Herpes in a nursing mother: causes and treatment. Genital herpes in nursing mothers Herpes on the lips and breastfeeding

The cause of the disease during breastfeeding is infection with a virus. The causative agent of genital herpes is a virus of the second type.

But the virus of the first type, which manifests itself as a cold on the lips, can also cause the development of the disease. The development of primary genital herpes in a nursing mother occurs due to contact with an infected person:

  • Infection can occur during sexual intercourse;
  • Through personal hygiene items and things, there is also a possibility of infection with the genital herpes virus.

Secondary or recurrent genital herpes manifests itself in a mother who is breastfeeding a baby due to weakened immunity. In nursing mothers, the occurrence of relapses of the disease occurs frequently, which requires strengthening the immune system.


You can easily recognize the disease by certain signs. Often the primary form of the disease manifests itself in an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of a nursing mother. Other signs of primary infection with the herpes virus include:

  • Shortly before the rash appears in the genital area, itching, burning and swelling are felt.
  • Rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the genital organs and neighboring areas of the skin. Around each pimple there is a slight inflammation of the skin.
  • After the contents of the bubbles begin to come out, the formation of ulcers and erosions is possible.
  • In the groin area there is an increase in lymph nodes.

Signs of primary genital herpes appear for several weeks. If the correct treatment is started on time, the symptoms of the disease will begin to disappear in 1-2 weeks. Sometimes the primary form of the disease is asymptomatic, and the disease can be detected by diagnosing the body. This indicates that the nursing mother is a carrier of the virus.

Signs of recurrent genital herpes are less pronounced:

  • Rashes in the genital area are rare and disappear quickly.
  • This form of the disease in a nursing mother usually manifests itself a few weeks after the initial infection with the virus.

But in addition to primary and recurrent genital herpes, doctors can diagnose an atypical form, although this pathology is extremely rare. A nursing mother with atypical genital herpes has no signs of the disease in the form of a rash and fever, but chronic inflammation of the genital organs with itching occurs. Painful cracks may form on the skin around the genitals.

Diagnosis of genital herpes in a nursing mother

For a diagnosis, a nursing mother should consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to diagnose genital herpes during the initial examination. To determine the exact diagnosis, the patient is sent for laboratory tests. To identify the type of causative agent of the disease, a smear is taken from the affected area, after which sowing is carried out. But tank culture is not always an informative study: the results of the analysis can be false negative. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct this study a few days after the appearance of signs of genital herpes in a nursing mother.

With a recurrent form, it is possible to identify the pathogen with a probability of no more than 30%.

Another way to make a diagnosis is the chain reaction method. For its implementation, a sample of the material of the affected area is required.

The most reliable method for determining the presence of the virus in the body of a nursing mother is blood tests. An enzyme immunoassay is carried out, during which it is possible to study the level of antibodies in the body of a nursing mother. Enzyme immunoassay can be quantitative, which allows you to detect the level of antibodies. If a large number of antibodies are found, this indicates a recent recurrence of genital herpes. Qualitative enzyme immunoassay is aimed at studying the type of virus.


What is the danger of this disease for a mother who is breastfeeding a baby?

  • The virus does not pose a mortal danger to the mother's body, but there is a risk of infecting the baby. For an infant, the genital herpes virus is very dangerous and can lead to death.
  • In the female body, the virus has a negative effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, the condition of the joints and bones, as well as on the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Genital herpes can cause sexual dysfunction, which will lead to psychological complications in family relationships.


What can you do

Many mothers who are breastfeeding a baby are worried about the possible infection of the baby through milk. But with milk, not only viruses are transmitted to the children's body, but also the necessary antibodies. Therefore, infection during feeding does not occur.

A mother can infect a baby through her hands. To avoid this, you need to monitor your hygiene and follow preventive measures when caring for your baby. It is impossible to treat the breast with special solutions. This can lead to cracking and irritation of the skin of the nipples.

Self-administration of medications is prohibited. A doctor's consultation is required.

To increase immunity and eliminate symptoms as soon as possible, a nursing mother should eat right. The diet should include protein and sour-milk foods, but avoid eating fried, spicy, salty foods, as well as fast foods. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables has a positive effect on the immune system.

What does a doctor do

  • Currently, the disease cannot be completely cured. If a nursing mother develops primary genital herpes, it will be necessary to temporarily suspend breastfeeding. She will be prescribed immunomodulators that can harm the baby.
  • Treatment of a recurrent form of genital herpes can be combined with breastfeeding. In this case, local medicines are used: ointments, creams, gels. The basis of these funds is acyclovir.
  • The doctor may prescribe to a nursing mother the intake of vitamin complexes of synthetic origin to increase the efficiency of the immune system.


  • Primary genital herpes can be prevented by limiting contact with an infected person. Protected sexual contact is also required.
  • If an infected person is surrounded by a nursing mother, safe antiviral agents can be used as a prophylaxis. But taking these drugs is allowed only after consulting a doctor.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and, if possible, treat them with an antiseptic.
  • To prevent the recurrence of genital herpes, a nursing mother needs to increase the efficiency of the immune system. To do this, you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, spend more time in the fresh air and fully relax.

In today's article, we will discuss the question of why herpes is so dangerous during breastfeeding? What preventive measures should be observed by a nursing mother during lactation.

What is herpes and what are the signs of the disease

Herpes is a viral disease that affects the mucous membranes and internal cells of the body of nursing mothers. The most common cause of the disease is a weakened immune system:

  • after acute respiratory infections or infectious diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • menstrual disorders or the birth of the first child.

The virus is easily transmitted through contact with an infected person. According to medical statistics, the first signs of herpes appear on the lips, in the form of a rash or sore.

Precautions during HB

Pediatricians say that herpes on the lips during breastfeeding is not dangerous. After all, breast milk contains not only nutrients, but also antibodies that perform a protective function for the child's body. Therefore, it is not worth giving up lactation. If a woman adheres to the rules of personal hygiene, then there will be no threat to the health of her little one.

The basic rules for the treatment of herpes during breastfeeding are as follows:

  • Before breastfeeding or holding your baby, remember to wash your hands with liquid or regular soap. This treatment allows you to remove the causative agent of herpes. In case of disease on the lips, it will be advisable to use a cotton-gauze bandage.
  • If the disease is just beginning to develop, then an effective remedy for its treatment will be the use of Calendula tincture. It is enough to wipe the inflamed area 2-3 times daily and the wound will disappear on its own.
  • Use only those medicines prescribed by your doctor. Do not self-medicate without first consulting a specialist. After all, some drugs tend to be absorbed into the blood, which is extremely undesirable for the child's body. The most famous and safe ointments for herpes include such as "Acocloviar" and "Zovirax". They are applied ¾ times within 24 hours directly to the focus of inflammation itself.

If herpes occurs on the genitals of the mother, then in this case treatment is necessary under the supervision of a specialist.

breastfeeding for herpes

Many women ask if it is possible to breastfeed a child with herpes? Breastfeeding consultants recommend continuing to breastfeed even if infected with this virus. After all, the blood of nursing contains antibodies that prevent the virus from entering the milk. Therefore, there is no urgent need to refuse natural feeding. Cessation of lactation can cause additional difficulties associated with milk production.

Herpes on the lips of a nursing mother is only the initial one, or as doctors say: a “simple form” of the disease that does not pose a danger to the health of the baby.

Also, don't forget to take precautions. If a rash is found on the lips or chest, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can confirm the presence or absence of herpes in a nursing mother and prescribe the correct treatment.

During the medical examination, the mother should limit contact with the child. Even a simple kiss can bring a herpes infection into the baby's body.

How to treat herpes in nursing mothers

Viral herpes in a nursing mother should be treated only as directed by a doctor. Sometimes, several types of drugs may be used. Most often, the doctor prescribes antiviral agents: ointments Acyclover, Zovirax, which destroy the virus on the affected areas of the skin . Also at an early stage of the disease, you can use propolis tincture or fukortsin.

A feature of the above components is that they are not absorbed into the blood and thus do not enter the body of the newborn during feeding. The duration of treatment for herpes during breastfeeding depends on the stage of development of the disease. The sooner a virus is detected, the sooner it can be eradicated. Usually this period does not exceed five to six days from the start of treatment.

It is very sad if a mother has genital herpes. In its treatment without the use of antibiotics can not do. In this case, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding, since potent drugs can harm the baby's body. The way out of the situation is to transfer the infant to artificial nutrition.


A feature of herpes is that it has a high probability of recurrence - it can return to a nursing mother at any time. To strengthen the immunity of your body, you must follow the following preventive recommendations:

  • spend more time outdoors;
  • plan daytime hours for co-sleeping with an infant;
  • in the daily diet should be present: meat, cottage cheese, fish and dairy products. They are enriched with important vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for the life of the body;
  • take vitamins that help strengthen the immune system.

Also, in the home medicine cabinet of a pregnant or nursing mother, there should be special ointments: Zovirax, Acoclovir, which, in the event of the first symptoms of herpes simplex, can stop the development of a viral infection.

And remember that only timely preventive measures will reduce the risk of a possible disease. And this is very important, both for the health of the mother and her newborn child.

In many women, the herpes simplex virus of the second type (HSV 2) lives in the body, which, when the body's defenses are weakened, causes a painful blistering rash on the genitals.

Exacerbation of genital herpes with HB is treated with antiviral ointments and creams, while paying attention to strengthening the immune system.

In most people, with a decrease in immunity, a “cold” appears on the lips. This disease is called labial (that is, “appearing on the lips”) herpes, its causative agent is the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1), which lives in the body of more than 90% of people.

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2, related to herpes labialis. The sexual revolution and the fashion for oral sex have led to the fact that both HSV 2 and HSV 1 are detected in genital herpes.

Any event that lowers immunity allows the “dormant” virus in the body to manifest itself in the form of a rash. These factors include pregnancy, the postpartum period and their complications.

Usually, genital herpes is infected sexually, less often through a towel, personal hygiene products. The herpes simplex virus lives inside human cells. It spreads throughout the body, can be found not only in saliva, blood, urine, semen, secretions from the female genital tract, but even in tears and cerebrospinal fluid.

How does genital herpes manifest itself?

Genital herpes in women makes itself felt with a rash on the skin and mucous membranes of the perineum, labia, inner thighs, pubis. On examination, the gynecologist finds the same rash on the mucous membrane of the walls of the vagina, cervix.

In appearance, the rash is similar to the one that occurs with a "cold" on the lips, that is, we are talking about small bubbles that are filled with liquid. At the same time, in the places where they appeared, the young mother experiences pain, discomfort, burning, and lymph nodes in the groin may increase.

Usually, herpes rashes are preceded by general malaise, weakness, chills with fever, and until a characteristic rash appears, the woman believes that she has an acute respiratory disease.

In men, HSV 2 is manifested by the same rashes in the region of the glans penis, foreskin.

In recent years, asymptomatic forms of the disease have become more common (if immunity is reduced so much that the body's response remains almost imperceptible), as well as atypical forms of this disease, when there is no rash, and the patient has only discomfort in the genital area and general malaise.

As a rule, herpes is a chronic infection with periodic exacerbations. At the same time, in the blood of 80-90% of people there are protective proteins-antibodies that suppress the activity of the virus most of the time.

Antibodies can be passed from mother to child in the womb and to the newborn (via blood and milk). In addition, a person acquires them upon contact with the patient and a good protective reaction of the body. There is also an asymptomatic carriage of the virus, when the virus does not manifest itself in any way, but remains in the body.

The acute form of genital herpes, when HSV 2 is infected by a person who has not previously been in contact with this virus and does not have protective antibodies, is rare. Then the disease proceeds hard, the temperature rises sharply and strongly, extensive rashes appear. Relapses of the chronic form of genital herpes are easier, and the frequency of exacerbations depends on the state of immunity.

A doctor diagnoses genital herpes by testing the DNA of the virus and the presence of antibodies to it in the blood. In addition, DNA is detected in smears from the vagina and cervix.

What to do if genital herpes manifests itself with GV?

If, with labial herpes, many of us do not pay attention to one bubble that has arisen on the lips, it is impossible to cope with genital herpes without the help of a doctor.

Genital herpes during breastfeeding is treated only with local preparations, that is, antiherpetic ointments and creams (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valtrex), they lubricate the skin and vaginal walls. These funds are used several times a day for 7-8 days. In addition to medicines, you need to maintain immunity with a high-calorie diet, enough sleep and rest.

If the disease is not treated, its symptoms persist longer, exacerbations occur more often, and other sexually transmitted infections may join the existing problem.

During the period of rashes, a person releases the virus in large quantities, therefore, in order not to infect her husband, one must refrain from sexual activity.

If a nursing mother does not have symptoms of the disease, but her husband has signs of it, you urgently need to stop sexual intercourse and take measures to strengthen immunity. The sick person needs to contact an andrologist, who will diagnose and prescribe antiviral treatment.

Talk to your doctor before resuming sexual activity after an illness. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, whether timely treatment was prescribed, whether there are associated health problems, and other conditions, the doctor determines the period when the woman will no longer be able to transmit the infection.

How to strengthen the immune system?

It must be understood that in case of viral infections, we take drugs that suppress the reproduction of the virus, but the state of the patient's immunity still plays the main role. Immune cells secrete antibodies that destroy viruses and prevent them from spreading in the body. Therefore, supporting our defenses is no less important point of treatment than taking antiviral drugs.

If genital herpes is exacerbated by HB, a young mother needs to make sure that her diet is rich in proteins, because it is from them that immune cells produce antibodies. If a woman has strictly limited her diet and, for example, eats only buckwheat and apples, it is difficult to expect effective protection from her immune system. Recall that most often strict is not needed.

It is equally important to get enough sleep and rest. Nursing mothers often perceive this advice as an impossible condition. But maybe try to explain to relatives that if a woman goes to the hospital, it won’t make anyone feel better, and it’s better to help her now and give her time to rest than to stay at home alone with a baby later.

Sometimes immunomodulatory drugs are used to treat herpes (for example, Kipferon, Viferon suppositories), but you cannot prescribe drugs of this group to yourself. Not all of them are compatible with HB, and besides, their thoughtless use can affect immunity in the most unpredictable way.

After the baby is born, most women begin to breastfeed the baby. However, in some cases, when a particular disease is present in the mother's body, there is concern about whether the infection can be transmitted through breast milk.

One of the most common pathologies is herpes on the lips, according to statistics, it affects up to 90% of the entire population of the globe. Despite the fact that there are several hundred varieties of herpes, only eight are dangerous for humans. And only some of them can be attributed to the most common diseases, from the appearance of which the mother of the baby is not insured in any way.

Types of pathology and causes of exacerbation

Herpetic eruptions can appear on various parts of the body. The location of localization depends on the type of viral pathogen, the type of infection. There are three main forms of herpesvirus:

  • Most often, in the mother of a baby - as, indeed, in many other women and men - vesicles form in the lips and on the wings of the nose. The causative agent of the disease in this case is herpes simplex type 1. For the spread of the disease, close contact, a kiss, or the use of the same dish or toothbrush by a sick and healthy person is sufficient. In addition to a rash, mothers may experience general weakness and malaise, and a fever.
  • Genital herpes occurs under the influence of the second type of virus. Quite often, a woman, having suffered a disease in the process of bearing a child, suffers from a relapse during breastfeeding. The genital form is characterized by vesicles that appear on the genitals, in the perineum and inner thighs. However, before rashes appear on the skin, a woman may experience weakness and chills, and the temperature will rise. The disease is sexually transmitted, although it is possible that herpes from the mouth area passes to the partner's genitals during oral sex.
  • Another possible form of herpes in a nursing mother is herpes zoster. When it is formed, the nerve endings are affected, which leads to the development of pain syndrome. The appearance of primary lichen, in addition to pain and rash, leads to an increase in temperature, the appearance of weakness.

Now let's talk about the causes of herpes on the lip of a woman during breastfeeding. By itself, the lactation period is not able to provoke the active phase of the herpes virus, however, the accompanying factors are quite capable of leading to the development of the problem. You should start with a lack of protein, which occurs against the background of the rejection of a number of products that cause an allergic reaction in a newborn, having entered his body along with milk. Lack of protein leads to a deterioration in the functionality of the immune system and the inability to produce antibodies. The body's defense weakens, which leads to an exacerbation of pathological processes.

The next factor is chronic overwork of a physical and emotional nature, which almost every nursing mother has to face. During lactation, women now and then suffer from lack of sleep and increased emotional stress. A completely natural response of the body is a decrease in immunity, and hence the vulnerability to herpesvirus and other infections.

Attention! Only the attending physician prescribes medications, focusing on the results of the preliminary examination.

The third common problem is self-medication. Many women know that when breastfeeding, immunity can decrease for one reason or another. Their subsequent decision can lead to disastrous consequences - some nursing mothers, at their own peril and risk, prescribe immunomodulatory pharmaceuticals for themselves. The reaction of the immune system can become quite unexpected, often herpes develops despite and thanks to the measures taken.

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Rules for treatment during the lactation period

The appearance of herpes with HB in a nursing mother leads her to the need to comply with a number of specific rules that can be summarized in a simple table:

ActionWhy do it right
Continue breastfeedingDespite the activation of the herpes virus, you should continue to feed the baby with breast milk, since the activation of the pathology in the mother's body leads to the production of antibodies. Together with milk, they penetrate the baby's body, which is the best preventive measure for pathology for a newborn.
Interruption of feeding when vesicles appear in the nipple areaIn the case when the rash affects the lips, genitals, there is shingles, there is no need to stop feeding. But if vesicles form on the skin of the nipple, with which the baby comes into contact during feeding, contact should be stopped. If only one breast is affected, you can apply the newborn to the other nipple
Avoid contact with affected skinUsually, when the rashes and healthy skin come into direct contact, the latter becomes infected. To avoid infection of the baby, kissing should be avoided until the mother has fully recovered.
Hands should be washed frequently and with soapBefore you start feeding and take the baby in your arms, careful processing of the surface of the hands is necessary. Usually soap is enough to eliminate a dangerous pathogen from the hands.

Of these generally accepted rules, women most often question whether it is possible to breastfeed with herpes. Indeed, many doctors recommend stopping feeding until the symptoms of the pathology are completely eliminated, since it is not possible to completely get rid of herpes.

Once in the human body, the pathogen remains in it forever, activating when favorable conditions arise. However, the WHO opinion is not so unequivocal - in accordance with the list of reasons for the use of mother's milk substitutes, breastfeeding is prohibited only in three cases:

  • In the presence of HIV infection.
  • In case of development of phenylketonuria.
  • If galactosemia occurs.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky completely agrees with the opinion of WHO on this issue - he assures that, with careful observance of hygiene rules, breastfeeding with herpesvirus is not only possible, but necessary.

How to treat the disease

It is necessary to consider how to treat herpes. Since oral administration of various drugs during lactation often cannot be considered absolutely safe, herpes on the lips during breastfeeding a nursing mother is treated with the use of local remedies in the form of ointments and gels. Their effectiveness directly depends on the speed of response - the sooner their use is started, the more noticeable the impact. If it is possible to start therapeutic procedures immediately after the appearance of itching or a hint of it, the bubbles may not appear at all.

The situation is more complicated with the genital and shingles pathogen - in addition to the complete treatment of all infected areas, internal medication will be required. The specialist must select compatible medications that do not require stopping breastfeeding.

Herpes during breastfeeding is treated with the following pharmaceuticals:

  • Acyclovir or Zovirax - allows you to quickly and quite effectively deal with herpesvirus of the first, third type. When using drugs, the DNA of the pathogen is destroyed. This approach prevents the spread of infection. According to the international drug formulary, the treatment of herpes with Acyclovir during lactation is completely safe. So microscopic and insignificant doses of the drug are absorbed into the mother's milk that no effect on the child is observed.
  • Valaciclovir or Valtrex - these drugs are fully combined with breastfeeding. The drugs can be used to eliminate the pathogen of any type. A very small proportion of the drug enters the milk, so there are no side effects for the baby.
  • Another effective and acceptable drug for nursing mothers that allows you to cure the manifestations of herpesvirus is Penciclovir or Fenistil Pencivir. This ointment is used for topical therapy in the lip area. After use, it was not possible to detect the drug in the blood plasma, respectively, its absorption into mother's milk is impossible. However, it is proposed to apply the ointment to the affected areas, which the child will not touch.
  • Additional drugs in the development of genital or herpes zoster are agents that improve the state of the immune system. They include interferon, most often the form of such drugs are suppositories. Usually appoint Viferon or Kipferon.

All diseases of a nursing or just a pregnant woman are quite dangerous. But if various colds or mild poisonings can be dealt with relatively simply, then herpes during breastfeeding will become a rather serious problem, since the methods of its treatment are very limited. Let's figure out how compatible herpes is with lactation, and how it should be treated.

Can I continue feeding?

Often, nursing mothers, when symptoms of herpes appear, stop breastfeeding the baby, fearing that they can infect him. However, doctors argue that by such actions they do not protect the baby from the disease, but, on the contrary, undermine his immunity. In addition to the fact that it is breast milk that provides the child with all the substances necessary for growth and proper development, it also contains antibodies that are produced by the mother's body in response to any viral and bacterial infections. Such antibodies, getting into the body of a newborn child with milk, create a reliable barrier against the virus in the child's body.

Since the cells of the virus do not penetrate into breast milk, it is impossible to infect a child with herpes during feeding. Therefore, the virus itself is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. However, in cases where the doctor prescribes powerful drugs that are incompatible with lactation to treat herpes, breastfeeding will have to be temporarily interrupted.

Precautionary measures

Of course, in order to reduce the likelihood of infection of the child, a woman must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene during illness.

  • Wash your hands and breasts thoroughly before each feeding.
  • Also, with clean hands, you should change the baby's clothes, give him toys, pick him up.
  • During the period of illness, you can not kiss the baby, as the virus can be transmitted through the mucous membrane.
  • If the herpes is on the lips, then it is advisable to wear a protective cotton-gauze bandage during the period of feeding or caring for the baby (bathing, motion sickness, etc.).

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In order to effectively treat herpes, a nursing woman should systematically follow the procedures prescribed by the doctor. And treatment should begin immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

In the first stages of the disease, it is usually sufficient to use topical preparations that are not absorbed into the blood, and therefore do not penetrate into breast milk. It is possible to suppress the focus of infection with the help of ointments, the active substance in which is aciclovir. These are drugs such as Zovirax, Acyclovir. They are applied several times throughout the day to the skin.

At the very beginning of the manifestation of the disease, when vesicles (vesicles) are just beginning to appear, you can use a solution of fucorcin or propolis tincture.

During breastfeeding, it is undesirable to treat herpes with pills if the form of the disease does not require the use of powerful drugs.

However, a severe form of herpes, for example, genital, can not be cured without potent drugs that penetrate into breast milk and negatively affect a newborn baby.

Therefore, in the treatment of such forms of the disease, breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped.

Some folk remedies will also help fight the disease:

  • Aloe juice, which is applied externally. It is best to use freshly squeezed juice from domestic plants, but you can also use pharmacy tincture.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Promotes healing of cracks and ulcers on the lips. Vesicles coated with this oil dry out faster. Rosehip oil can be used in the same way.
  • Iodine (or brilliant green). Dries the skin and prevents the spread of the virus.
  • Garlic juice, which should wipe the bubbles on the skin.

Disease prevention

Since the herpes virus cannot be completely cured, people in whose bodies it is already present need to pay special attention to strengthening immunity so that the virus cannot manifest itself.

The following factors influence the immunity of a nursing mother:

  • complete nutrition;
  • quality rest;
  • walks in the open air.

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In the event of herpes, a nursing woman should immediately seek help from a doctor and carefully follow his recommendations.

You should not treat the virus yourself, as improper treatment can further aggravate the problem.

At the same time, properly selected drugs and dosages will bring relief and at the same time will not harm the health of the baby.