the GRU for 50 years abroad. Only at the age of 70 it was declassified. This man uncovered the atomic bomb in South Africa. And there are many such examples.

– But Sergun helped annex Crimea to Russia...

- This is not a merit of him, but of the entire GRU. Four services actually worked here: SVR (foreign intelligence service), FSB counterintelligence (“polite people”), FSB special forces (“Berkut”, “Alpha”) and military intelligence (GRU).

Valery Malevanny / frame of the Mir 24 TV channel

– And his personal role in this? Did he become a Hero of Russia himself?

- Who knows? For such merits, secret decrees are awarded. And it goes into the archive. You never know what the person did there. They usually declassify after 25 years, sometimes after 50-75 years, and there are top secret ones that are kept for 100 years. The GRU is the most secret structure. Even official positions in military intelligence do not exist. A simple scout is trained for 5 years, and an illegal one - ten. The training of one legal intelligence officer today costs 5 million dollars, and an illegal one - 10 million.

- Does this amount include holidays in Lebanon?

- I am wary of the Stratfor message, especially since this information was repeated by the Israeli media. We deny it. We do not have our headquarters in Lebanon, unlike in Syria and Iraq. I don't believe he was there either. During the holidays, all the heads of all special services, including the presidential ones, sit in their places and direct from them. It can be Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana and so on. They can relax in Lebanon only in retirement.

- And from cardiac arrest, as some say, he could die? Shouldn't the chief scout's health be excellent?

Of course, the heart can fail at any moment. He was 58 years old, hard work. Stalin's personal guard, who was subordinate only to him, had three heart attacks, and he died from the fourth. Of course, Sergun was attached to special doctors. We have about 10 thousand agents who give good and bad information. Perhaps bad information came, and the heart could not stand it. Special operations can also affect.

– Is it true that the GRU competes with the FSB all the time? And how does this affect the balance of power before the presidential elections in 2018?

Sergun was Putin's man. The FSB are Putin's people. The GRU is subordinate to the General Staff, in which the chief and defense minister are Putin's people. What kind of war is there if these are all Putin's people?

- Who do you think will be the next head of the GRU?

- There are 15-20 generals who are aiming for this position. Putin can appoint someone from the General Staff, from the FSB. Nobody knows. All names are classified. The only thing that can be said is that it will be a person with a rank not lower than major general.

/Direct speech

“I knew Igor Sergun for several years, but we worked in the same structure,” says Mikhail Viktorovich Chekmasov, rear admiral in the reserve, an employee of the Ministry of Defense. “He is a very good man, that is all I can tell you about him. It is not customary for us to talk about the rest - this is unprofessional and tactless.

Igor Sergun is a well-known Russian military leader. Headed the Main Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2016 he received the title of Hero of Russia. He rose to the rank of Colonel General. In early 2016, he died under mysterious circumstances.

Biography of an officer

Igor Sergun was born in 1957. He was born in Podolsk near Moscow. He entered the Soviet army in 1973. In the same part, he began to receive education.

First, in the biography of Igor Dmitrievich Sergun, there was the Suvorov School, then the Higher Command School, which bore the name of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which was based in Moscow.

Also, the hero of our article graduated from two military academies of the Soviet army and the Russian General Staff.

career path

Igor Sergun ended up in military intelligence in 1984. In the Main Intelligence Directorate, he served in various positions, his knowledge of several foreign languages ​​contributed to his career advancement.

In 1998, Igor Sergun served in Tirana and received honorary state awards.

At the very end, he was appointed head of the main department of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces. And in the summer of next year, he received the rank of lieutenant general. In February 2016, President Vladimir Putin approved a decree appointing Igor Dmitrievich Sergun as Colonel General.

Job evaluation

A rather high assessment of the work of the hero of our article was given by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu. According to him, the military intelligence system, when Sergun headed it, began to work most efficiently, revealing dangerous threats and challenges to the country's security in time.

In particular, the head of the GRU, Igor Sergun, personally participated in the development and implementation of the operation to hold a referendum in Crimea, after which the peninsula became part of the Russian Federation. This is one of the most resonant operations of the Russian leadership in recent years, since the inclusion of Crimea into Russia is still not supported by either Ukraine, to which it previously belonged, nor most world powers, although this happened in the spring of 2014. This led to the fact that Colonel General Igor Sergun was included in the sanctions lists of the United States of America, Australia, Canada and Ukraine as one of the key characters who contributed to undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

In the middle of summer 2015, Sergun, together with the best specialists of the Main Intelligence Directorate, began to develop a Russian air operation in Syria.

It is known that the last time the hero of our article appeared in public in Moscow at an international conference that was dedicated to the situation in Afghanistan. General Igor Sergun made a detailed report, in which he analyzed in detail the recruiting activity of the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in Russia, and also gave a forecast about its goals and the development of the situation in Afghanistan.

According to some media reports, at the end of 2015, Sergun, on the personal instructions of President Vladimir Putin, unofficially visited the Syrian capital of Damascus. He met with the president of the state, which has been fighting a civil war for many years, to convey a formal proposal from the Russian president to resign. The authoritative English edition of the Financial Times (with reference to unnamed senior NATO intelligence officials) reported that Bashar al-Assad refused this proposal. Sergun's visit turned out to be fruitless.

Opinion of foreign experts

Foreign experts, emphasizing the importance of Sergun's work, have always noted that he very subtly felt what his immediate leadership in the Kremlin wanted from him, acted exactly following their instructions.

Thanks to these abilities, according to most experts, the hero of our article managed to gain authority in the eyes of his superiors, establish the work of the Main Intelligence Directorate, and strengthen the position of this department after it had been in disgrace for many years.

At the same time, analyzing the work of Sergun, Western experts came to the conclusion that the prospects for the Russian intelligence services look deplorable as long as their leaders are encouraged solely for practical reports and for guessing the desires of their immediate leadership.

Mysterious death

The death of Sergun became known on January 3, 2016. According to official Russian sources, he suddenly died at the age of 59, when he was in the Moscow region in the Moskvich rest house, which is in the department of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The cause of such a sudden death of an officer was a massive heart attack.

Western media and researchers adhere to a different version. For example, a private analytical intelligence company from the United States, citing its own anonymous sources, claimed that Sergun actually died on January 1, 2016 in Lebanon.

This information was officially denied by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Vladimir Putin himself offered condolences to Sergun's family and friends. The colonel-general was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Posthumous award

A few months after his death, it became known that Sergun had already been posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Thus, President Vladimir Putin noted his successful service in Syria, as well as the reorganization of the Main Intelligence Directorate carried out by him from 2011 to 2015.

Sergun was credited with the high results of the activities of the military intelligence service in collecting and searching for operational information on secret military equipment, the latest weapons being developed in other countries.

The hero of our article was a candidate of military sciences, was a member of the editorial board of the authoritative magazine "Military Thought".

Personal life

Sergun was married and raised two daughters. In 1990, Elena was born, and ten years earlier Olga.

It is known that Olga Sergun in 2003 received a diploma of a graduate of the Moscow Law Academy with a degree in Jurisprudence. After that, she held various positions in the Moscow Department of Land Resources. For example, from 2013 to 2015 she was deputy head of the legal support department, specializing in land relations.

In 2015, she received the post of general director of the state unitary enterprise "Center for Financial and Legal Support", which worked under the auspices of the administration of the presidential administration.

In the summer of 2016, Olga Sergun became the deputy manager of the President of Russia.